#i didn't get juza but SAKUYA
skateboarding-poet · 2 years
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otomehoneyybearr · 5 months
Act 12
Episode 10: Decision Time
Working w/ Maybelle Lace
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate.
Pink: Flashback
Blue: Characters are acting
Tenma: I can’t believe a board member was behind all of this...
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Banri: Shit. It’s been that guy, all this time.
Sakuya: Amadate...
Izumi: Are you okay?
Sakuya: It's hard to believe, but it's the truth...
Izumi: I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.
Sakuya: No, it's fine. It’s surprising, but I have to accept reality...
Syu: It's unfortunate that we're in a situation like this.
Zen: Originally, we planned to deal with it ourselves.
Hiro: Sorry for causing you trouble.
Kasumi: I'm sorry that we put you all in danger.
Izumi: There's no need, it's not your fault...!
Syu: But this is the seed we sowed. We were supposed to corner him, but we got outsmarted.
Syu: It may take a while, but we will definitely take responsibility and drag him out.
Hiro: You all of the next generation shouldn't become a repeat of what happened to us, the first generation.
Hiro: If you all become torn apart, you will just give him exactly what he wants.
Izumi: ——I see what you mean.
Izumi: But, let me just say one thing. We call ourselves the first generation and the new generation, but aren't we all a part of the same Mankai Company?
Izumi: We can't just leave these matters to you guys.
Izumi: The new generation has faced a lot of hurdles up until now, but each time we all talked it over and worked together to get through it.
Izumi: I am sure we will be able to overcome it this time too.
Izumi: The new generation has strong members, and if we work together, we'll definitely be able to beat any opponent.
Banri: You can't just make the first generation look cool while ignoring us.
Tsumugi: We’ll fight too.
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Tenma: Let us help you.
Sakuya: With all of us together, we will never lose!
Izumi: Once again, I would like to ask for everyone’s cooperation on this.
Izumi: As the general director, I will absolutely protect the Mankai Dormitory and Mankai Theater, where everyone's home is.
Izumi: So please, lend us your strength to overcome this crisis!
Sakyo: Obviously we’ll help.
Masumi: We'll do anything.
Yuki: Naturally.
Homare: Leave it to us.
Muku: I will do whatever I can to help!
Juza: I won't let ‘em hurt something important to me again.
Citron: If push comes to shove, we'll mobilize an army!
Itaru: How strong.
Guy: That may cause a diplomatic issue.
Syu: But there’s one thing we should be cautious about.
Syu: If the performance is canceled, the audience won’t be harmed, but the theater company members are a different issue.
Syu: Unless the troupe is disbanded, they will come after the troupe members. Nowadays, Amadate will stop at no lengths as long as it is a means to an end.
Syu: We won’t know what he’ll do next if he realizes that we’re still active despite canceling the performance.
Yuzo: We have to be very careful so that things don't end up the same way as they did before.
Izumi: ...
Izumi: (That's true... If the theater company continues any longer, everyone will be in danger.)
Izumi: (I don't want us to fall apart, and it's frustrating to have things go the way he wants...)
Izumi: (But in order to protect everyone, we may have no choice but to disband.)
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Board Member A: I would never have thought that a theater company with so much promise would suffer such misfortune.
Board Member B: Their performance was supposed to start tomorrow, correct? The situation seems quite hopeless for them...
Board Member C: Do we have any more details on the situation?
Board Member D: There haven’t been any announcements from the theater company yet.
Board Member A: Hmm, I wish there was something we could do to support them...
Amadate: It's a tragic incident, however the board of directors can't support any particular theater company...
Chairman: ...
Chairman: Let’s move on to today's agenda. We will introduce our new board member candidates.
Reni: ...
Amadate: So the Chairman's recommendation was Kamikizaka.
Reni: ...
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Amadate: ...What’s wrong?
Reni: ...It's nothing.
Chairman: Now then, each candidate, please give a brief introduction.
Board Candidate: That is all. Thank you.
Chairman: Next, is Kamikizaka.
Reni: I am Reni Kamikizaka. I am the founder and director of the GOD Troupe.
Reni: ...Having been in the theater industry for a long time, I know that the theater world is not as pristine as it seems.
Reni: I, myself, have engaged in acts that touch upon taboos that made me lose sight of myself just to surpass or undermine other theater troupes.
Reni: And I continue to regret those actions.
Reni: But that’s precisely why I want to dedicate myself to the actors and theater groups who earnestly devote themselves to the stage.
Amadate: It takes courage to confess your own mistakes. I am curious about the details of this.
Amadate: But do you really think someone who has made mistakes can get votes?
Reni: Because I can never change what I did in the past, I want to sincerely dedicate myself to the future of the theater world.
Reni: ...And I vow to never overlook the presence of those who, like me, have made such mistakes and lurk in the darkness.
Amadate: ...
Reni: (However, since the deal with K fell through, I can’t continue the plan to expose Amadate.)
Reni: (After all, he’s a tricky opponent. I’ll have to work more carefully than I did before.)
Reni: (But I won’t give up. I WILL break his stronghold.)
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fishyishy · 2 months
A3! Event Translation: Pastry Chef's Specialty (2/11)
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Juza: The parfait was delicious. Thanks for joining me, Yuki.
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Yuki: You're welcome. Well, the rose-shaped strawberries on the parfait were cute too, so I had a lot of fun as well.
Juza: Yeah, I didn't know food could be presented like that. I'm also glad I could buy a souvenir for Muku.
Yuki: Yup, Muku seems like he would like these types of parfaits too, so I hope we can all go together next time.
Juza: 'S true.
Juza: .......?
Juza: This shop....was there always cake shop like this in Veludo Way?
Yuki: Huh, that's true.
Yuki: It looks new, so it may have been built recently.
Juza: ........
Director: I think everyone's here. Well then, let's get started.
Director: So, did anyone know that Veludo Way will be hosting a Sweets Contest soon?
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Juza: !
Yuki: Isn't that the event we saw on the flyer, yesterday?
Juza: 'S right.
Tasuku: Sweets Contest?
Tenma: Heeh, so those types of events exist?
Tsuzuru: I don't know of them either.
Director: It seems to be a revitalization project to help liven up Veludo Way. The aim is to create a specialty sweet that represents Veludo Way.
Director: The contest will be held to decide which specialty sweet is the best.
Director: So, here comes the main point......
Director: Guy-san is planning to participate in the contest and is looking for people to help him.
Director: Can you explain the details please, Guy-san?
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Guy: Yes, understood.
Guy: It's just like the director said just now, I am thinking of entering the Sweets Contest.
Guy: I was thinking about adding some sweets to the bar's menu when Citronia told me about the contest.
Guy: I do think I should expect to win the grand prize, but if I do, the sweet could become a hot topic around Veludo Way.
Guy: That way, perhaps a more diverse range of people will want to visit the bar. I will be giving it a try and work hard.
Chikage: I see.
Sakuya: I think it's an amazing idea!
Guy: However, I thought it might be difficult for me to do this alone since I do not know much about sweets.
Guy: So I talked to the Director about this, and she suggested we get everyone together to work as a team and enter.
Guy: It seems like up to 6 people may enter as a team. It would be much appreciated if everyone could help lend us their strengths.
