#i did get your ask tho!!! so i'll answer it soon :]
cherubchoirs · 1 year
Where would you like ocs and such posted of your au's? The ask box or on an individual post?
tagging me in posts is usually the best (as i close my asks sometimes and also i DO to this DAY have ghost asks, and i don't know what causes them!!!!! but i suspect it sometimes gets them due to pictures/links??? idk just what it seems like when ppl resubmit so) but i know i likely miss some things that way bc i,,,,don't check notifs as much as i should and things get buried. SO if i miss something don't be afraid to send an ask that you posted something you want me to see!!! i can go filter my notifs then to check it out!!
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gigizetz · 26 days
Hi gigi!! I hope your day is going well :) I had a few questions about the creative process with Mr Jalapeño, if you don't mind answering or if you're at liberty to answer
First, how early does Jorgy Gorgy approach you with the request to do an animatic for the livestream? Wisdom Saga came so soon after the Thunder Saga, but you still did pretty lengthy animatics for both those sagas AND the Sufferring and Scylla animatics on your own channel (like, seriously, are you God?? How do you crank out these high quality animatics so fast??)
Secondly, we've seen Jay's reference videos that he sends to artists, but I was wondering if you get any creative liberty in this process, too? I'm asking because I found it strange/funny how the reaction of Calypso hearing about Ody's wife was more "oh my god no what the heck he's taken" rather than "oh I'm gonna kill this woman" which was prevalent both in the original demo of the song and the animatics that sprouted from it! Was this change a direction you took, or was it one Jorgy wanted?
Sorry for the long ask, and I completely understand if you cant/don't want to answer some of these questions! Hope you have a lovely day tho :D
it's totally fine to ask that :D
for both animatics he approached me roughly 20ish days before the release of the songs (I think with Mutiny he might've reach out earlier but I can't remember), and we quickly go through which parts of the saga I'll be able to work on within that time frame.
And I do have a lot of creative liberty in those works. This specific Calypso moment was all Jay though!
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jaeyunwon · 1 month
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synopsis :: secretly dating your boyfriend Jake for 4 months, no one knows other than your long time best friend. It made you feel wary of her when rumors started spreading around about her and jake dating, she promised you she has nothing to do with Jake, and your boyfriend claims he doesn't even like your best friend... Who will you believe tho? will the truth come to light? How did these rumors even begin?
pairing :: jake sim x female reader
warnings :: highschool au, angsttttt, fluff, comfort, happy ending, cheating, cursing, reader's best friend is a bitch :/, jake and reader are both so inlove, like they're down bad for eachother, reader overthinks alot.
a/n :: I got this idea while rewatching 'marry my husband' so- I'm kinda proud of this one idkkk. please don't forget to like and reblog :)
taglist :: @luvvsnae @lovelymelon
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It's already been 4 months since you and Jake started dating, it isn't a lot but Jake never made you regret dating him, he shows his love for you in so many unique ways which only made you love him for it. You both have been taking it slow and not rushing anything, as you discussed with him how you wanted to keep the relationship a secret, he didn't mind it at all as long as everyone knew you were taken somehow.
As you were making your way to the last class for today you saw Jake running your way which made you stop in your tracks, he came up to you and pulled you in the nearest storage room looking around the hallway making sure no one saw you both before closing the door, you saw him trying to speak but kept getting interrupted trying to catch his breath. “Jake, are you okay? what happened?” as he caught his breath he looked at you with his shining beautiful brown eyes “ do you think you can come watch me practice after class? you know, with the tournaments coming up. and after I'm done with practice I'll even take you out”
He said with a wink ending his sentence, you chuckled before answering “of course I'll come I love watching you play even though I get bored waiting all alone..” you paused before you thought of something “maybe I'll bring nayeon to keep me busy while waiting for you.” When you ended your sentence Jake's smile slowly faltered which made you hurriedly say “only if it's okay with you, I still see how quiet you get around her. you know? if you're uncomfortable with me bringing her around I can stop.”
“oh no it's okay.. I don't really mind, don't worry about it”
“okay! I'll see you at practice then, I'm gonna be late to class”
he pulled you in a brief kiss, “bye babe.” he said as he watched you leave the storage room with a smile on his face
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When school finished and you were going out of class after you finished packing up, you saw Nayeon waiting for you, you were going to run up to her when you heard two girls talk about Jake, but that wasn't what caught your attention but rather hearing your boyfriend and best friend names together. “omg! In math class I heard somin say that Jake and nayeon are dating"
"huh? really?”
“yes, I won't be surprised if they actually are they would make such a cute couple”
“mhm, they're both so pretty but i didn't hear anything about them dating, how did somin get to know this”
“apparently someone caught them both together alone at sunghoon's party”
when you heard the last sentence you felt speechless, this must be some joke… Jake won't do this to me.. not even nayeon…. would she? your thoughts stopped as soon as you saw nayeon running up to you, you dried your unshed tears in a hurry and heard nayeon ask “are you okay? why are you crying?”
“crying? I'm not, something just came in my eyes but don't worry about it, Jake said he wanted me to wait for him at practice because he's taking me out after, come wait with me?”
you heard nayeon scoff and say jokingly “I wanted to stay over at yours today, why does Jake always have to come in between my plans” you laughed “maybe another time.”
When you made your way there, you can already hear the sound of the ball hitting the ground miles away. You got in and found a seat to wait at while searching for Jake. When you locked eyes with him you smiled at how enthusiastic and pretty he looked while playing, though your thoughts got cut off when you heard nayeon say “I'm still here you know!” you felt your cheeks heat up and you quickly apologize “right- I'm sorry I just can't help it” you saw her roll her eyes and that's when you remembered what those girls were gossiping about and thought “nayeon loves me I don't think she would do that to me, maybe it's just a stupid rumor someone made up” you looked up at nayeon and smiled widely and started talking about the school work.
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When Jake was done with practice he went into the locker room to freshen up, but stopped as soon as he saw who was standing there. “What are you doing here Nayeon?” he declaimed “I came to see you, you looked so cool out there I couldn't just stay back” Nayeon said with a pout on her face as Jake's face scrunched up in disgust at her words.
Jake loves you. He loves you so much he never thought of cheating on you and he never will, but he also doesn't want to see you sad he knows you and nayeon have been best friends since you were in middle school so if he tells you how Nayeon is a liar, a fake friend, and how she keeps flirting with him, you'll probably be heart broken. And he has no problem comforting you if word ever comes out but he would rather die than be the reason for your and nayeon's friendship's downfall. He told Nayeon off many times but she only seems to get bolder everytime.
he stared at her for a while before he sighed “what do you not understand of ‘i'm not interested in cheating on y/n’? I do not like you and I never will, what makes you think I won't tell y/n about your acts” he heard her laugh “I'm her best friend did you forget? I can just tell her you're lying. Who do you think she'll believe? Her long time best friend that she knew since forever or some random guy she started dating not long ago? I think we both know the answer to that so unless you want to lose y/n forever you better think twice before saying anything.” And that was the second reason why Jake was hesitant in telling you about nayeon's deceiving actions, he trusts you of course but it hasn't been long since you both started dating, you're still building each others trust so he won't blame you if you believe Nayeon over him but he would rather not lose you.
He felt frustrated with everything, especially with himself, he knows he's not the one in the wrong but he still blames himself for this continuing, if he just had the courage to tell you about it he wouldn't have to deal with this situation almost every day. With his anger and frustration building up he was seconds away from taking it all out on Nayeon but he held himself back and tried calming himself down “get out.” he heard her snicker before she started walking out.
Once he was left all alone he finally let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, and suddenly remembered his promised date with you, he freshened up in a hurry and ran to the school entrance. When he arrived he saw you there with your back turned towards him with no sign of nayeon “hey babe!” Jake said with a kiss on your cheek “hii! you looked so cool I couldn't wait for you to finish” even tho it's been 4 months since Jake made you his you never failed to make him feel flustered and feel butterflies in his stomach just like when he used to and still have a crush on you but it's not like he's complaining about it, he chuckled before he replied “so are you ready for our date?” he pulled you to his car feeling excited to finally spend some time with you alone “yes! Where are you taking me?”
“It's a secret” he laughed.
- 2 weeks later -
Your school's basketball team has just won the year's tournament which means the basketball captain, Heeseung, will be throwing a big party to celebrate their win, which also means nayeon trying to force you to go. It's not like you hate parties. You went to a lot of parties when you and Jake started dating in your first month but they're not really your vibes. “please, please, please just this once go with me” you heard nayeon whine and beg over and over “you know it's not really my type of thing, and I don't even have a dress ready and the party is tonight” you saw nayeon's eyes light up already dreading what she's about to say knowing you don't have any more excuses “I have the perfect dress for you to wear!” You sighed and huffed “okay fine.” nayeon hugged you and started rambling about how you're the best.
as you and nayeon arrived to the party, you tried searching for jake since he's apart of the basketball team of course he'll be here and that's when you both made eye contact and saw him make his way to you but before you can say anything to him nayeon cut you off “hi Jake! congrats on your win” she hugged him and you felt a bit off about her action.
this is normal right? they're friends… and friends hug it's totally normal.. right?
maybe if these rumors that have been going on for quite some time about your boyfriend and best friend you wouldn't have these thoughts, and you felt bad to think they'll do this to you they're your closest people they wouldn't hurt you… right?
your thoughts went into a halt as you saw Jake was talking to you, you smiled and congratulated him about his win and gave him a peck on the lips before Jake smiled and said “I'll go get us drinks okay?” you nodded before your best friend said she'll need to use the bathroom, so here you are now alone in the middle of the party waiting for them to come back before one of your friends, Yunjin, comes up to you and greets you.
as you were both talking you felt your boyfriend and best friend take a lot of time to come back even though you wanted to trust them that they won't ever hurt you in any kind of way, you couldn't help but go check up on them, with the thought of them being alone in a room. Just like how you heard the rumor, you told Yunjin to wait a bit before you left her to go to the drink aisle to try and find your boyfriend.
as you got there you saw a group of people gathering around something, even tho you wanted to keep searching curiosity got the best of you and you decided to make your way through the crowd while pushing around the crowd you kept hearing stuff like “I told you they were together” or “omg you saw them kiss right? So the rumors are true after all” when you finally made it your eyes widened at the scene In front of you.
your best friend, nayeon, on the ground and your boyfriend, Jake, standing right at her feet looking like he's about to hit her. You made eye contact with nayeon and you saw her smirk before she got up and got a hold of Jake's collar and smashed his lips against hers, you felt your heart slowly break, it's like you could hear it break into tiny, tiny pieces. What hurts is that they're the two people you trust the most but what hurts more is the fact you saw the sign but stayed in denial because you didn't think your favorite people would betray you just like that.
When Jake pushed away from nayeon he was about to walk away from her but he stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing in front of him, though the crowds voice is very loud Jake felt like he couldn't hear anything right now, he wanted to do a lot of things all in the span of one minute. He wanted to make nayeon pay for this, he wanted to pull you into him, he wanted to apologise for this big BIG misunderstanding, he wanted to yell at himself for not seeing this coming, but he couldn't do any of this when he couldn't feel his legs anymore.
you felt your eyes tear up, pools of water felt like they're about to burst out of your eyes any second now the longer you stared at Jake, you quickly turned around ready to bolt out of here, to get back into the comfort of your apartment and just let go of this overwhelming feeling, but it all stopped when Jake grabbed your wrist and turned you around.
“y/n it isn't what it looks like, please—” you cut him off not ready to listen to anything right now, your brain feeling like it could shut down from everything “i saw it with my own eyes, don't you dare lie to me” you yelled “no, it's a misunderstanding, just let me take you home and explain please.” you couldn't hold back your tears anymore and just let everything out you wanted to scream, shout, yell, cry, and cry, and just cry till you couldn't anymore you kept hoping that this is all just a big nightmare and none of it is true.
you were about to respond to Jake when suddenly you heard the last voice you wanted to hear right now “jakey! baby why did you leave so suddenly, come on let's go home, you said you'll sleep over tonight.” nayeon said while looking at you smirking.
nayeon didn't want to do this to you. But you made her do it, she loved Jake first, she was supposed to be the one in your place, everytime you and Jake hung out with her she felt like she could tear you to pieces, you stole Jake from her. So she's gonna steal him back, while making you feel just like how she felt even if it meant losing you, at least she'll get back what was supposed to be hers from the start.
“Would you fuck off nayeon, you've already did enough can you stop with your fucking lies.” Jake yelled but you couldn't even listen to them when all you wanted was to leave, so when they were both arguing you took the chance to get out of the party before you felt like collapsing from the lack of oxygen, you took an uber and went straight to your apartment not able to deal with anything right now.
As you made your way home, you felt your legs giving up on you once you got in, now that you're in your home with all the lights turned off, your makeup ruined from all the crying you did from heeseung's house to your apartment, and the tears still spilling you started thinking of everything. How you should've listened to the rumors, you should've seen it all coming…but why though.
Were you not enough for Jake, did you do something to upset nayeon, maybe the only reason Jake dated you was because he wanted to get closer to nayeon and now that they're alone at the party they were probably laughing at your stupidity. “fuck.. why am I such an idiot.” was the last thing you said before you stopped overthinking, you didn't have the energy to get to your bed so you found yourself making your way to the couch and closed your eyes.
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It's been one week since you've gone to school, you went back to your parents house to take a small break from everything that happened and since you knew you don't have the heart to confront Jake or nayeon so you took your time and thought of everything at your parents house.
Jake couldn't take this anymore, he needed to fix this, asap. He tried so many things, he tried going to your apartment knocking on your door day and night hoping you'll open up and listen to him but you didn't even open the door or showed any signs that you're at home, he tried texting you, calling you, emailing you, but all of it was in vain, he even waited In front of your classes but all he heard from your classmates is that you didn't come today.
As he was making his way to the school entrance Jake just wanted to get back home, he wanted the day to end even though it just already started. He knows if he shared his thoughts with anyone right now they would call him dramatic and that he should just move on, but how can he move on when you have his heart, his soul, and his mind, he can't go on with his day without thinking about you.
