#i do not like the wolf man. i was ride or die for him but then a raven cycle blog made me realize that he's like adam from raven cycle
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unboundprompts · 11 months ago
Hello! Could you do a cowboy/wild west terms & phrases?
Thank you!
Cowboy / Wild West Terms and Phrases
-> The Chief Storyteller
-> Cowboyaccountant
A Lick and a Promise - to do haphazardly.
Above Snakes - If you were “above snakes,” you were above ground; still alive.
Acknowledge the Corn - admit the truth, to confess a lie, or acknowledge an obvious personal shortcoming.
An Invite to a Dance - could mean shooting at a man’s feet to make him dance.
Bake - to overheat a horse by riding too fast, long, or hard.
Barkin’ at a Knot - Doing something useless; wasting your time, trying something impossible.
Barn sour - horse that loves his stall; speeds up the pace as he nears the barn on the journey home.
Bedroll - Blankets rolled and carried for sleeping.  Also called sugans, soogans, hot rolls, or dream sacks.
Bee in Your Bonnet -  An idea.
Boondocks, Boonies - far from civilization.
Broom-Tail -  a negative term for an ill-behaved or ugly horse, often a horse that looks or acts like a mustang.
Burn the Breeze - ride at full speed.
Chuckwagon - A wagon used to carry food on a cattle drive, which also serves as a mobile kitchen.
Clipped his Horns -  took him down a notch or two; referring to a fight or a braggart.
Cowboss -  In charge of the cattle operation on a ranch.  They choose where the cowboys will ride and hire and fire cowboys.  Answers to the general manager or ranch owner.
Curly wolf -  real tough guy, dangerous man.
Dilly-dally - loiter or vacillate.
Flannel mouth - overly smooth or fancy talker, especially politicians or salesmen. 
Night-Wrangler -  A cowboy that herds and cares for the saddle horses during the night. 
Pull in your horns -  back off, quit looking for trouble.
Rustler -  A horse or cattle thief.
That Dog Won’t Hunt - That idea or argument isn’t going to work. Or, the person saying it doesn’t believe what you’re saying.
Will Die Standin’ Up -  brave
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aemondapologistfrfr · 7 months ago
The Only Place I Want to Die
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aegon x sister!wife!reader 
Summary: Aegon turns to you for comfort in the following weeks of his coronation. Pleasure and tears seem to be the only way you both can find solace during these troubling times. 
Warnings: 18+ swearing, alicent hitting her child, wine, depression, thoughts of wanting to die, crying, face riding, p in v, fingering, overstimulation
Authors Note: i fear i have too many feelings so this tragically pretty and broken man 🙂, the targtower children have actually been ripping my heart apart!!, u can’t convince me this man doesn’t whimper
Word Count: 3.5k 
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I woke during the hour of the wolf to a cold bed and the fire flickering out. I sigh and push the blankets off of me and go to try and revive the embers. The fire slowly comes back to life with a crackle and I kneel on the stone to hover my hands near the flame. After countless minutes I rise and take in the state of our chambers. 
Empty wine glasses litter almost every surface and what’s left is covered by our clothes. I reach for the robe closest to me and wrap it around my body. I settle for mismatched slippers at this hour and pad over to the doors. I slowly crack it open and see our guard ever faithfully standing at attention. 
“Where is Aegon?” I ask softly and the guard turns to me. 
“I’m sorry, Your Grace. The King didn’t say.” the guards eyes look at me nervously and try to focus his attention anywhere else. 
“Then I’ll find him myself.” I push the door the rest of the way open and click it shut behind me. 
“My Queen-“ I raise my hand and wave him off as I start down the dark hallway. 
I can’t stand when they use our new titles. I don’t feel like the Queen and I know Aegon shares my sentiments. The past fortnight after his coronation has been chaos and our mother offers us no comfort or guidance. They simply placed crowns on our head and continue to move us about as they please. 
I walk down the stairs and head to the cellar to see if he’s drowning himself in his cups again. I enter the cold and damp room and there’s no candles or torches lit as I slink between the aisles of bottles. I hear and see no sign of Aegon, but I do spot our favorite wine. I grab the bottle by its neck and start up the stairs once more. 
I walk to the main hall and take in the guards standing sentry at the doors. No one looks twice at me as I ghost through the hall with my robe swishing behind me. I stop when I see the throne room doors cracked open. I peak inside and sigh in relief that I’ve finally found him. 
I push the doors open to let me in and then seal us inside. As I walk up to him he is standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at the throne gripping the crown in his hand. As I make it to his side I see the tears streaming down his face. I place the bottle of wine on the ground and stand in front of him. His puffy eyes look down to me as he sniffles. 
“Why do you cry, my love?” I whisper wiping his tears away. 
“I never wanted this.” his voice breaks along with my heart as the conquerors crown falls to the stone beside us. 
“I know,” my voice a whisper as I pull him down into a tight embrace. 
His arms wrap around me tightly as he lets out soft sobs into my neck. I rub his back soothingly hoping I can calm his breathing. His tears seep onto my neck as they continue to fall from his eyes. He pulls back and his normally bright violet eyes seem sunken and dull. 
“I wish Rhaenyra would come and kill me already.” he hiccups as his sobs start anew. 
Tears fall from my own eyes at his words. I knew his hurt was deep, but I didn’t know it went this far. We stand there for what feels like hours in each other’s embrace while taking turns wiping each other’s tears away. Through the windows I can see the dawn on the horizon and slowly pull back. 
“Come, I’ve found us our favorite wine.” I dip down to pick up the bottle. 
His hand slips into mine leading me out of the throne room, leaving the crown on the stone floor. The main hall of the castle seems to be slowly waking up as we walk out the main doors ignoring the guards calling after us. We make our way to the back of the castle to sit in the grass as we watch the sunrise over the bay with our wine. 
“Do you think she hates me?” Aegon murmurs while opening the bottle. 
“Who?” I tilt my head. 
“Rhaenrya. Mother. All of them. Everyone.” he sighs before taking a long drink of wine. 
“Rhaenyra probably hates mother more than we do.” I take the bottle and bring it to my lips. 
“Why would mother force this upon us? Father only ever talked about Rhaenyra. He never cared for us. He never wanted me to succeed him.” he buries his head in his hands. 
“I don’t know why we were placed on this path.” I rest my head on his shoulder as I pass the bottle back to him. 
The sun slowly rises into the sky and our empty bottle is discarded on the grass next to us. We lay back and look at the clouds simply enjoying the silence and company of each other. Our eyes slowly close as we curl into each other and allow sleep to take over as we soak in the morning sun. 
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“Get up. Both of you.” I crack my eyes open and see Alicent and Cole standing above us. I pull Aegon to his feet beside me and we try to avoid our mother’s harsh gaze. 
“It seems as if we found the wine thief.” Cole says grabbing the empty bottle discarded on the grass. 
“Why must you both cause me so much trouble. Leaving your crown on the ground like it’s some toy. Sneaking into the cellars to steal wine. Gods I can’t take it anymore.” she seethes, throwing her hands into the air as she turns to Cole. 
“I didn’t ask for any of this.” Aegons words wobbly as his hand holds mine. 
“I assumed you both would rise to your new titles. Hoping you would sober up and become respectable. You both never cease to prove me wrong and embarrass me at every turn.” she looks us over with disgust as her words continue to slice into us. 
“You should’ve seized the crown for yourself if you wanted it so badly.” the words make it out of my mouth before I can even process them and she slaps me across the face. 
“Strike her again and I will have your hand. I may not want the crown but it will allow me to protect her.” Aegon looks to me before looking back to our mother who stands there shocked at his words. 
“You wouldn’t dare.” she scoffs shaking her head at us. 
“Ser Criston, escort the Queen Dowager back to her chambers. I fear she’s having a fit of hysteria.” Aegon stands taller and his words baffle me. 
“Aegon,” Alicent looks to him unamused.
“At once, Your Grace.” Cole nods to Aegon and starts to pull our mother back to the main doors of the castle. 
At their absence he turns to me and softly ghosts his fingertips across my red cheek. I look up to him and see the anger in his eyes as he continues to stroke my cheek. I feel the rest of my body heat at his soft touch. He’s not always so soft and delicate but I’ve never really minded. 
“Thank you,” I lean into his touch as his eyes slowly slide to mine. 
“I won’t allow anyone to hurt you anymore. We must come up with a plan.” he places a kiss on my forehead before leading me back into the Keep. 
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The past couple of days have consisted of us trying to conjure up a plan to run away or somehow receive an audience with Rhaenyra. We’ve wrote countless letters but none of them seem good enough. Entertaining the idea of running away was all we did the entirety of the first day, but we don’t want to run anymore. We don’t want to be alone, we just want to be loved or die loving each other.
“Let us just send this one and be done with it.” Aegon sighs pushing his chair back from the table in our chambers. 
I never wanted this and I know father never wanted this. Please, can we meet on the shores and find common ground. I have no wish for the crown, you can have it. Please.
Aegon and Y/n
“I think this one will do what we need it to. She’ll either meet us on the beach or The Stranger will.” I sigh folding the parchment and sealing it with wax. 
“As long as we’re together.” he says softly looking up to me. 
“As long as we’re together.” I hum nodding my head. 
We leave our chambers as we walk to the tower where the ravens are kept. We send off the raven and watch as its wings carry our plea into the horizon. We walk down to the dining hall where we see the table empty and dusty. The Red Keep has been a shell since our father passed and our mother usurped the throne. 
“It seems as if we’ll be dining in our chambers again.” I sigh going to turn out of the hall. 
“No, have a seat and I’ll call the servants. We can dine here.” Aegon shakes his head and goes to pull out a chair for me. 
He pushes my chair in for me before leaving the hall and returns with a herd of servants trailing behind him. They quickly place and light candles around the hall helping bring some of the life back. Aegon slips into the chair next to mine as a servant comes and fills up our cups with wine. A smile spreads across my face as I recognize our favorite summer wine.
“Did you really take another bottle?” I turn to him and see him offering me a genuine smile. 
“We deserve our favorite wine with dinner,” he hums licking his lips. 
“Indeed,” I raise my glass to him and sigh as the sweet wine trickles down my throat.
The servants fill our plates and continue to bring out different dishes. Once we’re fully sated we retire back to our chambers. The heaviness of our disastrous apartments weighs us down as we seal the doors behind us. He pushes clothes and other miscellaneous items out of our path before he lets out a deep sigh and falls back on the bed. 
“Do you think Rhaenyra will listen to us?” he mumbles wiping his eyes. 
“We can only hope.” I hum as I crawl on the bed next to him. 
“If she doesn’t then this is our last night.” he turns to me with sad eyes but I can see the underlying relief that I know is mirrored in my own.
I press my lips to his softly. It starts off slow and innocent but soon he’s pulling me on top of him. He pulls my dress up around my waist and digs his fingers into my hips. His fingers find my wetness quickly and I’m gasping into his mouth. 
“Only place I want to die is between your thighs.” he breaks our kiss breathing heavily. 
He pulls me up his body and I know his desire. I slide off of him and lift my skirts to straddle his face. His hands grab my hips and places me on his lips. He places wet kisses along my thighs before licking my slit. I sigh in pleasure as he begins to swirl around my bud. My hips start to move against him and his responding groan sends vibrations straight to my core. 
“Aegon,” I breathlessly whine as his hands begin to slide me across his mouth. 
His tongue flicks against me relentlessly as my hips start moving on their own. His fingers dig into my thighs roughly as he feasts upon me. My body goes taught as I pulse around his tongue with his name falling from my lips. 
“Fuck, my King,” his tittle slips out before I can stop it. 
He seals his lips around my sensitive bud and my hips shutter from the pleasure he keeps offering me. I’m moaning loudly as he continues to rock me against his mouth. His tongue slips down to my core as his nose brushes against my bud. Pleasure starts to ripple through me as I toss my head back grinding down on to him. 
“Aegon, I-“ my voice breaks into a cry as he continues with his tongue. 
He chuckles into my wetness causing shockwaves to travel throughout my body. I’m babbling above him as he coaxes me through a third climax. My hands grab his to try and pry them from my hips. I finally collapse next to him on the bed and try to catch my breath. He starts to pull my dress off of me and once I’m bare his hands grab for my breasts. 
I start to lift his shirt off and he finishes removing it quickly following with his trousers. His hard length bounces against his stomach before he dips down to take one of my nipples into his mouth. I whimper as he bites down, pulling it between his teeth while he looks up to me through his thick lashes. He makes his way to my other peak to tease it with his teeth. 
My fingers thread through his hair before they go to the expanse of his back. I bring one of my hands between us to slowly start pumping him. He grunts as he continues to pull and tease my nipples. I swipe against his leaking tip and he whines against my chest. He removes himself from my breasts and watches my hand stroke him. 
“Fuck,” he pants as I start to pump him faster. 
He starts to jerk his hips into my hand as his head falls to my shoulder. He whimpers as he gets lost in his pleasure while sucking on my neck. His hand grabs mine and stops my movements. He trails his tip through my wetness causing a shiver to trail through me. 
He pushes into me and watches as my face relaxes in pleasure at his stretch. Once he’s fully bottomed out he grinds his hips into me slowly. I moan as my fingers dig into his shoulders as he keeps up his slow, deep movements as his hair falls into my face. I clench around him and his forehead falls to mine as his breaths come out heavier. 
He starts to rock his hips and I whine as he finally begins to move faster. His breath starts to come out in pants again as his hips start to snap into mine. I cling on to him as his pace quickens while moans pour from my mouth. He wraps one of my legs around his waist and I sob at the new angle. 
“Yes, Aegon,” I pant as I throw my head back into the pillow. 
