#i do have some mooties local to me that we keep in touch when any of us do something or go somewhere cool
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babymorte · 29 days ago
wdym when you say "not interested" in your bio?
people seek to see tumblr as either a dating or a hookup site and i don’t want any part of that although apparently there’s some unwritten code im unaware of where that it doesn’t include mooties cuz they will still try and hit it and it’s honestly weird as fuck and kind of upsetting at how often it happens 😓
the only thing im interested in is talking about videogames and movies and music. i appreciate compliments dearly and as far as im concerned when someone says something nice to me its just that, they’re being nice. i dont do the little flirty back n forths or anything like that either. i can joke around sure but will not reciprocate any of that stuff. not interested means not interested.
im socially awkward as hell and have a hard time making friends but i do enjoy talking to people! my dms are closed except for emergencies because if we’re friends we’re either talking on snap ig or xbox (or in the case of the few people i know outside of the internet they can text me obvi 😂) but my asks are always open even though im bad at answering them and i’ve been trying to get better about answering comments too so im always down to chat a bit but everything has to be completely public and it’s entirely for my own safety 😅
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 months ago
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THE PURPOSE OF THAT TALISMAN | Zagan L-card React | Summary
Alright ya'll it's the first react of the year! I'm finally getting around to going over this sweet devil's L-card!
I'm happy he was the first one to get this opportunity because he's actually the first noble I fell for during the launch! I was intrigued by his bunny ear horns and he's selectively mute.
With that being said, because this is a Nightmare Pass exclusive, I of course cannot give you EVERYTHING that's inside the card in order to keep within the wishes of PB's content rules, but as I did with previous NP cards, summaries with heavy paraphrasing with a few screenshots are the best I can do~
I'd like to thank my friends/mooties for sharing their cards with me so I can continue doing these reacts <3 Ya'll are amazing
At the local pub in Gehenna, all the devils are gathered together in order to view a popular convention in Japan (they call it Cumiket in the game but iirc it's Comiket, right?)
There's rumors that it's Paimon who went down to Earth to whisper about the devil's lives in Hell to influence a few humans to make a game about it and well...MC asks Paimon to confirm or deny that and he gives a "Maybe I diddd <3" answer (love this)
So while MC is chillin' at the VIP table consisting of Sitri, Leraye, Paimon and Zagan (Ppyong too) they wait for the results to come in
Funny mention is that the citizens of Gehenna totally do not know where Abyssos is, and I find it funny that it seems to carry throughout the story that the other local citizens have nothing but general ideas and rumors to go off of on how each country acts, but the Kings and some nobles are knowledgeable and for good reason.
It's also cute to me though that the nobles that were in the lead for the popularity contest were Foras, Bael, Sitri, and Zagan. All the devils from all over Hell were tuned in to see who would win.
It's then...that the winner is revealed! Zagan!?!?!
The winner gets to be a model for Phenomenon, similar to when we saw him for all of the selfie cards. This time though we meet two new characters Usako, and Nesagi. (I really love their designs) it appears that they are Pheno's assistants!
Also, we see that Phenomenon threatens and literally beats up(and stabs) his assistants for the smallest of things, it's funny because we were just seeing him getting bent over and turned into a pretzel in Asmo's selfie card, but in this story he's pretty much a strict, abusive boss. 💀 Usako and Nesagi seem to not mind.
It was also important to note, that MC was also chosen by Pheno to join Zagan in the photoshoot. And it's not just any normal photoshoot. We are aware of Pheno's preferences when it comes to photography and he wants to capture a whole new side to this devil thinking MC can help with that
It turns out, that yes...MC can help and Zagan is more than willing to show a new side of himself in front of them. With the help of talismans.
The smut is actually pretty well written for Zagan's personality. He's calm, confident, and at the same time so needy for MC's touch. You also notice that during this entire time he's been speaking to MC in longer sentences and opening up.
