#i don't know if i think she would like may daisy or yo-yo
azurecanary · 1 year
"Peggy Carter would've been a great addition to the AoS team and would've totally gotten along with them"
Me: 😬 I- uh... well, i don't really know about that
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random-writerings · 2 years
My Type
Ship: Daisy Johnson x fem!reader
Summary: You struggle to come out to the team, but after a game of ‘fuck, marry, kill’, you accidentally reveal that you have a crush. When the team meets Deke, Daisy suggests you should ask him out because she thinks he's your type. But she doesn't know that she's actually your type.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.4k
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“Fuck Fury, marry Tony Stark, kill Hulk,” Hunter answered Bobbi’s question, slurring his words slightly and waving his bottle of beer in air as if to emphasise his words.
“You answered that a bit too fast, Hunter,” Mack laughed.
“Yeah, and why marry Tony Stark? He's a bit of an egomaniac,” Bobbi asked.
“For the money, duh. He's bloody loaded.”
“I think you guys are focussing on the wrong part,” Fitz chimed in. “Hunter seems to think he can kill the Hulk.”
“Of course, I don't. It's hypothetical and I can say what I want.”
“Fine, whatever. Who's next?” Mack turned to you, sitting next to Hunter.
“Fire away.” You laughed, sipping your drink.
The team had gotten back from a particularly tough mission a few hours ago and Coulson had suggested that everyone take the night off while he finished off the mission report. This, of course, led to Hunter and Mack pulling out the beers and ordering take out.
You were all relaxing on the couches chatting amongst yourselves and relieving the stress of the mission. By now, everyone was fairly drunk and Hunter had suggested playing a game. The team settled on ‘fuck, marry, kill’ with the Avengers.
“Okay, let me think.” Mack scratched his head in an over-the-top thinking gesture, causing some giggles from Jemma and Daisy. “What about … Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man.”
You internally cringed at the mention of only male Avengers. You hadn't come out to the team yet. With all the constant danger, there had never been a right time. But you hid how you felt about Mack’s choices. May had taught you well.
“Hey we just had Iron Man!” Hunter protested.
“No, we had Tony Stark,” Mack countered.
“Same person, Mack.”
“Fine.” Mack sighed. “Thor, Captain America, and …”
You prayed for Black Widow, or Maria Hill, even though she wasn't technically an Avenger.
“Hawkeye,” Mack finished.
Damn, you had forgotten about him.
You hummed, pretending to think it over. Your heart picked up slightly when you released now would be a good time to tell everyone you didn't like men. You were all relaxed and having fun, no one was in immediate danger … Sure, it wasn't the perfect time, and May and Coulson weren't here so you would have to tell them separately, but is there ever really a perfect time? And if it went badly, you could always blame it on the alcohol or hope there was a chance that everyone would be too drunk to remember in the morning.
Okay, here goes. You took a deep breath.
“Hmm, I'm not sure. None of them are really my type.”
This caused gasps of shock from Bobbi, Jemma, Yo-Yo, and Daisy.
“How is Thor not your type?” Bobbi asked.
“Yeah, Thor is everyone's type,” Yo-Yo stated matter-of-factly.
“Even May said he was dreamy!” Daisy added
“Have to agree with ladies, love. Thor is pretty hot.” Hunter shrugged.
“Plus, that's not the game,” Fitz added. “It doesn't really matter who's your type, you still have to choose. I mean, I married Loki on my go and I hate that guy.”
Okay, so that didn't go as planned. Never mind, just roll with it.
“I know.” You laughed. “I just wanted to see your reactions. I guess, I'll fuck Thor, marry Captain America, and kill Hawkeye. But let the record show that I feel bad because Hawkeye seems like a genuinely nice guy.”
“Interesting,” Jemma spoke up. “Why not marry Thor? He's a god and you'd get free trips to space.”
“Damn, what is with the Thor obsession?” You held up your hands in mock surrender. “I just figured that marrying Cap would be great because he'd be a gentleman. I mean, he is from the 40s. Plus, he probably knows how to dance and it's something I kinda want to learn.”
“Yeah, I can see the appeal.” Yo-Yo nodded.
“I'm curious. What is your type, if it's not three of the most attractive men on the planet?” Hunter nudged you playfully.
“Uh.” You hesitated. Here it is, this is the moment. Just reply “women”. It's that simple. It's just one word.
But your eyes landed on Daisy, looking at you expectantly, waiting for your answer, and the word got stuck in your throat.
You had had a crush on Daisy for months now. You had been working with Bobbi and Mack under Robert Gonzalez, tasked with infiltrating Coulson’s S.H.I.E.L.D. and reporting back. But when you had met Daisy, things had gotten complicated. You had pushed your feelings aside, determined to finish the mission. But when the two S.H.I.E.L.D.s had merged to fight against the Inhumans at Afterlife, you had watched Daisy become stronger and more confident, controlling her powers despite the pain she was going through. You admired her and your feelings for her had only gotten stronger the more you got to know her.
But you knew she didn't feel the same way. You had watched her flirt with Lincoln and she had opened up to you about her past relationships; one with a man called Miles, a hacktivist who sold information leading to the death of a powered person, and her relationship with Grant Ward, who turned out to be Hydra. She never mentioned being in a relationship with a woman or even liking women at all.
But then again, neither had you.
“Yeah, come on, y/n.” Mack’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. “What is your type?”
“Uh, I don't know. Dark hair, maybe?” Your thoughts drifted back to Daisy. “Kind eyes, and a bright smile. Someone who's very smart and can be intimidating at times but also makes everyone laugh.” You stopped when you heard Jemma giggle. You looked up at her. “What?”
She smiled knowingly. “That's very specific. Sounds like you have someone in mind.”
“No I –” You started to defend yourself but Yo-Yo cut you off.
“Yeah, look at you blushing and smiling. You definitely have a crush.”
“Come on then. Tell us who it is.” Daisy leaned forward, resting her forearms on her thighs, smirking playfully at you.
Your whole body tensed up at her words. Your hands which had been fiddling with your bottle stilled and your back straightened slightly. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Hunter staring at you, the teasing smile on his face faltering a little when he noticed your body language. Then he laughed loudly and threw his arm around your shoulders.
“Oh don't make the poor woman say it out loud. She's obviously embarrassed. But it's okay, love. No need to be ashamed. I’m a real catch, I know.”
There was a pause before the whole room erupted in laughter. Hunter looked around in mock offense and you caught on to what he was doing; he had noticed you were uncomfortable and shifted everyone's attention onto him instead. You made a mental note to thank him later.
“What the hell makes you think she was describing you of all people?” Fitz asked incredulously.
“Yeah, no offense Hunter, but you're not exactly intimidating.” Mack wiped tears of laughter from his eyes.
“I can be!”
“Well, you're not all that smart either,” Bobbi joked.
Hunter gasped dramatically and clutched his chest, falling back on the couch.
“You wound me. You really are a demon, you know that Bob?”
“Ugh, you're such a flirt.” She rolled her eyes at him but she was smiling fondly.
Later, after everyone had turned in for the night, you stayed behind to clean up the kitchen area. As you binned some empty bottles, you heard someone approach you. You turned around to find Hunter holding more empty bottles. He placed them on the counter before turning his attention to you.
“So, Daisy, huh?”
“I don't know what you're talking about.” You grabbed the bottles off the counter and put them in the bin.
“Yeah, you do. Are you going to tell her?”
You sighed. “No. Not right now anyway.” But you knew that was a lie. You’d had many opportunities to tell Daisy how you felt but you always chickened out at the last second.
“Just a word of advice, don't wait too long. When you do a job like this, the future isn't certain. You never know what we'll face next or if we'll even survive it. You don't want any regrets.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“Hey, this isn't about me. But for the record, yes. I don't always remember to tell Bobbi I love her and I always regret it when something bad happens. Also, we're all watching Mack and Yo-Yo flirting with each other but avoiding any real conversation about their feelings and it's getting painful at this point. So, just don't wait too long, yeah?” He said as he turned to leave.
“Yeah, alright,” you agreed.
But, little did you know, it would be years before you ever told anyone else.
The team had made it back from the deadly post-apocalyptic future and thankfully everyone was alive. It was just you, Daisy, and Noah in the Lighthouse, until Daisy had spotted Deke on the computer. She had left to break him out of prison and they had returned successfully. But you were still waiting for the rest of the team to return from their mission.
Now, Daisy was watching Deke, who was talking to Noah across the control room, while she ate cereal out of the box.
“You know, he's totally your type.” She spoke in a hushed voice, as if she was telling you a secret.
“What do you mean?” You looked away from the monitor on the desk, confused as to why she would bring this up out of blue. You had never shown any interest in Deke when you met in the future and you were hesitant about him being in the Lighthouse.
“I mean, he totally fits what you described as your type,” she replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. But when you gave her a confused look she sighed and explained. “Remember a few years ago, while we were still living in the Playground, we all got drunk and played ‘fuck, marry, kill’?”
You nodded. Considering all the crazy stuff that had happened since then, you had honestly forgotten about that night. Then it suddenly hit you where Daisy was going with this.
“And you described your type and Hunter joked about you having a crush on him–”
“Yeah, Daisy. That's not–” You tried to stop her but she kept going.
“Well, I think Deke kinda fits the criteria. First of all, he has dark hair. He doesn't smile very often but when he does, it's nice. I don't really know what you meant by kind eyes but I know he can be a bit intimidating. I mean he sold me to Kasius and that was scary. And I suppose he is sort of smart, in his own way. I also watched the footage of him getting drunk at the bar and it's very funny. So, you see, he may be a bit annoying, but he's definitely your type.”
“He's really not. Trust me.”
“I'm serious. You should ask him out.”
You laughed out loud at that, causing Deke and Noah to look your way curiously. Daisy shushed you jokingly but that just made you laugh harder. Deke and Noah went back to their conversation while you caught your breath.
“There is no way I'm asking him out. He's a complete moron and, like you said, he sold you to Kasius. So hell no.” You paused for a moment. “But what I want to know is, how did you remember all that stuff? I said that years ago. I didn't even remember saying it until you brought it up.”