He continues to rut into me and I bring my other leg to wrap around him and his hips falter at the deeper angle. My hips meet his as we chase our pleasure together. Our breath mingles while we whimper out each other’s names. 
“Love you so fucking much,” his words slurred from pleasure as he slams his hips into mine. 
Pleasure courses through me at his words as my walls contract around him. I feel him start to fill me as he continues to rock into me. His hips still and he leans down to capture my lips in a bruising kiss. I moan into his mouth as he grinds his hips into mine once more before slowly pulling out. 
“Just gimme a couple minutes,” he pants laying next to me. 
His hands trail all over my body as I try to catch my breath. His hands travel down to my soaked core as he slips his fingers in and begins to pump his seed back into me. My legs close around his hand as he curls his fingers wringing more pleasure from my body. I cry out his name as I flutter around his fingers and he pulls them out and brings them to his mouth. 
He groans and rolls on top of me to kiss me. I moan into his mouth at the taste of myself on him. He licks my lips and travels down my neck and stops at my breasts again. He attaches to one of my hardened nipples and roughly grabs my other breast. I arch my chest up into his mouth as his roughness causes more wetness to pool between my thighs. 
“Aegon, I need you,” I mewl trying to buck my hips into him but I end up just sliding myself on his thigh. 
He grunts from my chest and bends his knee so I can grind against his thigh. I have one hand buried in his silver locks while the other grips his shoulder as he peppers my chest with attention. My hips are feverishly grinding against his thigh looking for any friction they can find. I pull his hair to get his attention that I want him to move lower and he releases the nipple he’s been holding hostage. 
“Always so fucking needy.” he chuckles but kisses down my torso nonetheless. 
The second his tongue laps against my bud my hand is flying to his hair pulling him closer to me. I’m grinding against his face as sobs rack through me. He slams two fingers into me pulling pleasure from me. He pushes a third finger in and my eyes are rolling to the back of my head and moans fall from my mouth. My orgasm slams through me stealing my breath as I try to pull his face away from me. I get him about an inch away before his hand grabs my wrist. 
“Oh no no, my sweet girl this is what you wanted.” he chuckles lowly as his grip on my wrist tightens before he dips back down to continue licking at me. 
My whole body is shaking as his tongue zeros in on my clit. My thighs squeeze around his head as my chest heaves. My back arches off the bed as my fingers continue to pull at his hair. 
“Aegon, fuck Aegon, please,” I whine bucking my hips as pleasure bursts through me all over his face. He pulls away from my core with a wet face and a wide smile.
“Love when you do that,” he licks his lips before he shoves his tongue into my mouth. 
I moan into our kiss as I feel his length press against me. He humps against me and my legs quake in anticipation. He slips into my core and my eyes shut. His hands grab mine to hold them above my head as he pounds into me. 
“Gunna come again for me? Taking me so fucking good,” his pelvis grinds into my clit and I sob as pleasure ripples through me and I feel as if it’s never ending. 
He rolls his hips as pleasure begins to wash through him. I come clenching around him once more as my vision blurs. When my eyes open again he’s peppering kisses all around my face. As he moves I can still feel him buried deep in me and I whine squirming.
“I always think you’re the most perfect when you’re thoroughly fucked, flushed cheeks, still squeezing my cock.” he groans grinding into me. 
“Aegon,” tears prick at the edges of my eyes as he still pushes into me. 
He slowly pumps in and out chuckling at my whimpers. He pulls out which leaves me feeling empty. He slides down and lays between my thighs resting his head on my stomach. I run my fingers through his hair as we both come down from our highs. I shut my eyes as I keep my fingers tangled in his hair as his arms wrap around me tightly. 
“Do you love me?” he mumbles against my skin.
“You know I do, very much.” I hum still petting his hair. He snuggles into me as we drift off not caring what tomorrow holds as long as we’re together. 
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masterlist 🔌 
this was super self indulgent 🫣😅 
taglist ✍️
@clarityisnofun @gabriella-aesthetic @callsignwidow @llynx7 @anaviieiraaa @violetiss3lfish @ka1afbr @akiko-oo @papichulo120627 @lizzylovebooks280501 @zanygot7straykidsbonk
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artofchoisan · 5 months ago
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Cowboy!San x Lost!Reader
The plot: A girl lost on a barren road in the desert of Mexico city and a man approaching her to help. Too cliche? Think again.
TW: DOM!San!, Rough cock riding, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, Spanking, Mockery, Teasing.
Words: 4.2k words
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Traveling all across the world with your eyes gazing across the wonders of nature all around and the myriad of flavors and adventure had always been a gift you’ve wanted to own, yet who would know that it would turn out to be the apple that had gotten Adam and Eve to be thrown out of heaven.
“Get a license they said, it will be fun they said.” You grumble and angrily kick the side of your car, broken down in the middle of nowhere, "I should’ve just stayed curious,” you mutter. “Now here I am, stranded."
The road stretches out, barren and lifeless, for kilometers under the scorching Mexican sun. This is one of the most dangerous countries you promised yourself you'd never visit, given the high risk of mafia activity. Now, anxiety and fear grip you, making you feel like bait on a hook. 
Going to Mexico was for the sole reason of visiting one of your sick relatives there and you took the opportunity of making the rounds of many of the restaurants and having a feast of getting a taste of the delicacies there, it was worth it but right now the fear that had you in a chokehold was getting the best of you.
One could mistake you for an old trucker as how the curses flew out of your mouth like a train, “My dad would be so pissed well let’s hope he never had to find my body ugh.”
Since heat reigned across the place, you’ve opted for some light clothing, jeans short and a tank top that showed your cleavage which God had been quite generous with you which you knew you’ve got nothing to complain as you bend down looking for the cause of all this mess as you sigh, “I know nothing of cars.”
Frustration and annoyance etched into your features as you wiped off the sweat off your forehead, “If this heat doesn’t end me then this heat will surely do and damn those heels.” Kicking out your heels off your feet away as your gaze went back into glaring at the car as if it would magically apologize for the chaos and betrayal you were facing because of it, “Come on Mr Car, please do work I don’t want to die here.”
Shaking your head and cursing at the heavens, you caught something in the corner of your eye, the silhouette of a person, turning your head to face it, you felt your heart drop blood to drain off your face. 
“What the fuck.” Whispering under your breath as you saw the tall and broad shouldered frame of a man coming towards you giving off the western cowboy vibe a little bit too good but it wasn’t time to be in awe as you were in the middle of a barren road with that suspicious man coming towards you.
You back away slightly, your gaze never leaving him in case you need to make a run for it, good thing you had thrown off your heels, you can run better. 
As he was coming closer, you took in his look even better and your breathing hitched.
Was it the scorching sun that caused you to be feeling such a heat or was it the way the man coming towards you wore a black cowboy hat, head tilted down yet you could see there was a scarf that covered his face, already a red flag.
The closer he was reaching to you, the more detailed his appearance became. 
His muscular frame was partially covered by a black jacket with fringes that swayed with his movements. Studs lined the jacket, which barely hid his chest that moved at the way he was breathing barely hiding how toned and defined his muscles look, making you wonder what was the purpose of the jacket itself.
His abdominal muscles were toned and defined and was such a contrast, broad shoulders with a small waist only rendered for a wolf of lust and fear to fight within you unsure of the emotion you should feel.
The man came closer to you and stopped, your breath hitched as you saw the intensity of his feline eyes. 
Backing away slightly in fear, body shaking yet your eyes not being able to unfocused from his toned muscles that were on display as you waited for him to say something and indeed he did, “Are you alright Miss?”
Once more, his voice was raspy and slightly deep, his head tilted to the side as he lifted something in his hand, “I usually come into this part of the road as it’s more quiet and I saw you but I ended up almost getting hit by a pair of flying heels.”
“I…I’m sorry..” Stuttering out as you gulp still not wanting to trust this man, “I was just being annoyed and I didn’t see you there.” 
Vulnerability and fear darted across your aura to which he wasn’t blind, nor was he blind to your attire, glistening sweat drenched over your legs and exposed cleavage as you breathed. The man cleared his throat as he looked back into your eyes, “It’s alright Miss I’m here to help you. I knew of upcoming debris but never of upcoming heels”
The way he tried to lighten the atmosphere was yet to calm the uneasiness inside of you, ever since young you had been taught to never trust anyone blindly especially being brought by a single father who promised to keep you from every harm even if that means to kill.
A weak smile reached your lips which made him to smile, although you couldn’t see it through the scarf that covered for half of his face except for those eyes that hide an intensity like nothing else yet some warmth linger in them,
Eyes are the windows of the soul and those had nothing to hide.
“So let’s see what the issue is with this.” The man turned his attention to the car, bending down as he inspected the inside, getting a glimpse of his waist and how his arm flexed making his muscles bulge out as you gulped.
Starting timidly, “Somehow it just broke down and I’ve been stuck in here for an hour and I’m not even having any signal even here.” Relaxing slightly as you lean against your car, still keeping some distance with this stranger, “And this scorching heat is getting the best of me, didn’t know it would be that hot in Mexico.”
The man chuckled softly, the sound muffled by the scarf. “Mexico can be quite unforgiving this time of year,” he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. “But don’t worry, we’ll get you back on the road soon.”
You watched as he continued to inspect the car, his movements deliberate and confident. Despite your father’s warnings echoing in your mind, you couldn’t help but feel a slight sense of relief at the stranger’s presence. He seemed competent, and there was something in his demeanor that suggested he genuinely wanted to help.
As he worked, you took the opportunity to study him more closely. His eyes, the only visible part of his face, were a deep, intense brown, framed by thick lashes. They conveyed a mix of focus and curiosity, occasionally flickering up to meet your gaze. There was a subtle kindness in them that put you a bit more at ease.
“Do you know a lot about cars?” you asked, trying to make conversation and distract yourself from the lingering unease.
He glanced up, his eyes crinkling at the corners as if he were smiling beneath the scarf. “You could say that. Grew up fixing things, so cars became second nature.” He straightened up, wiping his hands on a rag he pulled from his back pocket. “Looks like your radiator overheated. We’ll need to let it cool down before we do anything else.”
You nodded, feeling a mix of frustration and gratitude. “Thank you for stopping to help. I didn’t know what I was going to do out here.”
“It’s no trouble,” he assured you. “I couldn’t just leave someone stranded in this heat.” He stepped back, giving you some space. “So, what brings you to this part of Mexico?”
“Just a road trip,” you said, shrugging lightly. “Needed a break from everything back home. a change of scenery might help clear my head.”
San nodded understandingly. “I get that. Sometimes, a change of scenery is exactly what you need.”
“I’m sorry but do you have any water?” you asked suddenly, breaking the silence. Your voice was soft, almost hesitant, as if you were revealing a weakness.
He nodded thoughtfully. “I have some in my truck. Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
As he walked towards his vehicle, you couldn’t help but watch him, your mind racing with a mixture of thoughts and emotions. San seemed genuine, but your father’s voice still echoed in your mind, reminding you to be cautious, you’ve found him faster than you expected.
More like, he had found you. 
Trust was a luxury you couldn’t afford easily.
San returned a few minutes later with a bottle of water, which he handed to you. “Here, drink this. You need to stay hydrated.”
“Thank you,” you said gratefully, taking the bottle with trembling hands. You sipped the cool water and some water fell onto your cleavage, not caring as you were parched for hours under this heat and looking back at San from the corner of your eyes as you noticed his gaze flashed onto your chest then quickly darted your eyes away.
“Oops,” you murmured, glancing up at San with a sheepish smile. “Sorry about that.”
San chuckled softly, his eyes flickering down for a brief moment before meeting yours again. “No worries. It’s hot out here, water doesn’t always go where you want it to.”
Embarrassed, you looked down shyly, your cheeks warming. “I was really thirsty,” you admitted softly, your gaze lingering briefly on his toned stomach before you looked back into his eyes, “Thank you for the help with my car, I really want to thank you for helping me out.”
San chuckled, “It’s alright I’m just being a good samaritan here.”
“No please.” Stopping him with your voice as you look down shyly, “Please let me thank you. How about a treat?” Your own voice turned sultry as you pressed yourself against his bare chest as his eyes widened, “You truly deserve a reward for this all.”
“I’m curious to know what kind of reward that would be.” He blinked slowly, eyes still fixated on yours as he felt your hesitation but the hunger in your gaze? Even a blind man could see that.
Your fingers trailed onto his arms feeling the muscles on his biceps, “Will you let me?” Palming his biceps as your mouth fell open before looking back into his eyes, “The scorching heat always makes me act up.” Looking up at him with innocent eyes as a playful smirk danced onto your lips like snakes ready to slither around him.
Choi San, you could see how this man had the restraint of a monk, quite admirable for a man. 
Yet you were not blind to the thirst in his gaze that you wanted to be the one to quench. San placed his hand on your cheek as he lifted your face up, his thumb tracing the outline of your lips as you smiled at him, “You’re truly something but are you sure it’s what you want.”
“Anything for you Mr cowboy.” 
That was all the consent he needed before he took the scarf off his face, your eyes widened as if you’vr had the air knocked off your lungs, as if he was seizing it not letting it go. You needed this man to mark you right here and there, sharp feline eyes that caused your knees to be weak, sharp jawline with lips begging to be kissed.
A breathy ‘fuck’ rushed past your lips and that was all you could say before he grin, a dimple appearing in the depth of his cheek, “This reward is truly unlike any other, I’ll take it.”
Finally breathing the distance, as San kiss you roughly and fuck, the neediness in your own soul made you feel like a whore but for such a man to whom your arms were wrapped his neck, you could throw your whole dignity out of the window, nothing mattered right now except for how he held your waist and how his lips were so sinful and rough against yours.