When he was about to walk in front of your locker he stopped immediately when he saw you standing right there, he thought his eyes were deceiving him, and maybe it's all just a dream, or maybe he finally went crazy and he's hallucinating, but when he tried hitting himself you were still standing there taking out your books looking very beautiful while doing so— he stopped abruptly when he just realized you're finally In front of him he can finally talk to you and get everything back to normal.
He didn't waste any second as he bolted to your locker scared that if he wasted any more time you'll vanish, “y/n? It's really you, you look beautiful as ever.” He blushed when he noticed he said that out loud not being able to focus on anything right now other than you.
You wanted to laugh, Jake has always been like this. he would always say the most random things and you loved that about him but you held yourself back when you remembered what you went through last week and it was all because of him and nayeon, you wanted to ignore him that was your plan from the start to tell him to leave you alone and never see his face again.
But your mind felt blank, forgetting everything you wanted to say when you looked at him. The effect Jake has on you will never be explainable; he can just make you weak in the knees by doing nothing. But you tried focusing again, not letting him take over your brain “Jake.. we need to talk.” You managed to say without stuttering over your words, “yes, right we need to talk” he was about to hold your hand to take you to the storage room nearby but you were much faster than him as you walked away.
He followed behind you getting ready for things to get back to normal, to get you back in his arms, where you belong. You were about to speak but he cut you off “look… what ever you saw at the party it was all a misunderstanding I promise, please I was going to tell you about nayeon but I didn't have it in me to ruin your friendship, I know she means alot to you so I let her do what she wanted I thought she'll stop when she realizes i don't like her in that way, I didn't think she'll do something like that, I'm really sorry I felt nervous and scared that if I told you, you'll think I'm trying to ruin your friendship with nayeon and you'll believe her over me, I didn't want to lose you, I'm really sorry.”
By now Jake was full on crying, his movements were slow as he was breathing fitfully, you couldn't process the new information that was given to you “ruin our friendship? Jake, you know I'm not like that if you just talked to me about it we could figure something out together… I didn't know you were going through all of that alone.” You felt confused, sad, frustrated, but especially mad. You were mad at yourself, if you took actions before maybe this wouldn't have turned out this way.
Jake felt better, he finally got out everything he wanted to say since the start of your relationship, he took your fingers in his hands, hesitant, trying to comfort you even tho he looks like he needs more comforting than you do right now, you laughed at his antics and walked closer to him holding his hand fully, you looked up at him looking at his puppy eyes “if you really are saying the truth… maybe, we can start again. I tried moving on from you but it seems much harder than I thought when my mind is occupied with you 24/7” he giggled at your confession feeling giddy “I guess we both have something in common.”
he hooked his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer you felt goosebumps all over your body with every touch you glanced at his lips, you leaned closer until you felt his soft, tender lips against yours. It felt familiar and gentle, you missed this.. you missed him your body felt like it could give up on you any second now, you felt Jake's hand ride up in your shirt as he kept pulling you closer, you gently tug at his collar to pull away for air when you suddenly heard him say “do you want me to stop?” you quickly shook your head and said “not really.. maybe the opposite, please.” he smiled at your response before pulling you back into the kiss.
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it was almost the end of the school day when you pumped into nayeon, the minute she saw you she just kept laughing at you calling you pathetic which made the feeling of wanting to hit her more and more appealing, you glanced at her seeing her smirk reminding you of the day of the party
“why..?” She scoffed at your question and laughed “why? Are you for real? What don't you understand? Jake is mine, he should've been mine but you stole him from me so I'm taking back what you stole.” Oh, so that's what this is about “yours? If Jake was yours he would've chosen you, but he didn't. Kinda sad don't you think” you chuckled, nayeon was raging by now “you little bitch— I don't care, shut up” nayeon looked at you in disbelief.
“I should have seen it coming, but I didn't think we would argue over a boy.. at least tell me our friendship was real.” Nayeon laughed again, gritting her teeth “you’re so pathetic, if you want the truth no. None of it was real. I just befriended you because you looked lonely, I felt bad for you.” you felt a lump in your throat and your eyes tearing up but you held it all back not wanting to show a sign of weakness right now, you're done with this conversation “hah you're finally showing your true colors and they're an uglier shade than I wanted to believe, don't talk to me again, ever.”
You turned around and started walking away you heard nayeon scream your name but you just ignored her and went on, you're done with this chapter of life and you'll start a new chapter with Jake with nothing to come in your way, even if any obstacle comes in your and Jake's way you know you'll both figure out a way to get through it.
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jaeyunwon 2024 © all rights reserved
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verycoolusername1 · 20 days
Angel Boy
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Summary: In which Luke gets a partner to call his own, making him your angel boy.
Social Media AU(fc is Olivia Rodrigo) - Luke Hughes x Singer!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: hate comments(they get cleared tho ofc), swearing,
A/N: I love Luke, and I love Olivia(and Louis, loved him since Enola Holmes). And yes, I did make a cameo in this fic cause why not??
And I made y/n friends with artists I like so enjoy their cameos too. And the podcast I wrote in here is not real(I wish it was) and James does not exist either, Amelia and James are lovely tho I have you know
And for the sake of this fic imagine that Louis is Luke in the photos that goes along with this please!
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Yourusername just posted!
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Liked by conangray, verycoolusername1, and 12,854,876 others...
Yourusername: Life lately
Tagged: conangray
Conangray: Are those my glasses??
Yourusername: @/conangray I have no idea what you mean 😁
Tatemcrae: my favorite girl <3
Yourusername: @/tatemcrae my favorite gal <3
Username4: WE GOT TATE AND Y/N CONTENT BEFORE GTA 6 😭 (liked by yourusername)
Username5: Y/n looking as wonderful as ever!!
Laufey: missing you more than ever now 😞
Yourusername: @/laufey I'll visit you soon promise!
Billieeilish: AHHHHH WHY ARE YOU SO HOT 🔥 🥵 😍 😫 😩 😳
Yourusername: @/billieeilish: YOU THINK I'M HOT?? 😍
View more...
In real life
"Hello everyone, and welcome back to My Life is a mess podcast, I am your host, Amelia. And today we have a special guest. We have the lovely and talented Y/N Y/L/N." Amelia introduced.
"Hi guys." You spoke into the microphone.
"I wanted to be the first to say welcome back to the podcast. I missed you tons!" Amelia told you.
"I missed you too." You smiled at her. "It's great to be back."
"So, Y/N, I heard that you're a hockey fan, and you're a fan of the New Jersey Devils. And you know I was just wondering who your favorite player was." Amelia wondered.
"Favorite player? Oh gosh!" You chuckled. "Uh, I would have to say um number forty-three, Luke Hughes. We're close in age, and he's good, really good. I think if I ever met him, I would embarrass myself."
Amelia laughed at your words. "You embarrass yourself? There's no way!"
You shook your head as you laughed. "Anyways, yeah, Luke Hughes is my favorite, and all his haters can just leave at this point."
"I have never heard more truer words." Amelia agreed. "Is there anything you wanna say to Luke if he's listening or watching this?"
You scratched your neck as you came up with a reply. "Uh, hm, I'm single? And I would love to write a song about you if I'm given the chance. A happy song not sad, I could never do that."
"Why did that come out as a question?" Amelia busted out into laughter. "Oh and yeah I'm single? I think."
You joined her in the laugher. "I didn't know what to say!"
3 days later...
Luke was just about to get on the ice before he was stopped to do a tiktok.
James, the interviewer looked at him. "What music do you listen to in your spare time?"
"Oh uh recently I've been listening to uh Y/N Y/L/N." Luke answers.
"Y/N Y/L/N? now that is definitely a shocker coming from you." James eyes widened in shock.
"I mean what can I say? Their voice is soothing and just perfect in contrast to what their lyrics are in their songs." Luke chuckles.
"How do you feel if they wrote a song about you?" James asked.
"Uh I would definitely feel great if it wasn't a sad song, can't be crying to a sad song about me you know." Luke shrugged.
"Yeah I see what you mean." James agreed. "Now get on the ice, you're done with this today."
Username6: Luke listening to Y/N Y/L/N is definitely a shocker from my little country boy
Username13: @/username6 little?? THAT MAN IS HUGE
Username7: Pushing the Luke and Y/N agenda to a 100
Username8: Hey so um this is actually crazy!
Username10: If they don't date I'm gonna riot
Username11: Y/N changed him and they haven't even met yet 😭
Username12: Luke Hughes turning into a pop girlie was not on my 2024 bingo card
Username14: @/username12 I don't think it was on anyone's 😭
Username15: Y/N is gonna freak when they see this
Username16: @/username15 oh for sure lmaooo
2 months later...
Gossippage101 just posted!
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Liked by ynfan101, thatshouldbeme, and 145,763 others...
Gossippage101: Singer Y/N seen out recently with their mysterious man... could we see a love album come out of this?? 👀👀👀
Username17: dare I say that's Luke Hughes?
Username18: @/username17 WAIT NO YOU MIGHT BE ON TO SOMETHING
Username20: Already with a new man? Haven't even been a year. 😒
Username21: @/username20 Yeah, and Luke hughes? He stooped so low. He could do so SO much better.
Username22: they seem like a weird fit but if they're both happy then...
Username23: @/username22 who cares if they're happy yn is going to break Luke's heart and make him the villain like they always do with their albums
Username24: @/username23 I know damn well you ain't talking, Y/N doesn't sing about their exes all the time so just shut your mouth cause you'll never be as successful as them or Luke for that matter
username24: @/username25 thanks queen <3
7 months later...
Yourusername just posted!
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Liked by: lhughes_06, junialin, and 11,478,952 others...
Yourusername: Game day!!
Yourusername: @/tatemcrae you were literally here with me you hockey nerd
Username28: it's y/n's world we're just living in it
Username30: I absolutely live for their friendship
Trevorzegras: the devils<<<<the ducks
Yourusername: @/trevorzegras I hate you
Two weeks later...
lhughes_06 just posted!
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Liked by: yourusername, _quinnhughes, and 564,437 others...
lhughes_06: What's nine plus ten? 21 😝
Yourusername: Welcome to the club, angel boy!!!! ❤️🖤 (liked by lhughes_06)
Verycoolusername1: Ik luke would never say this but I saw the opportunity and took it
Jackhughes: He's growing up 🥲
lhughes_06: @/jackhughes Can't stop, won't stop 🙂
Nicohischier: happy birthday :] (liked by lhughes_06)
Trevorzegras: well someone's getting old 🤣
Lhughes_06: @/trevorzegras Haha.
Edwards.73: Welcome to the club! (Liked by lhughes_06)
lhughes_06: @/edwards.73 we need to hang out soon!!
Comments on this post are limited.
3 months later...
Yourusername posted on their story!
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Vera - To be continued???
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216 notes · View notes
mj0702 · 4 months
For @tasha95 ... I hope it meets your expectations 😅 I got a little carried away 😅😅
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“Bitsy I love you... I REALLY love you but this is ridiculous” Keira said one evening after training as you two were driving back to her home
“What?” you said absently as you looked up from your phone
“The situation between you and Ona” the blonde clarified
“There is no situation” you grumbled getting back on your phone
“There is... I don't know what happened and you know I'll never push you to tell me but I have eyes and the way Ona always looks over at you and you avoiding her like the pest is a dead give away that there is a situation” Keira said as she stopped at a red light
“There is no situation” you answered
“Bitsy” the blonde said softly
“I let a fan comment get the better of me and said some.. not so nice things” you mumbled
“What did the fan said that YOU of all people let it get to you?” Keira asked her hand finding your knee to calm you down
“They asked me if Lucy and Ona where a thing since Lstans wedding or before... you know.. back in Manchester” you mumbled getting even more ashamed
“Oh Bitsy... you started to overthink didn't you?” the blonde sighed
“Yeah... I called them hypocrites” you said looking down on your hands
“Why?” Keira asked confused
“Lucy was so upset about G and I and I really thought they started before....” you left the rest of the sentence open
“... you thought Lucy cheated on me with Ona?” Keira said confused and shocked
“Kinda... yeah” you mumbled
“And that would make Ona a hypocrite how?” the blonde started do push the answer out of you a little bit
“Don't know.... I was just so mad” you said honestly
“I DO understand where you're coming from Bits... and you know I'm always in your corner but you probably hurt Ona.. I know you didn't have it easy in the past but you need to suck it up and apologize” Keira said seriously her hand still on your knee squeezing it lightly
“I know.... I REALLY know... I just don't know HOW” you said your voice a little desperate
“Ona is very forgiving you know... pull her aside and apologize – a real honest apology and I can promise you she'll forget about it” the blonde smiled encouraging “... but you hurt her”
“I know... I feel very bad about it” you mumbled embarrassed
“Good.. you are an amazing person Bitsy – just show Ona” Keira smiled as she pulled into the driveway
That was one week ago. You still haven't apologized. Simply due to the fact that every time you talked some courage into yourself and you were on the way towards Ona to finally apologize someone called her, talked to her or swept her away for some media. So you retorted to you last resort which brought you to the current situation – slumped down against Lucys front door waiting for the familiar black Cupra to pull up. You were waiting now for two hours now and there was still no one in sight. Your phone nearly dead from all the texting with your girlfriend you were down to count the pedals of the roses in the small front yard. Finally there was a car coming down the street and you got some hope that it was Lucy but you soon realized that it wasn't. So you kept on waiting – you told Keira where you were so she wouldn't freak out but right now you wished for nothing more than someone familiar next to you. The sun began to set about 20 minutes ago and it started to get dark really quickly. You were tired – so so tired. Since you were back in Barcelona – and after you kind of worked through your trauma about your ACL and the realisation that you'll never ever play professional football again – you started to kick the ball around more often. Mostly with Mapí, Pina and Patri who never said a single word about how broken you looked. Even tho the three took it lightly with you it costed you a lot of Energy to keep up with them. The first time they saw you again when Lucy brought you back from Munich, your girlfriend right next to you not letting you out of her sight for a single second – they where shocked but never ever said a word about it and just accepted everything you were willing to give freely.
