#i don't really play splatoon much but the lore is cool
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A Splatoon style study of my inkling, Sen!
#quinart#splatoon#splatoon fanart#splatoon oc#splatoon art#inkling#OC: Sen#i don't really play splatoon much but the lore is cool
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So over the week I've been replaying Return of the Mammalians, because I haven't played it since the week Splatoon 3 launched and I wanted to see how I felt about it without the excitement of playing a brand new game clouding my critical judgement.
(spoilers for RotM below, just in case)
That said I didn't feel like it changed my opinion very much. RotM's biggest problem is that it feels like the developers thought of a couple of really cool ideas (The fakeout in the intro, Deep Cut being bosses, the lore in the Alterna Logs, the final fight against Mr. Grizz) and then put them all in the game without really trying to connect them all in a very tangible way, and as a result Alterna is a very nebulous space that doesn't make any sense from a narrative standpoint (if it was a human settlement why is it full machinery and tests only inklings and octolings can use? What even IS the treasure we assemble except "a tool that just happens to solve the current problem?) but only really exists for gameplay.
The story also suffers as a result of this, too. Narratively nothing really happens until the very end of the game, where we end up just kind of stumbling into Mr. Grizz's plot to fuzzify the world right as he puts it into motion. Octo Expansion got around this by using its lore snippets to give the supporting cast a story of their own that unfolded as you progressed through the game, and ultimately it's Agent 8's actions that push the story of OE forward. In RotM we just happen to be there when things happen.
But despite all of its problems RotM also just plays really well. The combination of OE-style shorter trial levels with Hero Mode-styled hub areas you have to explore for levels and secrets work really well together, and those hubs in particular are an absolute blast to dig around in for secrets and open up a little by little. Deep Cut are incredibly fun as ineffectual Team Rocket-esque villains, and the whole final fight against Mr. Grizz is really good, especially the music. I don't even think Calamari Inkantation is especially good by Splatoon standards, but 3MIX is genuinely just an astounding track.
But I think what ultimately makes me feel more positive than negative about RotM is that I think its' thematic undertones actually really work for me. Mr. Grizz's actual involvement in the story might have been mishandled but as a villain he works. I've already written about him a bunch so keep things brief Splatoon has always been about the dangers of clinging to the past, and Mr. Grizz pushes that idea to its limits, because he is the past. He is a relic of a lost age, and he is so desperate to return to the world he knows that he will burn the future and turn back time (metaphorically) to achieve it.
But there's also the Alterna Logs and the reveal that it was human dreams of seeing the sun that drove sealife onto dry land. I think there is a compelling argument to be made that they didn't need to explain any of that to begin with, but I also think the explanation works with everything the series has been setting up on a thematic level. Humanity is gone, and will never come back, but our dreams lived on in the minds of the inklings and the octolings (and the jellies, and everyone else), and while they didn't know why, they reached for the sun together, and by achieving humanity's dreams they earned the right to take our place.
TL;DR: RotM good actually
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hihi uhhm. sorry if this comes off as creepy but i scoured both your blogs for info on pop and lock but unless i suck at looking for stuff i didtnt find much. you should totes tell me more about them
that's not creepy at all don't worry!!! i've never really posted any oc lore publicly because i'm not sure if people care, and boy do i apologize you having to look through my sideblog because Wow Is There Nothing Important On It, but i'm BEYOND elated to answer any questions about them!!! literally thank you so much for asking, you made my day 😭
i have a looooot of stuff about them written down on places like google docs, a discord server i infodump in, and also In My Head so there's a HUGE amount of previously untapped info about them just around, but i'll stick to their main things for now :)
(i also have a toyhouse, but i never finished setting it up, so i'll also probably post more oc stuff on that when it's done)
pINK Lemonade Official Lore Post™ under the cut!
Pop is an Octoling based on the Flapjack octopus. They are genderfluid, and thanks to the benefits of the cephalopod form, change their physical appearance regularly just for the hell of it. They vary between masc-leaning and femme-leaning, but usually look some flavor of GNC. (Their physical build remains the same, think of it like how the player characters in Splatoon change their gender and hairstyle. Pop just does that whenever they feel like it.)
They are fruitily charming, outgoing, unserious to a fault, and smug. Pop is a lot more sociable than Lock, often chatting people up or making friends at unexpected times. They are well aware of their charm, but make an effort to be the more likable of the two. They like to introduce themselves first, leading to many close relationships with a lot of people that otherwise would never have talked to them. However, when they dislike someone, they make it VERY known. They are unable to hide their distaste towards anyone they regard as too annoying. They can get aloof at times, but are generally a very peppy and easy-going person.
Lock is an Inkling based on the Whiplash squid. He is the composer and instrumentalist of the duo, and is very talented on the keyboard.
He likes to put on an off-puttingly brooding, "cool guy" persona, but when you get to know him, it becomes clear he is often neurotic and overly sensitive. He can be very visibly depressed, though he tries to play off his inability to take care of himself as part of his uncaring attitude. He pushes people away instinctively, but gets very attached to the people who love him despite this. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to healthily express his emotions and can get rather sulky and mean, leading his closest personal relationships to be... rather strained at times.
He also has a toxic and ultimately doomed relationship with Tide of Suit-Nami that both Shlubby and I have agreed is very fun to watch as it slowly burns. Sorry Lock, you're fated to lose the best boyfriend you'll ever have :')
There's a lot more to both of their backstories, but for the sake of keeping things simple, here's a condensed version.
Lock was a trust fund baby pushed into idol culture that got shunted off to boarding school once he was deemed more trouble than he was worth by his parents. In a petulant attempt to be acknowledged by them, he regularly commits petty crimes and acts of vandalism, but is bailed out from afar every time to avoid his family name getting bad press. It's a real sore spot for him.
Pop had loving parents who encouraged them to explore their love for music, but after they got older and started posting their music to HueTube, they got relentlessly mocked for being cringe and were devastated. They went to boarding school in an attempt to escape their reputation and worked past their trauma by pouring it into their work and reclaiming their identity.
Pop and Lock were placed together as part of an idol internship program during their last year of school. Pop felt bad for Lock, and specifically requested him as means of lending a hand. Lock had previously avoided them for quite some time, but once they were forced to pair up he realized he had found his first genuine friend.
and, special one-time deal, two extra characters! i literally have never posted (or. ahem. finished) any art of these two, but they fill out the gang behind the scenes and they occupy my brainspace just as much as pop and lock do :)
Mona is a halfmoon betta fish and handler-turned-posse-member of the group. She's an underpaid and overworked employee of the idol agency Pop and Lock are employed at, and was assigned to pINK Lemonade to keep them in check after they were involved in one too many incidents (read: PR nightmares)
She has a bit of a temper, as most bettas do, but over time has formed a real relationship with Pop and Lock and does not blow up at them as much as she does others. Their friendship has also helped her loosen up and not let her job consume her soul.
Cilan is a calm, easygoing, tall inkling and the oldest of the four. He has long purple hair and seemingly permanently closed eyes. He's the group's resident eye-candy and secretary/flunky. There isn't a whole lot to his personality that I can say right now. He's just hot... sue me...
Thank you so much for asking about my ocs!!
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Since 2024 is ending, I thought I would post a 2024 summary of art I have made today here, so here it is!
Here's also a list of predictions I have for 2025:
1. My artstyle will improve once again. Maybe I'll also figure out to make more unique types of shading and better lightning too.
2. The remedy classes I've been going to this year will improve me as a person, considering I have autism.
3. I will get Hello Kitty Island Adventure and another Tokidoki Sandy figure for my Birthday. (I did get one, and I mean the rainbow for Mikołajki so here it is:)

