#i did this for way too long and the cup left a suction bruise on my face for days
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careful it leaves a mark
Animation by: Yin Youtube Twitter
Idea by AB
#min draw#min move#minbitt#animation#range ++#attack +1#charisma -2#duck +999#i did this for way too long and the cup left a suction bruise on my face for days#worth it
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Pretty Boy Squared
Summary: When Spencer comes into the Bureau with a number of semi-visible hickeys, the team starts to tease him, not knowing that the one who gave him the hickeys is another member of the team.
Words: 1,168
Warnings: Making out, heavy touching, teasing of the sexual and nonsexual variety.
A/N: This was a request for a Spencer x Male!Reader fic where he left hickies on Spencer and the team teases him, not knowing who he’s seeing. Spencer gets a little cranky at all the teasing and corners his boyfriend in the bathroom to get a little revenge.
Without thinking, Spencer dragged his feet across the floor out of the elevator and traveled to his usual morning spot in the bullpen - the coffee area. He and Y/N had a long night the previous night, but in an effort to keep their relationship from the team, they came in separately.
As Spencer poured the sugar into his coffee, using way more than any one man should, Morgan and Emily stumbled into the BAU, following the smell of badly made government coffee to where Spencer was standing. “Morning, Reid,” Emily mumbled, playfully nudging him in the side with her elbow so she can grab some coffee of her own.
Reaching over Spencer’s hands, still trying to dissolve the crazy amount of sugar into his coffee, she grabbed the milk and then caught side of the inside of his wrist. “Woah, woah, woah,” she said quickly, instantly more awake than just a moment ago. “What is this?”
Spencer quickly tried to cover up the mark, which was thankfully a little less red than when he woke up this morning. “Nothing, it’s nothing.”
Of course, as soon as Emily brought attention to it, Morgan saw it too. “That’s now nothing. Pretty Ricky has a hickey. So who is it?”
“I decline to comment,” Spencer replied, ignoring eye contact and shuffling toward his desk with his coffee in hand.
Shortly after they got settled at their desks, Hotch, Penelope, JJ, Rossi and Y/N arrived at work. Spencer did his best not to following the line of Y/N’s body toward his own desk, not wanting to give anything away to the rest of the team, but that didn’t stop them from seeing the hickey on his wrist and a lighter, older one just under his hairline. “Come on!” Garcia groaned. “Tell us their name at least! You deserve all the happiness and I need to know who’s making you so happy.”
“Awww, that’s sweet,” he replied with a soft laugh. “But nice try. Still not happening.”
JJ started to sing song, spinning around in her chair. “Spencer and someone sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”
“Lots apparently,” Rossi added.
Much to Spencer’s dismay, Y/N had to chime in too. I have to keep our cover, he texted. If I didn’t say something, they’d know immediately. You know they would.
Out of everyone else’s line of sight, Spencer rolled his eyes and Y/N and took the team’s teasing in stride for another few hours before he just couldn’t take it anymore, quickly devising a plan. Meet me in the bathroom when the rest of the team goes out to lunch, Spencer texted.
When he got the message, he shot Spencer a quizzical look. But Spencer wouldn’t elaborate.
Just after 12:30, the Rossi, Hotch, Garcia, JJ, Emily and Morgan decided to go down the block to grab a slice of pizza for lunch, leaving Spencer and Y/N alone at their desks. Spencer stood up and pointed toward the bathroom the instant the elevator doors slid closed. “What’s up?” Y/N asked.
Casually, Spencer walked into the bathroom, ensuring that no one else was there before pushing Y/N into the stall and backing him up against the wall. “I’ve been getting teased all morning. So now I’m going to tease you and leave you all hot and bothered for the rest of the afternoon.”
“You’re mean,” Y/N laughed, arching his neck back as Spencer slid his lips down the column of his neck, settling at the crook of his neck and shoulders just below the collar of his shirt. “But I like mean,” he sighed, gliding his hands up Spencer’s back. He gasped as his cute lanky boyfriend began to suck at the spot on his neck that he loved so much, that they both loved so much.
Spencer pursued his lips and sucked at Y/N’s skin, periodically rolling his tongue over the spot to sooth the blooming ache.
“How long does it take for a hickey to form, Boy Genius?” Y/N whispered into Spencer’s ear.
Spencer stopped himself long enough to speak, but he wasn't about to let Y/N off the hook, sliding his hand down Y/N’s pants over his boxers, palming at his ever-hardening cock. “It differs from person to person,” he said, tonguing at Y/N’s mouth as he pressed him against the cool tile. “But typically between 20 and 30 seconds of continuous suction will do the trick. However, I know you and you don’t bruise as easily. You’re more like a minute. Now, let me do my work.”
“No more interruptions,” Y/N laughed huskily, attempting to keep his wits about him just in case anyone came into the bathroom. “Promise.”
Returning near to where he was before, Spencer slid his hands up Y/N’s arms and held them above his head, sucking and biting at the new spot for another minute or so before it became just too much for either of them. “I’m really going to get you back later,” Spencer laughed.
“Oh, I’m quaking.” Y/N teased. “Now let’s get out of here before we get caught.”
After a way-too-quick lunch hour, everyone was back at their desks and trying to fight through the rest of the day. Near 3:30 or 4:00pm everyone, no matter the unit, would flood the coffee station again, looking for any kind of pick-me-up to get them through the rest of the day, and today was no different.
Wiping the sleep from his eyes, Y/N went to grab a cup of coffee with Hotch following closely behind. “Almost there, Y/N.”
“4:00 is such a bitch.”
Y/N’s frankness always made Hotch chuckle, but his laughter was cut off when he caught a glimpse of the younger man’s neck. “You okay?”
“Oh yea. I’m fine. I’m fine.” He spoke far too quickly. Hotch had to know he was lying, but at least he had the common courtesy to pretend he didn’t see anything.
Morgan on the other hand not so much and somehow he’d popped up out of nowhere. “Did you have that this morning?” He asked.
“That big ass hickey on your neck. What do you mean what? Everyone’s getting hickeys around here.” Grabbing an energy drink from the refrigerator, he took a few steps before turning back toward Y/N. “You have a hickey...Spencer has a hickey...you didn’t have that this morning...”
“Don’t let your mind wander, Morgan.”
“I knew it!”
JJ’s head snapped back toward the two men who were walking back to their desks. “What?”
“Pretty Boy and Pretty Boy are dating! Y/N has a hickey too. He didn’t have it this morning.”
“Maybe I did,” Y/N interjected. “How would you know? You checking me out every morning?”
“Would you hate it if I was?” Morgan replied.
With that, Spencer couldn’t hold it anymore. The secret was already out. “Hey!” He said, pointing at Morgan and showing his wrist. “Yes, he gave me this. I gave him that. Stop hitting on my boyfriend!”
Morgan bowed before sitting at his desk. “I rest my case.”
#spencer reid#spencer reid x male!reader#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fanfic#dontshootmespence#pretty boy squared
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Out of Body: Chapter 2
Sorry for taking so long to get back. A bad year followed straight after by a pandemic hasn’t been great, but i’m slowly getting back to my old self and another recent return inspired me to start trying to write a little bit more. I’ll be honest this part isn’t totally new, I did post it somewhere else around the time of the first chapter, but i noticed I hadn’t updated it on here. I’ll probably do a bit more on this story before going back to Anna Swifts stories. Anyway, it’s been nearly 2 years since chapter 1, so you might to check out the previous parts.
Prologue | Chapter 1 |
Once I was strapped down on the orange back board, my broken leg packed into a splint, Dave moved down to my feet, positioning himself to lift me into the ambulance. The cop was still compressing my chest as Jane squeezed another breath into my lungs. “After this round, we move. Grab the gear.” She said to the cop.
“27…28..29…30” The cop finished with a nod, immediately shifting back and pushing himself to his feet. Jane and Dave had already lifted me into the air. The cop hurried to pick up the monitor, the leads stretching close to their limit before he made up the ground.
I followed, too caught up in the rush to even notice when my legs passed through the wreckage of my bike. The ambulance doors stood open, the bright lights spilling out across the road. Keith was already standing there, even though I hadn’t seen him move.
“I think I’ve blown your mind enough for now. I’ll explain later.” He glanced down just in front of my chest. “Lifeline’s looking fragile. Best to stay close for now.”
He was right. The thread was thinner than before, more wispy. I climbed into the ambulance as the back board was slid onto the gurney. Jane took the monitor from the cop. “Drive.” She commanded as she placed the monitor in its dock. The cop hesitated for a moment, before Jane’s glare seemed to pierce right through him. He spun and headed for the cab, grabbing his radio, telling his partner what he was doing.
For a second, I was concerned about his partner, but realised that Patterson was not that stupid. His plan was in place. I would die, he would spin the story into a tragic accident and spread some tale of how he tried to save me and the people of the city would eat it up. Dave pulled the doors closed and took up position on my left, commencing compressions without Jane saying anything. She was hooking up a saline bag to the central IV, along with pushing in some syringes, and giving me regular breaths with the ambu bag. I sat down on the bench across from my feet, watching my sister as she danced her steth across my bruised chest.
In the bright light of the ambulance I could clearly see the deep purple, almost black, bruising fade through to the pallid grey tone of my flesh. After a cycle of compressions Dave grabbed a pair of shears and snipped off my bra. A smaller bruise was starting to form in the valley between my breasts. As soon as the cups were spread to either side, Dave’s blue gloved hands returned to their position and started thrusting down into me. I could see the wave of each compression translate through my abdomen and down my legs, my feet rocking gently despite the straps of the board and the leg splint.
Jane gave me another breath then grabbed her radio. “304 to control. We are en-route to City Hospital with an RTC, severe left chest trauma with collapsed lung, multiple limb fractures and currently in full cardiac and respiratory arrest. Resuscitation underway.” She didn’t wait for a reply as she gave me another breath the said to Dave. “One more round then I’ll intubate.”
There was a sudden rumbling as the cop brought the ambulances engine to life, followed by the sound of the sirens as the vehicle began to accelerate away from the scene. I glanced back to see Keith’s upper body sticking through the back door.
“Could you please not do that?” I asked. In response he shrugged and seemed to drift into the back of the ambulance.
“Sorry, you get used to it after a while.” He sat down beside me, careful to keep himself from interposing with Dave’s legs.
I shook my head, focusing my attention back on the efforts to save my life. Dave counted out each compression, then once he reached 30 he straightened up. Jane had already prepared the intubation kit. The neck brace already held my head in the proper position as she slid the blade of the scope into my mouth. She followed it up with a size 7 ET tube, pushing it down until only a few inches stuck out between my greying lips, and inflated the cuff. Tossing the mask from the ambu bag to one side, she attached the bag to the tube and gave me a few breaths as Dave listened to my lungs.
“You’re in, but I’m barely hearing anything on the left. Suction her out again.” He told her before looping the steth over his neck and restarting compressions. Jane simply nodded and disconnected the ambu bag, laying it next to my head. The suction tube was threaded down the tracheal tube and began to draw out more blood from my lungs. While the suction tube cleared my lungs, Jane taped the breathing tube securely, two thick strips going from each side of my chin, around the tube, and up onto my cheeks towards my studded ears.
The suction tube ran dry, so Jane pulled it out and resumed bagging while she studied the monitor. I leaned over to see what she was looking at. The line on the monitor was perfectly flat.
“Epi going in.” Jane said, hoping the drug would stimulate my heart into at least a shockable rhythm. She also attached an oximeter to the ring finger of my right hand. It was brief, but I noticed her squeeze my hand. Dave completed his most recent round of compressions, panting slightly, and turned to look at the monitor. The alarm changed from the persistent whine to something more two tone. “V-fib. That’s it sis, now come on back.”
“Sis?!” Dave exclaimed. “I figured you her but…”Jane didn’t answer, she just forced him out of the way, bringing the paddles down onto the orange squares. After a quick glance to make sure Dave was clear she pressed the buttons. The shock slammed through my chest, the straps of the backboard holding me down as muscles around my chest suddenly contracted. The only thing that didn’t react was my heart. “No change.” Dave said quietly.
Jane didn’t even look at him as her thumbs manipulate the other buttons on the paddles. “360. Stay back.” The defib signalled its readiness a moment before another shock jolted my body. The monitor began to whistle before I was even still. Jane cast the paddles aside, her professional façade starting to crumble as she began rapid, almost frantic compressions.
The way her body rocked over my chest I could finally see her aura clearly. The fear had grown, almost over-riding everything else. The anger was there, but different, not directed at me, but inward. The gold of determination was little more than a thread, and it was fading, as was my lifeline.
I looked at Keith. “Can’t you do something?”
He frowned, biting his lip. “I…”
“You can clearly do something. Please. Please do it.” I begged.
“It’s not so simple. It takes a lot of energy. I’ll need to return to my source. I won’t be able to guide you.”
“That won’t matter if I’m dead!” I had gotten to my feet, clipping through the gurney where my body rocked. Dave was bagging me with one hand, while his other held a penlight, running it over my eyes.
“Pupils are sluggish.” He said with a sigh.
Keith mirrored the paramedics sigh. “Ok. It’s not a guarantee, I can’t take control or give her any ideas. All I can do is reinforce an emotion. Then it’s up to her. Just stay close to yourself. I’ll find you when I can.”
I nodded and watched as he stepped up right behind her. He reached out, his hands on either side of her head. I tried to figure out what he was doing, but all I could see was the thin gold thread strengthening. It grew rapidly, crowding out the other emotions. As it grew, Jane’s compressions became steadier, her face more focused. Then, with a flash, Keith disappeared.
Jane, almost glowing with determination, finished her round of compressions and grabbed the orange gel pad from my left side. She ordered Dave to take over compressions as she started to root around in one of the cupboards.
“What are you doing?” He asked, as she placed a sterile cloth on the bench beside the ethereal me. She didn’t reply as she placed a scalpel, some gauze, a bottle of iodine and an uncuffed size 7 ET tube with a stylet on the cloth. “You aren’t planning on…”
She cut him off. “She needs a chest tube, or she dies.” Jane dabbed the gauze with iodine and began to spread it over the side of my chest.
“You’re not qualified Jane! We don’t even have the proper equipment!” He reached over for the ambu bag and squeezed it twice, before Jane shunted him to the side. “If you screw this up you’ll kill her!”
Jane turned on him, a blaze of anger, scalpel in hand. “She’s been down for 20 minutes Dave. We’re 10 away from the ER. She’s already dead, unless I do this. I won’t lose her too.” With that last whispered statement, she leaned down over my lifeless body and started using her fingers to count down my ribs. I didn’t realise I’d moved until I watched my ghostly hand pass through her shoulder.
“That wasn’t your fault.” I whispered, even though she couldn’t hear me. “You were 15.”
“4th intercostal space.” Jane muttered as she lowered the scalpel toward my flesh, her hand steady. With one smooth motion she sliced through the skin, a trickle of blood running down my side. She quickly sterilised her finger with the iodine and pushed through the hole, nodding to herself. She grabbed the tube and eased it in alongside her finger, keeping a close eye on the depth indicators along its length.
There was a sudden rush of blood into the tube, held in by the cap of the insertion stylet. “It’s in!” Jane shouted with a grin. She grabbed a carboard spit tray and held it underneath the end of the tube before pulling out the stylet. The blood flowed out of the tube for about 10 seconds, gradually slowing to a trickle. “Give her a breath.”
Dave squeezed the ambu bag my chest rising in response. When it did, it rose evenly. Jane let out a long breath. “That’s it Laura. Start compressions Dave.” He complied, beginning to press down on my battered chest once more. After a dozen compressions Jane clamped the chest tube to prevent it from drawing air back into my chest and began to prepare some more syringes of drugs. She scooted around Dave and pushed the drugs into my system.
Jane gently squeezed the ambu bag every few seconds, keeping one eye on my chest to make sure my lung inflated properly. Between each breath she looked at the monitor, whispering something to herself. After 2 rounds of 30 compressions she held up a hand. I leaned forward to get a look at the monitor. The previously flat trace bounced erratically, and an alarm blared in the confines of the ambulance.
“She’s back in Vfib!” She grabbed the paddles and twisted the dial to 360 as Dave replaced the second gel pad, placing it just beside the improvised chest tube. “I’m all charged, stand clear. Shocking!”
The shock hit my body, my chest convulsing. I fell still, and for a moment silence reigned. No monotone scream, no blaring alarm. Then there was a bleep. Followed by another. And another.
“Sinus! She’s back with us!” Jane exclaimed, her aura washing through with something that must have been happiness. Or relief. Then I felt a hard tugging on my entire ethereal body. I glanced at the lifeline, broad and practically buzzing with strength. Then it tugged on me again much harder, pulling me towards the broken but alive body on the gurney. I got one last look at Jane, a tear rolling off her cheek as she whispered into my ear, before everything went black.
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hey sweetie I noticed I haven’t requested chuuya🥺please maybe some fluff nsfw imagine with daddy chuuya calming down his s/o bc she is scared of storm 🥺
!! NSFW !!
A/N: One serving of Mr. Fancy Hat coming right up! Here you go! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ I had fun writing this as gender neutral as I can and honestly, I think this is really cute uwu~ Also kinda inspired from the scene in the Onsen Drama CD where Chuuya counted to ten with Akutagawa while he dipped in the water. I hope this is to your liking! 💕

Chuuya had tried everything.
He already made you hot coco, a blanket fort, read you a story, counted unicorns with you, promised you a hundred times that the lightning won’t struck you because his “magic” will stop it, and he even sang you that song with silly dance steps, but nothing seems to work. The storm just keep on getting stronger by the minute and your fear growing along with it. Everything that helped you calm down before isn’t working anymore.
Another loud cracking of the thunder made you yelped and jumped from where you are laying inside the blanket fortress he made for you.
“Come here, baby,” Chuuya said, extending his arm and wrapping them around you. “There. You’re safe,” He pulled up a thick blanket to your shoulder and stroked your hair while he thinks.
He’s got to come up with something else to help you. It’s got to be something that will calm you from the sound of the harsh rain and the thunders, something that can put you to sleep in an instant so you can rest your weary little head.
Thinking about it, he only have one option left that he knows could work.
“Hey, baby,” his voice low and soothing. You looked up at him. “Why don’t we count down again, hmm? Once you reach ten, you won’t hear the scary sounds anymore.”
“But we already tried-”
“I know, baby, but this one is going to be different. I promise.”
You wrinkle your forehead and casted him a doubtful look. Chuuya gave you a confident smile and wiggled his eyebrows, making you giggle. You closed your eyes and started counting, trying to focus despite of the rain starting to roar again.
“One~” Your singsong voice blending in with Chuuya. “Two~ Three~”
“Four~” Chuuya’s voice disappeared and you frowned.
“Five…” when you didn’t hear his voice again, you slowly peeped your eyes open only to see his face closing in on yours.
Chuuya’s hands ran down your sides and rested on your waist as his lips weaved into yours. He pulled you closer, his body heat warming you up even more. He slowly grind against you and you reciprocated his action, moaning softly on his lips.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your chest against his to further deepen the kiss. The grumbling of the thunder drowned out of your consciousness as Chuuya swirl his tongue on yours.
Chuuya’s hand traveled underneath your clothes and you shiver as his cold fingers trailed on your skin, leaving goosebumps on its wake.
Wind gusted outside the bedroom window as you tangled your fingers in his hair. You lightly bit on his lower lip emitting a moan of approval from Chuuya.
The kiss lingered on a swelling suction before the both of you pulled yourselves off from each other. You opened your eyes and gazed at the calm blue of Chuuya’s.
“See? No more scary sounds. You didn’t even flinched from the thunder just now,” Chuuya said, smiling at you and stroking your head.
He’s right. You can still feel the air around you still charged from the shockwaves.
“Wow! Daddy’s magic really does work,” you sweetly praised him. The rain continues to pitter-patter on the roof but your bright smile warmed Chuuya’s heart like a sunshine.
“Yeah,” Chuuya said in an unimpressed tone. “But I wasn’t able to make the storm disappear just yet. So why don’t you sleep now and I’ll make sure it’s gone before you wake up.”
“But…” Your lower lip protruded.
“But what, baby?”
“But I’m too excited to sleep now,” you mumbled, your eyes refusing to meet his as you play with his shirt. “Besides, if the thunder comes back, I’ll just get scared again. So, maybe we’ll just have to kiss until I fall asleep.” Your voice trailed off as you get more embarrassed while voicing out your request.
Chuuya laughed and you buried your face on his chest to hide your blushing face. He squeezed you tightly for a moment and expressed how adorable you are. He cupped your face and kissed your forehead. “I have something better in mind, though. Turn around for me, baby.”
You did as what you are told and leaned your back against his chest. He scoot closer to you and adjusted himself so that one of his arms is underneath your armpit and the other slithered around your waist. You laughed as he placed tickling kisses on your neck while pressing you closer to his body. But it wasn’t long until your giggles turned into soft moans as Chuuya slid his hand in between your legs and started rubbing you. You threw your head back as he touch you over your shorts, giving him more access to your neck and his kisses turning into a more lustful ones. Your hand reflexively held on his forearm as his hands moved faster.
“Daddy… That’s good…” Your low whisper almost inaudible over the sound of raindrops rapping outside.
