#i don’t actually care for them all dat much… just think they’re fun in theory as siblings to hdl
delladuck · 2 years
tbh season 3 is unwatchable to me. i cant touch it i just cant
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ayatosmlktea · 5 years
Hi Could you write some modern Zeke headcanons? Love ya❤️
A/N: I have not read the manga at all, my hc on Zeke’s character come from what I have seen from spoilers and my own theories of his personality based on the shit things he’s done. 
𝑴𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒏 𝒁𝒆𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
 ✿ Looks like the kind of guy to see no problem in cat calling women. Thinks of it as showing his appreciation for how hot they look, doesn’t care if it’s 10am or 1 in the morning. Will shamelessly trail behind you for blocks telling you where you can put dat ass
✿ Tells all his female coworkers that giving birth is nothing compared to being kicked in the nuts. 
✿ Starts every sentence to any conversation he wasn’t a part of with “well actually..” Because he’s a massive dick who think his intelligence is above average. 
✿ Kind of manipulative?? Good at making you feel comfortable around him
✿ I feel like his career is something that gives him a lot of power over people, CEO, Politician…something that allows him to use his slimy manipulative ways with ease
✿ Keeps people close until they’ve served their purpose and then drops them on their ass like nothing
✿ Despite that I think people trust him very easily, he has that kind of personality that comes off as very unassuming and innocent but he’s good at hiding his true intentions
✿ Def sends unwanted dick pics
✿ Cringey over used pickup lines to slide into your DMs 
✿ The kind of person to send a group text to all the girls he’s talking to saying “you’re the only girl I talk to” without knowing they’re all going to see who’s been messaged…
Now that I’ve got that out of my system here’s some more serious (?) head canons
✿ If he really cares about you then he’s going to be extremely protective of you
✿ Kind of a dick about what you wear, tank tops will earn you a side eye and make him ask where you’re going
✿ Doesn’t let you walk alone at night because there’s creeps out there who have bad intentions the irony is lost on him
✿ I feel like he’s going to hound you down for weeks, maybe months until you give in and agree to go on a date with him
✿ He’s hella rich, seems like the type to be responsible with his money but enjoys showing off his wealth to pretty girls like you
✿ As much I dislike his character I think he’d be put together at all times. Wears a suit everywhere even if it’s just to grab coffee, more casual wear is kept for you because he trusts you to see the side of him that isn’t keeping up appearances
✿ But if you cross him it’s not going to be fun, knows all your darkest secrets and I feel like he’s petty enough to use them against you
✿ Although Zeke, to me, seems like the kind of guy that if he did manage to find someone that had him falling head over heels for I don’t think he’s going to let you go so easily 
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intothewickedwood · 5 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 1x03 Snow Falls
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Here we go! One of my all-time favourite episodes!
“Only one knows the truth, and only one can break her spell.” I love this intro so freaking much!
Uh! The music!  
Cool chase scene.
Be careful, jumping off horses like that, David!
Ow! Right in the jaw!  
“You can’t hide from me! Wherever you are, I will find you!” True dat! Little does he know, she’ll become the love of his life and that sentence will take on a whole new meaning <3 And Snow looking back with that smile <3
It’s my girl Mary Margaret! Omg look at her! Look at this nervous cupcake! She’s forgetting she’s on a date, God bless. She just wants to be happy! And she already has what she wants, she just doesn’t know it. The sad thing is, if the curse had never been broken, not only would she be kept away from her family, but because of the way Storybrooke repeats itself day after day, Mary Margaret would have never gotten married or had kids or had her happy ending, if you know what I mean? Like because of the curse she’s been stuck for 28 years living an unfulfilled life, which hurts my soul!
MM’s so happy Emma chose to stay!
Mary Margaret’s so pretty. Send help!  
“This town doesn’t seem to have any vacancies- none actually. Is that normal?” “Must be the curse.” Oh gals, you have no idea. It’s interesting to hear all the things the curse affects. I wonder what other quirks the town has that are related to the curse.
Emma’s so sad when she says she’s not really the roommate type and does better on her own. That’s so kind of Mary Margaret to offer her a room, especially since they’ve just met.
Mary Margaret & Emma hanging out in MMs apartment. I freaking adore their friendship!  
Emma’s so certain her plan will work but oh boy! Are they all in for a surprise!
She called Emma her friend! Already! I love them!
The way MM gets so into the story as she reads <3. Poor MM’s so lonely. She doesn’t really have anyone either and she longs to find love. I think she’s imagining herself in the story and she looks so happy reading it. Which is funny, because it is about her!
The moment David grabs her hand! Freaking magical! That must have been so shocking for her. I wonder if in that moment, she considered that Henry’s theory might have at least some truth to it.
Whale, I know Regina has her hands in everything and has probably ordered you to deny it if David starts to wake up but please stop playing mind games with my girl! Her heart can’t handle it! Nor can mine!
