#god. unrelated to any of the events of yesterday but i have had SUCH a shit day today lmao and im really not in the mood to deal w more bs
randomclam24 · 1 year
The culture of the West has been dead for who knows how many millenia by now, in internet years.
Shouldn't there be discussions devoted to this by now? What is happening, in people's minds?
Update All I am at this point is a pointless hub of observation, and it feels like a fundamentally different part of myself mounted to be giving a fuck about whatever arises. It feels completely arbitrary
Okay, a new "event of mass consciousness" just dropped: "long war" being used to describe the state of Ukraine in a news publication
Update Well, guys, now would be a good time to try to have the definitive discussion, at what year and time did God abandon us?
Update What is there to even do anymore? I bought Sonic Mania on PC after shopping yesterday and finding it, and I'm not even playing it.
Update God, I'm just going to kill myself. I have to - I had it on 1x instead of 1.4x speed I could have gone all that time with the thing going faster than I had to have it just because I forgot a long time ago
There the stupid episode is over, but there's a virtually infinite amount content left out of this - technically I'm only just now over the halfway point over months
I can't just get up from this stupid chair? I have to sit - even doing nothing?
Life existentially doesn't even have any justifying factors; I'm in too much pain from sitting in this uncomfortable position for anything to justify going on - it's just that simple. I *have* to get up. That I'm supposed to get up is already a foregone conclusion.
Update after getting up and going to the bathroom After all the projections onto an unrelated party to these problems projected, left unfulfilled as accusations as an agenda takes over, ending with more of the very real problems that were projected than ever existed before, where even ending my own life doesn't even have the power to remotely end my own bloodline, since there are simply too many of them - I thought about it, and I think all my short-term family members are evil - let alone impact the world population constituent of this generational projecting and apparently autonomous agenda takeover - from the perspective of choice whether I'd want to enter this world voluntarily through birth or not, I'd rather just not partake in it, that's all
Can somebody help me? The West is being a piece of shit this generation
Has no one else ever gotten bored (if you're not retarded, you notice there's *nothing* to do) and just said, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, with regards to the child-sacrificing elites? I wouldn't want to do child-sacrificing, but
Is it self-centered to say, "anything goes, so long as it gets the ball rolling", with regards only to myself going stir-crazy after rejecting all the arbitrary bullshit?
Life is a boring ball of horseshit, and nobody really cares
I don't see what foundation people are putting their continued adherence on, seeing as I don't have any worth speaking of myself. I tried religion - that doesn't do anything, but I've heard there is a wave of people recently converting to Orthodoxy, specifically because they were seeking something with more meaning in their religion, as opposed to the alternative that is this lukewarm baseline-of-opinion existence I'm trying to call out here But then Common Filth says Orthodoxy just exists to put you on the system with neuroticism and something else
Update I don't think there's any profit to existing
9/26 Over these months, I've kept having thoughts where I try to sublimate it to something more general to be safer, like "it's human *existence* that's meaningless" - in reality, it's human *belief* that is meaningless
If you don't have a complex over the belief, if pushed to it, you'll probably just laugh and say "well I'm just stupid"
Most of what people actually believe is what is *applied* to their statements, not parsable from the language used itself. Rarely. Because people don't know how to argue their way out of paper bags. That's just the phrase people use.
I can't possibly take an interest in these social media platforms that speed up socializing by however much
You know, I'm really sorry and all that elites burn your children that get kidnapped every now and then, but there was a window of time where you could have done something, on and off for years, and nothing ever happens even regardless, so what's that say about you? You can't just shirk the responsibility.
And of course some liberal probably wants to come up and correct me historically, saying back in the Aztec times, these rituals were seen about the same as the proceedings of the clergy of the Catholic church - the reason for saying this being that we need to show a little more respect for our superiors - they're not in their high positions for nothing And then you could say, no, they're in their high positions specifically, according to their rituals, because they rape a kid And then they would go off, where they say that's just a conspiracy theory - there's obviously only merit that goes into what we considered in the 90's and such as "the sky's the limit! you could even - who knows - be the *president* one day!" where that obviously applies in the case that you're an initiated high-ranking Freemason and in no other situation, logically. So they're left having to clutch their pearls like it's still the 70's and 80's, saying it's *not* specifically because they raped a kid. After all, they wouldn't *be* there if they hadn't fulfilled the requirement.
Update Everything is defined in terms of their obfuscable terms in and of themselves, where the goalposts of every requirement of a definition can be moved as a leftist liked. Therefore humanity is nothing but that which makes people eternal social media phoneposters
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maschotch · 3 years
i know the discourse is done so you dont have to answer this if you dont want to, but i think the difference between people not reacting over your jj opinions and people reacting over your hotchreid opinions is when you criticized jj you didnt say people who liked her sucked somehow or that they needed "therapy" for liking a character but with hotchreid you didnt just say oh i dont like it for these reasons you added in "jokes" about the people who would disagree with you
im not even a hotchreid but i know some of my moots who are but don't like the creepy or inappropriate content have gotten anon hate for liking it at all or for not being as supportive of the others and that hate has said a lot of the same stuff you did (and worse)
im not saying that's your fault or that you have to like it or can never talk about it at all, but hopefully knowing means you can make a better informed decision on what to talk about or whatever because i really dont think youre a mean person and want to hurt people, but it's an issue that most people don't care about because they think those people deserve it or it's not a big deal
have a good day!
i hear you! i get why people who have been targeted by hateful anons because of their ship would be sensitive and hyperaware about jokes like that. but?? thats not really my problem?? im sorry people have been mean to you but that doesn’t mean that you guys have to come into my inbox and take it out on me when i was literally just saying my opinion because of an ASK GAME. like its not that deep.
idk if you can tell but a lot of my opinions in this fandom are pretty unpopular. my experiences in other fandoms (like star wars) has made me extremely wary and uncomfortable around people who like shipping young characters with their mentors, so i may be more sensitive than i should be about the topic. but i dont think the actions of other people who agree with me who do target people and send hate justify sending me anon hate saying what ive done is equivalent.
this is going to be the last i say on the matter because i think i was pretty patient yesterday explaining my position—probably more patient than i should’ve been. i really dont want to hurt peoples feelings, so i tried to be genuine and honest about what i meant and why i said what i said the way i said it. and as important as i think it is to be cordial and open to discussion—its very easy to misconstrue intent on social media because it’s not as easy to ask “what did you mean by that?” when something rubs you the wrong way—i also don’t want to let people walk all over me and insist that actually im bullying them for posting an opinion on my blog that they disagree with. if you dont like what i say? unfollow! block, if you must! im not forcing you to see my posts and im not saying everyone has to agree with me
at the end of the day, i keep myself isolated in the fandom. i dont really interact with people because i tend to disagree with a lot of people on a lot of things! so guess what? i dont interact. and believe if or not, but thats actually a great way to avoid seeing the things i dislike! i come here to make my little posts and post my little pictures of scenes i like and write annoying little essays in the tags. this is something i do for me, for myself, so i dont have to spam my friends with all my bullshit. its been great that some people like it, but it wont bother me or offend me if you dont.
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imaginewriting1 · 2 years
no one like you
Ariana Grande x youtuber!reader
Part 3 of "positions"
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You learned how right Olivia was when Ariana showed up at your doorstep two days later, instead of the scheduled next week.
Everything about her visit was a surprise. From the ringing of the doorbell at two AM to the quiet sobs that woke you up like cold water to the face.
The shock got replaced with anger so quickly that it scared you. You couldn’t even remember the last time you felt such fury that you wanted to hurt somebody, namely the cause of Ariana’s tears. Whoever they were, they were lucky not to meet your wrath because your hands were too occupied with holding Ariana together as she broke down.
You somehow navigated the both of you to your room. It was your comfort place, and you hoped it would give her the peace it did for you. You laid her on your bed carefully, though she made it harder than it was supposed to be. Her grip on your shirt was unrelenting. You tried to untangle yourself from her hold, but you were met with resistance.
And she then pulled.
You hadn't had time to react, bracing yourself as you tumbled and fell. With pure reflex, you managed to extend your palms, barely stopping yourself from fully colliding onto her. You were close enough to smell the liquor on her breath, to hear the murmurings of ‘stay’.
While you could endure the pain from your wrist that kept you hovering over Ariana, gravity would bring you down sooner or later. So you twisted in a way that allowed Ariana to keep clutching your sleeves like a lifeline while letting your body sink into the mattress.
Not that it made it any easier to sleep.
This time, Ariana couldn’t look you in the eye, when you both woke up around the same time.
You let her use the bathroom first, knowing she must be uncomfortable in yesterday’s clothing and unwashed makeup.
So you busied yourself with making breakfast, while she freshened up. However, you quickly found out how difficult it was to cook without using any animal products, with your arm still a little sore from being used as a pillow. Thank god for food and groceries delivery services. You practically ordered everything you remembered from previous dining experiences that Ariana liked. You got some vegan ice cream as well because ice cream always made one feel slightly better no matter what.
The hair on your neck stood up when you heard pained grunts coming from your bathroom. You grabbed a bottle of water and rushed towards the sound, seeing Ariana sprawled over your toilet. She had never looked so small.
You held her hair as she heaved, rubbing her back soothingly. “Feeling better?” You asked after her body stopped trembling.
She nodded weakly and you helped her up. You opened the bottle to rinse her mouth and hydrate herself.
The food arrived just as the both of you emerged from the bathroom and you told Ariana to help herself while you did your morning routine.
You went back to the living room after brushing your teeth. The sight of Ariana eating brought you some relief. You joined her silently, weren’t sure of how to act around her, which came as no surprise since you had only known her for less than a month.
You knew better than to pry about last night's events, to bring up bad memories that you probably wouldn’t understand even if you say you do. So you just let her go at her own pace and reacted accordingly.
“You’re welcome to stay, but I have a bit of work to do.” You told Ariana when you’re both done with breakfast.
She got up when you did. You assumed that she was going to leave as you cleared the rubbish and kept the leftovers.
But then she followed you into your office and looked around. You turned your computer on and started working. You don’t have much to do, mainly finishing editing and uploading the vlog featuring Olivia.
You sensed Ariana peering over your shoulders, which you confirmed when you tilted your head. There's curiosity in her eyes as they traced the cursor on your screen. You smiled inwardly when Ariana’s head moved in the same direction as your mouse. It reminded you of cats with laser pointers.
“I assume some parts of video editing are similar to music production. We splice the parts we want and put them together and delete the rest.” You explained. “The only difference would be the video aspect, where I need to make sure it’s visually pleasing and engaging.”
“Like music video editing.”
You nodded your head in agreement. As you go over more techniques, you realized Ariana had been standing for the entire time. You stood on your feet, already looking for another chair.
She got slightly startled by your sudden movement but relaxed immediately after. “Sorry. Here, take my seat. I'll get another.”
You found a plastic stool in your storage which was light enough to be carried, unlike all the other chairs you had. Why are all the comfortable chairs heavy?
Regardless, you placed it beside (once yours, now Ariana's) office chair and continued from where you stopped. A few hours passed and the editing was completed.
“Once the video finishes rendering, I’ll upload it onto my channel and it’ll see the light of day.”
“Will you do another one with me? We did schedule to do a vlog together.”
You were surprised she remembered that even if you did make those plans just recently. You thought it was just a throwaway idea given how busy she probably was. Then again, she was spending time with you right now.
“We can do it if you’re feeling up to it. But we should come up with some sort of idea. If not, it'll be kinda confusing for the viewers to see you in my videos without a specific reason.”
Ariana chewed on her lips in thought. “How about I film you while we do… stuff?”
“Okay.” You agreed, that was basically how a vlog was created. So you handed over one of your cameras to Ariana and taught her the basic know-how of operating one before pressing the record button. “What should we do?”
“How about a house tour? I haven't really seen all of it yet.”
That could be a possible video. While you already had one which you filmed the day you moved in, things had changed since then. An update to compare the before and after could be interesting for the viewers.
“Sure, we can start here.”
The moment Ariana pointed the camera at you, you began. “This is my office, or what used to be the guest bedroom. Since this is where I do most of my work, the space has to stimulate me creatively. So what better way to create an environment like that than by filling it with various things that inspire me like books, art, and random trinkets?
You saw Ariana panned the camera around and zoomed into a shelf of books, scanning their spines. You felt a shiver go down yours. It feels oddly intimate, as though she’s getting to know you through the things you gained knowledge from, the things that influenced your thoughts and shaped the way you were as a person.
She took a book out of its place and flipped it open with one hand. The cover read: Sing You Home. You smiled. It was one of your favorites.
“Most of the books you have are written by women.” Ariana pointed out astutely, which you confirmed.
You repeat what she had said for a voiceover. “As you can see, most of the books I have were written by women. It’s because they inspire me the most. And also because I’m gay.” You chuckled, knowing full well that your viewers would be fondly exasperated by yet another reminder of your sexuality.
You forgot that Ariana isn’t one of them. “You are?”
Oh shit. “Yep.” You said as nonchalantly as possible.
“Cool,” Ariana remarked, and you see a small smile appearing on her face. “So that’s why you have a framed photograph of a naked woman in your kitchen.”
Your eyes widened at her comment, but you laughed it off, though a little embarrassed that she saw it. “That and a bunch of art on the female form.”
Ariana giggled with you. “Now we have a nice segue into touring the kitchen.”
“You’re right. So that the viewers would now be interested to see that photograph. Smart.” You grinned at the unexpected flow of events. You normally would have written a basic script, but with Ariana, everything is spontaneous yet connected.
The both of you moved towards the kitchen, with Ariana going straight to said picture.
“Here it is!” She exclaimed, presenting it like how a museum docent would. The photograph is a print by Sarah Bahbah titled ‘Soulmate’ from her ‘sex and takeout’ series. It depicted a woman, lying on a bed, with her nude form artfully hidden behind plates of food in fancy dinnerware similar to those of hotel room service.
“Why did you get this photograph, and why is it placed in the kitchen out of all places?” Ariana asks, pointing the camera back at you.
“Well, the photograph exudes a sense of tranquility and indulgence that I want to have in my life. So what better place to put it beside my kitchen counter to remind me to strive for the things captured in the photograph - delicious food and someone to enjoy them with.”
While Ariana’s face was covered by the camera, you caught her peeking over it to take glimpses at you. You felt somewhat self-conscious after revealing a personal thought of yours.
So you changed the topic and moved on. “And if you look to your right, you’ll see my living room. A place to chill with the comfiest couch in the world, some armchairs, bookshelves with books that are only brown, green, or white to blend in the furniture’s palette, and an electric fireplace. it’s super cozy and comfy during winter, the perfect place to relax and read.”
You gestured to Ariana to follow you after you were done showing your living room. “Moving on to the bedroom, a lot of you commented for me to reveal it. I don’t know why you guys are so interested in it, but here goes.”
You opened the door dramatically. “After you, your highness.”
Ariana giggled at your antics as she stepped inside, panning the camera from corner to corner. You pointed towards the empty space between the two bookshelves.
“So I used to have a big desk here for my computer. But then I realized that while it was effective that I can get to work as soon as I get out of bed, it’s also kinda depressing to think about work the moment I wake up. So I moved the desk to the office. Now my bedroom is purely for sleeping... and binge-watching TV series till three in the morning. Watch this.”
You pressed a button on your wall, which activated a screen from moving downwards. You pressed another button and the projector hanging from your ceiling powered on, projecting a signature red ‘N’ on the screen.
“Pretty cool right? I’ve always wanted a home theater because I love watching films. That’s why I have film posters hanging around strategically. Like À bout de souffle by Jean-Luc Godard above the kitchen sink even though it has nothing to do with soufflés and Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock on my bathroom door even though it sometimes scares me whenever I enter the bathroom.”
You tried not to laugh when Ariana did but failed. It was a weird thing to notice but your jaw ached, from talking and laughing so much. Ariana was probably the person who you smiled most with.
“What about that?” You turned to look where Ariana was pointing at. It was the framed poster hanging directly above the headboard.
“That is In the Mood for Love by Wong Kar-Wai, one of my favorites too.” You watched Ariana move closer to study the way the main lead laid his head on his love interest’s lap.
“How fitting for it to be hung in the bedroom.” She spoke up after a while, shooting you an exaggerated suggestive look. You chuckled at her bold expression.
“My thoughts exactly, although…” You paused to gather your words, “The title isn’t what it sounds like.”
“Guess I’ll have to watch to find out.”
“Yeah, absolutely.”
“You’ve really put a lot of thought into your home. It’s really beautiful.” She commented, pointing the camera back to you.
“Thank you. It’s what I’ve always wanted since I was a little kid, or rather since I fell in love with interior design. So yeah, I’m really glad it turned out the way I wanted exactly and it’s thanks to you guys.” You said gratefully, smiling at the camera.
“I haven’t had the time to clean my bathroom so we’ll keep it quick.” You opened the door just enough for the camera to get a sneak peek before closing it.
“And that concludes my house tour, let me know in the comments below your thoughts. Till next time, bye.”
You helped Ariana with the camera as she handed it back to you. “That went well. Anything else you want to do?”
Ariana paused to think for a while. “Can we watch a movie? This time with your projector?”
You laughed at what Ariana was getting at. You don’t blame her, many of your guests usually come over for your little home theater too.
You both entered your bedroom again, quick to snuggle under the covers. You let Ariana choose what to watch this time. She put on an old black and white film which you quickly discover to be horror. You weren’t really a big fan but you could control yourself to remain stoic during jump scares.
However, that cannot be said the same for Ariana, who liked such films despite being scared easily. Her shivering and using you as a shield reminds you of yesterday despite her reactions stemming from two completely different causes (you assumed).
“Hey, Ariana…” You started, trying to broach the subject. It's an ideal time to do so since Ariana doesn’t have to feel embarrassed with the movie acting as a buffer and you don’t have to make eye contact.