Daisy looked away, inspecting her monitor for news of the team. You felt like she was deliberately avoiding your gaze, and you swore you could see a light dusting of pink colouring her cheeks through her dark hair.
Before you could say anything else, Deke and Noah called out to you both, drawing your attention to the monitors on the wall. The rest of the team had returned.
Later, you and Deke were searching one of the many storage rooms in the Lighthouse for something that Fitz needed to close the rift to the Fear Dimension. Because apparently that existed now. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents never can catch a break.
“Look, it'll probably be quicker if we both search different rooms,” you suggested.
Deke agreed and left, bumping into Daisy on the way out. She entered the storage room, leaning against the wall. You could feel her staring so you turned to her. She raised one eyebrow at you.
“What?” You asked.
“You tell me. You and Deke … alone … in a storage room…”
“Oh shut up. You know it's not like that.”
“Why not?”
“Daisy, are you seriously trying to set me up with Deke? I mean, really, of all people? Deke?” You rolled your eyes and turned back to the box you were searching.
“Oh come on, he's your–”
“He is not my type, Daisy!” You snapped loudly, slamming something back in the box. “You really wanna know why? It's because he's a man!” You turned to face her as you confessed.
There was a pause as you realised what you just said. You closed your eyes and sighed.
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath.
Might as well come clean about everything, while we're at it.
“He's a man, Daisy. I don't like men. I never have,” you continued, quieter this time. “In fact, that night, I was talking about someone specific, someone I had a crush on. Someone I still have a crush on,” you corrected yourself and took a deep breath, preparing for what you were about to say next. “It's you Daisy. You're my type. I was just too scared to tell you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship because it means so much to me. And I understand if you don't feel the same–”
“Actually, I do,” Daisy interrupted you, all traces of her previously teasing tone gone. “I do feel the same about you.”
“Oh, okay,” you spoke softly, shocked.
Daisy smiled at you, that bright smile that you loved so much. Then she closed the distance between the two of you, pressing her lips gently to yours.
The moment was interrupted by hurried footsteps coming down the hall and Deke throwing open the door.
“I found the thing Fitz needs. Let's go.” He didn't even stop long enough to process what he interrupted before running away towards the control room.
You turned back to Daisy and you both laughed. She took your hand and you headed down the hall hand in hand.
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anika-ann · 5 months
🌺Azalea🌺: send a headcanon about them and the character you associate them with
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Headcanon for Anika:
(Will you be surprised if I ship you with Steve?)
Learned a bit of everything from your team with SHIELD. The leadership and bonding from Coulson, the flexibility of Daisy (but the name of Skye is cooler, you think, more hacker vibe), the kicks and punches from May, the brainiac vibe from Fitz-Simmons, and a shotgun-axe from Mac (Well, you had it custommade for your size and grasp). Hell, even a few words of Spanish from Yo-yo.
Also you promised yourself, never fall into an office romance like Hunter and Barbara.
And that's until, whoops, the Avengers Initiative.
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You can't help but bursting out a damn fit of giggles after his not-so-funny jokes. Your heart beat quickens everytime he mentions your name. And you DO NOT have a poster of him bought from the Smithsonian, that is, may or may not stashed in the back of your wardrobe.
Basically, your crush is painfully obvious to a couple of close friends.
But you hold it together during missions. You try your best to outgun and outwit the arms dealers and universe-annihilating psycopaths. The giggles and grins only appear behind close doors and, mostly, on your own.
Natasha calls you adorable when she approaches you about your crush, reminding you that in your line of work, any day could well be your last day.
You simply tell her that it's a harmless crush, and you wouldn't want office romance either way when you can still ogle a bunch of hot agents instead of only one. It's a lie, she could tell, so could you.
Yet this one time a few months later when you forgot your files in the briefing room and went back to get it. Before stepping into the room, you accidentally overheard two men talking.
"So you're saying you have absolutely no thoughts over her?" Sergeant Barnes quipped up, adding your name at the end of the question just to be certain.
"No." Replied Captain Rogers calmly, adding, "She is charming, witty, funny, laughs at every poor attempt of my jokes. The best right-punch I've seen from an agent and sure, that is the least attractive thing in my mind - what the hell do you think, jerk? Of course I am into her!"
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I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I-- *resumes giggling and kicking feet*
You're giving me tooooo much credit of what I could learn and how badass I could be 😭 but a girl's gotta try if she wants to be an Avenger.
Also I would so totally tell myself an office romance was a terrible idea and forbid myself from even looking too much - HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?? Am I that obvious good girl goody two shoes and sticker for rules?
But Then. Of course. Then this wild MF walks in and-
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I will most definitely giggle at even lame jokes, because his eyes light up so much, be it laughter or mischef when he makes them and he. is. just. so. pretty. And kind. And strong. And smart.
I'd probably squeal but managed to muffle the sound upon hearing that, but would stand frozen when they walk out and it might be hard to tell who is more O_O - me or Steve 😂 But I totally see Bucky patting his shoulder wth a smirk, because he had noticed I forgot my files and heard me coming back.
"You're welcome, punk."
And then, because I couldn't have helped listening and noticing everything, both Steve and I echo at the same time: "Jerk."
Nxkwejbewkjbckewbcjew I'm giggling so much! Thank you for this 😭💕 So precious and you're the sweetest 🥺
P.S. - yeah, it's absolutely shocking you ship me with the one dude I write about the most, like, over and over 🤭😭
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alaskarcenciel · 1 year
...And freeze !
words : 1172
ep 9: Camping
5th of July, 2023:
Sam, Leila, Juliet and Nathan finally found a camping site located close to a train and bus station, it will be perfect for all the visits they wanted to do while they were here. The camping's owners were a nice family. It was their first year of being the owners, before that they didn't live here at all, she worked in the cosmetic industry and he worked as civil engineer, in Brittany, another France's region, an 8 hours drive from there. The camping wasn't big, but it was nice though, calm and clean, it was good to be there, and the 4 friends were grateful they found it. There weren't a lot of people, it was only the beginning of the summer holidays, so it was really peaceful.
On the first three days, they rested a lot, and went on walks. The fourth day, they visited a chocolate factory in the afternoon, and an outdoor cinema was planned at the camp for the evening. The 4 of them wanted to see that, none of them had tried this kind of theater before in their life. Sam decided to go to the reception to ask which was the movie.
The camping's owner at the reception saw a blond woman come in, she never saw her before, maybe she was a part of a new family. The woman smiled, and started to speak to her, with a slight American accent staining her french.
In french.
Bobbi: Hey, excuse me, I'm looking for a friend, did you see her around here?
She showed her a pic of another blond woman, who had been here since the beginning of the week.
The woman in the picture opened the door, and frowned her eyebrows, mistrustful.
Bobbi looked at her. The camping's owner turned her face to her too. Sam started the talk, in english directly. She was suspecting a trap, she already saw Bobbi a few times at the compound, because Coulson's team and the Avengers worked together sometimes. Even if Bobbi wasn't a stranger to her, Sam was closer to Daisy or Yo-Yo, why would the women be here?
Sam: What the hell are you doing here?
Bobbi: We need you.
Sam: I don't think so, you guys are doing a wonderful job without me since I left, and I don't see why you wouldn't have, you already were handling all the situations before knowing me, I just made you lose time and energy because you had to watch over me because I was new and not experimented.
Bobbi: That's not true, you helped us a lot, and we need you back.
Daisy came into the room, embarrassed, closely followed by May.
Sam: The only reason I would come back is Wanda, and she's not even here so don't count on me.
Daisy: Well, that's kinda the point...
Sam frowned her eyebrows more again, at a point where it nearly merged with her eyes.
Sam: What do you mean, "that's the point"?
May took a deathly look at Daisy.
Daisy: What? What was I supposed to say?
May: Nothing, you were supposed to say NOTHING but apparently that's not something you're able to do.
Daisy: Come on, she needs to know!
Sam: Yeah I agree with her, I need to know.
Bobbi: Well, we can't tell you like that.
May: We can't tell you at all.
Sam: Do you want me to help or what? I can't help if I don't know what's going on.
Bobbi: You know how S.H.I.E.L.D. works, it's classified, only the ones on the mission can know what's going on.
Sam: Tell me if Wanda is okay at least.
May: That's classified.
Daisy winced.
Sam: Daisy tell me, what's happening with Wanda??
May: She can't tell you here, that's classified for God's Sake!
Sam's gaze was half begging, half threatening.
Daisy: She's making a mess nobody can handle without you.
May: Oh come on why can't you just shut the fuck up!?
Daisy: I'm sorry but she needs to know, it's the only way she'll help us!
Bobbi winced.
Bobbi: I agree with her, Sam wouldn't have helped us otherwise.
Sam: I agree too, there was no way I would have helped you.
She took a deep breath, eyes closed.
Sam: Okay, tell me more about it and I'll help you.
May: You have to come with us to the compound, we can't talk about it here in the middle of nowhere, it's not safe.
She didn't say why, they all knew why, it could have been someone listening to them. Nobody looked at the owner of the camping site, but they all knew she was the one who could listen to what they were saying. Nobody said anything, the 3 agents and the ex/new-agent stayed quiet, but they all understood each other, knowing what threat and danger could it be.
Sam: I need to tell my friends I'm coming with you, or they will worry seeing I'm not coming back.
Bobbi: Okay but be quick.
Sam got out of the reception, and ran to join her friends.
She explained to them that Wanda, the only one who always was nice with her, was in trouble, maybe in danger, and that she needed her, so she was leaving with the S.H.I.E.L.D., and she was sorry. They were disappointed, but not sorry nor mad against her, they understood it wasn't easy for her, and she didn't want to come back to the S.H.I.E.L.D., but Wanda needed her.
Juliet: That's so sad you can't be here for the outdoor cinema ! But omg that's so amazing you work with the Avengers, I'm so proud of you Sam.
Leila: We know it's not easy for you, take care of you.
Nathan: Yeah, be careful, and call us whenever you can, we'll miss you.
Sam promised them to call, packed up a few of her stuff, and ran to join the S.H.I.E.L.D. 's agent sent to find her. She finally arrived at the reception.
Sam: Sorry, it took longer than expected, but I have my stuff with me, let's do this.
