#i didnt go in yesterday but nobody texted me so i figured nothing happened.
onepiexe · 2 years
lol b just texted and asked if i was coming in
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olliscowizz · 3 years
High Ground - Olli Matela FF Part 2
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Hiya je suis back. :) Hope I didnt leave y'all waiting too long. I dont have work the next two weeks so be prepared for at least one more update. LOL
Olli didn’t know he would be fascinated so fast by a human being. But Sara managed to fuck with his head. While he was laying in bed, he couldn’t help but to think about her and her eyes, and her hair. He was just mesmerized by her. After a few hours of just thinking about her, he managed to fall into a restless sleep. To say Olli was grumpy was putting it lightly. Never was a person more in a bad mood. He couldn’t sleep and it didn’t help, that his thoughts were still circling around Sara. “Good morning!”, screamed Joel, when he entered the room, Sara behind him. What were they doing together? “Run into her, when I picked up our coffees. She doesn’t like coffee! Can you believe this? But she’s drinking her third Red Bull already”, Joel couldn’t be helped and he just rambeled. How could a person be this motivated in the morning? Olli would never get it. “So for today. Lets just keep songwriting”, Niko said and they all agreed. After three hours of intense working, their heads were smoking and they almost couldn’t concentrate anymore. “Lets take a break”, to all of their surprise, it was Sara who said this. “Actually, its already one o’clock. Lets take the rest of the day off”, Sara continued and managed to surprised all of them. Yesterday she didn’t want to go out and drink beer with them, and now she suggested, that they should take the rest of the day off? Olli looked at the other boys and noticed that they were as perplexed as he was. “Well what else do you want to do?”, asked Joonas. “I figured, that if we don’t get along really well, this song will not do as good as we all hope it will.”, she explained. Of course it was about the song. Olli watched as Sara put a strand of her short hair behind her ears and smiled to himself. She was cute. Definitely. “Okay. Agreed”, Tommi chirped in. “But that doesn’t answer the question what we should do”, argued Aleksi and we all nodded in agreement. “Since I am not from Finland, how about you guys show me around”, Sara suggested and they all said yes.
Sara noticed that the boys were all really stressed. She on the other hand wanted to get out of the studio, because the air was getting bad. She walked a few paces behind them and just looked at the beautiful architecture. The houses were build different than back in her hometown in Scotland. Tommi was walking beside her and explained her everything that he knew. She was thankful. The guys didn’t treat her as the star that she was. They treated her as a normal human being. Something she wasn’t used to. “So after all this walking”, Joel started after they were walking for one hour. “We should grab a beer in this bar”, he pointed to a bar while he was finishing his sentence. The guys immediately agreed. Sara started to panic. She couldn’t ditch them once again. But if her manager found out that they weren’t working he would kill Sara. He would already be mad, if he would find out, that they were out and about in the city. “ehm…”, Sara started but couldn’t finish her sentence, cause they all looked at her with puppy-eyes. How could she say no to that? “Okay. One beer wont kill me”, she said and followed them inside. While Joel und Niko were ordering beer for everyone, Sara followed the rest of them to the tables and sat down next to Olli.
He froze once she sat down next to him. He started to feel how his palms were getting sweaty. Keep cool. He thought to himself and tried to secretly rub his hands dry on his pants. The other two returned with their beer and they all started drinking. After everyone had two beer more the mood started to get more comfortable and they all talked freely with each other. Olli even put his arm on the chair behind Sara. She didn’t seem to mind it, as she sometimes, when she thought nobody would notice lean her back against his arm. Olli of course noticed an couldn’t help but smile to himself whenever she did that. Olli had a few beers and couldn’t help it an started to draw small circles on Sara’s shoulderblades. He just hoped the other guys wouldn’t notice it but they too had a few beers. He felt the chills running down Sara’s spine and smirked. It seemed like he wasn’t the only one who felt a attraction towards the other person. He was confirmed in his thinking, when he felt a small hand land on his leg. They continued their small touching until Niko abruptly got up, Olli immediately took his hand off of Saras shoulder and played it cool. He didn’t want Niko to think something wrong. Sara wasn’t bothered in the slightest. She kept her hand on Ollis leg and started to slowly caress it. Olli took a sharp breath, and coughed to cover it up. What was she doing with him? No woman ever was this bold with him. He liked it. After five more minutes of her just caressing his leg and him not being able to form a single thought she stopped her movement and took her hand away. “Its getting late guys”, she stated the obvious. “I should go and sleep and sleep a few hours before we continue with the song”, she said and got up from the table. The other guys offered to walk her to her hotel, but she politely declined their offers. And then she walked out the door. “Olli are you okay? You’ve been staring at the door for five minutes now!”, Joonas pulled him out of his thought. Was he okay? “Yeah everythings good”, he said and smiled at his friend. Was he really okay? She managed to completely fuck with his head now, just because she caressed his leg a little bit. Fuck. He couldn’t help but think about what would’ve happened if they were alone. “Is somebody crushing on Sara?”, Joonas of course noticed the shift in behavior of his friend and didn’t miss a opportunity to mess with him. “No! I don’t even know her!”, he defended himself and drank his beer empty. “I am going home too”, he stated and got up from the table without waiting for their answer.
In the taxi, she leaned her head against the window and thought about the evening. Why did she do that to Olli? Of course he is very attractive but there was no need for her to put her hand on his leg and just fucking leave it there! She was confused. No one ever made her feel that way. But she couldn’t afford to be in a relationship. It would end her career. And there was nothing more important than her career! When she arrived in her hotelsuite, she wasn’t surprised to find her manager sitting on a chair. “Where were you?”, he asked her. “Out with the guys from Blind Channel. I was getting to know them, since songwriting would be easier like that”, she explained him. Took fresh clothes and went into the bathroom to shower. She couldn’t be bothered with him right now. “Just make sure you don’t get too close to them”, he shouted through the door and he could hear another door close. He must have left. After showering she went into her bed, and tried to fall asleep. But sleep didn’t come, so she grabbed her phone and searched all the Blind Channel guys on Instagram and followed them. Olli was the last. She didn’t just follow him she also pressed on the Direct Message button. -Sorry for leaving so fast, but I need my sleep-, she texted him. Without any emojis or anything. It wasn’t long until she got her answer. -Don’t worry. I also left soon after you went home. Hope we didn’t creep you out too much :’)- he texted her back and she couldn’t help but smile. They were all so nice, they could never creep her out, she thought and texted Olli this. And while they were texting over small and big thing they both fell asleep with a smile on their face, with thoughts on the other person.
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hunchoskeazo · 4 years
Chapter 3 “The Breakdown”
“So its been a few days that ive been in this hospital and aint heard from nobody wtf is up.?” As i sat there and thought because what else am I suppose to do.
*Picked up the phone and called Rik*
*No Answer*
( Called Ashley)
Ashley:Hey Boo How you doing I been up there but you was sleep so i was gonna comeback today.
AJ:Oh... You been up here to see me?
Ashley:Why wouldn’t I? She asked so confusingly.
AJ:Oh... Nah i just aint know you came up here....They say I can get discharged tomorrow you gonna come get me..? I asked
Wait.. where is my car hold on..
(I checked my app)
“Yes i have a tracking device on the whip A nigga like me gots to.”
AJ:Oh its outside in the parking garage... Who drove it here.? You did.? I said with concern 🤔
Ashley:Uhhh no rik drove it up there...
Aj:Oh ok... (How she know that I thought to myself but didnt say nothing).“Well ight wyd rn”
Ashley:Nothing Missing you she said. She gave me the cutest look when she said that.
AJ:Dont be saying it like that girl i said with a smirk on my face.
Ashley:Ha Whyy? And Do you still need me to come get you?
AJ:Oh yeah actually leave your car imma send you a uber come here and we’ll drive my car.
Ashley:Oouu yes Ok ill be there in the morning.
AJ:Ight Bet
(Phone Hangs Up at the same time the doctor walks in and some man in a suit.)
I grimmed him “Who tf is you?” i said with a aggressive tone.
Detective:Hello Mr.Davis My name is Detective Johnson(He put his hand out for me to shake it)
(I just looked at him and his hand.)
Detective Johnson:Oookkkk then anyway. Im here for your case to try and figure out and find the person that did this to you.
“Nah Im good bro bro”
Detective John: Whether you good or not Im still on the case and im here til its closed. So either you gonna let me help you because as of right now your an innocent victim. Or you can become a prime suspect Your choice.!
“Man whatever” I said with a attitude like a bad bitch😂😂😂
DetectiveJ:Oh ok thats what i thought now can you tell me what happened.(He pulls out his pad and pen.)
“I went to visit my mans and someone started shooting next thing i know i woke up here”
Detective:(Writing on the pad) Ok who is your mans? He asked
(Dead Silence)
Detective:You gonna answer the question Mr.Davis?..
(Dead Silence)
Detective:Ok We’re done for the day Thanks Doc we’ll be in touch and i will be seeing you very soon mr davis. (He hit the back of his pen on the pad and put them both in his pocket. Right before he walked out the door He said...)
Stay Safe Mr.Davis (He side eyed me with a smirk and walked out)
Doc:Why was you not cooperating with the detective?
“I dont move like that doc” i said with a nonchalant tone.
Doc:But he’s here to protect you and help you.
“I dont need help or protection this some street shit i gotta handle that the feds cant handle the only thing they get out of it is a ceremony and funeral that they family and coworkers gotta plan for them so no i dont need they help.”
Doc: Smh just dont learn... You know what can i tell you something? She asked
“Yea go ahead” as i stared out the window.
