#i didn’t even say i didn’t like the show 💀
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lightlycareless · 3 days ago
How would t/n father's reaction be when she brings Naoya to present him as her first formal boyfriend?xd . P.d: in the au high school obviously
I think it will be funny cuz naoya will be really afraid about not being accepted or be considered a bad influence or worse a bad boy who trapped a innocent good girl lmaoo. Btw t/n’s siblings will embarrassing her telling naoya about how she always talk about him and how cute she was when she was a kid
T/n’s dad will be more like: well you guys cannot be in a same room alone exemption if the door is open and no kisses in my view and the most important no sex until you are married, my mochi is a pure and correct girl
T/n and naoya seeing each other thinking they both already did all the positions to fuck and worse they fuck before the meeting and the evidence is in t/n crotch 💀
omg anon!!! why do you want to torture everyone like that ahahhahah 🤣 still... can't say I haven't thought about so here I shall write what I've envisioned for Naoya meeting your dad for the first time.
Though with a fair warning, I omitted a bit of the smut part because as much as it was tempting to do so, poor Naoya had... other things to worry about first. You shall see soon :>
Still, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!! 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖
Warnings: highschool au. you and naoya are dating. it takes place after this. fluff over all :)
Happy reading!!
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Naoya knew this day was coming and yet, no matter the amount of preparation, or anxiety he had to ignore… he was just as nervous as he was the moment you told him your father wanted to meet him.
Well, did he ever expect otherwise? Surely a caring father, like the one you described to him (he’s not that lucky to know such privileges), would want to see just what type of guy managed to captivate his daughter’s affection, enough to date…
And judge if he was fitting to continue doing so.
Naoya didn’t even want to ponder the possibility of no longer being permitted to be with you… but it was an idea he could not scratch out just yet, more so since the sneering remarks of your siblings would continuously push him closer and closer to that idea.
As if they somehow already knew what your father had concluded. As if he had no chance of redemption, his reputation always preceding him, to the point of reaching his ears and… deciding he was simply unsuitable for you. Even before getting to see with his own eyes that he wasn’t that same pompous heir everyone knew about.
At least not to you anymore!!
But you, ah, he knew he could always count of you. And with your impeccable timing, knew just when exactly to step in and cease their torment over him.
“Ignore them, they’re just trying to scare you!” you say, gently cupping his face and kissing his cheek. “You’ll do fine, my dad isn’t as scary as they make him to be. Not at all, really, now that I think about it. He can be, but all dads are like that when angry with their kids, right?”
Naoya wasn’t so sure your perspective of scary aligned with his, but one thing he was absolutely sure of now: you were right.
Your father couldn’t be that bad if he had you as a daughter; the caring, sweet, beautiful woman he utterly fell in love with and would do anything to show said devotion.
But he also had your siblings, so…
Either way, after enough preparation (and courage to not bail on your family), Naoya makes way to your home. You invited him to join you and your siblings on the customary train back to your home once the weekend arrived, just so he’d have an easier time getting there.
But he refused, citing he still had some things to prepare before the fated day.
“Are you sure?” you quietly insisted; it might’ve not been much, but you were really looking forward to spending the following days with him. All of your time, really, but this moment was far more special because it’d be his first time coming to your house.  “You doing all this is getting me nervous! You’re just meeting my dad…”
«Exactly» he thinks, but remains quiet as to not further anguish you.
“I’m just making sure everything goes perfectly.” He reassures you, placing one last kiss on top of your head before sending you off to the train. “I can’t risk it, mochi. You’re just too precious to me”
You blush.
“Now you’re making me feel like I’m not doing enough…”
“You are, princess. Just by merely existing.”
“ If you say so…” you pout. “Well, you gotta be there! There’s so much I want to show you at my hometown you cannot miss it! Or I’ll never forgive you…”
“I’ll be there.” Naoya swears. Hopefully, still as your boyfriend. Most definitely so.
“We shouldn’t be doing all this for him, dad. He doesn’t deserve it.” Your sister uttered under her breath; you frowned, ready to step in and defend your boyfriend, but thankfully, your dad thought just the same.
“Hinata…we don’t say those things about our guests.” Your father warns.
“I’m just saying the truth, we could’ve gone to a restaurant or something, instead of wasting our efforts…” She insisted, hypocritically so, since she probably wouldn’t even spend more than a few yen on him. He could easily afford it, if anything, why are they doing all this?? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?!
“Well, it’s only appropriate that we do so for Y/N’s new boyfriend.” Eiichi goes on. “It’s a way to welcome him to the family.”
“Welcome—no! It’s Naoya we’re talking about!!” Hinata cries. “Have you forgotten his reputation?!”
“If you don’t behave, Hinata, I’ll have to ask you to not attend dinner.”
Your sister sighs. defeated.
“At least keep it to a minimum.” Eiichi adds, knowing well that he’ll never be able to tame his daughter’s scrutiny towards Naoya. But he guesses he couldn’t be too harsh on her, there was some truth behind her words— the Zen’in’s weren’t known for being precisely nice.
Yet, his oldest son bore much wisdom when reminding them of your discernment, if Naoya wasn’t to be trusted then your relationship would’ve been a short-lived one.
Nonetheless, as your father… as your siblings, they had a duty to worry about your well-being.
Just as Naoya, evidently so in the way he presented himself before your family, shockingly yet just in time.
“Naoya you—you dyed your hair?!” you gasped upon noticing his blonde locks to be… well, gone! Alongside his piercings, each and every single one of them, out of his ear and neatly kept somewhere hidden.
It was like ae was a completely different man! Not bad looking, in fact, quite handsome. Very handsome…
But he was not the Naoya you knew, the one you fell in love with, and certainly not the one your father expected.
“You really didn’t have to do all that…” you mutter whilst guiding him towards the dining room.
“I know, I know.” He breathes, exasperated because in most families, he knew that to be right.
Just not his.
He should’ve never awaited any kind of help from his relatives, and truth to be told, he didn’t. They were just a bunch of old geezers that arrogantly proclaimed themselves above others, demanded respect and the importance that came with it, yet were the least deserving of such things. What could they possibly know of considering for others, taking the time to know them, make a good impression, if they simply took, took, and took?
They weren’t even diplomatic about it. No negotiations, no compromises, nothing. Just pure selfishness he once was all too aware of.
But he supposed that their outdated ways weren’t completely useless if they still provided guidance of sorts, the notion that for someone of your father’s age and family background, he might be appreciative of traditions—in other words, Naoya had to purge all contemporary aspects of his appearance if he is to appease that side, and subsequently, his approval.
“Well, you look handsome nonetheless.” You smile, placing a chaste kiss on his lips before opening the doors to the room your family eagerly awaited.
Normally, Naoya would’ve taken time to admire his surroundings, it was the house you grew up in, after all. Where you spent most of your time, doing this that made you… you.
But his tormented mind couldn’t even bother glancing anywhere else that wasn’t your family, their seemingly scrutinizing facades and how insignificant he felt before them.
Was it too late for him to back out? Did he make a mistake in accepting your invitation? Did he need more time to prepare, or will that ever even happen?????
No. He can’t run away. And not because he didn’t want to disappoint you, but rather, because he physically couldn’t—frozen on the spot when it was time to finally acknowledge your father.
“Oh, um… Naoya’s here, dad. Everyone.” You breathe, a shiver running through your spine when uttering those words, fretting upon seeing their shocked reaction at Naoya’s… normal looking appearance.
“He—hello.” Naoya stammers, swallowing as he swiftly wipes away the sweat off his palms on his garment, and subsequently bowing, trying to greet everyone while appearing unaffected by his nerves—to no avail. “Mr… L/N.”
“What the hell happened to him??” You could hear Hinata whisper, prompting your father to speak up.
“Ah, Naoya. I’m glad you could make it!” Your father didn’t seem to notice this change, perhaps unaware of the heir’s everyday appereance, or a bit more polite to not act upon it. “I hope you didn’t have any trouble finding our home”
“Oh—no, not at all. Your directions were very… intuitive.” Naoya responds, making Hinata roll her eyes.
“Intuitive? What does that even mean?” your sister scoffs. Ren carefully elbows her shut.
“You have a charming home, L/N-san.” Your boyfriend compliments, and for the briefest of moments, your father’s eyes brighten at his words.
“Thank you, my wife did most of the decorations and we’ve kept it that way since.” There were some warnings you gave him beforehand, what topics to avoid and such—your mother being one of them. Thankfully (or more like unfortunately), Naoya was all too empathetic to missing such important figure, and thus, knows well to prod no further.
Though he couldn’t help but feel… a bit moved by your father’s appreciation. If only his clan harbored such care towards his own mother—
“No, thank you for inviting me. I… I’m really honored to be here.” Naoya continues; and your father… well, he seems to be taking a liking to him up to now. Though he’s more perplexed by his preconceived notions shattering before him.
When he expected Naobito’s kid to be nothing short of a direct reflection of him: rash, crude, and undoubtedly the prime example of the type of man he did not want to get near you…
He’s been quite courteous, enough to change his appearance to seem more… acceptable before his eyes. If he were selfish as many proclaimed, he wouldn’t have gone through these changes just to obtain his favor. Certainly not for a clan as insignificant as his when compared to the Zen’in’s.
“Come on, take a seat.” Your father gestures towards to two empty chairs, coincidentally, right across of him, which only made Naoya grow even more nervous.
When he shouldn’t be, really. Your father hasn’t given him any particular reason to feel such way, if anything, just proved what he long imagined, what you’ve reaffirmed through occasional anecdotes:
«He’s very… doting. No, cloying! That’s what he is! But… I guess I don’t really mind it.»
Everything appears to align…
“Are you hungry?” Your father asks.
“Yes. Of course, I prepare accordingly for dinner.” Naoya responds.
“Prepare?” Hinata raises an eyebrow. “All you needed to do is not eat…”
“Hinata!” Your father breathes, having enough of her snarky remarks.
…Except for this unprecedented sided of him.
As if witnessing a miracle, Naoya stares at the two dumbfounded while your father apologizes in behalf of your sister.
That, he’s seen before, countless times with you amongst others that still cared to save her reputation… but for someone to actually put a stop to her senseless bickering? Now that is a once in a lifetime event he was all too glad to have witnessed first-hand!
He’s glad to say that he actually likes your father very much now, in fact, looked forward to the kind of relationship the two would develop as time went on.
You were right all along, all this time, there was never really anything to worry about that much. And the smile you discreetly give him—alongside your father’s and brother’s amicable behavior toward him, as if they genuinely wanted him there… proves just that.
It’s a nice change of pace, for when was the last time he’s ever been received with content? Like they actually enjoyed their presence? Last time he checked, that description only fit you.
However, the highlight of this evening had to be the stories your father eventually shared of your childhood: seems you’ve always been the silly type of girl he was bound to fall in love with, your obsession over mochi and Gengar persistent since the moment you were born.
Alongside other embarrassing moments from your siblings too, things he could use as blackmail if the moment ever arises—of course, he wouldn’t be so eager as to show with his cards just yet, he’d keep his intentions hidden until the right moment. Though by Hinata’s pale reaction upon becoming the center of attention, seems she understood the implications of such discoveries, enough to consider being cautious around Naoya from that point forward.
Ren didn’t care; more like grew to not care for. His father had always been… giddy like this, might as well accept it and move on.
It’s these small interactions that finally manage to loosen up Naoya, enough to offer his own share of anecdotes, but not too much, he had a reputation to preserve, a cool appearance to upkeep! As a handsome, strong, cool, boyfriend that would give you the world just to see you smile—and not the dork some people liked to make fun of.
And by the end of dinner, just after dessert and once everyone began to clean up, Eiichi appears to have accepted that when offering Naoya to stay the night over if needed.
“I do not wish to impose.”
“Nonsense, it’s the least I could do for my daughter’s boyfriend.”
«It can’t be that easy» Naoya thought to himself as he eventually accepted his offer. «Surely this… couldn’t be the blessing to date Y/N, could it?»
Not quite.
“Y/N, pumpkin, I’d like to speak in private with Naoya, if you’d allow me.” Your father suddenly says, with a nickname that sparks your embarrassment, but not defiance in obeying him.
Nor any kind of alarm in Naoya’s part when following him inside the adjacent room, leaving the rest to the kitchen.
“Is there something I can help you with, L/N-san?” Naoya begins, believing this to be another friendly conversation in the motion.
“I believe so. After all, you’ve offended me.” Eiichi suddenly declares, making your boyfriend’s blood turn cold on the spot, growing slightly dizzy as his heart sinks into his stomach.
“Wh—what?” Naoya manages to breathe, followed by desperate attempts to fix his seeming mistakes. “Oh, L/N-san, I never meant—"
“Easy there, Naoya. I was just being dramatic for the sake of it!” Eiichi chuckles, a reaction that does little next to nothing to calm your boyfriend—he’s now unwittingly prompted into high alert, much to your father’s immediate regret.
“You didn’t have to change your appearance to impress me, Naoya. Though I appreciate the effort, I’d rather know the actual man that is dating my daughter.” Your father continues, his words resonating inside Naoya and giving him a clear, but erroneous message:
You’ve disappointed me and are no longer permitted to date my daughter.
Perhaps the only thing left for him to do is… beg for his forgiveness, and hope that he’d at least permit him to see you from afar.
“I’m sorry.” Naoya begins. “It was never my intention offend you or your daughter, I simply wanted—”
“No, Naoya—I didn’t mean to sound like I’m scolding you!” Eiichi insits, feeling sorry for the poor kid. He’s been in his shoes, knows what it is to not want to fumble the love of his life… but these are still necessary procedures, and such, he shall continue. “I’m just asking you to be honest with me, and my family. I’m sure Y/N would appreciate either way.”
“Does… Does that mean…?” Naoya responds, Eiichi nods. “I won’t make you regret it; I’ll treat your daughter like she’s the most important in the whole world… like she already is to me! There’s nothing I won’t do for her; I’ll make her happy, I swear!”
“I don’t doubt it.” Eiichi says, all too knowledgeable of the Zen’in’s resources and Naoya’s determination which he’s heard more than plenty from you, alongside all the countless gifts stored away in many rooms… Naturally causing another question to arise. “However, I still need to clarify some things.”