She made a soft humming noise, prompting you to go on. “You should talk to someone about what happened last night. Someone, you’re comfortable with, whenever you are ready.”
You felt her tense up beside you and you’re afraid you crossed a line but then she sighed and placed her head on your shoulder.
“I’ve... been having fights with my boyfriend,” Ariana admitted, “It escalated to a big one yesterday.”
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” You put your arm around her waist in comfort. She accepted it by moving closer to you. You sensed her wanting to speak again so you gave her time to form her words.
“We broke up and I feel like shit.”
"You won't always feel this way," you said, feeling determined. “Especially with the help of ice cream.”
That’s how the both of you find yourselves on your couch, eating the vegan ice cream, letting it melt Ariana’s weight on her shoulders. Though you have some questions, like why she came to your house or who you had to fight with.
“Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”
“I will.” Ariana said, finishing the last of her ice cream. She grabbed both of your bowls and walked towards the sink.
“Wait, let me do it.”
“You gave me food, at least let me wash the bowls. Besides, there’s something you can do to help me.” Ariana said, pausing. “He’s been trying to get back together with me.”
“I assume you don’t want to?”
“Yeah, it ended for a reason. I want him to move on.” You felt Ariana shift beside you and realized she was turning to look at you. “Can I ask you for a favor?”
You stood beside her, taking the cleaned bowls to dry them. “What is it?”
“Will you pretend to be my girlfriend?”
Fake dating wasn’t an idea new to you, it’s just never happened to someone like you, especially not with someone like Ariana. You found yourself asking the same question when you first met Ariana. Why me?
“You’re the perfect person.” Ariana continues, as though she had read your thoughts.
You lift your eyebrows in skepticism. “Really?”
“Yes because one, you know about my situation. Two, I can’t do it with any of my other friends because everyone knows it’s purely platonic, so it won’t be believable. And three, I don’t really want to do this with a stranger.”
“But will it be believable if it’s me? I’m quite literally the opposite of the type of person you dated.”
“Exactly. So it’ll look like I'm trying something new, with someone new.”
The way Ariana seemed so determined for you to agree to her propositions, providing quick justification, only raised more questions. When did she even think about this?
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, but if you aren’t…”
You knew you were going to say yes before, but the way she looks down dejectedly after that confession sealed the deal. “Okay, I’m in.”
“Yeah, I’m all for helping you.” You could already see yourself on your therapist’s couch discussing your savior complex, but Ariana beamed at you and you already knew it was worth the bill. “So how should we do it?”
“Well, we can start by being seen together and let rumors fly,” Ariana said. She searched your face. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Yeah, as long as I don’t see any paparazzi on my front porch, I’m good.”
“Okay, we won’t do anything public at your place.”
“By the way, do I need to sign any NDAs?”
“No, I trust you. We can just make a contract between us.”
The both of you spent the next few hours coming up with a foolproof plan - as mentioned, hanging out with Ariana publicly to solidify your existence before evolving it into a fake romantic relationship without revealing too much. Humans’ imagination and need for gossip will do the rest of the work.
“I think we got everything covered.” You tidied up your desk, passing the minutes of the meeting to Ariana. “If anything happens out of the ordinary, we’ll just wing it.”
Ariana made a sound of agreement as she read through the notes. It consisted of a set of rules:
No one can know it’s fake (until it’s over and they’re trusted)
PDA is okay (strictly no kisses on lips though)
You will attend any events Ariana is hosting/going
Movie nights whenever you two are free (You get to choose the film)
You are allowed film whenever you two are together for your channel (provided that the footage is reviewed by Ariana)
Ariana is allowed to post pictures of you two on her social media (provided that your identity is concealed)
The whole thing ends when Ariana’s ex gets the hint or when one party wants to stop/break a rule
She signed her name next to yours. You stuck out your hand for that customary handshake. Ariana squeezed your hand lightly, before pulling you in for a hug.
“Thank you for today. For everything.” Ariana said with gratitude, her words muffled against your neck. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you.”
She’ll probably do just fine, but you didn't say that. “You’re welcome.”
AN: early access to later chapters on my ko-fi page. Also feel free to buy me a drink if you like my work!
Part 4
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chuuyrr · 3 years
tokyo revengers x reader
masterlist of the series
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chapter three. queen shit
warning(s): anime/manga spoilers, strong language, mentions of violence, assault and blood
not proofread! also, tysm for the positive feedback, i'm glad you guys are enjoying this series <3
oh, and since this is a fic—i changed a lot of things.
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you couldn't sit still after yesterday's events. not only did the entire school think you were dating toman's commander, but you were more pissed at the gang that assaulted the woman you rescued.
you wondered what would have happened you hadn't arrived on time. she might have ended up as a dead woman. as you promised to yourself, you headed to the hospital where she was admitted to visit her.
you weren't wearing a facemask nor your oversized jacket today since it got stained with blood. because of that, the patches and bandages on your arms and face were exposed.
there was a lot of interrogation done by your teachers and your friend, rie, during your classes earlier. they bombarded you with questions as to what happened to you and somehow you convinced them that you fell from the stairs.
it was a stupid excuse, but they were more stupid because they actually believed you.
you might be a ferocious and unrelenting young woman with the strength of a tiger, but that doesn't mean you were invisible. you were still human, you get hurt and you bleed.
you stood outside the hospital room of the woman you had saved. you sighed to yourself, slid onto the floor and stressfully ran your fingers through your [color] hair.
god, you hated this.
this poor girl didn't deserve to be in this kind of state and those vile men deserved more than just a beating.
"[name]?" you lifted your head at the familiar voice.
you averted your gaze and saw mikey with draken across the white corridor. as soon as their eyes fell upon the patches and bandages on your face and arms, they immediately bolted towards you in concern.
"what are you doing here? who did this to you?" you watched as mikey took hold of your arms, examining the damage you dealt.
you yanked your arms from his grasp and scoffed, "i should be asking you the same thing. what are you two doing in this hospital?"
"do you know her?" draken looked at you in astonishment, seeing how you were sitting right in front of the woman's room.
"no, but i was the one who called an ambulance for her last night. i found her getting assaulted by a bunch of assholes." you furrowed your brows.
"pah is our third division captain. the girl you saved is his friend's." draken explained to your briefly.
"if only i had gotten there earlier, then maybe she wouldn't be in a comatose state. i was too late when i arrived, she was already unconscious." you stood up on your feet, stumbling a bit when your bruised leg hit the wall in the process. "i'm going to make those fuckers pay."
"don't involve yourself with moebius." mikey's playful and carefree aura had drastically changed into a serious one, something that lacked any hint of emotions for a second. "this isn't your fight, it is ours."
so, that's what the gang's name was.
you found yourself glaring into his blank, black whirpools with your red filled haze. "the moment i made them bleed, i had already gotten myself involved in this matter. besides, my conscience won't allow me to rest knowing that those fuckers aren't taught a lesson while she fights for her life in this hospital."
as a thick and weight aura developed in the atmosphere from you and mikey, a couple had arrived from the other end of the hallway, causing the two of you to halt and freeze up along with draken.
you watched as the couple angrily storm mikey and draken. you were suddenly pulled to the side by the wife as her husband began to lash out his anger at the two blondes.
"goodness, are you okay? did you yourself involved with them too?"
her motherly aura made your heart clench, but you couldn't help but feel guilty that mikey and draken are receiving the misdirected anger.
"we've heard you were the one who called her an ambulance."
"ma'am, i'm fine but they aren't the ones responsible for this." you interjected, trying to defend mikey and draken. "it was a different one."
"no, we'll take responsible for this." draken bowed his head towards them and forced mikey to imitate him.
somehow, you were able to break up the commotion the father of the girl you saved was causing. you understood where his anger and frustration coming from, any parent would have naturally done the same especially when their children are in such states.
once they had left, you pinched the bridge of your nose and exhaled sharply.
"[name], let's go outside." draken over you to come follow him and mikey.
you trailed after them from behind, exiting the hospital. just as you were about to go on separate ways from them, a hand held yours. you looked up to see mikey, smiling at you. the same smile he flashed you when you encountered him and saw him barge into your campus.
"what do you want?" you furrowed your brows.
"thank you for defending us earlier."
you averted your gaze away from him, not used to how mikey wasn't teasing you but instead being genuinely sincere. "don't mention it."
"i can't stop you from wanting to fight moebius, can i?" mikey asked you calmly afterwards, which you returned with a small glare.
"in that case. i want you to join us then. we'll be fighting moebius soon for pah-chin." mikey told you. "come meet us at the warehouse near second MS."
right after mikey had given you the location, you watched as a lilac haired boy zoom and stop in front of you three on his motorbike. his eyes immediately fell onto you, then towards your hand that was intertwined with mikey's.
"oh? is this your girlfriend?" he looked at you in astonishment.
you immediately released mikey's hand and scoffed, "just great, the rumors have reached outside the campus now." you proceeded glare at mikey who simply chuckled at your reaction.
"yeah, she is and she's coming with us tomorrow." mikey nodded, acting as if you weren't infuriated by the situation. "mitsuya, this is [surname], [name]."
"n-nice to meet you..?" you watched as the guy sweatdropped from your glare, resulting in his greeting becoming an interrogative sentence.
"likewise, mitsuya." you scoffed, rubbing your face. "now, if you'll excuse me i have places to be."
with that, you turned your heel away from draken, mikey and mitsuya and walked.
"see you tomorrow, baby!" you heard mikey holler.
you continued walking and simply raised your middle finger without looking back.
"i'm not your girlfriend, bitch!" you yelled.
you couldn't believe your ears when you heard what you'd just agreed to. you were involving yourself with a gang and this time it was with toman. but, on the other hand, you were doing it for the girl you saved. even if you didn't know her, you were going to avenge her.
mitsuya commented, blinking as the three of them watched your figure disappear. "are you sure she's your girlfriend?"
"yeah, i made her my girlfriend when i visited her at her school to return her school ID." mikey answered mitsuya who sweatdropped.
"did she even say yes..?" mitsuya looked at the smaller blonde in concern.
"no, she actually did not." draken answered for mikey, who in return glared at him.
"eh, she didn't?!"
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as per told by mikey yesterday outside the hospital, you made you way towards the said warehouse. you were munching on a strawberries and cream sandwich you got from a nearby convenient store along with some soda. there you saw mikey dressed in casual clothes, along with draken and three unfamiliar guys with them. you casually munched on your food, watching their eyes fall on you which you chose to ignore.
"hey." you decided to greet them, lifting your can of soda towards them.
"who is this?" the young man with blonde parted hair raised a brow at you questioningly along with the other blonde who had his hair in a faux hawk style.
"[surname], [name]. she's the one who saved your friend's girl." mikey explained, lifting his head to gaze at you. "she even beat a couple of moebius' members too, including osanai himself."
"she did what?!" the boy with the faux hawk styled hair looked at you fearfully. "but.. she's so.."
"pretty to beat up a bunch of geezers? yeah, i know." you found yourself laughing at how the faux hawk haired boy turn red. somehow, you failed to realize mikey's small glare at you when you did that.
"you look pretty today." mikey's glare subsided into a relaxed look as a smile rose from his lips.
your eyes fell upon the oversized black hoodie adorning you that you loved using as a dress, and top of that; you were also wearing some thigh high heeled boots which definitely made you taller than mikey.
you shrugged, chuckling at his compliment. "whatever, mikey."
"thank you for helping my friend's girlfriend." you watched as the brusque young man dip his head at you in respect, bowing to you. "i'm pah."
"oh, so you're pah." you claimed before taking a sip of your soda. "it's no problem, really."
you proceeded to avert your gaze towards the faux hawk haired boy who seemed to froze on the spot with an evident blush of red on his cheeks. "what about you, michi-boy? you got a name?"
"michi-boy?" all of the toman members within the vicinity sweatdropped.
"my name is takemichi." he sputtered out in a gulp. "it's nice to meet you in person, [name]-san!"
you couldn't help quiet laugh at him. for some reason, he reminded you of your friend, rie. especially, with the way he addresed you and you could easily tell that he had a good heart.
"[name]'s fine. you remind me of rie, michi." you claimed before taking another bite of your food. "so, don't call me as such, got it?"
"y-yes, [name].. chan?" you watched as the boy cringed at the foreign words that elicited from his mouth.
everyone watched as your expression darkened to the point you literally crushed the can of milk soda in your hand, causing the fizzy, sweet contents of it to spill in your hand.
"eh? don't call me that either." you lightly glared at takemichi who let out a scared yelp from the sudden change of the aura you were displaying.
"oh, does that mean i'm the only one who can call you that bab—WHACK!"
pah and peh-yan looked at you in astonishment as you effortless flicked the can to mikey's face in a flash. not only were you seasoned in fighting, but you had a pretty good aim at throwing.
"oh shit, mikey's girlfriend sure is scary."
just as you lifted the baggy sleeve of your oversized hoodie to pummel toman's invincible mikey to the ground, a voice had boomed from behind the rest of you.
"girlfriend? i didn't think this bitch would belong to a middle schooler like you, mikey!"
turning around, your eyes became devoid of emotions once again as you locked eyes with the same asshole that had violated the girl you rescued.
"if it isn't the son of a bitch himself?" you taunted, lips curling sarcastically.
"watch your mouth." he hissed at you, causing a nerve or two from mikey to break. "unless you want me to make use of that pretty mouth of yours for something else."
"says the guy who has a small dick, aren't you the one you ran with a tail in between his legs?" you proceeded to mock him, completely unfazed by his words. "you can go and bark all you want like some dog, but i fucking bite."
you proceeded to hunch the fabric of your oversized, baggy sleeves past your elbows and crack your neck. as you widened your stance to engage an attack, a hand grasped your shoulder. you looked over your shoulder, turning your head to see pah, brimming with anger and determination.
"allow me to fight, [name]." the way he spoke sounded more of a demand rather than a request. "i want revenge for my friend and his girl."
reluctantly, you relaxed your tensed shoulders and let out a long sigh. you could see how loyal and lionhearted this young man was, despite the tough exterior he was displaying. just like you, he wanted avenge them the same way as you.
"alright, go ahead." you chuckled, giving his hand a pat before brushing it off from your shoulder.
you proceeded to take a step back and folded your arms, watching as pah-chin went to head to head with osanai. you watched from the corner of your eye takemichi practically and mentally dying inside. you could see the fear and worry his eyes like he had seen something he shouldn't.
eventually, you were able to analyze this fight despite the fact that pah became no match. you observed that osanai uses boxing. by the time pah was becoming unconscious with blood all over his face and nose, you instinctively stood up from the floor and simultaneously approached him with mikey.
the two of you glanced at each other for a second and you could have sworn you've read his thoughts. you watched as mikey supported pah with an arm as you turned towards osanai who was mocking toman, claiming that they needed to change their name into a baby alliance.
the laughter of his men filled the entire warehouse as he proceeded to mock you. the moment he had specifically told you that you needed to get dicked down, you chose not to hold yourself back anymore.
the atmosphere drastically changed when you silently took a step forward and swiftly kicked your leg to where the sun doesn't shine on him. the rest of moebius, including the toman members behind you, looked at you in shock. you didn't even flinch when you heard a nasty snap. as osanai's knees buckled to the floor, letting out a pained groan as clutched his lower area. you cracked your knuckles before ramming a fist to his face; giving him a bloody, black eye just like you had sworn.
you roughly grabbed him by his chin, your black painted nails digging into his skin as you forced him to look at you straight in the eyes.
"what were you saying to me again, hmm?"
at that moment, they became afraid of you. especially, takemichi, though you knew the boy had no bad intentions; he definitely knows how dangerous you are and finally, he realized why you were deemed as a dangerous woman in tokyo.
the queen of st. ishiyama.
the female delinquent.
you watched as he sputtered out fearful noises, practically trembling from your watchful gaze. they all couldn't believe how you easily brought osanai to his knees like that, you were unnatural.
"yeah, i can't hear you." you let out a yawn. "but, i'm sure you've learned your lesson now."
"because if you don't, i'll kill you in the most gruesome way possible and make sure the police never finds your damned carcass. understand?"
osanai proceeded to pass out, literally. and when he did, you flicked your eyes upwards. all of the moebius members couldn't bring themselves to look at you. you could practically hear their unsteady breathing and trembling despite the distance they had from you.
"are they even middle schoolers?"
you heard them murmur.
"she's scary."
eventually, police sirens came around. you proceeded to drag osanai's unconscious body and literally yoinked him at the moebius members with your insane strength.
"he's your leader, yeah?" you asked, hardening your gaze into a glare. "take him with you, unless you want me to take out your own trash."
without another word, they took hold of their leader and everyone left the warehouse right before the police could witness everything. you found yourself laughing as you trailed behind draken and mikey. you felt alive.
you haven't done that shit in such a long time; beating a gang leader. you reminisced your early years in your previous school, remembering your prime time of a life—back when you had your very own empire.
looking back at it, you missed it. you missed your girls too.
"i think [name] lost it." takemichi looked at you, sweatdropping.
you beamed a smile at him, one that could make anyone fall hard for you. fortunately, you heard what he murmured. "lost it? i haven't taken down a gang leader in a while!"
you received a series of surprised looks and a terrified scream from takemichi, who couldn't believe what you had just said.
and you? you simply continued to smile at them.
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emmavoid · 3 years
In which I go back over episodes 1-5 of Serial Experiments Lain in order to collect my thoughts on them before continuing on to a liveblog proper!
