#i don't despise book!hannibal
aparticularbandit · 6 months
As a result of being reminded of this post.
No one let me Enogiri as Hannigram. Just. Don't let me do it. It would be GREAT FUN. But don't let me do it.
(I can post about the au and brainstorm it, but I don't think I want to actually write it, you feel?)
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doctorofmagic · 2 months
Discourse under the cut for those who don't want to have their mood ruined.
Tfw you learn that a writer you admire happens to despise Stephen and advocate for Clea to divorce him =D
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At first, I thought it was a joke, but it seems she's made up her mind about the whole Illuminati wreck train portrayal.
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Not to mention that this interpretation is completely WRONG. It was Clea who gave the final world of not using the Montesi Formula because his HUSBAND became one. AND if she had read the Strange Academy tie-in, she'd also know that Jericho was against it because one of the students is also a vampire, something he didn't know because it was a secret.
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Yes, Stephen read the Montesi Formula once. But saying he's a dick for doing so is wrong. He was aware that Hannibal, one of the few vampiric good guys back then, would also die. Hannibal gave his consent.
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(Doctor Strange v2 - Master of the Mystic Arts #58)
We all know Stephen has done questionable things, especially as an Illuminati. But to tweet that he's a DICK when he's actually always willing to sacrifice himself for the world is a HUGE red flag, especially if you like Clea.
Not to mentio that it's kind of a dick move to bash a character while reading a book from someone who absolutely ADORES the Stranges. I mean, Jed just tweeted that he'll miss them dearly, and made one of the best characterizations of Stephen in years. And you're here just saying you want Clea to leave when there was a whole BOOK dedicated to their reunion. Yikes.
(PS: I'm censoring the username because I don't want anyone to harass her over it. But knowing she once wrote Clea and that she really sees Stephen as an egotistical dick when she has the means to touch the character in the future, yeah.... I'm not supporting you anymore. Stay away from him.)
Lastly: a few panels of Stephen sacrificing himself for others:
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(Strange Tales v1 #144)
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(Strange Tales #119)
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(Doctor Strange - The End)
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(Avengers v8 #5)
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ataraxiaspainting · 2 months
Snowflake and bone?
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
oh shit... i feel like i'm being put on the spot lmao. honestly anything with yan chrollo i will eat up. my expectations are nonexistent for everything, including fanfiction. maybe @after-witch or @ddarker-dreams? but i feel like most yan chrollo writers are like experts in their craft...
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
a lot of shows/books/movies in general!
-> shows
monster - one of my favorite things ever. seriously. it's so good! the psychological horror of johan, the push and pull of tenma's morality based on what to do in the situation at hand... i love it all! an absolute masterpiece!
breaking bad - what hasn't been said about it already? it's just that good (and meme worthy also). definitely recommend!
hannibal - ah yes. horror shows with queer themes, my beloved. as someone who's going into work related to criminology, i really enjoyed this one a lot! hannibal was especially interesting, though i love the original silence of the lambs too!
-> books
the collector by john fowles - i actually discovered this book in middle school! i loved it a whole bunch, and my english teachers could never stop me from reading it when they were speaking. shoutout to all my fellow quiet kids who got the "most books read" award in school.
tomie by junji ito - this is actually one of the main things that inspired me to write hier encore! femme fatales always get me. i love my morally grey queens. seeing people just wrapped around their fingers is both interesting and horrific to watch.
the stranger by albert camus - i read this in my final year of high school and now once again during summer break! i just love camus' writing style so much and i love how the main character is so apathetic to the point he doesn't care about himself much. i also really like the religious themes that can come into play, as well as potential neurodiversity.
-> movies
midsommar - another thing dear in my heart. my older sister watched it with me along with my mom, but they were too scared by the gore to they just covered their eyes for like 30% of the movie lmao. not me though, unfortunately. i am still scarred, but the cult/indoctrination themes made it so interesting it's like i didn't have ADHD. i was a neurotypical for like two hours.
sailor moon s: the movie - hearts in ice - i love love loved this movie as a kid. i watched it on repeat along with the lion king movies. i really enjoyed the character development luna went through as she learned the necessity of letting go of people who don't necessarily need you in the way you think they need you.
knives out - this one i also watched with my mom and older sister! they liked this one much more too. i love ransom but also despise him at the same time. i haven't watched glass onion yet but i'm sure it's just as good based on what i have heard! thrillers are the key to my soul.
