#i don’t wanna do the alive vs not alive thing cause it’s too debatable and annoying
ao3screenshotss · 2 years
nothing like scrolling through tumblr’s roe v wade tag to get ideas for my essay due on it in an hour and 13 minutes
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black-wolf066 · 5 years
AOS Robbie Reyes Through the Seasons AU Part 1
(with bonus QuakeRider slow burn added into the mix cause i’m utter trash for those two)
-----Just a warning for those who haven’t seen the show, please stop reading as there will be spoilers in this post (as well as any future posts regarding this AU world. I will not be tagging it as spoilers, so once again, be warned.------- 
So, i recently watched all 6 seasons of AOS, and stumbled across this post [Agents of Shield AU] that intrigued and inspired me, and honestly the ideas for this “what if” haven’t left me alone since. Please go and check it out as i don’t wanna take all the credit for this idea.
In terms of turning this into a full fledged story, I more then likely will never start it given my terrible track record when it comes to multi-chapter fics (plus my muse to write anything multi-chapter is completely non-existent at this point). I do, however, love doing ideas/headcannons/story boards cause i find they are easier then taking the time to flesh out scenes and dialogue. Should anyone want to attempt writing this behemoth using my ideas, feel free (just please credit and tag me if you do, mostly cause i really wanna read it).
As I stated in my reblog of the original post linked above, it’s hard to think of ways to incorporate Robbie into the show from the start and barely change any of the plot. While some things will definitely be different as I continue to think up ways to incorporate Robbie into the main cast, i will be sticking to the major plot points (Hydra, Afterlife, Hive, etc). 
As far as season 1 goes, i’m still debating on how to proceed with it. Please correct me if i’m wrong, but from my understanding, it sounded like Robbie sold his soul roughly around the time frame of season 2 or mid-way through season 2. If this is in fact true, then i’m not sure if i’ll make it where the deal is struck even earlier or if i’ll be sticking to canon. I’m also not sure if i should make Robbie a main character of season 1, or just a here and there character (part time Agent) until after Shield’s fall. 
I have roughly 2-3 different scenarios/re-written backgrounds for season 1. 
Season 1 AU idea A: this idea sticks with canon in terms of the deal, so Robbie is a regular human until mid-way through season 2 (unless someone corrects me on my timing for this). Robbie is recruited long before the Bus Team became a thing (still deciding on the how’s, but i have a basic idea that he saw a speed chase and the vans shield was using, even with the tech, couldn’t keeping up with the target. Robbie managed to intercept said target with Lucy thanks to his skill set with racing and shield was able to apprehend the target thanks to his intervention. To me this idea is a little weak in terms of a believable scenario, but that’s the only thing coming to me for a “how he gets recruited” at this current time). Robbie is stationed mostly in LA (to stay close to his brother and uncle) and sometimes him and his team will cross paths with the Bus team. He’s at the hub when Hydra steps out of the shadows and with his team either being traitors or dead, he ends up going with Coulson and his team when they “go dark” and leave the Hub. 
Idea B: is basically the same thing as idea A; Robbie’s human, he’s recruited to shield before Coulson puts his team together, but instead of being stationed in LA, he’s one of the agents that Coulson wants to recruit for the Bus. This way Robbie is there through it all (even if he is only a level 1 agent) and his friendship with the team and Skye/Daisy has more of a chance to plant and grow roots rather then just being a reoccurring character.  
Idea C: takes either option A or B but with the difference of him being the rider from the start (maybe he’s recruited for the fact he is the rider and could be useful or they recruit him so he can be watched closely since no one knows how to contain the rider within him). 
Mostly, i would like to try and stay with canon, so i believe Idea B would be the most ideal since i want Robbie and Skye/Daisy to form a strong friendship in season 1 vs season 2. It would also allow Season 1 and part of season 2  to stay close to canon as possible (since the Rider wouldn’t be an issue)
As far as differences go, should Idea B be used, i would like Robbie and Ward to butt heads (not enough to be annoying, but enough to know that it’s clear they don’t like each other). Maybe Ward rubs Robbie the wrong way and vice versa, but eventually as they continue to do missions together they begin to grow on each other (which will make the betrayal all the harder to stomach)
Robbie is always amused by Fitz-Simmons, both of them reminding him of his uncle and brother in terms of their smarts and banter (for i head-canon that Gabe and Eli would constantly throw science ideas and what-not at the dinner table or in general conversation just as Robbie and Eli would talk cars). When Robbie feels home-sick, you’ll usually find him in the labs with these two, quietly helping where they need it, or simply sitting in a corner reading as the two banter for background noise. 
Robbie is a good cook and is usually the person who cooks most nights for the Bus (they may have a rotation to try and keep things fair, but Robbie tends to ignore it. He’s a man who’s hands can’t stay idle, so if he’s not being the team’s mechanic or helping Fitz-Simmons build things for the team, then he’s in the kitchen cooking/baking). 
Robbie has a healthy respect for Coulson and May and while Ward is Skye’s SO, May is Robbie’s unofficial SO when it comes to training/sparing (since the two of them are early risers and usually hit the mats around the same time anyway). 
Robbie and Skye get along easily the longer they work/live together. They’ll throw harmless insults and movie/tv show references at each other when there’s down time or high-stress situations (though the insults aren’t always so harmless when it’s the later). While Skye and Ward will usually play board games, Robbie and Skye will play Uno (occasionally joined by Fitz-Simmons) or racing games together.