“Of course, ask whatever you need.” Naoya obliges.
“Ultimately what are your intentions with my daughter?” he asks. It’s a pretty straight forward question, conventional to what all father desired to hear, with a usually simple answer too: something about taking care of her, making her happy…
Just never a vision that extended beyond the immediate future… for the rest of your life.
“I wish to marry her.”  Naoya declares. “I’ve… known so since we… since I’ve met her, actually. There was something pulling me to her that I couldn’t describe until I finally got to meet her. Now it’s only clear to me. I want to devote myself to make her happy for the rest of my life. Y/N will never lack anything; anything she wants and needs, she’ll have it. Y/N has made me the happiest man in the whole world, and I wish to repay such kindness anyway possible.”
You’re in safe hands; that much he could see in Naoya’s genuine words.
But of course, he’s still your father, your loving, overprotective father that is bound to set down boundaries to protect you.
“Alright. I give you my blessing to date my daughter, not that you needed it since my daughter can be quite stubborn, if I said you couldn’t date her, I’m sure she would’ve found a way around that.” Eiichi jests, Naoya chuckles along. That much he could agree now that the tension in the air slowly begins to dissipate. “However, just because I’m allowing this relationship to continue in good terms doesn’t mean I can’t demand certain expectations to be fulfilled.”
“Of course, sure, yes. Wh—what can I do?”
“Neither of you will do anything of that nature while you’re still dating.” Eiichi firmly warns. “No sharing rooms, no staying up late at night together, not going on missions alone, nothing that might lead to that! And I know you know what I mean!”
“I—yeah, right, of course.” Naoya nods, immediately agreeing to all his requests, even though some of them… It’s foul to agree to such terms when they’re already broken, but he shall do so anyways. “I won’t offend your daughter or you in any shape or form.”
“You better not, I know what it is to be in love at that age but you two are still young and have much to worry about first, like your education!” Eiichi continues. “So, I don’t want you doing anything that might hurt her career!”
“Never.” Naoya responds nervously, shaking his head.
“But most importantly… take it easy.” Eiichi finalizes. “As I said, you two are still young with much to look forward to. Take this time to enjoy all that life can offer, and, if destiny finds it suitable to intertwine both your fates, then so it shall be.”
“I will.” He repeats, your father smiles.
“I know.” And yet, something else seems to linger in the back of his mind, a shadow of worry caster over his features that prompts Naoya to ask.
“Is there… something else you wish to tell me?”
“…Take care of my Y/N.”
“I wi—”
“I know, I know. Unfortunately, I didn’t mean you.”
Naoya blinks.
“I don’t mean my words to upset but… I can’t help but be aware of your family’s reputation; if I were to be honest, it’s what mostly has me on edge about you and my daughter.”
He knew this was only a matter of time before the topic of his clan was brought up, before it turned detrimental, contrary to beneficial, when it came to your presence in his life.
But he’s always fought back against the burden of those he had the misfortune of being his relatives; this will be no different.
“I understand.” Naoya adds. “I won’t let my family hurt her—I’ll do whatever it takes to do so.”
Eiichi smiles, giving him a gentle, reassuring pat on the shoulder. It’s unfortunate that such things have to come between the two…  “Welcome to the family, kid. Now, go on back to Y/N, I’m sure she’s growing hysterical by the second for being away from you.”
“Ah, right… Thank you.” Naoya blushes, rejoicing his warm welcome into your life for a bit before promptly dismissing himself, finding you just outside the room attempting to act nonchalantly, as if you hadn’t been eavesdropping on their conversation—or at least attempt to do so, the walls while thin, still muffled any sound from within.
“…What happened? Is everything ok?” you naturally fret, a pale look on your face that tells Naoya you’ve been anything but patient. Or optimistic.
“It is now.” Naoya responds, taking a step closer to you and kissing for forehead.
“What did you two talk about?”
Naoya smiles.
“Nothing important, don’t worry your pretty little head about anything.”
You pout, he nods, reassuring he wasn’t lying—partially, at least.
“Well, I guess we no longer have to keep our relationship a secret anymore! That’s… quite liberating, isn’t it?” You continue, taking ahold of his hand before sighing. “I’m really happy to have you here, even if my siblings were being annoying as usual...”
“It wasn’t all bad, I got to see a new side of you too.”
“Stop it, I never want you bringing that up!” you gasp.
“Why? It’s not like I didn’t know how obsessed you were over Pokémon—are, really. Or how you always spoke about me...” He snickers, you blush as he pinches your cheek. “It just makes you cuter.”
“Whatever! Let’s just move on—I still gotta show you around the house! And of course, set up where you’re going to sleep—you are staying the night, right?—Oh this is so exciting, I’ve already have an idea on how I can accommodate my room so—”
Naoya freezes.
“I—I’d rather sleep separately tonight. If that’s ok with you.” Naoya says, your father’s warning words crawling in the back of his mind. “You know, to…”
You frown. Just one gesture was enough to have him backtracking.
Naoya silently apologizes to your father as he succumbs to your desire; it’s just that… how could he ever deny you? It was against what he swore to him just a few moments ago.
“If it’s alright by you, then it is for me.”
“How could it not?! You’re my boyfriend!!” you giggle, standing on your toes and kissing his cheek. “I’m just happy you’re here with me, finally...”
He’ll worry about making amends with your father. He supposes that in these situations it’s always easier to forgive than to ask for permission.
Though he doubts he’ll be in much trouble, for just as he stated, he was doing nothing but fulfilling his life-long promise and devotion to you and your family:
Making you happy.
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OKAY so this undoubtedly ended up being far sweeter than what was requested but I gotta say your ask was BOLD and damn does it make me wanna indulge in it hahaaaaaa however, I couldn't do that to y/n's dad 🤣 the poor man already has enough worrying about his baby not being much of a baby anymore—and not only that, but he also has to worry about NAOYA the HEIR of the Zen'in a family he really doesn't like dating him.
He was really trying to be nice 😫 especially when Naoya was all like "I want to marry your daughter." hahahah it took a greal deal of self control to not outright tell him "UH HOLD YOUR HORSES THERE BUDDY." he did so anyways, but amicably so.
Anyways, Naoya dyeing his hair and removing his piercings is... 🥺 he really wanted to please your dad and THAT is character growth. We've tamed this wolf now we can be happy :)
And as all things, this inspired me to write something else where that happens and you almost get caught; or at least people can guess what's going on lol. We shall see what comes out of that.
Now, thank you so much for sending in this ask, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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poisonpercy · 1 year ago
“The changes are what Rick wanted so if you don’t like it, it’s on you.” This is literally a reply on a comment that I left on a tiktok that was explaining what someone did and didn’t like about the latest pjo episode 🙄 Rick can’t even remember what happens in his own books and has been butchering his own characters since the creation of heroes of olympus, that’s not the comeback you think it is. When a show is marketed as a faithful adaptation when it is more accurately a rewrite, people have a right to criticize the show. You aren’t getting a gold medal for liking the show in its entirety. Get off your high horse and let people discuss the show
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bbina · 19 hours ago
bbina’s thoughts and fic anecdotes 💭
i can’t believe i actually finished this shit show of a fanfic.. 70 chapters and 43k words (all the written parts) later.. she has finally come to a close (THANK GOD)
to be honest, this fic holds a weird place in my heart solely because this was inspired by my ex best friend who i had a falling out with last year. so for me to actually pull through and finish what i started is wow.. i can finally be at peace with myself and with this blog 😭💀
with the theme of this fic, it’s obviously not that lighthearted so even thinking about what to do nor what to say in the place of the characters was a bit tough because i personally never went through this. i was just a by stander of the actual real story behind the scenes
i feel like 70 chapters was a bit overkill but with the details that are actually inspired by real life is something i didn’t really wanna brush over! i felt like it helped with the story telling especially the world building of the overall story
i hope i did a good job showcasing the themes i wanted to subtly show throughout the progression of the story! the themes such as communication, time and effort when it comes to building a relationship and i actually lowkey want this to be sort of a lesson that being in love is not enough to make a relationship to work type shit but i dont know its up to the reader to like digest that with the shit im writing lol
i dont think i can ever top this kind of storytelling again bc tbh this shit drained the shit out of me for no apparent reason. i even abandoned this for a good 3 months and i couldnt look at my blog without cringing at the fact i just left this story to rot but either way i pulled through cus i hate leaving fics unfinished
i think thats all my anecdotes and thoughts.. now its time for an open forum regarding the story and shit ! i’m all ears and i’m excited to read what everyone thought of this story from the progression of the plot to the end and everything else in between!
again, thank you so much everyone for reading alone together! i will definitely (not really) miss them a lot 🩶
alone together masterlist
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 synopsis ── taking comfort in the thought that you are together in aloneness through late night talks, heartfelt confessions, and a genuine connection. with your shared experience of recent heartbreaks, you wonder if getting together would be all worth it. in which you find solace in each other's company, that you are alone together.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 pairing ── park wonbin x reader.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 genre ── college!au, fluff, angst | ☾ - written portions
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 status ── completed.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 taglist ── closed.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 notes ── the second wb smau i was telling y'all about while btl was still going on... tackles life and struggles in finding love in college so maybe this will be a bit more serious than lighthearted.. will contain mature content. somewhat based on a true story so minors do take note on what you consume on this hellsite. will take my time with this btw lol.. hopefully bbina will deliver... enjoy! + let's save our time together by making sure your blogs are visible for me to be able to tag you!
p.s if you came from my main blog saeist, this used to be nagi's fic :x
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chapters . . . ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 𖡎 introduction 𖡎 one . . . ghosted 𖡎 two . . . he's hot 𖡎 three . . . close friends 𖡎 four . . . you're drunk 𖡎 five . . . K.O 𖡎 six . . . new me 𖡎 seven . . . boys night 𖡎 eight . . . speak of the devil 𖡎 nine . . . love sucks ☾ 𖡎 ten . . . seunghan's friend 𖡎 eleven . . . close 𖡎 twelve . . . intrigued 𖡎 thirteen . . . don't shoot the messenger ☾ 𖡎 fourteen . . . pinky promise ☾ 𖡎 fifteen . . . see you later 𖡎 sixteen . . . take a hit ☾ 𖡎 seventeen . . . exchange numbers 𖡎 eighteen . . . boundaries 𖡎 nineteen . . . deal 𖡎 twenty . . . someone 𖡎 twenty one . . . yearning ☾ 𖡎 twenty two . . . lullaby 𖡎 twenty three . . . big favor 𖡎 twenty four . . . blind date ☾ 𖡎 twenty five . . . muse 𖡎 twenty six . . . fell asleep 𖡎 twenty seven . . . ponyo 𖡎 twenty eight . . . happy birthday seunghan 𖡎 twenty nine . . . different ☾ 𖡎 thirty . . . worse 𖡎 thirty one . . . make things weird 𖡎 thirty two . . . dispatch sideline 𖡎 thirty three . . . just a friend 𖡎 thirty four . . . chismosavirus 𖡎 thirty five . . . location 𖡎 thirty six . . . keychain ☾ 𖡎 thirty seven . . . proof of life 𖡎 thirty eight . . . safe space 𖡎 thirty nine . . . just in case 𖡎 forty . . . stay ☾ 𖡎 forty one . . . intrusive thoughts ☾ 𖡎 forty two . . . good friend 𖡎 forty three . . . stage fright 𖡎 forty four . . . friend stealer 𖡎 forty five . . . girl best friend ☾ 𖡎 forty six . . . flirting with their eyes ☾ 𖡎 forty seven . . . don't they? ☾ 𖡎 forty eight . . . left on delivered 𖡎 forty nine . . . just us two ☾ 𖡎 fifty . . . backtracking 𖡎 fifty one . . . release the kraken 𖡎 fifty two . . . situationshiptitis ☾ 𖡎 fifty three . . . since when 𖡎 fifty four . . . better this way ☾ 𖡎 fifty five . . . why 𖡎 fifty six . . . i don' care 𖡎 fifty seven . . . out of sight, out of mind 𖡎 fifty eight . . . reality ☾ 𖡎 fifty nine . . . just another girl 𖡎 sixty . . . casual ☾ 𖡎 sixty one . . . dickmatized 𖡎 sixty two . . . back like this 𖡎 sixty three . . . i'm sorry ☾ 𖡎 sixty four . . . updates 𖡎 sixty five . . . old habits do die hard 𖡎 sixty six . . . people change 𖡎 sixty seven . . . enough 𖡎 sixty eight . . . end of beginning 𖡎 sixty nine . . . ready now 𖡎 seventy . . . alone together ☾
⋆。꩜˚ asks | lore | official playlist ˖𖤐
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no1ryomafan · 5 months ago
I like to say I’m okay with my interests having very small/pretty non existent fandoms because that means no stupid drama even if I wish the things I liked were more acknowledged, it’s better to take them in a vacuum then mainstream cause some of the stuff I like if it got bigger would be more mixed, possibly even controversial-
and I still stay true to that but I also remember how my interests could’ve been decently popular yet all of them got screwed over in some fucking capacity somehow regardless if that was intentional or not and I low key get a little mad.
LIKE JUST AS A POINT OF REFERENCE (I’m listing these all in chronological release order):
Big O: flopped in Japan but when it was brought over to the states it apparently did well enough to get a season 2, but cn were fucking stupid and aired the second season on adult swim rather then its original home network toonami, which is likely why it fell into obscurity when it could’ve been up there with other old animes if people saw the entire thing because a lot of anime popular from toonami are remembered
Kikaiders anime: Was like only popular in Hawaii but the anime was dubbed and aired on adult swim- only problem is they gave it a 12:30 am time slot and even if it first aired in summer a lot of people probably skipped out on it- also I have a hunch that even tho big o on adult swim definitely got less traction it and kikaider afaik aired around the same time, and big o time slot came first. People if they did know big o got moved probably only watched adult swim for that then shut off the tv for kikaider, which further shows putting big o on adult swim was not a good idea. (Oh and the fact this was a anime reboot for a toku even if it was somewhat more accurate to the manga probably didn’t help the reception in Japan, next to how little interest there seemed to be for it given it was so short)
Shin Jeeg: Literally flopped so hard in Japan that it wasn’t even considered getting a dub besides Thailand and Italy, Italy being the only place Jeeg is fucking remembered. It’s no wonder this one probably the most forgotten among my interests despite being a dynapro mech and a reboot directed by fuckinv Kawagoe.