Your moans mixed with his grunts as breathy curses escaped your lips, he wasted no time in biting your lips ordering for entrance to which you once more obeyed, your own moans growing louder as his tongue felt like heaven inside of your mouth.
The way he bit your lips was hard, none caring whether blood was oozing out, you wanted only him right now and oxygen wasn’t of your main concern right now as your arms explored his back and gripped onto his jacket.
San was the first one to break the kiss as you both were breathing heavily but his mouth wasted no time in cascading down to your own neck, lips feeling sinful against yours as you felt him chuckle, “How do you want it? How would you like for me to fuck you?”
“Fuck, please let me ride you.”
“I’ll take that reward.” With that, you were pushed away from the car as you pushed San inside the car, his back hitting the seat as you smirked and got on top of him.
“I’ll ride you to tears, cowboy.”
With that your mouth was what found his neck first, wanting to engrave your bite into his skin as your nails scratch onto his chest as he groaned while his hand found the hem of your shirt and you smiled at him, “Since you wanted to see them that bad.” 
You removed off your shirt along with your bra, letting your naked breast to be in full view as you trailed your fingers on them while San take a deep breath looking at your breast before reaching a hand and groping them, your head thrown back with moans rushing past your lips, “Feels so good.”
Quickly straddling onto him as you moan more, his other hand played with your nipple as you whine out more, face lost in pleasure as you rub yourself against his crotch, string of the word ‘fuck’ and ‘feels good’ was what came out your mouth as he praised your breast. “They’re so big and pretty.”
His slender fingers rubbed through them and pinched, eliciting moans from you, “God, you’re so good.”
Your nipples and breast were sure to be red and purplish with how his fingers and hand were abusing them but the pleasure made you care for nothing else. Then he pulled his upper body up as you unintentionally gulped with how close he got to your face, that same dangerous smirk burst onto his lips, “I wonder how they taste now.”
Lowering his head down, as his mouth takes one of your nipples into his mouth.
His gaze looked up at you, mockingly at how you twitched and moaned at his every touch as he tongue swirled around it, sucking on it and biting it while pulling it slightly. San was such a wild teasing beast. 
Opening your mouth to say something but once more you’ve got the air knocked out of your lungs as he blew some air onto your nipple, “Please…” Whining wasn’t one of your trait but instead of you holding the strings, you became his puppet into his hands as he darted out his tongue to lick slowly onto your nipples, “You’re..making me go crazy.”
Once more his taunting chuckle was heard, “Princess…” He began, “You’re already losing yourself on my tongue..” His whisper growing closer to your ear, “Are you sure you can take my cock?”
You were shaking and breathing heavily too bad to even reply to him, the pleasure coursing through your veins felt too good as he whispered once more, “Let me play with you a little more before that. I will make you cum three times, so better behave like a good girl and I want you to orgasm by rubbing yourself on me.”
“Pl..please— uh ah, ‘s too s-sensitive.”
Your own words betrayed your actions as you began to rub yourself against his clothed crotch, already feeling how big his bulge was as your mouth dropped open into a silent scream, your hand reached down to touch him but he grab onto your hand, amusement swirl into his stare, “Be a good girl and obey but let me make it easier for you.”
He worked onto the buttons of your shorts as he pulled them down slightly to reveal how damp your underwear already got, “Now you can hump.”
His words lead you into a trance as you obeyed, head thrown back with your hand resting onto his broad shoulders as you rubbed yourself and as time goes, you gasped out and shameless rub yourself against his crotch to chase your highs, “Fuck… fuck oh fuck… so good.”
Time seems to be lost for you, as it felt like hours how you came with only mere minutes, yet he was still hard. Your underwear is already messy from the stain of your own orgasm but his words resonate in your mind, he will make you go to orgasms two more times.
“You can now ride me princess.”
“What..” You breath out, he truly had fucked you dumb.
His dimple appeared once more, his fingers reached to your underwear as he just ripped it, “Sit on me princess, show me how good you’re at riding.”
The cockiness that drip from his tone made you even more aroused yet you completely almost forgot what lead you to be such a needy whore to be begging for this man’s cock like that, “Take your time, I don’t want you to get hurt although it seem you will be enjoying getting bruised up.”
Audacity danced like shadows into your gaze, as your fingers trailed his sharp jawline, “Don’t worry handsome, we will see who will have the last words.” Already unbuckling his belt, pulling down the zipper and pushing down his pants along with his boxer as you watched his cock being released out from its restraint.
And, fuck.
Choi San was exactly to your liking, your gaze never leaving how hard he was right now, the veins were protruding and the tip already was leaking from pre-cum, seem like the way you were humping against as if you were in heat indeed had an effect on him, his tip was raging red and for someone who wasn’t a fan of sucking, you would’ve broken all the rules just for your mouth and tongue to get a taste of this man’s cock.
“God, you’re making me act so bad.” You moan out, reaching your fingers down to touch yourself but he stops you, you watched him as he wrapped his hand around his cock as he lazily pumped it watching how your naked breast moved.
Seeing where his gaze was at, you touched your breast and moaned out pinching your own nipple as you mewled out, pressing them together as you cursed as you looked back at him as he gripped hard on his cock, “Do you enjoy the show? Well let’s not waste any time then.”
Moving slightly more on top of him, liming up yourself closer to his cock, lining it against your entrance. Moving up before, you felt the tip of his cock to slide inside of you and this already got you to want to act feral, yet you calmed yourself down and rested on his pelvis and moved your hips in slow circles as your own breathing grew heavy.
“What?” Whining out as he grabbed your ass.
“Do it properly princess, you promised me a good show right?”
The cockiness in his sinful voice felt like heaven on this earth, raising your hips slightly before you sank yourself onto his cock and cursed out, he was big, way bigger than you expected or you were just too small for him.
Looking back at him, pleased at how pleasure was written all over his face, mouth opened slightly as he looked up at you, “You’re bigger…than I expected.”
“Come on baby, I’m sure you can do it.”
His praises were all you needed as well as how his lips parted and breathy grunts and groans was all you could hear for him, making the hunger inside of you to get even bigger.
”Let’s see what you got.” With that you wasted no time, placing your hand onto his shoulders, nails digging his skin as you moved up, feeling how perfectly his cock was sliding into of you, you couldn’t even fathom to tease him betrayed by your own lust as you slammed down hard onto him with a loud fuck from the both of you.
Wanting to be more in control and wanting to chase your own highs especially how his hand fondled onto your breast, you increase your own pace and the feeling of his cock inside of you made you to bounce even more onto him, arching your back as you moved even wildly as he cursed out, “F-fuck princess.. God you’re—fuck, so f-fast. Want to slow d-down?” 
Once more, you’ve moved up before slamming down on his moaning out and this time chuckling, “You can take it.”
San’s head falling back against the seat as you smile, “I think…I love this.. Having you like this.” Moving even more, “I can touch you all I want to cowboy.” You can feel his hand gripping tighter on your ass, “You’re driving me too wild.”
“Fuck I’m so near.” San cursed out as you giggled before slowing down as he cursed more before his hand spanked your ass hard at your teasing as you giggle more before moving even more slowly and before he could say anything else, you slammed yourself hard into him more and picking up your space, up and down harder on his cock.
“I’ll be the one to decide when you can come.” San lost it when your hips rolled even more sensually around him, your nails creating moon crescent mark into his skin, your thighs sticking to his skin, your both body drenched in sweat at how wild you’ve been, running a ran through your hair as you moaned out, “You cock feel so good inside of me, y-you want to come now.”
Fingers once more tracing across his neck and jawline as you movement never stop, he had been so lost into the pleasure and how your movement were that he didn’t even thrust, your brush off the hair that stick to his forehead as you slammed once more into him, “You…are allowed to come now.” 
With one last slam to your core as you reach your own climax, you remove yourself from him as white strings of cum stains the inside of your car.
Exhaustion took a toll on your body as you almost fell on him but he was the one who dragged you down as you both came down from your high with ragged breathing escaping the both of you, your hand rested onto his bare chest with your naked body shaking and pressed up against him.
San ran a hand through his hair as he smiled, “Fuck that was wild.”
“Hope your reward was worth it.” Breathing out completely tired.
His voice came out as warm, “It was totally worth it.”
For a while, you both enjoyed the silence, waiting for your breath to become more steady, “I’ll get myself cleaned up at a nearby hotel then I will be leaving except if you want to take more from your reward.” 
“You’re truly something else.” San laughed, yet you could feel how jovial he looked, “But I lived nearby so you can get clean up there and maybe some food if you haven’t eaten yet, they serve the best tacos here, maybe that will make you want to come here often.”
Chuckling as you get off his chest smiling as you slip on your shirt, “Well if I can get good food and a good dick, I’ll surely be coming here more often.”
“Oh.” San realized something, “With all what had happened I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Choi San.”
You knew of his name already, that’s what you were here for afterall.
“Nice to meet you Choi San.” Replying with a giggle as you help him with his clothes as you introduce yourself, “I’ll follow you from my car, so lead the way San.”
As you watched him getting into his own truck, you smile turned into a frown as you picked up your phone and dial someone’s number and the voice of a man greeted you through the phone, “Yes, I’ve found him, no worries, they’ll have to go through me if they even think of laying their hand on... him.”
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afictionalwhor3 · 3 months ago
NSFW Alphabet: Cregan Stark
Not only 3 fics but three Cregan fics all back to back. Proud of me. I think this makes me a Cregan wife??? Idk I've been the most inspired to write about him lately, and ik this has been done before, but here's my Cregan NSFW take.
Warnings: 18+ mdni. Various sexual interactions described
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Our glorious king of aftercare. No matter what he's always making sure you're okay. If you two went a little rougher or longer than usual, he doesn't care what time it is he having your handmaidens draw you a bath. He loves sitting in it with you and bathing together. If you're hungry he will find anything the cooks left behind and bring them to you. Every session always ends with him pulling you into his large body and your pliant frame drifting easily into sleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Ass man this, and boob guy that. Cregan Stark is a thigh man and I will die on this hill. If you let him, he'd wear them as earmuffs all the time to keep from the bitter cold. Because of your dresses and no one ever sees your thighs it makes it that much more intimate for him. They are one of the pieces for you reserved entirely for him and he loves it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Cregan isn't big into playing with cum because he sees it as a waste. Why would he waste it down your throat, or on your stomach, when he could keep you round and full of his seed? Cregan enjoys many things, and filling you with his cum is definitely high on that list. He does everything in his power to keep you full and every time he prays to the gods he asks them to keep your womb occupied with his pups.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Cregan's dirty secret is he wants to fuck you in a public place. Not that you guys haven't gotten spontaneous on a few occasions. Such as the hall where you dine, in the hot springs, but Cregan yearns for something more high traffic. Possibly the courtyard of Winterfell. However, he would never do such a thing. He would never allow others to see you in that way and defile your image as Lady Stark. But, some deep, primal, part of him wants not just everyone in the North, but all of Westeros to know and see how well he fucks you. Who you belong to, and that no one will ever know your body and know all the right ways to pleasure you in the same way he does.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
If we're talking about Cregan after Rickon then obviously he has experience with a woman, but other than that Cregan is a big fat Virgin. Even after Rickon, he does not have that much experience. He was so young when he became Lord of Winterfell and had to take over all the responsibilities that comes with it. He also had to deal with a coup from his own family. There was no time during this to seek pleasure. Even if he did have the time, he would not want to sully the image of House Stark by indulging in a pleasure house.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Classic missionary. He is definitely open to fucking you in a variety of ways, but he always comes back to missionary. He can fold and manipulate your body however he sees fit. With the added bonus of watching all the beautiful faces you make while his cock reaches places in you you didn't even know existed. Honorable mention to Cowgirl. He loves that one particularly because, in his words "I love watching you ride your wolf,"
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Definitely more serious but not uptight. If something were to happen that was funny he would chuckle, but definitely not busting jokes while doing it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
The carpets definitely match the drapes. He's a northern man so nothing is shaved anywhere. He doesn't seem like a chest hair kind of man, but definitely below the belt he's got it going on. Not to say he's unclean just definitely not shaven. He wouldn't expect you to be either.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Cregan knows how to turn the switch on and off. He prefers to be intimate with you, worshipping every inch of your body. So much so, by the time he finally does play with your pussy you are a needy mess but basking in all the love he gave you. But, he also knows when you need rough, raw sex. There will always be a small aspect of intimacy there because he loves you, but the way he fucks you is anything but.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He has never shied away from using his fist when the situation called for it. When he is home at Winterfell never, not when he has you. But his trips to the wall, while he is away at war. If he is missing you a little too much that day, in private he will rub one off picturing you in all of your glory while he bucks into his hand.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink is almost too obvious. The need to keep your womb full and have an army of Starks running around Winterfell. Not to mention how beautiful you look with his cum leaking out of you while you lay in fucked out bliss. Before he gently pushes it back into you praying to the gods it takes and you are blessed with another beautiful baby.
