#i didnt nessecarily have any headcanons for most of them so i just had to make some up
delusional-mishaps Β· 3 years
General headcanons for the boys? Like what are they like in general?-πŸ˜—πŸ”ͺ anon
under the cut :)
sorry this took me so long my brain is empty and ive never wrote my hcs down before so i had to try to remember them πŸ’€
also dont mind the spelling errors you may find i wrote most of these half awake
Arbiter (Undertale Sans):
he really likes outdated memes. the older they are, the funnier.
he doesn't really remember resets, he depends mostly on Frisk to either fill him in on why they did it, or cues that they have already been in this situation before. he's aware that something isn't right and that deja vu shouldn't be lasting for this long...
he also gets dreams that are basically memories of past resets. good or bad memories, they always leave him feeling awful. it's either a timeline he could have had, or a timeline where he lost everything
gaster is their father because i love dadster but the reason i'm mentioning this is because he sort of forced arbiter to learn about astrophysics so he could have someone he could rely on no matter what. when no one else would believe in his skills to get them to the surface, he knew his own son wouldn't turn on him
so, yes, that implies the machine in the basement lab was supposed to get then to the surface. after gaster fell into the core (with arbiter watching), arbiter took over. he learned everything he knew from gaster, but he didnt learn everything so it wasn't enough knowledge to continue past a certain point.
he befriended grillby because grillby and gaster used to be friends and gaster would take arbiter to the bar for breaks between working on the machine. grillby later became a reminder of gaster, and it comforted him slightly
when he and champ were children, gaster was often too busy being the royal scientist so he raised champ basically on his own. it made him realise how hard it is to raise a kid and he would never want to do it again.
he's perfectly fine without his own children, but he'd be more than happy to be the cool uncle to both frisk and, if champ ever wanted children, them too
him and toriel are besties 😫😫 entirely platonic because i said so 😐 admittedly, he did used to have a crush on her while the two traded jokes through the door but when he learned she was the queen and was much older than him, the crush sort of died
he prefers baths over showers because one time he fell asleep in the shower and fell over and knocked down every single bottle. he's scared he'll fall again so at least if he falls asleep in the bath, all he has to worry about is waking up in cold water
Champion (Undertale Papyrus):
he takes his job as monster mascot super seriously, and he's become quite famous!
he wants to see the best in everyone, he wants to believe everyone is capable of kindness
he's not as naΓ―ve as he appears, he knows so much more than he lets on
he really likes those street performers, specifically the magicians. it's so cool to watch humans doing card tricks! he wants to learn
REMEMBER HOW HE LITERALLY FLIES OVER YOUR HEAD AFTER HIS FIGHT IN THE GAME? it's gravity magic, but he actually does it a lot its SO FUNNY
he'll just start floating over someone if they're in his way but he doesn't want to bother them I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
controversial take but he can also shortcut 🀨🀨 he just doesn't much because running builds his muscles even if he doesnt have any...
he is the funniest person you will ever meet, and most of it is unintentional too. he's just such a silly lil guy
we all know arbiter thinks he is the coolest, but champion thinks arbiter is the coolest. only the coolest monster alive could raise the great champion!
i used to have a headcanon that, when he got to the surface and the royal guard pretty much disbanded, he would pursue a job as a physiotherapist. i think this headcanon mostly started as a self indulgent "what if papyrus was my physiotherapist" for when i needed physio after i dislocated my knee for the second time, but i think it would honestly fit him! he'd get to help people heal, all while encouraging them to stay fit!