Casshern Sins: I have zero clue what japans reception of it was but probably not high when it’s “an edgy reboot”. As for the west it did got aired on toonami and is LITERALLY the only anime I like that is legally watchable on crunchyroll but it became forgotten cause it aired on toonami when people stopped caring for it, and crunchyroll only tends to show what’s popular so you’d only find this show from really digging.
Getter the only thing I’m not listing here next to it’s still decently remembered-big o is too, but at the same time it goes under a lot of mecha fans radars-but also cause I’m perfectly accepting of “the times it aired on tv it was super old and only part of it got dubbed, then the rest of it were ovas before not getting anime content for fucking years” like that’s a fair reason to be forgotten- but everything else just feels like I’m cursed 💀 (and I wonder how the cycle will continue when I gain yet another old anime robot interest because it will happen- eventually)
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beehop · 4 months ago
i’m watching boy’s planet (lol) and woongki not getting first for the feel special stage after singing half the song himself has made me so angry i have to turn it off
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himasgod · 10 days ago
Where you fill their faces with lipstick marks.
The second years will be published throughout the days <3
Where, in a fit of affection, you start showering your boyfriend with soft, quick kisses. However, before you know it, you've covered his entire face with your lipstick. How would the guys react?
maybe cringe? fr I had a lot of fun writing this lmao I didn't take it too seriously and maybe too ooc?
Leona Kingscholar
“Tsk… what a pain.”
From the first kiss, Leona narrows his eyes in suspicion.
For the second, he frowns.
For the third, he lets out a long sigh of resignation.
But most importantly… he doesn’t stop you.
He just lets you do it, lying back with his arms behind his head as if this were another one of an herbivore’s “whims.”
When you’re done, he opens one eye and looks at you in boredom.
“Are you done?”
You nod, satisfied.
Leona stretches and rolls over to go back to sleep.
“…I’ll clean it up later.”
And when he says “later,” he means he’s going to walk all over Savanaclaw like this without caring what anyone says.
When Ruggie sees it, he almost falls over laughing.
“Boss, you look like a romantic work of art!”
Leona doesn't even blink.
"So what?"
If you try to repeat it another day, he'll pull you by the wrist and roll you with him in the grass, trapping you under his arm with a mocking smile.
"Now it's my turn."
And well, you're going to be stuck for a while.
Cater Diamond
From the first kiss, Cater is already smiling. He’s one of those who enjoys these kinds of romantic gestures without any shame.
When you keep leaving traces of your lips on his face, he doesn’t just stay still, but encourages you to continue.
“Come on, Cay-Cay needs kisses on the other side too~!”
When you finish, his face is a mess of kisses. There are marks on his cheeks, his forehead, his jaw… even on his neck.
And the first thing he does is take out his phone 💀💀💀
“Selfie time~! #KissAttack #CayCayIsLoved #BestSmoochEver!”
Not only does he upload the photos to Magicam, but he sets one of them as his wallpaper for a good while.
But the best part comes when Riddle shows up.
“Yeah, little housewarden~?” he asks matter-of-factly.
“…Wipe your face before the unbirthday party.”
“Nah, I can’t erase this love!” he replies, winking at you.
And the best part of all: even though he says it’s “for aesthetics,” deep down he feels very loved and doesn’t want to wipe them off so quickly.
And yes, he uses that photo as his wallpaper for a few days… until someone bothers him too much.
But secretly, he saves it in his gallery forever.
Trey Clover
“Oh… so you play dirty now, huh?”
Trey isn’t one to be easily surprised, so when you start showering him with kisses, his initial reaction is to calmly smile and let you have your fun.
But when you finish and look at him in satisfaction, he raises an eyebrow, as if he’s planning something.
And then…
He catches you.
In one swift movement, he grabs you by the waist and drops you onto his lap.
Before you can react, he gives you a forceful kiss on the forehead.
“…Now you’re just like me.”
At first, you’re confused. But then, you feel the warmth on your skin and it dawns on you.
Trey used his own invisible lipstick.
Cater, who was passing by, lets out a laugh.
“Trey, dude! I didn’t know you had such a naughty side~!”
Trey laughs and shrugs, wiping himself off slowly.
“Maybe I should do the same with you next time, huh, prefect?”
And from the way he looks at you with a calm smile, you know he means it.
Vil Schoenheit
“Mh...what are you doing?!”
The first kiss already has him in crisis.
The second has him shaking.
By the third, his mind is collapsing.
“My skin! My makeup! MY FACE!”
He brings both hands to his face as if you’ve committed an unforgivable crime.
He looks at you with drama and disappointment, as if you’re his worst aesthetic mistake.
“I’m going to need to cleanse and rehydrate my skin immediately.”
Without another word, he hurries off to his vanity, pulling out the most expensive products he owns.
But… if you look closely, he’s smiling slightly.
And if you do it in private, he might not take it off right away.
Rook Hunt
"Oh, mon trésor, what a passionate attack!"
From the first kiss, Rook is already fascinated.
Not only does he not stop you, but he leans his face to receive more.
"How bold! How romantic! Your love has been stamped on my skin with the intensity of a tragic poem!"
And the worst thing is that HE DOES NOT TAKE IT OFF.
He walks through Pomefiore with his lips marked as if they were a trophy.
When Vil sees him, he puts a hand on his forehead and sighs deeply.
"Rook… please."
But Rook smiles proudly.
"I will never erase this trace of love, Roi du Poison."
If you try to run away, be prepared, because he will chase you to return your kisses.
"It's my turn to hunt, mon amour..."
Hell yeah he will catch you.
Idia Shroud
When the first kiss hits his skin, Idia completely freezes.
When you finish, his hair is completely PINK.
He literally stutters.
“T-This is like… like… a rare event from a secret route in an otome game…”
He's so freaky tf
He can’t process it. His head is crashing.
And the worst thing is that he doesn’t know what to do.
He covers his face with both hands, but his ears are completely red.
“…Why did you do that?” he whispers, almost like it’s a game glitch.
If Ortho sees it, he immediately smile
“Nii-san, you’re super blushing! Did you like it?”
Idia just mentally shuts down.
Malleus Draconia
"Oh… is this how humans show affection?"
From the first kiss, Malleus remains completely still.
When you finish, he stares at you with genuine curiosity.
"…I like it."
If Sebek sees, he panics completely.
Malleus ignores Sebek and smiles gently.
"…Can I have more?"
And then you decide your fate.
Lilia Vanrouge
"Oooh, you're so adorable, prefect~!"
Lilia accepts all the kisses excitedly.
When you're done, he pats you on the head and laughs happily.
"Such youthful energy! It reminds me of my days in the royal court~!"
Not only does he not wipe, but he actually wanders around Diasomnia like that.
If Silver or Malleus sees it, he'll just smile proudly.
"Look, boys, how affectionate is prefect to me~!"
If you try that again, he'll catch you and shower you with kisses in revenge.
Thanks for all the support and I will be uploading the next parts and other twst scenarios on my profile <3
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phoenixrisingastro · 2 months ago
This is not your basic astrology post. This is the raw truth, the obsession, the manipulation, the taboo. These are the secrets written in your chart that you don’t want anyone to know. But I see them. And now, so will everyone else.
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🔪 1. Scorpio placements don’t “heal,” they just get better at hiding the damage. You’ll never see a Scorpio truly break down. They’ll self-destruct in private and come back looking stronger, colder, untouchable.
💋 2. Venus in Aries needs the thrill of the chase—but once they catch you, they’re already looking for their next target. The fun isn’t in keeping you, it’s in making you obsessed first.
🕷 3. Pluto in the 7th House doesn’t just attract toxic relationships, they ARE the toxic relationship. If you date them, you will never be the same. You might leave, but you won’t escape.
👄 4. People with Mercury square Pluto know exactly what to say to ruin you. One sentence, one whisper, one well-timed truth—and your entire world crumbles. They don’t argue. They just destroy.
🖤 5. Capricorn moons will mourn you while they’re still in the relationship. They don’t leave when they’re done loving you. They leave when they’ve already grieved your absence in their mind.
🔥 6. Lilith in the 8th House is a walking fantasy and a living nightmare. You will crave them, you will want to own them, and in the end? You will be consumed by them.
👁 7. People with Neptune in the 1st House don’t lie on purpose—they just don’t know who the fuck they are. Every personality they take on is real in the moment—but it won’t be real forever.
💔 8. Mars in the 12th House doesn’t show their anger—they absorb yours. The more you push them, the more it builds. And when it finally explodes? It’s over for you.
⛓ 9. Venus square Saturn can’t tell if they’re in love or in debt to someone. They’ll stay in relationships out of guilt, obligation, or karma long after the love is gone.
🩸 10. Pluto in the 1st House was born with a target on their back. People sense their power before they even speak, and they either want to control them, ruin them, or worship them.
💀 11. If you have Sun opposite Pluto, one of your parents wanted to be you, but couldn’t. Instead, they spent your childhood breaking you down so you’d never surpass them.
💋 12. Venus conjunct Mars people are either irresistible or repulsive—there’s no in-between. People either can’t get enough of them, or they feel deeply disturbed by their energy.
🩸 13. If you have Mars in the 8th House, you know what it’s like to almost kill someone in bed. Enough said.
💀 14. A Moon-Pluto person will love you deeper than anyone else—until they realize you’re not worth it. And when they leave? You’ll never find that depth again.
🕷 15. Chiron in the 7th House attracts lovers who stab them in their weakest spot. Every heartbreak feels like a personal betrayal. They love hard, and they get burned even harder.
💔 16. A Scorpio Venus will NEVER truly let go of you. You will live in the back of their mind, rotting there, forever.
🖤 17. People with Mars in Scorpio never fight fair. If you’ve pissed them off? You won’t even know they’re coming for you until it’s too late.
👁 18. Neptune in the 5th House makes people addicted to falling in love. They don’t love people—they love the feeling of love itself. The moment the illusion breaks, so does their desire.
🕯 19. Saturn in the 12th House comes into this life already tired. Their soul is carrying exhaustion from past lives, and they don’t even know why.
🩸 20. Pluto in the 5th House creates artists that make pain beautiful. They take their trauma and turn it into something that haunts others.
🔥 21. People with Mars in Leo will NEVER forget the one person who rejected them. They could be adored by millions, but the ONE who didn’t bow? That’s the one who haunts them.
🩸 22. If you have Venus in the 12th House, your love life will always feel like a tragic love story. The person you love most? You’ll never fully have them.
🕷 23. Moon in the 8th House people know things about you that you don’t even know about yourself. They can read your soul, your wounds, your fears. And you’ll never understand how.
💔 24. A South Node in the 7th House was born to learn how to be alone. Every relationship will break them down until they learn to choose themselves first.
💀 25. Saturn in the 5th House people never felt like children, even when they were kids. They were born into responsibility, and life has never truly felt light.
🔥 26. Lilith in the 1st House women don’t attract attention—they COMMAND it. People will stare, obsess, and fear them, all without knowing why.
💋 27. Pluto conjunct Venus people will either be the best thing that’s ever happened to you, or the worst. They either heal you, or they leave you scarred for life.
🖤 28. Uranus in the 7th House people attract lovers who come out of nowhere and disappear just as fast. Their love life is a never-ending storm.
💀 29. If someone has Pluto square their Moon, they have an unresolved war with their mother. And it will bleed into every relationship they ever have.
🔥 30. The darkest part of your chart is where you hold the most power. Until you own it? It will own you.
👁 So? Did I hit you where it hurts?
🔥 Drop your placements. Let’s see who’s brave enough to admit the truth..
© PhoenixRisingAstro, 2025. All rights reserved
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norrisainz33 · 3 months ago
Party time || ln4
☆ summary: y/n throws a end of season party party and the grid find out ln and y/n have been keeping a little secret
☆ pairing: lando norris x leclerc!reader x platonic!grid
☆ fc & warnings: slightly suggestive! you are responsible for the content you consume
☆ requested: nope! this has been in my drafts for months
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
ynleclerc has made a post
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liked by charlesleclerc, scuderiaferrari, landonorris, lilymhe, oscarpiastri, arthur_leclerc, and 765,235 others
ynleclerc: waiting for everyone to get home from this triple header so we can celebrate like …..
