#i do not justify what Geto has done
frogalor · 28 days
AND SPEAKING OF JJK!!! i hate y’all for getting me into this. i’ve been so anti-falling-for-hot-evil-guy and making fun of y’all for it, but do you know who my two loves are in this goddamn show??? TOJI AND FUCKING GETO. i’m fine, i’m fine.
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hor3nee · 3 months
• Fatherhood •
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What kind of dads are the JJK men ?
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CW/TW: GN! Reader, Mentions of crappy parenting, BREIF mention of pregnancy in Geto's, (Lmk if I should add anything else!)
Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna, Toji x Reader
AN: Almost cried writing this the baby fever is going HARD rn dude. Headcanons !
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• Gojo •
Menace of a father, but in the good way! Gojo spends his years raising his kids as if he's their best friend, truly and genuinely treats his kids as equals and in a sweet way, allows his children to have complete trust in him. Because Gojo is quite childish himself, he loves playing with his kids, making a fool of himself, and indulging with them.
Has a bit of a bad side to this though, his lack of traditional discipline or making himself the 'adult' in the situation leads the kids to both be very spoiled and not really ever listen to him.
"Sweetheart, darling, my perfect angel, can you please go to bed?? pretty please! Help your old man here, please??"
"Nuh uh!" And with that bout of defiance, he's back to running up to you, like HE'S the child, begging for your help. Because it seems you're the only one who can get the kids in line, and you do.
Plays pranks and teases the hell out of his kids as they get older, always in a loving way of course, but nonetheless loves getting them flustered over his stupidity. Type of dad to do dumbass dances in the middle of a Walmart to embarrass his kids.
• Geto •
Geto is optimum of what it means to be a gentle parent. Cannot, for the life of him, bring it in himself to yell at his kids. He's so soft-spoken, never so much as raising his voice against his children. Geto has children who respond to his voice alone, because it's so lulling, he's familiarized them with it and made them feel safe with it.
Doesn't mean he can't discipline them, of course he can, and he does so extremely gracefully. Whenever you're on your last straw with the kids, fighting the urge to start scolding them and yell, he steps in, smoothly taking over and the kids instantly listen to him.
"We're your parents, honey, c'mon that's not very nice to say, is it? They carried you for 9 months you know. Say sorry." Like magic the kids shut up and come over to you apologizing while Geto stands back, calmly having fixed the situation with ease.
With everything Geto does, has done, experienced etc, he can sometimes feel conflicted. Geto knows what he is capable of, and what he has done, he's extremely self-aware even if he justifies it, and he can struggle to balance the weight of all of it while also remaining a dutiful father.
Despite it, he does wonders keeping it separate from what his children have to see or experience, teaches them respect and kindness and hopes they hold true to it.
• Nanami •
Not a single man on this list fathers as hard as Nanami fathers. He's built for it like no other. Nanami treats fatherhood with his all, he puts his all into it and makes damn certain he does right by it. Stern when necessary, sweet when needed, provides for his kids and refuses to miss any important milestone of theirs.
Nanami is a calm man but the second work starts piling potentially making him miss his kids school play or something he's arguing with his supervisors and ready to throw hands.
He keeps the drawings his kids make on his desk, alongside a photo of you and your kids. Literally just stares at it while working smiling, unable to wait till he's home with the kids. They are his pride and joy genuinely.
No matter how over-worked Nanami may be though, when he comes home you are basically on vacation. Insists you rest and he takes over literally everything involving the kids.
"Darling, darling no, I got this covered. You take rest. You know I love spending time with my kids." He says with an earnest smile, both kids in his beefy arms just dangling around and playing with their father. He's definitely exhausted from work, but that never stops him.
• Sukuna •
The King of the Curses, as cruel and terrifying as he is, taking pleasure in all sorts of sickness and treating love as pointless, legitimately likes his kid.
He doesn't care about fatherhood, or the responsibilities that being a parent entails, but it's nice having a mini version of himself around. That he likes. An extension of himself and you, it's nice to have around he doesn't mind it. He may act aloof about it, not outwardly showing affection like hugs or kisses, but he clearly enjoys it.
He gets a massive ego trip when his kids cause chaos and disturbances. Points at them laughing with his belly "See that? That's mine."
Sukuna never minces his words though, and his kids have to get used to his bluntness. Again, he doesn't care for the concept of 'parenting', and will in their face call the kid some extreme insults and weak and they have to learn to take it.
On the flip side, Sukuna also never minces his praise, and Sukuna has an abundance to give his kids. Every accomplishment or show of strength that they show he'll let them know he's proud. A good ol' fashioned fatherly slap to their shoulder while he praises them.
He treasures his children, and even if he doesn't put much effort into parenting them, you taking over most of it, he's definitely a present figure in their lives.
• Toji •
Went to get milk, hasn't been seen since.
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roturo · 11 months
COOL WITH YOU - gojo satoru x f!reader - + 4.5k words
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summary: You never though throwing chocolate milk would lead you to being enemies with the popular guy at school, which led you into even a crazier situation.
warnings: smut; unprotected sex, cock warming, dacryphilia, pussy slapping, mating press, finger sucking, oral (f!receiving), marking, degradation kink, slut shaming, edging, teasing, sexual tension, overstimulation. Enemies into idk into lovers. UniversityAU, popular student!gojo satoru, fluff.
It was a really nice day, really.
Nothing out of the extraordinary, normal classes, normal notes, everything was going great! Nice weather, and even your hair was having a good day!, but lunch time had to come.
You were walking through the cafeteria looking for the table you and your friends usually sit at. Walking with your tray through other people, you were about to make it, until you stumbled and say stumbled for crashed into an almost 2 meter man, food flying everywhere, and if that wasn't enough, your choco milk made a mess on his white t-shirt.
You felt all the possible stares into you, couldn't even see with who you crashed, way too embarrassed for it. Mumbling a lot of 'sorry, i'm going to pay it for you' 'I can wash it for you, i'm so sorry.' 'I'll buy you a new one.'  You finally looked up and saw who it was.
Gojo Satoru. The popular guy in school. Might not be the smartest, but he has good grades. Not much of a troublemaker (he is), has dated at-least half of the girls in this school, and someway he still has a line of girls waiting for his turn.
He was next his best-friend. Suguru Geto, smartest guy in your class, he's more peaceful, just watches from a distance, a cute smirk,  hasn't dated half of the girls in school, but still has a long line of girls waiting for a chance.
Your face flushed with embarrassment as she saw that the dark liquid from your spilled bottle had stained his pristine white shirt. Gojo's expression was anything but pleased, and he snapped at you, "Watch where you're going dumbass!"
You tried to apologize, but Gojo had clearly made up his mind about you. From that day on, Gojo wouldn't miss any chance to humiliate you just like you did that day in the cafeteria.
He wouldn't let go of that day, calling you all types of nicknames related to it. ¨Milkie¨ ¨Choco-latte¨ and much more. Mostly throwing your books you had in your arms walking through the halls, always putting milk on your desk when recess was done.
He would often challenge you with difficult questions in class, and you would slowly find yourself doing the same. Days went over and you were now annoyed at his behavior. Who does he think he is? He couldn't treat people like he wanted to!
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¨Can you stop?¨ Utahime stopped eating, dramatically putting the fork down. ¨Stop what?¨
¨Stop looking at fucking Gojo Satoru! It’s been like two months and you’re still annoyed at him.¨ 
Oh god. He's looking back at your table, Utahime said it loud enough so half of the cafeteria could hear. Feeling your face growing hot you looked back at your friend, her face showing how unbothered she is by the annoyed side-eyes you guys were receiving.
¨It's like you got obsessed with him or something! All you do is talk about him, how angry you are about him, how he did this, how he did that, do you like HIM or what?¨
¨Of course NO! I don't like Gojo-...¨
A small cough interrupted the small discussion you were having, looking up for the person who annoyingly stopped you trying to justify why you don't like the Gojo Satoru, was in fact, the Gojo Satoru.
He was standing in all glory in front of your table with his best friend, Geto, which seemed kinda unbothered with this whole ordeal.
You looked like a little kid being caught trying to grab another candy from the bowl after he got his daily one... which made Gojo chuckle.
How cute.
¨I'm sorry ladies for interrupting your chat, but me, and my friend Geto Suguru, wanted to invite you to our upcoming party this weekend. Right Suguru?¨ He nudged Geto, with his annoying smirk, at what Geto just nodded.
You were about to deny the offer, saying you’re not one of his easy girls to smash with, but Utahime was faster than you and said yes to the invitation and lent her phone so they could send her the place and time.
Oh, well, fuck.
Utahime greeted you into her house with her radiant smile, her eyes shining with mischief. "I would’ve killed you if you didn’t come!" she exclaimed, pulling you into her room. "Tonight, you’re going to have a great fuck and forget that annoying asshole!" You rolled your eyes because of her assumption of you liking Gojo. 
Utahime couldn't resist the thrill of the invitation, saying it’s ¨an event you have to live at least once at uni.¨ You spent hours preparing yourselves. Mostly, Utahime carefully choosing the perfect outfit and a dash of confidence to match. 
You and Utahime arrived at the party, the room buzzed with laughter, music, and vibrant conversations. You’ve been spending the whole night thinking of a way to take revenge on Gojo, and show Utahime proof you don’t like him. You have tried plenty of ways; winning at sports games, not a surprise he’s better than you, but it still pisses you off how irritating he is. You also tried beating him at exams, which somehow you did beat him on them, but somehow he gets more acknowledgment about having a 9 than you having a 10?
Does he fuck the teacher too?
That’s what you need! To fuck Gojo Satoru.
Not in that way…
Well, yes. But not him fucking you. You fucking him.
His whole ego is based on how every girl likes him, so… what if you do what he does to the other girls?
Geto greeted the both of you with a smile, offering you something to drink, which you denied, contrary to Utahime. You were having a small chat with your friend and a friend of hers, she was really nice, short haired, not that tall but not that short, she's a friend of Satoru & Suguru apparently… a pretty smile adorning her face while talking with Utahime, her name was Shoko.
And Shoko is really fun, really, but you couldn’t stop from distracting yourself, eyes following the tall frame, going from girl to girl all around the house. It infuriated you how they could be so clueless of the man they’re talking with.
You decided you needed to distract yourself and stop focusing on what he’s doing. Entering the kitchen was really calm, two people chatting while drinking. Preparing yourself a drink, you felt a small push in your shoulder, and it’s like destiny made you to never stop thinking about him, since somehow he was always there.
¨Oops, didn’t see you there.¨ His stupid face, with his stupid smirk.