Robbie has a deadly sense of humor that comes out the more he grows comfortable with people, and usually that humor comes out with Fitz or Skye (however that natural part of him will fade or dull once the Rider takes residence in his head).
When Skye breaks the teams trust when she helps Miles, Robbie doesn’t necessarily give her the cold shoulder, but he does make it clear that his trust won’t be so easily won back, she’ll have to earn it. 
When Trip joins the team, Robbie gets along with him pretty quickly (once it’s clear he can be trusted anyway). Trip just naturally has that way with people, that natural light and goodness that reminds Robbie of his brother. Not to mention Trip tells some interesting stories (and it also helps that he’ll occasionally give Robbie his grandmothers recipes for certain dishes/treats). 
Robbie is not at the secret base when Skye gets kidnapped by Ward, and he regrets it because he would have stayed behind with her, Eric and Ward had he not been so adamant in going on the mission with the rest (feeling too caged in the bunker and wanting something to do). He feels if he had stayed behind, maybe things would have gone differently, maybe Eric would still be alive, maybe Skye wouldn’t have been taken (though the counter-argument, from one of the others, is that he could have just as likely been killed too, since Ward is far more skilled then Robbie). 
Again all of season 1 and possibly all of season 2 is just friendship at this point, maybe some un-knowing or some teasing flirting here and there, but mostly just friendship between Robbie and Skye. I don’t think Robbie develops his feelings until after they both are different (with her becoming inhuman and him becoming the vessel for the rider). They bond over their shared differences and struggles as they go through these changes and learn to control it, etc. So i’m thinking more along the lines of beginning of season 3 when his feelings for her start to develop. Not sure if Skye/Daisy’s will develop around the same time, or if she does have similar feelings, they aren’t strong enough yet to warrant pursuing it, hence why she pursues Lincoln instead.
((((((I will end this here for now. I do plan on fleshing the ideas for some of the episodes out a bit more then this, as well as continue my ideas through the rest of the seasons, but for now I’ll leave Season 1 as partially finished in terms of background/relationship development goes.
Please, if you have anything to add to this, i’d love to hear it, or if someone were to attempt to write something like this, i would love to read it. 
This AU is such an interesting concept to ponder over, but i feel it’s also a way to see how Robbie was pre-rider. He seemed slightly more care-free, happier, and i really would love to explore that. Adding him into the mix at the beginning and also making him an agent pre-season 1, allows us to play with his character traits a bit more. To see how different he could be with this different path faced before him as well as the character development he’ll go through. 
sorry i’m rambling now, but i just can’t help it, i’m totally addicted to this idea and i just can’t let it go.)))))
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The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo + Taylor Swift: a master post - Part 6/6
Hi guys, welcome to the final part of my masterpost regarding parallels between Taylor Swift and Evelyn Hugo, the fictional actress from the book The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo by author Taylor Jenkins Reid!
Before proceeding please be aware that there will be
for the book ahead and please also read my disclaimer!
It’s very important that you read these in order so if you haven’t yet go ahead and check out the previous part right here, thank you and enjoy!
When Evelyn starts telling us about beard #6 she reveals that they got married in Joshua Tree (Pg. 295) which is you know, an actual place and all, but my first reaction was (perhaps understandably given this context)
“You got married WHERE, now?!” and then it took me quite a while to stop laughing and honestly, this is kind of too hilarious not to include!
Evelyn also points out on that same page that she wore an ocean-blue dress for the ceremony.
 Though Max Girard (beard #6 and legit husband #2) initially starts out as a non-bearding situation (in a desperate attempt to get over Celia) it soon becomes clear that Max doesn’t love Evelyn, he loves Evelyn Hugo™ He loves the idea of her more than the actual person, he loves the famous persona. Evelyn says:
  “I didn’t know how to tell him that I loved her too, but I wasn’t her.” (Pg. 298)
This is that age-old debate of Taylor vs. Taylor Swift™. The two are not the same person and sometimes it feels like (het in particular) fans have as hard a time as Max to make that distinction.
Taylor Swift the public persona isn’t Taylor Swift the person and that is perhaps the most true when it comes to Taylor’s actual love life vs. her fabricated one. There might not be a single fact more important to come to terms with in order to understand Gaylor Swift (and her reasons for being closeted) than that simple one. If you feel lost here, please go read this again!
    “When you’re known for being gorgeous, you can’ not imagine a faith worse        than standing next to someone and falling short.” (Pg. 299)
  And all the young things line up to take your place
In a letter to Celia:
  “I hope you will forgive me for being so blunt, but how did we make such a     mess of it all?” (Pg. 301)
Oh, we made quite a mess, babe
After years of being separated (yet again) Evelyn finally calls Celia and when they discuss the possibility of getting back together without having to hide Evelyn points out that:
                        “Everything has changed”
And as proof of this change she brings up the fact that Elton John is now proudly out (this part of her story is set in the late 80’s) to which Celia counters with:
  “’Elton John doesn’t have a child and a career based on audiences     believing he’s a straight man.” (Pg. 303)
Taylor may not have a kid, but she most certainly has a career based on audiences believing she’s a straight woman and that must be freaking terrifying!!
