#i don’t think i said what i want to say about valerian well but that’s okay for now
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godlessbody · 10 months ago
rotating the ways my different dnd characters with deception proficiency/expertise lie. not actively lying but also doesn’t mean a solid 40% of the words he says. is lying but the lie comes more from the version of himself he is presenting to get what he wants than the things he is saying (though the things he’s saying can also be and often are lies, the performance of the false self is at least as important to the goal). is just a liar and at least a little manipulative and is on a constant level of performance but not one that’s really a lie, just a statement about the way the world is allowed to perceive him, maybe the most straightforward use of deception.
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mini-kunoichi · 2 years ago
One Chance, pt.2
I wanted to add a little more to this before posting it, but I'll be busy for the next few weeks and I didn't want to leave y'all hanging. One of these days, I'll come up with my own header/line breaks. Just not anytime soon.
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Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Daemon x OC
Summary: What happens when you put Daemon and Addie together? Peak Youngest Sibling Energy, apparently.
Warning: swearing, hints at parental abuse, Daemon being a menace.
Many thanks to @em-writes-stuff-sometimes for beta reading and translating the High Valerian for my lazy ass.
Part 1 Here; Read on AO3
Daemon waited a few days before bringing up the idea of Adelayde staying at the Red Keep for the duration of their courtship. He would stroll the gardens with her every afternoon, and it quickly became the highlight of his days. Despite her family being only slightly above Small Folk, the lady proved herself to be intelligent and quick-witted. Once Daemon was sure he wanted to continue the courtship, it was time to put his plan into motion.
It didn’t take much to convince Adelayde’s parents to have her stay. Her father was too ambitious to decline and her mother seemed intent on pushing her daughter on him. His brother was harder, but not by much. Once he was able to speak to Viserys privately (and therefore openly) about his reasoning, his brother did not put up too much of a fuss. In fact, he seemed to think it was a lovely idea. Though he did make Daemon promise to “do things properly.” The Queen and her cunt of a father objected on behalf of “propriety” or whatever-the-fuck, but Daemon didn’t really care about them. 
The hardest person to convince was, surprisingly, Adelayde herself. When Daemon brought it up to her, she suddenly became agitated. 
He was leaning against a wall in the garden, arms crossed, watching her pace and wring her hands.
“I don’t see the issue,” he said eventually. “You will have a much more comfortable life here. You can have a life away from your parents.”
Daemon really didn’t like Lord and Lady Mullendore. They were both overbearing, though in very different ways. He had already suffered through a handful of dinners with them. Adelayde was such a different person when her parents were around; meek, quiet, and submissive. Everything he didn’t want in a wife. He would have thought she would want to be away from her parents.
“Daemon, I don’t know anyone here,” Adelayde replied.
“You know me. And Rhaenyra.”
“That’s not . . . that’s two people out of hundreds.” The hand-wringing got worse, and Daemon pushed himself off of the wall to take her hands in his own. She started to shift from foot to foot instead. It was annoying, but not as self-destructive.
“You will flourish here. I know you will. Especially without your family holding you back.” He had learned early on that honesty fostered honesty with Adelayde. Though how she always knew whether or not he was being honest was currently lost on him. 
“My family doesn’t hold me back,” she replied with a frown.
“Well, your parents sure as fuck do.” Her frown deepened, but she didn’t reply. She knew he was right.
“Does not knowing anyone in King’s Landing really bother you that much?” he asked.
Adelayde let out a resigned sigh before saying, “I suppose I should be used to solitude by now.”
“So there should be no problem, then.”
“The place was familiar, though. I had my brothers. And a cousin.”
“I will keep you company,” Daemon said confidently. 
It wouldn’t be too much trouble, he figured. They’d had interesting conversations thus far, and she’d even asked him to teach her High Valyrian. Lessons would surely take up much of her time. But instead of happily agreeing (as most maidens would), Adelayde’s nose scrunched in distaste.
“Surely we would get sick of each other.”
Nonsense. No one ever got sick of Daemon Targaryen. Though, he supposed he might become sick of seeing her. Right now, Addie was like a shiny new toy, and he did have a habit of tiring of his paramours rather quickly.
“Well, I’m sure you can find a way to occupy yourself,” he replied eventually.
“Yes,” she agreed. “I suppose I can spend time in the library when you become boring.”
The nerve of this woman. 
– – – – – – – – 
In the end, it was agreed that Addie would stay at the Red Keep for the duration of their three-month courtship. After that period, her return to the Uplands would be decided based on if and when a wedding would take place.
She was moved to more permanent (and lavish) quarters and assigned handmaids who tended to everything from dressing her to serving her meals and preparing baths. She found it discomfiting. 
Being from a minor house, Addie was not used to having such attention. Sure, her father employed cooks, housekeepers, and the like, but nothing as elaborate as handmaids. They were surprisingly understanding, however, and mostly kept to themselves when not performing their duties. One of them even took it upon herself to acquire thread, cloth, and needles so that Addie could work on embroidery.
The little bluejay visited a few more times. No one ever acknowledged the bird and it never sang, so she ignored it each time.
Now that she had been moved to a new room, her father insisted that they break their fast as a family every morning. He always insisted she dismiss her handmaids so that they could “talk as a family.” It was the worst part of the day.
“You will not fuck this up for me,” her father growled, the same as every other morning.
“I won’t, Father,” Addie replied the same as every other morning.
“You’d better not,” he continued. “My place at court depends on this match. If he finds out you’re fucked in the head, he’ll reject you and it’ll all go to shit.”
I am not ‘fucked in the head’, she thought to herself bitterly, though she didn’t dare say anything out loud. Such defiance had major consequences. 
She was saved from having to respond when her mother spoke up.
“Addie is a clever girl. She has navigated court politics quite well thus far. And the Prince seems taken with her.”
“I didn’t ask for your fucking opinion,” he spat. “Speak out of turn again and there will be consequences.”
The rest of the meal was eaten in tense silence.
— — — — — —
Addie was uncharacteristically reserved in the days leading up to her parent’s departure. Daemon still had certain duties with the city watch and Rhaenyra had taken it upon herself to entertain her, which he appreciated. 
It was kind of the Princess, but the two did not really have much in common. Rhaenyra enjoyed the many forms of hunting; and while Addie was perfectly happy to visit the hawks, hounds, and horses used in such activities, she disliked the killing of animals. Rhaenyra’s assurance that the meat would be used in the kitchens made her feel only slightly better.
— — — — — — — 
Daemon took it upon himself to tutor his potential bride in High Valyrian. Partly because the palace tutor had decided she was “too simple for such a task,” (where he’d gotten such an idea was beyond Daemon’s comprehension) but mostly because he wanted to spend more time with her.
Adelayde was a surprisingly quick study. And Daemon was a surprisingly good teacher. The only problem was their motivations; Addie intended to learn and Daemon intended to flirt.
This led to the woman’s never-ending frustrations and the prince’s never-ending amusement. 
“Would you get your hand off my leg?” she hissed through her teeth.
“Whatever for?” Daemon asked innocently.
“I am trying to learn.” She smacked his hand off of her thigh, but he quickly replaced it.
“Say it in High Valyrian and I’ll consider it,” he replied with a smirk.
 “Aōhi ondos hen ñuha pore ondurās.”
“Close. Kirimvose, aōhi ondos hen ñuha pore nādīnās. Manners go a long way, you know.”
Addie’s eyebrows pinched slightly as she processed the sentence. It’s rather cute. Not that he’d admit that out loud.
“What does ‘kirimvose’ mean again?” she asked eventually.
He answered with a smirk and she smacked him on the chest with the back of her hand. Addie had taken to delivering light swats or kicks when provoked—as long as they were alone, that is. Daemon understood the importance of appearance within the court and society, but he appreciated that she had become comfortable enough to treat him as an equal. He once asked her if she treated her own brothers with “such brutality” and she replied that she did not. She hit them harder.
“I’m not saying please when I’ve already asked you several times,” she stated primly.
Daemon compromised by scooting his chair closer to hers and draped his arm over the back of her chair. Addie shot him an annoyed look that made her look a little bit like her mother. She opened her mouth to make a smart retort when they were interrupted.
“I believe the lady has asked to not be touched,” came the cold voice of Criston Cole, their assigned chaperone for the afternoon. He had been the one to chaperone them a lot lately, probably instructed to spy on them by either the Queen or the Hand.
Addie turned to look at him, gave him one of the most judgemental and condescending once-overs that Daemon had ever seen, and replied, “I am perfectly capable of handling myself, Ser Criston.”
The knight hung his head and mumbled an apology, thoroughly humbled. Once Addie’s attention was back on the books, Daemon shot the knight a haughty smirk.
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belle--ofthebrawl · 7 months ago
Hiya 💚
Just popping by off anon today to say I hope you’re having a good weekend. What’s something that’s made you smile recently? Have you been watered, fed, and provided some sunlight today?
You’re amazing, don’t forget that 🤘
I'm having a little snack of some fruit and toast before I go to bed. Usually I have some valerian tea as well but I'm coming off a flareup and strong valerian tea can cause stomach pains which I'm not interested in experiencing again anytime soon. Woe is me and my "mysterious illness" that I can easily avoid by eating foods that do not trigger symptoms. Tragically, I work downwind of a food court on the weekends and the smell of roasted meat, baking bread and deep fried whatever calls to me like a siren. Hard to believe I used to be afraid to eat anything!
I have lots of reasons to smile lately. My new job is going to take up more time but that's alright because this is a place I really want to believe in. I've had a friend working there for a year and she's loved it so I finally jumped ship. I like what they do and I like what they pay. It's a job I want to improve myself for and be the best I can be, since my last place had me clawing at the walls in despair of all the bullshit and regulation breaking that went on. I'm really pissed at that place, can you tell? And working at the Faire on the weekends is always fun. I'm always smiling there and it's a genuine smile. So let me tell you a story about something that happened today. It's about a man in a boat and a peep show.
(Don't worry. It's safe for work.)
It starts at the end of the day. For any not yet aware, I work at a Renaissance Faire. I'm comfortable disclosing this because I don't live anywhere near the faire, it's thirty acres of land and my shop is known for other things besides what I've talked about here. I use a different name there, too. There are three jousts at the fair, with the final one taking place at around 5:30 ish. So the streets of the little town were fairly empty save for a few dozen or so patrons, the Fantastikals (fairies) and one very special independent performer.
My assistant manager calls me over to the door with a grin. I come out from behind my counter to see what she wants and she points to this very special performer. "Ask him for the peep show". She tells me with a grin and because I'm down for anything at the Faire, I leave my shop to where this man is standing, in the shadows stretched long across the roads.
Words can not describe the experience of meeting him but I'm going to try. You heard him before you saw him, because he had a cleverly hidden speaker playing Italian opera. Classical music? Something masculine and passionate and bellowing. He wore black tights and shoes. His frilly shirt may have been yellow. He wore a perfect painted circle of white outlined in blue on his face and there was a pin that said "Yes, I work here!" on his shirt. There was a hat and finer details to his makeup but they all escape me because the man was also a boat. Or, in the middle of one. Jutting out four feet from his front and four feet behind was a gondola. There must be a harness of some kind under his shirt to help keep it up. Because in the gondola were buildings. Anywhere from a foot to eighteen inches tall. Think of Venice. Think of beautiful towers and elegant façades.
The man was a city.
In a boat.
I asked him for the peep show.
"Ah, my dear." He said, a twinkle in his eyes. "You're in for a real treat."
He directed me to a certain building on his other side. As I rounded him, I made eye contact with a little harlequin puppet placidly rowing the boat. It may have winked at me. I went to the building and noticed an open window. Putting my eye to it, do you know what I saw?
Two candy peeps on a platform, staring serenely back at me. I told him I loved it and he smiled.
"Sometimes people are nervous. They think I might scare them or poke them. But this is the level we're at here, my friend."
His other buildings had windows too. The tallest had several with cleverly angled mirrors so that the person looking in the bottom would see the person looking on top and vice versa. Another one, an opera house where your reflection was on stage. So many others, but I can't remember them! I was also still in character and interacting with patrons and very much still on the clock. But again, end of the day. My boss was very forgiving.
People like him are the reason I love the Faire so much. My hometown had one and the childhood memories of visiting are so clear and vivid it's like I could open a door and step back into it. I danced with the Queen, you know. She looked like one of my teachers, but I'll never be sure.
It's nice to keep the spirit going. Thank you for spreading positivity, Mr. Barnes. A good example for the fandom to follow 🩵. I hope your weekend is going as amazing as you are.
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meganmackieauthor · 1 year ago
I Can't Get the Vampire Rogue to Romance Me - Ch 1
Chapter 1
“I think I should just start over,” Evangeline said into her headset’s mic, resisting every urge she had to simply throw the controller in her hands. 
“No! Don’t do that!” the small voice sang in her ear. “Aren’t you almost to act 4?”
“He’s friend zoning me again!” Evangeline declared, falling back into her reclined armchair, swimming in a sea of soft, fuzzy blankets. 
“Didn’t the option to feed off of you come up?” 
“Yes, Terra! I picked it, and the scene happened, but then that was it. No romance option to continue!”
“I don’t get it. I found it so easy to romance him on my first go!” Terra said unhelpfully. 
Groaning, Evangeline plucked up her long cold tea and slurped it up around the tea bag still in it. 
“Well, don’t restart your game. Why don’t you just look up an FAQ and see what it is you’re missing?” 
“No, absolutely not!” Evangeline declared. 
“But why not?”
“What’s the point of playing a game where every decision matters? What is the point of letting someone else make the decisions for you?”
“Yeah, but how is it different than restarting your game? I mean, how many hours have you put into it already? A hundred? And you’ve never gotten further than act 3!”
“Because it’s knowledge I’ve earned!” Evangeline sighed. She just couldn’t make Terra understand. 
Terra sighed back. “Okay, how about this? Maybe put the game down? I don’t know about you, but I’ve been playing all weekend, and I think I need to take a shower.” 