¨Can’t stop disturbing me for one minute in your entire life?!¨
¨Me? Disturb you? You’re the one who won't stop looking at the other like some obsessed stalker!¨
¨Well, it’s not my fault you keep fooling those girls thinking if they let you fuck them they will be with you at least more than a week before you get bored!¨
He laughed at you, which only made you even angrier. ¨Are you jealous or what?¨
¨I’m not jealous- … don’t. Don’t you dare look at me that way.¨
¨What way?¨
¨Like you want to fuck me.¨
The tension in the room grew stronger, his stupid eyes were having pleasure watching you being angry at him being with other girls. You’re really pretty too, he never took the time to realize that. Maybe it's your fault because of the grembling face you put when you’re around him.
Thank god Suguru came into the room giving you a way out of this situation, calling for Satoru and you.
¨Hey, we need both of you to help us with something back there, Utahime and Shoko are there also. Utahime is really nice, but uhh… she might gotten a little too much drunk…¨
"Do we have to bring her?¨ Gojo said, pointing back at you with his thumb, not even looking at you, just at Geto. ¨You know I hate her." 
¨Yes Satoru, it’s her friend who we are talking about.¨
"I'm standing right here, you know..." 
"I know." You were about to hit Satoru if it wasn’t that Geto didn’t grab the both of you by the wrist and started walking away.
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After leaving a very drunk Utahime in Geto’s room, Shoko staying with her, the two other boys (Most like Geto) invited you to go for some midnight ice-cream around the corner, at which, you had nothing to do, so you accepted the offer, who wouldn’t want ice-cream for free?
The three of you got your ice-cream, you were with Satoru while Suguru was paying for them.
¨Your ice cream looks delicious, let me try.¨
¨We have the exact same ice cream, for god’s sake!¨ Satoru was faster than you and gave a big bite (with no teeth) to your ice-cream, you grumbled at his stubbornness.
¨Hey, no fair! You have more sprinkles than mine!¨ You looked up at his face, finding ice-cream all around his lips. Unconsciously your hand caressed his cheek and with your thumb, you wiped the ice-cream off his mouth. Your finger resting on his lower lip, he slightly opened his mouth giving enough space for your thumb to enter, which it did. His tongue swirled around it, savoring the ice-cream he stole from you. Your eyes never left his and vice versa. His cheeks were slightly pink, his eyes were now a darker shade of blue thanks to his dilated pupils.
His hands found a way to lock between your waist, making you get closer to him. Your thumb left his mouth and slowly got into his chest. He smiled at you. A genuine smile from him. Not an evil trace on it. His eyes squinted a little, which made you also smile. 
¨Can y’all believe the old man wanted me to pay for an extra ice-cream we didn’t buy? I stayed like 10 min more trying to explain him we only bought 3.¨
Your face turned pale, as fast as you could, you pushed yourself out of Gojo’s embrace, he awkwardly coughed fixing his hair.
¨Are you guys okay?¨ Suguru looked confused but then looked at you and your melted ice-cream.
¨Oh shit. It melted. Your eyes locked with Satoru for a moment and moved on to the melted ice-cream. Did that really happen?
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A week passed and Gojo couldn’t get you off his mind. The moment replaying every day, the feeling of your hand on his cheek never leaving. He was going crazy. 
Ever since Utahime and Shoko got closer, that meant hanging out as a group. It somehow got better? Gojo stopped with the bitterness and the hate towards you, it turned more into teasing?, it’s like he’s been feeling cool with you?
 It even turned into the both of you teasing each-other light heartly, it was fun.
During a late-night study session at Shoko’s,  you and Gojo got into argument from some science topic, you could sense the others were annoyed at the unnecessary pause of studying, leading them into grabbing their phones to go through social media, going for water, or even just start making small drabbles of drawings, knowing they couldn’t do anything about the both of you arguing because of your stubbornness.
Until Utahime snapped, ¨Oh my god, can the both of you just fuck so the tension could leave?!¨ that left the both of you speechless and blankly looking at eachother, red invaded eachother’s face because of how things turned out and how others point of view of the type of relationship the two of you have.
... Your walk home was… awkward but nice?
¨Listen. It’s nearing midnight and you're a female walking the streets alone, at least let me walk you home? As much as you annoy me I’d rather you not get murdered¨ You take in his words slowly nodding in agreement as you cross your arms, ¨fine.. nice to hear that you don’t want me dead.¨
So that’s how the both of you ended walking together to your house. It was a weird bonding experience you didn’t think you needed.
¨Wow you can actually be a sweetheart this time, what happened to the boy who was arguing with me today is pluto is still considered a planet?¨
You say lightheartedly but turn to glare in his direction anyway, watching as he rubs the back of his neck with a chuckle.
¨Yeah that was pretty immature. to be fair we’re just as bad as each other ̈
You nodded in agreement it really is a game of back and forth trying to outdo each other. You felt a sudden wetness on your face sticking your hand out and watching as your palms filled with water capturing the rain droplets within, the rain poured without any mercy but thankfully you could see your house just a little down the street, with the nice moment you were having with Gojo you bravely grabbed his hand with a giggle making a bolt towards your house, to your surprise Gojo tightened his grip running beside you as the rain soaked you both.
Catching your breaths as you stood on your porch, sheltering yourselves from the rain, breathlessly laughing as you straightened yourself looking up at Gojo who was just as drenched.
¨Who saw that coming?¨ He smiles pulling lightly on your hand that still stayed secured in his, you were only inches away from each other but the cool breeze and crackling of the thunder held a mysterious mood that drew you into him.
In what should have been forbidden your lips touched, tasting the water that ran along your face seeping into your mouth as you reconnected with Gojo’s pretty lips, it didn’t last long as a large gust of wind interrupted causing you to shiver and unintentionally find comfort in Gojo, pressing against his chest. You could feel his hand rubbing gently against your upper back as he stared down calmly, you finally pulled away from him jiggling with your front door and popping it open with just a twist of your key, frowning your eyebrows slightly as you turn to look at the soaking wet boy again watching him turn towards the rain and stepping closer as if he was about to make a run for it.
¨You don’t have to leave.. it looks pretty hectic out there, i can dry your clothes and you can leave when it’s safer, if that’s what you want?¨ Gojo seemed conflicted a hint of hesitation could be seen but his expression was mostly unreadable, he took one last look out towards the street before turning on his heels, walking into your house with a smile, ¨That seems like a better idea.. thanks.¨
You really didn’t know what you were thinking letting Gojo into your house but it felt right, ¨Your... hoodie¨, you say holding your hand out towards him.¨I can put it in the dryer¨ Gojo paused for a moment looking down, his lips shaping into a straight line as his cheeks puffed out. ¨I’m not wearing an undershirt¨ You let out a light oh before making your way into the laundry room, ¨here! You can throw a towel over yourself if you feel uncomfortable!¨ You yell out to him, turning around to be greeted with Gojo’s bare chest, ¨It’s fine I don’t need a towel¨ He plainly says handing you his hoodie, you quickly nod taking it and heading over to the dryer.
¨What about my pants?¨ You hear him say as you open the lid. ¨What about them?¨ You question turning around to see his slightly wet jeans, ¨They’re not that wet but I can do them too.. got that towel?¨, Gojo let’s out a chuckle unzipping his jeans.
¨I’m not going to be naked, I do have underwear on after all, do you want me to wear a towel?¨ You went silent slowly extending your arm and making a gimme motion with your hand, ¨I don’t care it’s your decision¨, you say sounding a bit flustered, looking away nervously Gojo stripped himself of his jeans leaving him in his underwear. You throw his clothes into the dryer freezing suddenly before closing the lid, realising your own saturated clothes as you played with the hem of your shirt, “fuck it”, you whispered ripping your top from over your head, your pants following in hot pursuit letting them join in with Gojo’s clothes.
The dryer light blinked on watching as the session started not daring to turn around as you knew Gojo was still very much present, feeling a sense of embarrassment as you stood away from him semi nude, the only thing you didn’t know is that he was much closer than you thought feeling his hand smooth over your arm a slight tingling sensation could be felt as he pressed up against your bare back, ¨Aren’t you cold?¨, he said sliding his mouth near your ear, you slowly nodded feeling your words getting stuck in your throat, ¨I mean no, not really¨ You crackled out quickly correcting yourself, your whole body was heating up as the butterflies in your stomach did multiple backflips, ¨Well I am baby¨, you let out a rigid breath feeling your pussy contract within itself at the sudden nickname, you had no idea he could make you feel this way, ¨How are you gonna get warm?¨ You softly breathe out goosebumps arising from your skin as Gojo rubbed up and down your sides placing a few kisses against your neck, ¨I have an idea if you’d spread your legs a little?¨ You obeyed his words like a dog, running on your own horny adrenaline.
¨Are you okay with this?¨ You nodded, feelin his fingers come in contact with your pussy pushing your panties to the side as he swiped his pointer finger through your folds, he stopped clutching his hands roughly on your hips, his forehead laying on your shoulder blade.
¨How? You’re so wet, I barely even touches you.¨ Gojo said sensually pulling your hips towards him as he rubbed his hard against your ass, ¨I thought I’d have to do a little more but I think this is enough.. ready?¨
He kissed up your back adjusting himself a bit, ¨Ready?... for what?-¨, You struggled to say the last syllables as Gojo pushed the tip of his cock into you wrapping an arm around your waist and the other holding onto the dryer in front of you, pulling you upwards so he can angle your entrance just right so he can fully fit into you comfortably.
A gasp escaped you quickly holding onto the side of his thigh as he stayed still, the feeling of his long cock deep inside you made you wriggle pulling your heat away from him as he replants himself, the heat off Gojo’s chest and stomach burned into your back, ¨Now that’s warm¨, Gojo spoke, ¨And it’s tight too¨, He slightly giggled out resting his head on your shoulder.
¨Is it uncomfortable?¨ He quietly spoke in concernment Gojo’s worries fading as he finally feels you melting into him, ¨No it’s good¨ You say sheepishly feeling the slight shake of his arm as he continued to hold onto the dryer, another kiss being littered against your upper back upon hearing you.
It’s beyond weird getting this intimate with him but there always was some lingering sexual tension though. Nothing is really happening as you both stood in silence while Gojo kissed your body, leaving hickeys everywhere. Your body temperatures rising quickly but soon you started to feel Gojo’s movements, he awkwardly pumped himself into you stopping and starting his motions as he fought his urges, ¨Satoru?... If you’re going to fuck me just do it, this is nice and all but I know what we both want¨
You say trying to look at the boy who was still resting his head on your shoulder, you saw him perk up displaying a gummy like smile, ¨If that’s what you want who am I to deny you?¨
He jolted you forward banging you flat against the dryer giving you a sharp thrust as he grabbed a hold of your hair, bringing you back so he could kiss you, ¨You really want your enemy fucking you? Want everyone to know how of a cockslut you are? That Utahime was right? filthy.¨ 
You hum in pleasurable agreement a cheeky giggle escaping you as Gojo tilts your head to the side giving himself access to your neck, ¨Enemy? Do you really want to be calling yourself that when you started this? I think you’ve always wanted to do this, you love me¨ You say daringly, feeling incredibly unsatisfied as he pulled himself out of you spinning you around and finally coming face-to-face with him, Gojo’s hair now completely dry but nothing changed about his smirk.
