#i dislike tag spam and dont want to do it myself.
not-siri · 1 year
I’ve probably said this before but DO NOT assume I agree with or even not despise anything I said in 2021/earlier 2022
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aroaceacacia · 3 years
Not to be That Clueless Fool, but,,, what exactly happened in 2019? I know in general that it was about shipping, but I'm, uh, curious about details. Is there some sort of post explaining it? Or bits of information here and there is the best I can find?
bits of information here and there might be the best you find, I dont think theres a single fandom historian who's recorded all of that. Maybe one day someone will try and reconstruct the narrative from posts and individual's memories?
but anyway, the way I remember it is this:
one day, something Snaps. something changes, and people who dislike hermitshipping, the non-shippers, are upset about seeing hermitship content. Instead of blocking tags/accounts, an "us vs them" mentality crops up. Tags get spammed. People get harassed. They try and create a new maintag to "escape the shippers". artist cactus-block is ""outed"" as being a shipper and their blog is spam reported; they remake as cooler-cactus-block and say fuck it & fuck those people! and then their art becomes unabashedly Mildly Horny and hermitshippy (more power to ya). There were a few non-shipper ringleaders, I think, who relentlessly harass several people, including a system they're convinced is faking DID to "get away with shipping", for.... some reason?
hermitshippers basically had to go into hiding; there was no True neutrality. i myself at first leaned toward the non-ship side but I tend to be very influenced by the narratives in a community because I kinda want to fit in? and so I found myself latching onto a voice of reason - lime of limelocked, who's beacon of morality basically said "just block and move on wtf"
When cleo joined tumblr, she was asked about shipping; she clarified the hermit perspective (they dont discuss shipping nor do they see it; cleo is fine with being shipped; if the hermits have a problem with it in the future they can speak for themselves, until then just block and move on instead of being dicks). people dont like this and cleo is promptly harassed off of tumblr
apparently people may have received death threats and threats of doxing, but that's kind of murky. I think some of them were fake?
oh also the non-shippers very much wanted to dictate what was and wasnt okay for fic to be written about- not just shippy fic, but a fic where a hermit was influenced by a higher power and became violent was called I think ableist? and the fic was basically seen as Bad and Wrong and the author may have been harassed also?? the attitude of the time was that the fic got treated the same way shippers did: looked down on and shunned
I think the non-shippers felt like their actions were noble, especially because the discourse kicked into gear probably right after the SMP Live "serious stream" about stan culture; I wouldn't be surprised if the collapse of smptwt and the failure of shipping in that fandom influenced the non-shippers' instigation of the conflict.
all the conflict and tension drove a Lot of people away from hermitblr, which really sucks; the conflict only really died down fully with the advent of season 7, which brought in new viewers without the baggage of what had happened here.
anon, I'm sure you could dig up ancient posts on my blog (probably under #hermitcraft discourse or #discourse), and probably more on others' blogs. If anybody happens to know if they still have reblogs from that era extant somewhere, maybe we could start like... a community archive of the discourse that happened (and all posts related to it), so we can have a time capsule of exactly what Not to do? just a thought of course, and nobody retraumatize yourselves to provide that please
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genderificationbeam · 4 years
pinned post, pls read <3
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- testimony from @noelfieldinggenderenvy
heyy im tee jay/TJ!! the t stands for tboy swag and the j stands for jordaan
i dont Have to give u a list of all my Axes Of Oppression but it's probably of note that i'm a black (gender)queer AuDHD typea guy. FtM is alright, butch is alright, trans man or trans masc are alright, i'm really not picky about most labels
im 20 :] whooaaaaa immso fuggin old
he/it prns, emphasis on the it. tryin out zie/hir also!
i’m a gender accelerationist and generally pretty autistic about Gender, and a gender abolitionist when we define Gender as a System.
im an annoying choir kid and i am going 2 school for music ed :p (music studyblr / general nerd blog @mediantriaad !!)
im some flavor of communist and a few flavors of anarchist <3
idgaf about tumblr queer discourse, i refer to myself with whatever words i like and i respect that other people do the same.
i dont tag the word queer and if you tag my posts as “q slur” or "q word" i will block you. totally fine if the term makes you uncomfortable for personal use but Queer is my whole identity/community, and i really dislike seeing that facet of myself trigger tagged-- so i hide it when i see it. tag it as "queer" if you don't want that to happen but you do need to filter it for whatever reason
(i am also not a huge tag user in general outside of conversational tags! im pretty good about tagging unreality, everything else (including slurs) i tend to not tag or forget to tag, fair warning)
i dont really have a dni bc i just block ppl if i dont want to see their account but you will probably get blocked if you’re truscum, a capitalist, an exclusionist, yk.