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
Hello there, been stalking you for quite a while :) I‘d like to use this to quickly mention one thing. You ABSOLUTELY got me into pet play and I really, really REALLY despise FCKING LOVE you for it. I think the first fic I came across from you was the Trucker Simon one (still regularly go back to read it ngl). Then I read one of your PetPlay fics and my face LITERALLY went: 😮😲😐🫤🤔🫣😩🤭, so, again, thank you for your service <3
For the Truth or Dare game, 🦋🪐 please <3 No fr now, jokes aside, felt like I had a hard time to find people who have an equal amount of love for super dark fics, thank you for creating such an amazing space <3 All blessings out to you, stay hydrated
LMFAO trucker!simon is like my worst fic to start with because it's the only one so far with 0 pet play but im so so glad you enjoyed it!! i had a fun time writing that one. also every time someone says they like pet play because of my writing 10 years gets added to my life, so thank you for that <3
im so glad you enjoy my darker stuff!!! i know it can be annoying to try and find people online who write dark content in the (for lack of a better word) "right" way, and it's suuuch a good feeling when you find someone who does. glad i can be that person for you!
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
i can't stop thinking about palestine and the genocide happening in gaza. i've picked up a couple nonfiction books, read articles online and excerpts from other books, and i just can't stop thinking about how my country (america) could almost single-handedly stop what's happening, and yet we don't. i don't think i've ever seen a divide between Government and People so clear
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
this blog, first off. never thought i'd actually get followers or mutuals (who i talk to! what!) by posting online. then probably the way that i can start seeing a pretty clear path for my future, when even a couple months ago i had no idea what i wanted to do with my life (or how to do it). and then third Hannibal lol, it's always fun to find a new thing to be a little Too Into
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all-or-nothing-baby · 5 months
i've said similar before (as have countless others on here before me) but i'm taking a moment to say this again:
and i think it's wildly stating the obvious to say the following but apparently there are still some folks who need to hear it:
irl, i seriously dislike mean people. i despise bullies. i can't think of anything worse than a person who does 'evil' deeds to others and enjoys it. granted, i can at times end up feeling sorry for some of these arseholes bc a lot of the time there are genuine reasons for their poor behaviour; sadness/trauma/mental illness/etc. but that isn't me dismissing that behaviour, i'm just trying to have some understanding and empathy for their suffering because it's clear that it's effecting their humanity, y'know? it's often a sad reality, but does not mean i would excuse a person treating others badly.
the characters from the books/tv show/movie/play/podcast etc that you like are not real. they are dreamt up to help us learn lessons from a young age, to make us laugh at their stupidity, to help us see that those who have found themselves on a dark path are mostly there because something terrible happened to them. these characters are brought to life for us in sometimes terrible forms—those truly dreadful villains—to help us work vicariously through emotions we all suffer with from time to time, the irrational feelings we can have of revenge or world domination lol. there is anger that we, as a race, all have to deal with, intrusive thoughts that we all sometimes struggle with. when we feel ourselves wanting the badguys in the movies to win, it can help us to manage these kinds of real life feelings we suffer, and it might mean we can learn how to deal better.
it's like wanting to punch someone. i would personally never actually want to do that—but occasionally as humans we might feel like we want to.
also, none of us are perfect creatures! none of us. liking a bad or morally grey character can sometimes be because you might see some of their toxic traits in yourself, and feel better about the fact that even though you have faults, at least you're not as bad as they are. or maybe you know somebody like the character, someone who—even though their actions are wrong and you don't agree with them—has had a terrible life and you have some understanding of why they behave in the way they do. maybe the character helps you understand that person more and have more empathy for them and others like them?
baddies get to do the things we sometimes wish we could! who doesn't occasionally wish they could do a michael douglas d-fens in falling down?! or have the whole world kneel at their feet as loki does?! or be so be clever and cunning you can get away with any criminal plan you damn well choose like james moriarty?!
even the 'pure evil' characters in media are written so that we love to hate them, otherwise we wouldn't care about what happens to them, and caring about the story and it's characters is the whole point. and even if you just wholeheartedly love them—like you completely adore those vile bastards, regardless of all their evil deeds—that's okay! they're not real. just because you enjoy a character like hannibal lecter doesn't necessarily mean you want to murder and eat people, you just like a character who does terrible things because they have been written to be liked.
so, the paramount thing to remember is:
anyway, thank you for coming to my ted — *gets shot by the bad guy*
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youraverageauthor · 2 years
The new roommate :D
It was a nice night, I had just fallen asleep when I woke up to a sound.. The moment that I opened my eyes I saw someone with a serious expression looking at me. I've never seen him before, did someone break into the house?! Before I could even react I was stabbed again and again.. The final stab was in my neck and the person left the knife there. A tear ran down my eye before I died.