¨You don’t need this” He unclips your bra way too easily wiggling it in front of your face like a trophy
“Don’t try putting this act on me, you’ve wanted my dick ever since you met me, those looks you don't give them to everyone.. probably why you love me so much ̈ You push him away playfully, covering your breasts and snatching your bra from him attempting to walk passed, Gojo re-attaches himself to you pulling you into a back hug as he kisses you roughly, biting your lower lip dragging slightly out making you whine.
“Don’t be stubborn, the laundry room is nice but why don’t you show me the bedroom?” You lean into him with a satisfied smile spreading across your face as you had every intention in bringing him to your bed, ¨Where do you think I’m taking you?¨
Nothing was stopping you, both fully naked in bed as Gojo’s face found refuge in between your legs licking up and down your slit and sucking on your sensitive clit, making infinity signs between them, holding your thighs apart to stop you from caging him in with each spasm of your body, “I’m gonna-“, you moaned out Gojo humming at your words removing his mouth from your heat and licking his two fingers as he dives them straight into your soaking pussy pumping in and out, “You’re gonna what?” He smirks, making a gesture of using his free hand to put on his ear to sign like he didn’t listen to you. Watching as you gasp at the sudden intrusion his smirk grew larger. ¨Oh! There! Satoru please I-¨
He stopped, smiling proudly and taking in your watery eyes, his smile soon turning into a sarcastic pout, ¨Aw, that’s cute¨ He laughed, pushing you flat against the bed as you leaned up to try and hit him, him being faster slapping your pussy.
¨Oh stop it! you’ll get what you want later slut, look what you’ve done to me¨ He looks down at his hard and angry cock begging for attention, rolling his fingers around his shaft as he covers his member in your juices.
¨Open your legs wider” Gojo hovers above you angling himself at your cunt, finally slipping back into your wet cunt, wasting no time in hammering into you giving you no chance in preparing for his speed, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck as he mercilessly rocks you back and forth but as Gojo lifted each of your legs up putting you into a mating press, which made the thrusters even go deeper inside you, turning you into a beautiful moaning mess.¨Ah! Look at you, you’re beautiful¨
Gojo groans out closing his eyes and throwing his head back in an attempt not to bust, picking up the pace as he fucks you raw diving his face into your neck as he concentrates feeling his heavy panting on your neck.
¨Don’t stop this time¨ You barely get out feeling your body getting to it’s highest point again, your back arching immediately as Gojo’s fingers had sneakily approached your clit rubbing your clit at lightning speed. You couldn’t breathe your legs spasming out and clenching around Gojo so hard he could barely move, your moans turning into a pleasurable scream as you reached your orgasm falling limp as you continued to pulsate around Gojo’s cock. 
He isn’t done yet. Taking in sharp breaths as he chases after his own high, you whine slightly from sensitivity but you weren’t going to stop him, thrusting a few more times till he pulls out in quickly, pumping himself in his hand as he aims his load on your stomach, moaning sweetly as he shoots his cum all over your lower half swiping his thumb over his head picking up some of the white substance and shoving it into your slightly agape mouth, ¨How does it taste sweetheart?¨ You start sucking his thumb without any hesitation making a loud popping sound as you pull his hand away.¨Delicious¨, you smile. 
With a satisfied chuckle Gojo collapsed onto your bed watching as he reached for anything to help clean yourself up with, ¨I don’t regret doing that you know…¨ He quickly says as he wiped up his mess, ¨I would’ve preferred if you cum somewhere a little less messy¨ You raised an eyebrow, ¨I meant having sex with you.. I’d do it again¨ You smiled, feeling the excitement run through you with just the thought of having sex with Gojo again ¨I’d like that too¨ He went a little quiet intensely watching you, getting closer to you, his lips crashed yours. This time it wasn’t rushed at all, he was moving his lips slowly, capturing every moment of it. Taking a small moment to breathe, he started kissing you again, then giving small pecks all around your face which made you giggle. He finally stopped with getting himself around your arms, cuddling you. 
He called out your name at which you just answered with a small sound out of tiredness. 
¨I think I love you.¨
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rottiens · 4 months
What are some random headcanons that come to your mind about Stalker Geto and Priest Toji? Both nsfw and sfw are welcome 😌
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✮ tags. . fem reader, stalker!getō, canon au, 18+ mdni ꒱₊˚⊹ divider credits. — playlist.
✮ wc. . 1.1k
✮ notes. i had to physically restrain myself from making this a whole fic, lord have mercy. what have you done to me? i'd like to explore this au more in the future and i'll be talking about toji in another post but give me time bc i need to recover from this.
the thing is, he justifies everything he does. he knows exactly the order of your coffee, and he sneaks into your apartment at night for the same reason: your good. he's just looking out for you, let him take care of you.
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Satoru manages to get his friend to finally admit it.
"It's not being in love," he says. "I just admire her. she's strong." that's all, he assures him.
Despite Satoru trying, and provoking him with the situation, laughing in his face and joking about it, Satoru fails to make Suguru break down and admit it. Suguru inwardly recognizes that it's nothing more than a fleeting admiration that will pass soon, he's nothing more than infatuated with you and the way you deal with problems, kill curses, talk to people. He likes that about you, he doesn't like you, there is an abysmal step between one and the other— He tries to reason with himself.
However, he can't help but slide his eyes over you as if it's a must every time you enter the room, he doesn't know and hasn't asked Satoru if he feels it too but there is a magnetism to which he is attracted when you enter the room. He stops talking suddenly, clenches his jaw and Satoru notices the muscles tense —of course he does it with those all-seeing eyes—, before he can turn around in search of what his friend is admiring, Suguru speaks again, pushing the oval glasses on the tip of his nose up with his middle finger to cover his eyes completely and watch you in peace.
Oh, you're cute. He has to bite his lip and fake a laugh at something obviously not funny so his friend won't notice. He slyly looks you up and down, your hair is tousled, he imagines you running out of your house, leaving your phone behind and having to come back to get it because you're always early, that's why he's here.
But it's 10:48AM, he checks his wristwatch before returning to Satoru. You're forty minutes late and the thought makes him frown. Before he can stop the train of thought he's thinking about you, and the scenarios that could have happened to keep you from being early. You are always on time. He knows that.
You catch him looking, not really. You don't know because you can't see his gaze, but Suguru knows you're watching him out of the corner of your eye and with the sunglasses in between serving as a shield, he lets himself immerse in you without being overwhelmed by the fear that he'll be caught. You glance sideways at him again and soon flee to the table before you weighing up the idea of whether you should have tea or coffee.
You go for coffee, of course. With three sugar cubes, a pinch of cinnamon powder and a spoonful of honey. He's realized for a while now that he's good at those things, at remembering things you do, at remembering your coming and going patterns, how you take your coffee, the wrinkles your nose makes when you laugh, how uncomfortable you feel in your uniform sometimes, how dirty your shoes almost always are.
He sees you pick up honey and a spoon and it makes him smile. Next to him, Satoru laughs.
"Man. You really like her."
At some point Satoru moved to his side to look at you from the same point of view as Suguru. You turn to catch both teachers staring at you, suguru purses his lips into an awkward smile and raises his hand to wave at you. Satoru on the other hand, yells at you as if you’re not a few feet away from them and calls out euphorically with his hand for you to come closer. Suguru knows he is going to try to do something to leave you two alone talking and only this time Suguru allows it.
With coffee in hand you approach them both. His heart is about to burst out of his rib cage, his muscles tense as if ropes were squeezing them, he licks his upper lip looking to moisten his mouth and when you are in front of him he inhales slyly, you smell as if you have just stepped out of the shower, fresh, sweet, maybe that is the reason for your disheveled hair, maybe that is the reason for your tardiness.
And well, maybe he did have a crush, he could admit that to himself at least. A crush that would die soon, because Suguru wasn't one to date the same person for too long, people made him lose interest fast and he knows it would be the same with you.
That was two weeks ago. It's just a crush, he keeps repeating himself.
You're just his co-worker, another teacher, he tells himself. He's doing this for your sake.
He was supposed to check your apartment, exorcise a curse he saw slipping through a window as he walked past your place early in the morning, it's all a funny coincidence that he was in the right place, at the right time really and he decides to sneak out because he wants to look after you, that's all. He was going to come in and out and not touch anything, the sound of rain coming from the bathroom tells him that you'll be early for Jujutsu High today and he should get out of there soon. It's just that he didn't plan to find the red thong laid out as an offering for him on the bed, next to your pillow.
Suguru bites his cheek hard, his teeth that make him bleed control him just a little, the pain brings him lucidity but not enough to stop him when he takes two long strides to the bed. As if in a stupor he stands rigid on the edge of the bed contemplating the fabric that glistens with a wet trace in the center.
Suguru stretches out his fingers as instructed and takes it in his hand. Trembling he brings it to his nose and inhales shamelessly, his breathing heard in the four silent walls. His chest aches, his heart pounding. It smells like you, and he rubs the tip of his nose on it, closes his eyes, his long eyelashes flutter and all the blood rushes to his cock, he's so hard he can't think.
He flutters his eyes open returning to the warmth of your apartment, to the dull noise caused by a silent house, he hears footsteps upstairs from the neighbors or maybe it's yours because he no longer hears the water falling and without wasting time he puts the thong in the pockets of his uniform pants. There is another place where he should be now.
He was supposed to be in the teacher's room first when you arrived, he was going to see you earlier today and that's what matters most to him right now.
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slttygeto · 10 months
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synopsis: you were never there for suguru, and he isn't scared of saying it to you.
c.w: gn! reader, angst, hurt/no comfort, reader is a terrible friend, insinuations on suguru and reader possibly liking each other, suguru feels terribly left out, confronation, there is a dialogue here from an old movie so that's where the inspiration came from!
word count: 1,1k
note: very quick drabble before I head to bed. sorry for choosing violence so late at night.
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Everything happens for a reason. What a lame way to comfort yourself through the horrifying realization that you’ve been betrayed by one of the closest people to your heart. You stand in front of Yaga and Satoru with a broken heart and a body that is so cold you could be mistaken for a corpse and you breathe in—you try to inhale through what you’ve been told.
“Suguru killed those people, he also killed his parents and—“
Enough. You’ve heard more than enough for today. You squeeze your eyes shut and your hands find your face, covering it whole. You’re not sure what the gesture is supposed to do, you believe that you simply did not want to see the people that have delivered those news for you and it’s a little unfair to them. But then again, if they hadn’t known how poorly you’d handle it, why’d they look so apologetic when they asked you to wait for them outside of the classroom? They knew how you’d feel and they still went through with it.