So you pulled the Barcelona Jacket you got from Alexia - in a small moment between the two of you – tighter around you and got a little more “comfortable” against the door. You didn't plan to fall asleep but eventually you did. That's how Lucy and Ona found you about one and a half hours later when they finally made their way home – having stopped for some dinner spontaneously on the way and then taking a little walk at the beach.
“Bubs? Hey Bubs” Lucy said softly and started to shake you lightly so she wouldn't startle you
“Hm??” you grunted lowly not really waking up
“Come on Bubs... it's getting cold here... let's get you inside” your sister said lovingly as she picked you up like you weight nothing
“Can't... need to wait for Ona.... need to pologize” you mumbled still three quarter asleep not realizing that Ona was right next to Lucy
“It's okay Bubs” Lucy mumbled into your hair holding you tightly against her while Ona unlocked the door “You can apologise tomorrow”
“No...” you whined as you drifted off to sleep again “... trying for a week now... always someone stealing her”
“She'll be right here when you wake up Bubs” your sister said as she carefully laid you down on “your” bed before leaving the room letting the door a small bit open so you wouldn't feel trapped if you'd wake up later
“She doesn't need to apologise” Ona said immediately as Lucy came back into the living room “I know she didn't mean it”
“She needs to... for her own sake... I saw how she tried the whole week to try and come over to talk to you” Lucy said as she opened a bottle of wine since they had a day off tomorrow
“When?” Ona asked confused not noticing how you struggled to find a way to talk to her “I kept an eye on her but every time I looked she was either deep in conversation or with the Trio of Trouble”
“Mhm...” your sister confirmed while passing a glass to her girlfriend “... and every time she looked over you were either in conversation or got stolen away for media – it drove me crazy to watch the two of you looking past each other for a week”
“Why didn't you say anything?” the spaniard said confused
“Not my place....” Lucy shrugged her shoulders “... that's something between her and you”
“Morning” you mumbled once you dragged yourself into the kitchen
“Bon dia Bebita” Ona said softly reaching you a cup of coffee
“I want to apologise” you mumbled lowly after you took a small sip of coffee
“No need Bebita...” the blonde started but you interrupted her immediately
“... yes need... what I did and say wasn't okay... not at all... Lucy and Keira always told me not to listen to fans or media... I don't know why this comment got to me the way it did.... maybe because Lucy was so... shitty about G and I... I don't know... but you had nothing to do with it... I'm sorry Ona... I'm sorry I pulled you into the shit I made up in my head” you said honestly but you couldn't bring yourself to look into her eyes
“Look at me...” Ona said firmly and you thought you really fucked up and your mind started to go a million miles an hour about how you just destroyed either the relationship between Lucy and Ona or even worse for you – the relationship between your sister and you
“... Bebita... I really appreciate your apology – I do...” the spaniard started softly “... but there is no need. I know how certain comments can hurt – especially if they're made to get a reaction out of you... and I followed some pages online and not one of them posted anything about Lucys and mine relationship other than the usual – so you didn't let that comment get to you until you were out of the situation and that's worth more than every apology... at least to me... you didn't comment on it you left and you didn't bring Lucy or I in a situation where we had to think about a plan to do “damage control”... you showed me that you accept me and our relationship... and that's the biggest gift you could give me”
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maximotts · 1 year
Free use cowgirl Wanda 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Going to the grocery store because Wanda’s been so busy lately only to find Wanda there and you’re like “omg hi Wanda 😊 But wait I thought I was doing the shopping this week?” and you check your phone to see if you’ve missed something. You haven’t. Wanda just couldn’t wait to bend you over 💞💞
My phone is doing the ios17 update and I'm just remembering I needed to finish answering this ask whoopsies
This got longer than expected (it's only like 600 words tho), but I simply cannot apologize for free use cowgirl Wanda content uhmmm cws for public sex and typical farm Wanda dirty talking, 18+ obvs
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I don't think I've said it before, but Wanda does errands to shops in town to drop off farm goods every week because shopping local is good and cute! So there's a very high possibility you'd run into her at the grocery store and you're always so giddy when you see her, the shop owner thinks you two are just precious!
He doesn't even notice Wanda holding your hips so tight you're squeaking or how she's taunting you by pulling the ends of your pigtails! When you excuse yourself to finish the rest of your shopping, Wanda follows oh so innocently until the two of you are out of eyesight... and maybe she spots you stretching to reach the flour at the very back of the shelf, flowy dress riding up to show off your legs, how's Wanda supposed to do anything but pin you against the shelves?
"What right do you have to look this damn beautiful all by yourself back here?" And you can barely get a word in between Wanda's kisses, particularly when she takes your tongue and sucks, leaving your mouth an absolute mess.
At the sound of Wanda undoing her belt, you startle, trying and failing to wrench your thigh from where your girlfriend was shamelessly hitching it high around her hip. "Are you crazy? Someone's going to see us!"
"Now bunny, don't be like that," Wanda's totally unbothered by your struggles, knowing you'd settle as soon as she gets her hand up your panties— and she's exactly right. "I believe we have an arrangement, or did you forget?"
You couldn't possibly forget, your mind always racing with thoughts of how and when Wanda would decide to fuck you again. Sometimes you baited her into it, not wanting to wait, but being taken in the back of the town's only grocery store was an idea that'd never dared crossed your mind. Wanda's either until about five minutes prior.
"Good girl..." Wanda's smile is stunningly bright as she feels you relax against her, arms winding around her shoulders while she lines up her strap, opting not to prep you for the sake of time. "I'd guess we have about ten minutes before Steve finishes counting the jars I brought and writing me a check so behave and be quiet."
It's the shortest ten minutes of your life, the time flying by under Wanda's praises and the knee-buckling orgasm she gifts you. Your teeth desperately bite into the shoulder of Wanda's coat as she continues to fuck you, pumping your full of her cum until she's satisfied.
Pulling out was bittersweet, the brunette loving your impish whines but hating to have to leave. She did have to exercise some self-restraint, but that didn't mean she couldn't pick up where she left off later... "You'd better keep every last bit of my cum in that sweet pussy or I'll drag your ass right back here and we'll start all over again. Understand?"
"Uh huh..." It's terrible how quickly Wanda takes all your thoughts with such a quick fuck; you can tell how spaced out you sound, but you don't have anywhere near the coherence you need to mask it. You'd have to go straight back to the house after this, could only hope you remembered the rest of what you needed to get for dinner.
"I have a few more stops to make so I'll meet you back at home. Text me if you need anything, love you." Wanda sends you off with another kiss and a pat on the ass and before you know it, she's gone and you've never done your shopping more dreamily.
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hazashiovo · 6 months
Hi! Could I ask for Sokka (if u write him)/Zuko and Tenzin (again, if u write him) falling in love with a tattoo artist badass s/o please?
I loved your badass hcs! 🫶 you’re such an awesome writer!
Thanks in any case and have a lovely day!
I write for Sokka and Zuko, not Tenzin tho ,hope it's ok
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The first time Sokka saw you was when he was undercover in fire nation grounds.
It would happen that he passed by your shop,and out of curiosity peeked inside to see what's going on and all.
And then it happens,he sees you in all your glory. Tattoos imprinted on your body making you look like a goddess.
One specific tattoo caught his eye, a dragon image surrounded by red butterflies was drawn on your back.
He could see it because you wore a dark tank top ,low enough for your tattoo to be seen by the world.
When he returned to the camp he couldn't get you out of his mind, especially the arts imprinted on your body. Unfortunately he couldn't take a better look at you without looking like a creep.
But the next couple of days he spent his time thinking of you. Katara noticed and asked what's up with him,but he just shrugged her off and continued his day, mostly thinking about you.
Soon after ,He and Katara found their way to the city,in the area where you worked at. And then again, Sokka saw you.
He tried averting his gaze,if Katara saw him he wouldn't hear the end of it.
Fortunately Katara left to go buy food for the others, allowing Sokka to stare at you.
Then it came,that feeling from a few days ago, you turned around to check if your gut was right,and there he was , looking at you dumb founded.
You shaked your head,yet approached the boy who seemed to rudely stare at you.
"It's inappropriate to stalk and stare at someone,you know?" He remains stuck, trying to gather his words and finally speak. His eyes watching as you put both of your hands on your hips,head tilted expecting an answer.
Woah,your hands are also drawn on,yet he can't really decipher the designs.
"Helooo?" You snap your fingers in front of him,his gaze turning to look at your face.
Lord,were you gorgeous. Just like the designs drawn on your body,your breath taking.
"You're gorgeous." Really Sokka? That's the first thing you speak to her? Oh boy.
Your expression contorts in a confused one, registering the words he just spoke.
"Thanks? Even so ,that doesn't excuse your staring." You furrow your brows, deciding to cross your arms to look more intimidating.
"I'm sorry,it wasn't really my intention,but I just uh, really like those things that you have all over your uh body." He points with his hand at your hands, you chuckle, realizing he was just admiring the art stuck to your skin.
"You mean my tatts?" He watches as you quirk an eyebrow, figuring that's what they're supposed to be,he nods.
"Yeah,they're awesome!"awkwardly he rubs the back of his neck.
"I made those on my hands, I have a shop downtown,but I'm pretty sure you saw me there too." You speak, referring to the time you also felt stared at,only to turn and see a flick of dark hair leaving.
Sokka blushes, he didn't mean to seem creepy,he was just stuck,that's all.
Then he recalls what you just said. "Wait,you did those?!" The boy points at your hands with a pretty shocked expression on his face,mouth almost agape.
"Yes dummy, in my shop,where I tattoo people?" You quirk a brow up, amused by his care free personality.
"No way! That's so cool!" You could see he almost jumps of the ground. Another chuckle leaves your lips.
"I could muster up a pretty cool design for you,if you ever feel like it." You shrug, your eyes darting to your own tattoos.
"Oh uhm,I'm honored but I don't know,I never really thought about something like that." Sokka laughs awkwardly, yet inside he feels so warm,like someone is fire bending in him.
"Have it your way pretty boy." You shrug, turning around ready to leave, after all there's a client you have in an hour.
"I'll see you around !" He shouts after you, attracting the attention of other people in the market.
"Who are you shouting at?" Katara pokes him in the side, making her brother joint up.
"Katara uh, no one! Just my imaginary friends." He'd give her this smile, hoping she would drop it and go on with their day.
Don't worry Sokka,it's not the last time you get to meet your dream girl ;)
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Zuko admired what you did. The precision one must have to be able to do what you do...
He already said he could never do something like that.
But he does love your own tattoos.
Especially the one on your tigh, a snake surrounded by white flowers. And he made sure to tell you that.
He hangs around your shop pretty often, especially when he was hiding in ba sing se, sometimes making sure nobody is trying anything with you. It's just how Zuko is.
He even asked you one time if you would do something on him.
"You want me to tattoo on you?" You raise an eyebrow,a small smirk on your mouth.
"I mean yeah, I wouldn't mind." He would shrug ,and explain in detail how exactly he would like his design and how big,it would bring a big grin on your face.
He's a proud boyfriend, and he loves watching what you're doing.
After he becomes fire lord,you're his official court artist.
Zuko claims it's for your safety mostly.
He's just lovestruck by you and can't handle not having you around him.
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ushijimaschubbs · 4 months
"are you really sure you'll pass this test?", samu stared at you waiting for you to answer while you were chewing on your pen instead of solving the equation right in front of you.
"listen, I'm trying. it's hard. i understand the concept I just have no motivation to keep going on its boring and annoying and I just wanna get it over with!" you replied before resting your head on samu's study table. samu knew you were trying, you're good at almost all subjects, even basic mathematics is fine but statistics is something that even he struggled with but if you end up failing this exam you'll be done for and you'll be held back this semester. which is why he decided to tutor you over the weekend after he saw you sobbing in your dorm. he's been friends with you for a pretty long time but he's never seen you cry over academics. you're not the brightest student yet you end up getting good enough marks everytime.
"fine then let's make a deal. if you end up finishing this module by tonight I'll make your favourite dish tonight and I'll also pack it up for you so you can have it later" he said as he pulled your chair closer to his. you were real close to his face this time. samu smelled like heaven, he was a guy very particular about his hygiene which he learned a hard way when he got rejected last time because a girl said he smelled like rotten meat. since then everytime you've been next to him he's smelled like a garden and it's gotten you a bit horny you won't lie. you held back a smile when samu had pulled you towards himself you were still very close to his face and lost in thoughts when he poked your forehead so that you pay attention.
"sounds tempting I'll give it a try ONLY if you promise to also make my favourite dessert", you replied as you shifted a bit back, resting your head on samu's gaming chair. he gave you that to sit on so that you study comfortably.
"done. I'll go prepare the food and you finish the rest of the sums. and remember if it's not done then no favourite food tonight", he smiled and gave you a kiss on top of your head as he left.
Osamu Miya was a huge guy and everyone knew that. Before you had become friends with him he was actually your party crush as in everytime you were attending a party on campus he was the one you looked for since he was always there at some or the other party. He is tall, broad, had an athlete's built and you had just gotten out of a relationship so hooking up with him seemed like the only idea you had in mind that was until you came to know he has a girlfriend. You did end up becoming friends with samu tho but maybe that little crush you had on him never fully left and you were always reminded of that while you were around him.
after an hour samu entered the room to check up on you but he couldn't find you in the room so he started calling out your name throughout the house. he was relieved when you told him you're in the bathroom taking a quick shower as you felt really sleepy and maybe cold water would help with that. while you were showering your clothes that were hanging on the hook fell directly into the tub, your literally only pair of clean clothes that you had here. you called out samu's name and asked him to bring you any clothes he could find. now you're a not skinny, nowhere near skinny but osamu was huge enough for his clothes to fit you so the tshirt wasn't an issue at all. it was the shorts that wouldn't go up your hips. you gave up after a while and decided to spend the rest of the time there in your panties and his oversized tshirt.
"hey look i finished cooki-" samu looked you up and down, his eyes huge as if they were gonna pop out of the sockets anytime soon now. "wow uhh wow uhhh" he was trying to find words but he couldn't.
"will you finish the sentence lol" you smirked as you took the plate from him and headed towards the room. "come inside we have to finish the syllabus remember?"
samu followed you trying his very best to keep his eyes up but he couldn't help but take a sneak every few seconds at your plush thighs.