4. I will reach 2K subscribers on YohTube in mid-late 2025.
5. Switch 2 presentation/direct in Early 2025, potential release date for Splatoon 4 gets revealed for late 2025 - mid 2026. Launch date MIGHT be possible too, but... Unlikely imo (I'm gonna show what I want for Splatoon 4 below those predictions, btw!)
6. Calling at the Telesisters episode 1 releases in early 2025. (For those who don't know: It's a Rinktuna related series I am currently working on with my friends right now)
7. I might potentially make new series for Ruby Choco Cookie! Films (Fanmade company made by me) during that year as well, but I still don't know
8. I will make a Wiki for Ruby Choco Gamez (Another fanmade company made by me?.
9. I will get a Side Order DLC card, as well as new manga and potentially new figures as well for Christmas 2025.
10. I haven't got one in 2024, so maybe 2025 will FINALLY be a chance for me to get the white belt for taekwondo.
11. Classicaloid season 3 becomes a thing (VERY unlikely but still lmao)
12. New Polish composer movie (I call him that jokingly but you definitely get who I'm talking about lol) featuring Eryk Kulm Jr releases in March 2025 (Only predicting this because March is his Birthday month)
13. I will finally watch Mighty B, Classicaloid (I only watched clips) and possibly the Tamagotchi anime (That's on my "watchlist" as well lol) too for myself.
14. I will get UTAU and make a voicebank called "RubyLoid".
15. A Codename Sailor V anime happens (Also unlikely but still. I would be excited if that occurs)
Anyways, what I want for Splatoon 4:
For Splatoon 4, I'd personally like to see the main hub (Considering Team Past's win) being something like a mix of retro, traditional Japanese and steampunk, and the idols being themed that way too. Would love to see Nintendo experience with this
I really have no ideas on what the story mode should be yet, but it HAS to be some kind of "post-Octoling-racism" sort of hero mode. The DLC can also be centered around the Great Turf War, sorta like an RPG where you play as Craig Cuttlefish. Oh and I would also love to see a replayal of hero mode missions (Sorta like the replay mode feature for online battles in 3 where you get to watch them again) but I'm not sure on how those would work
I wouldn't mind the former idols or former hubs returning
I am in a need of Splatfests returning again. These events were so much fun and even are lore-tied as well so I'd probably be mad If Nintendo doesn't add them in by the time 4 releases (I'd also like a take of adding ranked battles for Splatfests, and for tricolor to be playable as a regular mode)
I wouldn't mind new kits and apartments being in the next game, but it would still be cool
More customization features such as unique-looking pants, possibly even more colors than just black, fingertips etc.
And an obvious RETURN OF MINI-GAMES. Tableturf was kinda boring imo, we need games like Squid-Beatz or Squid-Jump to return with New ones as well. Oh well and AMIIBO HERO MODE MISSIONS!!! AND NEW "HERO" THEMED WEAPONS AS WELL!!! (And also Octarian themed weapons! Like those weapons Octolings had in the previous games aside from the Octoshot)
Reblogging incase I get any of these predictions right!
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Talking about my choices and template under the cut!
Favorite Game of All Time: Undertale
Probably will stay my GOAT forever unless Deltarune manages to stick it's landing with the many cool extensions to undertale's themes and lore it brings up. Part of my love for it is based on how little games cared to explore the themes it brought up before undertale came out.
Favorite Series: Super Monkey Ball series
No other games have really managed to capture what this series had, though Rolled Out might by the time it's finally released. Lots of nostalgia baked into this choice- I used to do stunts as a teenager back in the day and learn the tech from forums.
Best Soundtrack: Terraria's Calamity Mod
Yes, I'm counting a mod as both a separate game and enough of one to have the best soundtrack. I already loved DM DOKURO's undertale remixes, and they just knock it out of the park with the Calamity mod. I will never not scream THE ENEMY HAS ASCENDED BEYOND YOUR CONTROL but Devourer of Gods is also something truly special.
Favorite Protagonist: Zagreus from Hades
I'm not usually super into the protagonists of games as I usually am with the supporting cast, but Zagreus really makes the story of Hades and his commentary brings the game to life so, so much. Other contender of this spot was probably the Voice of the Hero from Slay the Princess, but hard to say if they are really the protagonist, and also, I like Voice of the Contrarian even more.
Favorite Villain: The Masked Man from Mother 3
-endless crying-
Best Story: Mother 3
Listen, Undertale may be my GOAT but Mother 3 is my number 2 because of how good the story is. Please go watch Super Eyepatch Wolf's video on it if you haven't. The incredible themes, the knife-twisting tragedies, the goofy humor covering up extremely dark subject matter, all of it is so, so, so, good.
Have not played but want to: Alan Wake 2
This game seems so much My Shit™ but sadly it is only on epic games store which I hate. I've heard so many wonderful things about the game and all the visuals in those reviews look amazing and seem like it really is the peak of modern survival horror. Can't wait for it to come to Steam/GoG.
Everyone hates but you love: Continue?9876543210
'Everyone' is quite an overstatement for such a weird, niche game but it is the only game I really like that also has a non positive rating on steam. I've always loved the weird themes and existentialism tinged with hope that this game offers, despite everything from its mechanics to the story being vague and near impossible to parse.
You hate but everyone loves: Into The Breach
Nuclear Throne/Enter the Gungeon could also go here. All are roguelikes which are incredibly loved in the community that I just can't stand. I don't even particularly know why I don't like them, just something about the feel of the mechanics don't agree with me.
Best Artstyle: Splatoon series, but specifically Octo Expansion (until Side Order inevitably beats this)
Splatoon has always been a series marked by it's incredible visual design. Everything screams 90s, the color choices are vivid and striking, the character models are super expressive, etc. Octo Expansion adds even more with the retropunk aesthetic and dark environments mixed with the neon greens and blues.
Favorite Ending: Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations
The entire last case of this game is perfect. The ending montage where you get to see where all the characters are going is sweet and ties a great bow on the series, and the final picture with the vase gets me every time. This was another game that was a contender for best story.
Favorite Boss Fight: Undyne the Undying from Undertale
'Not Sans???' listen Sans is probably the better design but Undyne the Undying was my literal first true boss I ever fought in Undertale, and it will always stick with me. I love the rhythm game style of her mechanics and her intro into her music sets the tone perfectly for the genocide run.
Childhood Game: Ball Revamped 2: Metaphasik
Catz is also a contender here since that is even older and I also played that quite a lot as a kid, but Ball Revamped 2 and a lot of jmtb02's other flash games were really when I started to heavily get into video games. I still sometimes go back to this one, the design still holds up quite well, and the rest of the series ain't bad either.
Relaxing Game: Vampire Survivors
I don't generally play 'relaxing' games, I like my games hard and fast and brutal. But vampire survivors build crafting is incredibly relaxing and when you make a successful build being able to just sit back and let the game play itself to win is such a dopamine rush.
Stressful Game: Cook, Serve, Delicious 3
Honestly, most of the games I play could go here. CSD series however is a special type of stress that puts me on edge through the whole level, enough that I often can't do more than a 3 or so in a play session (lovingly). A rhythm game without music, there is no other game series that demands the level of intense focus and execution like this does.
Game you can always come back to: Fallout: New Vegas
I've come back to this game at least 10 separate times with new characters. A combination of incredibly relaxing due to the easy combat system and replayability given the role playing system mean it's an easy game to just jump back into even after a long time away.
Guilty Pleasure: Project Sekai: Colorful Stage
I play a lot of gacha games and most if not all could fit here given how terrible those games are with the players, but Project Sekai is one where I will actively gush about it as I think it's story and characters are legitimately great. Magia Record could also fit here if it the NA servers weren't shut down.
Tons of Hours Played: Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Not my most played game technically (Terraria and Tabletop Simulator beat it) but both of those don't count as many of Terraria's hours are idle due to holding a server up, and Tabletop Simulator due to waiting and also it's not exactly a game in it's own right. I've so far put 750 hours into Rebirth, and still only have 545 of the 637 achievements. No other game has ever captured BoI's way of insane item combinations that make each run a discovery fest.
And here's the template!
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hey do you have any tips for making splatoon ocs? I’ve never played the games but i’ve seen plenty of gameplay and lore videos and i want to make an oc but i have no idea where to start! You have super duper cool ocs and I thought maybe you might have a few good pointers for starting to make one!
first of all thank you, and second of all I have no idea what i'm doing but i might have some advice for making splatoon OCs. Really what kind of OC you want to make and how in-depth you want their story or footing in the world to be depends entirely on the individual person. It's pretty important to have a solid understanding of the world and setting but especially if you've done the research, you should have a pretty good understanding of how the game works, so that's already a good starting point.
First off, what I feel is important (and what i dont follow myself nearly as much as i should) is to figure out what kind of character you WANT to make, and then start drafting a basic concept based on that. When it comes to Splatoon, there's a lot of species to pick from (although Inklings are by far the easiest because they have the most context). But Splatoon also has a very unique setting and the world has potential for a lot of wacky things that you couldn't really focus on in other fandoms. So again, I don't do this that much myself, but making an OC that is clearly connected to the world and has a direct link with the series identity is always a good call. Once you have a strong start and a solid understanding of what kind of character you're working on (and you can change this later, OCs often evolve when you use them) it's a really good place to get started.
For example, you could make an OC that works at the grocery store (boring, we do that in real life). Or you could make an OC that works in collecting and selling Super Sea Snails from the woods and in the market stalls - we have markets, but there's also a hook of something that's Purely Splatoon, at its core - it is relevant to the WORLD SETTING.
(And also, by making up professions and minor things about the world, you're not married to what canon says or doesn't say. For example, everyone making their OCs work with Grizzco is kind of struggling with a vastly underdeveloped setting where Nintendo is still calling all the shots, because Grizzco is a real thing in the world, so you don't really have the freedom to make shit up and have to deal with whatever they say even if it's ridiculous.)
Second, and this is kind of important especially for people who aren't super involved with Splatoon: turf wars aren't EVERYTHING. Splatoon has weirdly broad worldbuilding for the type of game that it is. Turf Wars are just a sport - an extremely culturally important sport, but Inklings have Lives outside of Turf War and there's likely Inklings who don't do Turf Wars at all! What this tangent is getting into is that don't be afraid to set your OC footing that's unrelated to Turf Wars, and don't be afraid to break rules and come up with your own things for the world. There's a lot of wacky things going on and not everybody is going to do the exact things that are shown in the game. The curse and blessing of working with the Splatoon setting is that you have to be prepared to make up a LOOOOOT of headcanons for how anything works, because we really don't know a lot about... well, anything. The upside is that you can get really creative if you want to. Basically, it's good to use the game as basis, but you can really go places if you ONLY use it as basis and make up new stuff from there.
In terms of actual OC design: Inklings and Octolings are the easiest to work with due to the variety of designs we see for them in games and concept art. But if you're looking for other species, here's a list with species that appear in the Splatoon world. However assuming you're working with Inklings, I'd recommend looking at different species of real-life cephalopods if you want a character to feel unique. Base traits off of real squids or octopuses that exist (you could even use species as inspiration for what the character is like otherwise), but even outside of species, Inklings can have a LOT of variety in their body structure. So my point is you can do a lot more with Splatoon OCs than just making them a carbon copy of the playable characters in the game. Play with their body types, or eye shape, eyebrows, nose, ear length or shapes, et cetera. Inkling masks are also a good way to create interest in the design.
More Inkling-specific design: their tentacles. Now, if you're making a squid OC, they'll have 6 tentacles on their head - typically four shorter ones and two longer ones, although the game doesnt seem to differentiate on those much, judging by some hairstyles. Octolings however only have four tentacles, and they have suction cups on the outside. This is kind of the same as above: there are many canon hairstyles to pick from, but also don't be afraid to go nuts and do weird stuff with the tentacles. Inklings are known to trim their tentacles, cut them up into blocky shapes or even cut them into long strips or super-specific hairstyles that don't even really resemble tentacles anymore, and of course you can do different color combinations, scars, piercings, tattoos even. And of course if you're looking at real-life species as inspiration, you will probably end up getting ideas for the tentacles based on that. Basically, tentacles are often THE THING that sticks out about OCs.
The next best thing? Clothes. Full disclosure I really hate designing outfits (because I'm bad at it) but clothes do a lot to build character. Now, in Splatoon, clothes are REALLY not a problem because the game has such a big focus on fashion that you will never run out of options when it comes to what an OC should wear (Inkipedia has full lists of all gear from all games). But if you want to get really in-depth about what your character dresses in, there's also been blurbs of what kinds of brands the different clothes brands are and what kind of style they are known for - they have loyalists, basically. When it comes to gear, I personally don't like using the in-game gear much, mostly because I hate having to go out of my way to look at reference every time I want to draw a character. But there's a lot to choose from, and if you want to be original with it but still stick to the brand, you could make your own modifications of existing gear or make up fake new gear for your OC to wear.
But as a rule of thumb, what everyone wants from their OCs is different and I think the most important part is to just make something fun that brings you joy. So I hope this helped maybe? (I need to start using my own advice...)
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So recently I've been listening to Turquoise October more than I used to, and I've been getting really invested into the Octarians as well, so I decided, why not make a Turquoise October song review? And so I did