You don’t realize that a week had passed since the incident with Suguru until you’re receiving a text Shoko and Satoru telling you about his whereabouts, and you don’t think you’ve ever ran so fast in your life just to see a person—to see him, for what felt like it was going to be the last time in a while.
Suguru stands in front of a flower shop owned by an elderly couple and his face seems to be empty of any emotion as he stares at the many flowers displayed by the old woman tending to her plants. Yet his eyes seem to be fixated on a specific flower—a bouquet of pink Cyclamens that looked as though it was freshly picked and put together, placed neatly on the tiny green table outside of the shop. His hand reaches down towards it and traces the pink wrapping paper with the same fingers that once held your chin as he tended to your wounds after missions.
“Suguru,” you sound out of breath, your hands are trembling and you feel as though you’re about to faint very soon. “What are you doing?” A part of you hopes that Suguru comes up with a good answer, something that justifies what he’s done, what he is about to do now that he has the entire Jujutsu society turning against him. You want answers, you want to be comforted by this abrupt and sudden decision of his. But when he stands there silently, doesn’t even bother to look up from the bouquet he seemingly bought prior to your arrival, your heart sinks. So, you ask again.
“Sugu-“ your throat closes up and you can’t muster up the courage to pronounce his name properly. “Answer me.”
“What do you think I’m doing, hm?” the nonchalance in his voice feels like a dozen of needles poking through your skin, each one injecting you with a different poison and only Suguru’s warmth can heal you.
“You lied to me, you deceived me.” You say quietly and when you hear his chuckle—the first sign of emotion in very long, your heart sinks to your stomach. Why does he find this amusing? It shouldn’t be funny, you were seriously suffering and he was being so… different.
“I’ve deceived you?” he finally looks up and it’s so difficult not to run away and hide when he was eyeing you so dangerously, daring you to repeat what you have just said.
“You’ve deceived me,” he continues and approaches you with the bouquet in hand.
“I am tired of trying to listen to you—“
“You have never listened, you never tried to listen,” he presses on every word and his looming figure towers over you with so much ease. You cower under his gaze, try to stutter a few words out and the confusion evident on your face irks Suguru even more.
“I did try to listen! What are you-“
“Then where were you when I needed you?” he tilts his head to the side, and the action is mocking as he lets out a pensive hum. “On missions… with Satoru… out with Shoko smoking—that’s right, I stopped being fun to hang out with, didn’t I?”
“You stopped needing me because I stopped being useful.” He spits it out like venom and your blood runs cold. You try to blink the tears coating your lashes and back away from him.
“That is not true,” the whimper that escapes your lips is pathetic, but it does nothing to the tall man standing in front of you.
“Then where were you when I needed you?” he asks again, and he knows that you don’t have an answer—or it was simply clear that Suguru wasn’t worth the additional baggage on your shoulders. You never wanted to be there for him as simple as that. Your friendship with him was only fun when he was the sweet, soft and flirty Suguru. Hanging out with him was only fun because he paid for the food and pushed you on the swing, it stopped being fun when his thoughts got darker and it was harder for him to smile when you apologized for the umpteenth time because you forgot to check on him.
Suguru simply had enough.
“You gave me your heart, you know?” The taller male suddenly speaks up after a minute of awkward and painful silence and your head shoots up. “You’d like me to hand it back whole, but I won’t.” He takes a step closer and strangely, you don’t flinch nor move away.
“You live a long life, an eternity without me. You will look at the faces of passersby hoping for something that will bring me back to you, you will find stargazing on the rooftop and summer nights strangely empty—your heart will long for something, anything that would make calling out for my name worth it and would somehow bring me back.” Suguru is seemingly calm through it all, like the sight of the fat tears cascading your cheeks doesn’t move him and for the first time ever—it truly doesn’t reach his heart, and doesn’t try to pull at its strings.
“Your heart will always ache for me, and your mind will give you the doubtful consolation that this—“ he points at the both of you, referring to you confronting him. “Was the brave thing to do.”
And through gritted teeth, you manage to find your voice again.
“You dare talk about bravery?”
“What else do we have to talk about, hm?”
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—in case anyone needed to know, “Cyclamen flowers can also represent love, affection, and admiration. They are sometimes used to display affection and romantic feelings towards someone.”
do with that whatever you want.
2023 ; all works belong to @ slttygeto. do not repost my works on any other platofrm.
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duckiemimi · 1 month
jjk 261 leaks
i'm gonna ramble a bit here idk if it'll make sense.
i've always been the biggest advocate of not viewing things black and white in jjk, meaning everything is understandable from the readers' point of view, BUT that doesn't mean that the story itself doesn't have distinct boundaries between what's "good" and "bad" in the narrative. take geto, for example. great character, you can't help but like him, but even then you know he's an antagonist for a reason. the narrative says so, even the characters say so. there's a running theme in jjk where every antagonist (and antagonist-adjacent) character is motivated to control other people's bodies—geto and non-sorcerers (to a lesser extent), kenjaku and his CT, mahito and his CT, sukuna needing to have a host, etc. kenjaku, for the most part, has always been our point of reference when we talk about evil in the story. which is why it's so jarring to see yuuta, of all people, resort to the same thing. for the greater good? okay, let's talk about the do or die of the greater good in jjk.
the greater good in this arc is to stop sukuna to save humanity. but even then, this cause has always been eclipsed by less righteous, personal reasons, like wanting to save megumi, or wanting to fight sukuna. those are the reasons pushed for readers to see, to care about. while understandable (they are human, after all), compared to its contemporaries, jjk isn't really a manga where characters sacrifice their morals for the greater good. in fact (i've mentioned this once), for a structured organization with the goal to protect humanity, humanity itself isn't of much importance in the narrative. the story has always centered around the sorcerers. but that aside, in times of despair (like yuuji in shibuya), they've always shown remorse and regret for the things that they cannot control, hesitation. while there is no altruistic character in the series, no one has ever wanted or willingly suggested anything aligned with puppeteering. (why would they? isn't the cog mentality something we're trying to move past, especially with the machine now destroyed?)
to have yuuta be the first to suggest a plan like this is...jarring. from what's written, sure we can accredit it to his love and understanding for his teacher, but yuuta knows what happened to geto. the cast has seen what kenjaku can do and has done. you could say that yuuta has a history with control (rika, in a way), but i like to think that he's grown since volume 0. could this be a desperate last resort by a panicked child? yeah, maybe. but it barely reads that way. there are too many interpretations to call it that, it isn't convincing enough. this is also the first time we've ever seen gojo referred to as a "monster," despite being untouchable and revered as god-like throughout the manga. there are some panels earlier in the series of the cast being asked what gojo is to them, and most people answered that he's the strongest alone. i don't recall yuuta being asked, so maybe he's thought of this concept of "monstrosity" for a while, but it would've built up better if we were shown some sympathetic sentiments from him prior to this chapter. it would've tied everything together well. alas. thanks for the off-screen growths, timeskip.
while for different reasons (does the end justify the means in this story? what about geto?), the fact of the matter is yuuta has adopted kenjaku's methodology for the greater good. what does that mean for jjk's alignment and ideology? could this be commentary on the dreariness of teeth-gritting reality? maybe. i think this chapter alone has ultimately changed what morality means in the bigger story. after all, it's practically a lawless land right now with everything destroyed. but what kind of message will we end with? is there something that needs to be said, or is there nothing at all?
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cursedvibes · 10 months
Kenjaku and Yuuji for the blorbo bingo!
My faves!!
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I almost got a bingo, but Pretty Privilege doesn't quite apply because I think a big reason for why they're so underappreciated is because they're "just a brain" or seen as Geto 2.0. There's also a lot of mischaracterization going around and I don't know how many more times I will have to see the take that they're a curse...I really wish people would appreciate them more for who they are. Applies to in-universe too. Everyone would be much better off, if they took Kenjaku a little more seriously. I think you might've noticed my Kenjaku brainrot on this blog hehe "actively plotting their demise" is me constantly mulling over a dozen scenarios for how Kenjaku's death could be executed in a meaningful way, that does their character justice and ties up loose ends. It has to be done by Yuuji and the merger needs to happen in some way, shape or form, but there are so many possibilities for how to execute that.
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Been a while since I loved a (shonen) mc this much. He's just so well written. No matter what little gripes I might have at times with jjk, I can always rely on Gege putting all their braincells into giving Yuuji the best and most nuanced writing. Unfortunately, he's often misunderstood or overlooked because people see this story as something else than it actually is. He doesn't have to be the most powerful character clapping enemies left and right, he doesn't have to become jujutsu hokage/president/king to justify his place in the story. The story is clearly about him and his struggles to find meaning in life and death in a world that constantly wants him dead. As harsh as it is, that's also why I enjoy seeing him in situations that challenge his morals, world view and convictions. I do want to put him in situations!
Love everything about him from his family background, his angsty middle school years, his gradual breakdown through Mahito and Sukuna and his continued character development now that Sukuna's not there anymore to give him an easy justification for death.
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psychewritesbs · 9 months
Question I have BC I love your opinion and I think you have a great understanding of these characters (and jjk as a whole) what do you think about yuji and megumi's relationship and the parallels between them and suguru and gojo?? BC personally I think it's EVIL and hurts me so bad but also just.....idk I'm terrible with words so I can't exactly express why I think it's done so well but i do so just curious on what (if you even do) you think abt it?? I think parallels in jjk are honestly crafted so well in general and gege truly has such a clear idea and understanding of what and where he wants the story to go. Apologies if you've been asked smth like this before there's a very good chance I've missed it but I hope you have a good day and I hope megumi comes home soon bc it's getting pretty dark out 😞😞😞
HOLA anon. Thanks! I appreciate the vote of confidence 🫡
So I feel like your ask needs a thorough re-read of jjk, which I am unable to do at this time.
I also have to admit that I had never paid much attention to "parallels" in general, so that makes it a little harder to look back and pinpoint exact moments for a proper analysis of Megumi/Geto parallels. But I HAVE thought about this in passing before.
So, while I don't think I can do your ask justice, YES! I think aside from parallels, I'd also say that it feels like Geto's story is also meant to be a cautionary tale for Megumi.
Let's taco'bout it under the cut...
I'll start by saying that jjk has been exploring the idea of "intergenerational trauma that is passed down from generation to generation". So there's something that feels extremely cyclical about jjk right now--like a cog.
That said, the Megumi/Geto parallels are most likely meant to underscore how, due to the nature of the work they do, the same tragedy keeps happening time and time again.
If I were to pull a quote by Jung that encapsulates this, its the idea that "until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
Now, jjk has also felt like an exploration of the "corruption and redemption of the self" for some time now. To me, this means that a sorcerer is often confronted with the question of what is aspirational about his human nature and what isn't, but more importantly, the choices they make as a result of being confronted with this question.