During that phone call Evelyn explains that she never stopped loving Celia and when Celia questions this by pointing out that Evelyn (in a non-bearding way) got married to someone else Evelyn explains:
  “’I married him because he helped me forget you,’ I said, “not because I     stopped loving you’” (Pg. 304)
He will try to take away my pain  And he just might make me smile  But the whole time I'm wishin' he was you instead
During a dinner following the phone conversation Evelyn tells Celia:
  “I spent my life hiding so no one would knock me off the mountain. Well, you     know what? I’m done hiding. Let them come and get me. They can throw me     down a well as far as I’m concerned.” (Pg. 313)
When Celia questions if Evelyn really means that Evelyn assures her that she does.
  “Any other line of thinking…It’s how I lost you. I don’t want to lose anymore.”
HELL YEAH, EVELYN IS DONE HIDING!! Also, the “I don’t want to lose anymore”-line reminds me of:
  Us traitors never win
And what I said about that line in my analysis of Getaway Car:
What she says I think is that people who pick their career over their love life won’t end up being happy, or “winning” at life in the long-run.
When Celia has made absolutely sure that Evelyn is truly ready to give it all up for her this time she suggests that they move to Spain together, she says she wants to spend her final years:
  “On a beautiful beach. With the love of a good woman.” (Pg. 314)
  Drinkin' on a beach with you all over me
When Evelyn leaves her sixth husband for Celia he is pissed off and threatens to out her and he does, to untrustworthy magazines and anyone who will listen. (No one believes him, but still) (Pg. 319)
The whole divorce is very bitter and the bitterness of it all kind of reminded me of one of Taylor’s particularly bad bearding situations.  But when Max goes so far as to basically say he made Evelyn’s career an even worse taste was left in my mouth……………..
In a conversation with Evelyn about their differing degrees of fame Harry says the following:
  “I’m only famous because you’re famous, Ev. They don’t care about me or     what  I’m doing unless it somehow relates to you.” (Pg. 321)
Here we once again have bearding 101, but also it reminded me of someone…
On page 325 Evelyn refers to Harry as:
   “My best friend, my family.”
And while this is obviously said platonically between those two it nonetheless made me think of something that I’m honestly still not over Taylor saying about Karlie!!
Towards the end of her career Evelyn meets a young man named Nick, he wants to be an actor and asks Evelyn for advice. She bitterly considers telling him:
  “You have to be willing to deny your heritage, to commodify your body, to lie     to good people, to sacrifice who you love in the name of what people will   think, and to choose the false version of yourself time and time again,   until you forget who you started out as or why you started doing it to   begin with.” (Pg. 326) (x)
Evelyn’s friend (and beard) Harry dies tragically in a car accident in 1989
While Taylor has always used the motif of cars/car rides in her music there are A LOT of car mentions on 1989, an album many het Swifties seem to believe to be about Harry Styles, interesting…
After Harry’s death Evelyn and Celia move to Spain together and out of the spotlight they finally get to openly be together and Evelyn “chose the rose garden over Madison Square” if you will and she was extremely happy. About her relationship with Celia during that time she says:
  “I cherished every moment we had to ourselves, every second I spent with my    arms around her.” (Pg. 344)
   When I get you alone it’s so simple
  I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets
Evelyn describes her seventh husband and last beard (Celia’s brother) as so charming that most other women were:
  “Enchanted by him” (Pg.344)
Oddly specific word choice!
As happy as Celia and Evelyn were at this point in their lives something was hanging over them, Celia was sick and dying. Evelyn tells Monique that when Celia promised Evelyn she’d never leave her again:
    “We both knew she was making a promise she couldn’t keep.” (Pg. 346)
  Brokeeeeee the sweetest promISEEE that you neverrrrr should   have MADEEE
Listen to that you guys, that’s my goddamn heart breaking!!!
CELIA AND EVELYN’S WEDDING SCENE (pg. 347-349) IS SUPER SWEET!!!!!! A fun little detail is that New York (which is as we’ve previously established significant to the Kaylor relationship as well as the Evelyn and Celia one) was made relevant in a scene taking place in Spain (Celia’s shirt)
ALSO allow we to go into crazy fanfic territory here, but can’t you just IMAGINE the “we can get married”-conversation happening between Taylor and Karlie when same-sex marriage became legalized nationwide????
All wlw just want a wife #ConfirmedOnPage349
Seriously, if you wanna be punched in the feels today go read the wedding scene and imagine Kaylor in Evelyn and Celia’s place. (No one is sick in the Kaylor version, but they are deeply closeted and still at the height of their careers) oh, my fragile, gay heart!!
When Celia does die from her illness Evelyn describes her reaction with:
      “I fell to the floor.” (Pg. 350)
  I'm HERE on the KITCHEN flooOOOOr 
After Celia’s death Evelyn truly stops hiding in the closet:
     “I could not keep my true self from coming out.” (Pg. 353)
  “It cost so much, caring. I didn’t have any currency to spend on it.” (Pg. 354)
  “People were still easily distracted from seeing how I felt about Celia St.     James, but this time was different because I wasn’t hiding anything. The truth   had been there for them to grab if they’d paid attention.”
  “But of course they got it wrong. They never did care about getting it right. The    media are going to tell whatever story they want to tell. They always have.     They always will.”
To me this is the essence of the Reputation era, Taylor having realized that she can’t make the media she the truth so she just avoids them and tells the truth to those of us who are paying attention. This time it’s different, because she isn’t hiding anything.
