#i don’t know the context bc I never played basic and my only knowledge is limited to the anime
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voices-of-hope-county · 8 months ago
Oh noooo, shoot, that sounds complicated… :( I’m interested in finding out which tracks play and when because I’d noticed that in the Original Game Soundtrack, 11/31 are lyrics taken from John’s songs, and I’m thinking, surely that means something! So I’m currently trying to do a deep deep deep amateur analysis on the lyrics and such and relating them to the Seeds. The scope of my tiny personal project has suddenly become so unimaginably large… I don’t want to ask you to do all that work for something that might not be anything at all and is basically all in my head. If possible, because I don’t know how to seek out the files myself, I’d like to see the triggers and which tracks/numbers correspond to which, and I can work on figuring it out in my own time and then I can report back to you if you want? (Also I can come off anon if that would make things easier but I will be shivering like a wet rat left in the rain bc being perceived is scary)
I also had no idea that the songs had different names ! I have to take the time to listen to them and compare, since this is literally another layer to my analysis that I simply must pursue DX
Also somehow I think Dwight Feeney just sounds right 💯
That is indeed complicated and very time-consuming because, again, to precisely identify the music files and know which track(s) from the official album(s) they potentially are from, you need to look for and listen to them individually... and there are hundreds of them! I could only confirm "700376074" was "Now That This Old World Is Ending"/"The Resistance" because I listened to it, but the official track names never appear in the files and you have to do your own research to figure out which is which.
In the document that provides context for the game's audio files, it seems music tracks are grouped by mission and/or character, but when exactly (or if) they play in the game is unclear. Also, some of the contexts are vague, and dozens of files can be in the same category. For example, I see there is one called "Play_MUS_FATHER_010" with 38 files listed. When I try to locate and listen to them, it appears they are related to the final mission and the beginning of the credits, but some of them are missing (which means they were cut) and it turns out they are not even listed in chronological order.
The fact that 35% of the music from the Original Game Soundtrack contains lyrics taken from John's songs sounds interesting but, since the official albums are only a small (maybe not representative) selection of the full soundtrack available in the files, it may be a coincidence and not mean anything in particular. In theory, I could try looking for all the contexts/triggers and the corresponding files but, to be honest, this would really be a lot of work and, in the end, only useful to you if you already have access to the files because the list would just be a series of codes and numbers...
However, if you want "unreleased" tracks, there are people on YouTube like DE4AL7 or Miseyxo who have extracted, identified, and uploaded Far Cry 5 music they found in the files. There are many videos on their channels and I have seen them take "requests" in the past, so maybe they still do. They seem more knowledgeable than I am about the game's music and have probably already figured out what most of the files were and when/if they were triggered in the game, so I think they will be able to help you better than I can.
I can still try to find information about a few specific tracks or missions, but everything has to be manually "decoded" and identified, so this really takes a lot of time :’)
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random-anxeity-dumbass · 2 years ago
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ALSO enstars selfshippers reblog this with your favorite card(s) of your f/o or f/os!! feel free to explain why!!
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nonclassyparty · 2 years ago
firstly, tell me why i had that wooyoung shit figured OUT LMAOOO. I literally called it HAHAHA. the way i knew this fool was part of the fruit community
i love the idea that like this story and your writing in general continues to make me go, men ain’t shit fr. but then my tiktok has san getting scared while playing video games and mingi being called pink princess like 🧌.
reading this story with the prologue in mind is insane bc i get that technically no one has really done anything wrong yet ? per se. but san rlly is or ig…is going to be? a grade a asshole.
atp i can understand that sans not at fault (YET apparently) bc like, let’s be real LMAO the agreement was set in place and even y/n herself UNDERSTANDS it, she just continues to play into it bc of her feelings. i cant imagine how san ACTUALLY ends up fucking up (ig putting aside the fact that he couldn’t even be a friend or at the very least an acquaintance and help her w her assignment). like ik y/n probably WILL get mad but she doesn’t rlly hav the right to get mad at him for kissing that girl watever her name is cus she and san aren’t exclusive. but like regardless of the fact, i’m stil obv rooting for y/n bc she’s going through it and she’s being treated terribly by so many ppl for stupid reasons, esp w the knowledge that they all think so shallowly of her and don’t take into account any of her actual interests or experiences like damn.
AND THEN there’s like the fact that (entirely from context and my assumptions alone) y/n didn’t even outright SAY any of this or tell san how she felt until she wrote that letter AFTER THE FACT like ??? that’s INSANE like my brain is scrambling to finish the puzzle before i even hav all the pieces. like ik u said ur not sure about the ending but does san get the letter ? do we even see how he reacts to it ???? (i’m assuming she’ll tell wooyoung or hongjoong tbh)
ALSO i can’t get over the description of why yunho doesn’t like y/n like…damn, homie’s giving incel energy. giving nate jacobs wanting maddy to be a virgin energy (but not nate jacobs wanting maddy cus yunho apparently can’t handle high maintenance bad bitches). idk he’s giving very small peepee, in the closet, daddy issues energy and yeosangs got his own issues that we don’t even know about yet like don’t let me find out i’ll probably lose it.
i’m LITERALLY rambling nonsense and i’m at work rn. anyways amazing work ONCE AGAIN. i cant get over how you write and how you flesh out the characters. cant wait for my boy mingi to be properly introduced. let’s see how my emotions handle that.
there is so much to discuss in this message hold on;
first of all, wooyoung being part of the skittles squad well idk how you got that right i'll be honest with you
this is exactly why when i write i have to stay away from atz content bc i went and watched the new wanteez eps today and i just cant write afterwards bc san is so fawking soft and precious how am i supposed to write him as a fuckboy that breaks hearts??? at one point i was like 'damn i shouldve picked someone else as the fuckboy for starring role' and not HIM😭😭
about san fucking up, it will happen in act 8 and i cant say anything else without giving away spoilers but yes! san never promised her anything, yn is aware of it and she knows where the two of them stand deep down but she just doesnt want to accept it (spoiler: that will basically be what the next chapter is about). also keep in mind that the story doesnt end with the letter, there are a couple more chapters afterwards 😭
YUNHO. WAIT NOT TOO MUCH ON HIM?? thats still my man but i wasnt really going for that sort of energy but now re-reading the part about him, i could see why it might've came off like that 😭. basically, with yunho i was going for the type of guy that doesnt like spoilt girly girls who care about makeup, clothes and are shallow, that only dates girls who, by his standards, have some depth to them and are sorta not-like-other-girls but in a pinterest cottage core aesthetic way (kjsghdjfhkfdj??? idk if that makes sense but he likes sweet girls who he can bring back home to his parents basically. its pretty much what svoh yn was) and yet he would still sleep with starring role yn without a doubt 😭. he was inspired by many guys ive meet in college
yeosang's storyline...im kind of nervous about revealing it tbh, also mingi will be properly introduced in the next chapter! as something much more than just boyoung's friend.
thank you so much for this message, i always look forward to yours in particular and theyre so fun to read. i really appreciate them. i hope you have a good day 💝
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ufonaut · 3 years ago
you may have already answered this kind of question so i apologize if you have, but i’m wondering what you think a majority of comic fans miss with understanding subtext and characters? like outside of what you’ve already spoken about (personal headcanons and feelings) is it just that a lot of fans don’t have the media literacy they think they do? or just newer fans that have only read the most popular series. i only ask bc sometimes i worry i don’t know if i’m reading between the lines correctly and if you’d share like.. ig your process for drawing conclusions ab characters? i feel like i may have answered my own question here LOL
ah, no, i've never spoken about this at length and i'm honestly flattered you reached out, thank you! i don't have a process per se, i think my interest in engaging with comics the way i do comes from doing film studies at uni and seeing the two mediums as having more common ground than with literature per se due to the visual doing the heavy lifting but i do sincerely believe that anyone can read the text as it's meant to be understood if they only apply themselves -- and the fact of the matter is that many people don't.
i'd say you got it in one, it's a case of both overestimating and underestimating their media literacy and i think a lot of the time particularly fandom-y blogs see things that simply aren't there and try to write meta that serves their purposes rather than shed some light on the text they're talking about. the way i see it, there's three fundamental questions to ask yourself before getting started on any comics analysis worth its salt
1) what's the objective reality of this?
2) is this a common trope/phrase? is it evocative of or a homage to a certain piece of media that has entered the basic pop culture lexicon?
3) how much of the author spilled into this?
and to elaborate on that:
1) before you get to the subtext, it's only natural to build up on a foundation of facts. i mean, the really basic stuff -- who, what, when, why.
for example, looking at my recent posts regarding hal jordan's timeline, take his stories in the flash (1959) backups running throughout #220 - 246. he's coming off a year-long road trip with ollie queen and he's been unemployed the entire time, he's not only broke but living in poverty, he's depressed. none of this is a great feat of analysis, these are all facts verbally stated by the character with the sole exception of the last one -- but how do we know that? several stories have hal's will faltering, several others see him having difficulties scrounging up enough money for food let alone a roof over his head. logic dictates that his circumstances affect his mental health.
sometimes it really is purely about recognising what's right in front of you and putting it in context, you can't talk about these backups without talking about what preceded them (the hard travelling heroes era) because they do not exist in a vacuum. unless you're talking about an elseworlds/one-shot/limited series/complete run from start to finish it's absolutely impossible to properly engage without context, that's also where the common misconception that comic book timelines are confusing comes from.
2) i don't expect people to just be naturally born with this knowledge but i think it's pretty easy to get a sense of what's a reference (even if it's not one you recognise) and what's not and making an effort to research that, even if it's just a quick google search. this is a common complaint i've seen in attempted meta of tom king's work on here so let me bring up some examples from his recent mature books
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(the human target 2021 #3)
"booster is booster is booster" isn't merely repetition for the sake of repetition but very obviously a play on the common "a rose is a rose is a rose" phrase, which has been used in all media for decades now and yet was brought up in at least five different posts on here as an example of 'bad writing' (regarding the literal structure of it) rather than just owning up to their lack of knowledge.
and this also applies to shot-for-shot recreations such as mr terrific's scene with alanna strange's dad
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and how it's an acknowledged reference/homage to sidney poitier in in the heat of the night (1967)
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and all that says about the role mr terrific plays within strange adventures' narrative. again, this is knowledge better researched if not immediately recognised and you'll often find it mentioned in issue reviews if necessary.
3) as we all know, comics are a collaborative effort like nearly no other piece of art. the finished product is not only the work of the writer, artist, inker, colorist & letterer (all of which play vital roles in the process) but that of the editor as well and this is another instance where 'doesn't take place in a vacuum' applies. i'm all for death of the author but the direction a character is heading is definitely informed by the entire creative team's experiences and expectations, i think it's worth investigating what the people in question have had to say about it -- especially regarding an older comic -- after you've formed your own opinions.
there's cases where the writers make conscious decisions to disguise their opinions or where they're coming from and their success varies (take chuck dixon's work on connor hawke vs gerard jones' horrific depiction of arisia rrab) but there's also comics that are infinitely made better because the writer in question relates deeply to the characters they're writing (look at tom king's very personal depictions of mental health or keith giffen's insistence on giving an air of genuine reality to any working class character), that's even setting aside cases of gay characters being written by straight writers and so on. here, i'd sincerely recommend drawing a line between what's just another job for somebody and what's mattered to them intensely and if you want to take your engagement this far then it's definitely vital to check interviews, comic magazines, etc etc.
so yeah, here's a little look into my line of thinking! i hope it helps some and i'm sure you're doing just great if you're concerned about this to begin with :)
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jageunyeoujari · 4 years ago
‘idea’ & self-knowledge as love as freedom
w thanks to @radiatingdyke​​ & henrik !!
so in a previous post, i talked abt spectacle & respect in criminal for context. now starting off w henrik’s thoughts re: plato:
"It’s honestly pretty ambiguous what Plato means by it- at least in the republic- The core theory is that ideal forms are a truer kind of reality than the shadows. The philosopher escapes a cave of shadows projected on the wall by a ruling class, the only “reality” they ever knew and were literally bound to. They crawl through a treacherous passage to find themselves face to face with the dazzling light of the sun which blinds them temporarily, and as their eyes adjust they find themselves in a forest and realize the shadow puppet of “tree” was not the real tree all along! For what the shadows are: Idk how developed popular media/conventional politics were at the time but we (America) based a lot of our shit on it so I think one strong possibility is we find ourselves in a modern allegory of the cave where the shadows dancing on the wall are the world as it’s told to us- through news education and policy and the “real” is personal experience and genuine community. Then shadows would then be actual reality as we know it, including the real trees and personal experience, a veil placed over us by metaphysical forces which can be lifted through Godwork to reveal the true nature of the inner workings of the universe. The last part of the allegory is that the philosopher returns to the cave to free the other prisoners and spread the light”
so while criminal is the revelation in the toxic cycle of the idol culture & mutual destruction & obsession are confused for love, idea is making the decision to learn what true love & connection is, leaving behind the suffocating expectations demanded by the industry, & in the process, become complete in his humanity.
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so we first see taemin in jail, condemning himself for his role in the toxic parasocial relations of idol culture, and literally... calling himself out.... altho i would say that this:
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in criminal is purgatory proper, the jail may be the end point of his journey there. he confesses his sins, his soul gets purified, & then next we see him in the bar which is confirmed to be heaven (which happens to look much like lee soo man's office) while the flashy models stare at taemin, the walking dead, the posh people in suits (likely executives) ignore him. 
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so here we have taemin trying to fit in seemlessly in this world of the elites who have the highest level of control in the idol industry. here, he is assured his status as the best & now guaranteed to be free of pain... but on their terms. there is shallow comfort but nothing else. the others content w playing games & eating delicacies, surrounded by alcohol, but are contained to sitting, indulging in frivolities, & passively looking on but no chance of connection. the bar is just another form of intoxication, but unlike criminal where there is at least an illusion of attaining love, heaven is merely stagnant. this idealized heaven of the elites cannot give true freedom as it is based on sterility & exclusivity, just another form of social control. "the dangerous dream that swallowed me is proven by you." staying here would be another form of self-betrayal & denial of the love he seeks so he rebels against heaven through his dancing, an affirmation of his life.