Regina must have started panicking after hearing about David. I reckon it strengthened her determination to drive Emma out of town even more.
The scene where Charming catches Snow in the net! Iconic!
Look at Henry being adorable. He’s so excited when he sees Mary Margaret. And Emma’s cute expectant face before MM tells them David has started to wake. Look at these three generations of Charming.
Look how happy MM is that he woke up! She’s so hopeful and I think she might even be starting to believe in some of what Henry says! Look at her. What an angel! What a goddess!
Emma’s look of utter confusion.
“If I got through to him-. If we made a connection-” My poor baby just wants to believe that she might have finally made a connection to someone!
“You don’t believe-” Emma was actually concerned she’d have another Henry situation on her hands there.
“Somehow, someway, I touched him.” Look at her happy face! This means the world to her. She deserves this! Let her be happy goddamn it!
Oh wait, actually Emma’s face at the end suggests she already thinks she has another Henry-situation on her hands haha! God, I love this scene!
Regina be angry. I’m frightened again. For real, she reminds me of the scary side of my mother sometimes.
I love the scenes where MM, Emma, Graham & Henry and eventually David are in the woods. I have a thing for nighttime scenes, especially nighttime scenes in the woods. I wished they’d used the location more throughout the years.
David saving Snow <3 and then the two of them starting to connect afterwards. Look at my babies! I know in the book it says their love was born in the shadow of the troll bridge but I wonder if feelings (for Snow) started to develop here. He’s the first person to look out for her in goodness knows how long and, in that moment, she wants to help him.
It’s getting darker in the woods! Why is this so exciting for me! I’m in love with the darkness of the woods oh my god xD.
I adore scenes with MM, Emma and Henry. Family bonding time! That’s what I’m talking about! Solving mysteries in the woods together like the Scooby gang! I needed more of this!
Woah! Those trolls freak me out! Especially the way they climb like that. They’re very paranoid. Don’t hurt my babies!
Charming sword-fighting <3 Oh no! They grabbed him! The bastards!
The music as Snow gets away from them and realizes Charming isn’t there <3 such a romantic theme.
Leave him alone you literal monsters! If you hurt my son!
She saved him!
Charming is a handsome boy.
Nighttime in the woods scene!
She found him! That would be so freaking scary. MM is so terrified! He just wanted to find her!
She saved him! That seemed like true loves kiss. Maybe it even works in the Land Without Magic!  
“It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay.” She’s comforting her man. God bless.
Kathryn! My girl! I missed her so much in later seasons. I hope she’s living a happy life in Storybrooke.
It’s pretty awful that the curse has made her believe her husband had disappeared for 28 years. That’s a lot to go through. She’s like overcome with emotion. My poor girl!
“Who is that?” “His wife.” Oh no, poor Mary Margaret </3.
The music be killing me! So gorgeous!  
Oh my god, they're falling in love already! Imma die! I love them.
And then Snow puts that ring on and Charming is head over heels in love. There’s such a sadness when she takes it off. Like in that moment, she imagined a different future- a future with him.
The way they look at each other! My heart!!!
“If you need anything-” “You’ll find me.” “Always.” She says that with such certainty. There’s no doubt in her mind that if she needed him, he’d come to her aid in a second’s breath. I wonder if she knows, in that moment, that they’ll someday find each other again.
And then they watch each other walk away like they never want to take their eyes off of one another!!!!
Kathryn is such a genuinely kind woman. I love her so much!
Mary Margaret! Bby! Her heart is slowly breaking! Noooooo!
“Do you think I cast a spell on her.” Regina is having a lot of fun here.
“Because not having someone, well, that’s the worst curse imaginable.” Cut to MM watching the man she thought she’d finally made a connection with being embraced by his wife :’(. She’s back to being alone again and it breaks my heart. She was so close to happiness. She allowed herself to believe in true love and to hope, only for things to take a painful turn. And then playing with her ring and there she is alone again. My poor girl!
And then the most wonderful thing happens and Emma turns up at MMs door asking for a room, not only for herself but for Mary Margaret too because when Regina said that the worst curse was being alone, she realized Mary Margaret didn’t have anyone and decided to help fill that gap. What a great friend!
Really enjoyed this episode!
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zydrateacademy · 4 years
Current Activities in Sims 4 #1
The Sims was never really a franchise I cared much for. They had some good city builders but Cities: Skylines dethroned them as the go-to. I remember watching my brother play the older Sims games and I never liked the idea of playing through the nuances of taking a piss and eating breakfast. I still don’t, so it should be no surprise that the first mod I got was the cheat console that allowed me to basically hack in a couple of those traits where my sims don’t need to sleep, eat, etc. Those are rewards that are typically only acquired when you grind through a few aspiration things, and a fair bit of them to boot. I didn’t take them all. My characters still need to take a piss and sometimes it’s prudent to have them sleep to shake off some negative emotions. So it’s not like I’m not doing any of the survival bits at all - I just got irritated by how quickly it was drained. In some of my early hours of gameplay I wrestled with 2-3 things hitting the red at the same time so my ladies would flail around doing normal survival stuff before leaving for work. Basically, I would only have a few minutes of actual, interesting gameplay. Which to me is typically exploring, meeting new people, grinding up skills, shopping, and with a certain mod... A whole lotta fuckin’.