  There will be no further explanation. There will be just reputation
Evelyn saying it made her happy to spend money on her loved ones (Pg. 356) makes me think of Taylor being so extra with the fans ❤
  “No one is just a victim or a victor. That’s Evelyn Hugo for you, somewhere     in the middle.” (Pg. 366)
   “She’s painfully human to me now.” (Pg. 371)
Is that Monique saying that about Evelyn Hugo after finding out her true life story or is it me saying it about Taylor Swift after falling down the Gaylor rabbit hole? No one knows for sure…
  “Evelyn is going to die when she wants to and she wants to die now.” (Pg.375)
  I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now (Ooh, look what you made me do)  Why? (Look what you made me do)  Oh, 'cause she's dead!
  in the death of her reputation she felt truly alive
                     The huge difference between the death of Taylor Swift and the death of Evelyn Hugo is that Evelyn’s death is literal and Taylor’s is figurative.
Despite this Evelyn’s death is somehow every bit as cinematic as Taylor who just recently killed off her reputation in order to feel truly alive. They’re both still doing it on their own terms, literally controlling the narrative that is their lives up until their last breaths (figurative as well as literal)
  “Evelyn trusts me with her story. Evelyn trusts me with her death.” (Pg. 377)
Just as Taylor is trusting us with the death of her false reputation and the truth of her actual story and narrative.
  “The tears that come out of me feel as if they were decades in the making. It     feels as if some old version of me is leaking out, letting go, saying good-bye in     the effort of making room for a new me. Somehow both more cynical about   people and more optimistic about my place in the world” (Pg. 377-378)
Okay so this is a lot and it hit me right in the heart! I can only imagine this is just how Taylor felt when she decided that killing of her old reputation and public image was the right move. After everything that happen to her just before she decided to take a break to figure that stuff out (and everything that has happened for her entire career as far as bearding and hiding goes)I bet those tears felt decades (or at least a decade) in the making when they finally came. After all she’s been through in the industry since the age of 16 it’s no wonder if she feels cynical about people, but after taking the break to figure it out and deciding to COME out I’m sure she also feels optimistic now that she’s on the road to being herself publicly. She’s found her place in this world as out and proud and now she’s working towards getting to that place every day.
All these years she’s just been trying to find a place in this world and oh, Taylor, I am so glad you’ve found it! ❤
It must be such a relief to have made up your mind, to not have to be afraid anymore.
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   “There’s still so much I don’t know about my father. Maybe he was gay. Maybe    he saw himself as straight, but in love with one man. Maybe he was bisexual.     Or a host of other words. But it really doesn’t matter, that’s the thing.” (Pg. 380)
This is an interesting quote, to Evelyn the word bisexual mattered a lot and to Celia the word lesbian did, as for Monique’s father we don’t know what he would have said on the matter concerning his own identity because he’s been dead since long before the book started. Ultimately Monique comes to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter what her father would’ve identified as, as long as she knew he loved her (which it has been shown throughout the book that he undeniably did.)
In the same way we could argue all day about whether Taylor is gay or bi or straight or a “a host of other words” for the time being we’re in much the same position as Monique, Taylor hasn’t told us and it’s not like we can just ask her, but does it matter? We all love Taylor and we know that she loves us. Her being in love with women and writing her songs about them instead of the men we were lead to believe were her muses doesn’t change that. In the end it’s not a big deal whether Taylor is gay or straight, we still love her, we came for her music that we related to and loved and then we ended up staying for Taylor, the person, because we fell in love with her and her storytelling. Who she loves doesn’t change that.  We love her and she loves us and that’s all that matters.
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On page 382 GLAAD is mentioned by name as an organization that Evelyn gave most of her fortune to after her death.
The piece Monique ends up writing about Evelyn for Vivant summarizes the main theme of the both and to me it also summarizes what Gaylor Swift is about:
The TRUTH behind the SCANDAL that was her love life.
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(Pg. 385)
And now for the final piece in this puzzle
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And all our pieces fall  Right into place
🌈 🌈 🌈
Thank you SO much for reading all of these masterposts, I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed reading that amazing book and writing all of these parts!
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landoftheway · 7 years
Shin Megami Tensei: A Defense of Law
This has been a subject on my mind a fair amount lately, what with Deep Strange Journey out in Japan and SMTV on the horizon, so I wanted to give my two cents on it. Note that I’m in no way the biggest fan of Law endings in SMT games; I tend to go Neutral with a heavy lean towards Chaos, so I’m a bit biased in that regard, but I wanted to make what I think is a case for how Law has been kind of getting shafted by a lot of SMT fans. Oh, and spoilers for all the mainline SMT games out so far (SMT1, 2, 3, SJ (not Redux), 4, and Apocalypse).
TL;DR: Law’s not necessarily that bad, actually think it over a bit before you rule it out, and while you’re at it think over all the alignments if you care about that stuff cause they’re all pretty interesting.
