#i don't like blondes too much????? i say as if mikey isn't a blonde
inkykeiji · 10 months
The Nanami fangirls will get you for that Clari lol. (Honestly I've never ever understood the Nanami hype, his tie and glasses are hideous and he seems like he'd be really boring to date??)
HAHAHAHA ooooh anon u and i are one and the same!!! i mean, i get why people are attracted to him—i honestly and genuinely think he would take SUCH amazing care of you and he’d love the everlasting hell outta you and he’d just be such a good, nice, healthy partner. so he’d be great to date in real life and has ideal qualities i believe one should look for in a partner, and that can be super comforting! like i feel that way about mitsuya, for example.
BUT!!! i’m not often interested in writing about healthy relationships!!! 97% of the time i wanna write the most sadistic, deranged, obsessive stuff and dig into mentally ill characters etc etc etc so!!! there’s that, too, LMAO
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joonipertree · 1 year
Gang Leader Girlfriend Things™
Tags: Mikey x Fem!reader, Fluff, crack, no angst, he's only soft for you <3, love of his life
You know, I think the first rule of joining a gang should be 'don't piss off the leader'. Like, you wanna fight people who can whoop your ass? Go for it, that takes courage and respect. But you join a gang like Toman with 'Invincible Mikey' as the head, the one thing you should probably not do is make him mad.
(Nobody is stupid enough to do that though, much less Toman.)
Mikey personally didn't fight the weak, finds no joy in something that isn't a challenge. Two highschoolers that got recruited by Mitchy's crew? He could tell they were nothing from the back of their babbling heads.
"My god, there's no way a girl like that is here. She's so fucking hot."
"What's a girl even doing in a gang? There's no way she fights."
Mikey's eye twitched. Not only are you most definitely in Toman, with a gang jacket and everything (You had your own but you ended up wearing his most of the time, pretty in what's his.) One of Toman's strongest was Senju, someone who would kick their ass too.
"Do you think she's single?"
"She is not." Mikey drawled, eyes dead and head tilted. Draken came behind him, wondering why his captain was just standing there. Mikey was always friendly with new members but very evidently, those two were an exception.
"What a bummer. She could've been mine."
Draken wanted to laugh so badly but Mikey's hand was warning him into silence before he could.
Mikey couldn't see the dude's face but knew that he was too ugly for you. You weren't into pathetic fucks. And the only person Mikey was pathetic for, was you.
A lot of gang members' eyes were on them now, ready to bow to their captain but stopping when Draken raised his palm. They could tell something was off, looking at the two kids who just didn't bother turning. The aura around Mikey was practically tangible though, suffocating to anyone who took notice.
Yamagishi staggered towards his friends, ready to point out the very dangerous threat behind them. Of course, he was the one who recruited them. If he wasn't Takemitchy's friend, Mikey would've added him to his blacklist. Mikey's finger against his lip kept Yamagishi from saying anything. Their fates were sealed already.
"Man, I could probably take her boyfriend on. Easy win and I get her."
Draken choked, Yamagishi wanted to die, the few people who were close enough to listen stepped away. Mikey still didn't say anything, because the moment he was waiting for finally happened.
Chifuyu had let you know of the arrival with a nod of his head, pausing in his rant about a manga you guys had been reading. You saw Draken's head first, eyes lowering, knowing that Mikey would always fall close. And there he was, his blond ponytail the only thing you could see. Your heart filled up like it always did because fuck, you wanted to consume him in your love. His eyes peaked out and your smile stretched your cheeks.
You walked as if on auto pilot, feet having a pep in them as you did. He stepped out in full view and you squealed at his gentle eyes and outstretched arms. You practically ran to him, you missed him and missed him and missed him.
Your shoulder grazed someone's as you zoomed past and launched yourself into Manjiro's warm embrace. Strong arms encircled you immediately, his cheek squishing against yours. And before you knew it, your feet were off the ground as he twirled you around. Unabashed laughter left your lips, hanging onto him and letting his warm and wet kisses pepper your face. The swooping in your chest was welcomed, clinging to the boy you've loved for years. Your precious----
"Hi, Jiro~" You crooned, eyes open to catch his reddened cheeks and sparkling eyes.
He put your feet on the ground and pulled you close by the waist, noses touching each other's.
"Hi, baby." He said in a hushed voice.
You gave his cheek a peck, knowing one on the lips would result in him not getting off of you. There was supposed to be a meeting, so you decided to have him later. Being a gang leader's girlfriend was hard work.
"Did you have a good day?" You asked, knowing he woke up an hour ago, barely in the realm to text you a 'good morning, honey' ('Morning' in Mikey's realm was 1pm).
"Mhm." Mikey hummed, giving your cheek a kiss too. You relished in it.
"Where are you going?" Draken's voice came gruffly and you saw the tall man with his hands on two members' shoulders.
Your boyfriend's gaze fell on them, hardened and cold. It made you shiver, his arms tightening around you when you did. It didn't scare you, he looked hot but it never meant anything good.
You blinked at the two boys, confused and just now noticing the complete silence and the eyes of everyone on you.
I mean, you were a spectacle whenever Jiro was involved but weren't they used to it by now?
"You guys have really bad awareness if you didn't notice me even when I spoke up. I don't know if we want that in our gang." Mikey's words were sweet but dripping in venom, a grin to hide his clear rage.
"I'm so so sorry, boss! We didn't know she was yours, I swear!!" Dude no 1 got on his knees immediately, more so because his legs gave out.
"It's our first day, please have mercy." Dude no 2 shouted, bowing till his head met the floor.
Oh, you thought, they were actual idiots.
Seeing people bow and beg at your boyfriend was always surreal. You knew he had repertoire and respect because of years of being a gang leader. Personally, you never really understood gang things tm. But you knew your Mikey could kick ass and people looked up to him, so you always enjoyed the times he did gang leader things tm cuz it was hot.
"Yamagishi, you recruited them so you have responsibility. Have anything to add?" Mikey asked the frozen boy, who probably stopped breathing a long time ago.
"Uh, it was Takemitchy's idea?" The boy said, knowing who Mikey's kryptonite was.
"You're the one who asked me. Don't try to get me killed along with them!" The acting president hollered.
Mikey turned to his best friend, smile still plastered on his face. If Takemitchy didn't have the trauma to back up his biggest endeavour, he would be worried that the dark impulse would've possessed him from that interaction alone.
"Mitchy, normally I would let the head captain step in for any decision made about their division. But since they directly challenged me, we have to deal with it like all gangs do, right?"
"We didn't....we didn't know, promise!" Dude no 2 peeped out.
"Hmm, but wasn't it you who said that you could take her boyfriend on? It'd be an easy win? There's enough people who witnessed that."
"Oh, Lord Almighty." Takemitchy murmured, "nothing can save them now."
"Not even an hour in and they're going to die." Another murmur from the crowd. (It was Ran)
"I never said that, I am not a part of this." Dude no 1 threw his friend under the bus immediately. It was understandable.
"'She could've been mine,'" Mikey practically sang, taking off his jacket, "is what you said, right?"
"No I couldn't," you spoke absentmindedly, only looking at your boyfriend cuz you'd lost interest in the morons, "you're too ugly for me."
It was a blow that hit almost as hard as the kick they were about to receive. Mikey let out an affectionate snort as he covered your head with his jacket. The heavy material blocking your peripheral as he left your side within a second. A sick crack brandished the air, followed by two thuds.
"Welp, that fight didn't last. How boring, wanted to show off." Mikey sounded bored, the asphalt crunching under his slippers as he walked back.
"Are they--" Takemitchy's panicked pitch followed, a very common tone whenever Mikey was involved.
"Breathing." Draken called out, giving them a light kick on the side to check.
"Takemitchy, your crew is banned from recruiting." Their leader yelled back with his head only half turned, a flurry of 'yes sir!'s came.
"Thank you for holding onto my jacket, baby." Mikey whispered as he took the jacket off your head and draped it on his shoulders. His eyes were back to being kind and gentle, warm hand cupping your face in gratitude. You melted into him, eyes closing. He left a kiss on your forehead, keeping you close.
"Ah, I'm hungry," he whined, "let's go get mcdonald's. I didn't eat breakfast."
"You didn't?" You asked as he interwined your fingers together and tugged.
"I had cereal but that barely counts." Mikey started chattering on, waving a hand to dismiss the meeting that never began.
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pinksilkribbons · 14 days
MAMA SAID: Yandere! Jason Voorhees x F! Reader
CW/TW: bullying, sort of stalking (?), ableism, kidnapping, canon divergence, death (not mentioned in detail at all)
i might make a part two if you guys want it idk. also the end is kinda rushed sorry lol. i love jason sm and i really tried to explore his character a bit here, specifically younger jason.
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Yandere! Jason Voorhees who you met at camp.
This was your first time attending and you were pretty nervous. Your whole life you've always been a little shy around new people, and your mother decided it would be the perfect opportunity for you to make some new friends.
No matter how much you whined and begged she was dead set on you going. You even faked a fever, and she still wouldn't budge! And so, here you were: Hot, sweaty, and carrying an overpacked duffel bag.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who has been to camp crystal lake a few times now. Thanks to his past experiences he knows his way around pretty well. He also knows who to avoid and not mess with. Since a lot of people like to pick on him, he's kind of took it upon himself to be prepared for anything.
Thats why he makes sure to hide behind some trees, closely watching the entrance. It's important that he knows what to expect or, in this case, who to expect.
First comes in Mia and her twin brother Mikey. The two of them don't really mess with him much so there isn't much concern there. Next, Terri. Terri was pretty mean to him, but she never got physical. As long as he stayed quiet and out of her way things should run smoothly.
A few more campers who he isn't familiar with walk through. A sick feeling sets in his stomach. The kind that tells you something bad is going to happen. His mother warned him of this. They were expecting far more campers than usual this year...he wishes he could say it excited him.
To his dismay, the last few campers rush through. A terrible chill runs through his body at the sight of his bully. Or, well, bullies. There's a small group of kids who especially get a kick out of messing with him.
Last year they set up a "prank" in his cabin and poured an entire bucket of water over his head while he slept. When he started choking, they just ran off while giggling. If his mother didn't come to help him who knows what could've happened.
Among the group is a new person. A girl, actually. A pretty one at that. Jason zeroes in on the pretty girl as they all walk in together. The leader of the group, Alex, is walking much closer to the girl than anyone else.
Of course, she's probably his girlfriend. I mean, they're pretty young but he's seen a few people claim to be dating anyway. But he's noticed it's a different kind of dating compared to what the counselors do. Kind of weird.
Jason sometimes wishes he could have a girlfriend. Maybe even just a friend. He just wants someone to talk to. Someone to play with. Someone to look at him and not be disgusted or scared.
"Jason! I made your favorite!" His mom calls from a distance.
As weird as it may seem, Jason feels a connection to the girl already. If he worked up the courage, he'd like to speak with her...even if it's just once. He really wanted to stay and watch her some more, but he knew better than to worry his mama. So, he walks through the woods and makes his way towards the cafeteria.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who has been discreetly searching for you. Most campers are near the campfire making s'mores, but you're nowhere to be found. As risky as it is Jason makes a decision. Besides, there's a camp counselor not too far from here so he should be safe.
"Hey, Alex? Can I ask you s-something?"
The blonde swifty turns back and scowls at him. Jason already feels a sense of fear creeping up his neck. "What do you want, freak?"
With a deep breathe he continues. "Uhm...what happened to your friend? The...girl?" The last part comes out as if he's questioning if he saw correctly. If that girl was even real at all.
Alex's face seems to get even more annoyed by the second. He jumps up and hands his friend the pack of marshmallows he was holding. The bully glances around, clearly checking to see if any adults or counselors are within range. The two of them meet eyes and there's an unspoken agreement.
He won't do anything when a counselor is just over there.
A leaf crunches under his shoe as he moves closer. Jason wants to move back, every inch of his body is ushering him to get away, but his fear keeps his feet right where they are.
"Listen to me, mama's boy", his words come out venomously, "[Name] is my cousin and if you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from her." Tears surface near the end of Jason's eyes at the harsh tone. He feels ashamed for even crying anymore. It's happened so many times that he should be used to it by now.
Alex and his friends cackle loudly. Whatever they're saying he's sure it isn't nice. No matter, though. Jason already feels himself cheering up. He speeds up and swings open the cafeteria door, making his mother jump in surprise.
The boy can't help the wide grin taking over his face.
"Goodness, baby! Knock next time. I almost had a heart attack."
His mother's words don't even register in his mind. He may not know where the girl is, but he knows her name now. That's a win in his book!
Even her name is pretty.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who finally sees you again during lunch. A few of the newer campers were calling him names so he ran off with his sandwich in hand. He finally came to a stop once he was a little deeper in the woods, and there you were, sitting against a tree and drawing a sketch of the lake.
A blush rushed to his cheeks and he nervously ducked behind a nearby tree. Unfortunately, you'd heard him and jumped up rather quickly.
"Who's there?" You asked, eyes scanning for anyone nearby. He stayed quiet and hoped you'd just dismiss the sound.
"I'm serious, Alex. After that stunt you pulled last night you're lucky I didn't tell anyone." You seemed to pause, as if you were waiting for a response. "Hello...Alex? Is it you?"
Jason felt a bit bad when he seen you so scared. You held the sketch book to your chest tightly and your legs were trembling in fear. His mom taught him to always be honest and true so, maybe he should just come out. "Uhm. It isn't Alex..." He said, slowly peeking his head from around the tree.
The two of you stood there awkwardly taking in each other. To his surprise you didn't seem disgusting or scared. Just curious, if anything. He felt a little nervous being looked at so thoroughly. You hated him already, didn't you?
"Sorry about that. I'm [Name]. Jason, right?" You tucked the sketchbook under your arm and reached out with the other, offering him a shake. Jason's hand trembled against your own, yet still firmly shook all the while.
You hadn't spoken with him much, but he has quite the reputation at camp, so you've heard of him. No good things unfortunately. He didn't seem like a bad guy to you though. Just a different one.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who you became friends with ever since that handshake. He introduced you to his mom and she was more than excited to learn her son made a friend.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who you sneak into the cafeteria with at night to steal some sweet treats. The two of you haven't got caught once since the counselors are never doing their job anyway.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who you defend from bullies. Including your cousin Alex. Sometimes it ends with the both of you bleeding, but you don't care about that! Jason is your friend and you're not going to stand by and let him get bullied!
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who loves watching you draw. At night after scoring some cookies, the two of you sit near the lake and he watches you sketch. His favorite was a self-portrait you drew, and since he liked it so much, you signed it and let him keep it.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who can't find you at breakfast time. When he asked him mom she simply told him that she didn't know. So, he decided to go check on you. As he approaches the girls cabin a counselor stops him with a strict look on her face.
"Can I help you?" Jason fails to mask his look of annoyance. Since when did they start caring about the kids around here? "M-my friend [Name]. I couldn't find her at breakfast and wanted to make sure she's okay."
"Oh, her. Yeah, she's sick. For some reason they're making me watch the kid." Her emphasis on 'me' made it seem like it was an insult for her to have to watch [Name]. How stuck-up.
From this alone Jason could tell today would be a rough one.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who suddenly gets ambushed by Alex and several other campers when he walks back near the campfire. They rush towards him and begin pulling the white mask off his face, shouting insults all the while.
"I heard [Name] got sick! Bet he gave her the cooties!"
"Ew, look at his face! I can see why he wears that thing around."
"You're such a mama's boy. Too good to hang out with the rest of us, huh?"
A terrible feeling settles on his chest. He'd been bullied before, but so many people throwing insults at him all at once was a lot to handle. Too much to handle.
With newfound adrenaline Jason runs off, not even realizing that he's nearing the dock. All he can think about is getting away. He just wants it to stop. He hates himself. He hates his face, his personality, he hates all of it. A part of him wishes he was never born.
He just wants to be left alone!
The voices of the campers get louder. They're Approaching. They're getting closer. And suddenly, Jason is right back to that same day.
That day where he approached Alex and asked about [Name]. That same day he couldn't move and was just frozen with fear. He hated how he felt then. And he never wants to feel that way again.
He has to move! He has to do something!!
So... he jumps into the lake.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who misses you more than anything. He misses his mother too, of course, but she was still with him. In spirit at least.
"You should go find her, Jason", his mother tells him.
And He wants to. He wants to find you. He wants to hug you again. He wants to eat cookies with you again. He wants to sit by the trees and watch you draw again. He misses his old life. He misses you.
"So go find her and re-live that life."
If he leaves then who will watch over camp? Forget it. It would be selfish of him to leave their home unattended for his own desires. Anything could happen while he's gone! Besides, there's no telling how long it'll take him to find you.
The voice of his mother laughs a bit. "You're so sweet, my son. I will lead you to her. A quick trip. Here and back."
Jason was still hesitant to agree. But if mama said it'll be okay, then it should be okay. Right?
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who finds your apartment quicker than he expected. Judging by the boxes scattered throughout different rooms, he's assuming you've only just moved in.
He snoops around a bit out of curiosity. Can you blame him? It’s been years since you’ve seen each other. He finds a picture of you graduating high-school in the living room. He realizes then that he’s never met your parents.
Moving forward, he creaks open the door to your bedroom. In the corner he spots a canvas with a few strokes of paint on the surface. He isn’t sure what you were trying to paint, but it makes him happy to know you’re still into art just as much as back then.
Luckily you live alone. He was a little worried about having to kill someone in order to bring you back with him. He didn't want to ruin your clothes with blood or anything like that!
The second he sees your sleeping face he feels a warm feeling hug his heart. It had been too long. You lost all that baby fat and now had a mature, even more beautiful face. Not that he expected any different. You were always so gorgeous to him.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who grabs you out of bed and throws you against his shoulder. You wake up pretty quickly and start kicking and squirming as soon as you register what’s going on. Who the hell even is this?!
“Hey! L-let me go!!” You start banging your fists against his back but it doesn’t even seem to affect him. He just keeps walking and walking, not speaking a single word the entire time.
Eventually, you begin sobbing. Your throat goes dry from how much you’ve been screaming. It is pretty late, but how come no one is coming to save you? Why can’t anyone hear you?
The cold air is eating at your legs since you slept in a cami top and some shorts. Your captor still has yet to speak. He also has a super tight grip. It would definitely bruise. If you even make it out of this alive.
“Please…” You beg, slowly losing hope. There are no street lights, cars, houses…nothing. He was taking you to a secluded area to do who knows what to you. This was the end. This was how you’d die.
After a few more minutes the man grunts and swings open a door. It’s pitch black outside so you aren’t exactly sure where you’re at. “Please, just let me go.”
He stays silent and lays you down on a bed surprisingly gently. Before you can even blink he’s binding your hands against the headboard with some rope. His hands move fast to make sure you have no chances of running away.
You feel more tears fall down your cheeks. How could this happen to you? Why was this happening to you?
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who feels bad for tying your hands up. He didn’t miss the way you winced in pain. Mama said it would be necessary until you get used to living here though.
When she says it’s time, he’ll allow you to take them off.
“She’s so beautiful, Jason. It’s only a matter of time until she gets comfortable with you again. Until then, she’ll have to stay like this. . .”
He hates this. Jason just wants to untie you and hug you like old times! He hates seeing you so sad, so scared. He feels bad for even doing this in the first place.
He trusts his mama, though. So for now, he’ll stay patient and wait for you to come around.
Just like mama said.
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shinsmarlboro · 2 months
Manjiro with a lover, who is a successful entrepreneur.
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TAGS: SFW && gender neutral y/n.
manjiro loves staying in your office while you're working away on your laptop.
if you need help with advertising a product you are selling but you don't have enough funds for that, you best believe that manjiro got your back. he'd advertise your product legally and illegally he doesn't care, as long as you make profit.
he loves spending on you. he doesn't think of money as something significant, it's just something that comes along as he is a part of the yakuza. spending on you is his way of making use of it, otherwise he would barely take much out of his bank account.
he dislikes it when you don't pay much attention to him while working, but he won't immediately ask for your attention until he's sure you won't use the excuse of working to get him to behave.
“you've been working for 6 hours, babe.” he would whine and sit on your desk, tipping your laptop cover even lower so you pay attention to him.
“you kept track of my working hours?”