(this was done at butt-o-clock in the morning don't @ me for rambling/misspelling/etc)
Episode 1-
Lain’s shadow, and the shadows near her house, have an intensely weird pattern to them- like there's something hiding deeper within those shadows than any other shadows
The focus on humming powerlines, Lain’s asking them to be quiet- something/someone is trying to communicate with her, even this early on
The steam that comes from Lain’s fingers- at first I thought it was an intense imagination, but it felt similar to the steam coming from her computer in later episodes- another early sign that she’s already in the Wired
“Why did you die?” “God is here.” the first mention of god in the show
As a whole Lain’s family seems off; her parents weirdly robotic, inhuman- almost monstrous in their appearances, and her sister distant; lain did not know them well, and so these simulations of them suffer
When another student dies by jumping in front of the transit train, lain has a strange experience of “viewing” the student’s death while surrounded by fog. I originally thought this was more of her powerful imagination, but having since connected the “fog” or steam to computers, i think this was her simulating the event over again in an attempt to cope with her very human feelings
“Come to the Wired as soon as you can.” More communications from “the universe” to Lain
Episode 2-
the night scene at the beginning of each episode has been, mostly, a repetition of itself, with more communications; however, with Lain not present for most of them, who are they directed towards?
The girl in the nightclub Cyberia- looking at her again on a re-view, she does seem similar to Lain, but wears earrings- something I’ve noticed the “digital” Lain in the opening has that differentiates her from the more innocent, child-like, human Lain.
The explanation of Accel cuts to Lain in class- with the camera specifically focusing on her ear. It seems as if, throughout the show, she’s learning certain information without seeking it out.
The first appearance of the digital ghosts, like what would become of the “fake” version of Lain’s sister in a later episode, plus the figure she “imagined” after the train slow-down.
The man with the gun high on Accel- a test for human-Lain? She freezes, drawing his ire, but when he recognizes her as the Other Lain and points his gun at her, she speaks in a different voice- possibly the Other Lain’s? Possibly… a God-Lain’s voice. The man kills himself as if controlled by an outside force, and Lain appears shocked. I think that God-Lain- the one who has been communicating with Lain all this time- took over to ensure that Lain’s failure of this test wouldn’t lead to her death (or possibly, to interrupting her growth and forcing some kind of reset?)
Episode 3-
After the events of last episode, Lain is shaken- she can barely respond to Arisu. When she returns home, her family is nowhere to be seen- possibly because them existing during all of what happened would be detrimental to her growth? But when she falls asleep at her computer then checks on her family again… their presence or absence isn’t shown.
Another case of information about something strange- this time the Psyche- with a focus on Lain’s ear; again, picking up some kind of information.
“We saw someone die right in front of us yesterday, but we’re acting like it’s something we saw in a movie.” lain's friends are the most fleshed out "people" in the simulation because she knew them the best- and that's why none of them could react properly to the murder in that club, because Lain had never experienced what their reactions would really be like to something traumatic like that.
Lain’s Psyche shows up in her locker- perhaps put there by God-Lain?
The first mention of The Knights, who may have created the Psyche. Are they possibly a front for God-Lain?
Lain’s father attempts to leave immediately when she shows him the Psyche- further evidence that he can only react how he’s “programmed” to? The guy in the club who recognizes Lain- God-Lain has definitely been visiting here regularly.
“I saw you once, in the Wired. You were totally different.” God-Lain doesn’t seem to mind folks knowing about her. Is she leaving hints towards her existence for Lain on purpose?
Lain’s sister is definitely more fleshed out than her parents- when the Agents at the door try to tell her to ignore them she seems properly weirded out
Episode 4-
The origin of my connecting steam/fog to computing power- lain has a fan set up to directly cool part of her computer, releasing steam/condensation
Lain’s parents continue to have strange, robotic responses, but her sister seems genuinely concerned for her.
The main “plot” of this episode- the crossing over of the two net games- seems mostly unrelated to Lain? But it does seem to be causing suicides and murders, showing direct interaction between the Wired and the “real” world
I love the speed with which Lain is acclimating to computers and the Wired- contacting a professional for assistance with the Psyche is a great detail
The more adult-seeming Lain- so, possibly, God-Lain- appears to ask the DJ at the club about the game. But, she’s not there when he looks, and after that scene Lain has suddenly learned about and downloaded the game in question. Was it maybe Human-Lain tapping into her latent god powers to learn this information from him?
A Lain travels through the net game, and seems to try to contact a fleeing player. “I can’t go where you are.” The voice sounds much more like Human-Lain? Then the player encounters a child and kills her- seemingly in-game, but then one or more corpses can be seen wrapped in sheets afterwards as Lain watches. Highly unlikely that this guy had a real gun IRL- especially in Japan- so this seems to be more Wired/IRL fuckery.
“My buddies and I think this might be the work of the Knights too.” A point against my theory of the Knights being God-Lain?
“I’ll be able to enter it soon. … Don’t worry, I’m still me.” “Sometimes, I wonder…” Yeah, there’s no way this is a real reaction her real father would have.
“The Knights do not physically exist. They can be thought of as a religion that is spreading through the Wired.” And then this quote feels like another point towards my God-Lain theory!
the two men who were spying on lain... I think might've been actual outside agents given representation so that human-Lain would have the chance to deal with them- which, she did, by tapping into her god-powers to destroy their spy-glasses (which, when she did, caused her computer's fans to go into overdrive to keep it cooled)
Episode 5-
Lain hears directly from a being calling itself God, before the episode jumps to focusing on her sister for most of the episode.
This episode felt like it was jossing my theory- how could this whole reality be for Lain’s benefit if her sister was experiencing strange stuff?
“There is nothing that you don’t know. I can’t tell you a story that doesn’t exist.” On some level, Lain is both God-Lain and Human-Lain. These conversations with the doll, the mask, then fakes of her parents throughout the episode, seem to be more of Lain learning without personally experiencing- being fed information by her other self.
“The other side is overcrowded. The dead will have nowhere to go.” Isn’t this straight up a quote from one of the Romero zombie flicks?
All the talk of prophecy and “fulfill the prophecy”... Lain seems to be on a set path towards entering the Wired, which is part of why it seems like this is just her reliving an approximation of something that already happened.
A connection between the Knights and The Prophecy. The fake of Lain’s sister isn’t the only one to encounter word of the prophecy, since we hear about it from Lain’s friends as well
Hmm… I hadn’t thought of it before, but, mayhaps the fake of Lain’s sister doesn’t show until the strange holo-effects of her water at dinner? None of the really weird stuff happens to her until after… maybe this was a copy of her then, made during that moment before being pushed into this prophecy-horror scenario?
The Lain’s Sister who enters the house crying then sees herself disappears- or, it seems she does, until Lain sees a digital ghost of her, like she had previously seen in the school… after seeming to see this other self of hers, the real Lain’s sister seems… robotic and nonchalant. Was she a full, real person before this happened?
Theory Overall thus far-
my theory thus far is that lain's already living in the wired, and is, in fact, a god there- she is both Lain and The Knights; but, the more human part of her, Lain, is reliving her pre-wired memories with slight alterations in order to help her get to the point where she can accept her godhood.
the opening of the show ties into my theory too- that god-Lain (portrayed in the intro with earrings) is spread throughout the world, controlling everything, while human-Lain (in her much more childish outfit) is just experiencing and trying to understand the world
Things that were pointed out to me-
Arisu’s name is a romanization of Alice (referencing Alice in Wonderland)
Be inc and Copland being old computer companies
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darnestdungeon · 4 years
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Guess who just found redemption on the Old Road?? :')
(Some end-game spoilers and a list of the roster barks from heroes who went to the Darkest Dungeon under the read more! Boy, they sure get traumatized...)
So yesterday I finished the last boss with my initial Red Hook party, cause besides getting the nice achievement I thought it would be fitting to end it all how we began (this is an idea I'm obsessed in giving to my Heir in future fanfics). It was easier than I expected, but then again, I didn't go into this blind. I'm now wishing I didn't see spoilers beforehand, it would have been a more thrilling experience.
On a neat note, I've got to revive my PD once I returned to the Hamlet! Immediate "From Beyond" event! RIP sweet Lovell, my Vestal though :(
So there I was after finishing the game, proud of myself and unsure of what to do. I decided to send a Red Hook party to a ruins' squirmish, just for the trinket I guess. But then, at the provisions screen, Rey shouted something odd about feather pillows and it made me confused.
I then looked into the barks the heroes in the roster say when they went to the Darkest Dungeon. So much for peaceful retirement headcanons...
No one must discover what I have seen!
So this is the glory I was promised?
The mind reels! My psyche splinters and cracks!
I need...help. Please.
Nightmares surround this doomed hamlet!
I would rest these bones in a cool dark grave.
Feather pillows! Hot baths! Ale and victuals!
I paint all I see with the horrors burned into these eyes.
We must seal the gates! Or we are doomed! Doomed I say!
A blade can be sharpened. Armor mended. The soul is forever shattered.
What is not killed returns twice as strong!
What physic can help me find my spirit? What priest?
That place still shapes my dreams...
My body is whole but my mind is ravaged.
The tranquility of this place seems a cynical lie.
Burn the trees! Salt the fields! We tilt into Hell itself!
The soul is forever shattered.
Oh boy... I'm so sorry I did this to you sweet princes :(
I really would like to read a fanfic exploring this heavy trauma now, I don't remember reading more than two or three with a take on this. If you have any recs, do send them my way, otherwise I'll be forced to try my hand at this.
On an unrelated note, I started the Crimson Court. What an experience.
I was sure I was doing something wrong, cause that Baron quest just kept going and going and going and I was so tired, I must have played for two hours, I backtracked a lot and found three stupid different colored keys, I fought that crocodile two or three times but STILL couldn't get to the Baron, my heroes were all stressed and cursed and I had finally run out of food. But I didn't want to retreat and be forced to do this all again.
Then I found out I could quit this mission and start again from where I stopped? God fucking dammit. Do they say this somewhere? I have tutorial tips turned off, might be my own fault, but damn. Way harder than the Darkest Dungeon itself, and it's only the first boss?... No wonder people don't rec this to new players.
Hated and loved it, looking forward to collecting those weirdly specific trinkets. I wonder how and why these are in the courtyard... hmm... :thinking:
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iceeckos12 · 4 years
tma fic recs
I’ve seen a couple of fic rec posts floating around. since ive been reading so many excellent fic recently, i thought that id make one as well! please note this list is going to be 99% jonmartin. also buckle up, because this is going to get long.
the umbrella by Wildehack (tyleet)
"And to think—all of Jonah Magnus’ carefully laid plans, the centuries of scheming, the murders, the sacrifices, all of that work could have been completely undone if Martin Blackwood had gone back for an umbrella" - holdthosebees
Notes: This is probably my go-to fic if i want an apocalypse never happened scenario. The jonmartin is wonderful, as is the h/c.
Diary and Prenon-nous la main by luftballoons99
Diary summary:
Not for the first time since they ran away together, a camera reel of all the things they don't know about one another whirs behind Martin's eyes, and he can't help but look at all the sprawling magnetic tape and wonder if they’re going to wind up a romance or a tragedy.
or: Office parties, garage bands, and the joy of being known.
Prenon-nous la main summary:
They still haven't talked about it, any of it, not even to pass the time on the long train ride to Scotland. Instead, Martin fell asleep in the seat next to him, pressed into his side from shoulder to knee, and Jon thought about love confessions and verb tense and how the two fit together when you think you're dying.
or: Good cows, mediocre poetry, and other crucial topics of discussion.
Notes: Do you love impeccable safehouse jonmartin characterization? do you love characters grappling with the mortifying ordeal of being known? do you love softness so tender that it makes you want to weep? please read these fic. im begging you.
i’ll tell you about all the times i’ve smiled because of you by cryptidkidprem
Martin thinks about their shoes, sitting beside each other on the floor by the bed. Thinks of the way Jon wears Martin’s cardigans more often than he wears his own, the way Martin’s started keeping elastics around his wrist because Jon always forgets his own when they go out.
He thinks about all the gentle touches and fussing over each other they’ve done, and how much is still to come over the next… however long Jon will have him.
They have a long way to go, an entire life to build out of the wreckage Jonah Magnus and Peter Lukas left them, but laying together in a comfortable, sleepy quiet, Martin thinks they’ve got a good start going.
Or, Jon quits the Institute, saves the world, and it turns out to be exactly what he needs in order to heal and start moving forward towards building a life with Martin.
Notes: how many times have i reread this fic? more than i can count. jon quits the institute and it’s just full of soft jonmartins. they get married! god i love them.
go softly by doomcountry
And there is nothing else besides this.
Notes: every time i remember this fic i reread it. please heed the tags because martin is blinding jon, but he’s like. blinding jon in the most heartbreaking way possible. idk how the author made this so tender but i know i was certainly crying so!
The Reverb in These Holy Halls by  Wolftraps (AlwaysBoth)
Undoing the apocalypse would have been enough for Jon, if all his people survived. Without them, Jon's only recourse is making it so it never happened in the first place. He's going to do better this time.
Notes: Do you like time travel fixits? i sure like time travel fixits. reverb is an excellent one. heavy on the h/c, I wanted to hug jon so so badly. 
Yesterday is Here by  CirrusGrey
"Who the hell are you?" Jon could feel his hands shaking. The man laughed, taking a step forward and raising a hand to point at him. "I'm you, from the future!" he said, then swayed, eyes going unfocused, and collapsed to the floor in a dead faint. -------- Post-season-four Jon and Martin time travel back to the season one Archives.
Notes: Yet another time travel fixit! also excellent. the teasing was HYSTERICAL. also Im just going to say this now - CirrusGrey in general writes incredible tma fic. You can’t really go wrong.
unassigned supplementals by  bibliocratic 
Notes: I won’t put in a summary just because it’s a long series of oneshots, but bibliocratic’s writing is amazing. Again, you can’t really go wrong with one of their fic!
let the soft animal of your body by autoclaves
Standing in the warm kitchen, slats of sepia light filtering through onto the counter in front of him, Martin doesn’t know what to do with his hands. He half expects them to go through the countertop entirely, glossy and solid as it is. He isn’t used to any of it, yet. The safehouse. Jon. Beams of sun pouring into his hands. After being deprived of everything of significance for so long, the longing that crashes over him is almost painful in its tangibility. He wants to laugh, to sob, to scream and hear it echoed back against the neat, square walls of the safehouse.
In the end, he doesn’t do any of these things. He makes eggs instead. He can do that, can’t he? Use his hands for something simple and plain and good.
(Or: In the safehouse after it all, Martin starts cooking.)
Notes: this fic really speaks to me a) because i project on martin like crazy and b) because food is also my love language. this fic is incredibly soft and it’s all about cooking!
“Have you tried turning it on and off again?” by shinyopals
I hope you find your new role as Head of the Institute as rewarding as captaining the Tundra, wrote Elias Bouchard, to Peter Lukas. There are so many people working there: all with their own interesting lives, and all desiring your attention and support. I'm sure you will relish the challenge it will bring and enjoy every moment spent with the fine men and women of the Institute. In time I'm confident they'll become like a family to you.
The Magnus Institute has a new boss. The Magnus Institute also has a new tech support technician. These two facts are unrelated, except they both happen at the same time.
Meanwhile Jon's woken up from being dead for six months and for once he's trying his best. He just wishes Martin would stop avoiding him and answer his messages...
Notes: if you’re looking for a good laugh, this fic is SO SO SO FUNNY. i was dying. basically the magnus institute being an absolute bureaucratic nightmare.
hello my old heart  by  firebirdsuite
Peter’s wrong, of course. When it’s all over, Martin does still want to tell Jon everything. It’s just—well, there’s a few things they need to work through first before they can get there.
Martin and Jon find each other again in Scotland.
Notes: it’s all about the yearning. and trust me, the yearning in this fic? im just. i sure do love jonmartin, and this is such soft, loving jonmartin it just makes you want to cry
two ships passing by pyrites
Gerard Keay is 10 years old the very first time he tries to run away from home, right around the time that Jonathan Sims has just come into possession of his first Leitner.
Or: One dropped stone can change the way the whole ocean moves.
Notes: again, JONGERRY. MY GOODNESS. this fic is beautiful, the writing is absolutely breathtaking and it owns my heart. im so in love with it. the author said you’re going to have emotions about jon and gerry and jongerry and i said OKAY
Terminal Sight by viv_is_spooky
Spider silk weaves through the visions of two Seers. Monstrosity is dawning on them both.
Notes: I’d never read a gerryoliver fic before this, but the execution is EXCELLENT and now im sold on the ship forever. This fic has wonderful prose and great characterization and i love it a whole lot.
assistant archivist au by  PitViperOfDoom
Notes: I won’t put a summary since I’m reccing an entire series, but. it is absolutely no secret that i adore jongerry. pit’s assistant archivist au slapped me over the head with some gorgeous jongerry oneshots and then gave me the gift of the main fic (which is still in progress) about head archivist martin. i love this au so so much
dustsceawung by  callmearcturus
Martin had always been favored by the summer courts, and moving up north to the little village of Lacuna is a difficult adjustment. It's rainy and lonely and everyone seems to have a strange, distant relationship with the local faerie court.
However: there is a strange man in a cloak who walks past Martin's remote little cottage every few days.
However: there is a moth that keeps getting stuck in Martin's house during the rain.
These events are not as disconnected as they first appear.
Notes: you ever just read a fic that you didn’t know that you needed until after you read it? yeah. featuring the fae and moth jon and excellent characterization.
Illicio by ThatOneGirlBehindYou
As the new Archivist debates between life and death, the Eye ponders on what to offer him in order to avoid an encore of the unfortunate situation with his predecessor.
Gerard Keay opens his eyes at what feels like fuck-ass in the morning, inside a room with far too little space and far too much dust.
Notes: This is also the moment where I reveal that im a sucker for jongerrymartin. please read this fic. gerry is brought back from the dead in s4 and everyone is far better off for it.
where there’s a will, we make a way by bubonickitten
"So, what does happen if an Eye learns to See within itself?
What happens is this: the Archive Beholds the Watcher – and the Watcher blinks first."
Jon goes back to before the world ended and tries to forge a different path.