I’ve been a ghost for a while, but I don't know for how long. I just remember waking up and being dead…
While staying here I decided to haunt the house. Many people tried to stay in the house that I’ve been haunting but none of them were brave enough. Watching families calling priests to exorcize me was pretty funny because I wasn’t a demon. Every priest just said that they weren’t able to exorcize me since I haven’t actually done anything bad. For the period after I died I really just wanted to go to the afterlife but I just couldn’t. I was stuck in this house with the same injuries that caused my death which didn’t was not helpful for my mentality.
After a while I realized I could get rid of that. The first family that came was a family of four and all of them were able to see me which was horrifying to me. They immediately called a medium so I could be sent to heaven, they were good people. That medium wasn’t able to send me to heaven because I've had a business that I didn't finish when I was alive, it was holding me back. The family moved out when they realized that I was stuck here. I wanted to see my friends and my sister. . I do not know where they are though because we used to live here.. It was just saddening. I should have counted the days so I knew how long I was dead for.. but I was starting to realize what I could do as a ghost. I learned how to stay invisible, and how to stop passing through walls.
I’d scare every human who dared to get to this apartment, while trying to find what my unfinished business was. Everyone who moved in left within a week. Finally one day I realized what my business was. . but it was nearly impossible. I just wanted to hang out with my friends and write about my book. A lot of mediums and exorcists tried to make me leave by solving my unfinished business but every time I’d tell them about it they’d just laugh and leave after getting paid at least 200$ for the visit. I despised them getting paid for doing nothing and I managed to kick some of them, the ones that weren't prepaid at least.
After a while though a weird human came. I was ready to give him the best scare, it would scare half his life out of him!
Strangely enough he hid the fact that he got scared. Weird… I tried to scare him again by flickering the lights and appearing with my death injuries. At first he looked kinda shocked but just ignored the situation. I was flabbergasted, this was the first time I wasn’t able to terrify someone.
“Hooman how come you are not afraid of me?”
“Well the rent prices are skyrocketing and this place is cheap, it even has furniture. I seriously cannot move out if that’s what you’re trying to do. Who are you anyway?”
“Well I am the ghost who haunts this place..I am ××××. Who are you hooman?”
“My name is ××××. Why are you haunting this place?”
“I have nothing else to do so I decided to haunt this place since I am attached to the area. You look rather young to be staying at a house alone.”
“Well I recently turned 17. Wait, why am I even talking to a ghost??”
I shrugged before turning invisible, I then went to the living room to watch the news because the current hooman was boring. I was peacefully watching The Silence of the Lambs but then, at the moment Hannibal was about to eat the police officer's tongue, someone changed the channel! I was furious,I can’t even watch tv at my own house?! I changed the channel back but he continued to change it to the channel he wanted to watch.
It was war.
“This is the living room, you aren’t even alive to be here!” he said.
He broke the final straw, I made the electricity go off. No one messes with me in my own house. He went to restore the power and I was ready to jumpscare him. The moment he restored the power I scared him. He honestly got scared, tripped and hit his head on a table.. This is bad, I just wanted to give him a good scare, not kill him!! I decided to bring him a pillow from his bed just in case he’s still alive.
A few ××××× had passed and the hooman and I became friends. We were having a small talk and he asked me when did I die.
“Uhh.. I don’t remember.. Maybe you’ll be able to find out about my death if you search it up lol.”
He nodded and started searching.
“Well you died at ××/07/20××.”
“What year is it now?” I curiously asked.
“It’s 20×× and as you know schools are starting pretty soon.”
“Good luck, school’s difficult but I am sure you can do it. I would help you but I am not the best at that. I could help you by writing about how painful it is to get stabbed!”
We both just laughed.
School had started for the hooman and it was pretty boring staying at this place doing nothing so I went outside to scare some people. The streets were empty. Ugh everyone started working already?! Then to my surprise I saw someone speeding from miles away. The traffic light was red but it didn’t look like the driver cared. It was my time to shine, I became visible and started to pass the road. I stopped in the middle of the crosswalk. I looked at the car that was about to hit me terrified. The driver was shocked and tried to stop but it was too late.