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arthur_leclerc: i’m literally sitting next to you do i mean nothing
ynleclerc: uhh yeah you’re not alex or rebecca or carmen or lily or lily or kika or leo
arthur_leclerc: blocked
charlesleclerc: wow leo gets a mention and not me?
ynleclerc: oui
alexandrasaintmleux: leo and i miss you. we’re counting down the days 🤍
charlesleclerc: mon amour 😫 don’t encourage her
ynleclerc: f off charles! that’s my girl!
user1: the leclerc’s and their beauty needs to be studied
scuderiaferrari: you are always welcome to join us y/n 🤍
ynleclerc: merci admin 😘
user2: is the sun bothering you queen 🔫
landonorris: perhaps you should just come to abu dhabi?? ever think of that!
ynleclerc: omg no never thought of that once!!!
landonorris: y/n/n
user4: is it wrong to say i ship these 2
user3: y/n really said i’m bored pay attention to me and she’s so real for that
ynleclerc has posted to their private story
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logansargeant: who is on this private story?? need to know who is invited before i even consider showing up
ynleclerc: just abt the whole grid, my favorite girlies, kyle, patito, and bunch of my other friends - some you know !!
logansargeant: i’ll only go if kyle goes
yourbff: i can’t wait!!!!!!
ynleclerc: me either bestie i miss you
alexandrasaintmleux: i am so excited! i got the finishing touches for my outfit today 🤭
ynleclerc: yessss i can’t wait to see it!! you’re going to look stunning 🤩
alexandrasaintmleux: so are you gorgeous girl
charlesleclerc: Puis-je te convaincre de changer de tenue ? [can i convince you to change your outfit?]
ynleclerc: absolument pas [absolutely not]
charlesleclerc: mais mes collègues vont te voir et je ne peux pas les laisser avoir des idées [but my coworkers are going to see you and i can’t have them getting any ideas]
ynleclerc: tant pis pour toi 😘 [too bad for you]
landonorris: are costumes required for this party?
ynleclerc: no but wouldn’t be a problem because you’re already a clown?
landonorris: and ya know what i hate you
ynleclerc: no you do not muppet
georgerussell63: we’re all going to need this after the season 😫
ynleclerc: no doubt georgie especially bc you were stuck in that tractor
georgerussell63: 💀
iamrebeccad: carlos asked why he’s not on the invite and i said it’s because you love me more and now he’s pouting
ynleclerc: a big big baby he is
iamrebeccad: the biggest
charlesleclerc has added to their private story
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ynleclerc: you may as well have been!!
charlesleclerc: oh so you missed me?
ynleclerc: yes i don’t want to deal with arthur alone anymore
charlesleclerc: i knew it
carlossainz55: wow she didn’t show up to greet me like this???
charlesleclerc: you know the only reason she came to pick me up is because alex and leo were involved
landonorris: where tf was my invite
charlesleclerc: don’t think i don’t know about your little crush on my baby sister
landonorris: gonna have to have a chat w carlos huh
alexandrasaintmleux: my baby girl
charlesleclerc: yes yes you love her i know
arthur_leclerc: she’s so dramatic and for what
charlesleclerc: yes but she is our sister so we must be nice
arthur_leclerc: 🤓☝🏻
iamrebeccad: my two most favorite girls
carlossainz55 has posted to his private story
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ynleclerc: surprised you know what a grwm is
carlossainz55: i’m not that old hermana
charlesleclerc: how are you the favorite friend ?!
carlossainz55: my charm and overall superiority
charlesleclerc: 🙄
landonorris: sooooo carlos… you told charles about my thing for y/n??????????
carlossainz55: what? no i did not!
landonorris: but you’re the only one i told!!!!
carlossainz55: … i may have told rebecca and she may have told alex who may have told charles
landonorris: mate 😭😭😭
carlossainz55: i’m sorry
landonorris: do you think charles knows the full extent?
carlossainz55: rebecca doesn’t think he does
landonorris: great so i can at least keep some of my dignity 😔
alexandrasaintmleux: eeek so cute
arthur_leclerc: you forgot to actually mention that you’re on set up duty not grwm duty
ynleclerc has posted to their story
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user2: omg it’s annual end of year party time im so sat i hope the drivers are there and get messy
user3: bisexuality is truly a beautiful thing
alexandrasaintmleux: 😫 mon amour you are stunning
ynleclerc: i love youuuu
landonorris: i’m gonna miss you when i scroll……
ynleclerc: 🤭 good thing you get to see me in real life so no need for missing me
landonorris: so true y/n/n. see you soon 😉
yourbff: i’m foaming at the mouth
patriciooward: 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
ynleclerc: so excited to see you patty
user16: god ur perfect
user22: screw your brothers, i want you
carlossainz55 has posted to his private story
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charlesleclerc: that little gremlin better not be with my sister
carlossainz55: 💀💀💀💀
arthur_leclerc: trying the insta story means he must have really disappeared
carlossainz55: i can’t find him anywhere in this house
yourbff: i can’t find y/n/n either
carlossainz55: charles is gonna have a fit
iamrebeccad: hehhe i think i found him
carlossainz55: oh mi amor where is he?
iamrebeccad: he is with y/n
carlossainz55: where?
iamrebeccad: you can’t get mad at him
carlossainz55: it’s not me you should be worried about
iamrebeccad: they snuck out to get pizza and go to lando’s
alexandrasaintmleux: i may have kept somethings from you and charles 😔
carlossainz55: alex what do you know
alexandrasaintmleux: y/n/n and lando have been seeing each other on the down low for a couple weeks now
carlossainz55: mi amiga 😫 you better butter up charles or his head is gonna explode when he finds this out
ynleclerc has posted to their story
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user3: screaming y/n what is this
charlesleclerc: y/n y/m/n leclerc - this is your public story. where are you both right now?
ynleclerc: OOPS!!!!!!!!
charlesleclerc: yeah oops for sure… where are you??
charlesleclerc: ma sœur stop leaving me on read
ynleclerc: Y E S!! i wanted pizza and lando was kind enough to take me
lilymhe: so is this like a thing now?
ynleclerc: i think so yes 🤭
lilymhe: omg you’re an evil, sinister, orange girl now 😭
ynleclerc: SCREAMING
user4: y/n it’s 3am what are you two doing rn
carmenmundt: baby what is this
ynleclerc: 😔 i tried to simp on private but messed up
carmenmundt: obsessed but also how is this how i found out??
ynleclerc: i tried to tell you at the dior show but got scared. this is all so new
carmenmundt: no need to be scared darling!! i am very good at keeping secrets but you let this cat out of the bag it seems
user7: omg are you guys together???
user8: drunken hard launch? girl i love you so much you’re my idol
user9: raw! next question
alexandrasaintmleux: hehehe tea
ynleclerc: is charles breathing still?
alexandrasaintmleux: oh don’t worry about your big brother. he’ll be fine. tell me about LANDO
ynleclerc: he is a dream alex 😭😭😭😭
ynleclerc: we made things official 🥹
user5: y/nlando truthers are UP rn
georgerussell63: laughing hysterically at this
ynleclerc: george shut up
georgerussell63: never
user6: guess your party is going well 😂😂😂
[this post has been deleted by user]
landonorris has posted to his private story
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carlossainz55: mate why won’t you respond to your texts
landonorris: i’m sorry im sorry got a bit caught up
carlossainz55: are you having fun?
landonorris: yes 🥹 we got pizza and she admitted she liked me a lot and wanted to make things official
carlossainz55: why didn’t you tell me you two had been hanging out for a while now???
landonorris: i didn’t want to 1) jinx it or 2) put you in an uncomfortable position with charles 😭
carlossainz55: gracias for thinking of me but i’m always here for you cabron
charlesleclerc: no funny business lando or i’ll run you off the road
landonorris: wouldn’t dream of any funny business charles
lilymhe: i hope yall remember this in the morning 💀
landonorris: actually ☝🏻 we are basically sober
oscarpiastri: you stealing the host of the party to take her to get pizza then to your house is crazy work mate
landonorris: i didn’t steal her 😭
oscarpiastri: then why she not at her own party bro
landonorris: bc she wanted pizza
oscsrpiastri: yea so you stole her
landonorris: 😔
maxfewtrell: get that girl 😤
landonorris: i did mate 🤩
danielriccardo: and who is this?
landonorris: y/n leclerc
danielriccardo: a leclerc?!
landonorris: the leclerc yes
danielriccardo: good job kid
ynleclerc has made a post
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liked by charlesleclerc, carmenmundt, landonorris, maxfewtrell, alexandrasaintmleux, and 644,927 others
ynleclerc: happy new year from me and mine 🥂✨
view all 888 comments
iamrebeccad: stunning 😭
user14: don’t think we don’t recognize those curls on the last slide y/n
georgerussell63: i’m still laughing btw
ynleclerc: and what if i said i hate you
georgerussell63: i’d know you were lying 😘
user23: y/n, alex, rebecca and carmen doing everything together is so important to me you don’t understand
charlesleclerc: wow i made the cut?
ynleclerc: *leo made the cut
charlesleclerc: a brother can dream huh
user45: i love how we are swiftly moving on from that story and back to our regular programming 😭
landonorris: yours you say?
ynuser: perhaps 🫣
alexandrasaintmleux: tea
user47: how am i supposed to be normal about this
user81: don’t edge us omg
landonorris has posted a story
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view all story replies
charlesleclerc: please don’t post things like this with my sister
landonorris: i have to show her off charles. she’s too pretty to not be posted 🥹
charlesleclerc: you got me there but i don’t like it mate
landonorris: i’ll treat her right - i promise
oscarpiastri: i’m so glad i don’t have to hear you cry about her anymore 🧡
landonorris: you’ll still hear me crying osc dw
ynleclerc: you’re so cute im obsessed with you
landonorris: i am the luckiest man on earth
ynleclerc: lando 😭😭
user10: you calling her a gift is sickeningly cute
alexandrasaintmleux: be good to my girl ok? leo and i both will kill you if you hurt her
landonorris: i will! i promise! she is everything i have ever wanted and more and im not going to give that up any time soon
alexandrasaintmleux: music to my ears 🤍
user87: BOTH! i want you BOTH
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
a/n: thanks for reading!! likes and reblogs appreciated 🫶🏻
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
disclaimer: pictures are not mine and everything i write is fiction
© norrisainz33 || please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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neferaskingdom · 3 months ago
♡ Max "If It Weren't For The Baby" Verstappen | MV1
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Summary: Max and George show no signs of stopping anytime soon and poor y/n is stuck between a rock and a hard place. but soon things escalate when Max accidentally opens his big mouth.
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y/n_russell posted:
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y/n_russell: Habibi come to Abu Dhabi✨
user: SHE’S BACK, EVERYBODY STAY CALM!!! 🔥🔥🔥 user: MOTHER RETURNED TO THE GRID AND IT SHOWS. user: Abu Dhabi isn’t ready for her!! 😍 user: Not to be messy, but is that a bump or just the angle? 👀
user: Delete this before you embarrass yourself further. 🙄 user: You do realize that’s body-shaming, right? Yikes. user: Maybe it’s just the dress, maybe it’s none of our business. Either way—don’t. user: Imagine logging onto the internet just to get ratio’d in the comments. Couldn’t be me.
georgerussell63: Wow. 2 whole photo in front of Lewis’s garage? Feeling betrayed right now.
y/n_russell: omg george, do you want me to write "george is my favorite" on my forehead or something? relax. georgerussell63: I’m just saying, where’s the support? y/n_russell: maybe if your garage didn’t feel like the waiting room at a dentist’s office, I’d consider it. georgerussell63: That’s because we’re professional. y/n_russell: nah, it’s because you have the personality of unseasoned chicken. user: 💀💀💀 SHE CAME FOR HIS LIFE.
user: Not Max creeping in the shadows like that. George, sweetie, you seeing this? user: Netflix doesn’t even need to make a script this season. The show’s writing itself.
landonorris: MOTHER.
y/n_russell: 🔪🔪🔪 user: The knives are out. Lando, RUN.
lewishamilton: Always great to have you around. Thanks for showing up and supporting me this weekend. Much love ❤️
y/n_russell: Wouldn’t miss it for the world, you know I’m rooting for you Lew! Big things ahead 💪🏽
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f1teaspill posted:
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f1teaspill: Okay, F1 fans, we’ve got a hot one for you! Max Verstappen and George Russell’s sister, Y/n, were spotted on a hotel balcony together, and it’s seriously got people talking. 👀 Y/n was supposed to be at a totally different hotel with George, so why is she with Max—especially with all the drama going down between them? 🤔
Is there something going on between these two? Or is Y/n just making it clear that she’s Team Max in this ongoing feud? You know we’ll be watching this one unfold closely... 🔥
user: Yooo, what’s going on here?! Y/n is in Max’s hotel?? 😳
user: Is this a secret relationship or is Y/n just picking sides? I need answers!! 😬
user: So Y/n's team Max now? This is messy. 👀
user: Max and Y/n are lowkey dating and no one’s telling us?! I need the receipts ASAP. 😩🔥
user: Sis really out here with Max?? I can’t believe this. George is gonna flip. 😬
user: Okay, but like... is she betraying George by cozying up with Max right now? Or is she just done with the drama? 👀
user: Nah, this can’t be real. She’s out here looking all comfy with Max while George is literally her brother?? What kind of betrayal is this? 😱
user: Is this the kind of power move we’re witnessing?? Y/n dropping George for Max?? 🤯💥
user: Ok, but lowkey, I ship them so hard. Max and Y/n would make the hottest couple. 🔥🔥
user: No, fr. Max and Y/n are EVERYTHING. They look so good together, I’m lowkey obsessed. 😍👀 user: Can we just take a minute to appreciate how they’re literally radiating chemistry? I don’t care if they’re not dating—they should be. 😩💅
user: The way she’s just chilling with Max tho... George must be somewhere crying right now. 🤣💀
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f1teaspill posted:
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f1teaspill: “If it weren’t for the baby.” Three words that sent the paddock and the internet into absolute mayham today after Max Verstappen dropped the bomb during an interview. 👶💣
Fans are already in detective mode, dissecting every second of this wild moment. Whose baby? Is Max a secret dad? And what does George Russell have anything to do with it?
Interview Transcript:
Journalist: Max, earlier this week George Russell referred to you as a “bully” in his recent comments. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Max: (chuckles awkwardly) Well, you know, George always has something to say. I’m not going to get into it.
Journalist: But do you think his characterization of you is fair?
Max: (sighs) Look, I’m just here to race. I’m not interested in petty drama.
Journalist: It doesn’t seem like George is letting it go anytime soon. Are you planning to address it with him directly?
Max: (visibly annoyed) I really don’t see the point in—
Journalist: But isn’t it important to clear the air, especially since the tension is so public now?
Max: (snapping) If it weren’t for the baby, I wouldn’t even bother trying to make peace with him!
(A beat of stunned silence. Max’s eyes widen in realization.)