Notes: this time travel fixit is shaping up to be an absolutely incredible read. i love the way this author writes jon so so much, and the characterization is spot on. this whole fic just satisfies some little part of me. god. also!! bubonickitten’s writing in general? beautiful. please check out their other works.
The Timeline of Theseus by Applea
Jon tries to force the Spiral to send him back, but the Sprial's corridors never twist things quite the way you want them to. Back in 1996, Elias has no idea why or how the Eye made such a powerful Avatar out of an 8 year old, especially when said 8 year old doesn't actually know he has any powers at all. Clearly such a child cannot be left outside the Institute's care. 
Notes: This fic is legitimately brilliant. The author manages to capture the big ADHD mood and the precociousness of baby Jon while managing to write a wonderful storyline. Time travel! Elderly lesbians! A Jonah who is wildly in over his head but was walloped over the head with paternal instinct! Baby Gerry! What more could you possibly ask for?
rooms full of people who do not love each other yet by seaer
“Wanted to ask about a book.” The boy has his hand on the counter, and he leans into it, nonchalant. The library is air-conditioned, but by no means frigid, and Jon can’t help but feel sweaty just looking at the layers he’s wearing; what looks like old leather over an olive-green Magnus pullover over his school shirt. “Do you have A Journal of the Plague Year?”
Jon says, tetchily, “We’re about to close.”
“I know. Do you have A Journal of the Plague Year?”
Notes: I am so in love with this author’s writing style and the way they write the characters!! The jon and gerry friendship is PERFECT and the character interactions are all darling.
if you read these fics please send the authors some love, they definitely deserve it!! 
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cyanoscarlet · 4 years
2020 writing review
Thanks for the tag, @gladiowrites​! (I know it’s not a tag, but this is fun to do lol)
I.. honestly wrote a lot this 2020. No kidding. Quarantine productivity was real, but so is residency languishing by the wayside while everyone was busy surviving and adjusting. I highly doubt 2021 will be the same, but I’ll always cherish 2020 just because of the writing and nothing else.
This is gonna be long.
8:15 am  - Final Fantasy XV. Lunafreya. February 2020. - First piece ever written for the year. - Intended to be a Luna-centric AU, in which the Nox Fleurets were deposed and she’s now a regular teacher. Never managed to write anything beyond that, though, because residency. (Back then, I didn’t know it was gonna be the beginning of the end, so I had hopes. Oh well.)
irresistible!, or the summer ramblings of nene yashiro and everything that followed - Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun. Nene, Hanako. March 2020. - First one published on AO3 for 2020 (yes, there’s a distinction). - If you think the title sounds familiar, you’re right.
first yuletide - Final Fantasy XV. Nyx. December 2020. - Written for the FFXV Secret Santa event on Twitter. - Before y’all object and say what unwinding is, that’s an old fic uploaded late.
Do I seriously have to choose? Omg.
take heart - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai/Chuuya. Gods/Humans AU. - Discovered so much about myself writing this. Also (hopefully) I managed to get into Dazai’s headspace correctly. He’s an extremely difficult character to write, so finishing this brought so much gratification.
you don’t raise heroes, you raise sons - Final Fantasy VIII. Laguna, Squall. Post-canon. - Probably my most heartfelt work of the year- scratch that, ever. Also happy with how I just let myself go writing this and didn’t need to think twice.
oneiric moments (or, five nights with you) - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai/Chuuya. - Written for the SKK Fic Exchange for Summer 2020. - Five interconnected fics. 18,985 words. - Might not be a big deal for others, but this was taxing because I don’t usually write long, multichaptered stuff. I got carried away, though. It ain’t as well-polished as my more recent stuff, but I’m proud of myself for pulling this off.
I... don’t think I have tried anything of the sort. My repertoire is sorely limited compared to others, I’m afraid. I’d probably have an answer for “explored new themes,” but again, I’ve a limited arsenal, too, in that regard.
all in a day’s work - Bungou Stray Dogs. Atsushi, Akutagawa. Cells at Work AU. - It’s still being written, with a lot of side stories planned but never drafted. - I fell out of love with BSD, recovered from that, then got busy with residency.
Also take heart. While I am proud of it, I guess it hit the right spot for mainstream shippers, too, somewhat? My feelings about mainstream things have changed a lot because of things, but I am still happy.
amīcitia - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai, Chuuya. Final Fantasy XV AU. - Petty indignancy for my self-indulgent baby aside, I’m also proud of how I wrote Dazai in this one, similar to take heart.  the fun they had - Bungou Stray Dogs. Kajii, Port Mafia Ensemble. - ... Guys. Please notice genfics.
Everything I wrote for Bungou Stray Dogs. (I kid you not.)
If you want a single answer anyway:
on the flaming mountains - act-age. Chiyoko, Kei. Princess Iron Fan Arc. - arc words: “what shall i do with this ire?” - I wouldn’t really say I “left” the fandom, more like it fizzled out after Matsuki-sensei got arrested.
a cycle of; - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai/Chuuya. Medico-legal AU. - Written out of much anger and frustration over things. Also because this in itself was frustrating to write.
Also  you don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. Because no matter how much I hate my family at so many points in my life, I know I can’t truly hate them from the bottom of my heart. This fic is a reminder of that.
express delivery for love - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai/Chuuya. Real World Quarantine AU. - It’s funny. It’s orthodox. It’s sweet. I don’t think it can get any better than that.
rather be - Bungou Stray Dogs. Yosano. Pre-canon. - Inspired by yesterday is another world by @wctercress​ - The whole of primum non nocere, actually, but specifically this one, and the rest followed. - This is also my first BSD fic. Ever.
... You sure? There’s a lot, and this is just on the surface. (unleashes the proverbial waterfall)
The aforementioned yesterday is another world by @wctercress​
silencer and snow white days by EKmisao - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai, Chuuya. Dead Apple canon-divergent. - The aftermath of Dead Apple, in which one of two goes wrong. - They’re unrelated, I know. But they’re both sisters! Just trust me on this. - The proper entry for this would be silencer, but I can’t very well mention one without the other, so have both anyway. I read both only this year, after all. Waiting for Godot by @eternal-aegis​ - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai, Fyodor, Chuuya. Canon-divergent. - Amazing theme, amazing philosophy, amazing writing. It makes you think. It makes you analyze and explore. This writer definitely knows her stuff, and it shows. Catharsis by @gladiowrites​ - Final Fantasy VIII. Rinoa, Gen. Caraway. Post-canon. - The denouement to the Caraway family drama we all deserve. I love how Rinoa is presented in this fic. She’s a normal person who makes mistakes and learns her lessons. So is Fury. Burned bridges don’t always have to stay down, and this fic illustrates that wonderfully.
Culmination by @gladiowrites​ - Final Fantasy VIII. Squall, Rinoa. Post-canon. - We can’t all have happy endings. This fic also illustrates that very well. While I, a Squinoa fan, personally ascribe to the happy ending Squall and Rinoa must have had after the events of FF8, this fic is so compelling and grounded and reflective and I totally buy this. 
Here Without You by @muselover1901​ - Akagami no Shirayuki-hime. Zen/Shirayuki. Real world quarantine AU. - One of the sweetest stories I’ve ever read this year. I can definitely relate to a lot of things in this fic. I’ve been rereading all of Muse’s ANS stuff whenever I feel down, and they all hit the spot.
Savor The Moment by @joeys-piano​ - Bungou Stray Dogs. Oda. Pre-canon. - Yes, yes, YES. One of the best stories I’ve ever read this year, ever. (And I mean stories, not fanfics.) Great character study about a man named Oda and a day in his life and a page (or three) out of his book of relationships. The love poured into this is simply overflowing and precious. I’ve been following Joey since this fic was being written, and I’m so proud of him.
False Equivalences by @slowquotesquill - Dai Gyakuten Saiban. Asougi, Ryuunosuke. Fullmetal Alchemist AU. - This fic also! Oh, My Heart. The cynicism of a state alchemist and the optimism of a foreign doctor. It perfectly hits the spot for everything FMA, and we all know that SQQ’s Asouryuu fics are always to die for. It’s the ultimate combo.
The whole Promptober Leo/Will/Despair series by @eternal-aegis - Kekkai Sensen. Various themes, many of which are dark/mature. - I’ve said this with Waiting for Godot, and I’ll say it again: Aegis knows her stuff. This is her exploring further in that direction, and you can feel the improvement with every fic in the series. I really love how adventurous these stories are, and how much depth you can go with every one. Her characterization is layered and exquisite, and the underlying lore is well-thought-out. - tl;dr: B3 Goddess.
Predestined by Galkimasera - Final Fantasy VIII. Rinoa, Squall. Reverse/Fateswap AU. - A very well-written reverse AU! The circumstances of Squall and Rinoa in this ‘verse fit so well and are so well thought out. I love this AU so much, you don’t even know. It also fills my nostalgic shipper’s heart with much joy at seeing quality content in this Year of our Lord 2020.
For auld lang syne, my dear by @by-nina - Fullmetal Alchemist. Roy, Riza. Canon-compliant + post-canon. - Holiday feels, snapshots through time, and all over showing Roy and Riza’s budding relationship over the years. And it does remind me of a lot of the SKK fics I’ve written (thematic-wise). This was such a treat to read and to follow. All her FMA fics are. She does Royai so much justice. Am not yet finished reading smoke without fire, but I’ll get to that, too!
Everyone in the answer above. There’s honestly a whole boatload of more, but this is getting too long already lololol
(might edit this when I feel like it, tho!)
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falsegoodnight · 4 years
✰ These Lights Are Blinding ✰
Mature | 3.7k
This is the first 4k-ish words of a fic I spontaneously started writing after getting the idea in a dream. This could all be scrapped or changed but I’m currently 7k in so I hope not :)
I shared a link to a google document on twitter for feedback but I thought I’d just share it here for more potential thoughts/feedback too!
(Vale, if you see this, look away!)
Trigger warning: kidnapping, minor violence, presence of guns, minor character death (unknown person), mentions of blood, etcetera
(I don’t think it’s scary at all but people have said so, so… beware?)
Louis mewls, head knocking back against the cool surface of the tiled walls with a clang. He doesn’t notice, not when Harry Styles is sucking unforgiving kisses down the length of his throat, licking up his pulse almost animalistically. 
The hard thumping of the bass reverberates through the wall behind him and sinks into his back, muted sounds of laughing and screaming slipping through and curling into his ears. Louis doesn’t pay any of it any attention. 
He lets out a small whine when Harry bites down on his collarbone before making his way back up to Louis’ parted lips, immediately sucking the bottom one into his mouth. Their lips slide together like a symphony, slow and methodical but still passionate and all-encompassing. 
Harry is unrelenting, large hands bracing Louis up against the wall, fingers rubbing circles into the skin of his thighs almost possessively. He’s got Louis caged up against the tiles, broad figure covering Louis’ own and hiding him from view if any unsuspecting persons were to enter the bathroom within the next few minutes-
Or half an hour. 
Because that’s how long they spend snogging in the bathrooms like they’re bloody teenagers- not that he particularly minds. Louis’ fingers roam over the expanse of Harry’s torso, brushing over the exposed triangle of skin on Harry’s chest where his sleek black button-up has been undone. 
Harry hands’ slide around to cup his arse, squeezing and kneading at the flesh unabashedly. He’s all-consuming and intense as he slowly takes Louis apart. 
He moans into Harry’s lips, yelping when the bastard bites down hard enough to taste blood. The sting sends a thrill through his veins. God, he’s been wanting this for six months but none of his fantasies can compare to the feeling of Harry’s hands on him, confident and greedy and reverent all at once. 
Harry started working at the firm last November and Louis was instantly smitten by his dashing looks and endless charm. However, the true attraction grew as he realized how clever and intelligent and kind he was. How genuine and confident, but still humble and self-aware he is all the time. 
It didn’t take long for him to develop a crush, pining after the attorney from afar while doing his own duties as a swamped paralegal in a small firm. Harry and him didn’t talk that often but when they did, they talked for ages, known to have long discussions in the break room where Louis’ tea had long gone cold yet he still clasped it to his chest shyly or endless banter and back-and-forths filled with wit and snarky jabs while in the company of other people until Niall jeers at them to, “Get a room!”
There was this profound connection between them from the very first day, a pulsing link that pulled them together in every room, almost alive. 
And Louis has been yearning for it. Months and months of build-up, of chemistry and sexual tension, have led to this moment. 
They’re at some club celebrating the victory of one of the biggest cases their local firm has ever seen. Harry had headed the case along with fellow attorney Liam Payne. They’ve been working on it for about three months now but the verdict came in yesterday. 
They won. 
And now the entire branch is out revelling in it. This sort of win can attract a lot of new customers, has the ability to put them on the map. 
Louis may just be a paralegal, but his pride and happiness is monumental. 
He showed up an hour before, letting Niall sling an arm around his shoulders and drag him into doing shots with the rest of the troupe. Then Louis weaved his way onto the dance floor, swaying and moving to the beat in his sweat-slick blouse and skintight jeans. 
And then he saw Harry. 
He had looked like an otherworldly being when Louis first spotted him in the crowd, people parting as he made his way to Louis with a steely look on his face and dressed impeccably in a black button-up and black jeans. 
They drifted towards each other like twin magnets, Harry’s hands locking in around his waist and Louis’ fingers digging into his biceps. 
Needless to say, they were stumbling into the bathroom within minutes. 
Louis whimpers as Harry rubs one of his nipples through the material of his flimsy sheer top and leans down to mouth over it right after, soothing the sting. They came in here for a quickie but they haven’t quite gotten there yet, each other getting too distracted by the other’s lips and body. 
Not that Louis is complaining. 
Harry kisses his way back up to Louis’ lips yet again, shoving him further up against the wall. Louis’ spine straightens against the hard surface, body quivering from desperation and arousal. Harry’s so fucking strong, god. 
He digs his fingers into Harry’s styled hair, undoubtedly messing it up. Harry doesn’t seem to mind, letting out a low groan before biting down hard on Louis’ bottom lip. 
Harry bites his earlobe next, breath fanning across the sensitive skin of his neck. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you?”
Louis shivers. “What?” he breathes. 
He can feel Harry’s smirk before he speaks, “Take you out to dinner.”
Louis shudders, head slumping back against the wall with a small thud. “Is that a threat?”
“S’a promise, baby,” Harry murmurs, pressing a sweet kiss to his pulse. The tender action is a stark contrast from the frantic desperation of the past half an hour. Louis is still not complaining. “I don’t want the first time I have you be in a public restroom for a club quickie,” he continues, teeth grazing Louis’ throat teasingly. “You deserve better than that.”
“What if I want it?” Louis breathes, slowly grinding his hips down and forward, savoring Harry’s replying hiss of pleasure, hips bucking to meet Louis’. “What if I need it?”
Harry’s eyes are dark when Louis blinks coyly at him. He wore his best mascara tonight so he knows his eyes look sexy as fuck. Harry leans in close, lips brushing his torturously light. “If you need it, sweetheart, then who am I to-”
A loud thump has them both going rigid in place, spinning to face the now open door where Liam Payne is staring at them in horror. 
“Oh, fuck, I didn’t need to see this,” Liam exclaims, slapping a hand over his eyes dramatically. “Harry, the boss wants to speak to us… Like now.” 
Harry groans, head dropping to Louis’ shoulder. 
Louis grins despite himself, patting Harry’s head softly. “S’okay, Styles. You can still take me to dinner.”
Harry chuckles into his shoulder, pressing a chaste kiss there before gently setting Louis down. He grips Louis by the chin and kisses him firmly on the lips again. It was innocent but Louis is still left breathless and wanting. 
Damn Liam and damn Saunders.
“Now,” Liam repeats, still covering his face. 
Louis huffs. “We’re decent, Payne.”
Liam slowly peeks out over his fingers, looking skeptical. When he sees them standing over a foot apart, he lowers them fully, frowning. “Excuse me for being cautious,” he sniffs, before turning to Harry and gesturing to the door impatiently. 
Harry grabs Louis’ hand and presses a lingering kiss to the back of it, whispering, “See you later, Lou.” Then he leaves with one last heated glance over his shoulder. 
Louis stands there for another three minutes waiting for his heart to calm down, skin tingling with the ghost of Harry’s lips. 
Then he goes and gets a drink. 
It’s about an hour later when Louis starts getting restless. Harry and Liam aren’t back yet so Louis has been hanging out with Niall and Liam’s boyfriend, Zayn. 
Zayn is an art therapist and he and Louis met over a year ago, introduced by Liam. They’ve become good friends over the course of firm events, parties, and other occasions. However, today Zayn is not his usual, sharp self. He’s feeling under the weather, skin gaunt and eyes lined with dark bags. 
“Are you sure I shouldn’t take you home?” Louis asks for the dozenth time, rubbing soothing circles into the man’s shoulder. “You need rest, babe.”
“I’ll be fine,” Zayn insists, but his strained frown says otherwise. “Besides, you shouldn’t leave. You’ve been waiting for this to happen for months.”
Louis blushes, mind wandering back to Harry’s arms around him, Harry’s hands on him, the potential of Harry’s cock in him… He shakes it off, slipping on a determined expression. “That’s probably not even going to happen tonight. But what will happen if I don’t take you home is that you’ll get sick and be miserable.”
“You don’t have to come with me,” Zayn protests, looking ruffled but still miserable. 
“No offense, Z, but you look like you’re going to fall over if you try to walk by yourself,” Louis says gently. “Let me help you, m’kay?”
Zayn sighs. “You’re not going to change your mind, are you?”
“I’m not above following you home either,” Louis jokes, shrugging casually. He squeezes Zayn’s shoulder, smiling when Zayn rolls his eyes and nods, giving in. “Okay, let’s go!”
“Let me text Liam,” Zayn says quickly right as Louis stands up. “You should tell Harry too.”
