#i don't rlly care if u use a compound
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d3ssie-r0se · 3 months ago
one of these days i'm going to lose my shit on here about how poorly archers are drawn in comics but for now, have this.
i am truly madly deeply BEGGING DC's artists to watch some olympic archers, or take one (1) lesson for the sake of anatomy. ollie's grip is perpetually shit, and one of roy's designs fully has his arm guard on backwards.
i can suspend disbelief with the physics of trick arrows bc that's fun. i am, however, begging the artists to at least google where an arm guard sits.
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"dessie why do you care so deeply" click ahead at ur own risk for my sexy ass bow bite (injury you get from the string of a bow hitting your arm when you shoot, typically a bruise but can rip skin with higher draw weights -- e.g. ollie's ridiculous 150lbs)
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earthsmightiestcuties · 7 years ago
Do u mind doin a #40 w Steve Rogers x Reader. Where he's mind controlled on a mission so she has to find a way to snap him out if it before he kills her. Would rlly love it if you did❤️❤️❤️ understand if u don't tho thnx
This was quite fun to write! I also got a bit carried away but hey it turned out great! Excuse any mistakes it’s quite late here so I might have missed a few while editing!  #40 “Become a hero they said, it would be fun they said.” Prompt List
Warnings: Mentions of blood, fighting
Word Count: 1.6k (1,666 to be exact!)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Everyone remember the plan?” Steve spoke into the coms
“Kick ass get what we need and bounce.” You replied to him with a grin
The Avengers were sent to infiltrate a Hydra base that SHIELD was keeping an eye on. They were building a mind control device that could control anybody. Now you can see how that was a very bad thing and the fun part? It was designed to look like a regular phone that way it didn’t raise suspicion. Nobody was sure how it worked so it was imperative that it’s taken from them. The team was closing in on its location making you and Steve get ready for the drop. You were paired up on this mission because Fury said you two had good chemistry. Which was true, you worked better with Steve then you did with any other Avenger. Even outside missions, you two were almost inseparable
“And don’t get controlled, which should be common sense.” Tony’s voice spoke through
“So then don’t let them control you Stark. Then again if any of us would it’d be you” You replied as you put on your parachute
“You wound me, princess.” He faked hurt and you opened the doors
“Meet you down there Cap!” You ignored Tony and jumped from the aircraft.
It was a long fall but nothing you haven’t done before. You’ve been on many missions for SHEILD that required you to jump from thousands of feet in the air. It was a smooth landing and you disposed of the parachute in some nearby bush. Steve landed a few feet in front of you, wasting no time you two started heading toward the base. Tony, Thor, Hulk, Clint, and Natasha would act as a distraction as you and Steve went in and stole the device. Surprisingly the plan was actually going pretty smoothly so far, you ran into a few agents on your way in but took care of them quickly. Fury said the device was in the center of the facility which meant you had to act quickly. The only problem was there were many different rooms.
“We have to split up, keep in contact. I’ll take the left.” Steve instructed you
“I’ll take the left, good luck!” You called and ran off in that direction
There were many rooms and you had no idea where to start. Anyone of these could hold the stupid device. Hydra was a pain in your ass and you wish it would just disappear, but if it were to do that now it would raise suspicion. It felt like hours since you’ve been searching rooms and each time you came up with nothing. It was really starting to piss you off even the team outside were getting antsy. Steve had been quiet for a few minutes, but you brushed it off as him being too busy to reply.
“Steve, did you find it?” You asked into your com and waited for a reply but got nothing.
“Steve? Why aren’t you answering?”
“Looking for this?” A new voice sounded behind you
You whip around to see one of Hyrda’s agents holding up the phone. Straightening up and took a defensive stance, ready to defend yourself. The man smirked as he played with the device in his hand slowly tossing it up and down like it didn’t cost millions of dollars. Why wasn’t he attacking or calling anyone to his location? He caught you, an Avenger, in their hideout. You clicked a button on your wrist bracelet signaling to Steve that you were in trouble and waited for him to join you. Until he got there you decided to stall the man.
“It wasn’t easy to make so you won’t be taking it. How sad for you.”