Phobos (Underfell Sans):
he doesn't like puns because he's not clever enough to make them. he can tell a mean knock knock joke, though
he's such a big car guy, he has little models of them and everything. his goal is to restore at least one old car in his life, he doesn't ever care what kind
he's really reclusive. not for any reason, he just prefers to be alone
YOU KNOW SUSIE FROM DELTARUNE? he laughs EXACTLY like her, head throw back, one hand over his eyes and the other on his stomach
he hates his brother's cat with a PASSION. she's always in his room and getting her fur all over everything
it isn't just doomfanger he doesn't like, either. he doesn't like most animals. they either need constant attention or they're messy, even worse if they're both.
while he doesn't like pets, he'll gladly keep plants. he's not exactly the best at caring for them, they often end up either over watered or forgotten, so his brother has to take care of them but he loves them <3
he names the plants.
i think its weird when people give him only one HP? like i know Arbiter only has one, but in Underfell they have dust on their hands. they have LV, and it raises your HP, at least if you go off what happens to Frisk when you kill a monster. he's still have really low HP, but it certainly wouldn't be 1. i think it'd at least be in double digits.
Deimos (Underfell Papyrus):
he's really soft on his brother considering the world they grew up in. phobos could have just left him on his own as a child, but he didn't. it's his own way to show his brother how grateful he is
i hate everyone who gave them an abusive relationship fuck you guys/th family comes first if you're not protecting your family in this world you are shunned. so no, he doesn't be mean to his brother to "keep up appearances", they are NICE TO EACH OTHER and they LOVE EACH OTHER even if it tough love. maybe that's all they know because of their violent world 😑😑
sorry it's three am and i am very passionate about that.
he's actually a big baby. and the only one who knows is his brother.
HONESTLY he's not as mean as people make him out to be. he's a really big nerd, he would totally love silly nerd things like Sci Fi movies and stuff
he really likes the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. he'll fight his brother (a notorious Friday the 13th fan) that Freddy is better than Jason
he's really strict and, in a world that's Kill or be Killed, he would still follow any laws still in place to a T. he is OVERWHELMED by the amount of laws he has to remember on the surface, but he would rather die than do something illegal.
he literally won't even jay walk like dude it's fine no one cares πŸ’€
he's a very good cook because i'm a sucker for that sort of thing. he still originally "learned" how to cook from Undyne, but when he saw how horrible of a cook she was, he decided it'd be best if he learned on his own
doomfanger was literally picked up off the side of the road. deimos is a sucker for cute animals and he would probably bring in any stray he saw if his brother didn't stop him
Firefly (Underswap Sans):
while he does own a motorcycle, his main mode of transportation is a dad van. one of those minivans that have a tv in it and the doors have buttons to open and close them
he is very obviously the older brother
tacky tourist dad outfits
he's the dad friend.
he is the older brother and he likes puns and he has 1 HP and you can pry that hc outta my cold dead hands. actually no you cant cuz ill hold onto it in death πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
he didn't join the royal guard because he wanted to, he did it because he felt like it would help protect his brother if anything were to happen. the only reason he isn't allowed to actually join the guard is because of his low HP
Meridian (Underswap Papyrus):
he started smoking as a way to calm his anxiety and grew dependent on it. he knows how much it bothers his brother so he is trying to stop the habit, switching to suckers instead.
he's really good at art but he gets embarrassed whenever someone wants to look at it cuz he thinks it's bad
he doesn't necessarily dislike puns, but he pretends to just so his brother will make more. it makes him really happy to see firefly enjoying his horrible humour
he's the judge in his AU but, unlike Arbiter, he doesn't have karma so he has to use more powerful attacks if Chara ever went on a geno run
Leo (Swapfell Sans):
as said here; they have the aesthetic/looks of fellswap red, although i think i like the outfit for fellswap gold sans more πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
older brother
he's not as mean as he appears to be, it was mostly to keep up a scary reputation so less monsters would bother him and his brother
he has relaxed significantly while on the surface, putting up less of a "tough guy" act, now only one when needed
he hates human politics soooo much. they are all stupid and crooks. granted, his own queen is a tyrant which isn't much better, but at least she is honest with her crimes
if i wanted to make him the oldest out of everyone, i CAN 😑. he is 53 in human years and he is tired and he just wants a glass of wine please just let him have a single glass of wine
he's super busy all the time and he hates it πŸ’€ he is still a sans, he still likes to be lazy
Cav (Swapfell Papyrus):
he has the biggest sweet tooth
he doesn't talk much, due to just being shy
his physical looks is similar to fellswap red papyrus.