i also rb a lot of stuff / have a lot of takes abt transmasc specific oppression, mostly bc its what i operate under and what im comfortable speaking on as a trans dude; that said, all my transfem and transneutral siblings-in-arms have a special place in my heart <3
spam likes/reblogs appreciated, i very often forget im on Someones Blog and not my dash so you'll get em from me too unless you explicitly say not to
interests + hobbies include: dimension 20 (sideblog), scaring the hoes music (noise, musique concrète, loud wailing indie, midwest emo, [contemporary] classical, prog, metal, occasional guilty-pleasure blink-182, you know the deal), bad horror movies, good horror movies, music composition/arranging (mostly contemporary classical, ttbb acapella, and noise), crochet, queer theory, Red!, shit, piss idc
alright heres some links since we're here:
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gay obama be like uhhhhhhhh let me be queer
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maschotch · 3 years
i know the discourse is done so you dont have to answer this if you dont want to, but i think the difference between people not reacting over your jj opinions and people reacting over your hotchreid opinions is when you criticized jj you didnt say people who liked her sucked somehow or that they needed "therapy" for liking a character but with hotchreid you didnt just say oh i dont like it for these reasons you added in "jokes" about the people who would disagree with you
im not even a hotchreid but i know some of my moots who are but don't like the creepy or inappropriate content have gotten anon hate for liking it at all or for not being as supportive of the others and that hate has said a lot of the same stuff you did (and worse)
im not saying that's your fault or that you have to like it or can never talk about it at all, but hopefully knowing means you can make a better informed decision on what to talk about or whatever because i really dont think youre a mean person and want to hurt people, but it's an issue that most people don't care about because they think those people deserve it or it's not a big deal
have a good day!
i hear you! i get why people who have been targeted by hateful anons because of their ship would be sensitive and hyperaware about jokes like that. but?? thats not really my problem?? im sorry people have been mean to you but that doesn’t mean that you guys have to come into my inbox and take it out on me when i was literally just saying my opinion because of an ASK GAME. like its not that deep.
idk if you can tell but a lot of my opinions in this fandom are pretty unpopular. my experiences in other fandoms (like star wars) has made me extremely wary and uncomfortable around people who like shipping young characters with their mentors, so i may be more sensitive than i should be about the topic. but i dont think the actions of other people who agree with me who do target people and send hate justify sending me anon hate saying what ive done is equivalent.
this is going to be the last i say on the matter because i think i was pretty patient yesterday explaining my position—probably more patient than i should’ve been. i really dont want to hurt peoples feelings, so i tried to be genuine and honest about what i meant and why i said what i said the way i said it. and as important as i think it is to be cordial and open to discussion—its very easy to misconstrue intent on social media because it’s not as easy to ask “what did you mean by that?” when something rubs you the wrong way—i also don’t want to let people walk all over me and insist that actually im bullying them for posting an opinion on my blog that they disagree with. if you dont like what i say? unfollow! block, if you must! im not forcing you to see my posts and im not saying everyone has to agree with me
at the end of the day, i keep myself isolated in the fandom. i dont really interact with people because i tend to disagree with a lot of people on a lot of things! so guess what? i dont interact. and believe if or not, but thats actually a great way to avoid seeing the things i dislike! i come here to make my little posts and post my little pictures of scenes i like and write annoying little essays in the tags. this is something i do for me, for myself, so i dont have to spam my friends with all my bullshit. its been great that some people like it, but it wont bother me or offend me if you dont.
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asd-n-me · 4 years
so I’ve been trying to figure out what disorder I have for years and recently I learned about autism. (I think it’s grossly over stereotyped because I thought it was weird until I looked it up) and it describes me for the most part. I stim when happy like the flapping. I have sensitivity to textures. Executive dysfunction is very real. I get distracted easily and motivation is so hard to come by. I have small routines rather then large ones. Your account has been really helpful in this process
Pt2 but I’m nervous that I’m just trying to fit a box.Like my social skills are horrible but I speak and understand sarcasm. I don’t get sensory overloaded but i hyperfixate on things. I have a special interest(s) on weird things but I also like things in the “normal way” I stim a lot and have weird mood fluctuations that I try to keep down so no one asks or sets me off.But I’m almost 18 and there should have been a earlier signs?Idk do you think it’s possible Or am I just trying too hard to fit
I am sorry my response is a little late, I’ve been having technical troubles but I am back. 