Journalist: The… baby? What baby? Max, can you clarify—
(Max mutters something under his breath and walks off, leaving the journalist baffled.)
user: What baby, Max?! WHOSE BABY?! I haven’t been this confused since Abu Dhabi 2021.
user: Can someone please check if Max even knows what he said? He looked so panicked when he walked off.
user: “If it weren’t for the baby”??? Sir, we’re not in Panem; calm down.
user: Peeta Verstappen has entered the chat. Someone hand him a loaf of bread. user: Peeta Mellark walked so Max Verstappen could run user: I just KNOW someone’s editing Max into a Peeta scene as we speak. Can’t wait.
user: Okay but what baby would involve George? George is childless?
user: Guys, hear me out: What if Max is secretly dating George’s sister? That’s the ONLY way a baby ties them together. user: Nah, there’s no way. George would’ve punched Max into next week already. user: Okay but think about it. Max. George’s sister. A baby. Uncle George. THIS IS LORE. user: I’m just saying, George’s sister has been looking very glow-y lately… 👀 user: Not a theory, just facts: Max is babytrapping George into a truce. 💀 user: Wait... isn’t George’s sister in Abu Dhabi right now?? 👀 user: omg and they were seen together on his hotel balcony jskjsk user: I’M SCREAMING. THIS THEORY IS TOO GOOD. user: Max... the man, the myth, the secret brother-in-law.
user: F1 fandom today: trying to figure out if Max has a secret family or if we’re all just collectively hallucinating.
user: Bro, if this is true, Netflix better dedicate a whole episode to Uncle George. user: “If it weren’t for the baby” is my villain origin story now.
user: GUYS. What if Max meant baby as in, like, his cat or something? We’re spiraling.
user: Okay but why would George care about Max’s cat?! Use your brain. user: Honestly, the only thing that makes sense is Max dating George’s sister. Uncle George confirmed. Case closed.
user: Y’all, the way I will actually SCREAM if Max and George’s sister are together. This is better than any race drama.
user: Max Verstappen?? A baby daddy?? In THIS economy??
user: Everyone’s fighting over the baby, but I’m just here wondering how Christian Horner is gonna spin this in interviews.
user: Plot twist: The baby is Christian Horner’s with Toto 😭
user: STOP. This is the most chaotic F1 season ever, and I love it.
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Taglist: @ilovechickenwings @spooky-librarian-ghost @diaryofarandomkid @rd14 @hc-dutch @tremendousstarlighttragedy @grussellsprout @dannyespinosa06 @awritingtree @shelbyteller @diorbrxtz @96mcobo
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 6 months ago
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Why’s Skully’s idea of the ideal Halloween so jank??? Bro wants:
No candy (he says it’s frivolous and therefore unnecessary; Trey and Riddle argue for candy, RIDDLE defends CANDY)
No decorations (he calls for modesty and simplicity)
No color (just rooms painted entirely black with a single lit pumpkin; Vil and even Malleus, who often wears mostly black, areagainst this idea)
No music, no dancing (only silence; he says music and dancing is inappropriate even after the mermen talk about the importance of music)
To beat back (bad) ghosts (even though this holiday is meant to honor them all and their temporary return to the land of the living; Leona, Sebek, and Jamil are appalled at the suggestion, calling it discourteous)
Very odd how his entire concept of Halloween contradicts his idol’s vision for it?? Especially since Skully claims he and his entire village supposedly worship Jack Skellington as the founder of the holiday. In fact, Skully seems to be experiencing cognitive dissonance when Jack proposes a Halloween with all the things Skully disapproves of, but agrees to help with Jack’s vision anyway. What kind of twisted version of history do they have in his hometown…? Are Jack and Halloween as a whole just super dull there???
AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF, Skully js disappointed when you disagree with him… There’s also a very strange personality shift between Skully’s upbeat, gentlemanly self and the Skully that makes that deranged expression, speaks ill of dissenters, and gets gloomy when his ideas are rejected. His wording is also very odd???? He says things like he’ll teach everyone what a “proper” Halloween is, which is very reminiscent of how controlling Riddle was back in book 1. Skully also talks about LOT about reflection and atonement. He also mentions it is his duty/reason why he was brought to this world/book… to show everyone what Halloween truly is.
HOW IS SKULLY JUST AS CONSERVATIVE AND VAGUELY RELIGIOUS AS ROLLO???????? 😭 Look, it’s okay to have a different perspective on Halloween and want to celebrate it differently than the modern and more commercialized version of it, but there’s no need to be upset about it when you get outvoted??? (Not the NRC students were the most polite when they told Skully off, but still…) Really not sure how to feel about this.
Starting to think your classmates were right about you being WEIRD, Skully 💀 I didn’t buy the “he’s a cultist” or “he’s old/dead” or “he’s Rollo’s dead brother” theories but now I’m really eyeballin’ him suspiciously… (Not that I believe the theories now, but something is definitely up with him.)
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vinnyvamppp · 8 days ago
Pretty When You Cry
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Did I leave for two hours and come back with this?! Yes, I did! Mainly, my idea for writing this is because he cries often in the show when upset or overwhelmed, so why not let that apply to sex too? Synopsis: He's having relationship issues with Amber, but you're willing to be his distraction... right?
Warnings: Dacryphillia, Sub!Mark (canonically loves his women in charge), Soft Dom!Reader, Position changes, implied struggles with romance, no contraception (pull out game 💀), porn w a plot, fem presenting reader, friends to lovers?
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2,542
He was such a pretty crier. A man in tears was a man you could love for years. It was a sight you never grew tired of. While it would be shameful to admit, you partially listened to him spill his troubles to see those glistening pearls bubble down his waterline. As you stared at him admiringly perched against his rooftop, you listened as he poured his heart out, a feeling of pity settling in your gaze.
Little did you know, his emotions were stirring more than usual and creating an unfamiliar sense of lust towards you.
This was wrong—utterly and irrevocably wrong.
Mark gazed idly at your dimly lit features as you looked up at the stars from the roof—he had decided to invite you over to his place after a fight with his girlfriend; he didn't want to go home, and he definitely didn't want to be alone. The fight with Amber still lingered, a bitter taste in his mouth, but it was nothing compared to the turmoil brewing in his chest.
He wanted a break; you were just that. One of his childhood friends and confidants. He was certain he and Amber were over; it was a situation where he didn’t realize they were broken up until it was too late. So, why the hell, in the midst of everything, was he thinking about kissing you? He HAD a girlfriend a few hours ago, one who loved him with every fiber of her being.
Yet, you were always so pretty to him. It would be a lie to say he hadn’t had a crush on you in the past, or even fucked his fist at the thought of you until his dick was raw and coated in lotion. It was pathetic, he knew it, but more than ever now he felt enticed by your very presence. The way your lips would speak such comforting words, and you would stare at him as if only he existed. Sure, the relationship between him and Amber didn’t work out because he’s Invincible and she’s a regular human, but he could be selfish just this once… right?
For the thousandth time, you reassured him Amber would return to him with a new resolve. It was almost like you were trying to convince the two of you. It was nonexistent now. So what else could he do besides cast aside his doubt and stare at those puffy lips?
“You okay?” You asked, curious about his staring. “Yeah… yeah, I’m okay.” He muttered like a dejected puppy, tugging at your heartstrings. “Right, so instead of moping… you need a stress reliever. For your sake. Dragging yourself around all day won’t help.” You sighed quietly as your fingers gently rested against the thin cloth of his back reassuringly. “Right,” he replied, “What’s your idea of a stress reliever—and don’t say exercise; I already do that constantly.” His fingers gestured in your direction, some of his playfulness returning. “Get this,” you started as if to say something revolutionary. “Exercise.”
His eyes rolled as he mumbled under his breath, his head turning to face you with a raised brow. “You’re such a comedian.” He quipped. “Come on, an actual one that won’t have me sweating and panting like a dog, okay? Please?” His voice struck a chord within you; it was the perfect rasp and whine. Not to mention his words causing your thoughts to travel a million miles past sexual. “I wouldn’t mind the sight,” you said casually. “Besides the lotion and tissue in your room, it suggests you ‘exercise” more than enough.” It was a harmless joke, enough to bring him pause as you two quietly chuckled. It was embarrassing, but nothing he couldn’t deny. “Uh. Yeah.” He muttered.
As you leaned over slightly, his staring persisted. Your shoulder rested against his as you stared into his eyes. His gaze avoided you momentarily before locking within your reflection. “Mark, what’s going on?” You asked, head tilting slightly. “I know I’m not going crazy; you’ve been staring at me since you invited me over. You didn’t call me over just to stare.” The last sentence was sarcastic. “I did.” He rasped; it was hushed and nearly caused your hearts to flutter in tandem. “They are different. Very different. But I… didn’tknowhowtotellyoubecauseitfeelsdesperatetosaythisnowthatamberandibrokeupbutivelikeyouforarlongtimeandimeansincewewerekidsandireallywanttokissyourightnowandineedtobeinsideyou.” It poured out like an unexpected dam breaking.
As you stared at him in silence, your looks of bewilderment matched one another’s. To escape his embarrassment, he briskly stood up, opening his bedroom window, and climbed in. As he turned away, you crawled in behind him, his gaze slowly meeting yours as you gave a “Fuck it” sort of nod.
The actions were fast, rushed even. He needed a distraction to quiet his never-ending mind, and like always, you were the solution. His fingers draped over your waist as he pulled you in, your lips meeting his in feverish delight. His body heat as a Viltrumite ran hot, your bodies already producing a light sheen of sweat. The quiet sounds of moans mingled between hot breaths. Tilting his head further, his lips parted as his tongue jutted out in search of yours. It was a gentle yet mutually needy kiss; your bodies were pressed so firmly together you could feel the tent forming against his slacks.
He was an excited one, but gentle. Tangling your fingers in his hair, you tugged the strands to earn a strangled groan. His lips latched onto yours like a suction cup; only when he was satisfied with your moans did his puffy lips shift down your neck. His tongue tickled the skin, not leaving marks as to get caught, but covering you in his taste. Your fingers delved under the fabric of his shirt as you relished the attention. The indentation of his abs was the sweetest treat; your fingers shifted upwards, exposing his abdomen to the night's chill as you both groaned. His feet shuffled forward clumsily as you two fell against his bed. Sitting you up, his fingers nimbly worked you out of your shirt and pants. Your hands fumbled to get his pants down, but eventually, they pooled around his ankles. Just as he assisted you in removing his shirt, you took in his appearance with such admiration and lust while he stared at you reverently.
You two, while being incredibly impatient, nearly skipped foreplay entirely. His fingers unclasped your bra and removed the matching colored panties down the flesh of your thighs. The wet patch forming in his boxers was becoming evident; his arousal was at an all-time high, and his stamina was mounting for the night ahead. Pressing you back against the bed, your bodies pressed together, his heart pounding, you devoured each other's mouths. His tongue was like a tender caress that made your stomach tie in knots; the anticipation was killing you. “Ha… I needed this.” His words muffled between kisses as you hummed in agreement.
He pulled away, his thumb dragging down the corner of his boxer as his cock slowly sprung from beneath the fabric. In all its glory, it stood with neatly trimmed pubes and visibly throbbing with restraint. Once his last article of clothing hit the ground, he took a moment to nervously chuckle as he admired you splayed beneath him. His expression was giddy as it traced down the supple curves of your figure, the fat of your breasts and arousal coating the outside of your folds catching his attention more than anything. You looked gorgeous.
Time was up. You had enough and needed a little more. Reaching up to give him a gentle peck, you flipped him onto his back as you straddled him. He looked surprised but welcomed the authority as he melted beneath you. His lips sought yours, and your fingers began to caress your clit as you continued. The quiet sound of your arousal pooled into his ears, his eyes fluttering open as he stared at you with your eyes screwed shut in bliss. He could feel himself nearly cum from the sight alone. His dick was beginning to hurt, and to soothe the ache, his fingers wrapped around his cock and pumped in tandem with your fingers. Slightly annoyed, your fingers swatted his away and brought it to your clenching hole, ready to milk him dry. As his first digit entered your warmth, he shivered. He could feel every ridge and contraction as your abs squeezed from the pleasure. His fingers formed a V, and once spread enough, you took your seat with pleasure. It would normally hurt, but thanks to your sadistic mind imagining his crying for the last few hours, you’d been leaking like a faucet.
The stretch was delicious, but nothing was better than his blissed expression and immediate groan. He was reactive, the perfect man for your little kink. Never mind not having a condom; he was never the most responsible in that manner. The slow, deliberate movement of your hips was like a tantalizing dance, teasing him with every rotation. His fingers dug into your thighs, urging you on as you began riding him with an unhurried intensity. His eyes locked onto yours, his eyes occasionally fluttering shut in pleasure as he fought the urge to slam you down against him. While he would love to, he felt helpless and abandoned to your will, a willing captive, lost in the maelstrom of desire.
His chest rose and fell as quiet whines slowly filled his throat; the sight of his eyes rolling back before fluttering finally broke the final restraints of your self-perseverance. Digging your fingernails into his chest, your hips rose slowly before suddenly dropping with a renewed conviction. “Oh… F-Fuck… yes.” He sighed, like this was the medicine he’d been craving. As much of a gentleman as he was for his girlfriends, he certainly was lascivious when he intended. Shifting his fingers to your ass, he assisted in the fluidity of your movements. His strength allows you to glide along his cock with ease. Moans began to filter from your lips, “That’s… perfect, don’t you stop.” You demanded it with every bit of grit you could muster. Your fingers clasped around the width of his chin so he could focus on you, his body bounced against the mattress as the air was knocked from him. He wasn’t the most talkative, but he was vocal.
“I’m not… I’m not going to stop. Feels so perfect in here, I can’t—I.” He stammers wearily as his body moves on autopilot. You watched as he practically fucked himself dumb; the sound of skin colliding filled your ears as your teeth gnawed at your lip. One particularly deep thrust seemed to have sent him into overdrive; his tip could feel your insides contracting as if to suck him in more. He wanted to be buried in you; he could imagine you two fucking like rabbits. He smiled weakly at the thought. His toes curled into the mattress as your back arched, and harsh gasps erupted from his throat as his body trembled. A groan, a measly groan of his resilience, echoed in the room. Lost in your own sounds of pleasure, you had yet to notice the man nearly convulsing beneath you.
His hand left your hips and rose to the fingers that gripped his chin. Suddenly, your impending orgasm was ruined. “Sorry, I’m s—sorry, I’m so sorry.” He babbled before pressing a firm hand against your stomach and resting your back against the bed. Before you could react, he sheathed himself within your pussy once more and fucked you with vigor to make up for lost time. He attempted to speak, only his jaw clenched in response. Your head fell back against the edge of the bed. The legs of the bed frame wobbled as it rocked sideways; the thumps against the wall filled the room.