One of the things that always strikes me about SMT fans is just how many tend to really hate Law. On one hand, I sympathize cause there’s never been a lot of appeal for me there. But on the other hand, for a while now I’ve been thinking that a lot of the reasons people give for not liking Law tend to either misrepresent it a bit or else just overly-downplay its positive aspects, which I do think are worth noting. So I’m gonna go over a few of the points people tend to criticize Law about and give my thoughts on them:
Lack of Freedom. This is probably the biggest criticism of Law out there, and not without reason; the games make it pretty clear that the critical aspect of Law is preventing certain behavior. The thing is, what people often leave out is that the behavior frequently being prevented is fundamentally destructive in nature: competitiveness, egotism, ambition pretty much all lead to conflict between people, and thus suffering. And while people often think that individuality gets lumped in there as well, that’s only ever really been true for Strange Journey and Hikawa’s ending in SMT3 (the former more or less turning people into automatons, and the latter fusing everyone into a single consciousness a la Instrumentality). Basically every other Law ending makes it relatively clear that the remaining humans do retain individual identities and the capabilities to experience life similarly to before, just without certain characteristics integral to humans as they exist now. But I do think it’s worth questioning whether or not those parts of humanity are worth keeping when they bring so much suffering (I personally do prefer those parts sticking around, but I wouldn’t presume my personal preferences to be automatically true for everyone, particularly when those preferences might just be due to me being naturally biased to support humans like myself), particularly when their absence would very evidently improve people’s freedom to pursue their desires and happiness now that no one’s desires would conflict with one another’s.
Murdering Humanity. Another big criticism tends to be that quite a number of Law paths involve killing a whole lot of people outright and also altering the remaining people in such a way that it’s arguable as to whether they could still be considered “human” in a psychological sense, potentially leaving no “original” humans alive. This isn’t something that I think can be glossed over, but I do think it ultimately comes down to a question of whether the ends can justify the means. If one were to assume that the world of Law is good and worth striving for, would it be worth killing someone over? If so, how many people? If those people would be inherently antithetical to such a world and would only lead to its downfall (and thus bring further suffering where there would be none), would it be okay to kill all of them as a necessary evil? I think these are interesting questions that are a big part of what makes the SMT games so interesting, and I don’t think there’s only one way to answer any of them. Another way of framing these questions is through an old picture from the 10 Year Anniversary book that details the spectrum of Law vs Chaos and Light vs Dark. Related to the former is this translation: “In other words, order and disorder. Those whose personalities align with law stick confidently with their beliefs, and try to make everything conform to them. On the other hand, those who align with chaos prefer the disorder that arises from the intermingling of all beliefs. To put it simply, law is stubborn in their principles and resistant to change, and chaos is flexible. Of course, neither are inherently good or evil.” I like this way of looking at it because I think it really shows how there can be very different approaches to these sorts of questions (which I guess show’s how I personally tend more towards Chaos) without those approaches necessarily being wrong. Holding strongly to your convictions and doing what has to be done for the greater good is understandable if nothing else, so I think that a Lawful approach to these things isn’t as inherently reprehensible as people make it out to be.
Serving YHVH. This criticism doesn’t come up quite as often, but I do think it’s worth looking at. It’s pretty much inarguable that YHVH is a massive selfish asshole in basically every game he’s appeared in, so taking a side that would appear to help him seems doesn’t really seem like a good thing to do. That said, what I think is important to emphasize is that Law doesn’t necessarily indicate an adherence to YHVH as much as it does the ideals that he’s supposed to represent, and which he routinely fails to do. That’s why the only two times he’s personally appeared he’s been opposed even by Law proponents (Zayin/Satan in SMT2, and several debatable characters in Apocalypse): the point is that Law is what’s supposed to be followed, not YHVH. That YHVH fails to meet those standards is a personal failing on his part and is supposed to show that those ideals are bigger than just a figurehead like him, and that following them isn’t as simple as just listening to the orders of someone with power. I’d say there’s arguably a bit more of a case with this criticsm in regards to the games where YHVH doesn’t personally appear, since in those ones humanity tends to more or less go along with what he wants, but that still doesn’t mean that he has become above approach with the exception of Strange Journey (where humanity is more or less brainwashed into serving him unconditionally).
Oppressing Demons. This is the last notable criticism I’ve seen, albeit much less than the other three above. This issue really comes down to how one views demons in the SMT games, which unfortunately isn’t helped by the games being kind of ambiguous as to just what they’re like on a psychological level. Their personalities tend to differentiate as much as humans do, but their ability to exist in any kind of peaceful state has always been debatable, and Apocalypse would seem to suggest that as manifestations of human thoughts they’re incapable of true personal growth and change in the same way humans are (although it’s not really gone into very much even in that game). But there’s still the question of just how true that lack of potential for change and inclination towards conflict is, particularly when considering the “demonization” apparently done to many deities by YHVH as well as how true any of that is for Lawful beings like angels (who are still technically demons by the SMT definition of the word), on top of the question of whether demons can therefore be considered sentient, sapient beings in the same way humans are. So as far as this criticism goes, I think things are just too ambiguous for now to argue one way or another with absolute certainty. As a result, I think a Lawful approach of keeping demons separate from humans and stuck in their world is understandable as a means of ensuring peace for humans, even if it’s not the approach I would take.
With all of this said, I don’t want this to come across like a criticism of Neutral/Chaos and their supporters, or necessarily as a sales pitch for Law. I’ve just been a bit bugged lately when I see people dismissing Law out-of-hand when actually considering the merits and demerits of each alignment is such a big part of what makes the SMT series so interesting. Even for someone like me who pretty much never goes Law, I really do think it’s worth thinking about if you wanna get the most out of these games’ narratives. If nothing else, I hope all of this can get any SMT fans interested to think a bit more about this sort of stuff and hopefully come to appreciate the depth in the games a bit more.
