#i don't think any of my muses are remotely hinged
whitexdove · 5 months
@highwindo single sentence starter
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"yeah, no, i understand we ditched them and everything, but are they going to be okay?"
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angelsswirl · 4 years
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Notes: The story's not over yet....
Content Warning⚠️: mild smut
"You loved what you loved because you loved it."
It's been weeks. Weeks of you falling deeper and deeper into this mess you somehow forced yourself into.
Weeks of getting to know Rosé. Weeks of getting to know Jisoo. Weeks of getting to know Lia, for that matter.
Weeks of being sucked into a cycle of never-ending uncertainty.
And sure you knew plenty about them at this point. The little stuff, the medium stuff, but maybe not the big stuff.
If someone had asked you weeks ago if you had wanted to be in a serious relationship, mated to an alpha for the foreseeable future, you would have told them 'No. Absolutely not. I'm not ready.' But now, that's changed. And you're not exactly sure why.
In addition to suddenly wanting to be someone's omega, your heats had magically increased, in frequency and intensity. They were somehow bulldozing their way through your normal dosage of suppressants.
It was why you currently found yourself in the waiting room of your doctor's office.
Though, as you waited to be called back by the nurse, that was not the pertinent thought weighing down on you. Instead, it was 'Did Jisoo or Rosé want a serious relationship with you as well? Did they want you to be their mate?'
The million-dollar question.
You had no real way of knowing. It definitely seemed like it on both their parts, but outright asking was out of the question.
Jisoo had a daughter, a daughter who will inevitably one day realize that you look nothing like her. She'll long for the care of her biological mother, and then Jisoo will leave you so their family is complete.
A logical conclusion.
Rosé has an ex, an ex that, granted, you're not supposed to know about (Yeri is very talkative when drunk), but an ex nonetheless. It's only fair that Rosé realizes that she has unfinished business with said ex while you're pregnant with her pups, and leaves you for the ex.
Another logical conclusion.
And where does all of that leave you?
The nurse calling your name lightly soothed you out of your musing, saving you from answering your own question with even more ugly scenarios.
"Y/N L/N? You can go on back." The nurse, an omega herself, smiled reassuringly as she gestured for you to follow her.
She lead you to an examination room after weighing you in the hallway. After a few preliminary questions that you had to answer every time you visited, the nurse left you to wait.
Seven minutes later there's a knock on the door and a creaking of the hinges.
Dr. Ramona Davis, another omega woman, smiled softly as she flipped through your mildly thin file.
Despite you being a patient at this particular practice since you started having heats, you had never really had any serious isssues.
It wasn't uncommon for an Omega Specialist to be an alpha, but they probably saw way less patients. It made more sense for an omega to be seeing a doctor who would understand what they were going through on a medical and a personal level.
Dr. Davis placed the file on the counter in the room before squirting some hand sanitizer on, rubbing it in, then shaking your hand.
"Hello Y/N, what brings you in today? I haven't had to see you in a year." The concern on the woman's fair features was genuine. You took great appreciation in that. You hated Doctor's offices and the almost motherly nature of the omega doctor assuaged your anxiety greatly.
"Um, yeah. Recently, my heats have been coming way more frequently than normal and they're very intense. My suppressants are barely putting a dent in them."
"Oh, that is concerning. You rarely come to me for heat problems." The doctor's eyebrows furrowed.
Dr. Davis did a quick check of your breathing, then ears and nose.
The omega doctor sat back on her rolling stool with a sigh, "Are your heat symptoms normal? Anything really out of the ordinary?"
A blush settled over your cheeks. You thought for a second, other than being more intense you didn't think that your symptoms have been out of the ordinary really, "I don't think so. The normal overheating, bones aching so bad I can't move, loss of appetite, and really bad night terrors, but I think that has more to do with the fact that this is my first year living by myself in the center of New York City. Yeah, all of that but dialed up by, like, 10." You mused, you shrugged your shoulders in the end as if to say 'Y'know, the usual.'
Ramona stared at you blankly for a solid three minutes before speaking again, "Y/N. None of that is normal. I have half a mind to call your mom and tell her what you just told me. The only thing stopping me is doctor-patient confidentiality."
You pouted, your mother didn't need to know any of this. She was dealing with her own things. It's the very reason you hadn't mentioned this to either of your parents. Also, you hadn't really known that anything was wrong. You really just came here to get a higher dosage of suppressants.
Dr. Davis rubbed a hand down her face, "How long have your heats been like this?"
"Since I started having them, but they didn't get really bad until like six weeks ago give or take."