“You’re right,” Louis says, pulling out his phone. 
He indulges his desire to wallow for a minute, frowning as he types out: zayn’s sick and I’m taking him home. raincheck? :(
Surprisingly, Harry replies immediately. 
I guess it’s a good thing. Saunders is having us work out some final details for the case report. It’ll take another hour or so. 
poor harry :o
dinner Sunday night? I’ll pick you up :)) 
sounds decent :)) 
He’s smiling giddily at his phone, excited with the promise of a date tomorrow night. He knows he’s blushing too but he can’t help it. Harry just makes him feel so many things. God, he can’t wait.
A final text from Harry sends right then: Text me when you get home safe xx
okay, will do xx
Zayn clears his throat and Louis startles, lips parting in surprise. Zayn sends him a knowing look and Louis elbows him, face burning. “Fuck off,” he mutters. “You and Liam are practically married.”
“If he ever proposes,” Zayn says sadly, looking woeful. 
“He will! He’s just slow sometimes,” Louis insists, smirking. 
Zayn elbows him back. 
Liam drove Zayn to the club and Louis took the Tube so that’s the plan they settle on for getting to Zayn and Liam’s flat, catching the first one at the station and plopping down on the metal seats next to each other. Zayn’s flat is about five stops away but Louis doesn’t plan on keeping track of it- that’s always Zayn’s job. 
Their knees knock together as they lean in to whisper to each other, Zayn interrogating him for more information on what happened earlier that night. 
He cackles when Louis gets to the part about Liam walking in on Louis and Harry. “I guess it’s only karma,” he muses. “Since Harry’s walked in on me and Liam-”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” Louis interrupts, sticking his tongue out childishly. 
Zayn rolls his eyes. “No need to act all innocent when you were that close to letting Harry fuck you against the bathroom wall… while the door was unlocked.” 
“Shut up,” Louis hisses, face burning when the woman next to him shoots him a reproachful look. “You’re supposed to be miserable right now, not making me miserable.”
Zayn coughs exaggeratedly, feigning a look of pain and adding a shuddery sigh for extra dramatics. 
“I hate you,” Louis states flatly.
“You’re just moody because Harry didn’t-”
Louis pokes Zayn in the ribs, affronted. Zayn pokes him back, eliciting a breathy yelp. Their almost-tickle fight is cut off as the train comes to an abrupt halt. Louis furrows his eyebrows, glancing out the windows to see the familiar glaring white of the tunnel. They’re not at the next stop yet which means they’ve stopped for another reason.
“Are you fucking serious?” a man asks across the car. 
They wait a few seconds but the train stays in place. Technical difficulties, he figures, groaning.  “Really, Universe?” he whispers, disgruntled. He wants to go home and bundle up in blankets and replay the events of the bathroom over and over until he’s blushing and itching to go plan out his outfit for their date tomorrow night. But yet again, his plans are interrupted. 
Instead of the usual intercom explanation where the driver would offer an estimated wait time for whatever happened to be fixed, the speakers stay completely silent. Nothing but the soft breathing of Zayn and the random woman on his left to cut through the ominous atmosphere. A prickle runs down Louis’ spine and he shivers. It feels almost… eerie. 
As if sensing his discomfort, the lights switch off suddenly. Louis sucks in a breath, waiting. They don’t come back on. The prickling feeling grows, spreading down his limbs to his quivering fingers. 
Next to him, Zayn’s hand fumbles for his, squeezing. Louis squeezes back, unnerved. 
“Why isn’t there an announcement?” someone asks a bit further ahead. 
Louis shudders again, tugging the sleeves of his jacket further over his pale fingers. It feels like all the heat in the air has been zapped out, a frosty chill settling over the train car. 
A sudden loud thud has them all stilling in their seats. Louis exhales jaggedly, squeezing Zayn’s hand again. What the fuck is happening?
“There’s no service,” someone says. That’s less surprising- plenty of tunnels in London have spotty or nonexistent service, and yet now it feels almost threatening. “Wait, what the fuck? Now it’s dead? I just charged it!”
A litany of alarmed cries and words erupt after that realization. Louis bites his lip as he pulls his phone out of his pocket only to see that his too is dead. 
The curling sense of dread in his stomach is ever growing, licking up his insides and clawing up his throat until it feels dry and useless. 
“What’s happening?” Zayn asks, sounding panicked. 
“It’s going to be okay,” someone else says, but there’s uncertainty laced in her words. 
Louis has taken the Tube almost every day for the past five years, relying on it to get him everywhere since he doesn’t have a car and hates driving. Never once has anything like this ever happened. His heart is pounding in fear and apprehension. 
And then, the lights flicker back on. 
Standing in the middle of the car are three masked figures, dressed in all black and carrying guns. 
A collective gasp rings through the silent car and bile rises in Louis’ throat, heart thumping against his chest excruciatingly. Holy fuck… 
They stand there silently, looming and intimidating and blocking the main entrance. Their masks are almost Opera style, embellished with lace filigree and decals, covering the entire face. Even the eyeholes are covered with crimson gauzy fabric, looking stark and morbid. 
How did they get in here? Louis wonders, feeling sick. He feels even more sick when he realizes he might not make it home tonight. 
The middle stranger steps forward. “Ladies and gentlemen, you have been picked for a once in a lifetime opportunity.” His voice is low and threatening, mechanical, as if he’s using a voice modifier. 
The doors slide open behind him and another three figures step into the car, appearing out of thin air. Louis bites back the urge to cry, especially when his eyes latch onto the rope and cloths grasped in their gloved hands. 
The first woman to be grabbed screams. Loud and thrashing as they subdue her, pinning her wrists and tying them together with the thick rope. She’s gagged and blindfolded, shoved outside of the cart and against the wall, less than a meter from the train car. 
“If any of you choose to not cooperate,” says the same masked man from before, “Well…” He points his gun to the ceiling and shoots, crumbling pieces of laminate raining down to the chorus of a dozen cries. 
Louis is frozen in place, hand rigid in Zayn’s. 
The strangers work efficiently and quickly, spreading out to apprehend as many people as possible. Louis suppresses a sob when Zayn is ripped away from him. No one seems to resist, all stunned and scared into submission. Most of the people here are young- college students dressed like they were out partying and having a blast. Their faces are now ashen, lips wobbling and shrinking into their miniskirts and tight jeans. 
Louis realizes with poignant relief that there are no kids in this car, and then suddenly he’s grabbed too. His lips part on a silent scream as his hands are wrenched behind his back and tied, rope scraping against his bare wrists painfully. 
A gag is shoved into his mouth and he chokes, eyes blinking with an onset of tears right as the blindfold is fastened over them rendering him blind. He’s stuck. 
A rough hand is placed between his shoulder blades, shoving him forward. With his sight taken away, his other senses have heightened. 
He stumbles, tripping over an abandoned shoe or handbag or anything, before he’s flailing in the open air as he falls forward. They pushed him out of the train car. His breathing hitches, body locking in anticipation of meeting death only to crash into the hard wall. 
He lets out a choked groan, nose throbbing from where it knocked into the wall. If it’s not broken, it’s definitely bruised. The thick heat of blood trickles over his gag, staining his lips. His heart thrashes against his ribs. He’s definitely trembling now. 
Another rough hand shoves him forward and he stumbles, almost bumping into another person. Another prisoner, he realizes. They’re being forced to walk sideways to fit in the small space between the train and the tunnel wall. 
The person next to him whimpers, the sound muted and strangled. 
Louis breathes harshly, neck craning back as if it’d help him escape the onslaught of sweat, dirt, and the earthy engine odor that’s a common smell for the Tube but now just feels nauseating. 
I’m going to die, Louis thinks hysterically. He’s being kidnapped, bound and gagged like a prisoner. He’s never going to sleep in his bed again. Never going to law school, never going to be a lawyer, never going to get married or have kids or grow old. 
They walk for what seems like miles, feet stumbling to the right almost subconsciously. At one point, Louis hears a distinct crash and a strangled roar of anger, before it’s drowned out by a deafening gunshot. 
It rings through the open tunnel warningly. Louis swallows another wave of bile. 
Someone has died and he’ll never know who it was. One of the uni girls and boys? The elderly man reading the newspaper and looking exhausted. One of the agitated looking businessmen undoubtedly on their way home, maybe to a wife or husband and kids? 
He chokes out a sob, devastated and disgusted. 
For a while it seems like they’ll never make it out of the tunnel, will be staggering deeper into the darkness for eternity. But then a loud screech of, “Stop!” cuts through the air, cold and sinister. Everyone freezes. 
A few minutes later, Louis is hoisted up and over something, right foot hitting something solid and throbbing with pain. 
He’s shoved up into a mass of people, all whimpering or crying softly into their gags. He still can’t see a thing, vision completely dark. Once again, they’re herded forward like cattle and then to the right and forward and to the left and forward and forward and forward. 
Louis is feeling dizzy with exhaustion by the time he’s finally yanked into some sort of vehicle. Probably a truck or something considering the amount of people crammed in there with him. The telltale sound of tires screeching is alarming and profound. 
They’re leaving. Kidnapped, taken, trapped. Like something out of a movie except it’s frighteningly real. 
And no one is coming to rescue them, Louis thinks deliriously. They couldn’t call for help and Louis doubts the driver had time to radio in an emergency before he was probably shot and killed. 
No one is coming… At least not yet, but by the time they do, it’ll be too late. He thinks faintly of his mum, his sisters, Niall, Liam, Harry… He’s never going to see any of them again. 
God, he doesn’t even know if he’ll get to see Zayn again before they’re slaughtered or sacrificed or whatever the fuck is going to happen to them. This isn’t anything Louis has been expected to prepare for. This is something out of a horror movie…or a thriller novel where the main characters either die or survive by the skin of their teeth.
But Louis is not a protagonist of an action novel. He has no skills for this sort of thing, overwhelmed by his terror and weaknesses. 
He’s going to die alone and unknown. 
Despite his depressing thoughts, he dozes in and out of fitful sleep for the next few fours. They’re definitely not in London anymore by the time the truck finally stops. 
Louis prepares himself for the inevitable rough handling but still winces when he’s hoisted out of the truck and onto the floor, stumbling forward and almost slamming into another prisoner. His shoulder smarts, stinging distractedly as he’s pushed into another line. It’s a mess of thumps and thuds and gasps and whimpers and muffled cries. 
It feels like he’s standing on hot asphalt, a putrid chemical and metal odor burning his nostrils as he inhales deeply, throat dry and scratchy. They seem like they’re outside and yet it’s much too humid and hot for London’s typical May weather. A timid breeze brushes over his sweating face, cold against the dried blood on his nose. 
A loud, hoarse voice breaks through the chaos, threatening and foreboding. Louis’ blood runs cold at the sinister tone which seems to come from everywhere at once. “Welcome to the Masquerade.” 
*coming soon to falsegoodnight
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40.5-Non-threatening employee
Warnings: Definetely-not-completely-human-Cecil and not sure if it should count as a warning but I started listening to WTNV recently and I am on episode 43 so Im not catched up to current events
The city council reminds everyone that demons are, in fact, not real, Carlos gets an interviewed by StrexCorp and Cecil would never under any circumstances go on a bloody rampage to exterminate every single employee of StrexCorp if they so much as touched a single perfect and soft hair of Carlos's head, no sir.
This episode was co-written with my sleep deprivation. Weather: The villain I appear to be (Annapantsu's cover) Written by Roma
In the face of our meaningless existence, being certain that death will sooner or later will come for us, what can a human do except to dream and to hope and to create?
Welcome to Night Vale
Listeners, you would not believe what a little birdie just told me, and by little birdie I obviously refer to intern Dave who turned into a talking sparrow after last friday's events that we are not allowed to talk about or remember.
He told me that our wonderful and generous owners, Strexcorp, decided that they will be interviewing dear beautiful Carlos today, to see if he would be a nice addition to their company or if he should...stop existing...
Oh, but not to worry, dear listeners, I know Strexcorp will realize soon enough that while perfectly imperfect Carlos cannot be bought, that is to say, wouldn't be a good fit for their company, obliterating him into nothingness would be a very, very stupid idea.
And as we all know Strexcorp, in their all-encompassing glory, does not have nor follows through very, very stupid ideas, and as I am saying this, I am looking straight at Daniel from management's eyes, who seems to be looking the tiniest bit nervous and afraid for reasons I cannot fathom but nevertheless I have a vague feeling are justified.
Just a hunch,  though. Nothing else.
Ah, Daniel seems to now be shaking as he desperately calls for Lauren to come to him. She has now arrived,  looking angry at being called away from whatever important task she was doing. Wordlessly he points at me and she looks into the booth. I smile at her and, if my teeth seem sharper than normal, I am certain it just a trick of the light, nevertheless she pales slightly but reassures Daniel that everything is fine and under control. Daniel clings to her arm and refuses  to let her leave.
Anyway, listeners, leaving this whole confusing interaction aside, the City Council wanted to remind you that: Demons arent real, especially demons that were created after some members of the City Council may or may not have realized inhumane experiments on one of old woman Josie's angels, who, they would like to emphasize, are NOT real either. Diana, the all-powerful shapeshifting demon that appeared yesterday disoriented in the parking lot behind the city council, is not, in fact, a demon, she is merely a foreigner shapeshifter that they encourage us to welcome into our town not because of an incomprehensible amount of guilt after what they did to her, but because she seems like a nice gal who, they think, will be a lovely addition to our town.
I, for one, will be happy to receive Diana with open arms, even if I will not be as enthusiastic as our local immortal sorceress,  Selena, who, upon seeing Diana, started waxing poetic about how her black skin made out of the void contained and reflected unknowable galaxies and was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, and about how her three eyes shined brighter than the moon and seemed to contain the universe’s most wonderful secrets and that she wouldn’t mind getting lost in them for the rest on eternity.
Ah, young love, isn't it wonderful?
In other news-Oh? What an... interesting development, listeners. Carlos has just texted me saying he loves me and that if he can't come to our date tonight that I should try to forget he ever existed with the minimal amount of mourning possible, as he doesn’t want to make me feel bad.
Going back to what I was saying before for a second, I say while looking at Lauren and Daniel who seem to now both be trembling in fear for no reason at all, Diana has been found to say, after Selena's never ending compliments and soft hands that hold her like she was something precious, that she might had Selena for only a day and a half, but if anything irreversibly bad happened to her, she would burn the whole of Night Vale to the ground in a search for bloody revenge, wanting to exterminate every single being responsible for harming her beloved. 
And that is a sentiment all of us that are lucky enough to be with someone can relate to, isn't it? While it is true that I had my beloved Carlos for far longer than a day and a half, that is still a sentiment that I can relate to very strongly.
Very strongly, indeed.
And now, The Weather.
Welcome back, dear listeners, Carlos just texted me telling me to disregard his last message and informed me that everything is fine now, the StrexCorp executives that were interviewing him received a call and suddenly decided that, even if he wasn't useful to them, he apparently wasn't worth the trouble of a vaporizing weapon and left him alone and unharmed.
In unrelated news, briefly before Carlos texted me, Lauren came by looking sickly pale and dropped a paper on my desk before getting out of the recording booth quickly, probably worried she would be interrupting the broadcast, how sweet and thoughtful of her!
The paper -in case any of you is curious- is a warning telling me that I am by contract not allowed to physically intimidate or otherwise put the fear of God on any of my superiors, which is a silly warning, really, I would never do that! 
Gosh, could you imagine me trying to intimidate someone? Me, with my glasses and a purple vest that has a pattern of kitty paws all over it? That's hilarious!
And on this lighthearted note, I must leave you, dear listeners, so I can go home and watch that nifty documentary Carlos and I have been meaning to watch for weeks now.
Good night, Night vale.
Good night.
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ssa25 · 5 years
Naruhina2020 (Jan) - Firsts
Rating - T
They were huddled next to each other in the loveseat of Hinata's shared apartment with Sakura. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, with her pink haired roommate locked up in her bedroom, nose deep into her textbooks for the ongoing exams. Hinata was already done with hers the previous week, so now she could focus on her boyfriend of two months. 
Uzumaki Naruto, was grinning like a cheshire cat, after Hinata had answered his question. They were talking and sharing about their firsts. Every little or insignificant firsts. 
From their first preschool, first part time job, first vacation, to their first best friend, first memorable gift and first movie. Although they went to the same middle and high school, they went around in different circles. Sometimes the circles merged and coincided, but they were still only more than acquaintances. 
They got significantly closer when they went to the same university, and when she started living with Sakura. In their sophomore year, Naruto asked Hyuuga Hinata out on a date, after Sakura drunkenly spilled at a party about how her meek flatmate had a major crush on him. She agreed ecstatically and he thanked his destiny for the turn of events. Because now, he was positively crazy about his midnight haired gorgeous (and hella sexy) girlfriend. Seriously, this was beyond imagination. The loud wayward soccer playing blonde and the prim proper posh heiress?
Anyway, Naruto being Naruto, asked her about her first crush. He didn't have to answer  the question himself, because she already knew the answer to it. It was her flatmate and good friend, Haruno Sakura. He was a pre-teen and she was one of his neighbours. It just happened, but eventually he moved on from those feelings as they became close friends. 
For Hinata, it was not the best feeling in the world to be aware of it, but she was above feeling petty or jealous. Especially now that he was her boyfriend. 
The petite curvy woman blushed profusely when it was her turn to answer the question. Her legs bent over Naruto's lap, as she fidgeted and replied in a small voice. 
"It was you."
Naruto was still for a second. "I'm sorry?" 
She huffed cutely and repeated her answer at the same time that he blurted out his confusion.
"It was you." 
"Did you say it was me??!!" 
If Naruto wasn't already feeling comfortable and smug, now he was superbly comfortable and obnoxiously smug. 
