#i don't have anything holiday related but i have this 🥺
ktysh · 9 months
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it's official! ❄
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ssahotchnerr · 4 months
So I work at a vet clinic and we have a new patient who's this small, little maltese puppy and the person who brings her in is this 6'0 "v much a dad" guy and after talking to him, learned it's his small daughter's dog that he and his wife got because their son, who was her best friend, moved to college. I've been thinking about a retired! SAHD! Aaron with like a 2nd grader Elle when Jack has graduated and went off to college (probably pre- law) and Aaron is devasted to see his little girl so heart broken after her brother leaving (tearfully) so he and R talk about getting a puppy and he does DAYS of research before coming to R with the perfect breed, a ethical breeder (Aaron doesn't strike me as a shelter guy 😭 (but R is and that's how they get their second dog heheh)), local vets w his he top three that he already got paperwork for, good food recs, ect, ect. Anyway, he make's it pretty clear that Ellie is responsible for the dog (tho he knows he will have to help) insert your typical relucant dog dad! Aaron who walks into the vet clinic to get the puppy her shots and this serious, tall guy has a little white puff ball gnawing at his fingers Thank you and goodnight 🍄
omg stop 😭🥺🥰
just ever since ellie was born, she's been attached to jack at the hip. she adores him more than anything 😭 she always wants to be with him, doing what he's doing. so all summer, you and aaron were prepping ellie - reminding her when jack goes back to school in the fall, he won't be at home. but that doesn't mean we won't see him!! he'll be back!!!! for holidays, and weekends here and there. we can even go there and visit him!!!
but the day jack moves :( ellie is still just besides herself 😭 she's awfully teary-eyed and clinging onto him, she's even dropped off at jj's or dave's for the day while you and aaron move him in - the day's just bound to be chaotic and you don't want her getting lost in all the hustle and bustle. but :(((( aaron feels sooo bad for his little girl, especially when he sees her playing alone 😭 so the discussion of getting a dog comes into play 🫢
you're right!!! aaron would do extensive research on everything dog related, it's definitely not a spur of the moment decision, and is extremely thorough with ellie on how it's a huge responsibility. like it's a living creature, not one of her stuffed animals 😭
hehe just: small puppy, big aaron 🤭🤭🤭🤭💞 aaron lovesss taking it on walks around the neighborhood, with ellie ofc 🥰 and he's so relieved that it helps with the new transition - more often than not, ellie's in the backyard playing ball with the newest family member, always cuddling it, (carefully) clipping little bows into it's long fur 🥹
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mrs-monaghan · 9 months
jugkooks reply to jimjn in weverse about the spicy food thing was so relatable.. He replied that he used to do whatever jimin was saying since elementary school. I don't know how that behaviour makes a two of us but i realized I do that Infront of my crush too. Like I try to tell them that I have been watching/ doing/eating the same thing they are doing so urgently. I feel like something inside of me tells me that doing it makes will make me feel alike to them and that they will think I'm no indifferent to them and will like me better lol.
sorry but i just wanted share this really small detail I can't share with anyone.
Hello my lovely. Are we saying Merry Christmas yet? Coz, Merry Christmas!!!!
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Spot the couple 🥰🥰
Anon is taking about this post
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Another translation for JK's reply would be: I've been doing it like that since elementary school.
(Thanks @chicknbunny13)
And I agree with anon. I agree JK likes having things in common with Jimin. I mean, if chapter 2 showed us anything it's that... going by how similar he made their concepts. (Still cheesing over that btw) So JK going "oh you do it like that? Me too!" Is so cute and honestly adorable... I'm with you anon. 1300%
Cue this post of JK getting highlights of Jimin's hair color. And this one too. Gotta love em 😍
Happy holidays y'all! Have some more spot the couple Christmas challenges!
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Couple Jikook at Namjin's wedding 🤭🤭
And another one...
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And another....
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My satellite Jikook 🥺🥺🥺
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Christmas is considered a couple holiday in Korea. So seeing them like this during Christmas photoshoots is really not a surprise. Wouldnt you say? Jikook sure do love to Jikook
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And now even though what they're doing isn't a walk in the park, at least they will be together during Christmas... a holiday they both love. Again, albeit not the best conditions, they are sorrunded by snow so I hope that puts a smile on Jimin's face 😍
Love that for them 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
midoriya, bakugou, ururaka, kouda, and aoyama x reader
part two to class 1a with a reader who is obsessed w jjba!
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i did not realize previously to picking these characters out that i would give them almost all the same favorite jojo but i can defend my decisions and every reason i have for the answer is different
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katsuki bakugou:
•knows what it is, has read the entire series AND WILL STRAIGHT UP LIE ABOUT IT FOR MONTHS!!!! his fav jojo is jotaro and his fav jobro is abbachio
•like. im so serious he will lie about it. if you ever bring it up he never involves himself in the conversation. only told you after a few months when y'all started getting closer and closer to dating <3
•doesn't have anything to say about your merchandise. might judge you for having so much but that's it. might even have his own merch
•won't mind that you jojo pose but will bitch about it
•he will judge you but still leave little jojos related things around where you will find them instead of giving them to you like a normal person
izuku midoriya:
knows what it is, loves it, and will absolutely fanboy over it with you!!! favorite jojo is giorno and favorite jobro is bruno or koichi
•will absolutely cosplay with you and do all types of stuff you want him to do. maybe one of the only people who can do the dio backbend.
•will cry in joy at seeing your collection, finally a fan just like him <3 his lil fanboy heart explodes when he sees your room for the first time!
•100% jojo poses with you and can do really complicated ones. (he does them to impress u like the cutie he is) so he will for sure do them in pictures with you too.
•y'all's dates are pretty much just going to merchandise stores for your respective interests tbh.
ochaco ururaka:
•i don't think she knows what it is. if she does know it's bc someone showed her post getting into ua. fav jojo would be also giorno. fav jobro would be reimi sugamoto
•if you guys watch it together i think she'd be Super interested in it!! probably falls in love with the show after you show it to her
•absolutely floored by your collection. doesn't even want to know the price of one thing let alone all of them together... thinks all the little plushies and everything are super cute tho!!!
•WILL MAKE U FLOAT WHILE DOING JOJO POSES W YOU!!! you guys fake recreate scenes it's so fun. a lot of y'all's dates will be just floating around having fun doing jojo fights and stuff !!
•will constantly bring up jjba and show u stuff related to it just to see u happy :( ugh i lovevher. also has a wishlist full of stuff to get you for bdays and other gift giving holidays
kouda koji:
•knows what it is has read the manga and will privately approach you to talk about it! favorite jojo is also also giorno favorite jobro is maybe foo fighters?