Doc:I get alot of patients just like you in here from gang violence and me being a young black doctor its hard. Seeing young black kings lose their lives in my hands because of the streets it breaks my heart everytime.
(Guilt knocked down that brick wall of pride i had built up just moments ago.)
Im going to just say this one thing before i leave out this door just please cooperate please, because i see something in you and obviously you are on gods green earth for a reason. So please cooperate but get some rest before you leave tomorrow i will come check on you 1 last time before i let you go ok.
“I looked at her and shook my head and said “Ight I gotchu doc”
Doc:Ok Bye Mr.Davis she said so innocently and walked out the door.
(I laid back moments later the nurse walks in and looks at me with a grumpy look)
“Aye you the one that forcefully put me to sleep man you betta not be coming in here to that shit again and you in here by yourself aww hell nah this old lady about to rape me I cried out.”
Nurse:Boy shut yo ass up i dont want you im married.
“SO” i yelled out🤔
Nurse:I am about to put you to sleep tho(She hurried and grabbed the IV and injected the sleep juice in it.
“Wait wait let me—-
(Right before i fell asleep i heard the door open)
——:Pay close attention to the people around you adrian....
(It got dark)..
“I popped up it’s the next morning Dr.taylor and the nurse are already in the room.
Doc:Hello Mr Davis are you ready to go home? She said with a big smile on her face.
“Yea I am actually”(Picked up my phone and texted ashley and sent her money for the uber)
Ashley:Ok imma be on my way in 15 mins.
Doc:Ok let me finish up your paperwork and you can get dressed and leave.
“Ok” I said
As she finished my work i thought to myself was I dreaming or did someone actually come in here and say that to me.... “Fuck It” i said out loud.
Doc:Whats that..?
“Oh oh nothing” I looked at my calls Rik called me but its not a missed call...
Wtf maybe i answered but was still sleep. I hate when people call me while im sleep man.
(I called back no answer)
Ashley:Im omw babe.
I texted back “Ok im about to get dressed im just waiting on them to get done with my paperwork.
Ashley:Ok im omw.
Doc:Ok heres your discharge papers and your prescriptions that you pick up later on today ok...
(She hands me the papers)
Doc:Ok im going to let you get dressed ill be out here when you leave.
“Ight thanks doc i really appreciate you and everything you do.”
(She blushed and clutched her clipboard said thank you and walked out the room.)
“YOU LEAVE TO LADY” i said jokingly loud
(The nurse giggled walked out and shut the door i hopped up and locked it to make sure she fasho couldn’t comeback in and went to the bathroom.)
*15 mins later*
I walked out the bathroom from a hot shower someone knocked on the door.
“COME IN” i yelled
(They jiggled the knob)
Lmao “Oh yeah I forgot i locked the door”
(I unlocked and opened its ashley she walked in smiling and smelling good than a mothafucka with a couple bags in her hand.)
“Ooouueeee who told you to come up here like that red bottoms on, hair laid, lashes on eyebrows done, cleavage out wassup.”
She said “Boy stop it” as she was blushing hard. “Look I got you some stuff to put on everything i just bought yesterday.
(Breds ,Purple brand all black Jeans and a red/black vlone shirt)
“Ight bet”
(Before i was just about to reach for the stuff)
“UNHT UNHT you not gonna give me a hug first damn can i at least get a thank you..!!
I smirked “You right you right im sorry babygirl”
I hugged her and wrapped my arms around her and grabbed her ass she hugged me so tight and she smelled so good I wanted to eat her. She kissed me on my neck i sat down on the bed and pulled her close to me by her hips we started kissing.
She tongue’n the kid down i started to get hard through my towel she felt that and grabbed me and slowly started kissing me from my neck down my chest to my 6 pack...😏
*Knock Knock Knock*
She jumped up i jumped up “UH YEAH COME IN” i yelled
Doc: Its me i have one more thing to give you so stop by the desk before you leave ok.
“Ight i gotchu doc”
(Door shuts i gasped and we looked at eachother and laughed)
“Yea let me hurry up n get dressed” and looked down at mini me and said.
“Control yo self man”
She sat down and crossed her legs, bit her lip and fucked me with her eyes. I grabbed my stuff and went in the bathroom and got dressed.
(Moments later) “Ight im ready”
We grabbed all of our stuff and walked out.
“Im about to stop at this desk realquick”
“Ok” she said and walked ahead”
“Ok whats the deal doc” i asked
“Here (She gave me a card) look on the back”
It was a sticky note with a number and a name on it. I looked down the hall at ashley she was looking the other way. I looked back at doc.
“Call me whenever you need something...Anything..”
I hesitated at first then said “Ok i gotchu” and walked away.
(Caught up with ashley)
“Whats that in your hand?”
“Oh its a card she said to call them if i have any questions about anything....”
(I hurried and put the card in my pocket.)
“Unht unht give it here let me see the bitch probably put her number on the back”
“Man what” i started laughing
“Give it here” she yelled
I pulled the card out my pocket she look at both sides.
“Mmhm sneaky ass” she said in slight disappointment. “Let me find out you fuckn her.”
“Come on na babygirl” i smirked and we walked to the car..
After a long day of shopping eating and talking shit we go back to her crib.
“Omg im so tired and my feet hurt” she cried out
I laughed and said “I bet they do”
“Boy shut the fuck up you always talking shit” she said so agitated.
“I walked over to her and said say it to my face”
“Boy fuck you”
(I picked her up and carried her to the room)
“Put me down Aj you gonna drop me stop playing.” She yelled out.
I threw her on the bed and got on top of her and started kissing on her she immediately calmed down and relaxed her body n started kissing me back. She placed her hand on the back of my neck while my hand maneuvered my way between her legs.
“Oh you ready ready” i leaned up and said
She smirked and grabbed my hand and put my fingers in her mouth.
“Oml”😩 this girl so freaky i think thats why i love her.😂
She hopped up off the bed and walked real slow and sexy to the bathroom while taking her clothes off at the same time.
“Come here daddy” she demanded and waltzed in the bathroom.
“Oh you aint gotta tell me twice” i hopped up so fast i fell flat on my face pants to my ankles shirt halfway on.😂 Its up there.
I walked in the bathroom she already hot and wet. Im about to fuck this girl like a dog.
I stepped in and stood right in front of her she looking up at me and im looking down at her.
I grabbed her neck kissed her i picked her up and Pinned her to the wall and started sucking on her neck she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck and moaned in my ear.
Now yall know when a female moan in my ears it do something to me.
I couldn’t wait i was so hard i was throbbing.
I stuck my dick inside of she gasped.
I went in slow to open her up she so warm and tight.
“Fuuuck” i said slow and low my strokes became faster her grip became tighter, she dug her nails in my back.
I went faster and deeper her moans became louder.
“Ahh AJ” she moaned
I just knew i was about to be a father.
“Fuck it” I said out loud and released.
“Dammnn“ i said outta relief because i just released so much stress.
“Damn the hospital fixed you up you aint never did that before.” She said while she finished showering.
“No cap”😂
We both finished showering she got out before me but i felt the vibes change mins later before she got out.
I finished up turned the shower off and grabbed my towel and walked out the bathroom.
“Whats up?” I asked out of concern.
“........Im not ready AJ..”
“😕Wow You not ready....Why?”
I sat on one side of the bed she sat on the other side.
“Ive been taking birth control pills”
“Man what!!! When was you gonna tell me this we just talked about this a few weeks ago and you said you was ready.” I yelled
“Well yeah that was before you stopped answering my calls and stopped being over or around me all the time.” She cried out
“Ive been working you know that.”
“AJ you know ive been told that before ive been in this same situation before and the person i was in that situation with fasho not you obviously im just scared to go back down that road because im still dealing with that by myself you have to give me that.” She said with a scratchy voice as if she was about to cry.
I started to feel guilty again by another women.
It became dead silent...
“🤔You know i never understood why mothafuckas let otha mothafuckas hold them back from their blessings that they asked for... that they been praying for... A mothafucka standing RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF YOU”
“Maybe Im too genuine.. Maybe I aint what she want..Maybe...”
“Man Fuck this shit” I said while jumping up and storming to the living room.
“WHAT” she yelled
(She jumped up right behind me and chased after me.)
I pounced on the couch and turned the game on.
She came and stood right in front of me with her hand on her hip silk robe half way open, skin soft and shiny with the meanest sexiest look on her face.
“AJ really this what you gonna do while we talkin.?”
*Pat Tap Tap* Controller Buttons
She scooted over in front of the tv.
“Man Move” i said in agitation
She dropped her robe and i dropped my bottom lip Along with the controller.😂
“You ready to listen now?”
“Yes maam” i said with such thirst that i was ready for whatever.
I laid back on the couch and she climbed on top of me and was under a spell after that.