On the low, he would have a size and corruption kink. He loves how much bigger than you he is in all aspects. It allows him to protect and defend you, constantly putting you behind him any time he feels a situation going south. In the bedroom he uses it to send you to new heights, watching your tight pussy struggle to take all of him. Along with corrupting his sweet, innocent wife to the sin of man. Cregan loves to teach her everything about the human body. Showing you what feels good and the best ways to touch him and yourself. Dare I throw a pain kink in the mix. The feeling of his wife's nails in his back or maybe biting his shoulder to keep herself quiet, but he'll let his sweet wife figure that out on her own.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
A very traditional man, Cregan prefers to do it in your shared bed. It is warm, comfortable, and offers him the most space to have his way with you. He does occasionally enjoy the thrill of fucking you in other places such as on his desk, the dining table, the hot springs, a discreet hallway few know about.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Absolutely any and everything you do gets Cregan going. When he says you are the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on, he means it. Your touch, your smell, and how you look at him, are all indicators of you and fuel to his engine. If he had to single out one thing in particular, I believe it would be the moments when you reveal that your possessiveness mirrors his own. Wrapping your arm around his bicep while you two walk through Winterfell. Maybe a Lord speaking out of turn and you check him with a, "I'd mind your tongue and remember you are speaking to the Warden of the North,". After that, it takes everything in Cregan's power not to pick you up, take you back to your chambers, and fuck you for the rest of the day.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No to sharing you and anything that would cause you pain. He would never allow someone else to see you in a sexual setting. For the same reasons as stated earlier. Also, he is terrible at sharing when it comes to you. He would keep you in Winterfell for the rest of your days for his eyes only if it were up to him. And anything that causes you pain is strictly off-limits. He is all about pleasuring and making sure you feel as good as possible, and if gets any inkling you feel otherwise it's over in an instant.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This could be a bias answer, but I think he prefers to give as opposed to receive. He of course doesn't mind receiving, but definitely prefers to give. You are a Lady, Lady of the North nonetheless. It was his job to make sure you were taken care of and that included sexually. At first (because we know he is a big fat Virgin) it would definitely be sloppy and a little odd with him trying to figure out what makes you feel good. But Cregan is extremely intuitive so it wouldn't take him long to figure out the exact buttons to push to make you see stars.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
On average, it's a happy medium. He is big into changing speeds depending on the moment, instead of sticking to drilling you or keeping it sensual. He chooses instead to be intuitive of your body. Holding your hips for leverage and when he needs to pound you, and also easing up if he's trying to make it last/tease you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not preferred but he doesn't mind them. He would much rather have the ability to take his time and drink you in. But on more than one occasion you two have been in a pinch where he pulled you into the nearest room and satisfied both of your needs.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes, but you have to ease him into it. He is a traditional man as I said so he isn't huge on experimenting. But if it is something you really want to try, he is more than open to hearing you out. He would have to ensure you weren't harmed in any way, but other than that he'd be down to try almost anything at least once.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Rounds, on rounds, on ROUNDSSSS. This man has the stamina of an ox. As many rounds as you want to go is as many rounds he will give you. Even if he does need a break he will still find a way to pleasure you in the meantime. Some nights this looks like you coming three times before he even puts his cock inside of you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don't think there are exactly sex toys in Winterfell... but I do think Modern!Cregan would be down for them. Everything in the bedroom is centered around you, so if they made you feel good he was more than game. They wouldn't be a threat to him or his masculinity and I think he'd definitely be down to incorporate them into your sex life. When you informed him about toys he could control with a remote, maybe even while you were in public, it would unlock a world of ideas.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
A great deal which may be a little surprising. Such a reserved and stern demeanor you wouldn't think, but he loves to tease you. In general, he is quite playful at heart. He finds immense enjoyment in watching you whine, beg, and plead with him to touch and give in to your needs. Not so much a fan of when you tease him, only because he doesn't like not being able to touch you. His favorite game as of late has been finding you in the halls and kissing you sloppily. Only to then walk away leaving you hot and needy.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Quiet guy. Not one to moan loudly or really at all. Much more of a grunter and shaky breaths in your ear where only you can hear. Not too much of a talker either, but likes to throw in telling you how good you look or how well you're taking him. He, however, loves when you are loud letting everyone in the North know he is fucking you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
"Cregan I can't take anymore please" You beg as tears of pleasure run down your face and nestle into the pillow placed conveniently beneath your head. Cregan's fingers are unrelenting as they curl in and out of you. He looks up at you with a smirk "Oh I think you have one more in you," He says as you make eye contact with him and shake your head no. You lost count of how many times he's made you cum already, and he hasn't even put his cock in you yet. Who knew Lord Bolton's sly attempt to flirt with you would work him up like this. "Yeah, I think you have one more in you, sweet girl. You remember what to do if it's too much right?" He asks looking at you again as you nod and tap his shoulder twice to demonstrate. The sign you two came up with if things ever became too much. He smiles as you do so before attaching his mouth back to your clit and listening to you sing for him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7 inches, 3.5 girth... I'm just joking 😭 But definitely hung like a horse. Long, girthy, with a little curve to it, and he knows exactly how to use it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Always high. He is always ready to give you exactly what you need. First thing in the morning while there is still remnants of sleep leaving you both, or late at night when you are both exhausted from the day's labors. His drive skyrockets after you give birth. You think Cregan won't want you because of how much your body has changed, but as soon as the maester's give you the clear he is all over you. Ready to worship the woman who has given him everything.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If he's had a long day, just came from the wall, or some other journey he's going to sleep pretty quick after. Other than that he is waiting until you fall asleep, running his hands through your hair, or along your hip making sure you are okay. Relishing in how beautiful you are and thinking of how fortunate he is for the gods to have blessed him with someone as amazing as you.
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thinkingofausername · 6 months ago
Micah Bell headcanons:
He's only ever seen sleeping after he's gotten drunk so I imagine he has nightmares (aside from the fact he has extreme trust issues and can't let his guard down enough to sleep)
He didn't have a relationship with his mother or she died when he was little or she was abused by her husband. He never mentions her, we don't know anything about her. We know what his view on women is like. I imagine he got it from his father. He definitely wasn't born out of love
He took the majority of his father's wrath. We know firstborn Bells are traditionally named the same, so I believe there was a lot of pressure there
He's actually not all that cynical. He wants to be. All that talk of "nothing matters" is him trying to convince himself
He secretly wants companionship. It's been confirmed that he wanted Dutch to be a part of some sort of family of his. I don't think he's as much of a lone wolf as he wishes he was
He has abandonement issues. His brother left him and made another family and it affected Micah. It's seen in the fact he wrote to Amos as well as his behavior after his brother's answer. After Amos cuts ties with him for good he says "I want tomorrow to mean more than today. I want this whole damn shitshow to have some kinda meanin I haven't understood". He secretly resented his brother for doing what he never could - make a connection. He can only talk to people if he's riling them up
His father definitely forced him to perform his first kill. Probably when he was very young, so he would "toughen up"
In theory, I can see him having a somewhat good relationship. If his partner was tough they would have his respect. Trust would definitely take a while, vulnerability even more so, but I think he would show care in his own way - being posessive and protective, letting them handle his guns and horse (peak trust). We know how much he cares for his belongings. There would probably be passionate, adrenaline-filled sex after action, patching up wounds, cleaning guns together. A "partners in crime" sort of thing
He'd probably like bites and scratches during sex. Marking up his partner as well
He gave into the "hardened outlaw" life because he believes those are the cards he was dealt and the only ones he would ever have. He probably never thought he had a chance to be anything else
He definitely has a phobia of dogs or something similar. He very avidly reacted to Cain every time he got close, he even flinched one time
He genuinely laughed with Javier when they were drunk. He even said "I love you fellas". There was definitely a humane side of him, very deep down
His father never held any pride for him, god forbid praise. He craves hostility because it's the only thing he knows. He purposefully riles people up and laughs off every insult he receives
He obviously held genuine respect and admiration for Dutch. He wasn't just using him or manipulating him or buttering him up for betrayal. I genuinely believe he was looking for a place of his own. He never really showed an authoritative side or desire to lead. He said it himself that he's a survivor. It wasn't ambition, it was just searching for shelter and stability. That's why he ratted - the stability was gone
He died miserable. I could go on and on about his death but the main points are - he calmly accepted getting shot, he shrugged and silently fell to his death. That was not a man who saw a future for himself
I left the most biased headcanon for the end. Not to be the "I can fix him" girl but I genuinely believe a softer side of him could've been drawn out. I believe he could've had a "ride or die" person of his own. Two survivors, watching each other's back, suspicious of others but not each other, enjoying the uncertainty and freedom of life, two loose ends but tied together
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lostintransist · 3 months ago
Plato, Coffee, & Cyphers
Part 1 here. AO3
A/N: I don't know where I am going with this or if it will have any more parts. I used this as a reward to passing a class. A cute little story that could lead anywhere.
He’s sitting at your table. The cute man who followed you from the coffee shop three weeks ago. You had let him chat at you. It had been pleasant until he made you laugh. That had to be shut down hard. You weren’t the kind of person that someone like him went for. His companions were captivating, the air about them bending to the presence of their breaths. He did it too, bending reality to his will.
“Can I see you again?”
You stop, the flow of foot traffic shifting around you, a stone dropped in the creek. Traffic sounds die down around you.
“Why?” You question him harshly.
He doesn’t answer right away as you expect. No, he searches you with his eyes.
“I have a hard time making friends but someone who can make me laugh and reads Plato at a cafe? That is a person I would like to get to know more.” One cheek hinted toward a smile.
Tugging lightly at your ear, a nervous habit you had yet to break despite the years of trying. You had broken the habit of picking at your nail beds but ear tugging remained. The number of times you had ended up at the doctor’s office because your adults thought you had an ear infection should have been concerning. The one time you did actually have an ear infection you didn’t touch your ear and even avoided sleeping on that side. It took a lingering cold for a check-in to occur and for the doctor to prescribe the antibiotic.
“What about the men you were with? Aren’t they your friends?” You shift your weight to the other foot, careful to keep from leaning into the flow of people beyond the isle created by your blockage.
“We work together, high-stress job. Tends to bond people together,” he shrugs. “So is that a no?”
“It’s an I don’t know.” It’s the shift around his eyes that changes your decision. “How about if we end up at the coffee shop at the same time again we can share a table and discuss Plato?”
“That sounds like a wonderful plan,” he holds his hand out for a shake. “I’m Kyle.”
“Nice to meet you, Kyle,” the grip of his hand is startlingly strong. “Well, I hope to see you again. And brush up on Republic and The Allegory of the Cave.”
With the release of the handshake, you are off again.
“But you didn’t tell me your name!” He calls, hands cupped around his mouth as the traffic sound bleeds back into your ears.
“I know!” You grin at him now, body already twisting to continue forward. “I’ll be seeing you.”
The rueful smile on his face confirms that even if you never see him again this interaction would remain a good one in your mind.
There he sits, paperback opened flat against the table with a drink beside him. When you set your book next to his you are warmed from the inside out to see a collection of Plato’s works.
“Didn’t think I would see you again,” you drop the words casually as if he hadn’t haunted your steps like the wolf in Red Riding Hood.
“Jobs take me far and wide, often for long stretches.” He stands, the height of him surprising you. It shouldn’t, you stood face to face only weeks ago. “Let me get your drink.”
Before you can protest he lifts a hand, asking to let him finish.
“The suggestion of picking back up Plato’s works helped me with a moral and ethical tangle. The least I can do is get your drink.”
The sincerity rings true in your ears and you accept the offer. Wariness fades as friendly disagreements arise over theories and words. By the time your physical cup sits empty your social one has been filled.
Making a decision you ask Kyle for a pen and his book. He passes both over and watches as you begin to circle page numbers and underline letters. If he put the numbers with the underlined letters in alphabetical order he could decipher your phone number. Humming the ABCs while you try and remember if S or R comes first you ignore his eyes on you. Passing it back you tuck your book into your bag and grab your cup to take care of it.
“And what is this about?” He thumbs through the pages before his eyes settle on you as you stand.
“It’s a test. If you figured it out I imagine you will know how to reach me,” you knock your knuckle against the table before spinning away on the ball of your foot.
The coffee shop is empty beyond the workers hiding away beyond the walls that hid them from the masses of judgement.
“I still don’t have your name.”
You have reached the door now.
“Choose one for me then,” you wave as you pass through the doors. Curious if he would reach out soon.
Likes are great! Reblogs are better! (That's how your followers get to see what you enjoy!)
Masterlist | Part 3
@mulletmcghee I passed my test so we both get a treat!
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poppy-in-the-woods · 11 months ago
My Ride or Die
Plot: Noah is your husband. Five years ago, he killed a man that was attacking you. The judge ruled that, since he shot him several times after he already had been stabbed by you, it was no longer self-defense. He got twenty years, and that was two and a half years ago. Today it’s his birthday, and you prepared something special for the conjugal visit.
Pairing: Noah x Female Reader
Word Count: 2904
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Tags: smut, oral sex (female and male receiving), rough sex, love bites, strong language, convict!Noah, mentions of violence.
Author's note: This is, as usual, unbeataed. I also wrote it directly in English to practice, and it has only been proofread by DeepL (I follow the rule that if the translation is grammatically correct, then everything is probably right). Let me know how I did, and hope you enjoy.
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It was Noah’s birthday, and, like the last two, he was locked away. He didn’t regret it one bit; what he did, he did it for you, the love of his life. It was odd that you didn’t visit him the previous week, since you’ve been pretty consistent with your weekly visits, but he knew you would never miss it if not for a good reason.
“Davis!” one of the prison guards called him.
Noah was watching TV with his friends, Nick, Folio and Jolly.
“What?” he asked, turning around to look at the man.
“Conjugal visit,” the guard said.
He got up, his friends wolf-whistling and patting his back.
“Lucky bastard!” said Jolly.
Noah followed the guard to the designated space, through several corridors and doors.
“Have fun with that pretty little thing of yours,” the guard said, with a gross tone.
Noah ignored him and entered the room. The door closed behind him with a loud clank, and the lock clicked in place. You got up the bed and ran to him, hugging him.
“Sorry I missed the last week, I got an unexpected change of schedule at work,” you said. He said nothing, but hold you in his arms, pushing you flush against his chest. “I should have called you, but I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, and you know I can’t keep a secret from you.”
“You prepared a birthday surprise for me?” he asked, smiling, pulling away just enough to look at your face. You nodded, smiling back at him. “Let’s see it, then.”
“Sit down and close your eyes,” you instructed him. “And don’t open them until I say you can.”
