#i didnt want to just put the hat on the character so
yttrillion · 2 years
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day 22: favourite tera type
pink heart with wings and a bow? yeah of course fairy is my favourite one...
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
am i allowed to give my witcher OCs and witcher characters with no canon design silly little hats…
maybe the answer is “not only allowed am i Allowed, but i am Compelled and even moreso—Required”
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babybinko · 1 year
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Made a TON of Venture Bros. genderbends :D
Bonus + some of my thoughts on all the designs under the cut:
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This is from a conversation I had with a friend about how Dermott and Hank would behave in this AU (its exactly the same as normal)
Ok now some thoughts on my design process
Hank: I think I drew Hank's face actually perfect, I made her so cute. I also feel like there's a common trope with genderbends where athletic characters get short hair so I gave her long hair and gave Dean short hair. I actually think the longer hair fits her perfectly. ALSO I LOVE HER BOOTS.
Dean: I gave goth Dean more Accessories than normal because normal goth dean had no fucking swag (it was besties idea to make her pants ripped). Even before I started drawing college Dean I knew I was giving her those legwarmers you can pry them from my cold dead hands. Same with the legwarmers I knew the first dean design needed a Jean skirt its just the vibes.
Dermott: The millisecond I even thought about doing Dermott I KNEW she would be 2012 grunge girl aesthetic. Gigantic shoplifting energy. Love her.
Rusty: I wanted her to look like a mean mom and I believe I accomplished that goal. Absolutely had to add the glasses strap. Very Jamie Lee Curtis.
Brock: I drew the one with the hair down first and my friends preferred the one with the hair up so I just did both. I wonder if she was a cheerleader in college and killed another girl on her cheer squad by throwing her too far/dropping them.
21: I drew 21 then I realized I had just drawn myself with bangs. Also I drew her with a blunt because there's an episode where 21 has a joint in his mouth the whole episode the other henchmen are standing in stupid poses in the background and its maybe one of my favorite bits in the entire show its so stupid.
24: 24 took several attempts to get the hair right I kept drawing it short and curly and my friend told me to give her Elaine from Seinfeld hair which I think ended up working really well.
Monarch: One of my favorites I did. I feel like this one you can definitely tell how Bayonetta completely re-arranged my brain chemicals as teenager. I love the hip cutouts, I made a tummy cutout to kind of mimic how Dr.GF's monarch costume is kinda skimpy. It's also hard to tell because of the cowl but I tried to give her like a finger waves hairstyle.
Dr.Gf: I tried a bunch of different hats but my friends liked the brimless hat the most and completely doomed him into looking like a Bellhop (more than he already did). Its giving Tyler the Creator at the 2020 Grammys. I still think he's cute though :)
Billy: I really didnt want to just draw her in a suit because thats boring. The show always gives me 60s vibes despite being set in modern day (I'm sure its on purpose) and I definitely channeled that with Billy. It took a couple tries to find a balance between fitting her body but still looking adult but I think I got it in the end.
Pete: YAYYYY PETE YAAAAYY!!! ^_^ Shes so Ava Max Coded. I also gave her giant buckles on her shoes to match his stupid ass one two buckle my shoes ass shoes.
Triana: Very much looks like putting emo boy in the Pinterest search bar. I made her thigh highs into his sleeves and I gave him square bangs like her.
Dr. Orpheus: NEEDED to make her a hot milf and I did. Its a little hard to see but her shirt has lace over the open part. I love the hair Jewerly at the bottom of her braid. :)
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invertedheaven · 2 months
If You Really Love Nothing
chapter 8: pride
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chapter index | next chapter
“Fushiguro! What are you doing here?”
You watched as yuji approached, you didn't think him finding out would be like this. The noise surrounding you drowned out, it all became white noise and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. It was as if you were waiting for the drop on a rollercoaster, all this adrenaline and anxiety about to crash. All you could think about was the possibility that sukuna was with yuji but just not in sight.
Yuij said your name and you snapped out of it “is this your niece?” He smiled
Yuji turned to look at gojo and at the kid he was holding, she looked no older than 3 but there was something off. You saw the gears turning in his head but you were hopeful he wouldn’t put two and two together considering airi was wearing her hat that covered most of her hair— which was the giveaway.
But you spoke too soon as airi grabbed the hat and tossed it on the ground and said “mommy I don’t want this anymore” followed by a pout
You visibly cringed at her poor timing, truly she couldn’t have picked a worse time and she didnt even notice. Yuji bent down to pick up the hat and as he looked at airi again it seemed to click into place.
Yujis brain was slow to the resemblance but as the kid called you “mom” realization hit him like a truck. But his mind kept telling him it wasn’t possible, there was no way sukuna could have a kid, right? But his familys pink hair and his brothers red eyes were too rare to deny. And the pout she seemed to wear was strikingly similar to sukunas brooding expressions.
Words caught in his throat he couldn’t speak as he tore his eyes away from the little girl in gojos arms and looked at everyones faces. He realized nobody had spoken the entire time, and the look of guilt that riddled your faces tells him this wasn’t supposed to happen.
He looked to fushiguro first, hoping he’d say something but he refused to make eye contact. You also refused to look at yuji but he could see that your eyes were glassy as if on the verge of tears, while gojo just looked at yuji with an apologetic face. All he does is stick his hand out to you, handing over the hat that airi threw.
“Thank you” you said quietly, as you turned to put the hat back on airis head you saw her eyes widen and her face laced with curiosity, she was staring at yuji but you don’t know what her reaction was about.
“He has my hair!” She said excitedly and tapped you to get you to look at yuji
Airis favorite thing was when her dolls had pink hair or any character that had pink hair. She often found that the friends at the park and most people around her did not have the same pink hair as her so she got excited at anything that slightly resembled her
“I know, baby” you said sadly you couldn’t even bring yourself to reprimand her for throwing her hat, you didn’t want her to think that behavior was okay but that was also the last of your concern
“Who is this?” Yuji finally found his voice, his tone came across as impatient
You wondered how to approach the subject but before you could speak yuji spoke again “fushiguro? You gonna tell me?” Megumi looked startled that he was called out
The lack of responses or reactions was aggravating yuji, why couldn’t anyone just tell him what hes already thinking? He’s asking and getting nothing in response its like dealing with a bunch of sukunas
You hated that megumi felt called out so you finally found the nerve to speak up “This is airi… my daughter” you finally looked him in the eyes and all he did was nod in response waiting for an elaboration
“Airi say hello, this is your uncle yuji”
“Hi yuji” she said a little more shy this time because she wasn’t a big fan of strangers and the initial excitement of the pink hair washed away the longer yuji stood in front of her
All he could do was wave back with a half smile before he spoke “I dont understand… sukuna never even told me” he looked at you again “is this why you guys broke up?”
