#i do hc iris being able to talk to pkmn like how n could
cheemken · 1 year
I see your “Iris has a Hero complex” idea, and I propose “Iris has both a Hero complex and a God complex”
We both know how it is. It started out as just wanting to punish the people of Unova for never treating her with basic respect. She wanted them to feel hopeless like she had, how she felt so small compared to everyone else. And now they’ll feel small and hopeless against Team Plasma
But.. when Kyurem gave her the title “Hero of Fate” it truly started to develop. She controlled fate, it was up to her decision on what was to happen. How she could say someone’s fate was set in stone, and make it happen. She controlled the power of Kyurem the strongest Dragon in all of Unova
She chooses one’s fate
She could chose if they live or die
She’s sorta like Light from Death Note. He started out as being a “Hero” but eventually the power got to him and he wanted to be the God of the new world. Imagine just, Iris being like that. As a Hero she can decide who is a villain and who isn’t, so she decides the public are the villains and she has to get rid of them
But now, she’s so far deep in her power and her ambitions that she doesn’t doubt her beliefs one bit. She knows she can rule over Unova, over other regions, rule over the entire World
Besides, she was chosen and given the power of a god. It’s only right that her fate is set in stone
(Wanted to ask, what if it’s only Iris as a villain? Like how you have a Diantha Villain AU, there can also be a Villain Iris AU? Just thought it’d be cool how the Champions would see her as a villain)
My guy w how this is going might as well be a villain Iris au😭🤣 not that I'm opposed, I was deciding whether or not to change the tags bc yeah majority of my concepts are abt Iris so like why not hahaha
God I'm jcmdbdndnd
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God her views are so fucking skewed at this point tho bc she believes w all of her heart that she is a Hero, a Hero like Hilbert and Hilda, a Hero w her own Dragon, a Hero who'll save everyone from any kind of threat. But like, the people of Unova didn't see her like that yknow, they saw her as a nuisance, someone who's trying way too fucking hard, someone who doesn't even deserve her own Champion title. And that kinda fucks her up yknow.
Imagine a younger Iris, just became Champion, and she's expecting everyone to finally like her more, to see how strong she is, but amidst the flashes of camera and fake smiles, she could hear whispers of how she just got lucky. And it hurt her ofc, even after years of being the Champion, after proving herself over and over again especially up against the Champions of the other regions, they still saw her as a weak trainer, who only got that far bc of her luck and her connections.
Then one day, while she was out accompanying Bianca at Lacunosa Town, Bianca mentioned how back then a lady in this town told them the story of a dragon who can control ice, Kyurem. Ofc, they all know abt Kyurem at this point, but none knew where it is. After Neo Plasma's attack, they never saw light of Kyurem again. But that only fed Iris' curiosity really, she knows Kyurem was still around, she just has to find it.
And she did.
Kyurem joined her, she managed to defeat him, and he spoke highly of her skills. She laughed bitterly at that, saying if only the people of Unova could see that as well. Kyurem had said how he feels the same, how he knows people only saw him as an empty piece of the Original Dragon, merely an accessory for Zekrom and Reshiram, an empty husk of the former dragon, without a mind of its own. They were wrong ofc, Iris knows that, especially now talking to Kyurem. And Kyurem crouched down to her level, sees her tears, asks her of it, and she went on how for some reason, talking to a supposed monster was more comforting than talking to any of the Unovan people, how Kyurem understood her more than anyone. And ofc, that warmed smth within Kyurem, as he leaned in and gave her a soft nuzzle, telling her to dry those tears, he will help her prove to everyone how strong she is. How strong both of them are.
And just bcmdnd yknow Kyurem actually being really encouraging w Iris, telling her how much of a failure Plasma was when he was under them, and telling her how she's doing a much better job. How he tells her that as the Hero of Fate, she gets to decide who lives and who dies and who tells their story
And ofc, that got to Iris' head, the first time she actually killed someone was on the same day Kyurem joined her. A few trainers or maybe they were rangers were patrolling the Giant Chasm, and then they saw Iris there w Kyurem. Iris' back facing them, but Kyurem was sneering at them, a puff of cold air leaving where his mouth was supposed to be. He looked at Iris, "are they not the ones who looked down on you?"
Iris finally turned, saw them, he recognizes them, during that time she and Bianca were at Lacunosa, she heard their whispers going on why she was just leisurely on a stroll w a friend, and not doing her Champion duties.
The rangers were frozen in place, Kyurem hasn't even used his powers yet, but they were fearing for their lives.
Iris was facing them now, a glint within those crimson eyes. "Yes.. they are."
"and what do you wish to do with them, my liege?"
The rangers were pleading to Iris, desperate they called out to her, asking for her forgiveness, they didn't mean what they said. But, damn, Iris has to admit, the way they knelt down before her, the way they cried, the way they were willing to do anything just so she would spare them, it was music to her ears. And god it felt strange, there was a sudden jolt of thrill within her, the way that she can just decide whether or not the rangers lives or dies, it got her excited. The thought of being the one in charge of peoples' fate, it gave her a sense of sordid mirth. She smiled at the rangers, and they realized their fate has been sealed, softly, she spoke, "I want you to kill them."
Hearing Kyurem's thunderous roar, piercing icicles honed towards them, and they were welcomed by the sweet embrace of death.
Just cbmdbcmdnd god but if this is just a villain Iris au tho, imagine the Champions not figuring out its her that's Plasma's new leader now. Cause she has that alter ego, she has perfect excuses, no one ever knew she had Kyurem. But they're so goddamn worried abt her and abt Unova, they all heard how this version of Plasma was stronger than before, how they're even more of a threat, that their new leader even killed the old one, leaving his corpse at Driftveil to rot.
But Iris tells them it's okay, she and her League are handing it, but that doesn't seem to ease the tension for the other Champions. Iris was one of the younger Champions, and while they don't underestimate her, they're just really worried she'd get hurt, she's like a daughter/little sister to them, and they won't ever forgive themselves if smth were to happen to her
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