#i didn’t say anything
bohemianblasphemy · 2 months
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the cable knit ???? his beard ????
antony’s death metal shirt ?????
i’m so feral
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sapphicseasapphire · 3 months
Given Sky's general opinion on Gods, what would his reaction be if like Time he was suddenly hurdled into a trial that upon conquering it he became a God himself. This is all hypothetical obviously as I doubt the Gods would want to let the literal God Killer become one of them. Just curious given his particular view on Gods
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moodyvoid · 1 year
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okay but kinda hot tho
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king-crawler · 9 months
​can we just talk about the gradient pink-purple on his jagged candy claws it’s so Top 10 Claws
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tortureandtickles · 7 months
i’m stronger than you, and if you don’t believe me you should come see for yourself
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osamuuu-dzaiii · 8 days
u suc <3
I knowww :3
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avengers-rule103 · 1 month
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maybe becuse you’ll be the one making me scre-
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mahesiyah · 9 months
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And happy new year I guess 🤷
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iris-sylvester · 7 months
How does one win over Iris….
Ever wondered that question?
Well the answer is…..
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tohot4u · 1 year
for all macaque lovers
Join the cult
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southpark-art · 1 year
I will start using these when texting my friends & platonic lovers
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rainbowguru · 1 year
my poor bug…. he’s so silly and we’re kissing on the mouth as we speak!
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simplyghosting · 1 year
*out on a walk with a friend*
Friend: Oh no! They killed the dandelions!
Me: Hm? I’ve never seen dandelions growing around here before.
Friend: Yeah! They had one by that mailbox. Oh, they left a dead one. I wonder if it could grow again?
Me: If it’s a dandelion, maybe.
Friend: I’m going to try. Here, I saved a picture of it from before.
Friend: *shows me a picture of what is definitely not a dandelion: garden center $6 gaillardia perennial*
Me: …
Me: …👍.
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crowcryptid · 1 year
When I was going to the gym this morning the car in front of me purposely speed up to try to hit 4 ducks crossing the road. It was 5 in the morning. There are 2 other lanes he could have gone into.
He missed cause the ducks ran away.
Turns out the guy was heading to the gym too. We got there at the same time.
He had the nerve to hold the door open for me.
Yeah. Ok.
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tiredgayloser · 2 years
I’m (a man) so tired of men (Jos Buttler) and their slutty little waists. Put them away. They’re obscene.
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rosicheeks · 2 years
Sounds like you had a lovely surprise princess 🙈🙊
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