You shook your head “yuji, he doesn’t know about her…”
Yuji swore if his jaw wasn’t attached it would’ve fallen to the floor, he looked at gojo and fushiguro to make sure he wasn’t being pranked or something but they just looked uncomfortable
“Did you know?” Yuji asked megumi
“I did”
He doesn’t know if feeling angry is the right thing for him to feel but hes feeling it anyways but before he could ask why megumi would keep that from him you cut in
“I asked him not to tell you, its not his fault” but yuji wouldnt look away from megumi
“This might not be the best place to talk about this” gojo finally spoke up making a good point because none of you had realized you were taking up a lot of space in the crowd while people had to push past you and some stared wondering what the issue was
You nodded in agreement “we’ve been here a while anyways I dont want her getting sick” you were referring to airi. “Do you want to come back to our house with us yuji? Im sorry if you have plans its just a lot to talk about and this isn’t the place” your mind suddenly remembering sukuna could be around and you had to leave while you could
"I was just leaving the movies" yuji lied he didnt want to risk rescheduling an explanation for this. He followed fushiguro and his family back to their car, he texted junpei that he wasn’t gonna make it to the movies normally he would’ve felt bad but every emotion was running through his brain right now
“I can take her toru you’ve been holding her for a while” your voice was shakey as your nerves calmed down. You stretched your arms out but airi shook her head she didn’t want to go with you because gojo had the blue cotton candy that she was now eating more than her own
“Well she’s decided no, so I can’t complain” gojo joked “although she is eating my cotton candy” he half pouted while airi smiled
“I told you” you replied slightly laughing feeling beyond thankful for satorus ability to take your mind off the current situation
Megumi trailed slightly behind watching how yuji observed you and gojos interactions. He couldn’t say he blamed yuji it was an interesting dynamic, but he would be lying if he said it wasn’t making him anxious just thinking about what was gonna happen after this
The car ride home was filled with an awkward silence other than airis mindless rambling about her day, that you were all present for except for yuji so he genuinely tried to pay attention. Once you arrived home, gojo led the boys to the living room while you changed airi into her pjs and brushed her teeth, her bed time was soon and you wanted to get this out of the way now. Once you joined the boys back in the living room, airi ran to her toys that you hadn’t cleaned up that morning
“So why haven’t you told sukuna” yuji wasted no time quite frankly he didn’t want to beat around the bush or play nice right now he was genuinely irritated
“We broke up its true and I really don’t know why” you sighed chewing your lip because you were anxious “he moved shortly after that but about two months later he visited me one last time but by the time I woke up the next morning he was gone with no way for me to contact him”
Yuji was listening but watched as airi pulled on fushiguros sweater asking him to play tea party with her and when fushiguro said yes (to yujis surprise) she had the biggest smile on her face which made yuji feel less angry about the fact that fushiguro didn��t say something sooner
“I know that sounds like I didn't even try but believe me I did but after 2 years I gave up” you sat back into a more comfortable position “I always wanted to be a mom but I knew I couldnt afford it until satoru offered that I move in with him, if I’m being honest she wouldn’t be here if not for him”
Yuji was shocked that gojo would do something so selfless, it doesn’t come across as his character he seemed to carefree in a sense “how old is she” yuji asked
“3 she’s turning 4 in march”
Yuji looked at you suddenly wondering if her birthday was near his and you answered his unspoken question “march 21st”
“Wow” was all yuji could say slightly shocked at how that worked out
“I haven’t told him because not only has he not apologized, I’m worried that if he does suddenly decide to be there for her, what happens when he decides to up and leave again like he did with our relationship” you sighed “I cant put airi through that”
You spoke even quieter next “and if im being honest I don’t even think he’d care about having a kid”
Yuji can understand that, he knows his brother isn’t exactly reliable but a part of him wants you to give sukuna another chance. Not because his brother necessarily deserved it but because he selfishly wanted that concept of family. If yuji was also honest with himself he doesn’t think airis existence would change anything for his brother either, he doesn’t know what kind of reaction she would warrant from the emotionally stunted man. For that fact alone yuji can understand your decision, and now he’s at war with himself trying to decide if he would go home to his brother with the truth.
“Will you ever tell him?” He hopes you say yes for the small part in him that feels like his brother should know about his own kid and because maybe time will change things
“I haven’t talked to him in years yuji, and most importantly I know he doesn’t want anything to do with me” you say in a somewhat lighthearted tone trying to hide the hurt and irritation you feel having to say that out loud
Yuji wants to tell you you’re wrong that his stupid brother is still in love with you and that he has even said he shouldn’t have left you. Yet he doesn’t because he somehow felt that you wouldn't accept those words if it wasn’t from sukuna himself. And a part of yuji admires that about you, no matter how frustrating it makes the current situation
“Thank you” yuji whispered out
You stare at him caught off guard not sure why hes thanking you
“You had all this going on and you still let me come over and were always so nice” he shrugged and continued “and I guess for her too, its pretty cool I have a niece” yuji smiled at you
Your eyes welled up with tears and you just put your face in your hands trying to stop from the scream that wants to claw its way up your throat, you feel so stupid with how complicated all of this has become and for a minute there you actually doubt your decision to not tell sukuna until yuji speaks up
“I wont tell him… a part of me wants him to know because he’s my brother and I love him but I think it’s probably your choice and I do understand why you wouldn’t want to put her through that” and at that he notices gojo rubs your back in an attempt to calm you down
“Thank you yuji” you sniffle lifting your head to smile at him and in that moment he thinks airi has your smile
For the next hour yuji finds himself joining airi and fushiguro in playing with her kitchen playset while still talking to you and gojo. Airi warmed up to yuji happy to have someone else to play with and she actually thought he was fun, megumi also felt happy (not that he’d admit it) that he could finally (somewhat) go back to normal
Yet much to her protest you spoke up “okay airi its bed time” You tried to sound nice but you know she hates it
“But I don’t want to mommy” she pouted and the water works started you understand why she’s upset she’s finally having fun with megumi and yuji but you already extended her bed time by half an hour, any more and you knew she'd get cranky
“I know baby but you can play with them more next time, okay?” Yuji perked up happy to know you’d still want him to come back around
Airi wouldn’t admit it but she was sleepy so her fit didn’t last long she cried quietly as she nodded but continued to say goodnight to everyone including yuji but she didn’t give him a hug like she did to satoru and megumi. You weren’t going to make her either, he was still someone new and if she didn't want to that was okay.
“Bye airi! We’ll play more next time, okay?” Yuji smiled and waved his hand and she waved back while sniffling. You smiled at the interaction knowing that airi would definitely want that.
A few minutes later you came back from putting airi to sleep, yuji and gojo were talking about some tv show as megumi sat on his phone. “Will we be seeing you for megumis birthday?” You asked yuji
Megumi looked up from his phone not expecting you to ask that but thankful you did because he wanted to know that too
“Yeah im still down, next week right?” He turned to megumi
Megumi simply nodded, “but I should probably get home” yuji spoke again and he sounded sad, he stood up from the couch making sure he had his phone
You walked over to him and gave him a hug “you can come over whenever now, airi would love that too” yuji nodded but said nothing as he hugged you back and he had to stop himself from tearing up a bit because even though it wasn’t how he imagined he felt like this could be the family dynamic he needed
“Do you need a ride? I can take you home” gojo offered
“If you wouldn't mind” yuji smiled awkwardly
When gojo and yuji left you began to clean up airis toys, usually you would have her help but it was too late. Megumi spoke up as he helped you "are you okay?"
you didnt look at him not because you were mad you just needed a breather it was a lot to handle emotionally, you nodded "im fine, are you?"
megumi nodded too "i'm sorry I know you didn't want this to happen"
you shrugged "its not your fault, what's done is done and if i'm being honest maybe it won't be so bad im sure him and airi will get along great. I thought he would definitely tell sukuna but it seems like he wont"
"I really hope so" megumi responded
As gojo dropped off yuji, he thanked him for everything and was thankful the drive wasnt awkward considering everything that happened. But now for yuji, it was more so about having to face Sukuna, and with what he knows now he wasnt sure how to. Yuji knew Sukuna would be home after all, it was a weeknight and sure enough as yuji walked inside, sukuna was sat at the kitchen table with his computer
“Where have you been?”
“The movies” yuji lied, annoyed because he knows his brother didnt ask cause he was worried but because he wanted to know if yuji had been at your house
Yuji glanced at the kitchen completely forgetting he hadn’t had dinner but it didnt matter now, he had lost his appetite. As yuji joined sukuna at the table he debated bringing you up just to gauge his mindset about you. To yuji, his brothers reaction would tell him what to expect about possibly knowing about airi
Sukuna noticed yuji was off he wasn't as talkative and he was fidgeting a lot more like he was nervous which meant he wanted to ask something, “What? Spit it out”
“Would you really never speak to her again?”
Sukuna felt his heartbeat speed up he knew yuji was asking about you but he doesn’t know why he would “you’re asking me this shit again? Dont ask me about her”
“Answer me sukuna” yuji had an anger in his eyes and voice that his brother didnt know how to place
“And what makes you think you can talk back to me like this? Dont forget who’s paying for the roof over your head and the goddamn food you eat”
Yuji recognized the anger in sukunas voice and wanted to back down but he continued “I know you still love her… I know you regret breaking up with her”
Yuji didn't even have to look at his brothers face yet he could just imagine the look of disdain “you talk a lot when you’re drunk yknow, you just don’t remember” yuji mumbled as he stood up from his chair, it screeched on the floor and echoed through the silent house. Anger welled up inside him and he needed to go to sleep so the day could just be over, not saying anything else to sukuna
Sukuna sat there wanting to be angry but he felt proud in a sense that yuji spoke up but pissed that it was aimed towards him. Especially about you, and what made sukuna sit there wallowing even more is that he really doesn’t remember saying those things but it’s a truth he’s been refusing to accept in his sober state. Not that he knew why yuji was all of sudden pissed but it made sukuna bitter that he admitted those things out loud and even worse that yuji never said anything sooner.