Turquoise October/OCTOTOOL Splatoon
To be continued: the perfect ending song for the levels, my favorite out of the three, it's really charming and it encapsulates what I love about Turquoise October (well not all of it but most of it)

Cephaloparade: I feel like this is one of the songs that comes to people's mind whenever Turquoise October is mentioned, and it's for a good reason, this song is amazing, I think what I like the most about the song is the way it escalates and how the melody is really catchy, overall i think this is the best Turquoise October song, maybe, I'm very indecisive about their songs because they are all good
Eight-Legged Advance: Personally I feel this is the other song that's well known from Turquoise October, it uses the jingle at the beginning of it that makes it really charming, at least for me, and it also has a weird space vibe to it that I like a lot, and of course, the weird burp sound effects that I don't really know what they are but they make the entire song feel so, interesting, and I like that, this is peak Turquoise October h-Legged Advance: Personally I feel this is the other song that's well known from Turquoise October, it uses the jingle at the beginning of it that makes it really charming, at least for me, and it also has a weird space vibe to it that I like a lot, and of course, the weird burp sound effects that I don't really know what they are but they make the entire song feel so, interesting, and I like that, this is peak Turquoise October
Tentacular Circus: This song is more recognized because of how weird it is, with all the different sound effects and other stuff, but yeah I must admit that it's a mash of sound effects that somehow make a song and I love that, in terms of lore, it's funny to think about the Octarians making music and just slapping the keyboard with their tentacles and what not, but in terms of the real world, I believe Toru Minegishi did an incredible job with the music, he composed all the songs from Turquoise October from the first game as well as one from the second game if I'm not mistaken, I love that guy he makes amazing music
Inkstrike Shuffle: I'm gonna be honest here, this is my least favorite Turquoise October song, but it's still pretty good, I believe the melody it follows is good, since in the level that It plays like, benefits from it, make the level more interesting and feel more stressful and I think that makes the song like actually really good, I just personally don't find it that much interesting, I do like how one of the sounds goes from ear to ear, I think that's neat and makes the song feel more unique

Octoling Rendezvous: OK, this is a really good one, so good that it has been in every single story mode and for a good reason, it's pretty memorable and it also makes the fights feel more cool, I like how it changes depending on if you are currently in a fight or not, I must admit the enemy octolings are kinda easy (in most levels) but the song makes up for it, it has such a good rhythm and the sounds it uses, wow, I really like it
Octoweaponry: I will review the three parts of it as a whole song. The build up it has is honestly amazing I love it, I believe it makes for a perfect boss battle theme and the final phase with the trumpets and guitar makes it sound so cool, this also brings me to another thing I wanted to mention, and that is the effect the songs have on the Octarians, it is said that the songs make the Octarians work better, so basically fight better, but the wiki also states that it may also affect inklings although not as much as the Octarians, so that makes me think that agent 3 (and agent 4 in Splatoon 2) also gain benefits from their songs, so it's basically like a double edged sword for the Octarians and I really like that idea
Octo valley: I will also count the 5 versions of it a whole song. This song is amazing, makes me feel good whenever I hear it, the way it changes depending on the area, it's so cool I love that, you can tell what sound effects get added and the overall progression you feel when you hear the next version of it is amazing, overall i love it, the first Turquoise October album is definitely my favorite of the two (or three? Idk) I love everything about it

Turquoise October/OCTOTOOL Splatoon 2
Onward: this makes me feel sad, I won't see the domes again (I mean you can replay the levels but it's not the same), it doesn't feel as upbeat as to be continued, I think it's nice tho but definitely not my favorite ending song

Octo Eight-Step: Feels like another version of Eight-Legged Advance, but in a good way, I think this is really nice I like the Callie backwards vocals and the overall feel the song has, although, their second album gets this different feeling to it thanks to Callie (I suppose) it gets more pop elements and while I think it's ok I like it, I prefer the way the songs used to be in the first album, but yeah, this song is good I like it, it's actually pretty calm to be honest
Shooting Starfish: very calm song if I'm being honest, I like how Callie sings in most of the song but then there's a tiny intervention with what sounds like the casual Turquoise October sounds and everything, I like that I feel like the levels that it played in were perfect for the song, and of course the final checkpoint making the song faster is always really cool, makes you feel more invested (?) In the level, most of the song is calm and relaxing, at least for me, this is different for the next song tho

Buoyant Boogie: This song is, like i don't know how to describe it, but it feels really funky, I believe it makes the levels more intense at times, and the final checkpoint version makes it even more fast and wow, the Callie vocals in this one are good too as well as other stuff about it but I don't know how to describe them
The Girl from Inkopolis: This is my favorite one from the second album, it's so good I love everything about it, the Callie vocals and the way they accompany the song and then the way some parts feel like a song from the first album, wow, I love that, to be honest I don't like the final checkpoint version of this one that much, I prefer the normal one
Octarmaments: Ok, this is like, a better version of Octoweaponry, but I believe they are both amazing songs, this one feels more frantic in my opinion, like more faster and with more sounds and louder, considering the great octoweapons as well, they make the battle feel much more interesting, I think the three phases are great on their own and combined make an amazing song
Octo Canyon: This song makes the entire story mode feel more intense (I guess?) Like, starting from sector 4 the song gets really aggressive and I love that, makes the entire situation feel like an actual rush to get to the final sector, which is also amazing like, the entirety of octo canyon is amazing I love it, the architecture and the way it turns night the more you descend, the weirdness of everything, the domes and the floating platforms, I love everything about it, and the song makes it even better, I remember getting lost on sector 5 because of how confusing it was and I think I loved that a lot