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taemin then being shocked that all these shadow versions of himself are not the truth... silvery dissolving forms... his identity fragmenting............ but still taemin still can't break away from the illusion that the adoration & fame he receives as an idol could be actually hurting him.
as @radiatingdyke has talked about, BoA's 'killing me' line is reminiscent of korean shamans channeling gods. significant that it is BoA who he channels as they are both similar, debuting at a very young age & have been massive stars ever since then. "you are my messiah" BoA cuts him off, speaking the truth. this isn't who he rly is or what he actually wants. he must face himself & the truth or he will die. 
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the mirror steps are i think symbolic of plato's ladder of love. to my understanding, the ladder of love is basically about how the aim of life is the ascension of the soul to heaven. the gods can do this as a god's soul is in perfect balance w all the different aspects of itself which makes them necessarily wise & good. humans' souls are in disarray, however, & it is this conflict between all parts of the soul which makes it difficult for us to follow the gods to heaven. to do this, people have to understand the true Form of beauty, by climbing the ladder of love. the steps start from loving a body which one is attracted to due to physical beauty & by understanding the beauty of this body, one can then consider how the beauty of one body is found in all bodies. the progression goes on from loving more broadly until we come to the last step, love of knowledge & wisdom. now one is able to see the actual form of Beauty, bringing harmony to your soul. so in order to taemin to finally know peace within himself, he has to know how to love.
& the progression of the ladder implies for me that by first learning to care for others but understanding who they are in their completeness & beauty, you eventually are able to learn to care for yourself & see the beauty in your own soul. & on the flip side, the better able you care for yourself, the more you are able to care for others. i'll discuss this more when i go into my thoughts on act 2 as a whole but basically, the rest of act 2 has a truly warm & loving atmosphere when taemin speaks to the other. in comparison, act 1 presents his experience of 'love' as enmeshment, painful, confusing, losing his self of sense to cater to the desires of the other. there are feelings of obligation to stay in this destructive relationship bc that’s his prescribed role & anyway, any attention is better than none at all. 
ppl w a poor sense of self can readily suffer mistreatment for the sake of a semblance of connection, confusing obsession for love when what’s rly happening is actually cathexis, an investment of emotions. while care & affection can exist w cathexis, as does happen in fans’ relations w idols, this is not the same thing as love which liberates & cultivates growth in yourself & the other. fans’ obsession w idols quickly flipping to hate when idols stray from the designated persona of perfection is investment in that image but is not real love. in act 1, he does not understand the other clearly for what it is, destruction that must end, & the fact that he is suffering. without such awareness, he is incapable of truly giving & receiving love. 
& while act 2 does have similar themes of taking on other's pain, it becomes a stark contrast to act 1 bc he does so from a place of utter assurance of his identity & true self-love, not from the fear of being left alone. he loves himself for who he is so he is able to love for ourselves purely as well.
& as @radiatingdyke has said (& in much more detail than i can) the ladder reflecting the sky can also be a reference to indigenous korean beliefs where the sky represents the entire universe. the creator god is Hanulnim, literally sky god.  
 also, even tho NGDA as a whole is replete w western imagery & references & v catholic, the overarching narrative of the 2 albums don't feel western to me in that there never is a fight between good & evil. a typical western narrative would be more like there would the defeat of like 'criminal' taemin by 'good' taemin or an obvious redemption arc. & to me, idea doesn't read so much as he confronts & then accepts both the good & the bad in him but that he leaves behind these limited concepts altogether & instead connects back to the true essence of the universe & becomes free to be utterly himself.
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he’s struggled so much over the course of his career w figuring out how to reconcile the duality of himself, what it means to be authentic as an idol, wishing for his true self to be seen & appreciated. it’s always been looking outward for that validation but skirting away from revealing the whole truth of himself... & idea is the final answer to all that. no more denial, repression, burning away of the past, configuration to other ppl’s desires, no more use of mystery as a defense against the fear of being rejected if people see him for who he really is. he accepts himself for who he is & that’s all that matters.
in classic gaytholic taem fashion, he compares himself to jesus + mary + other divinity in NGDA imagery but ultimately, taemin is done w being both a god & the condemned. “i’ve finally opened my eyes.” he’s never been anything but a human being & he’s showing us all the beauty in that.
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tees-sawggy-blog · 4 years ago
Spoilers for Faith in Three Kingdoms so please dont read if your a player in the campaign!!
For context for Faith/ Fuc in my main campaign:
She is just a rogue.  She has always been one to just flow with whatever problem comes her way.  She’s never had the ability to really fix anything, bc what could she do when she lived and grew up without magic or political power.  Earlier on in her life she was never able to have children and she HAD come to terms with this fact at the time, like how she would with everything.  But then there was a spark or hope, she had found documents leading to some form of a wish granting artifact.  This ended up being a entity of some sort (not a god, but nothing mortal by any means) and ended up making a deal with it.  This backfires.  So the one and only time she ever tried to changer her fate in the slightest, it was turned into a curse that followed her wherever she went. Now the party she is with is a talented bunch that are all magic users or have priceless knowledge/ lore pivotal to the plot.  And there is definitely a part of jealousy but more importantly frustration that she cant be as helpful as them.  However, as of recently, Faith has come across a magical artifact that was made with the severed pieces of a god.  Very helpful, yeah?  Now obviously any remnant of a god is going to be powerful, and its been slowly been alluded to her many times (i.e. every time she uses it) that this power is almost addictive in a way.  It doesnt force the character to “bend to its will” but, its the type of artifact that makes you think “wow. i want to feel like this... all the time.” which could probably be damaging to fuc but anyways.  So in the last session that we had, an entire city that the party was in was almost leveled from a bomb, but was thankfully protected by a magical field.  However the city was forcibly removed from the land and basically turned into atlantis.  There was a click in her as a character.  Almost a realization of some sort.  They were stuck at the bottom of an ocean (we presume), one of the other PCs has lost their memory, and now all that faith can think right now is “I dont know how to fix this, but I wont accept standing to the side to watch this unfold anymore.”  And here is where the fun stuff begins:
(this is all stuff im copying pasting from my messages with my DM bc im too lazy to type it all out) she has never REALLY had control or anything she’s done in her life.  she’s tried and it backfired and kills those she’s cared about.  she’s just a simple rogue whose smart and HAPPENED to be unlucky enough to find some papers about a demon deal.  And all these years go by and, she meets these amazing and powerful people like sabrina and lake and crow, even fucking mario, and there are multiple situations where she just feels helpless if there’s an emergency! we will be stuck and all she know is the stuff she’s learned from living basically alone for a lot of her life.  then she begins to cast these spells as a bard, and it’s a sign to her.  she finally feels like she can help when things might get rough.  but then... she gets this ring of tyverius and she’s like, “what if i can be more than just help? what if i can protect them? what if i could fix this? what if i could make the pain go away, all of it?”  which is very damaging thinking but she’s getting a taste of this literal god power and she can’t help but think “i know there’s more, i want more” and she’s blurring these lines between justify this with wanting to protect people and wanting more power so she can finally have control.  she’s thinking things like “if i put tyverius back together maybe she will help me (which is dumb bc the priestess ha stye same mindset) and if she cannot be restore i will always have the strength of all of her artifacts anyways”  in faiths mind she could maybe be more powerful than it if she has tyverius’ power.  These were literal thoughts faith was having when we were underwater in tylian, like the most helpless you can get in that scenario, hundreds of thousands will die, the only people she cares about will die etc etc.  and there’s nothing ANYONE can do this time.  that’s why she turned to bell, a dormant god, to try and wake them up even though she knows they can’t do anything!!! they can’t remember ANYthing!! but tyverius is even more powerful than bell.... sometimes it helps to have the power of gods i dunno !  sometimes faith wishes she could hear tyverius talking in her mind or showing her where the rest of the artifacts are in dream to her she faith can have more direction.  Not to mention a lot of good natured moments shes thought of a ways to take advantage of it or use it but it’s never been an option just always a side thought but now seeing these “mortals” like ysme making herself like a prophet to the good followers of bysthyn, like lyla (which we don’t need to deep dive into), like the abernathys ... she starting to realize, she can be like that it’s not exclusive to just gods. that’s just selfish for them to keep all that power to themselves
Essentially, I dont want a villain arc for faith, and I dont think she is inherently evil at all!  But I do think that after all this time shes starting become obsessed with the idea of control and fate, and trying to bend destiny.  And she was like this far before obtaining the ring, she’s a selfish person.  It’s hard to tell is she even knows it, or if she even wants to recognize it.  She can put on the disguises, help out as many 13 year old boys on the the street, She can play pretend hero all she wants.  It doesnt change how selfish she is internally.  And it’s at a point where she doesnt want to recognize this version of herself that is flawed.  This version that will always want more, the version that was thinking of ways to work with one of the evil characters as a way to get ahead.  Shes far from perfect, and maybe too flawed, but shes not irredeemable.  I think that she has so much potential that has been viciously derailed, and shes getting to a point where she wont want family anymore.  And her “human” parts are slowly starting to leave.  She’s reverting to murder more comfortably than she should and even though shes killed people before, shes never been one to revert to it when she has the chance.  Im surprised that the party isn’t more alarmed by this.  There were literally points at the very beginning of the campaign where she didn’t want to even physically torture a man for information.  mannnnn i just hope that this is getting recognized soon, but to be fair, no one notices anything.
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scarlet--wiccan · 5 years ago
I want Wanda or billy to (at least try to) teach tommy magic. Especially billy bc he’s so unqualified to teach, I think it’d be a hilarious disaster. At the same time I think tommy is so underutilized because he doesn’t stand out that much from pietro power set wise (and for some reason people want to pretend pietro has his personality) so I think maybe if he learned some basic magic it could set him apart.
I have stated before, on this blog, that I think Tommy and Pietro should practice some form of witchery, with the main reason being that you don’t need a psionic mutation or reality warping powers to be a witch. Billy and Wanda have those things, but that’s not what makes them witches— they’re witches because they do witchcraft, and it’s a skill they’ve developed through research, practice, and instruction (Wanda much more so). 
There are completely mundane humans in Marvel canon who are able to learn magic, but Tommy and Pietro aren’t mundane- they’re mutants (in some fashion) and they have magical ancestry. Tommy’s never gonna be Sorcerer Supreme, but that shouldn’t stop him from learning a few tricks, and I’m really interested in what a writer could do with a character who combines mystical knowledge with a primarily physical power set. Speedsters have altered perception and a unique way of metabolizing/expending energy. I think there are a lot of really cool ways to apply that sort of character in a more fantasy or magical type of narrative. Pietro’s role in Scarlet Witch (2016) and Avengers: No Surrender, followed by the Quicksilver miniseries, is actually a really great example— his powers work in conjunction with Wanda’s spell casting, and even on his own he’s able to engage with metaphysical forces by practicing mindfulness and harnessing the unique energy that his body and mind are a conduit for. That’s a great foundation for building a magical practice. I’d love to see future stories explore it further, and I’d love to see it for Tommy, too. I totally agree that playing Billy and Tommy off of each other in this context would be fun, and it would definitely highlight their dynamic in a way that would set them apart from their predecessors.
Unfortunately, there is a downside that I have to bring up. Scarlet Witch (2016) established that the Maximoffs are descended from a long line of witches, and the text does play pretty close to certain, very frustrating, stereotypes about Romani culture. In the past, Wanda’s witchiness has been explicitly separate from her cultural background. The idea that her magical abilities come specifically from her Roma blood is… a little racist, and the fact is that most Roma characters in Marvel are witches already. Pietro, Tommy, and Luna are probably the only ones who aren’t. (Except for Meggan, but she’s got other problems.) That’s why I’m a little I’m a little hesitant about the idea of bringing Tommy and/or Pietro further into the world of magic. I want the representation of Roma people to reflect the varied and diverse experiences that we have, not to continue centering the harmful narratives that have been baked into popular imagination by antiromany racism. 
Ultimately, my answer to you is that I love your ideas but I have to be cautious about co-signing these types of things. You all know I want more Maximoff family interaction and that I’d pay real good money to read, say, a mother-son-uncle witchy road trip adventure. I just would need it to be written and edited by some authentic voices.
[also, wrt Tommy lacking significant differentiation from Pietro: you might be on to something! From a powers-and-aesthetics perspective, they’re pretty redundant, and there is a lot of overlap in their characterization, mainly because lazy writers give the same personality to, like, every speedster hero ever. To be clear, I like their similarities and would be interested in a story that explores what they have in common. But if Heinberg had come up with some smaller way to set them apart, maybe Tommy would have more staying power in the Marvel zeitgeist. Billy and Wanda are very similar, but Billy has a slightly different color palette an a slightly different method of applying his powers. I know I’ve always said I want him to be more like Wanda, but obviously those differences have paid off in some way.]
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notafightr · 5 years ago
i dont have any specific questions but id really love to hear any thoughts on It that youd like to share!!!
okay so i have a big note in my phone of all the things i thought to point out or write down from the most recent time I read the book (the past month or so) because the time I read it before this one I annotated the whole thing and I was just gonna chillax with this time but I realized I was still finding new things that I even didn't find when I annotated it and I wanted to remember them so yeah a lot of it isn't coherent bc I figured I'd be the only one to ever see it and I'm not gonna transcribe it so enjoy what makes sense
I think the first chapter is told by Georgie. at the very beginning of the chapter, the pronoun "I" is used for the first time, "so far as I know" and then again at the end of the chapter, for the LAST time in the book, "I do not know where [the boat] finally fetched up", where the rest of the book doesn't once use this first person kind of syntax. the entire book as I've analyzed before uses third person POV, in which it is third person but not limited to one character, following the emotions/thoughts/etc of several different characters at different points. the first chapter is the first, last, the ONLY chapter that takes the third person point of view of Georgie, as he dies so we do not see from him again. since this chapter is the only one we see as Georgie's point of view, and it's the only chapter that uses I as a pronoun, making it first person, it's not really third person, but more of Georgie's first chronological look back on the beginning of the story, starting with his first experience of the events of It. it's even further proven to be less of an omniscient narrator than that of an unknowing one, such as Georgie, when the story begins saying "The terror, which would not end for another twenty-eight years—if it ever did end—began, so far as I know or can tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain.". This quote contradicts everything we know and come to find out through the course of the story, which is that It has been an ever present being in Derry since the beginning of time. It did not begin in 1957, like this narrator believes, which makes it clear that this is not the same narrator we read from for the rest of the book. So all in all I think this is some spiritual version of Georgie, any amount of years after the story, perhaps 27 years, perhaps a hundred, telling what he knows to us, the reader.