The anger he was feeling throughout the week simmered down to a longing feeling that he despised, but yet he asked himself anyways… could he finally admit that he regretted breaking up with you?
And he finally swallowed his pride enough to say (entirely sober) what he’s been denying for the past 4 years…
That yes, with every fiber of his being he regretted it.
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spacexseven · 2 years
Trying to find the post I originally saw it from would take too long and plus the person who made it didn't go into detail they just said "reader with a God ability" like I'm guessing an ability that makes you God or something? I'm not too sure but if you want you can try to make it into something
But I REALLY wanted to know how would Fyodor would react because you know the story with him and god
basically reader is a kind of (forgotten) god but i didnt go too much into it so feel free to imagine whatever you'd like ^^
cw: yandere character
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sometimes it occurred to you that divinity, in a world of gifted people, was ultimately meaningless. after all, who would choose to believe in a god—a presence so unclear and foreign—when they had people with powers only gods could have? when there were people with powers that defied logic, powers that decimated cities, and powers that could change the fate of the one affected within moments, what did your divinity matter?
what could you do that some ability user out there couldn't?
despite knowing there wasn't anything you could offer to regular people, you liked to walk down their streets and watch them go on about their day. there was something captivating about their lives, something that resembled what you had lost a long time ago. though in this bleak part of yokohama, most of the people you saw seemed to be weighed down by regret.
once in a while, you'd see some spectacular show of power—paper turning into a weapon, accidental deaths that you knew were not supposed to happen, people on the brink of death brought back to life in perfect health—such things did not amaze you as much as they worried you. maybe that worry came from a place of inadequacy, knowing that your own powers, while typical for a divine being, was overall unimpressive compared to these wonderful and terrifying feats.
however, the worry and the shame did not compare to the delight that followed when talking to someone. you felt alone, isolated by the things you knew and had seen as compared to the mundane lives most people lived, yet you yearned for company. most people were too busy to talk to you when they saw you seated alone, and some were put off by the strange feeling that something about you was not exactly human, but there was always someone who'd approach you first, and those people were almost always the ones that stuck with you the longest. years ago, it was a man wearing a hat and holding a cane, and more recently, a woman with red hair.
and now, it was this man with dark hair and amethyst eyes.
the very moment fyodor uttered his first words to you, you could already tell that he was unlike anyone else you had talked to before. there was something about him that was simultaneously alluring and unsettling, something that glinted in his dark eyes that told you that he knew everything you were trying to hide. even the way he held your hand in his felt like he was trying to sense something from you. still, his expression did not change—calmness evident in his face when yours was definitely teeming with intrigue. it should have embarrassed you that a human was better than you at controlling his emotions.
but there was something unusual about fyodor—the way he carried himself, the contrast between his sharp gaze and sleepy smile, the words he spoke—you could already tell that he was someone destined for great destruction. (or maybe, he was destined to be the harbinger of destruction?) he spoke to you like you were an old friend, someone he had known all his life, not finding any unease in slipping into deep conversation. his voice was soft, but each word felt purposeful.
and then, he mentioned his belief in god.
"what does a god matter," you finally asked the question that had been plaguing you for all this time, "in a world of people that are treated as gods?"
he smiled at you then, like he had been expecting it, "that is simply a result of the follies of man. isn't it disgraceful that they think of themselves as gods?"
"but what can a god do for you that some ability user out there can't?"
"what i sought, what i received, was guidance," he whispered, "my eyes were opened to the truth, and i realized my purpose. ability users parade themselves as gifted, special, but they only bring misfortune."
your heart wavered then, for the man in front of you. you never believed that ability users were blessed, or whatever some groups liked to say. in some cases, it appeared to be more of a curse than a blessing. something unwanted. was he haunted by himself as well? before you could stop yourself, your next words leaped out of your mouth, revealing your identity and subsequently confirming his suspicions.
"if so, what does that make you?"
he smiled then, wider than before. the very sight sent chills down your spine, even though very little still scared you now. he straightened up, clasping your hands within his with a newly gained fervor, with more strength than he appeared to have.
"a sinner seeking repentance from you."
you exhaled sharply, but he wasn't finished, "i know now for sure that this is the right path, and under your guidance, i will deliver your judgment, and i will reinstate you to your former glory."
danger was easy to miss when it looked like fyodor dostoevsky, and it was too late for you now. realization dawned on you a moment too late, as tendrils of consciousness slipped away from you.
among the ghosts of yokohama, fyodor was the harbinger of great destruction. and his reign of terror would start with yours.
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blkkasa · 1 year
sugar mommy! mikasa x disney princess gf! black reader
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Summary - you and mikasa spend time watching disney movies, having sleepovers, mikasa spending money on you, and etc.
Content - fluff, wlw, rich mikasa, princess tiana lover black reader, lovey dovey girlfriends, childhood disney movies.
Notes - i wrote this on my phone cause i didnt feel like writing on my laptop | words: 468
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✩ As you and mikasa watching disney movies together, mikasa plans on taking you on a drive around the town and listen to disney music (and other songs besides disney hits) with her.
"wait mika can we listen to encanto music in the car please" - Y
"alright... just for you, pretty." - M
✩ You online shop for a princess tiana funko pop and also finds a princess rapunzel funko pop for mikasa (i think she'd like rapunzel and mulan).
✩ After mikasa's workout at the gym, she goes to a store to buy a suprise for you after ya'll 6th year anniversary of being in a relationship.
✩ Moments of communicating your favorite childhood disney movies and characters, mikasa decided to plan a lovely disney princess party for your (upcoming age) birthday.
✩ Your lovely girlfriend invites her friends and your friends to y'all house so everyone can have a disney sleepover with disney princess pjs.
✩ Everyone having a funtime sleeping over, making cookies, doing each other's makeup, tweeting random things on twitter, and playing games on tv.
✩ Mikasa carries you to bed and gives you a forehead kisses while putting a disney blanket on top of you.
✩ On halloween, you and mikasa dress up as daisy duck and minnie mouse as you facetime the girls all dressed up in costumes to head to a halloween party.
✩ Mikasa takes care of you after being sick, she makes some soup, and gives your minnie plushie to you, snuggled in bed with you, and you layed your head on her chest falling asleep.
✩ You and your friends get into an argument about who's a better character in disney while Mikasa looks at your phone and types something that would make everyone even more upset while you and mikasa are laughing.
"bae this shit is so funny what the fuck" - Y
"yall got issues, good lord..." - M
✩ Both of yall take a trip to california to go to disneyland and see fun things there while getting on the rides, eating food, and taking cute selfies of each other.
✩ You show mikasa pictures of how you want your nails to be done and she decides to let you take her car and drive to the nail salon while mikasa cleans up the house.
✩ Mikasa's friend invites you and her to go to the mall with her and on the way there you both find cute little disney hats and bags.
"ou mikasa do you see those pretty hats and bags?" - Y
"yeah, do you want one?" - M
"nah not today" - Y
✩ You decide on making princess tiana's gumbo and ask mikasa to cook with you.
✩ Mikasa wanted to surprise you with flowers, chocolate, disney plushies, and another promise ring for valentines day.
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and that's it for the headcanons :)
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Hey , how would Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, Ticci Toby and Eyeless Jack react to a Albino reader ?
Jeff the killer, Slenderman, Ticci Toby, and Eyeless jack w/ an albino!reader !
jeff and toby are the only two characters strictly written as platonic as per admins personal boundaries, but the others can be seen as either way YAHOO playing TLTs new fnaf song on loop while writing this its so mf good got my bones getting in a twist YIPEE did some research on albinism since i didnt want this to be the characters simply reacting to the surface level stuff so thats why it took a little longer to get to this ! hope thats okay!