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That was quickly a second mod I got, and discovered I needed to also download a bunch of animation packs so my girls would do more than fondle each other in bed (and literally nothing else). That probably comprises most of my mods, as there’s not much in the way of creator content that I care about. Some neat clothing, but nothing I can’t absolutely live without. Instead, I went on a sort of brief spending spree to get a few of the DLC’s but right now they’re at full price, no sales, so I need to resist the urge to just drop another 200$ and call it a full game. I really need to wait for a sale. Because y’see, the creator gallery is invaluable to me. I can’t really figure out how to build pretty houses on my own, I can only modify what other people give me. However, so much of the good shit is locked behind an alert that says “This uses assets from the following packs: ALMOST ALL OF THEM”. Or rather, all the ones that add building pieces. So eventually I want most, if not all of them, in my possession. So as the lifestyle simulator thing goes, I’ve had a lot of fun recreating characters from my various stories and lore, as sort of alternative versions of themselves. I started with my usual go to but then imported Kiur Kenneth at one point, my Death Knight from WoW. She was a good experiment to have the “Erratic” trait, which suited her.
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I later evolved into having actual original characters. Some of their names I don’t fully remember, but the kissing ladies above are original concepts. The gothy, dark skinned babe is Dana I think. A stay at home nerd of sorts, in theory she is living rent free because the girl she’s kidding is a secret agent that apparently gets paid very well. Kind of how I justified cheating in all the money so I can have them live wherever I want. I also tossed up a sort of thrown-together vampire trio. Was fiddling with the nudism thing that the sex mod comes with but I found that it doesn’t carry over when you’re not actively playing them. Every time I visit them, or get visited by them, they’re always wearing their standard stuff. Either way, once I got a few poly-lady households going, I finally settled down my gameplay enough to have a solo Trans girl whom is... basically me, and it’s scratched a fantasy that I’ve never been able to acquire in other games.
I sadly don’t have a frontal shot of her yet except for two things. One, just showing off how a bunch of gnomes really fucked my home up for a whole day.
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Second, making out with one of many potential suitors, I’m not even sure which one I want her to properly date yet. The glory that is polyamory helps with this decision, of course.
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Other than vampires and magic not being real (that I am yet aware of), this playthrough is basically me. I don’t know where exactly I’d get the 20000$ to have my own starter home at only 400$ rent, but this girl is basically living my life that I wish I could. Thanks to an intersex setting, she still has her penis just as I may in some years when life actually allows me to begin my transition. It’s let to some very fun encounters, and I can appreciate that I barely have to push the sex thing at all. I’m propositioned by the other characters most of the time when my girl is just on her computer programming games. 
I wish I could show some of the actual nudity involved, because it’s fairly impressive for a six year old game and the animators can really make the simplistic skeletons dance in their favor. Sadly, Tumblr has lost its titties so I’ll need to find a different venue for that. I leave this post with one anecdote that I can’t stop giggling about. The sex mod adds peeping toms and tinas, thankfully I mostly just get the tinas (whom are incredibly hard to woo, most conversations put her in the negatives). Well, they do age and die apparently as an elder variant caught the above gal going at it with a different vampire. They had her fun, and she had her fun at the window and then went and dropped dead in the snow. Death came and claimed her, and I have a screenshot of it because it’s so goddamn funny. I made her tombstone read: “Died as she lived. Flickin’ dat bean”.
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cupkayke · 8 years
Cupkayke Rewatches/Liveblogs Boueibu!
Season 1, Episode 6
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I have no explanation for the stupidly long wait for this one other than the fact that I am a lazy motherfucker. BUT. CHALLENGE TIME- I’m in the midst of a mini vacation from work so when I’m not working on cosplay I WILL BE WRITING. Er, analyzing. Er, plotting. Er, SOMETHING.
Anyway! Onto the episode where Io pissed me the fuck off but still managed to be a loveable asshole in the end, anyway! Also LOTS OF UNDER THE SURFACE SHIT! YAYYYYY. 
I also apologize if I miss responding to some comments on these; with as sporadic as my time on tumblr is these days (90% is on mobile) I can’t fucking remember what replies I’ve reblogged or not OTL
Firstly I haven’t really thought much about it but what’s up with the title for this episode? “Love is something you wear on your back?” Is that a reference to the “so generous he’d give you the shirt off his back” phrase? If that’s meant to apply to Io in this episode for his “loyalty” I think they missed the mark there...