Turquoise October/OCTOTOOL Splatoon 3
Mission clear! (The crater): this is my second favorite ending song, it sounds really energetic and from the very little levels that it appears I believe I love it, better than the alterna ones if I'm being honest

Crater Eighters Routines: So, the last song from Turquoise October (so far, this isn't a cope I swear) it's honestly one of my favorites, they go back to that feeling the first album had and I love that, everything about this song feels perfect, like the perfect way to say goodbye to Turquoise October, which I mean, they could be the ones that make the Side Order soundtrack (PLEASE) there's octoplush but I think they don't feel the same way; I also don't know if this would be considered a third album? Or just a single of some kind, anyways, I say goodbye (POSSIBLY) to the Octarians with their incredible music genre that I think should be more recognized, I hope you guys enjoyed my ramblings about Turquoise October as well, anyways yeah, goodbye, AND PLEASE RETURN MY BABIES IN SIDE ORDER I WANT THEM BACK PLEASE PLEASE I WANT TO SEE AN OCTARIAN BAND PLEASE ANYTHING JUST ANYTHING OCTARIAN RELATED
I'll make a review on Octoplush on a later day, not now tho
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OH MY GOD YOU ALSO LIKE PORTAL, SPLATOON AND PHIGHTING!!!! Who are your favourites characters from each game?/nf (I'm so sorry if this ask is off-putting it's just really cool to see someone have the same interests as me)
okayokay so like. portal? i love pretty much everybody there (except rick he gives me the creeps) but i definitely have a huge bias for wheatley and a slightly smaller huge bias for GLaDOS- i am still stuck scrounging for literally any more portal content everyday and yesterday i watched the portal 2 unauthorized musical (it's so fucking funny at times but the voice from the GLaDOS actor is played up a bit too much- on a positive note from that it also spends alot of time with caroline and cave which is pretty cool!! though i'd say just be careful at the end of that arc since the actor pulls off that scream way too damn well) (ALSO THE TURRETS I FORGOT THE TURRETS I LOVE THEM MY BABIES)
uhh splatoon saying agent 8 would be kinda obvious since i literally took 8 as a name i kinda kinned a bit too hard so umm other than that i think- i really can't pick a favorite set of idols because they're just all!! soo!! but if we're going by songs alone then i'd have to pick deep cut because anarchy rainbow is literally the best thing i've ever heard- also back to the agents i love literally all of them!! i guess captain 3 would be my favorite there though ^^
and PHIGHTING!!!!! OKAY!! so before shuriken came out my friends would play together but i'd rarely ever join them because the other phighters just really did not fit my playstyle- but then of course when he came out there were alot of people wanting to play him so i also picked up medkit! and then after that i'm okay at vinestaff but i've become a SKATEBOARD MAIN I KNOW I KNOW why skateboard?! i don't know he's just fun honestly lol. people get kinda pissed at me sometimes but you deal with it; i'm not too into the lore so i couldn't tell you much in relation to the actual characterization-! buut i also really like hyperlaser. he's just neat :)
#THE AUTISM IS AUTISMING#!!!#THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING I'VE WANTED TO INFODUMP LIKE THIS FOR A WHILE#ALSO YOU SEEM LIKE A REALLY COOL PERSON!!!#portal#portal 2#splatoon#phighting!#phighting#asks#infodump#haha woops#my posts
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So, I was playing Splatoon (after not touching it for a month) and I got one of those Sunken Scrolls things

(I couldn't get a good quality image from my own game so I had to get this from Google)
And for some reason this just makes me curious. I'm still somewhat new to Splatoon so I don't really know much about the lore and crap, but the Characters here make me interested about them.