Bobbi, smiling: I ended up thinking that maybe you just ran away to not come with us.
Sam: Wanda needs me.
Bobbi looked at her and winced, admiring.
Bobbi: You're loyal.
Sam shrugged and winced too, but not like Bobbi, more like she's not entirely agreeing with her.
Sam: Depends to who.
Bobbi: To Wanda at least.
Sam: She is the only one who really ever makes me feel like I made a difference, a good one I mean, Tony made me feel like I made a difference too, but a bad one, like I made them lose time. Wanda did everything she could to make me feel good at the S.H.I.E.L.D., in the Avengers Team, at the compound, everywhere. I was closer to her than to anyone else there. She is the only one I really missed since I quit the S.H.I.E.L.D.. No offense. I mean, I haven't seen you guys a lot, so...
Daisy: No offense taken.
Bobbi: I get it, you prefer her to us, I'll remember next time we're in a fight together.
Sam opened her mouth to say something, then closed it, and rolled her eyes up.
Sam: Come on, you know what I mean!
Bobbi: Come on, you know I'm joking.
May: Everyone sit down and tie up, we're leaving.
0 notes
thewidowsghost · 3 years
Sunshine - Daisy Johnson x Romanoff!Reader
Main Masterlist
imapotatao asked:
Hey! I have a Daisy Johnson x reader request. When being sent to the future, Daisy and Reader meet their grandchild. Said grandchild is brought back with deke, they have no idea that they are their grandchild until something happens to reader and they think she won't make it. Or the grandchild says something that reader always says and Daisy puts it together. (That make sense? God, I hope so. Sorry it's long.)
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Daisy Johnson leans against her girlfriend, as (Y/n) Romanoff shovels pancakes into her mouth, her fiery red hair making a curtaining plate as she eats.
"You know," Phil Coulson says, eating his own food. "I think this is really the first time we've all been together in a really long time."
(Y/n) hums in agreement, swallowing another huge bite of pancake and May smiles warmly at Coulson.
(Y/n) lets out a whine as Daisy steals a bite of pancake from her, and everyone - Mack, Elena (Yo-yo), May, Coulson, Daisy, and FitzSimmons - laugh.
"Why do you always have to steal my pancakes, Sunshine?" (Y/n) asks her girlfriend, a frown on her face.
"You know you love me," Daisy replies, gazing fondly at her girlfriend. Daisy grins mischievously, taking another bite from (Y/n)'s plate.
(Y/n) blinks affectionately at Daisy. "I do," she murmurs in Daisy's ear.
"Anybody have room for some pie?" a waitress asks
(Y/n) drops her fork in excitement as the others murmur their agreement.
"Okay, so we have apple, strawberry, rhubarb, and chocolate banana cream," the waitress continues, looking amused at the excited expression on (Y/n)'s face.
There is a crackle of electricity, and the diner powers down.
There is a whir of electricity, and all the SHIELD agents sigh as lights appear outside the restaurant, resembling headlights.
"Here we go," May grumbles.
A door slams open, and some of the other customers gasp.
(Y/n) looks sadly down at her plate of pancakes before, simultaneously, the agents sit up straighter, lifting their hands into the air.
"Phillip J. Coulson," A man with a calm voice says, appearing behind said man.
"Yep, that's me," Coulson says with an eye roll, his eyes fixed on his own plate. "You got us. Nice job. And hey, congrats on the whole power-outage thing," he adds. "It was very . . . ominous."
A device powers on, and there is an actual ominous high-pitch ringing noise.
"The window closes in less than two minutes," the calm voiced man says. "Take them."
. . .
All seven agents gasp as they finally regain their breath.
Daisy sneaks her hand into (Y/n)'s, interlocking their fingers as the agents look around the dark room.
"Is everyone okay?" Coulson asks.
"Yeah, I think so," Mack replies.
Looking around the room, Simmon's eyes fall on a white rock with red lines running through it.
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The Monolith melts into a white sludge, like solidified milk, and washes over the seven agents.
. . .
When (Y/n) blinks, she finds herself standing beside, not Daisy, but a woman who looked a lot like her older sister, Natasha. The same splash of freckles across her nose and cheeks, the same fiery red hair, but she had familiar chocolate brown eyes, but (Y/n) shrugs off the younger woman's - she may have been twenty or twenty one - appearance for a moment.
"You," The woman turns to address (Y/n). "We've been waiting for you to come save us."
(Y/n) tilts her head questioningly.
"You must be (Y/n)," the woman continues and (Y/n) nods.
"How do you know me?" (Y/n) asks, frowning slightly.
The young woman replies, "Virgil and I always believed the stories."
"Believed what?" (Y/n) asks. "What stories?"
"Well, this one," she answers. "T-that you would - you would come and save us."
"Save who?" (Y/n) narrows her eyes.
"Humanity," the younger redhead answers, looking grim.
. . .
Coulson, Yo-yo, Simmons, and Mack are running down a hallway, Yo-yo shooting at one of the aliens chasing after them.
There is a rumbling, and Daisy Johnson is framed in the corridor where the alien had just been - it had been exploded.
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"Right?" Daisy asks shakily.
"Yes, that was right," Coulson replies, "and not the only one."
Daisy looks around at the group, noticing the two missing bodies. "Where's (Y/n)? And May?"
. . .
Coulson, Yo-yo, Simmons, and Mack stalk cautiously behind Daisy, who walks with her hand out, ready to strike.
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"This has to be the coolest we've ever looked," Coulson comments.
. . .
"My friend should be here somewhere," (Y/n) comments as the two redheads walk down one of the corridors.
There is an intersection and (Y/n) crashes into a familiar, shorter figure.
"Whoa," (Y/n) says as her girlfriend scrambles to her feet, raising her hand defensively.
"Hey," Daisy says, looking relieved, wrapping (Y/n) in a tight hug.
"Hi, Sunshine," (Y/n) says so softly that no one else but Daisy could hear.
"I suppose I'll leave you here, then," the younger redhead says.
"Thanks -" (Y/n) pauses, not knowing the younger woman's name.
"Natalie," Natalie replies.
"Thank you, Natalie," (Y/n) nods.
Natalie turns and walks off, looking around cautiously, leaving (Y/n) with her friends.
"Seems like it's just a lot of work just to keep this place afloat," Coulson comments, looking at the walls.
"But it's designed for humans to survive -" Simmons says. "Atmosphere and simulated gravity - and machinery seemed to be for reclaiming water, I think."
"Yeah, it looks man-made," Coulson agrees.
"Could possibly be a colony?" Simmons wonders aloud. "Moving mankind to the stars? Maybe that's what Virgil meant by 'humanity,'" Simmons goes on.
"That's what Natalie said, too," (Y/n) says. "Said she and Virgil had been waiting for us to arrive."
"I don't know," Coulson says. "That plasma gun wasn't man-made, and I don't think they could've built this place without some outside help. It's got some serious miles on it."
"Decades it looks like," (Y/n) comments, "but that means that this program had to have been started in the eighties by Howard Stark. And that doesn't feel right. Tony would've mentioned something."
"Yo-yo found something," Mack says, appearing out of the gloom.
(Y/n), Daisy, Coulson, and Simmons follow Mack, and they find a flare still lit on the ground.
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As the group walks up to the flare, it goes out, and Coulson frowns.
The group lines up in front of the door, stepping back.
(Y/n) steps forward and kicks down the door.
The agents walk into the room, catching sight of the dead men on the floor.
Daisy sighs heavily. "Nothing," she says.
"Nothing alive," Yo-yo says.
(Y/n) kneels down, studying the fresh blood on the ground.
"Hey," Coulson says, noticing the blood, as well as Melinda May's jacket.
"They didn't get to her, did they?" Yo-yo asks, looking rather concerned.
"May would've put up a fight," (Y/n) replies.
Coulson nods. "And they left the other bodies here," Coulson adds.
"'Water reclamation,'" Daisy reads off a computer screen.
"You were right, Jemma," Coulson says.
"I figured it out using magic," Simmons replies, glancing at Mack with an amused gleam in her eyes.
Mack shakes his head, not looking the least bit amused.
The console beeps and Daisy leans over the computer. "I can try and find out a layout and track May," Daisy says.
"It's in English," Simmons says. "They're tracking debris fields called 'frozen oceans'."
Daisy types on the computer, and there is a silence that is only disturbed by the clacking of a keyboard.
"They're collecting water form ice in space," Simmons says and she and Daisy look up from the computer. "This is a colony."
"Which means unless they all came through a Monolith . . . " Coulson trails off.
"Then we're close enough to Earth for people to travel here," Daisy looks back down at the computer.
"And we can get home," (Y/n) says.
"Yes, bu just as important," Simmons adds, "collecting ice means they have a spacecraft, and if they have a spacecraft, they must have a laser-based rapid-transmission system," Simmons rambles. "If we can find the ship and fly above the debris field . . ."
"We can send a message," Coulson finishes.
"We can send a message to Fitz back on Earth," Simmons goes on.
"Okay, okay, so if I can find a layout, find a ship, find May, it's a start," Daisy says. "This interface looks similar to -"  the monitor beeps, and (Y/n) leans down to read the message, her hand resting on the small of Daisy's back.
"'Human access denied'?" (Y/n) reads.
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"Coulson, do you recognize this language?" Daisy asks.
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"No," Coulson replies, leaning forward to look at the hand print. "I don't think humans are running this place after all."
There is a thud on the door and (Y/n) moves her hand to rest on Daisy's waist.
The door bursts open and two blue aliens step into the room, through the doorway.
The aliens attack Yo-yo, and knock her to the ground and (Y/n) advances but one of the blasters smacks her in the ribs and she hits the wall, sliding down it with a gasp of pain.
Mack tries to knock down one of the aliens with a metal pipe, but the alien doesn't gall down.
The other blue alien raises a staff and a white light floods through the room, knocking everyone in the room out.
. . .
When Daisy comes to, she blinks deliriously, but she focuses herself faster when she hears yelp of pain from (Y/n).
Sitting up, Daisy blinks again, looking at Simmons who is wrapping a cloth around (Y/n)'s ribs.
"Thankfully they're not broken," Simmons says, tightening the cloth.
"Sure feels like it," (Y/n) mutters.