he falls in love really easily and tends to get hurt more often than not due to his little puppy crushes
he likes to game, mostly cutesy farm simulators like stardew valley or other games like that, but he also really enjoys online games like COD or Overwatch :)
SPEAKING OF GAMES OH MY GOD he would love genshin impact and he would grind for primogens and somehow he would ALWAYS GET THE CHARACTER HE'S WISHING FOR.
Pisces (Horrortale Sans):
his head injury makes it hard for him to get words out, and even then, his mind is pushing through so many thoughts that he'll lose track of what he was saying midway through.
he has taken to write down what he wants to say, that way if he forgets halfway through, he can just read what he already has written to try and jog his memory.
i'm pretty sure it's canon that he never ate humans?, but yeah he hasnt πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
this isn't a hc about him, but i like to think that Frisk never willingly left them. in their timeline, monsters were targets of a lot of hate crimes so they RESET and did a neutral run. they didn't want the monsters to miss them, so they didn't bother befriending any of them, which led to Undyne taking over instead of Toriel. if they knew what happened after they left, they would have figured something else out. Pisces thought they just didn't like them anymore and wanted to leave them behind.
OKAY so you know how he is a part of the bad guys? WELL IT'S NOT BECAUSE HE IS A "BAD GUY", GRIMM JUST SAW POTENTIAL IN HIM AND GAVE HIM A WAY OUT OF THE FAMINE!!!!! he's mostly like a dad who can cook really well and acts more like your friend than your dad yunno?
he never hurt others because he wanted to, it was just because he wanted to survive </3
if you ignore him being in the bad guys, then the way they got onto the surface in their AU was because he was secretly hoarding the SOULS to the humans he killed and he broke the barrier himself. ugh he's so strong and cool look at him go
Aries (Horrortale Papyrus):
he HATES the braces he has to wear to straighten his teeth. they get in the way and he can't enjoy all the food he wants to.
HE HAS A DOG ON THE SURFACE!!! a really big fluffy great pyrenees. she's beautiful and he takes her to the groomers often to deal with the shedding :) her name is fluffy, named by Pisces
pisces didn't want him to know what they ate during the famine, but he isn't stupid. he's well aware he had consumed human flesh. he feels guilty for it, even guiltier that he had enjoyed it.
despite just being an older papyrus, due to what he has seen and been through, his personality had changed a bit. he has a much shorter temper with others, and he wouldn't allow his guard down around threats.
he makes his own clothes if/when he can because he prefers clothing that fits 🀨
Hop (Dancetale Sans):
he gets really embarrassed while dancing in front of other people. he gets embarrassed doing it alone in his room sometimes too πŸ’€
he's more lethargic than any other sans (quite the feat) but that's mostly because he doesn't really dance all that much and it takes a toll on his body. monsters naturally dance so for him to repress all his urges it strains him physically and makes him more tired
he's good at beatboxing smh
he used to be really confident in himself but with his hope going down, and with him stopping dancing, he lost his confidence
he feels like he'll never be as good as a dancer as he once was which just adds to the reason why he wont dance anymore.
Boleos (Dancetale Papyrus):
like you would not BELIEVE how cocky he is oh my GOD
its okay he had reason to because he is so epic πŸ™„
he's tried out hiphop once for his brother but he made a fool of himself. he'll claim that day never happened if anyone were to bring it up πŸ’€
he loves reality TV, and i know it's cliche but he loves the dancing shows πŸ™„ dancing with the stars (he was on that show once), dance moms, any other dance show that i've never heard of...