Especially this fella, I think their design looks cool.
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More like "that demo was sick"-min 4
So I just got done playing the demo for Pikmin 4 and it was like... REALLY cool!
My relationship with Pikmin has always been kinda weird. I've always merely liked the series a lot, when I've always felt that I should love it. On paper, it's exactly what I love about Nintendo: weird, interesting perspectives on a genre that takes a well-worn concept and makes it clean and accessible. Splatoon is the "Nintendo-ified shooter" just as Pikmin is the "Nintendo-ified RTS" or whatever... so why don't I love Pikmin in the same way that I love something like Splatoon? I really haven't ever been able to put my finger on it. My best guess is that I've never really vibed with the world, the story or the characters. Not because the games have been completely devoid of those things, but there's just enough of a wall of glass between it and me to leave my handprints on the windowpane, begging to be let in. Couple that with one or two too many unfriendly design decisions that have long been innate to the franchise and I think I always come away feeling that Pikmin and I would always be like the couple who date, break up and keep trying because - hey, maybe this time it'll work out.
Like any toxic relationship, Pikmin has done a lot of work on themselves and I really think they've changed this time. Playing the demo for Pikmin 4 has graduated my excitement from a tepid "ah shit here we go again" to actual, factual hype. While it isn't a completely frictionless experience, it solves practically every major problem I've ever had with the franchise and - for once - the glass wall has been shattered and I'm able to tip-toe around the shards on the floor.
First of all, the story setup is actually pretty fucking cool this time around? Look, I get it: diehard Pikmin fans are annoyed that it seemingly retcons the scraps of connected lore the series has had leading up to this point. I can sympathize with that, actually -- it would annoy me if that happened to a franchise whose story or lore I was really invested in. But, looking at it from the outside? I genuinely feel like taking our familiarity with Olimar and using his rescue - and possibly "death"? - as a narrative device to set us out in this new entry is a pretty cool idea! I think it gives people a great jumping on point for Pikmin, which I think absolutely feels like Pikmin 4's mission through-and-through. To the point where they even let you just play as your own character this time around. And while the character creator is simple, I really liked being able to make my own weird little guy for a change. All Pikmin characters look like gross, fleshy homunculi, but this one is mine!
So yeah, I like having my little weirdo here and I'd love to see yours. But it's the new gameplay additions that really turn my crank. The core of it is still very much Pikmin, but they've added some really nice quality of life stuff into this one in addition to just putting together a really pleasurable loop. You aren't just trying to survive and you aren't even really just trying to rescue -- everything you're collecting feeds into satisfying, measurable improvements. Honestly, just the feedback loop that Oatchi alone provides is satisfying enough to carry it for me: rescue enough lost members of your Rescue Corps (or stranded civilians), earn a point of "Pup Drive" and spend those points to make Oatchi even more useful than he is as a baseline, which is already very fucking useful. Uncover raw materials in the world for the weird scientist dude to turn into interesting traversal applications, puzzle solving applications AND player improvement applications, like new pieces of gear that'll allow you to withstand elemental effects. Rather than needing to forage for food every day, you're instead gathering household items in the name of "Sparklium" to repair your ship, which ultimately just rewards you with new cool areas to explore, i.e. it rewards you with more Pikmin 4. And even just in the demo, you've got an expansive little mini open-world to play in that feels super tight and well designed! But that's before you even touch on the caves.
Oh man, the caves. Apparently this is a returning feature from Pikmin 2, but it's been like 15 years since I've played that game so it feels super fresh to me. Even still, according to Pikipedia, Pikmin 2 only had like 14 caves in total. These feel like Pikmin 4's versions of Shrines in Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom. Little sections of the game that are ripe with rewards, but also super concise little puzzles and challenges that are off the beaten path. And, like Shrines, the sense of elation from seeing one of those blue lids makes me want to stop everything I'm doing to go explore them. The game knows that you'll want to explore them too, by slowing the day's time counter to 1/6th speed. Pikmin 4 has also integrated a system where you can straight up rewind the clock back a few minutes if you want. Like, the game is autosaving every 2-3 minutes and if something crazy happens, you can just rewind back to that previous save state. It's one of those accessibility things that hardcore fans can totally choose not to engage with, but someone like me is happy to have it when I accidentally got all of my Red Pikmin killed and would've been soft locked. It's the little things!
SO ANYWAYS, TL;DR... I really, really dug the Pikmin 4 demo in a way I wasn't expecting. And as someone that was kind of disenfranchised with AAA games - even Nintendo ones - for the first half of 2023... it feels really good to be excited about big budget games again. I love loving stuff.
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fanfic author tag game
tagged by my bestie @snove101 thank u so much!!!! i dont think i have any other fanfic writing friends to tag so if u see this and you want to do it then do it! u can say i tagged u ;3
How many works do you have on AO3 ?
23 surprisingly enough... damn i didnt realize ive published that many
What's your total AO3 word count?
64,849 according to my ao3 statistics
Your top 5 stories by kudos/likes
Home is wherever I'm with you - 417
Stay stay stay - 379
Anything for you - 328
I'll go up in flames with you - 322
It's cold, I don't want to be lonely - 302
Do you respond to comments?
yes ofc! i usually respond to most comments but sometimes if they are just short i forget to, but i read them all <3
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Either Would I do it again? or Deathbed, both are open endings which I wrote specifically for the reader to decide what happens after but they both involve potential character deaths and not happy endings
Do you write crossovers?
god no, i actively avoid crossovers like the plague it's really not my style ^^;; i was a "rise of the frozen brave tangled dragon guardians" kid when i was younger but since then I have not been a crossover person
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
hmmm not particularly? I did get someone on my splatblog giving me shit for writing a m4rie drabble that i recieved as a request bc the splatoon agents dont have canon ages- largely due to the fact that they are self insert characters- and they were implying i was writing about a gr00ming situation. after that person said something about it i felt really icky and laid out my personal "lore" for the agents i write for on my splatblog, including their ages which are all over 18, so there would be no misunderstandings. still makes me a little mad to think about it -.-
Do you write smut?
yes :3 i write quite a bit of it actually i just don't publish it </3 i dont finish a lot of stuff i start writing so there are lots of half finished smut one shots on my computer
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't believe so...
Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but it would be very cool if someone did!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no and i dont really have a desire to, im insecure about my work lol
What's your all-time favorite ship?
ahhh its such a hard question, im not sure i can choose just one and my top favorite is always changing based on what im hyperfocused on. some ships i come back to frequently though are achilles/patroclus/zagreus, kuroo/kenma, hinata/kenma, and ramuda/jakurai
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
agh... watercolor.... i have a lot of ideas for it and i do get inspiration to work on it every now and then or someone comments on the fic and i want to write more but im so bad with chaptered fics. i think i originally intended for it to be a one shot but i liked the idea of it so much and i just kept writing. maybe one day i'll wrap it up at a place i like but not anytime soon.
What are your writing strengths?
i like to think im good at introspective and emotional scenes from the character's perspective, irl im very empathetic so its easy for me to describe the feelings in writing
What are your writing weaknesses?
adhd renders me incapable of writing chaptered fics i fear, also i struggle sometimes with not writing the same thing multiple times, like picking different words to use can be hard if that makes sense
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
definitely a cool concept! i only know english and american sign language so I don't really write in other languages since i don't know them
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
genshin impact!!! i am currently in the hyperfixation hard rn and i've never published anything for the fandom on ao3 so i do want to. also my hades 2 drafts that are sitting in my docs unfinished bc i cant play the game yet.... one day....
What's your favorite fic you've written?
Watercolor!!! something about the style i wrote it in is just very appealing to me and its something that i can look back on and read with fondness and actually compliment myself on. like i said earlier sometimes i get inspiration to keep writing for it but im not good at chaptered fics so i dont know if i'll ever finish it but its definitely a work im very proud of.
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Saw that you got Splatoon 1 from your posts! I only have the 3rd game but I guarantee that Splatoon is a very fun game regardless which game of the trilogy you got! And the lore is pretty cool too!
Yeah I did! It's been very fun so far, I don't usually play shooter games like this so it's been really interesting to play :D I haven't gotten to much lore yet, but now I'm very interested 👀
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Splatoon 3, the environment and vibes but mainly because of neo 3
I main either nzap depending on what I feel like :3
I don't play multiplayer much so maybe scorch gorge bc it reminds me of neo? I have fun playing on mahi mahi ig
I don't have a picture of my inkling rn but squid life headphones, barazushi wrap, and I forgot the shoes lol. You can probably guess who I based it on
It's really hard to decide because it constantly changed but right now I think alterna, I still love side order. I've been thinking more about the story and details and... neo agent 3 (duh)
The ice cream splatfest was pretty fun for me but theme wise either frostyfest.
Team past
Neo agent 3 but my second favorite is four, I don't really have agent designs or ocs I just have hcs
Agent 4 for the story, tri stringer for gameplay.
The pandemic caused issues for it's development and even though it had been a long time they should have taken even more time if that makes sense
world building, story, details its just a cool aesthetic as well
It's basically the only multiplayer part I play lol, bonerattle arena because of the cool details and background
Hypno callie outfit
I have a few,, hide and sleek just because it sounds sick, EchΘ Θnslaught because I love parallel canon and it sounds cool, unconscious also because it sounds good, and Alterna Citizen Program M-??: mY dEAR because it's mysterious, sounds pretty, and I like orca
Parallel canon just because I love robots and latched onto them making up my own lore for them but otherwise probably tartar
I cant figure out how to add an image to my reblog but it's neo 3 themed
I never finish it so idk the emotes are cool
I'm not gonna lie side order,,, it just seems so cool to me I love octo expansion but I'm more attached to the characters of side order
robotkin agent 4
it made me think about so many things and cured my boredom and has saved me multiple times
Splatoon Ask Game 🦑🐙
[This is for y'all to reblog and use, not actually to ask me these questions. You can if you want though idm]
❤️ Favorite Splatoon Game? ❤️ Favorite Weapon? 🧡 Favorite Stage? 💛 Show or Tell your Favorite Gear Combo? 💚 Did you Enjoy Alterna or Side Order More? Bonus: Why? 💙 Favorite Splatoon 3 Splatfest (Excluding Grand Fest)? 💜 What Team Did You Pick for Grand Festival? 🖤 Favorite Agent? Bonus: Show your own Agent Design? 🤎 Favorite Palette to use in Side Order? 🤍 Biggest Gripe with Splatoon 3? 💗 Best Thing About Splatoon 3? ❤️🩹 Do You Enjoy Salmon Run? Bonus: Favorite SR Stage? 💘 What is your Favorite Idols Best Fit? 💝 Favorite Splatoon 3 Song? 💔 Best Splatoon Villian? (Can Be From Any Game) Bonus: Why? 💓 Show Your Locker? 💟 How Do You Feel About the Catalog System? 🥰 Octo Expansion vs Side Order? Bonus: Why? 😍 Share a Splatoon Headcanon you Have 🤩 How has Splatoon Positively Effected Your Life?
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Frye is the new Marina: Exploring Frye and Minority Anxiety (An essay by @Terminatorbuns)