"i finished half of it I'll do the rest later" you said while you were eating, focused on your food completely unaware that samu was now fully hard and trying to keep that hidden from you by covering it up with a pillow. with every passing second it just kept getting worse for him, he was struggling pushing the pillow down but it kept popping up. you were immersed in the amazing food though so you hardly noticed.
"samu this is so good this is like a a lot better than the last time you made it did you change something in the recipe?", you just finished munching and looked up to see samu's face red and a pillow between his legs. "are you okay? do you have a fever samu?", you asked him, interfering his wild train of thoughts. samu never said it out loud but he had started liking you the day y'all became friends. your cute smile, your loud laughs, your pretty hair, your gorgeous eyes had all turned him crazy for you. he couldn't help but go on and on and on about it to tsumu everytime he came home after meeting you. this is also why he had wanted to tutor you as he thought you'd spend a lot more time together.
"oh yeah dw I'm fine", too distracted by you samu removed his hand from the pillow which sprung up and fell down, your jaw was on the floor now you had never gasped this way ever in your life.
"samu what"
"listen oh fuck", he stood up and ran towards the washroom. you followed him immediately,he was locked inside. you knocked on the door and called out his name but he just wouldn't budge.
"FINE I'LL THROW THE FOOD AND FAIL TOMORROW'S EXAM", you shouted hoping he'd come out now. it worked, he was out in a sec.
"why are you hard as a cactus samu"
"uhh idk morning wood ig"
"samu it's 4pm. what morning wood......"
"fine it's you. it's your gorgeous thighs and the fact that you're wearing my oversized tshirt and also i guess you're not wearing a bra", he said mumbling the last few words.
"do you like me or is it just because you're seeing me like this and I'm just any girl"
"well yeah I've liked you for a while"
samu was red, he was embarrassed and ashamed and a million thoughts were running in his mind. now that he had told you that he likes you would you not talk to him, how would you react etc etc but you did something he didn't expect. you tiptoed, put your arms around his neck and kissed him. he was surprised for a second but then he held your waist and kissed you back. his hands wandering around your waist, sliding down to your ass groping you. then he slid his hand up your shirt to grab your boobs. you could feel his cock throbbing against you. he picked you up and took you inside his room and gently placed you on the bed, kissing your neck and caressing your thighs. you flipped him over.
"let me take care of you samu" you said before you got on your knees at the end of the bed and pulled his shorts down revealing his big throbbing cock leaking precum. you'd never had someone as big as him before. you swirled your tounge around his tip as you pumped his shaft.
"fuck y/n please you're driving me crazy", he said as he threw his head back.
you continued to stroke his cock with your hands while sucking on his balls as he grunted in pleasure, stiffling a moan but a quick lick against his shaft made him moan loud enough. samu was desperate to cum and he was already close as he had fantasized about this day for years now and now he's finally had it, his long throbbing length deep inside your mouth with your plump lips around them. you started opening your tshirt and watched samu gape at your tits and even before he could register it you put his cock in between your tits pumping him up and down while you licked his red plump tip occasionally. samu couldn't hold it in any longer and released his thick cum in spurts all over your face. he sat back trying to catch his breath while you got up and snuggled beside him.
"i like you too you know"
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sea-of-dust · 5 months
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Alva,Frederick,Edgar,Demi x Rock Vo. GN! Reader
Compared to the way you dress they would have never guessed you knew your way around a ballroom
N: I'm gonna keep thinking of acheron and black swans dances final frame. Also Frederick's new skin, that thing has a grip on me,poppin party,Céline Dion,Mustard service references
Warnings: mentions of drinking, might be ooc
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Ugh, you and luca being friends is one thing, him noticing the hunter and saying "ez sweep" is another. Luca would tell you what to do against him you'd do it, he'd get pissed you two would do it everytime you see em. Strangely enough is that you've never seen Alva before and when you asked who the fabled "tall coat guy" luca would answer "litterally a tall coat guy"
As soon as you did see him however you knew why luca didn't want you to ever meet him. His cold gaze, the scar near his eye, the elegance he radiates. "Are you single?" "Excuse me?" Luca would know instantly if you met him when you come back like a children's cartoon protagonist that's just been kissed by their crush. "Wow..." he was mortified.
Luca does get a bit werided out when he thinks too much about you crushing on his teacher, that dosent stop him from giving you heads up tho. "There's a public map" you stop tuning your neck nearly snapping to see him "where? Can I perform? Is the tall coat guy gonna be there?" "Dunno" "I'll take it" So the most delulu person on earth (you/j) decided to perform under the deck of the ship, not paying much mind as you played songs you thought he'd like, trying not to make direct eye contact with this seemingly uninterested man, too focused on his conversation with the clerk. You thought maybe he had tuned you out after the first few chords, until the next match with him where he hummed. A humming a little too similar to the lyrics you sang. While kiting him you could barely believe your ears, you had to have Demi fact check you.
A few more performances and a chair was all it took for him to begin to speak to you. "That voice of yours is wonderful" your eyes widen, looking up at him quickly, he smirks, reminiscing on the concert. "I'm normally not the type to like rock. I'm glad you're an acception" you froze, you could have sworn he could hear you internally scream or atleast see you blush as much as you did
He isn't very social but you've gotten the treat of seeing him smile, and not terror shock you as much. "You've gotten soft" "have I now?" In truth you went from being able to kite at least 3 ciphers to 2.5, he doesn't terror shock you but he makes up for it in actual shocks. Atleast he's friendly enough to show you where the dungeon is before poking you with the staff. There would also be the occasional soft look in his eyes eventually making a bit more physical contact with you. "You're so pretty" you re-wrap his bandages causally mummbling that out, he retracted his hand quickly. "Did I tie something too tight?" "No" you hold out your hand for his arm. "Do you really think im pretty" your eyes widen "I didn't think you heard me but yea, the way your eyes pierce into people is attractive" you blush embrassed you're rambling this much "atleast in my opinion" he looks away before placing his arm into your hand to continue wrapping, you continue on nervously wrapping them. He'd look at them later on in the match, thinking about what you said, it's too distracting for him to just not hear "you're pretty" over and over
He'd ask you out pretty awkwardly, because it would be straight to the point. "I love you, please consider me as a partner" "." He'd stand there like a brick and you would be to, out of pure shock your brain would have just exploded by then. "Sure-" brainfart of an answer, biggest regret of your life. Thank god he didn't seem to mind.
He likes comming out of his office just to see you out there practicing, you'd hear his foot steps and greet him with a smirk. "You've been in there for 15 hours I can't feel my hands" "I'm sure you're fine" "they feel like white noise" "so you feel them" "no" closing his eyes he'd listen to your careful fingers press on strings and strum, whenever he opened his eyes he always looked love struck so you try to block out his face from your mind, but the more you try to shut it out the more clear it gets. You had to stop looking at him when you practice
He'd notice if you've overused your voice during a match. Coughing, trying to relieve strain, pinching the front of your neck. He'd stop you mid kite and tell you about ways to relieve it. "Hopefully you like tea and honey." "?" "For your throat" "oh" he kisses your forehead. "I'll prepare some after this. Go decode for now" you'd have a higher chance of failing ciphers after that, Luca had to supervise. "He's so pretty..." "decode for him" easiest way to get you to lock in and to shut up about Alva
The only pet peeve he has with you is when you're both in a match and a survivor would say something along the lines of "I don't know how to get around this hunter" and you and luca would respond simultaneously "ez sweep" so he started finding loop holes, such as winking at you during kites, flirting with you if he found you first leaving the cipher bare, and just going after Luca first. He was no longer "ez sweep" to you two anymore, you had to tell a new survivor to "follow their gut!" For a while
He didn't care much for your rumors about being an aristocrat, if anything they're an afterthought, and an explanation on why you're able to causally name plants, and almost never use your hands when eating you'd eat fruits with a fork or a toothpick. This did come into play when you asked him to dance. Surely nothing it could be fine? He barely remembers how to do ballroom dance, so you went easy on him. It felt like a roller coaster. You could be able to tell he was embrassed everytime he almost stepped on your feet, the quick turns he wasn't ready for you'd catch his eyes widen. Somehow able to dip someone as tall as him you catch an exhausted smile on his face. "I should do this more often with you" he scoffs "maybe another time"
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Ugh, as a musician he respects you knowing your talents after attending a show you did in the lobby, or just hearing it blast a few times but knowing your background you're gonna have to go the extra mile to even get him to associate with you. A person dressed like some local turning out to be an aristocrat, and their family respects that? Ridiculous you must be lying
He'd warm up to you slowly, he was annoyed he could hear you practice? Take these headphones. Then he couldn't hear the piano? Alright you'll change the time you do practice. He'd hate to admit it but when overwhelmed He'd purposely look for you while practicing, chaotic riffs like the ones you play would usually overwhelm him, but there's a difference when you practice, you're humming the lyrics softly while playing watered downed versions of certain bits, sometimes pleasing soft riffs. It's therapeutic, won't let you catch him listening though
That changes when you begin to date him. Now he's in the same room! "Im gonna pratice one i dont think youd like much" "I'm sure I can enjoy it regardless" you hum uncertainly hesitantly placing your fingers where they need to go, and begin to play, the melodies seeming uncertain of themselves as if shy. "With all the times I made mistakes infront of you I never expected you to be so considerate it hurts your performance" he sits closer to you "I'll be alright, play as you see fit regardless of me being in audience" "alright..." You play a bit hesitantly in the beginning, but pretty quickly you practice as usual, you sigh as you complete it. "That was too difficult" "do you want me to not be here when you practice?" You're not very sure how to answer that
He'd enter your room at night. "I know you're awake" "WOAH" you jolt back squinting your eyes to try and get a better look at him. "Why are you here at this hour?" "I got scared" "Sure bud" you embrace him, letting stiff arms return the favor. In truth he was kept awake by the thoughts of things couples usually do, sleeping in the same bed being one of them, imagining you there just wasn't going to cut it for him, to have you near him, to trust him enough to sleep in the same room as him let alone close to his chest, he felt at ease. You would wake up to his grip firmly around you or from him carassing your cheek or playing with your hair.
It feels werid when you two aren't in manor games together, you're like eatchothers lucky charms, he can't really handle if you're in too many games without him in a row. "I gotta get back soon Frederick might sleep on the piano again" Demi raises an eyebrow "he what?" "what if he stares so hard at my guitar it ends up full of sorrow" Demi's heard it all, she's heard of him evaporating, laying on couches, playing piano then sighing pausing and continuing to play a more loudly and harshly (according to Luca) "he thinks about alota things at once you know"
He does feel a bit strange when it comes to physical affection. Hugs and small kisses did feel a icky, when you do show him physical affection you'd try to keep it to a minimum accolading this, he judges you for that. Playing with his hair and stopping he looks up at you with narrowed eyes "what?" "Keep going" he grumbles. He'd start turning around to judge you if you dared to remove your hands from him. Sometimes even initiating, which would confuse and fluster the heck out of you. He does have his limits don't push them and he'll be fine.
He'd invite you to practice with him sometimes. It would always fluster the hell outta you but barely for him. "Are you sure?" You look around a bit frantically "I'm sure" "I'll get my gutair then" as soon as you sit down with him it usually goes with him beginning to play, you joining in after seeming to get the gist, you realize there was sheet music the entire time for you, say that you're "built diffrent" for just knowing what to play automatically "I'm just built like that" "Uh huh..." he disregards it, he knows you forget about the sheet music most of the time. Atleast he doesn't stay there for hours away from most people, that much anymore, now he spends atleast half of that practice session with you.