At that thought, Evangeline took a good whiff of herself, but she didn’t really smell anything. “Yeah, that’s okay, go ahead. I’ll talk to you later,” she said.
“Later.” Then Terra was gone. She had never met Terra in real life. They had met on the Tyr’s Dream forums and had become friends through the game. 
“Because, Terra,” Evangeline said, knowing that Terra was gone and couldn’t answer her back. “Because I want him to like me for me. There’s no point otherwise in pretending to be someone else to get him to like me. I like him, there must be a way.”
Yet, even without Terra to reply, she could hear herself. This was crazy. She was getting obsessed. And yes, she was aware “getting” was the wrong word for it.
Lying there in her armchair, she stared at the paused screen, frozen in mid-dialogue with Valerian, the vampire rogue she had completely fallen head over heels for, and he didn’t even exist! He was a digital construct written by a writer and played by an actor. Not real.
“I wish I could just talk to you. These dialogue options, they just don’t say what I want to.”
Evangeline knew she was wasting her life. Well, she was acutely aware of it. 
But that didn’t change anything. 
“I’m just taking a time-out for now. I’ll get it together soon,” she lied to herself. This whole situation had gone on longer than she expected it would—taking a break from life—but she still just didn’t feel any better. 
Staring at the bowls of snacks next to her, she wondered, when the last time she had a decent meal? 
She’d deal with that in a minute. Maybe she’d order Chinese food. She was sick of pizza, even if it was more cost-effective.
“Valerian, what is wrong with me?” she asked the figure on her screen, mounted up high on her wall. “Why don’t you like me?”
Closing her eyes, she exhaled. It was getting harder and harder to stay awake, and the air smelled like something soothing and familiar, nestled in her nest of warmth. 
The sensation of falling felt very real. Maybe it was a dream, maybe it wasn’t. Her mind couldn’t make itself up, she just knew that something was happening to her, something she would never be able to describe and then. 
“Ah, there you are.”
Evangeline snapped open her eyes. 
She stood in the middle of a glade. 
It was exactly what an idyllic glade would look like. Even-cut green grass with pops of brightly colored flowers throughout, going ten feet in any one direction surrounded her. The tree line was perfectly uniform, and the trees were spaced at exact intervals so that trees behind them filled in the space making a solid wall. 
Before her, floating in the air, was a data table. Blinking rapidly at it didn’t make it go away. It just continued to hover before her as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Across the top was her name, Evangeline, written in fancy script, along with seven anagrams below it: Str, Con, Dex, Int, Wit, Wis, and Cha. Beneath them were numbers 9, 16, 16, 10, 16, 10, and 14.
And beneath that was a list of skills with numbers besides those such as deception, thieves-trick skill, and perception along with history, magic history, culture, and so many others. Just as she got to the bottom of the list, the whole thing shifted to her left and another column appeared. 
Special Skill: Meta Knowledge. 
Beside that were four tick marks. Beneath another box appeared. It was empty except for the label at the top. Inventory. 
“What the hell?”
“Oh, dear. You’re awake already. I wasn’t expecting that,” a voice said from behind her. Evangeline whirled around to see a gray-skinned man in a toga. Or rather, he had gray skin with marbling of rainbow colors pulsing like cracks in an ancient statue. His hair was a flowing wave of lighter gray, which also seemed to have a strange sheen in the dappled sunlight, casting more rainbows. 
Needless to say, what she could see of his skin, and it was a considerable amount, was dehydrated model ripped. 
He was also floating a half foot off the ground. 
As soon as he noticed her looking, he held out his hands on either side of him, with a purple and gold shawl draped over both. “Greetings, mortal, and welcome my chosen to your destiny.”
Evangeline swore that he glowed a little brighter, even though there was no light actually coming off of him. 
“Who… who the hell are you?” she asked. 
He arched a perfect eyebrow at her. “Truly? Those are your first words to me, mortal?”
“Who the hell are you… sir?”
If you want to read the latest chapter join my newsletter at meganmackieauthor.com
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friendly-books · 20 days ago
Furies of Calderon
“She leaned in closer to him and the boy felt her slender body mold against his, soft and flower-scented and delightful,” Someone needs to calm down Tavi definitely a teenage boy
“Crows, no I wouldn’t dream of it, academ.” pg. 4 Ok so what I’m getting is ‘crow’ is some kind of god and I’m going to have to pull up translation for Latin
“No,” Fidelias said with a grin. “I love telling that story because I know you hate it.” pg. 4  Ha
“Now, then. My first concern-“
“Question” Amara corrected.
“Question,’ he allowed, ‘is with our cover story.” pg. 4 Ha
“Don’t quote the Codez at me,” Fidelias snapped, annoyed. “I was a Cursor before your mother and father had called their furies.” pg. 6 Ok there’s a codex and a position(?) called cursor and something called furies
“My slave, good master,” pg. 9 Ew slavery 
“Any furycrafter strong enough to be a Knight could command virtually what price he wished for his services.” pg. 10 Ok so a furycrafter is a person who can control furies
“To leave a pretty young girl in a camp full of soldiers.” pg. 14 shudders
“The collar around her neck, even on its smallest sizing, hung loosely.” pg. 14 Boo collar
Amara is terrible at pretending to be a slave
“The last thing she saw was the beautiful watercrafter” pg. 19
“I think this can be safely be considered a failing mark in your graduation exercise.” pg. 21 Ha
“She tried again. And again. Her wind fury never responded. “The dirt,” she said, finally, and closed her eyes. “Earth to counter air. Cirrus can’t hear me.” pg. 21 Ok learning more about the magic system. Earth counters Water
Did the rebels kill Fidelias?
“Traitor,” pg. 26 Oh Fidelias is a traitor
“You pinked me. No one’s done that since Araris Valerian .” He smiled then, wolfish show of teeth. “But you aren’t Araris Valerian.” pg. 32 Ok so Araris is was? a great swordsman
Oh you can use wind crafting to fly cool!
“You’re a fifteen-year-old boy, Tavi. There’s always a girl.” pg. 38 Ha
“It’s not as bad as you think, Tavi. Furies aren’t everything.”
“Says the man with two of them,” pg. 39 Ok so people can have more than one fury
So Tavi either doesn’t have any fury crafting, is a late bloomer, or there’s some shenanigans happening here
“I need to be back before the other Steadholders arrive.” pg. 39 What are steadholders
“He come into any furies yet, or are you finally going to admit what an unless little freak.” pg. 43 Rude
“Rape is a realm offense,” pg. 44 Good that rape is realm offense
“What have you learned this morning?”
“That woman are trouble, sir”
“Oh, lad. That’s about half of the truth.”
“What’s the other half?”
“You want them anyway,” pg. 47 Ha
“Isana looked up from her scrying bowl with a faintly irritated frown.” pg. 48 Ok watercrafters can scry
“Holly bells don’t just miraculously appear, and you know the law about harvesting them.” pg. 51 Why are holly bells important and why is there a law?
Ok so water crafters can tell if a person is lying
Thirty-seven years old, and she was alone. No suitors, naturally.” pg. 53 Thirty seven isn’t that old Isana can get whoever she wants
“All I’m saying,” Kord drawled, “is that if that little slut of yours can’t keep her legs together and men out from between them, it’s your problem, friend. Not mine.” pg. 56 Can I punch Kord
“Well, well,” he said. “What we got here? Another little hold whore standing up for whore Heddy?” pg. 58 Kord is the worst
“Your word Warner,” Isana snapped. “Or I’ll rule against you in the truthfind right here and now.” pg. 59 She wouldn’t right?
Why does Isana have a slave?
“He had a broad, strong build and a face that would have be handsome if it had been less petulant.” pg. 62 Oh time to make my favorite counter, Bi Tavi moment 1
“Bernard’s voice took on a sharp edge of anger and command that Tavi had never heard in his uncle before.” pg. 66 Oh no
Scary bird creature
“There aren’t any Marat in the Calderon Valley, Uncle. The Legions keep them out.” pg. 71 More lore
“He had tied dark feathers into his hair, here and there, and they lent him a savage aspect.” pg. 75 This feels a little xenophobic
“His eyes, Tavi saw, were precisely the same shade of gold as the herdbane’s, inhuman and bright.” pg. 75 Intresting
“Tavi ran for his life.” pg. 78 Oh no
“the river Gaul” pg. 79 I wish I had a map
“Gaius Caria, wife to Gaius Sextus, Alera’s First Lord, seemed young, hardly older than Amara herself.” pg. 81 Is this the first lords first wife?
Why doesn’t Caria want Amara to talk to the first lord?
“Please excuse the First Lady,’ Gaius murmured. “These last three years have not been kind to her.”
Three years since she married you, my lord, Amara thought” pg. 84 Ha
“An old man. An old man married to a willful and politically convenient child.” pg. 86 Ah
“What they taught at the Academy” pg. 87 Cool that the academy is gender equal
“And it was where the Marat killed your son, milord.” pg. 88 Interesting so the heir to the kingdom was killed fifteen years ago and Tavi is fifteen and it’s in the same place I’ve connected the dots! (Mostly joking)
“Fidelias hated flying” pg. 91 Too bad flying sounds cool
“He could have turned over power to a nominal heir a decade ago,” pg. 93 What’s a nominal heir
“His love was for Alara” pg. 94 Paternal right?
“Fidelias had been forced to this
It was necessary.
It had to be done.” pg. 95 No it’s not necessary no one forced you
“Gargoyles?’ he breathed. “All of them?” pg. 98 Oh interesting
“The only man who has ever matched me in battle was Araris Valerian himself.” Teeth shone white in Aldrick’s smile. “And you aren’t Araris.” pg. 109 Cool and again with Araris Valerian what happened to him?
“At dawn, you leave for the Calderon Valley.” pg. 111 Party at Calderon Valley it seems
“No slave in her right mind would have been anything less than anxious in that room.” pg. 112 I hope there’s a slave revolt
Slives are scary
“Tavi let out a panicked scream, his light baritone cracking into a child’s higher pitch as he did.” pg. 116 Shouldn’t Tavi have gone through puberty already or at least started puberty by this point
“Salt?” she shouted, through the storm. “You have salt?” pg. 119 How would salt help?
Bittan is the worst
“Bittan was working a firecrafting on the room, sending out a subtle apprehension to almost every person in it heightening their fears and drawing their anxieties to the forefront of their thoughts.” pg. 132 Oh no
“Isana lifted her head, eyes sweeping around in a sudden panic. She struggled to speak, but couldn’t, her throat unable to expel a breath- or, she realized a moment later, to draw it in.” pg. 132 Oh no
“Your brother. He’s gone.” pg. 139 Oh no I liked him :(
“His face was thin-feathered, stark, handsome, and his expression peaceful, sleeping.” pg. 146 Bi Tavi 2
“This is the mound on the Field of Tears. The Princeps died here, fighting the Marat, before I was born.” pg. 147 Ah this is where the heir died
Yay Bernard is alive!
“when she drew her hand out she saw the mud dappled with bright scarlet.” pg. 158 Oh no that’ll led to infection
“Marat? The savages hadn’t given the Realm any trouble since the incident on this very site, fifteen or sixteen years ago.” pg.  Characters keep mentioning this event
“No. Too coincidental for mere chance. Something larger is underway.” pg.  Something is a foot
“But Marat didn’t often take more than one beast as . . . what sufficed to describe the term? Mate? Companion? Blood-sibling? She shook her head with a sliver. The savages’ ways were still alien to her, something fantastic from a tale rather than the businesslike  reality she had learned from classes in the Academy.”  Xenophobia is rampant. I hope the Marat don’t actually mate with their beasts please just be xenophobic lies and propaganda.
“But what would a Marat hoardmaster be doing in the Calderon Valley?
Invading” pg.  Or they could be running away from someone or something or maybe they want to live here now I’m just saying there are other reasons the Marat could be here
“The boy had courage, even if he lacked some more life-perspectiving common sense.” pg. Ha and I see a pattern with Butcher protagonists
“Something else tugged at her attention, but she pushed it firmly away.” pg. No don’t, listen to your instincts
“Someone’s grumpy boy this morning.” pg.  Ha
“Then the Marat turned toward Fidelias with his face set in a flat, murderous rage and flung himself at the former Cursor.” pg. 179 Oh no
“And that’s what happened,” Tavi said. “It all started with that one little lie. And all I wanted to do was to get those sheep back.” pg. 187 Well I’d say it all started when you went and got those holly bells
“Or you could be a Cursor.”
Tavi wrinkled up his nose and snorted. “And spend my life delivering mail? How exciting could that be?” I’m going to take a truly wild guess that Tavi ends up as a Cursor truly a crack pot theory
“She kissed me, and my brain melted and dribbled out of my ears.” Ha
“But if you are a runaway, and I don’t do something about it, the law could come back and hurt my uncle.” Boo
“Even when he’d given Tavi a whipping” What
“He had lost his uncle’s respect” Oh no :(
“If the wounds were as serious as the boy had described, it would have taken an extremely talented watercrafter to have had Bernard on his feet again, and Amara didn’t think that anyone that skilled would live so far from one of the major cities of the Realm.” Maybe Isana doesn't like city life, maybe she’s hiding out, maybe her family lived here, there are options to consider
“Imprisonment, blinding, and crucitfition were some of the gentler sentences she could expect from such a trial.” Fun :/
“Not as bad as it could be. You used crafting to keep your foot warm.” Can slaves use fury’s?
I think Amara is attracted to Bernard and is in denial
Amara might get more info if she told Bernard who she actually was
“Apparently you fell along the blade of a sharp sword.” Not your greatest lie there Amara
“That’s right, Steadholder,” said Fidelias” Oh no
“I remember setting out with him yesterday, but beyond that. . . nothing” Oh memory loss
“Without changing his expression, he moved a bit more to block her view with his body” Ha
“It’s happening isn’t it” Oh
“What about Tavi? He should know.”