“mm, you could say that.” he would then move your laptop aside so he could wrap his arms around you while sitting on your lap.
your office is like his hangout spot where he falls asleep to the sounds of your fingers against the keyboard or where he sprawls onto the couch to read magazines, or sometimes he just lovingly stares at you with his hand against his cheek. you are more than certain that he has no idea how piercing his gaze is and how it makes you fidget in your seat.
izana tends to drop by here and there to drag manjiro away from you. he isn't too fond of you for ‘stealing manjiro away from him’ and often vies for his younger brother's attention and skills.
he thinks it's ideal that both of you are night owls, with him being an insomniac and you always making sure to burn the midnight oil. late work nights with you always seem more intimate for you two, even with unspoken words.
manjiro would invite you as a plus-one to events with izana where networking is inevitably bound to happen to expand your business and brand. he would ensure that you are dressed in the finest attire to make the best first impression. it is also an excuse for him to watch you prance around in different dresses as you ask him for your opinion.
“you look so hot.” he'd gush for the umpteenth time, not caring about the exasperation on your face.
“you're not helping.”
“can i help it if you look good in everything, baby?”
he'd notice your dissatisfaction and offer to buy all the dresses you had put on and forcefully get his brother to choose for you.
“sorry y/n, izana-nii’s better with all this fashion stuff.”
he follows you on business trips whenever he has the time, and extends them for 2 more days.
“manjiro fucking sano. let go of me, i…we have a flight back to tokyo.”
“oh no we don't. we're staying for two more days, baby! don't worry i’ve got it covered, let's go to the beach in miami. i wanna tan my skin like those blonde foreigners.”
don't even bother complaining or arguing with him because he will totally ignore you, take your suitcase from your hand and put it somewhere in the hotel room before pulling you to bed.
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he finds it convenient when you work late hours at night and you are not there to witness his mental breakdowns. he isn't fully comfortable with being vulnerable with you. he thinks he's doing you a favour by shielding you from that weak side of himself.
however, he despises when you pay little attention to him when he comes over to visit (which is rare as he is the face and leader of the most powerful crime syndicate in japan) and it seems like you prefer your laptop over him but would act clingy only when you two are alone. he won't say anything, won't bother you but his body language would let you know that he wants attention.
you would hold his hand and type away with the other one (even if it is a bit inconvenient, there isn't anything you wouldn't do for your babyboy).
he loves it when you look put-together and modest in your suit or your long pencil skirt with your hair tied back in a bun or a slick-back. no matter how feminine or masculine you appear, he looks at you with a tender expression hidden under his brooding visage.
manjiro would hook you up with people that would have your business skyrocketing. you converse with them about market potential, growth strategies and all that jazz, while mikey watches you like a hawk or gets sanzu to do that if he has to leave the venue for whatever reason.
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narcjsistx · 2 months
hii could you do a hc where fem!reader is friends with hina and Emma? how would they hang out and stuff but instead of Emma liking draken it's reader who likes draken and she basically tells Emma and hina why draken is special to her and why she likes him
sorry that this basically got off track, have a good day!! ♡
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day 💘
second part of this story
— Innocent secret
"Don't you ever dare say something like that again!" Emma shouts in the middle of the store, while all the attention of the customers and staff falls on her. You giggle in shame as you signal the girls to leave the shop "When you scream I swear I could choke you..." you whisper to your friend, who doesn't seem to regret anything. Hina follows you, remaining a little further behind
Emma isn't afraid of attention on herself, unlike you and Hinata. It's natural for her to scream even if you're in a public place. Plus, she gets even less upset when Hina says the same thing every time you go out "Takemichi there, Takemichi there, Takemichi would like this sweatshirt... bleh! Enough!" says the girl while you are now outside the shop. You laugh while Hina covers her hands in embarrassment "You're bad, Emma..." she whispers embarrassed "You're cruel in mentioning your boyfriend every time we girls go out!" Emma says, even more sure of her words
It happened at least once a week that you, Emma and Hina went out together. It had been a tradition for a few years now, since Hinata had joined the first group formed by you and Emma. You loved each other very much, they were practically your best friends. You knew Emma because she was in the same class as you, and although scared by the fact that she was Manjiro Sano's younger sister, you had become friends with her. And by becoming friends with her, you had basically become friends with all the guys who hung out at the Sano house by being friends with Mikey; and, to make matters worse, you had even fallen in love with one of them. But no one knew this...
"Maybe when you fall in love too Emma, ​​you will become like Hina" you say without thinking, but only later do you reflect on the fact that the meaning of the sentence seems almost explicit, as if you too were in love
"You say it like you're in love with someone... besides, my only love is me! No one will ever love me like I love being me" she says in a princely manner, which makes you laugh "Man, you can tell you're Mikey's sister. Only he could show off like that" you say, making Hina nod and laugh with you "But seriously, is it possible that you don't like anyone? You're a beautiful girl, maybe there's someone who likes you but you don't know it" Hina says after she stopped laughing, looking more serious
"Well..." you say embarrassed, lowering your gaze "There would be someone, actually..." you stammer, and find the girls' eyes on you "Let me guess... the fourth year boy who greets you in the morning!" Emma says, but Hina shakes her head "I was thinking more about Baji, you know?" the girl says, and the blonde looks at her in shock "No way Baji! Could it be... Chifuyu?" says the girl. They are so far from the result
"You guys are far away” you say giggling still a little embarrassed “He's probably the last person you think he is” you say. On the one hand they wouldn't be wrong, no one would see you in a couple with Draken: you were so different that that very difference made you fall in love
“Give us clues” Hina says, making Emma nod. You think about it, not knowing what specific information to give "We're different. But that's what made me fall in love if I have to be honest. I feel protected with him even though he's the typical guy who doesn't look at anything other than his motorcycle..." you says chuckling "He's special to me because he knows what it means having to deal with things bigger than yourself. Maybe, in reality, we're not that different, I really love him" you say, and only after realizing what you said do your cheeks turn red
Emma and Hina remain silent for a few seconds, analyzing your words "I would say my brother, actually..." Emma says a little perplexed, but you shake your head "Mikey is immature, you know I don't like boys like him!" you say sticking your tongue out at her. Hina remains silent for a few more seconds "...Draken?" she asks uncertainly
Your heart pounds in your chest, but you nod awkwardly. By now, your friends know who you like. "He..." you confirm in a low voice. The two girls burst into a scream of exclamation "Are you serious? You actually wouldn't feel bad" says Emma, ​​but Hina joins in the conversation "I've seen him look at you a few times"
"I think I've got a big crush on him" you say sincerely, but your friends affirm both your hands giggling "Just a crush? You seem completely in love instead!" they say with a confidence that makes you laugh too
"Oh I don't know, maybe you're right..." you say, completing the speech. You don't know if you'll ever come out to him, but at least now you have the support of your best friends
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
I have seen maybe half a season of TUA and didn’t read the comics so let me tell you seeing those panels where Vanya is yelling “We belong on that stage” (and in reference to herself and her taller blonde bass-playing brother) drawn in profile with literally Gerard’s haircut and outfit was a big shock to the system. I never even considered that he’d inserted elements of himself and his bandmates into TUA except for a bunch of weird edits people made comparing how much Aiden Gallagher looks like Frank but now I feel like I really need to read it.
im really looking forward to rereading all of the comics after this semester's over because i haven't done that since volume 3's run ended and i'll definitely make more coherent posts about it then but like. it's really really interesting to compare to all of gerard's other art because he is just...so distinctively him, even across different mediums and genres. tua and mcr and hesitant alien and kjna and his visual art etc etc etc like his artistic fingerprint is stamped so boldly and unapologetically all over them and that's something i really love about him. like his art, love it or hate it, is sooooo genuine always. even when he's purposely imitating other artists, he's very consciously doing it in his own voice, putting his own spin on it.
when i say tua and mcr are completely separate projects i mean it - i don't think one should only ever be discussed in relation to/in the context of the other - and, above all, tua is certainly not like...autobiographical, or a direct representation of real people/events. it's led by gerard but it has a different creative team than mcr does and that really shows as well - i definitely wanna talk ant this when i have more time but part of the reason im not sold on conweap as an album is because it's too umbrella academy - it's really evident that gerard was working on both of them at the same time, and letting one influence the other too directly. mcr's a band, not a Gerard Project, and umbrella academy is largely a duo (w gabriel bá), so they can't just be transplanted onto each other yk.
anyway I'm rambling but all this to say - tua isn't meant to be "about" mcr any more than bullets is "about" 9/11. but gerard's life was changed and shaped by his experiences in the music scene throughout his life, by dropping everything and living as a penniless artist, by becoming suddenly (in)famous, and that really shines through in tua. he says he drew inspiration from touring band life to write a dysfunctional family, and the dehumanising effects of fame and attention, and of being categorised and scrutinised on a private or public level, are huge themes - as is addiction, mental health, complicated grief.
like...i actually got into mcr through the tua comics lmaooo. i read volume 1 because of wonderful @blackmoldmp3 talking about it and immediately said oh. i need more from this dude's brain right now. and i was soooo not disappointed haha. i really am obsessed with quite a lot of the things gerard is also obsessed with as an artist. the particular themes and imagery and scenarios he's fixated on are really very consistent throughout everything he does - only the way they're discussed or portrayed does change over time. i don't rly subscribe to the idea of gleaning specifics abt artists' personal lives from their works because, beside all else, it just does them a huge disservice (that's my number one gripe with the popular talking pounts around hes alien and frank's solo work in particular; however "confessional" you wanna read art as, it's still art that was created with skill and intent.)
anyway that's way off topic dkfnfj. what i do love about this kind of thing is looking at distinct creations in the context of the rest of an artist's body of work. like...yeah, gerard's said there's a lot of mikey in klaus. has dressed similarly to vanya and the kraken and the seance at times etc etc. has compared himself to the rumor, because she's the one he relates to most. puts a lot of his familiar ideology surrounding music and performance into vanya. puts angry teenage vanya in a shitty punk band with her disillusioned teenage brother on bass, and puts a classical music prodigy in a punk band as an excellent guitarist, writing songs about killing the president etc etc. i could go on! because these things are just scattered everywhere through the comic, just like all of gerard thematic and aesthetic and ideologic fingerprints.
so what's reallyyy interesting to me is looking at umbrella academy as something gerard wrote on the road with mcr across multiple years. volume one was released while the tbp world tour was ongoing, and volume two only a few months after. the progression of parade -> tua -> conweap -> danger days is SOOOO fascinating to me, especially because one of the things that really works about danger days imo is the way it kind of shakes off some of the tua-style gritty cynicism and returns to mcr's defiant, extravagant theatricality. if you go through tua with a fine-tooth comb you'll definitely find the most direct comparisons to conweap, in terms of mcr. the way dd approaches the themes it has in common with tua is just.....so different, and so so mcr. and then you can see the at times self-referential development on those things in hesitant alien - AND THEN VOLUME 3 COMES AROUND AND LIKE. AUUUGGGGHHHHH the change and growth there is SO apparent. btw i don't mean "growth" "progression" etc in this post to mean "improving" - i just mean change and development in a neutral sense, bc it's so interesting to see it laid out there in an artist's body of work. but like. man it makes me crazeeee actually the way gerard picked tua back up....almost certainly around the same time mcr started discussing a potential reunion. and the way that foundations revisits and reconceptualises mcr's existing catalogue is paralleled in the way vol 3 of tua is, like...........like there's so much life lived there, between those things. gerard's even said he's changed his plan for the ending (if we ever see it 🥲) because he has more compassion for his own characters now and doesn't want to see them broken down for good. he says he's gotten better at listening to other people - for starters, he's a lot more conscious of his own subconscious racism/whiteness that came through at times in the original run and has expressed regret for that (namely, the entire main cast being white, with a couple of side characters being uncomfortably stereotyped).
but just like. augh. im not gonna lie man i have no idea what i've just typed im sorry it's probably so rambly bc I'm so dizzy rn and definitely am not gonna proofread it or whatever skdjfj but. I LOVE ART! I LOVE ARTISTS! I LOVE DIVING DEEP INTO AN ARTIST'S BODY OF WORK AND WATCHING THEM REINVENT THEMSELF AND/OR DOUBLE DOWN ON THEMSELF (SOMETIMES FOR BETTER, SOMETIMES FOR WORSE). obvs this fandom genuinely does have a big issue with invasive/un-self-aware parasocial behaviour but there's a difference between that and like. getting obsessed with a particular artist. that's so normal and in fact necessary to life imo. i think every artist literally has to have ppl like that i can't imagine any other way to live it's just a specific type of human connection at a distance baby. don't get me wrong tho i also wanna chew on his thigh. anyway.
my god. how did i get here what even was your question. tua. yes it's crazy. it's not for everyone for sure but it has enough of the shit that makes me crazzzzyyyyy that it got me into mcr which made me crazierrrr so. yes i can recommend. especially if ur like me and lovvvve stories that are a little bit fractured by design. that dance around big parts of the story, where there's as much significance in an absence or in a tiny background detail than there is in any dialogue or action scene. most of the criticism i see of tua is about the pacing but like. to my tastes it's a really great use of the comic medium yk? lmk if you want content warnings or something there are plenty skdjfj.
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thatseverythingilove · 5 months
ROTTMNT Michelangelo x My Female OC - CHAPTER 1 : THE MEETING
The story takes place after Krang's defeat. All characters are adults.
Warning : none, except english errors (sorry for that !) and little argument bteween Raph and Leo ; Raphael is super protective and Mikey is too girly for OC ; Favorite villain here ! Hope you will like it !
A nice summer day for a solo journey. Michelangelo was peacefully eating an icecream when his phone rings :
“Chello~?” He says with a playfull smirk.
“Mikey ? Where are you ?” Asks Raphael “You said you will not be long and it's been two hours ! Everything's okay, buddy ?”
“I'm fine, Raph. I finish eating my icecream and…”
“Icecream ?!” Repeat Leonardo, offended “Did I heard correctly ? It's hot as hell down here and you dare to eat an icecream without us ? High treason ! I can't believe my own little brother would do such a thing to me !”
“Okay Leo, we get it !” Stoppes Raphael who takes back the phone “Mikey, go buy us icecreams and come back home.”
“Yes sir~...”
He hangs up.
Oh, he wishes to stay here a few others hours. Besides, the sun is setting like a nice cherry on the cake. Can't he stay and watch ? The young turtle looks around and smiles : oh yes, he can. And what better spot than a skyscaper ? His brothers will wait a little more.
With his manriki gusari, he reached a high dish to see the whole show.
He opens his arms and welcomes the lasts shafts of sunlight. The sky becomes a beautiful mix of orange and pink. What a sight ! Pure bliss !
The sun disapears, his arms fells down. Michelangelo was about to leave when someone appears from nowhere. He didn't pay attention before but he was on a rooftop. And a luxury one in fact ! Big swimming pool, home garden, a good set of garden furniture.
Michelangelo hides in the shadows, observing the human under him. Well, he trought it was a human until he sees a big snake tail ! A yokai ? Michelangelo isn't rassured, surely because he's a turtle. Time to go, he thinks.
But a noice betrays him and immediately the yokai attacks him !
In one second, it's pulling him into its coils and starting a constriction. Michelangelo is trapped, unable to move one finger. The giant snake opens wide its jaw, hissing agressively and showing its huge fangs.
Michelangelo tries to escape, to catch his weapon, in vain. His body hurts, he feels his flow blood slowy stopping and the air missing his lungs.
All of a sudden, a big white dog, a pyrenean mountain dog precisely, arrives and bounces happily between them.
The yokai releases Michelangelo who fells on the ground. Quickly he catches his breath, before the dog comes to lick his face cheerfully.
“Are you okay ?” He hears next to him.
When he opens his eyes, he came face to face with a beautiful girl with long, very long, wavy blond hair and pretty blue eyes surrounded by numerous topaz like a light mask.
Her angel face makes Michelangelo out of breath again.
“I apologize for attacking you.” She says with a light voice “I trought you were after me.”
Michelangelo couldn't answer, eyes and moutg wide open, until the dog licks him again and wakes him up :
“No problem !” He says with an awkward smile “I shouldn't come in your rooftop without permission !”
“Come here, Fable.”
The big dog sits near its mistress. Michelangelo notices the low part of the girl's body is still in snake form. A big white snake. But instead scales, there is fuzz. He was so scared that he didn't even notice it when he was trapped in her coils. Now he couldn't believe that the beautiful girl in front of him was a terrifying beast who tried to eat him a few minutes ago.
“What's your name ?” She asks.
Michelangelo is surprised to stutter whereas he's normally in ease with people.
“Mine is Eva. Nice to meet you, Mikey.” She shakes warmly his hand “Would you like to stay with me a little more ? I usually don't have much visit.”
Obviously, if you attack them !, thinks Michelangelo.
She invites him to sit on sun chairs.
They start to discuss, the dog laying next to their foot. Eva likes to sing and dance, and skateboard like Michelangelo, and follows amateur artits on social medias. The turtle shows her some artists he follows too and then his own art. His ego growing as Eva compliments him with admiration.
They finally relax and open to each other. Eva lives with her father, an important manager, but she's alone most of time because of his job. She had friends before but they left because of her lifestyle and her father's stern attitude. Michelangelo feels much sympathy for the poor girl.
With the flow of the discussion,they leave the sun chairs and walk around the swimming pool, and then sit on the sill, foot on the water, to watch videos on Michelangelo's phone.
Suddenly the phone rings : Raphael ! Michelangelo didn't realize what time it was :
“He's going to kill me for sure.”
“I'm so sorry. I would never ask you to stay if I had known it causes you troubles.”
“You're kidding, right ? I liked talking with you, it was fun ! I will come again.”
“Really ? Thank you !”
She was so happy that she hugs him. Michelangelo doesn't know where he should put his hands ; it wasn't so hard with April, so why now ?! The feeling was so different… And Eva smells like vanilla…
“What the hell is happening here ?!” Roars a strong voice behind them.
A huge and furious man with white slicked hairs approaches them.
“Father !” Calls Eva.
“Father ?” Repeats Michelangelo, surprised to see a human.
The man turns his cufflink and a bright light is wraping him up and revealing his true appareance.
Michelangelo shudders : Bruce, the leader of the Masters of Barbarianism !
He was already upset to see his daughter with a stranger, he's raging when he recognizes Michelangelo, the bold one who humiliated him at Hueso's restaurant !
“How dare you showing your bastard toadface in my house ?!” The dragon fumes.
“Father, please calm down !” Begs Eva, who has no clue about what happened between these two “Everything is okay, Mikey is my friend…”
“Your friend, this coward in the pay of the Makers of Brutality ?! I told you I didn't want to see you with a boy until you're fifty, he certainly won't be the exception !”
“A boy ? Mikey isn't a boy…”
Silence. Eva looks at Michelangelo who couldn't believe what he just hears :
“Did you think I was a girl ?!”
“Well… Yes, I did.”
“But WHY ?!”
“I don't know ! Maybe your voice… It's kind of acute… And my dog doesn't like boys normally.”
They were both so embarrassed that they didn't look at each other anymore. Eva's is bright red behind her hands when she whispers :
“Oh no, I hugged a boy…”
Bruce sees red : he thought the dumbass turtle brings dishonour on his precious daughter ! Flames are coming out his nostrils, he takes his katana and jumps right on Michelangelo ! The turtle escapes in time and flies far away from the rooftop, hearing Bruce's screams of rage.
If he managed to escape from Bruce, he doesn't even try with Raphael.
The red turtle was way too much worried to let his little brother explains why he's running late.
Fortunatly Leonardo comes to complain about the missing icecreams, giving Michelangelo the chance to tell the whole story to his brothers.
The moment he told them about Eva, he caughted immediatly their attention : the fact that Eva is the daughter of a crime-gang's boss worried Raphael, while Donatello et Leonardo were intrigued by “angel face” and “pretty girl” terms Michelangelo used to describe her, with this nice kind of sparks in his eyes and this dumb grin on his face. Oh man, that was a very interessing reaction.
But as intrigued as they were, they are all rolling with laughter when Michelangelo said Eva mistaked him with a girl !
“That's not funny !” Grumbles the young turtle “I'm not girly !”
“Forget it.” Says Raphal as he patted his shoulder “It's not like you will see her again !”