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encountersbyjoumana · 7 years
The place I seek
I am on a journey seeking the where, or the how of my living. is it a place that may contribute to inner peace? is it an attitude towards place? it might be a combination, to the least I have taken a first step to start weaving an inner understanding so that even in a place less than ideal for my soul, that I be aware of what shifts to make to have a soulful existence in it. 
A sense of ownership and rootedness by the very ppl living there. It’s only when you’re in a place that has that that you realise you’ve been living a life in places where you are an air plant. no roots ever had to grow and so you lived a traveller soul even in the monotony of remaining in the single place. those who leave in summers are those of us who say we are here for a mission, we come, we get our education and we roam the world otherwise. growing aware of Egypt and living in Jordan in bits and pieces I see that, belonging. and though it is there is Lebanon, what I see there, in my soul’s eye is readiness to leave. Amman gave me clarity, and I wonder why that did not ring as strong a bell in Beirut - perhaps I was not seeking then - that what is being built, albeit ever so patiently growing and for lengths of time stagnating, is done by the very people wanting the change to happen, whose souls are longing to have this or that in the place. it is a very different energy from that of trying to evolve an opportunity out of a place - both valid yet each generating energy out to the world that is quite distinct. Opportunity before it gives it sucks energy. Seeding and patiently waiting to a never so sure end is giving, depleting to the soul of the giver where growth does not pick up but creating an instance of abundance nevertheless, which is felt by one freshly stepping in. 
Of the moment. As I settle into a place, a physical one and a community I tend to see myself in one light in light of this one place and this one collective. and so who you are becomes singular. I am not singular. far from it. I am light and able to surface of the many selves the self that may bring something to a place and a person and a ppl. the challenge is not how to change oneself within a space and amongst a ppl, the challenge is first and foremost to see the space and the ppl in a renewed way every single time so as to be able to naturally surface a facet of oneself that is not the monotony of the preceding days. It is normal to be one when the circumstances are one and in themselves stagnant. but are they stagnant. a women who speaks about mindfulness said something that suck with me, she said that mindfulness can be triggered through the practice of observing 5 new things in a normalised context every time. it is in such a practice that one may be able to naturally flow anew without forcefulness. because forcefulness brings depletion, and it is not what I seek. habit is nourishing don’t take me wrong. but imaging if habit were to be fed with layers and layers of knowledge of the very repetition and of the minutest of shifts since it cannot be that every day is the same day. I liken it to what David Bruno states about yoga, that there are as many yoga forms and positions as there are number of days in one’s life. 
Deep connections. That it be a place where I in time would have grown deep connections with a number of ppl. It would need to be a number of ppl. and that with each of them I share a passion, and that the combo be that of nature driven passions that involve the body, and soul feeding ones that involve how we are in this universe from our deepest selves, and from those two derive an array of else. it’s essential.  
Beauty. there needs to be beauty around me. be it in colour, in aliveness, in people beautiful not because they try too hard to be other but by knowing that they have beauty and so they let it be, caring for it, nourishing it. in places, spaces, there needs to be beauty. not only neatness and cleanliness, not sterility. no. beauty. the way the puffer fish understands that without beauty there is no life born. - see video on puffer fish’s “crop circle” in its mating ritual.
Non-linear street networks. yes this one is a funny one. the more the city is chaotic in its networks the more one is inclined as a pedestrian to take the “wrong” or “atypical” street. in linearity you just take what is shortest, and what is shortest is very clear. and so you’re stuck. I wonder what this can inspire in my non physical life. I like Lweibde for that, I have without effort taking atypical routes. Toronto on the other hand, I’ve been on that same street on and on and on. it gets to me. and it does no really ring a bell to take that other parallel street. complexity. I like it. I believe. in cityscapes at least. 
Belonging. a sense of ownership. I am here and there is no debate about me being here. I am here because in my being here I contribute in the forces driving forward, as a woman, as one carrying a narrative of an arab identity, as an inner sourcing being, as one who can produce and carry beauty, an expressive being. 
It’s in me. I could keep walking the same route, drinking my same tea in the same shop, primarily because time is limited and I dont wanna risk a bad experience or even worse, a dull one. but trust though self. by god I have a draw to places and ppl that are soul filling. so equipped with that, all I need to do is nurture my flair to find them even when scarce and to have the confidence and the memory that actually taking that detour is a matter of soulful vs stagnation. it’s that simple. just let what is calling you from inside guide you to the city souls.  
The tasty, inspiring, familiar and constantly self-renewing. that single location that has the good food, that is walking distance, that I can write from, that has in its culture a thing that distinguishes it, whether the out of an illustrated book set of tea pots to sourcing its food from its own land. and that that place bring ppl, new ppl, to feel both the familiar and the new. 
A place that acknowledges you have limbs. biking, walking, tree hugging. all those and many more that I know or may not even like, they do make it possible to be human. no use for arms and legs, that’s losing a good portion of our being human in that specific form. and no it’s not in a box that movement happens to its fullest, ‘cause movement is a dance with air, with grass, with concrete, with sound, with life seen and unseen and with reaching out to the sky.. a place that does not amputate the unseen and makes sure to buff up the visible. I write this as I see mobility and cycling to make of still air, wind channels. like fish make of water a stir to say am fishing my way through. 
every day I will add bits and pieces as they come. 