"Are you okay?" Daisy asks, looking worried.
"Don't worry, Sunshine," (Y/n) replies, wincing a little, but Simmons and Coulson share a look of amusement. "I'll be alright."
Daisy softens before looking at the rest of the jail. "Mack?" she asks. "Yo-yo."
One of the Kree says, "We'll leave the transgressors on the floor chief?" He pauses. "To use as he needs."
Daisy swallows thickly, glancing at (Y/n).
"He should be interested that they've removed their Metrics," the Kree continues.
Daisy stands up and stumbles over to the doors. She slams her hand against the door. "Hey," she says, her words slurring a bit. "What are you gonna do with our friends?" she questions and (Y/n) gets to her feet, her arm resting on her bruised ribs.
(Y/n) puts her other hand on Daisy's shoulder, squeezing gently.
"Whatever we want," one of the Kree says. "Experiment. They knew the rule, and they broke it."
"They're not gonna make it easy for you," Daisy says, her eyes watering.
The two Kree walk towards the door, and (Y/n) gently pulls Daisy back.
"No," the Kree replies. "They'll beg for their lives as you humans always do. I've done twenty-two rotations and I have never observed anything else."
(Y/n) swallows thickly. She takes Daisy's hand and leads her back over to the bench. "They'll be alright, Sunshine," (Y/n) murmurs. "They're strong, the two of them." Daisy turns to study (Y/n), but even though (Y/n)'s words were meant to keep Daisy from worrying, but (Y/n)'s eyes betrayed her words.
. . .
"Okay," Coulson says. "New plan."
"The Kree have been abducting humans to this outpost for years," Simmons offers.
"Running experiments?" Daisy asks, pacing the room, and (Y/n) furrows her eyebrows.
"Well, their genetic work in creating Inhumans is well-known," Simmons says. "Maybe they're doing more of the same."
(Y/n) frowns.
"Yeah, well I'm not going to wait around to find out," Daisy says, raising her hand at the door. "So . . ."
She falters as the door opens, and three figures are framed in the door.
"May," Coulson says, taking a stop forward.
The older SHIELD agent is leaning against a familiar red haired woman, and a spiky haired young man beside them.
"Buddy!" the young man says, stepping into the room. "Just go with it," he whispers. "We've been looking everywhere for you guys," he says in a normal voice. "Man. What a mess back there, huh?" he asks. "These poor suckers," the young man turns to look at the Kree. "Virgil - you know, from R&R? He was trying to scam these guys out of some tokens. This one," he turns to May, "came running to me begging for help, the poor thing. When I get my hands on that no-good louse, he's gonna have some explaining to do."
"Where is Virgil, anyway?" Natalie asks.
"He's dead," Coulson replies.
"Good," Natalie says after a moment of silence. "Good," she turns to the Kree.
"He got what he deserved then," the young man agrees, nodding to Natalie, "didn't he, for trying to drag these poor transfers up from Processing into the Wet Works," he grabs Coulson's hand, showing it to the Kree, "just to steal their Metrics."
"So, he's just Roach food then?" Natalie asks.
"Oh, yeah," Coulson replies.
"One more vacancy, right?" the man asks.
"That's what I was gonna say," Coulson agrees.
"Guys," the young man stammers.
"What did we tell you about trusting Virgil?" Natalie asks.
"She's right, we did go over this. What did we say?" the young man adds.
"Don't trust Virgil," Simmons says.
"N-not to trust him," Daisy says simultaneously, her arms crossing.
"God, you repeated it back to us," the young man says, "and we said back - it was like a pass-and-catch thing."
"Look," Natalie turns to the Kree. "We really appreciate your help with these guys, but I can take them off your hands, even slip a few tokens your way for your trouble."
There is a moment of pause and the Kree warrior nods.
"Right, let's go," the young man says, and (Y/n) lets out a soft sigh.
Daisy keeps close to (Y/n) as the two walk down the hall after Natalie and the young, spiky-haired man at her side, May and Coulson in front of (Y/n) and Daisy.
"Don't worry, Sunshine," (Y/n) murmurs, soft enough for only Daisy to hear. "I'll be alright."
Daisy's chocolate brown eyes soften, the corner of her eyes crinkling cutely. "I love you," she says softly, and (Y/n) smiles.
"I love you too, Sunshine," (Y/n) replies softly.
The group stops as the young man and Natalie look down the hall.
"What the hell happened to Virgil?" the young man beside Natalie asks. "The Roaches get him?"
"Sorry to say," Coulson replies. "Was he a friend?" Coulson asks.
"Acquaintance," the spiky-haired man replies. "He owed me a ton of tokens for this job."
"Job?" Simmons asks.
"Deke!" Natalie says, smacking the young man.
Deke looks at Natalie before her replies, "All he said was that he wanted to hide some people. That's not unheard of. So I was hired to supply the Metrics and swap them out," Deke grabs Daisy's wrist and (Y/n) narrows her eyes, "but you guys don't even have Metrics,  which means you don't have the tokens to cover Virgil's end, so have fun."
(Y/n) wraps an arm around Daisy's waist, and Deke lets go of Daisy's wrist.
"Hey, wait, wait," Daisy says as Deke turns around. "We need your help. We need to find our friends," Daisy goes on
"Your friends?" Deke asks and Natalie glances warningly at him. "Your friends attacked a Kreeper. They're as good as gone. Those blues are bred to kill," Deke looks around, "so, so just - you make your peace with it."
(Y/n) pulls Daisy back a little as Deke looms over her.
"We'll take our chances," Coulson replies, and Deke looks over at him. "Listen, if you could just help us find them and then get to the spacecraft -"
"You mean the Trawler?" Natalie asks, looking surprised. "To do what?" she questions.
"The only pilot I knew was Virgil," Deke add, "and may he rest in peace," Deke shrugs, "apparently. So best of luck to all you guys, but mine's running out."
"Jeez Deke," Natalie smacks the man's arm and (Y/n)'s eyes flare with amusement.
"Well, Deke," Coulson says, "we just wanted pie, and now we don't know where we are or what's going on, and we finally found someone who does, so you're not walking away."
"I really wanted the pie," (Y/n) says wistfully.
Then the group stiffens as they hear Yo-yo screaming in pain.
May moves forward, twists a knob, and Deke rises of the ground, and sticks to the wall.
(Y/n) glances appreciatively at the older agent.
. . .
Daisy cracks through the pad, May, Natalie, Coulson, and (Y/n) standing behind her.
"All set," Daisy says.
"Good job," (Y/n) says, her eyes twinkling lovingly.
"Express train to the bottom of the Lighthouse, no stops," Daisy says, her hand coming up to brush against the inhibitor in her neck.
Natalie, May, and Coulson walk through the doors, and (Y/n) goes to take Daisy's hand, but Daisy steps back.
"Daisy?" (Y/n) asks, looking at her girlfriend questioningly.
"I'm not coming with you," Daisy says.
"Like hell!" (Y/n) says, frowning and glaring at her girlfriend.
"I know you're scared about going home," Coulson says, (Y/n) still fuming.
"No, I'm terrified," Daisy replies. "Look around. Billions of people gone. If there's a chance I'm the cause . . . I can't go."
"We can get through this together," May says.
(Y/n) looks away, a hurt expression crossing her face.
"You don't even have your powers anymore," May goes on.
"It's only a matter of time, and you know it. If there's an emergency or if one of you are in danger, I will need them, and we will find a way," Daisy argues. "If I go through that portal, you know it's the beginning of the end."
"We don't even know you did this," Coulson says, Daisy's eyes welling with tears.
"I was right in the epicenter," Daisy replies.
"I won't let you sacrifice yourself," Coulson says, "because you're scared of what's to come."
"What's to come is the end of everything," Daisy argues, her voice rising.
"If you can change the future here, you can change it back home," May says, gritting her teeth.
"But we know this solution works," Daisy says.
"I. Don't. Care!" (Y/n) shouts, clenched, her eyes filled with tears.
There's a pew noise, and Daisy drops to the ground, the dendrotoxin doing it's work.
Natalie gazes, wide eyed at the brunette lying unconscious on the floor.
(Y/n) tucks the ICER into the waistband of her pants, kneeling down to brush her fingers across Daisy's cheek.
"She's not going to forgive you," May says and (Y/n) glances up at her.
"I'm not leaving her here," (Y/n) picks Daisy up from the ground, and Daisy's head lolls to the side, resting against (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Let's go," (Y/n) says grimly.
. . .
May, Coulson, (Y/n) - who is still carrying Daisy - and Natalie walk down to meet Simmons, Fitz, Mack, Yo-yo, Flint, and Deke.
. . .
"What happened?" Simmons asks, her eyes falling on Daisy's unconscious figure in (Y/n)'s arms.
"She ICE'd her," May replies. "Daisy didn't want to come home."
"I wasn't going to leave her behind," (Y/n) says softly.
"Where's Yo-yo?" Mack asks. "She didn't find you?" he asks.
(Y/n) lies Daisy down on one of the couches on Kasias's lounge, Daisy's head resting in her lap.
"I'm sorry, Sunshine," (Y/n) murmurs. "I know you might not forgive me, but I couldn't leave you behind. Not like this." (Y/n) swallows thickly, blinking back her tears. (Y/n)'s fingers thread through Daisy's hair. "I love you too much to leave you here."
Coulson walks over to (Y/n), his eyes soft, and his voice is gentle, "It's time." He glances down at Daisy resting in (Y/n)'s lap. "Do you want me to take her?"
(Y/n) shakes her head. "No, I've got her."
(Y/n) shifts slightly, holding Daisy in her arms before she stands up.
Coulson stands beside (Y/n).
The rock turns to liquid and everyone - minus Daisy - looks around as they realize that they're in the same place.
(Y/n) lies Daisy down on a table, slips her hand into her pocket, and sets the box in Daisy's jacket pocket.
"Not like you'd want to," (Y/n) murmurs.
"Well that was a hell of a thing," Fitz says and (Y/n) smiles.
"Are you kidding?" Natalie says, looking around. "I'm from the future."
Coulson looks amused, then looks at Yo-yo, Mack, and Simmons. "I'm so glad you guys made it," Coulson says.