What can I say Imma sucka😋😁
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Ig: HunchoSkeazo
Youtube:Huncho Skeazo
We The Future Ent Copywrite 2020
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Hi!! So this is an honest question so i hope it doesnt come off as rude or anything- but doesn't the thought that everything you post here can be reblogged make you more reserved or anything? Idk how to explain it but whenever i wanna post something here i think about doing it for a super long time to be sure i want it to possibly be on the internet forever- but i see you're comfortable with sharing pretty personal stuff so i was just wondering if it affected you any way or maybe it was just me?
lmaooo it’s cool!!! there’s an unending AMA going on here and off the top of my head i can’t think of anything off-limits to ask about
it’s definitely not just you!! out of the ppl i know off the top of my head i’m probably really far and away doing the Most airing my bullshit. if you ultimately don’t like the idea of stuff just kinda sitting around to be seen by Anyone, that’s valid and there’s no problem with feeling like that makes you wanna Not Post some stuff
like this is especially true for young teens on the soche media…hell i just entirely threw out the blog i’d had from like 14 -18, and not because i was particularly embarrassed or anything, it just felt mostly obsolete. you can become someone so different in even one year and that’s fine and you might not want Old Venting and the like just sitting around out there. it’s definitely okay to be real private about that kinda stuff
i know sometimes ppl having sorta Compromises where maybe they’ll create a second blog / account specifically for talking abt personal stuff, and then only maybe allow friends (or nobody) to access it; or people will just tag everything with Delete Later and then go back and delete it later so it’s not out there forever, or just because they find it embarrassing soon afterwards lol
for my part, there’s definitely multiple reasons i pretty much don’t care
1. i never used to Vent post back in the early days. but one of my earliest examples maybe was this sudden essay i dumped on my blog when i was 16? 17? abt how unhappy i was at home. it took me till i was 18 to really start to realize that what i’d always lived with was literally abuse, and it was things like The Sudden Venting Essay that really helped me put it all into words and be able to organize my thoughts enough to write about it and realize that there was a lottttt of shit i was rly miserable about2. ever since then really i’ve found that when i write about something, whether messaging it to someone or just posting it in general, a ton of times it helps me kinda make connections or figure something out or just feel like i have a better grasp on an idea.3. even after i started maybe doing the occasional venting post, for a long time i was really hesitant about it, but this was mostly b/c i felt like i didn’t have ~real~ enough problems and/or nobody would really care. as for the former, well yesterday i was saying how i still have this underlying feeling that i’m an imposter / don’t count / not REALLY as ___ as other people or whatever, so i’m still working on that, but it definitely doesn’t upset me as much as it might back in the day. re: the latter—tbh i dont care if nobody cares. i write abt personal shit b/c i care. my entire blog is About and Because i care, and if other people care, great, if they don’t, ok.4. a lot of this is about having compassion for myself. i don’t look down on other people for making personal posts, so i don’t look down on myself, either. 5. more self-compassion: there’s probably olden text posts from the early days of this blog that don’t even sound like me coz my Outer Demeanor has changed a lot these past 5 or 2 or 1 yrs. but even if i stumbled across some Old Post of mine and was like “lmfao whats up w THIS loser” it’s like….well, i’m sympathetic to my Earlier Selves. this applies to like, me never deleting Late Night Sad Posts or whatever (even tho nowadays they’re never exactly like i’m upset, maybe just Melancholy or in a mood to talk abt something saddish) coz i’m like, well, even though rn i don’t feel like i Need this post, back then i did feel like venting to feel better! and that’s fine. i don’t find that embarrassing. it’s like if you’re thirsty on one day and you drink some water and at some random point during the next evening when you’re not thirsty you think back on that time you were drinking water and you’re like “wow, embarrassing.” well clearly its not a perfect analogy but the point is sometimes you might feel you need to talk, and sometimes you don’t, and both times are ok. its not an embarrassment to have been upset6. this blog is the most personal thing in the world for me lmao its my Main social media presence, goes back five yrs, and for like. well the whole five years its been what keeps me from being way more isolated than i am. irl friends have been long distance this whole time (save a couple exceptions) and mostly my way to talk to ppl has been on here. this was especially important when i was at my parents house for a couple yrs. it was fairly awful and being able to be in touch w ppl and being able to SAY it was awful was clearly important, and i became more inclined to write abt shit rather than hold myself back b/c my being able to say anything was important7. i still talk about things b/c being able to say anything here to people in the outside world is important8. i can’t be like “i cant talk abt this b/c its not important/interesting enough” coz if i did i wouldn’t talk abt anything. i just write b/c i have things to say, and this is my pointless blog9. i don’t expect i’ll ever become Well Known in any circles. for me the more likely concern is kinda disappearing either due to dying or incarceration or some other shit scenario. the times i talk on here are good b/c that hasnt happened yet and i have the option10. even if i did become well known, i don’t really care.11. also for uh…all the times i was living in my parents house thru my life i was really really isolated. for eons i was used to nobody knowing shit abt me and keeping p much all my thoughts to myself. nowadays this blog is what lets me be able to sorta Known and Seen and able to get in touch w ppl if we wanna. basically, there’s nothing TOO personal. i’m not even trying to push myself to “overshare” coz like i said, p much nothing is offlimits. i’ve just had a lifetimes worth of being very invisible and unknown to anyone12. actually i can still be very cagey abt myself in person. learning to be more open On Here is a bit helpful for that. 13. idk that anyone else would give a shit about old vent posts from me either. when i talk abt me im talking abt *me*, its really not even vaguely interesting when removed even one degree from that specific context. 14. maybe there’s the chance some shit will happen to be Relatable to other ppl and somehow helpful to them15. for example, a lot of how i realized i was actually experiencing abuse for real was thru anecdotal / qualitative posts abt it. sometimes there’s shit you think is Just You only b/c nobody else who it applies to is talking about it yknow16. maybe making it seem less a big deal to talk abt your bullshit if i unapologetically talk abt my bullshit17. i remember my younger self feeling like i didnt ~deserve~ to talk abt my own thoughts & feelings the way other ppl did coz mine weren’t as good, so i kinda do it for them / in celebration of no longer feeling that way18. i actually like to talk. i just usually can’t. irl i very very very very rarely talk at length about myself, i don’t talk much at all. for me this is where i get to talk19. hmm i may have skipped or forgotten something obvious but hey. for now, there’s this. no-limits milo they call me
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lilietsblog · 6 years
so I finished the game yesterday all on my lonesome without internet
why yes I am perfectly fine and not emotionally compromised in the slightest
enjoy my screaming
IT'S GHOST TRICKING TIME which is to say it's ghost tricking time without internet so I'm doing this in wordpad tumblr really needs an 'import rtf' function >_>
SO from what I remember, when last we left off I was about to try to figure out how the fuck a knitted cap and a helmet are going to help me stop a bullet LET'S DIVE RIGHT BACK INTO THIS FOLKS
I still love how Sissel just ignores the dog's little 'WHATS A HOSTAGE O NO' instead of digging into explaining it
oh thank god the game DOES remember ive read this text before
...oh, I forgot how I did this the last time O WELL
all right, so I remember swiveling the lamp and dropping the hard hat, then when the knitted cap is over here I can swap it with the book and get it on the hook but how did I get the knitted cap over here
aha, he looked away for a moment, the helmet part is done what the fuck do i do now
AHA okay, so now i very quickly cart the ladder back and forth, I think I remember this
fuck, he noticed me, okay don't swivel the lamp while he's watching, swivel it while he's still looking away
I gotta note the 'I don't know why you're wearing my face' part HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
fuck, nope, I can't swivel the lamp back at that moment because he notices it clattering and turns right around FUCK OKAY LET'S TRY TO DO IT WITH THE LAMP THERE
ugh, if only I could do shit during the cutscene while he rolls away >_>
haha, and the knitted hat still hit Cabanela with enough velocity to knock him over I love this and I particularly love his dramatic leg up in the air he doesn't evne know what's happening he just aims to be the most dramatic possible at all times and it's really helping us out <3
'i love knitted hats... so warm, and most of all, so SOFT' <3 <3 <3
oh yeah Cabanela's still got broken bones all over I kind of forgot about that
oh ok, looks less like broken and more like just really fucking bruised, becuase in that movement he's put pressure on all limb bones and nothing bent out of shape, so that's good
lmao and Cabanela's just like 'BUT IF I WAS KILLED IN THAT EXPLOSION THE SITUATION WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER' I I don't think it would necessarily work out that way, considering how much difficulty our protagonist was having saving just the professor :x
oh hey we've got our next source of information! should be quite a wellspring if Sissel remembers everything he should ask
yeeep Cabanela you FUCKED UP
oh, the gun :x
aha, those cases, okay
and Cabanela was doing the thing because of Jowd that makes sense -_- kind of
yep, that one little snag kind of puts a question mark on the whole thing alright, that almost makes sense? kind of? makes Cabanela kind of a selfish butt doing this for his own obsession rather than for personally Jowd but makes sense
ok, the bringing him to justice minister to buy time thing actually does make a lot of sense it wasn't A LOT of time that he bought but it was just enough and that's what counts
oh hey, this guy used to have the job that the blue fake stole? (and yeah sounds like blue guys are just foreigners -_- bc they couldnt find spies that didnt stand out visually or anything)
hum not a scratch, huh regenerating dead body, okay
oh come ON Sissel don't be surprised now that part was obvious from the moment he said the corpse disappeared the meteorite's radiation, okay, quite interesting :D
"it was like a meteorite had struck me on the head" so, has that been a cause of death today yet, because if it hasn't, this looks like foreshadowing -_-
hum, so the gun would have been loaded because he controlled Kamila, which she then wouldn't have a clear memory of makes sense
arrest her to keep her safe, that actually makes perfect sense IF ONLY IT HAD WORKED LMAO no wonder pigeon guy roasted him for that in the deleted timeline XD
"while he was at it" <3 <3 <3
awwww pigeon guy was friends with him too <3
hee right on top of his striped jumpsuit honestly he looked less escaped-from-prison-ish in the paint-splattered robe thing XD
a present, huh?
awww see Sissel you don't feel lonely and that's what counts
ALRIGHT THEN :D LET'S FUCKING GO :D AND, UH, DO SOMETHING, I GUESS I love how out of proportion Sissel's powers are rewind time, talk to dead people... and move small objects a little
so, uh, Sissel, are you sure there's answers for YOU over there or did you just get into habit of telling this to yourself to feel better
okay well how the fuck did Jowd infiltrate a fucking SUBMARINE like, I just want to know the physics of how this happened?
omfg the bullet had a radio transmitter well, I have a newfound respect for Cabanela, I gotta admit like I already respected him but I just figured he shot the guy out of a desperate 'can't do anything else might as well try this' urge to do SOMETHING but nope he had a plan (which would have worked even with him dead)
wow, and he actually gave the thing to Jowd beforehand n i c e
wow, okay, that's stealthy
aha, and he can totally leave his body and wander around freely I think that was already confirmed but it's nice to know for even surer
wow, okay, what the fuck re: that thing reaching up from below that definitely looked like... something else for a moment there 0.0
aand okay the meteorite is possible to extract from his body I wonder if evil!Sissel actually knew that... or if that actually did anything to him :D
okay, what the FUCK and how many more people are dead now
the phone is ringing, how convenient :D
ooohkay this is tricky
so, why the fuck were there baseball and basketball balls hanging in nets under the ceiling on a submarine ... ... you know what I don't want to know
wait, Kamila can't hear him? oh, right, over the phone ghosts communicate by close range telepathy
aaand this makes the FIFTH time Lynne's dead tonight! or is it sixth? did i lose track somewhere?