"Woah woah woah Missy, you never told me about that. You've been holding out, haven't you?" 
Okay, so now she was flustered and folded her arms to defend herself. "N-no…. You never asked me… I-It never came up before…"
He put his arm over her calves to squash any chance of escape. 
"When was this?", he interrogated.
"Umm…. When we were 13-14….Maybe…", she replied shyly. 
"Interesting.", he hummed and scratched his prickly chin. "Hold on… Is that why you sometimes used to faint when I spoke to you??", he asked wondrously, as if it all came together in his mind in a eureka moment. 
Hinata covered her face with her hands and nodded her head. "Can we please talk about something else?" 
"Hmm….", he leered at her. "Well, sure, it must've been impossible to resist my charm…", he commented refusing to change the topic. 
She smacked his arm playfully and pouted. "You're impossible… I don't think I'm good for your ego…." 
He pulled her closer by her waist and bumped her nose with his. 
"No baby, you're perfect for my everything.", he said in that deep husky baritone that made her spine tingle. 
Their lips found each other in a passionate kiss that had them both drowning out their surroundings. So when they heard a loud bang of a door, Hinata pulled away from his puckered lips to gasp for air and looked at the perpetrator. 
"Sorry, I was worried that he would gobble you up alive.", Sakura commented from the bedroom door with a poker face. Her short pink hair was unruly and tangly, and she was still in her pajamas from yesterday. She went to the kitchen while muttering something about ungrateful people showing off their relationship to lonesome singles. 
Naruto and Hinata snickered and cuddled closer. 
"Hey Sakura, ya know?... Hinata had the hots for me even in middle school…", he boasted while Hinata tried to cover his mouth with her palms. 
"Good for you.", Sakura commented nonchalantly as she went back to her room with a can of lemon soda.
As soon as her door closed, Naruto turned Hinata's chin towards him and continued their make out. They had been dating for a little less than two months, and had only gotten to second base. Not that he was complaining. He was serious about this relationship and he didn't want to rush Hinata into doing something she wasn't sure of. But it was just oh-so-hard to keep his hands off her.
She had mentioned about her being a virgin a week or two back. So he knew, if he did things right, he would be her first lover. For him, unfortunately, that train had departed two years back, when he and Sasuke were invited to their first soccer match after party that was off the hook crazy. They both had lost their virginity that night. 
Not to each other! Thank God for that! 
Some horny seniors found them cute and wanted to congratulate them. Personally. 
Hinata was a little shocked and flustered when he told her that. But she didn't hold it against him. 
When they parted for air again, he moved his hand from the swell of her voluptuous chest under her shirt to the smooth skin at her waist. Dejectedly of course, he had to calm his hard-on. 
He cleared his throat to distract her attention from his condition. 
"So, safe to say, that since I am your first crush and your first boyfriend, I must be your first kiss too.", he concluded smugly. 
"W-w-what?!!", she suddenly looked nervous. Not blushing nervous but pale, drained out of blood nervous. 
"Your first kiss…", he repeated. "Must be me… Right?"
"Uh… Y-yeah…", she replied in an oddly high pitched tone that was not her at all. She abruptly got up from the seat and walked to the kitchen. 
"I'm thirsty… Y-you want a drink Naruto~kun?"
Naruto  narrowed his eyes at the retreating back of his girlfriend. Something was not right. From what he knew about her, she was bad at lying. He knew this first hand, from the few times her conservative and strict father would inopportunely call her during their date or private make out time. And she would horribly lie with some lame excuse in the similar high pitched tone like she had used just now. Either her dad did not know her at all or was just bad at reading people and emotions, because he bought it everytime. 
Naruto got up from his seat and followed her, cornering her against the refrigerator. 
"Come on, spill it.", he said caging her between his arms. 
"Spill what?", she tried to act clueless.
"Who was your first kiss?", he was unrelenting in his pursuit. That's how he has always been.
"Umm… Who was yours?", she tried to flip it towards him. 
He knew what she was doing. But he was not going to let her off so easily. He would get her question out of the way first. 
"You know it. You were there. I'm not going to talk about it anymore than that." 
Hinata giggled into his chest, when she remembered the hilarious moment from few years back. Kiba had pushed Naruto jokingly onto Sasuke at the canteen which had led to a lip smack of sorts that left a distaste in the mouths of the two. It was a spectacle for the whole school. Suffice to say, Kiba earned a black eye and a sore jaw, while Naruto and Sasuke were in detention for the whole week.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. But I'm not letting you off easily. Who was it?"
It didn't bother him that she had already had her first kiss. What got to him, was her reaction at the reminder of it. Was it that memorable? Was the guy a better kisser than him? Does she have some remnant feelings for him? 
"I…. I can't tell you… It's embarrassing…", she muttered unsurely. 
But the more she held out, the more curious he became. He would have to coax it out of her. 
"Come on babe….It can't be more embarrassing than mine…. Who is it?... Tell me… Is it someone I know?"
Hinata grew silent for a few seconds before nodding her head slowly. 
"Someone from our group of friends?" 
Again, she gave a small nod. 
Okay, may be he was not going to be okay after all. Now, his mind went into overdrive thinking about who it could be. She was not saying anything, so he had to start guessing. 
"Was it Kiba?" 
She shook her head. 
Again, a negative. 
"Don't tell it's the bastard… It's Sasuke, isn't it?"
"What? No!!"
"Then tell me who it was, unless you want me to go crazy thinking about it.", he grasped her shoulders and brought her closer. 
Hinata pushed him away gently and moved away to face her back towards him. She just could not say it to his face. 
She started explaining softly, but it was loud enough for him to hear. "I… I-it was at the sleepover party for Sakura's 16th birthday… We were playing truth or dare… It was my turn, and I had to choose dare because I had been playing safe with truth until then… Tenten already knew that I liked you…. But the other didn't… So she just asked me to french kiss someone who was blonde for one whole minute… She knew that you were Sakura's neighbour… The girls said they would help me get into your home… So they did.. And they had to also make sure I completed my dare… I was really really nervous…. When we got into the back garden, we saw you from the window that you were busy playing video games with Sasuke, Shikamaru and Chouji."
Naruto felt like his heart was about to burst from all the mystery. But she did say that it was not Sasuke, which means it must have been Shikamaru or Chouji then. 
He didn't interrupt her, so she continued. 
"We waited for you to go to the toilet  or something… I had made up my mind to do the dare, come what may… The girls even tried to discreetly throw pebbles at the window, but you never got up to check. Only Sasuke did. We hid from his view and waited for him to go back. After trying everything for almost half hour, we decided it might not happen. Tenten said it was not fair that I didn't do my dare. So she insisted that I kiss any other blonde. And… W-well…. Umm… There was someone blonde with us… Ino… She said I could kiss her…. And just to get it over with, I did… It was…. Uncomfortable… A little unpleasant…. But not a lot, of course not… It was Ino after all… She had a clean minty mou-"
Hinata stopped her rant when she heard a loud thud behind her. Naruto fainted and fell on the floor. 
"Naruto~kun!!!!", she screamed and ran to his side and shook his body. "Naruto~kun!!" 
"Are you guys f*cking in the middle of the day?!! ", Sakura shouted angrily as she came out of her room. 
"Sakura~san!!", Hinata called her for help. "Naruto~kun has fainted… Please help him…." 
Sakura instantly was by his side, checking for his vitals. She asked Hinata to get some water. But when she noticed the tiny trail of blood from his nose, she grew worried. She looked down his body, and was aghast to see the reason. 
The tent under his cotton joggers was unmistakable. She snarled and got up just to kick him on his sides.
"F*cking Pervert!!", she screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Naruto~kun!!", Hinata who was horrified, kneeled down to protect him, and unintentionally spilled the mug, in the process. 
If the kick didn't awaken Naruto, the splash of cold water on his groins definitely did.
A/n: Wrote and posted it fro my phone. So apologies for the length and absence of 'Read more' option.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
Nutty Writing Thoughts
I was re-reading part of my Kermadec fic and encountered the bit where Scott comes across the hot spring and it occurred to me the difference between Scott and Virgil as to how they interpret their environment. This led me to thinking about characterisation and point of view and how you write a character to sound like themselves. Then, because I’m lying idle around the house with a mild headache and a bung foot, I pondered how each of the five brothers might interpret the same scene. I sat their idly constructing scenes in my head and how this might illustrate how a character thinks.
So, now because I’m still sitting around the house with a mild headache and a bung foot, I thought I’d give this exercise a go...cos actually writing one of my many wips would be far too logical ::headdesk::
Anyways, five brothers, same beach, same time of day. Let’s see if I can make them sound like themselves....and not end up writing another wip :D Note: these scenes are separate and unrelated to each other...just flotsam my brain threw up. Guess which brother is which?
His running shoes hit the sand hard, gouging holes in the pristine surface. The air was still and clear, the ocean quiet, his breathing drowning out the sound of the waves. This was his third lap, but his first step onto this beach. He usually avoided this patch of sand because it was Virgil’s favourite and often the place his brother came to be alone. But today was a day that wouldn’t see Virgil outside the villa. Not today, not tomorrow, not for some time at all.
His breathing lost its regular pace and he had to force himself to concentrate harder on his rhythm.
His feet hit the sand and he kept on running.
There were times being a brother of the commander of this outfit really sucked.
One foot after the other. Scott may feel exuberant at this time of the morning, but honestly, this time should not exist.
He was only awake because the smart ass had called a drill. God. He ran a hand through his hair and guzzled the coffee that was automatically poured into his face.
He swore Scott did it because of his comment about Thunderbird One’s erotic symbolism yesterday. But hey, he was the one who had compared Two to a pregnant turtle.
Turtles lay eggs, you idiot.
But that hadn’t been enough, so he’d resorted to a dick joke.
And had been dragged out of bed at 5am.
His staggering finally led him to the beach and the moment he stepped onto the sand, the breeze caught him and brushed away his frown.
A sigh fell from his lips and he closed his eyes.
The sounds of the ocean caressed his ears and washed away the aggravation. The calm seeped into his bones and his shoulders dropped.
But he kept his grip on his mug of coffee.
Another sip.
Another grateful sigh.
And a plan began to form.
Before he knew it the sun was peeking over the edge of the planet and the stars were fading.
His butt and back were damp from lying on the sand.
There was dry seaweed in his hair.
He reached up and untangled the mess, frowning as it caught and pulled. Ow.
It wasn’t often he used a beach for stargazing, but he hadn’t had the energy to climb the stairs to the observatory and to be honest, he wasn’t looking for a specific event, more just comfort in the familiar.
He had come out here in the early hours, his circadian rhythm still slightly off and done his best to connect with what he loved.
He had forgotten the inconveniences of sand, mosquitoes and was that a crab?
He shifted his leg out of reach and clambered to his feet.
The sun flashed everything gold, including him.
A sigh and he turned to walk back to the house.
One of the advantages of living on your own secret tropical island is that he could run around in whatever clothes he wanted and not have to worry about what the public might think.
A pair of flip flops and his swimwear, mostly because it was just after his morning laps. Specimen bags in hand, he headed down to the beach to check on the morning’s finds.
The ocean was still puking up stuff from the storm that passed to the south of the Island two weeks ago and he was making sure to check the beaches every morning to see what treasures might surface. One of the things about cyclones is that they churned the ocean as much as the land and often interesting things appeared with the tide as a result.
Fortunately the storm hadn’t actually hit the Island itself and the beach was on the protected side, otherwise there may have been no beach left to comb. This time the conditions were perfect and he wasn’t going to miss out on the opportunity.
Clambering around the Island in flip flops would probably earn him several frowns from several quarters, but to be honest he didn’t care.
From the moment his feet hit the sand, he was discovering and cataloguing. Three different types of sponge all seen before. A nasty chunk of the rare kelp from that isolated patch to the south, damn. An array of shells of which one he was unable to identify. He grabbed that one for identification purposes and one other simply because it was pretty and he knew a brother who might like it.
He found the waves tossing about a large chunk of broken coral and he swore. Damn. Cyclones were nasty to reefs and they took eons to repair.
The worst find was a relatively small mola mola. The young sunfish looked like it had been caught up in an argument between the surf and the volcanic rocks of the island.
He carefully picked it up and placed it in a bag, commemorative words for a life lost passing through his mind as he sealed it tight. Size and details would be sent to the NZ DoC south of their island for research purposes.
Reaching the end of the beach he turned back and trailed his feet in the water. A glance at the rising sun and he headed back.
He bounded onto the beach and kicked the sand with his foot. This was so unfair! Why couldn’t he do what everyone else was doing?
He stomped his feet into the sand and took some satisfaction in the deep divots his feet left behind.
The water was whispering as if to herald the rise of the sun.
He didn’t like it.
It mocked him.
Why? Why? Why?
The question bounced around his head and just fuelled his anger.
There was a roar and the island shook as behind him Thunderbird One leapt into the air. Further in the distance he heard the deeper rumble as Two ignited her rear thrusters and a moment later the great green ‘bird appeared over the palm trees and shot off into the distance, Thunderbird One darting down to escort her.
Both were lit up by the sun.
His heart was caught between pride at the sight, and the anger that he wasn’t with them.
As they disappeared in the sunrise, he glared after them.
Okay, that exercise did not go exactly the way I had planned, but I hope you enjoyed these little snippets. I hope you can tell which bro is which. I haven’t really gone to any effort to hide them and I’m kinda hoping it is obvious. Maybe take note of the bits of information that give it away?
Or which bros I’m better at writing, maybe :D
Fun to write. I hope they are fun to read.
::hugs you all::
(Yeah, well, my brain is weird, I can’t help myself)
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Oh I'm so glad you've had a productive day!! Quadratic equations do not spark joy I have to refrain from crying everytime I see alphabets in maths 😭😭 but I'm glad you did some today, you genius ;) the igekai way!! I read of that a while ago. obsessing over anime and my kpop guy are probably not gonna do me good either, but they also do bring me loads of comfort, so I guess it isn't all that bad :(
I see, that sounds very beautiful. It's almost like you guys are different parts of the same person. AHH, I totally understand that, I find kids a regular nuisance too, but I'm glad you're able to find comfort in Kuro. I'm thankful to have my friend too, and although it's hard to stay close since he's in college now, we video call once a week so I'd say we're not giving up.
YES YES OH MY GOSH, EXCEPTIONALLY ADORABLE. (//Û//) my new favourite kaomoji <3
me? Cute? I suggest you look in the mirror 😼 I'm glad you liked it, cookie 😳💖 it really sounded good in my head, so I'm glad you thought so too. But honestly, that's just what I think of you👉👈
I was braiding my hair when I read that and I— yes that would hurt so much omg, twisting it?? CUTTING IT?? Drowning it in peroxide?? 😳
PLEASE THAT JUST FILLED ME WITH SO MUCH SEROTONIN?? I'm blushing God help my heart 😔 though I'd honestly love that 🥺🥺
Whatever you say, sir 😾(//û//) I think I love you more tho but uh—
ahhh physics sucks the life out of everything 🙀 (my least favourite science subject) but it's over now :] glad that you did! Here's a little fun fact about Malaysians (tho I'm not sure if it's the same in other countries). We all bring one litre bottles to school every day, and it's considered unusual if you don't have a water bottle with you at all times. It's hot here, so we'd get instantly dehydrated if that wasn't a practice.
Hihi!! Sorry for not answering yesterday, went out for a long walk (I spelled it as wolk at first...) and got dead tired afterwards sjjdjsjdj I hope you slept well last night<3
Sometimes I feel special cuz I'm like one of those bitches who dont mind letters in math😭😭but that came witha price, because I literally cannot understand a SINGLE word in my history book. I literally cant stand history, because I can barely remember any of the events I read (yet somehow I clearly remember my ex friend's email from 4 years ago)
I totally get it, the comfort they bring is definitely not something to get rid of, but to be honest I want something that makes me happy but also makes enough money? Might sound kinda greedy, but we're struggling with money a lot, and it's been one of my insecurities (since most of the money went on me, my school and etc.) and I feel really bad hearing mom say that I cant buy milk because we dont have enough cash. Oops I kinda went overboard on that one, my apologies xD But I do agree, they're the easiest option when you need comfort🥺
Ahhh I totally get it, me and my buddies also barely got in touch after I moved, its hard to keep up:( I'm really glad to hear that you guys keep in touch!! He seems cool:D
Ohh, braiding is hard, I cant imagine doing it on my own😔😔 also, if you'd dye you're hair, would it be considered tattooing it instead? So many questions...
ALSO I did a small doodle of us, the anatomy is kind of messy so I apologize for that!!
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I hope you like it hehe♡
That's funny, cuz physics is my most favorite subject, haha!! It's mostly just formulas, that's why I like it xD also unrelated, but I like quantum physics and theories as well~
Ohh I see!! It's usually pretty cold for us, and we have a 3 month holiday in summer, so most of us dont carry bottles. Plus it's really expensive, for us at least, and plastic bottles make the water taste like plastic, so yeah</3
Well, I'm really hoping you have a wonderful day!! I love you a lot, shortcake (//Û//)♡♡
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fanesavin · 5 years
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@xxtuaharjunaxx and Fane prior to the coronation discussing some concerns regarding security.
[ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (x) | (x) ]
Fane couldn't admit to being in the best of moods. After the events of last night his head hurt, he felt tired and an argument this morning had seen Lady Lacroy decide to depart the city. He'd ended up retreating to the Dawnguard headquarters in town not wishing to be around noble faces for a little while, he'd seen enough of them already in this trip and their mind-melding political manoeuvring was beyond his patience. As it was he was sat at his desk, forehead held in one hand and quill in the other writing up a small report on the last couple of days affairs. Namely the Grand Lady's kidnapping and Lady Lacroy's assault. It was quiet here and finally he could think in peace.