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Yumoto eats a lot apparently- damn son stop growing!
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Was that a sex joke?
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FANCY STUDENT COUNCIL IS FANCY omg they’re so fucking rich why do they even have this setup it’s so ridiculous
I sometimes get the feeling that this is a wealthy private school, similar to Ouran academy, with scholarships for low-income students (IE Yumoto). The parallels are there- but as established later in the episode, why the fuck would Yumoto be given a scholarship because it’s definitely not academics.
Maybe the Hakone family is actually wealthy but they just live modestly because their parents are gone and Gora wants to make the fortune last?
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Finger bowls????
Apparently I’m an unultured swine because I had to look it up. You dip your fingers in the bowl to clean your hands between courses really???
Can’t we just... y’know... use hand santizier? This is like... 2015 for you guys right?
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However it’s hilarious that Kinshiro decides that FINGER BOWLS of all things are important enough to have for the three of them at lunch so he wants to see if they can afford it.
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Kinshiro is a grumpy butt. Look at his face. Eat a snickers, Kinchan. You get micro-managey when you’re hungry.
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So we’re halfway through the season and Wombat is seemingly trying to point our boys in a particular direction. HMMMMMM. 
Seriously I would love to know just how much of this is Wombat talking out his ass for the sake of the reality show and how much of it is shit he actually believes and he actually wants the boys to do a good job and ‘protect the earth’
I for one am on Wombat’s side because he’s fucking adorable but I do love the conspiracy/manipulation theory~
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Ryuu and foreshadowing in 3...2...1.. WRITERS I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE
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Dat dead body smell
Even disgusted Akoya STILL manages to be gorgeous like whoah
Someone get this boy a modeling contract
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I feel like this is the most lines that Akoya has had the entire show
I also realized during his little speech here that EVEN COVERING HIS NOSE his VOICE is still GORGEOUS.
Modeling contract AND record deal, PLZ 
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So smug
Who knew pretty could be so evil~
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I mostly just laughed at the cap of the DC all like ‘SHIT HE’S ONTO US’
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So smug x2
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Also this is where I started PINKSHIPPING
Like seriously I will go down with this ship even tho IoRyuu is OTP PINKSHIPPING MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
Just the rivalry and the pettiness sign me the fuck up for some angsty, angry making out in the SC bathroom
Whoops I just wrote a mini fanfic
Anyway this is why Cupkayke can’t decide on OTPs for this series because multishipping is fun
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Wombat looks fluffier this episode
Too many Yumoto cuddles?
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Pink kohai and dad-senapis!
Seriously I love the idea of these three hanging out together it’s adorable
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And En is apparently really fucking smart
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The entire conversation about Yumoto’s academic abilities is really interesting-
Apparently he has very good spatial awareness (child show me your ways I cannot directions for the life of me) but poor language skills
I don’t know if I am qualified to speculate about his cognitive state but perhaps it wouldn’t be so far-fetched to say that from that tidbit, Yumoto perhaps has a learning disability?
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But then again, here it’s played for laughs/Yumoto’s just lazy and doesn’t see the value in school
Perhaps though he’s not motivated because he’s never really been able to get an instruction style that jives with him? So on certain subjects he’s over being discouraged and just accepts that typical academic instruction just isn’t for him?
This entire scene is fascinating from the lens of a future educator (albeit I haven’t taken any development or learning courses yet) but as someone who likes school Yumoto is the type of person (if he doesn’t have a learning disability, that is) who would confuse me IRL lolololol
“What? You don’t like the rigorous structure and inherent validation system of grading that even though it causes me undue anxiety and stress it gives me a sense of self-worth and purpose and without people giving me deadlines I cannot function?”
Well that got too deep oops I apologize for the too much in-depth taste of Cupkayke’s psyche
Someone more qualified than I am feel free to analyze this scene
Now back to your regularly scheduled magical boy blogging
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Lolololol Gora wanting better for Yumoto - such a good big brother
“DON’T BE USELESS LIKE ME” - wait a second
IS THIS A LOWKEY REFERENCE TO GORA’S MAGICAL BOY PAST? Considering Maximum Gorar’s weapon is an axe and he has lots of chopping attacks.... hmmmmmmm did I just discover another layer?
Obviously Gora doesn’t know about the Battle Lovers just yet (or does he?) but still- interesting.
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En trying to make them feel better haha such a sweetiepie
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Atsushi get out of here with your logic
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En and his ragging on Yumoto. I wonder when he goes from finding Yumoto annoying/exasperating to actually being that caring senpai? I mean, he could just be trying to be playful, but with his face here especially it comes across as he’s annoyed
Idk it’s kind of fascinating tho how he did not care for Yumoto at first
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Revelation; Io is popular
Somehow I didn’t get that until this point in the series, but then again Io isn’t the type to care about his popularity unless it makes him money
So I guess he’s just admired from afar like this lololol
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Io has a stalker- complete with creepy monologuing!
