#i do get elevated mood and energy at the stsrt og my period
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
hi, giving some additional anecdotal info from your poll. I have adhd and pmdd, bipolar runs in my family so I am very familiar with it but do not have it myself. I don't experience hypomania related to my menstrual cycle. there's definitely a huge mood lift as soon as my period starts due to the pmdd, but that's more going from "I suck everything sucks and everyone hates me" to my semi-stable "normal," not a manic state. I also experience elevated mood/energy around ovulation, but again, not hypomania. IME if your definition of hypomania includes inflated confidence and/or impulsivity, that's when you might want to get a bipolar eval. hope this maybe helps and you get the answers you're looking for <3
Thanks 🖤
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