“But I like to watch you undress!” he complained, pouting.
“You're gonna have to go without it this time,” you replied.
“Okay,” he sighed, defeated, and sat on the bed, closing his eyes.
You undressed, putting your clothes on the chair that was in a corner. The whole room was pretty austere, just the bed, one nightstand and the chair, no rugs and no decoration. A door led to a small bathroom. You stood before him, resisting the urge to hug yourself.
“You can look now,” you instructed him.
The lingerie set you were wearing, in fiery red, was the most lace-y and risqué you owned, with lots of pieces and transparent panels. It also showed you new tattoo, his name, right between your breasts.
“Baby,” he panted, almost drooling at the sight.
“Do you like it?” you asked, turning around slowly so he could appreciate all of it.
“I fucking love it!” he said. You straddled his thighs. “I can’t wait to take it off, though.”
You chuckled, kissing him, grinding your hips against his crotch while his hands roamed your body to finally settle on your hips. He squeezed your barely clothed ass, pushing you against him; his cock was fully hard now.
He began undressing with your help, and let you push him down on the mattress once he was fully naked; pushing the fabric of the panties aside, you rubbed your pussy against his erection, coating him in your juices. He bit his lip, suppressing a moan.
“You feel so good, baby” he said. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”
 You kissed him, smiling, and got up to retrieve a condom from the nightstand. During your first conjugal visit, Noah had joked that you were fucking on tax-payer’s money, and you couldn’t help but remember every time.
He got up, resting on his elbows, to watch you roll the condom over his dick. Without wasting any time, you sat on his lap again, guiding him to your entrance, sinking slowly until he was fully inside. You both moaned at the same time.
“Have I told you this is the best pussy I’ve ever had?” he said.
“Just once or twice every time we fuck,” you laughed.
“Well, that way you won’t forget,” he said, gripping your hips with such force it might leave some bruises. You started moving, moaning into his ear. He kissed your neck. “I spend every day we’re apart daydreaming of us, fucking each other’s brains out.”
“Oh, yeah? Where?”
“Where are we in those scenarios of yours?” you clarified.
“Oh. Well, it varies… our home, the woods, the beach… this prison,” he admitted. “I imagine it’s empty and we fuck in every room and office that there is.”
“You do?”
“I once almost got in trouble because of it,” he laughed.
“You gotta tell me that… after we’ve finished this round,” you said.
“Agreed,” he said.
You picked up your pace, riding him like he was a wild stallion you wanted to tame, and it was not an exaggeration, because while he let you be on top, he refused to be a passive part, and moved his hips in time with yours, all while praising you and exploring your body with his hands and mouth.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum!” he said after more or less ten minutes, giving your butt another squeeze.
“Cum for me,” you encouraged him, gently tugging at the roots of his hair.
“But you haven’t…”
“It doesn’t matter,” you interrupted him. “It’s your birthday, you get to cum first, and I’m not gonna stop until your balls are empty. Be a good boy and give it to me!”
Noah came, loudly moaning your name. You kissed him, your hips stopping gradually. He laid back on the bed, breathing shallowly.
“Good God!” he exclaimed, pushing his hair out of his face. He turned his face to you. “How can you manage to fuck like that and still look so innocent right after?”
“It’s a gift,” you joked, lying beside him. “Tell me about that story you mentioned before, please.”
“Okay. So the other day, there was this guy, a newbie, that decided to pick on me at lunch. He kept trying to bust my balls (and not in a fun way), so I pushed him. He tried to punch me, but failed, and I punched him, you know, to show him who’s boss. That afternoon, the warden calls me into his office,” he began, resting on his side to look at you more comfortably. “He tells me ‘Davis, you gotta watch out that attitude or I will be obligated to put you in isolation, and you won’t be seeing your wife for a month.’”
“What a prick,” you commented.
“Right? The thing is, the moment he mentioned you, all I could think of was us, fucking on his desk,” Noah laughed. “I could picture you so vividly, butt-naked over his paperwork, legs curled around my hips, hands on my shoulders, head thrown back and mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure… I got a hard-on. Can you imagine?” he asked, you laughed. Yes, you could imagine it.
» I was so hard and he was still berating me, ‘Davis this’ and ‘Davis that’, and ‘watch out, lest some more years are added to your sentence!’. And then he realized I was not listening. He looked at me, really looked at me, you know? And I was totally spaced out, cock fully hard and gripping my own knees so hard my knuckles went white, trying to contain the urge to touch myself. Because in my mind, I had already made you come three times, and now you were riding me, just like you did now, your glorious tits bouncing on my face, and I swear I could have come with that thought alone. He had to ruin it, though, snapping me back to reality.
“What did he say?”
“He screamed my name, full volume. ‘Snap out of it, son, she’s not here and she won’t be for a long time if you don’t control yourself! I could send your sorry ass to isolation for this alone!’” Noah told you, doing his best impression of the warden. “So I apologized to him and he dismissed me. I went back to my cell, still half hard, and jerked off.”
“That’s kinda funny” you admitted.
“I missed you so much…!” he sighed, resting his forehead against yours. “I miss you every day, the touch of your skin, the sound of your laugh, and your smell… wish I could bottle it so I could get drunk on it!”
“I miss you too, my love. I hate that you have to be here, but I’m grateful that I can still see you,” you said, kissing him briefly, “and that we can still have these moments.”
“I hate that I am in here too, but I would do it again if I had to. Killing for you is always worthy,” he said, resting on his back again.
You moved to rest your head on his shoulder, hugging him and putting a leg between his. He had saved you and ended up there for you, the least you could do was support him through his sentence.
“You’re the best husband I could wish for!” you said, caressing his tattooed chest. “Think you’re ready for round two?”
“Fuck yeah I am!”
“Help me take this off,” you asked, touching the lace.
“Sure, baby!” he said, his nimble fingers working the clasps.
After a minute, you were as naked as he was. Looking at him, you knelt on the floor. He looked back at you a bit confused.
“I made you a promise before: until your balls are empty, and I fully intend to keep that promise,” you reminded him.
“Okay, but you still haven’t come,” he pointed out.
“I can touch myself while sucking you, if you want,” you suggested.
“Or you can sit on my face and we give oral to each other at the same time,” he countered.
“You’re sure about that?”
“Damn sure! C’mon, baby, you have a seat waiting for you here,” he encouraged you, laying down again.
“Okay, as you wish, it’s your birthday.”
“You’re damn right it is!”
Noah always had a talented tongue and he loved eating you out. It was kind of hard to concentrate on sucking him off while he was working his magic with your pussy, though. Then he added two fingers to the mix, massaging your G-spot the way he knew you liked it, and it was impossible to concentrate.
“Noah, my love, I can’t think if you keep doing that,” you warned him.
“Don’t worry, just ride my face and then you can kneel on the floor and finish sucking me,” he said.
“O-okay,” you panted in response. “But let me turn around.”
You changed positions so you could make eye contact with him. His free hand flew to one of your boobs, massaging it. You put our hand over his and arched your back, moaning. You had toys back at home, and you always thought of him while you masturbated, but nothing compared to the real deal. The orgasm shook you with such force it made you see white and tears rolled down your cheeks. You collapsed on the bed beside him.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked cupping your face with a worried expression, wiping away the tears with his thumbs.
“I don’t want to go home,” you said. “I want to stay with you, in here, forever.”
“I don’t want this to end either, but we’re having a good time, aren’t we?”
“The greatest time, that’s precisely why I don’t want it to end,” you said, pouting. “I’m gonna hug you so tight the guard will have to take me to the cell with you. I can sleep in your bed, I don’t mind,” you half-joked.
“I think Nick would mind if we don’t let him sleep,” he laughed. “And you know I can’t resist you when you’re so close.”
It was true. Luckily, you had a similar sex drive to him. You kissed him, desperately, blindly, and he kissed you back with equal fervor. For a couple of minutes, you lied there, closely embracing, trying to devour each other, all teeth and tongue and ragged breath, until you couldn’t take it. His lips moved to your neck while you took a gulp of air. His cock was still hard, heavy against your leg.
“How do you want me to take care of this?” you asked, caressing it.
“Let me fuck you hard,” he said.
For him, hard meant fast and rough, leaving bite marks all over your body, and it usually left you feeling a bit tender downstairs for a couple of days, the slight discomfort a sweet reminder of how much he loved you.
“Okay, let’s do it,” you agreed.
He began by marking your body, biting and sucking everywhere, claiming you as his.
“Fucking love this,” he said, pausing for a moment and gently brushing the tip of his nose to the black letters over your sternum.
“Glad you do,” you replied, fingers running through his hair.
“Pass me a condom, baby,” he asked.
You did, watching him fumble a bit with the foil package before he rolled it over his erection, mentally bracing for what was about to come. It wasn’t that you didn’t like it that way, but you still needed to prepare. He squirted one of the single-dose packages of lube over the rubber to make it easier on you.
Maybe your mother was right and you had a masochistic vein, you thought while he fucked you hard in several positions and you touched yourself.
“Harder!” you demanded.
“I don’t think you can take it harder, baby,” he said, panting.
“Please,” you begged.
“Okay, since you ask so nicely…” he said.
He pushed your face against the mattress, hand fisting the roots of your hair, your ass in the air, and he penetrated you again, making you whimper.
“You okay, baby?” he asked.
“Good. I love you, so, so much!” he exclaimed, pounding into you.
“I love you too!”
You were feeling the orgasm so close it was nearly within reach.
“Almost there, baby!” he warned you.
“Cum for me,” you commanded.
You reached your orgasm more or less at the same time as him, your walls contracting around him, and he screamed your name while he emptied his load in the condom. He collapsed on the bed beside you, panting. For a moment or two while you recovered, none of you moved or said anything. After that, you turned to look at him and hugged him.
“You almost rip my dick off,” he joked, smoothing your hair.
“Yeah, you milked me dry.”
“I told you, I made you a promise,” you smiled.
“My balls are empty,” he laughed.
“Good, because I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to have sex for two weeks, and then my period is due,” you informed him.
“Normal visits, then,” he said. “Can you bring me a pastrami sandwich from the deli I like?” he requested.
“You’re so good to me!” he sighed, kissing the top of your head.
“You’re certainly lucky that my libido is as high as yours and I like the same sex stuff you do,” you laughed.
“Yeah, I am lucky. But next time we’ll focus on you, okay?”
“Yeah, sure, you still have one more birthday wish, if that’s how you want to spend it, fine by me,” you said, kissing his clavicle. “I love when you give me lots of orgasms until I can’t take it anymore.”
“I certainly love doing that,” he chuckled, “and you’ve been such a good girl you deserve it.”
Not long after, you had to go. After one last kiss, the guard took Noah deep inside the prison while you left. His friends were still hanging out in the tv room.
“How’s the missus?” asked Folio.
“She’s okay. Her boss is still an asshole, but it’s no big deal,” he said, sitting on the chair.
“Saw her crossing the street. She was almost limping,” Jolly commented.
“We had a heated birthday lovemaking session,” Noah explained, with a smug expression.
“I bet, I thought I could hear her screaming your name a couple of times,” Nick laughed.
“Last week she got my name tattooed between her tits,” he told them. “I can’t wait ‘til it’s healed so I can lick it while we fuck.”
“Damn, that’s hot!” Folio sighed. “Wish I had a missus like yours.”
“We all wish we had a wife like Noah’s,” Jolly laughed.
Later that night, when Noah and Nick were alone in the cell, Nick dared to bring out a subject they usually didn’t talk about. He was the only one who knew Noah and you from before the prison, and the three of you had gone on a bender quite some times.
“You think if we tell the warden about that one wild night in Miami, he’ll let me go in with you the next conjugal visit?” he half joked.
“No way. Besides, that was years ago and we were drunk.”
“I know. Still, it was the best head.”
“She does give pretty killer blowjobs,” Noah admitted, smiling. Maybe you could give him one next time before he dedicated himself to you.
“Take care of her, man, or some free guy will snatch her up!”
“That could never happen. She’s my ride or die and I’m hers.”
While they were talking, you were writing a letter.
Dear Noah,
It’s only been a few hours since we last saw each other, but I already miss you...
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littlefreya · 10 months ago
Hi Freya! If you have the time, I was wondering if you had any recommendations for some August Walker fics, whether by you or another writer, it doesn’t matter to me. Most of the fics I’m finding recently make him out to be rough, animalistic, and cruel (which makes sense cause he was the villain after all lol). But they also include non-con, degradation, etc, which I’m not comfortable with. Don’t get me wrong! Stories with those elements are fine! It’s just not my cup of tea, personally. And I do like rough August, but I guess it’s more in the sense of him being rough to his enemies and being soft, sweet, and super protective of his sweet and innocent girl. Does that make sense? I’m sorry if it doesn’t, and for the rambling, to this day I still get nervous and panicky whenever I write an ask. 😅 Hope you have a great day! 🥰
Hey love, no need to be nervous about sending an ask. We are all just humans here :) 💖
I have several August stories where August is a pure softy - smut and non smut included.
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List below the cut
Smut 🔥🔥🔥
Velvet Chains - Soft!August x Reader (smut. August Walker as a sex-worker, sexual intercourse, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, a depiction of bodily fluids, soft!August themes, a tinge of angst and August’s monster c… ) - For a generous fee, August Walker is yours. A man devout to pleasure, who will worship you for an entire night and make sure your first time is more than memorable. 
Whiskers and Wet Silk - August comes home to find his princess watching Shadow and Bone and simping for the General and gets a bit insecure…
A Perfect Day - August Walker x Reader (smut to heavy fluff. Mentions of oral sex performed on a woman, male masturbation, and bodily fluids.) A perfect day in rural italy with the most dangerous CIA agent on earth. 