In Geto's case, the aspirational values he chose were actually quite twisted. After all, he chose to justify committing genocide with his love for sorcerers. Similarly, Megumi had no qualms killing indiscriminately if it meant protecting Tsumiki.
They have both made a choice where protecting someone (aspirational value) justifies something not aspirational as a necessity (killing others is a turning away from aspirational values). In other words, you could say they have both "sinned" for lack of a better word.
This is where "saving" others who are ready and willing to be saved comes into play. Gojo couldn't save Geto because Geto wasn't asking to be saved; on the other hand, Yuji is trying to save Megumi because Megumi asked to be saved.
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Megumi asking to be saved is relevant af because it means Megumi acknowledged something Geto couldn't or didn't acknowledge about himself.
The thing is that Yuji also had to be receptive to the idea of saving Megumi. As of ch143, Yuji had had his sense of self bruised and battered by Sukuna's rampage in Shibuya for which he felt responsible for. And now Megumi is asking him, a mass murderer, to save him.
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It's almost like Megumi is absolving Yuji of his sins by asking to be saved. This is Megumi validating Yuji's desire to save others. So, who's saving who, really?
On the other hand, while Geto was descending into a corrupted state, Gojo had his head so far up his ass with the whole "The Strongest" identity, that the best he could do was ask Geto if he had lost weight.
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So I feel like this is where the parallels turn into a sort of continuation of what could have been possible if Geto would have come to Gojo and asked for help, and if Gojo was emotionally available to this bid for connection when it could have made a difference.
In retrospect, given the emotional state Megumi was in during the Yorozu reveal and how anxious he appeared to be during his fights inside the colony, I think that in asking to be saved, Megumi was asking for a lifeline from the bottom of his heart. He was asking Yuji for the strength and unwavering conviction that he was missing in himself.
I like to think Megumi knew he would have to kill others, and that he would be willing to do it if it came down to it. This meant Megumi might have been aware that he'd have to set aside his humanity and any aspirational values he might still be hanging onto.
So who better to ask than the one person he knows to have unwavering humanity?
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Geto never asked the same of Gojo.
So I am not sure whether Gege is trying to say that because Megumi asked to be saved it is more likely that he can be saved.
But here's the thing...
And I am very much aware that this is my personal preference, but I believe that Megumi (and Geto since we're on the topic of parallels) has to save himself.
While I LOVE the religious symbolism behind the idea of Yuji "saving" Megumi and think it's super bromantic, waiting to be saved absolves Megumi of responsibility for himself. And right now, at the core of Megumi's arc, is the idea that his sense of self was suppressed by Sukuna precisely because there was a hole in Megumi's sense of self that Sukuna could exploit, therefore arresting Megumi's development. To continue that development, Megumi has to choose himself.
So I am curious of where Gege takes it from here.
Now, on the topic of saving others, there's actually REALLY juicy symbolism around the idea of "saving" in chapter 236 and 238 where Sukuna is technically absolving characters in their last moments.
So that's a nice parallel and commentary on the idea of saving others.
Anyways, did this make any sense? lol. I read and re-read this thing several times and I kept making edits so I hope I was able to express my thoughts properly.
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Hopefully the tangent made sense.
I think parallels in jjk are honestly crafted so well in general and gege truly has such a clear idea and understanding of what and where he wants the story to go.
Thank you for sharing your jjk-love. Yes, I couldn't agree more that, not only does Gege know where he's taking his story, his attention to detail on how he wants to execute these themes is fantastic.
Thank you for stopping by anon :)
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posletsvet · 8 months
You know, I read a theory that even makes sense that Kenjaku has an agreement with Geto and that Geto is conscious and knows what's going on, but I think Geto doesn't want to wake up because he has no motivation on earth, he lost his daughters and his Friend, I think he knows what's happening but he doesn't want to go back. What do you think of this theory? sorry for the text
Hi there, anon!!
Kenjaku having to enter a Binding Vow with a previous host (even if they manifest as no more than a lingering apparition in a form of muscle memory and whatnot) when changing bodies is quite an interesting suggestion! It somewhat ties neatly into the 'body vs. soul' discourse we've seen established in the manga. The two are repeatedly rendered inseperable within the story, two sides of the same coin, so whereas Kenjaku's Cursed Technique encompasses the physical body, something else may be needed to bind the soul. This would imply that Kenjaku's immortality is not entirely a product of their innate abilities, but a result of innovation and inventive application of those. How much experimentation did it require for them to figure out optimal conditions for that vow? That seems to be very much in Kenjaku's 'mess-around-and-find-out' fashion, if you ask me. And though I myself gravitate towards a different interpretation -- one that views this 'soul-binding' process as an organic, built-in effect of Kenjaku's CT -- since we don't know the exact mechanics of it, this theory has a right to exist!
Moving on to your next point, I strongly agree with your assessment that Geto has no motivation/desire to carry on with his life. Perhaps 'meaning' in this case would be a quite fitting word, too, because if he was to ever come back to life his resumed existence would lack, at least in his own view, that very thing -- meaning. Justifying past actions and past mistakes retroactively, trying to assign some greater meaning to what was rather an impulsive, emotionally driven reaction of someone who was struggling mentally for a long time with no one batting an eye, compartmentalizing complex reality into imaginary categories -- doing all that Geto essentially ran himself into a corner, a mental dead-end. In an attempt to validate himself and perhaps shut out the overwhelming sense of guilt that would otherwise eat him alive, Geto made delusional, twisted reasoning the core truth of his existence, a basis for his purpose.
What I find particularly interesting is that Geto, being himself the victim of the jujutsu society's dysfunctional system, clearly recognised its shortcomings, but attributed those to a factor only partially at fault. The telltale sign of that, as I see it, would be his confession that he never held any spite against those in Jujutsu High. This renders Geto's antagonism towards non-sorcerers misplaced. The system was put in place for a reason, it's true, but those in favour of whom that system was established should not be held accountable for its injustices. Instead of trying to improve the order, Geto opted for eliminating the reason it exists in the first place.
Where that leaves him is caught up in a struggle to achieve the impossible, breach that accursed gap between the ideal and reality. Even if Geto's goal wasn't impossible for anyone but one person alive, Gojo Satoru, his decade-long endeavour to wipe all non-sorcerers out of existence would still be in vain, meaningless. Because that simply would bear no fruit in regard to fixing the corrupt mentality that rules over the sorcerers' world.
And if it all was for nothing, just fumbling desperately for some solution, for some relief of the burden thrust upon his fellow sorcerers, futile in the end? What if what he put his life on the line for was never going to solve anything, what if he was not reaching anything with it? What if he was wrong all along? It is straight-up terrifying, to drown and erase yourself fully in pursuit of your goal and understand that all you've done, you've done in vain, misguided, wrong. And Geto couldn't undo what he'd done. He could not afford to look back, to slow down, to revaluate and reset, try to set things right. Acknowledging his fault would've been like staring into the sun. So he didn't. He kept pushing forward until he simply no more could. That's why, in my view, Geto's plan regarding the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons reads as low-key passively suicidal. He chose a meaningful way to end his life -- one that would entrust his legacy to his family, make his goals, his ideal, known to both sides. In that regard, his death is no different from Gojo's: he dies so that his dream could live on. Little did he know that this too, in fact, would be meaningless.
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khepiari · 1 year
About me:
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My name: KhepiAri
Pronouns: She/her/They/them
Age: 30
Bi🌈. Bookworm👩‍🏫. BL Connoisseur👬. Bored😮‍💨.
I write fun Crappy One Piece Theories and equally funny deranged Fanfics, especially LawLu fics. And I occasionally doodle and make memes! And I use only one pen-name as fanfic writer aka KhepiAri.
Where you can read my fics?
My Ao3: KhepiAri
My FFN: KhepiAri
My Wattpad: KhepiAri
Ships I write for:
Ineffable Husbands.
Junjou Egoist.
Ships I plan to write about in future
RiverSong x 13thDoctor.
Digital Places You Can Find Me At:
Twitter: paulOaries
Instagram: terrible_doodles_by_khepiari
Substack: KhepiAri’s Afterthoughts
Favourite BL/Ship Pairing:
Law X Luffy
Hiroki X Nowaki
Urahara x Aizen (Occasionally)
Simon X Baz
Ansel X Evan from the Amazing Webtoon (THAT AWKWARD MAGIC)
Life X Death (from now discontinued webtoon A Matter of Life and Death)
Aziraphale X Crowley
Magnus X Alec
Wei Wuxian X Lan Wangji
Shen Wei X Zhao Yulan
Xie Lian X Hua Cheng
Zhao Zishu X Wen Kexing
Sarawat X Tine
Xeno x Stan
Gojo x Geto
Current favourite BLs/Yaoi Tv/Manga/Manhwa Series
That Awkward Magic on Webtoon and Tapas (less censored)
Matter of Life and Death on Webtoon and Tapas (less censored) (Author stopped updating)
FOOLs on Tapas
20 Twenty on Webcomics (Author has stopped publishing on the app)
Heir's Game on Webtoon
The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation
Guardian by Priest
2gether on Viki
Manner of Death on IQIYi
Adding You To My Cart on webtoon
Here U Are on Webtoon (censored version)
Beauty and The West Chamber on Webcomics (Censored and poorly translated)
Semantic Error on Manta
To The Stars and Back on Webtoon
Favourite GL/Yuri Ship Pairing:
Vivi x Nami
Marcille x Falin
Rukia x Orihime
Hong Ji-yo x Heo Bo-ra (Glitch Kdrama)
Ongsa x Sun (23.5)
Emily x Sue (Dickinson)
Current favourite GLs/Yuri Tv/Manga/Manhwa Series
ISADORA on Webtoon
The Witch on Webtoon
Office Talk on Webtoon
Show me your Bust
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat
Bittersweet Con Panna on Manta
On a Leash on Manta
23.5 on YouTube
Dickinson (Apple TV)
Warning for future followers:
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I don’t care what people ship, read, watch, listen, consume or discuss. I try to follow and practice don’t like it don’t engage with it and live and let live.
Before we make any judgment, remember, that context matters. Nothing is black and white, no creator is perfect, and every one of us has said, done, and indulged in activities that have hurt someone! Hence, engage in things with maximum contextual awareness before making a decision.
Some things don’t need a devil’s advocate, so treat them from the POV of how you can learn from the past instead of trying to justify it!
Racism, transphobia, homophobia, fatphobia, antisemitism, being anti-Palestinian, Islamophobia are bad! Any idea that tells you—other humans need to be discredited, and their experiences discredited against is BAD!
I am an antinatalist, so my world-view is screwed up, and I do not entertain or encourage or endorse ideas of eugenics pandered in the name of antinatalism.
I have severe depression, and I have opinions about anything and everything!
If you are a minor following me, please be aware, contents and opinions I share are mature, nsfw, and sensitive, most of the things I share totally depend on my day’s depression and anxiety.