"Arms can be symbols of strength and power. We use our arms to carry and lift and move things, but we also use them to protect ourselves and others. “Arms” may also be used to refer to weapons that attack, or as “armour” to defend."
eddie lost his arm protecting the others
some sort of parallel with Stephen and Adrian.. both writers, s straight a gay, s ditches things that take longer than a few months to write, a 12 years on one book
richie49 251 Richardsalley485
eddiec 251 901
I just realized no kid was killed in their home I think? no Frederick Cowan was
IGMMS on nightmare on elm Street in chapter one
possible reshoots: one from book one from not
Audra bike ride
photo album
eddie corcoran
the bird
dead boys
photo album dos
final flood
I'm caught
literally refers to Eddie as queerboy
a phantom appeared in the form of an old man.
Stan "looked like the world's tiniest adult" Stan was said to have the soul of an old man. tragic when you think about his fate. phantom in the form of an old man could refer to stan
427 ocd
14 430 parallel
584 Richie adhd
all losers only child
maybe in the end it's the voice that tells the stories more than the stories themselves that matter
Bowers HELPED them defeat it by bringing them all together
"'The victim was a gay and rather childlike man name Adrian Mellon. He had a bad case of asthma.'
Eddie's hand stole out and touched the side of his aspirator." (see page 507)
I need not cite anywhere that Eddie is asthmatic, this is common knowledge. But if we go back a few pages, specifically page 493;
"[Eddie's] face was prematurely lined (although in his movements he seemed somehow younger than either Richie or Ben),"
What do these descriptions of Adrian and Eddie have in common? Descriptive of how they are childlike, compared to those around them, and that they are both asthmatic. Not shown above but also common knowledge to anyone who's read the book, they both have other parallels including their death (killed by pennwise/It in which one of their arms is torn off) as well as the fact that the only use of the phrase "my love" is from Don to Adrian and Richie to Eddie.
I know we all know their deaths and the fact that they're asthmatic sets up parallels between them, but I really wanted to acknowledge the fact that within just 14 pages of each other, Eddie and Adrian are BOTH labeled as childlike (in Eddie's case, at least in comparison to those around him) which I think is VERY purposeful. This makes Adrian's only significant trait not explicitly mentioned about Eddie, that he's GAY. Therefore, heavily implying Eddie is as well.
jesus christ
so you're telling me. when Eddie goes down the street Greta and the Tracker Brothers both live on when the seven split up after the chinese food meet up, that he reminisces both on Belch and Greta, two people who bullied him, looking back on when they would play a sport (Greta croquet in her backyard, and Belch baseball in the tracker Brothers field), and then sees Belch as the leper offer him a blowjob? like the original leper? and so you're telling me, a little after that he sees It taunt him again as Greta but in a non sexual way? so basically you're telling me, Eddie sees It as Belch and Greta back to back, who both serve essentially the same character type, paralleling themselves in Eddie's point of view, only difference being their gender, and you're telling me, It chooses to taunt him as the leper offering a blowjob in BELCH'S form? not Greta's? you're telling me all that? that It sexually taunted him as a boy instead of a girl? so basically you're telling me Eddie is gay and It knows it
singer/reddie parallel Richard Penniman Eddie Cochran
"the two up cards were both the ace of spades"
"most spiritual card in the deck"
preconditions 526 619
624 foreshadows Eddie's death when It taunts Henry as the losers but not Stan or Eddie
bruh eddies sexuality is so repressed he don't even know it but Richie he knows something. he knows he likes Eddie. that world of it book says paul Bunyan represents the masculinity Richie is attracted to... literally though... like Richie doesn't tell anyone about it ONCE not even once he never tells ANYONE he only tells his first experience as the one with bill!!! wtf!
check page 959 of annotated copy
ok i think the fact that henry deliberately chose Eddie first to kill is absolutely foreshadowing his being the next death of the losers club, he could have gone to the closest one being Richie on floor two but he for some reason chose the one furthest up? ok worm
973 did kaspbrak have a wife? maybe that was a stupid thing to say.
huh I wonder why Henry would have any doubt that Eddie has a wife
982 Henry literally calls Eddie a fag i
all the slurs henry uses are specifically geared toward a fact based trait of each loser
rocks symbolise strength and stability
very repeated through the book since the apocalyptic rock fight
I kinda don't like that Eddie's ability to navigate was so lately introduced seemingly as a plot device
thank god for small favors... he slapped eddies can....... z z. xxnejsm
spiders symbolize fear turtle symbolizes creator, persistence, endurance, longevity
1098 Eddie goes to Bev first because he's the most "frightened" he goes to her as he would go to a mother. he does this sexual act with a GIRL in a maternal context
send more questions and headcanons to my inbox!
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geejaysmith · 6 years ago
Wolf 359 Classpects, pt. 1
Soooo, while I was still busy with the last few weeks of my summer internship, I did keep thinking about classpecting the Wolf 359 cast. Possibly too much, because it wouldn't leave me alone until I'd solved my own God Tier riddle. Unfortunately, it got really long in the solving because I have many Thoughts and want to share all of them, always, so uh, a complete Classpect Analysis of Wolf 359 will be in parts? This first one covers Eiffel's, Hera's, Lovelace's and Minkowski's aspects.
DOUG EIFFEL: An utter no-brainer; ya boi Dougie Fresh is a Breath player if I ever saw one. For Chrissakes, he's the communications officer, and the first one to start complaining about the monotony of being stuck in a deep space sardine can. Breath is associated with communication, freedom, openness, and change - "free as the breeze", you might think of it, but that also leads to Breath players having trouble pinning themselves down to anything. They get skittish if they feel pinned down, and frustrated when stuck in place. Doug's noncommittal aloofness, the way he's off in his own little world (partially to hide from the fact he really does not like himself very much at all), and the way he's incorporated media into his self-perception all match pretty well with John and the Nitrams. But at the same time, he's the one playing mediator even as early as The Sound And The Fury. Being largely outside of the War Industrial Complex the other characters are so familiar with and thus mostly free from its dogmatic worldview of hierarchy and order, he's becomes the One Sane Man when he's the one to shout "what is WRONG with you people?" when "murder" shows up in the top 3 potential solutions to a problem, and he has no hesitation in saying what's on his mind. And it's not all complaints and bad ideas, either; he's got whole speeches telling the others how amazing he thinks they are and how in awe he is of their skills. A key catalyst in the plot of Wolf 359 is the reaching effects of his radio broadcasts. Also, there's something hilarious to the fact that for the aspect associated with communication, Doug *literally* cannot lie to save his life. I kept my ears open for the infamous Breath Hex on my second listen - that is, the strange little way in which things Breath players say tend to come to pass in reality. Cigarette Candy is basically 20 straight minutes of the Decima virus being Breath Hexed into existence, and he guessed Lovelace's situation in one - "Maybe she's a clone, or like a *really* good robot replica."
HERA: Another easy one. Although Hera is resistant to splintering as we've come to recognize it, Heart players are nothing if not determined to be an individual. They have a firm idea of themselves as a person and defend it fiercely, including compartmentalizing away pieces that don't fit their self-image. Maybe less actively putting them down like Jade Harley did to Jadesprite (the manifestation of the negative feelings she repressed out of fear they'd make her less useful) - that would mean attacking or denying a part of themselves - and more... "why yes, I put this part of myself in this box, and I may look at the box on occasion, the box definitely exists, but I don't go near the box and I definitely do not touch or open or interact with the box. And then one day, I will die." So that piece finds other avenues to express itself because it can't not do that. Hera's programming dictates she be "chipper and non-confrontational and always ready to help", but she actively resists being a mere utility and always has - her earliest know action was to attempt a jailbreak of the manufacturing facility she was made in, born rebel that she is. She will insist upon her name over her serial number unless you force her not to, and gets passive-aggressive at people treating her like a machine. And yet, even as she teaches herself to ignore commands literally written into the base of her personality, she doesn't reject her directive to be helpful, nor does she express a wish to be a flesh-and-blood human, or even really to have a physical form? She has a human self-image in mental spaces (we presume, I will semi-seriously point out there's nothing definitively stating she doesn't see herself as like, her fursona or something), but when she has to limit herself to a human-like view of the ship, her immediate reaction is "this is weird, I don't like it."  This is honestly something about Hera that I think may be unique among non-villainous AI characters; she seems to be content with being what she is in general, and she just wishes for people to treat her as a person and not a piece of equipment they can do with as they please.  
ISABEL LOVELACE: Arm-wrestled Hera for the Heart aspect and lost, despite Hera not actually having any arms, but that's okay because there's two aspects that fit her much better: Blood and Time. I ultimately went with Blood.
This is the part where you notice I'm onto the third of four characters in an aspects-only meta post, yet there is still a lot of post to go. This is because These Kinds Of Characters, the sort that're constantly on emotional lockdown, are a Challenge Mode, and for me to truly be satisfied with my classification I have to start drilling into the bedrock of what it even means to have an aspect in general, what it means to have a specific aspect, and what each aspect is really about. When you're on that level you tend to find yourself throwing out explicit expositional statements as incomplete, oversimplified, or unreliable, and looking at the text directly with a subtextual electron microscope. Brace yourselves. I have thrown the author out of the airlock, and I am about to get verbose.  
Lovelace's character sheet describes her in contradictions, and we get to see two different sides to her that resolve into the complete picture by the time Lovelace Mk. III wakes up. There's Captain Isabel Lovelace, goofing around in her earlier logs, and The Terminator. She does things Her Way and is very much prepared to fight you if you object - the whole reason she was picked for the Hephaestus mission was her willingness to go against (in her words) "stupid orders" and do what she thought was right. She's also fiercely loyal; The Terminator is the end result of her anger and grief for her lost crew and at her failure to get them home alive. Her backstory episode has her summing up her complicated relationship to the Air Force with "I owe a lot of who I am to them." And even before she and Minkowski have completely stopped butting heads, Lovelace shoves her out of the way of an exploding wall panel that would've killed her, and takes a near-fatal bit of shrapnel to the gut in the process. At her best, Lovelace is a fearless, boundlessly determined, dedicated firebrand of a leader. At worst, she can be impatient, stubborn, shortsighted, and ruthless. I dunno about you but that reminds me of a certain... angry crab that I know.
"Time" was what a few people chimed in with for Lovelace and while I see some of the connections (her awareness of the time loop, "Variations on a Theme", her multiple selves and multiple deaths, the repeated motif of clocks and pocketwatches) I don't think she quite fits in with the other Time players. Unlike most Time players, she doesn't have a fixation with historic context, the "Why Things Are The Way That They Are." This manifests in Dave's paleontology and his taking of source material for ironic twisting, Aradia's archaeology and knowledge of The Nature Of The Game, Damara's... /noises and vague gestures bc I don't want to go back through Meenahbound but her role as The Handmaid fits the pattern, and Caliborn's own warped, thoughtless replication of narrative archetypes. Context. Decisions. What came before and how it shapes the now, where your decisions will take it from here. The consequences those decisions will have. The details versus the larger picture. Even failure has its place in that scheme - that's the Time aspect. Lovelace doesn't like to dwell, she's a very "barrelling forward momentum" kind of person.
Side note: Aradia, Dave, and Damara all face hesitation to take action they had to learn to overcome. Also, all of them had to be pushed to use violence except in self-defense; Aradia let Vriska cross a series of lines before beating the everloving shit out of her, and Damara snapped after what, years? Of Meenah's abuse. Dave, on the other hand, never raises a hand to another person except as a complete necessity. Caliborn is, if anything, an aberration here in that he's outright homocidal and self-doubt is something that happens to other people. Caliborn is an outright aberration to a lot of Time player patterns, and to SBURB in general, because it's SBURB, so the rules are made up and the points don't fucking matter, except when they do, because Fuck You, The Author Said So.
No, Lovelace's approach to decision-making is that regrets are for afterwards, and "if I fail I deserve to be out of this picture; also, this situation has gone entirely pear-shaped, time to fling myself into the sun." (and that sounds an awful lot like someone that I know very well, but I'll deal with that royal mess when I get to the crazy whamma-jamma that is Classes). Impatience and railroading of other people can be her undoing just the same as assertiveness and decisiveness are her gifts.
...aaand then I went ahead and watched the live episode and yeah, major Karkat vibes there. However, I note that I don't believe we have ever hit hard evidence in Homestuck that Blood players are capable of Chilling The Fuck Out - this is part of the limitations of classpecting characters who weren't made for this system, you really have to dig into how much of their behavior is situational and where you see the kernel of individual perception shine through, the Rosetta Stone by which you begin to see the constants. "Where the object becomes the subject", to quote Memoria.
Finally, I think it's also worth noting that while Lovelace has a lot of connections to Time motifs, she also has connections to a lot of Blood motifs that arguably become more important to her story. Personal bonds and social justice are two of the Blood aspects strongest associations - see Lovelace's loyalty to her crew, and extending her desire to avenge them out to everyone Goddard Futuristics has ever used and tossed aside. The physical body and literal blood are other strong associations, and gee, how many times does the O-negative Cure-All Alien Juice in Lovelace's veins become a critical plot point? Not to mention the implication that her new friends all pulled through the finale because all of them now have her blood in their system. I'll accept that she's closer to the line between Blood and Time than some, but I'm holding by ground here: 
Tumblr media
(Also, here's some irony for you, she may share an aspect with the Cancer trolls, but her birthday is August 11th, making her a Leo.)
RENEE MINKOWSKI: Minkowski was the hardest of these 4 to come to a decision on. My first inclination was Mind. Her general disposition put me in mind of a Life player. But then, I sat down and thought my way past the Commander's layers of emotional armor and ultimately settled on Light.
First off, by being a stickler for protocol and procedure as well as an Actual Responsible Adult, Minkowski is a kind of character that Homestuck straight-up just does not have, so snap judgements aren't gonna cut it here.  This is, again, another limitation of the classpecting system - all the examples we have to draw from are teenage disasters stuck in a lawless hellscape of some description or another, and written by an author allergic to boxing himself in with hard conclusions. But I digress.