Pink Umbrella - August x Reader (Fluff to smut, soft!August Walker, DD/LG, thigh riding, gloves fetish (it’s a thing now), dirty talk, a tint of angst and slight twist ending.) August is on a mission in beautiful Paris and had you join the ride, but while he wants you to stay safe at the hotel, you have other ideas.
Gentle Monsters - August x Reader (smut, vaginal fingering, groping, grinding, cock grabbing, virginity. SoftDom vibes. August is the big bad wolf, but he can be soft for the right woman) It’s your first date with agent Walker, and things get a little too raunchy, but you are not ready to go all the way… 
One more touch before we die August x OFC (Explicit smut, romance) Set in a cabin on the mountain, August and his woman make passionate, desperate love. Sense Challange - Touch
Bourbon and Candy August x OFC (Explicit Smut, size kink, daddy kink) After a frustrating day at work, August just wants to sit down and enjoy his princess, in any way possible.
Poison Honey - August Walker x Reader ( Passion, romance, sexual innuendo, a “thrill of the chase” if this may trigger anyone and mild alcohol use.) Everyone around you is too busy getting drunk and making out, while you are just dying for this dreadful Christmas party to be over. But just as you plan to leave, you catch the eye of a very hungry August Walker. 
Fluff 🌈🍧🧁
Kiss it Better - August Walker x OFC (3rd person POV Fluffy, sticky, gooey fluff and floof with a tint of naughty suggestion)  August takes care of his girl after she fell
Monster August Walker x OFC (Romance) They call him a monster, but he is your monster    
Eivor - August Walker x ofc (Fluff)   August Walker wore many masks and had done horrible things but never in his life he imagined he would become someone’s father.
Shelter - August x Reader (Strictly soft sticky fluff) Lazy morning cuddles with August 
Something Wicked - August Walker x Reader (Fluff) August sleeps tightly and you decide to exploit the situation. 
Angel, can you hold me? - Soft!August x ofc (Angst to fluff) Bad guys need to be held as well
No More Tears - August Walker x OFC (August’s POV, Angst) On a cold autumn night, August muses over the girl he lost.
Behind Blue Eyes - August Walker x OFC (August’s POV,  angst, bad language, mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol, mentions of a breakup, longing, love, heartache. August being poetic AF and August being a prick and stealing candy. ) Beaten and broken, August Walker walks the streets of an unnamed city while he is taken by sudden longing.
Some drabbles
August doesn’t like it when his princess is sad (fluff)
Soft Tender August - August x Reader (Fluff, aftercare)
August singing Sinatra to you - August x Reader (Fluff)
Watching porn with August - August x Reader (mutual masturbation)
Forever Yours - August loves his cuddly princess
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xreaderdumpster · 1 month ago
Some playlist head canons for the X-Men
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Not sure why but lately I’ve had ideas involving songs for the X-Men characters! So below I’ve given each character 7 songs I think would be in a playlist for the characters! Feel free to disagree, this is all my personal opinion ;w; Also this isn’t music accurate for the 90’s so suspend your disbelief!!
Scott- Cosmic Dancer by T. Rex, Talking in your sleep by The Romantics, Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons, Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter (defo a guilty pleasure artist introduced to by Jubilee), Where is my Mind by the Pixies, Heroes by David Bowie and I believe in a thing called love by The Darkness (see “I’ve got you”, he’d defo do this song at drunk karaoke).
Gambit- The Pretender by Foo Fighters, Fuck me like you mean it by Steve Rodriguez, Chk Chk Boom by Stray Kids (gives me very Gambit does tricks to this song vibes), Ma Belle Evangeline from Princess and the Frog (obviously), Powerless by Waterparks (kind of a good song he’d sing to Rogue), Good Old-Fashioned Lover boy by Queen and Iris by Goo Goo Dolls.
Logan- Paint it black by Rolling Stones, Walk this way by Aerosmith, Southern Nights by Glen Campbell, Midnight Ride by Orville Peck (introduced to him by Rogue, would defo do a drunk duet to this song), Hurt by Johnny Cash, Barn Raising from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (I head-canon that he secretly loves classic MGM musicals like Seven Brides and Calamity Jane) and Automobile by KALEO.
Rogue- Timber by Kesha, Can’t Remember to forget you by Shakira and Rihanna (sexy dancing in the club to this song with Morph and Jubilee), All the things she said by t.A.T.u., The Reason cover by Lady Parts (just gives me Rogue vibes!), Maneater by Nelly Furtado, Die with a smile by Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars and When you’re gone by Avril Lavigne (still got a lil emo/goth phase in her and this song is just sad enough to fit the vibes of both goth and the rest of her music with Avril).
Jean- Me and my husband by Mitski (gives her and Scott vibes), Chain by Fleetwood Mac, Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy (didn’t want to go with the obvious “The Phoenix choice from this album), Like real people do by Hozier, SOS by Abba (again, about her and Scott), Light my Love by Greta Van Fleet and Defying Gravity from Wicked.
Storm- Woman by Doja Cat, Cobra by Megan Thee Stallion, Thunderstruck by AC/DC (I’m sorry this is an obvious choice!!!), Confident by Demi Lovato, Little wolf from Epic: The Musical, My love mine all mine by Mitski and Good Riddance (Time of your life) by Green Day (feels like she’d connect with this song somehow, introduced to Green Day either by Morph or Gambit).
Hank- It’s All Right by Jon Batiste, Just a man from Epic:The Musical (I feel like he’d quite like the concept of this musical), Minecraft by C418, Concerning Hobbits from Lord of the Rings, La Vie en Rose cover by Louis Armstrong (gives me big jazz fan vibes), My baby just cares for me by Nina Simone and Sonata No. 14 “Moonlight” by Beethovan.
Jubilee- Crazy by LE SSERAFIM (was hard to narrow down a couple of K-Pop songs but this gave me the most Jubilee vibes), Girls just wanna have fun by Cyndi Lauper, You belong with me by Taylor Swift (she’d 100% be a Swiftie!), Bed chem by Sabrina Carpenter, Guess by Charli XCX, Just Dance by Lady Gaga and She’s homeless by CreepP (a good dance song when she’s out with Morph and Rogue).
Morph- Queer as in fuck you by Dog park dissidents, Tragedy cover by Brian David Gilbert, Abracadabra by Lady Gaga (Jubilee and Morph are both big fans of Gaga!), Dancing by myself by Billy Idol, I’m still standing by Elton John (headcanon that they love dancing), Let’s dance by David Bowie and Joyride (circus night) by Freshman Biology (original works too but this one’s funnier and they give the vibe they’d like parody music).
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goquokka00 · 6 months ago
Stray Kids on Weed
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The Hyunjin Strain In which the love of their life smokes the mary jane, and they give it a shot for the first time...
Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
A Few Notes: This is purely just supposed to be funny and a joke. I've also never been high and while I am friends with those who have either tried weed or do weed on the regular, I only know so much. So please just bear with me and have a good laugh, okay? Okay. Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️
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Funnily enough, Hyunjin's first ever experience with weed was because you had asked him if he wanted to try. The reason why you might ask? Simple. Hyunjin had commented on your bong that you had, which was made of a marble-colored glass and was honestly really pretty. Hyunjin had said it was pretty and asked how the bong even worked. And once you had finished explaining, you had asked the question of, "you wanna try?"
Sure enough, Hyunjin tried. And his high was...unique.
See, Hyunjin, when high, is one of those over-analytic people who theorize literally anything and everything. Like, he is spitting absolute nonsense and making it sound like the most interesting topic ever. And I'm not kidding.
Like, this man was going on and on and on about how "earth was earth" and that "Us humans? We're all originally made from earth. God literally told us in the bible, you know? And when we die, we...we're just buried into the earth again. And in reality, everyone should really get along because in reality, we're all one in the same. We're all just earth, and so is literally everyone else. So we should be getting along, but we don't. Like, don't you think that's just completely out of wack?"
And this isn't even one of the topics he covers. He goes on these pointless tangents about literally anything and everything. Why Stray Kids is called Stray Kids when literally nobody in the group was a minor, why people called others pussies as an insult when he (and him specifically) likes it so much, what the true meaning of love was, etc.
Now, when he's doing his analyzing and tangents, he's sitting the entire time. He's so busy thinking and over analyzing and tangent-ing that his body literally just...can't function anymore. It doesn't mean he doesn't try to get up and move, though. It just...doesn't go well. He ends up falling like a newborn horse trying to walk again. It just...it doesn't go well.
So. Does Hyunjin give weed more chances? Well...yeah, actually. Does he do it through the bong? Not necessarily. I think that if he were to do weed again, he might just do edibles. But he did say that some of the topics he talked about when high would honestly make good songs. And so, he'd probably go back to it...so long as you're there to write down or record whatever dumb topics he decides he needs to cover when he's on the high ride of a lifetime.
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @miss-daisy04 @kayleefriedchicken @wolfs-archive @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @wolfs-howling @rose-w-00-d
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sillier-than-thou · 1 month ago
I’m not nearly good enough at drawing to be able to make animatics, but the editor in me keeps coming up with ideas for tma animatics and I need to get some of them out of my system, so I made a list (spoilers for tma obviously):
•Mikaele Salesa in season 5 to Private Life by Oingo Boingo. “Here in my humble room at night / I often wonder what goes on out there / what makes them run so scared. / I often stare at the people passing by / but they can’t see me through my window shades. / Just like I’m not even there!”
•Robert Smirke to Man-Made Object by Lemon Demon. “I have a vision of a man-made object / I have the money, I have the means / I have the strangest dreams!”
•Michael the Distortion to The Afternoon by Lemon Demon. “In the attic of this house / on the wall behind a propped up couch / is a door that somehow leads into / the basement of this house??”
•Jan Kilbride in MAG 106 to Falling Up by Will Wood. “Here comes the sun, am I falling up? /FAAALLING UUUUUUUUUP! / Here comes the sun, am I falling up? / FAAALLING UUUUUUUUUP! / Here comes the sun, am I falling up?” (Because in his statement he literally goes “I could feel myself falling up” lmao)
•Dr. David in MAG 177 to A Mask of My Own Face by Lemon Demon. “At all the people hissing, knowing I’m the one they hate / and at the big finale I would tear my face away / and smile as they grip their own and try to do the same!”
•Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood in season 5 to Aurora Borealis by Lemon Demon. “So, let’s take the night off! / Be joyful and joyously enjoy the moonrise / and let it destroy us. / See, it’s okay / as long as we believe we’ll be okay / as if anything could go wrong on Christmas Eve! / Okay, you know I’m glad you’re here / so I can show you this before I disappear. / Is this the first time that you’ve ever seen Aurora Borealis crush mankind? / A flashlight underneath my chin / a pretty winter night / your hand in mine.”
•Elias Bouchard talking to Jon Sims in season 3 to BlackBoxWarrior by Will Wood. “You’ve lost your mind and almost lost your life before / so you’ll be fine! / For what? For what? For what it’s worth / if it was going to kill you, boy it would have by now! / For what? For what? For what it’s worth / there’s no more looking back, and why would you want to look back? / I mean, it’s no good looking back, so time to look forward now! / For what? For what? For what it’s worth / if they were going to get you boy, they would have by now! / For what? For what? For what it’s worth / there’s no more looking back, it’s looking up or looking doooooooown!”
•Jonah Magnus throughout his entire existence (but especially season 5) plus Jon killing him in MAG 200 to No One Lives Forever by Oingo Boingo. “Let’s have a party, there’s a full moon eye in the sky / it’s the hour age of the wolf beholding, and I don’t wanna die! / I’m so happy, dancing while the grim reaper / cuts, cuts, cuts, but he can’t get me! / I’m as clever as can be, and I’m very quick / but don’t forget we’ve only got so many tricks. / No one lives forever!”
•Jonathan Sims (especially in season 4 and 5) to Laplace’s Angel by Will Wood. “We’ve all got evidence of innocence, it’s ‘everything’s coincidence’. / The difference twixt fate and free will is whether you’re singing / Ooh, could you take a look at me? / Am I bad, am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad? / And now we’re singing, ooh / whatever you think of me / if you were in my shoes / you’d walk the same damn miles I do!”
•The Archivist™️ in season 5 to The Passenger by Siouxsie and The Banshees. “Oh, the passenger. / Oh, how he rides! / Oh, the passenger. / He rides and rides! / He looks through his window. / What does he see? / He sees the sign and hollow sky / he sees the stars come out tonight / he sees the city’s ripped backsides / he sees the winding ocean drive. / And everything was made for you and me! / All of it was made for you and me! / ‘Cause it just belongs to you and me! / So let’s take a ride and see what’s mine!”
•Jonathan Sims in season 3 and 4 to Cotard’s Solution by Will Wood and The Tapeworms. “Cry my name, remind my brain of my identity! / I’m not gonna listen, I’m not my volition / I’m sha na na na na na free-will! / Am I to blame for riding this train right by my destiny? / Ah, prove I can crack, ah, loose from the track, ah! / Sha na na na na na free-will!”
So, if anyone on here likes to make animatics, could these ideas maybe possibly perhaps hypothetically be fun to do? :333 I’m probably going to add way more songs to this as time goes on!
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flo-zoinks · 3 months ago
cop car and I bet on losing dogs by Mitski are Jack Marston to me.. he’s so dog metaphor motif you know? Like in my head John’s OBVIOUSLY represented w a wolf, and like idk Abigail a dog maybe? Like, she’s sweet but can be fierce. Guard dog type stuff. And she’s settled down with John. But Jack? My boy is a coyote. Not as beautiful and strong as a wolf, and not as domesticated and sweet as a dog. No, guy is in this awkward middle. He’s his mama’s boy but god, is he exactly like his father. But he’s not truly either one. Anyways. Idk how this went from Mitski to animal motifs but idk anyone to send random Jack yapping to.. I LOVE YOU JACK MARSTON!! I LOVE YOU ANIMAL MOTIFS!! and coyotes are my fave animal but whatever.. !