There's also a pretty strong power bottom vibe that comes from him. Because even though MC is on top of him, he's calling the shots from below. He even writes the amount of times MC came on his thigh. (w h y is he so hot? fcuk)
So after he pretty much fucks MC into a messy fluid puddle, Phenomenon starts takin' photos like crazy as he's finally satisfied with his subject now. He completes the magazine cover and MC gets their own private VIP photos of them having sex. There's a cameo of their clothes on the cover too.
and that's pretty much the entire card
💙Screenshot Highlights~💙
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He's so goofy, I love him.
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Pheno and his assistants. They are so damn adorable! I love the mask designs too, I might mess around and find myself wanting to cosplay one of them.
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The longest he's been talking, and these are his thoughts in battle. Goodness this is why he's one of my favorites 😩
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h a w t
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g i m m i e z a g a n pp
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?????!?!!!!!!!!! And this was after he said no???????
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Me everytime I read this as I imagine him saying it to me while creaming on his c a w k
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Pheno was takin' pictures while MC and him were fuckin' but Zagan is so goddamn romantic....the way his mannerisms are during sex are that of a true lover that wants to be lost in you forever and he admits that. His actions are loud too wen the fun is over (he really didn't want to stop)
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I wonder...if this means they will do another "model" L-card for someone else? Only time will tell.
Psssttt: Click here to see what he's packin' btw I would not hesitate to sit on it and him coming because he's being stimulated by the brush is so simple yet so hot for him?
💙Date Story/Chat Summary!💙
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This is shortly after the contest is over and the magazine cover was debuted!
Zagan hadn't had any privacy since then, and with that it was hard for him to see MC. SO Ppyong makes it happen by distracting the fans, and then they meet!
Zagan is honest during the date, though still having "some" trouble expressing himself through words. There are moments where he tells MC that he couldn't wait any longer and he had to see them.
This is what I meant by that desperation and neediness mixing in with the right amount of dominance during intimacy is a perfect balance for someone like him!
Also, this date story is quite perfect for Zagan fans, as he's so fucking romantic he even takes MC to the first place they met in the main story. His expresses his feelings have never changed and it was love at first sight.
Also the term...."I'm watching you..." seems to be referring to the VIP picture they both received and yeah....spank bank material!~
Zagan is truly a cautious and cute noble. From posting boring videos of him grinding food (which honestly could count as asmr material) and not being sure how to get Satan to stop sending out the magazines to other countries in mass amounts without overstepping ranks in power, just so cute.
It also appears that his neck seems to be a private area to him which is why he prefers it covered by his hair. (I will kiss him there >:3)
We also get to see that Zagan easily gets jealous. It's not a aggressive jealously like Satan, but it's more of a "you know other men? 🥺" kind of jealously where you want to pinch his cheeks and tell him he's being cute.
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yeah high-ponytail Zagan is doin' something for me (honestly I think I like Zagan so much because the white long hair reminds me of Sesshomaru and he doesn't speak much either and both of them are hot and idk i'm losing my brainnnnn to the rootttttt)
💙Overall Score: 10/10 💙
For Zagan fans this was a really fluffy and romantic card. The smut was written appropriately, and we got to see more of Zagan's personality come to light.
A major con of this though, is that in order to even get this much of lore for any characters that aren't either PB's favorites or L-grade...is behind a damn paywall. Like I get it? But at the same time I just want more info on my faves to further fuel my headcanons. That's all.
The adore mode movements are good, however his expressions don't seem to match the energy of the VA. This may have been a slight miscommunication somewhere, perhaps the VA was going off of how Zagan's personality should be, therefore personality= check, matching the sexual energy= not so check...
That's more of an observation for me but that may be a major bother for someone who was looking forward to the card's content.
Well today was pretty much the last day to try and get him so my react is late for a recommendation on if one should get it or not, BUT I will say that if you are a Zagan fan and didn't get him this time around, I suspect they'll bring him back for a future banner and you should try and snag him if you can.
But that's it from here! four days into the new year ya'll, hope it's goin' well for everyone! ^^ next up should be Luci's Blow card...so stay tuned <3
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(Ppyong's fanclub holds a special place in my heart)
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