•aww imagine if like all his pets at home are named after jjba characters 🥺 idk if his bunny has a canonical name or if i'm just forgetting it but either way imagine him telling u all of their names and it's just a list of jojos stands
•also doesn't really have a reaction to your collection, will compliment you on some and be extra careful around the items but that's about it
•he will not do jojo poses with you in pics :( sorry :( he's just too nervous for that! but he supports you doing it and will take pictures of you doing them
•another person who doesn't really understand simping for fictional characters but doesn't say anything about it, whatever makes u happy! will show you things that remind him of your fav characters <3
•has absolutely no idea what it is. favorite jojo would be ALSO also also giorno! fav jobro is polnareff. fucking obviously. no other option.
•might be a little freaked out at first by it, but quickly gets into it during part two and three! he's SUPER dramatic through the whole viewing tho!! is so dramatic about all of his reactions but he's cute so it's okay
•honestly might be the second most excited about your collection. deku is the first duh. bc i think aoyama would be super into collecting items esp cheese and just because he might not collect long lasting stuff doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate a good collection!!
•loves jojo posing with you in pictures, will do any that you ask him to do, you didn't even have to ask him to join you before he just. did it himself.
•gives you cheese shaped like your favorite characters. don't ask
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crowpricorn · 1 year
🎃🤗🎯!!!! 😊
thank you nura!🥺
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I haven't written anything holiday related as of now I think, but I'd love to write some halloween themed fic (ire and I were talking vampire wylan and cowboy jesper for an halloween party! it would be fun to write, but I have close to 0 motivation for it right now)
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
just write and share whatever you feel like writing and sharing! numbers don't matter, and although receiving comments or kudos for your work *is* empowering and validating, my advice is just to keep writing no matter the result. if you enjoy it, there's no reason not to. find a beta reader that you trust though (I couldn't have started without betaing, which now I need less for shorter works, but if I hadn't had genuine help and advice with my first works, I probably wouldn't have improved at all and my writing would be stuck)
also!! I know it's a lot, but research research research: research terms and sentence structures and read books/other fics if English is not your first language (but also if it is), research things for what you are going to write about (idk if it's just me, but one of the things I enjoy most about writing is *learning*. I started a whole cowboy wip and a whole volleyball wip and then I abandoned them, but at least I now have a wide knowledge on far west and volleyball terminology. will I need them in life? probably not. but it's fun to learn!)
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
all of my published works are one shots, so I literally didn't give them a chance to ...and I'm also so bad at keeping things to myself! if someone was to guess major plot points, or understand where my foreshadowings go etc., I would surely confirm it for them //thus ruining the fun! I also have this disease called "my memory is so bad that I need to explicitly write everything down so I'm like the omniscient narrator that tells you everything about everything" and I'm trying to keep it at bay and plan more first so that I don't have to state all facts *in the actual fic*
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bauhinia-transcribed · 11 months
Hi y'all! My name is Saph (23, they/them pronouns), and welcome to my pinned post! Figured it was about time I made one 😅
This is my main blog, which is (mainly) based on queue. I also have a public side blog where I just post soft yearning stuff @sunriseandbrowneyes, and a semi-private nsfw blog (mutuals may ask for it in my DMs).
Expand the post to see a list of my tag links and their explanations!
My (hopefully) exhaustive personal tags list:
#adorable 🥺: my cute tag. I don't use this one frequently nowadays
#artistry in motion: used to highlight aesthetic experiences. often gets associated with videos of (music/dance) performances, making-of videos, or nature
#dear no one: based off the song by Tori Kelly. an open letter to my future partner, or posts that describe how I hope my experience with them will be like
#friend shaped: my tag for cute animals or creatures. will often get tagged with the specific type of animal if it is common enough (the only exceptions to this are "kitty" for all felines big and small, and "puppy" for dogs)
#gender™️: often used for posts where people talk about their experience with their gender. not necessarily a gender envy tag (though I am planning to make one if I see a post that is worthy)
#gorgeous💕: people I find hot, sexy, handsome, and/or pretty. sometimes this will also be paired with a 😳😳😳 in the tags (the more 😳 the more I'm captivated by their looks)
#saph laughs: my laugh tag, before I knew "laugh tag" was a thing. things I find funny
#how to do life better: my life hacks / adulting tag. posts that explain how to go through life more easily
#how to tag?: used for when I'm reblogging something that doesn't have a defined associated tag in my tag library. also serves as an "ask to tag"
#it's a day!: used for when tumblr decides to make a day special (like Wet Beast Wednesday or Out of Touch Thursday). also used for holidays sometimes
#knowledge tag: used for when a post teaches me something new. it could be about the most specific/"useless" topic in the world, but all knowledge is valuable to me
#letters to past me 💌: reminders that I wish younger me knew. things to keep in mind when I go through and experience life
#penguin pebbling: my general tag for when I tag other users, or all of my mutuals. will almost always say who I'm addressing, either in the post or in my tags
#psychic damage: what it says on the tin. basically anything that makes me go "wtf 😃" or "I hated that 😃"
#reminders of life: posts that remind me of the joy of living, or of humans doing good things
#reminders of love ❤️: posts that remind me that love is out there in all its wonderful abundance. applies to familial, platonic, and romantic love
#saph laughs (previously #here for a good time 😂, but since edited): used for things I find funny
#saph speaks: used for when I talk about myself in the tags
#saph scribbles: used for when I write within the main body of a post (not just tags); will also be used if I'm adding something to someone else's post
#shit we should care about: discussions of important topics around the world. includes current events normally. will also talk about various forms of bigotry and how they manifest or are experienced by individuals. will often get a subsequent tag on the topic or bigotry discussed
#sighs yeah: one of two things. either I'm yearning or I'm talking about a relatable moment, but in the 😔 way
#stories less told: posts that talk about lesser known individuals and their actions that I think we should highlight
#thank you haiku bot: posts that I've found from haiku bot. oftentimes will not have haiku bot's rb kept in
#thanks tumblr blaze: posts that I've seen via blaze
#vibes ✨️: posts that I find relatable
#woag tag: things that make me go woag. things that are cool
#yearning tag: posts that make me crave a deep connection/relationship with someone else (does not immediately imply romantic relationships!)
tags that represent people: #🥦, #🐀, or anything with an @ sign in the tag
I tag slurs (for example, "f slur") when used in pejorative, insulting, or hurtful manners. This includes self reflection of hurtful moments. If you don't like this, you can keep scrolling.
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annawayne · 1 year
Hello there, I am here for the ask game!!
I dare to answer every single one of them (or at least the ones you didn’t answer yet !!)
Hiii, thank you for asking, and OH MY! This is a challenge, but let's try it!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Oh, well, it's going to be in "Wasteland of (our) promises" with Armin being shy and red as a tomato and sneaky-teasing Jean, asking his friend about love affairs
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
The answer is here!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Oh, it's that one in BMSS from chapter one, when Armin overhears the made-up (as it turns out) story from Annie, Pieck and Reiner. It was a real fun to write, and I giggled all the way.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
No…t yet😚
✍️ Do you have a beta reader?