Muku: Of course!
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Kazunari: If everyone thinks together, we could make something even more delicious and aesthetically pleasing than any pastry chef, right!?
Taichi: Woahhh, brainstorming sweets together sounds super fun, it's getting me hyped up!
Guy: Thank you. This is very reassuring.
Tsumugi: Well then, let's all work together and think about which 5 members will enter along with Guy-san.
Director: That's right. A priority will go to members who are free on the day of the contest's grand prize announcement. Speaking of that, the schedule is as follows.
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Banri: I mean, it would definitely be better if Omi participated, right?
Azuma: When it comes to sweets in our company, Omi's the one.
Omi: Of course, I can help you make the sweets.
Omi: However, I'm sorry.....I'm actually a bit busy with work right now, so it'll be tough for me to go on the day the Grand Prize is announced.
Director: I see. Then, who else......?
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Juza: ...........Could I help out? I might not be of much use makin' em but.......
Guy: No, Juza has lots of knowledge on sweets. You are a valuable asset.
Director: That's also what I think! Juza-kun is definitely a candidate for the entering team.
Yuki: I thought for sure you'd go for it.
Yuki: I also felt excited when I saw a cute parfait yesterday, though.
Yuki: I think it would be fun to think about how sweets look when making them, so I'll give it a try I think.
Kumon: If Nii-chan's participating, then I want to participate too! I want to lend my strength to Guy-san too!
Homare: If Yuki-kun and Kumon-kun are also entering, is there anyone else who could participate?
Citron: How about Itaru? Lately, he has said he's been showing more fierceness in his work!
Itaru: Me? Nah, it's more like having more free-time, not fierceness.
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Chikage: He has a point, you're not that busy right now.
Itaru: I guess you're right. I have been a loyal customer of Guy-san's bar......I don't know that much about sweets, but if you're okay with it I'd be glad to join you.
Misumi: Itaru also decides to enterrr~!
Tenma: Sweets huh......I've recently had the chance to try them in a drama I appeared in.
Tenma: They had all kinds of them, so maybe something there could be useful.
Taichi: Oooh, sounds nice huh!
Azami: The sweets that appear in dramas look super good. They're probably pretty famous popular and trending cakes.
Hisoka: If there's anyone who's seen something like that or even eaten it, that would be a great help.
Masumi: I'm fine with my work schedule.
Tenma: Yeah. I'll check with Igawa, but I don't think there'd be any problems with me participating either.
Director: Alright, so the 6 people entering will be Guy, Juza, Yuki, Kumon, Itaru, and Tenma.
Guy: I look forward to working with everyone.
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asordinaryppl · 4 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 33: Budding Pink
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Towa: …
momo has entered the chat shiki: wb! is it over already? Iv: how was it? momo: i’ve decided Kar: you’ve decided? uwu (1) Iv: it’s ugly af when you do it shiki: what did you decide?
Kumon: 5 minutes left till the ranking’s announced…
Juza: 5 minutes and 14 seconds to be exact. 
Muku: Every minute that passes feels longer...! 
Yuki: Calm down. 
Azami: Are you going to do this every single time… 
Izumi: The announcement will be on the official site, right? 
Kazunari: Should be. 
Homare: Have some tea and take some deep breaths until then. 
Izumi: Thank you very much! 
Sakuya: Any time now... 
Tsuzuru: I’m gettin’ scared... 
Itaru: Now that we’re here, the results are already decided. 
Citron: We’re at the marriage of fate~ 
Tsuzuru: That’s kinda romantic, but no. 
Masumi: We’re at the mercy of fate? 
Muku: Oh, the site has been updated!? 
Kumon: Eh? Eh? My screen’s blank, though...!? 
Itaru: Are the servers down? 
Chikage: Everyone’s trying to get in at once. 
Kazunari: I’m in! MANKAI Company is... 
Juza: 70... 60... 50... 
Kumon: Still nothing? 
Muku: Maybe we went under 70... 
Tenma: Don’t jinx us. 
Sakuya: 30! MANKAI Company is 30th! 
Izumi: Really!? 
Chikage: Although we didn’t make it to 10th, it’s a big improvement from 70th. 
Tsuzuru: What a relief… We really dodged a bullet this time.
Itaru: Now we can safely pass the baton to the Summer Troupe. 
Juza: Hyakka and GOD-za's ranks increased, too. 
Sakyo: The theater companies with real skills likely sold a lot of tickets. If we’re neck and neck with them, that’s all the better for us.
Kazunari: The influencers’ newly established troupes have also made it to the top 30 tho~ 
Juza: Can’t let our guard down. 
Izumi: Well, how about we pat ourselves on the back for increasing our rank for now...? 
Citron: Let’s all celebrate together~! We should start the Citrun side shift~! 
Tsuzuru: Side show. Oh, you mean the thing I wrote during the training camp? 
Citron: It’s the perfect time to show it off! 
[Bell rings] 
Manager: Yes, yeees? 
Tsuzuru: Hello, good eveniiing. We're Citrun~
Citron: I'm Tororo~ (2)
Manager: You’ve got a guest, Minagi-kun. 
Tsuzuru: Eh? 
Towa: Pardon the intrusion! 
Izumi: Hm? Towa-kun? 
Towa: *inhales* ... Tsuzuru Minagi-sensei!! I want you to write a script for my troupe!! Please!! 
Tsuzuru: Eh? ... EHHHH!?
previous episode | masterpost | to be continued...
(1) kar says the same thing towa said (決めた) but in katakana as opposed to kanji (キメた)... but because of iv's reaction when kar does it, i didn't really know what else i was supposed to do with this
(2) (see chapter 20's notes) citron here says his bloocha screen name, but because he actually says it out loud, i typed it properly
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freshie44 · 7 months
Finale Celebration
A little final write-up for my precious Juza since I wrote that bit of fic at the beginning of the final poll, I might as well write something at the end of it as some kind of epilogue.
Juza fell to the stage, breathing hard. Their body felt sore it felt like they had just gone through an intense workout. They put everything into that performance, ignoring the scoreboard until they heard the buzzer.
"Damn, those Shadow Girls were no joke. They set such a high bar I'm not sure if I was able to clear it," Juza said through pants of exhaustion. They had one eye open as they checked the scoreboard. What, that can't be … The scoreboard showed that they won. They, they actually did it. They actually won …..
They heard footsteps rushing the stage, they knew it would be the Mankai Company rushing to congratulate them. However, they heard the voice of the shadow girls.
"Have you heard the news? Of a thespian unsure of even who they were that enter a struggling company in the hopes of following their dreams," said one.
"Yes, I have heard of them. Their skill grew but their self-doubt never went away. Now what will they do when presented with evidence that they are truly skilled in their art," asked the other.
"I would celebrate, I would screech to the heavens, maybe gorge myself on sweets. But we are not them now are we?"
"No, No, we will wish them well and continue our observing and see whether they continue to refuse what in front of them."
"Either way, congrats Juza," they both said before fading into the shadows again.