So to punish you for almost always never paying attention, he decided to make a song, no surprise he'd already think of making you a song, this was just an excuse for if you ever asked him why. "Do you mind if we practice again today" "you can't get enough of me can you" teasing him, you go with him hearing the unfamiliar song he began to play, you get behind him and begin to read the sheet music. "This one has alot of emotion to it" you continue to listen, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I think I got this" letting go of him, you play along with the emotional tone of the song. Test magically passed
You'd tease him with some song choices, letting him recognize the songs he wrote played on your gutair, or singing a lyric he just can't pass over for some reason "you haven't found everything you've been searching. Find it with me then we'll lose it and find it again" he blushes you could tell he was thinking too much on it. he turned away closing his eyes as you continued on singing, was your voice always this hypnotizing? Why are these chords so flustering now of all times? "Please stick to rock" "this is rock" "oh" you could barely hear that, getting closer to him you whisper in his ear "pleasantries-" "something I say to you, love" "so you know this" he tries to hide his flustered face. "The lyrics are pretty tame I'm surprised a song you've heard for a while now flustered you" you hug him kissing his cheek. You look foward to his reaction whenever you play songs like that near him, or just him paying too much attention to the lyrics and drifting into his imagination
Now imagine him finding out those you being an aristocrat rumors were real. You had him thinking you were normal until you ate a grape with a toothpick and knew how to tie his aggressively fancy bows. As soon as a partner dance came along you quite litterally swept him off his feet. A style of partner dance that was unique full of dramatic turns it almost felt like you were just dragging him along a bit, a weightless, graceful dance that would have been unexpected if you weren't accustomed to it. A dip is where you two make eye contact. "Did I tuker you out too much?" You smile uncertainly,him huffing to catch his breath, his mind racing with thoughts. "I'm fine" "would you like to do for another then?" "I'd rather not"
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Ugh, pretty loud and he just hears the mumbles, he'll think it's incoherent metal, disrupts painting when you hear a sudden yell no matter how pretty it is
He dosent dislike you personally, after all you gave him your spare ear muffs when he brought this up to you. He becomes a good ally after that, you could go for a rescue and he'd be able to cover you. Those ear muffs come in handy, so handy that hunters try to take them. Unfortunately, you or him are always the first to yank them off or knock It out the hand of the hunter
He would slowly become apart of you Demi and Lucas crew. That one guy in a group that's never there but when he is it makes that day better, he's that guy. It gets so hype over there the hunter would turn their head wondering about the noise. "we got it guys!!" "YEA" "were getting a 4 escape!!" The hunters oprea singer
He'd grow super attached to you after you say something positive about his art. "Youve made this in a day?" "Yea?" "I find that hard to believe, the layering in this, the way they don't just lay ontop of eatchother but blend, not to mention accurate shadows" you take a pause dazed at the fine work. "It's beautiful" he doesn't speak, shocked that you knew the beauty and worth of his art something that most he met didn't understand, he fell for you hard over those comments, exactly why he shows you his pieces more often
You two would start dating rather quickly, you dropping signs the most aggressive way possible, causally holding hands when alone, sharing a cipher and really bad ideas "we should rescue luca" "no" "?" "He told me I should cut my canvas in half so I had four drawings instead of two" "...I mean in concept it's good but it might set ya off" "it already did" "after half then?" "Yea" thankfully Demi swooped in
You do try to sit down and paint with him. It was like a toddler following along a Bob Ross tutorial, but atleast Bob didn't stare at your painting for long periods of time. "Are you familiar with aristocrats?" "Yea?" He narrows his eyes "are you one?" "Are my drawings that bad?" "No these strokes are just ones nobility usually do" "crazy" he knew you were an aristocrat, and one that appreciated his art is even better. "Consider me your biggest fan in the art world" he giggles going back to his piece
He's run out of paintings during a match? Suddenly this isn't a match it's a rock show. "Find something in the item boxes nearby I'll distract them for you" distract them the loudest way possible how did you even bring an amp to a match?! "Why do you keep playing poppin party songs" "1) they're loud enough to cover the sound of us moving 2) they're more focused on me, the source of the music and 3) if you actually noticed" you point at Joseph "I found out he in particular has a real liking for Arisa he's not just gonna ignore her out of all people" Sure enough a familiar photographer appeared in the distance. "You mind opening the exit gate"
Despite him being sarcastic as hell he tries to sing along when you practice or perform. "You look like someone just sucked the life outta you" "how do you do this on the regular?" "Vocal practice wait till you have to scream in matches to save people" "." This stuff isn't for him but listening to you do it sounds alot better, and its nice to hum. You've caught him humming more times than you can count, and whenever you tell him he gets embrassed. "It's cute tho" "I'm sure the hunter could catch us if I continued" "They're across the map"
He hates the way you kiss whenever you're rushing somewhere. You do this thing he calls the entertainer's peck. Where you'd wave or acknowledge him, kiss his cheek and continue walking. He hates it because of how it lingers, you can't just take his hand to turn him toward you only to kiss him on the cheek and leave to a concert area or to decode. You're making him lose focus, one of those kisses that make you want another. You'd have him mummbling like a fool, espically if he could chase after you he'd give you his own peck, which led to the part he hated the most, the soft "I'll cherish this" expression on your face when you look back at him. He's giving you another until you stop looking at him like that!
He knew you were an aristocrat and he was thankful for it there was a higher chance you realized his talents. Hed ask you to dance first. "Shall we dance?" "Sure" informal way of accepting but formal style of dance. The way you both were able to be in sync no matter what move you threw at him, it turned out to be more of a test of skill than a friendly dance, as soon as you dipped him you could see all of the energy he lost hit him at once as he could barely keep himself up, you giggled at his predicament. "We should do this more often, you're alot more used to this than I thought" "we should, maybe I could try tossing you" his face straightens "nevermind"
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Party! She's litterally with you all the time, with Luca as a carry on. You three would basically host rock concerts in the manor. You'd sing about freedom and living on, who cares for the noise complaint invest in ear plugs!!
You'd always be with her or luca during the games, though you do prefer Demi a bit more, she dosent laugh so hard it alerts the hunter. She's also more aware than Luca making running away alot easier. Though after games you prefer Luca, Luca doesn't cling to you so much you have to sleep in the same bed as him to make him feel better, he just calls you his hero
Does help when you're rescuing her, Naiad could be dashing toward you yet all be stopped by a simple ear spliting shreak from you, you had her seeing double. "I didn't know you could also do metal" "it's useful with the amount of commissions I get"
She'd randomly get an idea to try and wing along while you play. "I got it I got it" reasuring herself you begin to play familiar chords as she opens her mouth you change them to diffrent ones "I DONT KNOW THE LYRICS TO TEAR DROPS" "you got it!" She indeed barely had it, barely able to say of the lyrics correctly. Her revenge? "You mind playing this" she shows you probably the most confusing sheet music you've seen in your career a Frederick special if you will. "Alright-" and so the manor wondered what happened to the music they randomly heard when passing your room for the next 2 days
She'd fall asleep If you two weren't summoned for a round that day leaving you and her alone to explore the manor or practice guitar. People would come and go to you twos makeshift karoke. Espically Norton apparently. "IT WAS LOST LONG AGO BUT ITS ALL COMMING BACK TO ME" those two would sing with their hearts out the whole manor could tell you the lyrics by heart. You could play a cord to a song she'd accidently "ITS ALL COMMING BACK TO ME" "." "That wasn't the right song?" "No"
Almost scream royality. Random bug? "AHHHHHH" small spoke? "AUHHHHHHH" you and luca pretending to be possessing eatchothers bodies "NOOOOOO" surprisingly she doesn't scream like this when a giant nun lady jumps at her, except when she did and found out why you're scream royality. "So how'd ya get chaired?" "Rescue me first" "you're way too far from half" she pouts "so I tried screaming to burst her ear drums like you do..." "and?" "And she looked me straight in the eyes, then the cat screamed louder I swear it was like one of yours and then I was here" ".pft" "not cool!"
She gets tipsy during rounds, leading to some fun confessions of love. "Y/n...I love youu" she leans onto you, puckered lips to an exaggerated degree. "I gotta decode Demi" sighing you let her cling onto you tighter "did any person tell you how cute you are? Am I the first?" "You aren't" she gasps dramatically "reallllyyyy?" "Yea, a barmaid got to me before you" she blows a raspberry
She leads you away for rounds, asking for help setting up a kiting area. "Thanks for the help" she lands a kiss on your cheek. "Demi" "what?" "I appreciate it but Luca might vomit over this again" "he forced himself to" she wraps her arms around your waist, leaning in to be closer to you "he'll be fine" he wasn't fine. "You two really gotta get a room" "wadya mean?" "You keep looking with these lovey dovey eyes, were all on the same cipher and that poor guys probably single handedly evading that rock guy. "Arent they the same person" "yea they both got that same scar" "now you're tag teaming me?" "Yea" you both make the same look.
If she were ever to escape the hunter injured she'll run to you near instantly. "I think you should kiss me and all my injuries will heal" "that's not how it works Demi" you continue your healing "you're so warm..." "I know" "hehe" you kiss her forehead, finishing up. "I'm still injured" she dramatically places her hand on her forehead, both of you hearing a cipher being popped. "Oh look you're at full health" she sighs "worth a shot"
You being an aristocrat? She didn't care much but it did affect how you did certain things, and explained why you knew how to take care of plants,paint, and piano...barely the gutairs more fitting. When you asked her to dance, she got flustered, such a formal request, but comming from you it should have been a bit obvious it was comming. She didn't expect how graceful you were, it felt like an instructor dancing with their student for a test, the turns focused eyes turning to soft looks whenever you made eye contact with her. It was a flustering the hell outta of her she couldn't think for more than two secounds with you suddenly invading her thoughts with the shift in demeanor. When she took the lead by the end and dipped you, you seemed to snap out of it. "You're really good at improv" "how sweet of you" she huffs bringing you up to stand. "Would you like to dance again later?" "You sound like an old noble"
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gavisfanta · 7 months
Hi love, can you do one of Pedri being a dad?
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summary: pedri and your daughter getting along and playing dress up
a/n: I thought of this during math class 😭😭
warnings: slight mentions of an ed, nothing serious tho
"Oh my god" You laughed as you looked at your daughter dressed up in a princes dress. She greeted you at the door with the biggest smile ever on her face.
"How is my princess?" You lifted her up immediately after you took off your shoes.
"Good" she kissed your cheek and you couldn't help but kiss her nose and then her cheek too.
"Oh yeah? Where's daddy?" You asked and she looked at you. Then you put her down and made your way towards the stairs.
"Upstairs, uncle fer got us these dresses." She said and you furrowed your brows while walking upstairs.
"us?" You asked with a confusing look but your question was soon answered by you seeing Pedri sitting in the middle of her room, wearing a pink princess dress.
You immediately burst out laughing and he looked up at you with a huge smile on his face.
"Mommy's home" Your daughter clapped her hands as she walked towards Pedri. You were standing in the doorway as Pedri stood up and you scanned his whole body.
The pink tight material really suited him well, his abs clearly visible and his biceps almost ripping the long sleeve on his arms.
"Do you think I'm a pretty princess?" He asked with a smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to himself.
"Mhm, not prettier than her tho." You laughed and pecked his lips before he pulled you into a kiss.
"Mom, can we get you one of these too?" She asked and you laughed down at her as Pedri did so too.
"I think that's a great idea honestly" Pedri looked back at you and you burst out laughing as you turned your gaze to Pedri again.
Him in that damn princess dress was something you could definitely not take serious.
"Mommy is being mean to me tho." Pedri then pulled away from you and went back to sit down in the middle of the room. Him and Isa were just holding a tea party.
"Why are you mean to dad?" She looked up at you and at the moment you couldn't explain it to her.
"She's just jealous of our dresses, now come and sit down." Pedri waved over Isa and you smiled a bit as you turned around and made your way to the bathroom inside of your room. You definitely need a shower after this long day.
After you were done showering you got dressed into your pj's and walked downstairs since you couldn't find neither Pedri or Isa on the upper level.
As soon as you entered the living room you smiled immediately. You found Pedri and Isa in front of the tv. Pedri changed back into a hoodie and joggers while Isa was still dressed as a princess. She was cuddled up to him and he had his arm around her. She fell asleep in his arm, however, he was awake, looking at the tv.
Pedri turned his head to look at you immediately. "I'll bring her upstairs and then I'll come back again. Don't fall asleep." He pointed at you with his finger before he pushed his arms below his daughter and carried her upstairs.
You sat down in the spot where Pedri was sat and pulled a blanket over yourself.
You looked at whatever was going on the tv, it was just some kids show, however you were too lazy to switch the channel.
Luckily only after 2 minutes, Pedri came downstairs again. A wide smile spread across his face as he sat down next to you and pulled you into a big hug.
"My god, I missed you so much." He whispered and kissed the top of your head.
"I missed you too," You paused for a second and he kissed you on the lips too. "What did you guys do today?"
Pedri's lips curled up into a smile immediately. You leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around you. "Well we had a tea party and we invited the girls over for some cookies we made." Pedri said sarcastically and you gave him a look. "Fine, we had a tea party, made cookies and pretended to feed those to her plushies."
You nodded your head and he kissed your temple. "Do you want to eat something? Work must have been tiring." He mumbled but you just shook your head. You were too tired to eat something.
"Are you sure? When was the last time you ate something?" He kept asking, at that point you were fighting to stay awake. His touch, his smell, the sound of his breathing and his voice were too comforting and tiring.
"Yesterday" You mumbled and he stood up immediately. You saw him walk into the kitchen and he came back just a few seconds later with a protein bar in his hand.
"Those are disgusting." You told him as soon as he sat down next to you again. He started to open the packaging.
"I know, open up." You opened your mouth as he asked you, then he broke off a piece and put it into your mouth. You started chewing on it while pulling a face.
"I'll make you some lunch tomorrow." Pedri looked at you chew on the rest of the protein bar while he pushed your hair out of your face. You hummed as a response and he then gave you a glass of water too.
"I forget to eat the whole time." You complained and leaned closer to pedri again. You cuddled up, closer to him to feel him by your side.
"Dont worry, it's just pretty stressful for you right now." Pedri kissed your forehead and you nodded. You both did thst whole watching the kids show thst wss on the tv.
"This is how you know we're getting old." You laughed out and he looked st you immediately. "We're watching a kids show even tho our kid isn't even near." You laughed slightly.
"We're only 25, oh my god, we're old." Pedri looked at you, a small laugh escaped your lips as you looked up at him.
"That's what I'm saying." You moved your hands up to his hair and started playing with it. Pedri looked at you while you pushed all of his hair into his face.
"When do you need to go back to practice?" You asked him, you knew that he got a few days off but you didn't know how long.
"I need to leave tomorrow around 6. I still need to pick up Gavi." Pedri kissed your temple and you turned your attention towards the tv again.
"Fuck, I need to work tomorrow. I start at 4." Pedri looked at you as you groaned and threw your head back.
"I already told you this amor" That made you look at Pedri. He stayed serious and looked directly into your eyes as you furrowed your eyebrows. "Quit your job, stay at home. You don't need to work, you know I make enough money."
"Yeah, I know you make enough money but I feel like I'll be bored staying at home the entire time." Pedri shook his head as he sunk deeper into the couch.
"Doesn't matter, come we'll go to sleep." You decided and stood up. Pedri groaned but then also stood up. You turned off the tv and started walking upstairs. Just as you wanted to walk into the bedroom the door to Isa's room opened. You and Pedri stood still and looked at her immediately.
"I'm scared." Tears were streaming down her little cheeks and Pedri immediately kneeled down to her.
"What's wrong?" He asked as you stood next to him and Isa looked up at you, turning her gaze from Pedri.
"I'm scared to sleep." She mumbled and you exhaled deeply.
"You wanna come and sleep with us?" She nodded her head and Pedri lifted her up and carried her to your shared bed.
Luckily it was big enough for the three of you, so as Pedri put her down on the bed you got on your side.
He walked over to the closet and pulled put some shorts for him to sleep in. You looked at him in the pitch dark as Isa cuddled up to you and you kissed her forehead.
Pedri took off his hoodie and you stared at him, to be honest, how could you not?
So as soon as he changed into the Barcelona shorts he also crawled into the bed and looked at Isa. Before he lied down he kissed her head and you on the lips.
"Goodnight" You yawned and he just smiled as he looked at you.
The next day you woke up at 10 am. The bed was empty and the sun was shining in through the blinds. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and then made your way downstairs. The house was empty and Noone to be seen anywhere.