“This will relax you really good, baby. I know how fast you fall asleep after you come,” Chuuya answered, his hot breath fanning on the nape of your neck and he licked the shell of your ear before resuming his business on your neck. “Let daddy make you come, okay?”
You bit your lower lip and nodded. Chuuya grabbed your shorts, pulling it down just enough to slide his hand inside your underwear. His dainty fingers already working on your downfall. A thunder cracked somewhere but you pay it no mind as a storm of some sort also started to brew within you.
As Chuuya continues to play with your genital like an instrument, his other hand made its way to your chest. Brushing your nipples with his thumb and rolling it with his index finger ever so often. The sound of the storm outside is now being replaced with your sweet mewls and Chuuya’s inviting moans. The movements of his fingers underneath you, the small but incredible waves of pleasure from your buds and his relentless attacks on your neck clouded your mind, just like how the gray clouds occupied the sky earlier before it began pouring. In your case too, the bliss being carried by the clouds in your head began to feel heavy as it threaten to pour down.
Your closed eyes squeezed as Chuuya lightly pinched on your most sensitive nipple and a cry of satisfaction escaped your mouth. You feel your fluids flow out of you as his fingers continue to work diligently for your pleasure. It’s starting to get too much as Chuuya’s hand beneath you picked up its pace and deepen the pressure on your aroused muscles.
“Da–ddy! Ah~!” Your nails digged on his skin as your grip on his forearm tightened.
“Are you close, baby? That’s it, just feel good,” he said softly, his words vibrating on your neck.
You felt Chuuya’s toned arms tensed and relax respectively as he switched his speed on your sex from fast, slow and torturously slow. Your pleasure spiking higher every time he’ll go fast after the snail-like pace. You squirm beside him as you feel your body getting charged with electricity like a lightning ready to strike any time. Your lips quiver as you struggle to speak, wanting to let Chuuya know that your head is spinning around in absolute pleasure and the storm inside you is about to unleash.
“It’s okay, baby. You can come,” Chuuya said, perfectly knowing what your unintelligible whimpers mean. “You’d like that, don’t you? Go ahead and come.”
Chuuya craned his head as he watched your face contort in lustful expressions he had always loved. He smirked as he admire your disheveled form, squirming and whining helplessly against him. He held you tightly in place as his hand below you went even faster and slower alternately.
“Da– ah!” You cried out as another shock of pleasure jolted on your body, pushing you further to the end.
Your ecstatic whimpers and moans resounding all throughout the makeshift walls of your blanket fort. The pleasure building up with every stroke of Chuuya’s fingers until your body can’t deny itself anymore.
“Chuuya,” you absentmindedly mumbled. Your fingers gripping on his arm pressed further in a bruising pressure as you say his name like a prayer. “Chuuya. Chuu– ya– ah! Ah! Chuuya!”
And as if a lightning flashed behind your eyelids, your whole vision turned white as your orgasm struck you down. Your back arched and your senses numbed, completely taken over by the breathtaking explosion of your satisfaction. Your body spasmed from the shock of the strike, your shivering cries resembling the cracks of thunder as you steadily come down from your climax. Your vision cleared and so is your senses, Chuuya’s hand still slowly caressing you as he listens to your quiet pants like a distant roll of thunder moving away to another site.
“That’s it,” he chuckled lightly. “Good girl. That’s a good girl.” Chuuya peppered your face with kisses as he waits for your body to settle down. Your fingers loosened on his arm, leaving red marks on its place on his skin. Chuuya nuzzled his face on your neck as he whisper words of appraisal for your excellent job in orgasming. He pulled out his hand out of your underwear, his fingers still wet from your discharge. You closed your heavy eyes as Chuuya fix your shorts back to its position on your hips and adjusted himself once again to wrap you in a cuddle.
“Daddy, I’m…” you mumbled, almost half-asleep. “So. Tired.”
Chuuya stroked your hair and kissed your head. “Alright, baby. Go to sleep. I’m here to take care of you.”
“Thanks,” you exhaled as your whole body relaxed on his embrace, the rain almost muted as it falls as gently as it can, as if respecting your need for rest.
Your consciousness continued to dip into slumber and as you drift off, you can hear the faint humming of Chuuya along with the gentle stroke of his hand on your hair. You smiled on your sleep as the skies began to calm and the moon shined again.
#nakahara chuuya x reader#chuuya nakahara x reader#nakahara chuuya#chuuya nakahara#bsd chuuya#bungou stray dogs chuuya#bungou stray dogs scenarios#bungou stray dogs imagine#bungou stray dogs imagines#bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs#bungou stray dogs x reader#bungo stray dogs x reader#bsd scenarios#bsd headcanons#bsd hcs#bsd imagines#bsd imagine#chuuyamw
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Boston Boy - Safari
A little smut, a little fluff.... Might lead to something else along the way.
Kate looked up as her husband walked in the door. She was on the floor in the baby’s room playing with Madison and Dodger. Gally was sleeping in the living room on the back of the couch. Kate’s stomach did a little flip at the sight of him. Chris was looking incredibly sexy these days. He had grown his hair out and let his beard get kind of shaggy for a new role he was filming soon and was also buffing up again to play Steve Rogers. Kate found herself extremely attracted to the new look he was rocking.
“My girls!” Chris hopped down onto his belly on the floor, kissing Kate quickly before scooping Madison up as he rolled onto his back. Madison squealed in delight, clapping her hands as he lifted her above him.
“You’re home early.” Kate said, laughing at Madison.
“Meeting ended early. Thank god!” Chris brought his daughter’s belly to his face and blew a couple of raspberries, making her squeal again. “I have a surprise for you..”
“Me? Really?”
“I know you’re not exactly huge on surprises….”
“I changed my mind a little bit on that.” Kate’s eyes drifted to Madison and Chris laughed.
“I guess so.”
Kate stood up. “Ok, Jelly Bean, it’s time for your nap.”
“No.” Madison said.
“Your favorite word is going to get you in trouble one day very soon.”
Chris laughed. “Come on, kiddo.” He got to his feet easily with their daughter and deposited her in the crib. Madison started to tear up, but Chris shook his head. “Nope. No water works. It’s naptime.” He leaned down. “Mommy and I will be here when you wake up.” He kissed her and she threw herself back angrily. Chris chuckled at his pouting daughter as Kate ran her finger down Madison’s nose lovingly.
“Night-night, Maddie.” Kate flipped on the baby monitor and turned on the little speaker that played soft lullabies and she and Chris walked out with Dodger, closing the door until it was only open just a crack.
Dodger took off downstairs and Kate and Chris headed into their bedroom. Kate shut the door, setting the monitor on her nightstand. He grinned when she suddenly pulled him to her by the back of his neck, running her hands through his hair and giving it a little tug. “Can you please keep this look forever?”
“It’s really doing it for you, huh?” Chris asked, lips pressed against her neck.
“Fuck yes, it is.” She took his hand and helped lead it up her shorts between her thighs. Chris groaned at how wet she was and bit down on her neck. “Every time I see you, this happens.”
“Fuck, baby….” He bounced on the bed when she pushed him back. Kate leaned over and began unbuckling Chris’ jeans. He let out a groan as she pulled his jeans off and freed his erection, wrapping her hand and lips around him. His hips jerked when she added some suction and his fingers dug into the comforter. “Shit….” Chris watched her bob up and down on him as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. Just when he thought he was going to burst, she removed her lips from him with a quiet pop.
Without missing a beat, Kate stood up and removed her clothes as quickly as possible. Chris yanked his shirt off and reached back to grab a condom from his nightstand. He had barely rolled the thing on before Kate speared herself on him. They both moaned at the feeling and he sat up, pulling her against him. Her fingers raked through his hair again as his hands gripped her hips. Soft curses fell from their lips as she ground down on him over and over.
Chris knew his wife’s body fairly well by now. He knew she wasn’t going to get off with this position. His arms wrapped around her waist and he stood up. She let out a little squeal of surprise and held onto him as he knelt on the bed. When he released her, they were in the center of the bed near the headboard. Chris turned her around so she was facing the wall and took her hands in his, guiding them to the top of the headboard.
Kate gripped the wood tightly as he slid into her from behind. His teeth sank into her shoulder and his hands held her hips tightly. He set a bruising pace, needing her to find her end with him. She growled his name among the string of f-bombs and he moved one of his hands around to cup her sex. Two fingers slipped past her folds and began to rub the bundle of nerves there in a punishing rhythm. Kate cried out pitching backward and shoving herself even further on him. He sucked in a breath as he felt the tip of his dick hit her cervix.
“Right there. Please.” Kate begged.
Chris kept up his pace until her walls suddenly clenched around him. She shook through her orgasm, gripping the headboard so tightly it began to creak in protest. A moment later, he lost his rhythm and shoved deep inside of her, filling the condom as she milked him through her long climax. They stayed still for a moment. The only movement was Chris’ left hand massaging her hip where he had held it tightly.
Finally, he pulled out of her and discarded the condom in the small trash can under his nightstand. Kate stretched out on top of the comforter, looking like a sated sex goddess. Her hair was splayed around her and her skin had the post-sex glow. Chris stretched out beside her, running his fingers over her ribs and breasts. She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair again. “God, I love this look on you.”
“Clearly.” Chris chuckled.
“I also prefer you with the chest hair. Have I ever told you that?”
“I don’t think you have.”
“Steve Rogers is gorgeous and all, but he lacks your chest hair.” She ran her nails down his chest. “I appreciate Ari Levinson so much right now.”
“The man playing him appreciates the view he’s getting right now.”
“You’re welcome.” Chris laughed. “So, you mentioned something about a surprise earlier?”
“I did.”
“Will you be telling me the surprise?”
“I will.” He kissed her. “You have to come downstairs, though.” Kate put on an oversized t-shirt and grabbed the baby monitor as Chris put on some sweatpants. She followed him downstairs where a group of wrapped boxes were sitting on the coffee table in the living room.
“What’s the occasion?”
“Do I need one to give my wife a gift?”
“I guess not, but that’s not a gift.”
“It all goes together, so technically it’s one gift.”
“Ok.” She sat down on the floor and began ripping into the paper on the first box closest to her. It held an extremely expensive Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS USM long lens. “Holy shit! What’s this for?”
“Keep opening the boxes.”
Kate eagerly opened the next box and found a sturdy backpack for her cameras, lenses, and accessories. The next box held a new Canon EOS 7D DSLR camera body. “Are you trying to turn me into a paparazzi?”
Chris laughed. “Fuck no. Keep opening.”
She smiled and opened the next box. It contained a stuffed elephant, a stuffed lion that roared when you squeezed it, and a large manilla envelope. Carefully opening the envelope, she pulled out a large brochure with an itinerary and plane tickets. The brochure and itinerary were for a twelve-day safari in South Africa and Namibia. There were pictures of a luxurious tent that could be considered “glamping” instead of camping, various African wildlife, fancy picnics, massage tables on the African savannah, and a luxury resort.
“I have a two-week break between pre-production and the start of filming. My mom has offered to babysit Maddie for the twelve days and then fly her out to the set to be with us.” Chris walked over and sat down on the couch in front of her. “Let’s mark something off both of our bucket lists together.”
“You want to go on a safari, too?” “Since I was a kid.”
“I can’t believe you!”
“Are you mad?”
Kate suddenly launched herself up off the floor and into his arms. “You’re amazing!” She kissed him all over his face and lips as he laughed and held her tightly.
“I thought you could use a new camera for the experience and the man at the store said that lens would be the best for a safari. You can get amazing pictures without putting yourself in harm’s way.”
“You are literally the best husband in the entire world.”
“I did good?”
“You did great! This is probably the best present I’ve ever gotten.”
Kate laid on her stomach, head resting lightly on her arms. Chris was beside her on his side with his head propped up on his arm drawing light circles all over her bare back. They were on the final night of their safari and had spent the day luxuriating in the spa of their resort. They had seen so many amazing animals on their trip, Kate had taken over 2,000 pictures with her new camera and lenses, and they had even gotten to love on a baby elephant. This was the perfect honeymoon they hadn’t taken after they had gotten married.
“I have a surprise for you.” Kate said, turning her eyes up to her very sexy husband.
“Yeah?” Chris leaned over to kiss her bare shoulder.
“Unfortunately, I have to get out of bed to get it.”
“That is very unfortunate.” His large hand roamed down her back and over the globes of her backside to slide one of his fingers between her legs.
“Mmm, but I really want to give you this present.”
“Give it to me after round two?”
“You’re ready for it now?”
“What can I say? Being around all of these wild animals has brought the animal out in me.” He growled against her shoulder, biting down lightly as his finger began a slow in and out movement on her tender flesh.
Kate hummed happily, wriggling against Chris as he allowed more of his weight on top of her. “But it’s a really good gift.”
“Better than this?”
“Not better. Different.”
He nipped at her shoulder again. “How far do you have to go?”
“The bathroom.”
Chris glanced at the door across the room and sighed. “That’s so far.”
“I’ll make it quick.” Kate wriggled out from under him and rushed to the bathroom. He heard her digging in her bags for a minute and then she reappeared with one hand behind her back. She slipped easily back into bed, taking up the same position she had left. In her hand was a little black box that looked like a ring box and a navy blue folder with no markings on the outside.
“What are you plotting?”
Kate giggled. “Something major, of course.”
“Of course.” Chris sat up, crossing his legs in front of him. She presented the folder to him first and he took it, dramatically taking a breath before opening it. Inside was a realtor’s packet for a six bedroom house in Concord, Massachusetts. There were also packets from an interior decorator and a contractor. “What….”
“Well, we’ve got to pick out color schemes and I really want an open floor plan for the kitchen, dining room, and living room. The kitchen needs a massive overhaul to get it up to what I want. I’m going to absorb one of the smaller bedrooms into the master bedroom as a walk-in closet and update the master bathroom.”
“Hold on…. You bought a house?”
Kate grinned. “I had your mom and Carly go on house tours and this one just spoke to all three of us. The outside is perfect. There’s a big yard in the back and it’s in a very quiet, nicely spaced out neighborhood….”
“You’ve seen it?”
“Yes. I drove up two weekends ago when you were in LA.” She sat up, wrapping the sheet around her torso. “Are you mad?”
“No! I’m impressed!”
“It won’t be ready for another two and a half months, but you’ll be done filming by then and we can move in when you get back.”
“This is amazing, Kat.”
“I really hope that you’ll like it. Your mom was so helpful with this.”
“I already love it!” He leaned over and kissed her. “So, I’m assuming the keys are in that little box.”
“Actually, no. You’re mom has the keys.” Kate held the box out to Chris. “This is actually bigger than the house.”
“Are we getting shrunk down to fit in our house?” He teased.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Just open it, dork.”
Chris took the box and opened it. Inside was a tiny T-bone shaped device. It took him a second to realize what he was looking at. “Is this….”
“My IUD. Yeah.”
“Should I be grossed out?”
Kate sighed. “No! This is supposed to be a romantic gesture. It’s supposed to be me telling you that I’m ready to start trying when you are. I’ve got birth control pills as a backup in case you’re not ready yet, but….”
“Throw them in the trash.”
“Oh god, baby,” He set the box down and gently held her face in his hands. “The thought of expanding our family is just…. It’s the most wonderful thing I can think of.”
Kate smiled happily. “I was so worried that you would be angry.”
“Well, I mean…. I didn’t consult you before I bought the house and took my IUD out.”
Chris laughed. “Kat, I would never in a million years be mad at you for this. Please don’t ever feel like you need to consult me on every little thing.”
“I mean, this wasn’t exactly a little thing. I should’ve at least consulted you on spending that much money.”
“Maybe, but we had already talked about doing this. And I’m happy that you took the initiative. Sometimes I’m not the best at making big decisions.”
“Case meet point,” Kate let the sheet slip away as she straddled Chris’ lap. “You buying our penthouse without telling me.” He chuckled as his lips found her collarbone.. “Yeah. Like that.”
“You still up for round two?”
“Are you kidding me?” Chris glanced at his lap where his manhood was standing at attention.
“Good. Me too.”
“Quick question. Why did you wait until the end of the trip to tell me?”
“I didn’t want to spend our vacation planning the future. I wanted to be present with you every moment.”
“Just when I think I can’t love you anymore than I already do, you go and prove me wrong.”
Kate grinned at her husband. “Shut up and kiss me.”
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She’s My Whip
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2250
Warnings: oral (m & f giving/receiving) sex, squirting, cursing, pornish language and other adulting things that make it 18+only
A/N: A-Z Kink Challenge: Younger/Older Written for @covered-byroses #cbrkinkchallange Thank you Ms.Kelly for letting me participate in my first writing challenge
A/N: this is my first work (outside a drabble) I’ve ever let anyone read. I quit writing over a decade ago so I’m rusty as hell but working on getting my mojo back. Creative criticism welcome
A/N II: 3/21/21 I did some rewriting on this piece I love so much, fixing the things that’s nagged at me since original release.
* no beta , all mistakes are mine
*GIF not mine
“...So that’s when I knew I had closed the deal.” The guy next to me at the bar Greg, or Gary, who'd been droning on about this deal for the last twenty minutes looked at me waiting for a response.
“That’s fantastic, congratulations on closing the deal.” You responded enthusiastically, faking it like an orgasm during bad sex.
Sipping on the glass of wine he ordered, trying not to grimace at the taste and wondering for the umpteenth time what is it with men your age? Why did they feel entitled to decide what to order you without asking?
Now in your early forties you prefer men like your alcohol, on the younger side with an adventurous edge.
Tuning out ummm, David as he continues to prattle on about his whatever. He seems like a nice guy, kinda reminds you of that character from Pleseantville, the husband who kept saying where’s my dinner.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt your evening, but I need to speak to Ms. Y/L/N.” You both turn to see who is addressing you.
Fuck me, he’s here.
He and his partner, Agent Dean Smith, showed up your workplace this morning about the weird event in HR department. They had every red blooded woman, and a few of the guys, drooling in their lattes.
After your interview with Agent Smith, who’d been flirting with everyone female with a pulse during their interviews, he asked you for drinks and whatever.
It had been extremely tempting, he was ridiculously good looking with those succulent full lips, green eyes, bowed just enough for you to fit perfectly between legs and cinnamon freckles that made you wonder if he’s covered everywhere in them.
You hated to admit it’s been to damn long since any man has giving you such a through fucking, you know, the type that makes your legs shake uncontrollably when you cum and walk funny for days.
You had reluctantly..very reluctantly.. turned him down. The reason being the man standing behind you.
“And who might you be?” Ralph maybe, asks rudely.
Agent Samuel Wesson flashes his FBI credentials at possibly John before turning to addresses you. He’s delicious, literally walking sex with those long, long legs.
“Ms. Y/L/N, could we go somewhere more private? I have some questions that need clarification.” Unable to answer because your brain has migrated to your pussy that’s dripping wet from the sound of his deep, whiskey-honey voice alone.
Crossing your legs you clenched your thighs together trying to cover your down south problem but he tracks your movement with those indelible, fox slanted eyes and smirks.
“Look, I don't care if your President...” Steve, IDK, says standing up to get in his face but falls short, literally, by several inches.
Biting on the inside of your cheek to stop bursting out in laughter you take a sip of the horrid wine to compose yourself because there is absolutely no way in hell your going to pass up on the opportunity to make time with this gorgeous mountain of a man who’s literally made you cum without even touching you.
Standing up you insert yourself between them and play with Donny’s tie. “I’m so sorry, we were having such a good time, and I was thinking of asking you back to mine, but I’d feel awful if I know something and didn't help, please don't be mad at me.” You pout a bit, pretending to actually sound sorry, all the while internally cringing at the fucking drivel spewing out of your mouth to mollify whatchamacallit.
If anyone had asked you how you thought this night would have ended, never in a million would you have said that you’d be reclining on the hood of a ‘67 Impala in an empty field splitting a bottle of Knob Creek Whiskey with Samual Wesson, IE Sam Winchester, discussing everything from politics to debating if GOT’s ending was screwed up while stargazing.
Sam takes a long pull off the bottle before handing it back, “Why did you turn Dean down?” He inquires.
“I’ve been around long enough to know a player when I see one,” you take a long pull from the bottle, “and I’ve reached an age where I don’t and won’t be played.” You answer honestly handing the bottle to Sam.
He’s taking a drink when you cheekily add, “Besides, he’s too old for me.”
Coughing from the whiskey going down the wrong way Sam finally croaks out, “To old? He’s three years younger than you.” You raise an eyebrow at that.
“You know how old I am?”
Sam starts peeling off the bottles label, “Yeah, I do. I checked out everyone who had any connection to the victim. I didn’t think you’d be interested, Dean’s well...Dean. Women are always attracted to him but then he said you turned him down and....”
“...you followed me to that bar hoping to get lucky?” It’s hard to see under the moonlight but you know he’s blushing, “I’ll admit it was sorely tempting but I turned Dean down because you're more my type.” Sam looked up in surprise.
You shift towards him reaching for the bottle, “Look, I like younger men, it's my thing and I find I have more in common with them. Nobody thinks twice about some old fart fucking a twenty something, but if an older woman is sexually adventurous, oh my god everyone goes spar! Lots of younger men today prefer being with someone who’s life doesn’t revolve around kids, can hold an intellectual conversation and isn’t looking to put a ring on it.