As they faded the Mankai boys made their way to them. Juza was in a stupor still as they felt people hug him from behind and by their sides. If they had to take a guess it was probably Kumon, Muku, Taichi, Sakuya, and Citron. They felt two strong arms pull them up. No doubt Tasuku and Omi with how easy they did it. They then came eye to eye with Sakyo his arm crossed with a smug but proud smile on his face. Banri was slightly behind him to his right giving a big smile not even pretending that he wasn't happy for his rival. Behind them stood Tenma, Azami, Yuki, Tsugumi, Itaru, Guy, and Azuma the more reserved member that wouldn't want to be part of the dogpile of the more excitable members. The others probably stood just behind them making sure those excitable members let Juza get their footing again.
"Hyodo, I want you to tell us and everyone who you are. Don't mince words we all want to hear it," said Sakyo.
Juza gulped, they knew the words but did they truly …. no, they promised Sakyo before the finals. They had to do this, no matter what the voice in their head said. They had literal undeniable proof. "I ….. a true thespian …. I'M A TRUE THESPIAN! I deserve to stand on this stage and say that I'm a talent to the craft!!!!"
There were smiles all around and they felt tears rolling down their face. They realized they had a huge smile on their face as well. They couldn't remember the last time that they smiled this hard. Not even after their first performance with Mankai. They had always controlled their emotion to the best of their ability. They knew they didn't have to with the others but some habits were harder to break than others. But today their true emotions wouldn't be hidden as they were brought into a group hug.
To say the others were a bit shocked to see for a second time today to see one of their most reserved and tough members crying at first would be an understatement but that smile. It was worth it, they knew that Juza wasn't one to show much emotion. But that pure unbridled smile. It was something they would protect and do their best to coax out again. As much as Juza was self-conscious of their look their smile was truly beautiful.
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prideoftheknights · 1 year
Chikage Utsuki 【MANKAI Party】 SSR Backstage Story Translation 3/3
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translation under the cut!
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Chikage: Thanks for coming to be guests today.
Kumon: I was super excited to do this event with the four of us!
Juza: Yeah, same here.
Hisoka: I'm happy to be here too.
Chikage: Without this kind of event, I thought it'd be rare for us four to be on stage together again.
Izumi: Is everyone almost ready to go on stage yet?
Chikage: We're ready.
Izumi: Then, good luck on stage!
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Chikage: Hello, I'm Chikage Utsuki of Spring Troupe. Thanks for coming today.
Audience Member A: Happy birthday, Chikage-san!
Audience Member B: His outfit is wonderful too...!
Chikage: Thanks. Well then, let me invite my guests to the stage. Kumon, Juza and Hisoka.
Kumon: Chikage-san, happy birthday! Let's all celebrate lots today~!
...Ah, I'm Kumon Hyodo from Summer Troupe!
Juza: I'm Juza Hyodo from Autumn Troupe. Chikage-san, happy birthday.
Hisoka: I'm Winter Troupe's Hisoka Mikage. Happy birthday, Chikage.
Audience Member C: We haven't seen these four together since that one mixed play, right?
Audience Member D: It's been so long, I'm happy to see them!
Chikage: The theme of my vlog is "The view that the fans want to see".
Hisoka helped with filming.
Hisoka: I'm sure everyone will find it to be warm and fluffy. Do pay attention so you don't miss anyting.
Chikage: Then, let's start the video.
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Chikage: "Hello, I am Chikage Utsuki of Spring Troupe. Helping me to film is Hisoka."
Hisoka: "I’m Hisoka Mikage. Nice to meet you."
Chikage: "For today, I thought I’d show you all what a typical day in my life looks like with my family."
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Kumon: By 'family' do you mean... Everyone in Spring Troupe's gonna show up!?
Audience Member A: We'll get to see candid shots of Spring Troupe, I'm so happy!
Audience Member B: I'm looking forward to it~!
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Masumi: "zzz…"
Chikage: "He’s using the whole bench to nap."
Chikage: "You can usually find Masumi in a quiet spot listening to music while taking a nap."
Masumi: "Mm… Chikage…?"
Chikage: "Ah, sorry. Did I wake you?"
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Kumon: Ahaha, Masumi-san looks really out of it while sleeping!
Juza: It looked like he was fast asleep.
Audience Member C: Masumi-kun's so cute〜!
Audience Member D: Chikage-san sounded so gentle!
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Sakuya: "…Ah, Chikage-san and Hisoka-san! We’ve been waiting for you two!"
Chikage: "Haha, thanks."
Itaru: "Who have you filmed already?"
Chikage: "Just Masumi so far. What’re you two up to?"
Sakuya: "I’m making an example of a craft I’ll be doing with the kids from the daycare I work at."
"I’m trying to draw some flowers and animals on this paper here but no matter what I do they look like blobs…"
Chikage: "No, I think you’ve drawn them well."
Sakuya: "Really? Hehe, thank you very much!"
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Juza: Sakuya seems really happy to be praised by Chikage-san.
Hisoka: It looks like he started working even harder after.
Audience Member A: Chikage-san's really good at giving compliments!
Audience Member B: Hearing the two of them talking to each other is so calming~
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Chikage: "…And what about you, Chigasaki?"
Itaru: "I’m reading a book."
Chikage: "The cover’s blocked. What are you reading?"
Itaru: "That… is a secret."
Chikage: "Well then, we’ll just move on."
Itaru: "No wait, Senpai. Couldn’t you at least be a little interested?"
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Hisoka: This kind of exchange is more common.
Chikage: Since it seemed like Chigasaki didn't want to tell me about it, I thought I might as well not ask.
Audience Member C: Chikage-san and Itaru-san's conversations are so interesting!
Audience Member D: Come on Chikage-san, you should show some interest!
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Citron: "Hm~ Lalala~♪"
"Oh, Chikage and Hisoka are finally here!"
Chikage: "Sorry to keep you guys waiting. Tsuzuru, are you making lunch?"
Tsuzuru: "Yeah I am, but Citron-san won’t stop singing beside my ear…"
Citron: "I am your personal cheerleader!"
Tsuzuru: "That’s having the opposite effect on me right now!"
Hisoka: "Tsuzuru, it’s burning."
Tsuzuru: "Ah, you’re right!"
"Ah… It’s a little burnt now…"
Chikage: "Tsuzuru, your cooking is delicious, so it’s alright even if it’s slightly burnt."
Tsuzuru: "…To hear you say that, Chikage-san. I’m really happy."
Citron: "How unfair! Chikage, praise me too!"
Chikage: "Citron, your singing is lovely."
Citron: "I’m so happy! My singing has a crab!"
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Kumon: Chikage-san, nice follow-up!
Audience Member A: Chikage-san is really kind, huh〜
Audience Member B: You can really feel the atmosphere of Spring Troupe!
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Hisoka: "...Hey, what about you Chikage?"
Chikage: "What about me?"
Hisoka: "Chikage's own daily life. I'm sure everyone would want to see that too."
Chikage: "I––"
Citron: "Chikage! If you're going to eat then set your plate at the table!"
Chikage: "Yeah yeah, I know."
Sakuya: "It smells delicious!"
Tsuzuru: "Oh, everyone came at the perfect time."
Masumi: "Yawn..."
Itaru: "...Don't tell me, did Senpai help to make the food?"
Chikage: "Nope, I was just filming them making it."
Hisoka: "...Fufu, looks like this is Chikage's daily life."
