#i didnt draw his tattoos NOT BC IM LAZy but bc i wanted him to look stripped off all his defences
ritzcuit · 6 months
i found a bunch of dialogue that ive 100% either forgotten abt or just nto seen in a while so i posting them here for me and me only
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this when they're talking abt the family photo....i YELLED!!! the day WEEEEEEE all went out fishing!! WEEE!!! I KNEW DATZ WAS THERE!!!!THEY ALL SAID I WAS CRAZY BUT I KNEW IT No one doubted me. literally no one. but im still vindicated. from "well someone had to take that photo" to "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" oh datz... Also 'seems like datz has a lot to say', i know it's just the "yuty's CHANGED..." stuff but i want to read it more emotionally. i know that man has complicated and upset feelings on this kid he saw raised from a baby to now...Ok? uncle.
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this one i never rly fully forgot abt bc i cite it so often but it's just nice to have a screencap.. that yeah without a doubt dhurke and datz were friends pre-fire... also everything he says abt jove is very "dhurke told me this/said that" so they didnt meet. Which idrc about. jove means nothing to be to be honest
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cowards for making it metaphorical LIKE DATZ SHOULD HAVE A DRAGON TATTOO. i dont draw the tattoos ever cus i keep forgetting and am lazy but datz should have one and it should be on his heart because he's a freak. And it should be a gay thing. it should be a young dhurke and datz stick n pokeing their convictions on each others bodies like insane revolutionaries. And it's about the revolution but it's about dhurke. OKAY!??!? oh you dont fukcing get it
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i didnt rly forget abt this one either but it's cutie to me i just like them Oh they are so oomfies. it'uahhhgh Datz how many conversations are you trying to cheer dhurke up and being his optimism when dhurke cant be optimistic. like that's what this always reads to me as. is datz compensating for dhurke's pragmaticism even though i do really like to think that dhurke is the optimist and datz is more pragmatic underneath it all. but they switch off they bear each others loads. (not in a gay sex way rn) like it's so. No of course he still cares about you! bc he's not gonna say "yeah i bet that little squirt doesnt gaf LOLLLL" that's crazy.
also i like dhurke was never a hands on kinda dad. And i like when datz's role in the family is as a connection. like. this is very novel to me it's very literature. apollo and datz go out into the woods for a trip and then over the course of their trip it's apollo getting closer to his dad thru datz's stories and whatnot...Like?
well OBVIOUSLY *i'd* want it to be datz as his own character and person with feelings and ideals but i get his function for writing. i understand it. it makes me crazy tho. Um anyway
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i just like him
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riessene · 2 years
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smth smth romance, eroticism and horror being the three points of a very sensual triangle
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jangofctts · 4 years
pls tell us all about your ocs im beGGIN
aHH ok a couple people asked so!!!!! also ive included some of my drawings!! (tIS BELOW THE CUT)
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oK SO STARTING OFF WE HAVE commander blanche!
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hE’s a bit Cold and Stern but he’s a softy!!! his squadron (sunburst squadron) is a nIGHTMARE to run. it’s like herding cats dhsksn. his eye and his hair are from like a genetic mutation and nO HE DIDNT DYE IT OK?? tbh i still need to flesh him out more but he just wants to bring all his men home safe, will throw himself into battle wiTHOUT hesitation and just rad guy dhdkdn
next we have sgt. blue!
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he’s.,.,.sO Tired. boy’s been through it. the scar across his face is from jumping between his general and a dark side force user, HE HAS A HEART OF GOLD AND SOMETIMES DOESNT THINK THINGS THROUGH WHEN IT COMES TO DANGER BUT he baby. again i nEED TO FLESH HIM OUT MORE BUT DHSKSN
ok nEXT we have our lovely sharpshooter, sweets!