Pleasured grunts and profanities fell from your pouted lips as you ground back against him. A high-pitched whine fell from him as his head fell. “Oh- jesus, what—what the fuck? You feel so, so, so, so.” He slurred slightly, and you chuckled in response. “Fuck… mm, seems like you’ve wanted this for a while?” You question through moans, your fingers cupping your bouncing breasts from his gaze as he grew distracted. “You… have noooo idea.” He admitted, too, in bliss to care much about embarrassment. Your core slowly began to tighten, and so did your chest as his body pressed forward with nearly all his weight. His fingers curled into the blankets as his tongue ran dry with ruined sobs. His pelvis rubbing deliciously against your clit made your legs stiffen behind him. He moved to pull away, but before you could, one of your legs hooked around the width of his neck. The position elevated your hips slightly, his dick punctuating with each thrust unintentionally. He was losing his mind. Such raw and unfiltered love swelled his chest. Your fingers wrapped around the width of his lower back to spur him on; your orgasm was quickly doubling back. “P-Please, can’t cum inside… fuck,” he muttered wearily as tears began to fall. His body trembling with pleasure, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The sensation was too much, the pressure building in his chest like a dam about to burst. He tried to hold it back, to grit his teeth and bear it, but it was no use. The pleasure mounting had his body wracking in ways he had yet to feel so intensely.
With a satisfied grin, you watched his pretty lashes become coated with warm tears. The salty taste stained your lips as he moaned in delight. Your sounds mingled with one another until they became indistinguishable. His fingers found the fat of your ass, and he bullied himself into you; the strength behind it made you dizzy. Wiping his tears away, you peppered gentle kisses against his face. “I've always loved you,” he muttered suddenly; you grinned in response. “Love you too,” you replied gingerly before a high-pitched whine ripped from your throat. The tip of his tongue pawed at your nipple desperately, the bud hardening beneath his cold saliva. Your orgasm hit you like a train as your back arched, your fingers clasped at him, and your legs trembled. Harsh gasps left you in your failed attempt to remain silent. Hedonistic praises left you, but Mark could barely respond. The throbbing sensation of your pussy was practically trying to suck the cum from his cock. “Please, oh fuck, please, baby, I’m gonna cum. Holy shit.” His words were hurried as he let out a chuckle of disbelief. At his words, your leg freed him as he pulled out just last minute, his sperm barely making it to your abdomen. His body hunched over as he gasped, his jaw slacking as his muscles visibly strained. Slow whines spilled from his lips as he came down from his high. His recovery time was fast, though his body still trembled with an after shock. With bated breaths, you both stared at one another; his eyes were barely focused as he sat in awe. You both chuckled at one another before his rasped voice called out to you.
“You think we should date?” He asked before correcting himself. “I mean, do you want to date me? I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I would like—“ A pillow slammed into his face as you rolled your eyes. “Sure, Mark. I’d love to go out with you.”
Had to be dramatic like the show lmfao.
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rhyrhy · 3 days ago
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Kiss the chef
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[warnings]: chef! Abby, unserious, suggestive mentions, headcannons, wc 1k , part 2
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Chef! Abby’s! first viral video was around a year ago. A simple clip of her making cacio e pepe. The video was beautifully shot, a warm coloring complementing the glossy dish. but what really got everyone’s attention?
The way her forearms tensed while she cracked fresh pepper. Veins showing themselves along her freckled skin. Comments often reading:
@ “ok but how do i get the pasta to look this good?”
@ “i have something to say but i want to go to college”
@ “ma’am, i’m trying to focus but your ARMS?????😣”
@ “looks SO good💕..and the food i guess”
Chef Abby! had always loved cooking, growing up in a kitchen with her dad, who ran The Cordova, one of downtown Washington’s finest restaurants. But she liked the no pressure vibe of TikTok—just her and her food. She decided she wouldn’t show her face much, if at all. Letting the small flex of her muscles when she kneaded dough into a floured surface be the main visual. While comments? They were only half focused on what she was making.
Naturally, her account gained traction. No face, no voice—just hands, muscles, and literal food porn. Every video felt like a Sunday afternoon in a kitchen. @buffandbasil, now sat at 2.5 million followers.
Chef Abby! tried to ignore the thirst in her comments. How could she? It was honestly a small ego boost, even if it was a bit over the top at times. Like the second pinned video on the top of her page—where all she was doing was making bread.
@ : “knead ME like that.”
@ : “both lips are smiling rn”
@: “need her to bake something in me, respectfully😇“
@: “we need to chill in the comments… *saves video*”
Chef Abby! wasn’t a huge fan of putting her face in her videos. However, the occasional face slip would happen. A quick shot of her golden hair in view or a reflection in a clean pan.
The third and final pinned video? The one sitting at a few million views and a comment section that out-ratioed it?
Her hair draped over a fitted black Henley shirt, the top button undone. Sleeves rolled up to her elbows. And when she reached up for something overhead in a cabinet? A small sliver of her torso—those abs?
Yeah. They lost it.
@ “niagara falls just relocated”
@ “her strap drags, for sure. touches the floor.”
@^ “mind you, i would take it.😊”
@ ^^ “y’all are TOO freaked out 💀”
And trust—Chef Abby! loved it. Really. Laying in bed, straight cackling on FaceTime with her best friend Manny, sending him screenshots or full-blown screen sharing. She didn’t reply. Not really. But she absolutely posted a few videos after. No shirt, just her “Kiss the Chef” apron and vibes.
And the one time she did reply?
@: “Do you do weddings?”
@buffandbasil :“Yes, actually.”
Harmless, right? Simple. Straightforward. She had catered weddings before. Large events, alongside her father, but—
@: “As… the bride?”
She saw it exactly three minutes after posting her reply. And in those three minutes, her comment had already tripled in likes. The replies? A war zone.
@ “HELLO???????”
@ “bro air balled.”
@ “ok so u free next saturday or???”
She paid it no mind. Mostly. But sometimes, a few profiles caught her attention. She was human, after all. Chef Abby! had seen your likes. You didn’t know it yet.
For you? It was originally just another cringe or brain rot video being sent by your roommate, Dina. But when you clicked the video of @buffandbasil all laughter halted. Typing back—
You: “Dee, hear me out..😭”
Dina: “Oh my god. OH MY GOD. Lost the plot.”
Chef Abby! considered reciprocating the engagement but saw how many views you usually received on GRWMs and storytimes and decided on a more… exciting approach. Wanting to see if you’d bite.
No aesthetic instrumentals—this time, a voiceover. Her voice, soft, steady Tutorial style.
“So today, we’re making sourdough from scratch. You wanna make sure your starter is active, and then we’re gonna knead it—”
@: “OH SHE TALKS???”
@: “it’s all over the screen ngl 🌊”
@: “asmr videos when?”
@: “great now i have a crush on a faceless chef, thanks.”
@: “I’m ovulating rn please chill 💔💔”
But the only comment she was looking for? Yours.
@ you: “Me next🫦!”
You typed it. And went to bed. She had so many comments—she probably wouldn’t even see it.
But as the sun poured through your curtains the next morning, your stomach flipped. A notification.
Followed by @buffandbasil. 2 hours ago.
Legs swinging the blankets off, then you were sprinting down the hall, launching yourself onto Dina’s bed like a feral animal let loose.
She groaned, blindly swatting at you. “Dude, what the—”
Without another word, you shoved your phone in her face. Dina squinted, blinked a few times, then—loud, cackling.
“Dee. This isn’t a ‘hear me out’ anymore—this is a hold me back.” You said, falling next to her dramatically, smiling.
Dina wheezed, shaking her head. “Nah. You are in the sunken place now, sister.”
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melanchoire · 1 month ago
g!p drunk karina idk if i asked this alr i forgot or maybe not
this is the first time you ask this anon!!
cw: alcohol, breeding, creampie, riding.
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from the beginning you knew that accepting the invitation to the program on lee youngji’s youtube channel was a bad idea when you knew that you’d have to go with karina
she had already attended that show in 2023, but that episode was so chaotic. karina was the only idol who touched her plate of food during the video, and yet, not even when her mouth was full of food did she shut up or stop being so loud and noisy 😮‍💨 and when youngji gave her a compliment and she replied “stop lying. you say that to all the female idols.” you didn’t know whether to call it having bad temper or an unbearable attitude
and so it was! that day, it seemed like karina and youngji were competing to see who could playfully flirt with you, giving you sudden compliments and most of them were very unnecessary or stupid honestly
youngji giving you more alcohol than she should 😭 none of the idols who attended got drunk, rather tipsy or something looser, but you and karina? according to youngji’s words, it was a single bottle of soju, but you swear that every time the bottle was about to run out, the moment you looked away from it and back at the drink, it magically appeared full again 🤨 but she said you were probably just being a lightweight with a bad memory and your brain was playing tricks on you
and coming home was a complete horror 💀 both you, but especially karina, were too drunk to be able to use your phones and order a taxi or call the manager 😭 youngji having to take care of that on her own, pretending to be oblivious to the reason why you two seemed so affected by alcohol when supposedly all three of you ingested the same amounts of alcohol, when she was always focusing on talking more to avoid drinking too much and letting you be the ones who drink the most drinks
having to help karina get into the taxi because she was too drunk that she couldn’t get into the car and almost hit her forehead because apparently she forgot that to get into a car you have to bend down a little and lower your head
the way home being complete silence 😶‍ you feel the driver’s gaze on you at all times, his eyes meeting yours through the rearview mirror was something impossible to ignore 🤐 that old man probably thought you were two idiots who went out with their friends and drank until they got drunk…
karina leaned against the car door, looking through the window with an expression that made it abundantly clear that a part of her was no longer here… but what dominated your thoughts the most was you praying inside that she doesn’t feel nauseous or throw up in the taxi car 😣 it would be too much embarrassment for your own good
upon arriving at her apartment building, you pay the driver and get out of the car with her in record time, you were longing to get home and lie down in your bed, your body longing for that much–loved rest that the next morning would take its toll on you with a terrible hangover
helping karina walk to the elevator by putting your arm around her torso, but luckily, at least she wasn’t pushing her weight against your side because you weren’t strong enough to carry her
but she changes completely when she gets to the door of her apartment?!?!? you innocently thought that maybe the effects of the alcohol were slowly wearing off... how naive of you!
you sit on the couch with your phone in hand, ready to order another taxi so that this time you can be the one to head home
“what are you doing?” you didn’t hear karina’s footsteps when she approached you, much less did you feel when she sat on the couch next to you too close
“uhm, trying to hail a cab home.”
“you’re not going anywhere.”
you look at her with a frown, not understanding what the problem is with wanting to go home after a long and tiring day
“it‘s not safe for you to go home in this state. i mean, you’re a little drunk and it wouldn’t be very polite of me to leave you alone in this state. besides, the driver might try to take advantage of it.”
her words would have been sweeter and showed her concern for you if it weren’t for the fact that her hand is resting on your thigh and dangerously close to your inner thigh, sliding up and down as her head rests on your shoulder with her face almost hidden in the crook of your neck
and you would say something at the sudden and very close touch if it weren't for the fact that she doesn’t let you react and suddenly kisses you
you would object to this but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t wanted for a long time to be this close to your dear leader... but please! she’s the whole combo. that pretty face with pronounced and sharp features that looks good even without makeup. that body… at first, it seemed a little absurd when fans were so obsessed with the term “body goals” or always talking about the artists’ bodies, but god, when you started going to the gym or practicing and rehearsing choreographies for comebacks or performances at awards ceremonies with karina, your mouth watered every time karina wore tight shirts or something that accentuated her chest 👀 and when she wore leggings or sweatpants? it was more than a difficult task for you not to have your eyes glued to the notorious outline of her dick 😣 you felt like a pervert having your gaze glued to your leader’s crotch every time you saw the tent in her pants, almost immediately taking your eyes off her and hoping that if anyone noticed they would think you were just staring at a blank spot or just not focusing your gaze
you don’t remember exactly when you went from just kissing karina on the couch in her apartment to being on her lap riding her cock... but you weren’t complaining!
based on her blurry eyes and lazy grin you can’t exactly tell what she’s concentrating on right now… maybe she was paying attention to the vulnerable look on your face, noticing the frown and grimace you were trying to hide due to you having some difficulty getting used to the size of your leader ☹️ or maybe she was admiring the way your hips moved against hers and how your pussy was having some trouble taking her length completely because look at her! she’s definitely big and just by looking at her face you know it 😉 and the way your tits were bouncing under your shirt? that was something that had caught karina’s gaze and had taken her full attention, if it were up to her, she wouldn’t have hesitated twice to tear the fabric from your skin and let your bare breasts jiggle in front of her face or even bury her face between them and entertain her mouth for a while… but karina’s hands were too busy resting on your thighs and massaging your skin, occasionally rising to sit on your hip bones and guide your movements, or even go down to your ass and give your cheeks a couple of slaps until they have bright red finger marks and then massage the skin to make sure you’re not so sore afterwards because she’s not that mean!
she’s sooo cocky about it. “having a hard time up there? c’mon baby, i know you can take it. do it for unnie.” and she digs her fingers into your hips as she moves her own hips up to meet yours and thrust into you 😵‍💫
and she absolutely loves it when your orgasm starts to get closer and you lose control completely, going from having your hands on her shoulders to wrapping your arms around her neck and pressing your chest against hers as you lose complete control as you ride her 🥴
and karina is not mean or selfish at all! massaging your clit with two of her fingers in a rhythm that drove you crazy, whispering taunts mixed with compliments in your ear and looking at you with glossy eyes and a smug smile… she really enjoyed it when you came on her cock at the same time as she filled your womb with her seed! 🥰 keeping her cock inside your pussy to make sure she keeps it all inside you until your walls absorb it completely and not even the smallest drop dares to escape
your limp body resting on top of karina’s because riding her took all the energy out of your body and the alcohol was starting to take its toll on you and you were starting to feel dizzy 💔
luckily, karina unnie is always here to take care of her members, especially when it comes to her favorite member ❤️ running a hand through your hair, brushing away the loose strands that stuck to your forehead from the thin layer of sweat covering your body, giving you a kiss on the crown of your head and massaging your back
but karina was in a much worse state than you, even if you don’t believe it! it was enough to leave you lying on her bed for her body to fall on the mattress as if she had no life
and well, the next day is a different story. waking up with karina hugging you from behind, her chest pressed against your back and murmuring a ‘good morning.’ in a deep and raspy voice 😵‍💫 she offers you to shower with her because according to her words it’s late and you have less than an hour to get ready and go to the company, and well, for one or another reason you two end up having a quickie in the shower, karina pressing your chest against the cold tiles of the wall and fucking you from behind with her hands having an almost tearing grip on your waist and growling in your ear 🤤
arriving at practice with an unbearable hangover and pain in your hips that you try to hide but it’s difficult when you have to do a movement that requires too much effort in that area… the members know that you did nothing but sit and drink with youngji yesterday, but none of them dare to comment on what their unnies do in their free time together
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sexlapis · 1 year ago
[◉°] … toji & y/n being a couple for 10 minutes straight pt.3
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。˚ 𓂋 ❄﹒✦﹒✿ ˚
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꩜ actor!toji x actress!reader
⤷ synopsis : just toji & reader being idiots in luv…
꩜ content : crazy fans, very mild physical violence (toji pushing ppl lol), toji being a little ooc again. this is really not as wack as the warnings are making it sound.