Yes! And I'm really grateful for their help and support with all my ideas, both in writing and drawing.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Both are also answered here :)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Oh well…I'm proud of you, Ann, that you keep going with your ideas and writing style even if you think it's TOO much and not good enough because it may be only your wrong point of view. But I already answered it here, hahah
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
ADORE THEM. But do you know what I love even more? Heh, the ✨second✨kiss that happens not right away after the first one.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
My answer is here!
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Oh, this one is also here!
⛔️ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
No because I only have started to write and publish it, so all my WIPs will see the light because I intend to finish all of them!
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Yep, and it's only one, but they really support me :)
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I haven't written it yet😂 But I think one of my WIPs could be THE ONE.
🍷 Do you drink and write?
Oh, well, yes. 😅 Sometimes.
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
I do! The one that was Porn with Plot is Neverland of (our) desires, and this is the most popular one so far. But I think it may change.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Oh, I answered it here.
💖 What made you start writing?
And this one here, too!
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. I'm always tearing up when I receive so many kind words about my writing, and I can't even describe how happy I am to see comments, both short and long ones. Every kind word matters.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I already answered it, and…my answer is the same, I don't know😅
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
It would be nice, I guess? And I would love to, but I'm not sure if my writing style could be suitable for such things.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
The answer is here :)
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
Neverland of (our) desires so far.
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I haven't written anything holiday related, but I think I will write one inspired by the Ukrainian "green" week in summer!
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
No, because nobody tried it yet, hahah.
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I never received one but this is the most precious thing ever! To think that the person not only read my story but also was inspired enough to create something…this is one of the greatest compliments ever.
📈 How many fics do you have?
Only two, so far
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Oh, my long answer is here!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Oh, well, okay! So, I'm working on the sequel for "Neverland of (our) desires" called "Wasteland of (our) promises", and also it's going to be the three parts series with the last one called "Dreamland of (our) hopes". All of it is post-canon :)
Also, there's a fic in post-canon, non-related to the previous series, where Aruani didn't get together after the Rumbling, but, sure thing, have feelings for each other. But then during their Ambassadors trips Armin get sick, and, well…something is about to change 😏
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Not to be afraid! Just do it, write it what you want, how you want! Do it for yourself at the first place!
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Hmmm…Armin, I think.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
I answered about Annie here :)
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Annie! Or Armin?🤔 Aaaah, both!
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
I shared two quite big snippets here!
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Bury me in the shadows of spring… Just look at these tags...
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🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
I don't ask myself about such things because I think it's already successuful if it's written and published, and you have a lot of joy just from the fact that you've written it :)
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Oh, I already answered it!
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
It's an ambitious dream, but I would like to be published and to be able to illustrate my own book with my drawings!
⌛️ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
It all depends on chapter. Sometimes, I could write like 40% just in one evening, and sometimes I need the whole month just to outline the things. Now I'm quite slow due to my lack of energy, but I keep doing it because it's better slow than nothing at all.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
I already answered it, and it's comedy. I just don't know how people write comedy, they're SUPERIOR.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
All my published fic broke my heart in their unique ways possible, hahah😂
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
It's all about how it's delivered. If I understand that the critisisim is not biased on the subject facts like "I don't like this trope, so your writing is shit", so I'm all ears. I welcome it when it's polite and have arguments.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
Alongside (Author hates it) tag, it's also Hurt/Comfort because I think this is what all my writing is…
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Oh, my answer is here!
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blemiish · 2 years
youre killing me with all your ted/rebecca art!! they are all so fantastic, every time i see a new one pop up im all 🤩😍🥰🥰🥰 will you grace us with more soon? perhaps holiday related? :)
thank you so much 🥺 I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me ❤️ maybe! I don't have anything planned, but they're on my mind rent free always
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darcyofmine · 9 months
I know I’m very late but I was really flattered by your tagging @devisrina . I haven’t been active on here in a while but here it is :
Star Sign: Cancer apparently. Don’t really believe in astrology though.
Favorite Holidays : Ramadan. Very very spiritual time + if spent with family it’s really just on another level. It’s coming back very soon too 🥺
Last meal : Pastry with coffee. It’s finals season I need my caffeine and only that to survive 😂
Current musician : Taylor always kinda at the top but I listen to all sorts of genres lately. Rumors by Fleetwood Mac on repeat lately though.
Last movie I’ve watched: a rom-com. Like I said : finals season. I need the serotonin.
Last book I finished : Funny You Should Ask by Elissa Sussman. It’s really good and very easy to digest which really isn’t easy for me to do lately with books unfortunately.
Last book I abandoned: unfortunately Daisy Jones after trying to read it before the series dropped. I watched the series though and liked it. But tbh I heard the author is a zionist so. Good riddance.
Currently reading : my notes for Legal Medicine exam 😂
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: my hyperfixation lately is The Bear so anything to do with the cast I guess ? But otherwise I had to do a quick research on a certain genre of painting that was born closely after the Renaissance. It was related to depicting anything related to death (mostly skulls) and stuff.
Favorite online fandom memory : Oh God. I’ve been part of many fandoms tbh (don’t interact a lot though lately bc of time constraint and well. World stuff happening.) BUT! I would say the recent GGs and the Ayo/Jeremy wins and their chemistry overall was truly mesmerizing to watch and see how well appreciated they are outside of the fandom. We have come so far guys 😂😂😂
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: Sense8…. I loved Kala and Wolfgang so much :’) they deserved a better ending….
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Beth and Rio from Good Girls deserved to be mega famous. Their chemistry is simply too good and is worth the hype. Not to say the fandom was small but it deserved bigger hype imo.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Reign In/Don't Have Time For: No actual project but I want to rewatch old tv shows bc I’m feeling very nostalgic. I managed to binge Scandal over the break but I seem to always find myself struggling to end any series and then I’m left with like so many tv series’ finales or last seasons I still haven’t watched….. idk what this condition is called but I really struggle finishing series and I want to fix that.
Like I said I haven’t been active in a while so I fear Idk who to tag but whoever sees this feel free to do it (if you haven’t done it already!) 🫶🏼
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placeinthisworld · 2 years
hello!! i'm so glad you liked my recs!! i've been so obsessed with maggie rogers lately after her album surrender came out it's just so insanely good! heard it in a past life, the album alaska is from is also soo amazing but sonically they're def very different i feel which is super interesting! i love when artists go different directions and try new things
did you get a chance to see taylor's directors on directors? i loved watching it so much it was such an interesting conversation and i just love getting to listen to taylor talk about how she approaches and thinks about her art it is endlessly fascinating to me!!
i saw your post ab the holidays and your family and i just wanted to say i don't have a very good relationship with my parents (tho i am going to see them) so i at least sorta understand and i'm sending you lots of love 💕💕💕
Yes omg I added them to my regular playlist too!!! When surrender came out I remember people went nuts and were sooo excited for the vinyl variants !!! I’m into collecting vinyl records and everyone I followed were raving about the album!!! I’m def gonna give it a listen! Alaska definitely wasn’t what I was expecting but it was SO fun and that make it even better somehow like the experiments artists do with their music is AMAZING!!! So much goes into a good song it’s incredible.