She shook her head. “No. Now more than ever, no. He doesn’t need that on his head.” Oh secrets
“To say nothing of other reasons” pg. What?? I want to know
“Bernard lived simply: He had, ever since Cassea the girls had died.” pg. So Bernard is a widower and lost his kids :(
“The slippers had been a birthday gift for Cassea.” pg. Ohh
“Have you come for the boy?” Asked Isana asked. “Are you here to take him?” pg. Why would anyone take Tavi?
“Keep a cup in your hands, and drink in the cup. I’ll hear.” pg. Clever
“Fidelias watched him and waited until the Stealholder had left the hall to glance at the staircase himself. Interesting.” pg. Stop being smart
“He’s furyless, sir.” pg. Beritte you don’t go around telling people that
Why is Isana washing Fidelias feet? Watercrafting?
“Kill them” pg. Oh no
“But you’re a girl.” pg. So girls can be Cursors too
“I faked passing out and I listened in on all the talk up here.” pg. That worked?!
Oh come on let Fade come it’ll be a road trip
Nice use of the horses panic
“Tavi,” Isana screamed. “Tavi, run! Run!” pg.  Oh no
“Fade’s expression barely moved but Tavi thought he detected a sense of deep, slow pain there nonetheless.” pg. 247 Poor Fade
“Bitten of Kordbolt” pg. 249 Ugh to this guy. Can Tavi stab him? Please
Oh no Fade :(
“an ugly smile twisting his handsome face” pg. 249 Bi Tavi 3
“Didn’t figure they’d send the freak and the idiot.” pg. 249 Rude
“Maybe that bitch died trying to save to him.” pg. 250 Rude
“realized that it was very probable that she was about to die.” pg. I hope Amara doesn’t die I like her
“Amara looked down to find the arrow’s shaft wrapped around her wrist” pg. 255 Oh no
“Where is the boy? Bernard snarled. “If you’ve hurt that boy, I’ll kill you.” pg. 255 Papa wolf Bernard
“Air and fire-“
“Fire” Amara blurted” pg. 260 I take fire crafters are dangerous
Cool fight between Kord and Bernard
Bitten starting a forest fire what would smoky the bear say
“You leave him alone!” pg. Yes protect Fade
“Tavi saw his uncle draw back his fist and ram it hard into Kord’s neck” pg. Let’s go!
Nice job using your emotions to get the better of the water witch (I forget her name)
“One hand seized the woman by her hair, and the other raked abruptly across her face.” pg. 269 Go Isana!
“My river” pg. 269 So cool!
“You barren witch” pg. 269 Bitten is so rude
“Get through the woods” pg. 269 Aren’t they currently on fire?!
“She leaned into him and pressed a kiss against his forehead. “I’m sorry, Tavi, so sorry.  There’s no time for questions now. You must trust me. I love you.”
“I love you too.” pg. 270 Aww
“Without expression, the tallest of the Marat stepped closer. He put his foot on Tavi’s shoulder and rested the tip of his spear against the hollow of Tavi’s throat.” pg. 274 Oh no
“Clever, getting his shoes like that. She been planning on the boy running, and on hampering pursuit.” Smart
“They did, in rapid order, proving more than anything else that the flood had been a deliberate crafting rather than a natural event.” pg.  Isana is so cool and powerful
“Turns into the Wax Forest” pg. 278 What? Surely it’s not an actual wax forest
“We’ve lost the horses in the flood” pg. 280 Oh no the poor horses :(
“Do you own many slaves?”
Bernard shook his head. ‘I used to buy them sometimes, give them the chance to earn their freedom. Lot of the families on the steadholt started that way.” pg. 285 Boo
“He moved then, his hand sliding from her shoulder. He stretched out on his side, his chest against her shoulders, so that she lay between him and the fire. “Lay back against me,” he said, quiet. “Just until you get warm.” pg. 286 Cuddling!
“she felt herself arch into the kiss, slow and sweet. He kissed her back, gently, but she could feel the faint traces of heat in it, feel the way his mouth pushed hungrily at hers, and it made her heart race even more swiftly.” pg. 287 Yay!
“I’m not going to take advantage of that.” pg.  Good
“Crows. The cawing crows. The cawing of thousands of crows.” pg. Oh no
“She was prisoner at Kord’s steadholt.” Oh no
Odiana’s backstory is terrible :(
“Being captured, Tavi thought, was a twofold evil.  It was both uncomfortable and boring.” Ha
Oh good Fade is ok
“Fade stared vacantly for a moment and then frowned. “Marat eat Alerans.” Surely they don’t actually eat people
“Maybe they like hot dinner,” Fade said, darkly. “Raw dinner.”
Tavi stared at him for a minute. “That’s enough help, Fade.” Ha
“You are the enemy of Marat, and we will partake of your strength.”
Fade whimpered in his throat and clutched at Tavi’s arm hard enough to make it go numb.
“You mean,” Tavi asked, after a moment’s silence, “that you’re going to eat us” What they actually eat people?! I thought that was just xenophobic and propaganda
“To Tavi’s astonishment, the women wore nothing more than the men, and lean, muscular legs, naked, strong shoulders and arms, and other things a proper Aleran boy was not supposed to see (but wanted to anyway)” Ha
“Quiet Tavi,” Fade whispered back. “Do not move.” Listen to Fade
“Valleyboy, you have agreed to a Trial of Wits with Kitai. The victor in the trial will be considered to hold the favor of The One on the question you raised.” At least it’s a trial of wits
“Tavi,” Fade said. “You must not do this. Let me face the trial.”
Tavi blinked. “Uh. Fade. It’s a Trial of Wits, remember? Fade shook his head. “Valley of Trees. Remember that.” The boy frowned, turning to Fade. “What do you remember?”
“It is what the Marat call the Wax Forest.” Fade looked past Tavi to the retreating Hashat, his scarred face haunted. “One of you will surely die.” pg. 322 Cheery and why am I getting the vibe that Fade is smarter than what he lets on? And again I ask surely it’s not an actual wax forest made of actual wax right?
“Fidelias blinked. “My. So you’re off to warn Garrison of trouble?” pg. 325 Oh no
“You’re about my height, aren’t you?” pg. 326 Oh no
“Aldrick wiped the blood from his blade and said, “You could at least wait until he’s dead.” pg. 326 Boo
“I’m not sure that was necessary,” pg. 326 It wasn’t necessary :(
“Kord forced Isana to watch what they did to Odiana.” pg. 327 KORD CAN GO DIE >:( he better die by the end of the book
“She’s a woman, Kord. A person. She’s not an animal to be broken.” pg. 327 Facts!
“He struck her with a closed fist.” pg. 328 Hiss
Aric you can do better than this family
“Odiana’s expression changed. The hardness vanished from her eyes, and her mouth dropped open in an expression of something close to horror.” pg. 330 Oh no why what is it?
“It’s called a discipline collar,” pg. 331 That doesn’t sound good
“The way he’s left her, anyone can tell her anything and she’ll keep feeling good as long as she does it. She tries to resist and she’ll . . .  and it will hurt her.”
“That’s inhumane” pg. 336 That’s horrible
“It wasn’t Bitten that was with Heddy. It was you, Aric.”
He didn’t look at her. He didn’t speak.
“It was you. That’s why she was trying to draw her father back from juri macto with yours. She wasn’t raped.” pg. 337 Ohhh
“I wouldn’t leave any woman here, Aric” pg. 338 Good
“That’s right. And so is my brother. Bernard will call him to juris macto.” And he’ll win, too.” pg. 338 Is Isana not a Citizen? Can she call a juris macto? I think she could win.
“His partner leered. “I suppose we could always take off those breeches and find out.” pg. 344 Ew
“Bernard’s face flushed. “They might be spoiled cities boys, but they’re Legion, by the furies. They should treat women with more respect.” pg. 345 Preach
“Amara smiled, but didn’t say anything. Bernard flushed even brighter and coughed, looking away.” pg. 345 Ha
“She almost didn’t see through the veil.” pg. 351 Oh
“He went down at once, without so much as a cry or a gasp of pain, and lay still.” pg. 353 Oh no
“Arrest these two and take them to the cells on charges of murder and treason against the Crown!” pg. 354 Oh no
“Snow’s starting up again.” pg. 359 Why is this important? Is the roof going to collapse? Can Isana use the snow? Is the snow going to cool down the smokehouse? Can they drink the snow? Will they melt the snow into water?
“Water” pg. 361 Yes!
“I had a family. My mother and my father. My older brother and two younger sisters. Gaius Sextus destroyed them.” pg. 370 Oh no
“You’re eating them alive?” demanded Aldrick
“Pure,” corrected Aldrick.” pg. 373 Ahhh creepy
“The girl looked around, frantic, her eyes red with tears, body shaking in the cold, her lips blue. “Please,” she gasped, toward Fidelias. “Please, sir. Pleas help me.” pg. 373 Poor girl
“Then he broke her neck.” pg. 375 :(
“Kitai. Your son.” pg. 379 Did I miss something I don’t remember anyone saying if Kitai had a gender or not
“From the ones you call the Icemen.” pg. 384 There are Icemen?
“Fade’s eyes glittered with something like good humor, and ruffled Tavi’s hair with one hand. “Tavi smart. There. Bag of tricks. Be smart, Tavi. Important.” pg. 385 Aww
“Tavi stared up at him in confusion. Until the other boy drew his knife, reached across to the rope that held Tavi thirty feet over the floor of the bizarre forest below and, with an answering smile, used the dark, glassy knife to begin swiftly slicing through Tavi’s rope.” pg. 387 Oh no
“A wax spider. A Keeper of Silence.” pg. 394 Horrifying
“Tavi felt the understanding between them without words needing to be said: truce.” pg. 395 Good
“I am not a child,” Tavi hissed furiously. “I’m older than you. What are you, twelve years old? Thirteen?”
Kitai narrowed his eyes “fifteen” pg. 396 Oh they’re the same age
“Where had Fade got something like that? Tavi wondered. Why had the slave had this pack stored with such efficiency inside his chambers, presumably ready to go at a moment’s notice? He had returned with the pack so quickly that he could not have packed it. It had to been ready to go.” pg. 397 Interesting
“Fire leapt up from the depression in the croach, as high as Tavi’s chest.” pg. 401 Now Tavi is starting a forest fire. Smoky the bear would be disappointed
“You’re a girl.” pg. 402 Ohhh
“I don’t want to lead a girl into that kind of danger.”
The Marat girl scowled. “As if I am any less able to defeat you now than a few moments ago.”
Tavi shook his head, “No, no, it isn’t that.”
“Then what is it?”
He shrugged beneath the blanket. “I can’t explain it. We just - we don’t treat our women the same way we treat our men.”
“That’s stupid” pg. 404 Preach!
“By the One yes, That was his plan all along.” pg. 406 Doroga is smart and yay teamwork
“And the shadowy shape within the mound abruptly shuddered. And moved.” pg. 412 Creepy
“Fire leapt up from the tree in a blaze.” pg. 413 MORE FOREST FIRE! At this rate they’re going to burden down the whole wax forest
“Kitai had saved his life.
She had trusted his plan to get them both out of the chasm alive.
He was the only one who could help her.
Tavi let go of the rope.” pg. 415 LET’S GO!!!
“Oh crows, Tavi thought. It knows. It knows I’m going for the ropes.” pg. Oh no 417
Doroga is strong threw that boulder
Kitai better not die
“It took Tavi a frozen, endless moment to separate the beating of his own heart, the rush of blood in his own ears, from hers. They  beat together, perfectly in time.” pg. 420 Cool
“Oh no,” Kitai whispered” pg.  420 Why what’s wrong?
“Y-you…you crafted on me.
“I know,” Bernard said, face flushing bright red. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”
“You earthcrafted me.”
“I’m sorry” pg. 430 So can earthcrafters induce lust?
“Bernard,” said Harger cheerfully. “I was just asking Pluvus here if we shouldn’t let you out and he said yes’” Harger seized Pluvus’s hair and vigorously rocked his head back and forth. “See? The boy can’t handle his drink, I’m afraid.” pg. 432 Ha
“I’m counting how many ways I’ll be executed, Your Ladyship.” pg. 436 Ha
“There’s a hoard out there. And about ten thousand of them are coming right behind me.” pg.  446 Oh no
“They came without warning. The Marat surged forward, thousands of screaming throats with one voice,” pg. 451 Scary
“The legionaries fought with ruthless efficiency.” pg. 452 Go legionaries
“Let the surgeons see to the men that are hurt” Pirellus said, his tone firm. “Get yourself some water, too centurion.” pg. 457 Good for Pirellus for being a good leader
“Something’s occurred to me,” Amara said. “This doesn’t make any sense.” pg. 457 Oh
Sky battle very cool
“Crows and furies, are you alright? Where are they coming in?”
“The gate,” Amara gasped. “The firepots. Get them off the  gate. Hurry.” pg. 465 Oh no
“In answer, the firepots, a waiting on the walls besides the firecrafters now pinned down by the gale winds above them, exploded into blinding flame.” pg. 466 Oh no
“She could only watch in horror as the Marat, howling like madmen, hauled the gates of Garrison to kindling before her eyes, and began to pour into the fortress.” pg. 467 Oh no
“Scalping me,” Amara thought. “They’re taking my hair.” pg. 470 Oh no
“Bravely done, girl. Shamed those city boys into the fight into the fight at last.” pg. 471  Yay
“Gram looked from Amara to Harger, then back again. “Fear,” he said. “Fire.” pg. 475 So firecrafting induces fear
Good work Gram and Amara with the touch that was some powerfull firecrafting all the Marat scattered
“Thousand upon thousands of Marat” pg. 481 Oh no
“The Marat got into the Valley yesterday. Sometime last night. They attacked Aldoholt and burned it down. As far as we can tell, no one made it out.” pg. 484 Oh no :(
“We heard you were having company and thought we’d invite ourselves over to help entertain them.” pg. 488 Ha
“Really? Women better than a Legion watercrafter” pg. 490 Yes, why is that such a surprise? I know why misogyny
“He embraced her, hugged hard, and lifting her up off the ground.” pg. 491 Aww
“These walls are made of layers of interlocking strata girl” pg. 493 Rude
Oh no Kord’s here
“There’s a very limited amount of trouble the women can make in any case.” pg. 497 I wouldn’t be too sure of that
“And then, with a screeching of breaking earth they began to grow” pg. 503 So cool that they were able to make the walls higher
“Pirellus nodded to her. “You were right last night,” he’s said. “I was wrong” pg. Takes a big man to admit they were wrong
“They’re in the east warehouse, and it’s already been secured.”