Michelangelo avoided his gaze, Raphael frowned :
“You don't attend to see her again, don't you ?”
“Mikey, she's a mafia guy's daughter !”
“So what ? She's my friend ! It's not her fault that his dad is a villain !”
“You put yourself in danger with her !”
“I agree with Raph.” Says Donatello “You should forget her, she doesn't deserve a friend like you.”
“Oh, that's so ?! What exactly do you know about her ?!”
His anger surprised his brothers.
Michelangelo releases himself from Raphael's grip and goes straight to his room.
Leonardo stoppes Raphael to follow him :
“I got this, trust me.”
Even if he's letting Leonardo go, Raphael isn't rassured.
The blue turtle gets his head in his little brother's room. Now he's reading comics in his hammock, turning his back to the door.
“Hey little bro. May I come in ?”
Michelangelo mutters something, Leonardo takes it as a yes and sits next to him, smirking :
“She's that pretty ?”
“Yes. And she's alone. Instead her father, I was the first person to talk with her since a long time. It's so sad.”
“Oh, I see~... Rapunzel in her ivory tower.”
The blunt sound of the comic on Michelangelo's legs mades Leonardo jump.
“See ?! You're judging without knowing her !”
“Hey, calm down, little brother. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mocking her. You really care about her, right ?”
Michelangelo blushes a little. Of course he cares about her.
“It's just… She's a nice girl, you know. She doesn't deserve to be alone like that. If I don't go back to her, I feel like I'm betraying her.”
“So you don't have a choice : you have to see her again.”
Michelangelo thought he was mishearing. But Leonardo has a knowing smile :
“Go back to her, idiot.”
Michelangelo jumps into his brother's arms, so happy :
“Thank you ! Thank you ! I love you, Leo !”
“Yeah, yeah.” Smiles the blue one “Try to come back in one piece, though.”
A few minutes later, when Leonardo leaves the room, Raphael was waiting for him, much less pleased than his blue brother.
“That's how you got this ?” He growls.
“What ? He's in a good mood again !”
“But he doesn't change his mind !”
“You can't change his mind, Raph.”
“So tell me why you even talked to him ?! You gave him your permission where I put my prohibition !”
“Mikey is not a kid anymore, he doesn't need permission, mine or yours. He would have gone back to this girl anyway. I just made sure he will not act out of anger. Now he will be careful. Trust him a little.”
End of the chapter
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bellysoupset · 1 year
oh dude i just realised there’s not many fics with sick vince and caretaker lucas. could you write something fluffy like that? maybe vince is a little emotional in this one and luke has to be the calm one. no scat please :)
Your wish is my command anon. Loads of cuddly emotional guys, fluff, emeto and no scat, the chef's favourite.
"You look like death," Leo told Lucas as he entered the bus, passing the blonde by as he kissed Jonah goodbye.
"I'm fine," Luke lied through his teeth. In truth he hadn't been sleeping much and he felt absolutely wretched, not physically, but emotionally. No excuse to miss the game next state. He entered the bus and immediately found Vince in the further back, promptly walking to him and sitting down.
"Uhm, Mikey-" Vince tried to say, trailing off.
Lucas frowned, Michael could find another seat, not his. Vince rolled his eyes and leaned against the window, headphones on.
"What's wrong?" Luke asked, poking his arm. He knew why he was feeling like death, but had no idea why Vince was looking like that too.
The bus started and Vince groaned, pressing his forehead to the glass, "nothing."
"Uhm, Luke- That's my... My place..." Mikey pouted as he walked to the back, holding on the seats to keep himself steady. Lucas looked to the side, grabbing Mikey's backpack and handing it to him.
"Not anymore," then completely ignoring the guy he poked Vince again, "are you pissed? What's going on?"
"I'm not pissed," Vince scoffed, although his tone betrayed him. He sighed, moving uncomfortably, "I just wanna be left alone."
It was very uncanny for Vin to act like this, but Lucas decided to shut up. They still had three hours ahead and the whole night at the motel to talk over whatever was bothering his friend.
He leaned back, turning his cap forward and sliding down the seat, scrolling through instagram. It was his newest obsession, most people thought Bella didn't have social media because of how withdrawn she was, but Lucas knew she actually had an account pretty much dedicated to her favorite band.
"What are you doing?" Vince asked roughly forty minutes later, while Lucas read the caption of post completely unrelated to Bell.
"Uhm, stalking."
"How?" Vince leaned closer and then all but planted his head on Lucas' shoulder. Luke bit down a smile, this tactile overgrown dog behavior was much more like the Vince he knew.
"So Bella posted this, three days ago," he clicked back quickly, showing Vince a black vinyl with a red skull on the front, three naked pinup girls sitting under it, all holding devil tridents.
"Eh, that's the music she likes," Lucas shrugged, "so I clicked on it and turns out its their newest album. Bella commented on their picture-" he flicked through the screens, opening the account of the band, "here. She says can't wait."
"Okay?" Vince frowned, "for the album, yeah? When it's coming out?"
"It came out yesterday," Lucas shook his head, "they're playing in the next town to ours. Friday night."
"Oh- So you think Bella's going...?"
"I do-" Lucas frowned as his cheek met Vince's forehead, "dude, you're burning up."
"Am I?" Vince pouted, "that explains the headache."
"You have a headache?" Luke turned to get a good look at him, "what else?"
"Nothing else mother hen, it's just an annoying headache. Get back here, you're comfy."
Lucas scoffed, settling back down so Vince could use his shoulder as a pillow, "how's your stomach?" he asked, digging through his own backpack and fishing out a water bottle. Vince grunted, raising his own.
"It's fine, a little bleh, but not like I'm gonna be sick," he sighed, "so you're planning on stalking Bella?"
"No," Lucas glared at the top of his head, "I'm planning on giving her the tickets, I know she loves music concerts... Were you feeling bad this morning already? You could've skipped it, it's not that important."
"Since when a game isn't important to you?" Vince huffed, "I don't think that's a smart idea, Bell is going to send the tickets back to you, probably with a bomb."
"At least then she'd know I haven't given up," Lucas rolled his eyes, "a game isn't as important as you are, Vin... Really, is it just the headache? Did you take anything?"
Vince's cheeks turned bright red, but he only nodded, "I took some tylenol before getting in the bus, kinda starting to regret it though."
"Just aching," he shrugged, burying his nose further in Lucas' jacket, "Imma try to nap."
"Okay..." Lucas settled back down, "do you want something to eat? Could help with the stomachache..."
"Luke," Vince sighed heavily, "shut up."
"Okay," he bit down on his tongue, pulling his phone back up and returning to the previous endeavor, even if only half hearted now that he was aware Vince wasn't feeling his best.
Twenty minutes later he felt Vince fully slump against him, followed by his breathing turning deep, little snores mixed in. Lucas rolled his eyes, checking his forehead again. It didn't seem any warmer, at least.
They made pretty much the rest of the drive without any accidents, Vince was out until the next ten minutes and Lucas ended up catching a short nap, seeing it was impossible not to feel sleepy when he had a space heater slumped over him.
"We're stopping?" Vince groaned, rubbing his neck as the bus started to slow down, the change of terrain clear by the jumping around.
"Yeah, think we're here-" Lucas yawned in his hand, then frowned as he got a clear look of Vince's face. The sun had already set when they left, but it had been clear out still. Now it was pitch dark and the only lights were from overhead, dim and yellow... "dude, you're green."
"Uhm," Vince grunted, sitting up straight, "how much more?"
"I'm going to check," Lucas got up, grabbing on the seats to walk to the front. Leo, sitting right on the front seat, was completely passed out, headphones on, face glued to the window. Luke snorted, he knew this was a side effect of the heavy motion sickness meds, but it was still amusing to see the blonde who was normally so put together practically drooling. He snapped a picture, then poked the coach.
"Hey coach."
"No," coach Eric shook his head, "get back to your seat, don't come tell me anyone is carsick."
Lucas snorted, "sorry."
The man groaned, clearly already tired of this, "who is it this time? Is it you-"
"Vince doesn't get carsick," coach rolled his eyes, now opening a relieved smile.
"Yeah, no, I think he's actually sick. We're gonna have to put Ryan in his position- How much longer until we stop?"
"Fifteen minutes," Coach Eric frowned, "are you being serious? Vincenzo never gets sick, are you pranking me?"
"Nope, he's got a fever," Lucas shrugged, "okay, gonna get back to my seat-"
"You're switching with me. I'll sleep with Vince, you get the other-"
"No way," Luke scoffed, "I always share with Vince!"
"And he's sick, you're not, we have a game tomorrow."
"I'm not switching rooms," Lucas glared at him, "even if he infects me, I'm not gonna be sick by tomorrow afternoon, it's fine."
"I'm not switching rooms," Lucas repeated, "I have to go back to my seat."
"goddammit Lucas!" Coach Eric exclaimed behind him, but Lucas ignored him, once more moving to the back. Vince's eyes were closed and he was leaning back, breathing deeply through his nose.
"Fifteen minutes," Lucas sat down next to him, already grabbing his and Vince's backpack, "can you hold?"
"I'm fine," Vince groaned, although his voice had that horrible thickness of queasiness.
"Yeah, you're fine," Lucas agreed without paying attention, digging through his backpack to find a bag. The guys often made fun of him, for bringing first aid, bags, extra water... But he didn't care. He liked making sure his team was looked after and without fail at least one of the guys got carsick when they went in long trips. More often than not Leo.
"Where did you get it anyway?" Vince asked, probably trying to get his mind off of the way his stomach was sloshing around. Lucas frowned, successfully retrieving a thick plastic bag from under his uniform and holding it out in case it was needed.
"The bag? My backpack-"
"The ring," Vince corrected, "like the rest of the story I get. The restaurant, the fight-"
"I was there, I remember," Lucas said sourly, but he couldn't be too aggressive when he could clearly tell his friend was feeling shitty.
"and I even understand you not telling me about the breakup or the proposal after it happened, because she said no-"
"Vince," Lucas winced, heart aching, "I really don't wanna-"
"But a ring you can't get last minute," Vince frowned, opened his eyes only to immediately close them again as nausea washed over him, "so?"
Lucas knew exactly what his friend was implying: that he had thought of the proposal with enough forethought to order a ring. That was probably the part that stung the most.
"When my mom died I got all of her inheritance," Lucas explained, pushing the words, his lips felt numb. He couldn't remember the last time he had spoken about his mother, "before she got sick... She was really into jewelry, she liked fine arts, operas, you know... Culture and arts, it was a big part of her campaign."
Vince nodded, breathing shallowly through his mouth, "so it was her wedding ring?"
"No," Lucas shook his head, "couldn't bring myself to use the actual wedding ring, it's just- Too many memories. It was just one of the rings. I keep all the pieces in my room's safe, so I actually just compared all the rings until I found one that matched Bella's ring size."
"You're stupid," Vince groaned, then wiped the cold sweat that had collected over his brow, pushing the hair back, "has it been fifteen minutes?"
"Nope, try drinking some water-"
"You got a bag?"
"Yeah, I got one. You're good," he squeezed his friend's arm, "deep breath."
"I'm not in labor," Vince groaned, then reached out blindly, taking the bag. He didn't open it, only kept it tightly between his fingers, "I can taste my lunch."
"Ew," Lucas winced, "try the wat-"
Vince ignored him, opening the bag and holding it close to his mouth, hunched over it with shallow breath. Lucas held his shoulder tightly, just in case he had to leap for the bag.
He heard a small, breathy burp and could hear perfectly as Vince's stomach complained, growling, "that sounds nasty."
"Feels nasty," Vin agreed, spitting inside the bag, "please tell me we're almost stopping."
"We're almost stopping," Luke lied, "really, just hang in there for a second."
Another wet belch answered him and Vince panted, bringing up even more spit, "I'm never eating duck again."
"It's not the poor duck's fault," Lucas teased, glancing nervously out of the window, "you're probably just carsick on top of the fever."
"Or the flu."
"You had the flu last month," Luke frowned, "seems bizarre you'd get it again."
"You tell me," Vince gagged suddenly and then his back arched with a loud heave, loud enough some of the guys turned on their seats to look at him. Lucas cringed in sympathy, but again nothing came up.
"God," Vin groaned, letting go of the bag and squeezing an arm around his belly. He burped once more, then again, then again and Lucas leaped for the bag, holding it open just in time to catch a very thin stream of vomit.
"Breathe, dude, you're okay..." Lucas said helplessly, holding the bag with one hand, the other in Vince's shoulder. Much to his relief, the bus came to a stop moments after.
They got rid of the bag in the parking lot, Vince taking deep measured breaths, but seeming to be feeling at least a little bit better now that they were no longer in a stuffy moving bus.
"I think you need meds again," Luke declared as they finally got the keys to their room. It wasn't an expensive hotel, far from it, but it had two queen beds and its own bathroom, which was all they needed.
"Not gonna stay down," Vince shook his head, falling on the bed face first and kicking off his shoes. He rolled to his side when lying on his stomach proved to be a bad idea, pushing up another sick burp, "my head is throbbing."
"Fever," Luke sighed, grabbing a water bottle in the mini bar and cracking it open, "bottoms up."
"Gonna come back up," Vince glared at it, but Lucas was unrelenting.
"Yeah and your head will hurt a lot more when you're dehydrated. Take small sips."
"Is there a bin?" Vince undid his pants, kicking them down and crawling back up in the bed, managing to sit against the headboard.
"Put these on," Lucas rummaged through Vince's bag, grabbing a pair of sweatpants, "you're gonna freeze your balls."
"Lovely vision, Luke," Vince rolled his eyes, planting a hand under his hoodie, "seriously, get me a bin, the water's not settling."
"Already?" Lucas pouted with concern, grabbing the waste basket and handing it to him. He sat on the edge of the bed too and took the water bottle that Vince passed him back.
"Uhm..." Vince leaned over the basket, gagging softly, nothing like his normal violent retches, and then all the water made it back up, practically untouched. He coughed, squeezing the basket to his chest, "kill me now."
"Can't kill my best friend, ask someone else," Lucas rolled his eyes, "okay bud, plan of attack. Symptoms?"
"Really Luke, kill me," Vince ignored him, resting his forehead on the edge of the bin.
"Nausea, clearly," Lucas ignored him right back, "headache, fever."
"Stomachache," Vince added, "sore throat."
"So not the stomach flu," Luke said brightly, "see, that's a win."
"Doesn't fucking feel like a win," Vince grimaced and gagged again, but brought up nothing, "I'm tired."
"Normal tired or gonna-pass-out tired?"
"Luke," Vince squeezed the basket, "shut up, please."
"Okay..." he chewed on his bottom lip, "I'm gonna find you some medicine. Put on the sweats, seriously, it's like thirty degrees here."
Leo, thankfully, had medicine. His was just for motion sickness, but Lucas grabbed a handful of pills, then got fever medication next door with Spencer, even if the guy refused to look him in the eye ever since Lucas' had nearly broken his nose by accident.
Somewhere in the back of his mind he thought of how glad he was that college was ending. He'd miss all of this, but clearly, things were running their course.
He opened the door to find all the lights out, Vince curled up on his side. Now with the sweats on.
"Got the meds, how are you feeling?"
"I don't think..." Vince bent over the side of the bed, spitting up another weak stream of vomit, "I can play tomorrow."
The admission was more scary than anything. Lucas nodded worriedly, "yeah, I don't think so either... " he sat on the edge of the bed, planting a hand on Vince's forehead, "I think your fever's settled down, though. For now."
"Thanks, doc" Vince grumbled sarcastically, then let out a small whimper, "can you... Can you get in here?"
"Where?" Lucas frowned, planting the medicine on the bedside table, "Vin?"
"I just don't wanna be alone right now, I feel fucking awful."
"Oh..." Lucas' cheeks burned. It wasn't the first time they had shared a bed, but rarely did Vince ever actively invite him into cuddles, "sure. Let me just clean this bin out. Please try the water again?"
"Water's not magic, you know?" Vince scoffed, but did take a small sip. Lucas stripped down his own shoes and clothes, changing into the old hoodie and turning up the heat just a little bit, though he was pretty sure he wouldn't need it since Vince was a furnace.
"So how do you-" he didn't get to ask how Vince wanted to cuddle, the big guy rolled over and then mushed his face on Luke's chest, letting out a painful groan.
Against his hip, Luke could feel Vince's stomach gurgle sickeningly, "that cannot be comfortable."
"It is," Vince moved slightly, breathing out, "you're actually really comfy."
Luke's heart ached a little more and he lowered his arm, resting it around Vince's back, "yeah?"
"Stop sounding smug, I will throw up on you."
"I think you're gonna do that regardless, dude," Luke chuckled, closing his eyes, "you're overheating me."
"Deal with it," Vince sighed, yawning, "thanks, Luke."
"Uhm, anytime," Lucas shrugged, yawning himself.
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Shower Sex Masterlist
A long hard fuck, you say? (Muke smut) (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 1k
Summary: Michael and Luke have shower sex, that's pretty much all you need to know
feels like i’m dreaming but i’m not sleeping (ao3) - badomensbaby luke/calum, michael/ashton E, 29k
Summary: “But saying that out loud is just..” the blonde boy trails off, his voice weakened and unsteady, “Makes me feel kind of pathetic, I guess.” “Pathetic?” Calum parrots, “Therapy isn’t just for people who have issues, Luke. I have patients who just like to tell me about their life because they want to. You have this preconceived notion that therapy is only for broken people.”
or, luke has too many problems but calum doesn’t mind them.
his only reason (ao3) - theonlyreason michael/luke T, 9k
Summary: there's a reason why 'the only reason' was gender-neutral
In The Dark (Like Meteorites) (ao3) - dafeedil michael/calum/ashton E, 26k
Summary: Ashton falls for Calum at a nightclub, and then for Calum's boyfriend, too.
I Wouldn't Know What to Say If I Had You (ao3) - bitscrawford (orphan_account) luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: “Can’t we just… shower together or sumthin’?”
Ashton’s brow furrows and he turns to look at Luke. “Are you serious?”
“Can’t two bros shower together without it being gay?”
Kinky (ao3) - wastedheartmuke michael/luke M, 43k
Summary: While moving into their new apartment, Luke finds a list of kinks Michael wants to try.
Seems like vanilla sex isn't enough for his boyfriend, but is Luke willing to try some kinky things?
Kissing And Touching Like No One Else (Do You Say That I'm A Sweetheart?) (ao3) - Migs luke/calum E, 1k
Summary: "Hi baby." Calum whispers as he joins Luke under the steaming hot shower, sneaking his arms under Luke's armpits as he hugs the blond from behind. His cock nestles perfectly between the plush globes when the blond arches his back towards the touch.
"Hi." Luke smiles as he turns his head sideways so that Calum can kiss his cheek.
OR: Cake shower sex
Like A Virgin (Touched For The Very First Time) (ao3) - DontGetTooCloseItsDarkInside michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: "So I have a head canon that Mikey was a bottom back in 2011 when he lost his virginity to Luke. Can you have them just like non stop fucking? Like Michael realizes he has feeling for Luke and after months of pining from the both of them Michael finally loses his virginity to Luke and they don't stop having sex for like daaaays!"
Lost Hearts (ao3) - CliffordAffliction ot4 E, 177k
Summary: Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael live in four different worlds in high school and each one of them is in love with someone who loves someone else. This can’t possibly end well…or can it?
So Much Better (ao3) - orphan_account calum/ashton, michael/luke, bryana/ashton N/R, 84k
Summary: This is good, good for Ashton. He works so hard, always taking care of the boys, he deserves someone who will take his mind off of things, even for a couple of hours to get coffee. Maybe it’ll make him better, and by extension, the band better. Maybe Bryana is a good thing for everyone. Yet, even now, as Calum tries to think of how great Bryana could be for Ashton, he can’t help but think that he would be so much better.
Or the one where Calum and Ashton have been Friends With Benefits for years, and Calum thought his feelings for Ashton were simply sexual until Bryana came into the picture.
that’s why you like it (ao3) - merlypops michael/calum E, 69k
Summary: Calum starts doing workouts in the garden over the summer and Michael spends the whole time with his hand down his pants (until Calum takes matters into his own hands).