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sticking true to my personal headcanon that outside of feeding and running people out of his forest, he doesnt actually interact much with humans... asides from the additional torment he puts potential proxies through but hush hush thats a whole different can of worms. point is, i think its unlikely that he would meet someone with albinism. sure, hes probably seen albino animals now and then, but a person? new experience for him, but i dont think he would be treating you like a spectacle. puts two and two together not long after meeting you... though even if hes accepting of it, he doesnt know of the extra precautions you need to take (to protect your eyes and skin from the sun, for example) but hes pretty receptive i think... notices youre having a hard time on days where its sunnier out so he either keeps you inside or keeps you in the shade. doesnt like giving you things from victims, so hes going to find other means to get you what you need (sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, ect). generally very accommodating, has a soft spot for you. i mean of course he does, you managed to win over this ancient forest demon thing
already knows what it is, down to common traits and the different types since i personally hc that before he became this silly man eating demon he was studying in medicine + generally had an interest in this sort of thing. doesnt bat an eye to the way your eyes sometimes twitch or drift off, helps you to the best of his ability when the strain gives you headaches. very good at reminding you to reapply your sunscreen and to remember to wear a sunhat when you go outside. if he has to, hes going to give you his jacket just so you can protect your upper body long enough to get back to your place/// just please give it back when you see him again..
"has heard of it but like slenderman knows next to nothing about it asides from "oh it means you dont have pigment/have low pigmentation" has heard of it but like slenderman knows next to nothing about it asides from "oh it means you dont have pigment/have low pigmentation", but unlike slenderman hes kind of... an ass about it... like hes generally an arrogant asshole, so it may take a while for him to pick up on things to make things a little easier for you. seems like hes annoyed with helping you remember to pack your sunglasses and other necessities, or when giving you something to help with any headaches caused by any strain... but let it be known that if he truly didnt care he wouldnt even bother to pipe up and drag you out into the shade when the sun starts beating down on you two.. he simply shows his care for you differently, you know?
he gets it, he does. maybe this is because he relates to having to just. deal with stuff that makes you different from others. or because admin is on the fence of headcannoning toby with poliosis... which while not albinism, visually he can relate and also relate to some of the other symptoms of it (namely the eye issues). flip flops between reminding you to pack stuff you need and forgetting.. but when he does remember hes very pushy about it, so much so that you might need to tell him to tone it down. you guys tend to vent to one another about things since theres some relatability between the two of you. as mentioned in my previous post hes prooooooobalby going to steal things for you to help you feel better; from things that will physically help you to things that will emotionally help you
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cider-est · 7 months
The full lineup is almost done!! (just needs some touch ups and a Chunsik design👍) FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APRECIATED!!
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Design process under here (whole lot of yapping)
General thoughts: Ive given them in my previous design sheet (you can find it in my blog)(tldr: designs match characters but still childish, 8-12 years old). Only thing different here, is that these eggs were eggs who I had less of a clear idea of what I wanted to do with them (though I still really liked where I ended up!!)
Empanada: Didnt want to go for the full sweet lolita route, mostly because I thought it'd take away the "little kidness" of it all, but something that still resembles the aesthetic. She's wearing "carneirinhos" (idk the name in english) which is very cute little girl to me, and shes also a demon! Her tail resembles a frying pan!! Though I might change her fringe (it was supposed to be baby hairs but now that I think about it, her type of hair probably wouldnt have them) and put some argyle pattern in her sweater vest. I just forgor💀 to do that...I also wish I had made her shorter, but unfortunetely I drew this before the eggs did the height check (YES ITS BEEN THAT LONG).
Sunny: My beautiful baby girl. She means the world to me. I love this minecraft egg with all my heart. Shes wearing Light up sketchers and some fairy wings like Pomme, and shes actually wearing a swimsuit, she just put a tutu over it. The diamonds they're always holding are rings, they have a "terere" in their hair (idk name in english😭😭) and the beads were inspired by an artist on twt (@\BLUETOMATOSODA). Also if you are wondering why her hair looks like tentacles, its because I had originally made it puffy, but changed my mind after doing the lineart, so i had to get creative with me covering it up. Just pretend she has a fan, shes a star after all!
Pepito: Basically, he is very smoll. Chiquito even. He has strawberry hair and MASSIVE glasses that take up his entire face. Hes wearing a swimsuit aswell (dont ask how it works idk either), and has floaties since he cant swim. Hes got crocs, since flip flops hurt his toes, with a spider man charm on them! Also hes got a sunhat, mostly cause I wanted some other accessorie but didnt want to go with gas mask since it'd kinda kill the whole swimming vibe (since his model is wearing a swimsuit). sorry if its not too accurate to his character. Side note: Him, Em and Sunny all have freckles! Him and Sunny all over their bodies while Em just has on her cheeks.
Leo: Cute sporty vibe, love her shorty spiky hair. Wanted to try to make her face spiky aswell, for the whole shark dad thing. Shes got a necklace with a shark tooth (I guess she got it from Foolish??). He changes tshirts randomly, and opens and closes his attack on titan hoodie depending on the tshirt's expression (basically my version of Leo changing her player heads constantly). His trainers have dragon wings and also: whealies!!
Dapper: Im gonna be honest: did not expect to like his design THIS much. The colouring really elevated, with the long blue hair (the same colour as the ghosties!). Wanted to make them, y'know, dapper, so I had to sacrifice some of the "little kid vibes" unfortunetely, but I think it fits her still. The hat has part of the helmet that they used to wear a lot, demon horn to match Pomme, and a suit that is VERY inspired by Death the Kid from Soul Eater (very fitting for a reaper in training imo). Might be my favourite design!
Ramon: Jesus fuck you'd think designing your fav egg would be easy BUT NO. I struggled long and hard. Again, he doesnt have that much "little kid" vibe whatever man😭😭 Im just happy that I even managed to make SOMETHING. Hes got Create googles, his meathead is a massive hat that completely hides his hair. Very simple, very Ramon, though I will probably end up making a version with an ugly sweater just like he likes instead😔. I still like it but. man...
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menlove · 2 months
your posts about the juliette greco thing have me thinking and I have such a clear vision like....the fact he wrote 'my soul mate' after that description he wrote in his book...like a direct message to someone who maybe went on and on about how if he were a girl that's who he'd want to be . so many Thoughts
LIKEEEEE the thing is too is that he's talking about yoko in that section
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at least ostensibly. putting on my tin hat and pulling out the red string for some Speculation here but a couple of things stand out about this to me
"someone that I had already known, but somehow had lost"
"although I had numerous interesting 'affairs' in my previous incarnation, I'd never met anyone worth breaking up a happily-married state of boredom for"
like he's very obviously comparing yoko to juliette greco here, but the first three paragraphs (well paragraph & two sentences) could be about paul before you read on. and they're the opening sentences, too, in this little short opening "the ballad of john & yoko" which just tells their story
which. with my own "they were fucking the whole time" beliefs could 10000% be on purpose. especially bc "someone that I had known, but somehow had lost" makes absolutely 0 sense for yoko. but given my own personal interpreted timeline from The Events would put the petering out of their sexual relationship around 67/68...
like just for a Moment imagine that he was purposefully egging paul on here like "oh yeah I know and you know that I made you think this was about you but now I'm comparing Her to the woman you wanted to be like, fuck yourself"
and with that in Mind it would absolutely be a further dig to then say "yeah I had some interesting affairs but none of them worth leaving my marriage over" which also like. what's so interesting about an affair between a white man and a white woman? as far as we know, there's never really been much reported on john having any long lasting affairs. he obviously slept around, but out of the 4 he really didn't have any steady girlfriends or long-term affairs going on. no one's come forward with any (as far as I know) so it's just a very odd statement to make. unless, of course, you consider it another little backhanded comment at paul to piss him off lmao
which wouldn't even be out of character for this little autobiography bc later he downplays how important the beatles were to him at all & insults them in a very tongue in cheek way, saying:
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which likeeee. some people think he's being sincere in calling them avant-garde thinkers, but many also speculate he was just being a dick & sarcastic. which I absolutely think he was being lmfao. and saying that they weren't more important than any other part of his life & less than some. like he's being a cunt.