“And you’re not leaving with it.” You said and got ready to fight
“Oh, dear I believe I am. Captain kill her!” He shouted
Your eyes widen as you hear a whizzing noise coming at you. Ducking you watched as Steve’s shield flew over your head making it embed in the wall in front of you. The agent ran off and you turned around just in time to meet Steve’s fist. His fist made contact with your cheek making you fall to the side. Pain rippled through your face, and you felt blood pool into your mouth; but you didn’t have time to dwell on it. You needed to snap Steve out of his mind control and get that damn phone. Flipping around you kicked him in the chest making him stumble a bit giving you the chance to run off. Looking over your shoulder you saw Steve grab his shield and chase after you.
“Tony, we found the device! An agent ran off with it he’s planning to leave!” You shouted into the coms as you tried to think of a way to snap Steve out of it. Damn it you could really use Wanda at the moment, but she stayed at the compound with Vision.
“I’m on it, you and Capsicle need to get to the jet.”
“That might be a bit tough.” You panted and looked behind you to see Steve was gone
You were about to reply to Tony when Steve hit you from the side with his shield in front of him. The impact made you fly into the closest wall and break a bit on impact. Gasping you hit the floor with a thud and tried to catch your breath, he was using his full strength on you. If he kept up, you weren’t making it out of this mission alive; and kill you was his mission. You didn’t have any superpowers, you were a great fighter and as smart as Stark; it’s what helped you get into SHIELD and the Avengers. So, having a super soldier punt you across the room like a football at full strength did not feel good, plus none of your hits would hurt him. Groaning you stood from the floor using the wall for support. You definitely had a few broken ribs and at least a fractured arm, you had blood running on the side of your head making you add possible head fracture to the list. You watched as Steve ran at you barely giving you time to dodge him making a sharp pain course through your leg. Honestly, you didn’t know how you were dodging him, he was faster than you were, especially at this moment. Must have been the adrenaline pumping through your veins that kept you moving.
“Become a hero they said, it will be fun they said.” You muttered sarcastically to yourself as you lean on a nearby desk
“(Y/n)! What’s wrong with Steve? What’s going on?!” Tony sounded panicked as he spoke
“I’m coming to your position,” Natasha said making you panic
“No don’t! They used the device on Steve, he could kill you if you come near.” You rushed out and threw the computer on the desk at Steve as he charged you again.
“He’ll kill you if we don’t help,” Thor added
“That is his mission, just stick to the plan. I’ll think of something I promise. Holy shit!” You yelled as he swept your legs out from under you.
“Sorry (Y/n) but this has to be done. It’s for the good of the world.” Steve said in a cold voice making a pang of fear grip your heart
“Steve you gotta snap out of it, your stronger than this.” You panted exhausted and in pain as he stood over you
“I’m right where I want to be.” He said and lifted the shield over his head
You had to act fast if he brought his shield down you were as good as dead. Frantically you looked around for something to use, anything to snap him out of his trance. Then it hit you, something he’d never expect, and it might just work. It would be like scaring the hiccups out of someone. Just as he brought his arms down you kicked his knee making him stumble and lose his stance. You kicked his chest once again but this time he fell backward. Steve dropped his shield and fell into a sitting position, leaping off the floor you moved forward so you were chest to chest with the super soldier. Before he got the chance to do anything you planted your lips on his and closed your eyes. Both of you stayed in that position for what seemed like an eternity before you felt hands cup your cheeks and felt him kiss you back. It was soft and slow making butterflies erupt in your stomach, but it also held a deeper meaning. You two had never kissed before, but there was an unspoken thing between you and everyone could see it. Slowly you pulled away from Steve, but he didn’t let you get very far. You opened your eyes to see him staring back at you with a blank look and it scared you.
“Steve?” You whispered hoping he was back to normal
“I’m so sorry (Y/n).” He said and ran his thumb over the bruise on your cheek
“Thank god.” You let out a sigh of relief and laid your forehead on his
“(Y/n) I-“
“Save it till we get back to the compound. Tony, did you get it?”
“I got it, is Steve back to normal?”
“Yeah, he’s back we’ll meet you at the jet. Looks like it’s your lucky day Captain.” You gave him a small smile and pulled away from him
“Why’s that?” He asked pulling a smile of his own
“You dear sir get the honor of carrying me to the jet.” You nodded as you started to lose consciousness
“Come on let’s get you out of here,” Steve said and stood up with you in his arms
“Thank you for not killing me.” You muttered as you lay your head on his chest
“Thank you for not giving me the chance.”
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