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Audience Member C: Spring Troupe and Chikage-san's conversations really do make you feel warm inside...
Audience Member D: As expected, Spring Troupe really feels like a real family...
Chikage: Thank you for watching till the end.
When I first thought about what people may want to see, my first thought was that they'd want to see the Spring Troupe.
...I don't think I would be where I am today if you all weren't here.
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Chikage: Seems like we'll be ending soon.
Kumon: Uwah~ That was fast!
Juza: Come to think of it, don't we have to take a picture of you now?
Hisoka: ...Then, I'll take it. What pose would you all like to see Chikage do?
Audience Member A: A finger heart pose please!
Audience Member B: Maybe blowing a kiss...
Audience Member C: I really wanna see him blowing a kiss with a cool expression~!
Chikage: Thanks for all the various requests. Then, let's go with the one that was said the most.
Hisoka: Alright I'm gonna take the picture now so stand over there.
Chikage: Sure, sure.
Hisoka: ...Say cheese.
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
[Sakyo Furuichi] Stay Safe Today SR — Backstage — Model Architect — Part 2
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... Tsk, this place is too distracting. I'll work somewhere else.
Part 1 - Part 2
Translation under the cut
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Izumi: Wow... There's model displays of everything from houses to high-rise buildings.
Ryou: They put up pictures of the interiors and exteriors of the finished structures behind each one.
Sakyo: And you build each one from the foundation up? That's some elaborate work.
Izumi: Comparing the models to the finished structures, you can really see how much work it is.
Sakyo: Yeah. Thank you again for your help in rebuilding the theater.
Izumi: I want to thank you, too. Really, thank you so much for your help.
Ryou: What!? No, that was just...!!
Ryou: I just wanna do everything I can for Omi-san, and for Mankai Company.
Ryou: Feel free to call on me for anythin' from now on, too!
Sakyo: ... I see. Thank you for letting us count on you.
Sakyo: What's that?
Ryou: Hm? Oh, that's an architectural model kit!
Ryou: They're selling kits so you can put together your own models like the ones on display here, too.
Ryou: There's around a thousand pillar parts and you're gluin' 'em together for good, so it's hard work, but the sense of accomplishment when you finish one's amazin'!
Sakyo: ... Maybe this'll give me an idea of what it's like to be an architect, too. I'll buy one.
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Sakyo: ... What part goes next?
Izumi: (It seems like Sakyo-san has been working on the model since he got it.)
Sakyo: I take my eyes off this for one second and I forget which is which...
Sakyo: Tsk... This is more intricate than I thought.
Izumi: (It does look hard with how complex it is...)
[Choice 1: Can I help you?]
Izumi: Can I help you?
Sakyo: Hm? Oh, Director-san.
Sakyo: No, I'll finish this myself. This is part of my role study, too.
Izumi: Putting the model together does seem hard, just like Ryou-san said.
Sakyo: Even though it came with instructions, it's already taken longer than I thought it would. Building the real thing must be no ordinary task.
Sakyo: I'm glad I bought the kit, even if just to learn that.
Sakyo: This is just the beginning, though. I'll definitely finish this, just you wait.
Izumi: Hehe, I look forward to it.
[Choice 1 end]
[Choice 2: Are you okay...?]
Izumi: Are you okay...?
Sakyo: It's work I'm not used to, is all... This is going to take me a while to finish.
Izumi: You must be tired from concentrating so much, aren't you? Do you want me to get you some coffee?
Sakyo: Yeah, I'd like that.
Sakyo: I can't spend too much time putting this together, though. I should get the hang of it and finish this soon.
Izumi: I'm cheering for you!
[Choice 2 end]
Sakyo: ...
Misumi: Kumon, over here~.
Kumon: Sumi-san, you're too fast!
Sakyo: Quiet down, you punks! Quit running around inside the dorms!
Misumi: Whoa! Sorry!
Kumon: We'll be careful not to be noisy!
Sakyo: ... Tsk, this place is too distracting. I'll work somewhere else.
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Sakyo: ...
Omi: Sakyo-san, hi. How's putting together that model going?
Sakyo: It's going.
Juza: Those parts 're tiny...
Sakyo: Don't touch them or I'll forget where they go.
Omi: I look forward to seeing it finished. Good luck with it.
Sakyo: Yeah.
Sakuya: Ah, Sakyo-san! Is that for your role study...?
Sakyo: Yeah.
Tsuzuru: I can tell how complex it is just by looking at it. That must be hard...
Sakyo: I can feel my nerves all the way into my fingertips.
Sakuya: Good luck!
Sakyo: ... Yeah.
Sakyo: (... Thanks for the encouragement, but talking to me out of the blue like that only distracts me.)
Homare: Oh, Sakyo-san. This must be the model kit I've been hearing so much about.
Sakyo: ... Yeah, it is. I'm trying to concentrate, so leave me alone.
Homare: Indeed, it looks like a task that requires much patience. I wish there was some way I could help...
Sakyo: ...
Homare: ... Ah, I've got it!
Homare: Diving into the zone--
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Taichi: I hardly ever see Sakyo-nii outside of practice these days.
Azami: Seems like everywhere here was too distracting, so he's been working at the theater.
Izumi: I wonder if he's okay...?
Omi: Should we go check in on him?
Juza: Yeah.
Banri: Won't we get in his way?
Omi: It'll be fine if we just quietly check on him. He could be stuck on something while he's alone.
Taichi: I'm worried about him! Let's all go and see how he's doing!
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Banri: He's not on stage or in the audience seats.
Azami: All that's left is the dressing room.
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Izumi: Ah, Sakyo-san--
Sakyo: ... It's done.
Banri: Whoa, that's amazing.
Juza: Good job.
Sakyo: You guys... What are you doing here?
Taichi: We were worried about you, so we came to see how you were doing!
Omi: I'm glad it seems like you got done with it okay. Has this helped with your role at all?
Sakyo: Yeah. ... Phew, I think I've perfected my role with this.
Taichi: Sakyo-nii, you can't be done before the show's even started...!
Izumi: There's still time left, y'know!?
Sakyo: Heh, just kidding. I meant I'll make use of this when we practice.
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assortedviolets · 1 year
A3! Spotlight Event Translation;
「Hanasaki Academy & Ouka High School」
ー Hanasaki Chapter 2
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Translated by: Chye
Proofread by: Jun
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Sakuya: Thanks for the breakfast!
Masumi: Thanks for the food.
The breakfast you made today is delicious as always.
Izumi: That's good to hear! Then both of you, good luck with school!
Take care!
Sakuya: Yeah! We're going!
Masumi: We're going.
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Banri: …
Sakuya: Ah… Good morning, Banri-kun!
Banri: Ah. 'Mornin.
Sakuya: …B-banri-kun!
Banri: What?
Sakuya: Uhm, if it's okay with you Can we go to school together..?
Banri: …If you're both okay with that, then sure.
Sakuya: Of course! Right, Masumi-kun!
Masumi: I don’t care.
Sakuya: Ah, Masumi-kun!
Sorry, Masumi-kun doesn't mean any harm…
Banri: Don't know anything 'bout him but I know he's always like that.
Sakuya: Then, let's go!
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Sakuya: Have you gotten used to living in the dorms?
