#i don’t think I’m strong enough to actually make them twins but yk maybe there’s an au for them out there lol
cashweasel · 10 months
What if Valen and Ms Valen were twins? The world would never be able to function. The chaos they'd cause, but also all of us would do whatever they said because... them! (Just a random thought from the day)
Goddd one valen is already a Force,, two of them would be a nightmare 😂 (although they Can and will be very fun sometimes loll),, they’re enablers to each other and headaches to everyone else kskdjjffk and yeah it’s double the hotness but good luck if they both like you you’re in danger💀
I held onto this ask for a while and then decided yknow what? I should draw about it so I did (ft gideon, their bf, bff and favorite victim kakdjfjfj rip💀💀)
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vivisandg · 2 years
“Oh, sorry!”
I had this idea at four in the morning, and it’s 4:15…so, yk how it goes. I’m thinking this could be a series.
Summary: you quite literally run into an infamous Weasley while on the train to Hogwarts.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem! Reader
Requested: no
Warnings: prob some cringe worthy moments and fluff, Im also American so Ill rephrase stuff, but otherwise, no.
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    Excited, nervous, anxious, happy...all words for what I was feeling about this school year. On my eleventh birthday I was sent an owl, no joke. An owl flew up to my kitchen window with an envelope in its mouth while Mom and I were making cookies. The envelope happened to be a letter from Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, a school of magic. Mom and I were shocked, so we followed the letter’s directions and the next thing I knew this guy named Rubeus Hagrid was leading Mom and I to a place called Diagon Alley. There were so many magical shops including Ollivander’s which held my very own wand that I will have for the rest of my life. 14 inches of beautiful, silvery-white, aspen wood with a unicorn hair for a core. It’s already my closest friend aside from the white Eurasian Eagle owl I bought from the Magical Menagerie. I named him Pogonip, or Pogo for short. ��After I got everything, Mom and I went home to get ready for King's Cross the next day.
I start walking to platform 9 with Mom and see a ginger lady sending off her kids by telling them to run through the wall between 9 and 10. I don't know what to think so I say one final goodbye to my mother and off I run through the wall. I appear in a crowded area where kids are getting on a train called the Hogwarts Express. This is it, I think, I'm going to Hogwarts. 
I board the train with Pogo and find a compartment to sit in. I decide to go to the bathroom once the train's pulled out and on my way back I run into a blur of red hair. "Oh, sorry!" a voice says to me, the weight had actually knocked my light ass onto the ground. "Are you alright?" the voice asks me. I respond with a muttered “yes” as the surprisingly strong arms help me up to my feet. When I regain my vision completely I see a very handsome boy about my age, by the looks of it, scanning my face for bruises or whatever might appear on my complexion. “I’m Fred,” says the freckled ginger, “Y/N,” I respond.
Fred offers to walk me to his compartment where I am greeted with another ginger that is obviously his identical twin. Which one was older or more sane, I couldn’t tell…yet. “Y/N met George, George, Y/N,” Fred says as he opens the sliding glass door for me. I meet George’s gaze and realize that George has stony, cold, blueish-grey eyes, while Fred has warm, chocolate-brown ones. I learned quickly not to let his eyes deceive me; George seemed more devious and silly than Fred which was saying a lot. Fred appeared almost shy next the younger twin. “So, Y/N,” George begins, “did the letter come as a shock to you?” Fred elbows George lightly, but hard enough to make George let out a slight grunt. I didn’t know of this was supposed to be rude or anything, so I took the safest route possible and answered with a “yes”.
*later at Hogwarts for the sorting. We’ll make Y/N a Gryffindor just fro the sake of the story line…and in case I make this a series😏. She’s gotten to know the twins very well by this point*
I walk with the twins and all the other first years to Gryffindor common room. My new home, I think to myself. My new family for the next seven years, actually scratch that, my new family forever.  The thought gives me this feeling that I can’t figure out the name of. It’s not a bad feeling, though, so I don’t worry about it too much. After the three hour train ride, I’e gotten to know the Weasley twins quite well…especially Fred. Have I started to grow feelings for him? Maybe, do I know yet? Im pretty sure I do. Will I let that get in the way of our new-found friendship? Absolutely not, it might just be a crush. I guess I’ll wait and find out.