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he’s Very Shy. he’s the youngest in the squadron but was bumped up into sunburst squadron bc of his skill. he doesn’t like talking much so he’ll pat your arm or grab his brother’s shoulders to get their attention. when he does speak, it’s very soft spoken and gentle. he got in trouble a lot when he was a cadet for trying to befriend the service droids or little animals he would find. if you mention something you like, like a certain type of flower or necklace, WHATEVER he does kinda have....sticky fingers...so he’ll just Snatch the thing you like unprompted and then later he’ll just shove it into your hands and walk away. 1000/10 deserves a kith
oKiE next we have kamikaze (kaze or kami for short) and jaws.
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so kamikaze or kami OR kaze for short—he’s the pilot! earned is name for a reason bc this boy is fuckin WILD with piloting. he likes to brag that he’s the best pilot in the GAR which—idk you’re gonna have to judge that yourself. bc yeah he always makes it out alive whethet or not his ship is all but bLOWN UP but—he’s cocky and you might end up loosing your lunch since he tends to do a lot of barrel rolls or made up stunts. he’s a sweetheart tho, after you push aside the cocky and happy go lucky attitude. he’s super hyper most of the time so the squad likes to joke that he has designated nap time dhdjdbd
jaws!!! JAWS MY BOY—he got his name because one time he almost got eaten by a nexu the day after being promoted from cadet. he’s a Flirt, but gets awkward when you flirt with him back. he loVES holodramas or holonovels and therefore a hOpeLESS romantic rvdkdb unfortunately he some how believes that bad pick up lines work,?,,,?! he has some wild scars on his back and will have nO HESITATION to show you the nexu teeth marks. he has a tendancy to “adopt” little creatures or encourage sweets to steal one so That is an Issue
then fuse!
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can you....guess..,.what he enjoye? if you guess setting shit on fire/blowing things up then yUh. the reason he has different colored tattoos is because he was originally from another squadron but was reminded too many times and he was sort of Forced out. FORTUNATELY the general transfered him in sunburst squadron and let’s him be the explosives guy. he’s also very hyper and gets ALONG GREAT with kamikaze—a little too well fhdkd the chaos bros for sure. he’s super rambunctious/loud, isnt shy to tell you what he thinks—even those in higher command. he gets in trouble for it but he has a heart of gold and means well!
and then the medic!! void
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vOid is Tired....sO TIRED OF DEALING WITH fuse and kamikaze’s cOUNTLESS stupid injuries. he’s the Mom friend and will literally run and tackle you if you aren’t drinking water or taking the meds he’s perscibed. arguably the Smartest one in the bunch—at least with common sense fhdkdb he’s bffs with blue and theyre the Mean Girls of the squad, silently judging you always dhsksn. he definitely overworks himself a LOT just because he cant stand to be alone with his thoughts for long or else he starts to fixate on all the lives he couldnt save. he needs a pHat nap and a cup of caf sO PLEASE give him this, he also always has a massive headache due to the bafoonery he must deal with 25/8 dhsksn
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also bonus half sketch/comic of ahsoka that im too lazy to finish rhdkdn
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yirevm-blog · 6 years
hello here! this is ya girl rhu, straight outta gmt+1 & bringing here one of my fave ocs ( with a few tweaks, just to make him fit the haneul setting, but thankfully nothing big bc i hate meddling with my own ocs lmao ! ) by the way, my ims and askbox are always open for plotting and stuff, like this whole ass post if you wanna mcplot, while in here you’ll find the full dossier concerning my boy!
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☾*✧・゚:*「 min yoongi, cismale, he/him. 」did you know that there’s a human in seoul named yi ahreum? they have been here for the past three years and they are a tattoo artist. they are currently twenty-six and is a part of the ju jak. i heard that they are known to be blunt, but worry not !i heard they are also very brotherly too. remember to stay out of trouble, the magi are lurking around every corner !
now under the cut, a few info about him ( tws for parent death, cults, ableism ) :
the reason behind his name is actually pretty easy, and it’s all to blame on his late mom’s laziness in not wanting to change all the stuff she prepared for the incoming birth. his parents divorced for unknown causes few years after his birth so he has zero relevant memories about his dad or the paternal family, if not that they’re known high class peeps, probably descending from the imperial family considering the last name being ‘yi’.