And I do not like distortion of spellings, misuse, or lack of tags and watering down meaning for sensitive topics. As deliberate misspelling and distortion make the purpose of muting, meaning-making and blocking redundant! So don’t write wrong spellings or water-down meanings of words! I will report you if I see you doing this!
Who gets blocked?
And if you are an account with no profile pic/no bio/no activity who suddenly followed me: I will choose to believe you are a bot and block you.
And if I see accounts anti or people with DNI instructions to my ships, I block them in advance to save all of us the headache of running into each other.
My thoughts on censorship
My thoughts on why shipping
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And use that block button before you think you need to be SJW on someone’s posts!
And my main obsession
My favourite ani/manga is One Piece.
I am obsessed with One Piece, I started watching the series at 11, and it has been 19 years as a One Piece fangirl!
So, yes, I will bite you if you badmouth the story without any reason or explanation.
My concerns about One Piece Live Action and why I think Netflix is the problem.
My thoughts on the first teaser-trailer of One Piece Live Action.
We don’t accept Iñakï hate in this house!
My other obsessions
I love 2gether the Series and Still 2gether, and am devoted to loving BrightWin. That doesn’t mean I can’t distinguish between fiction and reality.
So I will not cry in future when Bright and Win find partners in future and live their lives.
I absolutely do not support people demanding Fan service or so-called proof of love from BrightWin as a BL couple. They don’t owe us fans anything. This kind of behaviour is not healthy.
Food TV shows I will sulk and curl up if I don’t get to read and watch cosy Japanese Food Tv Series, books and animanga.
Among cosy Japanese Food TV/books/animanga, I love BLs that revolve around food. My all-time food BL is: What Did You Eat Yesterday. Followed by Our Dining Table and Old Fashioned Cupcakes
My favourite BL webcomic is That Awkward Magic! It is currently being self-published on Webtoon.
My favourite GL webcomic is The Witch, which too is being self-published on Webtoon.
My favourite Danmei book is The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation.
My favourite Danemi author is Priest. Yes, I love MXTX to death, but Priest has me in a chokehold.
And there will be Hozier every now and then.
My DM is open for fic requests and meme requests!
I accept fic requests for my main ship LawLu/LuLaw. I love getting feedback on my stories. Though, I don’t appreciate or want to see rude comments disguised as constructive criticism.
I will take screenshots of it, and I will cry about it like an injured dog on Twitter! I am a pathetic person. So yeah, you have Fic requests, my DMs are open.
You can ask for memes too! I make them for fun!
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rewordthis · 9 months
If Love Unravels…
463 words SuguSato NSFW (and angst! Take it or leave it.)
Geto Suguru never spiralled enough to turn himself into an outcast from the Jujutsu World.
What his internalised conflict brought about however, was a drastic change in his character…
The suppressed hate and desperation from feeling trapped made him volatile and often found release in covert yet vicious outbursts, most notably against the one person he trusted the most but also blamed the most.
The one that acted as a chain and a root to this twisted, cursed world—
Hello, sweeties~ I come bringing yet another 🔞 fic. I mean idk, I was minding my own business watching K-pop vids and then it hit me: “He pulls off his hat and runs a hand through luscious black hair.”
Like… that’s it. That’s what this whole fic is about! That one line. Go figure, ok? And no, I don’t feel one bit sorry for making Geto like *gestures vaguely* this... I’m not on that ship. lmao
They have just arrived home from their evening missions and all they both crave right now is a hot bath and a light dinner before going to sleep.
But he is irritated for some inexplicable reason. He just can’t relax. He pulls off his hat and runs a hand through luscious black hair.
It never registers with him how much overwhelming his aura has become, filling the room with anxious energy.
The other is just following his every move, engrossed in his very presence. Captive of the sensations these hands have left on his skin that suddenly feels too hot to bear and yet, frozen in his place with unreasonable fear.
Whatever has put him on the offensive, is going to be resolved one way…
And that is what terrifies him.
They have done this enough times until now for him to know that whenever the raven-head was in this state, it would become unbearable if he didn’t outer his anger. The fact that most of his piled up frustrations came from various times and incidents was making things worse, sending him over the edge with one wrong touch — one wrong word — like throwing a lit match in a tank full of gasoline.
And next thing he knows, is the cold of the surface he’s being pushed against or the hardness that grinds his bones when he’s finally snapped.
He knows the roughness that he is. The hard yanks and angry thrusts. The heat of his possessive marking.
The sickness of overstimulation…
He fucks him raw on the spot where he stands the minute he loses control of himself. And there is never — never — an apology that follows. A reason to justify his desecration. Just anything, to make him feel like this all is worthwhile.
There is… nothing—
That’s not to say he’s never been treated with delicacy and tenderness. He has. He’s found himself lost in his arms more times than he’d like to admit; warmth blooming under the chaste kisses and traces of his digits ghosting along the lines of his body. Their heated breaths mingled into whispered sweet words. Playful licks and soft bites. Long-lasting embraces and contented smiles.
He’s been a happy man.
Yes. For a while now.
But every added time they do it like this, has him wondering whether he’s being used as a punch sack or if it’s just his imagination.
It hurts. And it’s not just his body or his pride. It hits someplace different. Deeper. Somewhere that would make him feel disgusted and sick in his stomach.
It’s not a feeling of being fed up with it, rather, it’s the sensation of emptiness that has his guts turn and makes him retch.
‘If love can unravel… it is while waiting for your return.’
Thanks for reading this far!!!
This is ridiculous, actually… had this siting in my notes since last year; probably from September or October — definitely before mid-November — inspired by this K-pop live short I saw on YouTube ‘cause welp… *bonks herself on head* started it with a specific pair in mind when suddenly halfway through I was writing for another!? lmao
So yeah… I liked how it turned out but I couldn’t really appoint it to any of my ships because the dynamics ended up a bit distorted…? Or more like all over the place! Yeah… ahahaha 😅😂
I mean it’s literally this one single line that sparked this short, that is also the only thing that kept my hands from tagging with any of the ships I drew inspiration from… 😗🤨 And oh, boy! After reading it it was screaming yet another one, too!? Gah!
Ngl, I short-circuited my brain many times thinking about a black haired seme and an uke that could fit the bill but nothing came to mind… 😮‍💨🙄 (ironically, also why this survived my writing app fiasco. Well, I don’t want to dwell on that anymore sooo, I just guess it sat in my notes long enough!)
But, hey! After a year — literally this week — Geto and Gojo popped up in my head and while I first went ‘Nooo!’, they did sound so good for this! I mean Gojo is so going to be this quietly suffering mess not because of character but because this is Suguru? Pff! I can see it so clearly, now! And Geto of course would exploit Satoru’s secrecy for his sake and neither would face the issue until they both become unable to face each other, like… Don’t you think so, too? I’d like to hear any thoughts on this, I’m very curious. hoho
Again, if you read through all this long-ass rambling, thank you so so much and I hope you had a nice time reading this story! 😊
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missingn000 · 1 year
i'm afraid this meta is shorter than the others, but i wanted to focus on geto's breakdown because there's so much to dig into. without further ado, let's get started!
Where’s the line between I want to destroy the world for him versus simply I want to destroy the world? What does it matter? Yuuta doesn’t even want me to destroy the world.
…you could almost say geto's love language is destruction, but he's surrounded by people who don't want that kind of love. luckily for him, though, toji's nigh-indestructible. i think there are three stages that geto has to work through, w/ varying levels of violence:
grief/revenge for killing riko, for setting him on that dark path to begin with
nonshaman discrimination; especially because toji's a "monkey" in the worst sense
geto's own deep denial over the regret he feels towards killing his parents
we're done with 1. regarding 2 & 3 though: how could he possibly accept a nonshaman, a "monkey," as a parental figure? sparing his friends' children is one thing, but this? how could he ever justify the sheer hypocrisy? besides, wouldn't it mean he killed his parents for nothing, even though they, unlike the okkotsus and zen'ins, loved him, and did him no wrong?
geto desperately craves comfort, but accepting it means destroying the mask he so carefully constructed for himself, a mask he donned so frequently it's almost completely melded with his skin. ripping it off isn't just difficult, it's agonising.
consider the hedgehog's dilemma, but with an added element: armour. in order to share body heat, the hedgehog must let someone get close - but what if it doesn't want to? the armour geto built for himself is spiked on the inside and chafes with every step, but he's so accustomed to the pain it's almost preferable to just keep it on. it's comforting in its predictability - there's a sense of security in knowing the pain is self-inflicted, because it means geto has control over the situation, which is so very important to him
...but accepting toji as his father figure means relinquishing control, which is deeply unnerving. it means acknowledging that hey, maybe his ideals aren't perfect. it means that hey, maybe he shouldn't have sacrificed his parents after all -
- and how could he live with himself, knowing that?
After all, the number one way to be cursed is to be on the receiving end of someone’s final words. Isn’t that why Getou asked them in the first place? He deserves it.
there's a lot of responsibility that comes with knowing what someone's last words are, but geto seems eager to shoulder it, almost like he's pre-emptively punishing himself for wanting to kill the okkotsus. at the same time, he's also filled with murderous rage towards them for the way they treated yuuta, creating an ambivalence that perfectly mirrors the contradictions warring within him :D
"I'm beyond saving." "You're beyond saving because you want to be."
well. considering the situation he's in, i can't blame him. wanting to be saved means acknowledging he was wrong, but that's not quite right, either, because gods never err, and geto should be no exception.
that aside, i'm almost fully certain he refuses help because he believes himself undeserving of it. he sees himself as a monster, and monsters don't get second chances. neither do fallen gods, for that matter
..........or do they? COUGH.
okay. ending it here. typing this ask gutted me. hope u enjoyed reading it
anyway. i totally feel you, there was so much to unpack in getou's breakdown in itself, let alone the rest of the chapter. so without further ado. some semblance of a reply
well i already went insane over "you could almost say geto's love language is destruction, but he's surrounded by people who don't want that kind of love" in our chat but i'm gonna say it here again that this fucks me up SO bad because it puts everything i've tried to portray with his jarring overlap of love and violence.
you could almost look at the way the rest of the ff protects their loved ones as responses to external events and stimuli. they protect their friends and family from emotional and physical pain by fighting threats and healing past damage.
but getou's protection is him making the first strike. shoot first, ask questions later. his idea of protecting his loved ones is offense, contrasting with defense for everyone else.
which is exactly the situation he finds himself in with yuuta's parents, though he at first twists it in his mind as an act of defense -- a second strike against what they did to yuuta. following this logic, he might even try to convince himself that killing all "monkeys" is a defensive thing, since the crime of being a non-sorcerer was more than enough to merit that kind of punishment.