I'm gonna preface this with something very important: Frye is best girl. Fight me, I write lore essays. I wrote that other essay on Deep Cut and I've continued to obsess over them since, especially on Frye, who's been an extremely interesting character for me to analyze.
We know Frye, she's the chipper Inkling idol partner to the more sophisticated Octoling Shiver. There's obvious parallels to be made with the previous idol group, Off the Hook, since Frye is like the energetic Pearl and Shiver is like the cool Marina. And uhh .. that's probably all there is to it, essay's over, everyone go home.
No but seriously, what I want to share instead today is the personal, alternative interpretation I arrived at after obsessively overthinking the situation since release. It's not fully supported by canon, but this is a reading of Frye constructed from the most subtle lore details a Frye-obsessed lore nerd could find, and I hope to at least highlight some lore elements the community might have missed. I want to demonstrate the layers upon layers of complexity that can be read into Frye as a character, and why I care so fucking much.
Frye isn't the new Pearl, she was the new MARINA this whole time and it took me months to see it. Yes, it has absolutely everything to do with their skin color. Splatoon's world is designed with real life racial diversity in mind and, intentionally or not, are also influenced by real life racial dynamics in turn. Like Marina, the analysis of Frye absolutely OPENS UP if we examine her through the lens of her real life racial status, we start to infer stuff about her motivations, her fears, her secret needs and wants, EVERYTHING is on the table. Good news for Shiver fans, I can't talk about Frye without digging into her relationship with Shiver (platonic or otherwise) so that's going to happen too. We need to talk about our precious brown baby.
1. Frye the Minority
To state the obvious, Frye's ethnicity is South Asian, probably India. The Splatoon world doesn't really have a Squid India in it but it's clear what her real life inspirations are. She's very brown, she wears Aladdin pants and mango chutney on her head. She's got a snake charmer flute thing going on and all her musical motifs are played with South Asian instruments. It's a bit on the nose.
Thing is, Splatsville is a Japanese city in design. Splatsville is called Bankara city in Japanese, it's named after a literal Japanese fashion movement and the visual design elements of Splatsville are reminiscent of a rural Japanese city. Splatsville takes little visual inspiration from South Asia, and that makes sense since Splatoon is made by Japanese devs who would be most familiar with Japan.
The consequence of this is that Frye stands out as a uniquely brown-coded person in a world where nobody else looks like her. Not even playable inklings with dark skin look like her, what with her teeth and her pointy mask and her big forehead. It's worth noting that the Octoling narrative in Splatoon 2 takes inspiration from the experience of Black Americans, and the dark skinned Octolings of Inkopolis are mostly coded black, not South Asian. Even if the racial identities of squids don't necessarily match real world racial identities, Frye is recognizably a minority both visually and culturally in-universe. This is reminiscent of Marina, who was one of the only visible Octolings in Inkopolis until playable Octolings were formally implemented.
It's worth noting now that Shiver, in contrast, fits in perfectly: she's a traditionally attractive Japanese girl (we're talking about fem Shiver right now, bear with me) in a Japanese city. Even though Octolings should be an in-universe minority, and even though she too has somewhat unconventional features, the idea that she's a minority just doesn't track visually. We'll circle back to this and discuss why it doesn't really work for her character narratively either.
2. Frye the Villain
I've covered this in my previous essay but Frye is a stage villain by trade, and her style of performance is inspired by Kabuki. The Japanese inspiration makes sense, even though she's an ethnic minority her sunken scrolls suggests that her family is well established in the region, meaning they immigrated a long time ago and Frye's grown up in Splatsville. Frye is a Japanese national with roots in South Asian culture, it's understandable that she has adopted mannerisms of both cultures.
But like, why a villain? And what's the deal with Marina also representing Team Villain in the heroes vs villains Splatfest? I was wondering if there was a connection there until it hit me, Frye's TOO BROWN to apply for hero roles. In real life, the Japanese entertainment industry famously has problems with colorism and racial representation. Even darker skinned Japanese people have trouble landing gigs as leading heroes because the industry favors light skin, and Frye is both very brown and not conventionally attractive by Japanese standards. Film industries in the West have very similar problems with colorism so it's a recognizable problem to western audiences, also. Frye's career choice as a professional villain is informed by the fact that people like her literally cannot land jobs as heroes.
That's not to say Frye resents her role, Frye loves being a villain. Her poses are dynamic, her speeches are charismatic, she's at her happiest when she is playing an antagonist. If you look at her blasting off with her smoke bomb, she has the happiest smile on in direct contrast to Shiver who's comically losing her shit. Thing is, Frye identifies with the underdog villains who never win, because Frye herself struggles in an industry that does not favor her. This also explains her sympathies for the underprivileged, and why she's made it a personal mission to raise money for the poor. Looking back at Splatoon 2, Marina was sympathetic to villains for the same reasons, as an Octoling (and as a black person) that was villainized by the society she lives in.
Frye brings her cultural identity into her performance, where she incorporates traditional South Asian dance and snake/eel charming into her fighting style. She takes her heritage seriously too: where Frye comes off as a clown elsewhere, she's deadly serious when using her culturally inspired techniques in a fight. The fact that she has named choreography for each phase of her fight is proof enough of that. Deep Cut's boss fight theme also opens with South Asian instruments and they are the most prominent thematic element throughout, highlighting the fact that villainy is Frye's domain of expertise, not Shiver's. Frye sees both villainy and her cultural background as core parts of her identity and expresses herself with a combination of both.
3. Frye the loner
Thinking back to Splatoon 2, Marina and Pearl had a very clear extrovert vs Introvert dynamic: Pearl likes networking and building musical connections, and Marina is shy and prefers to hole up in a comfy chair and write music all day. We do in fact see this again in Deep Cut, except Shiver is the extrovert who flourishes in front of an audience or a camera. She's eager to play tableturf with agent 3 because she just likes social interaction and competition. The Anarchy Splatcast version of the Deep Cut theme instead features Japanese instruments, signaling that newscasting in front of a camera is Shiver's area of expertise. Shiver's design and mannerisms also visually invoke that of a Geisha, who are professional entertainers trained in hospitality.
You see where I'm going with this, I hope. In a wild fucking twist, the cheerful energetic Frye is secretly an INTROVERT. Frye's area of expertise is the desert wastelands, she's at her most comfortable when there's almost nobody around. She's happy to be on camera with her friends but she also squirms in her seat, being not completely comfortable. Her go-to stress reliever is fighting salmonids who do not speak, and Shiver tells us that Frye runs away from the group during a Salmon Run shift to fight the bosses. Also, Frye's villain specialty isn't well suited to making friends when she kinda attacks strangers on sight.
Frye's tableturf habits are most revealing because she does not make eye contact with Agent 3 sitting across a table from 3. Frye's zoned out thinking about Big Man and Shiver, her closest friends and the people she's most comfortable around. In the news room Frye's attention is also focused on her friends and rarely makes eye contact with the camera. Without her friends nearby, Frye can actually get a bit lost in a social setting.
This reminds us of Marina who's also shy around people, except Marina's anxieties come from being a literal enemy of the state. Marina actually has quite a few contacts in the Octoling community despite being nervous around Inklings for good reasons. Frye has habits that ACTIVELY avoid people, and currently we're not sure she has ANY friends outside of Deep Cut. There's likely a racial aspect to this, of course, the same cultural biases that prevent Frye from playing hero roles are also likely affecting her ability to connect with new people, and it's not a big stretch to guess how it affects her personal habits. Frye doesn't have Shiver's conventionally good looks, she makes a poor first impression as a pointy big headed brown girl in a Japanese-coded world. This might feel a bit familiar as we've seen a similar process play out in real life since Shiver was a lot more well received at launch and Frye took more time to grow on the fandom.
4. Marina and minority excellence
So we've established some similarities between Frye and Marina in that they are likely both introverts affected by racial anxieties, but it's also worth discussing the ways in which they differ. I feel that Frye and Marina take two different approaches to address their racial anxieties, and this accounts for their very different personalities as characters.
Marina represents a picture perfect image of black excellence on an Octopus. She's a prodigy composer that knows every fucking black music style and a genius engineer and she can even draw manga; girl works three jobs. Marina's approach to her minority status is to work hard to be an exceptional representative of her people in the hopes that it will help them be accepted in Inkling society. She's determined to be presentable to the degree that she will hide some parts of her past (although those parts involved a lot of weapons engineering so maybe it's for the best that she's not proud of that). Also, and this is a very lukewarm take, Marina is hot.
Frye has to take a different approach out of necessity, because Frye is not a genius. As talented as she is, Frye is a more average person with anxieties and flaws that she can't hide, and she doesn't have the talent to excel in multiple fields of expertise or the patience to learn how to present herself in polite society. Rather, Frye channels her flaws into her art: her violent tendencies and her social anxieties both inform her villain performance, giving her a distinct edge and charisma that suits her chosen art form. In Japanese, Frye also speaks with distinct country bumpkin mannerisms which are also associated with low societal status. Thing is, Frye embodies Splatoon 3's theme of Chaos as a non-conformist: she can't succeed by conforming to polite societal standards, so she chooses to promote her own, rough around the edges style as a viable art form.
I'm fascinated with this particular interpretation of Frye, whether or not it was intentional by the original designers at Nintendo, because of how much depth it gives Frye's personality. Not only that, but this version of Frye also creates some interesting implications for her contrasting partner, Shiver.
5. Making sense of Shiver
Shiver's role in Splatoon 3 is rather mysterious when you think about it. Our previous understanding was that Octolings was an oppressed racial underclass that come from the military dictatorship in Octo Canyon and have only been integrated into Inkling society for 2-4 years. And yet, Shiver's family history goes back pretty far with very specific artistic traditions that they've preserved, and she has distinctly different visual features than the Octolings of Octo Canyon. I should also point out that the systematic oppression of Octolings draws heavy parallels to the experiences of Black people in America and Japan, and Shiver is… very not black.
Shiver doesn't really work as an Octoling from Octo Canyon, but she also doesn't have to. The Splatlands is a new region with new history and racial politics, Shiver starts making more sense if we assume that she's been in Splatsville this whole time, and her family simply wasn't living under DJ Octavio's rule. If Shiver's history isn't tied to the Octo Canyon narrative, then we have some very interesting angles to explore through the lens of her IRL racial identity as a Japanese girl and how that effects her design and personality. If we follow this line of logic to its conclusion, we'll start to understand how Shiver is actually the new Pearl.
Shiver as a character design is defined by privilege, or at least, the ILLUSION of privilege (more on this later). She's conventionally attractive by Japanese standards in a Japanese setting, so she has the natural advantages of being a member of the racial majority where Frye does not. Shiver's Japanese dialogue speaks in a very formal theatrical tongue which is… fucking weird admittedly but also a clear allusion to high social status, in the same way people use Shakespearen English to sound fancy as shit. Shiver has the looks and mannerisms of a highly presentable racial default Japanese entertainer and she takes advantage of that to achieve her personal goals.
Shiver's goal is to be on TV. Shiver is Deep Cut's newsroom specialist, she wants to be on camera and to be seen by everyone, she's a little obsessive about attention really. Shiver knows her looks are naturally appealing and wants to be in a format where people can see her face, and she uses stage makeup to accentuate her strengths. This is in direct contrast to Frye who prefers stage performance for smaller, curated audience's, and even then Frye uses a mask to hide her face in battle.
This is where Shiver's relationship with Frye starts to resemble Pearl and Marina. Shiver is perfectly aware of her natural advantages as a fair skinned person and has extended that privilege to include her dark skinned partner. This is similar to the same that light skinned Pearl makes it a mission to promote Marina as a minority artist (Pearl's privilege in this case being mountains of money rather than attractiveness). Even though TV is not Frye's specialty, Shiver insists that Frye (and Big Man) be included because Shiver thinks they deserve a spotlight.
That being said, Shiver's style of partnership differs greatly from Pearl. Pearl has a partner with confidence problems, so Pearl takes a very hands on approach to push Marina to seek out new artistic styles and opportunities because Marina is directionless without guidance. Pearl has high expectations for Marina because Marina is a prodigy who will rise to meet those expectations, and Marina appreciates Pearl's involvement greatly. Marina in turn helps Pearl with her destructive vocals, they fill in each other's weaknesses while working towards a similar goal.
In contrast Shiver takes a hands off approach to Frye. Both Shiver and Frye are confident entertainers in different fields of expertise and do not need external motivation, so they do not need to push each other in the same way Pearl and Marina do. What they instead do for each other is provide safe spaces to participate in each other's art forms without judgment: Frye comes to the TV studio despite being awkward on camera, and Shiver gets to play a villain despite being clumsy and manic on stage. Big Man gets to show up to both despite having little ability in either field.
6. Shiver x Frye