I did!!! I could listen to Taylor talk for hours 🥺 she must be such a great person to have a casual conversation with. I love her she avoided a lot of questions in the interview😂 the way she describes this is so engaging. I’m excited to see what the rest of the midnights music videos are like and SO excited for details about her film soon!!! PLUS tour stuff like she’s taking on so much I hope she’s taking care of herself ♥️
Awww thank you 🥺🫶🏻 I’m sorry you can relate ❤️‍🩹 I don’t have a real relationship with either of my parents and I barely speak with my brother so the holidays are so sad typically- but I have my bfs family that include me. I hope your holidays are tolerable and you can at least enjoy the end of the year. I’m here if you need to talk about anything! ♥️
- sending u lots of love back!!! 🥂💕
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mjolnir-steve · 3 years
Would you rather be BFFs with Steve and have unrequited feelings for him OR be BFFs with Jensen and he has unrequited feelings for you? 😘
Bonus: How does the unrequited love discover the feels of their BFF? 🥺
This is a cruel and vicious attack!!! I think I would have to go with Jakey 🥺 I’ve spent my whole life having unrequited feelings for people, so I just can’t put myself through it again for Steve.
I think Jake is incredible at hacking and tech and safety measures, but he’s probably not as careful with his personal stuff or maybe he’s a little too trusting of his BFF 😉
(I wrote my first lil Jake one-shot, beta'd and titled by my bestie @the-sal-del-mar! And it's holiday-themed! I hope you like it!!)
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Hack the Halls
Jake Jensen x fem!reader
WC: ~1.7K
The holiday season was practically in full swing, and for the first time in all the years you'd known Jake Jensen, you genuinely couldn't think of a gift for him. It had to be perfect. Jake's gifts for you were always exactly what you wanted or needed, and you prided yourself in your ability to choose quality presents on par with his.
This year, though, was proving impossible. Every time you came up with something, you found out he already owned it, did it, tried it...
So it was time to use Jake's expertise against him. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right? At least, that's what you told yourself.
You knew he had been texting with his sister to find out if his niece was still into Descendants before he dropped some hard-earned cash on custom-made Mal and Evie costume replicas. Maybe he happened to mention some items that were on his own wish list in that thread. He had left his laptop at your house the night prior, having to leave suddenly for a short mission, granting you the perfect opportunity to sneak a peek at his messages.
Jake had taught you some basic hacking in the past, but before you tapped into that knowledge, you thought about his tips for creating simple yet secure passwords.
"Jake, I can't possibly remember a sequence of 19 numbers and symbols. That's ridiculous."
He chuckled, giving you that toothy grin that made your heart beat just a little bit faster (though you would never admit it). "You don't have to, bub. You're not securing nuclear codes."
He helped himself to your bag of chips sitting on the coffee table while you chewed on your lip, brain about to explode while thinking of a password for your new online banking account.
"Okay, here's what I do when I'm putting a password on something. Think of someone or something close to you, not necessarily immediate family or a pet because those could be too obvious. Capitalize a random letter in the name. Maybe use a middle name? Add numbers that are significant to you, but again, not the first thing someone would think of when they think of you. Switch letters for symbols." He talked about this as if it were common sense. "Just make sure it all means something to you so you remember it."
He became so much more animated when talking about anything related to his work. The way he talked with his hands and raised his eyebrows was simply adorable, reminding you of when you were kids in his treehouse, discussing whatever book you were reading together. He was your first crush, but then he kissed Anna Mae Waterloo when you were 12 and you tried to let it go.
"Y/N? You still with me? I went overboard, didn't I?"
You shook your head, coming back to your senses. "Not at all. Maybe you should just come up with one for me?" He huffed at you, but his eyes were playful. "Please, bubba?"
"That's it!" He jumped up from his seat and sat next to you on the couch, the warmth radiating from his side familiar and comforting. "You call me bubba."
You looked at him, cocking your head like a confused puppy. "Okay..."
"How's this?" He took your laptop and typed: bu88A321!
"The first part is bubba, but I replaced the middle Bs with 8s. We always spend New Year's Eve together, so that's the 3, 2, 1... random exclamation point to meet the symbol requirement."
You smiled at him in wonder at the way his brain worked, tiny butterflies taking up residence in your belly at the implication that you meant that much to each other.
"You're a genius, Jake Jensen."
"Okay, here we go." You cracked your knuckles, albeit pathetically, and got to work, knowing you only had a few attempts before you were locked out of the system for 60 minutes.
Your first guess was his niece's name and birthday. Too obvious, you thought. Next was his sister's middle name and their old house number. "Damn it."
Tries three and four were unsuccessful, leaving you with one last chance. You remembered the advice he gave you, though, and tried your middle name, ending with the date of the day you met, your first day of first grade.
It worked.
Before you could process whether or not his password choice meant something, a text alert for a group message popped up on the screen.
Clay (10:02 AM) just tell her, idiot. she's not gonna shave your goatee if she doesn't feel the same way.
Aisha (10:02 AM) i wish she would. she'd be doing us all a favor.
Pooch (10:03 AM) LMAO srsly, dude, Y/N's not gonna be single forever.
Jake (10:04 AM) idk, i don't think she feels the same.
Jake (10:05 AM) what if i ruin it?
Pooch (10:05 AM) if u don't ask her out, i will
Jake (10:06 AM) 🙄
Jake (10:06 AM) fine. let's finish up here. i'll talk to her when i get home.
Cougar (10:15 AM) 👍
Your heart started racing. It wasn't that you didn't have feelings for Jake. You definitely did when you were kids and again when you were in high school. They never really went away, but you'd been squashing them down for so long. Could you really be with him, knowing he left you hanging for literal decades? Did you really want him, or was it just convenient? You loved him more than anything, but what if it didn't work out? What if you lost him altogether?
"Honey, home, I'm high!"
Shit. Normally, you'd burst out laughing at his cheesy, dad-joke greeting, but you needed to hide the evidence of what you'd been up to while he was out.
"Fuckfuckfuckityfuck," you hissed, trying to shut down his computer properly. As your shitty luck would have it, though, Jake walked in the room and saw what you had just seen.
"Oh, no." The smile fell from his face, and you wished you could pick it up and put it back on. He dropped his duffel bag from his shoulder, groaning as he ran a hand over his goatee. "What were you doing on my laptop, Y/N?"
You couldn't look at him, your head in your hands wishing you could disappear. "I wanted to look at your texts to see if you mentioned anything on your wish list because I was having a hard time figuring out what to get you. I didn't mean to see anything more than that. It was just... there. I'm sorry, Jake."
A tear rolled down your cheek before you could stop it, and of course Jake saw it. He rushed over, kneeling in front of you and gently placing his hands on your knees. "Hey, bub, look at me, okay?"
You shut your eyes as tight as you could stand to ward off the tears yet to fall before you looked at him, his eyes bright and hopeful, as always.