The car driver left the car to see if I was alive. Haha, he was absolutely horrified, he was looking at me shocked. I then slowly started to stand up, making him pray for his life and apologizing to me.
“Do not speed ever again, I will not let you get away.”
The man looked at me with fear in his eyes and nodded. I became invisible and he slowly and carefully drove away.
Mission Success!
I don’t know how long it has passed since the hooman started going to school, what was his name again?? The hooman just seems out of mood for conversation these days and doesn’t even get phased by my jumpscares..
change of view
That nerd was funny, he was the funniest student to make fun of in the whole school. I don’t know how long he’d withstand this but pretty soon he’ll break just like the rest of the students. He dared to scold us for smoking, he’ll regret it for the rest of his life, if he manages to survive. It was hilarious to bully him, and he couldn’t tell anyone because no one would believe him. I was waiting so I’d be able to break his glasses since we are writing an exam today.
He began to pass by the hall but I stopped him.
“Where’s my homework nerd?”
“I wasn’t able to do it.. I had other stuff to do.”
“Hahaha, you seriously want me to believe that?! Stop the excuses. You should have found time for it. I guess your homework is mine then!” I proceeded to punch him in the face, resulting in him falling to the ground. His glasses were broken. I took his homework while he was trying to fight back.
“Don’t you dare try to get away for not doing something we told you to do and if you ever try to leave or tell anyone about this you'll gladly be dead.”
The boys and I decided to follow the prick so we could give him a last beating for the day. He looked anxious which made me laugh, he should have completed his tasks, if he did none of this would have happened. While following him a girl appeared and talked to that nerd. Is she seriously blind, why would she talk to him??
‘‘What’s her name nerd??’’
“Her name is Kiki…”
change of view
I saw some people with the hooman while he was returning, I decided to go and see if everything was okay because he looked pretty uncomfortable..
He never informed me that he had friends and those people don't seem like a good influence. The situation seemed pretty suspicious. I walked towards the group that was hanging out with Hooman.
“Who are they..? What happened to you..why are your glasses broken!?”
“×××× was just not careful enough and fell off the stairs. Since we're his friends we decided to see if he was doing okay because that fall was a big one. Who are you anyway?”
“She is my roommate…” the hooman muttered, it was the first time seeing him so visibly scared. Not even I could scare him this much, I needed to find out who those people were.
“Thanks for helping the hooman but I can now help him too. Goodbye.”
I said, I made them leave after insisting that they didn't need to stay. After they left I peacefully teleported the hooman and myself in the apartment.
“Are they really your friends hooman..?”
He nodded, but I still could sense that something was wrong. You don’t get injuries like that by a fall.. I didn’t want to force him to tell me the truth but I couldn’t stand hearing lies coming out of my friend's mouth. I took his glasses and fixed them, I loved that power of mine but it was applied to only small items.
The next day, what day was it again? I decided to follow the hooman to confirm my theories or at the best case be relieved that he has more friends. He was walking to school and I was following him while staying invisible. It would be a challenge for me and it’d drain my energy cause I wasn’t able to go far away from the house without feeling exhausted, but who cares! My friend could be in danger.
The hooman arrived at school and gladly everything was going fine, then the group of his friends came. I was just watching to see if anything would happen. The one guy from yesterday, the weird looking one, was asked about my name. That guy asked the hooman something and because he didn’t respond they started beating my friend?!
I knew it!! I shouldn’t have trusted them!! I need to help the hooman! I kicked the bully where the sun does not shine and then I possessed the hooman so I could finish the business, no one harms my friends.. I began to punch that bastard, I made it look like self defense while I avoided the attacks. He looked dumbfounded.
“Don’t ever do this again. . I won’t continue to stay quiet any longer..”
I then left the hoomans body and started choking that bastard with my own two hands, while remaining invisible of course. I decided to stop since people would suspect that something is wrong. I proceeded to grab the hoomans arm and walk out of the school. I wouldn’t let him stay here for the day, something worse could happen.
After going to an area with no people I teleported us back to the apartment.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were getting bullied?! I could have helped you out sooner. . You don’t have to keep it to yourself! I am your friend hooman!”
“I am sorry. . I didn’t want to get you involved because they could come here too.. You’re already dead, why should you have to be bothered by my problems?”
He asked me, I was a bit saddened about that but I understood what he meant.