I came across this British blogger in her fifties dating men in their twenties and they were the ones doing the chasing. She came up with this new term for women like us, W.H.I.P-Women who are Hot, Intelligent and in their Prime. Fucking better than that old, tired, cliche Cougar.”
Sam ruminants over what you said, “So sexually adventurous...ever do it on an Impala?” He asks with a lascivious grin.
”Nuh-uh,“ you answer running your tongue teasingly around the bottles lip before taking a drink.
Sam's eyes dilate as he pulls the bottle away, brushing his lips against yours to taste the whiskey lingering on them.
Opening your mouth you catch his bottom lip, sucking on it as he tangles his hands into your hair, deepening the kiss as you work at opening the buttons of his shirt. Pushing against Sam's chest he sits back a bit so you can remove it before shifting him fully onto his back, allowing you to straddle his narrow hips and making your skirt ride up revealing your cheekster panties
Sam slips his hand between your obscenely spread thighs, roughly palming your clit through the material making you hiss, reaching to pull his hand away before your cumming to fast. He takes hold your ass in both of his big hands grips tightly pulling and pushing, making you roughly glide over his rapidly filling cloth covered cock. He’s keeping you right on edge but not allowing you to cum, the friction from the grinding eliciting moans from both of you. He sits both of you upright suddenly, gripping your shirts hem lifting it off revealing your bare breasts to him.
Sam bends forward taking your left nipple between his lips sucking on it then bits down hard enough you cry out from the pain/pleasure of it. Tangling both your hands in his hair you tug until he switches breasts to give the same treatment to your other nipple. Dragging him off your chest you resume kissing him hard, both of you start fighting for dominance.
Reaching down you unzip his pants, dipping your hand in to caress him. Sam's head drops back with a groan, exposing his neck. Your lips travel down his throat, stopping, sucking a bruise just above his collarbone.
Sliding backwards off the cars hood you finish stripping him until he's lying completely naked, legs wantonly spread out across the hood. You watch him grip his cock stroking himself as you discard the last of your own clothes before climbing back on the car.
“You’re stunning,” Sam breathily says stroking himself harder.
Keeping eye contact you place your hand over his, guiding him down to firmly grip the base of his twitching cock to steady it as you move your hands around on the hood to balance yourself, bending over to flick your tongue along the underside of his shaft up to that specific sensitive area, your tongue teasing the nerves there, making Sam shiver and noisily start panting before slowly sliding up to the slit, lapping at the precum leaking from the tip before wrapping your lips around his cock and start steadily bobbing up and down, taking his ample cock as deep as you can without gagging.
“Oh fuck yesss..feels so good,” Sam moans out as his muscles jerk from the way your tongue is moving over his cock that’s suctioned tight in your mouth.
Pulling off you stroke your hand up and down his long, thick shaft, twisting towards the tip while watching Sam massage his balls.
Sam's head thunks against the windshield as his breaths coming out harsh and broken, hips bucking wildly around from the combined stimulation.
“Fuckingfuck... fuuuu...gonna…’ was all the warning he gives before spilling hot liquid over your fingers and spurting onto the Impalas hood, painting it with white splatters as you continue stroking lightly with your cum covered fingers, easing him through the aftershocks till Sam reaches down pulling you off, to sensitive for anymore touching.
Sitting up Sam cups your cheeks in his big hands staring intently at you with lust blown chameleon eyes. “How the fuck did you do that, I haven’t cum that fast since puberty.”
Instead of saying anything, you insert your cum covered fingers one by one into you mouth, sucking and licking till your hands clean of his spending. He wraps his big hand around your wrist pulling your hand away and deeply kisses you, tasting himself in your mouth.
“Backseat now.” He growls getting off the hood and still holding your wrist gathers the discarded clothes with his other hand before dragging you with him around the car.
Opening the door he urges you to slide across the bench seat until you lying back against the other door legs spread wide to accommodate him as he’s climbing between them, somehow fitting his immense frame in the car.
Sam runs his long, slender fingers along the inside of your thighs, over your hips and stomach, studying every tremble and shiver to his touch moving to lightly stroke between your folds, inserting two fingers into your soaked channel searching for that spot. “Hmmm..” You moan out as Sam finds it.
Somehow he amazingly folds himself up and spreading his fingers to stretch your opening to delve his tongue into your core wanting a taste while continuing to stroke your thighs and hips with his other hand to keep you stimulated.
“Fuuuccckk,” the only warning you can give as you climax.
Sam adjusts the movements of his hand to keep working your swollen g spot, pushing you towards another orgasm.
The car fills with the wet squelching sounds with his fingers moving in and out of your drooling cunt as nonsensical noises come out of your mouth at the same time.
“Uhhh...to much….can’t…” your barley able to pant out pushing on the seat back trying to get some leverage to move away from him.
“Yes you can, cum for me again, I want to see you squirt, ruin the seat.” Sam growls out pinning both of your hands in his left one against the doors window.
You can feel it starting deep inside, begging for release, but your massively overstimulated and your body keeps fighting it.
“Just let go, I know you can,” Sam says in a calm, level voice, stark contrast to his animalistic actions, “let it happen…let go!” Your bodies shaking violently, hips thrusting up off the seat as your orgasm hits so hard you silently scream, your inner muscles spasming your release, flooding over his wrist and hand onto the leather seat below.
He briefly continues the steady movement of his fingers then gently pulls them out as your walls continue clenching around nothing.
Releasing your hands he picks up your discarded skirt wiping your overused pussy tenderly, cleaning you up as much as possible before lifting your hips and placing the old army blanket on the seat and lying down behind you spoons your quivering body till it’s calmed.
“You ok?” He asks softly stroking your arm, soothing you. “Yeah, better than ok,” you drowsily murmur, “what possessed you to recreate the night we meet?”
“Wanted to do something special for our fourth anniversary.” He lovingly replies nuzzling your neck.
“And your birthday,” you feel Sam make a face at being reminded he is now thirty-six. “Why is this one bothering you, they never have before.”
“Its stupid,” he sighs, making you turn your head enough to look at him. “Dean noticed that grey hair and..”
“..gave you shit about it. You could ignore him.”
“Mission impossible, it’s Dean” Sam says, sighing again.
“Hmm, well then there's only one option...Winchester him.” You say looking serious.
Sam smiles at your suggestion. It had been to damn long since he had pranked Dean and payback was way overdue.
“See, with age comes wisdom, grasshopper”
#cbrkinkchallenge#sam winchester x reader#updated version#supernatural#sam winchester smut#spn#sam winchester fanfiction#Sam Winchester#spnsamwinchester#spn fanfic
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Riviere (Colt x MC, N*FW)
A/N: Continuation of Carcanet. Can someone stop me and make me work on my wingman Colt story PLEASE. (Or continue reading RODAW pieces? Or respond to all the lovely people who have written such nice things to me? I love all of you and I read your kind words every day but I often lack the words to tell you how grateful I am that you took the time to read and comment so….thank you. )
Pairing: Colt x MC, ROD
Length: ~3800 words
Rating: N*FW (This is the dirtiest thing I have ever written and I am ashamed; like seriously, please don’t hate me and don’t read unless you are looking for n*fw smut. This is for @desiree-0816 who said that there is no such thing as too dirty. Love you babe! Thank you for all that you do!!)
Summary: If two necklaces are good, three are better.
The marks had almost faded before Ellie was able to slip down to Colt’s room again. In fact, some of the less distinct ones were already gone, faded into nothingness, and she was strangely disconcerted at their disappearance. True, it had been a pain, trying to find scarves and makeup and shirts high enough to cover the remnants of his lips and teeth. But, she liked looking at them, in the mirror alone, no one there to disturb her from her careful evaluation, fingers pressing into the hickies and remembering the feel of his mouth, hot on her skin, single-mindedly leaving imprints on her so a reminder of him would always be present, even if he wasn’t.
She wondered if he could put them there permanently, press his mouth often enough, deep enough, so deep that the bites would be a part of her as her moles, as the beauty mark behind her ear. It was embarrassing, how badly she wanted more, more of him on her, everywhere.
But even more than that, she wondered what it would be like to leave the same bruises on him, just tug his skin through her teeth until he cursed her name, leaving behind something for him to look at and touch when she wasn’t there. It was all she could think about as she snuck down to his room, feet light on the floorboards, face burning in a mix of shame and arousal.
Again, Colt was up as soon as her feet hit the hallway. She jumped when his door opened without her knocking.
“Were you still not expecting me to be here?”
She walked in with a smirk. “I wasn’t expecting you to be waiting for me.”
“Yeah, you were.”
She raised her eyebrows as he shut the door. “Are you always waiting for me to sneak down at night?”
“Not every day. I mean, it’s been a few days since you snuck down here.” His eyes traveled her body, gaze hot, hungry. “I didn’t know if you decided that Logan’s bed served you better.” Colt’s voice had the same tension it always did when talking about Logan, envious tinge clouding even the most innocent of words. Judging by the scowl on his face, this insinuation wasn’t innocent.
She perched on his bed. “I couldn’t sneak out until today. Logan was staying up late and I think he is getting suspicious.“ She narrowed her eyes at him. “Maybe someone being overzealous on my neck raised some eyebrows.”
“You’re still wearing Logan’s necklace.”
His eyes were narrow, hard, and her fingers gravitated to the weight around her neck. She was, she planned it; she only wore Logan’s necklace the nights she would sneak down here.
“I fucking hate that necklace.”
“Well, your necklace is fading.”
He stepped closer, studying the marks on her, eyes darkening as if he found them lacking. “Maybe I should do something about that.”
“Maybe you should.” She stood to challenge his eyes.
He looked at her, darkly, as they squared off; she could see the gears turning as he studied her, much like he examined blueprints or cased a job, danger and desire warring in his gaze. She couldn’t tell if the dip in her stomach was fear? Anticipation? Both? And when had that combination made her body respond in full force, heat pooling between her legs with just a stare?
“Maybe I fucking will.”
And that was all it took. One blink, one breath, and then his lips were on hers, demanding, greedy, pulling her breath from her lungs as he pushed her back into the wall. She was pinned by his hips, cock hard against her, sparking a flash of heat up her spine; she ground into him, a tight circle that made him moan into her mouth. He broke off the kiss to lean his forehead into hers, sliding hot hands under her shirt before leaning back to pull it from her head. His hands found her hips again as he leaned back in, deep kisses at the hinge of her jaw, the pulse point in her neck, the curve of her shoulder, teeth edging into the deepest mark that still littered her skin. The noise that left her mouth was a cry, a growl, something inhuman and desperate, something only Colt had ever managed to drag from her.
She backed away from his lips so she could pull the hem of his shirt over his head, then immediately dropped her shorts and panties, kicking them aside as she pulled him back in. Every moment they weren’t connected, lips and hands and more intertwined in the most personal of ways, every single second they weren’t touching was a tragedy; Ellie was determined to rectify the nights missed as quickly as possible.
“Mmmm….” His voice was hungry, hands insatiable. “Can I just fuck you right here?” The slow roll of his hips assured her that every single part of his body was on board with this plan.
“Maybe later…” She grabbed his arm and pulled, spinning them both so she could push him into the wall, drop kisses down his chest while she popped open the button on his pants, kneeling to pull them off, one leg at a time.
“Later tonight? Tomorrow? How much later are we talking here?”
“For Christ’s sake...” Her kisses ended close to where he wanted her, but exactly where she wanted to be. Stopping right above his hipbone, she dig in, a teasing lick before a kiss, then deeper, and then her teeth dug into flesh while one of his hands flew to her hair. She picked the spot deliberately; she was more considerate than him, so she put it where it wouldn’t be too visible but the message obvious. There was only one reason you let someone put their mouth in such a sensitive spot and it wasn’t because he helped teach her to drift.
“Fuck, El-” His eyes were glassy. “Are you taking lessons from me?”
She rolled her eyes and leaned in for a languid lick up his cock. “I think you’re done speaking now.” She licked her lips and slowly worked her mouth down his length. He was heavy on her tongue, silky smooth skin getting slicker by the second as she worked him over, hollowing her cheeks and delighting in every noise, every scrape of his nails against the wall as his hand grappled for something to hold on to.
Ellie loved it when he lost control. She wanted him moaning her name and thrusting into her mouth, wanted him absolutely losing it, desperate for her. She felt powerful, able to break him down into a quivering mess where she was the only thing he could think about, the only thing he longed for. For someone who fancied himself a kingpin, it was easy, effortless, for her, only her, to bring him to his knees.
And she loved it, craved it. It was a drug, being able to tear him apart, to render him speechless and weak, so the sarcasm, the walls, the past, everything that made him bitter, made him lash out with words and fists and pain, just faded into the background.
She took him in further, head of his cock making its way towards her throat. His breaths were coming shallower now, the catch of inhales and huffs of exhales loud in the room. She took him a little deeper still, testing her limits, seeing how much she could fit without her gag reflex kicking in. Her jaw was straining, tense as she tried for more. She could feel her throat constrict around the intrusion; from the loud moan above her, so could Colt, the tightening around his cock making him keen her name. He threaded his fingers through her hair; he didn’t pull, didn’t tug, just held on, as if he needed to cling to her while she took him deeper and deeper.
The suction was a vulgar squelch as she pulled back and took him in again as the muscles in his stomach trembled above her. She hazarded a look up; he was staring at her, gaze dark, pupils crowding out the brown of his eyes so all she could see was the deepest black, trained on his cock sliding back past her lips. She hummed and he threw his head back, a dull thud noting when he couldn’t watch anymore, when the sight of her on her knees for him was too much.
“Ellie…Oh God...” The noise was plaintive, a prayer sent to some lusty higher power, a prayer of her name to atone for the sins of her lips and tongue and mouth, bobbing and sucking at an ever increasing tempo. She felt his fingers tighten in her hair so she took as much in as she could, his cock again traveling the length of her mouth as her eyes watered.
He somehow found his voice again. “Ellie, El- I want- fuck, can I come on you?”
His cock fell from her mouth as she stared at him in shock. “What?”
“Oh my God, I want-” He trailed off as she put her hands on him, a slow stroke that made his voice waver.
It’s not that she never considered all the dirty things they could do, hidden desires she knew Colt would have no trouble fulfilling in the hours she spent hidden away in his room, in his bed. And, while she had never considered this particular desire, she could see the appeal, could see how erotic it would be to have streaks of him on her skin, obvious proof of how much he wanted her, of how crazy she could drive him.
She leaned in to suck on the head of his cock, mind made up. “Do it.”
“You sure?”
She only sucked harder in response, pulling more of him in while her hands trailed over him, down to stroke what she couldn’t fit in her mouth, lower to cup his balls.
“Fuck, Ellie, I’m so close.” He sounded lost, unhinged; his hips were making tiny circles as if the pleasure was too much.
She pulled back to look at him, wiping her lips to break the stand of precum that tied her mouth to the tip of his cock. His hand flew from her hair and it only took two strokes before he lost it, her name a growl as he came, streaks hot over her neck, her chest, her necklace, her hickies, her, marking her in the dirtiest of ways.
Ellie stayed on her knees. She felt like a porn star. She felt sullied. She felt…
She looked up at Colt and the breath was knocked out of her lungs.
He was staring at her, eyes wide, chest still heaving as he gulped in air. But the way he looked at her?
Like he couldn’t believe his eyes, like the sight of her before him, covered in him, was beyond any figment of his imagination and he couldn’t blink lest she fade into the ether.
Like he was weak, weakened by her, willing to do anything for her, anything she asked with his marks and his cum streaked around her neck like a brand.
Like he was actually starting to believe that she was his, jewelry around her neck be damned.
He was barely standing, back against the wall, being held up as his legs trembled. It looked like he was going to fall over, unsteady hands reaching for her so he could finger the chain around her neck. “Holy fuck.” His hand was sticky with his cum when he pulled back, the streaks around her neck mingling with her necklace, wet, hot, scalding as she watched him suck air through his open mouth as if he had just run a marathon.
The realization came lightening quick. “You wanted to come on the necklace.”
“Side benefit.” His voice was hoarse as his eyes flashed, dangerous, possessive, as they traced a path across her neck, along the paths of her multiple necklaces.
Before she could move, he grabbed her arm and hefted her up, walking her backwards to the bed so he could push her over, fold on top of her to study the remnants of his pleasure on her neck. Her mind went blank, the intensity in his eyes pushing away all thoughts so the only thing she could focus on was his weight, pushing her into the mattress, and his hand, tracing a shaky path across her chest.
“Ellie…” Her name fell off chapped lips, a broken noise that made her wonder if she had misunderstood the effect Logan’s necklace had in him. She knew he was jealous, could feel it in the weight of his stare across the shop floor, but maybe the offense was deeper than that, the jewelry raising questions about who she really belonged to, where her heart really lie.
She opened her mouth, was about to speak, somehow reassure him that the marks he left on her were more than skin-deep, when he pulled away, moving down her body before she could blink, settling between her legs and dropping a kiss right where she was most sensitive. It was so quick, so sudden, that her stomach clenched and her legs twitched and she swore at the ceiling.
He deepened the kiss, tongue swirling around her clit, and arousal flashed through her. She was already wet, the noises he had made and feel of him on her tongue drawing a primal response through her body, a shot straight to her core, as if her cells instinctively knew the pleasure he could force from her body and wanted more, more, more.
Another flash of heat as his tongue twirled around her, demanding, unrelenting, pulling a gush of wetness pouring from her as she twisted her hands in the sheets and tried to breathe. As if he knew what she needed (he always knew what she needed), two fingers worked their way inside of her, stretching her walls and moving deeper until they found the spot inside her that made her wail. She had never been able to reach it on her own, angle too awkward, nerve endings too deep; when she was alone, she had been happy enough to work her clit until the tremors hit and she sagged to the bed, breathless. Colt had found it within minutes, her first time in this bed, his clever fingertips searching and teasing until the jolt of pleasure up her spine made her eyes roll back in her head. The smirk he gave her, sexy and smug and so pleased with himself she would have pushed him over if she had the ability to move, that face had been burned into her retinas. And as for Colt? He hadn’t stopped finding that spot since.
Her hands twisted the sheets between her fingers as Colt increased his efforts, tongue skating over her as his fingers flew inside of her, patterns of movement that made the heat in her bones edge higher and higher. She writhed, pinned in place by a hand on her hipbone, keeping her right where he wanted, right where he was able to drive her insane with practiced precision.
“Ohh….oh baby.”
No sooner was the word out of her mouth when he stopped, fingers stilling inside her, head lifting so he could look into her face, taking his tongue away from where she needed it most.
She struggled to slow her breathing, heart rate falling until she could find the words. “Whoa whoa, wait. What are you-” The heat was fading, her orgasm just out of reach, receding from her veins. She licked her lips and tried to will herself to steady speech. “What are you doing?”
At that, he ducked his head again, lips and tongue finding her body, starting up their tortuous assault. He started moving his fingers as well, twining his fingertips into a constant rhythm that was rapidly bringing every single one of her nerve endings to life.
Tears were forming behind her eyes and but she couldn’t blink, couldn’t even force her eyelids open as she writhed.
“Baby, oooh!” Her wail echoed around the room. She was so close, so freaking close…
And then he stopped. Again. She could feel her muscles relax, body sagging into the mattress as her orgasm was stolen from her yet again.
“Colt.” Whatever breath she could force into her lungs was being forced out in angry words. “What are you doing. Just…”
He still said nothing, just looked at her with his intense eyes, watching her as she gaped at him. She blinked, trying and failing to understand, but whatever he saw in her gaze, apparently he judged it to be enough because he started again, tongue finding her clit and running circles around the sensitive nub.
Her head fell back to the bed as he worked another finger inside of her, the stretch drawing mewls from her lips, plaintive noises that were impossible to hold back.
“Please, please can you just…let me…” She couldn’t finish the sentence, words beyond him the capacity of both her mind and body at this point, but he hummed, vibrations traveling up through her clit, through her entire body, into her core, everywhere. Her muscles were tensing in anticipation, body tightening and coiled, mind going blank and she got closer and closer and closer.
“Baby…” It was a sob, a shout, a plea through shaking lips as tears started slipping down her cheeks.
And he fucking stopped.
She swallowed, mouth dry, throat parched. She was on edge, dangling on the knife point, almost able to fall into oblivion but not quite there.
“Colt.” She couldn’t even be angry anymore, had resorted to downright begging. “Please…” She was leaking all over, tears falling from her eyes down the side of her face, slick flowing past his fingers, on to the bed beneath her. She was falling apart, undone, literally willing to promise anything if he would just let her come. “Colt…Coooolt….I need…..I need….”
Finally, he spoke, voice a rasp, so close to her that she could feel his breath washing over the most sensitive part of her body. “What do you need.”
He started moving his fingers in and out, thick friction inside her; she couldn’t stop her walls from clenching around him, trying to draw him in further.
“I need…” Another sob was wrenched from her throat as his fingers went deeper. “I need to come.”
“Ok…..and….” He trailed his tongue down her slit to lap at where his fingers were starting to drive into her, their motion made smooth by the slick still pouring from her.
“I-I need-” The sensation wasn’t enough to bring her over the edge but it was too much for her to think, to form cogent sentences, to fight through the haze he caused. “I need-”
“What do you need, baby?”