“So, how you doing Midget?” I already know it’s Fred, he developed that name in the first 20 minutes we met. It’s been almost a week since that wonderful, anxious, nerve-wracking day that I would pay anything to go through again. “I’m alright, Ginger,” I didn’t make that name up until now, I just wanted something to retaliate with. “Ginger? Since when was that my name?” He asks. “Since now,” I say. He smirks at this, I think he thinks it’s some sort of game I’ve managed to make up in my abnormally large brain; I’m currently excelling at everything, including Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts which my professors were not expecting. “Alright,” he says, lightly slugging me in the shoulder. If he thinks it’s a game, then let the games begin…
Part 2?
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crrpsebride · 3 years
the garde and the honoraries at hoGGY HOGGY HOGWARTS
nine and five as slytherin
slytherin house values ambition, leadership, self-preservation, cunning and resourcefulness. slytherins always find ways to employ their skills to their advantage, and can make the best of any situation. slytherins strive to be the best, and because of their ambition, they usually are. slytherin represents the element of water, and its house emblem is the snake.
notable characters: merlin, the malfoys, bellatrix lestrange, tom riddle
adam, ella and marina as ravenclaw
ravenclaw house values intelligence, knowledge, curiosity, creativity and wit. all ravenclaws possess a strong thirst for knowledge and a desire to explore and inquire. ravenclaws are highly individualistic and don’t succumb to peer pressure or do what the majority decides to unless they believe in it. ravenclaw represents the element of air, and its house emblem is the eagle.
notable characters: luna lovegood, cho chang, filius flitwick, rowena ravenclaw
sarah, sam and eight as hufflepuff
hufflepuff house values hard work, dedication, loyalty and fair play. hufflepuffs make some of the most loyal friends, and won’t back down from your side. they are also some of the most hardworking people - though they may not possess ravenclaws’ passion for learning, or slytherins’ ambition - but it always pays off. hufflepuffs are honest, and always feel a desire to tell the truth and behave as such. hufflepuff represents the element of earth, and its house emblem is the badger.
notable characters: cedric diggory, pomona sprout, newt scamander, nymphadora tonks
john and six as gryffindor
gryffindor house values bravery, daring, nerve and chivalry. gryffindors stand strong in the face of adversity, and show courage in everything they do. they tend to see the world split as good and bad, white and black, and do everything they can to protect the good and innocent. gryffindors aren’t afraid to put themselves in physical danger, and will do so to defend others. gryffindor represents the element of fire, and its house emblem is the lion.
notable characters: the golden trio (harry potter, hermione granger, ron weasley), the weasley family, the marauders (james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, peter pettigrew), minerva mcgonagall
other opinions 
adam is a slytherclaw. full stop. he just gives off the sophisticated, intelligent energy that all of them possess
both nine and five’s second house is gryffindor, and six’s is slytherin
john is half-half gryffindor and hufflepuff (he has both qualities it just depends when they shine through) but i did put him in gryffindor because he’s got the main character disease
john would be a keeper for the gryffindor team, and six a chaser, and nine and five would be a beater for slytherin because they need their dose of beating the shit out of something (they’d hate each other but make a good team yk). eight would be a keeper too for hufflepuff and ella is DEFINITELY a seeker or a beater no in between
nine gives me INCREDIBLE sirius black vibes. like young sirius black they are the same‼ no i will not be taking constructive criticism on this!!