“I do not care hooman. Even if they come I will not allow them to harm you. Even if they find an exorcist they won’t be able to get rid of me. I haven’t completed my business yet have I? ”
I said with a smile.
He chuckled, then someone started banging on the door. I went and checked who it was, it was that bastard. “Okay.. I will fight them, don't worry but I might possess you later. Just ignore them and don’t let them ruin your mood.” I then unlocked the door. The bully had a knife, is he crazy?! That bitch just stabbed me because he thought I was the hooman! I didn’t want them to figure out I am a ghost yet so I just concentrated on keeping the knife in my stomach and fake bleeding from that area. I then fell to the ground to make it even more believable.
“Fuck, this is all your fault nerd, if you dare to call the police on me we'll throw the blame on you! Why couldn't you have opened the door?!" that bully screamed.
It was annoying to hear what he was saying. I slowly stood up and looked at him before removing the knife from my belly. I made the lights flicker while doing that.
“Don’t you dare threaten the hooman again..” I charged at him with a fake knife but it gave him the scare he deserved. He was on the floor, begging for his life but this was only the start.
“You are really weak aren’t you all mighty bully?”
I said while smirking.
“If you ever try to lay a finger on the hooman after this then I’ll eliminate you, no matter the cost. One by one..”
I made his team fight each other so no one would bother me while I was teaching the bastard a lesson. I made him experience his worst nightmares, I didn’t even know I was capable of doing that..
“×××× stop this bitch! You never told me she was this strong!! ×××× isn’t it, isn't that your name? I swear I won’t harm that nerd again!! I am sorry!” he said while trembling in fear.
“This was too easy, you know..but you shouldn’t apologize to me.”
I smiled before grabbing the hoomans arm. I am not the person who deserves an apology here. The bastard's squad was down, unable to fight anymore.
“It’s not that hard, just apologize to the hooman.”
I said with a smile.
The bastard most certainly did not like it, he thought I was joking.
I wasn’t and just because that thought passed his mind I kicked him.
“I said, apologize to the hooman. Don’t make me repeat myself again”
“Okay! Okay! I am sorry ××××, I won’t ever bother you, just tell her to let us go! I swear that we won’t harm you again either ××××..”
Hooman looked kinda relieved after that, I am glad that I managed to help him. We let the bullies go after both of us agreed to forget this even happened.
“Thank you a lot ××××, had you not helped me it would have just become worse…Seriously thank you…”
He smiled. I am glad that I could help him.
A time period had passed, two ××××× I believe.
The hooman asked me about my unfinished business and if he could help me to complete it.
“I don’t really mind if I don’t go to heaven anymore, but I could tell you. So I don’t really remember but I want to meet my friends and sister one last time and write a book. I don't really remember the names of the ones dear to me though…”
The hooman looked at me kinda surprised, he said that he’d help me funfill the business so that I’d be able to go to heaven. The human then asked me a question.
“Why do you call me hooman? You could just call me ××××” he asked me curiously.
“Well… I don’t know, it comes off naturally. Whenever I see you I think of you as The hooman, not about your name if you know what I am saying. It’s your new nickname lol. ”
“It’s a nice and very creative nickname hahaha.”
After that conversation, we watched Anabelle and I got inspiration from it on how to scare actual friends of his.
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annbourbon · 4 months
~Holic Master List
Meaning: Obsession, addiction over something or someone.
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~Holic is supposed to be a master list of things I need to watch, read or whatever lol but also is supposed to keep control over the things I haven't finished, and the things I already finished. It's supposed to be a list of reviews too. But we'll get there. Since I tend to be really slow with everything so... yeah. I like to take my time. I despise being rushed or pressured onto something.
This list of course, is in no way extensive but hopefully it'll give you an idea of who I am and what I like.
Most of these ones however I'm into them but I don't have any material, theories, fanfics or collaborations, yet. If I say you can click on it, then you should expect a master list of each fandom. Otherwise, they're just there for fun (until I get into them far enough to create some content.)
If you have any recommendations please drop them on comments section, or the asks. I'll be thrilled.
Please consider this as an ongoing list and be patient. Thank you.💕
*On a final note~ I may or not repost something I liked just as a form of sharing it with the people who follow me but I will never post it on my master list as it is not mine. If you're uncomfortable with me reposting something please let me know and provide me with the link too, to take it down. Thank you.