"I'm not angry. I'm impressed, really. You actually listened to me enough to guess my password." He smiled at you before taking one of your hands in his, running his thumb over your knuckles as he contemplated what to say next.
"I just wish you heard it from me instead of reading it like that. But now that you know, what do you think?"
You entwined your fingers with his and took a deep breath, considering your response.
"Jake, I'm flattered. Really, I am. But I guess I'm wondering where this is all coming from?" His head dipped a little, but he held your gaze, letting you know he was still listening to what you had to say.
"I've had a crush on you on and off since we were in the fifth grade. Maybe you didn't know the whole time, but you can't tell me you never knew. So why now?"
He exhaled, dropping his hands to his lap and rocking back onto his haunches. "I caught on after a while, but I didn't want to mess things up between us. You're my best friend, and I'd lose my mind without you." You could see him chewing the inside of his cheek as he gathered his thoughts.
"When I started feeling this way about you, I thought you would realize you deserved better than me, and it wouldn't work out. So I turned my attention to other people. I guess I hoped I'd be able to find someone else and it would make you look elsewhere, too. I'd rather keep you as a friend than not have you at all, you know?"
"Oh, I know." You laughed wistfully. "That's why I never said anything. It seems like we screwed up anyway, huh?"
He frowned, poking at the outside of your calf. "Did we? Did I?"
You sunk back into the couch, wanting nothing more than to bury yourself underneath the throw pillows.
"I don't think so. Not totally? I just- I don't know, bub."
"How about this?" He got up from the floor and plopped down next to you, like everything was just as it was half an hour ago. "I didn't buy your gift yet. You don't know what to get me. Let me take you on a date."
You smacked his bicep playfully, willing yourself not to think about how big it felt under your hand. "What's your logic, Jensen?"
"You give me permission to take you out as your gift to me. I pay for the date. Dinner and a movie, maybe? That can be my gift to you. If it doesn't feel right, we can just consider it a normal night together."
You looked over at him, unable to resist the puppy dog eyes he was giving you and had given you so many times before. "Come here, bubba."
He scooted closer to you, excitedly falling into your open arms and wrapping his own around you. "That does sound nice... Low pressure." You felt him squeeze you a bit tighter. "I feel like you're trying to hack your way into my heart."
He laughed and looked up at you, waggling his eyebrows. "Is it working?"
He gasped an ouch when you flicked his forehead with your finger. "It's not a yes, but it's not a no," you giggled.
He kissed your cheek before settling his face against your shoulder. "I can live with that."
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c-e-d-dreamer · 3 years
Hello, yes, hi! I would like to request a part 2 for that recent "please don't be in love with someone else" piece for Nessian, please. My heart hurts. 🥺💕
Is this a part two? Yes. Does this really fix anything? Well.... Maybe if you squint. Enjoy crying! :)
Part One
After the complete and total disaster that was the company holiday party, Cassian decides it’s time to get over his infatuation with Nesta Archeron. It’s easier said than done. He tries to keep their interactions in the office to purely work related, no more coffee breaks, no more excuses to spend time teasing her at her desk. He keeps his head down and treats her like he does every other coworker on their floor. Even if doing so makes him feel physically sick, makes his skin prickle and burn all over like the worst case of itch he can’t scratch. 
But despite his valiant effort, his traitorous heart still skips a beat every time she’s near. He has to sit on his hands sometimes before they betray him too and do something stupid. And when he tries to take deep breaths to settle down, he just gets that same whiff of vanilla and jasmine that has his whole body flooding with heat. 
As if that’s not bad enough, the Gods have decided their favorite pastime is to laugh at Cassian clearly. Because of course Rhys would fall in love with Nesta’s sister, forcing Cassian to see her at every major holiday. And then to really kick a man while he’s down, Azriel and Mor had to go and fall in love with Nesta’s two best friends, adding even more instances where he has to see and interact with Nesta. 
Not just Nesta, though. Nesta and Eris as Cassian learns her boyfriend’s name is. The two of them look like a king and queen holding court on their thrones no matter where they are, Feyre’s couch, a bar downtown. Cassian tries not to let it sour his mood, tries to force a smile, to laugh along as Eris tells some story from when he surprised Nesta with a lavish getaway. But it makes his skin crawl every time, makes his heart give a solemn pang deep in his chest. 
Sometimes, Cassian thinks about giving into his temper and jealousy. Thinks about making a snide comment, about saying something to Nesta. But then he’ll see the way Nesta smiles with Eris, and he’ll swallow it down. All he’s ever wanted is for Nesta to be happy, even if it’s not with him. And clearly, Eris can give Nesta what he can’t, can make her happy, so instead, Cassian makes excuses where he can, leaves early. There’s a wide, stormy rift between them put there by Cassian, a way to guard the pieces of his heart that still remain, the ones not already held in Nesta’s palm. 
So, almost a year after that complete and total disaster that was the company holiday party, Cassian finds himself at Rhys and Feyre’s penthouse. Feyre decided to gather the usual suspects together for a family dinner followed by drinking and games that would surely end in the usual raucousness. Cassian made sure to arrive early to help with any set up needed. Partly because he’s always happy to help, and partly because when he decides to leave early later on, hopefully no one will bat an eye. 
“Take these and set the table,” Feyre tells him, setting a stack of plates in Cassian’s arms. 
With a nod, Cassian does as he’s told, walking into the dining room and setting the plates on the placemats already on the table. He’s almost done when the math registers in his head, his eyes dancing back to where he’s already set a plate. 
“Feyre,” Cassian calls out. “Are you sure this is enough plates?” 
Feyre steps out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on the apron she has slung on over her dress. She frowns over at Cassian before turning her attention to the table settings. 
“Did I miscount?” she asks, pointing toward each seat to count. “There’s Rhys and me; Mor and Emerie will sit there; Az and Gwyn there; Lucien and Elain, and then you and Nesta. No, that’s right.” 
“Is Nesta’s boyfriend not coming?” Cassian asks, praying his voice comes out as casually curious. 
“Eris? They broke up weeks ago.” 
Feyre vanishes back into the kitchen, leaving Cassian standing there dumbly, his mind reeling at this new information. And, of course, there's his traitorous heart again, knocking against the bars of its cage, blooming in a way that feels suspiciously like hope. But he refuses to let those roots take hold. He's spent the past year licking his wounds, patching up the cracks shattered through his chest. He's supposed to be getting over his infatuation with Nesta Archeron. 
So, Cassian takes a few deep breaths, calms his shaking hands as he finishes setting the table. And when everyone arrives and settles down to eat, Nesta sitting to his right, he resolutely ignores her, staring down at the potatoes on his plate like they're the most fascinating thing he's ever seen. Even when he can feel Nesta's heat sitting this close, and the urge to lean into her is so strong he has to repeatedly shift in his seat throughout the meal. Even when she accidentally knocks against his arm reaching for the wine, the contact like a spark sending wildfire across his skin. Even when their hands brush when he passes her the bowl of green beans and Cassian's breath hitches in his lungs. Even when Nesta laughs at something Emerie says across from them, every nerve ending in Cassian's body lighting up at the sound. 