he is a very famous dancer and he's probably weaselled his way into some broadway show just to flaunt his dancing
Callisto (Outertale Sans):
he is probably my shortest boy
very shy/easily flustered
shut up i just think he is cute and i can make him easily flustered if i want to
this is a popular hc but he floats when he's embarrassed and i love it <3
living in space gives him a boost on astrology. he can identify every single known constellation and he knows really bizarre space facts that most likely no one else would know
the lower gravity of the moon is really handy to him cuz he could jump up and take a nap wherever he wanted. just kick his legs up and fall asleep mid air
Pandora (Outertale Papyrus):
LISTEN HE'S SO FUNNY TO WATCH WALK AROUND he loves playing with the low gravity cuz he'll just start jumping around and it looks like he's basically flying because he also uses his gravity magic like champ ugh
sometimes he gets distracted by it and forgets what he was going to do πŸ’€
sometimes he will float off the face of the planet ON PURPOSE and it always freaks everyone else out because "oh my god how does he keep doing this he is going to get lost in space one of these days"
yeah he's a trouble maker. yeah he thinks its funny to see others reactions. yes he feels bad if he pulls a particularity mean jape. love him <3
Crow (Birdtale Sans):
collects shiny things!!!!
when he gets anxious, he tends to pull feathers from his wings. it helps to ground him, but it also sometimes leaves him with bald spots when he has a panic attack
he loves going flying on the surface, being able to see the world he was locked under really makes him appreciate the beauty of the earth
he'll perch on a tree to nap all the time. despite him being a grown adult, it still makes others worry because they don't know where he is when he disappears for extended hours
Carrion (Birdtale Papyrus):
he also collects shiny things HABAIBD
he prides himself in his wings so he takes really good care of them
he and his brother both have SUPER good memories
he likes to sit high up in trees, especially in the morning to watch the sun rise
speaking of the sun rise, he always wakes up before it to watch it, he loves the pretty colours the sky can make
Aero (Killertale Sans):
he is a menace to society
he loves deez nuts jokes tell me otherwise (maybe i'm just projecting )
he is actually really mentally unstable. the liquid hatred coming from his sockets affects him badly, and he's prone to lashing out at random times
ik i already said he is shameless but i dont think you get it, he could literally do anything without being embarrassed about it. ANYTHING
so of course he is a masochist. he's also sadistic but he likes pain to be inflicted on him for some reason πŸ™„
he and vendetta are besties idc IDC
Vendetta (Dusttale Sans):
he doesn't like others to see his emotions because he's afraid they will use it against him. something makes him happy? he's afraid it'll be ripped from him. something makes him sad? someone may use that against him as a weak spot. he hides behind a mask of indifference towards everything
he doesn't trust easily. not after frisk; not after they've taken so many things from him over and over again until he went insane. he is very good at pretending he trusts someone though. you may think he trusts you when in reality he doesn't at all.
the papyrus he sees is only a figment of his imagination, a manifestation of what he's done to his brother, to everyone in his AU. it isn't nice and it often ridicules him. it goes away when he gets distracted, but when he's alone, the voice is louder than ever. it takes the form of Papyrus because he is the one he regrets having to kill the most
he is very sadistic and he doesn't fight fairly at all. if he knows he is losing, he'll try to distract his opponent to get a few easy hits in. against a weaker opponent, he takes glee in watching them struggle to not get hurt and, eventually, killed
he has one of the highest LVs in the multiverse
Vex (XTale Sans):
he gets really jealous of other AUs and how they all got their stories. he's jealous that he never got that, that his own AU died and left nothing but him (and Chara, technically, but they don't really count)
he still acts as if he is a royal guard, even if his AU is long gone and he no longer has to
he speaks like semi-formally??? like he would always say "you are" instead of "you're" and stuff like that idk
do i think it's funny that he wouldn't know how the internet works? yes. do i also think it's funny that he would use tiktok? absolutely. it is the only social media account he has, and no matter how hard anyone tries to find it, they can't. he has all of them blocked because he's actually kind of embarrassed about it, but he has a lot of followers. he makes sure his face isn't in any of the videos just in case πŸ’€
he may be a part of the bad guys, but he is also really good friends with sunny. they like to go out and spend their afternoons in cafΓ©s like cute little old people do they're so silly. they like to tell each other embarrassing secrets the others have it's how sunny found out vendetta actually sings in the shower
Delusion (Error):
uses he/they pronouns!