ANYWAY SORRY YOU DIDNT ASK FOR ALL THIS I just think his mind is an interesting place & it would not be out of character at all for those opening lines to be him being a dick to paul about something he Knows would be a sore spot
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First of all, take your time with the storys (god i love your writing style, its not rushed and not too cheesy or out of character) And cause my Brain is a full on simp for Morgie and the Boy is just a little good one that wants to fit in, i have another idea
Maybe a story based on the Deleted scene pics of Him sleeping(?) alone in the Hideout from the lagoon in this chair(?) and of him finding the book
in the whole thing morgie and reader have this Tension like always and are pretty close (they are in love but both dont know how to make the first step and they know it wouldnt really be good news for uliana which scares morgie off)
Male!reader is another villain kid that is also in Ulianas crew but mostly in the background, he didnt go to the office to steal the cookbook nor did he look out for merlin with morgie (maybe reader is even secretly slightly friends with bridget who knows)
Morgie went to find the cookbook in chloe's and red's room after finding out what happend to uliana and the crew, he hesitates to open it and goes back to the Hideout in the lagoon where he starts to panick a little cause his friends are frozen, he is all alone and it all depends on him now.
On one side he wants to impress uliana and the others and be a good villain like his Mom (cause he has a reputation to hold up and he has mommy issues lmao) but on the other hand he doesnt think that Bridget deserves it and he doesnt wants to really be like his mom, morgie also opens the book which also proves that he is good in his heart
Reader comes into the hideout to see morgie having a complete life crisis and he tries to comfort him, Reader wants Morgie to leave the villain group cause he just isnt a villain and a good soul at heart but Morgie thinks that this will just cause more problems so he sticks with this life now (god bless him)
Morgie ends up not doing the prank and telling Uliana later after she is unfrozen that he just didnt find the cookbook and he couldnt pull through with the pranks and that he and Reader couldnt think of anything just as cruel for Bridget before castlecoming but they totally did still try to.make bridgets day bad (they didnt xD)
You’re so sweet, thank you so much. I really do try, end up reading it like 4 times before I post it and find something I wish I changed a day later. And I love the concept of a secretly good VK being with Morgie (who is also secretly good idc what Disney has to say on the matter)!! I’m so excited about this one
True to Heart
Morgie le Fay X Reader
Pronouns used: He/him/his
Summary: When faced with something that knows the truest part of your heart, it’s bound to see right through you.
Warnings: Uliana sucks, they're very touchy but really this is just fluff with some panicking. Death mention but it’s sorta playful
Word count: 2K
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   It had been hours since he heard from Uliana. Surely the sea witch should have come by his room by now , yelling at him about how he needed to be ready for their plan. Convinced he’d do it at the drop of a hat to be part of her main circle. She was a fool of course, that he believed with his whole heart, she was ridiculous to believe he’d hurt Bridget. It would be like asking him to hurt Hades. They weren’t close but he had an obvious care for them, that was easy to see. Uliana was an idiot to believe he would even consider letting go of that part of himself. There were few parts of his morals he could actually hold in the position he’d put himself in. He’d be keeping one, (Y/n) was not the type of guy to betray anyone. Despite that though, he was on his way to go find the dreadful girl and her friends, skipping across the rocks of the black lagoon. Regardless of who he wanted to be, villainy ran in his blood, he had no other options but to be on their beck and call. Well, he assumes he did have one other option, but the idea of being alone by choice wasn’t exactly one that made his chest all warm and fuzzy. And to leave certain people in the crew would kill him. 
    “Oh what did I do?” The familiar voice panicked, speaking to himself as he paced the length of the hide out. “Why did I take that? What do I do with it? Why did I?” Morgie is speaking faster than he can make sense, repeatedly looking over at some old book settled on the table. (Y/n) slinks in, carefully making his way up to the boy. Not that he noticed the presence of his, well he can’t actually tell you what Morgie considers him. Arms outstretched, grabbing his biceps from behind, “Morgz, where are your friends? I thought Ulilana would’ve come by to snatch me up by now.” Hazel eyes are panicked and wild, turning and staring into the most comforting face he’s ever seen. “I-” he takes a deep breath, stepping closer for his friend to hold him closer, “I failed at being a good watch and now they’re all frozen and I don’t know what to do because it’s my fault and I don’t want to do this alone.” 
    His right hand slides up Morgie’s arm, resting on his shoulder as his left hand cups his cheek. “Morgie, I will never let you be alone. Now, tell me what we’re doing.” He watches Morgie’s eyes close, rubbing the boy’s cheek with his thumb lovingly. “I can’t ask that of you,” he breathes forcing his eyes open as he pulls away from the boy’s hand, “If pranking Bridget falls on me it has to fall on just me. I know you like her and I couldn’t make you do something like that. It would ruin your chances.” (Y/n) laughs, tapping Morgie’s cheek with his hand and letting go to look at the book on the table, “Morgz, Bridget is a lovely friend but I do not like her. Not like that. Now,” he drags a finger over the cover of the old book, “Is this the book that Uliana wanted?” He pauses, turning around. His back straightens in shock, realizing just how close Morgie had gotten, he could feel the sorcerer’s breath on his face. He was really close, far too close. 
    “Did you say Uliana was frozen?” “They all are,” he steps back ever so slightly, as if he realized how close he’d gotten all of a sudden, “I heard those two girls talking about it. They said there was a spell on the book that keeps people with evil in their heart from being able to use it. Something like that and they opened it and now,” he shakes his head. “Now they’re all frozen,” (Y/n) bites his hand to hold back a laugh, “They didn’t research the book before they went to get it?” He turns back to the book, “So what are you planning to do with it?” Morgie’s hands settle on either side of him, chest pinned to the boy’s back with his breath fanning over (Y/n)’s exposed neck.  
    “I mean, I need to do the prank don’t I? Uliana is going to be fuming if I don’t and it would make my mom happy. Or at least I hope it would. So I need to do the prank, right?” He bites his lips, eyes fluttering closed as he relishes in the closeness. They’d never act like this in the hideout if Uliana had the chance to see them. she had her qualms when it came to them both -one more than the other- no reason to make it worse. “So, you want to prank an innocent girl so that two women who can’t even see you would be proud of you?” He shakes his head, “It’s not that I want to prank her. I just, I need someone to be proud of me. You can understand that, can’t you?” “Morgz,” he shakes his head, turning around and putting them nearly nose to nose. He can hear someone take in a sharp breath, Morgie seeming to hold the gasp in as he stares at his friend. He was almost sure the sound had been him. “You do not need to make Uliana and your mother happy all the time. What would make you happy?” He shakes his head, the motion making their noses brush up against each other. “You know it’s not that simple.” 
    “Okay, then open your magic little book, serpent boy.” He lets out a sound that (Y/n) thinks is supposed to be a laugh. “I can’t, villains can’t open the book. That’s literally how we got in this situation.” He nods, grabbing Morgie’s face in a way that would make most people raise their brows. The display was a touch two cozy for the two boys to just be friends. “Open the book. If you freeze then I will unfreeze you and help with the prank.” He raises a brow, eyes drinking in his best friend’s face, “And if I don’t?” “How about we focus on if you do first, huh?” Morgie lets go of him, stepping to the side so he can look at the book. “What if,” he takes a breath, looking over at his friend’s gentle face, “What if you can’t turn me back?” His hand reaches out, smoothing a strand of Morgie’s hair into place, “Well, then I will fight tooth and nail until I can. I can’t be without you.” He picks up the book with slow shaking hands, eyes flickering back over to the other boy. “I really think you should open this. I mean, we know that you could open it and be just fine. You’re so,” he looks the boy over, licking his lips, “You.” 
    “Morgz, open the book. I promise you, we’ll be okay.” Morgie takes a deep breath, bracing himself for the worst as the cover of the book gives way to his hand. Sliding open without so much as a shine of a spell coming off of it. His eyes flicker open, slowly looking over the page before looking up to his friend. “I didn’t freeze.” A smile comes across his face, walking over to Morgie’s shell chair and falling into it. “You knew that,” he turns to watch as he speaks. “You knew I would be okay.” (Y/n) looks up at him from his seat, smiling at Morgie, “Of course I did, I know you. You might be a le Fay but you’re also,” he pauses, shaking his head, “You’re you. There’s no need to be Morgie le Fay right now. You can just be, Morgie.” 