Cassian's never been more grateful than when Feyre declares they should move to the living room to continue drinking, and he uses the opportunity to excuse himself to the bathroom. He splashes some cold water on his face and takes a few deep breaths before he's ready to go back out and face the party, face Nesta. 
When he steps back into the living room, he accidentally bumps into someone in the doorway. He glances down to find none other than Nesta standing there, a slight grimace on her face. Her cheeks are already dusted in a soft rosy color from the wine she's been drinking all night, and when her eyes meet his, the first time this whole night, Cassian's whole body seizes up, lungs and heart included. 
"Sorry," Nesta mutters. 
"Oh! You two are under the mistletoe," Elain's excited voice pipes up. 
Cassian looks up, and sure enough, the dark green sprig has been nailed above the doorway. He barely holds in a sigh and silently curses the Universe. He doesn't know what he did in a past life, but he didn't think it was possible for someone to have this much bad karma. Everyone is looking at him expectantly, so Cassian leans down, quickly pressing a kiss to Nesta’s cheek before shouldering past her. He’s sure the small gesture will be dream-fill for weeks, even as that tight, twisting feeling takes over his chest, making it hard to squeeze oxygen into his lungs. 
Luckily, no one calls out the obvious awkwardness. The party resumes around him, and Cassian suddenly finds it all suffocating. He’s considering how exactly to make his exit when a pop song starts blaring through the sound system, Mor and Emerie jumping up to dance in the middle of the room. It doesn’t take long before Emerie is dragging Nesta into the fray as well. Cassian knows he’s only torturing himself at this point, but his eyes are glued to her, the way her hips sway in time to the beat, the way her hair falls when she throws her head back, the blissful expression on her face as Emerie twirls her around and around. 
When Mor tries to drag Cassian into dancing too, he knows that’s his cue to leave. He heads over to Feyre to offer her one last happy birthday and a goodbye before heading for the door. The cold, December air is a welcome reprieve when he steps out of the building, and Cassian gives himself a few moments to close his eyes and gulp down a few deep breaths. He’s digging his keys out of his pocket when he hears the door open behind him. 
“Leaving without saying goodbye? That’s naughty.” 
Cassian turns to find Nesta stumbling toward him. Her heels are no longer on her feet, dangling from her fingers instead. Even when she comes to a stop in front of Cassian, she sways slightly. 
“You didn’t drive here, did you?” 
“Why? Are you offering to take me home, Cassian?” Nesta asks, her voice low and suggestive as she steps closer with a smirk. She hooks her fingers in the belt loops of Cassian’s pants and tugs until their bodies are flush together, faces just a breadth apart. Cassian can see the kindling fire in those blue grey eyes, watches as they dip down to Cassian’s lips. 
“Nesta,” Cassian sighs, catching Nesta’s wrist to stop her and stepping back to put space between them. “Not like this.” 
In an instant, that fire in her eyes is dowsed, her face settling into a cold, neutral expression. She pulls her arms free from Cassian’s grasp, taking a step back of her own. 
“Fine,” Nesta clips, turning to walk away from Cassian. “I’ll go find my fun elsewhere.” 
“You made your rejection perfectly clear, Cassian. At least let me walk away with my dignity.” 
“Dammit, Nesta,” Cassian groans, going after her and grabbing her wrist to stop her. “Let me drive you home.” 
Nesta doesn’t say anything, just glares, and Cassian half wonders what she’ll spit back at him. But then Nesta is pulling her hand free and walking wordlessly toward the parking area for Rhys and Feyre’s building. Cassian takes it for what it is. 
The ride back to Nesta’s place is silent, and it grates against Cassian until his grip on the steering wheel is white knuckled. He glances over toward Nesta a few times during the drive, but Nesta keeps her gaze out the passenger window, arms crossed firmly over her chest. Even when Cassian pulls up in front of her place, she doesn’t say a word, just gets out of his truck. The door slamming behind her echoes in Cassian’s ears. He watches her walk away and up to her building, taking his bloodied and bruised heart right out of his chest and with her. Cassian hits his hand against his steering wheel, but it doesn’t make him feel better the way he’d hoped it would. 
~ * * * ~ 
Monday morning, Cassian steps into the office kitchen to find Nesta hunched over the counter there, staring into a mug of coffee as she stirs it. She doesn’t seem to notice when he walks in, and he briefly considers just turning around and walking out. But because Nesta’s always held an iron grip over him, instead, Cassian clears his throat, her eyes finally looking up at him. 
"Not still nursing that hangover, are you?" he asks her. 
"Honestly, I wish I had been more drunk. Then maybe I wouldn't remember the embarrassment of that night." 
Cassian knows a jab when he hears one, especially with the clipped tone of Nesta's voice. So he decides not to say anything, not to stoke that fire, and instead, silently grabs a mug from the kitchen cupboard. He can feel Nesta’s eyes on him as he goes over to the coffee machine, preparing his cup how he likes it. 
"What?” Nesta prods. “No comment or remark to make about the night? You sure you don't want to twist the knife?" 
Cassian sighs, setting down his mug. "Why would I want to twist the knife, Nesta?"
"I don’t know. Since we clearly had some massive falling out this past year that I'm still not privy to?” Nesta laughs dryly and the sound hurts Cassian’s heart. “You know, Emerie was so sure it was because of Eris. She swore that you were in love with me or something. Clearly she couldn't have been more wrong."
"Don't. You don't need to say anything. One rejection was enough." 
Cassian knows it’s a dismissal, so he grabs his coffee mug and heads for the exit, but he pauses before he can leave. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, steadying himself. The heat seeping through the ceramic of his mug helps ground him, and he digs deep within the pit of pain that’s been seeping poison through his system since last year’s stupid holiday party. It gives him the courage he needs. 
"I'm not going to be your drunken rebound, or any rebound for that matter," he tells her. "But when you finally get it out of your system, and you decide you want a nice, actual date, you know where my desk is."
Taglist: @moodymelanist @hellogoodbye14​ @nestaspegasus​ @confusedfandomslut​ @sv0430​ @angelic-voice-1997​ @talkfantasytome @secretlovelybeauty @azreilsblade
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hellooooo!!! How are you???
Guess what? ? Last week it was a national holiday here and we had two days off, so it was fucking awesome and god if I needed that rest😂 (I couldn't go out with Thomas but hey! nothing is perfect lmao) ( also why TF did i named him Thomas? Couldn't I come up with something better???)
Bad news is that exams started this week and I hate exams :) today we had to do a questionary 5 pages long just to have the RIGHT to take the exam... Is setting a school on fire illegal?