I'm not saying Shiver and Frye have to be a romantic couple, they form an excellent platonic duo dynamic that is just as narratively valuable to the world of Splatoon. I would never be so crass as to suggest that Shiver and Frye should kiss passionately on the mouth. But like, with the information we now have we can dive a little deeper and make some educated guesses on the inner workings of this particular pairing.
Shiver and Frye directly influence each other's personalities, each member of the duo changes when the other is around. Frye becomes softer around Shiver: Frye on her own is tough from a life informed by adversity, she's focused and takes losses with dignity. However, Shiver is using her personal privileges as a light skinned, presentable Japanese girl as a shield for Frye's racial disadvantages to get Frye TV opportunities that Frye would not have had access to alone, and I think Frye appreciates the protection. Frye feels safe enough around Shiver to let her guard down, she feels less pressure to be strong and competent and has an opportunity to be goofier and more vulnerable. This is the Frye we see most often on screen.
Shiver becomes edgier around Frye: Shiver gets to play a villain when treasure hunting with Frye, And we discover that her villain performance is BUCK WILD. This is the second layer of Shiver's personality that I've only alluded to so far, but it's very important to discuss what Shiver gets out of her relationship with Frye.
Shiver's character is about presentation; she has gone to great lengths to learn the behaviors of a traditionally feminine, high class entertainer. She's polite to a fault and extremely particular about her movements both on TV and on a dance stage. There's no reason to believe this is a facade, Shiver has put so much energy into her act that it's more likely that this is Shiver's idealized self, the image she actually wants to present to the world.
What is simultaneously true is that Shiver DOESN'T perfectly conform to her own idealized self image. There's a messier side to Shiver's personality that she tries very hard to hide: she's competitive, petty, and vindictive under specific circumstances, all traditionally unfeminine traits. She's not doing a great job at hiding them either, these traits are part of her personality and slip out despite her best efforts. It's important to consider that Shiver likely also grew up in Splatsville, making her a country girl too with the same rough rural upbringing as Frye. This just makes her attempt to present as high-class even funnier.
My personal interpretation of the dynamic of Frye's relationship to Shiver is that Frye accepts all of Shiver's messier personality traits, enjoys them, even. Frye is a deliquent that stands for conflict and non-conformity to begin with, so Frye offers a safe space where Shiver can both embrace her messier side and be celebrated for it. Shiver can take nasty verbal jabs at Frye and Frye will fire back cheerfully. This is why Shiver is so wild as a villain, the repressed parts of her personality comes out in full display when she's in a space with only Frye and Big Man, and Frye in particular seems to know all of Shiver's secrets to a level that Big Man does not. This way, Shiver feels no need to erase the messier parts of her personality, she simply saves it for the people she trusts. And Frye is the person Shiver trusts the most.
7. Shiver's Gender
I saved this for last because we have little evidential support for it in canon, but the Shiver character analysis really isn't complete without it. Up to this point I have referred to Shiver with She/Her pronouns because that is Nintendo NA's current official stance on the matter (I'm going to keep doing it for consistency but I really don't feel strongly about this), and my analysis is written with the assumption that Shiver is a cisgendered woman. BUT. I actually see no reason that an alternative interpretation cannot be true.
The overall art community has already figured out that there's a VERY potent TRANS narrative that can be told with Shiver. Shiver's narrative is about presenting as a traditional cisgendered girl while struggling with all the ways she does not conform to tradition, but there's an entirely new layer of meaning to this if Shiver is not, in fact, cisgendered in some way. There's a lot of visual information that initially led the community to this interpretation, Shiver's features are more androgynous than feminine, she wears a Sarashi wrap that has cultural connotations of being a binder, and she has a half shaved punk hair cut which is traditionally considered to be very unfeminine. Shiver's art form itself is gendered, as she has the design elements of a Geisha which is a feminine job, but the gender she presents on the job doesn't have to match her personal gender identity: drag queens exist, for example. I'd also like to point out that historically, there were in fact, MALE geishas that went by the title of Taikomochi, they are just less common in modern days.
In practice, Shiver's gender expression is so complicated that ANY interpretation is viable. Not only that but the various trans interpretations have VERY interesting implications. This would recontextualize Shiver's advantages not as majority privilege, but PASSING privilege, or the ability to LOOK heteronormative while not actually being that. It adds a lot of meaning to Shiver's focus on presentation, and her desire to be validated by a lot of people on TV.
Additionally, this would reinforce the idea that Shiver needs an outlet to address her gender nonconformity off screen, and trusted, accepting friends to keep her secrets while she perfects her preferred forms of gender expression. It's the exact sort of thing that would draw her to the delinquent Frye who has no respect for tradition, and who would encourage Shiver to embrace the most literal interpretation of "be gay, do crimes". It would connect Frye and Shiver as two parallel interpretations of minority anxiety in the same game: one who passes for "normal" and one who does not, and how differently they see the world. And that's… kinda beautiful?
At this point I don't have the relevant personal experience to dive any deeper into possible trans interpretations of Shiver, I think there are other artists with more relevant backgrounds that are already exploring this topic. Just know that I've seen the art that depicts Shiver with top surgery scars and they are my favorite.