Commander Minkowski is also stubborn. When she sets her mind to something, she digs in her heels, cranks the dial to 11, and then breaks off the knob and pockets it so you can't turn it back down. We see this as soon as episode 2, and at it's most hyperbolic when she Captain Ahabs the plant monster. Her's is iron-willed, bloody-minded, unstoppable, Determi-fucking-nation - when she sets her mind to it.
The submarine thought exercise is what had me initially lock her down as a hero of Mind before I mulled it over. The exercise is meant to provoke thought about priorities - what you think your role's purpose is in that situation will determine your priorities, and thus, your decisions. Mind heroes' most prominent skills are in riding the flow of causality, watching decisions, their causes and their consequences, and directing that path. They know people, and how to direct people. But the need for this means that they can get a little co-dependent. Other people are understandable - it's themselves that Mind heroes have the greatest struggle with. Without that vehicle of another person, Mind heroes may find themselves adrift and struggling to define themselves. This is fitting, given Mind is the most direct counterpart to the Heart aspect.
However, upon further examination, I found that this framework of priorities setting your decisions can also be extended to the Light aspect. What is "lucky" in a given situation? What do you define as a fortunate outcome? Rose arguably gets Grimdark'd by something like this, she asks the cue ball "are the horrorterrors evil?" and in doing so attempts to pry into the motivations and intent of *indescribable eldritch beings existing on a nigh-incomprehensible plane* and wedge it down into a relative human understanding of morality, which is sort of like trying to fit the Pacific Ocean into a water bottle. She was trying to deduce what impact the horrorterrors would have upon her and her friends, but asked the wrong question and got an answer she couldn't handle. She didn't recognize Doc Scratch was baiting her into this by leading her into a specific framework through which to ask the question. Vriska died because of her failure to recognize she was in a situation where luck didn't matter. Aranea got trounced because of her inability to recognize that reshuffling reality to prioritize herself and her preferred outcomes still didn't overcome the fundamental nature of timelines - you try to take over the alpha timeline with an insubordinate branch? That's a doomed timeline no matter how you slice it, and we know what happens to those. Luck and knowledge are both used by the Light-bound to give themselves power, whether in showing themselves off as The Smart One or the The Helpful One or The Unstoppable One, but their limited viewpoint often leads them to overlook the limitations of their own framework, or in other words, missing the bigger picture. I'll point out here also how Minkowski has the entire DSSPPM memorized and is the one who wants to get to the bottom of whatever the hell is really going on up at Wolf 359. Additionally, one of her other ambitions, at least once upon a time, was writing musicals. The verbal arts are one of the domains of Light players.
So while on the surface, Minkowski bears the most resemblance to a Life player, Life players tend to have an element of conformity to them. Unquestioned assumptions they've internalized have about the context in which they exist. Light heroes, on the other hand, need conformity so they have something to defy when they jump up and down screaming LOOK AT ME!  
So after much pontificating, I came to a decision. In the end, what Minkowski wanted more than anything else was a stage. Maybe to direct rather than hold the spotlight, but still; that's a Light hero if ever I saw one.
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chenoehi · 5 years ago
1, 10, 17, 18, 44, 49 for the bts asks!!💕
👋👋👋 Thank you for these questions! They made me think lol (also you're an MVP for always keeping up with me when I live blog performances 😭)
1. How and when did you get into BTS?
This is the shorter version bc I'm working on a personal post about this actually:
When: Last week of October 2018 in Orlando, Florida, where I was 'vacationing' while also working and basically having one of the most miserable, low weeks of my life.
How: I'd known about them since at least 2017 and watched them perform at the AMAs from afar, I listened to DNA after that, the song didn't grab me (it still doesn't 😭), and for a while I was seeing BTS content come across my tl, specifically Jimin content and he became my recruitment fairy, but the day LY in Paris had also happened recently and jikook decided to do them and all of a sudden a blog I followed spammed my tl with the jikook lap incident. At that point I'd seen BTS trending on tumblr tons of times and I saw them trending for the Waste it On Me teasers. I got interested and I listened to it when it came out but I was totally confused bc they were singing in English. So that led to me watching the classic YouTube "Who Are BTS?" videos which led me to watch one video that tested your knowledge of their voices and played clips for you to guess, and that led to my absolute obsession with Let Me Know which led to a mini breakdown when I couldn't find the song on Spotify so I listened to every. damn. song. starting. from. love yourself. Until I realized I could just Google the English lyrics and find the song that way. And then the Muster DVD content came out or was circulating literally at the same time so I got to see all the nice KM content and yeah, I basically just got hooked over the course of my week in Orlando, I walked around Disney Springs blasting Anpanman in my headphones, worked all through the night with Magic Shop, slept with my headphones on and The Tturh Untold in my ears, all because they're crackheads I love and not to be dramatic and shit but they kind of saved me when I was drowning.
10. Your favorite cover of BTS? (Doesn’t matter if it’s one of Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin, etc.)
I guess this means covers of BTS songs that other artists have done right? I really don't listen to many covers of BTS except sometimes I listen to piano versions on SoundCloud. I do listen to a cover of "The Truth Untold" by Emma Heesters on Spotify. It's probably not the best cover but I just haven't really sought out any others. .
17. Whose fashion style do you like the most?
Hmm. Well, Jimin is our pretty boy and I do always like seeing what he's wearing, I love Hoseok's style, I feel like Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi are more ambiguous, and I like Taehyung's unique style.
But, it's JK. Big. Black. Comfy.
18. Which member matches with your personality the most?
I'm like Yoongi in the sense that neither of us tend to be the most outgoing or life of the party, he can be very quiet when he wants to be and he's pretty laid back in general. We also both like to sleep a lot, and I don't think Yoongi has a black and white view of the world, or at least that's the impression I get. So I'd gather he's one of the least judgmental among them. I also connect to his mental health struggles.
I'm like Namjoon in the sense that we both love nature, trees, and although I don't have immediate access to parks, museums, things like that, if I did I'd be on a bike roaming around or walking or going to see cultural events and all that good stuff. Alas I am not. I also think we have similar ways of thinking with regard to life. I specifically connect to his mental health struggles similar to Yoongi, although I believe Namjoon has dealt with and still deals with things more in line to what my experience is like, but with different contexts of course.
Taehyung. Sweet child. He was the member I connected to the least really just up until these past few months. But the truth is I may be more like Taehyung behavior wise than any of the others. I've caught myself lately watching him say or do things and saying to myself "Taehyung is me I am Taehyung." It's honestly scary sometimes. One time I was watching BTS play this quiz to see what member they were (which lol) and I found a lot of my answers aligning with his. I think coming from a background of farmers and from things I've seen he likes nature as well and like Namjoon he's a lover of art. He also has a habit of wearing less expensive clothes and making them look nice; I lol'd when I saw that he'd been buying inexpensive women's blouses marketed to women around 40 or so 😭 He just has a unique style and while I wouldn't say that I dress like him exactly I do sometimes gravitate to more old school styles. I also wear clothes for the opposite gender a lot.
44. If you were given the chance to say one sentence to all of them, what would you tell them?
To JIMIN: Jimin, you do have jams.
To JK: What was tasty in Busan?
To HOSEOK: What did JK text you on your last day in Malta?
OK OK time to get serious
To JK: Be confident in yourself because you are a wizard, our smart Ravenclaw, and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to; your 50% effort blows away everyone else's 100%.
To JIMIN: I think the way you sing is healing and I think you know best what works for your unique voice.
To HOSEOK: You are a son your parents can be proud of, and you should be very proud and confident in yourself because you're perfect.
To YOONGI: Please never stop writing songs about things that matter because people care and we want to hear your voice.
To SEOKJIN: "Tonight" is one of my favorite songs. You should feel happy with how you honored your pets.
To TAEHYUNG: Your grandmother would be very proud of you if she could see you.
To NAMJOON: Thank you for being the gravity holding our galaxies together.
49. What kind of concept would you like to see in the future?
Hmmm. They've done so much already. . I think it would be interesting to explore the route of Dionysus a little more, maybe a little more similar to their earlier styles with heavier rap parts, maybe an infusion of rock? I'm seeing a lot of hip hop lately that's been inspired by rock so that would be interesting. Or they could do something else and maybe infuse some EDM tracks? I know what they've done lately is more pop but I think they've only touched on EDM.
As for concepts. . I don't really know what to add?? They've done light, dark, PINK, youthful, school, soft, grrr, . . . Maybe something mature like a look more in line with MOTS: vol. 2 & 3? Those were more serious like Tear but instead they could go more toward vol. 2 and come out with like evening wear, suits (fitted), or ugh more pajama wear my god, and looks similar to what they did for SY tour Singularity and Fake Love performances? I'd love to see Hoseok in another red suit like his Final Just Dance stage . . Yes.
Hope you liked this 💜
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fmdtaeyongarchive · 6 years ago
↬ do you love me?
date: early 2019.
location: n/a.
word count: 2,048 words not including lyrics.
summary: n/a.
notes: creative claims verification for do you love me. no, i didn’t proofread or reformat this so i’m sure there’s mistakes aplenty.
“do you love me” comes after “free somebody” has already been sold off to gold star with an unclear future. it also happens to come early in the process of ash feeling the pressure to learn to write sexier music on demand instead of incidentally, so that he can fit into the image bc seems to be pushing him toward for his next album without sacrificing his control in the creative process.
he has no idea that the song will end up on the same album with “free somebody” that summer at the time of writing it. their genres of retro-inspired pop and alternative r&b and the process they go through from beginning to end aren’t close enough for him to consider that thought, but when he finds out a couple of months later, it will feel fitting in some broad, existentialist way ⁠— a way of thinking ash is admittedly highly prone to when it comes to music. the thing is that they’re both a challenge for him in different ways, but “do you love me” is well within his comfort zone and it comes into existence with ash less self-aware of its challenges. “do you love me” wouldn’t sound too off on his last album or among the other music he works on while the song sits unfinished with all of his other endless drafts of songs, but that doesn’t change how much he likes the song once he finishes it. he approaches all of his music with a self-critical eye, of course, but he can acknowledge when he likes something he’s made, even if he still sees all of the flaws he believes a better writer and producer would have improved on.
this time, the song’s concept and themes aren’t something passed down as a commission from bc’s a&r department, but are part of a personal project to better himself. he just wants to make a song he enjoys again and doesn’t doubts so much while making. it’s after the release of his “swim good” bc portal collab with sohee but before the release of “fantasy” and “lust” on candy’s mini-album that ash first creates his file for what will become “do you love me”.
it’s a cold late winter seoul day. the air from outside turns ash’s nose red and as soon as he’s inside the studio and sheds his coat, he curls in on himself in the studio chair. the bc studios aren’t the most comfortable places in the world with the knowledge that none of them are his in any true capacity beyond the hours he occupies them and other producers come in and out during the day, never leaving everything in quite the same place he’d left them even if he’d been there only the night before.
but that’s okay. he tells himself he’ll have a studio of his own soon. he’ll have earned it by then. all he has to do is keep working and he’ll have that studio of his own in a few months. he hopes. if no one in knight fucks up again. but their track record for not fucking up is admittedly not the best, his own in particular, so he never lets himself think on the realisstic odds of that for too long.
ash logs in to the computer and opens up cubase and his numerous files of unfinished and abandoned works. his phone is cradled in his lap as he consults old memos and notes to see if anything sparks inspiration in him today. there’s file after file of forgotten half-lyrics and messy, hummed melodies that had come to him at inconvenient times ⁠— on the van ride to a schedule or right before a meeting with management or on a water break in the middle of dance practice with the rest of the group. many of the clips fall short of pure genius, but he’d read many years ago, when he’d still been a novice in songwriting by most considerations, that he should save every idea he has because it was impossible to tell when one might be the exact snippet he needs. ever since, he’s done so dutifully, his dedication to this particular subset of his craft one of the few things he can confidently say he likes about himself.
there’s a few ideas he taps on through the touch screen and listens to that he mentally notes to come back to, but it’s when he lands on an older clip he remembers recording when his main focus had been on songs for his own album (causing other ideas to be thrown to the wayside until he could spare time for them) that he thinks he’s found something he can really work with. it’s not too long, the digits underneath the voice memo reading about fifteen seconds in total, but upon hearing himself sing the melody and lyrics he’d all but forgotten about, he starts to see and hear ideas for how it can be fleshed out and built upon, a surefire sign that this might be something good. or something promising, at the very least. it wasn’t enough to be good yet, so he shouldn’t get ahead of himself.