It hasn't been THAT bad tbh, it could be worse, and at least my friends and I are always helping each other in assignments and projects so now, besides all the studying, I don't have work accumulated rn 😎
Anyway, idk why but today i don't have motivation for absolutely anything. I have been going through my day out of spite and nothing else... I wanted to write and I couldn't concentrate, I wanted to read and I fell asleep!! And on lbaf day😭 this is so homophobic
Good thing is that I did find some time and I started writing in this... Idk how to call it... Journal? I only write there when I feel I will lose my mind if I don't, so I don't think that counts as journal
But I was reading some things from months ago and... Wow
Do you ever have those times when you are like "yeah, it's not great, but I'm sure it's not that bad, I'm just overthinking :)" and then some months go by and when you remember that you are like "wtf?? That was DEFINITELY not ok!!! I was in a really bad place!!!" ??
Well, I just had that after reading a little bit of those months. I was definitely not ok!!
Just wanted to say tlnd and lbaf were kinda like a lifesaver those times bc I remember they were the only things I looked forward to, thank you so much for that💙 I don't know how I could have managed otherwise
On an abrupt change of subject, I do have a writing question: How do you manage to be constant when you write? Like, I have been trying to stay constant bc I like having things in order, but it's just so hard sometimes....
Hope you are taking care of yourself 💙🔪
See you on Friday!!!!💚
First of all, Thomas is a fantastic name. Good choice!
Exam week is so stressful! I hope you are taking good care of yourself too! Remember to do one nice self-care thing for yourself EVERY DAY or I will sue.
(in the meantime, i will look into arson lawyers in case we need to set your school on fire!)
I'm glad my writing was a comfort to you and I totally relate to the need to have something to look forward to! Here is to finding more constants and good things in the future.
Love you so much!
I'm going on a week retreat tomorrow (barf!) but I get to spend two days next to the beach and get to sleep on a hotel bed so i will take it lol!
See ya Friday 💙
PS - I am jamming to Disney/Pixar songs right now. Here is a rec for you: Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride from Lilo and Stitch 🥺
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braceletofteeth · 3 years
I was tagged by @yohanisms, @sofarraway, and @onaiclockwork. It was nice discovering more things about you three! Thank you for remembering me 💙
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
Favorite color: Gray.
Currently reading: Story time! I traveled with a 2-in-1 book to my mother's house, to read during the holidays. It contained the first two books of The Mediator series. 12-year-old me thought the books were cool and I wanted to know why (my conclusion: me and her have very different tastes). I read the first, but not the second, and forgot the book there when I came home. It's on the other side of the country, and now, since I haven't read the second, I can't read the other four books of the series that I do have here :D
Should start something else. Really. There is about 40 different books here that I've never read. I feel too tired to start a new story though, so I'm currently just reading fanfics, with characters I'm already familiar with, whenever I find the time. The last one was All Along The Watchtower by memequeen1147 (and it was fun seeing Jongwoo being the one stalking Moonjo for once :D).
Last song: Hari – Gwiyomi Song (is playing at random as I reach this topic. The timing is horrible but hey. I've been listening to this song unironically for the last seven years. It hasn't annoyed me yet).
Last series: I haven't initiated anything voluntarily since I finished Bad And Crazy (I MISS THEM. Guess who cried watching the last making of!), but my brother is making me watch this karate show called Cobra Kai. I feel like punching all the characters presented to me, but, despite of that, everything is fun with my brother. Also, I've never seen any of The Karate Kid movies, but he told me it wasn't necessary to understand this sequel (and it really isn't, for what I've seen, but it feels like I'm breaking some unspoken rule).
Sweet, savoury, or spicy: Sweet >>>>> Savoury >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spicy.
(Can you tell which one gave me minor death experiences not in one but in multiple occasions?).
Currently working on: My french. The dreadful green bird pecks me in the eye every day in order to make me take small steps ahead even when I don't feel like it. // My health. Tried to donate blood today, but the doctor there said I couldn't, so I better take care of myself if I want to go back to the regular donator status. // Trying to find time between fifth semester of college, fourth semester of university, and all the stuff I wanna do, like folding my clothes and finding parallels between Strangers From Hell and every other media in history.
Post the first GIF when searching your name:
Tumblr media
Me and @scarefox were really excited about something SFH-related when this gif was used. I think it was about the prequel/spin-off (by the way, WHEN! WHEN, OCN??? WHEN!!!).
Favorite season: Unfortunately, where I'm from we only have two seasons. The one in which you get a taste of hell, and the one in which rains every day. The rainy weather makes it hard to get up but the heat makes it hard to think. I like the rain more.
Time to tag 9 people... @hwiyoungslesbiangf @loveforseo @smiley-wookie @jentonic @inhokki @bobafvcks @mangodelorean @anocturnaluniverse @softneomirotic
I usually try to pick people that might want to participate, but this time I prioritized the ones I've not known for long/don't know much about*, but enjoy seeing around. I just wanted to let the nine of you know you're appreciated, but go ahead and have fun doing it if you'd like to 💛
(*This doesn't apply to you, @softneomirotic, you're my longest friend here! I just like to tag you in everything and see you talking about the stuff you like 🥺 please understand).
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jeonsweetpea · 3 years
Hi sunshine❄️ so sorry it took me so long to get back to you I hope everything has been going well for you💓 I’m not a morning person either but my schedule is an early one and since I walk everywhere i get to see the sunrise almost every morning, not long left tho until the sunrise is after I’ve left the apartment lol. It would be such a fun time watching a sun rise with you and If we are ever in the same city you better find me >:( There’s few people on this planet I have as much faith in as you and I truly believe in you with every milimeter of my heart💓 ohh good luck on that it sounds like you got your work cut out for you but if anyone can do it it’s you! The weekend really never is long enough but soon it’s the end of the year and holiday break so maybe you can rest well then, I hope you get as many breaks as you need until then tho being a teacher isn’t easy💓I’m glad you got to decorate bt21 theme sounds so cute I’m almost jealous of the kids😅since it’s been a few weeks since last has the weather gotten cooler for you too yet? It was in the negatives one morning over here which was an unpleasant surprise when I forgot to bring a jacket lol. I absolutely love Halloween it’s my favorite “holiday” it’s not really celebrated here but it’s something I’ve always loved despite being a wimp that can’t do horror, what about you sunshine? Fall is my favorite time of the year but never tried anything pumpkin I can’t even say that I’ve tried anything pumpkin related besides pumpkin seeds it’s not something you find eat here normally I suppose, is it something you like?❄️ Im glad you’ve thought of me when you’ve seen the morning sun maybe that’s why it’s been extra warm despite the cold weather, I’ve done the same and hoped that you’ve been feeling well and eating and staying hydrated well💓 Are you excited for the holiday season? Much love to you sunshine I wish you all the happiness in the world and I’m sorry it takes me an eternity between answers I think of you and wish you the best every day and I hope the sun sends those well wishes your way❤️
- pillow angel anon❄️ ( never forget how incredible you are, you deserve to hear it every day because you truly truly are)
It's finally the weekend, so I can properly reply to you, sweet angel. 🤭💖
I hope you've been well. Walking is great exercise. Being a teacher forces me to get my steps in and be a morning person now. 😅 PLEASE, let's watch the sunrise together someday. 😭
Thanksgiving Break is in 2 weeks and I'll get a week off. I really cannot wait because I need it! Thank you for having faith in me. :''')))
It's fun decorating, but BT21 stuff is so pricy. So I try to hoard and make my own stuff when I can. Lool. I saved an old BT21 calendar and realized it would make great posters, so I laminated it. I love that I get to share BT21 with them. They all have their favorite character, they doodle them in free time, they talk about them too. It's so precious. 🥺🥺🥺 Also YES, it's finally colder!