Friend, I am so glad that you find my account helpful because that is always my goal. 
I have always disliked people asking these things in asks, just because I know the typing is limited so it’s hard to describe all your experiences in 500 spaces or less. 
Hyperfixation, executive dysfunction, distractability, mood fluctuation, and some stimming and sensitivities can be seen in our ADHD cousins. I’m sure you are aware of that already. 
1.That being said, if you’re just discovering your autistic traits recently I am sure you are missing earlier signs that you haven’t even put together yet. That doesn’t mean they aren’t there. 
Not to mention the fact that, “high-functioning” considered individuals tend to be able to somewhat handle things in their youth, but start breaking down as they excel in age. 
2. You do not have to have sensory overloads to be autistic. Many autistics are adept at self-regulation and can for the most part avoid overload. 
But I hope you realize you do not have to meltdown or shutdown to be in overload. If a sound or texture or anything else sensory related has ever had you afraid you might yell at someone, scream into the abyss, or had you white knuckling the table or breaking a pencil or ripping paper to keep your cool etc. than you have suffered the effects of sensory overwhelming you. 
If the last thought in your head is, “how did i manage to not lose my shit?” It’s because you were being overwhelmed. 
3. No need to differentiate between little and small routines, if you’ve been on my blog you know I am a big supporter of people who experience small routines. You are no less. 
4. Plenty of autistics understand sarcasm and use it frequently. It doesn’t somehow disqualify you despite what certain Neurotyicals think. Late diagnosis autistics often manage certain aspects of socializing with their deficiencies written off as being awkward or quirky. 
Something to think about as well. A. did you always understand sarcasm? B. how much sarcasm do you not realize you are missing? 
I live in a sarcastic household, we use sarcasm constantly, but there are still times I don’t realize someone is being sarcastic and no one explains it. I have felt very proficient in sarcasm my whole life, but I was quite surprised to find out how much I was still missing. Not saying that’s your story, but it is something to think about. 
5. Now that I’ve been talking forever, sorry for that, there are always some earlier signs of autism because it is a lifetime disorder, however that doesn’t mean people around you or even yourself will notice them. 
Don’t stop looking into autism. If it resonates with you look deeper. When I first read about autism I didn’t think it was me at all. You’d think that would be ridiculous and that I should have seen myself immediately but I didn’t. It wasn’t fancy articles and informational videos that helped me see it either, although they helped, it was through the experiences of other autistic POV. 
I can post somethings about recognizing earlier signs or autism soon, I would recommend for now watching the video I posted about being a teenage aspie, neurowonderful and invisible I are good youtubes for learning about autism. Neurowonderful is more informative and invisible I is a little less accurate but fairly relatable. 
A good blog to look into on tumblr is asdmemory tagged #ASDmemory because they talk a lot about childhood autistic memories. undiagnosedautismfeels is off track of its real intentions, which I know drives the admin nuts, but has stories of before they knew they were autistic. 
Save the things that resonate with you, write em in a book, whatever you want. I wish you well in your journey to self discovery and no friend, I don’t think your are just trying to fit it. I think you are trying discover who you are. <3
(if you still have questions feel free to hit the ask box again i will answer, if you’d like to talk more please don’t be afraid to send me a message. if you still prefer asks because of the anon feature than don’t be afraid to spam me with like 5 in a row. whatever helps you feel like you explained yourself. dont be afraid to ask the same question either if you didnt feel i answered it as it was intended.)
Have a great day! 
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moshroom · 5 years
answer 21 questions and tag 21 mutuals you’d like to know better!
i was tagged by @pepprs (thank you!!)
nicknames: uhhh usually people call me charles or charlie but im also Cat Man, Soup Detective and just, generally a Fucker
zodiac sign: virgo babey!!!
height: 5'2"
hogwarts house: gryffindor
the last thing i googled: that one jack stauber peppermint video bc honestly what else slaps nearly as hard?