    He shakes his head, walking over to his friend and falling to sit between his legs, “I can just be Morgz.”  Without so much as a second of hesitation (Y/n) wraps his arms around Morgie’s waist, lightly pulling him back to lay down on top of him. There’s no hesitation on the other boy’s end either, the sorcerer melting into his arms, his head lulling back to rest on his friend’s shoulder. The two boys become a tangle, the tip of his nose brushing against (Y/n)’s cheek bone as he gets wrapped into his arms. A grossly adoring and gentle display that the other boys of the group would never give into. Words can’t explain how happy he is for the curse on that stupid book. “What am I supposed to do now? I mean, if I’m not evil what am I doing with the villains?” (Y/n)’s hand comes up to scratch at the boy’s scalp as he speaks, Morgie letting out a whine at the contact.
    “That’s a great question, what are you doing with the villains? You and I both know that you deserve better than this.” Each of the other boy’s words fan across his cheek and lips as he speaks, the air of it tickling his cheek,  “You know why.” He was so close, how had he let himself pull the other boy so close? His mind was in overdrive, doing everything he could to think about something, anything, other than the closeness. “You know you don’t have to be her mini me, right? You don’t have to be here just because of her.” He scoffs, nuzzling further against (Y/n)’s cheek, “Why are you with us then? Everyone knows you’re nothing like your dad.” A hum follows the words, stroking the boy’s hair instead of responding. “I mean realistically, Hades and I are the only ones you hang out with one on one. And I think everyone knows you’re not a fan of Maleficent. But you’re still lumped in with us. What’s the point of it?” “You,” he has his eyes closed as he says it, bracing for whatever the response would be. 
      Morgie stills, (Y/n) honestly hadn’t noticed he was still nuzzling against him until he stopped it. Grip loosening so the boy could get up and leave him. But he doesn’t, he can feel Morgie’s eyes burning into the side of his face. “Look at me.” “What?” “Look at me,” he grabs the boy’ chin, tilting him over to look at him, “Open your eyes.” “I’m okay actually.” “Please,” he whines it, cupping the boy’s face. And they both know there’s no way (Y/n) ignores that tone in his voice. Eyes slowly opening. “You’re stuck here because of me?” “I want to be stuck with you.” 
  Morgie sits up, looking over at the book with a sigh, “How are we supposed to get that thing back into Merlin’s office?” (Y/n) shoots up, looking at the boy with bewilderment in his eyes, “What?” Morgie lets out the shell of a laugh, turning to him, “Well, if you’re stuck with them because of me, then while they’re frozen, we can do things your way.” He looks at the sorcerer with the softest eyes, lip caught between his teeth in hopes of stopping the grin that begged to stretch across his face. “You’re not gonna prank her?” He turns, pointing at the other boy, “We’re not. We are however going to have to work together to figure out how to lie to Uliana though. Because we are so, so dead if we don’t figure this out.” “Morgie le Fay! I am so proud of you!” He laughs, pulling him into his lips. It’s soft, short, barely even a kiss but he relished in it all the same. Morgie was kissing him, he got to kiss him. Whatever was set to happen to them didn’t matter, he could roll with the punches. For a while, at least for the next day, the two not-so-villainous Villain kids could live true to their hearts. That could be enough, for now it would be enough.
“So uh,” (Y/n) pulls back nervously, wiping his bottom lip with his thumb, “Since we already have the tickets to castle coming do you want to“ “Please.”
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cupiohearts · 1 year
HOT MALE NURSES ?! - seeing your boyfriend put on a sexy nurse costume for you
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CHILDE was actually having fun with this. you watched in horror as he strided across the floor with a tray in hand. he held a grin as he proudly pointed out how he was gonna fix you right up
you groaned into your pillow, awakening to the bright light and with your fever reaching an all time high. it was hot inside of your room and so you swung off the covers and went to the kitchen to pick up water.
now you were someone who had an obnoxious boyfriend, frankly too obnoxious but you still love him.
"-i'm reconsidering our relationship right now childe" you stood at the doorframe not even a step outside when you see childe with him fixing his nurse hat "what the fuck are you doing here".
childe widened his eyes before jumping straight into position. he grabbed a syringe and posed on the couch. "i heard you needed a doctor" he said (with roses and a pink background appearing behind somehow).
you both stared at each other for a long time until he broke the silence by answering your question. "ok fine- you should really stop leaving the key in the potted plants outside."
"so you broke in?"
"you were sick!"
you pinched your nosebridge and just gave up on the topic while childe kept pestering you about your needs.
"do you need anything to eat? i can get you ice with that water!" he constsntly loomed over your shoulder until you asked for something and that was only until hours later.
"childe can you get out of my housr"
"... no"
you were not gonna lie when you said KAEYA had made your face even hotter. it seems as though he deliberately unbottoned the top part of the nurse uniform, and put on the fishnet stockings.
"KAEYA?!" you shouted with your jaw dropping. it was morning and the first thing you wake up was to kaeya ginormous boobs in your face.
"oh~ are you finally awake" kaeya had given his girl crushing eye smiles and you just kept your jaw open.
the blue haired man smiled while he poured your medicine into a small cup holding a glass of water. "open up" kaeya asked while you complied.
perhaps its the fact that his outfit had overloaded your brain adding ontop of his incredibly good looks or it mightve been the fact you were sick and therefore incapable of thinking clearly but you did it anyways.
not even the bitter taste of medicine pulled you out of your trance. kaeya continued to treat you. he even sung you a lullaby and tucked you into sleep.
he pulled up right next to you, of course he noticed how your face got hotter every time he touched you of course he would. but it was fun teasing you.
"your expressions are so cute"
you did not how anybody had convinced SCARAMOUCHE of all people to do this. perhaps it was nahida or perhaps it was his own accord (.00001% possibility) but you werent gonna complain especially not when he ended up being so fun to tease.
"STOP TAKING PHOTOS OF ME!" your boyfriend had loudly shouted at you. he was currently washing your dishes while you laid on your couch taking photos of him. "but you look so good in that!"
"yeah i know..." he mumbled under his breath, you didn't hear exactly what he said and didnt care. when you were finally done taking photos you zoomed in on them.
"maybe i should get sick more often if you do this for me!" you giggled. you kept looking at the photos until the phone was swiped out of your hands.
"wh- hey!" you stared at scaramouche who had held your phone in his hand and placed it in a cupboard "i needed that!"
scaramouche stuck his tongue to you and blew a raspberry. "bleh! deal with it! you just wanted to take more photos of me" he crossed his arms.
"yeah i needed that. give me my phone back!"
"get rid of this fever and then you get it back" scaramouche promptly stated. picking up all the trash you had left around while you slumped over your couch.
"i hate you!"
"no you dont"
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scaramouche might be outta character but uh anyways
my first genshin post !!
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bestygogirl · 9 months
Match 2
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
mana is the apprentice to mahad and her ka is dark magician girl. she is the basis for apprentice illusion magician. she is the first one to inherit the millennium ring after mahad, while it allegedly has yami bakura in it. her fate is left up to the viewer. another fun fact is she teases atem like he's her big brother and hides in vases. she makes fun of set's stupid hat and turns it in magical hats. she's a fun loving child who is put in a position where she needs to fight a war. and like. she's my daughter please vote for her.
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
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lizaluvsthis · 10 months
My Hyperfixations about the topic Western Spaghetti and WOTFI 2023
My main focus on the 'SIMULATION' that might also have involve tv adware to be doing it all on purpose.
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Western Spaghetti and WOTFI 2023 seem to connect with the antagonist "TV Adware" that first came from ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT
I was thinking- since meggy lived in a simulation where One Shot Wren made I also thought from the other people's theories from youtube and also here- that- what if the whole SMG4 HAS ALSO BECOME AN ENTIRE SIMULATION RUNNED BY THE TV ADWARE TOO???
I'm just saying- just saying- if it were ever...
Western spaghetti movie is shown how Tari was self aware and is sure enough that she could tell it was a simulation since she is a human robot type.
And in the other of the episodes where tari is after western spaghetti, she seems to appear all scared and weak again. So this might have made me cost another theory- cuz tari got her development from western spaghetti-
Why not in the other episode after that? Literally smg4's new castle is shown where tari and luigi appeared to be scared again- where is her bravery?
And with that said to me- I mightve thought deeper after the ending on WOTFI 2023 TV adware shows up. What makes me rethink about- is that why are bob, boopkins, shroomy, luigi, any hell of the characters are inside of the building and works for Mario?
Why did it suddenly reminded me about how Bob and boopkins were criminals from western spaghetti and in wotfi 2023 these two work for mario- dont get me wrong here- I felt like some thing was weird from the very beginning after Mario stole SMG3's notebook.