- and to tie into that, JOHN IS YOUNG REMUS LUPIN!! ALSO NOT TAKING CRITICISM!! the way he’s good when he wants to be and is overall the mother, but is batshit crazy when he’s with his friends
my friend (@picnicgrannyforpresident ) said six gives off BOOK ginny energy and i agree
also i think nine would have the same backstory as sirius, like his family tradition is being sorted into gryffindor (or ravenclaw maybe) but he got put in slytherin and they were sorta like “oh…” and he was like “no.” and hated slytherin and everyone in it at first </3 (also could be adam but... i wanted to save him from trauma on top of trauma on top of trauma)
sam gives me ron weasley vibes cause ignored best friend™ despite how loyal he is (DESPITE WHAT PEOPLE WITH COMMON SENSE HAVE TO SAY) 
on that note that does not mean i ship ginny weasley and her brother PLEASE 🤮🤮🤮  that’s so nasty i’m just saying that sam and six have the same energy and kind of character base as them both
adam would choose post-mortem studies as an elective in his third year (the study of ghosts) because… you know the irony. he would be the top of his class at everything except divination - he’d have the same problem as hermione and think it was bullshit and just quit the subject entirely
ella’s top classes would be astronomy and flying, and quidditch would be her secret passion and she’d refuse to try out until the captain saw her training with eight, nine, john, six and five and went “oh shit she’s good” (her mum was a well-known quidditch player in hogwarts for ravenclaw too). she’d try her best to hang out with all the older kids (let’s pretend adam is the same age as everyone else 😳 ) but ultimately she’d have to make friends in her year who would end up with her like this 🤞
nine’s top classes would be potions and dada (defense against the dark arts). at first he’d try and mess up his potions to piss off snape, but then he realised that he was actually pretty good at it, so he stopped and tried to do it properly. he was never top of the class, and not the teacher’s favourite but he did well and he was proud of it. his favourite dada teacher probs would have been lupin (who could blame him) and he thought he was pretty cool
sam would love history of magic classes in my opinion. like they’d be his favourite part of the week because he was a history buff and loved learning about what brought around everything in his time yk? he’d also be really good at dada and lupin would love him because he always tries his best no matter if he succeeds or not
MARINA my goddess her top subjects would be herbology and magic in art because she’s the artsy hipster 🙄  duh this is ms sea queen we’re talking about. she’d have a natural knack for plants and it would be one of her favourite things to do, just go and help out neville with his plants THEY’D BE BESTIES FOR SURE and ella would just sit in the corner munching on a treacle tart and be like “you guys are NERDS”
five’s top subject would be potions too for sure and him and nine would have like this unspoken rivalry and would constantly try and one-up each other. he’d also suck up to snape and become his favourite and rub it in nine’s face
john’s favourite subjects would be charms and transfiguration. i feel like he’d have a problem where he’d be shit at memorising spells but he’s got talent so his friends would help him memorise the words with flashcards and stuff so he’d be prepared and not fail every single one of his tests
SIX the baddie she is as soon as she got on a broom she was like “YEAH THIS IS MY JAM!! TURN IT UP!!” and she would practice every summer because she had very high standards for herself until she finally felt she was good enough. she’d try out and get in immediately and soon become captain (sike you thought i’d make john captain Y’ALL THOUGHT WRONG). she’d be one of the best chasers gryffindor had seen and she’d be one of mcgonagall’s favourites (close to harry potter on that pedestal he has set up)
sarah would love cooking with magic (yes that’s a subject) because we all know she’s practically strawberry shortcake. she’d excel at it and she’d also probably excel at charms too because we all know she’s got that talent 
EIGHT MY MAN would be the best in the year at transfiguration. like no, his parents were NOT good at it, no one in his family was, but here we are with him getting the top mark time and time agAIN! yes this ties into his shapeshifting legacy but still he’d be so good at it i just know as well as POTIONS. this man would love cooking up evil shit in a basement for hours on end and i know he wouldn’t be super at it but he’d try
nine would also be friends with the weasley twins and plan so much shit and take the fall with them. if he didn’t show up to quidditch practice, everyone would sigh and go “who wants to make a bet how long it takes him to break out of detention”
john and sarah would be prefects and so would sam <3 (ily sam)
marina would run for prefect and insist on adam running too but he’d be like “nah man no one knows me” and she would secretly hand out fliers and shit and be like “vote adamus for prefect! he’s smart and courageous and i know he’d die for his house” and at the assembly or wherever it’s announced he’d win the title and he’d be like 😳  and constantly try and make it up to marina because she knew he wanted to be one
john, sam, and six would be in the year between the golden trio and nine, marina, five, eight, sarah and adam would be in the same year as fred and george. ella would be in the same year as ginny too and you bet your ass they’d be the best of friends
okay that’s all i have so far but please reblog and tell me your opinions cause i’m DYING to hear them LMAIEJRHSFe
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