Until you heard giggling coming from the pool. You looked out the huge glass windows and saw Pedri playing in the pool with Isa.
You smiled as you then made your way outside. The hot concrete burning your feet so you walked on the grass. Pedri turned to look into your direction and then looked at Isa.
"Look, mom woke up" He told her with a wide grin and she smiled immediately as she looked at you.
"Mom, you slept sooo long" Isa laughed as Pedri sat her down on the side kf the pool and she walked over to you. You sat down in the grass and she sat down in front of you.
"Why, how long have you two been awake?" You looked over at Pedri who was leaning onto the edge of the pool, his arms crossed above the edge.
You couldn't help but notice how fine he looked. The wet hair which was pushed back, the water on his biceps which looked even bigger when he crossed his arms.
"We got up at 6 am and watched the sunrise." She opened up her arms and then Pedri flashed you a smile.
"We wanted to let you sleep out, also, we made breakfast, theres some more in the kitchen." Pedri caught your gaze and you smiled as you kissed the top of your daughter's head while standing up.
"Thank you so much."
"No worries, I got you."
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sempsimps · 3 months
Gregory + Cheslock x reader nail painting
So they are separate, but I wanted to paint their nails okay, so I'll do wholesome first, and I'll add a line for NSFW stuffs. All right, chill :)
-He loves to paint his nails it's just like normal painting, and it looks pretty, although it isn't typically for males, but he doesn't mind
-It's a good distraction when life gets too much, ya know, and he will do Cheslock's his if he asked for some help
Late in the evening, chilling in his room, talking or just sitting in silence and carefully doing his nails.
"So, how was your day"
Gregory looked up at me and sighed deeply before giving an answer.
"It was... busy"
I nodded and carefully turned his hand to get a better angle to paint his thumb.
"Yeah, you are a prefect, after all. You get a lot of ... uh sidequests"
a tilt of his head told me he thought it was an odd description but smiled a little, shaking his head. I applied the polish once. twice, three times, and then it was done. now to do the other hand, which he gave quickly. softly admiring the first set as they dried, glistening in the light, once I was done, he stared at them for a while.
"Thank you"
"Don't worry, I'm happy to do them"
I smiled and started to do my own nails to look pretty. But as I felt a hand reach out for mine, I looked up at him. He glanced away before asking.
"Could i do them for you?"
"Oh y yeah, have at it"
His touch was gentle, and he did the same treatment I did for him. He seemed to either know what he was doing or was a very fast learner. Either way, they looked immaculate by the end.
-I feel like he has a little bit of anger management, and painting / picking the nail polish works to calm down. but he can't do it himself that well, so he either gets Gregory, or you to do them, it looks better, and he'll feel a little bad about ruining it, but it's better than blowing up at people.
-and if people judge, he just yells at them. idk
-He likes to rant doing it since you'll listen to him, but it's like a comfortable silence when Gregory does it. Instead, Cheslock wouldn't start the conversation unless Gregory did. idk
He sat cross-legged on the floor, one hand in your lap that was being yassified using the other hand to gesture during his new rant.
"And then he went on to say I was in the wrong! like I wasn't educated in the subject. Also, I'm a damn prefect! He shouldn't argue with me of all people!"
He gestured with his spare hand to emphasize his point, showing frustration with the student by waving it in the air and occasionally pushing it forward. As I attempted to paint his other nails, some polish smudged onto his skin. However, I chose not to say anything, as it was best to allow him to stim.
"Wow, really? and what else did he say?"
I was genuinely curious about what this ballsy person had to say. I briefly paused in the nail painting to look at him, my eyes asking for the continuation of the story.
"Oh, don't get me started, he continued to -"
He kept telling me what happened and soon had to switch hands, keeping still to let them dry. When this happened, He remained silent, smiling at the completed set, feeling both amazed and impressed at how quickly it was done despite his fidgeting. Once it was done, you started painting your own nails, not wanting to end the conversation just yet. However, then it was lights out, and you both went to your separate dorm rooms.
=====okay here's the spicy ideas i had for the same thing=====
cock warming
men whimpering
Gregory is a bottom / Cheslock is a top (SEPARATED THO)
(send me feral ass outside to touch grass, or water, or fire, like anything not electronic, or in my house)
trying not to move?
doing two things at once??? I guess??
I was deeply focused on the hand I was painting carefully running the brush along it, but the hand I was holding suddenly flexed, and I smeared some of the nail polish onto his skin
"Hey, keep still, please,"
"mh trying"
I felt him twitch at my words. I was on top of Gregory, his member inside of my hole, with my thighs on either side of his waist. Gregory's head was lulled back on the pillows. He was biting his lips, trying his best not to move. his other hand digging into my thigh to keep him grounded. he was panting a little and occasionally let out a whimper. It was cute because I had only done three nails on one hand. and there was so much left to do. he was already this sensitive, trying his hardest not to thrust up into me. I was just finishing the fourth nail, but I leaned over to gather more polish from the bottle resting on his chest. coating the brush again, as I moved Gregory whimpered. I felt a slight shift of his cock, this made me pause and let out a shaky breath, as my hole clenched, in response to it another soft buck made the bottle of polish almost tip, and my thigh have a slight spasm. I was teasingly slow with it, but it was getting to me now, I understood why he was coming undone so fast, but I wasn't going to leave a job halfway done.
it was getting hard to focus. All I could feel was Cheslock, his hands resting on my chest, and playing with my nipples. my legs were around his waist as he sat on the heel of his feet. and his cock was deeply buried inside of me, as a random roll of his hips made me lose my brain every time. his teasing laugh echoed in the room.
"Hehe, come on, don't you want to make me look pretty?"
"y yeah, just ah, it's g getting increasingly! difficult. t that's all"
I snapped back. I planned to do it, just that, but this position was making it hard. Even breathing was a challenge to do while he was being a prick and purposely making me mess it up. As I painted his nails, I couldn't help but notice my hand shaking a few times from his teasing actions, leaving accidentally smudges of black nail polish on his fingertips. Cheslock didn't say anything, but his teasing tsk tsk let me know he noticed. As I finished one hand and started on the other, Cheslock calmly took the brush from my hand, closed the polish bottle, and moved it to the side. before slamming my wrists up and rolling his whole body fully connected to mine, leaning over to kiss my lips
Okay so I hope that was ya know at least enjoyable to read I had this thought with a friend they were innocent and I was like "But hear me out sex" and so here it is look at that I also ended them both quickly I was losing some motivation but oh well (i also hope its not very obvious who I like more o_o definitely not)
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googleitlol · 6 days
Two questions! Well, one’s more like a prompt/scenario, but I’m still saying it!
Do you have any plans on getting back to your “The Memory of You” fanfic in the future? Because I’m a certified Macaque wimp (right there with Wukong) and I’m dying to know everything that happened between him and Lian!😭
And second:
I just got myself Black Myth Wukong brainrot and I randomly thought of a situation where Dove would wake up from a nightmare about Wukong’s death, and she instinctively places a hand over the Destined One’s heart to hear it beating because of his resemblance and everything. And the Destined One just helps hold her hand to his chest and resting his own hand over hers until she calms down🥲💘💞
1) Omg tbh I didn't realise ppl were still reading that one! I'm focusing on PoM rn so I don't think I'll be getting to it anytime soon unfortunately. I do wanna continue it tho, and rewrite some stuff too! My google doc is so big for TMoY that if you wanted, I could totally answer some asks about it. Since I'm focusing on Dove and Wukong rn, I wouldn't mind sharing some secrets about Lian and Macaque's past (I will yap so much abt them, I love Lian she's my sweetheart).
I also took a break from writing that fic because, uhhhhh… I had only seen part of season 4 when I started writing the backstory for Lian, did some research into chinese mythology and legends I could pull from… then after posting a bunch of chapters, I watched the rest and realised I accidentally made her backstory/creation extremely similar to someone else (if you're caught up on the show, you'll know who I'm talking about). They both involve, uh… similar people?? So I got spooked and decided to wait a bit to see if that character's backstory would be like what I'd written for Lian and… it's starts out very similar 💀
But honestly, I think I'm gonna keep it the same cuz I love Lian, and I love the story I've made for her and Macaque. So if you've got any questions abt them, I'd be happy to answer until I shift my focus back onto TMoY.
2) Oh, and… my god. I love this idea of yours. That dream. Hoo boy, that dream. I love it when people understand the sort of angst I wanna put Dove under. Running to her love, knowing what's about to happen but too far to stop it. Maybe if he saw her, if he knew she was coming, maybe he'd still be there. But no matter how much her throat scratches as she screams, no sound is made. No matter how fast she runs, how far she pushes herself, nothing changes.
The Destined One frowns, he's seen her like this on so many nights. There's something that's plaguing her… he just doesn't know what. She shuts him down at any and all moments he has to inquire about her night-terrors. Still, he's found a subtle way to help in the best way he can. After one night where she reached out for him and he let her hand press against his chest, he noticed how she calmed a bit.
That becomes their nightly ritual. Whenever he notices how she starts to mumble in her sleep, shout and cry, he'll cuddle up next to her and hold her in his arms. He'll keep her head pressed against his chest so she can hear his heart– that always calms her down. As long as she has something, her hand or even an ear pressed to his heart, she'll calm down. Maybe the first few nights he started doing this, she'd cuddle up to him a bit. He'd be awkward about it at first, but eventually grow used to it. After a while, he'd find that he actually really enjoys spending those nights with Dove in his arms.
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tongjingnian2point0 · 28 days
Wow! That video was amazing! I am not familiar with Halsey, is this a mix of two songs? How did you do it? How was the collaboration process? Would you tell how this project came to be? It's do perfect how the lyrics line up with the frames!
Hi there! Thanks for your questions🥰 Glad you come asking! As soon as I saw your question, I know I'm gonna give a very long answer whether you want it or not ;)))) So here is my answer & I hope you like it.
To answer your question, first, yes they are remix of two different songs. One called Drive, and the other is Colors. I didn't do the remix, as I wrote in the details on YouTube. I had the idea to do it myself tho, because these two songs are very similar, and I was thinking why not mix them together? And when I searched it, I found one already exist. (& regretfully, it's not a collaboration (but I'd love to do collaboration works if I get the chance :) I wouldn't say it's how I'll remix it, but I love this verson too, and I can see the images poping into my head the second I heard it, so I went with it.
But if you're wondering about my process about the whole project (except the music of course), I never have a complicated process, was just following my structure step by step after thinking repeatedly and certain I wanted to do it that way.
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This project didn't come out of blue. Actually I've thought about it for maybe a year or two before I get started.
The inspiration come straight from Halsey's Drive, and that whole album gives me a vibe of pure blue. I don't have synaesthesia, but I can always 'see' a lot of editing of my otp when I listen to musics.
To me, the core of SamnDean is the never ending road trip, exhaustion and everlasting love burning under the sun, especially in the early seasons. The color blue represents the feeling in my mind, and deep blue also gives me the vibe of 'haunting', just like wincest. Although they were apart when Sam was in Stanford, the memories were still haunting them from thousand miles away. And even when they're together, they're still haunted by their thoughts and feelings, just like when they were kids.
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So Drive and the scenes of SamnDean came to me naturally when I heard the lyrics, especially when it came to the mutual pining and angst. And the pride mentioned in Drive is so canonned, SamnDean both have their pride, and from my understanding, that's part of the reason why they always end up hurting each other and their feelings.
Originally, I tried with two different songs, because they're both so related to wincest.
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But Ride is more about 'I', and Drive is more about 'Us' like what I see in wincest. They are an indivisible whole, 'conjoined-twin' like they mentioned.
Besides, because I decided the color that represent that period is blue, I went to listen Colors again to find more inspiration, and that's when I found the melodies of these two songs are similar and wanted to do a remix (and you know what was going on with the bgm later).
Then, about the scenes and storyboard, like I said, I contemplated it for a long time and thought about it repeatedly, that I believe it's already refined in my head. I cannot give a exact process of how these ideas getting together, because it's been too long, and I don't remember where I started or how they mixed together. But what makes me wanted to do this is the line 'would it really kill you if we kissed?'
I'm not sure you've known me before, but I've tried to just paint one illustration with this line echo in my head, since I know it'll be so troublesome to start a goddamn video with just a blank canvas. But it didn't work, I still have this song in my head, and the non-exist storyboard was yelling at me, telling me to finish it.
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So when I had a large block of free time, I started to decide which shots in my mind were suitable for the video and drew them into storyboards, with the change of music (from Drive to Drive and Colors).
Also, the change of lyrics gave me a new perspective. To me, the first line in Colors 'Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so' is more about Sam's POV, but from 'everything is blue', I see Dean. And re-read the whole lyrics, instead of making an ordinary one, I decided it'll have the different pov from Sam & Dean (I hope some of you realized it and know what I'm talking about here).
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There still were changes from the draft to the final painting, but comparing to how many things I'll change when it comes to illustrations, it's nothing. It's more likely that I thought about it so often that there wasn't a lot to change when I finally started drawing.
About lyrics tho... I need to confess that I change some of it to make it more fitting. Also, I heard some wrong because I never read lyrics (oops)... so I didn't realize that I interpreted some wrong, until I was editing the video and searched it😅 But why not changing it? It sounds so similar with what I thought it was (like the way Halsey read 'you liked me' just like 'you are light to me'... I also wanted to mention the 'your laugh echos down the highway' one, but I found there are two different version so)
So yes, about some part of the lyrics fitting too well, blame my wild imagination 😉 xx
Anyway, I hope this answered your questions! Thanks for asking again, and if you wanna ask about something else you're more than welcomed to come back here! Hope you have a good day :)
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the animation
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teagballs · 1 year
"how can i make it up to you?" | michael bluth x reader fluff
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authors note: HEYYYY it's me again. another request whoop whoop: "a michael fic where the reader is sulky bc michael has been neglecting her and he makes it up?"
love this idea tysm for the request i hope i did it justice 👍
cw: a little angst the reader is lonely :( michael makes it up to them tho, gender neutral, pet names, short n sweet!!