The Way You Take Away My Breath (ao3) - dracomalfloy michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: Michael accidentally reveals to the world that he and Luke shower together
Tie That Binds - @ashtcnirwin (elivigar) E, 98k
Summary: In which Luke wants to explore miscellaneous kinks and Ashton strikes him as a good candidate to do said exploring with with.
Touchy Feely (ao3) - sammyswagstar ot4 E, 9k
Summary: The fic with demisexual Michael and ot4 that no one asked for. Michael gets handsy in the shower with his best friends and they take advantage of him, before they all get their happy ending. Pun intended?
Where You Go, I'll Follow (ao3) - fourdrunksluts, reversecow calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 211k
Summary: This story follows Calum, Michael, Luke, and Ashton on their journey to self-discovery. Through first loves, heartbreaks, and friendship, this is the behind the scenes of what the cameras didn't show through the years. 
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓘𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓰𝓷,, 𝓣𝓸 𝓖𝓸 𝓣𝓸 𝓑𝓮𝓭
𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓵𝓵: 𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓱𝓸𝔀 𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓲, 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓮𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹. 𝓘 𝓴𝓮𝓹𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓲𝓷 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵 𝓯𝓸𝓇 𝓸𝓷𝓬𝓮, 𝓘'𝓶 𝓼𝓸 𝓭𝓪𝓶𝓷 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓭 :D
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𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓲 (̶T̶̶a̶̶k̶̶e̶̶m̶̶i̶̶t̶̶c̶̶h̶̶y̶) 𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓴𝓲
● Have you seen his room? 😭
● Guarantee you he sleeps like an elementary school student, lemme explain
● Of course he's got his racing car patterned bed sheets and green pajama set
● He's scared his poor average mother too many times before by running like a waddle demon at 2 AM, headed straight for the bathroom
● So yes, he may not need a Lotta pee breaks but he barely recognizes he needs em when he does and at that point the only answer is 𝔣𝔲𝔠𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔯𝔲𝔫
● He's worn the same green pajama set since he was in kindergarten, so he knows that if the temperature is off, it's not him, it's the stupid concept of weather
● He isn't disturbed very often in his sleep unless the temperature is off in his room. He knows what the seasons feel like in his room with that same old ass pajama set and if it's off, he's going to be trying to stick his feet out from his puffy bedsheets and twisting his blonde hairs into pretzels
● Basically, the only ways to wake him up are to open a window, turn up the thermostat, slap him, or douse him with water
● He rolls to the other side like very other half hour, but he's pretty chill aside from that
● OK, yes, he has his temperature system all set up, cool for you- but why the fuck are you cold like you're dead, Takemichi💀 He wakes up, he's perfectly fine. He didn't feel cold, he didn't feel hot, he slept normally?? Like what are you speaking of? 🤨
● I just think the thing to focus on is how he tries to cram something like a healthy burrito in before bed. I know it's a weird thought but you know what? If he's going to be chasing after Mikey, Draken, and everyone else all day with no time to stop and eat or take care of himself, he's got to have one thing, cause if he isn't healthy he can't be a hero. :>
● If he shares a bed with anyone, show them this for advice: He's perfectly fine if you avoid his feet and his breath (it's so stank- he doesn't brush it before bed, only in the mornings). He's not a blanket hog (but he isn't generous), and if you hear him move around, 𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓯𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾
● Be a doll and just shake him awake real quick if he's having nightmares at all, which may be quite a bit common (he's got so much to worry about, duh). Simply shake him awake and you both can go back to bed. Sometimes heroes need a little saving from their own mind :>
● (𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓲𝓯 𝓱𝓮'𝓼 𝔀𝓪𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓰𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓪𝓽 2𝓐𝓜)
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𝓜𝓪𝓷𝓳𝓲𝓻𝓸 (𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓮𝔂) 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓸
● Ugh everyone knows how easy it is for him to go to sleep- it's waking him up that's a safety hazard
● He hits the pillow pretty easily after a healthy 15 minutes, then he's lightly snoozing for the next 8 hours, minimum
● He needs his pillow buddy or he can't koala cuddle 🥹
● " His dreams are so odd, I cannot" 🫷🤓 He will dream of doing can-cans with pastel fish mascots with the rest of Toman in the background doing a jig, then wake up to tell Draken immediately to see if he can conjure up a meaning like a magic man of wisdom as we all know dear Draken is.
● 100%, if touched while shifting around in bed, he'll throw hands with his eyes closed
● I feel like his room leaks a bit, and he's definitely woken up to his feet up to his knees in murky ass runaway tree water after a storm. Please he's only 5'3", he'll drown 😭🙏
● Why does he move in his sleep?
● Why must he frighten me?
● He just moves. It's at a snail pace, but he'll be at the foot of the bed at 8 and if you come back 17 minutes later, he's putting his unconscious Flexibility to the test with his chin on the ground, ribs touching the bed, and feet in the air
● 📸 👀
● How else can a poor soul afford a Taiyaki addiction😢🫴💵
● He will fall and hit his damn head against the wall, slowly reach the cold metal bed frame, and still snoozes
● He normally wakes up at about 6AM if he's on his routine of going to bed by 8PM. He basically goes from death slumber to Feather slumber
● His dreams may also be of those he's lost, and he will force himself to stay asleep and deep into it so he can get more time with them, even at 10, 11, or hell even into the afternoon. This can cause him to be a bit grumpy later in the day, but seeing those he has is definitely gonna make him feel better. However, he'll get super ungodly pissed the whole day if someone wakes him up, so think on the schedule 😀
● Just let him drag his damn blanket and blonde rat's nest around the house until he's got some coffee and a taiyaki, then he'll be all good
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𝓚𝓮𝓷 (𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷) 𝓡𝔂𝓾𝓰𝓾𝓳𝓲
● This stiff motherfucker is an NPC
● If you think he's already tall and awkward, walk your ass out after walking in on him asleep
● He'll be laying face down, straight, no limb out of place like a fresh mold out of a box or a beginning artist's front profile, head in the center of the pillow and feet bent
● His room is pretty cold. If you consider where he lives, you'd believe that the other rooms have excellent maintenance as far as heating or air conditioning, and his room as an old storage room would most likely not have the same pleasantries (he doesn't care, he's got tanktops, he's got sweatpants, he's got ✨️ non pussy bitch prowess ✨️ basically a minimalist)
● In the winter though, he'll be so annoyed by the drafts coming in from the elevator and cracks in the seams of the building seals
● During the winter is the only time he doesn't sleep like a lagging NPC
● He'll be spread out as far as possible and making himself comfortable on his back for once
● Once he's comfy, he grunts like a grizzly bear and uses his biceps as pillows for himself lmao
● He doesn't necessarily snore, he just has odd breathing patterns
● Gets up 20 times a night to get water and still falls back asleep like nothing happened, completely fresh. Girl how the fu- slay. 😀🫳✨️
● Okay, I don't know how the 🦆 to explain this but here I go
● One time Mikey just randomly gave Draken a plant to hold in his sleep and then he couldn't get it out of Draken's death hold
● Another time, Mitsuya had been over to study with him for biology, and it was a great opportunity for peace because he had someone trustworthy to babysit Luna and Mana for the night, which was rare. Mitsuya was going to head out, seeing as it was late and Draken fell asleep, but he almost forgot him jacket. He grabbed his book and saw his jacket was..under Draken. So he tries to grab it? No, Draken gets a new temporary Teddy bear to have more hair to pull
● Mitsuya woke up with a few thin patches and eye bags. Never stayed past 10 again 😀
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So! Mutant Mayhem is finally here and I took the day off work to go to the first showing this morning like a weirdo! I just wanted to share my initial thoughts on the movie now that I'm fresh out and haven't unblocked the Mutant Mayhem tag to see what others have been saying.
(Most of these come down to personal preference so, if you read something you don't like, don't come for me!)
First things first, the turtles!!! I love, love, LOVE them!!! This is honestly the first time I've had difficulty picking a fav. They were the highlight of the movie for me.
I don't think I've ever said this about Leo, but OMG he was adorable!! Such a good boi! I'm glad they cut that whole 'holier than thou' attitude he often gets lumped with. He was just out here doing his best and trying to have fun along the way.
Raph is my son. I have adopted him.
Donnie is hands down the cutest Donnie ever to exist. 2003 Donnie is still my fav, but I can have two, right?
I have to say that of the four, Mikey was the biggest surprise for me. And in the best way possible! I much prefer when he's not singled out as the stupid one acting dumb or the "funny" one. Sorry to any Mikey fans out there but I find most iterations of Mikey to be insufferable, and there're only three I actually genuinely like (including this one)! I like that he's on equal footing with his brothers. They are all dumb and funny together, and Mikey isn't fighting for their attention.
I was also super happy to see that no one turtle had the spotlight. They were very much a unit.
Return of the batman voice, this time ft. Leo!
The turtle tots were cute little chicken nuggets!! Really makes me want to get back into writing turtle tot fics!
This Splinter was really leaning into the stressed single father side of Splinter's persona more so than any other version. I'm here for it! He still kicked ass!
Another teen April. I'd prefer an older April that looks out for the turtles like an older sister tbh. I miss those days. But still, she was a great April all things considered!!
I could have done without the Leo/April stuff. I get that as teenagers they're going to have crushes, but any Turtle x April ship gives me the ick.
On that note, is Raph the only turtle to not have a significant crush on April in the whole franchise?!
The other mutants were enjoyable. None of them really stood out to me personally. Though, every Ray Fillet scene had me creased thinking about Postie in the recording booth. I'm glad that in the end they all sided with the turtles and they have a nice little found family going.
Splinter and his girlfriend!! 😂 It's about time!
WTF happened to Splinter that had him so concerned about them being milked. I mean, he was right in the end but, who hurt you child?
The animation style took a little getting used to but I thought it was very creative and interesting. The random shots from "real-life" like Ferris Bueller and the Chris' were a bit jarring, but funny nonetheless.
The whole "No Diggity" montage...*chef kiss* The 4 Non Blondes part was hilarious too!
I loved all the pop-culture references, but I think maybe it was a little excessive? I would have preferred if they left those primarily for the turtles. Instead, every character was a pop-culture connoisseur trying to out do the other characters.
Related to that point, I'm in Japan, so I felt bad for the non-English speaking Japanese watching this movie because there's only so much you can do with subtitles. 90% of the pop-culture references would go over the average viewers' head here, and yet, most of the comedy was contingent on these references. No one laughed. No one. (tbf, that's common in theaters in Japan regardless of how funny something is, but even so, I can't imagine it being very humorous to a non-English speaking adult here.) I might try the dubbed version just to compare. There's more freedom in dubbing but I can't see it being too much better.
That's all I got for now! I'm sure I forgot to mention a bunch of stuff. I will be going to see the movie again next week, and I'll probably have more to add after a second watch. But for now, I really enjoyed it. As a fan of the darker versions of the TMNT, I know I'm not the target audience for these things anymore. Coming to that realization today was a depressing thought. I had a great time watching for sure and I'm excited to have a lot of new fans joining the fandom!
I'm not sure if this movie cracks the top 5 of my favorite turtles but it's up there for sure. I give it a solid 7/10.
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
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I posted 3,656 times in 2022
1,223 posts created (33%)
2,433 posts reblogged (67%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,476 of my posts in 2022
#planet dumbfuck - 618 posts
#written in the stars - 420 posts
#ducky’s moonbeams 🤍 - 270 posts
#t content - 174 posts
#anon - 109 posts
#my actual genuine fav - 75 posts
#cutesy confections - 75 posts
#cosmic chaos - 71 posts
#life of ducky - 68 posts
#anime - 60 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#when your sociology teacher assigns a project on monday and says it’s due friday but you miss the in class work days
My Top Posts in 2022:
Um hello I’m kinda new here… I found your emergency requests on someone else’s blog and I really need one right now. My mom wont stop making comments on my body. It makes me feel really bad about myself all the time. Can you please write Takemichi, Chifuyu and Mikey comforting an s/o with body image issues? Thank you if you do write this!! If not, or if it’s too much, please just trash this!
Of course my dear.
Thank you for trusting me with this. I know ALL about this one.
(Brb manifesting Mikey’s)
Please don’t hesitate to come in my dms if you need any help at all.
CW UNDER THE CUT: mentions of bodyshaming.
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236 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Hello! I'm here for another order, if isn't too much!
I would like a dark chocolate in oval form, with ganache, oreo and raspberry creme fillings! With Gold Foil (Saiki himself). Have a great day! :)
I WILL be having a great day now, I wish you one as well.
So you better have one (ง'̀-'́)ง
This one’s a specific scenario! Oopsie he’s a little OOC here, but oh well.
𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑜𝑥 𝑤𝑎𝑠 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑦 ❤︎
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320 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
LAWDY I’m such a Kurapika simp helpppp
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𝕆𝕜𝕒𝕪 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖...
The passing streetlights becoming nothing but blurry shines of ochre, as you were blinking in and out of reality. The low hum of the wheels against the road further lulling you to give into your exhaustion.
The only thing keeping you awake being Kurapika’s gentle humming with the radio. His peaceful voice accurately hitting every note, further leaving you wanting to hear it more and more. Him carefully maneuvering around obstacles and potholes to keep the little ones asleep.
Said little ones being absolutely knocked out in the backseat, with you sitting patiently in between them. Against your left thigh, laying Gon. His bright, determined and sparkly eyes, now being shut and unmoving. His mouth hanging slightly agape. As for your right shoulder, Killua taking refuge there. His fluffy hair resting against you, his normally stoic face relaxing peacefully. Gentle snores emitting from his mouth.
Your eyes continuously blinking as you stir in and out of reality. Finally drooping your head downward, gently bonking heads with Killua.
“Hey, (Y/N)…? You doing alright back there?” The blonde at the wheel asking, him stealing a glance through the rearview.
His eyes fixating upon your sleeping figure, and the little boys sleeping on either side of you.
“I guess they are.” Him replying to himself sweetly.
“Aww. How considerate.” Leorio cooing softly from his front seat.
“Hey! Leave me alone” the Kurta quietly yelping in response.
The brunette shaking his head and staring at the passing buildings and cars.
“Sweet dreams, everyone.” A whispered message being the last thing Leorio heard before his own head was lolling to the side.
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476 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
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I’m so silly
803 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This is gonna be the first time I request from you and I hope you don't mind :))
An emergency request pls. So, i have this tendency of talkinga a lot, principally when its about something I really enjoy, one thing that is normal to happen when I talk too much is people interrupting me out of nowhere and never letting me finish, any time someone does that I just feel like crying honestly, and of course that happened today and no one seemed to notice. Could I have a scenario with Saiki where his partner normally suffers with that?
It's okay if you don't want to, have a great day :))
Hi of course you can!! Thank you for requesting!
Sorry about the long wait lmao I have a couple (like 10) of these in my inbox
CW BELOW THE CUT: Reader is ignored :(
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1,655 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mnanami · 9 months
Joro at home. 3 a.m.
Pairing: Draken x Mikey of Tokyo Revengers
Summary: Three o’clock in the morning. Dark clouds hung over Tokyo. Unfriendly weather forced Joro to break into the sleeping blond’s room through a slightly open window.
Word count: 3.8k
Knowledge of Tokyo Revengers manga/anime is not necessary. Draken/Ken-chin are one and the same person.
Today was a good day for Joro. In the morning he was awakened by the rays of the rising sun, which after a rather chilly night, were like a remedy for his slightly chilled body. Breakfast was no problem for him, literally materializing right in front of his eyes, and lunchtime meal he intended to eat out this time. So it seemed that the day would be much more gracious than the past, not fully slept night.
Taking advantage of the beautiful weather, full and rested after his morning nap, he spent most of this sunny day outside. The cloudless, starry sky spreading over Tokyo convinced Joro to spend the night outside this time, too.
After all, nothing foreshadowed what was about to happen around 3 a.m.
Huge raindrops hit the ground. Strong gusts of wind knocked Joro off on his feet, who almost immediately took the necessary steps to reach a dry, safe place. Using an open window in one of the ground-floor apartments, slipped inside unnoticed and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the room had ideal conditions for a frozen and drenched „guest".
The only source of light in this relatively small room was a street lamp, whose bright stream coming from behind slightly soiled lampshade, cast an eye-pleasing orange glow, scattering across the wooden panels. Joro moved nimbly across the room. Living figure sleeping on the bed moved, forcing him to immediately flee to the farthest corner of the room. Stuck in stillnes, he waited for more clues that would help him decide his next steps.
Long, bright hair spread out in a wide fan on the snow-white pillow as the boy lying on it moved, laying his body on his back. Raising his eyelids slowly, he turned his sleepy gaze toward the potential source of the sound, and his heart nearly stopped when he saw the shining, coal-black eyes staring at him.
But that wasn't the worst part, it wasn't the eyes that made him panic.
Desperate, he grabbed the phone lying on the nightstand and with a trembling hand launched Line, where from his favorites list he selected the most appropriate contact in such a situation and immediately started the call.
– Ken-chin! – Mikey called out in a whisper as soon as a distinctive sound on the other end suggested answering the call.
On the phone receiver, he heard the rustling that would accompany the turning of his still sluggish body on the bed and waited impatiently for any sign of awareness from his friend.
– What's up Mikey? Do you realize what time it is? – The timbre of his voice betrayed that he was in the first phase of a slow awakening.
– You have to come here – he said, still whispering and not taking his eyes off the intruder in his room.
– Here...? It means where? – Mikey heard a vague question.
Mikey could have sworn that Ken-chin yawned.
– My place – he replied impatiently. – You must come here, Ken-chin – he repeated once again, almost pleadingly saying his name.
– You're starting to scare me. What's going on? – he asked much more counsciously.
– There's no time to explain. I don't know how long it'll stay in one place. What if it moves?
– ...Mikey...
– Just come, please – interrupted him, slowly losing his temper.
Every second counted and Ken-chin didn't seem to understand it. Isn't it obvious that if he didn't need him immediately, he'd wait until morning?
– ...Ok, I'll be there in 10 minutes.
– 5 – Mikey corrected him, not taking his eyes off the intruder still stuck in stillness.
– Fine.
Mikey didn't dare look away. The smartphone screen lit up the room, showing more clearly the vivid reason for his behavior, a behavior far different from the one known to all for its steadfastness and tenacity. He put the switched–on phone back on the bedside table and leaned his back against a soft pillow. His head touched the cool wall, obviously not allowing his gaze to wander anywhere else, to let a distant corner of the room go unattended by his watchful eyes.
Every few seconds he glanced nervously at the phone's display to see if maybe this time the passing time took pity on him and the last digit jumped up a level, heralding the ever–closer appearance of Ken-chin. But no matter what the indications were, he felt disappointed in every case. And so the next very long seconds passed, creating another very long minutes.
So until he heard the click of a lock turning and familiar footsteps in the short corridor, all that existed was him in a state at least close to hysteria, an intruder who Mikey could swear was challenging him with his attitude, and time that seemed to defy the laws of physics. The door to the room opened, and a tall figure of a blond–haired boy appeared. His hair was shaved about halfway down, from which this time he formed something like a messy bun. It was a rather surprising sight, considering that a long carefully braided hairstyle was a characteristic part of his appearance.
– You're late – Mikey greeted him with a reproachful look, remembering perfectly the clock's indication from a second ago.
– One minute – he said unmoved, closing the door. – Now tell me why you brought me here – he added, looking suspiciously around the room.
He saw no threat. Hadn't he made it? But in that case, where is the body?
– You have to get rid of it – Mikey demanded, pointing to a spot on Ken-chin's right.
Draken's gaze went in that direction. At the same moment, as if miraculously recovered, Joro shuddered, setting his until recently paralyzed body in motion. Moving his eight legs quickly, he ducked to the side, hiding behind a wooden cabinet.
– ...Seriously? – Draken looked deadly at his friend sitting on the bed and sighed when he stubbornly didn't react.
Two pairs of dark eyes stared at each other in silence. What Draken saw in Mikey's, what he hadn't seen before, was fear. It was completely unlike him, almost comical. That's why when he heard his breaking voice, the words he addressed to him – he almost laughed.
– I won't sleep as long as this thing is in my room – Mikey said, staring at him with his big black eyes.
– You made me leave my warm bed and fight my way through a wall of rain in the middle of the night. How are you going to repent?
Serious situation, serious reaction. Draken was proud of himself.
– First... get rid of it. I can't concentrate when I know it's around.