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More screw foreshadowing!
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Yellow phone for Io! They’re actually really heavy-handed with the color coding but most of the time it’s in ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ moments. It’s like a fun game of I spy!
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I can see where the headcanon that Akoya has a crush on Io started- the fact he goes out of his way to compliment Io is a bit telling.
Buuuut I still ship the Pinks over IoAko; but with the caveat of the Pinks both pining over Io and having their feelings unrequited! Oooooh the angst!
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The cute evil is scheming
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...maybe you do get along with the SC Io you seem just about as evil and scheming as Akoya here-
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I love how Ryuu is trying so hard look at him
Io what’s with that face! How can you betray them all so easily???
It makes no sense!
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Creepy glowing Hedgehog
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I still don’t know how Yumoto can get a ZERO in Japanese. Is it his grammar? Conjugation? Is Japanese like English is in the US where they go over literature and like Atsushi said he makes logic leaps that no one else does so he misinterprets the text? I AM CONFUSED. Wouldn’t he at least get some points? 
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Look at this adorable fucker thanking his boyfriend friend in English!
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En is really fucking smart, though I doubt he guesses ‘everything’
This could play into En’s self-consciousness on how he’s percieved (see his panic about looking ‘old’) and perhaps he also only wants to be percieved as ‘lazily intelligent’. 
It wouldn’t surprise me though if En did study a little bit, just to brush up on some things, or took school seriously but didn’t need to study because he’s really good at regurgitating info on tests
Either way, it seems like he doesn’t want people to know whether he actually cares about school or not so he just says he ‘guesses’ and gets 100s
Idk maybe I’m looking at the wrong angle but that’s not that far fetched I guess?
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….Io… I am a very disappoint
Like this entire episode is out of character for him or at least my understanding of his character
Like, it’s not like he’s particularly very close to any of the DC except for Ryuu, but he doesn’t seem like the type to just up and ‘fuck you guys and everything we’ve been through’
Like it’s no secret he finds the Battle Lover thing bothersome but it’s likely he’s well aware of the fact that if he quits the DC he’s not going to stop having to wear the loveracelet and he’s still going to have to do all the embarrassing superhero things until he stops getting shocked by the thing
And like even if he’s really only in the DC because their ‘meetings’ give him enough downtime to invest in his business ventures I find it highly unlikely that the Student Council would pay him enough to make up for the loss he’d suffer because of his free time getting cut. And Io probably knew that outright.
Unless he is actually a teenage boy liable to acting without thinking! GASP.
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Look, Io, you pissed off the Pink.
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Really pissed him off! Ryuu sees through your bullshit.
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Okay. Unpacking here- Io’s face in that cap says to me that he is well aware of how he’s being percieved. He’s well aware that he’s betraying the DC and the person who he would consider his best friend is calling him out on it. That look screams guilt.
However, what he says here- and here is where I am pissed the writers didn’t give us more context- he says ‘money is important/money doesn’t betray’. 
Which if you take him saying this to its most logical conclusion, he’s saying that he feels the DC will betray him at some point. Being involved with the DC, which doesn’t directly make him any money, will hurt him in the long run to the point where he would feel betrayed.
He’s said this before; money doesn’t betray. I can’t remember which episode (which is sad because I just did a write up on it) but I know the context of the conversation was when they were talking about the concept of ‘Love’ with Wombat. Everything Io does is for money. Relationships seem to do jack shit for him. 
But it appears here that this move is premptive. You have to do some inferring but it’s not so far fetched to say that Io has found himself caring for the DC (and potentially the Battle Lover thing) a lot more than he originally thought he would. And perhaps, based on previous experiences (what, we don’t know) he is afraid that they will betray him. Whether in terms of finances, emotions, or both, isn’t clear.
I feel like in the snow episode of s2 there’s a throwaway line about Io making Igloos that might have had some more under the surface about his past- for some reason I inferred he was often lonely as a child. I can’t remember why, though.
But I guess what I’m trying to say here is that this scene would be a whole lot more poignant if we had the entire narrative. Io is making this move, on the surface, because of money. But that’s foolish, especially for someone as smart as him, for the reasons I mentioned above. Even as rich as the SC are collectively, they probably wouldn’t be able to pay Io enough for his treasurer services to make it more lucrative than investing in his downtime with the DC. 
So it seems like he is trading his relationship with the DC- a personal relationship with feelings involved- for a relationship with the SC, one that is primarily business-focused. From their outer appearances, Io definitely knows that ‘rich kids’ like himself don’t tend to focus on friendship, so he’d be relatively safe to keep things strictly business.
Which means Io finds the idea of a business-only relationship more appealing/safer than a relationship based on friendship.
And supposedly, by extension, even if he did have to keep being a Battle Lover, he could keep that relationship strictly business too, by simply showing up and helping fight monsters without actually spending any time with the DC.