“Already been secured,” Giraldi growled. “How do you know?”
“Doors was locked” pg. 508 So Isana and Kord are in the east warehouse
“Here they come” pg. 508 Alright second round here we come
“Each man loosened an arrow five or six breaths.” pg. 510 Impressive
“Giraldi abruptly seized her shoulder and dragged her back from the edge. “Not without a helmet,” he growled.” pg. 512 Thank you Giradi for enforcing safety
“H-hiding” Pluvus stuttered. “I found them hiding under their father’s bunks in the barracks.” pg. 513 Aw
“Amara who began to turn, felt splitters of wood flickering against her cheek” pg.  Close too close
“She lifted her eyes to the barracks and saw Fadelias.” pg. Oh no
Poor Pirellus :( he was growing on me
“There,” Giradi said, pointing. An arrow shattered on his shield, and he didn’t flinch.” pg. Cool
“was the signet dagger of an Aleran High Lord” pg. The guy just let him have it?! It’s damning evidence that Aquitaine is plotting against the First Lord
“Out on the plain, beyond the savage hoard of Marat below, there had come another hoard” pg. 521 Oh no
“Then he turned to her, slipping an arm around her waist, and kissed her” pg. 525 Yay!
“Uncle Bernard! Uncle Bernard!” he shouted, pointing to Doroga. “He followed me home! Can we keep him?” pg. 528 Ha and my boy is back!
Nice job using the globe Isana
Nice job tracking Kord with watercrafting
Yay Isana won the fight now can we please remove the collar on Odiana
“Tavi,” Bernard said, and engulfed the boy in a rib-cracking embrace.” pg. 539 Aw :)
“Isana, unmistakably his aunt, even if he didn’t see her, wrap her arms around him and hugged him.” pg. 539 Aw :)
“Are they betting on the fight?” Amara asked incredulous
Tavi nodded. “Yeah they do that. Doroga won his daughter betting on me.”
“Shhhhh.” pg. 543 Ha
“Five silver bulls on Doroga,” pg. Tavi responded
“You’re on” pg. 544 Ha
“He tricked him!” Tavi said, gleefully
“Hush” said Amara
“He’s got him now” Bernard said.” pg. 544   Ha
“He’s got the dagger! Kill the boy” pg. 548 Run Tavi Run
“They’re trying to kill you!”
“I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’re here to tell me that” pg. 551 Ha
“Frederic stepped forward, in front of Tavi” pg. 551 Go Frederic!
“Damn you, Fidelias!” pg. 559 Boo Fidelias
“We’re trapped” pg. 559 Oh no
Oh no Bernard
“If Araris Valerian himself was here, he couldn’t beat me. And you aren’t Araris.” pg. 563 If Araris could show up at any minute now that’d be great
“Fade stood over Tavi,” pg. 563 Go Fade!
“Fade’s sword whipped toward Aldrick’s face, and split  the white scar there open anew, blood flowing.” pg. 563 Ohh
“Aldrick dropped back into a guard position, watching Fade, his eyes wide, his redden face going pale. “No,” he said. “No” pg. 563 He’s freaking out
“You aren’t,” Aldrick snarled. “You can’t be. You’re dead.” pg. 564 I take it Fade is actually Araris
“Aldrick has always thought in lines. So I thought in curves.” pg. 566 So cool
“Then, in one swift motion, she drew back the knife and flicked it at Fidelias back.” pg.  567 Yea let’s go!
“Tavi cried quietly, until the darkness swallowed him.” pg. 568 Poor Tavi
“The cries within Garrison were joined by others - the screams of terrified children.” pg. 571 Oh no
Go Isana!
“You could have killed me at Kordholt. Or simply left me behind. You did neither. You could have given me to the Cursor girl. You did not. It deserved a reply. This is mine.” pg. 576 Glad that Odiana helped
“Then…” Isana closed her eyes. “Then we go home.” 577 Yay
“Tavi let out a glad cry and threw himself across the space of beds at his uncle, hugging him tightly.” pg. 582 Aw :)
“You’re a hero”
Tavi blinked “Uh. I am?” pg. 583 Yes you are!
“Bernard grinned and leaned forward giving Isana a kiss on the forehead.” pg. 584 Aw :)
“She laughed and kissed his forehead” pg. 585  Aw :)
“Doomed, young warrior. Doomed. But her mother and I  started off that way.
Tavi blinked. “What?”
“We will see another again.” Doroga turned to go
“What?” Tavi said again. “Her mother what? Doroga wait” pg. 587 Ha and Doroga is a shipper
“The stranger smiled. “My name is Gaius Sextus.” pg. 589 Ohh it’s Gaius, Tavi’s maybe probably  grandpa
“After that, everything got just sort of…”
“Got complicated” Gaius suggested”
“Tavi  flushed and nodded. “Exactly” pg. 589 Ha
“Then I want you to help the holders who got hurt, and families of those who were killed. Winter’s coming on, and it’s going to be hard for all of us.” pg. 590 Aw that’s nice of Tavi
“I believe you can. Then if you will accept it will be done. I will give you patronage for attendance at the Academy and assist you in your fields of study.” pg. 590 Yay!
“Lady Aquitaine smiled. Then she stepped around the tub and let silk robe from her shoulders. She slide into the water with Fidelias and wrapped her arms around the man’s shoulders.” pg. 592 Whoa there
“Fidelias watched as Gaius Caria, First Lady of Alera, wrapped her arms around Lord Aquitaine and drew him closer to her.” pg. 593 Ohhh the scandal
“He stood up and looked down at her eyes, smiling. “Amara. Well done.” pg. 594 Yay!
“For courage, loyalty, and resourcefulness in the face of enemies of the Realm, Frederic of Brenardholt, I do hereby dub thee a Knight of the Realm” pg. 595 Yay!
“By the authority of the Crown, I do hereby dub thee Bernard, Court of Calderon.” pg. 596 Yay!
“Gaius laughed, the sound rich and rolling. “I look young for my age.” pg. 596 Ha
“You be good to him. Or you and I will have words.” pg. 597 Ha I love that Doroga threatens Gaius
“Pluvus Pentius, who had saved a handful of children from a wounded herdbane by clubbing it to death with his accounts ledger.” pg. 597 Cool!
“Amara saw something cold there, something defiant, and she blinked at the old woman” pg. 598 Oh add that to my suspicions
“Gaius drew in a slow breath and nodded.
“The boy. Your-“
“Nephew, sire”
“Nephew. Of course.” Gaius glanced aside at Amara.” pg. 598 More suspicions
“Tavi of Bernardholt, please step forward
There was an eager murmur from the crowd.
But no one stepped forward.
Amara frowned. “Tavi of Bernardholt. Please step forward.”
Still, no one did” pg. 599 Ha
“He, um. He seems to be rather independently minded sire.” pg. 599 Ha
“And so the First Lord of Alera, surrounded by subjects, Citizens, and Knights of the Realm watched in silence while Tavi drove home Dodger’s little flock of ewes and lambs, the shaggy haired Fade loping along beside him.” pg. 600 Nice ending
Final thoughts
I enjoyed the book. I liked most of the characters (looking at you Kord). I liked magic systems. I liked the fights. I’m still trying to piece together what happened with Kitai. Something happened and they seem connected? I’m still on the Gaius is related to Tavi, maybe his grandfather Isana and Gaius talk was suspicious. We have 3 Bi Tavi moments. I should look and see how Amara describes Bernard and see if 
Onto Cursor’s Fury
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themovieblogonline · 5 months ago
Falling Stars: A Dark, Intriguing Look at Witches and Survival
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Falling Stars is a film about witches written, directed, and edited by Richard Karpala (co-directed by Gabriel Bienczycki). It releases on October 11th. The film begins with these words onscreen: “Every year by the full moon of late October witches from high use the night as cover to descend onto earth’s harvest.  Skygazers say they resemble falling stars.  In hungry years, the stars fall early.” The plot is a story about three brothers who make an ill-advised journey to see the body of a dead witch. Witch World and Mythology This Fantastic Fest 2023 entry establishes an entire witch world. There are rules for preventing witches from putting a curse on the humans they prey upon during harvest season. An entire mythology exists built up around the falling witches. There are even warnings on radio and television telling the locals to stay indoors. This is interesting as the danger is said to be the wind. There are directions and recipes for performing protective spells. The spell requires apples, rue, sage and something called valerian.  I now have a rudimentary idea of what the boys were thinking.  The spell doesn’t really work, especially if you desecrate the witches' sacred circle in any way…for instance, by spilling beer on a witch’s corpse. There is a protective option involving sacrificing a child, but nobody seems keen on that choice ---(which could make for good conflict in a sequel to “Falling Stars II.”) Once we become aware that the title of this 80-minute film could more accurately be “Falling Witches,” the script moves quickly to inform the audience of the various idiosyncrasies of witch world. For instance, although you’re not supposed to be able to kill a witch, one of the group, Rob (Greg Poppa) has already proven that wisdom wrong. He shot and killed a witch and then buried her. The corpse is appropriately gnarly. (Kudos to Noodle Mikael Gustaffson who was responsible for the creepy creature effects.) THE PLOT The three brothers of the story, Mike (Shaun Duke Jr.), Sal (Andrew Gabriel) and the youngest, Adam (Rene Leech) want to see the dead witch.   Mike decides, without much consideration,  that the three brothers should go pick up Rob. Rob lives in a nearby trailer with his wife and 2-year-old daughter Katelyn. They visit the grave of the deceased witch. Bad idea. The male trio’s curiosity certainly was not good news for the family of Rob and Meg (Orianne Milne and baby Katelyn Felicia Milne.)(*Spoiler alert) Because the brothers decide to make a joy ride to the witch’s grave, the family unit is wiped out.  Things Get Dangerous The brothers are driving a pick-up truck without enough seating, so some must ride in the back. One passenger disappears from the bed of the truck without so much as a struggle or a scream. We assume that a fallen witch carried him off. The fraternal trio do an excellent job of acting, but they don’t seem particularly close as brothers, nor do they look alike. The youngest of the trio (Adam) comes off a lot more intense and emotional than the other two. We can attribute that to his unique personality or to the fact that he’s the baby of the family. The Rest Of The World Radio station KNWK gives the locals, via Barry Foyle, Radio Host, directives to stay indoors. The warnings mainly mention wind. There is no acknowledgement that the populace is really being told to watch out for falling witches. The system is well-established, so these Witch World Warnings must have been going on for years. The locals understand the situation.  Think of it a bit like the “red/yellow/orange” terrorist threat warnings from the “W’ years. Certainly a good way to get the residents concerned, then and now. The televised  warnings are a bit like those in  “The Purge,” alerting people to a long-established tradition. THE GOOD Cinematically, there are a lot of overhead shots. Even the very first shot of a girl walking her dogs is shot from above. (That girl is also the head make-up person). The overhead shots worked really well, as did the acting, the witch corpse, and the creepy, tense mood in this indie film set in Joshua Tree, California. The music (Patrik Herman) was good. Coupled with the excellent acting, this horror outing was a welcome departure from most recent indie horror films, although the ending was a bit abrupt. The cast is rounded out by a hitchhiker Ouami (Piotr Adamczyk), who just came off as weird, There is also the radio host Barry (J. Aaron Boykin), and his assistant Elana (Samantha Turret) who are under-utilized but good in their roles. CONCLUSION I hope this team gets the opportunity to fill in some of the blanks in witch world in another outing because “Falling Stars” is a horror movie that showed real promise. It was filmed on location in Joshua Tree, California and made its North American Premiere at Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas at the Alamo Draft House (South Lamar). Read the full article
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ahungeringknife · 2 years ago
365: February 21
You ever look at your OCs and think to yourself 'I have too many OCs'?
Yeah me neither
Suture was reading on the couch of one of the many rec rooms in the Wall for Guardians to hang out in common areas. Next to him Patch was pretending to do the same but his leg was jiggling. “Stop it,” he growled.
“Huh? What?”
“Your leg is shaking,” he grumbled.
“Oh,” and he stopped. Suture went back to his book and about five minutes later Patch was jiggling his leg again. “If you’re not going to stop being annoying just suck it up and go over there,” Suture said.
“… I couldn’t,” Patch said.
“You’re embarrassing yourself just go ask to play you ninny,” Suture rolled his eyes.
“I don’t know how that’s embarrassing. It’s rude to interject into a Hunter game,” he said like a weenie, pulling on his white hair stressfully.
Suture kicked his leg out and got Park’s attention. “What?” Park grunted where he was playing a game on some handheld.
“Is Patch pretty enough to worry this much about joining a Hunter game?” Suture asked.
“Suture-!” Patch cried.
Park looked up with just his eyes at Patch who’s face was a hilarious cerulean blue from his normal fair pastel blue. “I think he’s pretty enough not to be a little bitch,” Park said and rolled his dark eyes, going back to his game. “Also they’re the Zeros for a fucking reason-
“Hey, I resent that,” Suture looked up as his partner came up behind him on the couch. “Also its Double Zero.” Suture smile at seeing him because he always smiled when he saw Tams.
“Twice the zeros,” Park said, not looking.
“What are you guys grumbling about anyway?” Tams asked, fists on his hips in a classic Titan way of his.
“Patch wants to join the Hunter game but is being a little bitch about it,” Suture said.
“I am not. I don’t even know how to play,” Patch complained.