0 notes
kamenhusband · 7 years
So in the meantime of getting a new laptop I did a writing exercise for my OC Gyro doing character banter with the Injustice 2 cast, like the pre-fight dialogue.
Crimson Rider vs Injustice 2 cast
Batman: Show me you got what it takes.
Gyro: I started training at half Nightwing's age.
Batman: You’ve never fought me before.
Gyro: Don’t you think that’s a bit much?
Batman: Trust me, I can afford it
Gyro: My tech’s more, economical.
Superman: You know exactly how strong I am, right?
Gyro: Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you
Superman: That was your last chance.
Gyro: You will be stopped
Superman: I only fight for justice
Gyro: A lot of villains start off that way too
Wonder Woman: It would be wise to surrender
Gyro: Says the homicidal demi-goddess.
Wonder Woman: You know nothing boy.
Gyro: Zeus is gonna be so disappointed in you.
Wonder Woman: I am the gods’ judge and executioner.
Gyro: So ALL the gods are gonna be disappointed.
Aqua man: What is your business with Atlantis?
Gyro: Just wanted to try some sushi.
Aqua man: The trident says otherwise.
Gyro: You must hate Seaworld don’t yah Arthur?
Aqua man: Get out of my way.
Gyro: Just trying to make conversation dude.
Super girl: This is a symbol of hope.
Gyro: And I’m the symbol of freedom.
Super girl: You have the freedom to run away
Gyro: My girlfriend can beat the tar out of you.
Super girl: Then why isn’t she fighting me?
Gyro: Cause I’m still stronger than you.
Power girl: How can you stand all those sounds from your suit.
Gyro: Makes me sound cooler.
Power Girl: Makes you sound deader.
Gyro: My coordinator says you’re…different
Power Girl: What’s that supposed to mean?
Gyro: You don't belong here, and that’s coming from me.
Green Lantern (Hal): You’d make one helluva Green Lantern kid.
Gyro: My power comes from all emotions, not just one.
Green Lantern: Fair enough, let’s begin.
Gyro: Y’know, red’s more my color anyway.
Green Lantern: Red is the color of rage.
Gyro: Red is the color of heroism.
Green Lantern (John): The Guardians have an interest in you.
Gyro: Not interested, flying’s not my thing.
Green Lantern: You don’t have a choice.
Gyro: There certainly a lot of lanterns
Green Lantern: Universe’s a big place.
Gyro: Aren’t you afraid you won’t stand out?
Flash (Barry): I’m the fastest man alive
Gyro: Subjective and also super debatable.
Flash: You don’t even have the speed force.
Gyro: I don’t need the speed force to outrun you.
Flash: I can't run from a fight.
Gyro: Yeah, also better at that than you.
Flash (Jay): Ever faced an original speedster?
Gyro: In my world, yes, yes I have.
Flash: Then this will be refreshing.
Gyro: You remind me of my grandfather.
Flash: This old timer can teach you some things.
Gyro: He taught me everything he knew.
Reverse Flash: I am the master of the speed force
Gyro: I am the master of kicking your ass
Reverse Flash: You’d be surprised.
Gyro: Speedsters never last long.
Reverse Flash: You don’t know what I’m capable of.
Gyro: Quite frankly, yes I do.
Green Arrow: How does your bow work?
Gyro: charged by kinetic energy, infinite arrows.
Green Arrow: Way to make the rest of us feel jealous.
Gyro: Where’s Canary to fight your battles for you?
Green Arrow: At least my defender isn’t called Pink Princess.
Gyro: Okay I get it, let’s drop it Oliver.
Black Canary: You wanna throw down with me?
Gyro: This suit has some great ear plugs.
Black Canary: My cry will rattle your skull.
Gyro: Please, go raise your son, he’ll thank you later.
Black Canary: I’m not one to back down from a challenge.
Gyro: This isn’t a suggestion.
Cyborg: So you know an android?
Gyro: And she’s three times more human than you.
Cyborg: You’re going to regret saying that.
Gyro: My tech surpasses yours.
Cyborg: All your tech is is sketchy.
Gyro: Yet not as sketchy as the regime.
Grid: You will help me on my quest for emotion.
Gyro: You will not succeed rust bucket.
Grid: It is futile to resist.
Gyro: The Pathos Drive isn’t something you can just acquire.
Grid: False, everything in this world is just data.
Gyro: Time to you prove you hella wrong.
Firestorm: I can go nuclear in seconds.
Gyro: I can punch mountains apart.
Firestorm: Now that is seriously badass.
Gyro: You know my father can make blue flames?
Firestorm: Does he have the matrix too?
Gyro: No, it’s natural for him, me… less so.
Blue Beetle: Is your coordinator as scary as the scarab?
Gyro: Probably, who knows, Liz can be petty at times.
Blue Beetle: Can we switch please? Pretty please?
Gyro: Once again, I'm a grasshopper, not a scarab.
Blue Beetle: But you got a scarab shield.
Gyro: Details, details Jaime.
Robin: I’m the world’s greatest assassin.
Gyro: And I’m the world’s best fighter.
Robin: Won’t help you here bug boy.
Gyro: And I thought I had father issues.