If you want to unplug ~
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♡ Holic~ (Part One) ★Includes Dramas, Anime, Movies, and Series★
If all you want to do is dance and sing (maybe) ...
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♡ Holic (Part Two) ★Includes Musicals, Music and Ballet★
If you love to read or want to have an adventure....
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♡ Holic~ (Part Three) ★Includes Otomes, Manhwas, and Books★ ⚠️Working on this part⚠️
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♡ Holic~ (Part Four) ★Welcome to The Kitchen, here you can find recipes, nutrition posts, recipes with certain allergies in mind, Hannibal favorite recipes, fast ideas in case you're starving, and more content. All about food of course.★ ⚠️Working on this part⚠️
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minks-country-club · 2 years
Can we PLEASE take a moment to appreciate how Will and Beverley weren't forced into any romantic/sexual relationship?!?!
I see creators of movies and shows do this CONSTANTLY just cuz they feel as tho the MC needs to fuck everything and anything they can get their hands on. They do this for no reason whatsoever and often adds fuck all to the story. It ends up being forced with no chemistry. I despise it with a burning passion.
I will excuse the little thing with Will and Alana because it didn't go anywhere and tbh I can understand a romance between the two much more than most shows.
I can also use that example with Hannibal and Bedelia. It was somewhat understandable but ultimately didn't work out for obvious reasons. I think the kiss was pointless and added nothing. They could have easily taken that out and nothing would have changed. Which I think would have been better imo. I truly thought that Hannibal and Bedelia were going to have a very obvious romantic/sexual relationship in S3 so I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't and if anything was going on then it was very subtle.
I don't care for the relationship between Alana and Hannibal. Again, I understand why it happened but also, once again, it didn't go anywhere for obvious reasons. (I really like the fact that Alana ended up with Margot. That was as delicious as Hannibal's cooking)
The thing with Molly is also understandable as it is canon to the movies and I assume books (I haven't read them yet) but also it adds to/plays off of the storyline of Will trying to move on whilst simultaneously trying to keep that sense of parenthood he had with Abigail.
The thing with Margot and Will was very out of the blue and random but it was a little twist I appreciate because of the little subplot with Margots baby but I realise that I instantly forget how that baby was made in the first place. Their little one night stand in itself meant very little but the subplot was worth it so I'm not mad about it. It's fine by me.
The kiss with Chiyoh was very pointless and should not have happened imo but Will being thrown off the train was kind of funny so whatever.
BUT WITH BEVERLEY- HOOOOOOOO HOT MAMA (rip queen). I really thought that something was gonna happen between her and Will at the beginning. I thought i picked up on some flirting like when she was helping Will shoot and I literally groaned and said "oh here we go again with the pointless romance. It was inevitable but a poor soul can dream..." and then.....NOTHING!!! NOTHING AT ALL. AND IT WAS SO GOOD. JUST A BEAUTIFUL, MUTUAL FRIENDSHIP. LIKE A FUN FRIENDSHIP THAT REAL PEOPLE HAVE. WHERE THEY KIND OF FLIRT BUT MEANS BUM-FUCK ALL.
I am truly grateful at how innocent their relationship is. It was very pure and platonic and wonderful because that's all it ever was and was going to be. They had so many chances to make them a couple and they didn't and I'm so happy it didn't.
I'm in no way saying that every relationship in a show/movie HAS to have meaning or something. Not at all, as I have previously said, I can appreciate a brief relationship. I just think that when a MC relationship is made to last and by being forced together, it makes the whole thing that much more unenjoyable.
I'm just very glad that the show (for the most part) can recognize when and where a relationship can be formed and appreciate how that every relationship ends differently each time :))
Lmao can you imagine the absolute shit storm it would be if either Hannibal or Will got into any type of relationship with Freddie? I would have ended everything right then and there💀
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lockedtombmemes · 4 years
For that detective au... the eighth are a competing detective company who despise the ninth's chaotic method that somehow always works... dulcinea femme fatale archetype... the sixth are still just researchers or smth I don't actually know how detective stories work
You right, the Mayonnaise Boys are so by-the-book it's awful and they hate HATE that G&H's bullshit solves way more than their boring baloney does
Feel like the Tridentarii have femme fatale vibes too but that may just be my gay ass needing Coronabeth dressed like Jessica Rabbit 🥵
Sixth are definitely either the bug guys from Silence of the Lambs or Price and Zeller from Hannibal
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And that was the end of the crossover. Trigger warning for upcoming discussion about my thoughts on the episode, which are not all negative.