Tams grinned and Traveler every time Tams smiled Suture was more in love with him. He had dimples and it was so cute. “Well I don’t know about your crew but the Guppy would be happy to teach you,” he told Patch nicely.
“I wouldn’t want to bother them,” Patch said quickly.
Suture motioned to Tams to bend down. Tams grabbed the back of the couch and leaned down probably expecting a smooch. Instead Suture said, quietly, “Our boy wants to fuck one of your friends-
Tams slammed his head into the back of the couch to contain his laughter. “Suture what did you say to him,” Patch demanded.
“Nothing,” Suture smirked.
“What did you say, Rowen?” Patch hissed.
Suture just stuck his tongue out at Patch. “Nothing, Valerian,” he mocked Patch.
“Traveler you two are so annoying,” Park said, dead pan from his chair, head down in his game.
Tams lifted his head from the couch, laughter under control but was still smiling. “I promise my friends wouldn’t be bothered teaching you how to play cards,” he assured Patch.
“Yeah but-
Tams was bigger in every way than Patch and Suture was so smug when Tams just went over and yanked him to his feet. “I insist. We can be shit at cards together,” and he pulled Patch over to the card game where the two clans’ Hunters were embroiled in a very serious card game.
“Thought he’d never leave,” Park said.
“He was jiggling the couch.”
“I know, I could feel it over here,” Park said.
“Wanna bet who it is?”
“Don’t care.”
“Yeah you do.”
Park just moved his eyes to look at Suture. “There’s only one Hunter in the Zeros,” he said seriously.
“Shit really? What about that other one?” Suture looked over his shoulder.
“Stitches-2’s partner,” Park said.
“… You know I don’t even pay attention to them,” Suture admitted.
“Typical fucking Warlock,” Park said dismissively.
“Fuck you,” Suture gave him a light kick on the shin. Park kicked him back. After a few moments of bruising up each others’ shins they stopped and went back to what they were doing, Park with a smirk.
Later that evening as Suture was making dinner for himself and Tams Hype came over. “Message from Patch,” she said and expanded.
Suture’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I think I fucked up,” Patch said over the message. “I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to know a guy a bit more before you just suck his dick after cards. What do I do?!”
Suture blinked at Hype. “… That is a problem I will worry about tomorrow. Just tell Ruwa to make sure her stupid Guardian gets some sleep.”
“Why’s he like this?” Hype asked. “He’s like a Crucible legend and leads a very well known Crucible clan. How’s he like this?”
“Val’s a weirdo is why,” Suture said and went back to making dinner.
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lidiasloca · 2 years ago
can you write a fic of the folk of the air but in jude's POV. i don't really care about what. thankks
jude's ruby-studded pen
Once, Valerian stole a silver pen of mine, and Madoc replaced it with a ruby studded one from his own desk. This threw Valerian into such a rage that he cracked me in the back of the head with his wooden practice sword. The Cruel Prince, Holly Black.
The pen Madoc gives me is heavier, fancier, but I don’t feel any better. It’s not like I’ve won anything in this fight with Valerian.
Yes, I have a new and better pen now. But it was my pen, and it wasn’t his to take. I hate how he used it to demonstrate my powerlessness, a reminder of what he can do to me whenever he pleases.
He didn’t say he’d stolen it, nor did I see him take it, but it became obvious when he flaunted it in class, showing it off to his friends. Nicasia laughed while Locke and Cardan exchanged a knowing grin that made me sick.
Rage churned in me—over a pen. And then, shame. Ashamed that something so small could get under my skin. But, as always, I said nothing. Did nothing. Just stood there, pretending it didn’t matter, giving away no reaction.
Exactly as Taryn tells me to do if I want them to stop.
“What is it?” Madoc kneels slightly to meet my eyes. “This one’s far better than the one you lost, isn’t it?” He smiles.
I nod, avoiding his gaze, the lie hanging unspoken between us. The one you lost. Why can’t he see what’s so obvious? Or is it that he just doesn’t want to know?
“Well then, you should get going. I’ll see you for practice after school.” He kisses the top of my head before leaving, the door swinging shut behind him.
Downstairs, I meet Taryn. Saying nothing, I grab my things, my new pen among them, and head out the door. We walk the familiar path in silence, the air thick and cool.
“What do you think?” Taryn’s voice pulls me from my thoughts, and I turn to see her expectant eyes.
“About what?”
She frowns. “You didn’t hear anything I said.”
It’s not a question, so I don’t answer.
Sighing, she continues, “I was talking about Vivi’s plan for the weekend. She wants us to go to the mortal world.”
Madoc will hate it if we disappear for two whole days. Vivi vanishing now and then is one thing—he’s long given up on controlling her. But Taryn and me leaving the stronghold? That’s a different matter.
“I don’t want to go. Not for that long,” Taryn says.
“Yeah, me neither.”
We approach the school, where faeries are already gathering outside for the first class—combat practice. “Ugh, I forgot my sword,” I mutter. My wooden practice sword, that is. My dagger is packed.
“You can use mine,” Taryn offers. “I don’t really feel like fighting today.”
Before I can decline, the instructor calls out, “Join up! We’re starting!”
When we reach the others, they’ve already paired off and begun. “Left, now up! You’ll never land a blow if you aim so low!” the teacher shouts, pacing between pairs.
“We can fight together,” Taryn suggests. “I’ll take the sword; you can dodge.”
I shake my head. “That’s not what today’s practice is about. You’ll have to find someone else.” I unpack my things and sit down, planning to finish notes I missed yesterday.
Taryn sighs, but as she starts to complain, I see someone walking toward us. Valerian. I freeze, and so does she when she notices.
I don’t know if I remain seated because I’m frozen with panic or out of defiance—trying to prove I’m not afraid. But I am. Terrified.
“Mortals,” Valerian says cheerfully as he approaches. “Still here, I see. I thought our last encounter might have persuaded you to reconsider. Surely, by now, you understand this is no place for things like you.”
Nicasia joins him, flanking him with a smirk. Cardan and Locke follow behind, clearly not wanting to miss the spectacle.
Taryn and I remain silent, each for different reasons.
“Oh, cat’s got their tongues,” Nicasia laughs, linking her arm with Cardan’s. His eyes are on me, unrelenting, and I regret staying seated, unprepared.
“They’re not even following the practice,” Locke adds flatly.
“Incompetent and lazy,” Nicasia remarks, seeking Cardan’s approval, which he offers in the form of a small smile—one Locke and I both catch.
“Maybe we should help them catch up,” Valerian suggests with mock concern. “After all, they seem short on swords.”
Taryn stammers, “We—we’re fine. You don’t have to.”
Her timid tone only fuels Valerian’s amusement. I stand up, forcing myself to prepare for whatever comes next. I know better than to underestimate him.
As I rise, my belongings fall, and the new ruby pen tumbles out. Cardan’s gaze locks onto it immediately.
“And what’s this?” he asks, nodding toward the pen.
Valerian’s eyes narrow. The fake smile drops from his face, replaced by something darker. He steps closer, snatching Taryn’s wooden sword from her grip. My body wants to back away, but instead, I step forward, my hand moving instinctively toward the dagger hidden under my shirt, though I don’t draw it.
Feigning politeness, Valerian asks, “May I see it?” His voice drips with mockery, his eyes on the pen.
“What is it you want to see?” I reply, pretending ignorance.
He shoves me hard, sending me to the ground.
“Jude!” Taryn cries, her voice full of panic.
“She’s fine,” Nicasia says dismissively.
As I scramble to my feet, Valerian kneels, picking up the pen. He turns it over in his hands, inspecting it like a predator toying with its prey.
“How nice,” he muses. “And fragile.” With a snap, he breaks the pen in half.
A frustrated groan escapes me as I glare at him, anger pulsing through my veins.
Valerian rises, practice sword in hand. I want to fight him. I want to make him suffer for what he’s done, to see him humbled. But I know better than to indulge in that fantasy.
“Pick up your things,” he orders, his voice rough with suppressed jealousy. “And go back to that stronghold. Go back to that murderer you call a father.” He says it as if it’s a simple fact, not an insult.
“Why should I?” I snap, seething.
“Because you were told to,” Cardan cuts in, stepping closer, looking far too pleased with himself. I glance away, not wanting to provoke him further.
Taryn’s eyes are wide with silent pleading, begging me to stand down. And I do. I kneel to gather my things, knowing it’s the only way to avoid worse trouble.
But then, pain explodes at the back of my head—a hard, raw blow. My vision blurs, and I struggle to catch my breath.
A gentle hand touches my back. Taryn. “Jude, are you okay?”
I turn to her, wincing. Through my hazy vision, I see the others walking away, except for Valerian, who’s already disappeared.
“Yes,” I lie, “I’m fine.” As I glance back toward the group, my eyes meet Cardan’s from a distance. He looks back, but there’s something unreadable in his expression before he turns and walks away.
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-Characters by Holly Black
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Okay for context (although I’m sure u probably already know the books by heart at this point bc ur the queen of tfota analysis) this takes place right after Jude stabs Valerian and as Locke is walking up to “save” Jude from Cardan. Before Locke comes over Cardan has a practice sword and points it at Jude noticing Valerian’s blood and is all like you seem to have cut yourself
Okay I’ve always been very confused as to why this was Cardan’s response to Jude
And I’ve been trying to riddle it out and look at context and figure out why exactly he would say that about Locke and Jude when he clearly doesn’t want them to be together (which I say bc of the scene where Nicasia tells Locke that Cardan won’t forgive him for what he is doing with Jude)
but more than that I want to know why Cardan used the word ‘Perfect’ bc… that’s a lie ????? not even Madoc thinks they’re well suited for each other… NEITHER does Jude! she’s tells Locke that they’re both pretending and that they don’t belong together but it’s still fun any way (this was at his manor before the party)
Cardan, for very justifiable reasons, doesn’t like Locke… bc Locke slept with the woman he loved… in Cardan’s bedroom… while being Cardan’s so called friend… nuf said
But we know from HTKOELTHS that Cardan has some form of attraction to Jude at this point (a disgusting attraction in his opinion)
Of course Cardan doesn’t necessarily like Jude at this point he hates her and says as much when she interrogates him (he hates her most of all bc he thinks of her often which is disgusting bc he can’t stop) (but also bc he is jealous that she is loved by her family)
Cardan and Jude are not in good standing with eachother. But he begrudgingly longs for her. Which definitely makes me think for more reasons than what’s explicitly stated in the book that he wouldn’t want her to be with Locke especially after what Locke did with the last woman Cardan was with. Even if Cardan doesn’t like the fact that he wants her, he doesn’t want her to be with him or at least that’s what context seem to imply. Also he shows concern for her on multiple occasions and prevents her from serious harm from his friends and then sends her a dress in secret and scribbles her name Over and over again
So to me the only thing that makes sense would maybe be if he is referring to himself?????
It seemed like Cardan tried to find an excuse to talk her. he has a practice sword with him which he had no reason to have, bc he isn’t one to care for swords and Jude was like he was waiting at the bottom on the tower as soon as she comes down. When he sees her he points it at her (and shows concern) and they have a little banter til Tayrn runs to get Locke
And my stretch of a theory is that if Cardan was thinking of Jude and himself when she said “you don’t think I deserve him”
Since he is tricky with his words when she said ‘him’ it could mean any guy, and if Cardan was on his own mind then when he responded “"Oh no, I think you're perfect for each other.” He could have been referring to him and Jude
… perhaps??? Idk bc even that sounds like a bit of a stretch to me… but less of a stretch than him actually thinking Locke and Jude are perfect for each other
I’m just very stumped on this phrase and I really want to know what your interpretation of the scene is (sorry that I’m incapable of getting to the point ever)
gvskdjsk okay i am LOVING the depth of thought here, and i think you're on the right track, but i'm going to connect two dots for you that might make sense of the situation:
1. just because Cardan thinks they're perfect for each other doesn't mean he wants them to be together. it just means he thinks they would pair nicely. and at this point, i truly think he believes this.
just before the above pictured quote, and after the quote where Cardan says she's cut herself, Jude takes her bloodied knife out of her pocket and says "I could cut you, too". then, in QON (ch. 18) Cardan says to Jude, "But that's what you do. You trick people". two things about Locke are that he is a little bit fucked in the head, and he tricks people.
Cardan doesn't know why Jude's blade is bloody. he doesn't know that she's just been attacked by Valerian, or that she lives every day in fear for her life. he just thinks she's loved by Madoc so she must be safe and well cared for. ergo, Jude pulling a dirty blade, smiling, and then threatening to cut Cardan would certainly seem like fucked in the head behaviour; and she has been known to lie and trick people. he hates both Locke and Jude, so they're perfect for each other.
2. Cardan smiles when he's nervous.
–Em 🖤🗡
more theories & analysis
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yanbub · 3 years ago
valerians . diluc
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we’re living in a time cycle called present. the present i live is loving you.
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tags. diluc x gn!reader, fluff, ooc diluc maybe, just fluffy overall dw
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note. i just brainrotted this and this was to be posted on my spam blog but i want clout 😇😇 so here i am logging in here just 2 post this. im rusty btw so dont expect much.
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people would compare the person they love to a rose or another flower. but if you were to ask what would be diluc’s favorite flower, diluc would say it would be valerians. a flower that symbolizes strength, it reminded him of you. his life wasn’t the best, he had his hardships too. and whenever that happened, you were always there— giving him strength.
it’s been a while since he started courting you, today marks 8 months of it.
he was nervous because you had asked him to meet you for a talk. this could either mean (1) you don’t want him to court you anymore or (2) you’re finally saying yes to him. diluc hopes it was the second idea.
the male was a bit surprised when he saw you holding something, it looked like a bouquet of sorts. walking closer to where you are, and then he saw it. a bouquet of valerians, right in your hands. he didn’t tell anyone that those were his favorite. so how did you know?
you called his name with a smile and god, diluc feels happy. the way you say his name makes his heart beat a bit faster and it makes him smile like an idiot.