- a/n : loads of people seem to be enjoying this & i enjoy making them, so here you go! :D
. . . part 1, part 2, part 4
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౨ৎ first clip
(recorded by your fansite) - you & toji are at the airport and it is packed. there are fans swarming you, practically suffocating you & toji, along with paparazzi taking pictures of you, flashing lights in your face. your bodyguards are literally at war trying to guard you and you have to cling onto toji’s arm to even get past the sea of people.
all of a sudden one fan somehow gets way too close, and grabs a hold of your shirt, trying to drag you towards him. you jerk forward and without even hesitating, toji just grabs the face of the crazy fan and pushes him away like it’s nothing, causing a domino effect having other fans falling over as well.
toji puts an arm around you and guides you to check your tickets, ignoring all the chaos he caused behind him.
(this got a lot of mixed reactions, some people siding with toji saying he was just protecting you & others criticising him for his rash actions that could’ve caused people to get injured 💀)
౨ৎ second clip
you & toji were doing a video for WIRED, taking part in their popular series, “Web’s Most Searched Questions” about yourselves.
“okay third question..” you say, and peel off the paper. “are _____ and toji..dating?”
you & toji look at the camera and then at each other, faces hot and you’re both awkwardly smiling before looking at the camera again. you & toji speak. “yeah, i dunno.” “nooo idea.” “literally no clue whatsoever.” “why even ask that like-like we’d know the answer?”
you peel the next question and it’s even worse. “are _____ and toji having- A BABY?!” you shout and cover your face laughing, both in shock and amusement. “what?!”
toji just facepalms, hiding his pink cheeks and sighs tiredly. “christ…”
౨ৎ third clip
you’re at a press conference for the series you and toji are in, all the cast members are gathered on a long table with microphones but it’s a pretty informal gathering and the fans are being very interactive with the cast!
a crew members hands the microphone to a fan who has a question. “hi! hi, i’m sarah and uhm..i have a question for toji. and _____ too! do you think that your characters have a chance of..like..getting together? like romantically-?”
“yeah we’re getting together,” toji responds bluntly, reeling in the loud cheers from the crowd & he decides to add fuel to the fire. “and we’re gonna have a make-out scene too.”
the audiences goes crazy with applause and whistles, while you pinch the bridge of your nose, shaking your head in embarrassment as the cast look to see your reaction.
then the director of the show pitches in, holding her finger up. “just to clarify, we did not discuss this..”
there’s a chorus of laughs and sad ‘awws’ among the pool of fans which only makes you giggle. you didn’t even know what to say to toji’s brashness.
gojo chimes in with his loud mouth while everyone is still buzzing from toji’s unexpected words. “talking about kisses and stuff like. this guy’s just saying what he wants to hear!”
everyone starts creasing up again and you & toji lean your heads to look at each other on opposing ends of the table, and he just smirks at you while you just shake your head and try not to look so obvious..
౨ৎ fourth clip
vogue did a video with you getting ready for a fashion show you were invited to, by the designer herself.
the makeup artists had just finished your shimmery, fairy-like makeup and now the stylists were accessorising you with jewellery and fixing your hair.
“yeah i really like how the hair is done,” you say, referring to the baby pink ribbon tied cutely around your bun. “it’s really cute! and the dress is just so-”
the door to the dressing room opens and toji pokes his head in, the camera zooming in on him. “‘ya done yet?”
“toji?” you ask, exasperated. “toji get out! we’re not finished yet..”
toji looks you up and down in confusion. “ya look done to me. we gotta leave in like-”
“toji i am clearly not finished. we have to go through which jewellery looks the best with the neckline of the dress and..my whole look altogether so it doesn’t drown me out! and then we have to pick the correct shoes and make sure i’m comfortable with them and that they look pretty but also don’t take attention away from the dress. and then for the perfume-”
“yeah, yeah, alright, i get it.” toji totes. “but we have to be there in 30 minutes so-”
“oh toji’.” you sigh, looking in the mirror while the stylist fuss around you. “it’s okay if we’re late. i’m the main event. the designer invented me personally. they won’t even start the show if i’m not there. it’ll be fine, trust me.”
toji looks at you for a moment and then simply shrugs, nodding and accepting your words.
౨ৎ fifth clip
“so yeah, this is the book i’m reading.” you hold up ‘pride & prejudice’ to the camera for your fans to see. you were on a livestream, which you don’t usually do, and many fans were watching. “i just love this book. the characters are-”
loud, thudding footsteps can be heard in the background and you pause. a deep, clearly a man’s voice can be heard and then a shirtless toji walks into frame (as identified by his tattoos bc his face is not on camera). he reaches out of frame.
“sorry, jus’ forgot my shirt.”
he puts his shirt on, not even realising what he just did in front of 50,000 people and walks out of the room
it all happened so fast, you sit with your jaw open like a fish, holding your now forgotten book in your hand while the chat goes wild, spamming questions of “who is that?” “is that toji?” “you and toji are together?” in a frantic, chaotic fashion.
you just look at the camera and reach forward, abruptly ending the live. fans did not stop talking about this moment for months and they most certainly did not believe you when you said toji was just at your house for a little ‘visit’.
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tag list: @tiredslepz | @hayatslife | @shxyxyxxxx | @snowprincesa1 | @laylasbunbunny | @mimiemie
a/n: yk how hard it is to think of ideas for this omg 😭💔
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redisthenewblue · 2 months ago
(This focuses more on Jessica’s personality than her looks!)
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So, he probably heard about you from Cater or Ace. When he first spotted you hanging out in the Monstro Lounge—singing and pouring drinks—poor guy didn’t even know how to handle himself! At first, he had his own thoughts about you, but eventually, he warmed up. I mean, when you hit him with that classic line, "I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way," he totally fumbled his words and turned a shade redder than his hair!
He starts to relax a bit with the rules when you’re around, but if you’re up for the challenge of learning all 810 of them (or at least a third of them, which I bet you are), that’s a wholeee different story! Anytime someone shows a little too much interest in you he’s like, “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!” Like he loves having an attractive , amazing, dare I say HOT partner but damn is there a lot of things that come as a consequence of such blessing.
And don’t even get me started on how he reacts when you entertain Deuce and Ace’s wild ideas. He loves you to bits, but honestly, you’re stressing him out! Someone save him from the shackles of love🥹‼️
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You remind him of the Lionesses back home, embodying their fierce spirit and strength. He never underestimates your capabilities, especially after witnessing someone get their arm caught in a bear trap while attempting to make advances toward you. If anyone crosses the line, he is always prepared to intervene, although he typically ensures that such situations never escalate to that point in the first place.
Your unwavering loyalty is undoubtedly one of his favorite qualities; you are always ready to defend him and are unafraid to remind him to get a grip when necessary. A significant turning point in your relationship came when you allowed him to rest his head on your lap, and this simple act gradually transformed into a cherished routine between the two of you.
Ruggie frequently reaches out to you, expressing his frustrations about Leona and pleading for your assistance in dragging him out of bed and into class.😭 Depending on Leona's mood, he might even pull you down into the bed with him, making it difficult to escape. During nap time, he wraps his tail around your leg like a makeshift sensor, ensuring you remain by his side and do not attempt to leave the bed. Unfortunately, this means you have to say goodbye to your perfect attendance.(RIP)🫡🪦
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You and Azul first crossed paths when Floyd and Jade hired you, unbeknownst to Azul, to perform at the Mostro Lounge. After witnessing your debut performance, Azul was so impressed that he promptly offered you a contract, recognizing the influx of new customers you attracted. However, he often feels a twinge of insecurity around you; after all, you are one of the most stunning individuals he has ever encountered (Don’t tell Vil he said that💀)
Adding to his struggles, Jade and Floyd constantly bully😭 tease him, making it nearly impossible for him to focus on his work whenever you're nearby. There was a particularly memorable moment when you accidentally walked in on him changing, prompting him to hide away in embarrassment. Your warm embrace brought him to tears, showcasing the depth of his feelings for you.
In a narrative reminiscent of a mafia boss and his devoted, sweet wife, Azul deeply appreciates your willingness to get your hands dirty in his defense. While he may occasionally take advantage of your fierce loyalty, the silver lining is that you are never entirely constrained by your contracts!🤫
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He would totally go above and beyond for you. Out of nowhere, gifts would just show up on your doorstep, which was sweet but also a bit much. You had to remind him that he didn’t need to shower you with presents, but he just couldn’t help himself—everything that reminded him of you ended up in his cart. It got so excessive that Jamil had to step in(per usual)
“Jamil! Do you think they’ll love this?!” Kalim would ask, all excited. And Jamil would just roll his eyes, “You know how they feel about you buying them stuff.” EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU JAMIL‼️‼️
You know you’re always going to be his go-to when he throws a party at the dorm. The whole time, he just clings to you like a koala, and honestly, it’s kind of adorable.
But things got a bit intense when you almost lost it on Jamil after he overblotted and tried to go after Kalim. Ever since then, you’ve kept your guard up around him. Kalim assured you that everything was cool and that there were no hard feelings. He was pretty happy when you said you’d try to move past it for his sake. But let’s be real, that grudge? Not going anywhere. 💀
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Absolutely DANGEROUS couple‼️Like the paparazzi just can’t get enough of you two! You’re probably being followed around everywhere with cameras in your face.
Let's be real, you two must be making music together because when you do, those tracks are hitting the TOP 10 on the BILLBOARD charts in no time! Honestly, you guys are just an absolute power couple, and I applaud you for it(I’m jealous)🫡
But seriously, he wouldn’t let you anywhere near Neige. You go to a ball as his plus one and Neige was there? He pulled out every excuse imaginable to get you away from the guy. Like, “I want to introduce you to a co-star of mine,” or dragging you away and saying“Here’s a good friend of mine!” Come on, buddy, you’re not slick😭
He’s just trying to protect himself from losing anything else to Neige. Please, give him a little reassurance (I’m begging you😞).
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So, imagine this: a total gamer who's kind of a loser, but somehow he snagged a super hot girl—like, how did he pull that off? I'm honestly a bit confused about how you guys even met since he rarely leaves his room. But if you two ever did bump into each other, you’d totally be the oddest yet cutest couple around! This relationship is probably the closest to Roger Rabbit and Jessica.
You always listen to him go off about his games, and I mean, these rants can get up to four hours. Trust me, he’s not going anywhere if it’s not with you. His hair definitely turns pink whenever you stand up for him or tell a waiter they messed up his order.
He totally fell harder for you when he saw how you interacted with Ortho. You two hit it off right away and became besties, teaming up to coax Idia out of his shell more. Honestly, it’s just one big happy family! 🥹
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So, he was super interested in you, right? Lilia had to really push him to make a move and talk to you, even though you might’ve had the reputation to be a bit unapproachable. But hey, that’s probably why you two clicked so well once you finally met! You both totally bond over the fact that no one really wants to come up to you, even if the reasons are different. It just works out perfectly!
When you joined his gargoyle club, he had to seriously hold back a giggle like a school girl. And let’s be real, even though you weren’t really into gargoyles (he could definitely tell🥸), you showed up to every single meeting, listening to him go on and on about those stone creatures. It’s like he’s convinced that you’re the one for him. So, when people start calling you Lady Draconia, just know that this was no mistake 😭
But here’s the thing about dragons: they get super protective over their mate. If anyone tries to mess with you, they're immediately struck down by lightning. He gets all confused when you shake your head and frown, telling him you could’ve handled it on your own.
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gladiatorcunt · 10 months ago
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cw: unrealistic public sex on a tennis court 💀 (it’s nighttime and no one else is there), college era, afab reader, gross friends to lovers, strip tennis, soft dom!art x inexperienced!reader, vaginal fingering + titfucking + brief analingus (afab reader receiving), implied (soft) obsession & toxicity like art would marry you tomorrow, teasing (towards reader), nipple sucking (m receiving), art putting in overtime to hit on oblivious!reader, reader is so comically unaware pls just roll with it and suspend your disbelief, mandatory Patrick™️ mention, 3.5k of pure need, art’s so horny in this like 😔 (+subtle implications of him either being a manwhore or a porn addict, as a little treat), lowkey canon typical mind games, unedited
this was requested by a bot looking blog that i had to block but the idea still slapped! combined with an ask for inexperienced reader
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Art Donaldson sees your instagram story that’s only a repost of a Ethel Cain song and tries not to click his heels together. It’s not like he’s happy you’re clearly going through something, but if the story is a result of what he thinks it’s a result of… then he’ll comfort you through it however he can. With his words, his tongue, babying you in the bath and washing your hair, etc. Just getting to be intimate with you at all is an opportunity he’d never turn down.
Suddenly you’re bursting into Art’s dorm like a bat out of hell, tears dotting your waterline and lower lip wobbling. His heart lurches and leaps in equal measures, his backwards cap feels like it constricts around his head as he resists the urge to fidget with it.
“He… he didn’t show up!”
Art shoots up and gets off his bed, rushing to you and rubbing his hands up and down your arms, “What are you talking about?”
He gives you a lingering hug and passes you some of your favorite fast food that he always keeps in the little fridge in his dorm. Somehow knowing that it’d be just what the doctor ordered, you’re so lucky to have such a caring friend. You two haven’t left each other’s side since you bumped him on the first day of class, bringing a clice to life by spilling your coffee all over his polo. Sometimes you still lie awake at night and cringe at yourself, trying to assure yourself that he’s stuck around your awkward ass for a reason.