"Why are we still in the Lighthouse?" Yo-yo asks.
"Maybe Flint's Monolith didn't work," Mack offers.
Natalie looks around. "It took us to the same place, but in a different time."
Fitz nods at the redhead. "She's right."
"We're home?" Simmons asks.
"Yeah," Fitz says, and all the agents sigh with relief.
. . .
Coulson gives the agents some tasks, and (Y/n) has to remain in the same room as the unconscious Daisy.
(Y/n) opens one of the electrical panels but freezes when she hears a familiar voice.
"You ice'd me," Daisy's words are slurred. She shifts slightly, not noticing the velvet box in her pocket.
"I was . . ." (Y/n) pauses, a pained expression flashing across her face, ". . . kind of hoping you'd forget that part." (Y/n) stops herself before she says 'Sunshine.'
Daisy scoffs before she sits up, looking around at her surroundings. "Sorry to . . ." she falters, ". . . disappoint."
(Y/n) swallows thickly, focusing back on the problem in front of her she could actually fix.
"It looks the same, but we're - we're home, aren't we?" Daisy asks.
"I -" (Y/n)'s voice quavers, "- I couldn't leave you behind."
"Even with all of the risks that -" Daisy begins.
"I don't care," (Y/n) turns around, biting the inside of her cheek. "I need you here."
Daisy tilts her head, softening.
(Y/n) turns back around, fiddling with some of the wires.
There is a spark, and the lights flicker on.
(Y/n) sits herself on the floor, her back to her girlfriend.
Daisy softens even more, and gets to her feet.
(Y/n) jolts as she feels Daisy's arm wrap around her waist.
As Daisy leans into (Y/n)'s side, both women can feel the box (Y/n) had left in her pocket pressing against their sides.
Confused, Daisy reaches a hand in her pocket, pulls out the box.
"What's this?" Daisy asks. She opens the box and finds a pair of rings inside the box.
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]Daisy's eyes widen and she stares at (Y/n).
"Marry me?" (Y/n) asks, meeting Daisy's chocolate brown eyes.
"Yes, is that even a question?" Daisy says, capturing (Y/n)'s lips in a kiss, pouring her love into the kiss.
Daisy's hand moves to the back of (Y/n)'s head, deepening the kiss.
Daisy pulls back from the kiss, to find a disheveled (Y/n) blinking back at her, her eyes wide.
(Y/n) shakes her head slightly, takes the sun ring from box and sliding it onto Daisy's ring finger, and Daisy does the same with the moon ring, sliding it onto (Y/n)'s finger.
(Y/n) leans into her new fiance's side, and Daisy smiles softly, her head resting against (Y/n)'s.
"I love you, Sunshine," (Y/n) murmurs.
"I love you, too," Daisy replies, her eyes gleaming happily.
. . .
"Plans are already in motion," Leopold tells Fitz, smoothing the front of his suit.
. . .
(Y/n) charges into the room and she finds a teary-eyed Daisy on her side, strapped to a table, and Fitz sitting in a chair beside her.
"Fitz? What are you doing?" (Y/n) asks.
There is the sound of a gun firing, and (Y/n) looks down, her hand coming up to her stomach.
(Y/n) slides down against the wall, her eyes glazing.
Daisy lets out a strangled, pained cry.
Simmons and Deke - who had somehow appeared a few days before - run into the room, Simmon's eyes falling on (Y/n), and her eyes widen in horror.
Daisy screams as Fitz cuts the inhibitor from her neck as Simmons and Natalie - who had just ran into the room - crouch beside (Y/n).
(Y/n) lets out a pained groan as Simmons presses against the wound.
"Don't worry, Sunshine," Natalie says, and (Y/n) is too dazed to realized what the redhead had said, but Daisy isn't, and her eyes widen. "You'll be okay.
Mack enters the room next, and he takes Fitz down into the holding area.
. . .
Daisy sits by (Y/n)'s side in the MedBay, holding (Y/n)'s hand.
Natalie enters the MedBay, and Daisy fixes her gaze on the redhead.
"Where did you hear the Sunshine thing?" Daisy asks, and the question startles Natalie a little.
"My mom would always talk about how adorable her mothers were," Natalie admits. "She said that one of her moms would call the other Sunshine. I always though it was the sweetest thing.
Daisy's eyes widen with disbelief. She studies Natalie's familiar features, the fiery red hair, the same splash of freckles across her nose, and chocolate brown eyes that matched her own.  "(Y/n) always calls me Sunshine," Daisy whispers. "You're our -"
"Grandaughter," Natalie finishes, her eyes wide.
Word Count: 4322 words
Skye / Daisy Johnson Taglist:
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Season 3, Episode 17! (Sorry I haven't been updating more frequently I've been watching more on my phone)
Oh it's glasses guy!
May is bleeding oh shit HYDRA if you existed I would kill everyone in there by myself I don't care how
Joey can count! Good on you Joey!
Jesus Lincoln you scared me there I thought you were some evil guy anyways go Lincoln beat them up! :D
Mack's "What 😃" is so hilarious like I DID NOT CONSENT TO BEING POTENTIALLY BLINDED
Oh hi glasses guy that was extremely rude of you just so you know
Or don't. Because it's Elena!
Who needs walking when you can FLY?!
Wait what is it because they captured Malick? Does Malick have a tracker or something?
Is THAT a tracker?! Why am I so obsessed with trackers?! It could just literally be "inside secret base"
Oh wait Arabians are horses. I thought they meant the song Arabian Nights from Aladdin. Wait is the song from Aladdin about horses?
Oh it's called a Hydra? Original!
Oh he's her boyfriend! Maybe they cleared that up before but still oh he's her boyfriend!
And also Joey wanted to go on a date! Let him go on a date!
Oh Yo-Yo will have her REVENGE? Wait until she learns his full name
Is the one on the inside the GLASSES GUY?! **Dun dun dun**
I think I'm just confused about who is on the inside
And that's all the faith you need!
PARASITE?! It's a good thing Venom is in a different universe or he would be very offended
You can 100% trust Joey. I love Joey. If Joey turns I am going to ... Do something annoying!
That's a great interrogation 👍
Is no part of Daisy like "why am I not in this meeting? 😭"
Yeah I'm just very scared you can be mind controlled!
I am also Catholic!
Honestly the Devil is kinda a vibe, there's a fantastic song in Blood Brothers about him having your number!
Revenge is a very tricky path and you're really offering Malick?
Thor and Loki are not on the same level as that Hive thank you very much! They're much better!
May doesn't know what's going on? This doesn't feel right
Ew Ew Ew Ew Ew Ew Yes Fitz change the subject!
They're also lucky to have you Fitz don't forget that.
That's very rude! ICEing them is very rude!
Yeah they're not going to be happy with the secrets, I'm guessing that was Lincoln?
Oh shit Yo-Yo did you take those?!
... so was that Yo-Yo or am I just saying that because Mack said "those kill"
But anyone can set off a bomb Coulson?
Yeah Lincoln, exactly!
Accurate translation Yo-Yo!
What does that mean Mack whose stuff is that and what is it?
This feels like an Among Us emergency meeting lmao
Oh shiiiit Lincoln are you just having temper issues or are you mind controlled?
It's okay Daisy, I don't think you expected mind control
I said "trust" and then Mack said "Yo-Yo" and then I realised Mack is right, the most important thing on a team is Yo-Yo
Not the team! 😭
... Will there even be a next time?
One of these days Simmons. One of these days.
Fitzsimmons :)
Pick Up Lines 101 with Fitz! "I've got a picture of space"
Daisy that is a very different attitude than you had a few minutes ago right
A bond? Can't you just have friends instead Daisy? Or like relationships?
So Daisy can literally split every cell from your body good to know
Ooohhhhhh relationship issues!!!
Give me back Fitzsimmons I want my fluff
Wait can't they see the cameras? Surely they can see the cameras? Or did she take those out too?
Oh Daisy can fly now? Can she?
Oh no she's just tearing the base down my bad
Okay but that camera shot is stunning good job whoever shot that scene
Skye? Don't you mean Daisy?
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agl03 · 4 years
Deke and Yo Yo had an interesting interaction in this episode. Deke was against creating waves and big changes but after their last scene at the Zephyr, do you think Deke changed his mind? How do you think this is gonna play out, because I don't see it as a good sign.
Hi Anon,
Yes, I’m very worried about Deke too.  I think the big issue for Deke is he is a bit disillusioned with humanity right now.   I think he had assumed humans were the awful a way they were in the Lighthouse because of the life forced upon them by the Kree.    But now he’s traveled hundreds of years into the past and found that some things indeed never change.  People are selfish, let you down, betray you, and will do horrible things.  Even more he’s seeing more of the worst parts of humanity in Racism and Sexism.  
The second factor is he got bit in rear big time by the whole no good deed goes unpunished thing.  He saw Freddie as an innocent kid, let him live, didn’t want to believe Daisy when she said he would become a killer, and followed Mack’s orders.  Even saving his life and letting him go.   Then he is not only kidnapped by the jerk but because of his first line of defense, fast talking, a man was murdered right in front of him.  By the person the thought was worth saving and that he gave a chance too.  Poor Deke doesn’t even know that 
In many ways this reminded me in a very small way of Fitz.  Fitz was so trusting in Season 1 and with Ward he got hurt so badly.  Then again it happened with Radcliffe and AIDA.
And I am very uncomfortable with influences like Elena and Daisy fanning this fire of lets just blow it all up and make it better.  Because it never works out that way.  May saving the girl in Bahrain taught us that.  Killing Freddie wouldn’t have stopped Hydra, another head would have taken his place and then the team would be dealing with a complete unknown both on their side and Coulson’s memories.  Deke needs Nana to step in soon and and remind hi that yes while there is bad, and progress is slow.  There are good things too.  He also needs to remember what and who he’s fighting for.  AKA me dying for the Nana Grandson bonding to start happening.  He also needs to be reminded that trying to force the thing you want to happen faster blows up in the teams face 110% of the time.  