“for you.” you said, handing him the small bouquet. “did you know? valerians meant strength. but they could also mean appreciation and readiness.” he didn’t know about the second meaning. and he didn’t know why you were giving him this.
“diluc,” is this it? “it’s been a while since you started courting me, no?” 8 months. he has been loving and waiting for you for 8 months. “well, i think it’s time to make things official.” did he hear that right?
“i want you to be my home.”
if diluc were to compare you to something, it wouldn’t be a rose. it wouldn’t be the moon either. it would be valerians. because he loves valerians.
and loving valerians would mean loving you.
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witch-hazels-musings · 4 years ago
Requests are still open? If so, how about zhongli or kaeya with a GN reader that has trouble falling asleep? (bonus points if they look drowsy during daytime)
^ with the time change I’m feeling really sleepy most of the day. I would love for Zhongli to make me a cup of tea ... like I bet it's a treat. 
Warning -> none :) 
How about some tea?
Includes: Zhongli, Kaeya 
Character X GN reader  |  Anthology
There is something about this man's level of knowledge and insight into the things around him that’s incredible - somehow he knows the strangest of things while nothing of the simplest of things 
Ask him the price of a common item, he has no idea, but ask him why the sun dances across the sky and he will tell you a tale long forgotten to the sands of time 
So it’s both surprising and not that he knows something is strange about you 
“Your demeanor looks strange.” He states with his hand against his chin and head slightly tilted. 
“Oh, uh. Yeah, I just had a hard time sleeping last night is all.” You wave him away and continue with your task. You had started early with it, since you couldn’t sleep, and were nearly done. 
“If you’d like, I could brew you some tea with valerian root. It has an interesting flavor, but will suffice.” He hasn’t really moved from his place throughout your whole conversation. He’s almost like a statue, one hand at his chin, the other resting against the small of his back. 
“Uh, maybe.” You grab the large bag of items and lift it into your arms. You let out a sigh at its weight and try to shift it until it rests more comfortably in your arms. “I’ll get back to you.” With a warm smile, you give him a quick nod and head off. 
You look back at him and he is still standing there, just as he was before. 
Zhongli is a person who will keep his promises no matter what, even if you aren’t sure you created a promise with him
He can be very persistent and often takes people at their word - so when you see him show up later that day with all the material needed for a nice cup of tea, you shouldn’t be shocked 
“Zhongli?” You stand with your hand on your door and the other in your hair. You had returned only shortly before he arrived and thought a nice shower would help refresh your mind. 
“I was able to acquire the root I mentioned earlier today.” He’s just standing there, totally deadpan and serious. It makes you laugh. 
“You didn’t need to go out of your way for that.” You say through laughter, the lightness of it lifting the atmosphere. 
“I do recall I said I would brew you tea.” 
“Yes, you did. Come in.” 
You watch as he enters your home, something he hasn’t done very often. The two of you always found each other on the streets or walking along the harbor. Your relationship had always been friendly, and you enjoyed spending time with him. Truthfully, you longed for the relationship to be more. It somehow felt so domestic to see him moving through your kitchen with ease as if he’d lived there for years. 
You sit at the counter and watch as he nimbly gets everything ready. The way he cuts the root into small pieces, the way he collects water in the teapot and sets it over the stove. The skillful way he organizes the loose leaves of the tea he’s brought which, you knew, would complement nicely with the valerian. 
You enjoyed watching him as he prepared the tea. The simple process turned into an elegant orchestra of movement and execution. Once the water was at the right temperature, he poured the liquid into the cup and you watched as it turned a playful yellow. 
Elegantly, he placed a saucer before you before resting the cup quietly in its place. You take in the fragrance and catch the hint of wood and sweet flowers. 
“Do enjoy.” He gestured before following the same process to pour his own. 
You bring the liquid to your lips and are surprised at how perfect the water temperature is. As the contents fill your mouth, you immediately sense the earthy taste. It’s overpowering, but only for a moment. Once the initial aroma passes there is a relief of sweetness and floral, which is quite refreshing. 
“This is …” you pull your gaze from your cup before continuing, “kinda awesome.” 
“And it is much better when spent in good company.” There is a warm smile on his face and you wonder if the liquid was making you warm or if it was him. 
“I appreciate you doing this. It was nice of you.” 
“My pleasure. I could sense you were in need of something.” 
“I’ve just had a hard time sleeping lately, well, really most of the time.” You take another sip of the warm liquid. 
“Mmm, perhaps there is something plaguing you?” 
“Ha, not really. I’ve just always had a hard time sleeping at night. My mind won’t turn off I guess.” The soothing smell of the tea is starting to make your head heavy. 
“If this aids you, then I am happy to teach you how to make it. Or do so myself if you wish.” 
“Thank you, Zhongli.” You look back at the teacup and take a few more drinks before placing it on the saucer. Outside, you hear the citizens walking by and the distant shouting of those on the docks. Most of the time, you didn’t pay any attention to the sounds of the city, but today they seemed to be a soothing noise. Something about the way it all mixed and settled in your ears just felt right. 
“It must be working.” You catch his eyes and turn your head. For some reason, his eyes seem more powerful than normal. 
“It must be. I’m going to go rest on the couch for a minute.” 
“Please do, I will clean up here.” 
You settle into the couch and observe Zhongli from your place there. He’s already emptied your cup and cleaned it in the sink. His hands perfectly worked just the way he wanted them to. It feels like there are weights on your eyelids and it becomes harder and harder to keep them open. 
The last thing you see is Zhongli standing in your kitchen drinking his cup of tea as he looks out the window. 
He doesn’t let anything get past him, so he would definitely know something was up with you
“You look a little tired there.” Kaeya appeared out of thin air. You had been so distracted that you hadn’t noticed anything for a while. The passing of the time or the citizens walking from place to place, none of them registered. So when Kaeya’s face was suddenly before you and you caught his half-smile, you didn’t pay it much attention. 
“Do I?” Your head was fuzzy like someone had turned on the radio but all the channels were missing. This sensation had gotten so commonplace that you often ignored it too. 
“Yeah. Are you okay?” He leaned down, his smile gone and replaced with a concerned expression. 
“I’m okay. Thanks.” You try to give him a reassuring smile and hope he doesn’t worry. 
He watches as you walk away. There is something off about your steps, but he isn’t quite sure. 
He’d likely do his own background investigation to figure out what is troubling you. He’s ready to tackle any problem no matter the size in order to bring back your more cheery disposition 
When he finds out that it’s because you have trouble sleeping he gets to work. He’s asking the alchemists to come up with a potion, he goes to the church to see if the healers can assist in any way, he might even try some non-conventional tactics to help you sleep 
After many days of rain, the sun had started to return to the city. There was a cool chill that ran across your arms and the back of your neck as you bent down to pour out the excess water from the plants. I should probably replace this with some dry dirt, you think to yourself as the water spreads across the cobblestone. 
When you finish, you watch as the other citizens pass by. A few wave and some just keep on about their day. A few drops of cold water fall on your face and make you jump as it runs down your cheek. 
“Hello, again.” A familiar voice calls out to you and when you look, you see Kaeya confidently making his way toward you. 
“Hello.” You return and wipe the raindrops off of your face. You’re reminded how tall his when he stops but a few inches in front of you and stares down at you.
“Heading out now that the rain has stopped?” His hand is on his hip and he’s wearing his dashing smile. 
“Yeah, I was thinking of returning some books to the Library. I’m sure Lisa isn’t pleased I haven’t returned them yet.” 
“I’ll accompany you.” 
“You sure?” You give him a quizzical look. He’s always so busy, it’s strange for him to have extra time to spare. 
“Of course.” 
“Okay, well let me grab the books.” He waits patiently outside until you return, books in hand.
He’s a man with a plan, and he’s going to enact that plan 
He may have a pleasant smile plastered to his face, but he always has something working in the background, shifting in the shadows 
Somehow he has convinced you to visit his office. You aren’t sure how he convinced you, the conversation you had with him didn’t seem to discuss anything about having a cup of tea, and especially not in his office. 
“Thanks for the drink, it smells delicious.” You let the warm vapors run across your face and breath in the sweet smell. 
“Please take your time.” He sits in the chair next to you, his leg resting on his knee and his back against the plush cushion. 
You sit for a while and listen to the sounds of the room. The way the wind slides over the glass window, the sounds of footsteps walking through the hallways, voices of the knights growing and fading as they accomplish their tasks. The atmosphere starts to make you drowsy and you close your eyes for a minute, the warm cup resting on your legs. 
“You seem relaxed now.” You hear his voice and open your eyes again. 
“Yeah, there is something comforting about this place. I’m not sure why.” 
“Probably because I’m here.” You chuckle at his comment and take another sip of tea. When there are only a few drinks left you placed the cup back onto the saucer before preparing yourself to leave. 
“Well, thanks again.” You start to get up but he stops you. He’s grabbing your shoulder and ushering you down onto the couch. 
“You should rest.” 
“Huh, I don’t need to?” You try to sit back up, but he continues to push you down. 
“Yes, you do. I can tell how tired you are. When was the last time you slept.” 
“Kaeya, you’re being silly.” 
“When was the last time?” He asks again, sitting on the coffee table and crossing his arms. 
“... I don’t know … I tried to get some sleep last night but It didn’t really work.” You feel the soft cushion of the couch under you. It smells like Kaeya and it's pulling you in. 
“I have some more things to do, but you are welcome to rest here.” 
“I have a house…” 
“Yes, but you already said this place was comforting.” He smirks at you, again somehow convincing you his way is the best way. 
“I won’t fall asleep.” You retort, rubbing your eyes. 
“Just give it a try.” He stands up and you follow him with your gaze. You watch as he grabs a blanket and starts to unravel it over you. It’s thick and extremely soft. “Now, close your eyes.” 
“I’m telling you …” 
“Mmhm, just be good and do it.” 
Your eyes track him as he makes his way to his desk. The sun is hitting his back and the color of blue reflects against the wall. You blink a few times. The blanket is so warm and the pillow is just right. You close your eyes for just a few seconds, I definitely won’t fall asleep, you think to yourself before you slip into a world of pleasant dreams.
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years ago
Rosette for the Oc ask game
Thank you so much!! And I’m really sorry for making you wait!
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
Honestly, this is a difficult question because I never thought about flowers and have no idea what they symbolize XD
Anyway, I looked for their meanings online and since you didn’t specify the character, I’m gonna take all the main characters from Was Born To Lead plus Leticia (no Fausto or Verónica, because neither of them has a well-thought personality yet).
Honestly, Valerio is the easiest and the hardest at the same time because I have a lot to say about him, therefore, it's hard to choose just one flower that would embody him in all his depth ×) yet who said I'm supposed to choose just one >:)
Angelica - this flower symbolizes inspiration in the first place. Valerio is encouraging, he always sees one's strenghts and helps them to direct them into the right way. Being helpful to others is the meaning of his life, so I think this flower is a good choice for him.
Marigold - honestly, I hesitated to choose this flower, because it has an important meaning for the existing holiday and associating my character with it is kinda weird. Anyway, it symbolizes many things that I associate with Valerio like grief, restoration/renewal, positivity. Despite being a symbol of death, it carries a bright meaning, and Valerio, despite going through so many horrible things in his life, stayed a warm and kind person, so I think it really fits him well.
Lotus - it symbolized rebirth, enlightenment, self-realization, and new beginnings. I know it might not seem fitting for him for now, but the main point of Valerio's story is to find his true purpose in life. He never did what he wanted when he was a child/teen, he went through trauma that made him run from his problems instead of dealing with them, which definitely doesn't allow him to live the way he would like. But one day, he'll be happy. Truly happy (also daffodils symbolize something similar and I want to include it, too, maybe even instead of lotus, because lotus has several different meanings)
And also amaranth because it symbolizes undying love 💔
Ángel - sunflower.
Honestly, I thought of this flower for Ángel even before I started looking for the meanings XD Sunflower is a symbol of happiness, optimism, and devotion, and I think all of this describes Ángel quite well.
Frida - lavender.
Lavender is a symbol of calmness, serenity, silence, and devotion. It also represents elegance, and Frida is quite feminine, so I think it fits her.
Matías - valerian.
Oh yeah, that rare flower that doesn't symbolize love and purity ×)
Matías was extremely hard because most of flowers that represent strength (which definitely applies to him) also imply courage, endurance, strong will, and other stuff like this. Well, yeah, it does fit him but these are not the main aspects of his personality. He's rather grounded, practical, and rational than ambitious and success-driven.
So, I chose valerian because in the first place it symbolizes strength, awareness, health, and integrity that I think fits him the best, knowing how, to be fair, "normal" he is.
Emilio - begonia.
First of all, it symbolizes caution, and I think it fits Emilio, knowing how incredulous he is. But it also a symbol of individuality (which allow me to interpret both as loneliness and creativity), gratitude, and peace. Yeah, the last two ones don’t really fit but just wait for the conclusion of Emilio’s story~
Leticia - lupine.
I know she appeared just once and it was in a flashback but I adore her and can’t help but include her.
Lupine symbolizes imagination, happiness, admiration, new opportunities, and a hunger for life, and I end here so I don’t spoil you too much yet give you a clearer picture of her :3
Thank you again! That was difficult but also super interesting to answer this question!
OC Ask Game
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meganmackieauthor · 1 year ago
I Can't Get the Vampire Rogue to Romance Me - Ch 10
Evangeline forced herself to smile. This part wasn’t in the game, though it was on point for Valerian. He needed allies and seducing them was his go-to method of acquiring them. Evangeline had always focused on the fact that the ally he tried to seduce first was her … because the player character was always the most powerful in the whole group. Not in terms of within the rules of the game, of course, but because, naturally, the player character did make all the decisions for the group. They were the player after all. 
But he couldn’t know that, and she wasn’t sure that was true now in the very real-seeming context. 
As if the world around them was emphasizing the point, a beam of sunlight shot down from through the canopy above, hitting him in all his chiseled glory. Like a houseplant, the light froze Valerian in place, at first like he feared it would destroy him, which made sense, he was a vampire childer after all. 