You’re hiccuping through your story while munching on your chicken sandwich, “Mark acted so exicted yesterday, and now he’s stood me up. I waited in front of the café for an hour, people were staring…”
Art eyes you from his position on the bed, crowding against you due to the size and having half of his torso glued to your back. He doesn’t giggle at the adorable way you get frustrated when the pickle in your sandwich always slides out in between your teeth during a bite, but he thought about it! He reaches up and brushes his fingers against your hair, wanting to just touch it more than move it.
“I don’t know what to tell you, he’s an idiot and you’ll move on. It’s not like he’s the only person in the world.” He grumbles, not quite pouting as he hooks his chin on your shoulder.
“Okay now you’re just grumpy because I beat you at uno.” You tease, gesturing to the scattered pile of brightly colored cards on the bed.
He’s definitely made you feel better though, he always does. You both finish your food and Art stands up from the bed to grab his tennis bag. He pulls you up too and winks, saying that you can’t beat him at everything. You ask what he’s doing and he only grins, telling you to come with him. You nervously glance around as you’re pulled to race through the halls to the court. There’s a simmering feeling weaving in and out of your tightly intertwined fingers.
Art lets go of your hand to drop his bag on the ground, leaving your palm feeling strangely cold without his warmth.
You’re still not sure you should even be out here, you know that you’re definitely not allowed but Art seems to sense your hesitation because he rushes towards you and cups your hands in his.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re not gonna get in trouble or anything, y’know that?” He chuckles, gently knocking the tip of his nose against yours. “Look up for me, the moon’s really pretty tonight.”
You follow his lead and tilt your head back to gaze up at the goregous crescent moon high in the oil colored sky. You don’t notice that he’s looking at you instead, that he doesn’t say that the moon reminds him of you but he feels like the one orbiting around you instead of the other way around. Luckily there’s not a cloud in sight, just a floating city of stars with a glowing center. Art lightly pulls on your wrists, clearly wanting your attention back on him, so you comply.
You’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but you don’t miss the odd glint in his eyes as he narrows them slightly.
His eyelids crinkle as he smiles charmingly, “Don’t you trust me?”
You answer with your heart, “Yes, of course I do.”
He beams at you and explains the rule of the game he dragged you all the way out here to play. It’s just like a regular game of tennis so you really shouldn’t sweat it, he says. His expression shifts when he makes a show out of being unable to look you in the eye when he tells you the special rules, knowing full well you can see him try to tamper down a self satisfied laugh. Whoever scores gets to pick whatever piece of clothing the other takes off, and the loser of the game has to get completely naked if they aren’t already.
Your cheeks warm and you gawk at him, “Isn’t it weird that you’ll see me… like that?”
“So you already know you’re gonna lose, huh? And it’s not like i haven’t seen most of it before.” Art laughs, not bothering to hide the blush on his face. “You’ve seen all of me, anyway.”
It’s true, you usually laze around in nothing but your underwear and that’s been the norm for you two. Art’s no different, he’ll change in front of you and will literally walk around butt naked around your dorm. More often than not, he’ll answer the door in only a towel around his waist and sitting on his hip bones, no matter if it’s one of your other friends or a project partner. You're constantly having to text the other because you forgot that you left your toothbrush behind. You’ve never had a chance to be embarrassed by it. It’s been like that for the longest time and anytime you’ll tell Art that your friends keep asking if he’s your boyfriend, he’ll just reassure you that you guys are just really close. And isn’t that a good thing?
“Besides, I think this’ll help get you out of your shell.”
You’re embarrassed at the reminder of how inexperienced you are. Sure, you shouldn’t have a whole thing about it or whatever, but it just is kind of alienating from other people your age to not be able to say you’ve done what they’ve done. And you would’ve been able to have some stories of your own if you could manage to hold down a date. But tonight isn’t supposed to be about you wallowing, you’re supposed to be having fun. Even if the sight of your best friend in tight fitting sporty clothes makes your pussy throb.
You giggle nervously when he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you, swaying you from side to side before moving his grip up to your arms.
“Relax, i’m just checking your form. Being close to you is just a bonus.” He winks and presses his stomach up against your back.
It’s so cheesy, the situation and the pose. But you lean into his touch and pretend to care about how he’s showing you the right way to hold a racket and all that, he doesn’t even really care if he’s being honest. It’s romantic though, and he can’t resist the opportunity to get a taste of what it’d be like to pin your body down with his weight. He guides you through a few “practice” swings and then throws a two finger salute at you as he jogs around the net to his side of the court.
It’s your serve, and despite you being very much a beginner, you get the first point.
Art stands there expectantly, cocking his head to the side and bouncing on his heels in anticipation. You honestly didn’t consider that you’d actually be telling your best friend to take off his clothes for you, but you’re new thing is taking shit in stride, you guess.
“So, what’s it gonna be?” He shouts and hovers his fingers around the collar of his polo, ready for you to say the word.
You take the coward’s way out, “Your shoes.”
Art frowns but obeys the rules, swiftly unlacing his sneakers and tossing them to the side. The court’s not so rough that it’d be hell on his feet, but he’d do it for you even if it was all a bunch of jagged rocks cobbled together. The game goes on with Art scoring the next point, and then the one after that. He has you discard your necklace, one of those cheesy half heart ones that matches with one he has, and your shoes as well. He doesn’t wanna scare you off, but he knows what he wants to have you take off for him.
You score the next time, down goes his pants. Without them, few things are left to the imagination. Every time he’d walk around you naked you’d always keep your face firmly glued to your phone or something. But being faced with the very… detailed outline of his bulge through his underwear, that’s another thing entirely. It looks so long against his thigh it might as well be a third leg. There’s already a little wet spot where the tip must be.
You must’ve been taking too long to ogle him, because Art yells at you to “Focus on the game, yeah?”
You’re lucky it’s not a cold night when he gets the next point and has you take off your pants, which are really just glorified shorts. You unfasten them and shimmy them down your legs, letting them pool around your ankles and kicking them away from you. You haven’t shaved today, but you know that Art doesn’t care about that sort of thing. He’s made sure to tell you as much many times when you complain about how much your back hurts after you get done with it.
Art takes his sweet time dragging his gaze down your legs, already imagining bringing them around his waist or over his shoulders. Your panties are so cute too, cupping your pussy so closely that he can see the shapes of your puffy lips from all the way on the other side of the court, a “camel toe” or whatever you call it. He thinks it’s so hot, but you’re shy about it, asking him to see how you look in jeans that are a size too small. He always does a thorough inspection.
Whoever scores next wins the game, and you’re too busy trying not to fall on your ass to put any effort into it. It’s not a real game away, and besides, it’s not like anything has to happen when the loser completely undresses. Out of the corner of your eye you see Art’s dick twitch in his briefs and you get so distracted that you freeze and miss the neon yellow-green ball hurtling past you. Art whoops and cheers as you process the fact that you lost.
“You know what that means.” Art grins from ear to ear. “Make a show out of it for me.”
You don’t even mind the staring, it’s such a common thing that you’d be more pissed off if he wasn’t looking at you at all. The way his eyes devour every inch of bare skin and drop of sweat that you earned during the game. You pull your tank top up and over your head, leaving you in just your bra and panties. Your bra isn’t a frilly thing, you wear it mainly for support, but Art can’t seem to tear himself away from the view of your pushed up tits rising and falling as you breathe.
You…. don’t know what to do now, the big appeal of the game is over, you awkwardly laugh it off and bend over to pick up your clothes. Art shakes his head to snap himself out of his horny fever dream and races over to you, latching onto your wrist and stopping you from getting dressed again.
“You’re supposed to take it all off, remember?”
You drop your clothes, noticing that he still doesn’t let you go.
Heats fills your cheeks as he steps closer, delicately sliding his fingertips up the inside of your arm and around your back. He plays with the hook of your bra, gazing down at you with a look full to brim with unknown intent and purpose. He doesn’t do something as bold as unlatching it right out the gate, no, he just stares into your soul.
“I remember.” Your eyes drop down to his lips, and that’s when you know it’s over. “Can’t exactly do it myself if you’ve already got one foot in the door.”
You’ve gotta know when to fold ‘em, and all that.
Art softly smiles and loops his fingers under your bra strap. You have to remind yourself to breathe, but you don’t really get much of a chance to. Before you can stop yourself and think with your head, you’re canting up to press your lips to his. Art immediately kisses you back, chuckling into the kiss when you gasp as he expertly unhooks your bra with one hand.
In the blink of an eye, you’re flat on your back on the court, Art having hastily thrown his shirt under you while you were tangling your tongues together. He presses an array of wet open mouthed kisses down your body, paying extra special attention to the trimmed patch of hair at the top of your mound.
“Smells so good, ‘s cute, too. It figures you’d have the prettiest pussy I've ever seen.” He coos, dragging a lone finger down your slit before gently pushing it inside.
You gasp, wrenching your eyes shut tight at the intrusion. He takes good care of you, slowly sinking his finger in to the knuckle and sliding it in and out of you. He gradually adds more fingers as the minutes pass. Your walls throb around him, and if Art were a weaker man (like the guy you almost went out with) he would’ve said fuck it and plunged his dick into your cunt in one smooth stroke. But you deserve the best first time possible, and all the distractions he’s used have helped him be patient enough to refrain from humping you like a dog.
“You’re okay, you can take it. It’s nothing compared to what this pussy’s going to be taking later anyway, baby.” He hums and nuzzles his nose into where your inner thigh meets your mound.
As he’s languidly thrusting his fingers into your puffy pussy, Art strains his neck to lap at your ass. He holds one of your fat cheeks in his free hand and spreads you open, diving in to suck on the puckered hole between them. He sharpens his tongue and jabs it into your ass, his cock throbs when you let out the sweetest little squeals at the squelching and throaty noises he’s making. He can feel your hole unfurling with every slurp and suck, something that only makes him increase the speed of his long fingers in your pussy, maintaining a breathtaking steady rhythm.
Eventually his poor leaking cock can’t take anymore grinding into the ground, so Art crooks his fingers and (albeit a bit cruelly) jams them into your sweet spot. The velvet grip of your pussy strangles his digits like a dream, you’d take dick so beautifully. Your eyes fly open and your throat spasms around a mangled moan. He pulls his fingers out of your soaking wet pussy, smirking up at you as he sucks them try like a professionally trained whore. Your clit receives a loving kitten lick as an apology for neglecting it, and with that Art hovers over you at an even eye to eye level again.
“Holy shit…” You pant and flick his pebbled nipples, absentmindedly rolling them around with your thumb. “Are we really doing this?”
“Yeah, we are.” Art sighs, his head falls back as you duck down to suck his nipples into your mouth, the saliva you lathered them with dripping down your chin. He grabs the back of your head and pushes your face into his chest, arching his back.
“Relax, I bribed security and told them to fuck off for the night.”
That doesn’t concern you as much as it should, you’re too transfixed on Art wrenching your mouth off of his pecs and moving to straddle your chest.
“Can you push them together for me?” He breathes hard and grinds his weeping cock against your tits, mesmerized by how his precum makes your skin glisten.
“Oh, fuck.” He groans when you do, making quick use out of the delicious new friction the little pocket provides. “Thanks, honey.”
You keep staring at the tip of his dick, loving the little peek you get of it as he fucks your tits and it pokes your chin. You don’t even realize you’re doing it but you let your mouth hang open, angling your head down so his cockhead pecks your tongue at the end of every thrust. You make sure to lick every drop of pre cum away as it oozes out of him, looking so nice against the flushed pink skin of his tip. Art groans when he finally summons the strength to watch you do it, the sight hurtling him over the edge before he has the time or vocal ability to warn you.
His thick load jets out to land all over your tits, half of it on the lower half of your face. You’re almost sad it didn’t get high enough to clump your lashes together, it would’ve made for the perfect contact picture. Oh well, maybe next time. It’s amazing, the switch you’ve made from the shy friend to the writhing slut underneath him. You blame it on the honest to God sweet taste of his milky white cum, surprisingly making you think of the pineapples he always snatches from your plate when you eat at school together.
(Another painstaking effort made just for you, love)
It’s a miracle you get back to his dorm, some of your clothes are swapped and put on incorrectly and you both didn’t clean up at all. As soon as you reach the door, Art practically shoves you inside and onto the bed. He gets so frustrated with having to get your clothes off again that he just rips them right off of you, promising to take you to the mall tomorrow (or whenever he lets you leave the bed) to buy replacements. You literally couldn't care less if he shackles you to the wall, you need him to rearrange your guts so badly, you’d kill for it. Should you be having deep conversations about your feelings and what the future will look like? Absolutely, but your clit is clouding your sense of rationality and you don’t mind that right now.
“Do you even know how much i’ve wanted this? To fuck you so hard that we end up attached at the hip?” He bites, breaking away from your lips to suck bruises down the column of your throat. “We can have a baby- please have my baby, fuck!”
There’s something so weirdly romantic about the leftover scent of the court combined with the twinkling stars outside. Art’s moans and hands scrambling to pin you down so all you have to do is take it, you’re doing things all out of order, but this was always going to happen sooner or later. Art is a clumsy manipulator but he’s so handsome… you find yourself agreeing to every frantic declaration flying out of his mouth as he spears his long cock into your sopping wet pussy. You claw red lines into his shoulders and back, and Art nearly creams on the spot. The sting and the fact that you’re so out of it, you’re marking him up, are crossing the wires in his brain. His taut thighs burn with the effort of fucking you so far into the mattress.
You’ll get to cum four more times than he does, and by the end of it you’ll wish you never came at all. Your soul’s goikg to be so far away from your ruined mess of limbs that you won’t notice the sacred promises being muttered into your sweaty hair or pay attention to your phone being out on Do Not Disturb. You’ll be right where you should be, inevitably molded around the shape of his dick and branded by all the love bites that litter your body. You’ll think you passed out during most of them, but you’ll give him a loopy smile, hook your pinky around his, and let yourself melt away.
It feels as if your walls are still clenching around a dick that’s no longer buried to the hilt in them.
“I love you”’s are for early mornings with coffee and pancakes. Gloating to Patrick will be for hours before then, Art blocking him when you’re deep asleep and unable to mend the growing rift between them.
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