favorite musicians : car seat headrest, hozier/mitski (theyre tied for my heart) and the fleet foxes probably. but really csh owns my ass
song stuck in my head: helplessness blues by the fleet foxes
following: 626, but i havent cleaned it in a while
followers: 395 but thats bc i keep blocking spam/porn blogs and people i just generally dislike
do you get asks? i didnt for a long time, and then a couple after my selfies blew up and i got thirst followers, and now its died down
amount of sleep: im avg about 8 hours bc im ❗unemployed ❗
lucky number: dont have one but 69 420 bro
what you're wearing: undershirt (sticky from t gel), black red n blue flannel (also sticky from t gel) and boxers :P
dream job: teaching a college course on the psych of prejudice while also conducting research on the factors contributing to anti-teans prejudice, attempting to bridge the concepts of queer theory and psychology (which was also my minor and my major) (i could go on abt this for a while)
dream trip: i got the chance to visit spain in high school and i want to go back and see the basilica in barcelona that was under construction then. it should be finished by the time im 26 so :) hopefully i'll be able to afford it
instrument: i played the trumpet for about 8 years, and then taught myself ukulele! but i wanna learn how to drum, play the guitar, maybe piano, and ive really veen working on my voice lately. maybe i'll post a video!
languages: english and a little bit o french........ i took it for 3 years in high school but all i know now is how to read french. cant speak/listen/write, but i can read
favorite songs: high to death by csh, haunted head by ezra furman, happy news for sadness by csh, father flesh in rags by csh........ actually probably car seats entire discography at this point.
random fact: uhhhhhhh my college cat is leashed trained, my home cat isnt, and theyre both wonderful to take on walks :)
aesthetic: decay but in an enthusiastic and sweet way ! :) check out my mushroom tag to see it (#mush)
im tagging uhhh @automaticfave @mycologicalsociety @r32-gtst @soledadcatalina @eeriecore @mountainboats @betamizuki @chikkou and everyone else who has been looking for a reason to fill this out
no pressure to do it but if u do tag me bc i wanna see y'all responses!!
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jeongjarsofhannie · 8 years
After one million years I am finally doing this lol 
I’m so sorry @hansolmates that it has taken me this long! School has been so busy and I am just now getting free time~ thank you so much for tagging me as always 
Are you named after someone? My mom said I was named after a character in a book but idk
When is the last time you cried? Probably last week bc I’m stressed ALL THE TIME
Do you like your handwriting? Nope
What is your favorite lunch meat? Is spam a lunch meat?
Do you have kids? Nope, just the kids I take care of in the hospital
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Maybe? probably
Do you use sarcasm? almost exclusively
Do you still have your tonsils? yee boyy (should probably get them taken out though bc I get tonsillitis like once a year)
Would you bungee jump? HAHAHAHA no
What is your favorite kind of cereal? fruity pebbles or lucky charms bc I’m a child
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? that sounds exhausting nope
Do you think you’re a strong person? Sometimes emotionally, I’m super weak physically though
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I’m lactose intolerant TT.TT
What is the first thing you notice about people? their smell lol
Red or pink? Rose quartz Pink
What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? WHERE DO I START, honestly I tolerate my looks, but theres a lot I want to change about myself but I probably never will. I think I dislike my skin the most though  
What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? black pants, no shoes
What was the last thing you ate? a burger lol
What are you listening to right now? K.a.r.d- don’t recall
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? probably one of the ones that have really extra names like sea foam green or  purple mountains majesty
Favorite smell? any Marc Jacobs perfume or organic smells like rain, forests, flowers etc.
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my mom
Favorite sport to watch? basketball or hockey
Hair color? brown but its lighter at the ends for some stupid reason
Eye color? light brown
Do you wear contacts? nope, tried to one time for a pageant and I cried
Favorite food to eat? all food is good food. Probably brownies, cake, sushi, chicken, pizza, and burgers....
Scary movies or comedy? scary movies~ I like a good spook
Last movie you watched? Collateral beauty
What color of shirt are you wearing? olive green
Summer or winter? Winter! I’ve been living in a perpetual summer for too long
Hugs or kisses? both! but I do a lot more hugging
What book are you currently reading? Medical- surgical nursing lmao I love college
Who do you miss right now? Everyone back in Minnesota
What is on your mouse pad? I do not own a mouse pad
What is the last TV program you last watched? I dont really watch TV, maybe steven universe?
What is the best sound? Heels on hard wood floor, rain on pavement
Rolling Stones or The Beatles? beatles
What is the furthest you have ever traveled? I travel between the Philippines and US 2 or 3 times each year
Do you have a special talent? piano and baking and eating what I bake
Where were you born? Minnestoa lol
Tagging: @jisoosmeoli @manzae @angelyoons @s-lay-ing @jeongren and  @bbysquirrelsblog
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