Ramona nodded, "You said this was the first time you're living fully by yourself. How long has it been since you lived with an alpha?"
"Uh, not since being home with my dad. I'm 24 and I moved out at 18, so, six years ago." You frowned. You desperately needed to find out where the professional was going with this. 
Ramona thought for a second. She had a hunch, of what part of the problem was. She can't really do anything about the "normal" heat symptoms but she does have a cure that should dial back the frequency and intensity, she just had a sneaking suspicion that you would absolutely hate it. Because if you didn't hate the idea, then the problem would be fixed already.
But first, a couple more questions, "When was the last time you were knotted?"
"Like three years ago?"
Dr. Davis surmises that you must have impeccable self-control and she's not sure if that's a good thing or not.
"Okay, last question before I let you in on my thought process. Have you been in close proximity to any unmated alphas lately? Like not just standing behind one in a line or sitting next to one in class, I mean actually spending time with any."
"Yeah...two." You were starting to pick up the pieces, and no, you did not like where this is going.
"Ah, the final piece of the puzzle," Ramona wrote some notes down on your file, "Alright. So here's what I think is going on, you haven't been in the presence of an alpha for at least three years.  And all of a sudden you're surrounded by two. Probably encountering many more pheromones than you had in the past three years combined.  It doesn't help that those alphas are readily available and your omega is very aware of this. Your heats are out of wack because, one, it sounds like you've just been chugging through them like nothing is wrong, not taking a knot or anything even remotely useful, and two, because of these new alphas. It's almost like your teasing your omega and she's fighting back. Triggering random and intense heats to trick you into mating with one of them."
You stared back at her absolutely horrified, "I'm trying to kill myself?"
"That's not what I said."
"That's what it sounded like. Anyway, how do I get it to stop? I'm sure you know this isn't very fun."
"I can imagine. There's really one way that can help..."
"Stop stalling, Doc."
"You're going to have to take one of their knots. I know, I know. Stop looking at me like that. It's the only way. Once you do that, your omega will calm down and you can go back to your life. Look, it doesn't even have to be one of theirs. You're going to do that and I'm going to write you a prescription for some muscle relaxers but your suppressants are staying the same."
You looked like you wanted to puke at the thought of doing that with anyone else other than Jisoo or Rosé.
"Okay, it has to be one of theirs."
You still looked a bit apprehensive. 
Ramona sighed, it looked like she was going to have to pretend to be her wife today. Her wife was a psychologist who worked down the hall.
"What's got you so hesitant, Y/N?"
You sighed and your shoulders slumped, "I don't want to have to choose between them. I like them both. A lot."
"Who said you have to choose? You might eventually when you're ready to mate, but for now, you don't have to worry about that."
"What if I am ready to mate?" You mumbled.
"Then yeah, you might have a problem on your hands."
You threw your hands up in the air exasperated, "I don't even know if they would even want to have sex with me."
Ramona rolled her eyes at that, "Okay, here's what you're going to do. I'm going to sit here, and you're going call both of them and ask." 
You began to protest, "Ah. No. You're going to do it. I can tell you've been putting this off and it's starting to nag at you. You're a 24-year-old unmated omega. There is absolutely no reason you should be doubting your sex appeal."
"Fine," You grumbled. Your hands shook as you picked up your phone and tapped on your recents. They were both coincidently the last people you had talked to. Rosé being the latest, as you were confirming plans for later that day.
Rosé answered on the second ring, "Hey, Babe. What's up?"
You blushed at the pet name, you sighed before deciding to just rip it off like a bandaid, "Do you want to have sex with me?"
There's a clattering and then a curse on the other end. A second later Rosé started speaking again, "I'm sorry, I dropped my phone. Yes. The answer is yes." You hung up without another word. A heavy blush encompassing your harsh scowl at Ramona.
It seemed like Jisoo answered the phone before you even pressed the call button, "Kim Crematorium. You kill 'em, we grill 'em. How may I help you?"
"How many times do I have to tell you that's not funny?"
"...Until I believe you."
"Anyway. Do you want to have sex with me?"
It sounded like Jisoo started to hyperventilate.
"I very do a lot."
"Yes. The answer is yes."
You hung up and glared at the doctor, "Happy?"
"Are you?" 
You had never felt a boost of confidence such as the verbal reassurance of alphas being sexually attracted to you, but Ramona didn't need to know that.
"So, now you know they want to. The next step is to do it." Dr. Davis patted you on the shoulder reassuringly. 
You nodded resolutely. The next step is to do it. 
Dr. Davis handed you the prescription for the muscle relaxers and ushered you out the door.