Banri: Well, yeah.
Masumi: You're always fighting with Juza, it's too annoying and loud you know.
Banri: Hah? It's not like we're fighting 'cause I like it. If you have problems with it, talk to him, not me.
Sakuya: B-but you know! The more they fight, the closer they get…
Banri: Don't say that. It's not the same thing.
Sakuya: R-right… I understand…
Masumi: If this gets worse and causes the director more problems, I'll be the one to kick you out myself.
Banri: Yeah, yeah.
You too, you know. You're always 'director this, director that'. It's tiring.
Masumi: It's not the same as your useless fights.
Banri: I'm not saying they're the same. Even I get tired of fightin'.
Masumi: Then, just don't fight at all.
Sakuya: C-calm down…
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Banri: That's why I said it's thanks to Sakuya.
Sakuya: Is that so..? But now that I think about it, I feel like that's when I started to get to know you better.
Banri: True.
When I joined the company, I knew you and Masumi went to Hana High.
But I had just joined back then, so I didn't know how to approach or treat you.
Masumi: Surprising. Didn't know you could think like that.
Banri: Shut up. I also thought it wasn't like me. I just thought I didn't need to talk about more than what I was asked.
Sakuya: Is that so…
Banri: Don't make that face. I'm not like that anymore.
Sakuya: If that's the case, then good..!
Oh, right! If you're free, let's have lunch together!
There's only a few more days left where we can hang out together at school.
Banri: Yeah, sure.
Masumi: …I don't mind.
Sakuya: Then, let's meet at the rooftop at lunch today!
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✼ .⋅} ────── ⊰  
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mxddyhero · 2 years
For the ask game, A3 is probably the obvious thing to ask about but how about that?
WAAAH,, TY AN !!! ^^/<33 a3 is sooo scrumbly I eat it for breakfast every day it's the media ever it's !!!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
God I wish I wasn't so obvious but. Juza. The man ever <33
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
TSUZURU !!! He's written off so much for no reason like !!! The man is the reason Mankai was able to keep going !!! Without him, I don't think they'd have met the conditions that Sakyo gave. Mans is so talented and works so hard and anyone who calls him boring or bland or unimportant can eat my entire ass actually.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Akito... My a3!oc was originally gonna be his sibling, but I changed it bcs it didn't really fit. BUT I still love and adore him, he's a rock bassist just like me fr and I want to squish him.. I just know he loved helping on Rad Red <33
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Chikage <3
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Banri. teehee <3
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Reni for SURE get that man GONE
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taichissu · 1 year
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: now this one i'm weird with lesgo (taichi (!!!!!!!!), juza (mixed feelings with this one fr i only really like how it's portrayed in the jp fandom), omi, sakuya, the controversial one)
important friends: itaru (duh), tsumugi, yuki (this friendship is so important to me it's not even funny), kumon (SO IMPORTANT. banri accidentally keeps getting himself younger brothers), azami (younger brother 2), kazu (!!!!!!!)
general opinions: he was the reason i didn't read the aki story until like 2020 i hated him so bad, i refuse to admit he somehow became my 2nd oshi, love how childish he is about getting attention from juza, hate that liber makes shinmake 3/4 of banri's personality, love that you can clearly see the difference between him as a leader in act 1 and act 2 as he embraced and cherished that position and didn't just keep it for the sake of it, favorite moment was his re-portrait in act 3, second favorite moment was when they were on a deserted island for natsu-aki training camp and there were monkeys and juza told him to go get a grip on his brothers, third favorite moment was when in the marie antoinette play he was the only one who couldn't pull off the crossdressing costume, fourth favorite moment was whenever he drank too much and became silly and easy to tease, controversial opinion; he is better written in mankai stage than in the og game, i could talk about him all day no.2, in short vvvv
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hajimariwaquartet · 2 years
Hi hi hi!!💕 Oh my goodness your a3der swap was so much fun i really had to come here again and let you know!! Oh, have you thought about doing more swap of these? Not to put pressure or anything because there are A LOT of things to take into consideration but i do think you would do such a good job!!
In any case, i loved it. Thank you so much!! 💕
awww thank you!! im glad you enjoyed it!! i was actually planning to doodle a few more scenes (sakuya going "FIGHT ME" to chikage, kumon being blinded by banri's smile, summer troupe hug pile, and fuyugumi getting their own tv show after one of tsumugi's directors sees them and goes "can i get you guys for my new show pleaseplease" ) but im less inclined to draw these days, unfortunately. but i'm planning on writing a fic for this swap au since i have so many things i wanna explore!!
here's a list of stuff i wanna explore in this au!!
sakuya having beef with both chikage and sakyo from main story conflicts + masumi going "hell no" when sakuya approaches him in act 1 for mankai
itaru being the first victim of sakuya's freaky strength
sakuya has a bit of a sore spot for being called short and he raises hell when someone does call him any form of short (midget, kid) and sakyo unfortunately stepped on a landmine when he called him a middle-schooler for his looks and temper (since swap sakuya reminds him of azami so much)
chikage thought his infiltration plan was Good but he didn't think of sakuya being ridiculously perceptive with his true intentions. chikage gets irritated with how eager he is to pick fights with him in particular, and hisoka's like "hey doesn't he remind you of you when you were younger" "shut up."
tenma helping out the summer troupe in their schoolworks and being the introvert adopted into the group of friends
tenma being generally a lot less outspoken and prideful compared to canon, but he's still sharp with acting as ever
tenma going along with misumi's triangle hunts and he finds himself actually enjoying hunts bc misumi makes it so fun
tenma is friends with taichi in this au, since taichi felt bad that he passed the audition that broke the actor tenma sumeragi. taichi hesitates when reni asks him to infiltrate mankai, and tenma's one of the reasons why he can't just bring himself to destroy mankai
swap banri and sakuya contrast and comparison (since both of their first arcs seem to rely on motivation and how it affects someone)
banri being an absolute angel!! and freaking out the readers and audience as well during picaresque, since no one expects the Prince of Hana High to play a gangster and banri not being the fox-faced gangster we know and love
sakuya, masumi, and banri being a legendary trio since no one understands why the hell are they all hanging out (until they learn they're in the same troupe, at least)
banri being motivated by spite to start acting properly, then he actually finds his motivation to act!! thanks to juza getting tired with his "others think this is okay" thinking and telling him off for it
tsumugi being dramatic and an expert on the screen, but kinda clumsy off the camera. imagine him playing a lucimugi role one minute, then he trips over some exposed wires the next minute.
tsumugi being Prideful™️ and a bit of dick too since i think it's interesting to explore a tsumugi like that
fuyugumi saving tsumugi when he forgets his disguise (again) since he's not used to being an actual celebrity (bc veludo theatergoers aren't the rabid type). hisoka and guy pull off some secret agent stuff, azuma charms their way out of the crowd, and tasuku just carries him like a sack of potatoes and runs.
tsumugi maknae (?) sorry i realized that he sorta looked like a kpop idol and i was like 👁👁
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lordartsy · 3 years
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A3! 5 year anniversary countdown: ~After-talk~
This is basically an annoyingly long A/N, none of you have to read it.