“do you love me? are you feeling me?” his own voice sings to him from his phone, the english beginning of the phrase sliding smoothly into the korean of the second half. the next line is vocalizations mixing actual korean words and unintelligible sounds. he clearly hadn’t had the time to come up with the rest of the lines to accompany the melody in his head when he’d recorded the voice memo, and that isn’t anything new. his brain has become more and more wired to being a twenty-four-seven songwriter, but that doesn’t mean perfect lyrics pop into his head to accompany any random melody that runs through it. life would be better if that was the case, but unfortunately, ash had yet to achieve the precision and reliability of a songwriting robot (though, he considers, bc would surely love it if he was so easily programmable to pump out pop perfection). your in korean is the only actual word he can make out in the second line, but the third line is much clearer. it’s an obvious spin off of the first line, even if he can tell he wasn’t sure about the ending at the time: “i’m feeling you,” there’s hesitation in his voice on the recording but ash likes the way the line flows anyway, “my babe.”
eager to get started with the gem he’s found, he moves to transpose the basic melodic line into cubase on the digital piano hooked up to the computer, then pulls out the pop filtered microphone to lay his own vocals over it to work with. he doesn’t get into full recording artist mode because he knows these won’t be the final vocals on the track, but he has a vision already of how the vocals and instrumental will intertwine in a close, intimate way and he doesn’t want to wait until later in the process to start to tie that in. he plays around with what could go in place of the previously unspecified middle line before he settles on something he feels sets the proper mood for the rest of this song. it ties the bookends of the first and third line together more naturally than any of the other ideas he comes up with. he’s decided he wants to turn this into a fully fledged track already and his brain has already switched over all of the concentration he can manage with that in mind.
he spends the rest of that night on the same song without bothering to even pull up any of the others he’s been working on (despite their impending deadlines), expanding the composition on either end of the tiny snippet he’d started with. it fits nicely into the category of the alternative r&b genr, and ash finds himself more sure of where the songs going once he discovers its fleshing out well within his area of past experience. it’s not too different from songs he’d already released like “dive” and “daydream”, and the trap beats underneath fall into place because of that, part conditioned instinct thanks to the fondness he’s grown to have for how accented punctuation can sound under smooth, silky synths and vocals.
it takes a few weeks for his work to form into a real song because he eventually has to focus on other work that has a deadline or that other producers are depending on him to contribute his time to. or, more accurately, tracks which he’s depending on them to let him contribute his time to. any of them could surely finish it on their own, but ash ghosting on them because of some track of his own becoming his white whale obsession wouldn’t be a good look if he wants to keep working with them.
the rest of the lyrics continue to form as the track becomes more full. he isn’t sure of the context of the original lines at first other than being a part of something romantic and tonally sensual, but after the usual trial and error, he settles into crafting a lyrical story befitting of the song. much like he wants the vocals to weave seamlessly with the instrumental, he wants to lyrics to match the atmosphere the song sets. like the music ebbs and flows, so does the tale the lyrics tell ⁠— an intimate push and pull that leads to the repetition of “do you love me?” and “tell me how you feel”. it’s an emotion ash is all too familiar with, the question of reciprocated feelings and the tension of reading into every word and every mood, so it comes easily as he forces himself to recall what it feels like.
he’s been on the side of elation to discover the object of his affections does love him just as he’s been on the side of dejectedness to realize they don’t feel the same. that need to know is what ash keeps in mind. he doesn’t really want to dwell on the latter emotion
it’s late in the process that ash gets the idea for the song to have two vocals, a more prominent voice that’s likely to be female and an accompanying one that’s likely to be male. he’s not married to the genders of them, but the song is too explicitly instrumental for ash to fool himself into thinking that if it ends up in someone’s hands for actual release one day, it’d be made into a same-sex duet in this industry.
ash brings in one of bc’s female producers to help him record the final demo track and he manages to find a buyer in the form of gold star media again. he doesn’t expect to hear from the company about the song so soon, or at all, but when he hears they’re planning to put it on cherry’s debut solo album, he can only hide his excitement for the sake of professionalism. once the real vocals are laid down, he’s put in charge of finalizing the production to be album ready before it’s sent off for final mixing and mastering and he pushes aside his other projects to focus on the track fully again. there’s something about the song that continues to demand his full attention when it’s in front of him, like a favored child.
there isn’t much he changes about the production now that it has artists on it who will be presenting it to the world, but he keeps in mind the intricacies of cherry’s voice and her delivery, uno’s too, and how they differ from his own and the female producers. he’s had some distance from the initial production now, so he alters small parts he’s had more time to think on, but not enough that he’ll be giving a different song back to gold star.
despite his hectic schedules, he puts the finishing touches of what he’s responsible for on the song ahead of schedule instead of pushing the deadline like he usually does, but some way part of the way through, this song had become easy for him. easy, but not boring, and it doesn’t make him any less satisfied with the final product.
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kippentrash · 6 years ago
Tonight I made 2 of my friends watch some Andi Mack
Friend 1 had watched season 1 now and then when it was live but thought it was too cringey for her taste and Friend 2 basically never watches Disney Channel. Friend 1 I had talked to about TJ and Tyrus because she was one of the few who had SEEN the show.
I was talking to Friend 1 all week about the gun control plot and the episode and she said she kinda wanted to watch JUST s3e6 even without context. Friend 2 just… was on a dcord call with us so I roped him in too LOL. So of course I did a rabbit with them.
After the ep I showed them certain select scenes too. This is just some of their reaction highlights.
Keep in mind Friend 1 only knew about TJ and Tyrus through me and a few other things through me and has seen some episodes from s1 and has basic knowledge about the characters and plot while Friend 2 has never even seen Andi Mack period. Highlights under the cut. It’s really long bc tbh they were all just priceless.
@recap: Friend 1: Okay I see why you call Tyrus cute. Friend 2: Wait are they a ship Friend 1: Yes
@hole in wall: Friend 2: wait what the
@13 years:  Friend 2: hollup 13 years?? Friend 1: *gives rundown of shows entire synopsis* Friend 2: oh ok. Wait what?
@cookie: Friend 1: who carries around a roast chicken Friend 2: i would
@hallway scene: Friend 2: ok they’re definitely a ship Friend 1: that’s so flirty Friend 2: how is that not a ship? Me: RIGHT??
@jonah and buffy: Friend 2: “i like your jacket” that’s me. i’d try that with *our other friend*  Friend 1: wait did i miss something are they a ship Me: no but buffy likes another guy andi kinda dated but not jonah as far as i know. Some people think it’s a ship but i like it as a brotp Friend 1: i missed a lot Me: yup
@metcalf: Friend 1: I remember him I didn’t like him Me: I LOVE HIM “wait we changed the dress code”
@no skateboarding Friend 2: Holding it leads to skateboarding? What type of logic is that? That’s like saying me holding my knife leads to stabbing Me: What Friend 1: What Friend 2: I mean what
@cookie’s cookies: Friend 2: god i wish that were me Me: mood
@dirtbiking Friend 1: WAIT NO HE’S GONNA GET HURT Me: Considering he broke his finger trying to skateboard that’s a valid concern Friend 1: HE’S DEFINITELY GONNA BREAK A BONE Friend 2: Wait how do you break your finger skateboarding
@reed Me: HE SOUNDS HIGH DOESN’T HE? TELL ME HE DOESN’T SOUND HIGH Friend 1: I can see it Friend 2: That’s me and *group of friends* after we play badminton and get mcdonalds! We’re not high we just sound high! Me: no you guys are definitely high Friend 2: Touche
@dirtbike setup: Friend 1: ship Friend 2: yeah definitely a ship Me: YEP
@shoe Friend 1: how did he lose his shoe Friend 2: on brand? Me: don’t question it
@lovies Friend 2: god i wish that were me times 2
@skateboard shop Friend 2: docious magocious?? Me: I miss it Friend 2: what??
@tattoos: *metcalf turns around* Friend 2: wait why does he look familiar Me: That’s the principal Friend 2: god i wish i had a principal like that Friend 1: i still don’t like him
@buffy and jonah leaving Friend 2: *vine imitation* WHY ARE YOU RUNNING
@gun plot Friend 2: wait GUNS?? ON DISNEY CHANNEL??? Friend 1: she wouldn’t shut up about this plot all week Me: I’M SO PROUD OF THIS SHOW
@babie bowie pic Friend 1: aw thats so cute Friend 2: eating dog food same Me: what Friend 2: what
@end of ep Friend 2: next time on dragon ball z *next time on andi mack* Friend 2: wait this is actually next time on dragon ball z
So then I showed them a bunch of specific clips of Andi Mack 
@tyrus 17 minute compilation: @swings: Friend 1: he better start pushing him *TJ gets off and starts pushing him* Both: *SCREAMING* Friend 1: OKAY ITS A VALID SHIP IF HE DIDN’T PUSH HIM I’D SAY IT WAS JUST SEEING THINGS THIS IS CANON *by the end of the compilation* Friend 2: tyrus or death Me: yes. Friend 1: I kinda want to get back into this show just for Tyrus Me: DO IT
@cyrus coming out to buffy Friend 1: WAIT IM CRYING WHAT HOW HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE Me: IDK HOW HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE ITS LIKE THE MOST ICONIC THING IN THE SHOW Friend 1: I KNEW HE WAS GAY AND I KNEW ABOUT THE LOOKBACK I DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT THIS Friend 2: wait so he’s canonically gay? Me: YES Friend 2: so tyrus actually has a chance of being canon Me: im like 98% sure tyrus is gonna be canon
@cyrus coming out to andi Friend 2: rip took her a second
@candle wax Friend 1: DON’T SMUDGE IT WAIT NO Me: why wouldn’t you wait for it to dry Friend 2: they just scraped into the wall Friend 1: oh this is what you’ve been repeating this whole time Me: I’m just a boy. Standing in front of a wall. Friend 2: Trying to cover it with toothpaste
@cyrus dancing: Friend 2: that’s me Me: fun fact his actor was actually thrown into this without any idea of what the choreography was Friend 1: omg rip Me: and of the main 3 he’s the only one who’s not a trained dancer Friend 2: that’s definitely me
I think that was all there was I’m so sad it got deleted and spent a good 30 minutes trying to retype it out and not miss anything bc this was amazing.
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suredahlia-arc · 6 years ago
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hello hello ! i’m daisy ( 19 // est // she/her ) and my mind has been tricked by florence into thinking it’s 7am when it’s actually,, 4:30pm. i’m in the mountains so we shouldn’t be having it as hard as other places, but everyone is still worried abt falling trees and such ! all my suitemates decided to go be storm-chasers ( every single one of them ? ), so i could be living my best life rn, but i’d rather be writing up an intro for a character i have tried to play over four times then the rp died after,, like,, a day. bless. more below !!
♪ { MARINA DIAMANDIS. FEMALE. MARINA (AND THE DIAMONDS). }Oh shit. Is that BUY THE STARS by DAHLIA ANGELIS on the radio right now?! I stan, omg. SHE’S that INDIE-POP solo artist who’s TWENTY-SEVEN years old. They’ve been in the game for EIGHT YEARS and have THREE ALBUMS out right now. I think they’re very VERSATILE and INTUITIVE, but for some reason they come off as OBSESSIVE and CYNICAL in the tabloids. You mind if I turn this up? daisy. 19. est. she/her.
first, i feel inclined to say why i put “and the diamonds” in parentheses bc without context i either look super uninformed or like a total douchebag?? basically she’s going by just “marina” now but i didn’t know how wide-spread that knowledge was yet and technically all of her work still has “and the diamonds” so i was like “hm. parentheses.” and there’s ur explanation ! onto the intro:
TRIGGERS: extreme misogyny, brief mention of gaslighting/emotional abuse, briefly implied physical abuse
so i have been waiting to play a bitch inspired by the stepford wives for forever. if i ever actually finished books that weren’t assigned, wbk i’d read that bitch. but we settle for the 1975 movie. there’s ur preface.
i often get way too caught up in the story of the parents and wind up making just intros like,,, a novella, so i’m gonna do my best to skim over them and go more in-depth when i write the bio later on!!
so dahlia’s mom is inspired by neely “i’m a BIG STAR!” o’hara from ‘the valley of the dolls’ and her dad is, ofc, inspired by walter “no fun quotes or super extra™ monologues” everhart from, you guessed it, ‘the stepford wives (1975)’
just as a very brief explanation as to why “i’m a BIG STAR” wound up in the neighborhood she would, typical fall from glory, first manager whisked her away, “fell in love”, moved to a neighborhood where 95% of the women only found joy in cooking and cleaning
maybe if you HAD a fucking business...
i’ve made this joke so many times i’ve memorized this entire scene.
only one person irl has ever genuinely laughed.
it was my mom.
through a series of gaslighting, emotional manipulation, and groupthink, dahlia’s father gradually got her mother to buy into all of it and have strong opinions on the best laundry detergent.
so this was a strange place to raise a child, amirite ? i mean, you got women discussing tide vs. bounty while baking cake, you got men being treated like kings – we over here in the stereotypical 1950s. 
they stanned super small neighborhoods in wales, but should they have ?
so she had a very skewed idea of what was acceptable and what wasn’t. the boys were treated extremely “boys will be boys!” like – like... more than they are when we talk abt the problem with that sentence – and the girls were all wives in training.
it was acceptable for boys and men alike to do whatever they wanted without asking the other. it was acceptable for boys and men alike to complain over anything they wanted. it was acceptable for boys and men to do all of these things that, if we heard about them today, we’d be like “jail??” or, at the very least “leave.”
it was all good and well though!! but one of the four (4) duties dahlia’s mother had was taking care of the child (the other three were cooking, cleaning, and pleasing)
you see, she was used to dahlia’s father blowing things out of proportion when it came to herself – it was normal and healthy!! but she was not used to him blowing things out of proportion on their child, aka dahlia (you see, this is what happens when i start talking about the parents too much)
the first time just warranted a brief “hey, maybe don’t.” the second time warranted a conversation that ended poorly. third warranted an empty threat of leaving that ended poorly. fourth warranted an actual threat that ended poorly. fifth and a bitch was like “ok where r we and how do we get out!!”
after finding her way out, she settled with dahlia in a rly crummy motel, but what else are u gonna do when u only have the few dollars u managed to steal from ur guy??
y’all see i’m already talking in perspective of the parents i hate myself
so dahlia’s mom phoned so many old friends and relatives. unfortunately, as a previous neely “the whole WORLD loves me!!” o’hara who just seemed to drop off the face of the earth, almost everyone was like “bitch tf no you ain’t stayin here”
the last person she phoned was her mom, aka dahlia’s grandmother, down in athens. reluctantly, a bitch was like “fine.”
so dahlia was ~13 by now. her mom found work as a maid bc she was rly good at cleaning and also had no clue how she would ever get a good acting career back (although, mind you, you know a bitch went out for some community theater plays). her grandmother was able to live off the inheritance her late husband, dahlia’s grandfather, left behind – however, she also had a work ethic that drove her to just... do whatever she deemed the right thing to do at the time. 
an old woman doing some odd jobs?? you know it!!
dahlia learned how to speak greek which is great bc you know what?? i duolingo’d that bitch and that owl is a jerk who wouldn’t let me get past “ο άντρας” even tho i spelled it!! right!! i had so many ppl compare what i spelled and what the answer was and i’m still bitter!! 
so like,, wbk a bitch has some unresolved problems. when you grow up in the equivalent of stepford (copyright 1972, ira levin), you gonna have some things to work thru!!
but she was also basically trained by that community to keep everything inward??
this is a musician rp so you know what she did??
was a myspace queen tbh. technically speaking, she has more work out there than the three listed albums (i mean, we got mermaid v. sailor, the crown jewels, etc., etc., bUT)
decided “bitch i’m gonna make smth of this” and,,, did. so when she was 19 ‘the family jewels’ was released and,, like,, she decided “wow time to go be an american!!! i love bald eagles!!!”
so i figure the rest is kind of history?? i think i’ll be going in chronological order with the albums (in that a few years after that ‘electra heart’ was released, then ‘froot’, then a hiatus which we do NOT stan, then coming back with a leak ksksksks. BUT i may switch up electra and froot i’m not quite sure yet??)