8. Conclusion
Deep Cut's only been out three months and I've already written this much about their lore, good lord. I'm an artist who works on Splatoon fan fiction so the story and themes of Splatoon matter a lot to me as they influence the direction of my work, but my god, does Deep Cut give me a lot to work with. Some of this will have to be retracted as we learn more about Deep Cut's lore, there's lots of ways Nintendo can introduce canon to contradict my take, and that's fine GIVE US THE LORE. Regardless I plan to be making more Deep Cut fan content in the future and I really wanted to share the information that my future work will be based on.
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spud you have been very curtious to not posting spoilers but that is not beneficial to the game i am playing so please tell me your favourite thing about deep cut. or else something the ink people eat. i like the culture lore more than the war lore and im seein how much i can remember in the morning. and also mu lets player of choice hasnt completed story mode yet
Okay so I haven't fully gotten all the sunken scrolls yet but it seems like each member of deep cut is from one of the 3 families who apparently saved the splatlands during the big Ole flood event.
Apparently big man's family (the manta clan) eats a unique plankton dish, it's a family recipe. That enhances mind, body, and bodily toxins. And I'm like. Ayo what's that last one? Also the image is really funny cuz big man is holding a wine glass with a silver/white liquid in it.
Just a personal rambling (maybe will be answered at the end of story mode? Idfk.) But what tf does deep cut do with all their money? If doing the anarchy splatcast (the news) is their day job, but their main gig is banditing. Is the whole idol thing a hobby? And they're from (probably) the families who saved the land so they're also probably rich from that so???
The progression thru the games of the idols importance to the universe around them is always so interesting. First the squid sisters, the cousins Callie and Marie don't have all that much aside from the fact their shared grandpa is a well decorated war vet but still ended up becoming very popular solely due to their talent.
Then there's pearl and marina. Pearl is mentioned to come from a wealthy local family, owning some of the locations user for turf wars. While marina is a former member of the octarian army, likely one of their very advanced mechanics as she helped to design the special gimmick maps used during splatfests. So each has their own slight claim to fame, but their music hit off by itself. Along with the fact that in the 5 year gap between splat2 and splat3, they ended up making a band with 3 other creatures (I know ones a fish and one's some level of octopus, but I forget the 3rd. Honestly if u like splatoons culture stuff more than the war lore I'd recommend looking at least a little into the in-universe bands who don't appear in-game)
I have no idea if this is what you were hoping for or nah
Also I love shivers shark, mega master. Or master mega. One of the two. He has a pair of shades that (of course) small enough they don't even begin to reach his eyes. I love that shiver is a bit more batshit than originally expected, she seemed so cool and collected and then suddenly she's maniacally laughing with her back at a 90 degree angle and sticking out a tongue you're pretty sure she canonically isn't supposed to have at you while riding a shark.
#asks#splatoon 3 spoilers#long post#sorrt if yhis makes nonsekse ot is 1am here and ive been sleeping pretty much exclusively in naps the past 48 hours
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Hello, long time no see eh?, well I wanted to make
Another song review that is, this time is Dedf1sh
Pretty cool sanitized octoling DJ with what I say is
Pretty good lore behind her character, and good,
You know, songs, anyways let's get into it now
Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion

#0 Shell: All I can say is that the I see with most Dedf1sh songs is that most of them might not sound like they could fit in a level but they actually do, at least that's how I hear them, this one for example, it's really calm, it has this weird tone to it that honestly I really like, during the levels it makes you feel more concentrated, that's what it did to me actually, the way the sound goes to side to side, really neat stuff
#1 Progress: Not gonna lie, I like this song because of how otherworldly it feels, it also sounds very simplistic if you can call it that, the beat of the song sounds like a really generic beat and honestly I like that in a weird way, it's like, a weird demo of a song of some kind, which is what I like about Dedf1sh, all of her songs are really different and weird and that's what gives it a lot of charm
#2 Ripped: Now, I really like the weird vocals on this one, not only that but the beat it has, if I remember correctly the stations where this plays, it adds up to that weird feeling each station gives off, because if you stop and look in your surroundings you see some interesting stuff floating around, I really like that, especially during 8-ball levels since I find them the most relaxing out of the others
#4 Dunno: I must say that I have no idea what this song is, it sounds really strange, I must say I don't really like it a lot, it has weird tones and other stuff that make it difficult to find something that I can like, but while I may not like it, I'm sure it's good and some other people might like it, it all comes to personal preferences, I must say the first time I heard this I thought something happened to my switch because it sounded really strange, with all the noises just going everywhere

#5 Thirsty: Very few songs actually give me this feeling of just kind of like, bliss, I don't know what this song might have but honestly the way it sounds like the Central metro song and how the beat is, it just kinda makes me sit there and listen to it, while playing I remember really liking this song, and overall I still like it, I listen to it from time to time, I must say it also has this feeling of loneliness to it, which is honestly amazing considering the way the metro is, really adds up to that feeling
#6 Frisk: Eh, while I don't like this song I also don't really dislike it (all that much), it sounds ok, I really like the ending of it with the whole like, otherworldly sounds it starts to use, it uses them in the middle of it as well, so that's what makes it a lil bit better for me, I don't like the weird beat it has to it, Dedf1sh songs are really hit or miss for me
#8 Regret: Really interesting song, I like how calm it is, during the game I must say this song made me almost fall asleep, I must say I stayed up all night playing but like, I feel this song helped that, anyways, I would like to mention how there's this theory that the song names represent the way Ahato (Dedf1sh) felt while being sanitized or something like that, and I would like to clarify that this theory is actually like, not true, during an interview it was revealed that the song names are just like, named after the feeling each song gave, which honestly makes a lot of sense when you look at it, this song for example, does give off a feeling of regret, if you are wondering where I got this information from uhhhhh, pretty sure it was from a Rassicas video, I think it was from the Nintendo magazine they translated
#9 Party: Surprisingly enough this song reminds me of my childhood, I'm not kidding when I say this, it reminded me of a song that for some reason has been engraved in my mind that I listened to when I was younger on some YouTube videos, so honestly I really like it because of that lmao, and I must say it does convey the feeling of a party so overall good song I like it, I really liked the stations where this played

#11 Above: All I can say about this song is that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT, it's my favourite Dedf1sh song, the first time I heard it I immediately fell in love with it, I adore that one station with the ink rails and this song, I forgot which one but it was really cool it made the whole experience 10x better, the weird guitar (idk if it's a guitar) sounds really cool and the way the song be never really changes beat is honestly what made me like this song so much, overall my favourite Dedf1sh song as mentioned
#12 Awake: Really don't have much to say about this song, it's good but definitely not for me, It feels like waking up in the morning and staring at the sun as it raises while it's kinda cold outside, idk why it just reminded me of that, it's very calming I must say, might try to listen to it even more to see if I like it
#13 Shade: Yeah, this song is kinda, not my type as well, I can't really find anything to say about this other than I don't like the vocals, they sound really strange but in a bad way, and the instrumental is kinda eh, makes me feel kinda, like, not knowing how to feel about the song, I can definitely see people liking it tho, but not me; during the game I remember wanting to beat the level this was on fast because I didn't want to listen to it a lot
#14 Crush: More songs should have trumpets honestly, I love this song, possibly my third favourite Dedf1sh song (I won't make a tier list) and I'm guessing it's the same for most people because I've seen a lot of love for this song, and it's well deserved, the trumpet, that feeling of old music it has, everything about it is perfect and I love it, this song as well as #11 Above are songs that I'll definitely listen to again
#16 Salty: Oh, yeah this song sounds like a boss song lol, I like how frantic this song sounds, and honestly I was surprised when this was used in other stations and not the stations with the bosses, but eh, it's ok, I like hearing it a lot on levels because it adds up to that stress some levels give you
#19 Bless: Xylophone....... Why did I start this with that word? Don't question it, anyways, so, this song plays in the stations where you get the thangs, and honestly I was kinda disappointed when I first got to them, I expect something to happen before I could get the thang but, you just kinda grab it and that's about it, this song makes it feel like it's something extremely important (I mean it is but like if something might happen) the dialogue in game also hints that something feels off about the place, and then nothing happens, I don't know I just felt disappointed because of that, but eh, I liked the song it feels like, kinda like a military song, idk
Splattack (Octo): I HAVE TO SAY THIS IS MY SECOND FAVORITE DEDF1SH SONG, it's honestly so cool how she remixed a song from Squid Squad and how it plays while you fight Sanitized Agent 3, makes the battle feel like, 100x better, and I absolutely adore how everything is like, broken up and how it changes in speeds and everything, it makes the song feel more uhhh intense? Idk if you can call it that but yeah, I adore this song with all my heart, I hope they do something similar in Side Order, even if the one that makes the music isn't Dedf1sh, I just want another remix of a song
Escape(?): Ehhhhhhh, I don't really know if this is a Dedf1sh song, but it's the one that plays during the final levels, when you are going up to the surface, well only the first part, then shark bytes starts playing, anyways, all I can say is that it makes the whole section feel more tense with how you have to evade being seen and it also has a nice rhythm to it, so yeah I kinda like it
So that would be it, Dedf1sh is definitely an interesting character not only in the splatbands but also in the lore itself, she has such an amazing story so far, and for what it seems she returned in Splatoon 3 with that Octoplush song (#35 Caught), I must say her songs made Octo Expansion a lot more interesting and enjoyable, which I may add my Girlfriend bought Octo Expansion for me which I really appreciate, I can't thank her enough for that and I love her, but yeah, other than that this is the end of the review, I'm definitely not a music critic but I like typing out how the songs make me feel, it's nice, I like sharing my thoughts around, so anyways, I'll see you next time with uhhh I don't know but it will be another splatband with an Octoling or Octarians, see ya!

#splatoon#splatbands#octo expansion#dedf1sh#i have no idea how tags work#hello how's everyone doing#funny green octopus#cool and amazing song review#help
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