All I could think about- was that WOTFI 2023 and Western Spaghetti NEVER existed to them- as in they NEVER knew NEVER been or NEVER have experienced and NEVER remembered.
That almost as if they return to their normal lives again to play on loop like they stayed in their usual characters, without the development they had.
I know you guys did noticed the hint they put in smg3's lair where SMG4's western hat is shown, well what if I tell you it was just a display that SMG3 didnt even knew it belonged to SMG4?
What if I told you that western hat didnt even made it to the movie? This western hat that belonged to smg4 belongs to him ONLY. And this hat is part of the 'simulation'
Breaking through after meggy's awaken from the pod- where everyone was... they didnt WEAR their western outfits after that.
The first ever time they both wore their western outfits is the first episode before western spaghetti called "Ready to ride?"
Knowing that its already been a simulation from the start seeming that tari knows and tried to break through the thick barrier.
The episode SMG3's bomb cafe showed smg3's lair that he had the western hat. Again. The western hat belongs to smg4. How? Its barely been shown from the episode nor even western spaghetti that smg4 gave him the hat or smg3 stealing it.
It's just right there. A hint. A hint that reminded a simulation they were stuck in.
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When SMG3 made this comment. I never thought much about it after my first time watching western spaghetti but now that I repeated it over and over again? I finally came into making a theory.
What if after wotfi 2023 SMG3 is his turn to be the one whose self aware?
Surely you guys know Mario is in prison with Marty (was it?) After getting locked up in jail, Mario doesnt know and he just follows basically anything what marty says. Until. It was shown from Marty's flashback that the notebook was deliberately sent to him on purpose by a printer that also happens to have the SAME exact logo.
Considerately the antagonist TV adware is sure to want and put SMG4's whole crew or lives in danger not by anyone noticing it but us who sees it.
So like during the movie of ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT thats where tv adware appears as probably his minion sent out to SMG4's pc to advertise him a seemingly sing but suspicious keyboard to where SMG4 needed it.
I might've thought about it. When the keyboard affected SMG4 he continues his editing non stop and even put a LIVE cam behind him seeing how many days was it? I dont remember. But the count down.
I may have think- hmm... what if just a single watch from the video while SMG4 is live the people have been hypnotized that their actual bodies were separated to them and that the Tv adware already HAD their bodies but stuck on the new so called simulation that would be on progress.
It may seem prettyyyt suspicious to me cuz
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When tari says THIS line? To wren?
I knew something was definitely up.
Sure he used the other minions of his own from the simulation bringing them into the living realm (aka where tari and meggy and rest of the crew were)
Wren knows to himself he cant control much of it since- it IS only given to him he doesn't CONTROL ALL. He CONTROLS THE PODS. And have his own virtual control where he's always number one.
So like probably. Tv adware did this on purpose to one shot wren. To get on to something more different. Cause Tv adware appeared when One Shot Wren was young and meaning Meggy Spletzer is still a small kid, meaning that was before SMG4 or even SMG3 existed/landed in the realm.
Tv adware knows it. They knew everything. They set up pods that were in the exact NUMBER of smg4's crew.
It looked like he NEEDED. Them for something more.
Than just a puppet with or without a string.
He's been there from the very beginning.
Observing. Every move.
I dont know what if SMG3 DID also realized at that moment- where he said it felt like hes been asleep for a 100 years is actually true?
What if he did remembered and broke from the simulation tv adware is holding onto- and started seeing it like how tari did?
Although its impossible it would be if he noticed a pinch of it. He cant just NOT forget about the notebook that mario STOLE from him and put him into jail. And immediately got busted out after wotfi 2023.
Again the simulation cant be brought to the real world. Meaning it has already been brought to the real world before this, and I think tv adware needed this as an opportunity to take hints and also let people notice this small topic.
As said, the simulation and the real world are too complicated. Meaning if the simulation is brought to the realworld it would probably mess up the time or cut its world like a fabric. This is what Tari is surely aware of. The simulation.
Just a wrong doing from messing it up, might lead everything into consequences from the future.
And what if we actually got a bad ending in wotfi 2023? Would there be more screenshow of tv adware? Or do we just keep watching the movie like it never even bothered much?
I just felt it- Tari never wouldve knew tv adware had control over hers as well because she IS living in the real world, like a puppet. And puppets also have temporary strings attached that also leads from her not knowing this is normal. And that nothing is wrong.
The temporary string may have not worked due to Wren's control but tv adware controls EVERYTHING.
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
ur davejade posting has me Remembering and goddddd. theyre so good. thank u
i want to make a davejade analysis masterpost but the funniest thing with these asks is that theyre the ones that really prompt me to put my thoughts together in some direction and i ALWAYS find a new implication or connection to talk about. like while i’m writing the connections will just make themselves known. if i made a masterpost i’d have to update it every time i think of something new which defeats the purpose of a masterpost because it’d never be finished. so i just like to spitball into separate posts and just shove them in my davejade tag. i was NOT expecting to get back into homestuck with davejade at the forefront but i can see things now i didnt then
im gonna go off again because it’s so obvious to me on this jumpy scrambled “reread” that dave has a fat fucking heart-on / affection erection for jade. hes tryin soo hard to be cool but hes like this with jade actually behind the screen and she knows it
words and deeds of a court jester dude who totally has a crush on his childhood internet friend and doesnt acknowledge it (btw this is woefully incomplete for the sake of brevity but i could elaborate in another post. i actually have a draft (edit: posted) with a shit ton of more analysis stuff in it on why he acts differently with her than other characters):
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the next day (chronologically) when jade messages him:
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hussie commentary: “Dave's one-pixel-smile there means that there are literally more than ten thousand drawings on the internet of Dave and Jade kissing. That pixel literally made that happen.”
i mean … it sure is easy to assume how he feels about jade based on the way he talks to her and when his sprite only ever smiles one other time in the entire fucking comic and the reality of that other one was arguable since it was during [S] Karkat: Mental breakdown and its likely karkat was hallucinating it based on the content and context of the flash
nah this one was real. and it was from the first conversation we saw between dave and jade in the comic and thus set the standard for their dynamic. and remember old school 2009 dave was kind of a menace so it says a lot
this girl was special enough to him to warrant that pixel
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jade calling dave a “huge baby” for him getting nervous about a piss while she’s his server player. he makes such a big deal about it while shes like oh my god just go:
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and the absurdity of the situation being one of his favorite memories
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i know pesterquest isn’t “canon” canon but it passes my character essence check and still contributes something of substance to my argument. like i can say this is not at all out of place if these characters were plopped into these scenarios. remember this takes place on the same day as the above, 4/13/2009. theyre the same age as above and have the same relationship as they did above, just in a different scenario that wasn’t possible in canon wherein they didn’t play sburb
Jade wanders away from that window and toward another one, whose view is exclusively centered on the rolling blue. She presses a hand against the misty pane and sighs. JADE: you know, dave talks a lot about coming to visit me here. i mean, all of my friends do but dave especially JADE: in his usual davey way of course, which means making lots of jokes and not sounding very serious about it JADE: "yeah im itching to put on my safari hat and come traipsing down to doomdeath archipelago to get my ass murdered by infinidog the eldritch retriever," stuff like that JADE: i know he really means it though! he wants to see me, just like i want to see him JADE: but its just wishful thinking
anyway daves reaction to seeing his isolated online friend for the first time irl cry because she has guests. its even better with the character sprites
JADE: we can play with all my toys and jam out to some music and stay up all night chatting with each other and oh my god oh my god youre here youre all here this is really happening!!!!! Jade's next laugh verges on hysterical and she's got tears streaked down her cheeks. Dave looks a little perturbed. DAVE: wow holy shit uh DAVE: its cool jade no need to get so DAVE: like this DAVE: kind of fucks me up seeing you cry DAVE: not that im trying to make this all about me DAVE: i mean uh
and so after mspa reader’s intervention, who do we see with jade the next time we see her?
dave. and hes goofing with her squiddles while grinning
DAVE: okay so lets see what we got here Jade's room is bright and cheery, fresh flowers in the hanging pots, curtains pulled open wide to let in the afternoon sunlight. Jade sits on her bed while Dave paces in front of a line of squiddle toys, carefully assembled in neat ranks. DAVE: this blue one is clearly in charge look at his dominant posture DAVE: also hes the only motherfucker not tentacle deep in his homie DAVE: hes an untangled buddy that is some shit really cuts to the core of like DAVE: DAVE: emotions JADE: its actually because the magnets in him are messed up, and always have been!! DAVE: harley you are ruining the magic come on
basically what im putting together is that dave was REALLY fixin to spend some time with jade. extending into her sphere of interests that he doesnt express much with anyone else; you can tell he really wanted to engage with her in a less irony poisoned way. he’s softer with her than his other friends and god forbid the trolls, he is much less skeptical about things when talking to her (he even questions why he just seems to go along with her eccentric precognitive statements but he doesnt change his attitude about it), he showers her with his music and raps to the point where jade is expectant of getting poetry from him. rap IS poetry. please realize that dave is sending her his poetry, regardless of how goofy it may be. this is the level on which im viewing this at and once you realize this theres no going back. there comes a time in every homestuck’s life where they have to see how dave interacted jade and conclude that he had a cute little puppy crush on her unbeknownst to either of them. and it was adorable. and now, in the year 2023, it’s your time to realize this too. no going back.