But without the context, this is speculation. Is there anything in the novels/comics/games that add to this???
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Ryuu is rightfully pissed off! But the look Io gives here says again ‘I know what I am doing is hurtful, but I made my decision in my/everyone’s best interests’. Supposedly.
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Supporting my theory that Io is simply being a stupid teenager! Which I suppose could also play into the slightly deeper motivations I speculated about. Buuuuut still... a bit of a cop out.
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Monster that makes its own sound effects! Or one that’s attempting to be a Pokemon!
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I love when the boys other than Yumoto get into the fight! Yay!
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I guess they have time for full transformations since they’re missing one! (or they need to pad the episode runtime, MAGICAL BOY STYLE)
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Such an empty yellow spot
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Ryuu… you ran right into it... it’s like you weren’t even trying.
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Well that sounds suggestive
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Poor Ryuu- I’d cry if I was tickled that much, too. I probably would have also pissed myself.
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Io jfc you can’t just stop being ticklish because an enemy decides to tickle you!
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Nonetheless, boyfriend is pissed
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Oh wait- Io transformation by himself. More screentime padding!
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In other words- “GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN”
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DAYUM IO- punch the monster through a fucking WALL. Somebody’s been working out.
Also idk why the color is so off in this action scene- it’s so daaaaark
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“I’m so humilated and my pants are probably ruined”
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“It’s about time you got your head out of your ass and saved my ass or I was gonna kick your ass!”
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Yayyyyyy they made up!
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Why is the monster adorable?
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Sassing Yumoto, a DC pastime
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Seriously why is a screw monster so cute
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I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but it so looks like the CA’s pants are actually leeggings
Maybe that’s why Kinshiro wears a cape he’s self conscious about showing off his ass ffffft
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Pssssssssssh you all are cosplayers at heart
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Oh… is this why Yumoto’s bad at Japanese???
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I love this conversation- even without the underlying context it basically supports my theorizing (except for the implication that the SC would have potentially been more profitable)
Ryuu is right; he knows Io should have been able to calculate which was financially a better deal in three seconds. He probably knows that Io was struggling with something emotionally.
Io’s ‘I can’t tell you that’ is cheeky but I can take it 2 ways actually. Potentially, the SC was more profitable money wise, but the DC is more profitable for Io emotionally. So it could mean both of those things. Or like I thought earlier, the DC could be both emotionally and financially profitable and Io is just being a little shit because he second-guessed everything but doesn’t want to admit why.
Buhhhhh these boys.
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OHHHH YOU GUYS AGAIN - interesting implications fufufufufufufufufu
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You look like a cat Kinosaki
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And lastly.. Dat face
Kinshiro has the evil villain glare/’stare into the camera like you’re on the office’ look down PAT
Well then! I don’t know if my ramblings about Io’s motivations made much sense but that’s like, the ONLY thing I can think of that justifies his willingness to leave other than he was just being a little shit and following the yen for no reason. Again, if there’s any other canonical evidence from other media that explains this episode please point me in that direction because I am confused! This explanation makes sense but... I don’t understand how the writers wanted the audience to take this episode. Reminds me of Tokyo Mew Mew where Zakuro repeatedly threatened to leave/actually almost did leave the Mew Mews, sometimes because of her own insecurities and sometimes because Mint was being a little shit and Zakuro wanted to kick her ass into gear. I don’t get that Io was playing with the DC to make them realize anything- this was he was working through something that we just weren’t privy to. 
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alilysrose · 8 years
So I watched the fake TFP
Under the cut I give as in depth a summary of the episode as possible with quick reactions from me.
I’m happy to message anyone the link to the episode :)
Obviously spoilers below. I’m sorry about how long it is!
Tagging a few people who may be interested @inevitably-johnlocked @multifandom-madnesss @theobellz @watertherose
I speak Serbo-Croat and understand basic Russian so I was able to get a bit of a gist of what was going on but nothing super in depth. I’m a music nerd and play the violin (Ben’s violin playing has always annoyed me!) so I comment on that a bit.
I was typing notes on my phone so I’ve used the following abbreviations:
-S = Sherlock, J = John, M = Mycroft, E = Eurus
So they're on a plane and everyone is miraculously dead apart from a little girl. Looks like whatever happened to kill everyone happened suddenly. Loads of turbulence. Oxygen masks are hanging down. Phone starts ringing, girl answers it, asks for help. Moriarty says hi. 
How the fuck do you call a phone on an airplane.  
Omg the acting. I'm dying this is horror movie trope central and I don't even watch horror movies. Mark must have had so much fun doing this. 
And Mycroft is shown to be so sentimental. Omg the paintings bleed from the eyes like seriously.   
Wtf clowns. Like how can this be serious. Music from HoB. Why is Sherlock wearing the hat. This is literally a crack fic. Like characters keep randomingly appearing.   [Note from after the episode, like something fucky is happening all the characters magically teleport at least once). 