Michael was a busy man. You knew this, of course you did. From the day you started dating he had been sending flowers as an apology for missing date night. Usually his absence was the result of having to stay late in the office, but he had always been quick to reschedule plans. He always wanted to spend as much time with you as his cramped schedule would allow. But lately he had fallen under his massive workload. You had hardly seen him, only when he left for work in the morning and finally returned late in the evening. This and really put a damper on your mood. It was the same day in day out, never seeing your boyfriend.
You groaned at the sight of your empty apartment. It was days like this - when your boss had been a nightmare, when customers were particularly demanding, when you wanted to relax - when you wished your boyfriend was home. You plopped yourself down on the sofa, shedding your shoes and jacket and curling up in a blanket. Exhausted from the day, you decided a nap was the best thing to do. You dozed off.
You eventually stirred once you heard the door open. 'Was that.. Michael?' You questioned to yourself in your dozed state. Michael set his briefcase and jacket on the counter, conscious not to make too much noise, assuming you were still asleep. You made a light groaning noise as you sat up. "Shit, sorry baby did I wake you?" He apologised. "Yeah but it's fine, suppose I'll just go to bed now." You replied, tone upset. You knew it wasn't Michael's fault that he had to work so late. You were sure he was trying his best to come home as soon as possible. But that thought alone didn't make the loneliness of being so separated from your boyfriend disappear. Michael noticed your dejection. He made his way over to you on the sofa, sitting down next to you. "Are you alright?" He questioned. "Yeah I'm OK." You quickly replied. "You don't have to lie Y/N, you're sulking, why?" Michael asked, but he knew the answer. He knew he had been far too focused on work, prioritises his job over his partner.
"It's just," you began, "you're never home. I get lonely," You admitted. Now you avoided looking at him, turning your head away, "I miss you." Michael felt the guilt well in his chest at the sound of your voice, small and sad. "I know darlin', I'm sorry it's just-," Michael stopped himself from giving the same explanation again. He knew you understood why he was away so often. "Hey look at me." Michael spoke softly. You turned your head to meet his gaze. He held you face with his strong hand, looking deep into your eyes. You could melt just from the way he looked at you. "I'm sorry I'm away so often. I hate it too. I wish I could be home with you instead," He spoke. "What can I do to make it up?" He gave you a goofy smile, an earnest smile that made your heart swell.
He had put you on the spot. What could he do? All you wanted right now was to spend some time wrapped in his arms. "Can you stay up a little tonight? Watch a movie, eat some takeout? "Is that all?" Michael teased. "..Cuddle..?" I mumbled. Michael chuckled, "Of course I can." He took your face in his hands and kissed you delicately, full of love.
Michael grabbed the blanket you had previously been wrapped up in and draped it over the pair of you. You shuffled close to him and he wrapped his arm around you. You leaned into his body. It felt like forever since you had been so intimate. Michael placed another gentle kiss on your head as you turned the TV on to watch whatever was on, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that you were spending quality time with the adoring man you loved so much.
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maylovessyou · 8 months
Part 2 - nightmare
Sooo... Finally the 2nd part, I've been a week abroad and didn't have much time to write, as soon as I got back home I finished this part, I strongly believe there will be like at least 3 more and as always I hope you all enjoy it very much! Reposts are really appreciated!!
Tw: afab, cursing/fowl language, name calling, tell me if I missed any
Word count: 1,550
He just stays there, a smirk imprinted on his face "so that's what you think of me, Honigbiene?" He asks tilting his head.
You quickly turn around facing him with fear in your eyes "I... Uhm.." you stutter, ashamed of what he's heard.
"I'll snap your back in half if I ever hear you talking about me like that, kleine Hure." He threatens through gritted teeth.
"I... I'm sorry, König.. just..." You try to explain yourself tho you couldn't find any valid reason.*
He looks at you with nothing but apathy on his face and walks away, grabs the lighter and cigarettes on the counter and rushes outside to have a smoke. You look at him both perplexed and angry, why would he take *your* cigarettes without asking? Or even caring?
You try to ignore it and run after him to get your stuff back. When you get outside you find him lighting a cigarette and looking at you with a smirk.
"What do you want, Hure?" He growls. "I'm not a whore, if anything you're the one that fucks every living thing." You spat back at him, his face contorting into a pissed frown.
"Watch your tongue before I'll cut it off." His words harsh as ever, tho their effect on you is minimal, after all this time how could it be any other way? Yea?
You get back inside, forgetting about your belongings and most of all ignoring him.
You take out your phone and look for something to make for dinner, somehow, somehow, you still manage to have a soft stop for his wellbeing, and that only.
You find some sort of pizza pockets that you think you'll like so you start making them, by the time you've finished baking them it's become 7pm.
You plate them on the table and look for him, first in the living room, then outside, then his room. Nowhere to be found.
"The cunt left?" You ask yourself aloud shaking your head in disappointment and turning around to get the cutlery, only to find him there, grabbing you by your nape.
"What did I tell you about calling me names? Huh?" He yells, the height difference, force and brutality different and age difference makes you shiver from fear. Hatred leaking eyes pierce through you, leaving you tremble.
"Answer, Honigbiene." He yells again, your eyes widening.
"I... I was just worried... Yea.. worried." You babble, trying to sound convincing.
His grip loosens though he keeps your eyes fixated on him. "No one taught you manners? Useless bitch." He looks down on you, almost feeling disgusted.
You quickly wiggle off his grasp and just look at him, rubbing where he left a sore mark. "I was calling you to eat. Just trying to be gentle. But you're clearly not worth it." You said feeling repulsed by him and going to your room, just as far as you can from that monster of a man.
König, on the other hand, took it more easy. It was fun to mess with you, make you feel bad, sad, angry, make you cry. He simply sat on a chair and ate the food you made, like nothing had just happened.
After an hour or so he comes up to your door "I like ya cooking, who taught you?" He grunts, feeling like an animal.
You hear his voice, oh you do, but you also don't do or say anything. Complete silence. Ignorance too.
"Hey I'm talking to you, Honigbiene." He scowls, your avoidance pissing him off.
"Go away." You whisper, just enough for him to hear. And hopefully do as said.
But he doesn't. Why would he? He's the man right? He got the pants. So he bangs on your door, hard. "Open up, ja?" He smirks, thinking he's having control over you, but still, you don't say anything.
After some time he decided he's had enough, so what's better than just breaking in? Knocking down the door? Easy. The first thing that comes to his mind tho isn't to break down the door, maybe you didn't lock it, right? Right? Right.
He simply wiggles the knob and boom! He's inside. Your figure way smaller than him, any size is smaller than him. Just a little mouse hunted by the cat. No, a tiger in this case.
You stay there, scrunched up by the headboard, your phone and headphones by your side. "Go out." You whisper, the fear that König instills in you has no words capable of describing. "Please.." you add, you're voice sounding weaker than usual.
"What? The little girl's gonna cry now?" He says in a mocking, degrading tone, not caring to pick his words correctly.
You just look at him, speechless, scared, fragile even. Only a moment after you take your gaze off him, looking down at where your knees and chest meet, trying to ignore your now flooded waterlines.
König just looks at you, the pathetic state you're in, feeling nothing but superiority. "Look at me when I speak." He demands, his voice stern as always, but you're unable to. Certainly not when you're on the verge of tears.
You slightly raise your head up, enough for your eyes to meet his, and then you see him. A wide smirk plastered on his face, the bastard enjoying the torture he's giving you.
"Don't cry now. I bet you've gotten hurt in worse ways, Honigbiene." He tries to sound sympathetic and cover the mock in his voice, of course, he doesn't succeed.
"Please just leave.." you plead once again, you're voice shaking and lips quivering, eyelids becoming heavier by the second.
He looks at you up and down one last time before exiting the room, closing the door with a loud slam.
Night falls and you're still in your bed, drenched in tears of fear and broken heart, not because of him directly, but because of the way he treats you. You've done everything you could to make this agonizing stay a little less hard, but he hasn't put any effort, no, on the other hand he has just gotten worse and worse.
At around 1am you decide to get up and take a shower, refresh yourself, get something under the teeth, hopefully be alone. At least now.
And you do so, after you've finished showering you just walk down to the kitchen and heat out the leftovers of the dinner you cooked, careless to get dressed. After all, you were sure you were alone.
You take the plate and sit at the table, slowly eating the food and sipping water, the headache you've had until now slowly vanishing.
After finishing you rub your eyes and slightly stretch, "this is a nightmare... A very big, tall and strong nightmare." You say to yourself, your head resting in your palms.
"As if you were a dream." You hear a voice say right behind you.
Taglist: @Lillumrorum , @captainsarcasmandsass , @attractivesteaminghunkofflesh69 , @notyoursweetcat
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Hey if this is not a problem sun and moon show x insecure or shy reader please
𝐓𝐒𝐚𝐌𝐒 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Hi! I'm so sorry it took so long! I this was one of the requests that I had to spend a long time writing it. Mostly because you didn't specify who you needed, so I tried to write a little for everyone. I hope you're happy with it! ^^
Soon, I'll be done the other requests aswell!
Also, I didn't write scenario for every character, mostly because I couldn't think of anything new TwT
And they might be out of character aswell-
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff, I'm just writing random scenarious here and there, don't mind me, angst maybe?, panic attack, hurt/comfor, the reader has no pronouns, imagine Killcode with his old model, everybody just loves their dear partner, they can't help it, no proof read, I'm tired af
Requested by: @noinoi999
Character(s): Eclipse, You| (Y/N) |The Reader, Dark Sun, Bloodmoon, Ruin, Sun, Old Moon, Nexus, Earth, Lunar, Frank, Jack, Killcode
Ship(s): Tsams characters (except Moon, Nexus, Lunar and Earth)/ Reader, Earth & Reader, Lunar & Reader, Moon & Reader, Nexus & Reader
Form: Headcanons
[The artworks are not mine! The credit of the thumbnail arts belongs to their right artist!]
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• At the begining Sun will concerned why don't you want to talk anyone.
• He'll approach you carefully and if you refuse him, he'll leave you alone.
• Maybe something scared you? I mean, he wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened. This dimension is full of danger. Sometimes even he gets creeps from it...
• "Hey..." You jumped a little as you heard someone speak beside you. The jester looked at you concerned. You've been hiding in this little corner of the Daycare for... Damn, even you don't know how long. Maybe he came to check up on you. "Are you okay? You know, I've been watching when do you you want to come out of here, but you didn't move an inch." Sun chuckled softly. "Are you feeling sick? Do you need help?"
"No..." You answered as you looked into his pure white eyes. Huh... No pupils'. "I'm just... Unsure. I didn't want to bother people." You spoke as you struggled to swallow lump in your throat.
"Oh! Don't worry about that!" Sun shook his head before coming closer to you. "Earth and Lunar are busy for now. Do you want to help me clean up the Daycare?" He kindly offred his hand. You were thinking a bit before answering. Maybe the cleaning will distract you of some things and you can get a chance to get to know the yellow animatronic better. He seems interesting...
" Sure! " You said softly as you seen his concerned look dissapear. He looked more cheerful than before.
• And from that moment, he doesn't hesitate asking you to help clean up. And to be honest, you don't really have problems with this. Sun is more than a great company.
• Also Moon isn't willing to interact with others aswell, so Sun knows at least a little bit of how to handle this.
• He'll include you into conversations with the others at times. He's confident that they would be happy to get to know you better. However, he won't push you, he'll do the process softly, giving you enough time to open up to him and the other animatronics!
Relationship hcs:
• Almost the same, you two still doing the clean ups and other things together. Sun wants to be close and give you comfort anytime you need it.
• He gives you comfort by gentle touches and complimets. He'll hand you his cats too if they make you feel better!
• "You did so well today, sunshine!"
• He thought about including you taking care of the kids in the Daycare aswell, but since you prefer being with his cats instead, he won't force you
• He'll try to avoid things that make you feel uncomfortable or stressed. Also, he is really attentive! He'll often scan you to see how are you feeling.
• He can be energetic sometimes (tho nowadays this is rare). Despite that he is always patient with you. His touches are always gentle, never forceful.
• A bit back to comfort — he'll gently gives a squeeze to your pinky or shoulders, or rubs your hand OR wraps one of his arm around you to reassure that he's here with you
• "Don't worry, hon, everything is okay!"
• If you're really insecure about touching, he'll ask everytime "Is this okay?" or for example "Can we hold hands?". He would never force something on you that you're uncomfortable with. He always asks firts and then acts.
• In the end, he would be a gentle and caring partner! And he would easily hand you comfort aswell!
Old Moon and Nexus
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• The Moons aren't really shy, despite that, they can't be called social either.
• Nexus won't really talk to you, if you have nothing he needs or you can help with. If you have a deeper friendship with him, he might share some of his thoughts with you, but he keeps his plans to himself. If you're good with technology, then it will probably be one of you two's main topic.
• Same with Old Moon, however he'll be a bit more concerned and attentive than Nexus. He is more rather to ask you if you're okay.
• Both of them have a good sense to recognise it if you aren't feeling well. They will both react, but Old Moon will show more care.
• Both of them feel a little bit awkard when it comes to comforting. They'll try their best, even though they aren't really good with emotions.
• Now that I think of it - they are more than okay with this. They were (well, at least Old Moon) meant to appeare at nightime, so they are used to the silent. In fact, they prefer a quiet person by their side than a really loud one. You're almost matching their vibes! Nexus isn't really care anymore and he can be rule, but if you feel unsure about something and you ask them to help you out, they will!
• If you feel unsure about something, they will confirm you or send you compliments like Sun.
"That looks good!"
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• He won't complain, if you chose to stay in the theatre. The theatre is usually a quiet place at the evenings, so he can understand why did you choose it.
• You cautiously stepped into the daycare's theatre. After you looked around you took an another step. It seemed like you were alone.
"Are you searching for someone? I don't think there's a movie that is currently playing right now..." You yelped as you heard someone beside you. You turned your head to the direction of the sound. The animatronic by your side was similar to the Sun one, but still looked so different. The rays and half his face looked orange-ish, but the other half was much more darker. He wore dark gloves and a slightly torned 'Superstar Daycare' shirt. He also seemed tall and tired. Damn, how didn't you notice him before?