January's now over...!! How'd you guys do in the event? I was completely and utterly destroyed by it! ☆
I mean, imagine me, alright? I'm just a little guy. I've got like 300 something something gems to spend, and I have two favorite characters, I'm gonna try getting them both!
So I get kazu, right? Cool! My future's looking bright! Maybe I can get tsuzu too, right? Wrong!
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I could sit here and complain about my rolls in detail, but the long and short of it is that I got a LOT of itarus and citrons (one full bloomed r itaru, one full bloomed sr itaru, an ssr christmas itaru, and SIX anniversary citrons!! Thats enough citrons to form a whole wakiwaki-gumi!!). I call them the Partners In Crime Duo (Sr +60%) because they basically robbed me blind
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Murder! I spent like 800+ on the spring scout alone, dude!
And tsuzuru's in the tease for the next event...!!? All this pain and suffering...!!
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.... Welp, setting my grudges aside.
Doing the anniversary series was a real educational experience for me. I learned a lot of things, like:
- doing something that takes as much time as this series did requires a lot of planning ahead, and its my bad for winging it
- how to draw like 23 different flowers
- being passionate about your work is cool and all but not sleeping and forgetting to eat will land you in the hospital! (twice!!)
- a weak tablet (broken screen) + pointy finger (worn out from drawing/gaming) is NOT an optimized drawing set-up (and one of these days im gonna get me a proper drawing tablet but for now, I'll have to make do)
Because of said unoptimized set-up on top of an already bumpy schedule, there were a lot of ideas i had to throw out the window in order to make room for time (even though compromising on backgrounds/shading/details/etc. was already supposed to give me more time, :ugly_crying:). Of course there are sketches and ideas thats completely different from the final product, but i also wanted to draw some minor characters as part of the countdown if i had the time to. Unfortunately, Sakoda decked out in full "Sakyo Oshi" gear is gonna have to wait.
Speaking of concepts and ideas, here are the anniversary pictures that i had planned to go together! (read: PLANNED to go together— they don't, but i hastily edited it to make it kinda look like it does??)
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Hindsight powers activating, i really should've drawn them together THEN separated them instead of drawing them separately from the start. Ahh, let this be yet another learning experience for me.
Yknow, the original idea was to have a very simple piece of the character just going about their day, followed by a <100 words essay about something i like about them. It was like that for the first few days and then I completely threw it out the window the more into it I got. Sorry for making you guys read essays about my thoughts on the characters, I literally didn't mean it.
.... No, screw it. I promised myself not to say anything mean about the game or the characters during the entire run, but im sick of being nice to these guys! I'm gonna say something mean about every single one of them!!
Sakuya's an airhead, dense main character edition! Masumi's a creep! Tsuzuru's ordinary as hell! Itaru's a goddamn gremlin! Citron's a weirdo! Chikage :/ Tenma's a pompous rich kid! Yuki's an asshole! Muku's head is stuffed with nothing but clouds! Misumi is literally some kind of alien! Kazunari's annoying! Kumon's obnoxious! Banri :/ Juza's an airhead, socially incompetent edition! Taichi has nothing going on in the brain! Omi kindly shares his brain cells with Taichi, but at what cost! Sakyo's a boomer! Azami's a brat! Tsumugi and Tasuku share a single brain cell, and they lost it during a street act! Hisoka acts like a pain in the ass! Homare's pretentious! Azuma's a slut! Guy is an airhead, language barrier edition!
..... If you've read any of my posts you would know i dont mean any of that (... some of these, at least). Coming up with some of those was very hard; insulting these guys was a lot harder than i thought it'd be.
If you somehow read through all of that, then thank you! Thank you for putting up with the things I say, and thank you for supporting the countdown series! Seeing the things people say in the tags has been a wonderful experience for me, and I'm glad to have provided some sort of entertainment for you all! Thank you again, and see you next time!
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mozukumi · 3 years
this ask is SO sweet though i'm so excited. ask and you Shall Receive. For context, this is referencing art I did of Itaru and Masumi in the mAnkAi swAp AU , where ages get shuffled around.
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This got Really Long, so I'll place my explainations under the cut.
I'll start with the 27 year olds, because first and foremost I need to explain...
Juza Hyodo - This entire AU was started from one conversation: going off of how Sakyo saw a lot of his younger self in Juza, what would the reverse be like? What if Juza was the older yakuza, and Sakyo was the gruff teen
The whole deal with Kumon and his baseball team happens as in canon. However, in this verse, some members of the team get really pissed that Kumon 'made them lose' the championship, and attacked him in revenge.
Kumon needed expensive surgery to recover from his injuries - and the Hyodo family didn't have that kind of money. So Juza decided to join the yakuza to make that money, after a meeting with the chairman (the original one, not Azami).
Ever since joining the yakuza, Juza hasn't contacted his family, too ashamed by what he does, and too worried that it's come back to haunt them. Instead, he just sends them money every month - they realize he's alive, but they just can't find him.
His relationship with Sakoda (who remains the same age in this AU) is a lot more gentle and brotherly then the one Sakyo has with him - partially because Sakoda's youthful energy reminds him of Kumon.
Banri Settsu - The three people who made this AU are Juban and Sakyoizu shippers. So obviously, when we swapped out Juza for Sakyo, we had the realization that this would make Banri the director. And then the yeast really started to form in our minds.
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Desperate, he finds a help wanted listing for the Director of the MANKAI Company - a formerly prosperous company that’s now dead after its former director left a year ago. So he said fuck it, despite not having any experience in theater, because he just wanted anything - anything to make him feel passionate.
As a director, he’s definitely more lax then Izumi - where she would tell a kid to go to school if she saw them skipping, he’d just say “lmao you’ve made sure you have enough absences right kiddo”. He still definitely cares about all of the company, though. He is going to win at being the director of a theater company, something which is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
Sakuya Sakuma - Already a member of the company before Banri arrives, Sakuya is a freeter who was moved by 16 year old Matsukawa’s impassionate plea for actors, and decided to join the company because he realized he didn’t feel fulfilled in his life. His general vibe is still the same - it’s his hope to make everybody smile through his acting - but now he has Dad energy instead of Son energy.
And for the 17 year olds:
Itaru Chigasaki - The whole deal with his sister telling him to become a sickly prince and his subsequent friendship/fallout with Tonooka remain as in canon. We pick up his story right after he’s been exposed as being a fraud. So he’s in a pretty bad place: everybody in the school has turned against him, he’s back to having no friends, and he’s having to grapple with the horrifying prospect of keeping up this act his entire life. People began to hate him immediately after he showed his true self, just like his sister said. Was he going to have to play the prince forever? Was this his destiny?
When his gaming rival, NEO, made his ranking description “come audition @ mankai company” in on of the gacha games he played, Itaru decided to go. He was already at his lowest social standing. Even becoming a theater kid couldn’t bring him any lower. At least this way, he’d get out of the house.
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this is what I mean by “ranking description”, idk if that’s the right name for them.
Itaru’s conflict is about a) learning to abandon his princely character and b) learning that he doesn’t have to fear growing up. In Banri, he gets to see an adult who is unabashedly interested in video games and is still regarded as ‘responsible’. And um, having Banri as your role model probably isn’t the best idea? But like, he’s vibing.