You arrived at Rosé's penthouse with a renewed sense of determination.
You were let into the fancy apartment building and then into the penthouse fairly easily. You assumed Rosé had prepared whoever needed to be prepared for your arrival.
Rosé, over lunch one day, had finally let slip her actual job description. You had only shrugged more or less. You weren't stupid. You don't wear custom Armani suits and pay for your Starbucks with a black credit card without being the CEO of something.
Rosé seemed forever grateful you hadn't made a big deal about it.
As soon as you laid eyes on Rosé your core clenched. The alpha was only wearing a grey t-shirt and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, and yet for some reason, you still got weak in the knees. 
Rosé greeted you with a peck on the cheek and a happy smile, "How was your day?"
You blinked, "Interesting. How was yours?"
"Boring at first. It's my first day off in months and I didn't know what to do with myself. Then I got an interesting phone call from an interesting person asking an interesting question. So I'd say my day was interesting as well."
Rosé led them deeper into the penthouse, which you later will realize is only the first floor.
"Yeah, sorry if I caught you off guard with that?" You looked down and blushed. A go to move of yours.
Rosé shrugged, "It's fine. I admired the forwardness...So, I was originally going to cook for you, but then at the very last second, I remembered I can't cook. But I can drink wine. And I'm very good at buying it too, so I figured we could have an impromptu wine tasting." Rosé gestured into her kitchen where a bunch of glasses filled with different pigments of wine had been set up.
"You just want to see me drunk." You tapped Rosé playfully on the arm.
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any ulterior motives."
You made it three glasses in before you practically jumped Rosé. In your defense, your mini-heat was still simmering under the surface.
Your lips smashed together in a desperate ruse for you to get closer to Rosé. Rosé's hands on your hips and your hands in her hair. You released your grip on the taller woman's hair, you reached down to your shirt. Gripping at the hem and yanking it overhead.
Rosé blinked slowly, "Are you sure?" She asked, even as your hands traveled to the belt buckle on her jeans. 
You captured Rosé's lips again in a quick, searing kiss, "What about any of this says unsure to you?"
That's all Rosé needs to continue.
It's not really evident how you two got into Rosé's room and subsequently her bed. Both of you had sort of partially blacked out.
Save for her underwear, Rosé was completely naked as she nipped at your neck. You mewled and whined, your hips rolling up into Rosé's thigh.
"You're so wet." Rosé practically growled into your ear. She can easily tell by the amount collecting on her thigh every time you bucked your hips.
"Alpha, need you inside of me."
Rosé is all too happy to oblige. She kicked off her boxers quickly, then leaned over toward her bedside table. She rummaged around in the drawer without looking. You were completely naked under her, her eyes were bit preoccupied.
It took about 20 more seconds for the alpha to locate what she had been looking for. 
"Safety first," Rosé exclaimed as she held up the condom. You rolled your eyes, a bit too far gone to care about safety at the moment. This all seemed like a waste of precious time to you.
It felt like ages before Rosé was finally inside of you. You couldn't help but clench just about as soon as she had entered.
The relief you felt was almost instantaneous. That feeling of finally being filled almost pushed you over the edge right then and there.
Rosé rocked her hips back lightly. Allowing you to adjust.
You did so quickly apparently. Your hips rocking up into Rosé once again.
"Chae, harder."
Rosé grunted and obliged. Her hips slamming into the you harder than before. You were about as tight as Rosé had imagined you would be, and that was serving to make this that much more difficult.
She'd be damned if she didn't even last ten minutes. How embarrassing would that be?
"Fuck." You moaned breathily. You felt like you were floating. The coil in your stomach tightening in time with the curling of your toes.
"You're so gorgeous." Rosé whispered into your shoulder. She nipped at the skin there, trying to abate her need to bite your mating gland.
You're not listening. You can feel Rosé's knot beginning to form, and your main goal is to get it inside of you. So, you relaxed as much as you could and wrapped your legs around Rosé's waist. Pulling her closer.
You both released almost identical moans.
"God, you're trying to kill me." Rosé grunted just as her knot popped into you.
It took just about all her willpower not to latch onto your neck.
Your back arched as you fell over the edge. Your breathy moans becoming a bit more high pitched.
Rosé groaned as she released into the condom.
As you both came down you began to giggle.
Rosé scowled, "What are you laughing at?"
"Oh, calm down. I'm laughing because I normally pride my self on having great self control. I demonstrated quite the opposite just then."
"Hey, we all need to let go every once in a while." Rosé shrugged and shifted you to a more comfortable position.