VERSATILE: ok so she never really does things quite the same ? alexa, play ‘can’t pin me down’ by marina (and the diamonds) dahlia angelis. musically speaking, she really loves experimenting with different sounds. overall, she is still considered indie-pop, but we had some good new-wave pop in ‘the family jewels’, we had some good electropop in ‘electra heart’, we had some good general versatility in ‘froot’ (compare the song ‘froot’ to ‘immortal’ like we were boppin then we were havin an existential crisis). does not like keeping things the same in her music. does not like being compared to other artists bc?? everyone!! is different!! generally speaking, she’s just a very?? open person?? not as in emotionally open, open book – all that, as in willing to try pretty much anything?? as long as it’s not her actual routine, if a wrench is thrown in her plans, a bitch don’t care as long as the wrench ain’t smth dumb. here for a good time, not a long time.
INTUITIVE: ok so she got really into trying to read people and tbh psychoanalyze them ( alexa, play ‘savages’ by marina (and the diamonds) dahlia angelis ) after leaving that. town. with a name she doesn’t even recall?? wbk a bitch would speak up abt it if she could so that all of the women could be fckin saved but she j doesn’t remember anything abt it!! other than the environment in general!! what’s the name?? besides somewhere in wales, what’s the location?? she doesn’t know!! mainly bc i don’t!! and also for the sake of her not actually saying anything abt it willingly!! anyway!! she really does her best to read people and situations in order to analyze like?? the safety aspect, the other person’s stance, etc. doesn’t always work, but she tries. is pretty good at it, but no pro.
OBSESSIVE: ok so y’all see up there me talking abt routines?? there are two (2) ways in which girly is obsessive. first, a literal manner. routines that need to be done so the world doesn’t fall apart. i mean, we stan obscured brain chemistry, but we also stan horrible environments that just exacerbate it, even into adulthood, in the end ( alexa, play ‘obsessions’ by marina (and the diamonds) dahlia angelis. ) (also, i feel i should clear the possible iffy-ness this would have by saying that i’ve got ocd and will, therefore, be portraying it in a manner similar to mine so that it doesn’t come across as offensive to anyone else who may have a different form?? but most of the ‘routines’ won’t be very prominent in interactions). second, music!! when she gets started on a new project, -the mask vc- try ta’ stop [her]! -end vc- . will live in the studio until everything is complete and perfect. will spend her free time writing lyrics she knows she’ll never use bc?? why not?? gotta get that practice in!! can also apply to any other project types, but ofc the main ones would be music related so??
CYNICAL: ok. who’s gonna have a positive worldview after growing up where she did?? ( alexa, play ‘hermit the frog’ by marina (and the diamonds) dahlia angelis ) who’s gonna stan that?? that said, there is not a single genuinely good person in this world ( alexa, play ‘savages’ by marina (and the diamonds) dahlia angelis again ) if u ask her like?? not only did she already have that view after coming to her senses but?? now she knows about terrorists, about people from the usa who are SUPPOSED to be the good guys killing innocent ppl from ‘enemy territories’ for fun, ppl assaulting and killing minorities just bc they’re not like them, etc., etc., etc. convinced no one is inherently good. rly has a love/hate relationship with life ksksksks
a lot of these kind of tie into personality tbh?? 
literally knows everything about every cleaning product ever. ask her about the pros and cons of any and she will tell you. she’ll also tell you when it was manufactured, the ceo of the company that created it at the time, what went in it to make it, etc., etc., etc. knows so much.
kind of going off of that, actually really good at cooking and baking?? she rarely does it willingly, but will make a hell of a chocolate soufflé.
TRIGGER: IMPLIED SEXUAL ASSAULT -  i don’t want to go too far into this bc it’s very triggering content to many ppl (and even to ppl who it isn’t, it’s j?? not good.), but.... i mean.... the boys in her formative environment were literally encouraged to do whatever they wanted and they didn’t need permission?? END TRIGGER.
i have a whole-ass routine already figured out. there are a lot of facets obviously, so i’ll just mention a few?? but count them all as one headcanon to be fair. 
sets an alarm to get into bed at 1:11am bc it’s a good number but 11:11 is usually too early. sets an alarm for 11:11am to wake her up. will chill in bed if she’s awake before then but it has yet to go off. only exceptions are when she’s working on something she deems urgent.
that said, good numbers are 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, etc. no rhythm to it, but i wasn’t gonna go?? up until?? infinity??
if there are two doors that are both available to be opened and closed (aka not one of those “enter through this one, exit through this one”), will always enter through the right and exit through the left. 
we don’t stan sidewalk cracks!!
a lot of superstition plays into these. but?? loves black cats. they’re chill.
i have a stats page coming that has more so!!
during the eh era, be it the last one or the one before that, decided to method act while she was still writing the songs ksksksks. that’s going to go into some of her more specific connections.
a bitch will both fight and not fight. got ‘the family jewels’ attitude back and we stan!!
was obviously able to write the ‘housewife’ archetype songs from her own personal experience ksksksks. didn’t rly have to dive into the stereotype. j knew it already.
more?? later??
so i have a few specific ones that are attached to a different blog (u kno one of the ones that died) that i’ll be moving over here, but here are some of the ones that stuck out more than others – also, all are open to any gender!:
UPDATE: wc page is here!
during the eh era while she was ‘method acting’ (we hate.), she knew this muse was in a relationship but was still like?? “hey let’s go have a meaningless ons” bc we stan "homewrecker”! (can have a number of muses!!)
a relationship that really didn’t work out in the end. the other kept trying to make things better so they would stay together. inspired by “buy the stars” (one muse)
the first celebrity whose discography or filmography she got really into before moving to america. would’ve had to have been around for longer than eight years. slightly inspired by “hollywood” (one muse)
ok this one. makes me laugh. literally just someone who always gets her mistaken for someone else – it doesn’t even have to look like her. 100% inspired by “hollywood” ( oh my god! you look just like shakira! no, no – you’re catherine zeta! ) (open to two muses)
she’s not known for a good reputation, but she’s also not known for a bad one. this muse wants to turn her to the dark side and make her become everything she never wanted to be?? so very similar to ‘the bad influence’ connection, j w/ a slightly different connotation on dahlia’s end. inspired by “oh no!” (open to two muses)
these bitches were either friends or love interests once, but things fell apart (either mutually or on the other’s side like?? i don’t want to godmod but for the song’s sake). dahlia is,, bad abt forgiveness,, but there have been enough apologies. inspired by “forget” (open to one muse)
dahlia has a very keen interest in this person. whether it’s infatuation or literally just interest, god only knows! obviously goes deeper than that but i’m horrible at explanations. suffice it to say, inspired by “immortal”
ok!! so now j some general ones!!
best friend
ride or die
drinking buddy
enemies for whatever reason
collab partner
muse for any of her songs?
etc., etc., etc. !
u can also find me on discord @ john donne’s whore #5590
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ilovebigdoinks69-blog · 7 years ago
Before I begin, I ask of you to NOT witchhunt Lance/kins/yega/perfect/whatever username he has now, do anything to him that will hurt him, cause him to hurt himself or drive him off of any social media platform. I genuinely hate callout culture and the such, but I felt like this was needed to be done. He IS a human person with feelings and of course has rights to be on whatever social medias he wants to be on.
Although Lance is an abusive person, I do not want the purpose of this post to practically stoop down to his level. My intentions for this is to bring light to his behavior and hopefully help people not fall into his trap.
For some context: I met Lance on Vent. For those who don’t know, Vent is a social media platform to basically… vent. Possibly the worse place to ever meet someone in my own personal opinion, but that doesn’t matter.
Anyway, we met in the Dangan Ronpa Kin group. I was shitposting and then posted a canon call bc hey why not make new friends. Essentially Lance commented, we became mutuals and everything unfolds there.
We talked for a bit on discord. He brung up the topic of his now ex-boyfriend, Tord. At first I disliked Tord due to the fact that he was abusive towards Lance. And this fact is true. However, from my knowledge Tord has never excused his actions has told me personally he still regrets them. Tord has also said he’s working on changing his behavior and he definitely is.
Lance himself on the other hand was just as bad. He has told me that Lance has constantly berated him for certain things he cannot help, has brushed off Tord’s feelings, get unreasonably angry towards him, ect ect. Basically everything you shouldn’t do in a relationship.
Here are some links to back up my statement:
https://imgur.com/a/gQ2sO (Lance getting jealous of tords abuser)
https://imgur.com/a/fDrPM (more of lance being nasty)
https://imgur.com/a/ZCMdy (Tord’s friend givin him comfort abt the situation)
https://imgur.com/a/UegAC (Lance sending one of his qpps to deadname and call tord a whore)
https://imgur.com/a/9RYTc (other various things lance has done to make tord uncomfortable n such)
There is another callout post for Lance made by Tord’s qpp that can be read here. It provides more proof of Lance’s behavior as well as some other things. 
While Tord is currently trying to fix his behavior and actions, Lance on the other hand is not. I’m friends with one of his other exes, whom I will be calling H. H and I are pretty close friends and when I mentioned that I was dating Lance, they warned me of some of his actions. I was already sketchy of Lance from the first time we met. When I ranted to H about Lance, they said he hasn’t changed from when they dated. I dont remember exactly when they did, but it was possibly a few months ago. Most likely early in the year. Aside from that, that was their only testimony.
Tord has also mentioned to me that when they were in a call, Lance told him that he found no reason to change his actions/behavior and “that’s the way he just is.”
Another thing Tord has mentioned to me is that Lance dates people for very shallow reasons. In his case, it was only because he thought Tord was attractive. And as for my case, it was only because I’m kin with Kiibo. I recall this one time Lance mentioning that he loses friends quickly and I honestly understand why now lol. He treats people like garbage if they are not up to his expectations and either he drops them like flies, or the other party stands their ground.
As for my accounts; I did like Lance in a romantic sense for some time, albeit short. I’m avoiding using the term “love” since now that I think back on it, it wasn’t exactly love. Just a crush I happened to act on impulsively. Continuing on from when we first met, I mentioned to Lance that we can discuss memories. Lance replied with (his exact words. Not mine) “i dont do memories im gonna cry hhh.” Of course not everyone who is kin gets memories and I respect that.
Kin memories are not the main point of this though. Lance said this to lure me in to “be his kiibo.” I already knew this from the beginning and decided to play along. I’m a very analytical person and have a very strong intuition. Im not saying this to toot my own horn, but to back up on how I knew his intentions. I do not have screenshots of this anymore since I deleted the post from our first falling out (which i will get into in a bit.)
Moving on, all of this led to the events I stated earlier. On December 3rd of 2017, I started to talk to Tord. Initially my aim was to tell Tord to leave Lance alone since he made him uncomfortable. I told Lance that I wouldn’t be able to talk much since I was heading over to my cousin’s birthday party. I also mentioned that I would try to make the time to talk to him, but that never happened. Lance said it was fine but then proceeded to make vagues about me and then threatened suicide. The posts can be viewed here: https://imgur.com/a/QR6O9
Imgur messed up the caption for the last img but basically what went down was that I was already thinking of breaking things off with Lance. I was talking to Tord about this, as again my first initial plan was to get him to leave Lance alone but due to me thinking of breaking up, our conversation turned into the things Lance has done while he and Tord were together. Reading what I was sent made me feel revolted and gave me even more motivation to break things off with Lance. I wrote a message explaining why we (Lance and I) were better off not being together the night previous, much thanks to H’s help. The prewritten message can be read here: https://imgur.com/a/EFORS
Tord has also told me that Lance fakes suicide a lot. I wasnt worried about this to begin with since I used to know someone who used to pull similar bs as Lance did.
At this point, Lance blocked me on Vent and that was it. At first I was fine. However due to past experiences I got extremely paranoid that Lance was saying things behind my back, namedropping and all that fun stuff. I was pretty much having very bad panic attacks and HAD to at least end things on the right foot.
I asked Tord if I can talk to him. I don’t have any screenshots of this but Lance complied and we sorted things out. We were quite for a few days but things kicked back up again. Everything was fine until I believe yesterday (12/10/17). I was having a very bad mental health day and so was doing things to keep me from slipping. I was also very busy that day so I kept on forgetting to reply to people. Proof of this is here: https://imgur.com/a/k4dqr. For more added context, I made a small pda post about how much I loved my friends and that was about it. He was pretty much trying to coax me to say that I was ignoring him in that one bit, but I really wasn’t.
Today, 12/11/17, was the day we decided to cut things off for good.
The conversation is here as long as some other guilt trippy shenanigans: https://imgur.com/a/qHwwx
This was our final conversation: https://imgur.com/VPm7oKc
Him saying that I lead him on is kind of bs. I truly did like him. Funny enough he himself lead other people on but that’s none of my business 🐸☕
Anyway, thank you so much for reading! I would appreciate if you spread this around
Also, Lance if you’re readin this, my offer still stands lmao. Change yourself first and then come talk to me.
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t--o--f--u-blog · 6 years ago
☼☼☼☼��� also think tank a white lecturer using the n-word when quoting literature in a lecture? I think she used it once outside of quotation as well certainly not meant in a disrespectful way, just seems unnecessary
☐☐☐☐☐ better have a justification at least but if you just use it out of the blue it always seems like some attempt at provocation 'i can say this because my interests are purely academic'
☼☼☼☼☼ mmmmm we're reading uncle tom's cabin, so it's hard to avoid
☐☐☐☐☐ should only be quoted verbatim if absolutely necessary, if there's no alternative I think
☼☼☼☼☼ yeah seems like she could have avoided it pretty easily
☐☐☐☐☐ if she's making no acknowledgement of the word's relationship to her privilege, that's rly not good
☼☼☼☼☼ yeah she's older so there might just be an outdated perspective there 'I'm just quoting the text, it was anti-slavery so I'm fine' sort of mentality maybe?
☐☐☐☐☐ still she would know about the contemporary attitude to the word and she should at least mention that! ugh like it doesn't sound malicious or super super racist, but eh
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah I feel iffffy about it
☐☐☐☐☐ should mention it!