– And what am I supposed to do with it? I'm not going to put it outside in this weather.
– What?! I don't expect you to put it anywhere. You have to kill him – he blurted out, not believing that he had to explain it at all.
– I won't do it. If you want to have an innocent creature on your conscience so much, go ahead – he announced, making his friend even more shocked. – Now move over and make me a place.
Mikey got the impression that time stood still and the whole room was spinning, looping Ken-chin's words: I won't do it...I won't do it....
– ...No... if you won't kill him, what was the point of bringing you here?
He felt panic take over his stressed body again.
– None – he replied, unzipping his pants.
– Ken-chin, I'm begging you!
He tried to convince him in another way. He hoped that the pleading tone would soften his heart, which at the moment seemed to be made of stone. His fingers tightened on the material of his t-shirt, and he located his widened eyes in those of Ken-chin, equally dark, but still impassive.
– Move – he said, not commenting on his behavior in any way.
– No – Mikey countered, pulling him by his shirt.
Mikey's voice and behavior reminded Draken of an insufferable child he passed on the street yesterday, who terrorized more than one passerby with his screaming. Taking a different tactic, he grabbed him by both hands and forcibly placed him on a soft mattress, so that this one-person surface could also accommodate his exhausted body.
Probably he couldn't make it under different circumstances. Mikey's current condition was working against him, depriving him of that almost inhuman strength, the one that was hidden in his only seemingly innocent body.
– I should have called Baji – he muttered, turning his back on him like an offended child.
– But you didn't. Swallow it and go to sleep – Draken said, slipping the rubber band from his long hair, placing it on the nightstand next to him and closing his eyes.
– ...What if it comes here? – Mikey asked after a while, bringing a wide smile to the face of his friend lying next to him.
– In this last moment of your life, remember that you were my best friend and I will miss you – he replied, giving his tone of voice a serious tone.
– Not helping, Ken-chin – he said quietly, curling his body like a hurt, frightened creature.
Mikey's quiet and soft voice caused Draken's gaze to wander to his curled body. Moved by the sight, so unusual and surprising, he felt the need to speak up in a different way.
– I'll protect you... It won't even touch you – he assured, irresponsibly touching his arm.
– Promise?
– I promise – he said, slowly moving his hand.
– Thank you – Mikey whispered, tightening his fingers on Ken-chin's warm hand.
– Besides, its venom fangs cannot pierce the skin, you would only feel a slight pinch.
Along with his last word, he felt Mikey's body tighten and his fingers strengthen their grip.
– Ken-chin... knowing that it could touch me in any way makes me panic. I don't even want to think...
– Ok, I got it. I promised that he won't come near you.
– Then why you...
– Forget the fangs talk.
A quiet murmur was all Draken heard in response. Taking his hand from Mikey's shoulder, he intertwined both hands behind his head and closed his eyes.
It was better this way. He couldn't afford to make another mistake.
– When you came here... you had something strange on your head – Mikey's voice echoed through the dark room, shattering Draken's futile attempts to fall asleep.
– Why did it sound like a reproach? – he asked amused, without opening his eyes.
– Because it was.
– I had only 5 minutes, don't be picky.
Mikey turned his body to the other side. His eyes almost immediately located his friend's face. Draken's head rested on the shared pillow, and his calm breathing brought him slowly into a well-deserved, though nonetheless distant sleep. Mikey's hand unconsciously went to his long blond hair and touched its smooth surface with his fingertips.
– What are you doing?
Draken watched his silent friend, whose action shattered the recent apparent calm.
– I was checking to see if it was still there – he explained, without withdrawing his hand.
– You didn't like it that much?
– You looked... different.
– In a bad way?
– Not sure. I don't have enough data.
And once again aware of the mistake he was making, Draken could not suppress the strong urge to touch him as well. Following his answer-seeking friend, Draken moved his hand and sank his long, slender fingers into Mikey's soft hair.
– What are you doing? – Mikey repeated the question that came from Ken-chin's mouth just a moment ago.
– Checking how it is – Draken explained rather laconically.
Mikey's eyes hid behind the soft skin of his eyelids as Draken's fingertips sunk deeper, boldly touching his skin.
– Has anyone... touched your hair before? – Mikey asked, without opening his eyes.
– Yes.
The answer stirred unpleasant emotions in him. Stronger than he expected to feel.
– Who?
– Sachiko.
– Who is she?
And more importantly – why did you let her touch your hair?! The second question didn't come up. Mikey's mind didn't allow it to reach Ken-chin.
– The hairdresser I've been going to for many years – he replied, forcing himself to be serious.
Mikey's moody voice made him incredibly happy.
When, once again, a quiet murmur was all he heard from him, this time it was he who asked.
– Has anyone touched your hair before?
– Shin.
– ...And ...who is Shin? – the tone of his voice sounded similar to Mikey's.
Although, he guessed under what circumstances the whole procedure with touching took place, he felt a strange urge to destroy something in his tightly clenched fingers of his right hand.
– Does it matter?
Draken refrained from asking further questions. Instead, he steered the conversation onto a slightly different track.
– ...Does this mean that no girl has done t h e s e? – he asked, running his fingers through Mikey's hair.
– No and I don't care. – He spoke the second part of his answer in a much quieter tone.
– Interesting.
So did he hear it after all?
Mikey tensed, tensing his muscles unnaturally. Averting his gaze, Mikey withdrew his still unsatisfied fingers. Draken's hand froze, letting his fingers rest freely on his friend's head. He didn't want to lose contact with him. Not yet.
– Are you bored? – asked Draken, extremely curious about the answer.
Mikey's disobedient body brought him another wave of heat. However, this time its source was not hidden in a monster on frail legs. The source had a completely different form, it was much closer, dangerously close.
– I wouldn't fall asleep that way – he replied evasively.
Draken smiled slightly upon hearing this forced comment, and ready to do the same, his hand returned to its original position, just behind his head.
Mikey understood perfectly what was happening. He understood, and at the same time tried with all his might to deny it. He told himself that the reason was the strange atmosphere, full of irrational mystery, the darkness in the room and this almost unbearable negligible distance between them. He told himself that under different circumstances his thoughts would not have wandered into such distant and unknown corners of his mind. Under normal circumstances, he would never have allowed himself such a scenario.
But is it really true?
After all, this isn't the first time Ken-chin's presence has simultaneously calmed and stimulated him. In that case, is there any point in denying it? Isn't it better to accept defeat and move on? Isn't it better to get honest and simply try to forget?
Aware that this was probably the last time Ken-chin would allow him to be this close, Mikey moved closer and grasped the material of his shirt in his fingers. Stimulated by his more intense scent, he closed his eyes, letting the pleasant scent fill his senses.
– I didn't know you were afraid of spiders – Draken said quietly.
The sound of his voice didn't betray one bit of what was going on inside him. Of how Mikey's unexpected gesture, affected his already rebellious heart.
– This is new to me – he added, but this time with the last word, he allowed himself something more.
He slowly raised his right hand, rested it on the mattress just behind Mikey's back, and, hesitating for a moment more, finally dared to touch them. Mikey shuddered. The warmth of Ken-chin's fingers felt behind the thin material of his t-shirt penetrated this fragile barrier and sank deeper, amazingly stimulating the receptors on his skin.
– Only you know about it – he said, struggling to control the tone, volume and speed of his voice. – If you tell anyone, I'll know it's you.
– It would be unwise to betray your only weakness.
– The only one you know – he corrected him quietly.
– There are more?
– Yes, but don't ask. I won't tell you anyway.
– ...What if I promised you that I'd get rid of Joro? – Draken asked, moving his hand a little higher.
Mikey's body tensed, which was easily sensed by Ken-chin's fingers touching him.
– ...Who?
– The spider from behind the closet. Although, in fact, it could be anywhere now.
– You're not playing fair – Mikey muttered, not daring to open his eyes.
He saw the impenetrable darkness that spread out right in front of him as a safe space where the word 'failure' did not exist. He wanted to believe that just behind the delicate skin of his eyelids there was nothing worth taking the risk to open his eyes and see if the illusory world in his head really existed.
– By the way, it doesn't have to be a spider. – Draken's voice rang out again. – Did you know that there is a yōkai named Jorōgumo who can take the form of a beautiful woman or a large spider?
When no response from his friend lying right next to him came, and the only reaction to his words was a stronger grip of Mikey's fingers on the cotton material of his t-shirt, Draken decided to continue.
– And did you know that these yōkai feed on young men?
– If so, shouldn't you also feel threatened?
– Good point.
– ...Since you know my weakness, it would be fair if you tell me yours – Mikey stated, remaining in the safe bubble of his own imagination.
– Yes, it would. But I'm afraid that would be the last thing you'd hear from me.
The illusory bubble burst, shattering irretrievably. Dark eyes met the other's, staring at him with utmost attention and a kind of sadness.
– I don't understand... – he said, getting the impression that the meaning of Ken-chin's next words would change everything.
– I don't want to lose you Mikey, so it's better if I don't dispel your doubts.
The chaos in his mind made it difficult to focus. Looping thoughts, at times absurd, forced him to speak back to Ken-chin in a way that would leave him no choice but to give in and confess the truth.
– Explain it to me – Mikey demanded, feeling his heart speed up, reaching unnatural speeds – and let me decide if you deserve to lose me.
A thought flashed through Draken's mind that although the chances were small, they were not really zero, that he had the right to hope. Fighting an internal battle, he didn't expect that the outcome would be decided by this seemingly small gesture from the boy staring at him.
Once again, Mikey's hand boldly moved toward Ken-chin's face, but this time it stopped captured by his strong fingers.
– You do realize that this is not able to stop me, right? – Mikey said without taking his eyes off him.
– Yes, although I'm not sure why.... What you were trying to do.
– Let me go, I'll show you.
– ...Isn't it strange? – Draken asked quietly.
His fingers still clenched tightly in Mikey's warm palm.
– What?
– The way we behave.
– Damn strange – Mikey admitted, causing Ken-chin's quiet laughter to reach his ears.
– If so, I think I'll take my chance – he said, pressing his hand against his warm cheek.
Mikey's eyes widened and his anxious heart sped up its work. Is it right to take his behavior in this way? Is it responsible to trust his own intuition? An intuition disturbed by the emotions bubbling up inside him?
– You're stronger than me, so stop me if I cross the line – Ken-chin spoke softly, giving him time to understand what was going on.
Very slowly and with hesitation noticeable in his movements, Draken brought him even closer to himself and held him close enough that he could feel his warm breath on his skin.
– Is it normal? – Mikey's voice was filled with emotion.
– What do you mean? – Draken asked, trying to trust his own senses, what he sees, hears and feels.
– That I don't mind...
– No, but...
– But?
– I'm not sure if I want to be normal... or if I want you to be.
– What's holding you back?
– It's hard to explain.
– You're scared – Mikey said, almost accusingly.
– Yes. I'm afraid that my action will destroy what is between us, and at the same time I'm afraid that if I don't take the risk, I'll lose the chance to see how close you would let me get to you.
– ...You're not a coward, Ken-chin. It's in your nature to take risks.
Provoked by his words, Ken-chin stopped analyzing his every potential move. Loosening the grip around his hand, he felt Mikey's fingers adjust to the shape of his cheek and slowly move higher, weaving their way into his long hair, which fell loosely around his neck and shoulders. His own hand found a rest on Mikey's face, slowly and carefully exploring every inch with his fingertips. Stopping near the lips, he ran his fingers over it and parting it gently, got close enough to taste it.
– It took an awfully long time – he heard Mikey's quiet whisper.
– They say mood is important – he replied with a slight amusement.
– Apparently so – Mikey agreed, expecting that this was not all they had experienced, that the tension between them would lead them in only one right direction.
As expected and as their needs grew stronger, their lips found each other again, and impatient hands made the space between them stop existing. The two moved independently, yet in remarkable synchronization, pushing against each other even more, so that the sensation of closeness reached another, higher level. The subtle kisses they shared gradually gained pace, significantly changing their character. Deeper and deeper, longer and longer, and more and more addictive, they deprived them of the ability to consciously control themselves, to return to a place that at the moment their flustered minds perceived as something irrelevant, something that never existed. That's why when Ken-chin moved, laying his body on top of the other one, the one belonging to the blond-haired, shorter boy staring at him with his shining black eyes, they both realized that returning to the life before that moment, was impossible. Ken-chin's kindness and unusual understanding of the surrounding world, not once suprised Mikey and made him feel safe. Knowing that he was next to him, that he could always count on him, gave him courage and faith that if he ever got lost, he would find him. Ken-chin will do anything to bring him back.
– Have I reached the limit? – heard his quiet question, snapping him out of his momentary daze.
– Limit? – Mikey repeated, not understanding.
– Have I gone too far? – he asked in a different way.
– I don't think there is any limit – Mikey replied, creating a unique confusion in Ken-chin's mind as well as his own.
– Impossible.
Mikey smiled, moving his hand to the spot where Ken-chin's smooth scalp was marked with a black tattoo under his hairline, and trailing his fingers along the sunken ink, forced his way closer to him. Their faces were almost touched each other, their breaths mingled with each other, and their gazes clearly betrayed what was to come next.
– In that case... let's find out which one of us is right – Mikey whispered against his lips.
„There are times when you can't give up." Draken, Tokyo Revengers
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shadow-lag · 2 years
Oh boy,, welp. Time for another long post of rambles. This time I'm watching the '03 tmnt B)
I'm on episode 4 and while I wasn't gonna do another one of these I've already had to put my phone down and walk around my room so here we are.
Fair warning: this will ofc contain spoilers. Everything I say will be random with limited context. (I dont expect anyone to even find this so-) And I'm a massive dork B) let's do this
I remember literally 80 seconds in I couldn't take a damn thing seriously- this is gonna be veryyy fun to watch
I can now see so many references rise (18) made and I'm going insane /pos New iterations make references to its past media! Who knew!
I think April is missing a rib or two /hj girl is absolutely snatched. I love her pants, I want those irl. (Classic big pants little shirt combo (why am I so gay))
Oh look! The boys are bonding over their anger issues! Why are they even fighting rn o(-( rise Casey is so small. Why is this Casey jacked- "for a little green dude, you are totally nuts" WHY IS HE SO SHORT YOURE RIGHT. he tough but smol. Lmfao. "Well isn't this romantic" HELLO??!??? guess I wasn't the only one getting enemies to lovers vibes over here, but you didn't need to point it out- damn. (Am I getting baited? In the ripe time of 2003?) Should Mikey have a personality outside of just being the funny guy? Yes. Do I appreciate all the jokes still? Yes. Yayy validate his cool new kick (I hate how Leo and Raph always beef. I need more happy brotherly bonding)
For brothers who aren't meant to be on the surface, they sure do make quick besties with the "surface dwellers" (as splinter would call them lol). Man any hope we had is gone fellas. The hets are here /lh? Casey within seconds has flustered April. This a lost cause smh. Casey you are on thin ice,, And in today's new. Local alley man parents a robot built in front of his very eyes (for money ofc). Mans is getting real emotional over this robot son rn. Wow this episode is actually pretty telling about parenting if you look at it too long. Yeah! Tell it to him straight April! Misogynistic characters don't belong in our silly little shows /srs
Bro just compacted his bike. Interesting to see them all have different sets of wheels and not just skate boards. Would have been cool to see that return. Or at least the roller blades (yes I'm 100% biased) I'm sorry if I've terribly read that. But did he just call the big blonde dude "hun"? What? (/neu) HE FLIES!! jet pack is much cooler but this is fun. WHY ARE THEY TAKING A BODY SHAPED THING FROM THE WATER? WJAT IS THAT. Is that a krang husk? The krang is in 03 isn't it? (Unfortunately (I hate the krang)) OH NO THATS DEFINITELY THE KRANG NOOO
Why IS Raph and Casey so buddy-buddy. I just feel like raph isn't the type to open up to someone so quickly o(-( Oh boy the foot is advertising turtle skewers all over the city. I don't think they're all too fond of raph little friend lmao. Casey why are you so ignorant- God yeah they reallyyy don't like casey rn lmfao BRO THEY STOLE RAPH AND THE DRAGONS ARE GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF CASEY? DUDE that's a little fucked up ngl. Ah I see. Smart moves case now go save your boyfriend. "This is some nice steel. How about telling me who gave them to you?" "Your mama" DAMN!! FOR REAL? WOW (I didn't think that clip was real ngl-) ah yes ofc he escaped he had plot armor my bad. Oh they're gonna drop Casey in the infinite water swirl. YOOO let's go Mikey!! Yippee the day is saved once more! Lmfao they really don't like when casey visits. I'm confused. I know this other ninja guy is most probably the shredder but who is his enemy is this? Does he work with the krang or like?? Maybe just a case of them connecting the wrong dots ig. Now who the fuck are the three monotone council members o(-(
Ooh boy fallen angel. Quite the title. Geez what did Casey get into now- hm I feel like fleeing the city would solve several problems but is a completely overlooked solution /hj man they look so goofy is normal clothes. Skivvies? What is that supposed to mean Raphael 🧐 I'm starting to think big guy isn't even human- nahh I think a wee bit of murder here would in fact be justified.
Ah yes vehicular manslaughter for this episode /j omg they've befriended the homeless and they are so sweet what the heck :(((( I'm crying /pos (no bc this is actually how it'd play out realistically. Outcasts stick together and I'm just- it says so much about our society but it's just a silly turtle show:( no wonder it attracted so many queer/trans folk with rise) don't you laugh at that sweet old man>:( help him get his friends back. Just got a very blunt lesson on capitalism. Based. Oh shit and now we are getting into slave labor. Uh- this episode is really touching up on reality huh. Oh god who the hell is this ugly dude gross. Please make him stop talking. What a veil thing. Yes good fall to your doom. NO WHY SAVE HIM? HES A HORRIBLE PERSON
Wait do they actually have tails? Mikey don't lie to me like this o(-( I wish with the design overhauls in rise they would have gotten tails. I know like it's easier to not animate them though so. I guess I can't complain too much. Oh the swords are important you say? Bad choice to say that out loud you're definitely going to lose them now. For plot ofc. And character development. NO YOU IDIOT DONT GO ANYWHERE ALONE. someone wack him with some rolled up newspaper and tell him you're proud of him please. Not funny-haha, funny weird. -Mikey, probably. I need tone tags on this guy /hj. Is he pulling my leg rn? What are you going against? No way he's not the shredder with the foot clan. Dude is definitely lying. Leo needs to leave. No don't accept the sword. No way it's real. Sincerity my ass o(-( dude. Council? Of krang right? God this show- so I'm assuming the krang and the foot doesn't like each other then? At least it's not mutual at least. Oh geez leo throw your brother off the building why don't you- Okay yes he is the shredder then. Ninja rat moment! Gotta throw in the tragic backstory. Bro got straight electrocuted to death /hsrs. Dang. Poor rat man. Wow Leo really did get played. L. Oooo fight scene in the storm! Come on give this big doofus another scar. God these council people are weird. Oop- here comes the shredder.
Oh okay so Hun is that dudes real name- I'm just dumb-
[a break in the rambles. Notes? Idk. This is gonna be extremely long huh- barely even through the first season and it's already an essay. Maybe I should tone it down a bit. I mean surely tumblr has a character limit]
"Whats the one thing I told them not to do? Face the shredder. Surely that's what they're doing then" (paraphrased) ofc. Like most rebellious children lmao. (My siblings for example lmao) welp they just broke into someone's apartment- lmao that poor kid. Raph is going to kill Mikey for that one if the foot doesn't first lmfao. Noo you can't leave the old (rat) man to figure out technology come on donnie. Bro is that the sword light saber thing from the mando? Wait so are they allies with the potentially the krang guys now? Master splinter had the look tm. Hmmmm I feel like the shredder will somehow survive that. Yep. He'll be back. L.
Bro there's super heros in this too- they'd accept super heros but not our favorite turtle bros? Not very cool new york. Don't make fun of his art :( damn poor mikey. Yes! April support!! Oh no who's this guy. THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS? Oh. Super hero. Lmao in their faces.
There is literally so much lore in this series holy cow
I saw something something "kirby" on screen and damn near exploded. They are nothing alike at all. But man does my brain like to play me like a fool. Man this series was written by a bunch of crystal girls (/neu) oh my god donnie took kirby (the tmnt version) to dreamland /j holy shit kirby fucking died (please know my main coping mechanism is humor) (it's actually kinda sweet to think he's in a land of his imagination!)