'i wonder what happened THIS TIME' yep lmao
no actually 'i dont remember what happened after that' sounds like evil!Sissel to me, personally
but do you know what this wheel does Sissel are you sure turning it is a good idea
"I just sort of blacked out, the next thing I knew, I was dead" <3 <3 <3
"now it's all making even less sense than before" AND THAT'S SAYING *SOMETHING*
but actually okay yea this does kind of sound like an explosion that killed Lynne and knocked Kamila out
aaand nope I was absolutely correct )=
can this guy only puppet one body at a time? couldn't he have just possessed Lynne and had her slit her own throat or shoot herself or hang herself or something? that sounds a lot more productive than having a little girl fight her I mean, even if he only can puppet one body at a time, puppetting Lynne would have been a lot more productive overall, is there a reason he can't?...
or does he just love to do things in the most convoluted and roundabout manner typical to villains everywhere -_-
"nobody ever calls the dead" ARGUABLE a number of phone calls has been made this night specifically for the purpose of putting our!Sissel on the line
aand okay :D looks like the blue assholes saved Lynne just in time, sort of ...for a certain definition of 'saved'
so anyway this guy said something like 'you cannot possibly comprehend my suffering' so it would be funny if he was just a random dumbass that a bad thing hapened to one (1) time, which granted also killed him, but all the misery since then has been of his own making and he's put every single person involved in the events through worse just over the course of tonight, and simply has no sense of scale, perspective or proportion I think that would be great if the story went there XD EDITOR'S NOTE IN RETROSPECT: the story didn't go there and that was not fucking okay (it's dead women in the fridge again!)
and Sissel can't understand revenge as a concept SOUL TWINSIES WITH ME OR WHAT
lmao Lynne is starting to get touchy about how many times she's needed rescue lately XD
OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE WHY CAN'T I REACH FOR ANYTHING YET also, interesting to note that in the 4 minutes ago past, neither Lynne nor Kamila have a core looks like Sissel's interaction with this realm is limited after all, and not only by phones there's v interesting existential fuckery going on here, of the exact sort I ABSOLUTELY LOVE
oh THERE we go 'nobody ever calls the dead' ARGUABLE again and I love Lynne's signature instant-snap-into-hands-over-head animation + pose Good Reflexes
hum, a random mechanic, alright
oh hon that's a, um, what's the opposite of exaggeration I know this word in Russian >_> over...littlification? that 'restless ghosts onboard' THAT'S ONE WAY TO PUT THAT
lmao that was one odd fate change
alright, found the temsik fragment capsule, I see yay unexpectedly strong wastebucket lids (seriously, that's a whole freaking basketball, there's a reason the nets worked like that lmao)
alright, just watching the cutscene for now, that's fair this guy sure looks like he's going to abandon his entire crew and blow up the sub or something
alright, and we're left in the capsule rather than the fragment which apparently did not have a core of its own for some reason
yeah exactly thanks Sissel! how the FUCK did it get here also I love that the characters DO pay attention to the wellbeing of innocent rats in this game <3
well, you COULD just try to get it to blow up earlier, in the water you'd be stuck but you'd be heroes, or something well, Lynne would go back to her body, Sissel would be stuck :D oh, and the rat would die, that's the bad news
YEAH LET'S SAVE THE RATTIE FIRST if this time the rat is going to be in the way rather than helping, well, I REALLY DO RESPECT THAT LET'S SAVE THE RAT
alright, after some trial and error I DID manage to get both weights in the same position (mostly by luck) and throw off the rat NOW TO SAFETY
yusss caring about rats ftw <3
that's what missiles do, huh they're unstoppable i dont know who it is i hear there but Missile is great yes
well, whatever this is, our!Sissel just turned it on maybe it's pumps to remove water!... not that they'll do much against an unplugged breach but
aha, okay, won't move for long
this movement through a machine's gears feels like the purest expression of the game's premise since the junkyard tricks at the very beginning <3
the way Kamila's speech kinda fades in from white? that worries me
god but I love this game's animation. this little one of Lynne hoisting Kamila up on her back? it feels, like, PERFECTLY balanced with their weights and Lynne's strength and everything <3 <3 <3
oh my god Lynne why couldn't you just... be able to swim not that it would help much with Kamila unconscious but
oh my god Lynne is literally right here why do I still have trouble moving around freely???
oh, found it!
wow, she's climbing one-handed while carrying Kamila, that's some serious upper body strength <3
yeeep okay WOW
ARE YOU BOTH GOING TO DIE NOW OR WHAT okay, no, just fall, and not even in the water that's good news
Tumblr media
LYNNE THIS IS NOT A POSE YOU WANT TO BE IN RIGHT NOW unless you're actually holding yourself against that shit in the background with your left hand and I just can't see it I guess
...nope, she was holding her chin LYNNE NO
okay, the fan thing makes sense
now to swap around a bunch of broken pipes so they don't get in lynne's way, got it
aand I fucking lost but at least I got Sissel in position -_-
alright, now with one pipe turned off it actually works out easily it just... took me really long to realize I'd need Sissel for this one -_-
Lynne honey but have you considered: you have no fucking clue what's behind that door although presumably submarine has only been breached in one place and it's this room?
holy shit with the hook Sissel managed to hoist the combined weight of Lynne and Kamila now THAT's a nifty trick
aww, someone's saving us!!!
someone who commented on unstoppable missiles earlier, perhaps?
right, the truth... that's still relevant. while on a sinking submarine. yep
haha sinking submaries i have just been playing oxenfree haha
oh wow that's an improvised mechanism made out of garbage sticking in a close range telekinetic field nifty shit
oh oh okay that explains absolutely nothing evil!Sissel is not evil now, or what?
lmao this is getting more confusing, but like... in a very satisfying way <3
evil!Sissel still seems to have SOME amount of powers, at least, though possibly not the manipulating humans ones? but this amount of telekinesis is still incredible
so okay our Sissel's name possibly IS Sissel, but this dude's isn't I'm more confused than ever before I doubt there are three of them, so...
ahh, Lynne making Kamila more comfortable <3 <3 <3 and again, animation is fucking excellent. just, the timing of everything? it's better than 90% of all 3D animation I've ever seen in games
power and time, okay, got it so the dawn deadline IS real, just not for him wait, possibly not for Sissel and Missile, either?
I see he still fell in his signature ridiculous pose it's less funny now, overall
ah, okay, so the time effect is different too it seems to have been the same for Sissel and Missile though? is this a personality powers deal?
I love that Missile is perfectly comfortable with weird shit because as a dog, that's about the amount of understanding he has of his everyday surroundings, too <3
oh, hum so the moment this guy actually 'died' is the moment that blue guy took out the fragment?
wipe out everybody, huh
okay, so the shooting is as we knew, kind of
the first shot missed the mark, huh? quite curious, quite curious stray bullets are known to be deadly :D
alright, so that's a conversation that mostly confirmed what we already knew we have a new ally though, sort of
aand Lynne's empathy saves the day -_- like I said earlier, this guy's feelings aren't like... unique or anything, he just sucks at theory of mind
Kamila!!! so hey kiddo this guy in front of you is the guy who killed your mom
anyway, I'm still pretty sure Sissel hadn't yet introduced himself to you when you started calling him "Sissy" so there's that lead
and Kamila makes herself comfortable <3 I love this Little Lady so much <3
alright, torpedo room, that works
swap  the switches to get them unstuck!!!
so I'm going to guess everyone there died, too, and Sissel's going to have to prevent that, too that makes perfect sense
that 'understand exactly how he feels' thing our!Sissel and evil!Sissel are really fucking different in this particular respect :D
awww and the girls convince the doggo <3 <3 <3
so, does Kamila know about the dawn deadline for all ghosts, or
oh thank god I didn't need to control that hop this game really has a policy of not having a permaloss option <3
Yomiel, huh so that's his name
alright, and 'Sissel' is an alias ...I'm just going to keep using it for the protag, just to make things slightly less confusing
ah, so this guy had access to national secrets, and that's how he did the singer thing
and he was proven innocent offscreen <3 <3 <3 stylish
stylish animation, nice
didn't help anybody? did you ever try? because our!Sissel sure figured that shit out quickly
welp, the blue guys are assholes but then, they were also kind of dealing with an asshole I can imagine why they didn't think he was reliable to deal with :x
awww, I like the leaflet guy so much <3 <3 <3
I love how Jowd's like 'well, I'm dead, are you happy now' and Sissel's like 'so anyway about that' FUCK death not tonight, not when Sissel's here <3 <3 <3
alright, and this guy's a robot that still doesn't quite he's pretty human-like >_> I am not a fan of the blue guy in charge is all I'm saying also lmao I nicknamed this one 'iron man dracula' i didn't mean it that way but
ah, remote-controlled, alright that 'farewell' was odd then
'your country's use of technology is just plain off' I LOVE THIS
could there have been two pieces of meteorite in this guy's body? okay, nope still!