Now, I’m more excited for the upcoming episode because what bugs me most about this episode is the severe lack of Coldwave - not even romantically, just Mick and Leonard (whatever version of him there is) getting moments together. I’d be a lot more pissed off right now if I didn’t know Leo was returning in the upcoming episode, and I hope that we get more to go off with that.
On the crossover itself, I have a lot of varying thoughts. Stop reading now if you don’t want to hear a more neutral/positive outlook on this crossover, because that’s what you’re getting from me. 
Firstly, were there issues with this crossover? Yes. Could they have easily done the same thing without using Nazis? Yes, and I believe it would have been better if they had.
That said, I look at this like I look at all media in all walks of life: as a creative art form. I hate some art, I adore some art, and sometimes, art that I love is universally despised.
I grew up watching films with Nazis in them, so maybe I’ve got a different outlook on things. But I grew up on war films, and B movies from the 80s, and Indiana Jones was my life to the point where I could recite all of the three earlier films line for line.
NAZIS ARE BAD. And just like in all those films I watched, where the Nazis were bad, I saw it the same way here. The Nazis were bad and they were defeated. Yes, they had the faces of familiar characters, but in the end, they were portrayed as bad and they were defeated as such.
All that to say: I loved this crossover. I did. I thought it was much stronger plot and character-wise than the crossover from the last season. I adored Leo and Ray. I adored what little I saw of Mick. I am angry about what they did with Stein but by god I adored how beautifully heartbreaking Franz’s acting was.
Everyone’s acting in this crossover was stunning; they were doing their best and it showed.
I appreciate that the pink triangle was mentioned, because it is erased from so many history books and documentaries to the point where most people are unaware that the pink triangle even existed or what it means. 
I appreciate that we get to see Wentworth reprise his role in part one last time and I adore that they showed two gay actors kissing onscreen as two queer characters and it wasn’t treated as anything out of the ordinary or horrifying or fetishized. 
Do I wish there had been more done with Mick, or that perhaps a romance between him and Leonard would have finally been shown? Yes. But I’m not going to die angry about it. I’ll write my own stories revolving around such an idea and leave it be.
I’m not happy that they used Nazis when they could have used generic baddies and I am not happy about Stein.
But at the same time I hold a very neutral ground because of one, Victor Garber’s request to leave the show. I understand they had to write him off and most likely wanted it to be in a dramatic, memorable way. I think they did it wrong, but I digress.
Two, this is a creative work. And just like all creative works that feature things like murder, arson, thievery, violence, torture, serial killers, cannibalism etc... it does not reflect the views or support of the creators nor the people who enjoy it. Is it distasteful to portray right now, with all that’s been going on? Yes. But it does not make you a bad person for creating things regarding it or enjoying watching it. You do not support Nazis just by intaking media, any more than you support murder by intaking crime shows.
Three, this is not my story. This show has creators - those of the comics and those of the show itself - and I have no say in that. I can protest things they put in their content, I can refuse to watch it, but that’s where the line ends. I don't get to harass the writers and actors themselves any more than I want people harassing me about my writing - or any more than I’m sure some of you would want people harassing you about your A/B/O or mpreg fics, or anything else dealing with taboo topics.
LONG STORY SHORT: I enjoyed this crossover and I am not a bad person for that. There were problems with it and things I wish they had done differently, but at the end of the day this is fiction just like Hannibal - which I wager many people enjoy and yet somehow do not support cannibalism. And I’ve seen AO3 - there are a lot of noncon fics out there and yet somehow I feel that most of you do not actually support rape. Think about the planks in your eyes, people.
I felt the need to say this because of how many close friends feel like shitty people just because they enjoyed the crossover or were excited for it.
To anyone else who has felt like that: you can acknowledge the faults a work of media has without hating it. You can simultaneously enjoy and have excitement for media while admitting its faults and seeking something better from your media.
You aren’t a bad person. You just have the ability to separate fiction from reality and the ability to see things on a more neutral perspective, and understand what hills will help to die on. That’s all. 
Life’s not black and white and I’ll be damned if anybody is going to make me feel like shit for enjoying what was in all honesty a well-written crossover event with highly stunning and talented acting - despite all the glaring problems there were with it - when I hardly keep silent about problems in the world today and actively fight to change them. I can do both. And I do.
Those are my thoughts.
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