It was also pointed out to me that Wildred died in our OG timeline in 1970, that was revealed in Paradise Lost.  However, in next weeks promo he is alive, well, and partying it up with Stoner in the Lighthouse in 1976.  Meaning the Creeper Cop either stopped Wilfred’s original death or when he did die had a buddy take on his face and carry on as a puppet head of Hydra they now had complete control of.   Atarah said herself that Chronicoms will step in when need be to help “guide events”.  
Getting Hydra and its resources to fully focus on their plan and destroying Shield vs. lets say keeping up the tradition of a crazy old cult trying to get an all powerful Inhuman off a deserted planet might be a good place to start.  And would great one heck of a wave in the teams Timeline.Even steering Hydra’s interest from Inhumans as a whole could actually be devastating to the team...and THAT could explain why Elena lost her powers.  What we should watch for is if Daisy starts to have trouble with hers next.  
At this point the timeline has taken a major hit as it is.  The team trying to interfere to make things better is only going to make things worse.  And at some point someone is going to need to stand up and say that.
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geraltcirilla · 4 years
Are there aos main characters that you don't like or just don't care about? i used to like fitz and simmons but I think the writers kinda ruined fitz character and as much as I liked simmons she obv had most of her arc with fitz and she kinda turned selfish as well so i stopped liking her as well. and then there are elena and deke. i don't hate them or anything like that, I just didn't warm up to them :/
I like all the main characters but they’ve all pissed me off at one point or another (besides Daisy, she is an angel and has done nothing wrong in her whole life). The ones who I dislike more than others are ones I feel have wronged Daisy because I am so emotionally attached to her.
So my fave SHIELD team members are (in order of favorites):
Coulson, May, and Mack 
Bobbi and Lance 
SHIELD team members I used to like but am now ambivalent towards because they hurt Daisy, in order of who I dislike the most:
Deke is at the bottom of the list because literally the only thing I dislike about him is his obsession with Daisy and him making a sex simulation of her for the Framework. Other than that I like his character, but that one aspect of him is enough to squick me.
Jemma I also don’t really have a problem with. I don’t think she personally ever harmed or wronged Daisy, however my issue with her comes with her siding with Fitz whenever Fitz hurts Daisy. She will always comfort Fitz before Daisy or agree that Fitz was in the right and “did was needed to be done” which IMO is throwing Daisy under the bus and basically shows where Jemma’s priorities are. She loves Daisy and is her friend but will always choose Fitz over Daisy even if Fitz was in the wrong.
It might seem weird that Fitz is below Yo-Yo given that Fitz tortured Daisy twice and Yo-Yo never did, but let me explain. The only time Fitz ever turns on Daisy is when he is out of his mind because of the Framework/The Fear Dimension/Or mental health reasons. If Fitz is completely in his right and sane mind, he not only treats Daisy well, he is her friend. There are many, many moments in the series where Fitz not only shows concern for Dasiy, but he is a better friend to Daisy than even Jemma was (most obvious example being when she gained her powers in s2). I currently dislike Fitz only because he refused to take accountability the second time he hurt Dasiy. For some reasons the writers decided to make Fitz a huge dick in 5b and all that compassion he had in previous seasons went away. I really hated Fitz after he forcibly removed Daisy’s implant and then told her to her face he didn’t regret it and it was the right decision, and then told Jemma he didn’t feel bad about it. This is why I’m okay with Fitz dying in the season 5 finale. Dick Fitz died and the Fitz they find in space in season 6 is a Fitz who never did what I would consider to be the ultimate offense against Daisy. And some people can argue that “if other Fitz did it this Fitz is also capable” and I agree, but I don’t think it will ever happen again. Because I’m pretty sure the reason Fitz went kinda villain in 5b was the realization they were all trapped in a time loop and that Jemma would die and there was nothing he could do to stop it. And so he became an awful person because he was so desperate to save Jemma, and he would throw anyone under the bus for it including Daisy. Now I don’t desperation and fear justifies Fitz’s behavior towards Daisy and that is still why he is on my shit list, but it does explain his actions a little more clearly and is also why he’s below Yo-Yo on the list.
So that brings us to Yo-Yo and why she is top on my dislike list. Yo-Yo, in my opinion, was never Daisy’s friend. She never cared about Daisy and is always the first person to turn on Daisy, disagree with Daisy, or argue with Daisy at any given moment. Yo-Yo and Daisy never had any moments I would consider bonded them as friends and Yo-Yo will never take Daisy’s side on in any team debate or consider Daisy’s well-being. The closest she got was in season 4 when she helped Daisy after Daisy left the team. But after that there was really no connection between them, which is insane because the only reason Yo-Yo is even on the team is because of Daisy. During 5b despite Fitz torturing Daisy and Jemma defending his actions, I think Yo-Yo was the most outright cruel to Daisy. Because FitzSimmons, even though they wronged Daisy, still cared about her and didn’t want her to die. They wanted to solve the end-of-the-world crisis without sacrificing Daisy in the process. At one point in 5b I was pretty sure Yo-Yo would’ve been happy is Daisy dropped dead. And although FitzSimmons disagreed with Daisy’s orders and went behind her back, they never said they didn’t want her to be their leader. They never said she shouldn’t be in charge or she didn’t deserve it. Yo-Yo said all of those things, to Daisy’s face, in front of the entire team. And also Yo-Yo kinda just maliciously targeted Daisy all through season 5 with insults and accusations. Daisy couldn’t breath without Yo-Yo showing up to criticize, asking her where she was, stealing her shit to go through it, and blaming her for stuff going wrong because “she wasn’t there” as if her being there would’ve changed a single thing. I know that the reason Yo-Yo did all of this is because she was scared for the end of the world, of meeting her future self and telling her everything was hopeless, and of the idea of losing Mack. Just like how FitzSimmons turned on Daisy because they were desperate to save each other. But at the end of the day Yo-Yo isn’t Daisy’s friend even outside of 5b. In fact outside of Mack I don’t think Daisy has any relevant connections to the team. She’s more like a friendly coworker. She’s not particularly close to May, Coulson, Fitz, or Jemma. And her lack of connections is what makes me not care about her character.
Once again I wanna reiterate although I have preferences I still ultimately like all these characters and want the best for them. I was happy with all their endings in season 7. It’s just that Mack, May, and Coulson are characters who I was invested in where Deke, FitzSimmons, and Yo-Yo are characters I passively experienced. I might be a little more attached to FitzSimmons because they’ve been around since s1 but they constantly test my patience.
0 notes
random-writerings · 2 years
Kris Fletcher x Deke Shaw - Soulmate AU
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Background: Kris grew up with Jemma but didn’t join S.H.I.E.L.D. until she became an Inhuman. She gained the ability to manipulate/increase someone’s pain just by touching them. But that changed in the Framework when AIDA wanted to steal her powers but still wanted to experience what it was like to touch people. AIDA found a way to change Kris’ powers using the Darkhold, then she instructed The Doctor how to experiment on Kris until her powers could be controlled by her mind alone. Once out of the Framework, these changes seemed to still be in effect, but no one knows if they’re permanent. Kris is relieved to be able to touch people again without hurting them, but she still gets anxious that her powers will revert back without her noticing. And Fitz can't get rid of the crushing guilt he feels for essentially torturing his friend. 
Kris sat in the diner, lost in thought. The team, her friends, were all chatting away, enjoying these last few moments together before they would be arrested. They were all fresh out of the Framework and the fight with AIDA had taken its toll on everyone. Fitz still couldn't look Kris in the eye.
Daisy bumped Kris’ arm gently, causing her to instinctively recoil from the contact. 
“You know you're able to touch people now,” Daisy joked softly.
“I know. I'm sorry. Old habits and all that.”
“Don't apologise. I was just worried about you. You're awfully quiet.”
“Thanks. I'm fine though.”
Daisy raised one eyebrow but left it alone. Kris turned back to stare at her half-eaten burger. As she reached out for it, the cuff of her sleeve moved slightly, exposing the tattooed skin on her inner wrist. Her soulmate’s first words to her, apparently. Everyone was born with it. Most people found their soulmates pretty easily but there were some out there who had very generic phrases (‘Hi, nice to meet you’, ‘Sorry, excuse me’, etc). But her’s just didn't make sense. Kris had pondered over the meaning for years but was still none the wiser. It was a pretty simple phrase, really, it was just one word that stuck out, one word she didn't know: ‘What about you? I don’t suppose you have a Metric?’
What the hell even is a Metric?
That was the first thing she was going to ask her soulmate when she met them. She had searched for years, scoured through old books, browsed the internet, even accessed a ton of S.H.I.E.L.D. files that she probably shouldn't have, just to find out what it was. But she had found nothing. 
She tried not to think about it too much. But that was hard to do, considering her team was made up of lovey-dovey soulmates. Fitz and Simmons had known they were soulmates since they were seventeen, but they never did anything about it until recently (despite Kris pushing Jemma to just ask him out already). Now that they were together though, they put everyone else in the world to shame with their big romantic gestures and awe-inspiring dedication to one another. It was sweet, and Kris was happy for them, but it made her own failed relationships look even worse. 
And of course, Mack and Yo-Yo were equally as affectionate. The team could always tell when they were flirting because they would not-very-subtly switch to Spanish. At least Coulson and May were more discreet when it came to public displays of affection. Besides, Kris wasn't the only one who hadn't found her soulmate. Daisy, like Kris, had been in relationships before but still hadn't heard someone say those magic words. Daisy’s phrase was one of the generic ones: ‘Who the hell are you?’ Of course, this was said to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents pretty often but Daisy’s responses never matched up with the other person’s words. 
Kris was pulled from her thoughts when the lights suddenly went out. Armed men ran into the diner, lining up behind them. Kris could feel the guns trained on their backs without having to turn around. She raised her hands slowly like the others while Coulson talked to a man behind him. 
The next thing she knew, she was facing a tall white stone with three red stripes carved into it. Her ears rang as she gasped for air. Were they drugged? 
“Is everyone alright?” Coulson asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” Mack replied. 
 Kris turned to Jemma whose gaze was fixated on the stone. Before she could ask if she was alright, the stone began to melt into liquid. It splashed towards them, swallowing up the team. Panic swept over Kris as the wave of liquid stone rushed across the floor towards her. Jemma had told her about this, told her about the monolith that had abducted her to an alien planet for six months (not to mention the murderous Inhuman who lived there and later enslaved Daisy). The white wave gripped her feet and pulled her under.