You gasped as you felt the knot tug a bit. You would be tied together for a bit longer.
You sighed happily, then snuggled closer into Rosé.
Within seconds, you're out like a light.
You woke to your phone vibrating precariously next to your head.
In the night, you and Rosé had since shifted. No longer tied. Your back was pressed into Rosé's front, with her arm slung across your waist.
You answered your phone without looking at caller id.
"Hey. You weren't sleep were you?" You frowned at the tone of Jisoo's voice. She sounded exhausted and maybe even a little upset.
"No. Why? What's up?"
Jisoo huffed a bit before sighing, "Do you mind coming over here and watching Lia for a bit. She's not feeling well and I need to go pick up some medicine for her. I know it's late-"
"I'll be right over, Jisoo."
It's surprisingly easy for you to slip out from under Rosé. Tiptoe out of the room, locate your clothes, then head out the apartment. All without waking her.
You're at Jisoo's in record time. You smoothed out your wrinkled shirt before knocking on the door lightly.
It doesn't occur to you that Jisoo is most definitely going to smell Rosé on you until Jisoo opens the door and looks at you like that.
Part sad, part angry, part prooven right?
Her jaw is clenched and she won't look you in the eyes. Instead she looked right past you into the hallway. You wanted to say something. Apologize maybe. Deal out excuses. You're not sure. Jisoo beat you to it anyway.
"...Thank you. I didn't want to bring her with me at risk of her getting sicker. And everyone else was busy. Or Asleep." Jisoo looked a bit resigned. Like she expected this and it was what it was.
She brushed passed you easily, then hurrried down to her car. She might punch her dashboard out of anger and jealousy, but it's the middle of the night. No one is there to confirm or deny that part.
You took a deep breath. You didn't like that look Jisoo gave you. It made you feel gross, guilty, and quite frankly, sick to your stomach.
You don't have time to wallow, because you can hear Lia whimpering through the baby monitor placed on the coffee table.
You walked into the toddler's room to find Lia balancing over the ledge of crib. Clearly in the middle of an escape.
"Hi, Li. Do you mind if I help you?"
Lia huffed before reaching for you. You scooped the child into your arms easily. Lia cuddled herself into your neck.
"Thank you for letting me help. You give the best hugs."
The toddler lifted her head from your shoulder, "Better than mama?"
You chuckled lightly, "Yes, better hugs than your mom."
Lia laid her head back as you walked back to the livingroom. You sat down on the sofa as you waited for Jisoo to get back.
"Don't feel good." Lia mumbled tiredly into your neck.
"I know you don't. That's why your mom went to go get some medicine for you. You know, I think you hit the mom jackpot with that one."
Lia shrugged and yawned. It's only about three seconds later that the toddler passes out.
You just continued to rub the girl's back.
Jisoo came back to see Lia passed out on your chest, and you passed out on the couch.
She begrudgingly took a pic of the admittedly adorable sight.
She eventually decided to post the picture to her Instagram. Jealousy only partially driving that decision.
Jisoo pocketed her phone and stood in the door way for a few more seconds. Lia looked very content to stay where she was, so Jisoo let her.
She sighed, "I'm working on it, kid. I just wish I knew what I was up against."
You woke up without the crick in your neck you thought you would. You soon realized it was because you were in a bed and not on the couch you had vaguely remembered falling asleep on.
You hobbled out of the bed. You peered into Lia's room to find her sleeping soundly in the crib.
You then padded into the living room next. The tv was on but it didn't seem obvious that it was being watched.
"Morning." You jumped clear out of your skin.
You turned around to the voice. Jisoo was standing at the kitchen island, sipping on a cup of coffee. Jisoo looked like she had gotten exactly zero hours of sleep that night. Her face was blank and she was wearing the same thing she had left in.
"Morning... How'd I get into your bed?"
"I carried you there. You looked uncomfortable." Jisoo's face remained blank. Her eyes pointed in the direction of the television.
"Where did you sleep?"
"I didn't."
"Thanks for watching Lia again." Jisoo's jaw clenched and her leg bounced on the linoleum, "I'll see you later."
You wrapped your arms around yourself. You nodded as you headed for the front door.
"Tell Lia I'll see her next week?"
Jisoo only hummed.
You took a shakey breath as you left the apartment. You left the building with arms still wrapped around yourself.
Somehow, this felt more like the walk of shame then leaving Rosé's had.
You pulled out your phone and dialed a familiar number.
"What's up?"
"Can we meet up, I really need to talk."
"Of course. You know where to meet me. Give me ten minutes."
You breathed a watery sigh of relief, "Thank you."
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