Music from Blind Banker.
Just mentioned something about Mary and a snake. Dog bark and flashback to child Eurus. Mycroft hallucinating about their childhood? 
Mycroft client and taking John and Sherlock back through their childhood. Clearly where the boy band photo shoot came from. Because it was on location (ie $$$) in inclined to believe some of it is real.   
Main theory about russian - fewer people speak it for translating purposes. Therefore if there are real scenes in there with either fake or real dubs we'll have a harder time telling Talking about Sherlock remembering.  
So Eurus apparently burnt down the homes family cottage as a young kid and Mycroft is remembering this and telling S and J in the client chair at Baker Street. Doesn't make sense, client chair is rarely used for exposition in Sherlock. The blocking is off. 
Skull hell still s4 skull turned on.   
Mycroft describing the institution/ prison where Eurus was kept. Hint: it's Mark's blueprint dick.   
Now everyone's hearing Eurus. There's a drone. Someone asks what the drone is. Someone answers it's a drone. Stellar dialogue (I can't tell the voices apart).  
Omg Hudders. [Post ep note: she was dancing to music while vacuuming. No clue what happened to her after the bomb. Ded?]
Omg dat slow mo. Highschool musical. Same fire promo as end of TLD. Now we know why it was so corny. That was Sherlock not Mycroft on the right. Speakers on ship keep saying sherinford. Sailors are confused af. Sherlock teleports to the boat. With John! Swan dives onto the boat deck (same as waterfall music).   
Again only two seconds of boat stuff compared to the amount we saw them shooting.   
Sherlock wrote 'tell my sister I'm here' in the sand at sherrinford. So this is after TLD and they've apparently recaptured Eurus and John has had plastic surgery after being shot in the face? Okaaaaaaaaay. 
Omg lmao Mycroft disguised as the fisherman (similar to that patient that John treated in empty hearse).   
So they've discovered Mycroft but still letting him give directions to Sherlock to get to Eurus' cell over an earpiece.   
Ben looks weird af with a beanie. Eurus plays the violin. 
Mycroft and John somehow made friends with interrogator.   
Sherlock is playing the theme for the woman and the bowing doesn't match the music or even when Sherlock is playing 😂😂😂 FAKE 
They actually touch their ears when listening to the earpieces. Is this year 9 drama class?   
Literally just did storm pathetic fallacy along with scary music.   
Eurus is trying to kill Sherlock. Sherlock is just lying there. Literally not even trying to defend himself like he did with Culbertson. 
They just had John fainting backwards, going cross eyed and spiny spiny effects. 
Moriarty is playing 'I want to break free' he looks like he's in one of the those sexy car ads.   
Moriarty: how many? 
Guard: three 
Moriarty: enough 
(Guessing they're referring to M, S and J) 
Nativity scene. Moriarty and M having a scene together. Mycroft sitting down. M theory maybe???   
Most telling: apart from 221B Baker Street, no wallpaper. 
Now some interpretative dance between Moriarty and Eurus. Lettering on the cell where M, S and J are says three feet.   
Now flight of dead again, girl calls through from the plane now. M and S deducing the girl, coming up with a plan, a better plan?   
Eurus is out, supposedly Moriarty broke her out. They've got the wife of random guy [post ep note: His name is David, WHY THE FUCKERY ARE THERE ONLY LIKE 3 NAMES ON THIS SHOW???] who's locked up with M, S and J.   
Eurus gives S the choice to shoot J or M to save wife of random guy. S chooses M. Mark's acting is terribly hilarious. Sherlock gives up on M and tries to hand gun butt to J. Omg red light going on and off with Moriarty trying to beatbox???? (Probably countdown). Yeah he's saying tick tick tick tick. Sounds like beat boxing though. 
John is going to shoot random guy??? He just asked random guy's name (David). Hmmmmm. Making him kneel. John says no. David takes gun off John. D suicides. Mycroft throws up. Mycroft miraculously recovers. 
Eurus shoots D's wife. Eurus is pissed Sherlock didn't choose J or M??? Sherlock has the gun again.   
Moriarty says Choo chooo as S, J and M are able to leave the room. [Post episode note: I’m clearly witnessing emmy-award wining writing here)  
Back to plane. Kid is drinking a juice and still on the phone somehow. Sherlock trying to deduce. Someone's at kid's grandparents.   
This episode is so weird it's like S having to pass a series of Moriarty and Eurus created tests. SMJ have somehow acquired a rifle. Continuity 👌 
Ah they're deducing who owns the rifle. J getting bitchy with M. Didn't answer the riddle fast enough so Eurus hanging three guys (not hung) outside the window to help Sherlock guess and deduce.   
All three guys dropped into the sea to death. Pretty sure S just told J that caring doesn't help/ save them to comfort? him. 