his mom’s side of the family are all members of the ju jak, and of course due to blood status he was shoved in real early and real fast.
he’s born with a genetic eye disease called monochromacy, more specifically rod monochromacy, which prevents him from seeing colors ( yes, all he sees is grayscale ) and make his eyes actually pretty sensitive to light, but he knows how to take care of them and how to distinguish the basic shades based on brightness. part of the maternal family think it’s not a disease but a magi curse.
always been that one odd ball of the bunch, and unfortunately his disease and the fact he had to also train for the ju jak didn’t help especially during the crude years of highschool in which his sense of loneliness and alienation only grew stronger, and oftentimes he would refuge himself in drawing and avoiding people the most
he just recently lost his mother, after years post-highschool spent doing odd jobs and finally giving in the request of his maternal uncle to actually take him under his wing, try to get him involved more in the ju jak business ( with a huge failure ) and of course promoting his nephew’s artistic talent in his tattoo shop in seoul. he didn’t really take his mother’s death too well and it’s still an open wound for him to elaborate.
he moved officially in seoul three years ago and besides going to the shop to work and chitchatting with clients he doesn’t really know anyone: all he knows is that he wants nothing to do with the ju jak and with the whole war between humans and magi, and that he’s out of any cult-related activity ( which didnt sit well with the ju jak people, consequently still claiming him as part of the clan even if ahreum vocally claims otherwise ) and so is his tattoo shop. that’s neutral ground and neutral ground it’s gonna stay or you’re kicked out.
his fashion sense is odd and of course, exclusively grayscale. loves hats a lot. especially wide hats giving him a fake halo,occasional high soled boots and long, soft cardigans giving him a small sweater paw.
for a period his uncle dyed homeboy’s hair blue… they lasted very little. he remained with the deco something like three to four months before returning to black
has the worst attitude ever like literally, the way he spits vitriol is absurd but it’s a defense mechanism he needs to jot down because he’s gonna get even more hurt if he keeps that attitude but lmao ?? is he gonna learn ?? find out at nine #saltyonmain
honestly he’s just tired he doesn’t want to be involved in the whole magi vs humans war, he has no reasons to believe the chattering of some old crazy fanatics who happened to raise his family, he hates his combat reflexes or the whole being in a limbo bc he’s a human so magi hate him by default & he’s got his disease making him feel an outcast among humans too, so just... let him draw and tattoo people in peace.
i promise once you befriend him he’s a wholesome lot pls,,, think of him like ur local grumpy calico cat ♥
knows everything about anyone, but no one knows shit about him. unless you’re one of the shop entourage, of course. but even then there’s stuff he doesn’t say about himself for obvious reasons.
specializes in hardcore type of tattoos, aka pretty big ones with lots of detail and a very gory, pastelcore aesthetic onto it. doesn’t really like dealing with text-only tattoos and 99% you can hear him complain about how people can be stupid for wanting to get their gums inked
ju jak combat skills comprehend archery, knife / dagger throwing and mixed martial arts ! HE MIGHT NOT SEE COLOR BUT HIS AIM IS NOT JOKE and he’ll never raise a hand on someone unless he’s defending someone else or himself.
please don’t ask about his parents Like Ever
#nyareum is a thing apparently
NOTE: for my personal comfort i will not be ‘chemming’ his romantic relationship and he’s to be considered LOCKED on that front. long story short i prefer to heavily plot a romantic relationship with my muses ( in this case ahreum ), extensively even --and yes, with specific fcs, so i’d rather put this out and clear any doubt instead of leading others on because trust me, i hate being lead on and don’t want others to feel the way i did :’ any other relationship with ahreum ( platonic, brotherly, former hookup, enemies, someone who resents him because he ‘left’ ju jak for his neutral mindset, etc ) are all for grabs in terms of either plotting or chemming.
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