[Okay this is so much longer than what my rise one was already omg- I should just close tumblr and give it a rest lmao. Honestly if Casey and Raph first interactions didn't seem so enemies to lovers this would have never happen /hj]
"Of the four of us leo is the one turtle you never have to worry about" *cut to leo fighting like 20 dudes by himself in the rain* Whats with Leo and getting thrown off buildings??
No it's not a great loss they're not dead just like walk through the fire and save them or something o(-( m a n
Wow calling the next one tales of Leo makes it sounds like he's actually dead damn- omg we get turtle tots in this one too this is amazing. The sillies<3 Raph. Buddy. Goofball. ITS OKAY TO SHOW EMOTION (that isn't just anger) COME ON
I was gonna say we need more light hearted goofy episodes like monster hunter but was completely cut off from, and I quote, "Someone once said, "The only difference between men and boys is there size of their toys." " and I am literally jaw dropped to the floor bc I did not take that line well- I am fighting demons rn (trying not to laugh in the middle of the night) I am so thrown off by that line-
Bro why did Leo call Baxter Stockmen a fruitcake💀 I'm sorry- did he just cut shredders head clean off??😭 sorry shredder but there's absolutely no coming back from that one lmao. EXCUSE ME?? well damn I guess there IS coming back from that one. So, not human?
If it weren't for like ninja honor and morals and all that Raph would 100% have these goons dead. Raph goes blind (real) Raph making friends with literally every "hothead" he meets in alley ways (part 2)
Oh these guys are absolutely wack job krang. EWWW NO THEY ARE KRANG D: oh man the boys are in trouble now. Just like give them their dad back and we can allll go home. Why is splinter in the orange juice. They really have no reason to fight. Like. Listen, crazy idea now. Just communicate. OMG THEYRE FUCKING GONE. THEY'VE BEEN DISINTEGRATED.
Okay wowza that's only season 1. 6 more seasons to go- this is going to be one wild ride huh. This show really knows how to keep ya on your feet. All this is doing though is making me wish we got more Rise o(-( how come this wack iterations (/pos) got so many episodes, but rottmnt barely got 2 seasons and a movie?
Starting season 2 same day ofc. I have to binge this show as quickly as humanly possible /hj perhaps I'll try to write less, maybe I'll write even more who knows. Eventually I'm sure I'll hit some sort of limit. This singular post is about to be more words than any fanfic I've ever wrote lmao.
Bros just got reconstructed in space. Mmm the star wars tmnt crossover all us nerds wanted. The guys are always getting into so much trouble 😭 I like how Mikey is more worried about how the colors of the dress clash with his bandana more than the fact its a dress. Based and real. Oh god the blue dude is hitting on Mikey o(-( yeah yeah kick his ass! Oh noo don't get caught. :0 It's chewy but blue! Girlboss Mikey!! Girlboss Mikey!! "You go girl!" Bro I'm dead lmfao. Finally they all have,, GUNS
"The big house" oh man they're going to jail. Oh wow yeah they're in jail. And now they are going to bust out of jail. Wonderful. Damn it Raph. Well dang guess spoons are a weapon. Welp off to the games they go then. Oh boy they've taken a hostage of a dictator. THE ROBOT IS GOING TO KILL HIMSELF?? Okay no he doesn't die (yet?. Hopefully not) Wow they all have horrible aim. It is truly bizarre all the shit the turtle bros get themselves into to. (How many times am I gonna have to say that before I can have a silly goofy episode o(-( ) Also can I say those tube things they have in their mouth for oxygen make no sense- like I can understand how that would actually work properly- I can only imagine it was just the easiest solution (to draw) They look so silly in the space suits /pos. Just makes me wish they would have been given tails in the rise redesign hauls </3 Oop the krang is bringing them back it seems. HOW MANY PARTS ARE IN THIS ONE?? ITS LIKE A WHOLE MOVIE AT THIS POINT LOL. Okay well it's to be continued, but this one is a different part 1, 2, ect. Oooo and now the new yorkers are suspicious. SPLINTS!! HES BACK!! YIPPEE. Ooo wait what they're buddies? Utroms. So um. Not krang? But like. Sorta similar? Do the krang and utroms have like a civil war or something I'm so confused o(-( Oh. My. God. Baxter is a fucking spider. I agree with Mikey I would not go in the pod. Okay okay. So this criminal utrom is gonna be the krang then, right? OMG THE SHREDDER IS THE EVIL UTROM DUDE. BRO. NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE. BAXTER YOU MOTHER FUCKER. WHY CANT YOU JUST DIE ALREADY. I genuinely can but believe there's 7 seasons. Like. What on earth (or within the rest of the universe for that matter-) could they possible get into after this?? The shredder is literally a roach, how does he keep coming back o(-( at least stockmen is free from his control? Even know he has like just a head left- YIPPEE!! THE BOYS ARE GOING HOME!!
Splinter I have like 27 IQ what's with all the riddles. It's so odd seeing them without their bandana on lol. Raph you don't have to be a jerk all the time smh smh. Leo just happens to be better than all of you half of the time. No big deal- (kinda feel bad for raph and mikey. Mikey mostly. It feels like they don't have anything special:( I mean hell donnie is extremely smart, he's probably the most special. But leo has that edge in combat) Yep family B) *distant punches and screaming*
Oh boy quite the intro. Leo just dies. Right off the bat. /j what. Why does he seek leo o(-( icecream!! Raph seems to like mint chocolate chip! Win! Oh right this guy. Wonder what his deal is- DITTO!! Huh- this is so dumb >:( agreed very over dramatic. Also didn't shredder kinda like,, defeat himself. It was his bomb thing after all. Omg did this dude just portal away in his cape. Metaknight?? Is that you?? /s literally stole mks moves smh. Haha take the L random ninja dude. Now he's the real greatest warrior in the galaxy. Wow this episode is so random lmao I love it. Can the time be right like now- I'm so confused o(-(
The little intro things are so silly. They're like interviews at the beginning. No Casey it's not a date or anything at all nooooo. (I wish it wasn't a date smh get your romance out of my goofy ninja turtles show) dude I kinda feel bad for this robot kid thing. If only the nanobots ended up in better hands. LMAO "and when will you have her home young man?" AS IF YOU ALL ARENT FRIENDS IM CRACKLING. Thank you donnie finally someone wants to help it. NO NO KISSING>:( GO BACK TO BEING SILLY AND GOOFY
Yes you are absolutely always getting into wack ass situation Mikey great observation. Finally someone said it. Noo Mikey is about to be eaten by a giant gator- bros just trying to live and they're messing with him lmao. HUH? Are those like magic glasses o(-( oh no he just talks normally. Just a normal everyday fellow mutant. Swear to God if he's working on a new body suit for shredder- who *somehow* is still alive. SEE RISE RAPH COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH COOLER WITH A BIG TAIL. YO cool he's a mutant dude too. Wait was he there when the building exploded and all that? Yes. You the one it just scanned fight it first. YEAH GATOR GUY KICK HIS ASS!! Bro,, :( thats so sad what the hell.
This show was absolutely written by a bunch of crystal girls. (/neu (I have a bunch of crystals myself lol)) These guys are insane. Where do they get the funds for all this stuff anyways- damn right you're proud of him. Dude is insane intelligent-
Ooo starting this one with a song huh. The foot? And the wacky tie guy? Oh shit right it's the gang wars episode isn't it- TURF WAR (my brain is impeccably small) [splatoon reference]
Ya know I wonder if these sorts of shows have like idk psychological affects on kids? Like do they leave any sort of impression on them? Are kids who watch these "crime fighting or hero" shows more likely to be "good-do'ers" and have better morals bc they are given an example of the hero and see how the bad guys always lose, have bad endings, and inflict so much pain (and property damage lol). Are these kids more likely to take up jobs like police officers? What even makes a person want to be a cop anyways lol. Idk. Food for thought I guess. All coherent thoughts must go to the mega-post after all.
BAXTER? IS BACK?? AGAIN??? I shouldn't even be surprised anymore.
Have I mentioned how much I envy their voices sometimes. Bc damn o(-( it's just occasional lines. Here and there. Lmao transmasc things ig.
Bro. Raph. Leo. Stop fighting you dingdongs. Ofc Hun is back. BROS GOING TO BLOW. Karai? Haven't I heard that name before. YOU CANT JUST COME IN HERE AND KILL OFF LEO LIKE THAT LADY. genuinely how do they make this last 7 whole seasons lol
Why are those two dudes like super yellow- I can only imagine this is sorta racist..
I'm sorry is that the shredder?? Broooo. Oh- yeah yeah that makes sense. That's what I was thinking lmao. This is just- dude o(-( would have been cooler if the plan worked. RAPH!! SPLINTER!!!!! God damn it he is actually back. Where is your honor!?
I'm so sorry, Baxter? Uhh that's a bit too far now. Please just kill him off. This is getting ridiculous 💀
Woah the plot twists in this one is crazy fr ZOG NO!! he killed a man in cold blood,, the turtles would have been toast without you Zog. Rip <//3
Uhh I think I skipped one but WOAH TINY ROBOTS ROBBING THE COMIC STORE! They've got the tiny guy. Ofc Don is tracking the old men lmao. Plot twist, the two super heros had,,,, SEX. Win day for Mikey tho let's goooooo.
THE BATTLE NEXUS USED TO BE HONORABLE? Wow splinter is even more of a nut than the boys. BUNNY BOY??? REAL?? I remember absolutely nothing anyone told me about usagi? (I forgor his name) aww splints:( the boys are all grown up. Uh oh. Traximus sounds so close to Draximus which is my dogs name lmao. BUNNY BOY-O IS BACK OMG. omg he's so dumb looking lol. Ooo toffas! The shredder?? Well his helmet anyways. So uh. When do they kiss? (Joke) wait what if splinter and like leo both make it to the very top? Do they just fight each other? Aww donnie:( poor dude he will never live this down lmao. Woah the ninja dude is just as bad as the shredder. L. This guy is so lame. Kill him off! LMAO ofc. Quite the match ups. Mikey sorry you're out lol. Aw splinter you're so cool. Okay that makes more sense tbh- dude is about to get clapped by his son. (Uh killed that is) Oh? Kinda surprised Raph won that. Okay. Ohhh noo. I am so normal about this show (lie) Okay I'm not quite down with this one but I don't see how the ship stands as of now- unless the fandom is literally just clinging on anything we can get lol [boy this is making me what to do a video essay just rambling about this show. Just overall. And some of its themes and topics it discusses. I have my gripes, but I'm overjoyed to watch it still] anywaysss. Uh oh leo! Donnie to the rescue! (Wrong target tho don!) You stupid red haired jerk. Welp big powerful dude is dead. Oop. Wait until raph and mikey finds out what happened. YOU SCUM DONT FRAME THE RAT >:( Usagi the doctor bunny! Mikey! Stop running your mouth! Eep! You red haired mf>:((( stop>:(( ofccc it's the dragon. Uh oh. Uh oh. They don't even get to see what happened to Leo. Lmfao now it's raph and mikey that's hilarious. Oh my God mikey being annoying is a genuine strategy lmfao. This is hilarious. Crackling rn. Raph that's absolutely stupid?! Let's go!!! (Love this trax guy) uh hating this stupid shadow creatures tho. Yippee! Donnie and Usagi saving the day! I can certainly see why everyone loves Usagi. He's such a little critter /pos /aff. Brave Usagi!! Yippee!! NO DONT SKEWER THE RABBIT. Oooo leo! Mikey for the win!! It would absolutely be the most funny outcome. Yeah good! The staff should fight back! Too bad it didn't fight back hard enough. Oh boy a dimensional rift huh? Is kirby coming to eat a car? (Sorry) ((lie)) bye bye red losers! Fall to your own evil plans. WOOOOOOO LETS GO MIKEY!! That's it with Usagi? A bit surprised. The sillies<3 once again mikey is technically the most powerful lol. No- not the dinos coming to invade earth- God that was a long one. See ya in the next!
Hm perhaps it is in fact the end of the world. Donnie D: looks like we're going back to space boys
Raise the stacks? Who is this guy? Wait I thought the justice league knock offs were all old and stuff. This show is so confusing o(-( oh boy they're bringing out the nukes. Oh- do they actually survive nukes? Yes ofc they do. I agree with Mikey. Hand over my happy ending. Damn poor donnie- BRO JUST NINJA-ED HIS WAY OUT OF THAT?? Wow this is going to kill the economy fr. Come on donnie your brothers can totally kick ass (plus they're like not even on earth rn-) oh god they're gonna get shot. Yippee!! Another rebellion dude! Double ship theft. Poor mikey. He just wants credit for all their hard work lol. Did he- did he just come back to earth?- this little bot is a funny guy. Uh oh I think that's the other space nerds isn't is? The,, government? Makes sense. Raphy is such a cute nickname. It's hilarious how he's the one with that kind of nickname since he's the 'hothead' ughhh the American government is here. Leave the space stuff to the mutants please. Oh they're just goons o(-( Uh nvm government? No it is the military? I'm so confused. Why do they have laser guns. Yeah Don that's what I'm saying. Heyyy splints time to go. Yes take them with you and go. Now we fight the US military. WHO IS THIS FREAKY GUY???? ew stop. Bishop. Yeah. More like bitch hop out of here right now. Stop speaking like that. I hate this show. Where is the justice. Well hopefully honeycutt actually like wiped his memory or whatever. This is why you can't trust the government kids. No leatherhead D: stuck in a drawer.. gross. Holy shit I hate this bishop guy. Yall better hurry before they look their DNA and shit (and their lives-) GO SPLINTER JUST LIKE KILL SOMEONE FOR ONCE. (sure it goes against the ninja honor whatever but this guy deserves it!!) HE IS ONE SCUM BAG MAN WHY THE HELL IS HE WINNING??????? Hate this. Someone give raph a gun and permission to kill. Oh boy he IS the system. Rare good side win. Still hate bishop an insane amount. Let's keep in mind these guys are like what 16? The trauma is off the charts o(-( another honorable hero lost o7. This show is so wacky and weird. At least they won? I mean obviously some things are foreshadowed but things are still so unpredictable- I wonder what trouble the boys will get into next. I mean bitch bishop will be back, so will the shredder and the foot. And I guess baxter is to some degree alive??
Oh god who's this guy. A true ultimate power bump? I suppose? Raph this is why we don't cheat in racing. He's a good guy you goons o(-( yay! Old lady to the rescue! Finally a cat that likes Raph. Rise!raph wishes. Um? The train can't really get them right? Plot armor and ninja quickness and all- If anything happens to this old lady I'm coming after everyone myself. Ah yes thinking. A brave new world for mikey. Awww he gave the money to the old lady:D yippee!! Literally the best part of the whole show calling it now. Finding out one of them isn't dead? Cool. Helping this wonderful old lady? Absolutely awesome! I hope raph gets another tea party with her honestly-
And this episode, trauma response, nightmares! Poor LH:( oo the evil turtles are scary. Oh no. Mikey is out- aw:( dudes got landmines fr. I love how they look after each other and joke around <3 the sillies <3 okay back to the saddness- what the fuck why is everyone in this place absolutely wackjobs with no heart and morals??? o(-( YAY!! Can't handle another sacrifice. :) family
Oh boy this one is titled hate. Can only wonder what this is about. They always get into the wackiest situations- lmao never alone april and casey. Bro I thought that was Casey and he got shot- damn- lmfao bro got pants. LMAO I have a solution hate crimers to kick the aliens out of New York we are gonna,,,BLOW UP THE ENTIREY OF NEW YORK. Quite the plan. Uh oh mommy's home casey. Aw Ma likes April. Lmao she found about splinter and the turtles too that's amazing. Ma is another character we must protect at all costs.
BATMAN? nobody?? Huh. Mikey be like mom said it's my turn with the video games >:( lmao. Dudes covered in true black paint lmao. Wow they touch and go guys are back. L. Broooo why are there so many villains in New York. What does the rest of the world do? Do they have villains? Who fights there weird crimes? Villains across the globe be like. Ya know what'd be cool? If we went to new york permanently. Hell yeah he's a someone now. I think Hun is gonna be fired lmao. I think a certain group of everyone's favorite green boys accidently pulled an all nighter lmao.
Uh guys maybe you shouldn't leave casey out at night. MORE TURTLE TOTS!! omg they're so cute. Young casey? Why doesn't anyone remember this? They're so silly. Lmfao they are horrible liars. They're so adorable. They're so goofy omg. This is so silly that's why casey scream goongala or whatever all the time- lmfao theyre all confusing him. It seems like leo and donnie were the first to take any sort of training to heart. They are all still horrible liars tho lmao. Busted~ oh well I guess casey was just sorta a natural in street fighting-
Ooo Christmas episode? Please tell me mikey gets to keep the cat pleaseeee (I'm sure he'll like give em to the kids or something but man it would have been nice) how does clunk say in his coat through all that- oo raph? I didn't think he was the type to be into interfering with people's romantic relationships (trying to make casey and april kiss with mistletoe lmao) I guess it makes sense. Cj and him are the closest. USAGI!!!! what did he say o(-( aww they got swords for each other lmao. I wonder if he will actually use it. Lmao L casey. I too love cookies. Aw:( where's mikey? Just in hot pursuit with the cops no big deal. He's literally causing more harm than good o(-( lmao beautiful. PLEASE LET HIM KEEP THE CAT. Aww. rat santa. Wait does this mean he keeps the cat?????:D
Did she just break his neck- dude stop fighting each other lmao. I wonder who keeps calling donnie? This is the second time now. Dang did they actually train the foot clan this round? Bro:/ stop hitting on the foot lady. B o o m. Karai? Good. That's right. Eventually she'll be on the good side. Confused,, always.
Excuse me. Did master splinter just fucking die as the intro o(-( THE CAT IS HERE!! uh oh. What. Why does Don just know Italian lol. Welp time to fight the dead. Okay so this isn't real. I wonder what this all means? What they fear most? IVE SEEN THIS CLIP WITH RAPH AS SHREDDER BEFORE? HUH? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN. IM SO CONFUSED HELP. Hmm so Leo's is about not like being independent enough? A good enough leader to not need help. A good enough ninja to not get his own father killed for coming to his aid. He fears being a disappointment and a failure. Oh o(-( Uh. Donnies? Maybe afraid of losing those he's meant to protect ig? Having people not listen to his own orders and paying the price.? I'm not really sure on that one. It's a bit confusing and probably could be interpreted more than the others. Mikeys seems tied back to that one deal leo almost made with the shredder. But also a fear with losing his brothers in whole. Raph is clearly afraid of hurting those he loves whether it's directly or indirectly. Probably due to his consistent rash course of action. Those are just my quick theories though! I did drop out of psychology after all lol. What happened to the staff? Ah there it is. What would leo even do with all kinds of power anyways lol. Oh my that must be spooky to watch- oh. Welllll guess it's not dead:/
Oop new guy is finally killing off baxter. Ohh the calls were from her. Damn he doesn't get squashed. Or the calls are from honeycutt. I'm not paying attention enough lmao. Omg they've been shoved into a crate haven't they? Rude. Can't just drop them like that. Let's go professor!! Welp wrong direction oh well at least it's not in the air. Kinda feel bad for karai.
Wow that's a lot of lore. Just out of basically no where lmao. Woah these filler episodes are getting out of hand- bizarre.
Okay. And I thought last episode was crazy. Dude just tried to attack time. Okay,, so that all happened. Wack. How do you think they tell these to splinter? Do..they even tell him? Is it worth trying to explain-
Bro can't bishop just die please. Poor raph is bike is gone. Surely baxter doesn't make it out of this one.
Bro donnie just appeared- oh wow. He's back. They are back? Ohh wait so they do actually tell splinter of all the shenanigans they get into lol. Or some of them at least. Omg so I guess that one time when donnie said during the second nanobots episode that if splinter were evil they would also likely be evil. I guess he was wrong. At least in this universe. The turtles are always the good guys. Omg that's absolutely hilarious mikey really knows how to leave his mark huh?
Good morning all beings and forms huh? I think that one. Wayy better than ladies and gentlemen.