Tuah The last thing he wanted to face this morning was the nobilities trying to get over the previous night’s hangover, seeing that he hadn’t indulge himself in a drinking stupor. Tuah was one of the few that had woken up fresh this morning, ready in his everyday garments before heading out, his confidante always by his side. It was during his walk that he noticed the Dawnguard headquarter, and his heartstrings were pulled enough that he decided to enter the building. He was attended by one of the stationed guards who recognised him for the service that he had provided instead of his title, and Tuah couldn’t help but be pleased with it. “Is Lord Savin here?” he asked out of idle curiosity. They hadn’t be able to talk much during the festivities the night before, so he’d be glad if they would have some time to themselves before everyone else woke up.
Fane had ended up writing the same word thrice over, frustration bubbling up he curled his fingers into the parchment and crumpled it into a ball before launching it across the room at the fire. He sat back hands pressed to his head as he stared up at the ceiling. Downstairs the guard that recognised Tuah nodded before pointing a gloved hand to the stone staircase leading to the higher elevations of the building "aye m'lord, he's upstairs."
Tuah nodded, his gaze followed towards the upper level of the building and nodded his thanks towards when the guard escorted him to Fane’s room. He watched with a gentle smile at Fane’s little antics before he decided to knock on the door gently. “Rough morning?” was his greeting to the other, a sympathetic smile now painted his lips.
Fane hadn't anticipated guests, he'd come here to avoid seeing people. After throwing his ball of paper, which was now catching flame in the hearth, he sunk back into his seat eyes closed. Though a familiar voice stirred them to flicker open and where Tuah smiled Fane grimaced. "You would never believe." His eyes flickered to the guard at Tuah's side, not particularly in the mood to be overheard or seen in his present condition "thank you Torrhen you may return to your post." The young man bowed and departed back down the steps. Once he was gone Fane waved to the spare seat in the room indicating Tuah could take it if he wanted.
Tuah winced when he saw Fane grimaced. Perhaps this wasn’t a good time for them to spend their morning together, and he was about to excuse himself when Fane invited him over. “You’re dismissed, Hassan,” he waved his confidante away, though seeing the protest that was about to bubble forth, Tuah raised his hand. “Nothing will happen to me while I’m in Lord Savin’s company, I assure you. And even if something is to happen, I can take care of myself just fine.” He resigned himself when his confidante seemed adamant to stand guard outside of Fane’s office and walked across the threshold of the office, taking a seat offered to him. “Would you like me to call someone to prepare something to soothe your mind, Lord Savin?”
Fane watched the exchange between Tuah and his confidante in astute silence. Eventually they were left alone and Fane finally exhaled slowly. "No need, just... tiredness and frustration after yesterday," he mustered a smile though it was a little more wan than it had been the previous evening. He wasn't so skilled at the game of faces as other nobles.
Tuah arched his brow at the other’s comment, an inquisitive look on his face. “Something in particular happened?” he asked, wondering what could it be to have Fane expressed himself so.
Fane snorted under his breath, had something happened indeed. But that wasn't what he wished for Tuah's opinion on, well, not right now. Where he stood on formalities with others Fane now pulled his knee up to his chest, propping the heel of his boot on the edge of his chair but he was feeling far too restless to care overly much about appearances. "Two things specifically," he paused "you know of Cassandra? Grand Lady of Summerset?"
Tuah was not there to judge, merely lend an ear to ease Fane’s burden somewhat, if that was what the other needed right now. He would not have forced Fane to share if he didn’t want to either, opting for other subject to talk between them. They did have a lot to catch up on, after all. Tuah nodded slowly, sifting through his memories who Fane was referring to. “I am aware of who she is, yes,” he turned his attention towards Fane with a cocked of his head to the side, sitting comfortably in his seat, “what of her?”
Fane propped his forearm on his knee as he turned his attention to a map of the different regions of the kingdom. "Someone tried to kidnap her yesterday... Reports from the people I had looking into it suggest that House Kesley were responsible. Equally, Lady... um... Lacroy was assaulted in the streets." His frowned deepened a little at mention of the latter but it would be mistaken for concern over the matter at hand, "I'm concerned this is a prelude to something... more." The coronation was today and bloodshed and violence did not bode well for a supposedly holy day of peace.
Tuah followed Fane’s gaze towards the map, brows furrowed together as he run his fingers along his clean-shaven jaw. The two incidents seemed unrelated, but with the coronation merely hours away, he understood why Fane was gravely concerned. The last thing they needed was mass panic from the nobilities and the people alike. “I assume that you have proof to support your claim, otherwise you’re only going to make matters worse.” Tuah turned his attention towards Fane, steepling his hands together.
Fane tapped his fingers on his knee, "both crown princes of the Forty Isles and a few knights of their entourage witnessed the kidnapper claim for House Kesley. Equally, it's a house notorious for it's... prejudices against those who claim or are reputed to have any associations with magic." That being said Fane rubbed his shortly trimmed beard with his index finger and thumb. "It just feels a little... convenient wouldn't you say? A house with historical feuds and apparent... ill will towards one of the few guests in attendance that might rouse trouble with the common-folk. Don't you think?" Perhaps it wasn't and he was thinking too much into it, but Fane couldn't entirely help how he saw the events unfolding.
Tuah “It is indeed,” Tuah noted, “and for the kidnapper to have easily claimed that they are of House Kesley? That itself is odd indeed.” He was quiet as he took this all in, leaning back against the chair as his steepled hands brought to his chin, brows still furrowed deeply. “Was there any other account apart from House Cardero? Any servants that might be present during the kidnapping?” After a moment, he asked, “Was Lord Cardero present during Lady Lacroy’s incident as well?”
Fane flourished his hand towards Tuah in a small gesture resembling something akin to I know. "Not that I know of, though it took place on the street and the man responsible rather inconveniently is no longer with us." As for Lady Lacroy his fingers curled until his thumb then pointed back at himself, "no, but I was... um, with her... Walking... we were walking... together... Outside, yesterday... that is... And her assailant came upon her screaming she was a witch and had a blade to her throat before I could even register what was happening..."
Tuah hummed, amusement flittered across his face when Fane stumbled through his words. For as long as he had known the other, Fane had been very eloquent in his speech and had never lost his composure. So to witness something as such was definitely interesting, and a token to tease the older gentleman further. “Lady Lacroy must’ve been in a state of shock after such incident,” he remarked, a teasing lilt evident behind his voice, his lips curled into a slight smile. “Did you manage to comfort her afterwards?”
Fane levelled Tuah with a stony ice-laden look befitting the frigidness of a Northerner. "Not particularly, we spoke some... But she decided that the incident was evidence that she was unwelcome here chose to leave the city this morn'."
Tuah was unswayed by the look that was thrown at him, having used to being stared down many times as he butted head against the general during his serve in the Dawnguard. He hid his smile behind his hand, stifling a laughter so as not to offend the other further. “All the more you should convince her otherwise, no? You do have quite a way with your words.”
Fane was unamused by Tuah's point, "apparently not with her." He glowered realising he'd gone off topic, "that's not the point-- the point is--" and at that moment the bells started to toll, long and rich notes chiming over the city. Fane pushed to his feet and went to the window, "Gods," he was hardly ready by any means. There was no time for plans. "I might take some of the Guard with me... Something about all this just... feels off."
Tuah might have continued to tease Fane if the bell hadn’t start to toll. He heaved a sigh and straightened his back and pushed himself to his feet. He was already in his official garments before going out this morning, so there was no need for him to change again. He nodded at Fane’s suggestion, resting his hand on the sword by his hip. “You have my service if need be,” he offered, never one to shy away from his duty as a Dawnguard. “I’ll be sure to keep my eyes open if there’s something afoot.”
Fane looked at his old friend and gave a small nod. "Wait a few moments and I'll walk with you to the castle," with this he vanished behind a divider into another room glad that he kept a few of his spare clothes here. He dressed simply never one for ostentatious displays of power and after pulling on his boots stepped out. "Come," he said to his friend smoothing his hair back and more flat "let us head to the ceremony." On route he summoned some of his trusted swords to fall in behind as their entourage requesting they carried the bare minimum in terms of arms and plating. This was a day of peace and he didn’t wish to upset or inspire inclinations of distrust in other lordlings but Fane trusted his gut and he something about today made him feel uneasy.
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 16 (Epilogue 3 Page 3)
4 notes · View notes
theresnoturningback · 6 years
Gone Fishin’ [PART THREE]
A/N: I am so lucky to be able to do this, I am enjoying every minute of it. Thanks for making it possible. I am a blessed woman. My heart is full. I don’t know what else to say. I love that you love this little fanfiction work, even though is almost all fluff. Almost. Ugh, and no matter how I want to write it, Aasim will always find a way to be in whatever it is that I write. I hope enjoy part III. Comments and reblogs are always greatly appreciated Word Count: 5798
‘Hey Brody, wait up’
The girl turned around to see Louis running and waving at her
‘You can’t take it back, Lou. You promised you’d help me’ She protested, used to this kind of behavior on his behalf.
‘I won’t, I’ll be there...it’s just that…’ Brody raised an eyebrow and folded her arms, intrigued.
‘Would it be OK if I informed Clem about these last minute changes instead?’
‘I have no problem with you doing that. In fact, you’d be doing me a big favor’ She smiled.
‘Well, that’s what I’m here for; being helpful...You should go have some rest, get better soon, bye!’ He turned on his heels and ran back to the courtyard to look for Clementine, but she wasn’t there. There was a high chance she was still asleep.
As he walked, he wondered why he was so happy, if the girl he liked clearly didn’t like him back. A myriad of questions invaded his head
Why didn’t she show up yesterday? Why did she looked so hurt and conflicted last night at dinner?
She definitely didn’t like him the same way and judging by her behavior during dinner, she was looking for a way to reject him. At least that was his conclusion.
He shook his head as he quickened his steps. Whatever the scenario was, he needed to know.
He arrived at Clem and AJ’s room and announced himself, so the little boy wouldn’t get startled.
‘Hey, what’s happening in here?’ He exclaimed in his usual energetic tone.
Clementine and AJ both turned around to see him standing next to the boy and putting his hands on his hips
‘Hi Louis! Clem said I have to practice my reading’ AJ said with an annoyed smirk
‘Without having breakfast first?’ His eyes widened and turned to the girl ‘Are you crazy?’
‘It’s just a couple of sentences’ She defended herself, unamused
‘Come on, little dude, go eat something. I hereby release thee of this punishment’ Louis exaggerated his movements as he picked up the textbook he was reading, closed it and tossed it over the bed.
AJ chuckled, but still looked at Clementine for approval. She rolled her eyes and smiled at him.
‘Go…’ She conceded.
‘Thank you, see ya, Louis!’ AJ high-fived him.
‘See ya later, bud’
‘Be sure to thank Aasim for your new book’ Clementine yelled at the open door, hoping AJ heard.
Once alone, the atmosphere changed abruptly.
‘Well, look at you being a concerned mother’ He joked, resting his body weight on the back of the chair.
‘Say what you want, but he’s getting better’ Clementine stood up and started putting the books, pencils and papers away. Louis followed her with his eyes.
‘Well, I’m not surprised. He has a great teacher’ He commented in a mellow tone.
She pretended she didn’t notice his flirtatious mood, but she still couldn’t do anything about the reddening on her cheeks.
‘So’ She said sticking AJ’s latest doodles on the wall ‘What brings you here today?’
‘I have big news’ He straddled the chair so he could face her ‘We are going fishing today’
Clementine looked at him, confused.
‘We as in…?’
‘As in...you and me’ He confirmed with a big grin.
She grew silent, worried about Brody while Louis’ smile faded slowly at the thought that maybe he had been too eager in his announcement.
‘What happened to Brody, is she okay?’
‘Well, that’s the thing’ He shrugged ‘She says she is in a lot of pain and that she can’t eat, so she doesn’t have the physical strength to fish. That’s why she asked me to step up’
‘I understand’ She nodded. She noticed his chill attitude had dropped for some reason and decided to lighten up the mood ‘Is that why you came here all happy?’
‘I just like to fish, is all’ He shrugged nonchalantly. She knew he was lying, and laughed under her breath.
‘I’ll see you at the gates in 10 minutes, then’ Louis stood up and made his way out ‘Bring your knife, hopefully we’ll get to kill some walkers’.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Just as agreed, Clementine found Louis waiting for her, resting the big chair leg he used as a weapon on his shoulders.
‘Ready to go?’ She showed him her knife in response.
‘Let’s go then…’
Most of the walk towards the cabin was silent.
The both of them wanted to start a conversation, but none of them knew how to do that without bringing up the events of the past two days.
‘I used to fish a lot with my family’ Louis finally mumbled, walking a couple of steps behind her, covering her back ‘‘before the world went to shit...and spearfishing is different to what I used to do, so don’t laugh too hard when I fail the first ten times’
‘I will try not to…’ She responded after snickering, but didn’t add anything to the conversation. Her thoughts  were loud enough to keep her silent the rest of the way.
The curiosity was eating him up inside. He had to know exactly how she felt about him.
No matter how hard he tried, he could never maintain a cool act for too long when he was alone with her.
‘So um...did you, by any chance, get anything that might have resembled a letter?’ He stuttered nervously.
Clementine understood immediately where his question was leading up to, but she didn’t know if she had it in her to know what his thoughts were about her written reply right then.
‘Yeah, I did’ she muttered more to herself than to him, looking at her feet as she walked steadily
‘Well, now you know Lou…’ He thought to himself, lips pressed tight in disappointment.
He was coming to terms with the fact that Clementine didn’t like him at all, at least not as he would like, when they arrived to the cabin.
Clementine took out a couple of spears and nodded at his friend to get a medium size bucket that was on the floor near him.
As she gave him one of the spears, she enquired timidly
‘Did you...read something that could have resembled a response to your letter? Maybe this morning...while playing the piano?’
His eyes darted around while he tilted his head to the side in confusion.
He looked at her, opened his mouth but words wouldn’t come out. He was honestly too shocked to realize she had taken the time to write a response.
‘Louis! I left you a letter on the piano last night!’ She confessed, raising her voice in frustration.
‘Im sorry! I didn’t have the chance to even look at the piano today! Marlon and Brody dragged me to Marlon’s office early and I….Oh’ His jaw dropped ‘Your letter is still there, isn’t it?’
‘Shit, Louis...I swear to God...’ She groaned, shaking her head in embarrassment and getting her spear.
‘Please don’t point that thing at me’ He yelped with genuine fear as she walked past him.
The next thirty minutes were slow and dreadfully silent. Both Clementine and Louis were too immersed in their own minds to talk to each other. They managed to catch a couple of fish each while thinking about what had just happened.
After a while, the river looked empty. All the fish had stopped swimming to their deaths and the two teenagers decided to wait for them to come back, getting away from the unrelenting sun and its heat. They sat under a tree and next to each other.
‘So…’ Louis finally broke the silence ‘What did your letter say?’
Clementine hugged her knees and shrugged, embarrassed
‘I wrote it so fast that I don’t remember anymore…’
‘It must have been a terrible letter’ They both shared a laugh.
‘It was, actually’ She glanced at him for a second ‘That’s why I’m burning the hell out of it as soon as we get back’
‘Not if I win that race and read it first’ He nudged her with a playful smile.
‘Bring it on’ She returned the gesture in a more reserved way.
The continuous murmuring of the stream filled their silences, make them at least bearable this time.
‘About your letter…’ Clementine smiled to herself, recalling that night she read his words for the first time ‘I can’t believe you’re actually glad I crashed my car’
Louis just looked at her, brows drawing together. He wanted to say how sorry he was for phrasing his feelings so badly, but he then saw in her eyes she wasn’t serious
‘Tell you what, I’ll let you burn what you wrote if you give me back that hideous paper’
‘Never!’ She chuckled ‘I’m holding it for future blackmail’
Clementine would cherish Louis’ words as long as she lived.
‘Then it’s only fair that at least I get a chance to read what you wrote me’ He insisted.
‘Fine..’ She surrendered to his bright eyes narrowing with glee.
They didn’t look away from each other for some seconds. It didn’t feel wrong just to silently admire each other, so there wasn’t really a reason to look away.
Louis looked away and sighed heavily. With the last bit of hope he had, he spoke again
‘What I really meant to say is…’ He fidgeted, trying to find courage to be completely honest with her and himself ‘I’m glad I met you...and I’m glad that you and AJ got to stay with us. Everything looks so different with you around’
Clementine felt her cheeks go warm, not allowing her to respond.
Seeing he’d get no other answer than her long silence, he stood up and resumed his task.
The girl was furious at herself. Why couldn’t she just tell her she liked him more than he could imagine? It was simple, in theory, but the more she thought about it, the less prepared she felt to open her mouth and say the words he so desperately wanted to hear.
She stood up, picked up her spear and fished in a separate section.
Not many fish came back their way, but she needed to be alone with her thoughts for a moment.
She looked at him from a distance. He had just pierced through a rather big fish in one swift move. She walked closer to his side as he put the dead animal inside the bucket. Both looked at the stream, prepared to catch the next one.
‘I wanted to apologize to you for not joining you’ She spoke softly, concentrated of the quick movement of the water.
A fish escaped Louis’ strike, making him frown and sigh. He couldn’t be angry at her for what she felt. It wasn’t fair.
‘Marlon told me that Brody told him that AJ told her that you were sick, or something’ He shook his head, worriedly ‘She shouldn’t have sent you here if you’re not feeling well, just as she is not here right now’
‘I’m OK, Louis’ Clementine walked away from the rocks while talking ‘That was a lie that AJ told Brody to cover me...I overslept’
‘You teach your kid to lie for you?’ He scoffed, faking disgust ‘The nerve…’
‘Hey!’ Clementine raised her voice and stomped back at him ‘You have no idea what I’ve gone through to keep him alive!’