But when he didn’t collapse into a pile burning ash, his muscles uncoiled as his face lifted towards it. Though the light had to be blinding him, he drank it in, closing his eyes as his pale skin bathed in it. It was actually beautiful to behold, the way he submitted himself to the light with such child-like wonder. As she watched him, her eyes were drawn to the black amulet hanging from his neck, along with the collars they all were forced to wear. It was starkly clear against the muscles of his chest, a black sun framed by a silver crescent moon. At the heart of the sun was a black-red gem, cut smooth so that it blended into the metal of the amulet. 
Meta Knowledge: Activated. 
The Amulet of the Midnight Sun. A legendary item. If the wearer is a vampire, it bestows immunity to the sun, the ability to cross thresholds, the ability to cross running water, the immunity to silver-coated items. Also, it bestows the inability to regenerate health as well as -1 to all abilities, except Constitution which receives two less. 
There were a few other caveats to the amulet, but Evangeline didn’t have to focus on that information as it simply flooded into her brain. Glancing over at her personal table, still floating beside her where she first saw it, she noted that one of the Special: Meta Knowledge tics was gone.
“Dammit,” she muttered, then realized she wasn’t alone. 
Valerian regarded her patiently. “Everything alright?” he asked. 
That made her consider. Did he see a table like hers too? And did she dare to trust him enough to ask him some questions, or would he think her crazy? Was this something only she could see since was technically the “player” character?
When she bit her lower lip debating, he squatted down beside her, putting his grinning face even closer, the amulet around his neck swinging back and forth. “I’d like to be of help if I can.”
“You know the … table thing … the one with all our stats on it?”
He nodded. “Indeed. What about it?”
A huge wash of relief cascaded down her. “Oh, thank god, you have one too.”
Now he cocked an eyebrow at her. “Naturally. Everyone does. What are you getting at?”
“Well, I keep doing something that I don’t want to do, and I can’t figure out how to stop it,” she said, turning to point at her table. “My special skill ability, it keeps firing, and I only have so many tics before it’s gone for the day. I think…” Then she realized something, her eyebrows shooting up. “Oh, maybe that’s related to my memory issues last night. I kept feeling like there was something I couldn’t remember and now, this morning, I do. So I think it has something to do with my Special Ability when it’s out of tics. Do you see what I’m saying?”
“Uh, no. I don’t,” Valerian said, which threw cold water on her enthusiasm. 
“Oh… what? Sorry,” she said, embarrassment burning her cheeks. Why was she always so bad at talking to other people?
Valerian’s eyebrow lift shifted to the other side of his face as he struggled to understand. “Apologies, I was only teasing your choice of words. I do see what you’re saying. So you’re greener than I think you wanted me to realize, aren’t you? You haven’t had your Special Ability very long?”
“Uh, no. I mean, yes, you could say that.” Evangeline forced herself to take a deep breath to try to calm down. “Just … do you have any ideas?”
“Yes, I do. You need to turn your Special Ability from passive to active. That way it only fires when you want it to. Out of curiosity, what is your special skill?” Valerian asked so smoothly that Evangeline almost outright told him. 
“I… uh… well what is yours?” she countered not nearly as smoothly. 
His smile grew toothy, revealing his slightly extra-long canines. He gave a little sigh. “First, what color is the text of your Special Ability?”
She glanced at it. “White.”
“Okay, good. Yes, it’s in passive mode. Press your finger to it until it turns blue.”
“Oh. Right,” she said, swallowing back the stupid question of “Oh, I can touch it?” Instead, she followed his instructions, and sure enough, the text double-blinked and then shifted to blue. She nodded with optimistic satisfaction. “Okay, that worked!”
“Good. Now you want to set a code word for yourself so you can activate it when you need to.”
“Uh, okay… How… how do I do that?”
Now he sighed in exasperation. “Just pick one and remember that’s what you mean when you say it.”
“Ah, ok. Of course, right,” she said, deciding she had asked enough newbie questions for the moment. “Thank you for the help.” 
He nodded and stood up, towering his lithe, but strong form over her. That prey feeling washed over her again, even more strongly than anything he ever did on the screen in her living room. Real life was definitely more… just more. 
“Like I said last night. You should think about another career choice. I clearly am the superior rogue here. You’re going to be redundant. At least you are newbie enough that you can change jobs and it won’t even set you back that much.”
Then he sauntered away. 
“What an ass.”
To be continued...
To read the latest chapter join my newsletter at meganmackieauthor.com
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luverofralts · 3 years ago
Arkhelios University
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“Jorah? Honey, are you okay?”
Jorah sighed heavily and wrapped his arms around his knees even tighter than they were before. If only he could stay like this forever and grieve in the time he needed. There was a downside to being the future leader of the Durants. Well, actually there seemed to be more downsides than anything else lately. All he did was work and sacrifice and lose, and for what? A house that needed repairs and wasn’t anywhere near as glamorous as the Helios or Bellamy house? To make his older sister feel better that she’d abandoned her family responsibilities to go live in a castle in a tropical paradise? He needed a win in any aspect of his life so badly, surely even his father or grandmother could see it. If they did though, they certainly didn’t have any solutions to offer him.
“Jorah? We can cancel for today if you need to. Ulyssa will understand if you talk to her.”
Jorah sighed again, and reluctantly moved to stand. His devoted husband Valerian was watching him worriedly. The last thing he wanted to do was make Valerian worry.
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“No, I’m fine,” Jorah lied, reaching for his husband’s hand. “Ulyssa has been waiting for this day for a long time. It’s my duty to keep this show going. Grandma will have my head if I don’t. Emilia keeps telling her ‘the show must go on’ when talking about her own kids and now Grandma has ‘expectations’.”
“She doesn’t expect you to make yourself suffer,” Valerian insisted, holding Jorah’s hands firmly. “Think about it, okay? We can always send Ulyssa home.”
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Unfortunately for Jorah, Ulyssa had learned to be punctual with all of her training to join Maura’s family. She and her wife arrived precisely at eleven.
It felt weird to have to bow to his older sister, but Jorah did it anyway. No use ruffling any feathers when a foreign princess was also in the room.
“Your Highness,” Jorah said, bowing to his sister in law. “Ulyssa.”
“Come here, you idiot,” Ulyssa beamed, wrapping her arms around her little brother in a very informal manner. “I missed you. I’m sorry my honeymoon was so long, and then things with Theo dragging it out even longer. How are you?”
“Great,” Jorah lied. He gave her a weak smile. “You know me, reliable dull Jorah.”
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Ulyssa turned her attention from her brother to the little girl that was rushing towards her. Rose had been feeling under the weather, so her grandmother kept her home from school for the day. She immediately perked up seeing Ulyssa stop by.
Emilia promised that she was going to move back home with her grandkids any day now, but the Durants didn’t believe her. She had been going to move for months now, and nothing had come of it. Cain and Rose were permanent fixtures in the Durant household, and Emilia and Yvette spent everyday living their best senior lives together. At this point, not even Pia expected her mother to return to the Rivales home.
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“Okay, so it’s going to be simple,” Jorah began, sitting next to his sister on the couch. He could see how nervous she was. Her hands were noticeably shaking, which wasn’t like her at all. “They’re going to come in as a group, usually lead by Roman, but it could be Abe if his work schedule allows. It absolutely won’t be Lucy.”
“Good. That helps,” Ulyssa said, breathing a small sigh of relief. “I don’t know if I can handle her hostility on top of everything else.”
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“It’s okay to be nervous,” Jorah reassured his sister. “Noelle is a good kid and very friendly. You don’t have to introduce yourself as her mother. Just say hi, and she’ll probably be thrilled to talk to a new person.”
Ulyssa nodded, mentally taking notes. She was going to meet her daughter for the first time while knowing that she was her mother. Noelle, Roman’s twins and Juliet Fontana all still stopped by to be babysat and socialized. It was a group that Jorah found gratifying to look after, even if there wasn’t an official Durant child around to join them. Theo, Keiki, Lauren, Cain and Rose often joined the group after school, but in the afternoon, it was only the toddlers.
It was the perfect setup to introduce Ulyssa to her daughter. There were other kids around to not make Noelle nervous about strangers, and it would give Ulyssa a reasonable excuse to hang around the toddlers if she did want to spend more time with her daughter.
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“Are you ready for this?” Maura asked worriedly. “We can always leave and do this another time. You don’t have to meet her at all if you don’t want to.”
The two of them had decided to strategize in Ulyssa’s room before Roman arrived. Jorah had seemed more stressed than usual, and it was making Ulyssa even tenser.
“No, I have to at least meet her,” Ulyssa replied. “I’ll regret it if I don’t. I just don’t know how to judge how involved I want to be in her life. Am I a bad person if I don’t try to get visitation rights? Could I live with myself if she grows up and wonders where I’ve been all of her life? What about our future kids? Do they need to know about their half-sister in another country? What if the press finds out?”
“Breathe, just breathe,” Maura instructed, keeping her voice calm. “You’re panicking. You’ve never met this child, it’s a bit soon to be worrying about how our kids will one day feel about her. Take it one step at a time.”
“What do you think?” Ulyssa asked. “What would you do? What’s the right thing?” She took a deep breath as instructed, but it didn’t make any difference.
“My family’s not really the model family you’re aiming for,” Maura replied with a soft smile. “What I would do as the heir to a throne with an illegitimate daughter doesn’t really apply here.” She gestured to the formal portrait of her mother that adorned Ulyssa’s wall. “My grandmother was named after her own grandmother out of hatred and spite, then she turned around and gave my mother the same name for the same reason. There’s a history of fatal ‘accidents’ that occur rather frequently to people in line to the throne and I’m pretty sure my parents got married just to spite the queen, so whatever you decide, you’ll easily be a better person than most of my family.”
“Can you imagine if you had an illegitimate kid like your cousin?” Ulyssa laughed, significantly less stressed to think of the craziness in Maura’s family. “The amount of hand wringing in all of Pleasantview over a mother or fatherless heir is insane. Who cares? She’s the child of the queen, it doesn’t matter who her other parent is.”
“Hmm. Well, the laws of Pleasantview are quite different than ours. Some of their strongest monarchs have been bastard children who seize the throne through violence. I think I’d like to avoid that fate if at all possible. Leave Claudia’s problems with Pleasantview. I doubt Noelle will be staging a coup against us anytime in the future.”
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“You say the most reassuring things,” Ulyssa teased. “However, you clearly haven’t spent enough time with Lucy. Lucy has already firmly conquered the Rivales family, give her another decade and she might unleash Noelle on Twikkii Island.”
“Well, I guess we should stay on Noelle’s good side,” Maura replied, holding out her hand for her wife to hold. “For the good of the country that is. If her mother decides she doesn’t want to be a part of her life, Noelle will always have two benevolent and sympathetic women in Twikkii Island who wish her the best in all her endeavors. They might even grant her a scholarship to school if Lucy decides to ask. Just for the good of the country though. No official connections have to be made.”
Ulyssa smiled gratefully at her wife. She wasn’t sure how she would have gotten this far without her. Whatever happened when Noelle arrived, they would face it together.
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themovieblogonline · 5 months ago
Falling Stars: A Dark, Intriguing Look at Witches and Survival
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Falling Stars is a film about witches written, directed, and edited by Richard Karpala (co-directed by Gabriel Bienczycki). It releases on October 11th. The film begins with these words onscreen: “Every year by the full moon of late October witches from high use the night as cover to descend onto earth’s harvest.  Skygazers say they resemble falling stars.  In hungry years, the stars fall early.” The plot is a story about three brothers who make an ill-advised journey to see the body of a dead witch. Witch World and Mythology This Fantastic Fest 2023 entry establishes an entire witch world. There are rules for preventing witches from putting a curse on the humans they prey upon during harvest season. An entire mythology exists built up around the falling witches. There are even warnings on radio and television telling the locals to stay indoors. This is interesting as the danger is said to be the wind. There are directions and recipes for performing protective spells. The spell requires apples, rue, sage and something called valerian.  I now have a rudimentary idea of what the boys were thinking.  The spell doesn’t really work, especially if you desecrate the witches' sacred circle in any way…for instance, by spilling beer on a witch’s corpse. There is a protective option involving sacrificing a child, but nobody seems keen on that choice ---(which could make for good conflict in a sequel to “Falling Stars II.”) Once we become aware that the title of this 80-minute film could more accurately be “Falling Witches,” the script moves quickly to inform the audience of the various idiosyncrasies of witch world. For instance, although you’re not supposed to be able to kill a witch, one of the group, Rob (Greg Poppa) has already proven that wisdom wrong. He shot and killed a witch and then buried her. The corpse is appropriately gnarly. (Kudos to Noodle Mikael Gustaffson who was responsible for the creepy creature effects.) THE PLOT The three brothers of the story, Mike (Shaun Duke Jr.), Sal (Andrew Gabriel) and the youngest, Adam (Rene Leech) want to see the dead witch.   Mike decides, without much consideration,  that the three brothers should go pick up Rob. Rob lives in a nearby trailer with his wife and 2-year-old daughter Katelyn. They visit the grave of the deceased witch. Bad idea. The male trio’s curiosity certainly was not good news for the family of Rob and Meg (Orianne Milne and baby Katelyn Felicia Milne.)(*Spoiler alert) Because the brothers decide to make a joy ride to the witch’s grave, the family unit is wiped out.  Things Get Dangerous The brothers are driving a pick-up truck without enough seating, so some must ride in the back. One passenger disappears from the bed of the truck without so much as a struggle or a scream. We assume that a fallen witch carried him off. The fraternal trio do an excellent job of acting, but they don’t seem particularly close as brothers, nor do they look alike. The youngest of the trio (Adam) comes off a lot more intense and emotional than the other two. We can attribute that to his unique personality or to the fact that he’s the baby of the family. The Rest Of The World Radio station KNWK gives the locals, via Barry Foyle, Radio Host, directives to stay indoors. The warnings mainly mention wind. There is no acknowledgement that the populace is really being told to watch out for falling witches. The system is well-established, so these Witch World Warnings must have been going on for years. The locals understand the situation.  Think of it a bit like the “red/yellow/orange” terrorist threat warnings from the “W’ years. Certainly a good way to get the residents concerned, then and now. The televised  warnings are a bit like those in  “The Purge,” alerting people to a long-established tradition. THE GOOD Cinematically, there are a lot of overhead shots. Even the very first shot of a girl walking her dogs is shot from above. (That girl is also the head make-up person). The overhead shots worked really well, as did the acting, the witch corpse, and the creepy, tense mood in this indie film set in Joshua Tree, California. The music (Patrik Herman) was good. Coupled with the excellent acting, this horror outing was a welcome departure from most recent indie horror films, although the ending was a bit abrupt. The cast is rounded out by a hitchhiker Ouami (Piotr Adamczyk), who just came off as weird, There is also the radio host Barry (J. Aaron Boykin), and his assistant Elana (Samantha Turret) who are under-utilized but good in their roles. CONCLUSION I hope this team gets the opportunity to fill in some of the blanks in witch world in another outing because “Falling Stars” is a horror movie that showed real promise. It was filmed on location in Joshua Tree, California and made its North American Premiere at Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas at the Alamo Draft House (South Lamar). Read the full article
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redinkrain · 4 years ago
Beautiful madness.