...okay, no, his 'death' would actually be before the control room was launched, not all those years ago STILL THIS IS THE -EXACT- THING
alright anyway this is plenty of buildup WHO THE FUCK IS OUR PROTAGONIST it's funny how so far absolutely 0 of what we've seen has pointed to that I have plenty of odd thoughts in my mind ofc 'that guy from another point of time' being the prime one as a homestuck, the possibility of there being multiple ghosts of the same person doesn't faze me in the slightest in fact it seems like an intuitive conclusion BUT THEIR PERSONALITY SURE IS DIFFERENT
anyway, :D :D :D
Final Chapter
...aha! so it counted ten years ago after all! dang :D
aha, I see that mascot thing I see baby Lynne!!!
I note how for someone threatening to shoot the kid, Yomiel's gun sure is pointing in the wrong direction AND he's holding out the kid to the side, not between himself and Jowd SOMEONE sucks at hostage taking lmao
a kitty, huh
and then a meteorite, okay
I note the lamp
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Yomiel is thinking 'so maybe I'll die in another way and all this will have not happened, that's a better outcome anyway' isn't he god his faces are Sissel faces and look this game knows EXACTLY what it's doing with its visuals exactly one facial exression of Yomiel's has not matched Sissel's I doubt it's because of lazy artists
alright, so a good plan would be swapping the mascot and the lamp
but seriously, WOW Yomiel sucks at taking hostages this game's animation is always stellar and brilliant, there's NO fucking coincidence there he was absolutely not willing in any way to put baby Lynne in actual danger, even if he pretended he did and it worked on Jowd
anyway how the fuck do we get to the lamp
'we can talk about all this later' ARGUABLE TBH the entire, like, THING is going to change oh man is everyone going to go back to their bodies 10 years ago with their new memories because that's fucking hardcore was Kamila even BORN yet
okay sounds like I missed my chance let's try that again
ghhhh okay I think I have figured this sequence out even though I have to rewind again 1) rock the basket 2) jump into nozzle to launch the potato 3) Sissel jumps into the potato and then from the potato to the central nozzle 4) Missile jumps into the potato 5) launch the potato x2
okay, Mino fell into the fountain, not that I know how this can help because AGAIN, Missile can't reach Mino from the lantern :x and Sissel can't do absolutely fucking anything
annd the finale is a cutscene alas
alright, let's try that again...
hum we didn't get a FATE CHANGE registered after dropping Mino might this mean we have to do something right in the process?
are we going to kill everyone by dropping Mino on them instead XD
trick time, huh Sissel still can't reach anywhere Missile can swap two identical lanterns, not that this does anything he can talk to Sissel, for what THAT's worth
aha, the lantern dropped, Missile can move around now, that's good
Sissel still can't do shit though
well, that's the detective's LEG, not... anything else or anything
oh man, yeah... YOUNG JOWD IS A DUMBASS man, even Yomiel isn't aiming at him anymore, he's like 'hey dude are you okay' so the theory that Sissel is alternate!Yomiel is really gaining steam in my head not that it wasn't the primary one all along but
anyway sweet potato?
BOO YAH um or not
awwwwww and finally the trauma of remembering your death is brought up!!!! Sissel cares <3 <3 <3 (and Yomiel doesn't at the moment NOT THAT I CAN'T UNDERSTAND THAT IN CONTEXT) (then again I'd understand it if Sissel didn't either but he's the purest being in existence so)
awwww Yomiel is finally going to contribute!!!
omfg lmao "Make it spray as if your life depended on it!" "Uh, I'm dead though" Yomiel is winning ALL the sensitivity awards tonight <3 <3 <3
I I think that Yomiel hasn't done anything yet oh, okay, we're still winning time
holy FUCK Yomiel that was definitely a thing you just did
dear Young Jowd, Yomiel is the one who saved her. Not gods
awwww and he gave baby Lynne a detective's badge <3 <3 <3 he's so good with children <3
so, can Yomiel be alive please :x ALRIGHT, HE IS THAT WORKS
wait wait wait is is Sissel the kitty is that why he has no idea how guns work or anything else like that that that is truly fucking incredible f y'all's i AND I GUESS IT FITS WITH HIM AND MISSILE JUST GOING AROUND SAVING PEOPLE TOGETHER LIKE A BADASS DUO AND IT FITS WITH HIM GETTING KILLED BY LYNNE'S FIRST SHOT ON ACCIDENT I HONESTLY CONSIDERED A RAT OPTION FOR LIKE A SPLIT SECOND THERE
god jesus fucking christ this this fucking game i just im howling this this definitely is a thing that just happened it owned me so hard im so fucking owned right now
yep hes the cat he's Yomiel's cat
aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww there's a good reason he had identity confusion in all this they WERE confusable as one being for a while
'her' huh?
oh man wow THIS particular part of the story sucks
so Sissel was a girl's name all along? okay
but also, FUCK no wonder he went bonkers specifically about being unable to die
'his powers couldnt help anybody' more like they couldn't help ONE SPECIFIC PERSON
so that bag is a kitty carrier huh and Lynne's miss accidentally killed the kitty
anyway Yomiel that's what you get for playing with guns they're deadly weapons and result in death you're fucking welcome
so anyway who the fuck is Ray
but anyway kitty Sissel saved everyone...
okay but hold on hold on hold on I didn't quite get the implications about the fiancee the first time around WHAT THE FUCK CAPCOM i was just recently thinking how fucked up it was that I remembered the last name of Polly Jenkins, just because of how much her brief story shook me
and uh I think is that also the implication here because that's not fucking okay
anyway so did Yomiel die as the result of that or nay bc that looked fucking deadly if not instantaneously so
god but this ffucking game
this fucking... game
oh Missile I'm pretty sure YOU are going to see HIM alright lmao wasn't Jowd taking him home
but also damn the original events of these ten years, as remembered by - a dog and a cat - Detective Jowd and Kamila (but not Alma, who never was brought back to life directly) - Lynne - Cabanela - the medical examiner - the minister of justice AND NO-ONE ELSE ...wait, no ALSO THE GUY FROM THE FUCKING PARK ...yep that's a thing we're doing
so another important thing is that the rock star kid is going to be okay and the curry guy, too nothing bad happened to them in this timeline, right?
(right now my bet's on 'a rat')
oh, Sissel also killed two people tonight, that happened
lmao and in this version of evens Missile died in the presence of Temsik
omfg and Ray is alternate!Missile this is fucking amazing <3
lmao his ghost aged and lost its powers?
also the dawn deadline was a lie he just wanted to get Sissel's butt moving I FUCKING KNEW IT
I love how Sissel's just "I DID WHAT" even though he's been doing that all evening this time around too
yup doggie's a fucking liar the only real time limit is the lifetime they would have had if they were alive huh damn
but seriously I called that before I started this section of the liveblog even if I think I never actually made that post 'what are the odds Ray is a fucking liar' I don't think I ever wrote that I kept getting distracted but yep I fucking called this
anyway one participant of the events who definitely wasn't born yet 10 years ago is indeed Missile 0.0 how's that... gonna work...
but I do love that just... the justice minister, of all people, is also going to be in possession of those 10 years
'nice to meet you' OH BOY OH BOY I GET HOW IT WORKS NOW I THINK ...uh, I'm not sure how Lynne knew to flee from the junkyard then, but either way it looks like they're only getting back their memories at the PRESENT and that's why Kamila didn't fUCKING KNOW AND REMEMBER WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH DOING THAT JUST NOW
oh, nevermind, it's not that yet :D but it really does sound like it's going to :D right... about... dawn? :D
aww Jowd actually carries toy badges with him everywhere <3 <3 <3 'child handling tools'
still a kitten, huh yeah, that whole Temsik thing :D
aww, and here's her, all alive and everything
(at dawn) (it's fucking coming that's my headcanon and you can't beat it) (a bunch of people are going to become really fucking traumatized tonight)
hey!!! Missile!!! Cabanela brought him, huh
so, what's up with Yomiel, anyway
that guy's imitating Cabanela lmao
Memry <3 <3 <3
very best customer, huh
hah, and these two
.............................................yup. they died
'the indescretions of a minister perhaps?' I LOVE THIS FUCKING LADY I LOVE HER I LOVE HER
ah, these two what deal is it this time
the little rock sinter guy!!! yeah!!!!
hi medical examiner guy <3 guess you're not doing medicine after all huh
oh man oh man Yomiel :D hey are talking about Yomiel :D
lmao he's the painter this time even the robe sits the same
YUP YUP THIS IS IT lmao that crane i sure do remember it well it murdered two people tonight <3 <3 <3 kitty <3 <3 <3
aw yeah! in that picture with Missile!!!
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shslshortie · 7 years
Little log 8/9 (please ignore)
Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with like any of my followers, so please ignore it cuz it'll just clog your dash.