...or is it?
your point of "sparing his friends' children is one thing, but this? how could he ever justify the sheer hypocrisy? besides, wouldn't it mean he killed his parents for nothing, even though they, unlike the okkotsus and zen'ins, loved him, and did him no wrong?" is actually destroying me. because you're right. it's such hypocrisy, but then again, a lot about getou is.
and now he's in a situation where the only person he could possibly call a parent again is also a non-sorcerer. not only that, but the non-sorcerer who destroyed his life, shot riko, almost killed gojo, and sent him on his downward spiral! how is he supposed to reconcile this within himself? i hate to say it, but toji is way, way worse than the okkotsus. accepting toji's parental love is the ultimate hypocritical act.
but as you said: getou desperately craves comfort. and now here toji is, caring for getou the way getou's father once did and telling him he is loved. how could getou possibly reject this?
i think it's important to note that if he so chose, he could've. he's done so much mental gymnastics to justify himself before -- it's not like he couldn't add this to the list.
this brings back the distinction of can't and won't. because while can't is a restriction, won't is a choice.
getou won't reject love. not this time.
god i love him
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linkspooky · 3 years
The Protagonist of Another Story
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Aren’t protagonists just the worst? Just assuming everything revolves around them you know, like they’re the main character of some story? Gege has stated several times they want to write a story where no one single person is right, where they can’t always be correct no matter how good those intentions are. I believe he’s continuing that theme by now introducing another protagonist just like Yuji, who assumes he’s the hero of this story and making them fight each other. More on the relationship between Yuta and Yuji under the cut. 
1. Heeeeeeeeere’s Yuuuuuuta.
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A stated by Gege themselves in their commentary for this week, Yuta’s central character trait is his indecisiveness. In other words, Yuta is lacking so much in confidence that he doesn’t make decisions for himself and instead relies entirely on what other people say. 
Yuta’s central flaw he’s confronted with in volume zero is his codependency towards others. He relies on other people to validate him, to tell him that he’s a good person and that he’s worthy of living. 
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There’s nothing wrong with this desire, it even parallels Yuji’s in a way. Yuta wants to be surrounded by others who tell him it’s okay for him to keep on living. Yuji wants his life to mean something, he wants to help others so he’ll have plenty of people surrounding him when he dies. It’s basically the same desire, a desire to help people and be needed by people so they won’t have to be alone. 
However, there’s two layers where this behavior can also be a problem, especially when applied to Yuta. Maki is the first one who calls it out. Is Yuta actually a good person, or is he merely acting like one to treat him nice. 
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Yuta is entirely passive, and rather than active control of circumstances he tends to play the victim and pretend to be helpless. He believes himself to be a good person who hasn’t done anything to deserve what’s happening to him, and that can make him blind to his own faults. Like a person who has been bullied in the past, who acquire a victim complex, and now sees any kind of conflict as someone attempting to bully them. Yuta doesn’t seem to ever realize when he might be in the wrong, because his view is that in every situation he’s just a good innocent person being bullied. 
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Passive isn’t good, it’s just passive. Yuta has a hard time seeing when he’s at fault in situations. Such as when he believed for several years that it was Rika who cursed him, when  in fact it was the other way around, he was the one who cursed Rika.  
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Yuta is also, someone completely codependent. He’s so afraid of losing people that he can’t function without them. This also informs the reason why he cursed Rika, because he himself couldn’t let go of her. Yuta learns in volume zero that he has to let go of old friends, because he can always form new friends, he can always find new reasons to keep on living, however he clearly hasn’t completely conquered this flaw. 
His lack of faith in himself, his codependency, is what ultimately leads to his indecisiveness. He can’t have faith in his own decisions so he puts faith in the people around him instead to reassure him and back him up. However, this makes him insanely protective of the people around him, because if he ever loses him then Yuta’s fragile world comes crashing down. He is entirely dependent on the people around him in order to keep living. 
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Yuta doesn’t actually care about the world at large. He doesn’t even care enough to argue with Geto about his points. He’s not even sure that Geto is the bad guy, he literally just wants to kill Geto for hurting his friends. 
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For Yuta, all that matters is protecting his small little bubble of friends. He’s learned that he can make new friends,but not that the world exists at large outside of his greater bubble in sorcer society. 
2. Me, The Protagonist of Reality. 
So, Mahito kills one of Yuji’s friends right in front of him. Yuji then swears bloody violent revenge, doing whatever he can to take down and kill Mahito, unable to move on until he’s punished Mahito for the crime of killing Junpei. 
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In this situation, Yuji is the good guy, and Mahito is the bad guy, right? Therefore Yuji is justified in only thinking of Mahito as someone he must kill. However, Yuji has a tendency to assume that he is the good guy in every situation. Yuji believed in a very simple story, that he was good and the people he was fighting against were evil. 
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Even when the story grew more complicated, Yuji just decided he didn’t have to think too hard about his role in things. He didn’t have to think about the bigger picture, he just had to kill his enemy. 
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Mahito is very much a straight forward bad guy, but the problem with this line of thinking is that not every situation is going to be as black and white as it was with Mahito. The problem with the decision to just not worry about it and not think things through, is that when you get into one of those gray situations you won’t be able to realize that you’re in one. Killing for revenge is wrong, because it’s not usually a straightforward story. Now, Yuji is on the opposite side of the story. 
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Yuji’s direct actions cut Inumaki’s arm off. It is a very grey situation. Yuji made a choice to walk around with Sukuna in his body, knowing Sukuna might be able to take over at any time. At the same time it wasn’t Yuji’s intention to hurt Inumaki in this way. 
The same way that Yuji doesn’t want to think about the moral grays in his situation. It’s very likely, that Yuta doesn’t want to think about how his situation must be gray as well. Yuta right now sees himself, as Yuji saw himself to begin with, someone killing for revenge in order to punish them for hurting a friend. 
I really think it’s much more interesting if Yuta actually does want to hunt Yuji down, rather than secretly pretending to be on his side all along, because it’s a direct consequence for both of them declaring they don’t need to think about these things. If you don’t want to decide for yourself, then others will make your decisions for you and you get used. 
Straightforward revenge has always been a mistake for the characters before. When Choso wanted to kill Yuji as punishment for killing his brothers, the consequence to that was him nearly killing someone who could have potentially been another of his brothers. This might be the parallel to the Choso situation, Yuta wholeheartedly believes that Yuji is an enemy he must kill and it’s a consequence for both of them. 
They both think they’re on the good side. They both believe they’re on the right. Yuji wants to help people, and Yuta wants to protect his friends but they don’t think of the greater interpretation of their actions, because they both assume they’re good. 
However if they can’t both be the good guy then what else can they do? PROTAGONIST BATTLE! COME ON, PUT YOUR DUKES UP!  WHOEVER SURVIVES GETS TO BE THE REAL MAIN CHARACTER OF REALITY. 
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ryosmne · 3 years
Special piece.
Tattoo artist! Sukuna x f!reader
I just had random thoughts about Sukuna, I mean the usual so here's this hope you enjoy reading. Also this is based on my Tattoo artist! Sukuna series here's the masterlist for that.
Warnings: Language, usage of the word babe that's all.
Consultations were always Sukuna's least favourite part of his job. Not only because some people took long to voice their ideas, but because some are way too indecisive, they either want too many things packed in a tattoo or they hover all over the place trying to chose from roses to skulls. Boring.
The girl that walked in five minutes ago was no different and even though she hadn't even been in his shop for that long she was already getting on his nerves not being able to choose a design for him to draw so he could get this over with, and much to Sukuna's dismay she also had a friend with her that stirred her away every time she came close to making a final decision.
Nanami had told him that she already had a very specific design in mind otherwise Sukuna wouldn't be wasting his time and maybe the fact that he woke up next to y/n again helped him enough not to give the girls his usual pissy attitude.
"How about a micro tattoo? It would look so good on you." The girls friend chirped up making Sukuna's eye twitch.
"I won't do that, pick something else, if you're having trouble I can just give you a flash book with my work and we can tweak something to make it different." Sukuna offered, his tone was very much bored and indifferent, all he wanted was for this to be over with.
"Yeah that would be nice." The girl infront of him said. She was around his age, early to mid twenties and by the looks of it she had lots of work done, her right arm was covered and she wanted to start her left too.
Sukuna momentarily left his booth to fetch the flash book from the reception and he was already planning to charge the girl, whose name he didn't really care to remember, extra just for annoying him.
Walking back to his booth, he found both girls staring at the pictures he had framed on his wall, specifically y/n's original sketch of the shrine she wanted. Sukuna still called her lines crooked all the time, especially when y/n and him eat lunch in his booth. The picture next to it was one of y/n's arm, by now not only the shrine and the fox covered it but lots more of his designs.
Y/n had always told him with a chuckle that having a picture of her arm was creepy, but Sukuna always justified it saying that it inspires him and he has a picture of them together on his desk cause he knows she's a bit on the shier side. Not to mention Gojo would give them hell had he seen that picture of them together hanging on the wall and both y/n and Sukuna didn't want to deal with him.
"That one, I want that one."
The girl confidently spoke and Sukuna's gears had already been grinding for a while.
"Not that one, here pick something else." He simply said, with a slightly more intimidating tone as he handed her the flash book.
"But I want that one, why can't I have it?"
Whining was his the worst thing to Sukuna pair it with an entitled costumer and you can see smoke coming out his ears.
"That was a piece for someone special, you can't have it, either pick something else or leave."
Y/n once again came through Domains front door, Nanami greeted her at the reception and as usual everyone was working since there was lots of buzzing in the shop.
"Hey Kento, I brought takeout for everyone, hope you guys like Thai food." She said with a smile, dropping the bags at the reception counter. "You shouldn't have y/n we could've ordered something in." Nanami was his usual self talking about paying her back and y/n only laughed.
"Oh come on, I wanted to, everyone's still working?"
"Yeah, everyone's tattooing, Sukuna's doing a consultation and it's not going that we-"
Before Nanami could finish his sentence some girls voice was heard saying
"Aren't you a tattoo artist? You're supposed to do what I ask you to."
And there was Sukuna, he had came out front having decided that even the extra charging he planned to do wouldn't help him deal with that headache of a client. His face said it all and y/n could tell he was done with whoever pressed him.
The two girls came to y/n's field of view and she was now wondering what they asked for that Sukuna was so pissed. She just gave him a smile telling him to hang in there in her own way and Sukuna's whole face lit up just by her presence.
"Just why won't you do it? That's the one I wanted." Ah, why must his moment be ruined that rudely.
"I already told you, now, out." His voice was as stern as ever, y/n didn't interfere, that was his business he can run it however he pleases.
The two girls let out an annoyed huff before one of them turned their attention to y/n
"Just go somewhere else, this guy won't do what you'd want anyway."
"Oh I'll do whatever she asks of me, now get the fuck out of here."
Finally some piece, just as the door closed, Nanami begun to laugh under his breath having heard all the commotion from before.