How did you know I love mitski..and jack marston ..and COMBINED😧
Your yap makes a lot of sense!! I love ur take on this boo
The lyrics of Cop Car I think could definitely portray his character if looked at that way, so much of it is so specifically similar.
Eg first lines: "I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog"
Considering Jack's anger he shows, as a response to the environment he was grown up in that caused so much stress, and nervousness, it coming out negatively like a "bad dog", (also similar to how he believes he comes from a rough, uncivilized background represented as a dog, which is a very uncivil and rough animal, he expresses he sees himself as a product of that environment), fitting very well in my opinion
Another line of: "I dont think about the past, it's always there anyway"
The repetition of that line comes of as denial, like she's trying to tell herself that even if she doesnt actually follow it. Jack's entire future and life is centered around that past, his becoming of a gunslinger, his murder of Ross, his cold cut off attitude is all a result of his past in the gang and family's involvement in that gang culture of the late 1800s. By 1914, Jack is seemingly a shell of a person, with "nothing to live for" as he says, and attached to the past as he goes to kill the man who ruined his family many years ago and often reference his past in small lines. However, Jack seems to still be trying to be independent and become and feel like his own person away from that past, which I think could be represented by that line trying to tell himself and deny he doesn't think of the past. The repeition also being in "its always there anyway" could show how he is so influenced by that old gang past and family past its shown so obviously every day to him by things like his gunslinger outfit and weapons.
Finally (although not the only other line you could pick): the line: "I miss riding horses, I miss running fast"
Obviously, Jack still rides horses in 1914. But this line creates imagery of a carefree, happy atmosphere of the past in which riding horses was an activity of joy rather then just a thing you do. One of the happiest times you see Jack in 1907 and 1911 is when John takes him horse riding, for instance when they go "riding fast" as John challenges him to a race. So perhaps you could take this line too as a reference, if looked that way.
Arent that many lines in cop car only about 3 other unique ones lmfaoo
As for I Bet On Losing Dogs, I think theres less that specifically could be used as a reference but the whole in general I get u gives it off too.
Eg when she says "someone to watch me die" , the line itself sounds like Mitski craves for someone to watch her at her most vulnerable, and be there where someone never normally would be unless very close to them. Someone to "see" her past all other artificial things and as total person. Jack doesn't have this, Jack has nobody to watch him die. So the line could be used to reference Jack's loneliness, and how much he internally craves someone to see him as a loving family member would, as all who have have left or just died in front of him. Obviously Jack would never say that, as he puts on a hard front exterior to protect himself from someone dying or leaving him again, but the want doesn't leave.
As for the animal representation, I totally get you!! Considering how much in 1914 Jack seemingly tries to feel like his Father, referencing him as himself often (eg in the line "I'm John Marston's boy!"), in addition to the fact other people perceive him as his Father, definitely I think shows that they would be represented by a similar animal.
Of course, not the same animal as its represented time and time again that Jack strives to separate himself too, and no matter how much he tries will always feel like a "black sheep" next to his Father.
So a coyote totally works for him! Especially with coyotes as very agitated animals, and only aggressive when threatened, yet when aggressive can be extremely dangerous. My only disagreement would be that coyotes are strong pack animals, whilst Jack, or atleast adult Jack, about anything but. Then again, you could argue Jack was a pack animal to start, but got separated from them.
I think his animal would be a Golden Jackal, in my opinion. Jackals are very wary of humans, and when threatened can be aggressive. But generally, will shy away and stay further from other predators silently. They aren't above smaller animals however, as they are known to even eat foxes. They're smaller then wolves, but often mistaken for wolves or coyotes.
Awww Abigail as a guard dog I could totally see !! I could see her as a guard dog that's been adopted by old people to become a normal house pet. Lots of guard dogs come from strict and often cruel environments, as no dog is born to be aggressive on command, but taught. This could perhaps parallel her environment growing up. Especially If a dog were adopted to a 'normal' household, that whilst still grateful and trying their hardest sometimes make mistakes as a result of their old environment giving them a negative reputation.
Thanks for yapping to me!! What do you think?? And happy new year ♡♡♡❤❤☝️☝️
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By fire and heart. Pt. 8
Daemma Targaryen. Second daughter of King Viserys and queen Aemma, you're the living portrait of your mother with the character of a true dragon, as a second daughter you don't have right to the throne but certainly, you will protect your sister's succession by heart.
Warning ⚠️: Credits of this images goes to the TikTok user ccarmyy! Grammatical and spelling errors, maybe this won't be good enough but In my head the story was a good one.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Pt.9 here
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You arrived to the north and instantly ran to your future husband, hugging him, drowning in his scent, the desire you've been containing during the trip disappears as soon as you and him are in your chambers, he was a wolf riding a dragon and you were a dragon devouring a wolf.
The room was destroyed just like your dress and every clothe, you used every chair, every table, all your bed, and you still needed more.
«I'm your betrothed, it doesn't matter if we share our bed before the wedding, I'm already yours my lord.»
You were happy, you weren't sure if it was because of him, because you loved him or if it was the fact that all your desires were attended.
While you're enjoying and exploring new horizons of your femininity and the love between a man and a woman, at the other site of the kingdom, your father gave his last breath and your half brother is trying to escape the throne and the crown that his mother and grandfather want to put over his head.
You don't even imagine it, until you're taking a bath, eyes close, suddenly some visions, are tormenting you.
Aegon wearing a crown, Rhaenyra wearing another, you can see blood in their hands, hearing screams and pleadings, one of Aegon's children, you riding the back of a wolf, dragons roaring and spitting fire everywhere, Thank to the gods your future husband is close to hearing your heavy breathing, bringing you back to your reality with a touch in your shoulder.
- What's wrong with my warrior princess?
- I... I don't know, I'm sorry... Perhaps I'm just tired my Lord.
Smiling instantly you're trying to hide the obvious anxiety that is eating you alive, you can't fool him but he knows there's no point in insisting, you will talk about this when you feel ready so he only kisses you softly and leaves you to rest while he goes to attend his usual tasks.
For the next few days you've been keeping him busy in your chambers, fulfilling your marital duties, even though, you're not married yet.
Your place as the future lady of the north has also a lot of duties, so, during the day you're the lady of the north but at night, you're still the warrior princess, the one who rides the wolf of the north, the one who made the strongest alliance in the name of her sister.
You're In the training yard observing your future husband, when the wind whispers something in your ear, or at least that's what you think, you're alone, there's no one close to you.
«The greens are coming for you...»
Cregan suddenly is running to you, you didn't even feel it, you were falling, fainting. You ended up on the ground, Cregan instantly asked for help, everybody took you to your chambers, you don't know how much you slept, but In your sleep you could hear the roars of dragons, your sister screaming in pain, you had visions about a baby with a dragon tail, scales, feet and hands; you saw your father's crown, you heard the voice of your uncle whispering «Luke is deep in the sea... The queen of the seven kingdoms...and the princess who protects her...»
Cregan stayed at your side, hearing you mumbling strange things about war, about kings confronting and burning the world and how the gods were whispering and showing you the future. He thought the fever was attacking you, taking the best of you, another lady that would die in his arms.
Meanwhile your sister is dealing with the war that is approaching, dealing with the pain of her child's death, the little Visenya, who came to this world before her time.
Your sister is in need of help, her spirit is stronger than ever but her heart is weak, the pain is invading it.
She knows she needs any house big or small, she needs as many people as possible on her side. Messengers are on their way to every corner of the kingdom, some dragon raiders too.
Soon or later, the news will knock on your door. Your nephews are on their way to different sites of the kingdom,while you still can't wake up from your dream.
The tragedy following Rhaenyra as a shadow, you're the last light of hope, she never realized how strong it was the bond between you and her, since that day, when both destiny was sealed.
Daemon, received the news first, he had a soft voice only for Rhaenyra, softly telling her the horror her son lived in before leaving this world.
Lucerys Velaryon, the prince, the messenger that never came back home and Arrax, his young and brave dragon, defeated his rider until the end, the little beast dared to attack the largest and oldest Dragon, Vhagar. No one would ever know the bravery of the young prince and his dragon had to confront his uncle and his giant beast.
«Arrax! Luke! Where are you?...»
In your dream, you can hear your nephew calling you, you can hear the roaring of Arrax, you can only see silhouettes, poor you, you can't imagine what is happening in the real world.
Cregan has left your side, he still has duties to attend. But you have your maidens taking good care of you.
Targaryen are dreamers, some of them believe in what they see, some others, don't. But you're one who decides to believe them. As for magic, you wake up, gasping loudly, your maidens are instantly trying to calm you, they're more anxious than you, your mind is focused on your family, then someone informs you, your nephew, Jacaerys came to leave a message for you and Lord Stark.
- Bring me a coat, I have to see my nephew, now!
Everybody in the room is running, preparing you a bath and clothes, even though your servants told you, Cregan and Jace are on the wall, you don't care, you will fly in your dragon if it is necessary but you have to talk with Jace.
You're ready to leave when the doors of the entrance are opening. They're back, you run to Cregan, he catches your face between his hands, observing if You're okay, Jace is quiet, observing both interaction, as soon as you plant your eyes on him you hug him tightly.
- Jace, what is it, what is going on, why are you here?
- Aunt Daemma, I bring news, unfortunately not good ones. Cregan told me you were sick but you seem healthy.
- I am perfectly fine, I just... Had a vision or something. Doesn't matter right now, tell me, what are the news.
And while Jacaerys talks, you feel more and more sure about your dreams, your visions and all that happened in your sleep. At least nothing is completely bad, Cregan and Jacaerys are good friends and allies, if you already had the north in your hand, the fact that your nephew came personally to ask for help kindly without threat made this alliance stronger than ever.
- To win a war you have to know who your allies are, I'm so glad you had the chance to talk and meet Lord Stark.
The three of you are in a deep and important conversation, negotiating the last details of this alliance when a man comes to Cregan with a letter, a raven from Dragonstone, while he's reading, his expression starts to get cold and serious, you don't have to ask, you can bet it is about Lucerys and you were not wrong, Jace is young but is also a strong Targaryen who knows the importance of keeping the pain and the sadness for another moment.
Cregan, as the gentleman and leader that he is, understands perfectly your decision to leave. You have to go home, support your sister and fight at her side, now that you're sure he will keep his word, you can go and do the necessary to help.
- I'm not only loyal to our queen, I'm loyal to you, Daemma. The north will be waiting for your commands, and I will be waiting for my wife's return.
Kissing your forehead, your hands and your lips deeply, holding you tightly and wishing you good luck, he says goodbye.
You and Jace embark on the journey, but before going to dragonstone, you decide to make a quick stop, alone, at Kingslanding.
You had to be far or fly too high to not be seen by the guards, you're waiting in the sky, expecting a distraction to finally land not so far from the city.
Aemond's arrival is the perfect distraction, now you're taking the hidden halls of the castle, once you're sure you're in Aemond's chambers, you can see him, walking from one side to the room to another, biting his nails, too distracted by his own mind.
You consider killing him, right there and no one would expect it. Unfortunately, your anger and the poison you've been containing pushes you to ruin your best chance.
- How stupid you have to be to think that an old dragon who has been in battle its entire life wouldn't attack to kill? Also, it is ironic... You said they are bastards and yet, you gave him a classic Targaryen dead, he died riding his dragon.
He doesn't act surprised, but you're sure you scared him and quickly made him furious.
- How stupid you have to be to come here alone and talk to me in that way, Daemma?
- Oh Aemond, don't think I'm afraid of you, if I wanted I could kill you, you would be dead already, but it is not me who has to make you pay for what you've done, I'm here with the only intention to know why.
You know you messed up, you could take revenge but that silly mistake now has you playing a risky card.
- You can't be serious. All the long journey to just know why I did what I did? Doesn't matter, what is done, it's done.
He walks slowly in your direction, you don't step back, you have to keep your defiant position but also you have to make him feel like you're not an enemy right now.
- Really? Is that what your mother told you? The queen must be... Very pleased, after all, she was a great influence who helped and supported Rhaenyra's usurpation throne.
- The queen doesn't know what she wants anymore.
- Of course not, the queen has always spoken with two tongues, she has always been divided between her father and her childhood friend, that always has been her problem, but in the end she chose to be her father's puppet.
- Watch your tongue, Daemma, she's still my mother I will not allow you to talk about her in that way.
Time to move on, leave that conversation behind.
-I always considered you as the smartest one. You know? And with all that is happening right now I've been thinking about how unfair it must be for you to not be named as king.
His tensed jaw makes you calculate your words, you have to be careful.
-You're smarter, stronger and a great knight. Don't take me wrong, I do not intend to provoke you, I'm just pointing at the obvious.
He looks at you confused, somehow he's expecting anxiously for your next words.
- You and I, we have more in common than what you think. We're the second ones. We've been proving we're better than our siblings our entire life, with time I accepted my destiny but you, Aemond you don't have to make the same mistake. I think you deserve more...
- Be clear, Daemma.
You stand in front of him, touching his hair softly, looking at him with big bright eyes, praying to make your magic or have some luck to at least have a chance to escape by fooling him touching a weak fiber inside him, whispering the last words in the most sweet and innocent way you could, so close to his ear that your lips are almost caressing it.
- The crown should be yours, my king...
Aemond doesn't show any emotion, for a second you think you're making more and more mistakes so you look down at the skirts of your dress, when his large hand takes your chin to make you face him again.
- Why are you saying all this?