She woke up on a cold hard floor. She turned her head, cautiously testing out movement in her limbs. She came face to face with what appeared to be a very dehydrated dead body. Kris jumped back, rolling away before standing up. Her eyes widened as she took in the pile of bodies against the wall. Her head swam after standing up so quickly so she placed a hand on the wall to steady herself. She closed her eyes and took some deep breaths, running her free hand over her face. They had just escaped the Framework and now they were probably  in space, surrounded by dead bodies.
Great, just what we need. More sci-fi-esque horror movie nonsense.
Something clattered across the room. Kris stood up straighter and headed carefully towards the noise. She paused next to some boxes, listening to the sound of someone or something rummaging around. Sitting on top of a nearby box was a thick metal crowbar. She slowly picked it up, her heart beating loudly in her ears. She took another deep breath, steadying herself, before turning the corner with her crowbar raised. 
The person, crouched on the ground, whipped around to face her. Kris sighed in relief and lowered the crowbar.
“Jemma. You scared the shit out of me.”
“Yeah, well you scared me too,” the other woman countered. “Here put this on. Quickly. We don’t know if this air is breathable.”
She held out a gas mask and Kris raised her eyebrow.
“It seems fine to me.” 
“Well, just in case.” Jemma wiggled the mask in front of her face.
Kris thought about it for a moment then took it. After all, Jemma usually knew best. As they adjusted the masks, they heard another noise from where Kris had been earlier. Kris picked up her makeshift weapon again and they headed back across the room. 
Luckily it was only Yo-Yo, who seemed to have just appeared. Jemma reached out for her, but Yo-Yo turned, grabbing Jemma’s arm.
“Wait! Yo-Yo–” Jemma was cut off by Yo-Yo kicking her in the stomach. She fell backwards as Yo-Yo searched the room for a weapon.
“Yo-Yo, stop it’s us.” Kris held up her hands. But Yo-Yo didn’t seem to hear her as she grabbed something off a counter and lunged at Jemma again.
“No, no. Yo-Yo, wait! It’s me,” Jemma tried again breathlessly.
Yo-Yo paused. “Simmons?”
“What on earth? I'm lucky there were no knives.” Jemma took off her mask and Kris followed her lead.
“Kris,” Yo-Yo sighed, relieved to see another friendly face.
“Hey.” Kris nodded. Yo-Yo turned back to Jemma.
“What the hell were you doing with those masks? Trying to give me a heart attack?”
“Well, I wasn't sure the air was safe in here.” Jemma gestured to the pile of bodies behind them. “They were trying to get out. I thought maybe it was for air when I saw these masks on the ground, but I guess not.”
“And you?” Yo-Yo asked Kris.
“I don’t know.” Kris shrugged. “Jemma is the scientist, I just do what she says. If she says the air is potentially not safe, then, yeah, I'll put on a creepy gas mask. It's better than dying.” 
Jemma walked back over the bodies and pulled one out towards her by the ankles. 
“Ugh, Jemma, no. Please don’t.” Kris turned away, disgusted.
“Do you really–” Yo-Yo started. “Is that the smartest thing?”
“They're already dead, there's nothing to be scared of,” Jemma stated matter-of-factly.
“No. Of course not.” Yo-Yo walked over for a closer inspection. Kris shook her head.
“Yeah, no. I’m staying over here thanks.”
“Oh don't be silly. It's only a dead body, Kris,” Jemma sighed as she lifted the person’s shirt up.
“‘It's only a dead body, Kris,’” Kris mocked her friend. “Yeah, well, I appeared right next to it. I think I've inspected it closely enough.”
Jemma rolled her eyes and continued working.
“Wow, that looks like Momia Junita from the Incan–”
“The Incan mummies, yeah,” Jemma finished Yo-Yo’s sentence. “These people have been dead for a long while, but their bodies seem absent of all interstitial fluid. It's completely dehydrated them, preserving them.”
“Oh, great,” Kris mumbled under her breath, sarcastically.
“Dehydrated how? Frozen?” Yo-Yo asked, ignoring her.
“No.” Jemma looked from the body. “Drained.” 
“Oh. ‘They're already dead. There's nothing to be scared of’. Really?” Yo-Yo asked. “What sucks a human dry?”
“Aliens.” Mack’s voice replied from behind them. They turned to see him and Coulson dragging a man’s body into the room, where they dropped it on the floor with a heavy thump.
“Mack.” Yo-Yo smiled and ran towards him. Mack closed the metal door behind them and pulled Yo-Yo into a hug. “Gracias adios.”
“I'm happy to see you, too. But I’m not happy you're here.”
“Aliens?” Jemma and Kris asked simultaneously.
“Yep. Coulson’s 99 percent sure we’re in space.”
Jemma sighed and closed her eyes. “Not again.”
“Hey, quick question. Is he, like, alive?” Kris asked, pointing to the man on the floor. It seemed that Coulson was checking his wrist for a pulse.
“Hopefully.” Coulson looked up.
“Alright.” Jemma continued. “Any idea which part of space we’re in?”
“Uh, outer?” Coulson shrugged, getting up.
“Sir, we have no idea what kind of creature these people were trying to get away from,” Jemma informed him.
“Question I’m asking is, who locked them in?” Coulson replied.
“Great, just great. A creature that can drain a whole human being and something else that is intelligent enough to lock doors and is also possibly dangerous.” Kris shook her head and sighed. “I’m so retiring after this.”
“You’re too young to retire,” Coulson chuckled.
“Don't care. I'm gonna do it anyway.”
Mack and Coulson hauled the man onto a chair in the other corner of the room. 
Suppose it’s better than leaving the guy on the floor. 
“You know what, Coulson?” Mack threw his hands in the air, sounding annoyed. “I agree with Kris. I’m out. We get through this, I am packing it in.”
“Sorry, Mack. You already quit years ago,” Coulson replied.
“Yeah, well I didn't quit hard enough.”
Coulson ignored him and turned to Jemma. “So, are these people human?”
“Humanoid, at least. Means we aren't the first ones here.”
“Hey! Wake up!” Coulson returned to the unconscious man. “Geez, Mack, how hard did you hit him?”
“What do you mean?” Mack asked, confused. “As hard as I possibly could. Look, I don’t half-hit people. It's a punch. That's why it's called a punch.”
“Are you sure you didn’t kill him? He's been out for a while.” Kris joined Coulson next to the man, crouching down to get a good look at him.
“No, I didn’t kill him.” Mack sounded offended.
“Okay, sorry, I’m just asking.” Kris held up her hands. Coulson began rummaging around in the guy’s pockets. 
“Uh, are you sure you should be doing that?” Kris asked.
“I'll give back anything we find once he wakes up. Right now we need answers and he's not conscious enough to give them. Help me, will you?”
Kris sighed. “Alright. Whatever you say, sir.”
She pulled back the front of his jacket and checked the pockets of his shirt. Nothing. Then something caught her eye, something under his sleeve. She lifted the fabric to reveal words on his wrist.
“Hey, good news. He’s definitely human.” She held up his wrist for the others to see. Jemma went back to the pile of dead bodies and checked their wrists as well. 
“They all have words on their wrists. So it is a human outpost.” She sounded hopeful. 
“Yeah, and of course it's being overrun by creatures that suck out your innards.” Mack sighed. “I should’ve been a fireman.” He walked past Jemma and threw the wrench on the table with clang.
Eventually the unconscious guy, Virgil, woke up. He seemed awestruck by the team but didn’t have a chance to explain why before spiky blue alien stabbed him through the head. The team ran out into the corridor trying to get away from it. It cornered them in a dead end but Daisy saved them, using her powers to make the thing explode in midair. She asked if they had an explanation but they couldn’t tell her much.
“Apparently Fitz didn't get taken,” Jemma turned to Daisy.
“No. At least, he wasn’t in the room with the monolith,” Daisy replied. “I was the last to go through. I saw it all.”
“Well, that's some relief. He’s safe from this, better off than we are.”
“Yeah. You okay?”
“Fine. What, do you think he isn’t better off? He has to be.” Kris could hear the panic rising in Jemma’s voice.
“No, that's not what I'm saying.”
“Jemma, I’m sure he’s fine.” Kris tried to calm her down. But Jemma ignored them both and continued talking.
“Or that he did something drastic? He wouldn’t do that. He was right there with us at the diner,” Jemma began speaking faster as she panicked more.
“No, I'm not saying any of that. It's just you guys are constantly torn apart,” Daisy said. 
“Cursed, as he would say.” Jemma rolled her eyes. “Well, I'm not afraid that he isn’t here. I'm thrilled. He’s no doubt working this problem, probably trying to get a message to us right now. Better for everyone he isn’t here.”
“Right. We still need one member of the team on Earth to get us home,” Kris reasoned. “Good thing it’s Fitz, too. He’s the only one who knows how to build the stuff we need to get back. Besides, you two are soulmates. You’ll always find your way back to each other, no matter what”
“Yeah, you're probably right.” Jemma didn’t sound too convinced but Kris was just glad her friend wasn’t panicking anymore.
“Yeah, well, May did get pulled through,” Daisy addressed everyone. “I saw it. So we should find her.”
As the team walked through the maze of corridors, Coulson and Jemma hung back to discuss how and when this place had been built. Then Yo-Yo spotted a flare lying on the floor and Mack hurried back to get Jemma and Coulson. The flare died as the others caught up with them. Mack approached the nearby door and everyone moved behind him. He got a confirmation nod from Coulson before kicking the door open. They barged inside only to find an empty room. Well, not completely empty. A couple of bodies were lying on the floor, seemingly killed the same way as the ones in the other room.
“Nothing.” Daisy sighed.
“Nothing alive.” Yo-Yo corrected her.
As they searched the room, Daisy bumped into a console against the wall.
“‘Water Reclamation’,” she read. She started pressing buttons and the console lit up.
They all watched as Daisy pulled up a map of what appeared to be space. She pressed a few more buttons but the monitor began beeping. A message flashed up on screen saying in large capital letters: 
Underneath that was writing in a language Kris had never seen before. 
“Coulson, do you recognise this language?” Daisy asked.
