#i don't have TIME to go to a landromat
thenarrativefoil · 4 months
i am so pissed bc NEITHER of the washing machines downstairs work and I am OUT OF ALL MY FAVORITE UNDERWEAR even AFTER i went to the trouble to clean one of the machines.
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why-its-kai · 1 year
i cant remember the last time i left the building....maybe monday to take out the trash? i don't think i've even gone anywhere since my horrible fucking disaster of an interview on friday. feeling like a caged beast. was gonna try to go to grocery store or landromat today but the air quality is in the unhealthy range and some idiot left hallway window open today so when i went to drop off my rent check and i got a sore throat from breathing in just whatever amount of air had gotten in that way so no way was i gonna try and go anywhere. still dealing with all the fucking (i still can't believe this) traumatic reaction the interview gave me and getting the proper rejection letter in the mail this morning that set me off again after having a sort of ok day yesterday. i just don't even want to do anything anymore my hobbies aren't interesting i struggle to remain focused on things i want to watch/read/play i can't get myself to deal with housework i need to do i can't get out to get other stuff done bc i will literally start feeling ill from the air pollution i don't even feel like eating so i'm hardly eating like i am fucking isolated and trapped and losing my mind in here i can't fucking stand it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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roninhunt0987 · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
How Jared Met Suzuki
How Jared Met Suzuki
By: Roninhunt0987
X3 okay thanks to to neko in call from tonight I have now got the idea of how Jared and Suzuki met and such... not giving any spoilers just that this is gonna be in the past there.... well in between the fic where Whisper's mom reunited at the time so yea
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
Jared's POV: let me tell ya a story.... this is something that happened with me which took place after Whisper's biological mother resurfaced and after marrying her and such..... you probably wondering how I met Suzuki... this took place at a local landromat... .w. damn washing machine got busted no thanks to one of the idiots living at the residence... thought It was a good idea to use a freaking plasma grenade and such.... so ya... heres my story... how I Met Suzuki Yamato and her family....
-6 PM, Laundromat-
Jared: -waiting for the washing machine to be finished as he was reading a magazine and ears starts to twitch to hear nearby fighting- eh??? -hears the noise stopped briefly- huhn...probably unwise for me to go to a laundromat at 6 PM... -hears the noise get louder as hey gets up as he has his Desert eagle at the ready and sees his truck is not in its parking space- wheres my truck
Truck: -goes through the wall missing Jared with someone flying into him- Jared: OH SH-
???: -slams into jared-
Jared: -hits his head hard on the remains of his truck and dazed watching Suzuki get up as his vision starts to blur as the big thug go down-
???: -muffle talks of panicking and etc seeing she hit into somewhere earlier and such-
Jared: -blacks out as he feels ??? pick him up-
???: ahhh geeze oh man oohhhh... man I don't have a- wait... alright I am hoping he doesn't freak out like april did -uses device and goes through portal with Jared in tow-
-5 hours later-
Jared: -starts to awaken as his he has a bandage on his head and vision clears up slightly and sees he is in unfamilar area and then scans and then sees a turtle with an orange mask close to his face soon as his vision clears- O_O Mikey: ^^ Hi
Jared: -screams in panic as he is in full panic mode letting off some electricity- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Lightning Powers: -fries several of donnie's devices and such- Mikey: -screams like a girl- AHHHHHHH!!!!! Jared: -freaking out and panicking after letting off some electricity and slinking back into the couch panicking and pinching himself thinking this is all a dream-
Suzuki: -runs in with Donnie, Leo, Raph and Gen'ichi to see that Mikey pulled an April moment and facepalms- MIKEY!!! Raph: -facepalms- Darn it Mikey
Donnie: -saw that some of his devices got fried- O_o whoa what was that
Leo: -sighs as he goes to calm Jared down-
Jared: -shaking breathing erratically and etc-
Suzuki: .w. geeze... for the first time I was able to encounter someone who is a mobian like me... aside of raph causing an eye injury, me getting stabbed and etc
Jared: -still in full panic as he did not register what Suzuki was saying and etc as he is having trouble processing all this and then his hearing is going back in control of hearing Leo calming him down-
Leo: hey... ya still with us there big guy....
Jared: ugggh -faints-
-5 minutes later-
Jared: -sighs as he has green tea as he sips on it slowly-
Suzuki: -sits next to Jared- sorry about that... heh this isn't the first time Mikey got into someone's face... my names Suzuki btw... whats your name Jared: Jared... Jared Amadeus Prower....
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3 notes • Posted 2021-08-09 05:16:59 GMT
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-falls over fainting in cuteness seeing a legit whisper plush-
3 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 04:20:53 GMT
a friend on skype has reveal what trap i fell for
this is the trap i fell for,,, do not make the same mistake as i did
that is all... RH0987 over and out
5 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 04:32:11 GMT
XD Fallout Meme
XD Fallout meme
fallout 1: find the water chip
Fallout 2: find the G.e.c.k
Fallout 3: find ya dad
Fallout 4: find ya son
Fallout New Vegas: WHO THE FUCK SHOT ME!!!!!!
XD so yea its a meme my older brother found on facebook once.. hehe
5 notes • Posted 2021-04-14 17:15:30 GMT
M.E.G.A Chronicles 3 Special: Suzuki unwell
M.E.G.A Chronicles 3 Special: Suzuki unwell
By: Roninhunt0987
this is another special not just for ya'll to read but this is also a get well soon fic for Nekorockstarninja as she has told me earlier today that she was not feeling so I taken the liberty to make a get well soon gift for Nekorockstarninja so yea
X3 enjoy the Hilarity folks
-Kato/Prower residence-
Suzuki: -training extra hard and barely got any rest as she is unaware she is not feeling well-
Jared: -walks in with Leo-
Leo: Sis you been training all day come back inside
Suzuki: o-okay just- -wobbles a lil as she walks and starts to fall over- Jared: -reacts quickly and catches her and feels a bit of heat come from her and feels her head- Suzuki how long were ya in this state
Suzuki: I dunno.... I dunno really....
Raph: -realizes that his cold got onto Suzuki when he was getting better last week- oh shell... oh man... did i-
Leo: -looks to Raph- Raph Raph: I... I
Jared: Raph... its okay... alright ya didn't know
Raph: -breathes in and counts to 5 and the breathes out counts to 5 again- okay just get her inside
-later inside- Suzuki: -wet rag on her forehead as she wakes up from passing out- uggh did I pass out
Raph: uhhh....you did but- eh heh I may of given ya my cold.... ^^; my bad
Suzuki: .w.;;;; Raph.... I am so gonna hurt you when I get better
Jared: Suzuki he didn't know okay so go easy on him
Suzuki: okay... sorry raph
Raph: its fine okay just uhh.... Jared: .w. and guess who is gonna nurse her back to health while were helping
Raph: O_o ya kidding me
Jared: ^^; ya message from ya dad Master Splinter.... heh... .w.
Raph: darn it... ugh okay okay sigh... -in his mind: well raph just bite the bullet and deal with it....-
-moments later-
Raph: -trying to make chicken soup but starts get a lil frustrated- Kimiko: Raph... is everything okay Raph: -smiles widely- yes everything is fine
Kimiko: ^^; raph then why is ya hands shaking
Raph: sigh.... you're good at making chicken soup right?? can you... teach me
Kimiko: =3 I can help yes
Merrick: -walks in- hey Heard Suzuki got sick is everything alright?? Raph: I passed my cold into her while she and I had an argument and I feel like a moron doing that
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6 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 04:32:13 GMT
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