Robin: I don’t have any issues.
Gyro: Just settle down Bat boy.
Harley Quinn: And what are you exactly?
Gyro: Italian and Hawaiian, I know it’s hard to pinpoint.
Harley Quinn: I meant Batman, Flash, B.B, you’re them all.
Gyro: You know, I have a friend kind of like you.
Harley Quinn: Ooh, are they pretty as me? No don’t tell me.
Gyro: I meant you both got out of a shitty relationship.
Black Adam: I command the living lighting.
Gyro: I dodge lighting bolts for funsies.
Black Adam: You dare mock a king?
Gyro: I can’t stand with the regime.
Black Adam: Then you will fall under my strength.
Gyro: I’ve fought gods too.
Gorilla Grodd: My powers don't work on you?
Gyro: Nothing up there, nothing to control.
Gorilla Grodd: Clearly, you will die nonetheless
Gyro: I'm used to fighting weird animal people.
Gorilla Grodd: I will show you my superiority.
Gyro: Bring it on Donkey Kong.
Bane: Bugs get squashed.
Gyro: Fruit gets old.
Bane: I will break you.
Gyro: You’re nothing without that Venom.
Bane: I can destroy you without it.
Gyro: Just try it little guy.
Cat Woman: I’ll steal that belt right off of you.
Gyro: You can’t even if you tried.
Cat Woman: That makes it all the more worth it.
Gyro: Do you need relationship counseling?
Cat Woman: I don't need insight from a kid.
Gyro: I know how you can seal the deal with Brucie.
Poison Ivy: All men are the same
Gyro: A lot of villains in my world think the same way.
Poison Ivy: Doesn't make them any less wrong.
Gyro: I’m gonna break your green thumb.
Poison Ivy: The Green is stronger than you could possibly imagine.
Gyro: I’d say I’m pretty imaginative.
Cheetah: I’ve never seen prey like you.
Gyro: Who says I’m prey?
Cheetah: When you’re but meat on my claws.
Gyro: There there, good kitty.
Cheetah: I am no mere house cat.
Gyro: You’re as harmless as one.
Vixen: So do you really have bug powers?
Gyro: Depends on what powers you think a bug has.
Vixen: Well that’s different.
Gyro: I know a lot of people on my world like you.
Vixen: There’s only one me here.
Gyro: Yeah your powers aren’t that intimidating.
Dr. Fate: You’ve defied fate once before.
Gyro: It was necessary.
Dr. Fate: I will be the judge of that
Gyro: Magic was never my thing.
Dr. Fate: It takes eons of discipline and training.
Gyro: Kicks just feel so much better.
Swamp Thing: Are you friend or foe?
Gyro: Friend, hopefully.
Swamp Thing: The Green will decide that.
Gyro: I can’t stand those who stand back and do nothing.
Swamp Thing: I only do as the Green commands.
Gyro: You have to take matters into your own hands.
Deadshot: Still not use to killing kids.
Gyro: you can stop killing altogether y’know.
Deadshot: Not happening.
Gyro: You don’t hold a candle to Sanguine.
Deadshot: What kind of name is Sanguine?
Gyro: Never mind shouldn’t compare you to my nemesis.
Atrocitus: I feel rage burning within you.
Gyro: Nope, just buffalo chicken pizza.
Atrocitus: Do not deny your anger.
Gyro: You do the color red a disservice.
Atrocitus: I’ve been a Red Lantern eons before you were born.
Gyro: Guess we gotta throw down for dibs then.
Captain Cold: My gun can stop the Flash
Gyro: I also have fire gauntlets
Captain Cold: Can they handle absolute zero?
Gyro: You have a chance to be good.
Captain Cold: Sorry, like stealing too much.
Gyro: I gave you a fair chance.
Dr. Freeze: I must bring back my wife
Gyro: She wouldn't want you to do this.
Dr. Freeze: You nothing about my pain.
Gyro: Please let it go
Dr. Freeze: I can bring back your mother with this too
Gyro: I won’t tell you again.
Scarecrow: I know what you fear most.
Gyro: So what big guy?
Scarecrow: I will use it to destroy you.
Gyro: My fear makes me stronger than you.
Scarecrow: You fear losing the ones you love.
Gyro: I will protect everyone with my power.
Joker: I hate you goody-two shoe types.
Gyro: How about I kick you with those shoes.
Joker: Your material could use more work.
Gyro: I will make you regret every crime you committed?
Joker: With what, the power of friendship?
Gyro: That and a proper ass whooping.
Brainiac: Your powers pique my interest.
Gyro: No way you’re getting a hold of the Pathos Drive.
Brainiac: I must add you to my collection.
Gyro: You will return all the cities you stole.
Brainiac: Who do you think you are to command me?
Gyro: The symbol of freedom.
Darkseid: What manner of creature are you?
Gyro: The world’s upcoming strongest hero.
Darkseid: I will crush you like an insect.
Gyro: Maiden Heaven was more intimidating than you.
Darkseid: You will kneel at the sight of Darkseid.
Gyro: Can’t be afraid of someone who talks in third person.
Red Hood: All those weapons and no guns.
Gyro: I got a bow, does that work?
Red Hood: Okay Red Arrow.
Gyro: You need to stop the killing.
Red Hood: I don’t touch women and children, that’s the rule.
Gyro: That doesn’t excuse everything.
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