He approached the monitor and took a look.
“No. I don’t think humans are running this place after all.”
Then there was a thud on a door next to them. They all turned to look at the source of the noise. The doors burst open and three tall blue aliens entered the room. One of them raised a gun while another slammed a staff into Yo-Yo. She fell back and Mack stepped forward, punching the alien in the face. His head whipped to the side but he seemed mostly unaffected as he turned back to Mack. The one with the gun raised it in the air and a pulse of light shot out of it, knocking them all back. 
Kris began to stir, until someone grabbed her leg, and she shot up. The blue alien holding her ankle snarled at her as she kicked him. She glanced quickly around the room and realised no one else was awake. She felt panic rising in her chest and tightening her throat, making it hard to breathe. She used her panic to strengthen her powers and the alien holding her suddenly let go, growling in pain. She scrambled to her feet as fast as she could, fighting the lightheadness.
The other two aliens advanced towards her. Kris backed away but the one with the staff grabbed her arm. He raised the weapon above his head, ready to bring it down on her. She sent a wave of pain through his hand and up his arm. He recoiled and cried out in pain, letting go of her. The other reached out for her so she used her new-found non-touch related abilities against him. It was more successful than the other attacks and he crumpled to the ground in agony. She used this chance to escape, dodging the first alien who had recovered. She pulled the door open and fled into the corridor. He stalked out after her but she kept running. She rounded a corner but didn't hear any heavy footsteps following her. She stood against the wall, listening. She heard one of aliens in the room call out to the one in the corridor. She heard him retreat back into the room. She dared to peek around the corner and saw them dragging her friends from the room. At the end of the corridor, they split off, two of them taking Daisy, Coulson and Jemma, and the other one taking Yo-Yo and Mack. 
She noticed a loose panel in the wall beside her. Opening it, she realised it was a vent system. It seemed to lead off to the left, the way Daisy, Coulson, and Jemma were taken. So Kris decided to follow them. 
She crept along the vents as quietly as she could. She watched through a grate as the aliens (were they Kree? Despite being Inhuman, Kris had never seen a Kree before but Daisy did say they were tall and blue) put her friends in a cell, then they shut the door with a loud bang and stood guard outside. 
I need to get them out of there. But rescuing them on my own is off the table. Maybe I should go find May, she might be able to help. 
Before she could do anything, she heard Daisy’s voice. 
“Hey.” Daisy smacked the door. “What are you gonna do with our friends?”
“Whatever we want,” one of the guards replied. “Experiment. They knew the rule and they broke it.”
“They're not gonna make it easy for you.”
The guard approached the door. “No. They’ll beg for their lives, as you humans always do. I've done 22 rotations, and I have never observed anything else.”
Kris could hear her friends continuing their conversation inside the cell but their voices were too muffled to make out what they were saying. She moved further back to get a better view of the door. Then she caught sight of May making her way down the corridor towards the guards. She was leaning heavily against a man in a brown leather jacket and she appeared to have an injured leg. The man spoke quietly to one of the guards, who regarded him with disdain before opening the cell door and the man rushed inside.
“Buddy!” he called out loudly. The rest of what he said, although equally as loud, was still muffled by the cell walls. Kris strained her ears but still couldn't hear much. She saw the man approach one of the guards again and lean in to whisper to him. The guard stepped aside and allowed everyone to leave with the stranger. 
Suspicious of this newcomer, Kris followed them, waiting until they were in an empty corridor to kick out the vent covering. The team turned around, ready to fight, but relaxed when they saw her. 
“What the hell?” Daisy exclaimed. “Where have you been?”
“I managed to escape before they dragged us away.”
“They thought it would be a good idea to touch me.” Kris smirked and Daisy returned it.
“So, it works on non-humans?” Jemma inquired. Kris shrugged.
“Good to know. Could be useful,” Daisy murmured.
“Speaking of non-humans,” Kris added, “those were definitely Kree, right? Tall, blue, want to experiment on humans?”
“Yep, definitely Kree,” Daisy answered. 
“Oh, great. As if this couldn’t get any worse.” 
The new guy gave Kris a strange look then turned to Coulson. “What the hell happened to Virgil? The Roaches get him?” 
“Sorry to say. Was he a friend?”
“Acquaintance. He owed me a ton of tokens for this job.”
“Job?” Jemma asked.
“All he said was that he wanted to hide some people. That's not unheard of. So I was hired to supply the Metrics and swap them out.” 
Kris turned around sharply to face him. She hadn't been paying much attention to what he was saying, she was too busy looking out for more Kree guards. But now he had her full attention. 
“But you guys don't even have Metrics,” he continued. “Which means that you don't have the tokens to cover Virgil’s end, so have fun.” Then he turned his gaze to Kris, their eyes meeting for the first time. “What about you? I don't suppose you have a Metric?”
Without fully registering what he had just said, she replied angrily, “Okay, seriously, what the hell is a Metric?”
The man stilled. “You really don’t know what a Metric is?”
“No. Clearly I don’t.”
“Guess I owe Virgil ten tokens. Or I would, if he were alive,” the man said grimly.
Kris crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at him. “Oh, really? And why is that?”
The man opened his mouth, paused for moment then closed it again. Whoever he was, he was making her blood boil. 
“Look, I suggest you start explaining what the hell is going on here.”
“Or what, you'll make me?” He mocked.
“Yeah. I will.” She tilted her chin up and held his gaze steadily. He looked her up and down, assessing her, then sighed in exasperation. 
“Fine. The only people who wouldn’t know what Metrics are, are people who don’t live here. So, Virgil always said that this was proof that his mythical Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. really were coming to save humanity.”
“Well, we are Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. But what proof are you talking about?” Kris frowned at him. Apparently his definition of explanation was to invite more questions than he answered. The whole team watched as he held out his wrist and pulled up his sleeve.
‘Okay, seriously, what the hell is a Metric?’ was written clearly on his wrist. Kris blinked, taken aback. Then she slowly held out her own arm, revealing her words, the same questions he had first asked her staring back at him. Their gazes moved up from each other’s wrists back to their eyes.
 “Well, shit,” they said simultaneously. 
The whole corridor was silent, the team looking between their friend and the stranger, waiting to see who would make the next move. Kris dropped her arm back to her side first.
“Looks like you've got a lot more explaining to do.”
“Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you,” the man retorted. He started to turn away from her but he paused, then turned back. “The name’s Deke, by the way.” Something about the way he said that, quieter than before and less hostile, surprised her. Her eyes glanced over him before returning to his bright blue eyes. She spoke softly,
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Season 4, Episode 9!
Is Aida ... Meditating?
Oh. So that's why.
I feel like Aida's still a she.
I mean Alexa hasn't tried to murder my family yet so ...
Oh it's a mechanical logo that's kinda cool ngl
I don't think I know that guy? I might know the actor, he looks a little bit familiar
I think he was.
Ohhhhh that blowing up is the Chitauri.
Oh wait I DO know the guy it's her husband
Don't worry, Simmons, Fitz will always have time for you <3
Mace? You're a weapon too if you're looking at it that way. Just so you know.
Daisy was in SHIELD before.
That was a horrendous joke.
He puts motivational posters in the bathroom? God you can never escape them
Mace is really good at plans. Like yep we're going to go rescue him
Does Leopold look sad! Oh no!
Bit too observant? Well people can be observant and you did want her to be a human right?
Yes keep shooting when you know bullets don't work. Excellent plan.
Why, LEOPOLD, why?
He doesn't eat breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you do know that!
What happens to everyone else, I'm presuming. He became Inhuman.
"it was dark" that's fair enough
It's not very unfortunate, Jemma saved your life
"I keep the world safe!" Says the senator who is behind the Watchdogs
It's the shotgun axe!
It is possible. It happened.
All of you are big dumb idiots in your own way, Mack
Optimism! The key for success!
Simmons you weren't even aware of Aida's existence for a while don't be too hard on yourself
Aw, he apologised for putting the bag over her head <3
Simmons what accent is that? Australian? I can't tell if that's good or hideous
Also being on an alien planet will do that to you.
Yes you will Simmons! You'll survive!
Aw well you can cross that bridge when you come to it am I right?
"Thanks for bringing me out here to my death" :D
The Inhumans are not a cause of the Chitauri, it's a cause of the Kree, different aliens.
If you kill him istg I'm going to cry
Oh thank God
SEX-BOT?! Okay Mack chill
"We're just friends" Good to know 👍
Hi Aida bestie :D
I don't understand that reference
It does Fitz. It does. You should really get better security on that thing.
Yo-Yo is like "I'm too old for this shit"
I can see why Yo-Yo and Mack are so good together
Oh hi Aida
Wait what? I'm so confused I thought that Aida had May captured and that was actually Aida ...?
They are powerful feelings, I agree
I don't know what hubris means
It seems that way by now yes
Because it was seven months. Everyone else is usually a couple seconds.
That is what they're saying.
Actually it's because of people like you. You were the one who led the blackouts.
That suggests there is something you want to hide
Oh threaten him with the UN ooohhhh
I have never watched Terminator, but I thought that was time travel, is it time travel with robots?
🎶Just the two of us, we can make it if we try🎶
🎶Can't read my, can't read my, my poker face🎶 - Phil Coulson
Why is it if? You're going to make it out of there!
Well. That is not very good.
My fears of a robot as a child was that it would break the roof. My logic was if I flushed the public toilets then I would summon the robot. My little mind worked in mysterious ways.
Suck on that 😎
Run, fella. Run.
Ooh so THAT's your ability! That would have been helpful when you were at gunpoint.
"Okay now we do" Great assessment Mace!
"Roll credits" That's fucking hilarious Mack
All she wanted to do was feel emotions :(
That is not it!
What so you can kill him? Nothing is stopping you from killing him now that you know he's an Inhuman?
What just because he makes a bad decision means you can't save him anymore?
There's Watchdogs on that plane isn't there
Are they doing ... Murder robot movie trivia?
Why are you staring at her decapitated head? That's kinda creepy
Wait you can still see through May can't you
What I want is an explanation, Radcliffe. Will you please give me an explanation?
Oh :( He was such a dumbass. A loving dumbass. :(
Wait. What?
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