S and M deducing a coffin. I love you written on the coffin. Now S has 3 minutes to get Molly to say I love you on the phone? Eurus now beat boxing (ie. tick tick tick tick). A mastervillisn clearly came up with this plot. 
This tick tock red light stuff is like so extra.   
Why are they making such a big fuss about this I love you? And why was Sherlock so upset about it? Now Sherlock it beating up a coffin.   
Like wtf is the plot. They solve a puzzle by Eurus in one room then move to the next room? Now and then plane girl phones in and now and then there are red lights with Moriarty or Eurus beatboxing (tick tock tick tick). 
Sherlock has to choose between M and J. AGAIN. M and J both trying to convince Sherlock to shoot them and not the other. I think Mycroft just revealed M theory. Shoot straight little brother 😭 Mycroft highlighted in red light again, Moriarty pops up again.  
I can't pick where this music is from.   
Sherlock can't do it. He's about to suicide. Counting down. Why aren't M and J doing something?  Only Eurus is trying to talk him out of it. Sherlock pulled a pin out of the back of his head? Flashback of Eurus. Sherlock lying on table girl on plane coming through speakers.   
John teleported to well. Mycroft's voice somehow over the loud speakers. This doesnt make any sense and it's not that it's in Russian.   
Sherlock was in a shipping container helpfully dropped outside his childhood home (Musgrave). But he can still somehow hear Eurus. This almost has me on the EMP train. 
Why can everyone hear each other?? And why are there magically TV screens everywhere? 
John is chained to the bottom of the well.   
Sherlock talking to Eurus on a magic TV inside Musgrave hall and having childhood flashbacks while John just drowns?   
Sherlock just said Victor Trevor who was his childhood friend? But Victor in BB???Victor did something to Redbeard though. Now a shot of a kid down a well. Maybe young John or Victor? So young Victor drowned and John just found his skull in the bottom of the well. 
Flashback of great game pool and Abominable Bride waterfall. Wtf I'm now believing in EMP thanks to a fake episode? This scene (from TV eurus) could be the 26 pages? [Post ep: I doubt it but trying to keep an open mind to how fake it could be] Sherlock playing with words in the air at Nemo's grave.   
The girl has been crashing in the plane for almost 90 minutes now. Still somehow has a phone connection. Sherlock runs into a room and it's Eurus again. Definitely EMP. Wtf. Girl on plane was Eurus?   
Eurus: no one listened to me Sherlock hugging Eurus 'don't cry'.  
Time jump. Eurus arrested. John outside of well. J has shock blanket. Lestrade there.   
I just don't get how the fuck everyone teleported everywhere in the episode. 
This is definitely an ASIP callback. J and S talking about a text. John: 'it's neither better nor worse' 
Mummy Holmes telling M off (about Eurus, Sherlock and Sherlock's blog)? Daddy Holmes there too. Sherlock watching. This is in Mycroft's bunker office. 
Sherlock takes violin to Eurus. 
Sherlock playing to Euros. Can hear violin while Sherlock and John clean up Baker Street. 
Ugh the violin playing has almost always annoyed me in the show they don't move their wrists. Now Sherlock and Eurus playing a duet. 
Mary on a video to John. 
Brief shots back to ASIP. (John's nightmare st the bedsit, first shot of Sherlock opening the body bag).
Mary is doing a wrap up voice over for John??? Or the audience???
Awww J and S remaking Baker Street. Spray paint and gun shots and everything! 
Lmao E and S playing Sherlock main theme on violin. 
Mummy and Daddy and Mycroft sitting watching Eurus and possibly Sherlock play violin while smiling. 
Mary says Sherlock and Dr Watson. This Ep is obvs fake. Random running shot of Sherlock and John out a building. Credits! 
Like I literally can’t believe what I just watched. I literally cannot make sense of it as well.
IF this episode is real then I’m 100% on the EMP train even though that disappoints me as I’ve always seen it as the easy way out.
Honestly though I’m so doubtful that this is real. It had no new score, sloppy acting, sloppy writing, slopping cinematography and editing. Ugh. 
I’m still not sure what the point of the whole story was. Like Mycroft told Sherlock and John about Eurus burning down their house so they decided to go on a boat trip to visit her. Somehow Mycroft got there when we only saw John and Sherlock on the boat. Then it turned into mystery hour solving weird puzzles for Eurus while Moriarty beatboxed and a girl on the plane crashed for 60 minutes. Then more teleportation, Sherlock talking to more tv screens and a miraculous ending that fell about 1,895 miles short. Also how was Eurus on the island in the first place. That definitely was never explained. 
I honestly got bored while watching it which should not have happened given I was watching it for the first time while taking notes in a language I barely speak. Like geez it must be 10 times worse in English. Okay. Rant over. I hope this helps or something lol and if this is the real episode tomorrow I’ll try and get this review published!
Seriously though I love you guys and this has been the best fandom day ever. 
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