Luckily, I'm posting this at 4:57 am, so not THAT many people will have to see this.
BUT Kaja asked how this whole thing was going, so I figured I'd update this thingy with the stuff that happened Saturday and Sunday.
Current list:
1) Christianna
1) Kelsey
1) Rae
(Everybody else is mostly the same?? Or my opinion hasn't changed THAT much to where I need an update on them)
I don't know how to do a read more on mobile???? So sorry?????????
Okay, so Saturday was rough for me. This weekend had a lot of things kinda up in the air, and most of them didn't turn out the right way, so I was not in a good mindset.
But while I was alone and upset and feeling fairly unwanted, OUT OF NO WHERE WITH NO PROMPTING, both Christianna and Kelsey were texting and snapchating me like everything was completely normal (which it was for them). This was amazing, because when I felt so shitty, they were still reaching out to me just because they wanted to, or because they had stuff that they specifically wanted to tell/show me. Kelsey was even saying how she wished I was a dance major just so I could have been with her at the dance major watch party. And she was the one who convinced me to go to the party on Saturday night. (Which was not good, especially since she ended up leaving with the only other member that I've heard she wants as her big, so YIKES). ((I mean if Madison (the member) wants Kelsey, there is literally nothing I would be able to do to stop her from taking her. Everybody would want Madison if they thought she would want them, and I wouldn't even be able to be mad about it, because she is perfect))
So I happy cried over both Christianna and Kelsey because it made me feel wanted by both of them, and kind of solidified the relationship I want to have with them. A two way street of care and love, where even though I will basically be their mom, where at the basis of our Big/Little relationship, we are still really good friends.
And with Rae, last week she was apparently looking for me at the tailgate because she didn't know anyone else there, and because I was the only one who she felt comfortable around who wasn't black out drunk. (Bad thing was, I showed up real late and she had already left, BUT I ended up seeing her in the stadium and we talked for a bit!!) And yesterday and today she was asking me for advice about guerrilla; and me being the Pledge Mom™ that I am, offered to bring any pledges who wanted it food/coffee while they were waiting in line for guerilla sign ups. I ended up staying the whole time??? (Which was stupid and unnecessary but it was fine) and for most of it, she was just telling the other pledges how wonderful I was.
This is a huge ego boost, but the problem is that if these rankings stay the same for me... I have no idea who I would pick. Because if I decided to put Christianna and Rae as my #1 and #2, I would probably have guaranteed twins with both of them. Currently, I want Kelsey a bit more, just because I feel like it would be a better Big/little relationship, since Rae doesn't drink or do a lot of stuff like that, and I don't want to end up with a little that judges me or is ashamed of me. BUT I know that if I end up putting Kelsey as like #1 because I want her most, and put the other two at 2 and 3.... I might not get any of them... and even though I feel like I would get at least 1 little that I love, even if they aren't on my list... I don't want to mess it up with any of them because I made a mistake in ranking.
So long story short @ me:
Christianna: I'm like 90% sure I'm gonna get her. We are planning a guerrilla act together, and I was the first/only person she thought to ask. She doesn't know that many people, so I have absolutely no clue who else would be on her list. AND WHEN I WAS COMPLAINING I DIDNT HAVE ANY BLUE GLITTER, SHE SAID SHE HAD SOME THAT I COULD USE. and especially with my reputation in APO (my fucking pledge name was Sparkle Tits for crying out loud) there's no way it wouldn't be a match.
Kelsey: I love her, and we snapchat all the time, and she is super fun, and we will be going on a second pledge date soon. I'm just worried because she might want a Dance big, especially if she ends up with Claire as her dance honor society big... so I'll just have to figure out if she wants Madison or not and if Madison wants her. Which is what I'm stressed about, cuz I thought Madison would want someone like Blaire or Olivia or Emma or Nicole (the upperclassman dance majors who are pledging). And since she's 1) a senior, 2) is in a sorority... I can't imagine that she will take twins??? And she hasn't even been around that much?? Only at guerrilla and popping in at parties??? So like??? HOPEFULLY I can hear the whole situation when we have family brunch.
(Which is a WHOLE different monster of stress)
Rae: love her, and she's very sweet, but what people usually think of her as is a little pompous or know it all or above it all, which isn't really true. She just doesn't drink/party, and doesn't really like it when people do. She can tolerate it, which must mean she doesn't care that I do/has never been able to tell when I've been drunk (cuz I've definitely been drunk around her at least 3 if not 4 times). And she has a very matter of fact way of talking, which kind of stems from her education/how she wants to go all the way to get her PhD and her interests, which can make it seem like she's being short with you. And I don't have a problem with it, but like I'm not entirely sure if I would be the best big for her needs??? But we've talked a lot about makeup and dance and everything, and she's been very grateful whenever I've done anything for her or offered her help, and has reached out a lot, which is probably why I'm more drawn to her right now.
Again, the biggest stressor right now, is trying to figure out the order (which Luckily, I don't have to figure out until at least the 25th, if not the end of October) so that I feel like my twins both have me as their #1, and that they are who I want. Because originally, I was very much keeping my mind open, so that I would be happy and love whoever I got. Of course, if I got someone else, that means that they wanted me, I just might still be hurt or a bit upset if I was dead set on having a particular pair, and ended up with someone else. Because the biggest thing is, I don't want to be that big that has an obvious favorite twin and an ignored twin -- because looking at it last year, it fucking SUCKED when I saw some of the pairs, and I felt bad for some of the twins because of how obvious it was. Overall, it matters what the pledges want, so no matter what, I will do my best to make them happy, give them all the love they deserve, and give them the best APO experience.
Last note:
Holy hell am I stressed about this upcoming family brunch. We've been trying to plan it for 2-3 weeks, and it still hasn't happened yet. I'm very worried specifically because I don't want to be split off from the Peyton-Carli line just because LC is gone. Unless EVERYONE in our family gets twins, we wouldn't be strong enough on our own. Peyton and Carli would be fine, and could even still be too big. But for LC's line, it's just me and Brannon who are going to take littles. (IF MARISSA TOOK A LITTLE I WOULD BE FUCKING SHOOK. Girl Peyton could, but I would highly highly highly doubt it) and that would mean it would be like 4 people on that stage, maybe 5, maybe 6. Plus I don't want fake to split again, unless we did Peyton, Carli and LC all separate, and then came back together once everyone was done.
I also am stressed because at the very least, the entirety of Fake Fam (16 active members who attend UA currently) could theoretically take 32 new littles. At the very least, it could be 7, but it would most likely be between 10-17. That is a LOT. Which means that unless we all did the same thing (instead of the same theme like we did last year) it would be super fucking difficult to coordinate a reveal.
Finally, I'm stressed because I don't know who everybody wants???? And I KNOW that will be a huge big deal at brunch because Carli and Peyton are literally in charge of assigning Big/Little pairs for the entirety of APO. So hopefully, that means they will put us on high priority... but it COULD also mean that theyre gonna put their littles/grand littles/future ggrand littles on high priority above LC's line. ESPECIALLY if some people on their side wants the same people as Brannon or I do. (Cough cough Madison).
Best case scenario, Carli just goes around and asks everyone "do you want twins, and who do you want" and nobody has any issues with anybody else's picks.
Bad case scenario: the first thing they bring up is a split. Madison wants Kelsey and only Kelsey. I end up getting 1 little who is a random, and Brannon gets none. And drama happens where people start explaining why certain people shouldn't be a big little pair.
Well, here's hoping that it all works out, and I figure things out further. ✌
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caredogstips · 7 years
An Oral Biography Of The 1998 Major League Baseball Home Run Chase
In the second half of the 1990 s, Major League Baseball was in a state of crisis. The conference was still reeling from the 1994 players ten-strike, which had left devotees bitter and tightened the relationship between players and conference officials. The future of the national pastime was uncertain. Then, in the spring of 1998, Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinal and Sammy Sosa of the Chicago Cubs began touching home run at an unprecedented rate, and it soon became clear that they were both challengers to divulge one of “the worlds largest” coveted preserves in all of baseball: Roger Maris single-season home run title.
This is the story of two men who, in their search for personal majesty, promoted an entire athletic to a tier of greatness it hadnt knows we decades. It is also the history of the gossip that would threaten to turn their prevail into everlasting infamy. For the first time ever, the key players in one of baseballs most contentious myths describe what happened in their own texts. This is the oral biography of the 1998 MLB home run chase .
Chapter 1: Baseball In Peril
Bud Selig( commissioner, MLB ): In 1998, America had completely lost interest in baseball. Nothing attended about the play. In guild to get people to watch baseball again, I initiated a promotional happen announced Bud Search: The Ultimate Selig Quest. It was a contest where I would hunker calmly behind a shrub and the first person to find me would become the manager of the Chicago Cubs.
Tony La Russa( Cardinals administrator ): You would think that the opportunity to become the manager of a Major League team would get people elicited about baseball again, but nobody handed a shit about Bud Search: The Ultimate Selig Quest. The only press it get was a small essay in the New York Times , and the headline just said Man Behind Shrub Offers Prize. It didnt beat up the best interest he missed, and I dont thoughts anybody looked for him. Bud Selig aimed up hiding behind that undergrowth for six months before individual procured him by accident.
