aakun4 · 11 years
Why I became vegan
Ever since becoming vegan I get asked the reason behind it quite often and out of ignorance, lack of knowledge and awful narrative skills i'm never able to give a response good enough to feel satisfied with (which frustrates me. and a lot.) so I decided to write this and just link it the next time I get asked about it xD.
I'll try to keep it as short as possible for people to actually bother and read it BUT since it is a complex subject it won't be oh so short anyways so beware.
I think the first thing I have to clear up is that I follow a vegan diet and lifestyle and I do support a lot of vegan ideals but I like doing and thinking things in my own way.
Here I'll be explaining what I do rather than what vegetarianism and veganism are. If you want to know more about that, wiki and google are always your friends.
MY way of doing things
I don't buy nor eat meat, dairy, eggs and honey. However I can't call myself an strict vegan because I do eat some foods that include animal products once a while. Reason being because:
I live in a 3rd world country and when eating outside/ordering food vegan and/or vegetarian food is almost nonexistent. I still order what LOOKS the most vegan of the menu but you never know... and cooking without butter/milk/eggs is unreasonable to most people so you can be sure there's some of that included in whatever you get.
I still eat processed shit (sweets) once a while when I feel like doing so and there's almost always dairy and/or honey included there.
BUT other than those 2 exceptions, everything we make at home is vegan and we always buy organic when we have the chance etc. (I'm sure you can get much better but) unfortunately this is as good as you can do vegan in a country like this, I have to deal with it.
Why to not eat meat?
Because we originally weren't meant to and we now live in 2013 (oops 2014) and don't need to do it since we can get what we got from meat somewhere else. I also never liked meat to begin with and after getting in the vegetarian/vegan world and learned of the potential dangers of eating meat (all very subjective though) and now knowing the way the farming industry is killing the world, I decided to just stop eating it.
About Animal products
Only difference between vegetarianism and veganism is that being vegan means to exclude all animal products such as dairy, eggs and honey and that's why I label myself as vegan. Why to not eat them? First let's see how our bodies assimilate animal products:
Diary: Diary products are just downright garbage for our bodies. Enough said. They are as bad (if not worse) than meat ((imo)). This is something that pretty much everyone in the world that actually knows of the subject agrees with. If you are interested (you should) read about it. I really recommend you to get informed about this subject and think again about consuming dairy. Really.
Eggs: About eggs, eh... some say they are good and others say they are bad. I spent some days reading a lot about eggs once and my conclusion (like with everything really) is just do what you feel is right.
Honey: When it comes to honey, there's really not much of a difference than with eating sugar (which is never good) other than honey is more natural (its not full of toxic like actual sugar) and has some nutrients (in very very very small quantities, but still better than absolutely zero in white sugar).
Why I don't eat them: The main reason (other than what I already said about diary) I don't eat any of these products is because of the cruelty and insanity that goes into all the industries that mass-produces these animal products. These animals are being over-exploited and put to work as hard as fiscally possible (and more). Even if you buy them for a farmer that claims to be responsible of his animals, I can assure you they aren't having a good time there. So if you think you aren't killing/hurting animals eating eggs, honey or milk... think again.
I once read this when I was starting to get into this world and I really like it because I think it puts everything together quite nicely:
"Why bother so much thinking if I should eat this or not if it just does not take a vital part of my diet and I can live perfectly fine without it?"
I know living without all these things sounds impossible at first, but I can tell you from personal experience (and I really loved eggs and yogurt) you won't believe how fast you stop caring about them. It's also really important to point out there are vegan alternatives for pretty much EVERYTHING and the flavor is THE SAME (you will be shocked if you ever try some, believe me.)
Personal experience after changing my diet:
I'm still really really new into this but what I can tell is that it does feel like a turning point in my life. I now care about a lot things I didn't pay attention to before and I feel I've grown a lot as human in the past few months.
Getting into the vegetarian world was such a fun and interesting thing to do. Getting to learn of new flavors and ways to cook, reading and absorbing a lot of new information about nutrition and such was and still is, a really, really rich experience.
Even if you don't want to become vegan/vegetarian/whatever, it would be nice if you start caring more about the world we live in and the way you feed yourself. I didn't mention it but I'm also trying to remove processed foods, gluten, sugar and salt from my diet too. This is way harder than animal products and meat but I'm sure I can improve a lot but it still need some time x_x
Anyways. I hope you made it until here and this contributed to you in some way! Thanks for reading :D
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aakun4 · 11 years
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aakun4 · 11 years
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aakun4 · 11 years
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makin my way downtown to steal yo girl
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aakun4 · 11 years
梅田チームB シングル曲ポジジョン表 
「UZA」 coming soon
「so long!」
⑨小嶋 ⑩松井R→岩佐 ⑪横山→石田春
⑫指原→片山 ⑬峰岸(山内) ⑭山本→石田安 ⑮渡辺美 ⑯北原→市川
「掌が語ること」 (一部だけ)
①渡辺麻→加藤 ②大島→梅田
③島崎 ④高橋み→渡辺美
⑤横山→石田安 ⑥篠田→藤江
⑦柏木 ⑧板野→大場
①渡辺麻→加藤 ②島崎 ③板野→大場 ④大島→藤江
⑤松井J→山内 ⑥高橋み→梅田 ⑦横山→市川
⑧柏木 ⑨松井R→竹内 ⑩小嶋 ⑪篠田→片山
⑫指原→石田晴 ⑬山本→大家 ⑭渡辺美 ⑮北原→岩佐 ⑯入山→石田安(現在名取)
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aakun4 · 11 years
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Team K - How come? #yagitomu
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Miyu's profile from this year's election book.
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aakun4 · 11 years
Minarun's mobame about her transfer to SKE
I'm really excited about performing in the same stage with everyone from SKE48 ♪ 
After watching Kitahara-san's last stage, I once again felt the greatness of our senpais. Since Kitahara-san was the first to get a double position from AKB, I'm sure she was really worried about everything. Being the second one I'm also really worried. But I have the path the Kitahara-san already made to follow! Thanks to her, I already have a way to go. The next time I meet her, I'm thinking on thanking her personally (><)!  You know, since some time ago, I started to get in contact with Churi-chan. She even let me call her "Churi-chan"! Churi-chan calls me "Mina"! And then Furukawa-san! Anya was the one told me but, she said Furukawa-san wanted to talk with me too (゜∀゜)  So the next time I see her I'll get in contact with her!  Since this hasn't properly started yet, I can't say anything but... I'll do as much as I can So everyone, please look forward it (><)  --
What an angel ;__; that's my girl <3
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aakun4 · 11 years
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涙に沈む太陽 - 竹内美宥 (2)
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涙に沈む太陽 - 竹内美宥 (1)
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AKB48 Umeda Team B - Soko de Inu no Unchi Funjanu ka ne?
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stella pls
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