‘I’m joking Clem, of course I’m joking’ He walked back, almost falling in the river ‘I wouldn’t even think that of you’ She crossed her arms, maintaining her defensive stance ‘I actually believe he’s got the best person to raise him right’
She gave up. There was no use to get mad at him about it. She knew he didn’t mean any harm. She turned around, put her spear down and sighed tiredly.
‘You overslept’ He continued, as he got no answer ‘That’s not a sin. We all do it from time to time’
She sat on the ground
‘Usually, I don’t. That’s why AJ probably thought I was sick’
He walked next to her and rested his body on the tree.
‘What kept you up all night, then?’ His steady eye contact made her heart skip a beat and look away.
‘Stupid stuff’ She shrugged.
‘You weren’t thinking about me...were you?’ He questioned hopefully.
She shook her head, smiling faintly with her eyes closed. She knew that if she looked at him know he’d know for sure.
‘You wish...’ Her eyes opened and fixated on the river, trying to think of anything else that wasn’t him. She finally decided to go and check on the traps.
He just looked at her walk away, in awe that such a shrewd-looking young woman could actually so secretive and charming at the same time.
If this was really a case of unrequited love, he knew he was screwed.
‘Help me out’ Clementine called, waking him from his daydream ‘Brody said there were a set of traps lined up over there’ She pointed away
‘I’m on it!’
Louis took a hair tie out of his pocket and put his dreadlocks up in a bun. Right after, he took off his jacket, so that he could be free from the unforgiving heat for a couple of minutes.
He noticed he had caught Clementine’s attention while he neatly folded his jacket and put it on the ground. He raised a brow
‘What? I’m hot! And I refuse to walk back to the school cooking myself in my own sweat’
He turned around and walked away.
She remained silent, judging his form as he marched away from her. She realized she never had the chance to see him like that. He looked like a whole new person. This look actually was much more fitting to his gregarious personality.
She looked away, trying to focus on picking up the few fish that got trapped. While putting the fish down in the bucket, she looked around. Louis was still working hard under the sun.
During the past few weeks, she had studied in secrecy every detail of his face, every freckle and the way that his eyes narrowed when he smiled, among other things. The more she watched him now, though,  the better he looked. With an intent gaze, she discovered another whole set of characteristics she clearly hadn’t seen before; They way he distributed his weight while standing, how his shoulders squared when he was trying hard to concentrate and the way his becoming features blended so harmoniously with the landscape as if he was music himself. It was almost troublesome now that she realized how handsome he really was.
‘Are you OK, Clem?’ The girl didn’t notice had already walked back with three small fish in his hands. Her absent-minded expression amused him greatly.
‘I was thinking I had never seen you without your jacket before…’ She squinted while looking up to meet his eyes
He put the fish down and put his hands on his hips.
‘And? What do you think?’ He asked, full of himself.
‘I think you need to mend the holes of your shirt’ She pointed at him ‘That’s unusable’
‘First of all, ouch….’ He put a hand on his chest ‘Now I have no other choice but to hide in my coat forever’
‘Or, maybe, I could sew it up for you sometime...if you want’ This made Louis extremely happy, but he tried to play it cool.
‘I like that idea, but here’s a counter-offer: What if you teach me how to do it, and then I can patch up my own stuff. I like to think I’m self sufficient, you know?’
He already knew how to sew, but he’d take every chance to share a moment with her.
‘That’s fine by me’ Her eyes smiled for a moment before looking at the bucket and
sighing ‘There’s barely food for all of us tonight…’ She said, disappointed.
‘Do you think that maybe if we fished with our bare hands, we’d catch more fish?’
She moved her gaze back to the boy. His eyes were lost in thought, as if he was honestly considering it ‘You know...like bears?’ He continued despite her silent judgment
‘I get it, Louis’ She sentenced with an exasperated sigh.
‘So this is a serious matter!’
‘I am serious too!’ He defended himself ‘Well, most of the time…’
‘I hope the hunting party had better luck today’ She threw her head back and closed her eyes, looking for peace.
He let her had a moment of silence. Unfortunately for her, it didn’t last long enough.
‘Well, those fish aren’t coming back anytime soon’ He exclaimed looking at the river while untying one of his boots. She knitted her brows
‘What are you doing?’ she asked cautiously.
‘This heat is killing me, so I’m going to put my feet in the water for a while, maybe test my theory about the bears...have some fun’ He took his other boot off and put it away next to him ‘You’re more than welcome to join me’
‘Do we really have time for that??’ Clementine questioned ‘You know they expect us to bring back some food, right?’
‘And we already took care of that’ He nodded at the bucket full of fish. ‘It’s ready to go and I think we’ve earned the chance to unwind for a moment. Don’t you?’
‘I don’t know…’
‘Besides, you owe me from the other day…’
‘I don’t owe you anything!’ She protested, standing up before him ‘I never really accepted your offer in the first place’
‘Well’ He smiled charmingly down at her ‘You did tell me you wanted to apologize for not showing up…that means you had the intention to see me...am I in the wrong here?’
‘Ok, smartass, let’s relax’ She blurted, taking off her worned out hat, her jacket and untying her boots as Louis walked away triumphantly towards the river.
The water was cold to the touch, refreshing. He immediately decided to walk a little further, until the water covered his knees over his pants.
‘You’re getting all wet!’ Clementine commented, sitting down a rock, dangling her legs to damp her feet up to her ankles as she watched him look around himself.
‘Uh, I think that’s exactly the point of being in water’ He shouted back, walking five steps towards her ‘It’s hot as hell, I’ll dry out in an instant and I could really need some freshening up’ The girl shook her head, her curls hanging loose ‘And so could you’
‘Excuse me?’ She scoffed, offended
‘Hey, I’m an honest guy…’
‘That was rude, not honest...’
‘Seriously, though,when was the last time you washed your face?’ He waded towards where she was sitting and offered her his hand accompanied by a confident smile. She knew he was right, so she preferred not to argue back.
Clementine was hesitant at first, but she finally decided to get down from the rocks and settle herself in the water. The sensation of her clothes sticking to her skin wasn’t fun, but the warmth of her hand in his tight grip made her forget all about it.
He led her in the river with caution, not taking his eyes off her wary stance. She looked like a cat about to take a bath, but much more adorable.
She freed herself from his hand and washed her face meticulously. Louis fell speechless when in front of him there stood at renewed Clementine. Her skin looked soft and young, her many little scars adorned her face and neck in a way he hadn’t seen ever before.
He was truly captivated by her, while she didn’t know how to respond to his love-struck expression. This was all new, unexplored territory.
A splash of water to his face made him gasp for air. When he opened his eyes, he saw Clementine laughing wholeheartedly.
‘Oh, you’ll pay for that!’ He laughed with her, splashing back. These actions resulted in a good twenty minutes of horseplay in and out the water.
They were children once again, enjoying each other’s company, chasing and wrestling one another in the stirring waters that drenched them from the hips down. For a moment, they forgot all about the apocalypse, about Ericson and about everyone else.
Who cares how they got there?
Who cares about their past, their scars and their tragic memories?
They were there and that’s all that mattered.
Louis finally caught up to Clementine and lifted her in a hug. He lost balance over a slippery rock and they fell over.
She panicked for half the second her head was underwater. The last time she was completely submerged a body of water wasn’t exactly fun.
‘You OK?’ Louis helped her sit up, with worry in his face. She met his eyes and she suddenly didn’t care she was soaking wet and let out a nervous laugh
‘I’m okay, Louis...but I think that’s enough fun for today’ She stood up and managed to wade back to the riverside. The boy followed her.
They dried their feet with a piece of cloth they took from the cabin, put on their socks and boots and sat down near the high grass, hoping the sun was kind enough to dry their outfits before they had to head back to the school.
Clementine put her head on Louis shoulder absentmindedly. Only when she could feel Louis’ heartbeat quickening , she realized what she had done.
She didn’t regret it, though. Instead, she took the opportunity as a chance to prove she was brave enough to be honest about her feelings.
‘That night’ she began, hesitantly ‘I couldn’t stop thinking about your stupid face...and the words you wrote’ Louis looked down at her with raised eyebrows as she continued with a self-accusing tone ‘I must have read that letter at least five times before even thinking of going to sleep’ He did not answer. She looked up at him and kept on talking to avoid any more awkward silences ‘I’m also glad I could stay here… AJ needs a family like Ericson and I...I don’t think I could go back on the road after meeting you’
Louis tried to find the correct words to respond to her beautiful declaration of crush.
Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Clementine shivered and began trembling, despite the heat.
‘We shouldn’t have stayed so long in the water’ He said instead while standing up to get his coat ‘You’re gonna catch a cold’ He continued as he put it on her. She shook her head, smiling.
‘I had fun. It’s just that the cold and I don’t get along’ She confessed while adjusting the sleeves to her own arms length.
Louis lifted the short hair strands at the back of Clementine’s neck, so the coat would fit her better. His hands stopped moving as she looked up at him. He was paralyzed by her timid stare.
Slowly, he moved his right hand from the back of her neck to her cold cheek. Just as his thumb brushed against her jaw and the corner of her mouth, she felt her stomach flutter making her gasp lightly. She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his, feeling unusually fragile at the touch of his fingers.
He simply could not close his eyes. His attention was fixed on her mouth and her shivering breaths, still in disbelief that she was so close to him. He wanted to kiss her so badly. His thoughts were racing and crashing inside his mind, but none of his muscles would react accordingly.
Noticing this, she pushed all her fears aside and put her right hand on his chest. She had no clue as to what she was doing. She only knew that every second was painfully long. She couldn’t take it anymore and leaned in to press her lips against his for a couple of seconds.
It was the first time both of them had kissed anyone with this amount of innocence.
Louis leaned back thinking that was it, but Clementine’s lips lingered on and followed his mouth almost instinctively. With eyes still closed, his name escaped her mouth in a breathy whisper, as if she was asking him to never leave her.
His eyes opened in response, her voice woke an unknown craving for her, he wanted her as close as possible at all times. He put his hand against hers on his chest, letting her know with the sole beating of his heart what she provoked in him.
His mouth met hers with parting lips, almost not touching. She didn’t like being teased like that. He soon discovered he secretly loved toying with her impatience. He tilted his head to the side and she put her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to her.
She would have stayed that way forever, until an urgent gasp reminded her that she also needed air to live and as if she had just woken up from an vivid dream, she opened her eyes abruptly only to notice that Louis was just was short of breath as she.
‘I’m sorry’ she apologized multiple times, quickly pulling away from him, embarrassedly surprised by her newfound intensity. She stood up and began walking back to the school with arms around herself.
Once he finally realized what had just happened, Louis grabbed Chairles and ran behind her.
‘Hey, whoa, whoa! Don’t you think we need to address this issue before getting back?’ He said standing between her and the rest of the way.
‘Don’t you get the feeling we shouldn’t have done that?’ She answered, not stopping for one second.
‘I’m afraid the feeling I got was just the opposite’ He made her stop with both of his hands on her shoulders ‘In case you didn’t know, it’s the end of the world out here, and I stopped giving a shit a long time before that. I just want to live for today and enjoy whatever time I have left. I have absolutely nothing to lose’
Clementine’s eyes saddened at his blunt words.
She realized that if she lost him right after how he made her feel minutes ago, she wouldn’t be able to stand it.
She felt powerless.
‘Please, Louis...don’t say things like that’ She begged on the verge of tears. She pushed his arms away and kept walking firmly.
‘Just tell me you didn’t feel the same way I felt back there’ He insisted ‘Tell me you’d never do it again and I’ll leave you alone forever’
Forever is a long, long time. They both thought in a fraction of a second as the river sang its constant murmur. The sky was turning orange and the breeze started blowing a little colder. Clementine hugged herself, avoiding Louis’ interrogative eyes.
‘Whatever just happened...I can’t say I didn’t like it, and I can’t say I wouldn’t do it again’ She confessed, feeling warm only at her cheeks
‘All this time I thought you didn’t like me, but now it turns out you do... but now you don’t want us to be a thing...I’m super confused, I just don’t get what the problem is, Clem’ He blurted out impatiently.
‘I really like you, but-’ A rather loud hungry groan interrupted her.
She looked around to locate the threat, took the knife from her pocket, walked firmly past Louis and pushed it angrily against the skull of a legless walker.
They hadn’t noticed it crawling behind him all this time.
‘...But look at this mess…’ She pointed at the lifeless body with her knife. ‘We cannot live in our own bubble, away from the disaster that is the world today’ She shook her head, trying to convince herself, too ‘We just can’t’
‘Look, I’m just as lost as you are in here, but hear me out’ Clementine spotted another walker approaching quickly. She kicked its knee, making it lose balance and making it easier for Louis to finish it off with Chairles. He moved his stare from the grossly decayed corpse to her young, lively eyes ‘You can’t deny we make an amazing team’
‘Yeah, when we are focused...but when you’re too close to me, I lose track of time and reality and it’s...dangerous...I feel weak’ She wrapped her arms around herself
‘That’s how I feel, too...and I have no idea how it happened, all I know is that I like you, Clem, and I like you even more now that I’ve seen this side of you, I don’t care if it turns dangerous in the long term, this is what I care about right now...more than anything’
He wouldn’t let her keep protesting.
‘I want to keep discovering you, every side of you, and I want you to know me, too...like nobody does’
His words were almost unbearable for Clementine. She wanted to believe him, kiss him again, and forget all that drama. Instead, she put her knife away and turned around with the intention of walking towards the school gates.
Before she could take her first step, he took her hand and turned her back around to face him. He was soft with his touch, but his words were firm and decisive.
‘Sometimes you’re really hard to read’ He told her in a serious tone ‘Are you going to tell me why are you so scared of us?’
‘I’ve seen it too many times’ Her voice cracked when she looked at him in the eyes ‘People losing that one person they cared about the most...they end up broken beyond repair’
Her thoughts went to the memories of Kenny losing Duck, Katjaa and then Sarita. She recalled that fateful day when Christa lost Omid and then their child. She could have gone on and on about other people she’s seen lose part of themselves in childish stand-offs and misunderstandings, but her eyes shut close and with them all of her mind went black and red. She battled against her tears, but it was a losing fight in the end
‘If you ever…’ She dared to look at him again, with painful tears streaming down her cheeks
Louis dropped Chairles to the ground and pulled her close for a tight hug to hush her grim thoughts.
‘I already live with the constant fear of losing AJ forever, and now, the thought of losing you, too…’ she cried with her voiced muffled against his chest between helpless sobs.
He was shocked. Just the previous night he had gone to bed thinking this girl was indifferent to him, now he’s holding her as she cries mournful tears at the thought of him dying.
He caressed her hair as he shushed her tenderly.
‘It won’t be like that. It won’t be like any of those times’ He promised her, shutting his eyes closed as she tightened her grip around his waist, sniffling ‘We’re stronger together. Stronger than any other team you’ve ever seen. You’ll see...’
They remained close to each other in silence until Clementine finally got a hold of herself. She pulled away from him with a long sigh, her eyes and cheeks were drenched in her own tears, but looked away when she talked
‘I just can’t afford to lose you like I’ve lost everyone else’
He gave him a reassuring smile as he dried her remaining tears with his thumb
‘I’m honestly amazed that you think you can get rid of me so easily’
She tried to laugh, but couldn’t play along.
She buried her face in his chest once again and apologized several times, more to herself than to him. It was unlike her to act like this around others, she’d usually just keep her raw feelings to herself, but this time she couldn’t avoid them and that frustrated her to the point of tears. She had heard him say that he wanted to know her as she really was, but she hated this side of her and the fact that he got to see it.
‘It’s okay, Clem’ He comforted her softly ‘I won’t insist, I promise...we can take it as slow as you want, or just don’t take it at all...whatever you decide’ He didn’t know why he added the latter, but sadly enough,that option was now available for her.
‘Thank you’ She muttered, not being able to face him.
She turned around and he let her go just as fast as he held her close minutes before.
They kept a distance from each other, the atmosphere had turned awkward once again.
Their pace was tired and slow.
The sun was setting just as they ran into Marlon, Violet, Aasim and AJ.
The little boy shouted Clementine’s name and ran to embrace her, only to pull away almost immediately after not recognizing her usual scent.
‘Is that Louis’ jacket? He looked up at her  ‘Where is your hat?’
The three teenagers were still standing there, confused as they’d ever be
‘What happened out there?’ Marlon asked first, then turned to Louis ‘Where’s Chairles?’
Before Louis could even realize he went back unarmed, Aasim stepped up to continue the interrogation
‘Where’s the fish?’ His tone was more apprehensive than concerned. Violet tried to be more careful in her questioning.
‘Were you guys attacked?’ She said, hoping for a negative answer.
Clementine and Louis shared a look and nodded.
‘Five of them’ Louis started
‘They caught us with our guard down while we were f-fishing’ Clementine continued, discreetly eyeing his party mate.
‘Yep, that’s why we’re like this’ The boy concluded, hoping their friends wouldn’t keep questioning them.
‘You know we need the food’ Aasim continued, a line forming between his brows
‘And I need my bat, Sherlock’ Louis argued back, crossing his arms in front of him ‘I’m going back for all of it’
‘I am’ Clem stepped up ‘You’re not going anywhere unarmed. I’ll make a run for it. I’ve done it before’
‘I will go, too’ AJ proposed
‘No, it’s getting dark and I don’t want to be there more than necessary
‘But, Clem-’
‘I said no, Alvin Junior, that is final!’ She sentenced with a harsh tone she rarely used on the kid. She wasn’t proud of her emotions ruling her mind and she didn’t want to feel her friends’ judging stares any minute longer, so she turned around and ran back into the woods.
Violet and Marlon shared a look.
Aasim looked at Louis and then at AJ, both of them had a hurt expression in their eyes.
‘Don’t worry’ He said to the kid, taking out his bow ‘I’ll watch over her’ he looked back at Louis and nodded.before running off behind the girl.
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