Okay I was gonna comment on raphs more (speaking of the other two, I wonder what these mean? The others so far seemed less harmless than this one, if anything they were enjoyable (sure mikey had to save the world but he loves superheros so) I can only assume donnie will be saving this world, or trying to anyways, or teach someone(s) a valuable lesson (like raph did) I'm just confused as to what part of this could be possibly enjoyable for donnie. I've actually heard a good overview of this episode. Guess I'll actually have to watch the full thing before I come back huh lol. Oop- it's crazy to think in a similar reality they would split up. You would think leo would stay, but it makes senses it's actually mikey. Oh- hes dead. Holy moly they've merged. It kinda makes sense after all that hun and baxter would form a (probably forced) alliance and join the rebellion. Oh. Nvm. They still hate each other lol. Damn donnie better watch his back now- oh my they look worst for wear too. Oop straight to the room it seems. Damn he's huge. Finally! April has a gun! Oh- guess hun is a goner- Mikey? MIKEYYY. AIM FOR THE HEAD DAMN IT. How does leo fight so well blind? Oh damb there goes leo- holy shit this uh doesn't end well does it. Uh? Are they not really dead then? Um. Yay! They did it? Guess he saved this world. Woah. Quite the episode. I wonder why his was so,, bad? He too saved people and taught a lesson. It'll be interesting to see Leo's now.
So leo goes to usagi land it seems (idk where that dudes from sorry-) oh wait so we don't see Leo's part in that one? Just usagi somehow contacting leo and taking him to the battle nexus area. Okay still going with this plot line. Very confused. Oh- what-? Is this for real? o(-( it's so funny to think so one realizes they're ya know green and such when they have clothes on. Uh oh- this isn't good. Why even is Usagi so like loyal to Leo? Maybe it is just some honor thing and this is how a friendship would work. I mean Raph has Casey. Oh dang so he gets all of them at once. Crazy. I guess he would have the most focus. Dang poor donnie- looks like they're a but more powerful than what they thought. Oop- quite the few episodes.
Icky sound I hate it. When can bishop just like idkkk pass away maybe? Please? Hate this guy. Wow he really does get around for an earthling. Uh maybe that's where he got the tech. Evolution? That thing is half robot. Aw he pushed mikey out of the way:( oh god he's ugly. Ew he just disappeared. Let's go honeycutt! Well there is 4 more seasons I'd say they do something right you freaky jerk. Dang conceded much? Can it truly be over with bishop. I really hate this dude. Oh- wish came true? Guess they really hung this guys career to dry then. I'm surely not complaining. Damn. I never win smh.
Oh? Interesting. Ooo he actually got a shot in? Wait isn't donnie and LH in the tunnels?? Oh dang. Brawling moment. How the hell is this bishop dude so good at combat. Huh? He didn't know? I would have thought he knew. Dumb blob. Looks like the end for you. Damn you karai stop being a dumbass. Oh shit donnie. Jump jump jump! Let's not forget this is only the half way point of all this-
Welp to space we go then. Oh god he's got an even uglier body. Does splinter like make it to the finale of all this? WHAT HELLO EXCUSE ME HUH DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN IS LEO OKAY HE MAKES IT RIGHT SURELY THIS IS LIKE TOTALLY FINE RIGHT. Oh man. I am just. I'm gonna need to pace around the room. Wow Karai finally using your brain here. Leo? Man:( honor to the end huh. I just want to know how they actually survive all this. Bc if they do surely the shredder does too. YES UTROM!! THANK YOU. Too bad bishop didn't magically end up on the ship. Wish he would die too lol. Wow this dude has caused so much harm. Finally. Dude is gone. Too bad Karai. You could have stopped this yourself. Woah this is great. Rare turtles win:) really should have just totally killed that evil blob tho. Would have been easier and for the better- lol they're gonna need a new intro now.
Well shit they can just never catch a damn break- oh sweet yeah new intro. I guess shredder is really gone then? Who is this weirdo. Ofc wack job has a gun. Oh my God they've put Raph in the closet. Lmfao. That's perfect. Uh oh mikey. Hard to fight with no legs. Finally some good luck lol. Hell yeah you are all that and a bag of chips mikey B) lmfao. I need to see donnie with more winning one liners. Nightie night dragon boy bam! (I don't mention enough how much I love 03 donnie. Hes just a funky lil guy.) Lmfao the little doodle. I haven't been keeping proper track of my favorite episodes but I'd say this is one of them. S4E1. Let's go ninja April!! Raph you're such a butthead lmao. Aw that's cool. What would they do with a bunch of money anyways?
There's no such thing as boring around here mike. Omg I just noticed. Usagi is in Leo's little intro thing. Perhaps I can see where the fandom is coming from with these two. Damn. Leo:( omg casey you dork. Uh oh- can't even watch the stars around here smh smh. Woah raph stopping leo from hitting something? The universe has shifted lmao. Why so many flowers o(-( (does he stink? Eh probably) Dude just got picked up like bird food. Amazing burnt pancakes. The sub plot love story is really coming together. Dude mikeys legs will never heal at this rate- oop into the bubble you go weird crazy blue lady. What? Interesting gift ig? But a gift nonetheless?
Man leo:( always so hard on yourself. He's definitely got that leader syndrome. Uh fish lady? Oh more of those ancient people. "Where we could spawn" excuse me- how do they stay under water that long. Leo's shell :( I didn't notice the slice until now. Oh god I didn't know those things were called "dikes" it sounded like donnie was calling me a slur 😭 "Um, just a little guy in-" nope cut. Stop right there. You are in fact just a little guy. End of sentence /aff yeah idiot. The turtles are good do-ers! Lil fish people live!
Hm?. Leo going out without the bros. But bringing casey? This is a bit confusing. I agree with case he's definitely be eating out of raphs bowl a little too much. No one thinking for you blue one. What has gotten into him anyways:/ Leo's lost his mind. Was that the sound of bones breaking? I'm sorry has he actually gone nuts? Oh boy whats in the ice crate. Agreed what on (totally not) earth? Oh creepy demon thing. Why does the military have that beast anyways- damn I'd just leave if I were Leo. Looks like they've got their hands full anyway. Ew- oh. He's in two pieces. Leo actually goes insane (real) oh. That thing is a test subject ain't it. Oh god that's nasty. What is this show rated- they don't show much blood violence but uh body gore is in the table- do you think Leo's shell ever heals all the way? Ouch- Bishop you whore. Well damn looks like everyone knows the boys are back in town. Aw:( that's so sad dude. Everytime I see bishop I hate him even more.
Is that the clone thing guy? That the turtles took out? Yeah I'd say so. Mikey is so goofy /pos. That's a lot of rats- oh no mike- this ain't good. It's the damn rat king. How does this guy control the dang rats anyways o(-( the boys are going home with a million and a half diseases tonight- that whole building is going down. Leo stop trying to take things by yourself it's not going to redeem yourself. I agree with raph. Something has definitely gotten into leo. Oh my God that's so many rats. Gone to the rats. The like one million rats. Why didn't the rats eat him. I'm so confused. What does he even have to do with rats??
Oh boy mikeys gotta do a rematch. Huh? Are they training or actually fighting leo?? Oh okay training. Lmfao mikey. Aw even all the shit he talks about mikey he's still the first to jump in and save him. Sore loser much? LMFAO poor mikey. Okay so like really what's with leo. Doesn't he technically still have a match in the battle nexus? Sureee "play". Dude might actually kill mikey. Nope I think he is in fact talking about himself. Mikey o(-( you have to be serious. Damn- very VERY sore losers. Dude is speaking in key board smashes. Holy moly what a jerk. Mikey is going to have rights to gloat after this one. (So will leo honestly) LETS!! GO!! MIKEY!! Lmfaooo yeah they are never hearing the end of this. This is hilarious.
What just happened to splinter? What's with the water o(-( OH NO KLUNK! You are not about to tell me that poor little cat drowns:( no klunk:((( that was so uncalled for:( ew people. BISHOP YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED KLUNK. YOU WILL KNOW PAIN. yeah maybe a bit of a show off- DUDE- what the fuck is wrong with this damn bishop guy. Dude. Casey and April are basically dead without their plot armor. Shredder,,,,,, no way. He can't be real. This must be a trap. They've made mock robots before. Down to damn soup cans. This is not my silly little turtle show. Perhaps this is a vision. Oh wow he is good. The element ninja things? I've seen faint things about an early version of the mystic powers in 03. Is this how they get it? Klunk is okay:D Karai you bitch why are you like this.
Have I mentioned how much I absolutely hate bishop? That creep isn't fully human is he. No wonder bitch boy is so good at combat. Oh no that goop is not going to be good for the sewers.
Lmfao splinter. Read em and weep boys. Aw klunk. Raph is really rubbing off on Leo huh.
Uhhh idk where I left off here or if what I had saved. Uhh anyways! Yippee casey you actually used your thinking skills! Oh shit it sounds like hun broke raphs arm- uh oh. Have I mentioned how funny it is they replace cuss words with "shell" it's hilarious (to me). Lmfao donnie with the missiles! Casey. Remember what raph taught you. Your honor. Or what your dad said ig. Oh boy. Gotta have some wicked on the fly driving skills huh donnie- yes you are amateurs. You're like 16- damn leo is going off- aw he's gonna visit his dad:( wait did they just leave leo? Awww dude:(
Oh it's that nobody guy again? Oop- lmao poor mikey. Always getting slapped upside the head lol. Dude looks wack in the shadows lmao looks like xray might be in trouble- lmfao mikey in the dress again /pos. This isn't good for xray. Yeah everyone needs to packing! (But as transmasc reference) the gang shit in 03 goes insane fr o(-( it's so funny how absurd everyone's aim is. Let's go xray. Uh. Doesnt jencko still have a gun? Who let all these thugs have such high tech weapons- uh oh- he's nobody>:) success! Lmfao he's still in the dress. Ugh hun. Oh wait wasn't she supposed to go to jail?? Wonder what they're hiding in that statue. Karai can't you just like turn to the good side. Where's your honor? (Or morals for that matter-)
Halloween episode!! Shell yeah!! (Lol) I also love Halloween:D but uh for different reasons lmao. Ofc they ruin Halloween too- lmfao raph just stabs his pumpkin. Ofc donnie uses the laser. Uh oh werewolf. And a witch and uh pumpkin king? Uh- what if it wasn't a costume. How could he be so sure before he sliced at his face o(-( couldn't he have just paid for it? Like- agreed. Carmel apples are yummy. Lmfao. Looks like raph and mikey sorta get their way? Leo stop being such a downer smh. Aw:( that's so cute. Ooo-kay. Lol. So silly how they always managed to get involved in all this. Was the door too good for them o(-( ooo fun fact. Good pearl necklaces actually have knots between each bead to protect the pearls while wearing and in the case of a weak string snap very little pearls will fall off. So a good quality pearl necklaces should not snap and go everywhere like that:) little creepers. Aw don. How powerful are their kicks? Oh dudes made of stone. Yeah:) they are nice kids:) little nicer than what you'd like officer-
Wow good quote actually. Looks like we get more usagi! Excited to see what he does this time. Agreed. Leo is losing it. Geez mikey really laying it down hard huh? Saying it as it is- raph should totally train his temper lol. Miyamoto? Haven't I heard that name before? Lmfao. Why does he have shades on? Maybe they just can't handle the light of the city. Why is leo separate from the group:l bounty hunter? Why is everyone after leo- damn. You would think more people would be after mikey. Champ of the battle nexus and all. Damn how does bunny boy read him like an open book- time to trauma dump. Maybe this is why people think he's gay /lhj. Man rabbit got some trauma of his own. HA even got big guy scared. Usagi is not impressed lmao. Casey to save crazy rhino. Raphs gonna slap him for that lmao. Uh oh. Lmao they're just in the window. Oh no. Ooh Leo's got the look in his eyes fr. Leo o(-( oo little spin move there. God Leo stop being such a hard ass o(-( move on. Crazy. Even splinter sees Usagi has a special bond with Leo. Hope I get to see him in more future episodes. Aw damn mikey lost all his comics- guess he'll have to train now lmao.
Answers to what you fool o(-( damn Leo. Maybe you should listen to your family dingdong. And your closest friend. Raph:( Leonardo dude.. guess he's getting shipped off- man the bros looks so concerned for him. Lmfao they called him a poopy face ha- Yeah he is a bit cranky. Think about the proper response. See! Think dumbass! Crazy to think he goes off on his own like this. Wow this little dude is uh? Something else lol. Did this dude really train yoshi? I have a feeling that's the plot twist. Why does this guy fart so much lmao. This is gonna be some journey for leo huh? Oh? Interesting. Finally all that just to comes to terms with something- well now I can only wonder if Leo will be back in time for the next event in new york. By the looks of it he's got a few episodes away first.
Oh. Yikes- Guess they aren't taking too easy to that. TWO MONTHS?? HELLO? That's so long:( what does kumquat mean?- shredder? No no wait karai. Dumb bitch. Oh shit. What are you doing in my house? What are you doing in my house???? /ref. Ugh foot scum. It's Karai bc she's dumb and a jerk. God damn you Karai. How is this honorable? HMMM? Damn all their stuff is totally gone after this:( how could you>:( damn you. Oh damn oh damn oh damn. Man o(-( honestly they probably should have stuck together. How were they preped underwater too- that more kitty:( it's so adorable how much mikey cares for klunk<3 damn- a bit much don't you think?- I love klunk a normal amount (lie) drilling out of here- damn can just never catch a break. Wow. Woooowwww. Great honor KARAI you asshat. >:( why is everyone so mean- um- what- what the fuck- WHAT. you know what I'm honestly surprised that she let april go. Honestly.
KICK HER ASS LEO. Ughhhhh I want to scream and pace around the rooommmm. Poor guys man:( just let them live in peace. I want my happily ever after please- aw leo found them all:) ughh leo leoooo why couldn't you just make this a supply run:/ wow leo a lot more noble than what I could have been- personally she didn't deserve mercy. I can only hope she uses this last chance for good. Though I can only have my doubts. Aw a gift :) how sweet.
I knew it. Bitch shop is part alien tech. Which is why he's even good at fighting in the first place. Oh god- Yeah I honestly for the worst for donnie everytime something gets destroyed. He puts so much time and effort into his work. Poor guy:( ewww what is that. Nasty. Agreed I too hate bugs- vile. Ewww. I might skip this one- ew didn't think I'd be getting nightmare fuel from tmnt but here we are ig- and I thought the krang stuff in rise was bad. Ain't seen nothing yet huh- Bug bite?? That can not be good. Isn't that alien language? I bet bishop has no issue hacking into any computer,, oh? April's uncle huh. Wow these people are fantastic. Is this real- in my 2003 tmnt? Peace? I see. Ofc it was too good to be true. How did she just remember all that- gross the bugs are back.
If baxter wasn't so absolutely insane I'd almost feel bad for him. Something bad happens to his mom doesn't it. Gross- ewww his finger. Dude you're like melting rn and you go to revenge?? Dude is deranged. You can't let your traumas define you stockman. So uh who's maning the helicopter? Man. *almost* feel bad. I love how donnie just steals stuff from the enemy every few mission's lmfao. Love that guy.
Omg donnie is a dinosaur guy. Woah they look so goofy. Okay he's been "under the weather" a couple times now. Holy shit what is this foreshadowing- nothing good I'm sure and probably something to do with that bug bite. Lmao they got scared. Wha- even splinter is fed up with their bull shit lmfao. Saved by a sneeze lmao. Also imagine if mikey actually changed history with the potato chips- think we scared it off? Nope. Think something really horrible is coming now? Yep. DUDE. LMAO. poor bros literally can't catch a break. Wow donnie! You've saved humanity! Again! (Except your brothers didn't die this time) ((man same as it never was goes insane-)) what. They just. They're just gone for 3 whole months. Damn- lmfao. They just be wildin ig.
Oh? Yoshi seeking revenge? Not exactly the honorable thing to do. Mikey lmfao. Raphs in trouble with splinter lmao. Story time story time!! Gender? Doesn't matter. Can you kick ass? -raph, probably. Yoshi is a natural so it seems. I wonder what happens to his friend in this. Aw. They are brothers now. Aw she cared for the rats. Tang<3 oop. Why does love have to get in the way of good relationships. They take the girl don't they. Mortu! Guardians hm? They are so going to take up the position anyways- more jealousy between the boys. Not gonna be good- Wouldn't they kinda be sister and brothers tho? Uh. He doesn't actually kill her over this right- Wooooww. Okay. That's lame dude. Shredder is just everywhere. Dude. All this over a girl. L. I wonder how old the ancient one is. Wow splinter is a reminder of failure- odd name. Interesting. Oh? What's he doing? What is this thing? Things? Huh o(-( oh boy. Sounds like trouble is nothing else.
What. What happened to donnie? Donnie and that massive brain of his. Saving the whole world and shit. Where Don then- Is that donnie? wow casey actually cleans up? Ah he's still sick. Hopefully this isn't some sort of horrible plot point. Surely he'll be totally fine. Damn poor Casey and April. They wanted to go out lmao. Never a break in new york city. They really do relentlessly bully mikey lmao. Ew god no. Tmnt is not immune to some light body horror huh. Oh boy they in area 51 fr. Did they save stockmen? Oh- bad idea dude- go get the guys o(-( why does he look like that? Ooo I wonder if that's where they got the idea for rise raphs plastron. Damn now they gotta fix donnie. I knew this cold was so much more than just a cold. Lmfao guess mikey isn't the biggest fan of case. Leo's just like. For fuck sake. Lmao. Raph deserves an F word pass from nick. Damn:( Leatherhead is so sweet dude. Geez. What do they do now? Wow. Bishop I to am going to ram my foot so far up your ass for this.
Damn bro. I mean plot armor and all ofc they get him back. INVISIBLE FLOOR TILES? (DR/UT reference) I kinda thought this was gonna be a call from the boys. So uh. Who's this bastard? Karai why are you so annoying. It's funny to see area 51 talked about outside of that one 2019? 2020? 'Storming' of area 51 lol. Hell yeah "convince" this bitch. (I hate him with a passion). Wait did the cloaked thing have to do with the basement things from ancient one? At least see what the hell is wants first o(-( how do we know he will actually help donnie? Ughhhh. DONT YOU DARE. God I hate bishop. Man this has got to be rough for leo. And the rest of them ofc. They can't just leave donnie with these monsters:( bishop really is making a deal with the devil. He is so evil. Ofc he lied. What an asshole. They're busting in to foot hq (again) uh oh. The things they're about to do for donnie- I wish people cared about me to even a faction of that degree lmao. Oh? Did the element dudes send the message? God bishop is so fucking annoying. Raphs gonna have fun with this one. "Crud" please just let them say fuck. Lmao. Man can they really handle this alone? And without that one sword. Interesting. This whole thing is one big confusion. BOOM. What does it do? Fucking communicate maybe 💀 are the elite magic? Oh? Interesting. LMAO RAPH. Uh oh. This ain't good. Dude. Talk maybe? Tell him what it is even?? Say how horrible bishop is perhaps??? Ofc they fulfilled their side. Anything for their brother. I hate this guy so much. At least explain what it does. Let's fucking go leatherhead!! Brilliant!! What a fantastic character LH is. Totally not much trouble at all. Certainly. If it were not for LH and donnie getting mutated (again) none of that containing the outbreak would have been possible. Wait? So what did that do then? Set the elements free? Yeah. Welp they're smart I'll give them that. Omg they're gonna bring that blob back?? Oh shitttt.
Magic tree man? Self healing magic tree man? With honor?? Uh? Maybe? "You tried to eat my leg" lmfao mikey is so offended by that. Even with all the angsty chaos I'm glad there's still lots of humor in this show. (Probably the only thing that keeps me coming back lmao. I couldn't handle pure angst. 2003 mikey I'm convinced absolutely enjoys wearing dresses. Or at the least flowy clothing. OOP- raph just tackles him off the building- ooo. It's interesting what they are able to build (and then build again-) down under new york. Oh? Ancient one? Again? What has begun again? Aww. They are brothers your honor. Oop. Doesn't feel too good anymore. Hm. Lmao mikey is just goofing off. It's hilarious how they play back. I can only assume these are those elemental guys? I wonder why they're doing this? Did they just want to beat them up? Oh? Where are they gonna take them? Interesting? Sounds a little odd too pin them against each other though if you need warriors you would think you'd want them all alive. Aw. We love good dad splinter. So confused. Hm. Where are these other four from then? I am beyond confused. OOOO WAIT will the brothers get their mystic powers (or 03s equivalent anyways) through this? Why does splinter need to save them? What do they know that the bros don't? Why is this show so bat shit crazy and confusing o(-(
One more season down. Honestly. I'm not sure what my favorite episodes are. I certainly like some more than others though. And I definitely and not looking forward to this being all over.