he makes dolls of the people he is close to, or if he finds them interesting enough
they can tamper with the code of any AU, and if he really wanted to, he could fix any mistakes within the code. they never do, though, as their job is to destroy AUs, not fix them
speaking of, he does what he does because it is his job, he was created to destroy AUs. he mostly takes out aus that arent fully finished or abandoned by the creator
i headcanon him as aromantic asexual. he's more-so demiromantic, and he needs a REALLY good connection with someone to actually be interested
along with haphephobia, they also have a fear of germs. the two fears go hand in hand, bouncing off each other to create a whole mess of situations
that leads into this next headcanon; he used to have a cat but the hair everywhere really bothered both of his phobias so he ended up giving it to graphite to take care of
the cat, originally, was supposed to be a sort of "exposure therapy" to get over his haphephobia because he didn't want to crash just because someone touched him. it didn't work out.
he and fresh and siblings <3 why? because i said so.
Graphite (Ink):
he is a very physical person, always wanting to be touching someone
not held back by meagre things such as GENDER or PRONOUNS! he doesn't mind what pronouns others use, they just mostly use he/him.
he never really feels anything, not even with the paints that give him "emotions". they more so just tempt him to act a certain way, a subconscious message that he should do something that related to that emotion; like cry when "sad"
i like to think he can break the fourth wall in the sense that he is helping creators with their own Au and/or projects within the already existing Aus. it's also mentioned here that he "supports the artist to keep contributing to the fandom".
BOUNCING OFF THE DELUSION HEADCANON, he loves the cat del gave him. he forgot it used to belong to del and now he thinks it's a gift. he won't listen to del saying otherwise because he thinks he is lying πŸ’€
the cat is named doomsday and it was named by del. graphite had to write the name on his scarf to remember it πŸ’€
Grimm (Nightmare):
he hates the taste of apples
he likes to garden! and he is very good at it. when he gets too worked up, he'll water his large garden by hand to calm down
fuck you/lh bad guy found family trope. he took them under his wing and he lets them live with him and he is the FATHER BECAUSE I SAID SO
i like to think he's like venom in the way that the physical manifestation of negativity is venom, a parasite inhabiting grimm's body. they are two consciousnesses living in the same body. the negativity is sort of a protector to grimm, too. maybe out of fear of losing the host, or because it actually cares for grimm, who knows. that's a secret i'll never tell :)
he's really good at chess and no one has beaten him yet πŸ™„
he isn't keen on having an s/o, he'll vastly outlive them and he also just doesn't really care about dating too much
he still lives in the rubble that is his original AU. he constructed the castle he lives in within the AU.
he's shorter than sunny. short king <3
sometimes you could find him in the ballroom of his castle, music coming from an unknown source as he waltzes by himself
Sunny (Dream):
he has a very... sunny... disposition.. hehe.. HAHAH
by that i mean he is often very chipper, you'll probably never see him anything but happy, no matter how long you're friends with him
it's not that he doesn't feel other emotions, he just doesn't like others seeming him sad/angry/any other "negative" emotion. he's supposed to be the positive of the two brothers.
he's constantly moving, literally. when he's sitting, he'll bounce his leg or shake his foot to remind himself that he can move and he isn't still trapped in his stone prison
because of him being trapped in stone by his brother, he has slight claustrophobia, along with cleithrophobia.
he is very good at comforting others
he's... honestly a little afraid of Grimm. he knows he should have tried harder to stick up for his brother back when they were still children, and he still feels guilty and responsible for Grimm's corruption, but he's afraid of how powerful he has become; how Grimm could just kill all those people who wronged him
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