- Because I know myself, my sister and I know Aegon, none of us would be good leaders, but you, Aemond, you have what we don't, I've seen it in dreams, you will be sitting on the throne.
Perhaps you say all those lies with much confidence or maybe you had the luck you prayed for. But Aemond smiles a little, convinced, pleased with your words.
- You're saying all this with a reason, tell me what is it.
- I said I wouldn't be good sitting on the throne to rule, I just want... Dragonstone, I want to be the owner of something, that's all.
He's about to ask more questions when a guard knocks on his door. Without opening the doors and with a loud and cold voice he demands to know why are they interrupting him.
- What is it?
«Ah... Pardon me, my prince, but your brother requested your presence at the small council.»
- See? Aegon can't handle the responsibilities, he's weak and easy to persuade, but you're different, you're difficult and impulsive, that's your advantage. You have to clean your path on this side and I'll do it on mine, do we have a deal?.
You whisper again feeling like a snake, filling his system with your poison, feeding his desires with false hopes and lies, because it's not your intention to betray your sister, you only want to escape. He looks back at you, caressing your chin, observing cautiously in your eyes, looking for any signs of lies, but maybe you played well, since he nodded in silence and left the room, as quick as he disappeared you did the same, coming back to your dragon, going home.
While you were in the sky, your sister was looking for her son, anything that could belong to Lucerys Velaryon.
Meanwhile the greens are struggling, different objectives, different causes and motives are on the table. Did you create more cracks?.
As soon as the moon is lighting the sky, you appear and soon, Rhaenyra does it too.
She doesn't even talk to you, or someone else in the room, some men welcomed you but that was all, her rage and grief were palpable.
After some people inform the advances, she listens or at least you would like to think she does. But the only thing she says, is something none of you weren't expecting.
- I want Aemond Targaryen.
Just like that, she doesn't say anything else and leaves the room. Daemon left minutes later, you feel like a ghost, not many people notice you, now you're feeling like the young version of yourself, isolated, wondering if you made the right decision leaving your comfortable place in the north.
Jace convinced you to go with him to have a private meeting with his mother, once there, you're behind the young man, who's hardly trying to not show how much the loss of his brother is affecting him.
- Your grace.
Both say in one voice, curtsying, Rhaenyra stays on her seat, her puffy eyes reveal all the tears she had been pouring.
Jace says something about a dragon in vale, then he mentions the men and the loyalty the north promised, his voice is cracking and suddenly Rhaenyra stops to play her character as queen and changes it for the mother figure her son needs.
You're still behind, unsure of what to do, the moment seems intimate and private, but then, Rhaenyra looks at you and without stopping the hug with her son, she offers one hand, indicating you can approach, instantly you run and join to the hug, sobbing and apologizing for not being here before.
The funeral was bitter and full of sadness, but somehow brought more union between your family. But Daemon mysteriously disappears, no one knows where he is, but you know his absence is something to worry about.
At the hour of the owl, walking between the walls and In front of everybody's noses, the revenge walked, the blood was soon to be spilled.
«The queen of dreams and the queen of dragons tied by the loss of an innocent»
The whisper wakes you up, you don't know why or how, but instantly you walk around dragonstone, checking on every kids room, because you were not prepared to lose someone else.
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changingplumbob · 3 months ago
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At the sound of a guest Howard came downstairs and into the kitchen. Glenn was distracted but with werewolf reflexes Silver registered the old spellcaster enter the room.
Howard: Is this Silver?
Glenn: Ah, yeah
Glenn had to untangle himself from his embrace to properly introduce his boyfriend.
Glenn: Grandfather this is Silver. And Silver this is my grandfather Howard
Glenn had imagined how the meeting would go in his head a dozen times or so. He didn't expect what happened though.
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Silver: It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Sutherland
Howard: Oh please, call me Howard
Silver: As you wish Howard. You've done an incredible job raising your grandson
Howard: Thank you. He is a good man, quite a catch I imagine
Silver: You're correct. May I have your permission to court him?
Howard: Oh you don't need my permission
Silver: Your blessing then?
Howard: *chuckles* Sure. You have my blessing to court him
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Glenn managed to drag Silver away and in to town under the guise of an errand but he just wanted to spend some time alone with him. They found some seats outside the museum and Glenn hoped he wouldn't sound too insensitive but he had to ask.
Glenn: Beefcake... what the heck was that?
Silver: What was what?
Glenn: With grandfather! I thought you were meant to be not good with people
Silver: I'm not good with people
Glenn: Then why did the conversation flow so smoothly?
Silver: I'm... not really sure
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Glenn: Well if you had to guess... because you do
Silver: *chuckles* Like riding a bike?
Glenn: What do you mean
Silver: Did you forget about the man that sired me
Glenn: No...
Silver: Did you forget he trained me to take over the pack after the Grayson incident
Glenn: No...
Silver: Then I don't understand why you're confused
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Glenn: *sighs* I just didn't expect you to know how to talk so formally
Silver: If it's important enough I guess I do have muscle memory for conversations. Wait- what did you think I was meaning when I said he trained me
Glenn: I was thinking he trained you! Like how to brawl and attack in wolf form
Silver: I mean yeah but there was a lot more to leading the pack than that. We had to be able to communicate with other packs. I had to know how to formally introduce myself
Glenn: And formally propose courtship to other packs
Silver: Yes. We needed to get new blood or the pack would die out so that jerk forced me to talk to countless people about boring topics. Amongst the brawling and attacking
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Glenn: Did you ever ah... were you courting someone back then? Before everything...
Silver: Before the pack leader died and everything fell apart? No. It pissed him off but he still kept sending me to other packs to try
Glenn: I can't believe that none of them accepted you
Silver: It was more they didn't accept my pack. Dad was a hardass and everyone knew it. Once mum died of course then we were seen as weak, unable to protect our own
Glenn: So... we're courting now
Silver: Yep
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Glenn: Tell me oh ancient one, what does courting involve
Silver: Are you making fun of me
Glenn: *chuckling* Nooooo
Glenn felt Silver's hands snake under his shirt and begin searching until he found where Glenn was ticklish. He began ticking and Glenn couldn't stop himself giggling. Eventually he leaned into Silver and asked for forgiveness and the tickling stopped.
Glenn: *breathless* Okay maybe I was being a brat
Silver: Maybe?
Glenn: I was! I was being a brat
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Silver: Because really with the modern ways of doing things courting can mean whatever we want it to mean
Glenn: Can it mean... cuddles in bed
Silver: Yes
Glenn: Can it mean... dates
Silver: We're here aren't we
Glenn: Can it mean-
Silver: Whatever you want just kiss me already
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months ago
Jujube: Sonny Quinn x Reader
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Tagging: @switchbladeclub @kind-wolf @@mariashane @floydsglasses  @firecountryqueen666 @caffeinatedwoman @@kmc1989 @sca3a @jeysbae @hufflepuffgirl @hgs-11 @meera10 @f1babe98 @angelnyx finiteuniverse13
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Sonny calls you his jujube. It starts as something to make you blush because the first time he’d said it, he’d had his head between your legs and was licking up the mess he’d just made of you.
“You taste as sweet as a jujube.” He’d mumbled against your thigh before he’d devoured you all over again.
It had stuck after that because there’d been a fifteen minute debate about what a jujube actually was.
He thinks about that when he’s trapped inside of the torpedo tube on the edge of drowning. The water’s lapping over his face, saturating his beard, stinging his eyes. His neck aches as he tries to keep his head up but his nose bumps against the smooth metal because there’s nowhere else to go. He’s going to die in here and you will never know how he feels.
This thing between the two of you it may have started off as casual, something to keep him occupied between deployments but it’s quickly become more than that. It’s sunshine and happiness and all the good things in life, everything he’d been lacking until he met you.
“Clay.” He says over the comms system as the water splashes over his forehead. “Clay buddy, I need you to do something for me.”
“You want me to sing the Longhorns fight song?” Clay responds, his voice a welcome sound over the radio. “Because I  gotta say it sounds much better with your accent.”
“Nah man, you’d just ruin it anyway.” Sonny smiles despite his predicament. “It’s about my Jujube, I need you to tell her…”
He trails off then because the emotion in his chest, it’s too much. He closes his eyes and he remembers the morning before his deployment, the two of you together in his sheets, your fingertips chasing over his tattoos as he held you close.
If he had known that was the last time…
“Tell Jujube I loved her, that what we had, it meant the world to me.”
“Sonny…” Clay chides and Sonny can hear the anguish in his  voice.
“It’s important to me.” Sonny tells him, his voice breaking just a little. “It’s important that she knows that she’s more, that she’s always been more.”
There’s silence for a moment as the radio crackles and Sonny knows what that means. If Clay agrees they’re both acknowledging what’s about to happen, that they’re not going to get Sonny out of the tube, that he’s going to die.  
“I’ll tell her.” Clay says quietly. “I promise you brother, I will.”
Sonny drowns after that. He stays dead for three minutes before they bring him back into the world choking and spluttering, coughing up his own lungs.
On the plane ride home he’s a little antsy, his knee jingles and his fingertips tap out a tune on his thigh. He plugs his headphones into his ears and he listens to your playlist, the one with all the songs  that remind him of the key moments from your relationship.
First kiss, first date, first time.
He clings to each of those memories until he gets his feet back on the tarmac. It’s everything he can do to get his ass to the carpark outside of base where he knows you’ll be waiting for him.
When he sees you standing there alongside your beat up Chevy, something inside of him just settles. You’re wearing that pretty summer dress he likes, the one he’s ruined you in multiple times and a pair of worn cowboy boots.
You’re in his arms in a matter of seconds and Sonny, he does not want to let you go. Back in that tube, he didn’t think he was going to get to experience this again so he holds onto you as tightly as he can, his lips brushing over your forehead, your nose and finally your mouth.
When he kisses you it’s like the sun breaking through the clouds after months of rain. All of that darkness, that fear that’s plagued him it evaporates and there’s just you, always you.
“You are everything to me.” He says fiercely as he cradles your face between his hands. “Absolutely everything.”
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barrenclan · 8 months ago
I was about to say ‘maybe Malmo would suit Barrenclan’ but uh Rainhaze isn’t looking too hot and youch
ANYWAYS I think the song Malmo by Moon might suit Barrenclan as I mentioned before, specifically the popular part (it’s always the popular part)
Three of us sleep next to three others
(Not sure who it’d match)
It's hot and we rot in this oven
(referring to Barrenclan’s environment)
Now there's something about the language
(followed by next part, but maybe Rainhaze about the welcoming of death or injury in Defiance)
Something about these people
(Pinepaw with the new scar or maybe Corm or maybe Rain. I think they could all decently match??)
That look an awful lot like me
(Same as before, Pinepaw with the new scar or maybe Corm or maybe Rain. maybe even talking about Slug right now too)
I'm surprisingly accepting of this discomfort
(Why I said Rain is at this point (right before death but close enough) is because he didn’t seem to mind it anymore)
But I'm not trying to be much of a person right now
(don’t know)
I'm just trying to get some sleep
(Pine with the nightmares and now grief. also with the shock.)
Not sure if these actually match but they seem close enough and I’m very tired anyways OH MY RAIN HOLY BDDBXBBBDB
Wow, Paul Dano is in this band? That's cool. I like your analysis of the lyrics!
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Why it's an absolute classic! In terms of characters I think it fits Deepdark a bit better than Rainhaze, though.
Do I even need the lyrics for I Can't Decide?
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ANOTHER classic! I like this one sort of swapping off between Slugpelt and Rainhaze, where he's trying to get her to come back to him in their youth, but now it's flipped the other way.
Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, come down Won't you get up off, get up off the roof? You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you
The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken Remember the pact of our youth Where you go, I'm going, so jump and I'm jumping Since there is no me without you
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This one's been suggested a couple times, but I still really like it with Slugpelt, so here it is again.
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I don't this it has! Ah, I recognize it from IncuriousCat, of course. They're very popular on this blog it seems. Rainhaze is a good character for song about making bad deals.
I'ma make a deal with the bad wolf So the bad wolf don't bite no more
My enemy is a friend of mine in a friendly place to be seen, hey You know I'll run away for a couple years just to prove I've never been free
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Has Ride the Cyclone has a re-emergence? I feel like I've seen it a lot lately. It's nice to have a song with old BarrenClan anyways, before all the tragedy and drama.
What the world needs Is people like me To keep it all spinning around I'm the mover, I'm the shaker, I'm the headline-maker
He put it into words, and it's plain to see We need a little less of them A little more of me!
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Yeah, I think you could chuck this in a Rainhazeward direction!
All this time, I've felt like my time to go would arrive That it can't last forever; I've been decaying Moldy scaffolding, ritual strangling No matter what I try, I seem to stay alive
My body should be cold The eyes of maggots gazing through to my soul I left so long ago Behind me are the tears I couldn't control
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HOORAY! I'm a big Pink Floyd fan. It'd be so cool to see a "Trial" scene with him as Pink and all the other characters as the other roles.
Day after day, the love turns gray Like the skin of a dying man And night after night, we pretend it's all right But I have grown older, and you have grown colder And nothing is very much fun any more
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Oooh, Bauhaus! Also a big fan of them. That's a good alternate voice claim for Deepdark, too.
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Thank you, it is! I'm always taking more song asks, of which I have got quite a few. I'm glad you like the comic!
May you die wide awake With a look of great surprise May your eyes be taken just Before you can weep As you see what you stole stolen from you <- yuuuup rainhaze
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Aww, that makes me sad. But it does fit well with them.
I dreamt I found you hanging I didn't know what it meant Your eyes would follow me through Everywhere I went
The window on the fifth floor Shattered as you wept What am I witnessing? What stories have you kept?
Damn ran outta links, I thought I got it this time
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