“I need to come.”
“Gonna need more information there.“
“Oh my God, Colt, please.” Water wouldn’t stop falling from her eyes. “What more do you want?”
“Who makes you come, Ellie? Who do you need?”
If she had all her facilities, she would have been able to come up with some sarcasm, a better response to his ego. However, as it was, she only had the sense and breath to concede. “Colt, I need you. I need you, just you, only you, please let me come. Please Colt-” Her voice cracked at the end, finally giving out when his tongue returned to her clit, redoubling his efforts, fingers playing inside her and making her nerves dance.
“Baby, baby, baby…” She was mindless, didn’t even know what she was saying anymore, would have said anything to keep him there. She could feel him purse his lips, deliver the tiniest bit of suction to her clit, and then she was done.
She screamed, hand flying down, grabbing the onto his fingers for dear life as the world positively shook around her, bed and walls vibrating as she screamed and swore and the entire room shuddered.
No, no, it was her, she was shaking, entire body vibrating in his bed, pleasure flying through every inch of her, for minutes, hours, an interminable amount of time before the quaking stopped and she naught but a puddle in the middle of his bed.
It took a while before she could function again, brain slowly coming back enough to open her eyes, shoot a quick glance around the room to see if anything was out of place. Nope, not an earthquake- it was her, coming apart so forcefully that the world had seemed to tilt and rearrange.
Colt sat up, wiping the slick from his mouth, peering down at her. He was too far away, eyes guarded and focused on her chest.
“Colt…” She reached of him, weakly, her body too drained to function. “Colt, baby, come here.”
He obliged with a slight smile, falling to the bed next to her so she could turn into him, his body solid next to her, arm tight around her shoulders, pulling her to him so he could bury his nose in her hair, caress her cheekbone with his lips. “He can’t make you come like that.” His voice was low in her ear. She looked up to where he was pointedly avoiding her eyes.
“Jealous boy.” She rolled on top of him; his eyes trailed over her face, cautious, and she curled her hand at the side if his head, hair still slick with sweat. “Never.” She was gross, they both were, his cum tacky between their chests as she dropped a chaste peck to his lips. “Never, never, never.” A deeper kiss and she could feel the tension leave his body as he relaxed under her. “Only you, baby.” She could feel his cock twitch beneath her as he wrapped his hands around her back. “Only you.”
His hands tightened. “Stay here tonight.”
“Sleep here. With me.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Are you planning on stealing the spark plug from me while I’m asleep?”
“I don’t mind it so much now.” His smirk was fully devilish, temptation wrapped in such an alluring package that even the angels would fall.
“If you have pliers hidden away…”
He interrupted her teasing, voice serious, eyes pleading. “Don’t go back to his bed, Ellie. Please. Not tonight.”
She was struck dumb by the raw vulnerability. “Yeah. Ok.”
He rolled her onto her back, a smooth motion that had their hips connect at just the right angle. “You sure I can’t grab my pliers?”
“Colt, I swear to God…”
“Well, maybe I have other ways I can keep you here.” He rolled his hips and a flicker of desire flew up her spine. And as he bent to suck yet another mark on her neck, Ellie knew with absolute certainty that his ways would keep her here for a long, long time.
Tags: @deimosensblog @alegria1580@choicesarehard@thefarrari@client-327 @moonlit-girl-wonder@going-down-downtown@soniadotalves@jolietmaraud @hazah@flowerpowell@poeticscolt@brightpinkpeppercorn @zaira-oh-zaira@desiree-0816@leelee10898@maxwellsquidsuit@liamzigmichael4ever@octobereighth@omgjasminesimone @waytooattuned @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @emichelle @mrskaneko
#n*fw#playchoices fanfic#colt kaneko#colt rod#colt x mc#lemon#30 diamond scene#reallly n*fw#like really bad#i am ashamed#amy writes
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“I’m going to give you until the count of three to lose the attitude.” I could tell that I had taken it too far because Opie was never bossy. At least, not that often. But the adrenaline coursing through my veins told me to set my hands at my hips and give him even more of my “attitude.”
“Or what?” I mouthed off, rolling my eyes when I saw him take a deep breath and settle in to his place. We stared at each other for a couple of tense, silent moments before I saw him lick his lips and start with, “one.”
“Oh, I’m shaking in my leather boots.” I couldn’t help the sarcasm that fell from my lips, and I knew his patience was wavering.
“Two.” He slid the kutte from his shoulders and placed it on the back of a kitchen chair and I laughed.
“Your counting doesn’t scare me.” He cracked his shoulders and tied his hair back before facing me one last time.
“Three.” My eyes widen and a breath got stuck in my throat as he was in front of me in an instant, bending down to grab right under my waist to hoist me up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I hit his back with a huff and we were headed towards our bedroom, Opie’s words muttering in my ear.
“I’m gonna fix your fuckin’ attitude, that’s what.” He growled, his hand leaving a giant print on my ass- still visible even through the denim covering my legs.
I was thrown onto the bed right after, my body still bouncing as he stared at me from the foot of it. I couldn’t help but grin, enjoying the darkness and lust swirling in his eyes. Without breaking eye contact, I took the hair tie from my wrist and put my red locks back into a ponytail so it would be out of the way for whatever happens next.
“I’m gonna need you to take off your shirt, babygirl.” He ordered, his fingers going to unbutton his shirt as he watched.
“And if I don’t?” I leaned back on my hands, my head cocked to the side as I watched him work.
“I know you like that shirt, sweetheart. But I’m about to put you on your knees in the shower to suck my dick and if you do it as well as I know you can, I plan on fucking you until you can’t walk against the shower wall. Until you cum all over my hard cock and make it so very wet that it drips down your thighs. So either take the shirt off, or ruin it.” He slid the shirt from his shoulders too, and walked over to the edge of the bed. I could feel my panties grow even more wet from his words and I finally did as he asked, lifting the shirt over my shoulders and tossing it to the side right as he wrapped both hands around my ankles and yanked me to the edge so my legs wrapped around his broad hips.
“You ready?” his pupils were blown as he looked down at me, the sight of my tits heaving and confined behind my bra making the outline of his cock in his jeans even more prominent.
“Bring it, Ope.” He grinned as I did, before lifting me up and carrying me to the bathroom, his lips attached to my overheated skin as he walked.
I couldn't help the moan that left my lips as I felt his tongue trace across the outer part of my nipple, teasing me of what’s to come. He set me on the counter and pulled away to turn on the water, telling me to take off my bra and slide out of my jeans as he did so. This one time I complied, eager to feel his lips on me again. I could feel my attitude slipping away as he turned back around, coming to stand in front of me again. He took my hands between his and moved them to his hips, ordering without words to undo his belt and unbuckle his jeans for him. I was smiling as I did as he said, my fingers dipping into his boxers as I yanked his jeans down his thighs, my thumb catching a bead of pre-cum as it slid across his tip. His head fell forward as he groaned, one of his hands resting on my shoulder as he watched my hands move across his body.
“You want me on my knees here, Ope, or in the shower?” I husked out, his boxers soon meeting his jeans at his feet as my nails dragged back up his thighs.
“The shower. I love seeing the water fall from your cheeks while your lips are wrapped around me.” he hauled me to my feet and nudged me towards the shower, opening the glass door and pushing me in before closing it behind him. The water was still warming up as I turned to face him and the chill settled into my bones as he grinned wickedly at me, his hands on my shoulders pushing me to my knees before him. I settled on the ground like a good girl and smiled up at him as I took his length in my hand and ran my tongue from the base of his cock all the way up past the sensitive underside and to the tip where pre-cum was dripping in anticipation. He shuddered and an arm shot out to rest against the wall as he watched me, eyes lidded as he felt my tongue trace along the vein running down the side of his dick and back to his balls. I knew all of his ticks and used them to my advantage, knowing full well that I was going to have him inside me in a minute flat. My left hand went to cup his balls, rolling them and tugging lightly, as my right hand went right below my mouth to make the suction around him just a little bit tighter. Thirty seconds later I was being hauled to my feet and turned to press up against the tile wall. Opie spat into his hand before fisting himself and stroking a couple of times as I spread my legs and lifted one to wrap around his hip. His free hand gripped my hips roughly, likely leaving bruises as he lined himself up and sunk into my wet pussy on one push.
A loud groan left my lips as I pushed up to meet his initial thrust, his cock hitting something deep inside me that made me weak. He saw the pleased look cross my face and grinned, his other hand coming up to wrap around my neck and tip my head back so we were looking at each other as he fucked me deep and slow. He knew that I wanted to be pinned up against the wall, and he was taunting me for it. My fingers were leaving half-crescents in his shoulder muscles, tense from trying to be good and take what he was offering me.
“You want it, baby?” He growled low, his accent just a little bit more pronounced as he continued the slow drag in and out of my wet cunt.
“Yes, please.” I whined, sucking my bottom lip between my teeth as I did my best to wait.
“What do you want?” He chuckled, giving me one deep thrust that punched a curse from my lungs before he went back to the same pace.
“Want you to fuck me.” I grumbled, my fingers dragging down his taunt chest and over his stomach.
“I am fucking you, darlin’.” He pressed a kiss to my cheek as I scowled at him.
“Want you to fuck me like you mean it, Ope. ‘Cause you’re not really fixing my attitude like this.” I taunted back, pleased with myself as I saw him frown. Without another word, he took my hands and pinned them above my head before giving me what I asked for. His cock fucked into me over and over, eyes never straying from mine as he let one of my hands go to settle it between my thighs and over my clit to rub quick circles and pull my first orgasm of the night from me. My head fell forward to his shoulder, whining and panting as my body shook but he kept the same pace to pull another from me before my first one even settled. I could feel his thighs straining below mine, but he never let up. I knew he wouldn’t, even as his hand wrapped around my ponytail to pull my head back so we were looking at each other again.
“How many more orgasms do you think I can pull out of your sweet, little pussy before you finally admit that you were acting out just so I would fuck you? Hmm? Two? Three? Maybe four?” He pulled out of me then and turned me around, a hand pressing at my lower back so I would bend over in front of him. Even on shaking legs, I still wiggled my ass as a tease and was rewarded with two swift and sharp slaps to my ass before he spread my cheeks and slid back inside my pussy before picking up his previous pace.
“Oh fuck, Ope..” I moaned low and long, both my hands shooting out so I wouldn’t fall on my face as he fucked himself into me, his hand reaching forward to slide back between my thighs as he pressed sloppy kisses to my spine.
“Come on, I know you can cum for me again.” he was panting and I knew he was close to cumming too, so I started to rock my hips back to meet his thrusts. At this point he was too far gone to care, and we came together in the shower. He pulled me up so my back was resting against his chest as we both caught our breath.
“Give me ten minutes, sweetheart, and we’ll see how many more I can get out of you. I’m gonna fix that attitude, alright.”
#sons of anarchy#soa#samcro#sons#soa blog#opie winston#soa fanfiction#soa smut#samcro fic#men of mayhem#redwood original#opie smut#soa opie
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Genre: Angst, fluff, Smut
Synopsis: Y/N is not enjoying the concert in Seoul due to harassment of the guy behind her pinning her to the barrier-fence. No one cares, no one notices, and no one takes actions until Jimin found the situation angering him.
A/N: I really hope you enjoy this one shot, it’s my most liked one on archived. So I hope you enjoy as well <3
Warning: Sexual Harassment
He pushes me hard up against the fence which is separating the crowd from the stage. He holds my hips like he owns me, the music blasts, fans shout and my screams is easily confused to be similar. He thrusts against my ass to my cries, but no one notice. Several times he tries to kiss me but I refuse. I feel pinned and stuck, and I prayed for their concert to be over because I couldn’t concentrate with this harassing dude touching me, purposely taking advantage of the crowds disguise. I bawled my eyes out leaning over the fence nearly choking with the lack of air. Suddenly a certain someone saw my pain, heard my screams, but he had a job to continue.
The arena faded to dark only to the light-sticks dull enlightenment. Before the stage lights truly faded, his shadow unlike everyone else ran off. Two warm hands suddenly grabbed my shoulders from across the fence, and there’s a whisper to my ear. “I’ll help you over the fence”, his angelic voice was to identify at once. But my heart was already rushing with adrenaline so nothing changed as I got over the fence. Only the hint of relief hit me once his hands ripped away from me and i was dragged away.
Into the the slightest of light his identity was confirmed to what I thought. Jimin’s eyes looked worryingly at me, seeing the already red and bruised hands of mine from the forced grips, made his expression angry along with sorry. He handed me his water bottle to get me hydrated and to hopefully get me to calm down. “Stay here”, Jimin had no time to stay around and rushed back on stage.
I could hear their steps and voices, but then something interrupted it. A crew member had spotted me and marched hasty towards me as I was seen as a threat. “You’re NOT allowed to be here!” He grabbed my already bruised arm, dragging me painfully through several hallways to end up in an isolate room. I was thrown inside and cage within the four concrete walls. I banged on the door trying to explain. But like anyone would have believed my story… literarily any fan would have come up with a similar excuse to meet them, only that my story wasn’t an excuse. Never had I believed things would turn out so horrible, all I wished for and payed for was seeing my idols perform. That was all I wanted… Now I’m here, locked up in a isolated room, crying for help as I’m feeling the angst place itself up my throat.
The boys ends the show without any regrets or much hardship. Jimin rushed to redress into normalised clothing: white t-shirt, black hoodie, dark blue jeans and original yellow timberlands. He looked around finding her nowhere, he ended up asking the crew. Their answer made his fingers tighten in a fist, and he raised his voice slightly between his gritted teeth. “I got her back here! Where is she?”
I was locked in the old storage area and I was panicking. I placed myself into the very far corner as I kept staring at the door, praying for just anyone to open up. Then, the door suddenly burst open. Jimin walked with long steps toward me opening his arms. I let myself find comfort in his kindness. “I’ll get you out of here safely, don’t worry”. He grabbed my hand gently with his knowledge on my bruising, dragging me back all the hallways from before, and through the rest of their group. They reacted confused, but they smiled apologetically once they saw my teary eyes. I felt so out of place, I wanted to disappear at the same time as it was so surreal that it still didn’t reach my mind who’s holding my hand. Jimin was shouted after by his fellow members, but he shut them out as the exit door closed behind us.
He flipped up his hoodie and covered his lips and nose behind a mask. He turned to me and smiled with his eyes so gently, reaching for my hand he intertwines our fingers like a couple. “Where do you live? I’ll walk you!” “Grand Hotel, I’m just visiting Seoul”. I’m just half Korean, but have lived here all my life. But in Ilsan, not in Seoul where my dad is born and raised.
Jimin kept me close as we were walking, both silent most likely because he would easily be recognised if overheard.
It was getting darker outside, nearly all light was gone. Walking in the entrance of the Hotel lobby I prepared myself to say goodbye to him. But that wasn’t his plan. “Which room?” He smiled at me behind the mask still holding my hand. “4-21, why?” “Just wanna make sure you get back safe, all the way”
During the short elevator trip I think It finally went up for me who was offering me help. Also he removed his mask, underlining the realisation. I felt the heat arouse in my system, my cheeks flushing red with him looking at me. Everyone said he was so short, but not to me. He was tall enough to lean his head to the top of mine if he stretched his neck just a little.
“What’s your name?”
“Oh, I’m Y/N”, I said shyly.
“Woah, such a pretty name!!” He smiled at me.
4th floor, he let go of my hand. I opened the Hotel room door and walked a few steps inside, Jimin stood in the door opening leaning against the door, keeping it from gliding shut. “I’m sorry what happened to you. I was going to act sooner but I couldn’t. And sorry I just had to leave you, but …”
“Omg, Jimin it’s okay, I totally understand. Thank you so much”
He invited me in for another hug. And I knew from just the two I’ve received, that his hugs were the absolute best. But this one was more, idk what to call it… electric maybe. He smelled so good, I just realised, and he was so warm and caring. As we pulled away from each other our space did not extend. His hand slid gently down my left side ending up resting at my hip, his right hand, to my surprise, cupped the left side of my face. His thumb wiping away remaining tears. Our eyes met and It felt as drowning or drifting through a galaxy. His smile faded to become blank-ish.
“Y/N… Can I kiss you?..” He spoke so gently and low for just my ears.
“Really?”, I reacted with whispering in slight shock to his sudden request.
“Yeah”, he whispered very low as he closed his eyes while decreasing our distance, leaning slightly down. His plump lips suddenly presses up to mine, pecking them so sweetly. One intimate touch and all my senses swelled up. A kiss without sound, just a gentle little peck. But turning to so much more. I couldn’t hold myself back wanting “just one more”, Standing slightly on my toes i kissed him. His mouth went to dance with mine, clearly giving into it as well. He hummed pleasurable, “hmmm”, into it as he took a step towards me, pulling us even closer, and the door shut behind us. The kisses were no longer muted. Repeated small smack sounds and “hmmms” from him made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
I hadn’t realised his sudden struggling need before he tried speaking. His body was clearly exited with dissatisfaction, building up a scream for escape.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I didn’t intend this.” In my mind the sentence would stop there like the fair and soft boy he is, but he ended up revealing a side of him I never had thought existed. But believe it or not, Idols are humans too. He’s a boy, boys get horny...
“I helped you, and now suddenly it seems like I could need some help too…” he was still shy, but his little smirky smile was too honest.
He pulled me back into wet kisses. And i let him, let his hands glide to underneath my merch-sweater. Jimin realized the 5 lettered name written at its back, he was the one out of seven. I chose him, and it seems like he chose me.
He grabbed the back of my thighs underneath my ass, pulling me to hook my legs around him, not interrupting any kisses. He let me fall back into the sheets carefully. He leaned down to kiss my forehead before he unbuckled his belt and removed both mine and his shoes. As he took of his jeans his phone dropped out of the back pocket. His screen was overflowing with messages and missed calls, mostly from Hoseok and Jungkook. While most of the messages was from Namjoon.
I couldn’t read what it said, but did it really matter? Jimin did seem to avoid them anyway. I tried staying there in the moment, with him, Jimin...
He seems tense and tired, yet passionately loving and cuddly. He embraces me with lots of bare skin. Feeling his heat i gasp loudly, starting to feel my underneath pulsating with his close presence.
Our lips reconnects and his hands travel down, making me moan into his mouth as he suddenly press against my clit. I feel his smile against my cheek right before he starts trailing my neck with light suctions and tiny love bites.
I placed my hands to his tense shoulders, then pulling him in for a hug.
“Jimin...”, he didn’t even recognize it himself, how tense he was. I know they work hard, i know he lacks rest. “Oppa, Please relax”
“Call me that again!”
“Oppaaa”, i pouted playfully, with a slight giggle.
“Fuck, you sound good!” He was thriving as we continued kissing. His tongue licking into my mouth increasing the intensity.
His member was painfully hard, with the slightest touch he winced with a facial expression exploding with painful pleasure.
“Take your boxers off if it hurts”
He didn’t hesitate the slightest, kicking them off like he hadn’t done anything else. His thighs was so thick, along with his manhood above and between them.
Jimin pouted at me intensionally.
“If it hurts so much, can i help in anyway?”
A wild smirk spread across his face, and he leaned down to my neck as his naked body hovered over me. Two kisses placed up to my ear before he whispered into it with a low, sexy voice.
“Ride me baby!”
I had never rode anyone before, in fact just barely had sex in normal positions... or sex at all, so much experience wasn’t on my side. But something inside me really wanted to, a strong desire to sink down on his throbbing needy member.
I pushed him off me, rolling him over. Jumped off the bed only to easily slide the thong off. Jimin not taking his eyes of me once, his gems shone with impatience. Back on the bed i sat on his stomach feeling the uneven surface to my underneath. His short fingers helped me prepare, he already made me a slight mess above him. He smiled at me as i catches my breath.
“You look so beautiful under pleasure Baby!”
His hands held my hips, it was my turn. Alining, holding onto the sides of his stomach . He gently pushed me down on his length, stetting me with it all. We tried staying silent, i whimpered between my heavy fast breaths. Jimin leaned his head backwards opening his mouth letting out a moan, with a grunt following and i saw his adamb’sapple bop with his gulp. He bounced me once with surprise. And to his surprise i moaned a loud scream. He grunted again and smirked as i bit my lip to silence.
He started moving my hips to roll with his member inside me. His face bloomed with pleasure, and it decreased with struggle as i gently started moving up and down together with his motions.
“Ahhhh grrr.. Y/N-ah!” Jimin whimpered.
He made me fasten leaving us both loud. The room’s scent was a mix of manly cologne and rough sex, never thought it could be such an addicting smell.
With every thrust and bounce his cock stretched me out and hit the same spot of pleasure each time. I moaned his name with the knot building in my stomach.
“Jiminahh! Ah!”
“Come on baby! Cum for oppa!”
I clenched around him leaving my juices dripping down on his crotch. Pulling out, Jimin went immediately to finish his climax. His liquid spilling all over his abs, leaving it a sticky mess. I wiped it off for him with the towel nearby.
Both of us redressed slightly. He put on his boxers again, and before i knew he covered my torso with his white T-shirt.