Tasuku Takato and Tsumugi Tsukioka - I’m placing them together bc Do Not Seperate and also it’s easier to talk about the changes to their story with them together lol.
So, there’s no GOD-za seperation here - so no divorce arc. Instead, they’re still childhood best friends, and their main conflict is about getting into university. They’re both pushing themselves way too hard studying, because they want to go to the same fancy arts school - but they both have their own worries about what will happen if one of them gets rejected. 
Thank you so much for asking this, and thank you so much for reading this far. I am constantly thinking about this and it means a lot that somebody out there would care!
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mochiiwrites · 3 years
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🍁✨Autumn Troupe Headcanons!✨🍁
Hooray for more uncensored swearing! Sorry, this took so long! It’s hard to think of things for the Autumn Troupe since I don’t know them super well!
🍁🧡Banri Settsu🧡🍁
Whenever it's time for practice, Banri begins by smacking the back of Juza's head! (Not super hard, but enough for it to piss him off)
Diluc main, that is all. Before he got Diluc he was an Amber main, and somehow was good. Still uses her every once in a while!
Slightly intimidated by languages sometimes, I dunno how to explain it, so hopefully the dialogue does!
“Banri, come here for a second.”
“Hell no, I’m in the middle of a match right now.”
“Sit your ass down and wait, Chikage! I’m busy!”
"Halika dito! Huwag kang humintay na papatayin kita at iwanan kitang dumugo sa lansangan! Inumin ng mga aso ang iyong dugo at kukunin ng mga uwak ang iyong laman. Gusto mo yan?!" ("Come here! Don't wait for me to kill you and leave you bleeding in the street! Dogs will drink your blood and crows will take your flesh. Do you want that ?!" ) I'm unsure of the translation, since the filipino was from Irumaaaaa_saaaaamaaaaa's comment on my Ao3! I just put it into google translate
“Damn! Fine, fine, I’m comin! Chill out!”
His older sister gave him a leopard plushie when he was a kid, which is why he’s fucking obsessed with animal prints!
Plays drums and almost broke the coffee table because he “jammed too hard” on it!
Constantly messing up Taichi’s hair, or he’s drumming to songs on his head.
*boom boom bap boom boom bap*
“Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise, playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday! You got mud on your face, you big disgrace! Kicking your can all over the place, singin'-”
“We will, we will rock you!”
“Haha! Hell yeah!”
🍁💜Juza Hyodo💜🍁
Likes carrying Muku or Kumon on his shoulders! Sometimes they still parade around!
“Are you sure about this, Ju-chan?”
“Yeah, you’re real light, y’know.”
“What the hell are you doing, Hyodo? Practice is soon.”
Chews on things a lot when he’s nervous! He always has gum or a lollipop to avoid chewing on his shirt, his nails and other inedible things!
Uses shorter Mankai members as an armrest, but only the ones who are okay with it! He’s polite like that.
On nights where he just can’t sleep, he’ll go on walks or drive around on his motorcycle!
Terrible with eye contact and looking like he’s paying attention. Sakyo has to snap his fingers at him to make sure he’s listening!
Y’know the awkward sibling hug from Gravity Falls, he and Kumon have done that...a lot. It’s not actually awkward though, they just liked the show!
“Awkward sibling hug?”
“...Awkward sibling hug.”
“...pat, pat.”
“Hyodos, what the hell?”
🍁💖Taichi Nanao💖🍁
Cried twice when he got his piercings, the first time was because he was very, very afraid, the second time was because he was so happy that he looked good with them!
Has Heelys! One time, he tried to 'heely' into the rehearsal room, but he immediately fell over!
Plays the ukulele! He wanted to play guitar because he saw someone serenading their partner with it at school! He borrowed Masumi's guitar but bar chords suck and his hands are kinda small, so he settled for the uke!
"Aghhh! How do you play that! That hurts my fingies!"
"I have bigger hands and more experience."
"But you're only like an inch taller than me!"
"Height doesn’t really have anything to do with this."
Has a Tiktok! He doesn't post often, it's more for looking at memes or sick outfits. (He does the dances though! He's pretty good at them but they're all in his drafts since he's not super confident in them!)
Y’know how kids crawl up the stairs really fast. He does that. Constantly. Kazunari joins in, sometimes. It pisses Sakyo off a lot, but he gave up on trying to get them to stop.
"Taicchan, what are you doing?"
"Kazu-kun! I got the zoomies!"
"Nice! Can I join ya?"
"For sure!"
*Rapid thumping up the stairs*
"Aren't you gonna stop them, Sakyo?"
"...If I had that ability, they would've stopped a long time ago. Those idiots don't listen."
He LOVES Sk8 The Infinity! Langa's his favourite character! He's also probably a Reki kinnie!
🍁💙Omi Fushimi💙🍁
(It's blue like his regular shirt and Tumblr doesn't have any other colours ;-;)
Despite being tone-deaf, he hums a lot when he cooks! No one seems to mind it!
Enjoys scrapbooking! He kind of prefers scrapbooks to albums, since scrapbooks have a more homemade vibe, you know?
Gives the best hugs, and tends to hold hands with the younger members when they cross the street!
Regularly has this conversation!
“Banri, have you eaten?”
“I dunno Omi, have YOU eaten?”
“...I have. But that's not what I’m concerned about.”
“...I had a granola bar like, an hour ago.”
“...I’m making you something.”
When he first joined the company, he took notes on what everyone liked and didn't like to eat, plus if they had allergies! He still has it, he just doesn't need to use it anymore!
I feel like something like this has happened once!
“Ah, Omi! Can you help me grab something?”
“Oh, sure. What do you need, Sakuya?”
“Homare asked me to get some of that tea, but I can’t rea-”
*lifts Sakuya like Simba*
“Ah! Omi, haha! What are you doing?”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it! Do you want me to stop?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine! It’s kinda fun actually.”
🍁💛Sakyo Furuichi💛🍁
Absolutely blind without his glasses, like it’s really bad. He walked into a doorframe without his glasses. Thankfully, no one noticed (he thinks).
He has a bit of bubble-wrap in his a pocket all the time and sometimes he uses it as a threat! (Hopefully that made sense...)
“Settsu, move over.”
“I literally can’t! Your fat ass is taking too much space!”
“Just scoot your lazy ass over.”
“I can’t I already-”
“...Alright, I get it! I’ll shut up! Jeez, how is that so threatening...”
Definitely told Azami that Santa wasn’t real when he was like 6.
Sakoda got him a mug that said #1 Dad but he crossed it out and replaced ‘Dad’ with ‘Aniki’! Sakyo still drinks out of it, sometimes!
Azami also made him a friendship bracelet when he was a lot younger. Sakyo doesn’t wear it (because it doesn’t fit him anymore) but he still has it! He likes rubbing the beads between his fingers.
Good at trivia! Like, really good. He somewhat enjoys Trivia Murder Party. (I just watched a play through and skipped to a random question, I have no idea if it’s actually hard lol.)
“Which body of water connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean?”
“Wh- How are we supposed to know that?!”
*Sakyo answers ‘The Strait of Gibraltar’ and is the only one who answers correctly*
“Fuck, my thumb slipped.”
“That shouldn’t be allowed. Sakyo’s shitty and old, he shouldn’t be able to know and remember things.”