Martin Scorsese( filmmaker, winner of Bud Search: The Ultimate Selig Quest, Cubs director ): I acquired Bud Selig while I was strolling to the video supermarket to buy a facsimile of my movie Raging Bull so that I could lay it in my backyard. I was about halfway to the accumulate when I detected a male crouching behind a bush. He had apparently was right here for a very long time. He ogled pretty hungry and sick, and he was sucking rainwater out of his shirt in order to survive. He looked at me and pronounced, Congratulations. You have found Bud Selig. You are the brand-new administrator of the Chicago Cubs. And I seemed right back at him, and I mentioned, Well, let me go to the lavatory first.Bud Selig : After Bud Search: The Ultimate Selig Quest failed to reignite Americas feeling for baseball, I appeared lost. I tried a few other publicities, like The Willie Maze, which is something we made Willie Mays at the center of an enormous stone labyrinth and the first person to find him got to marry him. It didnt operate. Only three beings registered The Willie Maze, and they were all killed by the Minotaur we had let loose in the labyrinth to guard Willie Mays. Willie Mays is still in the centre of that labyrinth. His Wikipedia page told me that he still living, but candidly, youve got to assume that at this moment, the Minotaur has killed him.Tony La Russa : Bud likes advertisings that involve hiding people. One hour, he implanted Wade Boggs alive somewhere in the enormous cornfields of Nebraska and announced that whoever could find him would acquire a $50 offering certificate to Foot Locker. After a few weeks of the publicity, exclusively Wades family was looking for him, and they already liked baseball. No one purposed up prize, and the sport prolonged slumping in popularity.Bud Selig : Nothing I did to try to keep baseball alive cultivated. The conference was bankrupt, and I was forced to sell the catchers material that Babe Ruth got married in only to scrounge up the money I needed to prevent the government from growing Yankee Stadium into an Air Force base. I truly was held that 1998 would be the last baseball season ever.
Tony La Russa: Bud did everything he could to save baseball, but hes only one serviceman. In 1998, a mere male couldnt save baseball. Only a divinity could save baseball. We didnt know it then, but in 1998, baseball was going to find itself in the presence of gods.
Chapter 2: Mark McGwire
Mark McGwire had made a figure for himself as a dominant power hitter for the Oakland Athletics, and 1998 “wouldve been” his first full season as a member of the Cardinals, who had sold for him midway through the previous year. The Cardinals hoped that McGwire would contribute some glint to an otherwise lackluster lineup. None could have approximated just how powerful that spark would turn out to be . Mark McGwire( Cardinals first baseman, 1998 home run champion ): My favorite thing about baseball is hitting singles, because then you get to be on first base, and the other units first baseman sometimes has line mix in his pocket that he will share. I love to hit singles and share footpath mix with my enemies.
Tony La Russa: When Mark McGwire gets to first base, the first thing he does is stick his hand into the first basemans pocket and read, Now gives have some of your sugary, splendid course mix. If the first basemans pockets are empty, Mark announced today hes adjourning from baseball given the lack of trail mingle. In 1998, Mark officially retired from baseball 16 epoches on opening address alone.
Mark McGwire: Home operates are a litter of trail mingle, so I was actually contriving on reaching lower levels of them. But on the day before the season started, I got a call from the Make–AWish Foundation, and they said, Weve got a kid here whos subsiding in quicksand, and the doctors say he only has 50 times to live before hes submerged entirely. His last wish was to meet any arbitrary baseball player, and your mention was picked out of a hat. Delight come to the Amazon rainforest, where hes gradually subsiding, and fulfill him.
Tony La Russa: One of Mark McGwires greatest weaknesses is that he simply cannot defy an invitation to go to the Amazon rainforest to watch person or persons sink into quicksand. In all the years Ive known him, Ive never heard him say no to that even once.
Mark McGwire: So, I go to the rainforest and match this kid, and hes settling into the quicksand, and hes being very brave. Hes screaming, In 50 years era, my brain is likely to be carted off to Valhalla! which is something no progeny should ever have to say, but God is cruel and allows His bravest offsprings to sink into quicksand. I went to the edge of the quicksand and said to the son, Here I am. Im Mark McGwire. The son used to tell me, I dont care who you are. Assert to me that you will smash Roger Maris home run record for me. Was I supposed to say no to a kid who was subsiding in quicksand? In 50 times, his brain “wouldve been” Valhalla! I attest to him that I would divulge the home run chronicle. There, in the Amazon rainforest, I had taken my first steps toward immortality.
Chapter 3: Sammy Sosa
Sammy Sosas world-class hitting had been the anchor of the Cubs lineup for years, but not even his formidable flair could keep the team out of last lieu. As the Cubs overwhelmed into the 1998 season after yet another abysmal recital the previous year, devotees looked to Sosa to accompany new hope to a team that seemed destined for perennial win . Martin Scorsese : On the first day of spring civilize, I went to Wrigley Field, there are still I convened the Chicago Cubs, the baseball unit that I was in charge of. When I understood that I was getting to live my lifelong dream of managing a Major League Baseball team, I celebrated by obtaining 16 two copies of my movie Raging Bull from a neighbourhood video storage and lay them in my backyard. I desired all of the Chicago Cubs, but right from the beginning, I knew there was something special about Sammy Sosa. I looked at him and knew that he was going to clear history.Sammy Sosa( Cubs right fielder ): When I was a boy in the Dominican Republic, I was the owner of a beautiful peacock. His identify was Judas Iscariot The Bird, and “were in” best friends. He would bring me the prehistoric remains of ancient lords that he had excavated up in the groves, and in return I would read to him from a menu I had stolen from an Italian eatery. Then, one day, Judas Iscariot The Bird and I were out strolling when a baseball fell off the sky and impress my beloved peacock right in the head, and he burst into flames. I picked up the baseball and insured that it alleged Roger Maris 61 st Home run on it. I knew then that Roger Maris had killed my peacock with his record-setting home run. On that day, I swear that I would get my reprisal on Roger Maris by bursting his preserve and destroying his legacy.Bud Selig : We moved DNA research on the baseball that killed Sammys peacock, and that baseball was obligated 100 percentage out of Roger Maris surface and whisker, and the teeth inside of “its been” Maris as well, so there was no question about it: Sammy was entirely justified in his quest for revenge.
Chapter 4: The Chase Begins
Sosa and McGwire both had something to prove as spring qualify attracted to a shut. Though the government has both have been established themselves as formidable influence hitters, it became clear early on in the season that the rate at which they were hitting home runs was odd even for them. Something historic was underway, and the baseball macrocosm swiftly began to take notice .
Mark McGwire: I still recollect my first home run of that season like it was yesterday. The voice of the at-bat smacking the ball. The music of the crowd clapping as they watched the ball sail through the sky and over the center-field barricade. The tone of two dogs opposing over a babys shoe. The reverberate of Nancy Reagan bellowing as she attracted out her own back molars with her bare mitts. The tone of a bit son saluting politely as he watched a single disembodied leg wearing stockings and a high heel shoe hop of its own accord across a sandy beach and into the ocean. The seem of a Jeep Grand Cherokee coming to life and screaming I can affection! I can adoration! I can cherish! until the panic-struck machinists at AutoZone frantically blew it up with dynamite. The sound of two nuns reading a month-old newspaper to an eagle they trapped in their basement.
Tony La Russa : From his very first at-bat on opening day, Mark was unstoppable. He was reaching home run at a frequency Ive never seen before, and not just normal home runs that simply virgins likeIm talking about goddamn moonshots. He touched a home run off of Randy Johnson that became so far that Johnsons manager developed onto the field and traded him to a different team right on the spot.
Randy Johnson( Seattle Mariners starting pitcher ): My administrator moved onto the mound and said to me, Well, Randy, you fucking blew it like the Oracle said you would, and so now were transactions you to the Houston Astros, and I read, Please dont do that. Those fuckers are bizarre, and my director replied, You should have thought of that before you gave up that goddamn moonshot to McGwire. And then the Houston Astros drove onto the field in local schools bus, and they were all humming the same high-pitched document in unison, and their manager said to me, Welcome to the Houston Astros. We all sleep in the same big-hearted berth, and the plot is alive, and I suggested, I dislike you strange fuckers, but I had to get on the bus anyway.
Bud Selig : As McGwire started touching more home runs, something prodigious started to happen: Parties started watching baseball again. Everybody is intended to tune in to construe Mark McGwire shape biography, and I realized that baseball might actually have a future.
Tony La Russa: For the first few months of the season, all anybody could talk about was Mark McGwire. Jerseys with Marks name on them were moving off the shelves. Lineages were traveling into the forest to carve his face into the trees. America had full-blown Mark McGwire Fever.
Derek Jeter( New York Yankees shortstop ): I knew that Mark was officially famous when he started going blurb deals. I turned on the Tv formerly and there was Mark doing a national commercial-grade. He was sitting in a Lexus with a carry of Camel cigarettes in one mitt and a battalion of Lucky Strike cigarettes in the other mitt, and he gazes straight into the camera and speaks, Lexus Auto: Every Brand Of Cigarette Is Good, and then the Nike logo appears.
Bud Selig: In those first few months of the season, I thought it was just going to be McGwire. Sosa seemed completely uninterested in hitting home runs.
Sammy Sosa : I had given up stumbling home run for Lent, so I had to wait until Hot Mr. Easter had snacked Tall Jesus and dispelled Sexual Jesus to a valley so that the oppression of the Jesus friends could aim and Lent would be over. Only then could I start reaching home runs.
Kerry Wood( Cubs starting pitcher ): I formerly requested Sammy what he anticipated the story of Easter was, and the nine-hour narrative he told me gives me nightmares to this day, and is only unrepeatable.
Martin Scorsese : Once Lent was over, Sammy started touching home runs at an incredible rate. Ive never seen anyone hit so many home run in such a short sum of time. He was punching two or three home runs every competition. Hed fluctuating his bat and three dances would wing over the wall at once, and then hed going to go at night and hit home runs at his house. He simply would not stop hitting home runs.