He snatched my waist to collide with his, leaving my ass up against his crouch. He held me close, pulled the duvet to cover our bodies, cuddling me as we both continued to regain oxygen from our highs. I felt his breath brush to the back of my neck, his lips almost touching it as well. I could feel his arm push me down with it’s natural weight, he wasn’t tense anymore and i believe he managed to relax.
“Thank you sweetie. I loved that!” The words slip his and my heartbeat fastened.
It was all over, the concert, the unplanned sex, the time with him... i would all lose it in the morning. Like I wasn’t already crushing on him or rather deeply in love from before, but now... we suddenly had a connection. There was a feeling there that wasn’t the kind of love between a fan and an artist, i felt need, real hopeful need of waking up with him besides me. His wet sweet kisses to heat up my body, his real smiles up close with dimples to display.
Oh gawd what have i done...
“Y/N-ah? Hello??” Jimin had turned me, facing him and he waves his hands in front of my glare. I snapped out of the negative thoughts, but they left a reality effect to the situation.
“Something wrong?”
The expression on my face gave me away. I looked at him with a sudden tear sliding down my side.
“OH Y/N? What’s going on?”
“Sorry i troubled you Jimin, made you break rules... you shouldn’t be here, you should probably have been sitting alongside Jungkook working on new songs, or dance with Hoseok to practice new choreographies right now... yet here you are. With some fan that in reality will never be more than just that... a fan.”
“What do you think i am? A international fuckboy? Our fans is my world, you’re everything to me. I love you all, and i hope i state that enough. I may be crowded with girls, and are able to get anyone i would like at any time. But i don’t, because I don’t use girls that way. I respect them, their body’s and souls, their beauty and charms. “
“What Just happened between us was a mistake maybe, I don’t really know you, but i like you... I loved what we just did. I felt a type of connection from the first touch when i pulled you over the fence... But you’re right I shouldn’t be here, but i am and i’m not leaving yet either. I haven’t felt this down to earth and relaxed in months” Jimin spoke convincingly and real, straight from the heart.”
“You won’t?”
“No are you crazy! I don’t just have sex and leave, that’s prostitution! And you’re not a doll either. You’re beautiful, adorable and real good Y/N-ah!”
“Don’t worry, i can stay the night if you want. With cuddles, can’t live without!”
He wrapped himself closer around me, kissing my bare shoulder. He brushed along my arm with his fingers, making me sleepy as i was pretty tired.
A little space was left between us as we fell asleep. Both tired. Jimin’s eyelids shut with the weight they provided, yet he slept lightly.
My fantasy was running wild, why now out of any night... I was being loud, whimpering as he played with me inside my head.
My deep breaths and whimpers, and some slight moans joining in once in awhile, awakening the blonde boy besides me.
Laying there he stared at me with awe and a tiny smirk across his face, probably not clueless to the lustful pictures in my unconsciousness.
I had a wet dream, something i’ve never ever had before.
I suddenly whisper his name with whispers developing afterwards.
Jimin couldn’t hold himself from granting it. He planted both his hands to either side of my body holding his own above mine, leaning down kissing me to senses.
“Having a wet dream about me sweetie?” He smirked at me from above.
I felt the warmth pulsate in my body as he said it and I understood i’d been loud.
“Rude of you not to share it with me” His body went on top of me, he cuddles to my chest. Then leaving hickeys to my neck and by my collarbones.
“Jimin...”, he looked up at me.
“Please kiss me again...”
I didn’t need to ask twice. But with his kiss i teared up slightly, but tried my best to keep the sadness hidden from him.
He sat down besides me, pulled me to his lap and kept me close to his chest. We intertwined out hands.
“Before i fell asleep last night... I couldn’t strop staring at you.” Jimin blushed.
“I started thinking.. so i’ve been thinking.. I trust you... so can you keep a secret?”
I nodded.
“Give me your phone”
He opened the camera, made it face us and i just cuddled up to him as he did the same, for the photo. He saved it with a new contact.
“There i’ll send the photo to my phone aswell. You can keep us secret right?”
“Can you do that?” I asked him.
“Not really, that’s why it’s a secret! I don’t just wanna leave you now.. i haven’t been able to relax like this in ages! I would need someone like you when i’m not able to relax... also i’ve never really met someone like you before” portraying me his eye smile!
“What you mean!”
“I mean i like you, and maybe i want to keep seeing you... Even though I won’t have time. I’m not telling you to wait for me, but someone to text time to time would have been great”
I didn’t know what to answer, but...
“I’ll wait for you, if you want to!”
Jimin smiled and giggled, kissed me deeply before leaving the bed.
“Then i’ll text you some time then” He smiled towards me as he redressed what he had left of clothes as he rejected the t-shirt as i offered to give it back to him.
“I hope so” my cheeks burned.
He kissed my forehead. “I have to go now, have a lot to catch up on. But we’re not leaving Korea for another month now... sooo.. see u around maybe?”
I smiled and nodded shyly before he had to leave.
Jimin continued to keep contact once in a while. Usually i just got some selfies here and there which i plastered my room with. And sweet “miss u” messages and “good nights”
We met up in secrecy time to time as well, he also granted me a new concert with them because he felt bad about the other one.
He was the sweetest, and though we always were apart i felt more loved than ever.
#jimin#park jimin#saved#bts#bangtan#oneshot#one shot#bts oneshot#bts one shot#bts park jimin#jimin bts#bts jimin#park jimin bts#bts jimin oneshot#jimin oneshot#smut#jimin smut#bts smut#bts jimin smut#bts jimin fluff#jimin fluff#park jimin fluff
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Shamefully slides a smutty fic of my OC with Sano and Kyo onto my dash at 3 AM when most people are asleep.
Anyway here’s my Modern AU OT3
Sanosuke always preferred Askr’s apartment.
Unlike his own living arrangements, her place was entirely to herself. A humble one bedroom apartment. Despite Mibu house’s massive size, she had privacy above all else. They could hang out together without having to worry about any of the guys coming to interrupt - and though Harada did enjoy his friends, there had been enough awkward moments where someone like Shinpachi would make some sort of commentary on Askr and Sanosuke’s relationship and whether it might be more than platonic.
Not to say he didn’t wish it was more than platonic, but that kind of stuff could never be easy - popularity and good looks could only get a person so far.
Not to mention Harada did have competition.
In this case, it was the three of them hanging out together in the apartment, Harada, Askr and Shiranui for the first time in a confined private space.
Although both of them had been pretty obvious with their rivalry, it seemed out of respect for Askr’s comfort they dialed their efforts back significantly, not wanting to put her into any sort of awkward situation in her own home.
Of course, both men sat on either side of her on the couch as the credits for the show they’d been watching rolled and the next episode started.
For some time, things remained comfortable - and though Harada had been skeptical of spending such alone time between someone he wanted to be more than friends with and someone who had the same goal in mind, Shiranui’s company had been enjoyable enough as well.
They were alike in enough ways to be friends, at least.
Being young, in one’s prime and pining for someone was enough on its own, but when things got steamy in the show they were watching, Sanosuke’s throat felt thick suddenly, the contact from Askr’s thigh against his own as they sat in close enough proximity was something he became much more physically conscious of.
The sudden regret for wearing comfortable grey sweatpants set in shortly after.
Things took a turn for what seemed to be the worst when Harada heard murmuring from Shiranui, glancing from the corner of his eye to see Kyo whispering something in Askr’s ear. He couldn’t make out most of it, but when Shiranui pulled back from her, he caught the tail end of the conversation.
‘Just tell me if you want to stop anytime’
The two men locked eyes as Shiranui reached towards Askr’s lap, his hand carefully taking hold of hers. Sanosuke’s stomach dropped, suddenly feeling out of place as though he became a third wheel in that moment. A questioning glance of his amber irises towards Askr didn’t give him any answers - she seemed just as uncertain herself as Shiranui guided her hand over towards Harada.
Holding his breath, the redhead watched dumbfounded as Askr tugged down the waistband of his sweatpants, unsure of what to make of the situation but - the anticipation made him throb, despite his confusion.
So he helped her free himself from beneath his underwear, tugging down the material to expose his experly groomed treasure trail before revealing his semi-hard cock; watching curiously and finally remembering to exhale and relax as he decided to go with the flow and just allow things to head wherever they were going.
Askr’s fingers, guided by Shiranui, wrapped around Harada’s length, pulling back the skin lightly to fully expose his sensitive head.
He let out a pleased sigh from the contact, leaning back against the couch to allow his body language to do the talking.
Long red eyelashes gently ticked along his cheekbones as he watched the two hands work together to stroke him to complete hardness, his teeth gently sinking into his lower lip to contain his contented, breathy sighs.
As he looked over to Askr, a realisation struck him and he raised a hand to her face, gently cupping her cheek.
“I’ve never even kissed you,” he murmured, leaning closer until his lips ghosted over hers, tickling with each word as he continued to speak, “I can’t let it stay that way.”
His calloused fingers tucked a strand of her long dark hair behind Askr’s ear as his lips parted and pressed against hers, moving slowly and methodically in time with her languid strokes around his cock. Sanosuke couldn’t help but groan against her lips.
When he withdrew, his cheeks felt hotter than he maybe would have liked, but the red tinge to Askr’s cheeks in the dim lighting of her living room was to die for.
“That’s really sappy,” she teased with a light smile - one unlike the way she usually smiled when she teased - this one a lot more… kind?
“He’s right though,” Shiranui murmured, cupping Askr’s face to turn her attention towards him, “that’s somethin’ I need to change too.”
Kyo closed the distance faster than either of them could blink, his lips moving against hers with an obvious hunger like he’d been waiting a long time for this - and he definitely made it last; tilting his head to the side to get a better angle at her lips. Despite Kyo’s intense focus on Askr, they didn’t leave Harada’s need neglected, Shiranui’s grip firm and steady around Askr’s hand to keep her strokes well timed.
It all left Harada stunned - he was used to being in charge and in control and he was certain Askr didn’t have much experience based on late night conversations they had with each other and yet Sanosuke felt like he was acting like the one with the least experience of the three of them; his face perpetually hot and each stroke feeling better than he could ever imagine someone’s hand could be.
Eventually Shiranui came up for air, and though before he had been the most composed of the three, Kyo now seemed to have caught up with the others with how much of that composure he’d lost; reducing the three of them to a disaster trio experimenting with each other on the couch with little clear direction on where any of them wanted to go.
“Nnnh-Askr,” Harada exhaled a pleased groan, beads of precum dribbling from the slit of his head and down the shaft. He glanced at the two of them briefly, hesitation clear on his face as he worked up the nerve to follow himself up and speak, “haa- Kyo, faster…”
No amount of preparation could have helped it not feel strange saying Shiranui’s name like that, but it made Harada throb regardless; and Kyo obliged him, tightening his grip around Askr’s hand and guiding her into faster strokes along the length of him.
Not wanting to be the complete centre of attention, Harada twisted his torso so that his upper body faced Askr, burying his face into her neck where he peppered the expanse of skin with soft kisses, eventually settling directly above her pulse point where he suctioned his lips around her, soft moans escaping his throat against where he sucked a bruise onto her skin.
Shiranui, catching onto what Sanosuke had been doing, angled himself to follow suit, his teeth teasingly scraping against her neck and nipping at her before he latched onto a spot he liked and sucked his mark.
The way Askr whimpered as the two of them laid claim to her tightened the knot in Harada’s abdomen, his hips rolling lightly as he sought further stimulation from the hand - or, hands - around his aching cock.
“You’re gonna make me cum like this,” Sanosuke purred low in Askr’s ear, nipping playfully at the lobe.
Perhaps she gained a sudden bout of confidence in their experimental situation, but Askr surprised Harada when she dipped down and returned the favour of showering Sanosuke’s neck with attention, her trailing down to the base.
“That is what I want, you know,” she tried to sound confident, but the embarrassment was obvious in her voice enough so that Harada felt it was a shame her face was hidden in his neck - even if the sensation of her lips as she began to suck against his skin felt good enough for him to not want her to stop.
“Nnng-Ah, fuck…” he hissed, not expecting it to feel as good as it did as the suction of her mouth tugged at his skin and popped the delicate vessels beneath the surface, making her own mark on him like Kyo and Sanosuke had done to her.
It sent him unravelling quickly, a hand reaching desperately for Askr’s face so he could cup her cheek and kiss her, his tongue eagerly poking past her lips as he moaned into the kiss. The bit of his visible abs harden as his torso flexes, trying to draw it out as long as possible before he reached his peak. His lips broke from Askr’s, bringing along trail of saliva from their rather sloppy kiss, and he watched her with a strained expression as he teetered closer to the edge.
“Sanosuke...” Kyo growled, causing the heat in the redhead’s cheeks to become unbearable as he made eye contact with the other man, who’s violet eyes narrowed in a lusty gaze as he smirked and picked up his pace.
Shiranui nudged Askr towards Harada slightly, as if trying to get her to do something, and with a moment of hesitation she leaned in and ghosted her lips above Sanosuke’s.
“Cum for me, Sanosuke,” she murmured, giving him a gentle peck on the lips after her command.
The words sent Harada hurdling to his climax, he couldn’t focus on returning Askr’s kiss and instead his lips parted in a silent ‘o’ as he lurched and his cock twitched in their hands, cum spilling from the head onto his stomach and down the shaft, coating both Shiranui and Askr’s hands as they continued to stroke him through his climax, his breathing ragged between low groans, and one particularly soft whimper as the two made him unravel so completely under their touch.
As he came down from the high, Harada’s muscular chest heaved with his deep breaths, his gaze tired and half-lidded as he looked over to the two with an awkward, satisfied smile. There was a bit of a mess, but most of it got onto Askr and Kyo’s hands as opposed to his own body.
Shiranui released Askr’s hand and stood, holding his cum-messy hand above his other to make sure it didn’t drip anywhere as he made a quick move towards the bathroom.
“There’s way too much…” the two could hear Kyo murmur to himself from the hallway.
Askr seemed to be less in a hurry, watching Harada with a wide-eyed gaze so cute to him that he couldn’t resist leaning over and brushing his lips softly against hers.
“That was…” he breathed, “actually really nice.”
#Askr#OT3#OC x Sanosuke Harada#OC x Kyo Shiranui#OC x Canon#also kind of some harada x kyo but like#yknow#i try to avoid main fandom tags with oc x canon#lemon
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Different vibes for the second part of my groupie Peter fic but I really like this AU so I’m planning on continuing it in short little increments.
You can read the first part here. It’s citrusy.
Still waiting on an email from Ao3 but in the mean time I’ll just post theme here then copy them over when I get in.
The one fatal flaw of UCLA's end-of-the-year concert was that it took place before most students' finals were over. Peter dwelled over this fact as he strolled to his last exam of the semester. One hand wiped sticky sweat from his hairline and the other worried at a damp and tattered piece of paper tucked away in the pocket of his jeans. The almighty post-it had Tony Stark's name and number scratched in black ink, and had been haunting Peter, along with the rest of his memories of Saturday night, for the last 4 days. Of course the number was safely saved in his phone, he wasn't the ill-fated protagonist in a Netflix Original rom-com. He just liked keeping it with him, it was as much of a distraction as he'd allow himself before his most important final of the year. Peter was kind of fucked up about it all, really. He got what he wanted, and it was so good. It was hard to even recall the sensations he felt when he thought back about it. And god, did he think about it. The only study breaks he'd taken were to fuck his fist as fast as he could when he just couldn't stave off the thoughts any longer. But Peter promised himself, no contact with Tony until he finished the semester for good. A good grade on this exam ensured a carefree summer heading into his sophomore year on the dean's list. His hands were clammy as he gripped his number two pencil and he got the familiar anxiety that had always come with an important final. His mouth was insanely dry and his stomach was flipping but this time it was battling with anticipation and arousal. Peter knew exactly what he'd be doing in just two hours. His roommates would all be out, no one at all in the apartment to distract. The exam went well, other than the occasional grinding of the heel of his hand into his erection. Enough blood managed to stay north for him to be able to remember most of the material with ease, and he was out of there in an hour and a half. He practically sprinted back to his complex; his long, lean legs stretched out the tight, ripped denim, chest heaving with exertion and excitement. He couldn't even sit still long enough to wait for the elevator, instead climbing the stairs two at a time to get to the third floor. He fumbled with his keys at the front door, letting out an audible groan before bursting through the threshold. His shoes and his jacket went flying upon entry to his room, he locked the door hastily and peeled his drenched t-shirt off of his heaving torso. 'Hey Tony, it's Peter. From Saturday.' It sounded stupid but he had no time to fret over wording, just sent the text before his ass could land on his futon. Maybe he wouldn't answer for a while, Peter worried. It was noon, and maybe he was sleeping in after a long show. Or maybe he was busy getting ready for the next one. Either way he needed to get off soon, his erection was throbbing against the inside of his jeans, hot and wet and jerking every so often from the pressure of the denim. Before Peter started to worry that maybe getting fucked by him and receiving a hand-written phone number just wasn't enough proof that Tony wanted anything to do with him, his phone chimed and the screen lit up. 'Well hey Peter, it's been a while. What's up?' Peter's pulse was radiating throughout his entire body, his fingers shaking so much he could barely type "Fucking Tony Stark," he growled before replying. 'Sorry for that, I just finished my last final.' He wanted to tell him he'd been thinking about him. He didn't have a great read on the situation. What did Tony want with him, really? They fucked, it was great, but now what? They didn't really know each other. Tony responded surprisingly quick. 'Think you passed?' Okay, so that was a little terse, Peter thought. Maybe he should just get to the point before Tony got bored. 'I hope so. It was hard to study with this number burning a hole in my pocket. I can't stop thinking about Saturday' Peter realized it was a little thirsty, but to be honest thirsty was his main personality trait. Tony definitely should have picked up on that vibe. His free hand was stroking and squeezing his cock on the outside of his jeans, the other anticipating the vibration of his phone. 'What a coincidence, you've been on my mind a lot, too. What about Saturday, exactly?' Peter's breath caught in his throat and he pulled his hand away from his cock, both to keep from cumming and to prepare for a lengthy reply. 'Been thinking about how full your cock made me feel, how good it felt to be pounded. I can't stop thinking about your big hand stroking me, and bruising my hips. What do you think about?' Peter couldn't catch his breath. His hips were rocking back and forth and his hand found his member once again, this time underneath his jeans, over his red and blue boxer briefs. He couldn't believe what he was reading, that Tony thought it was good too. He was moaning and gasping at the thought while he stroked himself. 'How fucking tight and hot your little asshole was, how easy I could push you around, how loud you screamed when I came in you. Oh and your pretty, pretty mouth baby.' "Fuck, Tony, fuck," Peter breathed. He stopped touching himself all together and stood, shucking his jeans and briefs as he stumbled to his desk. He pulled out a suction cup dildo, not as big as Tony was he noted, and positioned it in the perfect spot indicated by the overlapping ring marks left on his chair. Another text chimed in the cool air conditioned room as he poured lube over the dildo and his own cock. He sat slowly, drowning in the stretching sensation until he had it fully engulfed, then read the second text. 'Are you touching yourself?' 'I'm sitting on a big fake cock, stroking myself so tight. I wish I was in your lap.' His nipples were hard as he pressed send and he started a good rhythm, fucking up into his hand and grinding back down onto his toy. The only time he'd ever been this turned on was when Tony was fucking him. The reply took a while, but it was worth the wait. 'Fuck, I want that too. I want your scrawny ass bouncing up and down, split you open on my cock til you cry. I could tease you for hours and make you beg to let you cum.' Peter couldn't handle it, he was going to explode, he was going blast off into another dimension. 'Please can I cum daddy? I’m on fire, I want to be good for you but I'm so close.' The reply was almost instant. 'Yes baby, let go for me.' That did it for him. That SO did it for him. His ass clenched impossibly tight around his dildo, toes curled into the carpet under his feet. His body felt a deep, warm sensation spreading all over as he squirted hot, white ribbons of semen all over his desk and keyboard. His throat hurt from screaming and he slumped back into his chair, grabbing his phone. 'Thank you so much, I made such a mess.' He attached a picture of his load and smirked, wore-out and satisfied. 'Jesus baby, came so hard, want you to lick it up and let me taste it on you. Want you again so bad.' Tony attached a picture as well that Peter immediately saved, Tony's cock standing at attention and cum covering his abs. It made Peter shiver and his cock got a little interested again. 'Wow. I'm dizzy. That was exhilarating.' 'I need to have you again, you're done with school?' Peter squealed. 'Only until August' The reply came a few minutes later. 'Only until August is good enough I guess. What's your email, have you seen Australia?'
#tony stark x peter parker#peter parker x tony stark#peter x tony#tony x peter#groupie! peter parker#starker#starker edit#starker moodboard#lemon#lemons#citrus scale#marvel fic#mcu fic#marvel fanfiction#avengers fan fiction#avengers au#starker au#rockstar tony stark#musician! tony stark#mine#my edit#moodboard#my moodboard#ficlet
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So I really love this AU of Pixar’s The Incredibles made by @elastigale AKA @yamino and had this story in mind involving Karen/Voyd since I can’t draw
Heads Up: The story uses the headcanon that Karen is a Trans Woman and involves ignorance/Transphobia
Luckily today was a nice day, Karen finally had a day off from School, her job, and Super work. She’s been begging for this day and for a chance to spend more than a lunch break with Brick while looking at a clock the whole time.