Waverly left the Vera-Vaughn-Greenwood manor moments later, promising Abby to reach out as soon as her daughter was in safety and that she gathered some more information on the artifact Abigael was looking for.
It let an odd feeling in the Demon Overlord mind, like a blur she couldn’t quite figured out. After a lifetime of loneliness, hatred and resentment, here she was, making plan with her long lost sister to burglarize the only antique allowing her to restore Macy’s fire power. A step closer to her long journey to redemption.
Will she even get there someday?
Lost in her own torturous thoughts, the British Lady didn’t hear the witch that changed her whole perspective, talking to her.
“Abby?” Mel repeated, a concerned frown marking her face.
No answer. So the witch held out her hand and took one of Abigael’s in her own trying again “Abby, are you okay?”
It worked. The Demon Overlord seemed to get out of her hypnotic state, looking at their joined hands. Eyes fascinated; like it was the most precious thing in the world. Suddenly something must have clicked in her because in a movement of panic she brutally let go of Mel’s hand and took two steps back.
“Have this unannounced pregnancy made you lost your mind as well as your memory? What about theallergy, Mel?” Abby asked in an irritated tone but the concern was crystal clear for the Vera sister.
Mel voice was soft when she simply replied “Shush it, demon spawn!”.She then closed the distance between them and took both of Abigael’s hands in hers. “See? Baby and I are good! Don’t worry.” Her smile grew some more at Abby’s awe.
“But- How?” it was so quiet that Mel almost missed it.
“I’m not really sure, but it must be the baby.”
Abigael said nothing. Eyes glued to their hands as their fingers intertwined. They stayed silent for some times. Abby didn’t dare to move an inch, a bit scared that the moment might end. For her part, Mel attentively observed The Demon Overlord’s expression the entire time. She would be lying if she said that nothing in her was liking the way Abby was looking so adoringly at their joined hands. But then, their eyes locked and Abigael had that same look on her face than the one she had when Mel asked her if she was doing this just to make amends with Macy. They were telling more than what Abby was actually able or willing to say. In that instant, everything around them ceased to exist. They were so close that Mel’s round belly touched the half-demon half-witch front. Abby wouldn’t do anything unless she was certain of Mel’s consent and for now she wouldn’t ask…
Minutes passed by and still, they were looking at each, like it was the first time they actually saw one another. Without fuss. Without judgment. Mel’s heartbeat went crazy, she couldn’t clearly figured out what it was that made her breathless, but she let herself be lost in those hazel eyes that she learned to appreciate more than she should have.
Stuck, neither of the two women knew how to act around each other in this private moment, so Abby decided to crack a snarky remark to ease whatever was going on.
“Careful there Potion Princess, one might think that you want to steal a kiss from The Demon Overlord!” Abigael said on that tone that drove Mel mad. So she rolled her eyes in exasperation, but kept her hands firmly in the British Lady ones. Then a smirk appeared on her lips when she just retorted to that flirty comment with a sultry tone.
“What if it’s exactly what I want to do?”
She then started to caress Abby’s knuckles softly while The Demon Overlord lost her voice once again. She just kept those eyes on Mel’s, more piercing than ever. And Mel finally get what Abigael meant by “I care deeply about her” when the truth serum kicked in at her trial… Just like that, her heart stopped beating at the realization. Abigael didn’t care about her in a weird frenemy way. No. It was deeper. She cared about her in a romantic way. Everything kind of fell in place. “Our child”resonated in her head. How could she missed it? The change in the woman behavior before her, how she just stopped having one night stands and orgy with Susans. Yes, plural. How didn’t she saw it sooner? How her relationship with Abigael Jameson-Caine had grown and how close they had become.
After all, a few hours back, she confessed to the woman how scared of failing her baby she was. And in all of her softness Abigael find the right words to wipe away her doubts. She didn’t laugh, didn’t used this knowledge to make a sarcastic comment. She just comforted her.
And now Mel’s mind went crazy. Loaded with questions she didn’t wanted to acknowledge till now. What did she felt for the half-witch half-demon herself?
She cared about her, a lot. A lot more than she thought she actually did. But Ruby. Mel loved Ruby. They had been through so much and still, they were together. Stronger than ever. That was what the witch was thinking. What she was feeling. And yet, she couldn’t stopped herself to wonder who was the baby’s other mother?
Abigael kept her lips sealed at first, but after some times she titled her head slightly to the side a bit worried about Mel’s own thoughts.
“Are you alright Angry Spice?” gently tightening the hands in hers.
Mel took one last look in The Demon Overlord’s eyes and give her a small smile before letting go of her grip on Abigael, who already missed the contact she craved.
“Yeah. I’m a bit tired I guess with, you know, the baby, the demon, meeting your sister.” It wasn’t a lie, she was kind of exhausted of the day, but it wasn’t the entire truth.
“If I had known about your impromptu pregnancy Mel, I would not have come bothering you asking for your assistance when danger was involved. I swear.” The hybrid stated embarrassed.
“I know Abby. As you said at the door earlier, my sisters and I are usually the ones running to you for help. I’m glad you came and trusted me enough to introduce me to your sister and let me help you.” The Latina responded. “And, for what it worth, I’m proud of you Abby.”
“It worth more than you know.” Abigael smiled with her eyes. “I should go and let you rest then. You are, after all, bearing a tiny human in that belly of yours. Thank you again, for you help. I’ll see you Potion Princess”.
The Demon Overlord started phase-shifting when Mel gently wrapped her fingers around Abigael’s left wrist. She blocked her power and waited patiently for Mel to pursue what she had on her mind.
“Thank you for the crib and for those things you said about me having what it takes to be a good mom.” Mel really appreciated this reassurance the hybrid provided her.
“Well, you have nothing to thank me for. It’s all you Melanie.” She winked at the Vera witch and disappeared in a dark smoke.
Mel stayed in the middle of the room, closed her eyes, and let out a breath she didn’t remember holding back.
That night, Mel hadn’t slept a minute. Sure, when her sisters came home and told her all about The Whispering Evil, her freak out level went high. But if she was being honest with herself (which she usually is) her mind was preoccupied by all the questions she had about a certain brunette. “Ugh! Damn you Abigael Jameson-Caine!” she muffled in her pillow. She decided to go to the kitchen and for a drink, maybe that Valerian tea Waverly highly recommended her.
Then cup in hands, the witch sat on the couch in the living room. The one Abby slept on, when her demonic form tried to get rid of her. Sighing for thinking yet again of The Demon Overlord, the Vera witch took her phone and looked at the time. 3:00 AM. “How fitting!” she exhaled. She quickly taped a text to her girlfriend. Thirty minutes later, Ruby still hadn’t responded. “I guess some have less troubles to find sleep than others” Mel spoke a bit bored. Before she could changed her mind and against her better judgment, the witch decided to text Abigael.
3:33 AM – Potion Princess : Are you awake?
A minute later, dots appeared on Mel’s screen indicating that the hybrid was typing.
3:34 AM – Demon Spawn : No. I am actually asleep.
Mel rolled her eyes and cracked a smile at this response.
3:35 AM – Potion Princess : So… How are you able to answer my text if you’re asleep?
3:35 AM – Demon Spawn : My subconscious is especially productive at this time of night.
3:35 AM – Demon Spawn : I had some business to attend actually. Why are you awake?
3:36 AM – Potion Princess : Business? In the middle of the night? I can’t sleep.
3:36 AM – Demon Spawn : The perks of being The Demon Overlord if I may say. Is everything alright? Is our baby keeping you up that late?
The witch scrutinized her screen for a good minute, particularly those two words “our baby”. Again, Mel’s heart just stopped beating in her chest and she felt her cheeks burning. She debated with herself on how to answer properly.
3:38 AM – Potion Princess : Well, you’re the one that claimed the title… So, suck it up and deal with it! ;). Our baby uh? How did you come by this conclusion? But no, it’s not the baby that keeps me from sleeping. I just got a lot on my mind I guess.
Abby’s text was nothing but fast.
3:38 AM – Demon Spawn : You’re so sarcastic at this hour of the night. It’s quite delightful. Is there something you want to talk about? Maybe I can be of some sorts of assistance?
Mel didn’t missed how Abigael just eluded a part of her text.
3:40 AM – Potion Princess : You should go to bed. It’s late and your day was longer than mine apparently...
3:40 AM – Demon Spawn : Nonsense.
And just like that, Abigael appeared in the middle of the Vera-Vaughn-Greenwood living room, wearing a black trousers and a garnet satin shirt with a cleavage that left not much to imagination. Her hair were impeccable (as usual), and she wear those discrete gold hearings. She was still wearing her make-up. Mel glanced at her guest a little too long to go unnoticed by Abigael who just smirked at her when sitting next to the witch.
“So Velma Dinkley, what in that little head of yours prevents you to fall asleep?��� Abby asked softly.
Melanie Vera rarely panicked at the thought of talking about feelings. Not with her sisters. Not with Harry. Not with Ruby. Ruby her girlfriend if she hadn’t mentioned it. But now, in front of one Abigael Jameson-Caine, she would gladly take off in a heartbeat. Also, she knew that if she wasn’t having this conversation, she’ll be self-deprived of sleep for the rest of her life. So, here she was…
“You, actually.” She confessed when meeting the half-demon half-witch eyes.
Abigael’s smirk was so infuriating, Mel already knew what was coming for her next.
“Having naughty thoughts about us?” Abby couldn’t bring herself to not take the bait on this one which just made her host rolled her eyes even more exasperatedly.
“Abby! Can you stop please. I’m trying to have a serious conversation here.” the Latina said. Because having this particular talk at almost 4 in the morning was the responsible thing to do. Good job, Mel.
The British Lady took one look into the Vera sister eyes to know that this conversation was important to her. So, she clenched her jaw, and silently promised herself to do her best.
“I apologize. What about me, Potion Princess?” She asked curiously facing the Charmed One.
“We never spoke about what you said during the trial…” Damn it! She completely sucked at starting this topic.
“Oh, you mean when Perky Peanut gave me truth serum against my will and so forced me to answer truthfully at questions I would have rather lied about?” A hint of resentment was obvious in her tone.
Mel put a hand on Abigael’s forearm to soothe her. It seemed to work, because the hybrid closed her eyes for a second before pursuing.
“I imagine you want to have a conversation about what I said about you, isn’t it?” She didn’t dare to look at Mel.
“Yes.” the witch whispered. “Did you meant what you said?”
Abby laughed at that. It wasn’t a full laugh, but still, the Latina hadn’t heard her guest laughed a lot.
“Mel, you do know how truth serum works, right?” The British Lady furrowed her brow in question.
“Yeah I do, but you know what I meant.” Melanie replied as if the question was crystal clear.
“So, what you truly asked was if I still mean it right now?” Really, she guessed her best.
The witch only nodded in approval.
“Well, in all honesty, it is a question that is hard to answer to.” The Demon Overlord observed Mel’s reaction.
“How come?” Mel simply asked, when she could heard the frantic beating of her heart in her chest.
Abigael gave her a small smile, one that would be imperceptible for a stranger.
“I do not know any words that would reflect what you mean to me, Melanie.” Again, the witch heart skipped a beat at the use of her first name. “I do not know when neither do I know how you became such an important part of my life but every chance I get to spend time with you I learn to know why.” She paused to gather her thoughts. “So yes, Melanie Vera, I care deeply about you. More than I ever cared about anyone to this day. Really, I just want you to be healthy, to be happy.” Mel sat still, incapable of breathing, too struck by Abby’s confession, by the vulnerability that she was showing to her. Speechless. “And, don’t be mistaken, I expect nothing from you. I would not dream of it. I know my place and how unworthy I am to ever be a part of your happiness. I woul-”.
The half-demon half-witch was cut off by a pair of lips on her own. Surprised, she closed her eyes and kissed Mel back. It was gentle, like caressing velour for the first time. They were both afraid that the moment was in fact a dream. Then the witch place a final peck on Abby’s lips before retreating.
“Sorry, I didn’t asked for you consent.” Mel whispered.
“For this? You always have it.” Abby replied softly. “Will my answer be of any help?”
“I’m sure it will. Thank you for being honest.” The Vera sister replied, even though she wanted to say more.
“Alright, I leave you to it then. Have a good night, Melanie.” The British Lady focused on Mel’s eyes.
“Goodnight, Abigael. And again, thank you.” The which said just before a cloud of dark smoke made her guest disappeared.
Mel didn’t slept better after that. Her lips haunted by Abby’s and the taste of her tongue against hers.
It’s 8 AM sharp when she got a text from Ruby. And then, a storm was raging within the witch heart.
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