“Oi, brat. I’m not that old. You’re not the one who got the answer right.”
“You’re not the one who literally never learned this!”
🍁❤️Azami Izumida❤️🍁
Has smacked too many cans/cups out of Itaru and Tsuzuru’s hands!
“Drink actual water. And jeez, go take a nap or something. Your skin is even worse than I thought it could get. Aren’t you supposed to be the responsible one in the Spring Troupe?”
“Ah... I guess, you are right. Thanks for looking out for me.”
“W-well! W-we can’t have you on stage looking like a raisin! S-so!”
Often criticizes Izumi’s eyeliner and ends up just doing it for her. N-not that he minds or anything!
Played Love Nikki at some point, I do not take that much criticism.
Because I think the troupe/play themes are canon, he definitely helped with Shake the Shape and wrote some of RESPAWN!
Always has extra hair ties on him, even though most of the others don’t really need them. Most of the time, the hair ties end up being used for...other purposes.
“Azami, I swear to whatever god is listening, if you fire that elasti-”
“...You shitty brat-”
“Oh shi-”
Part of the ‘wears nail polish’ squad! He hates stickers. (Most of the time they somehow fall off) His go-to is an alternating pattern of black and red.
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emilycollins00 · 3 years
I KNEW IT!!! I CALLED IT!! teared up by the time i got to citron's and it devolved from there. how is it that i can absolutely see all of these happening, you're genuinely SO SPOT ON. i can 100% see tsuzuru doing the Dad LeanTM on the counter in his kitchen while chit chatting with his toddler. tenma gagging on baby food YES. kazu crying in a full suit while holding his newborn WHILE STILL MAKING JOKES. Kumon having tickle fights with his kid im gonna sob!!! And you KNOW kumon and juza’s kids have playdates all the time and each kid loves their uncles bc they think they’re so funny and weird compared to their own dad. Omi,.,..,catch me lying on the ground for a full minute to recover from just the idea of him having a kid. GUY PLEASE I-[passes out bc i have developed rabies]. homare sitting crisscross applesauce on the floor reading a poem to his literal infant child has me melting. the baby is wearing a cravat with his onesie. Azuma fostering kids!!!!! dear god i cant anymore
my heart is warm and my soul is fed!!! thank you a million times over for this emi
Yes yes yes!! I bet at least one of Tsuzuru's kids will probably want to learn how to become a writer and Tsuzuru -while please don't misunderstand he is elated- will be like uuuuh let's choose one that's not as stressing?? ALSO YES YES KAZU WOULD TOTALLY BE A DADDY'S GIRL I bet they have drawing dates in their house and this girl is so artistic!!
Also i take your hyodo's playdates (which which is asdfghj adorable?? imagine kumon's kid being like "Imma bake uncle Ju a cake!!" while juza's is like "I think uncle Kumon and /daughter name/ arrived dad!! I can hear them already!!") and add the idea of TROUPES PLAYDATES IMAGINE THE CHAOS???
Like spring troupe has Citron's daughter and Tsuzuru's oldest being the most energetic and begging Chikage's son to teach them karate because it looks SO cool?? poor boy looks at the rest for help but except for Sakuya's son (because of course he would help others he takes after his daddy) the others think is a lost cause and go to the sofas to play with the videogames itaru's son brought and i'm getting off track here but aaaaaah
OH Omimi and Guy are just so so in love with their sons?? the softness in their eyes i cry?? like asdfghjk and I bet they are also incredibly attached to their daddies and probably have to hold back their tears when they are left at school!! (unlike Banri's or Tasuku's who probably dash out the door as soon as they can)
Azuma's was pure chance!! because I didn't know what to give them and then talking to Viv at one point the word adoption came up and then they said hold on what about foster AND adoption??? and then our brain went boom.
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huhwhatyak · 3 years
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A3! CN exclusive Chigasaki Itaru SSR - Shining City Tour [ENG translation]
Itaru's business trip & pilgrimage (Part 3/3)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Itaru: (All that's left is to wait for the flight back. I was so busy, it really feels like time just flew by)
Itaru: (I've been tasked with buying souvenirs, so let's get some before going back)
Itaru: (Is this made out of silk? The design is very delicate, I think Yuki or Kazunari will like it)
Itaru: (Woah, this shop sells pineapple cake, let's bring one back for Juza)
Itaru: But there are so many things sold here...
Itaru: Hm? This is–
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Itaru: I'm back.
Yuki: Welcome back.
Itaru: Wow, Yuki actually came out to greet me.
Yuki: Where's the souvenirs?
Itaru: I had a hunch, but I didn't think you'd actually come for them like this, but yeah I bought them.
Sakuya: Amazing! You bought back so much!
Itaru: There were so many kinds of things sold there, so I accidentally bought too much.
Juza: This is...
Itaru: Ah, I thought you might like that pineapple cake so I bought it. Take it as thanks for giving me sweets to eat on the flight.
Juza: ...Thanks.
Juza: ...It's sweet and delicious
Yuki: Oh, this little one made out of silk is really cute. The material is strong, and the design is good too.
Sakuya: I also like this Longjing tea!
Itaru: Glad you guys like them.
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Izumi: Phew, I'm finally done with work...
*knock knock*
Izumi: Who is it?
Itaru: Director, it's me. Can I come in?
Izumi: Yeah, come in!
Izumi: You're back, Itaru-san. How was your business trip?
Itaru: Well, I was able to go on my pilgrimage while on a business trip, so I'm really happy.
Izumi: You really went to a lot of places huh. Looks like this trip has been very fulfilling, which is really great.
Itaru: Fulfilling is one thing, but...
Izumi: But?
Itaru: Even though I was having a lot of fun, I couldn't help but think about the troupe members when I was overseas.
Itaru: I would think like, what are they all doing now? Or when I saw the beautiful scenery, I would think how nice it would be if everyone else could see it too, and so on.
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(1) Were you feeling a little lonely?
Izumi: Were you feeling lonely on your business trip?
Itaru: Hm, maybe a little?
Izumi: Haha, I hope we'll get the opportunity to travel together one day.
Itaru: I hope so too. It'll definitely be fun if everyone goes together.
(2) I'm glad you thought of us.
Izumi: I'm glad you thought of us.
Itaru: You are?
Izumi: Because I think, the reason why you suddenly thought of everyone is because you care about them.
Itaru: Hm... I won't deny that for now.
Itaru: After all, this place with you and everyone else, is also the home I care about.
Izumi: But I also want to see more of the scenery over there. I wasn't able to talk with you much on the video call that day...
Itaru: If you want to see the photos, I took lots. I'll show them to you later.
Izumi: Hahaha, then I'll be waiting. Ah, by the way Itaru-san, did you need me for something?
Itaru: Oh oh, this. This is a souvenir for you.
Izumi: Wow, is this a flower vase? What a bright colour scheme, it's so cute!
Itaru: It is said that the pattern on the porcelain is very famous over there.
Itaru: Didn't your vase break during our video call? I just thought I would gift you one.
Itaru: Besides, I also think it suits you well.
Izumi: Thank you very much!
Itaru: Do you like it?
Izumi: Yeah, I like it very much! I'll cherish it lots!
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