☼☼☼☼☼ Trying to work out if I should send email and if so how to word it
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ be interesting to actually properly discuss it
☐☐☐☐☐ yep
☍☍☍☍☍ heck I’d be interested to know more of a history of the word basically teach properly why its offensive
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah, I might bring it up in the tutorial different teacher, but maybe good discussion
☐☐☐☐☐ mm that seems appropriate i'd love to hear how that goes
☍☍☍☍☍ uhhh there was someone who used it at Bar Oussou  the host reallllly should’ve said something and I normally would but just too tired for confrontation
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah ☐☐☐☐☐ was telling me Sounded very cringe
☐☐☐☐☐ v unfortunate most disappointed in yhe host tbh
☐☐☐☐☐ he maybe had a old-worldy attitude to it and didn't mind or was too cowardly lol which do u think?
☍☍☍☍☍ I think he thought it was in the context of the poem she didn’t use it to degrade someone directly, but the word itself is degrading
☐☐☐☐☐ ugh but the poem is in the context of fuckin oussou yep ppl need to have a think before using words
☍☍☍☍☍ I just think its great to have a stage to do emotional work, but it can cross a line into normalising shitty white behaviour
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ I went to a coloured school so I can’t b racist wah wah wah
☐☐☐☐☐ and you have to consider your audience if your rant is dehumanising or brushes aside/causes suffering u gotta reconsider felt pretty ashamed on behalf of bartender/various black audience members not saying that dumb white shit would be acceptable with a different audience, but her obliviousness was kinda astounding
☼☼☼☼☼ wow yeah cringefest
☍☍☍☍☍ lol spoken word scene as a whole can b so lame haha rings true to why I/we left
☐☐☐☐☐ mm so macho! that's what I liked about talkbox some sensitivity there, gentleness
☍☍☍☍☍ still, I just wish people read more lok *lol
☐☐☐☐☐ yep I wish I read more
☍☍☍☍☍ like the stylistic range is generally pretty lame
☐☐☐☐☐ I guess that's why anyone reads mmm
☍☍☍☍☍ I wish I read more too
☐☐☐☐☐ hahahaha
☼☼☼☼☼ :')
☍☍☍☍☍ don’t mean to shit on everyon, I just think the scene as a whole and the conception of poetry is lacklustre - it doesn’t seem like the time for poetry, sometimes
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ ppl too distracted by netflix uwu sounds like phones but too much
☐☐☐☐☐ doesn't seem like the time for art, sometimes! hahhh
☍☍☍☍☍ its definitely a time for music
☼☼☼☼☼ I think there's a place for poetry It's just raps and memes
☍☍☍☍☍ yeh but I play dat long game there might not b a place now but I’mma fkn make one whether you like it or not lol
☼☼☼☼☼ Oh yeah fair go 4 it
☐☐☐☐☐ loll
☍☍☍☍☍ I just mean that I think 'poetry' has evolved into other forms, and now the traditional form is struggling to find a place I mean does anyone pay attention to Victorian satirical cartoons? I don’t I think it’s also tho that the low brow is more apparent in the moment, the high brow more apparent from a distance the shit sinks, basically
☼☼☼☼☼ elaborate?
☍☍☍☍☍ time brings forward higher brow material while a lot of lower brow stuff falls back or like there’s an art for getting through your days, and there’s an art for elaborate long form spiritual liberation
☼☼☼☼☼ so u don't mind about a lack of audience now if your work has staying power?
☍☍☍☍☍ different works have different digestion time and yes that is what I’m saying
☼☼☼☼☼ hmmmmmmm
☍☍☍☍☍ hmmmmmmmm?
☐☐☐☐☐ personally I don't know whether I'm prioritising the reception of my work or its value to me right now i feel poetry/art in general are useful tools for thinking about the world useful philosophical tools i guess and idk whether i'm learning for the sake of my own knowledge/making 'better' art or learning so what I put out into the world is better received I suppose the two aren't mutually exclusive but yeah - feeling fairly indifferent to the idea of creating work that will persist right now part of me feels more comfortable with being lost forever lol or at least that I should become comfortable with that, bc that is what will happen inevitably
☍☍☍☍☍ I just think in this atmosphere of complete denial of the arts as an important component of society, as well as the stigmatisation of ritual and other mystical practices that used to house what we now might describe as an artist, its important that we follow our intuition rather than give in to a system that routinely prevents us having access to basic resources like I want to be there for whoever is there when this period comes to end and those peoples are looking for anything to rudder them, whether or not I’m alive
☐☐☐☐☐ you want to add to the cultural record?
☍☍☍☍☍ I want provide a map for future generations is how I would put it
☐☐☐☐☐ mm how do you feel one can ensure the persistence of their own work? or are you just hoping it'll be around for others I suppose whether or not anything lasts is out of ur control past a certain point
☍☍☍☍☍ for one I make an effort to give away a lot of work
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ I also store it all and make sure that that stockpile is kept w care but I also think there’s something to be said that I try and operate within many pre-existing canons I also it’s important to use the more meme-y, short stay work to bring attention to the slower works yeah, re: canons, like tanka and before that wakka as poetic forms stem back as far as a thousand years - perhaps more by putting myself in conversation with the ancients... idk it feels a bit like entering a cultural refrigerator haha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ sometimes I find it better to see my individual works as modules that make up a whole more prescient than its parts (Morton lolz) soo... maybe my work won’t carry the same weight until I finish, so to speak who knowsss but this how I think about it lol
☐☐☐☐☐ best to try and contribute something I spose rather than do nothing w ur resources
☍☍☍☍☍ I’m weird with this shit u don’t have to be
☐☐☐☐☐ mm it seems fairly simple to me and not that weird
☍☍☍☍☍ not everyone should spend their life tending their gravestone it’s a job for a particular type of person, and I am it
☐☐☐☐☐ but in a sense everyone does anyway everyone does things with the future in mind or without it in mind I suppose
☐☐☐☐☐ and i guess that influences what you leave when you die eheh, whether you do it consciously or unconsciously
☍☍☍☍☍ I just am particularly stubborn that I have something to offer - I think its partially a result of being denied that a lot in school, I found other ways to have social bonds that were more... non linear bonds with past peoples, and inadvertently bonds with future people
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ I find it frustrating that its seen as arrogant to suggest your work should be read after you die - if anything its remarkably humble as I'm acknowledging that I will never properly see the fruits of my labour it's a ridiculously isolating position to find oneself in, where your best friends - books, music, content - have no form of human intimacy with you and completely defy all survivalistic, lizard-brain humanity plus you're just on a total different dimension from most people you meet
☐☐☐☐☐ mm you're in a very specific position here
☍☍☍☍☍ lol goodluck catching up ☼☼☼☼☼
☼☼☼☼☼ unrelated btw
(☼☼☼☼☼ posts a meme in chat)
☍☍☍☍☍ see y'all @ da rally (in reference to the meme)
☐☐☐☐☐ where and when is this? oh oops thought you meant a real one
☼☼☼☼☼ hahaha
☍☍☍☍☍ xD
☼☼☼☼☼ structurally is the meme ok ? took the photo the other day, and just added the text.
☍☍☍☍☍ yes are u going to weigh in on the conversation tho lol
☼☼☼☼☼ nah not really
☍☍☍☍☍ meme fine
☼☼☼☼☼ I have so little to add
☍☍☍☍☍ well hm why make memes? why not write novel? do memes have staying power?
☐☐☐☐☐ it's a question of what timescale is important to you at any given time maybe
☍☍☍☍☍ oh absolutely - not trying to infer a hierarchy here, I just think there are different approaches for different problems
☐☐☐☐☐ sometimes I'll say something to someone so they'll remember it for tomorrow, sometimes I'll say something to someone and hope they'll remember forever lol mm I don't think I care about staying power that much
☐☐☐☐☐ memes have such a short lifetime, they're like cultural mayflies haha
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah defs
☍☍☍☍☍ why tho lol
☼☼☼☼☼ Because the art itself can date while still inspiring change
☍☍☍☍☍ yeah so using it pragmatically like a single use tissue
☼☼☼☼☼ If you create something short lived, it (with the help of other artists producing similar work) is able to push art and society in a specific direction The butterfly effect I guess
☍☍☍☍☍ it's true that you have more effect in the current conversation
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ but that conversation draws intensively on a language formed by the ancients so the two are dependent on each other, a back and forth
☐☐☐☐☐ and that's dependent on their work's longevity?
☍☍☍☍☍ not following ur question
☐☐☐☐☐ not following your point haha hmm
☼☼☼☼☼ so you're suggesting a works longevity is crucial in that it helps reinforce and update the ancient language in which short term work of the future will be influenced by?
☐☐☐☐☐ mm also - what if of all the work you make, it's only a meme that survives the passage of time?
☍☍☍☍☍ basically... like you're just reiterating points that have been made more in depth in 'higher' brow culture - that's definitely how I feel when writing raps
☐☐☐☐☐ like Roman graffiti surviving on the walls or whatever
☍☍☍☍☍ did you a hear copy of the I Ching, the Chinese numerology classic more than a thousand years old, was found in the 70s and had a heap more sections and a different order? effectively completely changing the understanding of the I Ching gotta get those nice lead storage chambers ayyyyy ahahaha it was found buried in a coffin, obvs haha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ a lot of Chinese philosophers only exist in so much as someone else described them
☼☼☼☼☼ But what does that changing of contexts of that piece actually mean for us? Is updated Ching from the coffin helping us in any way?
☍☍☍☍☍ I think for me finding the I Ching and looking over it is like a person in a thousand years finding a functional iPhone it gives great insight into human impulses regardless of time and offers a way of writing the past a new, which in turn presents a new future (thinking of the cowboy article you sent me) reconceptualizing the past IS the future look at 'Make America Great Again' or calls to restore the caliphate both are founded on histories that have more to do with our current state than the actual happenings of the past
☼☼☼☼☼ I do see where you're coming from I like the idea that it's important to preserve our work for understand the past better And I hope that someone in the future will have a clearer understanding of our time through your well preserved works But what fucking future is it
☍☍☍☍☍ haha but like looking back we see people been asking that for a veeery long time I get it seems on a new scale but we're on a new scale too
☼☼☼☼☼ It does seem that yes Also if we do survive and keep on teching on
☍☍☍☍☍ I'm for an integration of the human/natural binary where we properly acknowledge our mutual codependency, the earth and humanity that is
☼☼☼☼☼ Are we even going to be translatable? Is the functioning iPhone found by the future person going to even be able to be translated? Or will it be meaningless because everyone is already part of the grid
☍☍☍☍☍ where artificially effecting the climate for the benefit of 'nature' isn't seen as strange but completely akin to Aboriginal burn back practices
☐☐☐☐☐ i guess it's productive to hope that it will be translatable
☍☍☍☍☍ we've always interfered in the running of nature
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ ehhh idk we translated fucking hieroglyphics
☼☼☼☼☼ Or future tech can look into the past and someone is watching our lives as we type this now, constantly being understood through our context in a way we can't comprehend through our recording processes shrugs
☍☍☍☍☍ I mean yeah, imagine if the internet was even vaguely archived
☼☼☼☼☼ You probably have a better understanding of how the future will pan out than I do tho
☍☍☍☍☍ even if 0.1 % was kept, it would be a massive resource
☼☼☼☼☼ No sass intended there, I'm sincere
☍☍☍☍☍ lol idk I just try to see a bigger picture and it keeps me calm remember me old saying? we survived the plague and nukes lol
☼☼☼☼☼ I just don't see the issue with creating short term work, especially if it is preserved
☍☍☍☍☍ oh neither do I
☼☼☼☼☼ Like a meme may have more impact than a novel rn
☐☐☐☐☐ well it could be argued that we're yet to survive nukes but I see your point impact on various timescales
☼☼☼☼☼ I've heard the plague make be thinking of making a comeback too haha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ oh duh peasantry is fully hip rn
☐☐☐☐☐ but like
☍☍☍☍☍ bring back the boils, they look great with my Balenciaga sneakers
☐☐☐☐☐ lol bubonic chic
☼☼☼☼☼ Pretty close to heroin chic tbh haha
☍☍☍☍☍ not jking that was tb
☐☐☐☐☐ but like, I don't find a huge amount of solace in the fact that we survived the plague
☍☍☍☍☍ "The Victorians romanticized the disease and the effects it caused in the gradual build to death. For decades, many beauty standards emulated or highlighted these effects. And as scientists gained greater understanding of the disease and how it was spread, the disease continued to keep its hold on fashion. and the severity of the corsets was known to harm the lungs in such a way that would increase the likelihood of transmission LOOOL
☐☐☐☐☐ mm Balenciaga look out idk it's a question of what capacity we survive in
☼☼☼☼☼ lollllll
☐☐☐☐☐ quite depressing to think about
☍☍☍☍☍ eating disorders have a pretense
☐☐☐☐☐ what if ecocide leaves a few insular eco fascist regimes who gradually diminish over centuries always engaged in pointless wars of attrition with one another lol
☍☍☍☍☍ I mean you could probably say the same thing of colonial regimes now
☐☐☐☐☐ just because we can survive, doesn't mean my outlook should b at all rosy :((
☍☍☍☍☍ point is its a big ol' world that has plenty of room for pain AND love any future pain you think is imminent probably already is happening, and nonetheless breakfast tasted good this morning
☼☼☼☼☼ 'The hipster middle class would dress with raggedy beards and large jackets and refuse to use deodorant, perhaps to reflect the look of people suffering from homelessness at the time. It is suspected that this made them less likely to be hired, and therefore more likely to become homeless themselves.'  ☍☍☍☍☍ ahahaha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm that's true hahhh
☼☼☼☼☼ Planning on making this into a full essay. Might not be popular now, but I think it has staying power? Soz for shitposting haha
☍☍☍☍☍ I was talking with ☲☲☲☲☲ a while back, and something struck me - she said, "I never thought this age would have its own fleet of particular medical conditions." (or something like that lol, translated via my nerd brain)
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah that didn't quite sound like her But that sentiment is great
☍☍☍☍☍ 'fleet'
☼☼☼☼☼ In that ofc there is, but also wow yeah ofc!