I don't really celebrate Halloween as an adult, but as a teacher, the kids make me excited for it. I made them lil goodie bags. Hehe. I'm a huge wimp when it comes to horror too!!! 🎃 If the movie plot is enticing enough, I suck it up and watch it... @kimtaehyunq got me to watch the Scream series. And I loved~ it. Lol.
I do like eating pumpkin pie, pumpkin stew, and pumpkin seeds. But most people associate pumpkin-flavor with pumpkin spice (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger... I think) and assume they're one and the same when it's not. 😂
It's okay that you take a while to reply! I can only really reply on weekends, so I get it! Please stay safe and know I'm always thinking of you too. 💕 I cherish you.
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
wait hold on so your follower count has increased by a hundred since I got here? 🥺 this is awesome, Chris, congrats! 🥳 and I think everything can be a milestone if it's one for you 🤗 and if u want to do something special to celebrate, go for it! :D as long as you do it for yourself and not because you feel like you have to, do you hear me? <.< about "Something Special"...it's just 🥺 really something special lmao funfact, when DK started singing "ice cream, you scream" and so on, I was immediately reminded on "Ice Cream" by TXT as the lyrics go "i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream". Idk if you know them but they had their comeback on monday and this is one of the b-side tracks. I actually had to check if the lyrics are the same but I think you published the fic on the same day they released the album so that would be almost impossible anyway 😅 now, the banner for "the zest of life" is sooooooooo cute 🥺 and everything you post about it just makes me more and more excited skajdjlkwjeadswa literally can't wait until you post it <3 also HAPPY JUNE TO YOU TOO <333 I'm also highkey excited for your other wips, especially your series and the sequels :D the gif of the dog looking out the window is soooooo relatable why are you so cute 🥺 you're right, I discovered your blog through class president and I couldn't be happier about it 🥰 ngl, enemies to lovers (+ fake dating) is one of my favourite genres and then there's friends to lovers and I'm all soft and cuddly 🥺 nooooo, don't make yourself cry D; tho I definitely get your pain 💔 being a perfectionist doesn't make your life easy but it leads to great results when it comes to your fics :D and I'm very happy to hear that you're slowly getting over it and feel better about your writing <3 definitely gonna note that website down since I'm currently trying to write myself lmao failing greatly at it because I never manage to actually finish a wip. which brings me to the fanfic writer ask game :D 🍄 how do you get yourself in the mood to write? I'm really curious about this because sometimes I just can't get myself to write though I actually would love to 🙁 ahhh the good old times in middle school everyone regrets when they get older :'D when I'm on a holiday with my family or literally just anywhere outside I'm taking photos with my phone of everything that crosses my way and looks in the slightest way worth capturing my storage space is hysterically laughing in the distance :') would love to see some photos taken by you some day ngl well, I haven't continued watching Vincenzo yet, I keep watching Friends atm though thanks for the heads up <3 and I love Chayoung, she's iconic but after I learned who she works for I was lowkey disappointed :( trying not to spoiler anything rn for anyone else akjdnwaölkejd srsly, I don't think any of my friends has a healthy sleep schedule though we all have to get up early but I hope you slept well last night and have a great day <3 wait, I wanted to ask you in which time zone you live? Because it was 7pm here when you said it's 11am for you, so I was wondering 😅 sending love and good vibes ❤️✨
yes omg you’ve been here basically since the beginning 😭 i know i say this a lot, but your support means the world to me and i’m thankful you’re here with me on this journey💕 i might just wait until i hit 200 to do a celebration! i want to try to get through these reqs from the first milestone and then we shall see how i’m feeling. but eternally grateful for all the support and growth anyways :’)
hehe ‘something special’ is part of a whole long series i’ve been writing for my friend and i (for our eyes only) but it’s one of my favorite scenes and him dropping the ice cream just felt very on brand 😭 he’s so silly and i love him and his bright energy. also funny story abt txt, i literally decided to stan them for reals w this comeback! so i know exactly what you’re talking abt!!! and actually i just did a smol uke cover of anti-romantic heh it’s been on repeat for the last few days and i love the whole album. every song is so good, esp 0X1=lovesong and dear sputnik, in addition to anti-romantic and ice cream ofc! well actually they’re all good sjdfkjadlf but yeah i think i’m officially a moa now :D
ahhhh thank you i love the banner!! i was soooo excited for it bc i finally figured out how to edit gifs on photoshop which is a GAME CHANGER (had to stop myself from making gifs for all my fics bc my computer actually can’t handle the processing so now i need to update the hardware skdjaldks but that’s another story) anyways ahhh i’m happy to hear that you’re excited for it! i hope it meets your expectations <3
man, my wips, i wish i could i just crank them all out bc i wanna know what happens askdlal i’ve been saying this a lot lately, but i’m like, WHAT HAPPENS and i have to respond to myself like IDK U TELL ME and my internal monologue is just that back and forth 💀 but i think that’s a great lead in to your ask game question:
🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write? honestly, it usually just kind of hits me at random times. some days, i have so many ideas and so i’ll plot everything out but i won’t actually write, so i’ll leave it for a while and then maybe come back to it when i get too impatient with myself. other days, if i feel stuck, what i’ll do is just kind of word vomit my thoughts and go back and edit everything later, or feel out the vibes. but i feel you, writing is honestly very hard, especially if the motivation just isn’t there :’( but i think my best advice is to just get ideas out of your head and onto theoretical paper!! then just start typing even if it’s just your thoughts like “uh idk what to write but maybe if kdjflsfjlkas”
omg no i feel that, before i upgraded my phone, my camera roll was just full of photos (and also pics of sf9 and svt LOL). but i just made a thread on my twt abt my fave photos and i’d be happy to share them :)) (see below)
mmm i won’t say anything abt vincenzo until you start it back up again ;) but friends!! that reminds me, i need to watch the reunion ep!!??! not ready to cry tho :’)
i hAD a sleep schedule at some point in my life, but now... it’s messed up again LOL but i’m in the mountain time zone in the states ! so 1 hour ahead of PST if that’s any help kdljasf but i hope you’re getting rest and sleep!! i’m a big advocate for sleep and rest so !!!!!!!!!!
anyways, sending my love as always <3
EDIT 2: okay here we go
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