Oh I see. So they've gotten like save the entire universe again I see. Honestly I'd say, even as weird as they are, they're like the utroms and possible on the good side. Wait why exactly do they look like the shredder then? Or how would the shredder know of them then? Where's the fifth? Looks like there should be a fifth? And the underside down foot symbol? OMG DONNIE you nerd /affectionate. I can definitely see some reference taken from here for rise. This show wildin. Fr. They really just go head first into any fight huh. Bro joi is gone- Um. Okay. Um. Uh.. alrighty then! Wow this show is a lot!
Starting to look like being a skilled ninja is not all that cool anymore lmao. Donnie is a man of science and does not understand this dude lmao. Damn it mikey o(-( "oops" DUDE this show omg. Anri for raph. Inazuma for Mikey. Byakko for donnie. Banrai for raph actually? Wait what happened to Leo's? Wait what about leo D: mike. I swear. BRO IS A FUCKING BEYBLADE?! Don is a tornado. So Leo can just use others weapons? Orrr not- My oh my does this just like. Wow.
I am blinking rapidly. Alright so saki was a good guy at one point? Is this the like same blob we are talking about here?? Wow. Well. I think this is enough confusion for one night I'll pick this back up in the morning. I viewed the thumbnails for the upcoming seasons. It seems season 7 sees an art style change? And we are left on a cliff hanger. I'm honestly not sure if it's worth continuing. So the odd look humans are now god like fantastic. Wait he just becomes a dragon? How does he recover from this to go to new york?- dragon fight! (I- I guess) so I'm guessing the boys will have to learn to form laser beams out of their hands too.
So are we gonna ever get am explanation as to why Leo never got his weapon? Come on raph I've seen you become a beyblade you've got this. It makes sense how donnie got it so easily but Leo? Not getting it? Aw they really needed that support. Damn. Poor splinter:( aw donnie is just talking about his projects back home. Mikey is just sonic now. I wonder what they all will become. Leo? Also a dragon! I knew it. This still doesn't explain why he doesn't get a weapon lmao. Woah. Just the projector image of Leo's dragon melts them- It seems they wanted them to take all the pieces. In all fairness it does seem kinda dumb to keep them all together.
Dude what happened to being immortal? And like. Shouldn't they have some form of communication to tell the others to stop? Devour of dreams? Sounds like a kirby boss. So the sword was meant for leo? This is so strange. Did he know he was going to die this whole time? What. How did that just happen? Damn. They really can't have shit huh?😭 the five gumbas lmao. So they just totally killed that quiet "immortal" guy. Why did they get the most annoying voices lmao. Bro :'0 dude. What the fuck man o(-( kinda lame how these all powerful ninjas were taken out so quickly. Oh? 03 leo has portal powers too? (Sorta)
I'm gonna be honest. Despite a few small things (and how hard leo is on himself) I absolutely adore the 03 gang. I'm disappointed it's all serious shit all the time though. Sure there's a bit of goofing around and such. But not at the same level I was under the impression I'd get. I suppose this is a different iteration. Some people actually prefer the silliness to stay very limited. I don't know. I guess litte mx. doesn't like violence should stay out of cartoons with lots of action hm?
Lmfao mikey was so ready for this day. God why don't they just say sparring or training or just like roaming around idk- I've read one too many fanfics to take "blowing off steam with _" seriously o(-( man last thing we need is nanobots in stockmens hands. See silly little episodes<3 limited fighting for their lives at least-
Ah. Terrifying. Karai? Right what is she doing here? Feels like a bit of a time skip- right a dream. I've always known Karai had good in her. See this is the kind of shit that happens when chaos wins the splatfest. Smh. Damn it Karai. Welp. Guess you die now. Damn well. Looks like saving donnie is the end of the world but him dying is also the apocalypse. Interesting. Don't. Don't mercy this thing. Don't. No. Ugh. She fell for it. Damn starting to hate this things more than bishop. How are they gonna banish the shredder again tho? After all of this is finished? If the ninja tribunal had to watch over his body forever won't they suffer the same fate? But how? Dude was dead o(-( how does that work?
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Vent: TW Sexual Abuse, SA
I honestly need help because idk what's going on and what to do.
I don't know what's happening to me.
I've started to withheld a lot of things from my friends.
I've been growing really annoyed with one of my friends and I don't know why. I hate it when she wraps her arm around my shoulder, I hate when she touched my stuff without asking, I hate her voice, but I don't hate her. I don't know why but it just happened suddenly one day. I want to be her friend still but I don't know where this sudden hatred came from.
I've stopped telling my best friend things too. I don't talk to them as much. I don't walk with them anymore. I don't hang out with them anymore. I feel like I've been replaced with other people. I don't know what Best friends are supposed to be like, because all the one I had before were fake. But from what I've seen best friends are like Luffy and Zoro, Mikey and Drake, best friends are like that, but mine isn't like that, not even close.
I've been getting nightmares frequently recently. All of them have sexual abuse.
my most recent one was that a cult leader for some reason came to my class to teach us about his book and get us to join his "program."
My bestie told me that the cult leader had them do really nasty stuff with him and then next second we're fighting his followers. Later, he tells my bestie and another classmate of mine to meet him in his closet.
In the dream idk why but I wanted the leaders attention. I tried everything to get his validation and for him to like me and not yell at me all the time. In the dream I think I just wanted to be wanted by someone, even if it was in a traumatic sexual way. My dream than finishes but then it continues to the leader saying he'll give me a chance and he dragged me into my teacher's classroom when it was empty. He forced me to suck him off as do sexual shit with him. I remember walking out feeling gross, really gross, but in my mind I thought at least someone wants, loves me. I remember my bestie telling me in my dream that I was lucky he didn't want me before that happened and I wondered why I wanted this man's attention.
I've noticed the same thing happen to me in real life too. I just wanted someone's attention, even if they'd hurt me. My perception on love and attention is so warped because of my upbringing.
Another dream I had I was in a dystopian version of a program I do and I'll cut it short. I skipped into a class room with two boys that kidnapped me into the program. The blonde boy grabbed me and said he owned me and forced me to kiss him.
All my nightmares have been having to do with SA. One had to do with my brother, but I don't wanna talk about it because I never want to remember how my dream portrayed my brother.
One I was vividly R/ped by one of the men and I couldn't get it out my mind.
I had another one that really messed me up.
I was with my brother and I was in middle school, maybe 14 ish, and my brother was in his Sophomore year. He was friends with some Tokoyorev characters and some random guys. The Tokoyorev characters I remember were Ran, Rindou, Sanzu and Koko.
I remember me being in school with him and he introduced me to his friends in the dream. They were all seniors and Juniors. When my brother left me with them they said really sexual stuff about my body and talked about how nice of an ass I had. When I walked off when my brother came back I heard one of random kids say I was going to be a slut or stripper in the future. When I looked at him disgusted he looked at me and said what, it's true with a grin on his face.
When I'd leave school I'd see them stalking me. And one day me and brother had a football game and they grabbed and dragged me away from my brother. They ended up r/ping me behind the bleachers. I remembered I the dream feeling helpless. I'd cry and nobody cared, not even my brother. I'd beg him to stop letting his friends see me but he wouldn't listen. They r/ped me everyday in my dream, and my mental state only got worse and worse, and suddenly most of them stopped. The people who kept doing it were Ran and Rindou. Idk why Tokyo revenger characters were in my dream but they were.
I keep feel people touching me. I don't want people touching me. I don't I don't I just don't. I hate when people hug me, I hate when they touch my shoulders, my back, my legs, anywhere on my body I don't want them touching me. but I just want fucking love. Genuine love, where someone won't talk about me purely sexually, where someone does only touch me sexually, nothing sexual, just a caring touch. I want someone to cuddle me, tell me how much they love me, and that they using me.
I don't think all these nightmares are coincidences. I think someone actually might've SAed me when I was younger and my brain blocked it out but it's just a guess. If you got a guess on what may be the cause please tell me, These dreams are soo fucking vivid and I'm losing sleep.
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unfinshedsentec · 3 years
when the tr characters get jealous/overprotective
I kinda wanna make a part 2 to this??? Also, reader is gender neutral!!
tw: cursing, cheating, and implications of sexual harassment
word count: 2.1k+
characters: Manjiro Sano(Mikey), Draken, Chifuyu Matsuno, Baji Keisuke, Kazutora Hanemiya, Yuzuha Shiba, and reader(you)!
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• Considering Mikey is the leader of a famous biker gang, I'd say that it's pretty unlikely that someone would hit on you
• But there is always that one dumbass who just has to say something…….
• And you both just so happened to encounter that dumbass on your 1 year anniversary…..
• You both didn't want to do much on your 1 year, so you just decided to do a small dinner and to shop a little
• Mikey had also promised to buy you whatever you wanted as a special present and to celebrate
• So when Mikey went to the bathroom, you decided to browse around to find something perfect, but not too expensive……and to hopefully find something for him too
• But when you were looking around the shop you, suddenly a pair of larger hands landed on your shoulder…..
• Originally you thought it was your boyfriend, but you were so wrong.....
• Because when you turned around you saw an unfamiliar tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed man in front of you
• "Hey baby, you got a nice ass there. Wanna have some……… fun?"
• "Hell no. I have a boyfriend"
• "And? What does your boyfriend have to do with us having fun?", he said, while licking his lips
•    "I told you I had a boyfriend and I don't want to do anything disgusting with someone like you!"
•    "Is that so? Well it's to bad that you don't have a choice"
•  Pure fear surged through you as you realized what the man was going to do. You weren't weak, but you weren't strong enough to fight against someone like him, meaning the only thing you could wish for was your boyfriend to come back and save you.
• Thankfully, your wish had been granted
• "Didn't you hear them? They don't wanna do anything with you, and they have a boyfriend", a familiar voice spoke
• When you turned your head towards to look at the blonde, you immediately noticed he looked pissed, like really pissed
• His eyes were the same shade of black, but somehow darker and his pupils were only in small slits compared to his usual eye shape. His eyebrows furrowed as he stared at you and the man, and his fists became balled up as he stood in an angry stance….
• "Get your fucking hand off my s/o"
• "Huh? And what're you gonna do about it…….shirmpy?"
• All you saw was a foot flash beside you and the dark haired man on the ground, unconscious, with his eyes rolled back and his butt sticks I up into the air…..
• " As I said, they have a boyfriend, so leave us the fuck alone", he said before grabbing your hand guiding you both away from the man and towards the food court
• "What a bitch! I say we deserve some Dorayaki now!"
• You gave him a bright, closed eye smile. "Yes, we do…..”
• “Hmmm…..what’s up with that weird look”, Mikey said, turning his head to look at you
• “It’s nothing…….just, thank you for saving me”, you said in response, giving him a grateful look
• “Well, of course……I’m not gonna let anyone lay a foul finger on you!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!”, he said, before dragging the both of you too the Dorayaki kat
• And the both of you spent the rest of the day eating Dorayaki and watching mall movies….and by the end of the day, you completely forgot about the man…..
• Draken is pretty intimidating as it is, so usually jealousy isn't something he has to worry about
• But that wouldn't last forever....
• Because there's always someone who's persistent
• And you'd both meet that someone today
• Every week on Sundays, you and Draken would meet up for lunch
• But this Sunday your boyfriend was running late
• Of course, you didn't mind. Being late happens
• What you did mind was the random flirty girl in front of you, who just wouldn't leave you alone, even when you asked her to leave
• Originally, the girl had asked you if the seat in front of you was free
• Of course, you told her that it was taken
• But she didn't listen
• Now she was here, sitting right in front of you, running her foot up your leg and flirting with you
• "Could you please stop that, I have a boyfriend", you said, desperately trying to get her to leave you alone
• "And where is he??", she said, still persisting
• "He's just running late, so please leave"
• " I won't buy it until I see it"
• "I'm right fucking here", a familiar deep voice spoke
• You and the girl both looked up only to see the beautiful, familiar face of your boyfriend
• And if you thought Draken had a serious, almost angry face normally, wait until now because he looked like he could kill someone……
• "And how do I know your actually their boyfriend?"
• "Excuse me… Your sitting in my seat, flirting with my s/o and you have the audacity to question me?"
• "Well yeah"
• "Get the fuck out or I'll kick you out….bitch”
• "Ughhhh fine" the girl said, clearly deciding that it wasn't worth it to have her ass beat
• After the whole mess, you ended up carrying on with your day, and got over the whole thing quickly, but Draken didn't
• He was grumbling and had his signature scowl with veins popping out of his head, showing  just how angry he was
• " You look quite angry……babe”
• “Whatever……”
• “ Are you possibly…..jealous that the girl got to touch me??”
• "Shut Up!" he grumbled out
• "Oh my gosh! I gotta take a photo of this!"
• "Fuck no!!"
• In the end, Draken ended up staying angry all day and he didn’t go back to his normal self until the next day…..
• Chifuyu is definitely the type of person who doesn't really say to much when he's jealous, just because he doesn't like making a scene
• Unfortunately for him, that would change today…..
• Because it just so happened that an old friend of yours was a waiter at the café you both were having a date at
• He was originally fine with it, but he soon became jealous over the whole thing…..
• Because your attention had completely shifted onto the friend you hadn't seen in months….and you literally, didn’t spare a glance at him….
• Don't get me wrong, Chifuyu was happy that you met up with your friend again, but you guys were on a date and he really wanted to spend time with you, alone
• So, he decided give your friends a tinyyy glare to try and get them to go away
• But that didn't happen.... In fact the opposite happened
• " Hey Y/n, I'm about to get off of my shift, do you wanna hang out for bit??"
• Before you can even say anything, Chifuyu answered for you
• "Sorry, but we were just about to leave" he spoke, standing up
• "Huh? What do you mea-"
• "Cmon Y/n, let's go" he said , grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the cafe
• The blonde in front of your was being particularly passive aggressive while he guided you home
• He was giving you the silent treatment, he wouldn't touch you, he was stomping his feet like a little kid, and he had his cheeks all puffed out with his eye brows furrowed
• He really looked like a 3 year old who just had a temper tantrum
• "Chifuyu, do you wanna get some ice cream?"
• Nothing
• " Do you wanna go home and cuddle?"
• Nothing
• "Chifuyuuuu, are you jealous of [friends name]?"
• "What no!!"
• "Hmm, so you are"
• "No!! We were just on a date and I was hoping for at least a little bit of attention...."
• "Awww Chifuyu, I'm sorry! I just haven't seen [friends name] in a long time! Don't worry, I love you more than anything else!"
• "Hmmm.... Fine.... I love you too...."
• He's definitely going to be clinging onto you for the rest of the day though……
• Baji would definitely be blunt when's he's jealous
• He doesn't want to hurt your feelings, but if he feels like somethings wrong, he'll tell you
• And he certainly wasn't happy when he saw you at a restaurant with a girl he had never met before
• He, originally, decided to leave it be for a bit and ignore it, but the scene was really starting to get to him
• So, he decided to drag Chifuyu with him to watch you both of you and make sure nothing was going on
• But what he saw made the whole thing even worse
• You were smiling and laughing with this random girl, which was fine….
• But…...you just kept blushing and fidgeting around her, which was sort of strange for someone like you
• And as a result, his mind immediately overreacted and went to the idea of you cheating
• He trusted you more than anyone, so he couldn't help but doubt his thoughts…..
• But that soon went out the window as his anger got the best of him and he decided  to marched right up to your table and confront you, despite Chifuyu's protests
• "Y/n. What the fuck is this?"
• "Kei?! What are you doing here?!"
• " What are you doing here? Are you cheating on me?!", he said, pointing at the girl sitting across from you
• "I-umm I think I should go" the woman said before scurrying off into the distance
• "Y/N!!"
• "Kei, she's my cousin!"
• "What kind of person does that with their cousin?! You were blushing and fidgeting and acting odd around her!!!!! That’s absolutely disgusting!! Your disgusting!!!!!”
• "It's because I haven't seen her in a long time! We had a lot of funny stories but it was also kinda awkward because it's been years, so I was a little stressed!"
• "Really?!"
• "Yes!"
• "Oh thank goodness, I thought something was up"
• "So you were overreacting and you became jealous….?”
• "Fuck no!!"
• "You were totally jealous!"
• "NO!!"
• And it turned out….he was slightly jealous of her…….and you teased Baji about it for the rest of his life….
• Kazutora is a sweet shy boy, so I feel like he just couldn't bring himself to say anything if he did get jealous
• Unfortunately, today was not his lucky day
• Because while you were both sitting under the stars, enjoying the beautiful, clear night, a familiar disgusting voice spoke
• " Woww, Y/n this is your new boyfriend?"
•      You couldn't help but shiver at the voice….
• "[ex's name]! What the fuck are you doing here?!"
• Kazutora vaguely remembered you mentioning your ex and from what he remembered, your ex was a toxic cheating bastard.
• Because of that, Kazutora hated your ex before even meeting him….
• I mean who the hell would cheat on you?!
• And now your ex had the audacity to show up here, while you both were on a date
• To say the least, Kazutora was pissed
• " Well, I saw you in the park and I thought I'd ask you to come over to you know have some fun~"
• "No! I fucking hate you, leave me alone!"
• You didn't love [ex's name] anymore. In fact being with Kazutora made your realize how horrible he was. Kazutora had actually showed you what true love was. But seeing [ex's name] still hurt. He shattered your heart, and you'd never truly forget that pain.
• You could already feel the tears building up in your eyes….just seeing your ex brought back memories you thought you'd never have to think about…..
• "No need to get all fiesty. You know you wanna come with me. Afterall, you do love me"
• " No, they don't love you, so get the fuck away from them."
• The familiar, comforting voice shocked you. You knew Kazutora wasn't one to stand up or talk to strangers, but he was still standing up for you.  He truly was a great boyfriend.
• "Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think your talking to you?"
• "I'm not going to repeat myself again, fucking leave"
• "Huh? What the fuck are you going to do bitc-"
• A solid punch to the face was enough to get your ex to shut up and leave
• Because, well, he was wimp…..
• And you were honestly shocked…..you had never seen Kazutora so angry.
• "Y/n! Are you okay?!", he said as he rushed to your side
• You gave him a bright smile….." I am now"
• Yuzuha would be the type of person to show jealousy through her actions, not her words.
• Because of this most people would get scared off by her deadly glare alone
• But there are some people who just can't take the hint…..
• And this person was one of them
• While you and Yuzuha were in class, the all too famous quarterback of the football team decided to come up to you….for whatever odd reason
• "Hey hotties, how are you today?"
• "Fine", your girlfriend replied for you
• "Okayyy? Y/n, can I talk to you alone?"
• "No, their good"
• The poor guy hadn't even done anything yet, but Yuzuha was glaring at him like she'd glare at someone who hurt her little brother
• But what was even more surprising was the fact that the male in front of you just looked at her dead in the eye and continued talking to you
• "Alright then, I guess I'll say it here despite your friend"
• "Say what?" you questioned
• "Y/n, would you like to go to homecoming with me?"
• "I-uhhh, no than-"
• "Fuck…….NO”
• By now Yuzuha had already stood up and gave him a look that said 'I'm going to hurt you'
• "Huh? Why do you have a say in this? It's Y/n's choice"
• "Excuse me?! I'm their girlfriend!"
• By now you were quite flustered at the drama that was happening, but you were honestly impressed at her protectiveness
• " Leave bitch"
• "Not until I get an answer from Y/n"
• "Yuzuh-"
• Before you could even say her name, she had already gave him a hard kick in the dick, which made him harshly fall on the floor
• "Sorry about that love….he definitely won't be bugging us now"
• "Damn that was impressive"
• The angry/protective side of Yuzuha definitely came out today…….
• And you loved it
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