As Karen walked down the street, she stumbled and bumped into almost every person or object in her way. She was too busy with the book she was reading and trying to remember what it said. The five dollar American Sign Language book she held and was old, tattered, and full of dog eared pages, though the last one was her fault. Karen was excited to show Brick she was practicing her signing. Plus, Karen liked the idea of signing more since it made their conversations ease away from Brick’s speech impediment and made her more confident.
Karen smiled from this idea and couldn’t help but blush remembering Brick’s smile from last they spoke. Though that was cut short when she bumped into a couple in her day dreaming turning the corner.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t see you.” Karen pleaded as she brought her focus back. The man and woman corrected themselves and turned to see who was talking.
“..........Kevin?” the man said in a cold tone. Karen whole body struck just as cold and couldn’t move from the shock.
“That is Kevin!” the woman added as Karen’s brain finally connected what was happening- She was standing in front of her parents.
Karen remained frozen from the hit of hearing “Kevin’’ in that oh so infamous and memorable voice.
“What do you think you’re doing dressed like that in public?!” the father barked at the comatose patient who stood before him. The mother only looked on in silent judgment as her husband made his scene. The civilians around them soon moved away from the three, Karen unknowingly back into an alleyway by the corner and they were now alone.
Karen finally snapped out of her shock and looked down forgetting what she was wearing. She was wearing nothing special but what she though could make her date more involved and showed it was special to her. Why would her clothes upset him so much?
“Oh Kevin.” the mother finally spoke. “I hoped this phase of yours would have ended.”
“Seems the plash of reality from leaving and being on his own didn’t hit as hard as we wanted.’‘ The man replied, looking even more disgusted with Karen’s appearance.
“Now Kevin,” the father began. “we’ve played your game long enough, it’s time to-’‘
“That’s not my name.”
“That’s. Not. My. Name!” Karen uttered finally standing her ground. “We had a deal- If you walk out, don’t bother coming back! I left and made my own life, i’m sorry if you don’t approve, but that’s not my-”
Karen was cut short by a blunt punch that side blinded her and knocked her to the ground. Being a Super, she trained to take a punch every now and again, but nothing could have prepared her for this kind of attack.
A dazed Karen sat up but was still on the ground, blood was running out of her nose and a bruise had already started to form on her face.
“YOUR LIFE?!” an angered voice echoed out of the father. “What about ours?! How could we have a reputation with a son who acts and dresses like a woman?! You selfish little brat! I knew you were messed up, but now I know you’re sick. I should have committed you the second this started happening, but trust me, it’s not too late. But First!”
The father then grabbed a clump of Karen’s hair and pulled tight.
“I’m gonna shave this hideous blue hair off you and remind you who you are!”
“Please Kevin, the mother added, please do what he says, we’re gonna help you get better.”
The man then pulled again on Karen trying to make her stand up like how one controls a horse. But as he pulled, a hand grabbed his free arm and grabbed tight.
“Get your hand off my daughter.” a familiar voice demanded. Karen looked up to see that voice belongs to Helen Parr. The man looked at her with disbelief that anyone could tell him what to do.
“IT is my son, and I can do whatever I want with IT, so unhand me or else-”
“Maybe I wasn’t clear,” Helen interrupted, before he could speak again, Helen bent his arm and snapped the bone like a dead twig.
“Get your FUCKING hand off my daughter!” Helen stated once again.
The man could only scream as he saw his broken arm, unknowingly complying with Helen’s demand and letting go of Karen. Still hanging on to him though, Helen threw him at the cowardly wife and was ready to give them hell. But before Helen took a step, Karen got off the ground and as the parents stood as well, Karen shot her hand towards them.
A large portal opened under the couples feet and they then fell into the Voyd, They found themselves in a dark room with nothing but a table and a chair. Stumbling, they got to their feet and viewed their location.
“What the hell happened?!” the husband cried, soon reminded of his broken arm as it twinged and bruised.
“Doesn’t feel good does it?” Karen asked walking into a room from a different portal that lit up the room.
“That fear, confusion, not being in control? That was my life every time you tried to correct me or shut me out!”
“Damn it Kevin! Stop this right now and-”
“MY NAME IS KAREN!” the parents stood in silence as the woman before them spoke.
“That is the last time you will call me by that name. All I wanted was to be accepted, but I guess that was too much of a burden for you. So let me ease that burden.’’
“No matter what you do, I will find you again, and one way or another, you’ll pay, I won’t forget this!” the father bellowed.
“Yes you will.” Karen replied, as she talked she pressed a button on the wall. Two identical machines came from the ceiling and red laser locked on to her parent’s heads. Before they could react, suction cup darts shot out of the machines and stuck to their foreheads, erasing every memory or clue of Karen from their minds. That was the last time Karen would see her parents again.
After talking to a pair of agents about the situation, Helen and Karen walked through the portal back to the alleyway. Helen looked at Karen and only wanted to comfort her, but also realized she needed space as well.
“I never hated Kevin.” Karen said breaking the silence. “He was a sweet boy and did have good memories every now and again. But he soon realized something was missing, and then saw what that thing was-me. I was his wish and every day i’m me, I believe i’m making Kevin proud.”
Karen gave a small smile to her idol as she picked up her book and they walked back to the street.
At a nearby restaurant, Brick was waiting at an outside table, beginning to worry about Karen not showing up. Soon, she sees Helen and a behind her notices a disheveled Karen. Almost throwing the table out of her way, Brick ran to Karen.
Unable to focus on her words, Brick quickly signed out- What happened?! Who did this to you?!
Karen looked confused, only to remember her nose was still bleeding, her clothes were dusty, and her face was bruised, not ideal for their date. Brick then pulled a tissue from her purse and gently wiped the blood off Karen’s face.
“I’m sorry.” Karen said weakly, “You probably hate me for being late and looking like this.”
Brick smiled and replied “How could hate you? Karen is best woman I know.”
Karen could only cry as she hugged Brick and was reminded how lucky of a woman she is. Luckily, this was a nice day.
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Hi There!
I thought I would make it to post my other blog post before this, but I had few days less than expected as my baby did come earlier. As from my other post you might know that I had less fluid in my cervix. 39th week – I already had more contractions and I was bleeding again. As long as I still remember everything I wanted to write down how my labor was, as it really was not easy for me!
(this is like a remembrance for myself too..)
19th of June 2018
I left the house for check up, somehow I knew it’s going to happen very soon. The days before I have been in contact with the hospital already as I was bleeding which they said is normal as my body is preparing.
The heart of baby Aria was doing good and the movement of the baby was also fine. They could still not tell where the blood came from and the placenta could not be seen on the ultra sound as usual (there will be a point on this after birth!!) Telling the doctor about what happened the last days and how I feel, they decided that I should stay there and I shall get induced later in the afternoon. I had lunch, informed my boyfriend and then I walked up to the labor room.
ca. 3 PM
I was prepared and got this needle thing in my hand (for the IV) and was checked with the CTG again.
4:30 PM
I got this medication to induce the labor. It looked like a tampon which was actually the strongest of all medication, but was suggested by the doctor.
5 PM
My boyfriend arrived with the hospital bag and we had dinner and we went for a walk outside and facetimed with my family in Berlin.
9 PM
We had to go back to the room for the first check up. I already felt the pain coming. While walking I already had contractions.
9:20 PM
The first real contraction came along… I was laying in bed already and breathing it away. This was still fine. I was about 1 cm dilated. Another midwife came in for the night shift.
10 PM to 12:30 AM
This was the most extreme time I had in labor, except the birth later on. I was in such pain, I had very strong contractions around every 3 minutes which shoot up high so fast that I was like having an electro shock every time. This is what I heard that contractions with inducing are very different to natural contractions. I don’t remember everything only that I was crying and said I can’t do this. I was only dilated 3 cm and still had to go on for the next 7 hours this way?! I was like nooo!! Screaming into the pillow trying to breathe and hanging myself on this rope that was attached to the ceiling. It really took all of my energy and I was so in shock about this pain. I knew that it will be very different to what I have ever known in my life and I needed to go through this. My baby was doing fine and already in position moving down. Then I asked for some pain reliever as I just wanted to have a break from this pain. It held on for like 2 contractions… I asked for something stronger. This was also injected and it held for like 3-4 contractions, but then it went on again. I still tried to breathe it all out with each contraction with the midwife. I was asking for a PDA, but then I was explained maybe to keep it this way and more naturally or the next option was laughing gas. My boyfriend was like – the PDA they will put a needle in your back.. I was like yeah I know I just want this to stop until I give birth and was begging. I couldn’t even finish a sentence in that hour. They gave me the laughing gas and I really hated it. It made me feel high and like I am losing my mind. Every time I was breathing it in I should breath it out in the same thing..it made me feel having asthma. I just remember moving my head around eyes closed, crying.
12:30 AM
Next step – PDA! Finally the anesthetist came in and explained everything to me and my boyfriend – with some breaks as I had contractions. She just came from another room where some else got the PDA too. I was hold together by my boyfriend and the midwife so I won’t move during a contraction. The whole procedure was done and after around 5 minutes I could tell the difference!! I was me again and could speak out whole sentences.
1 PM to 5.30 AM
My boyfriend and I could finally take a rest. I was still checked every hour. I had an IV with something to hydrate me and I had this little remote to press the button if the pain comes – there was another bag hanging for the IV. In between I had to change positions and we were good as I was dilated like 8 cm already. I was bleeding which they said is normal. These hours saved my life I thought.. it was an unreal feeling, but I knew I am about to see my baby.
Around 6 AM
My boyfriend was awake, I was dilated 9 cm and they were about to get everything ready for birth. I was explained that there will be a certain pressure and its the contraction. This is what we need to work with for pushing, but I will be told later on.
6:30 to 7 PM
I was fully dilated. Another midwife came in for the morning shift. I was about to push and concentrate on the pressure what I was explained and to move on giving birth soon. Now here comes the shocking point or disappointing moment: I was given medication per IV to get the contractions back. Pushing on the button against the pain from the PDA didn’t work anymore and nobody reacted to that. I was completely in pain as I was before just worse and as my baby was already deep down where my pelvis was stretching. I was back on trying to hold it, trying to be strong, but the pain was so extreme through this medication that I couldn’t concentrate on my baby, on breathing and pushing. This was horrible. At the same time so disappointing as I was told different and then this happens. For what did I let someone stick a needle in my back when this was not the purpose not to have all this pain while giving birth??
7:30 AM
I was pushing and pushing..then I was told to leave out pushing for maybe 3-4 contractions.. just breathe! They had a meeting with the doctors and we had to wait. The pain got worse. Then an assistant doctor came in to check and make an ultra sound how the baby is doing. The baby pulse got higher whenever I started pushing, so they let me pause again 3 contractions. The pain and my emotions came together and I started crying again. The assistant doctor saw that it would not work this way and let anesthesist come in again to give me something to lower the pain level through PDA. My boyfriend and I where nervous and didn’t know what exactly was going on as we were told, my water broke 12 hours ago and this means there is a possibility of an infection of the baby.. I already had fever. Another doctor came in checked the ultra sounds again. They suggested to move on with a suction cup. They said normally it takes around 2-3 hours until birth after being fully dilated. I was pushing 2 1/2 hours already. I said to my boyfriend yes, please let us do this because this takes way to long and if it helps her… some minutes went by they got all the tools together and I was still having contractions. The assistant doctor was placing the suction cup… wrong! Had to take it off and place it again!! First contraction pushing and pushing and pushing… taking a break waiting for the next contractions to build up my boyfriend already saw the head and said her hair is black! At this point everything was so tight down there this was such a weird feeling.
9:58 AM
I pushed again and again and again… THERE SHE WAS!! I didn’t hear anything, the pediatrician took her right away and there finally I heard her voice!! This was the moment I started crying I was longing for her she was so far, yet still in the room. My boyfriend went over as he was worried not hear her voice. He wasn’t even able to cut the navel as they had to handle fast – because of the infection, I thought! (coming back to this later/ other blog post!) Finally was she checked and everything was fine and she was healthy no infection, thank the universe!! In the meanwhile everything came out of me what was still in there..
The Placenta
The past months I had problems with the placenta and we were not sure where the blood came from. I was sick off earlier than I thought, I was not allowed to move too much..I was at home getting used that I can’t do much. After giving birth to the placenta they cut it and where looking if everything is fine with it and then looked after some bruises BECAUSE this actually caused the bleeding months ago. Even I was looking at it! NOTHING was found!! Everything was good with it I mean I am thankful for that..but in the end we will never find out where it actually came from.
My Baby Aria was born – 50 cm and 3110 KG
I was finally with her, she was laying on me, staring at me! This is an unforgettable moment – my heart grew bigger for her and I had a face to the movements in my bump. I love her so much and I was so happy, I could not believe a little human came out of me. After all that what happened … after all we went through and we stayed so strong! Everything is worth it, I swear! I didn’t really care about me I just wanted her to be good and healthy. I started to give her my breast and I got an ice-cold coke and it was so good!!
Tearing down there!
Yes, this happened due to pulling her out with the suction cup, first the assistant doctor was not sure if it was that or if the blood came from the inside. Then she started sewing I didn’t really feel anything.
My bladder was over filled
I couldn’t go to the restroom, either during the night or after birth. I had 1 1/2 L of urine in my bladder. I had to get a catheter during the whole stay at the hospital and now also at home. As this could get dangerous. But I didn’t mind as long as this helps my bladder to get smaller. I called the urine sack Alfredo for some reasons.
Inducing labor is something different.. than a natural one:
The main difference between a natural and artificially started labour is the intensity of the contractions. In a natural labour, oxytocin works to stimulate your uterus to contract and dilate the cervix. … Natural labour usually begins slowly, with a gradual build up of spaced out contractions that are short and mild
Read more about it here!
made it through the 2nd night
3rd day
Our first night together
3rd day we changed her clothes 🙂
next morning
During the day of birth
one day old Aria
This was an experience which was crazy, madness of pain, emotions and a wonder having my baby finally in my arms. The days in the hospital were going quiet well we had all the help we needed the midwives were so kind. Her first check up went good and I got breast pump to take home for a week and all information. Next week I will go back to get Alfredo my catheter out.
I will be posting a blog for how our first week went at home and a post about what I found out through my midwife who visits me at home, which is shocking what actually caused my baby having a high pulse and not screaming when she was born!
This is quiet a long story, but I wanted to keep all in details so I can have flash backs later on 🙂
I don’t know if other women were in such pain too while the labor was induced? There are women saying no to another child after the first one.. some women don’t remember the pain.
I think you can never compare all births and judge. I think everyone has a unique story..
and this was mine!
Baby Aria – Labor & Delivery Story Hi There! I thought I would make it to post my other blog post before this, but I had few days less than expected as my baby did come earlier.
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Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 8
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Category: F/M Fandom: Mystic Messenger (Video Game) Relationship:707 | Luciel Choi/Main Character Characters:707 | Luciel Choi, V | Jihyun Kim Mary, Vanderwood 3rd, Jumin Han, Zen | Hyun Ryu, Yoosung Kim, Jaehee Kang, Main Character, Rika, Saeran ChoiUnknown | Ray
He stomped into the bunker hands pulling at his hair. She had driven them back, the second they were alone Saeyoung had broken down again and wasn’t in any state to drive. She still had his glasses on her head as she followed behind him. He was beautiful with puffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. He was beautiful to her in every way. She knew he didn't like showing his weaknesses, she understands that.
"Saeyoung, I don't know how to help you! I want to take your pain away but I can't. Tell me how I can help you!" She sobbed and yelled at the man in front of her. He turned to face her tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I love you." She whispered staring up at him. His face scrunched up as he stared back at her. Before she knew it she was thrown against the wall with a loud thud. She blinked away the pain as he gripped her neck and jaw tightly forcing her to look at him.
"Don't say that!" He yelled in her face causing her own tears to fall upon her pale cheeks as she stared him dead in the eye.
"I love you." She gasped as her throat was cut off from the air with each word.
"Aren't you scared?" He asked in confusion as he cut off her air supplies and stared at the resolve for him in her eyes.
"Ughn. No" she gasped as her lungs burned for air. His grip on her throat loosened as he buried his face in her neck trying to soothe her pain with kisses as she heaved at the sudden air assaulting her lung. She coughed deeply catching her breath.
"I don't understand you. Do you really have that much faith in me?" He purred into her ear as he nipped at her lobe before he trailed kisses down her neck.
"I know you love me." She muttered as her voice scratched her sore throat. He stopped his trail of fluttery kisses on her as his body tensed.
"I destroy everything I love." He warned her as latched on to her neck and bit down on her pulse. She let out a cry of pleasure and pain to his assault. He added suction as he leaped his tongue around the wound to sooth. She gasped out a quiet moan. It was music to his ears as he gently cupped her jaw turning her head so he could view the love bite on Nari he had left before kissing up against the column of her throat. She hummed with each kiss. He dropped his hand on her jaw and moved his fingers to tangle them in her hair before he pulled tightly causing her head to bend back. He was standing looking at the girl beneath him; Nari’s eyes where half closed as she stared into his searching eyes.
"Then destroy me!" She demands up at him. He growled pulling harshly on her hair.
"Don't say things like that!" He yelled before crushing her lips under his. He bites and sucked harshly at her bottom lip causing her to shudder and gasp. Their eyes were still locked as he shoved his tongue into her mouth. She moaned softly as his tongue met her and started to massage it. She moved her tongue on his causing him to hiss before he bit down on hit gaining a yelp of pain from her. He pulled back from her his eyes still not leaving hers.
"Why aren't you fucking afraid!?!" He thundered punching the wall beside her face. She didn't budge her eyes never left his. Her resolve burning in her eyes was beautiful. She closed her eyes and sighed softly before she looked back up at him. She timidly brought her hands up to cup either side of his face. He flinched her at the gentle contact.
"I feel safe with you." She spoke softly causing him to stare at her in disbelief. His actions moments ago proved that she shouldn't feel safe.
"You're too naive." He growled back. "You're an extremely stupid light-headed girl." Her eyes still didn't budge.
"I choose you, and I'll choose you over and over and over; without pause, without a doubt, and in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you." She explained herself running a gentle hand through his hair. He stared back at her with wide eyes as new tears falling down his face. "Love is giving someone the power to destroy you... but trusting them not to." She continued brushing his tears away with her thumb. He softly pressed his forehead to hers as his golden eyes stared into hers.
"Thank you, Nari... thank you for staying even though you have every reason to leave." He cured a broken sob as he continued. "Thank you for making it easier when life gets hard." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself close to him. "I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands. I feel the jagged edges of your scar in me every time my heart beats." It was her turn to release a sob as he grabbed her hand and pressed against his heart. Nari felt the rapid uneven beats of it.
"Maybe I'm scared because you mean more to me than any other person. You are all I think about. Everything I need everything I want." His voice just whispered in her ear through his sobs. She held him tight as she cried loudly into his neck. "I still remember the feeling I felt when we first started talking over the messenger." He sobbed out a chuckle. "Do you know how amazing you are too me?"
He pulled out of the embrace so his eyes could meet with her again. He frowned and touched the bruise his hand left. She shook her head grabbing his hand pressing it to her face with a deep breath before releasing a heavy sigh. His other hand untangled itself from her hair before she started to comb through it removing tangles.
"It's true we don't have it as easy as ordinary couples." She spoke gazing up at her beloved with a loving smile. "But what we share together is not ordinary love either. Loving you is so natural to me it's like breathing... I can't live without doing it" with that he leaned in.
He pressed his lips to hers. Softly, almost cautious he deepened the kiss; she shuddered out a sigh as his tongue met hers. His hand carcasses the skin on her lower back as he pushed her shirt up slowly. She hummed as her own fingers moved to the front of his sweater was grabbed the fabric and pulled him closer. She arched her back at his touch as his finger lightly trailed up her spine. Timidly she moved to unzip the front of his sweater earning herself a growl of approval as she did so. Nari made quick work of yanking the zipper down and pulling the sweater off his shoulders. He let out a husky chuckle between their mouths. Saeyoung brought both hands to each of her hips tantalizingly slow he started to push up her own sweater while feeling every dip and curve of her body as he did so. Nari brought her arms up to allow the fabric to come off her body easily. He broke their lazy yet passionate kiss long enough to haul her sweater over her head and chucked it aside leaving her bra in place.
She flushed slightly as Saeyoung eyed her body, but she didn't feel uncomfortable. Instead, she brought her own fingers to the hem of his shirt slightly tugging at it. His eyes met hers as a smile searched his lips. He made quick work of his own shirt peeling it off and throwing it aside like hers. Nari blushed as she looked at the man before her. Enthralled with seeing his body for the first time she absentmindedly started drawing patterns into the flesh on his chest with her fingers. He was fit, and that sent thrills throughout her as she felt the macules under his soft skin. Saeyoung tensed under the touch but allowed her to continue to run her hands over his torso.
He examined the woman as she slowly worked up the courage to touch him. The more he studied her, the more enduring this moment with her become. He had come to the conclusion she's a virgin based on how timid yet curious she was. He brought two fingers to her chin and pressed up so she was looking at him. The blush on her cheeks was lovely paired with the flicker of lust for him in her honey eyes. "I love you." She spoke softly.