☐☐☐☐☐ mmm hahh these conversations should be recorded so we can all think about em without scrolling up endlessly
☼☼☼☼☼ I do like the idea of people reading these works in the future tho
☐☐☐☐☐ and also so that they can be preserved for 10,000+ years of course
☼☼☼☼☼ In the same way we read the letters sent between dead artists now
☐☐☐☐☐ mm very true
☍☍☍☍☍ mmm
☐☐☐☐☐ messenger is not a particularly stable storage medium and also is more vulnerable to third party scrutiny although the fact we're reading artists letters now means that medium is also pretty fucking vulnerable to scrutiny lol
☍☍☍☍☍ I fucking found the word! (sorry was searching for it so hard) Neurasthenia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurasthenia
☼☼☼☼☼ Americanitis lol
☍☍☍☍☍ uhh the page doesn't rly talk about this, but its like a condition of over-working effectively, and people would try and get prescribed the pills to treat it as a way of signalling they were a dedicated worker its total hokey
☐☐☐☐☐ wow yeah you mentioned this a while back
☼☼☼☼☼ oh I've heard a similar thing in Japan were workers will pretend to fall asleep at their desks to show how hard they're working No idea the trust behind it tho
☍☍☍☍☍ to this day, "In Japan, shinkei-suijaku is treated with Morita therapy involving mandatory rest and isolation, followed by progressively more difficult work, and a resumption of a previous social role. The diagnosis is sometimes used as a disguise for serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and mood disorders." a dignified mental illness uwu none of that lower class shit I'm a classy fuck with money, I don't get the same mental conditions as the poor lolol reminds me of now: I don't have shitty parents, I just have adhd (not to deligitimise all uses of adhd, just over diagnosed)
☼☼☼☼☼ mmmmm i feel u yes this has been a wild ride
☍☍☍☍☍ yes I’m leaving to get late lunch uwu have a good day in this cosmic spider web lololol
☼☼☼☼☼ :')
☍☍☍☍☍ Like the burning of this charcoal fire, our years too will soon expire Kobayashi Issa listening to Krista Tippet talk with Maria Popova, this particular phrase resonated with our conversation: we live in a world where disruption over-fetishised; we need cultural stewardship to help along new waves of disruption
☼☼☼☼☼ How would u define cultural stewardship in a practical sense?
☍☍☍☍☍ caring for the legacy of those past as a means of refreshing their insight for a new age a very straightforward example would b the importance of new translations, in this regard - as our understanding and depth of connection to Japanese society has deepened, so too have our translations dusting off the books so to speak in some sense I see that in our music too or reappropriating to a new context
☼☼☼☼☼ Well remasters are a time terry literal example Fuck
☍☍☍☍☍ time terry
☼☼☼☼☼ Pretty* not time terry lol
☼☼☼☼☼ lime berry yeah exactly
☼☼☼☼☼ Slime Jerry
☍☍☍☍☍ I mean rereleasing is an obvs example mhm but more abstract examples are how I’ve exported into both your brains Bridle/Steyerl/Haraway via conversation and art lolol I’m helping it move from one place to another same w Zappa lol
☐☐☐☐☐ also - looking after artist friends being generous I feel these are acts of pre-emptive cultural stewardship
☍☍☍☍☍ haha yeah definitely different time scales it could function on
☐☐☐☐☐ looking after and maintain communities
☍☍☍☍☍ hosting open mics lol helping teach ppl poetry lollll
☐☐☐☐☐ not allowing hate speech to creep into open mics lol
☼☼☼☼☼ Truuuuu Or anywhere for that matter
☐☐☐☐☐ not becoming so dusty that you actually have a detrimental impact on cultural progression
☍☍☍☍☍ I think religions only exist in so far as they have active practitioners
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☼☼☼☼☼ Tru
☍☍☍☍☍ I think my sense is, in religion, this same argument plays out with orthodoxy versus mysticism Maintenance of buildings is in there too for religion People being assigned paid positions as the keepers and givers of religious knowledge oh yeah thinking a lot here of Shanzai, ☐☐☐☐☐, and the idea of an object as a lived practice
☐☐☐☐☐ when home I'm gonna do my best to archive this conversation mmm
☍☍☍☍☍ you’re going to steward our conversation bout stewardship ...
☐☐☐☐☐ this is all going in
☍☍☍☍☍ ...the tv where I am says “The comedian getting behind ‘Know Thy Nuts’” and there are big walnuts on the screen
☐☐☐☐☐ ???????
☍☍☍☍☍ “I didn’t realise chemotherapy would be such great comedic material!”
☐☐☐☐☐ ¿¿¿¿¿¿
☼☼☼☼☼ Huhhhh
☍☍☍☍☍ lol highly recommend https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/on-being-with-krista-tippett/id150892556?mt=2&i=1000429408054https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/on-being-with-krista-tippett/id150892556?mt=2&i=1000429408054
0 notes
unsubstantiatedopinion · 5 years ago
Thinking about when I got my IUD. On the information trail of something else, saw a Quiz on a teen health site of which birth control is for you.
I had to work to get the answer I actually Use. Mind, the major change was "I am willing to go to a doc" and then it followed with the legit "I'm cool w my period getting heavier".
Mine started, and has settled back into being fairly light flow, long lasting, and like one day of cramps that are pretty easily managed.
But this quiz when I answers everything else,(thr first time, no clinic) offered me the Sponge on my list. Like yeah yeah condoms at the top of the list.
In 2016 on campus they were stocking both in the dorm bathrooms, external were more popular by a lot. But if you looked up success rates on Planned Parenthood, external had a higher efficacy rating. I figured that it was probably user error, but like, What? Then at a student health fair, I did ask the people at a sexual health table if they knew this, and if they knew why and they didn't. Though they also thought it was probably a familiarity w the device thing.
My sex Ed classes in 8th grade and HS did have us learn how to put a condom on a penis. (My 8th grade was taught by a lesbian and some outside person was brought in for part as well, but we did learn how to make a dam out of a condom as well. Didn't realize that was unusual knowledge.)
On the one hand, the external condom is the one birth control where the expectation is on the man to be dealing with it. And it has the wonderful qualities of being a in the moment sort of thing, very sweeping passionate much flirty. (And while *I* have never successfully done a seductive foreplay with a condom, there's some solid visual potential there.) And it is effective, one of the few things that is both birth control and STI control.
All that is wonderful.
The internal condom, by contrast, is a newer thing. So it hasn't come into the visual lexicon of "seeing this in the bedroom is normal". And tbh, popping it into place is harder to make into a teasing sensous thing. But i think there's more to it than that.
Unlike the other internal birth control methods. Even than the ring or what are some of those retro ones, sponge or diagphram. Once they are in place, they aren't Seen.
Most of the objects that are placed internally have a reputation of being for wives. Partially bc they are less effective(and the stakes of a pregnancy for a married woman are lower.) partially I think bc they are seen to 'break the mood', which you can get away with when you've seen intimately into the other's life, but when you are still in the dating sexy mystique phase culturally you aren't 'supposed to" do.
Which is also Bad.
If you do not feel like you could say to the other person, hey, can we pause or stop this? Don't fuck them.
But the modern methods of birth control, are mainly chemical (and not good vs STI) but their burden is entirely in the woman. Financially, emotionally, physically.
The optimistic version is that, this is women taking control of their bodies and lives.
But, 1. At what cost? And
2. So invisibly.
The unpopularity of the internal condom to me seems like a stroking of a man's ego. And falling into old hetero scripts.
Which is why I am using man and woman mainly here. Lesbians have less use for condoms generally (toys are washable, and gloves are better for hands). The accessabiltiy and flexibility of external condoms, makes them prefered for gay men. Sure the inner ring of an internal condom can be removed for anal sex, butt that is only one of many sex acts avalible to men outside of fanfiction.
But the Straight(tm) script has man pursue woman be innocent. And if she's not innocent, play innocent; otherwise this isn't a date on the good girls path to wedding. Basically if the woman is shown to be experienced it is mark against her, or specifically for the man's enjoyment. (See history of sex work, succubi as a concept, kink, and/or MILFs).
The pill, and even nexplenon or and IUD, are hidden. Sure they are pre-planned taking ones own reigns, but they aren't visible where the action is. (And the pill is way more popular anyhow, and has plausible deniability-its not cause I'm a slut it's for my cramps. Which is a legit use, but is not the Only reason it should be allowed). They also have that 'ready and avalible at any time' quality. Which, could be - unkindly- seen as making The Sex ready for the picking at any time.
By contrast, the internal condom can be a statment, it's a statment that at some point the woman said to herself, "I plan on getting Laid tonight". Probably when getting dressed and choosing a matching set of underwear. But unlike coordinated sets, its something that really is for her, and her protection. (Yes it's possible she is carrying an infection and doesn't want to pass it along.)
It's incredibly loud and enthusiastic consent.
Which, is not the Straight(tm) prefered narritive.
Obviously, it is the Best version of events. But consent is a whole other post.
The main reason I don't go for it myself, besides Covid, is the they are harder to find, more expensive and so it feels more like a waste of money if you don't fuck. And I haven't gone on many dinner dates that might lead to a rendezvous. And wouldn't want that nagging push. (on the other hand, totally see how this pressure is bad on men in Straight(tm) narritive. There lots of transaction happening in any relationship and we really don't think actively enough about it's influence as a culture).
In personal experience, the #1 reason I didn't want hormonal birth control was lack of research on its physical effects beyond not getting knocked up. The "it's not unusual for this to increase depression but also we are just now half a century later actually looking into this". Plus personally the arm stick was a bad fit with my dislike of needles and my need to pick at things. And there was no time of day in college where I would be able to reliably choose to take a pill. Probably 11am but then I'd need to remember to pack it with me and just, I wasn't here for that life.
Which is where we get to the IUD.
The scene, 2016. The context, I had had a condom break (intercrural, which I STRONGLY recommend) but it freaked the fellow out a bit. (He did not suggest an iud, and tbh I don't think I involved him in the decision at all. ) The other context was the 2016 election. And frankly, the Fear that was being drummed up. Not unwarranted, but, there was a spike in IUDs at that time bc people were worried about loosing access to other forms of birth control. And I doubt I was alone in worrying about loosing options in the event of a rape.
I am against abortion as a method of bieth control. But I think the way to not have abortions, is prevention. Abortions that remove a dead fetus or a dieing fetus that are protecting the mother, aren't birth control, that's sepsis management and tragic. Abortions that are only for the girl babies, are birth control and tbh the way to cut down on that animation is cultural change. It's my opinion that if a woman is going in for an abortion, something has Failed Her.
But, I was at a point where my getting pregnant would be really bad. My mental health was in a sketchy place. I was in school. And frankly not terribly employable since a science degree at a bachelor's is still all grunt work.
I looked into what options were avalible. I researched. My mother had, at some point offered to assist in getting a prescription for the pill, framed in the cramps story. Which for my sister IS why she's on it. I lucked out on not having a Catastrophe of a uterus. (Hyperbole but still).
I remember the process of going in.
I remember being Angry that in the pre-appoinment I was told that the policy was you need to get a pregnancy test up to like 2 days before or so. And I set it up so that I have a block to squeeze in this extra appointment on like the day before. I look up what to do before hand, PP recommend taking a painkiller before showing up so it has time to kick in.
I do all the steps. I go in alone. For myself, I don't want non-experts besides me involved. These are things between me, a doctor, and god and/or my/a/my understanding of amoral system.
The secretary was friendly and like, yeah Doc is doing a lot of these. Reassuring. They didn't give me any preprocedure instructions besides this test (and it was also a STI test I don't remember if that was required or I was like heck if I'm here might as well).
But the appointment happens and three plot twists. 1. They've got a better painkiller and would have preferred I hadn't taken an over the counter before. But it all worked out. And frankly the insertion was absolutely fine. Like yeah little pinch but as u recall it it was more like if you pinched a like big chunk of thigh than like finger in a door.
2. There was a med student/intern/person. I was asked if she could be in the room. Not shocking, University hospital is a teaching hospital and I'm totally chill with being a model. She seemed uncomfortable, wanted to go into pediatrics so not really relevant to her I think. Nothing hands on.
3. The thing that made me mad was that I had to take an additional pregnancy test before she would do the procedure. I took the previous test when the intake had suggested. At the same hospital. So it's all their records. And I hadn't had sex in the interim and even if I had, nothing would have had time to implant. Plus, while I recognize that technically IUD can in a few cases be an aborting procedure, by getting a copper iud, I was saying I plan on not having kids for up to the next 10 years. Thinking back on it, maaaaaayyyyybe maybe a test might have seen a pregnancy that might have been floating around to go etopic and all. But no, this felt controlling and paternalistic.
I didn't have a strategy for dealing with it. For demanding and asserting that I just did this. I did say it once, but that wasn't listened to.
And I know that this isn't an unusual or even particularly egregious example. But still.
After was lots of bleeding. I think I basically bled in some capacity for a month or two. Was on painkillers for long enough that i did get some like stomach pain or maybe just worried docs I don't remember except being told to switch to acetominiphine which I don't think works as well for me but resolved whatever the issue was. And I'm a pads person and did get a bit chapped.
After that resolved. I did have one terrifying Surprise Heavy period like a few months later. I bled through a pad. There was crying in the CVS bc there wasn't a absorbtion conversion between tampons and pads and this was all new and scary.
The next month leveled out. Though things were still heavier than pre-iud or now. But not terrible. And I've seen worse. I couldnt use my mom's strategy of the diva cup, which she got on early I think bc it's Wonderful for HEAVY flow. But between never having had success w a tampon and the potential suction removing the thing and ripping out an IUD. Not worth it.
But for the most part it settled out.
But I still think about it.
The good thing was the RELIEF of the Safety of not having to worry about ending up pregnant. Sure STIs are a risk. But back-alley or date rape transference is likely either way and at least I only have to deal with one issue instead if the moralized one. And in chosen partners, frankly they were either rather virginal. Or Defs gonna use a condom. Like, the bf in the IUD times, we still used a condom each time. (I don't know that he's done it, but he had also apperently been planning on getting a vasectomy asap, since like highschool.) The 'i never want kids' was one of the reasons we stopped dating. There were a few other reasons but like they all boiled down to 'want differnt things from the Future' which is why we are friends still.
But things will come up, and I'll remember, I've got a chunk of copper in me.
That knowledge weighs in my consideration of sense of self, and self identity. It feels representative, and significant.
I don't check for the strings as often as I should, and I think they've mostly stayed out of the way.
But this is a significant thing to me.
And a thing that I keep to myself a lot.
But I do Want to talk about it, because it is so Significant.
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