Sukuna took y/n under his arm giving her a quick kiss, his expression that previously looked like he would blow up any second, softened to a half smile his now lazy half lidded eyes that settled on y/n's face.
"How's your day dollface?"
"Pretty good, hopefully about to be better, how's yours?" That smile of hers never failed to make his insides melt away.
"Pretty shitty, untill you showed up."
Who knew that anyone could get Sukuna this warm and cuddly? Well if you asked his co workers they would've told you that there's no way in hell anyone can make Sukuna mellow with their presence, but y/n was probably the exception that justifies the rule.
"Babe, did you also get these red velvet cupcakes from the bakery downtown?"
Sukuna asked, eyes lit like a kid on Christmas.
"Have I ever forgotten? I got you the ones with the pink frosting you were eyeing too."
Y/n said her smile matching Sukuna's and her heart hummering like it always did when he smiled, that was the least she could do for all the perfect dates he's taken her and all the perfect food he's cooked for her not to mention the gorgeous work that he put on her body, his ink by now creeped up her shoulder.
"That's my girl!"
Sukuna said with a proud tone as his arm pulled her closer to his side.
"So, what did she ask for?"
Y/n pressed not having a clue what could've gotten him so riled up, but he just hummed and took another bite of his cupcake, like he always did after a meal.
"Was it watercolour?"
Sukuna shook his head no, making y/n more curious.
"Micro tattoo?"
Again same answer.
"Then how bad of an idea could it be?"
Y/n asked, her voice was playful as she genuinely wondered if someone asked for Jimmy neutron's head merged with a tiger again.
"She asked for your shrine, I'd never give someone your shitty lines." Sukuna answered half laughing, and y/n did too, that running joke always found its way back.
But y/n knew Sukuna considered all of the tattoos he'd given her one of a kind and an extension of herself, he wasn't about to hand what's hers to someone else no matter how much tweaking he did, these pieces were y/n's and y/n's only.
Bonus Domain shenanigans:
"Y/n brought food? I heard something about cupcakes too." Gojo spoke suspiciously looking at his co-workers. They all ate with y/n about an hour ago but he was too busy finishing up a piece of his, full colour new school takes time.
Sukuna warned them that if they told Gojo about the cupcakes, he would either fire them or tattoo them a stupid design he thought of. The second option sounded terrifying, so after exchanging a few looks Geto was the one to speak up.
"No man, she did bring Thai thought, maybe you misheared, here I left yours on Nanami's desk." The calmness in Geto's voice always helped him seem like he could never lie, making him the best to handle a very nosey Gojo.
All was good, Gojo didn't ask again and was stuffing his face with the food y/n brought, Sukuna should thank her for making his mouthy friend zip it for more than a minute.
That was untill..
Yuuji bursting through the front door ruined everything.
"You liars"
Gojo said before racing to the fridge they kept sodas with Yuuji in toe.
"You lay a finger on MY cupcakes, I'll gut you both."
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duckiemimi · 30 days
hi i am going to ask a silly question as a newer fan. why do u (or other people) consider gojo morally grey? am I missing something about his characterization? i thought he was similar to yuji, but more "realistic", I suppose? i realize how crazy off that could be, I'm really asking out of curiosity!
hi! this isn't a silly question at all, don't worry!
to clarify, i don't quite consider him morally grey! i think of him as someone with motivations that align with the protagonists' big-picture ideology (i used to call them the "good guys," the colloquial way people usually refer to protags, but i think people get the wrong idea when i use that term, so i'll use "protagonists" from now on!). to put simply, his morality generally lies on the side of the perspective jjk is told from—a perspective pushed to be seen as favorable by us readers!
i think "morally grey" has become a buzzword people throw around to describe characters who aren't borderline altruistic or characters who don't have explicitly stated emotionally-driven motivations. could you really label a character "morally grey" if in their universe, combat is commonplace and power systems exist? what context-appropriate lines will we use to distinguish what's black, and white, and grey? we'll get to that later. now let's talk about the specifics: his individual motivations.
characterization-wise, i think most people consider gojo "morally grey" because of his teenage apathy and some of the less tactful things he's said (he's very point-blank and he doesn't sugarcoat). i also think that nanami's description of him in the afterlife scene retconned what was already established of him, in turn affecting the perception of his character as well (click for a post i wrote on this). and now the concept of "monstrosity" in relation to his character has been introduced into the story, too.
gojo is a very pragmatic character for the most part. i don't think gojo sees things through a rigid "right and wrong" lens. i think he sees them for their practicality in reference to what he already knows to be true. for more context, i'd say compared to geto (his foil), who put righteous meaning to his duty pre-defection and self-justified meaning to his ideals post-defection, gojo's idea of duty towards non-sorcerers is an extension of his learned role. it's not something he feels particularly strongly for—it's just something he was born and bred for.
but that doesn't mean he doesn't care! he does care, otherwise we wouldn't have a story in the first place. he just shows "care" differently, less towards the subject of jujutsu protection and more towards his peers, the people he's been surrounded by his whole life. but even then, he takes his duty of protecting non-sorcerers (protecting all of humanity, really) very seriously and that's apparent in the shibuya arc!
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if we were to look at his actions (not surface-level attitude!) throughout the story, chapter 261 included, gojo has never done anything that isn't aligned with the protagonists' big-picture ideology. looking at it more abstractly, if we were to frame the major clashing ideologies in jjk on a "morality" spectrum with "good" on one end and "bad" on the other ("good" being analogous to the protagonists and "bad," the antagonists), then he'd be a relatively "good" person. he's never really been an ambiguous guy, i'd say. just emotionally constipated.
i think he could be compared to yuuji, yea! they both have this crippling tendency to place blame wholly on themselves. but i guess compared to yuuji, gojo is a very "do first, feel later" type of guy and he often compartmentalizes to operate. he's got the world on his shoulders—there's no time to think about what that means for himself, only for what it means for the world. alas, jujutsu's atlas has fallen. but yea! thanks for asking!
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saintobio · 3 years
Momjo is acting very human. Blaming yn comes from a place of hurt and guilt for her son and she may even be projecting her insecurities and self loathing unto yn.
I say that she’s acting very human but me saying she’s acting human isn’t a compliment just a statement. Human beings can be shitty, self centered, narrow minded creatures. They can get focused too much on what feels good to them now instead of focusing in what would be “right.”
Using momjo as an example. She saw gojo’s depression and had to stop his suicide attempts add the car crash and hospitalization she is exhausted emotionally and physically. That might be also another factor with her frustration to yn, she’s taking it out on her. It feels good to unload all that malice unto someone or something and yn is just the perfect target for that kind of relief. Who better to blame than the ex wife that lied about an abortion and pushed her son into suicidal depression in her mind. Is momjo hating on yn to relieve herself? Too feel a tiny bit of good? It’s very human of her to do so, a very shitty human thing to do. What’s she’s going through is sympathetic but I can’t bring myself to sympathize with her.
the right thing to do was to not pass blame unto anyone. She didn’t have to forgive yn, she could have taken the high road, be the better person and focused on gojo healing but she didn’t because it’s very human to make shitty choices and have shitty behavior.
Anonymous said
Ok but Gojo’s mom hostility is realistic like seriously irl alot of people would act and react that way. It’s human nature to act on their emotions and blame someone to appease their guilt or whatever emotion that is. I really pity yn in this sequel and I hope a happy ending for all the characters even she end up with Gojo or not.
Anonymous said
in my opinion the only problem is gojo's mother, she slapped Y/n because she couldn't handle the truth. Because she got mad she isn't the perfect angel she says to be that she has an ugly past too. Anyway about the whole gojohime thing, i personally think gojo if he found out would be forgiving and Utahime knows what kind of pain y/n went through so going and date her ex-husband she has so many memories with is not something she would do i think from what i've seen she's nice and loyal to y/n
Anonymous said
I don't really hate/blame/resent momjo and geto being mad at yn because it comes from a place of hurt and betrayal. What's not justified is them blaming yn for satoru's suicide attempts or calling her spiteful saying she hid sachiro and ghosted gojo to hurt him when in actuality she was just done with all the drama and wanted to prioritize herself over him but their feelings are still valid, blaming yn is not.
Who i do hate or put the blame on is gojo. This mofo still causing problems for everyone especially yn. It's not enough that he mistreated her to the point her angina appeared early now (was he the cause? If not I'll take that statement back) she's taking the blame for his suicide attempts.
I'm just "jesus this guy"..whether he does it intentionally or not, has a hand in it or by association yn gets hurt because of him.
I know i shouldn't blame satoru if he inadvertently hurts her. But  I'm remembering the shit he put her through by choice and spite and I'm just "if only you weren't a horrible human being at the start none of this damage would have happened and spiraled into this mess"
@andreavasquezz said
Honestly idk what’s that nurses’ deal but she needs to stfu before I put her in a hospital bed myself. She’s acting as if she’s been apart of the marriage and lived through it. Like, if you don’t shut your dumb ass up, we are gonna have problems. Anyways…this fic has me so goddamn heartbroken. I miss yn being with Gojo, I SAID IT!!!! But I also like Toji with yn. But ayeee, sex scene next chapter???( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I think if Gojo falls for Utahime I will cry and throw up. Literally! I understand where Gojo’s mother is coming from but why is she acting like her and yn didn’t suffer in similar ways? While she faced physical abuse, yn faced emotional and mental abuse. They both decided to live Satoru to heal themselves but Satoru’s mom is acting as if she didn’t do the same. That is the only reason she hit yn. She knew yn was talking mad facts. I hate how everyone is so against yn. I understand where they are coming from but why has everyone suddenly forgotten what she’s gone through? At one point she wanted to die, but no one seems to care. Those are my thoughts on this whole situation. 😭
Anonymous said
Damn Saint that chapter had my emotions all over the place and just when I thought that Momojo couldn't not get worse and really slapping Mc saying "you don't know what I have been through" I am just so done with her but props to Utahime for trying to defend Mc thank you Saint for everything that you put out for us and question and you don't have to answer if you don't want to but will Sincerely Yours get even worse or sadder I don't think my heart and emotion can take anymore angst and hurt with no comfort 😭😢
Anonymous said
wait- Mom Gojo really put all the blame to Y/N?????? did she forget she also contribute Gojo's pain LONGER before? Y/N was considerate enough to not mention about Gojo's mom leaving him and how affected Satoru was.
Mom Gojo really didn't change, after all. She swept all the problem under the rug, and refuse to take responsibility like her leaving Satoru
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a lot of people are irked by momjo right now and i totally get that, i would’ve felt the same if i was the reader. her role kinda sets up this conflict between the two protagonists, but i really like how some of these asks mentioned that her reaction is still very human. it makes me glad that my approach to this plotline is being analyzed deeper than what it looks like honestly <3
right now i’m 50/50 with my sentiments abt momjo bc i understand her pov, but i also understand yn’s sooo 😩 more pain i guess
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