"I love you." He replied with a crack in his voice as his fingers carcasses her cheek. Nari smiled at him as she connected their lips again. He swiftly brought her arms up to circle his neck then moved to place his hand on the underside of her thighs hoisting her up. Nari wrapped her legs around his waist for support as he began to walk them toward the bedroom. Nari used her feet to kick off her shoes as she broke the kiss burying her face into his shoulder as he walked.
She was nervous, but the excitement coursing through her made her know that this was okay. Being intimate with Saeyoung was okay. This is what it meant to love and be loved in return. It was a pleasant yet terrifying feeling. Nari smiled into his shoulder pressing feathery kisses into it was she heard the door to his bedroom open. She felt her heartbeat pick up as he set her softly on the bed standing in front of her. She smiled up at him earning a loving smile in return. He bends over to connect their lips again and she started to crawl backward on the bed to make room for him. He gladly crawled out of her not breaking the kiss.
He broke the kiss with a chuckle as he removed his glasses from Naris head. She let out a nervous giggle as he set them on the bedside table. They both sat on the bed glancing shyly at one another. Nari studied the way his chest raised and fell at an uneven pace. She smiled when he moved his hand to cup her face bring her eyes to meet his. She nuzzled into his touch as she watched him study her.
"It's okay to stop if you want too." He told her and she smiled shaking her head.
"I want to." She informed him and he smiled brightly at her that she forgot to breathe as he brought his lips to hers messaging them together. Skillfully he brought one hand behind her and undid her bra.
She knew she was blushing as he slowly ran his fingers over her shoulders down her arms to remove it. He shifted so she could lay her back on the bed slowly as he pressed himself on top of her. Nari moaned softly when his tongue met her as she felt his hand carcass her side. Feeling bold she playfully bit his lower lip softly earning a growl from him. She gasped as a hand cupped her breast as he moved to assault her neck. She moved her Head to the side to allow his assault. Nari gasped as he softly bit down on her shoulder and flicked his finger across her nipple. He hummed pleased with the reaction before grabbing the nub between his finger and thumb and rolled it. Naris eyes widen as a jolt of pleasure hit her. He rolled it, again and again, watching her expressions. She arched in the touch softly panting and moaning.
Saeyoung smiled to himself at the beautiful sight before starting to slowly kiss his way down her chest. When he reached her unattended breast he slowly ran his tongue over her peak. Nari cried out louder than before at the sensation. Wanting to hear more of her pleased cries he took the nipple in his mouth and sucked while toying with the other. Her back completely arched up as she gasped running her hand through her hair. He wondered if she knew how sexy she truly was.
She was mess writhing under him while withstanding his assault. She felt a dull ache between her legs every time a jolt of pleasure coursed through her as she allowed him to tease her body. She slumped back on the bed relaxing as he halted his actions. She was panting and starting to feel sweaty under his heat. She didn't open her eyes as she felt him kiss back up toward her face. She felt his finger stroke her heated cheeks as she opened her eyes to be met with his half-lidded eyes before he leaned in to place loving peaks to her swollen lips. She smiled as she softly started returning them earning a soft chuckle. He deepens the kissing for a moment before moving to lie beside her.
Saeyoung gazed down at his love as he brought his hand down her body raising goosebumps in his wake. Testing the waters he brought his hand to her thighs and started from the knee slowly moving toward her sex. Her eyes met his as she bit her lip nervously as her body tensed to his touch. He ran a finger up her wet underwear looking at her for permission. She gasped at his touch and nodded. His other hand brushed her bangs from her forehead as he looped his fingers in the panties tugging them down. He almost chuckled at her blush as she shifted to allow them to be removed. He passionately kissed her as they ran down her legs and eventually off. She brought her fingers up to his cheek putting her all into the heated kiss. He pressed one finger between her folds earning a gasp causing him to smile a bit.
She was warm and wet as he brought his finger up to her clit and began rubbing soft slow circles on it. She shuttered breaking the kiss to catch her breath. Experimentally he added pressure keeping the pace the same causing the girl to bury her face in the nook of his neck while panting at his touch. She had a hand on his shoulder and the other on the opposite side of his neck. He drew out sweet moans from her as he increases his pace causing her to tighten her grip on him as she moved she hips slightly at his touch. He Buried His own face in her shoulder while using his free arm to support her weight. He didn't slow as he added another finger to her sweet spot causing her to loudly moan in his ear. He pressed soft kisses into her shoulder as he increases the speed again sending her into a frenzy. She lightly bit into his shoulder as her body tightened and she released a long loud moan. He starts to slow down the pace allowing her to ride out her orgasm. As she started to relax he gently tapped her clit with his fingers causing her breath to shudder as she released a tense moan softly in his ear. He smiled into her shoulder as her body went slightly limp in his arms.
Naris chest raised and fell as she gathered her thought. Her body felt numb and extra sensitive to Saeyoung’s finger running up and down her spine. She sighed lifting her face from his shoulder to look at him. He lifted his head curiously to look back at her. She smiled lovingly at him before capturing his lips with her causing a grunt to escape his throat. Slowly he moved his fingers toward her opening causing her to moan onto his lips. The tip of his finger stopped at the entrance causing her to wiggle her hips wanting more from him.
He released a breathless chuckle into the kiss as he slowly pushed it into her. She tensed gasping as the single digit into her hot cavern. He hummed as her tightness engulfed his finger drawing it in. He slid the finger outgaining an adorable groan of disappointment. He sucked on her tongue as he inserted the finger with more force curving in upward. She moans loudly as her head lolled back. He watched her sweet expressions as he repeated the action over and over again gaining speed every time he re-entered her. She was a mess as he inserted a second finger. Her kisses were getting sloppy as he moved his fingers to stretch her. She let out a whimper of pain as he separated his fingers inside her.
"Shhh..." he tried to soothe her as he laid fluttery kisses over her face not moving his fingers leaving them to stretch her.
"I love you" she whispered as he pulled back looking her in the eye.
"I love you." He whispered back stroking her face resuming preparing her. Her eyes didn't leave his as he curled his fingers tuning them along her inner sweet spot causing her to arch off the bed while her eyes glazed over and she panted and moaned. "You sound so pretty." He mumbled to her and she blushed moaning out as he hit the spot again.
He pressed loving kisses into her cheek as he picked up speed causing her to basically scream as her body tightened around his fingers. He added more presser and moved his thumb to hit her clit as he moved his fingers inside her rapidly. Nari grabbed him as her orgasm hit her shaking her whole body. She was speaking in tongues moaning loudly as the waves of pleasure crashed over her.
As the jolts calmed she also felt his fingers slow their assault. She fell back onto the bed bring an arm up and over her eyes as she tried to calm her breathing. Soon she felt Saeyoung slip his fingers out of her and he shifted on the bed. She turned her head to the side peaking at the man beside her as he grinned and licked his fingers. She smiled lazily at him as he removed her arm from her face. They haven't even started and Nari felt spent. She looked down to hide from his gaze when she realized he was only in his boxers.
She blushed deeply looking back at the man before looking down at herself. Her skirt was hauled up, exposing her and she still had her socks on. She blushed, even more, realizing the state she was in. "We can stop here if you’re nervous." He assured her kissing her forehead.
She looked at him cupping his face in her hands. His eyes searched hers before she leaned up to connect her lip with his. "I feel so safe with you. I want my first time to be with you." She mumbled on his lips. He smiled cupping her face and deepened the kiss. He moved so he was above her, his legs kicking off his boxers. One hand groped her thigh moving it aside so he was between them. She gasped when she felt his warmth on hers as he positioned himself at her entrance.
"I promise this is the last time I'll hurt you, love." He assured her in a soft voice causing her eyes to flutter shut as she felt his tip begin to press in. He pressed comforting kisses to her neck and shoulder as he felt her body tense around him. He stopped as his breathing failed him. he gazed down at the at Nari. Her face flushed, her pretty eyes closed as her hair was scattered on the pillows. She was gorgeous. Leaning on her caught her in an open mouth kiss as he slowly presses more into her. He let out a breathless sigh when he felt her warm wet walls engulf him. She bit down on his tongue causing him to let out a grunt as she whimpered in discomfort. He hushed her softly moving the rest of the way in causing her to release a cry.
"I know. I know" he murmured softly kissing her nose. She opened her watery eyes to gaze at him. She bit her lip as a pained expression crossed her features. Saeyoung dropped his head to her shoulder willing himself to calm down. Her expression had been so seductive, pure bliss of both pain and pleasure. Her body felt so good around his he felt his hips ache to move. She shifted her hips slightly trying to get used to his length inside her causing a moan to escape his lips. He held her tightly making it so she was unable to move. He felt her fingers brush his hair comforting him. He felt a swell love bubble inside him as he lifted his head enough to look at the smiling girl.
"Let me." Nari purred on his ear as he softly moaned releasing his binding hold on her.
His shuttering breath caught in his throat as she lifted her hip and started small rotations lightly gasping at her own actions. He watched in awe as she winces, but kept trying to adjust herself. He bit his lip trying to hold back his own pleasure as his lover tried to overcome her own pain. Saeyoung’s heart tore when he saw a tear escape from her eyes. He groaned capturing her lips with his again before tightening his grip on her to stop her movement.
She laid under him her arm wrapped around him as he held her safely in his. She broke the kiss giving him and nods before she buried her head in the nook of his neck pressing kisses there. With an unsteady breath, Saeyoung withdrew from the welcoming warmth before pressing back slowly in one thrust. He listened to her breath hitch in his ear. He turned his head to kiss her temple before repeating the action. Each time she re-entered his added more force causing her to grip on to him nails scraping the skin on his back. He hummed at his own pleasure started to build and Nari started to release sweet little-pleasured moans to his actions. He gripped her thigh moving to so her leg rested on his back. She moaned bliss as he moved inside her more freely. He panted as he felt his pleasure grow with every thrust. Nari let out a sharp cry of pleasure as he trusted rather harshly into her. Unable to really hold back anymore he upped his speed gaining squeals of delight from Nari. He groaned listening to her pleasure as her walls tighten around him. He moaned as he felt his release. His body tensed as she places sweet kisses on his shoulder and he let out a grunt as his seed filled her.
He withdrew from her as they both clasped on the bed breathing heavily her fingers massaged his scalpel as he laid on her breast placing lazy kissed long them. They lay in each other's arm catching their breath. She felt warm tears hit her chest and she kissed his mop of hair. She whispered terms of endearment to him holding him close to her. Nari's own tears welled and spilled running silently down her cheeks.
Nari giggled causing Saeyoung to sit up to watch the girl curiously. She shook her head when their gazes met and she covered her face with her hands. He frowned moving his hands to hers before lifting them.
"Sorry." She mumbled bursting into giggles again as tears fell from her eyes.
"I didn't hurt you too much did I?" He asked worried he got carried away at the end. she shook her head laughing.
"I'm just really happy, and I don't know how to react." She explained earning a grin from her lover.
"You're so beautiful." He told her halting her laughter as she blushed.
"Well... you’re hot." She replied looking away from him causing him to break out in laughter. He leaned over her placing kisses on her face causing her to join in the laughter.
He rolled off of her laying on his back head turned toward her with a happy grin. Nari rolled to her side laying her head down on his chest. He hummed shifting them so his arm was under her holding her close. He played with her hair as she pressed kisses and drew absentmindedly with her fingers on his chest.
"You know..." Nari started smiling.
"Yes, my love?" Saeyoung asked urging her own. She turned to bring her arm up to rest on his chest as she prompted herself up enough to look at him. He raised a curious eyebrow at her serious expression.
"If I didn't know better... which I don't... It kind of felt like you've never done this before either." Nari mused tapping a finger on her lip. She watched his eyes soften and a smile graced his features.
"I love you." He whispered breathlessly stroking her face as his other hand run up and down her back.
"I love you." She whispered back as her chest swelled.
"And... Yeah... it was also my first time." He answered with a rare blush gracing his features as her face lit up at the information. She squealed happily nuzzling her face into his chest. He laughed at her reaction wrapping his arms around her.
"My legs are really sticky." She informed him bluntly causing him to look at her for a moment before breaking out in laughter. He placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair.
"Let’s go take a shower then we can change the sheets," Saeyoung suggested and she looks to the wet patch with a little blood smeared in it. She flushed and her eyes went wide.
"Am I bleeding?" She asked frantically Sitting Upwards praying it wasn't the start of her time of the month.
"Calm down! I read that it's normal for girls to bleed a little their first time." He soothed sitting up capturing her in his arms. She let out a loud sigh of relief. "You're a doctor shouldn't you know this?"
"My brain feels frazzled. I honestly jumped to another conclusion." She confessed blushing as he caught on laughing into her shoulder.
"It wouldn't bother me." He assured her causing her to flush. "Let’s got a shower." He changed the subject for her sake.
"Good plan!" She agreed to throw her legs over the side of the bed. He watched her as she stood looking down at the skirt on her. "You know you could have removed this too..."
"Could have." He agreed to watch her pull the skirt from her hips allowing it to fall to the floor as she stepped out of it. He gazed at her enjoying the view of her round little bum as she walked toward her bags of clothes. She crouched down digging through the bag. She looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes.
"You're such a guy." She muttered to his amusement.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He countered earning a laugh from the woman collecting her pajamas. She stood facing him completely naked aside from her thigh high socks with her pajamas in her arms.
She shifted under his gaze blushing looking to the corner of the room. Saeyoung licked his lips as he stood from the bed walking toward the girl. The sound of his approach alerted her and her gaze moved back to him. She felt the blush spread throughout her body as she got an eye full. He closed In on her pulling her into an embrace.
"I can't get over how beautiful you are, Nari." He whispered to her as she rested her head against his chest allowing his body to warm hers.
Nari has entered the chatroom
Yoosung- does this mean the end of the RFA
Yoosung crying emoji
Jaehee- I honestly don't know where this organization stands anymore.
Jumin- V should press charges on Luciel for assault.
Zen- pressing charges one another isn't going to help anyone.
V- I know there are questions, but it's not my place to answer them.
Yoosung- as Seven said your fucking secrets have killed people.
Zen- lay off Yoosung
Jaehee- this isn't the time to be fighting with one another.
Jumin- You sure you don't wish to press charges?
V- I'm fine, I deserved it.
V- I'm feeling so guilty I don't even know how to process these emotions I'm feeling.
Jumin- Fine
Jaehee- let's just take the fact the app still functions as good faith the RFA isn't over!
V- That's true.
Yoosung- I'm worried Nari’s job is in trouble
Zen- Yeah let's hope she doesn't end up fired.
Jumin- I've already spoken with her superiors, she job is not at stake.
Jaehee- That's a relief.
Nari- Thanks for the concerns
Yoosung surprise emoji
Zen surprise emoji
V- We didn't expect you
Jaehee- how's Luciel doing?
Nari- he's going to be fine...
Jumin- can you explain what happened?
Zen- Yeah Nari, I know you're close to him, but right now I kind of want to kick the snot out of him
Zen angry emoji
Nari- I believe in peace and the blessing of God 7
707 has entered the chatroom
Zen- talk about timing...
707- don’t attack her
707- she doesn't know much
707- this is between me and V so don't involve yourselves.
V- Luciel...
707- we'll talk later V
V- very well
V has left the chatroom
Nari- I wanted to check on him...
Zen- thought you'd take Sevens side.
Nari- I'm Switzerland
Zen confused emoji
Yoosung confused emoji
707- have none of you taken history?
Jumin- she means she isn't taking sides
Jaehee- Good I don't think it'd help to take sides.
Zen- You can't expect us not to take a side when both parties refuse to explain the situation.
Yoosung- The secrets are getting exhausting.
Nari- I don't think you should push too much, I don't know much more than you all do, but I know the situation is heartbreaking and complicated.
707- Nari its fine, I can tell them something
Nari- You sure?
707- positive
Nari- well I'm literally right beside you cheering you on ^^
707- then you'll be my strength?
Nari- always!
707- God, where do I begin?
Jaehee- how about you start with why you punched V?
Jumin- actually I'd like to know that as well
707- If I tell you... you can't ever talk about it...
Zen- is it dangerous if we know?
707- more dangerous for me and Nari if you know
Yoosung surprised emoji
Yoosung- it's related to Nari. Where you defending her honor
Yoosung blushing emoji
Zen- I doubt V did anything to Nari that deemed necessary for Seven to defend her honor
Jumin- I find it hard to believe as well
707- it doesn't directly affect her... but if the agency learns about me than that puts Nari in danger
Jaehee- I don't understand why your job affects her.
707- because agents aren't supposed to have friends or family. She's currently staying with me, making her a target.
Zen surprise emoji
Yoosung surprise emoji
Jaehee surprise emoji
Nari- basically our relationships with him are a secret outside the RFA
Jumin- It obvious things spoken about in this chatroom are confidential
Nari- Saeyoung, the RFA is family you can trust them
707- I know it's just hard to talk about
Jaehee- I'm assuming Saeyoung is your real name Luciel?
707- Ya... Nari is in a bad habit of using...
Nari- heh you know you like it
Yoosung- How come to Nari knew what it was
Zen- Yeah... given your track record even though she's close to you now, you wouldn't reveal it especially if it's dangerous for her to know.
707- Rika spilled the beans in a chatroom before you all were granted access
Jumin- I'd rather not speak of Rika right now
707- We should set an RFA meeting and discuss this matter in person.
Jaehee- That's actually what I wanted to suggest.
Zen- we'll get to properly meet Nari
Yoosung- Yeah I want to properly meet her too!
Jumin- assistant Kang set a date and time
707- tomorrow
707- let's do it tomorrow
Jaehee- I'll move our schedule around Mr.Han
Jumin- Very Well
Nari- I look forward to meeting you all while not screaming profanity at Luciel ^^;
707- Cute
707- hahaha she just blushed and buried her face in me.
Yoosung- ugh I want a girlfriend!
Zen- Yeah me too
Jaehee- Tomorrow at 1 pm boardroom A
Jumin- very well. I'll see you all tomorrow.
707- bring V
Jumin Han has left the chatroom
Nari has left the chatroom
Zen- huh she didn't even say goodbye!
707- she fell asleep on me
Jaehee- she's probably exhausted
Zen- Yeah probably something to do with Luciel starting fights in her place of work
Yoosung- it's exciting to think about meeting her tomorrow though
707- Yeah I think this is her way of telling me its bedtime
Jaehee- Get some sleep Luciel
707- well when you have a cuddle buddy who wouldn't want to sleep!
Zen- just rub it in, no funny business
707- too late
707- peace
707 has left the chatroom
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Daughter Series - Soldier 76 pt. 3
It's our favorite silver-haired soldier and his baby girl again! This might not be my best work, it just wasn’t flowing quite like I wanted, but I like it pretty well now.
It’s basically 2,300ish words of fluff and then Talia coming out at a lesbian. The ever sweet @envy-kitty and I were talking about this a while ago, so hopefully I did it justice :)
More Daughter Series: Hanzo, McCree, Reaper, Soldier 76, Genji, Roadhog
Soldier 76 installments: pt 1, pt 2, pt 3
Solider 76 was still struggling to find a balance between wanting to keep his anonymity and wanting to stay close to his daughter. Once the rest of her team had found her in the alley, battered and bruised but rescued, he’d managed to slap his mask back on and keep his identity hidden from Reinhardt. Lena had agreed to keep his secret from the others, but she sure didn’t like it. Having both Tracer and Mercy give him a disapproving look was miserable, but 76 stood his ground. He’d helped get his daughter to the plane and begrudgingly watched as they flew away, an ache in his chest as Talia disappeared out of sight.
Now, a month later, he still missed her terribly, but the little messages she sent every day helped. Ana was incessantly nosy about them, but nonetheless, he smiled behind his mask every time Natalia’s name came up in his inbox. Tonight, however, they finally had the chance to video chat – 76 was hunkered down in a little safehouse, and Talia was free from her Overwatch obligations. The old soldier had been anxiously watching the clock all day.
“Any minute now,” he murmured just before the ‘call received’ logo popped up. He tapped the button on the little monitor in a flash. Talia was laughing at him the next second.
“Jeez, you picked up quick,” she grinned, “were you just sitting there waiting for me?”
“Yes, yes I was,” he replied. “That’s all I’ve done all day.”
She squinted at him thoughtfully. “You’re not good at downtime, are you?”
He chuckled, “Not really, but I was twice as impatient today. It’s good to see you again, kid.”
Natalia gave him a look. “It would be nice to see you, too. If only you didn’t have that big ol’ screen on your face.”
“Right,” he said placing his mask to the side. “Sorry, kiddo. I forget I have this thing on sometimes.”
“You forget? How on Earth do you forget that there’s something suction cupped to your face,” she scoffed playfully.
“Hey, I sleep in this thing, Talia. It’s basically a part of me now.”
Her smile grew devious. “Soooo does your morning breath gets trapped in there? Ick.”
The greying man burst out laughing. “No, Natalia. It has a filter for that.”
“What?! No way! That’s ridiculous!”
“Well, the filter isn’t for that specifically, but for contaminant control and whatnot.”
“Oh,” she said, “that makes more sense.” Still shaking her head in amusement, Talia adjusted herself and moved the monitor she was looking at. She looked uncomfortable, surrounded by a white room with bright lights and nothing on the walls.