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and btw it all came back around…………………nimblest son of a bitch who had the gumption to glue a nasty pair of latex cat lips to his face
for a reason that wasnt a joke anymore
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don’t think ive seen anyone talk about this parallel at the end to one of their first conversations in the comic. maybe somebody did back in the day but i never saw it
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acesbelovedwife · 2 years
Portgas D. Ace x fem reader smut
3,5k characters
The morning sun hit your face as you stirred awake, you tried to sit up but a hand around your waist kept you laying down on the mattress. You looked to the side at the culprit. Your boyfriend Ace, peacefully sleeping with some droll spilling from his mouth, you admired his beautiful face, his freckles, his stupid little grin forming on his mouth from whatever dream he had. You smiled to yourself gently putting your hand on his freckled cheek to bring his face closer to give him a gentle kiss on his soft lips. He slightly opened his eyes still half asleep "good morning sleepyhead" you greeted him "mmm" your boyfriend murmured pulling you closer with his arms "c'mooooon wake up Ace" you whined trying to stir him awake "5 more minutes" Ace replied with his still rusty morning voice "those five minutes always turn to at least an hour and you know it" you pouted. He didnt reply trying to fall asleep again, feeling confident you flipped him on the back and sat on top of him making him open his eyes wide awake "y-y/n?" He could feel his face heating up from the sudden move you made, you wriggled your hips a little bit knowing what it could potentially lead to "what's wrong Ace? I thought you wanted to sleep but now you're all awake" he couldn't utter a word out of his mouth just blushing looking at your smirking face as he felt his pants get tighter "you're so cute baby" you smiled bringing your face closer to his to give him a kiss as he closed his eyes getting ready for it, but you missed his lips by "accident" kissing him right next to them, you pulled back to look at his scrunched face with tightly shut eyes and blush spread all over his face. You could now clearly feel his tent under you and you wriggled you hips a bit pushing Ace over his limits, he put his hand on your neck pulling you towards his face kissing you passionately immediately winning dominance over you switching your places making him the top now "You really couldn't wait those 5 minutes huh y/n?" Ace smirked at you grinding his crotch against your thigh "how are you doing this to me" he stared at you with his beautiful eyes asking for more, you sat up and started kissing his neck "let me take care of you" you whispered to his ear giving him a hickey on his neck as he moaned. You reached down with your hand to his boxers gently touching his shaft making Ace whimper, you took of his boxers taking the sight of his hard on. You licked the tip making your boyfriend squirm a bit and gently grab your hair controlling himself from grabbing it too hard "lay down darling" Ace listened letting you take control back again. You smiled as you went back to lick his whole shaft enjoying the taste "y-y/n please" Ace moaned making you take him all at once making your boyfriend moan louder, you bobbed your head up and down until you felt him breathe harder letting you know he was closer. You started sucking harder making Ace moan even louder saying your name over and over again "I'm gonna cum y/n!" He grabbed your head further on his cock making you gag as he cummed in your mouth. Swallowing all of his load you pulled away to catch your breath "fuck I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean to are you ok did it hurt-" "it's ok Ace" you smiled bringing him closer to kiss him making him taste himself on your tongue. "Are you sure?" Ace asked still concerned pulling you into a hug "yes Ace, it's really ok" you said as you started sucking on his neck again making him groan "I love you y/n" "I love you too Ace" you smiled licking the hickeys you just made, proud of your work.
You watched Ace put on his clothes admiring his perfectly shaped abs not trying to even hide your glances "like what you see baby?" Ace smirked as he was putting his pants on "you have no idea how much" you replied as he blushed slightly. Just when he was about to get his hat he looked to the side at the mirror to see all the hickeys on his neck making him blush even harder "when did you even-" he stared at the mirror in disbelief as you started uncontrollably laughing on the bed "it's not funny y/nnn" Ace pouted not knowing what to do "sorry, I just wanted to show people what's mine~" you said as you stood up to hug him from behind and give him gentle kisses on the bruises.
Ace got teased by Marco and Thatch all day
This is my first time writing anything like that so I'm sorry if it's bad or if I did any grammar mistakes, english is my second language. Please tell me if I should improve at something! ♡
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megoomy · 1 year
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judith, a witch(?!) in a pact with a malak named ba’ul
more info and reference sheet under the cut!
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here she is!! i'm happy with her look, less so with the rendered image of her, but we can't win them all.
like it says on the sheet, i was taking a lot of cues from her in game Draconic Lancer title costume. I wanted to lean into the white more than her default outfit, calling back more to the helmeted look she has before joining the party. but obviously, i didnt want to do anything that looked too much like that, or that had gold accents like her in game jacket and...skirt cape(??), because then she'd come off as kind of abbey coded. so i settled on pink accents, pulling from the colors on the Draconic Lancer look. i think it's fun. it gives her a girlish touch, which is a part of judy's character that i like! she's badass and secretive and mysterious, but she likes cute things too. well. her idea of cute, anyways...i think it suits her persona of being a "witch" in this setting. judy understands how to create an image.
speaking of that. unlike rita, who has a lot of magical knowledge, judy is basically a witch in name only. she understands how to form a pact, and not a lot past that! i think we landed on this for a few reasons:
Judy's father, Hermes, was a blastia expert, and naturally good at the magic of vesperia's universe. but judy was just the opposite, and in the novels she initially couldn't even grasp the talents natural to most krityans. being a witch who doesn't actually do much magic seems apt.
speaking of her dad, this also provides her connection to rita. they're both...witches. rita WILL NOT call judy a witch though, as you might imagine LOL (on that note, maybe hermes takes on the role of grim as the witch teacher?? again, we havent really decided on this LOL)
ba'ul obviously makes most sense as a malak, since the malaks and the entelechaia are both spirit equivalents for these tales entries. (well, entelechaia become spirits--listen, you get what i mean if you've played enough tales games) and judy MUST be with ba'ul! much like she only learns how to use her nageeg after interacting with ba'ul in the novel, i think she has just enough resonance to meet ba'ul, and their connection increases it, and she refines that ability as a "witch" enough to solidify their bond through a pact. they're family!
But yeah she uses a spear to fight. Ba'ul helps her imbue it with seraphic artes to a degree, but mostly its just the spear. I went with a design similar to the Brionac, since that's her Lore Important Weapon, but uh, i haven't designated this lance with lore importance itself. maybe we'll come up with something. looking at it right now i really think i should've colored it differently but IM NOT CHANGING IT, I ALREADY POSTED TO TWITTER!!! (it may change, hell, i decided to make it kind of glow pink in the image, im not fit for weapon designs)
Ba'ul always comes first to Judy, but neither of them is particularly biased against daemons or humans, despite knowing the truth about malevolence. she's quick to befriend yuri and loves repede (who is also a daemon, i gotta put him down on paper soon) and seems understanding of people's different circumstances. but she prioritizes her own goals first, so she'll disappear at the drop of a hat if it suits her, and yuri knows better than to count on her too much...
oh yeah. ba'ul is considered a "dragon" in vesperia, but that comes with a lot of BAGGAGE in this universe, so he's not a dragon here. he, um....he just looks like that. it's fine.
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