Sammy Sosa: Sometimes, I didnt want to hit home runs. Sometimes, I wanted to strike off or lie down, but then Id remember my dead peacock, Judas Iscariot The Bird, and the resound that he made when Roger Maris killed him. The phone he made was, Sammy Sosa, you are a peacock like me! The secret of your birthis horrible! Your lifea hideous fraud! And nowI die. It was the saddest chime Id ever heard, and all I had to do was remember it and it would give me the motivation I needed to destroy Roger Maris record entirely.
Chapter 5: Fierce Rivals
By the All-Star break, Sosa and McGwire were neck and neck in the hasten to cracks the home run account, and it soon is true that either of them could be the one to build biography by being the first to reach 62 home run. The person watched with rapt tending as one of baseballs greatest mythologies undid before their sees .
Bud Selig: It was a tight hasten. Every occasion McGwire hit a home run, Sosa would hit one right back.
Tony La Russa: Sometimes, McGwire would smack a home run, and when he finished rounding the foundations, a fist would punch through his gut, and the crowd would scream in horror as Sammy Sosa clawed his way out of Mark McGwires form and revealed that the home run had just been hit by Sosa in a ingeniou disguise. Then, the real Mark McGwire would come out of the bunker and billow, and everyone would have a good laugh. Then, a fist would perforate through Sosas stomach and a second McGwire would claw his way out of Sosas body, and the two McGwires would impede giggling while the rest of the crowd looked in silence.
Kerry Wood: On more than one party, Sosa would make a home run, but then the adjudicator would reek the dance and it would smell like Mark McGwire, and so the home run would count for McGwire instead. They were in a tight hasten the whole year.
Bud Selig : At first, devotees merely attended about McGwire, but once Sosa likewise became a contender, all America attended about was identifying Mark and Sammy together. One daylight at a news conference, a reporter yelled, McGwire and Sosa are wedded! and I responded, Theyre actually not, and the reporter pronounced, Then whats the quality of even being alive? Beings desired their friendly rivalry.Kerry Wood : One meter, Sosa made a home run so strong that the pitchers arms and legs fell off. McGwire responded by making a home run off of Randy Johnson that disappeared thus far that Johnsons wife saw onto the field and divorced him on the spot.
Randy Johnson( Houston Astros starting pitcher ): I said to my wife, Please do not divorce me. I think you smell good, and the racket you reach in your sleep prevents defects away from our live, and she replied, You should have thought of that before you gave up that goddamn moonshot to McGwire, and the entire stadium cheered as she wrote the word Divorced on my forehead.
Sammy Sosa: There was a lot of pres, but I ever had the support of my teammates and the fantastic Cubs manager Martin Scorsese
Martin Scorsese: Every season Sammy affected a home run, I would celebrate by buying him a photocopy of my movie Raging Bull and embed it in my backyard. It was just my little acces of telling Ive applied a movie in the dirt for you.
Bud Selig : And through everything there is, everyone was celebrating me! Bud Lionheart Selig! The boy who made baseball back from the brink of demolition with his superb home run ogres Mark and Sammy! The Baseball Hall of Fame even constructed a effigy of me kicking an astronaut in the belly with a plaque that alleged Bud Selig, The Savior Of Baseball, Seen Here With Astronaut( Identity Unknown ). Derek Jeter : I recollect the working day that I realized Sosa and McGwire had become national heroes. There was a monstrous billboard advertising for industrial pollution in the middle of Times Square with a picture of Sosa and McGwire smiling and holding hands in front of a factory smokestack that was spewing out a cloud of poisonous fumes. The billboard mentioned Form A Major League Friendship Underneath A Cloud Of Smog. After that billboard guided, there was a canvas that been demonstrated that Americans wished breath pollution to oxygen and adoration baseball more than any other sport. There was no doubt that McGwire and Sosa were the greatest event to happen to baseball in decades, and as they get closer to the record, peoples interest only grew.
Chapter 6: Violating The Record
With only a few days left to play, McGwire and the Cardinals arrived in Chicago to play the Cubs for their final find of the season. With 61 home runs, McGwire had tied Maris record and was one home run short of drawing biography. Sosa was only a few home runs behind. The year-long drama had reached its final play, and its key players had acquired themselves face-to-face for its rousing judgment .
Martin Scorsese: Before the game, I could tell Sammy was anxious, so I took him aside and added, Sammy, listen. As a director, Ive achieved a lot of things. Ive cleared beloved films. Ive interred over 600 two copies of Raging Bull in my backyard. Ive never triumphed an Oscar, and Ive had Robert De Niro carry me out of and back into a burning house. But this season governing the Chicago Cubs has been the greatest attainment of my life, and you two are the best part of it. You are the mimic of Raging Bull that I will always bury in the backyard of my life.
Sammy Sosa : Martin Scorsese is the greatest manager in the history of baseball.
Bud Selig: On his second at-bat of the nighttime, McGwire stepped up to the plate, and you could just feel it in your bones that he was going to break the record. Everyone knew there was only one pitcher are worth giving up Marks record-breaking home run.
Randy Johnson( Cubs starting pitcher ): The Astros transactions me to the Cubs in the middle of the game just so I could give up McGwires record-breaking home run.
Kerry Wood : Randy Johnson arrived on the mound by helicopter and immediately gave up a home run to Mark McGwire that started in so far that the president of the United States started onto the field and revoked Johnsons American citizenship on the spot.
Randy Johnson: I said to the president, Please do not revoke my American citizenship. America is where all of my groceries and batteries are, and the president responded, You should have thought of that before you gave up that goddamn moonshot to McGwire, and the entire stadium cheered as the president stuffed my entire person into a manila envelop, addressed it to Cold, and employ it into a mailbox.
Mark McGwire : I watched the dance go over the fencing, and I contemplated, Well , now at last the thing is done. The devotees were going crazy, and as I rounded the cornerstones I started crying, partly out of happiness for breaking the record, and partially out of regret for a assassination I did a very long time ago. When I got to home plate, Sammy was waiting for me, and he was smiling.Sammy Sosa : When Mark got to home plate, we hugged one another, and I said to him, So pleased to see you both. My epithet is Sammy Sosa, and Mark said to me, Hello, Sammy Sosa. My identify is Mark McGwire. Do you have Nintendo? and I pronounced, What the fuck is Nintendo?
Bud Selig: As a tombstone to Mark and Sammys friendship, we created a bronze bronze in front of the Hall of Fame of a officer with two heads. One chief was Sosas, and one president was McGwires. And in honor of me, Bud Selig, there were two Bud Seligs in front of the two-headed pig. One Bud Selig was caressing the pigs Sosa head. One Bud Selig was kissing the bulls McGwire head. The statue is an illustration to how we worked together to save baseball.
Sammy Sosa : A few weeks later, I smack my 62 nd home run and broke the record myself, but at that point, I didnt do it for the beauty. I did it for Judas Iscariot The Bird, whose role in all this becomes him arguably the most important peacock in its own history of Major League Baseball. I miss him every day.
Epilogue: The Shadow Of A Scandal
In the years following McGwire and Sosas famous home run pursue, the illusion smothering expected accomplishment has become tarnished by charges that they used illegal steroids in order to boost their performance. As the evidence presented has organized against them, the legacy of their record-breaking season has become cast in doubt, and some fear that it has been darkened forever . Bud Selig : When I firstly sounded the steroid rumors, I didnt want them to be true, but then I realized that Sammy Sosa is an anagram of Steroid Soldier, and I knew there was no disclaiming it.Mark McGwire : Why did I start using steroids? Well, when I was a young man, I read a big duffel bag filled with forkings and bayonets wash up on the beach, and I fell in love with it. I questioned the duffel bag filled with forkings and spears to marry me, and the duffel bag replied, Exclusively the man who can filch me over his head may marry me. I took steroids so that I could be strong enough to removing the duffel bag fitted with forks and knives over my top so that it would marry me, but by the time I was strong enough to do it, the duffel bag fitted with forks and knives had crawled back into the ocean forever. I was devastated, but then I realized that the steroids had moved me strong enough to hit home runs, so I figured, why ever stop?
Sammy Sosa: The steroids I took altogether ruined my mas. Before steroids, I laid health eggs “thats been” round and filled with gasping fish, just like Judas Iscariot The Bird had schooled me. But now my eggs are cube-shaped, and fitted with volcanic ash. Steroids destroyed my body, my legacy, and my eggs, but in the process, they helped me destroy Roger Maris, “the mens” who assassinated my chick, and so it was all worth it. Steroids are revenge drug, and I enjoy them.
Bud Selig : The home run pursue was a legend of remarkable triumph, but now everyone involved is shrouded in eternal humiliation. Even Martin Scorsese was prohibited from baseball for life after he was caught shoplifting a transcript of Raging Bull from a video accumulation. As for me, I departed from being the hero who saved baseball to being “the mens” whose photo hangs on the wall of every convenience store in America underneath a sign that reads Do Not Sell This Man Any Fruits Or Vegetables.
Tony La Russa: Tommy Lasorda.
Mark McGwire : Nobody will ever watch me as a hero. I know that now. But I are also aware that, at the least for a moment, Sammy and I reminded everyone that baseball is that magic various kinds of boast where muscular friends with ill-gotten biceps can go on a vengeance-fueled crusade against history. In this method, America descended back in love with baseball, and because of that, I will never detect any shame for the crimes I committed back then, or for the crimes I will commit in the future.
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