“Everything okay, kid,” 76 asked worriedly.
“I’m good,” she said quickly, “why?”
“It looks like you’re in a doctor’s office or something,” he said, craning his neck in a futile attempt to look around Natalia’s surroundings.
She swiveled around with a frown. “It’s just my bathroom, 76, no biggy.”
“Oh,” he said awkwardly, “my bad. No offense.”
Talia giggled, “None taken. I don’t decorate much, so it is pretty sparse in here.”
“Wait,” Solider 76 said after a moment to think, “why are you calling me from the bathroom?”
“Uh,” she hummed with feigned sweetness, “promise you won’t be mad?”
He was equal parts apprehensive and concerned. “What’s going on,” he asked slowly.
“Alright, so, I might have kinda sorta scheduled a date for tonight, too.”
Solider 76 couldn’t quite hold back his disappointed sigh. “Oh. I see. That’s fine. I suppose that’s what I get for making you wait so long to spend time with me.” The moment that sentence left his mouth he regretted it. He had no right to guilt trip her. Before he could apologize Talia blurted out her own explanation.
“I swear I’m not trying to blow you off or anything, I promise,” she began, looking mortified. “I just don’t get a whole lot of time off, and I thought I’d try to – ”
“Natalia, honey, it’s okay! I shouldn’t have said that. You can do whatever you want with your time, I’m just glad I get to see you at all. If you need to go – ”
“I don’t need to go! We still have at least half an hour to hang out, I just might be curling my hair at the same time,” Talia said toying with her ponytail bashfully.
“Kiddo, you do whatever you got to do. As long as I get to sit here and pretend I’m with you, I’m happy,” the old soldier said softly.
“Thanks for understanding, 76. I’ve missed you,” she responded sappily.
“Of course I understand. I used to run that place, after all, and I definitely remember how precious those days off were. And I’ve missed you too, Natalia.”
She beamed and ruffled her long hair. She was so beautiful with those clear blue eyes, paler than his, but the same shape. Almost overly pretty. The fatherly instincts 76 didn’t know he had kicked in. “About this date . . .”
Talia pursed her lips, and her shoulders slumped. “Oh god,” she groaned.
“Please tell me you’re not seeing one the other Overwatch members. Please, please tell me it's not someone I know. Like McCree. Or Genji.” The aging man grimaced with his whole body.
“No, it’s not McCree,” his daughter laughed, “and what’s wrong with Genji? He’s such a nice guy.”
“YOU’RE GOING OUT WITH GENJI?! I – wha – when – isn’t he quite a bit older than you?!”
Natalia nearly fell off the counter she was laughing so hard. “Chill, old man, I’m not going out with Genji, and I’m not seeing anyone on the base.”
“Good,” 76 huffed, sinking into his chair. Then he snickered. “Jesse would be so upset if he heard you defending Genji and not him.”
“Yes he would,” Talia giggled. “He can be so pouty.”
“He’s always been like that . . .” Soldier 76 had far too many memories of McCree worming his way out of punishments with nothing but his long lashes and big puppy dog eyes. Good memories, funny memories. “I know I probably shouldn’t be happy to hear you’re not seeing anyone I used to work with, but I am,” 76 continued “I should probably be telling you that as long as someone treats you right, I’m happy, but that’s just not true. I’m shallow like that.”
“I appreciate your honesty,” she snorted. “And relax, it’s just a first date – little more than hanging out.”
“When are you leaving,” he asked, trying to sound nonchalant and not overwhelming.
“In a bit.”
“Where you going?”
“Local bar.”
“You going to keep your tracker on?”
“Well yeah, it’s protocol to – are you going to track me on my date?! Oh my god! Do NOT do that,” she shrieked.
That was absolutely his plan. “I just want to make sure nothing happens to you!”
“I swear on everything that is holy if you track me while I’m out there I will find you and – ” she waved her curling iron around, trying to find a good insult. “Look, I’ll find you and make you regret it somehow.”
“I’m terrified,” 76 said sarcastically with a wide grin.
“You better be,” Talia said flushing. “But seriously, don’t be weird tonight. I can always send an alert to the base if something goes wrong. I’m also a highly trained military woman, too, ya know.”
“I know, but still,” he said squirming, “I’m supposed to worry about you. You’re my – ” Even after their heart to heart, it continued to be hard for him to say ‘his daughter’ out loud. He didn’t know why. He adored Natalia, he did but . . . something kept holding him back.
Talia seemed unfazed by his hesitation, thankfully, just saying, “It’s nice to know you’re out there thinking about me, but you don’t need to worry so much. I’m a big girl, 76, clean my own gun and everything. And my taser.”
Soldier 76 tilted his head. “I’ll keep that in mind. And seriously? A taser?”
“I’ve done a lot of hand-to-hand combat and all that, but let’s be honest: I’m a short girl and not super muscle bound. I know my limits, I know I can be overpowered, so yeah, the taser makes me feel a little safer. Plus, the look on McCree’s face when I whipped it out at him was priceless!”
“Ah, Talia,” 76 sputtered through laughter, “I would have loved to have seen that!”
“Athena has it recorded,” she grinned, “I’ll send it to you.”
The two of them spent the better part of an hour catching up, telling silly stories about the people they worked with – Torb welding his beard into his turret, Ana sticking herself with a sleeping dart. Soldier 76 hadn’t been this relaxed in ages, but when Natalia checked her phone for the third time, he knew she had other places to be.
“Time to head out,” he asked, trying to be satisfied with the time he’d had with her.
“Yeah, probably,” she sighed. “To be honest, though, I think I’d rather stay in with you.”
He heart swelled, but he knew better than to keep Talia all to himself, no matter how much he wanted to. “Bah, go, Natalia. I’m sure you’re date is much more fun than this old man is. Besides, Ana will be back soon, and if she sees you on here, she’ll talk your dang ear off all night. She’s dying to meet you.”
“I’d love to meet her! She’s amazing,” Talia all but sang.
“I’ll introduce you someday, but not now. Ana is insisting on telling you every embarrassing story about me she can think of,” 76 confessed.
“Yes please,” Natalia said, bouncing up and down on the counter. “That would be the best!”
“No,” 76 barked, “that would be the worst! Objectively, empirically, undeniably the worst!”
“I can’t believe Captain Amari herself is out there and wants to meet me,” Natalia said with an awed lilt in her voice. Her phone rang before 76 could tell her just how excited Ana was to meet ‘the little Morrison girl with the nanobots.’
“Hey Andy,” Natalia said walking into her bedroom and out of sight. “We still on for tonight? . . . That’s actually perfect. I might be a little late, too. . . Alright, I’ll see you there. Later.”
“Everything good,” 76 asked, pretending he wasn’t eavesdropping.
“Yep, all good.” Her excited smile was adorable.
“Gotta say,” he said, half joking, half not, “a man showing up late for a first date doesn’t make for a great first impression . . .”
She rolled her eyes and gave him a fake frown before grinning again. “Can you blame a veterinarian for taking a little extra time with a puppy who has a sprained paw?”
The old soldier moaned. “I just tried to tear down a vet? Who was treating a puppy? Well, feel like a jerk.”
“All is forgiven, and, um, just so you know, Andy is a woman.”
Soldier 76 closed his eyes tight and nearly smacked himself. He shouldn’t have been so presumptuous, he shouldn’t have assumed. Now he was desperately trying to find a way to recover and not sound like an ass.
“Will you say something,” Natalia said quietly. “If you’re going to judge me for – ”
“Talia, I’m not judging, I swear! I just didn’t want to say something wrong. Again. I’m sorry. I just want you to be happy, kiddo. Honest.”
“It’s ok, 76,” Talia said leaning on the counter. “I was just nervous about telling you, so I got a little jittery. I’m glad you’re not, I guess – ”
She shrugged, “Yeah. I knew you weren’t – I remember reading about how you stood up for Lena when that dignitary made a shitty comment during the original Overwatch days, but it’s different when it’s me telling you, dad to daughter.”
“You are my favorite person in the world, Natalia,” 76 said seriously, “no matter what, no matter who you like.”
“As long as it's not McCree or Genji,” Talia teased.
He snorted, “Or Mercy. Or Lena. Or Ana.”
“I definitely had a crush on Ana,” she said with a grin.
“Do not tell her that,” 76 said, waving his finger at her, “that woman does not need anything else to boost her ego!”
“Hey, she has a right to be confident,” Talia said defensively.
“True, but you don’t travel with her day in and day out, hearing about ‘that time in Mexico City’ every three days,” 76 huffed.
“Would you rather Ana talking to me about her illustrious career, or your embarrassing moments?”
“Good point,” he chuckled. “Now go have fun tonight, and I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
“I will, and thanks for being so good to me, 76.”
“I’m trying, kiddo, I’m trying,” he said rubbing the back of his neck.
“Still glad you met me,” she asked with a smile.
“Yes, of course. Why do you keep asking me that? Almost every other message you’ve sent me has that in it.”
“Just being greedy,” she smirked. “I like hearing you say that you like having me around. It’s as if all my childhood daydreams about us being together came true.”
“Ah, Talia,” he said, melting inside, “I have to try every day not to buy a plane ticket to Gibraltar just so I can see you.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t try so hard and just come visit,” she suggested.
“I can’t,” he said, guilt attacking his gut, “at least not yet.”
“I know, I know,” she said, throwing on a worn, blue leather jacket that reminded 76 very much of his own. “See you on a wanted poster then?”
“Har, har,” he said, shaking his head, “but I better not see you on one.”
“I’ll try my best,” she laughed.
@watch-your-grammer @winchester-sonsandcastiel
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Wild Bunny on Clouds [5] (M)

A silly birthday drabble for Jungkook’s birthday!
Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut (and crack maybe?).
Warnings: Costume, orgasm denial, rough sex
Word count: 2,552 words
A/N: I had this dream and wrote it way back in May. I think it must have been all the Jungkook requests that made me read a lot of Jungkook fics and pay him extra attention in videos as I want to imagine him when I write that led to this dream.
"Happy Birthday Jeon Jungkook,
Happy Birthday Jeon Jungkook,
Happy Birthday Jeon Jungkook,
May you have a good year~"
Jungkook leaned against the frame of his bedroom door, looking at me with half amusement, half exasperation. "It's already September, there's not much of the year left. Why are you singing a birthday song in 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas' tune?"
I giggled and shrugged. "I just felt like it."
He hummed thoughtfully, then cleared his throat. His expression had turned darker, his brown eyes blown almost black with lust. "And why are you wearing that?"
Wondering what he was on about now, I peered downwards at myself. White stilettos covered the ends of sexy fishnet stockings that snaked up my legs, the other ends of the stockings held up by a garter attached to a corset. The white corset hugged my figure perfectly, accentuating my curves and pushing my larger-than-average breasts, usually hidden by loose shirts, into the spotlight. I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, brushing against the band of the white rabbit ears I had donned on my head. "I just want to dress as a cute bunny."
He pushed himself off the edge of the door with his elbow to slide his hand from my waist to the small of my back, making me squeal as he pressed me against him. He lowered his head to my shoulder, inhaling deeply to smell the vanilla perfume I had sprayed on myself earlier. His lips were dangerously close to my neck. They didn't make any real contact yet I could feel goosebumps forming on my skin. His breath caused shivers to run up from the bottom of my spine to the roots of my hair as he made his way from the crook of my neck to the shell of my ear and whispered, "Not like that you're not."
"Wh-what do you mean?" I stammered into his shoulder as his fingers moved slowly up and down my back.
Without warning, Jungkook nipped my earlobe, causing me to jump even closer to him if that was possible and my hands, previously simply placed on his chest, to curl into fists in his white shirt. "Do you realise how gorgeously sexy you look right now?" He growled, and all too sudden I became painfully aware of his erection pressing into my stomach.
"I... I - I... Ah -" The denial on the tip of my tongue was quickly halted when his fingers skimmed over the top of my breasts that were admittedly almost popping out of the corset. Jungkook didn't seem to care in the least. He was too fixated in watching my chest heave laboriously under his intense stare, the almost non-existent distance between us giving him the perfect vantage point over my cleavage. The fact that the lingerie pushed my breasts together so that there was no gap between them was something he obviously appreciated.
Suddenly, his right hand slipped past the cloth to cup my left breast, swiftly finding his target and flicking his thumb over the nipple. The look on his face was smug as he asked, "No?" at the moan that I emitted as I felt the sensitive peak harden under his touch.
"N - no," I echoed, but I had no idea what I was agreeing to, a fact that he seemed to be aware of as well, if his low chuckle was any indication. At the back of my mind, I managed to wonder: If I'm the one who is wearing this scandalous outfit, aren't I doing the seducing? Why am I letting him have the control instead? This voice didn't manage to make itself heard long enough to be considered though. In fact, it completely disappeared when he brought his other hand to my cheek to keep me still as he dipped his head.
The kiss wasn't slow or romantic. His lips moved against mine in a ravenous, almost frantic pattern. A sign that he was just as affected as I was, even though he did a better job of hiding it. Fire instantly erupted at the contact, burning ever higher when my own arms slid up his toned chest to lace my fingers behind his neck, attempting to bring him even closer to me. My hips rocked against him, desperate for some relief.
Jungkook either didn't appreciate the friction against the hard bulge straining against his pants or maybe he enjoyed it too much, because the palm he had over my breast squeezed so hard it made me yelp and break the kiss. Snarling, he turned me around and marched me backwards until we reached the edge of his bed. A gasp flew from my mouth when he pushed me down onto the mattress and followed right after.
His breaths were laboured as was mine despite the fact that we haven't done much else beyond kissing. "You know your breasts drive me crazy," he growled but his gaze was focused on my blushing face. I was sure that my eyes were darkened with lust just as his were. The moment was charged, his weight that he allowed to rest on me was delicious, every inch where our bodies touched smoldered in barely contained fire. He broke the gaze to lean down into a kiss that stoked the flames even higher. The way he moved was hungry, almost desperate but he didn't stay there. His lips moved to leave a blazing trail down the column of my neck, along my clavicle all the way to the top of my chest, where he stopped to nibble and suck hard at the tender flesh.
I was powerless to do anything but mewl as I peered down at the swirl of brown hair on his head as he left his mark on me. Even when he propped himself up on his elbows to admire his work, I couldn't complain - it seemed as if he had sucked all the air from my lungs when he had latched his lips onto my chest. Satisfied that he had formed a bruise, he placed his hands on my shoulders and gently pulled me up to sit on the edge of the bed before they flew to undo his jeans, pulling his underwear down with it to reveal his rock-hard cock. It looked ready to go, the head an angry red and leaking precum.
Without him touching me directly, what was left of my grey matter sputtered back to life. The sassy part of my brain must have chosen to stir first because I smirked and asked, "What do you expect me to do with that, birthday boy?"
The leer on his face let me know that my attitude wasn't bothering him at all. "You can pretend it's a carrot stick," he answered as he grabbed his shaft with his fingers and shook it slowly.
The ridiculous remark made me snort derisively but that was all that I managed to do because he shut me down again by tugging on the tight corset so that my breasts popped out of the cups. A blush coloured my cheeks at the harsh, dominating move and the possessive expression that crossed Jungkook's features as he enjoyed the sight. His thumb brushed against the mark he had made proudly before he moved closer and pressed my breasts together to envelop his throbbing erection.
I got his intentions at once and replaced his hands on the sides of my chest with my own so he could grab my shoulders as leverage as he pumped himself between the soft pillows of my breasts. Tilting my head upwards, I smiled at the exultant look on his face that I had understood what he wanted and was obligingly giving it to him. However, when I bent down to lick the seeping liquid from the tip of his cock, he threw his head back and groaned. "God, you're incredible," he said in a voice so low on the register that it sounded nothing like the Jungkook I knew and it made my head spin. His compliment was acknowledged with a hum so soft that I wasn't sure that he heard it, but it didn't take long for him to notice that I was rubbing my legs together, the need for some relief driving me up the wall.
Apparently it wasn't a gesture that he appreciated. "Don't do that," he grunted, "if anyone's going to pleasure you it's going to be me." The last word was emphasised by a hard thrust before he withdrew himself from my chest and picked me up as if I weighed no more than a feather to position me on my hands and knees on the bed, facing away from him.
"Jungkook, what are you doing?!" I cried in indignation at being tossed around like a rag doll.
"Just enjoying my birthday present," he replied flippantly.
There was nothing more I wanted to say than the fact that the birthday song was all that I had planned to give him for his birthday. However, my protests died before they even reached my throat when he tugged on the bob tail I had fastened on the lingerie at the small of my back with a chuckle, then proceeded to run his large hand down to my ass cheek and slap it. The resounding crack was followed by a starving groan from Jungkook and a shocked cry from myself.
Expecting more sharp blows to rain from his calloused hand, I closed my eyes and braced myself, ignoring the surge of liquid staining my thongs that was a result from his stinging slap, but no more came. Twisting my neck in curiosity I saw him kneel at the foot of the bed. The grin that he cocked when he caught my eye was wicked and was explained when he pushed my underwear to the side and seized my waist to drag me towards his mouth. It turned out that I could not resist his warm mouth on me any more than he could stay away from the lure of my voluptuous form.
"Jungkook!" I yelped, feeling my walls clench around nothing the second his mouth locked onto my wet pussy. His flattened tongue licked strips over and over my drenched entrance before deciding to latch onto my clit and let his fingers take over. My moans immediately filled the room accompanied by the squelching sound of his two fingers pumping quickly into my depths. Ideally I wanted to show some self-restraint but I was not in my right mind, so I bucked my hips towards him without a care in the world. He knew just how to get me riled up, his lips forming a suction on my sensitive nub brought me towards the edge in no time flat. My moans were growing in volume and my legs trembled as I approached the peak, I was so close -
He had cruelly detached himself from me just before I got my release. Lifting my cheek up from the sheets, I whipped my head around to give him a taste of my wrath upon him for denying me my orgasm, but Jungkook was already on his feet, pulling my thongs down to the top of my stockings and positioning himself. A high-pitched scream escaped from my mouth, followed by pained whimpers with tears brimming behind closed eyelids upon the vicious entry of his cock into me. Although I was so wet that I could feel my juices dripping down my thighs, Jungkook was no skinny carrot stick, no matter what he proclaimed, and the rough shove that embedded his full length inside me in one go made stars flash in front of my eyes.
"Stop it," Jungkook groaned, but I continued flexing, sobbing even though I knew what he meant. My inner muscles clamped and released his cock repeatedly, my hips grinding against his, not out of desperation but due to the need to find some relief from the pain, trying to quickly adjust to the sudden invasion. "Stop it, you're going to make me come," he said again.
"Well, what did you expect, when you did that?" My question was both angry and rhetorical. "It hurts!" I was furious but my words came out broken, which was what alerted him that he had been too rough on me. Bending down, he covered my body with his so he could kiss away the tears on my cheeks, whispering soft apologies that contrasted with the powerful grip that he had on my waist as he tried to hold himself back from moving. The tender gestures calmed me down faster than I would have thought possible and soon I was purring contentedly, the agony having dulled into pleasure so that I gave him permission to proceed.
He left my shoulder to stand up and oblige, but his movements were so slow that it had me sighing in frustration. I knew he was worried about being too violent earlier but I was fine and it seemed that he was either one extreme or the other today. "Jungkook, would you please move? I'm fine." To prove my point, I pushed myself back onto his hips, moaning when the sharp movement gave me the friction I craved.
Jungkook cursed under his breath, but that was all the persuasion he needed to relinquish the taut control he had. Tightening his hold on my waist to keep me still, he started pounding into me in earnest. The sounds that my pussy made every time his cock slammed into me was lewd but the pleasure it wrought was so, so good that neither of us cared. In fact, it only spurred us on, making him ram harder and faster and pushing me to the brink of another orgasm.
I felt a knot growing tighter and tighter within me with every thrust of Jungkook's hard length, but I couldn't warn him in time. However, he could sense my impending orgasm without being told in words. As soon as my legs started to quake and he felt my channel narrowing further onto his cock, his pounding hastened in speed and doubled in force. They became almost brutal, seemingly intent on fucking me into the mattress. My release came unbidden, the scream of pure unadulterated pleasure muffled into the bed, the sheets bundled into fists on each side of my face.
The sight of me on all fours, still donning the risqué lingerie that I wore for him, back arched as I reached the height of ecstasy, body shaking and insides clamping on him brought him to his peak as well. My name fell from his lips continuously like a mantra as he pushed his last few thrusts before plunging all the way in, spilling his warm seed deep inside me.
Before he lost his strength completely, he wrapped his arm around my waist to collapse on the bed. Although he had just claimed me in the most primal way possible, he still held me possessively, pressing my back against his chest. I didn't mind in the least. His warmth was comforting and my eyes were fluttering shut from exhaustion. I barely registered him kissing my bare shoulder but when he shyly whispered, "I love you," into my ear, I snapped to attention immediately.
More boring A/N: So this series were supposed to consist of drabbles but I couldn't help including every detail I could remember. Haha sorry not very sorry about that!
#bts writing squad#armiesnet#noonanet#bangtan bookclub#networkbangtan#bts smut#jungkook smut#bts scenarios#jungkook scenarios#wild bunny on clouds
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