"Oh... I'm just-" You tried to find the words under his gaze. "I was just looking for a more quiet place and I was thinking about staying here. But I don't want to bother you, so I'll just..." You moved to walk away, before he replied.
"You can stay, I don't mind." He shrugged before he stood up.
"Okay... thanks"
"We also have some snacks. Do you want something?"
• Solar is pretty chill about it. You can stay as long as you like, just don't bother him.
• If you don't want to be found by the others, he'll hide you away and cover for you.
• If you ask him, he'll help you out
• Also, he and Earth will help you settle in together!
Relationship hcs:
• Solar won't admit it, but he finds you cute. He won't say it, mainly because he doesn't want to make you feel embarassed.
• Since you two will mostly spend the time in the Theatre, he'll make a small spot of pillows and blankets for you to settle down somewhere.
• Ocassionally he'll let you help with his work, but trust me, just your presence gives him a lot of support
• Okay, maybe he'll tease you just a little bit to see your reaction
• "You want to help me? Really? Oh, you're just the sweetest."
• OH, and also if you need help with something, first he'll help you out by showing you how to do it then he'll analize it how you manage to imitate it.
• "Keep it up, you're doing great!"
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• Won't question it really
• Eclipse will definitely mock you with how shy you are. Mostly because of fun. He can be a jerk at times, but besides teasing he won't harass you seriously.
• "What? Cat got your tounge?"
• Same with the other animatronics, he can easily recognise it if you are overwhelmed. He's not good at giving comfort, so you two will probably just stay in silence while you try to relax a little. Although, you two might share small talks.
• "You seem pale... are you okay?"
• As long as you don't make a noise he won't mind you.
• He can be a little mean when it comes to helping, but despite that he will still do it.
• "Seriously? But this is so easy. Okay, pay attention, because I'll only explain it once."
Relationship hcs:
• Eclipse finds you adorable and will tell you just to see your reaction. He'll also try to make you flustered almost all the time.
• He just can't help it, he loves seeing it how flushed you can get just from his words.
• He'll be always behind you, looking out for you. If you aren't feeling well, he'll most likely know about it.
• He'll appreciate it if you find comfort in his presence and trust me, he's much more than happy to be around you, but with all of this he won't let you in his lab. HOWEVER he will search a quieter place in the pizzaplex for you two to enjoy each other!
• When helping, he'll be gentlier and more patient, but still can be a little sarcastic.
• "Good! See? It's not difficult."
• You weren't really good at technology, but you wanted to help Eclipse as much as you can. And to understand technology, you need to learn it first. Which came with many difficulties. You weren't stupid, no, it's just it can be tiring and complicated. How great is that Eclipse is always here to help. :) "I don't think that's how you do it." You heard a low chuckle behind you as heavy steps metalic were made by your way. "Let me show you how it's done. Give me your hand, dear." He said beside your ears as you had to hold back a squeek to not boost his ego more. "Okay." You tried your best to sound as neutral as you could, but it didn't matter, your voice felt quiter than before and the blood boiling on your cheeks didn't help either. You just hoped that Eclipse didn't notice it. But knowing him, he already did. Your hands were on the mouse you worked with, and his were on yours. He moved the way he wished to move the mouse. No words were made, but he was gentle. A few clicks could be heard before he let your warm hands go. "There we go!" Nevertheless, he didn't move an ich, he stayed behind you. You didn't make eye contact with him, but you felt like he was watching. "Thank you, Eclipse." You tried to sound condident, rather than embarassed. But despite that, you were greatful for his help. "You're welcome, my love."
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• Okay, so Earth is just the sweetest and gentliest of all of them!
• If she doesn't know well, she'll get worried about why don't you want to talk with anyone.
• She'll help you fit in and you can almost always rely on her! If you need help with something just call her, she'll be right there! Although she might not be able to help with EVERYTHING, but she'll try her best. And when she does help, she's usually patient and optimistic.
• "Don't worry, we can try it again! No one is perfect, it's okay if you can't do it without failing! Plus, I'm here to help!"
• Earth'll be so happy to meet you, but at the same time she'll try to act calm. She wouldn't want to scare you away!
• She is pretty good at taking care of people. She will quickly noItice it if you're getting overwhelmed and will try her best to calm you down. She can easily hand you comfort and her positiveness always manages to cheer you up a little!
• You gasped for more air, but it always felt like you catched nothing of it. Your heart beated rapidly in your chest, your hands started to shake, and you were pretty sure that if this continues then you're going fall apart. Suddenly you felt someone grabbing your shoulders. You yelped as you looked up the person before you. You wanted to tell that you aren't feeling well, but no words came out your mouth. "Just take a breathe," Earth spoke softly, still holding you by your shoulders. "it's going to be okay." She told you to count one to five, and you did as she wished. Together you started to calm your heart down and finally your breathing become steady aswell. "Thank you." you breathed out quietly, still trying to collect yourself back together. "It's okay." Earth gave you a warm smile before leading you to a quiter room.
• She'll be the person who always goes to check up on you!
• Tho, don't get her wrong, if you need some alone time, she'll accept that and wait till you ready to talk again!
• Will ask first you, before doing anything
• She'll be surprised if she hears you for the first time talk or speaking louder, but she'll quickly turn happy about it!
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• With how tiny he is, he'll definitely surprise you without noticing him. Like just imagine you're sitting in the corner, silently going trough your thoughts and suddenly he's like "Why are you sitting in the corner?"
• Don't get him wrong, he doesn't mean to scare you, it's just hard to notice him when you're not fully aware of your surrondings
• He rather asks you, than scans you.
• He'll get concerned if you stay quiet for long time
• Lunar doesn't mind that you are shy, actually it's kinda calming when he's working with loud children all around the daycare
• He'll also try to include you into conversations more and more often as time goes by, and he'll be so happy if you choose to open up for him!
• He'll gladly help if you ask him! Don't be afraid, he's more than happy to help a friend out!
• If you're overwhelmed, he'll most likely take you out in the nature! Either for stargazing or just simply enjoying the beauty of it.
• You were trying to get rid off the though glue that the kids left on one of the tables. The Daycare was finally quiet, all the kids were picked up by their parents. You were only here because you promised Earth to help clean up in Daycare, and to be honest it got off your mind of some things. You got job in the pizzaplex a few days ago. You've been trying to avoid as much attention as you could, but the celestial animatronics always seemed to do the opposite with you. You've already met a few, but you wanted to take things slowly. Earth and Lunar were one of the first animatronics you met personally. They are kind and patient with you, which you are greatful for. You need some time to open up to people. Honestly, this work isn't so bad. It could be worse. "Are you okay?" You could swear to god that your heart almost jumped out of your chest. You looked down on the small lavender animatronic surprised. "Geez, Lunar, you startled me." "Sorry, didn't mean to." he apologised with a small smile, but his expression quickly turned into concern. "Are you doing okay? You've been quiet all day." "Yeah... I just," you started something, but you didn't finish it. "It's been a long day, I guess." You said as you turned back to your work. You weren't lying, though. "You wanna talk about it?"
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• To be honest, they won't really pay attention to it
• For neutral, when you ask for their help, it depends on how long time it takes. You broke one of the machines in the pizzaplex? Don't he can quickly fix it. You need help with cleaning the Daycare? No, thank you, but he'll definitely tell Earth on the way. He's more helping when you have a friendship with him.
• Oh my god I just imagined like- How enjoyable would be just seeing them sing Hamilton with cleaning supplies in their hand! Also, he would totally live it.
• If you are a quiet one, he might get surprised hearing you speak
• Despite what relationship you have with them, they can still recognise when you aren't feel, and they'll take care of you.
• Also, at helping, he's mostly energetic, but still patient. He won't rush you, but always check what you are doing!
• "Hmm... I think that looks good enough!"
• Well, this depends on his mood, but I don't think your presence would bother them.
• You desired some space to clear your mind and you chose the arcade for that. The Pizzaplex were mostly empty for now. Just some staff bots lurked all around and they didn't really bother you. You stepped deeper into the arcade until you were caught in surprise by realising that you're not alone. You were about to leave when the daycare attendant spoke up. "You can stay." They said as a small smile appeared on their face. You couldn't lie, he has his charm. "I don't mind a little company you know. So? What are you standing there? Sit down, friend!"
Relationship hcs:
• Ruin finds you adorable! He might tease you a little bit about it, but he does it playfully.
• Okay, so I think Ruin would be the kind of lover, who is always by your side. Simply, because they just love their partner so much and they love their company! So with that, he would quickly recognise it when you aren't feeling well.
• To relax, he will mostly spend time with you in the arcade, watch anime or listen to some musical.
• You need help? He's more than happy to help out his beloved partner! Sometimes, they will just ask without you needing them.
• "Is everything okay, hon?" • "Do you need help with that?"
• You smiled as you heard your partner humming happily song tunes. They were so busy working on the machines they didn't even notice you were staring at them. He was so silly and you couldn't help but adore him. "I think we're done for today, Ruin!" You excaimed it as you stood up from the couching pose. "Already? Huh..." They sounded surprised, but neverthless they still stoped. "Time is just flying so fast when I'm with you, darling!" They smiled cheerfully as they came to your side. You couldn't help but smile aswell. The feeling of someone adoring you this much made your heart flutter. "Thank you for helping me check the aracde machines! It would have take much longer time I was doing it alone." You admitted. "It's okay, dear! I'm more than happy to help you!" They said as they wrapped their arm around your waist.
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• Okay, knowing Bloodmoon, they will definitely use this against you somehow
• They'll also probably mock you about it
• However, if you are friends with them, they might enjoy your company if you're a quiet one. At least you don't interrupt their hunting time.
• They'll get very surprised if you asking help of them
• "Damn, you must be in a really bad situation, if you're asking help from us."
• Also, not 100% they'll actually help-
• Don't forget that they aren't good at everything aswell. So maybe at times they really can't help at all
• Like imagine you're fixing something you broke in the previous minute and you two look at each other like
"So... What ya think?" "... I don't know." "Does it look fixed?" "..." "I really don't know what am I doing..." "Yes, we can see that."
• They'll get taken aback if you talk back to them, but still won't hesitate to hurt you.
Relationship hcs:
• It's the same, they won't really mind your behaviour
• They'll check up on you more
• When you're asking for their help, they'll still get surprised, but they're more willing to help on their partner
• "Really? You're asking help from us? Well... okay, what is it?"
• You don't have to worry about socializing. We all know that they can't be still more than 5 minutes, so they'll probably spend their time outside. AND in that time, they can get supplies you need while they're away. Don't ask how they got it-
• Although, if you have no choice, but go out in public, they'll watch out for you from the distance. Don't worry, you'll never feel alone when you're with them. :)
• They'll encourage you by telling you
• "I think that's good." "It's okay." "Don't give up. You're getting better."
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• He'll try his best not to scare you away
• Killcode knows how scary he looks, so he'll approach you slowly and gently
• He'll give you enough time to get used to him and maybe open up for him
• Despite his scary look, Killcode only shows gentleness, patience and understanding towards you. He isn't really an animatronic you should be scared
• He'll help you to get you used to this universe.
• He's always excited and happy when you share new informations of yourself. And he's so eager to learn about you more and more (especially if you're a human)! He's so interested!
• If you aren't a talkative one, he'll be happy when he hears you talk and he'll encourage you to do more
Relationship hcs:
• He loves helping out his partner anytime they need it! Though, maybe he won't be able to help with everything with his huge claws, but he'll try his best!
• He'll be by your side everytime! Giving you comfort and protection. But of course if you need some privacy, he'll give it to you.
• Killcode is very attentive towards his partner, he'll stay away from everything that would make you feel stressed.
• How does he hands you comfort? He'll most likely help you calm down with his voice, with thouches (reassuring squeezes), hushing ("Shh... It's okay, love" ) and with a tight but comforting hug. He always treats you gently.
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• Will try his best not to scare you
• Won't mind if you're asking help from him, he'll be more surprised
Relationship hcs:
• Frank can be really caring when it comes to comforting! He might not talk a lot, but he'll definitely treat you with gentle touches and such
• Also, he can be very cuddly aswell!
• He'll keep you safe from the distance
• Frank will be very happy, if he needs to help you out!
• He loves his partner so much, he'll do his best to protect them
Dark Sun
• Dark Sun won't really mind a quiet person, actually.
• Won't show it, but he'll be surprised when he hears you spoke for the first time.
• You might seem a little suspicious to him at the beginning, but he'll quickly get used to your shy personality.
• He'll be lil shocked if you ask for his help. But, if he receives something aswell, he's willing to do it.
• So, for this scenario imagine that you're working with him. If you do something bad, he might get upset. He won't shout at you or anything, but he definitely won't get over it just this easily. He'll most likely watch you as you work (whether with cameras or in person). And just imagine hearing him behind you saying things like
• "No. I don't think that's right." "Keep going." "Good. Keep working." "I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I'm glad that I gave you a chance to work with me back than. Don't let this go to your head too much."
Relationship hcs:
• If you're getting overwhelmed, he'll be quickly aware of it. He'll also hand you as much comfort as he's capable of. He can be cruel, but he's not a heartless being when it comes to you.
• Will avoid anything that may get you stressed. Somehow, he always manages to watch out for you.
• He isn't a loud one either, and actually he doesn't have any problems with spending the silence with you.
• He'll find it cute, but won't really mention it. Though, if he does, he does it so doubtlessly...
• He's more willing to help you. When helping, he's actually a really patient, gentle and deliberate!
• He usually gives support by small touches, but with much more words
• He reassures you mostly with praises
"Good job, darling"
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• Jack can be quite... well lively at times
• He might not approach you so gently, but don't worry, you don't have to be afraid of him
• He can be very interactive and curious when it comes to people!
Probably will ask many questions like
• "Why are you hiding?" "Are you afraid?" "Did someone hurt you?"
• Will apologise after if he scared you
• He'll keep in mind that you aren't a social person
Relationship hcs:
• Wherever you go, he'll watch out for you making sure about your well being.
• He can be so silly, he loves to make you laugh
• When comforting, he won't really talk. You'll most likely just cuddle while he holds you close
• Being in the darkness with him isn't so bad
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