#i did get to be a couple Johns. briefly. so just like spider-man i almost immediately took the mantle back up
scienceandfandoms · 4 months
No longer voicing John in the Homestuck group readthrough I've been doing with my friends
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Absolute Carnage #5 Thoughts
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What a BLAST!
With this issue Absolute Carnage reaches it’s climax and what a climax it is.
Rather an a huge mega brawl between Venom and Carnage, which would’ve been both expected and something we have seen several times before, Cates goes for the emotions.
His set up is ingenious yet simple and entirely organic.
Carnage naturally targets Dylan.
But the only way to kill Carnage is to essentially absorb the Grendel symbiote and all the codices and awaken Knull!
In other words if Carnage kills Brock and his son he wins!
But if Eddie kills Carnage and saves his son Carnage still wins!
Brock is thus presented a sadistic choice and in what is entirely in character for him and something Spider-Man might NOT have done, he chooses his son.
In that moment Dylan also learns the truth of his parentage.
Cates does what so many great super hero stories like the Master Planner Trilogy do in weaving the emotional and action climax together and brings a crescendo to this leg of Brock’s character arc thus far in this run.
And he does it all by giving Brock a pyrric victory. He’s saved his son, he’s defeated the immediate threat but in doing so he’s potentially doomed the world to ANOTHER even worse danger!
It’s just brilliant storytelling and in 2017 had you told me something this good would come from an event revolving around Eddie Brock and Carnage I wouldn’t have believed you.
But that’s what happens when you couple real talent with real passion and I’m now convinced no one on Earth is more passionate about the symbiotes than Donny Cates.
Whilst many writers at best tolerate that stuff or have passion for bits of it (Howard Mackie famously liked Venom, but not so much Carnage, Rick Remender killed off every other symbiote) Cates unapologetically LOVES the 1990s symbiote stuff.
And as bad as that stuff was in a lot of places for him he adores it and wants to mine it.
I mean let’s appreciate that he produced 5 A-tier issues out of an homage to Maximum Carnage (a story Marvel themselves referred to as Maximum Garbage) that also drew upon virtually EVERY symbiote story before it.
I’m very confident in saying that this is not only the best Carnage/Symbiote story of the decade, but also the best Eddie Brock protagonist story ever and possibly the greatest Carnage story of all time, even the tie-ins don’t ultimately take away from that.
Cates almost seemed to know that when he wrote it as he gave us a scene that to my knowledge we’ve never seen before. The first time Eddie Brock met Cletus Kasady. Drawn by Mark Bagley who, whilst the co-creator of either character is to each of them I feel what John Romita Senior was to Spider-Man.
The jump from that scene, which could’ve happened right before ASM #344, to the present day lends to the gravitas of this and utterly sells you on the idea that for Venom/Brock Cletus/Carnage truly is his archnemesis.
Let’s talk briefly about the tie-ins. Most of them had a nice pay off as the assembled heroes became the cavalry that helped turn the tide at the end, and that didn’t feel cheap or unearned as most of the tie-ins DID set that up.
Unfortunately the Miles mini-series and that weird Avengers mountain scene from the Invaders #7 didn’t get any pay-off.
But honestly as events go, this is one of the better examples. And that’s mostly due to the premise being simple and fun, with the deeper stuff being confined to Absolute Carnage and Venom’s titles and focussed squarely upon Carnage, Dylan and Eddie.
I don’t have much else to say of the story beyond two points.
I ADORED the artwork. Stegman consistently delivered throughout this and since these were extra sized that’s saying something. As I’ve said before, he is the best Spider Family artist of this decade, or at least the best to have begun this decade because Bagley is still God tier.
Secondly I must admit to having mixed feelings on Spider-Man and Venom hugging. From a Spider-Man fan perspective I don’t like it at all, but from a Venom perspective, it’s a wonderful pay off to where they started.
Absolute Carnage has been unquestionably the best event I’ve read all year and the best to involve Spider characters.
If anyone still has reservations over Eddie’s return to Venom mantle after Flash they’re simply never going to be convinced by this point because Cates totally and utterly justified it.
I don’t give grades in these posts but if I did this would be an easy A, possibly an A+. But definitely an A for the event over all!
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
This week’s bonus content brings us Jake and John discussing the likelihood of  a robot apocalypse:
JAKE: Hey there pal! JAKE: So youre jades... brother? JOHN: that's right! JOHN: compared to how confusing everyone else's family trees are, we are very straight forward. JOHN: even if we did not know we were related at first... JOHN: i wasn't sure how YOU were related to her, back when you were pen pals. JOHN: do you remember sending me that letter? JAKE: By jove i almost forgot about that. It feels like ages ago. JOHN: i don't know how long it was for you, but i got it three years ago. JAKE: I mean from my point of view it was only a couple of months but a lots gone on. JOHN: it arrived on my birthday so it was right on time. JOHN: it came in handy in a tight spot. JOHN: you were right in your letter, i DO love movies. JOHN: even if i am not into wrestling that much. JAKE: Oh well ive had my fill of fisticuffs for awhile anyway. Movies on the other hand i havent had much time to dig into! JAKE: By the way did you like your present?? And little terry kiser? JOHN: um... JOHN: well, i named her liv tyler, actually. i didn't know you already named her, or him. JOHN: anyway, she saved my butt in a big way! JOHN: and then she flew off on a ship heroically, but ran off again i guess? JOHN: and then she somehow joined dave and rose on their even more heroic mission to blow up a sun. JOHN: which they failed to do mostly because they actually MADE the sun, but the important thing is that they tried. JOHN: they came back, but i think the bunny didn't make it. :( JAKE: I live by the philosophy that when a stuffed toy changes hands its appropriate to change its name. It gives things a history like that. JAKE: At least she died doing something i presume she enjoyed. JOHN: blowing up? JAKE: No!! Being a hero and dicing up bad guys! JOHN: was the robot sentient? JOHN: maybe we should have treated it with more respect, so it would not turn evil and destroy us like a watership down version of skynet. JAKE: I mean dirk helped me a little in making it and all of his projects seem to enjoy that kind of mayhem. JAKE: Not as much as his own version of the rabbit but i think in giving me advice at least a couple of his engine greased fingerprints are on it. JOHN: man, everyone is some sort of robotics genius around here. JOHN: if we hadn't already had an apocalypse ushered in by rogue technology i would be worried. JAKE: I briefly suspected hal but no worries. JAKE: I think if he were going to attempt a robopocalypse he wouldve done it a long time ago when he was bored and had less to do. JOHN: he and terezi would get along. they both seem to enjoy wreaking mayhem for fun, although she says she's sorry now. JAKE: They might try but dirk would go spare. JAKE: And I think hes tossed out all his spares for today already. JOHN: everyone has learned their lesson about devious deeds! JOHN: i'm confident that will not happen in the future. JOHN: instead we can relax and do things like watch that movie you were recommending. JAKE: Oh yeah!! JAKE: Which one did i recommend again? I think it was weekend at bernies. JOHN: the one about the corpse getting moved around to trick people? JAKE: Oh yes! Two gentlemen discover that their boss has died shortly before throwing a party and try to convince people hes still alive by puppeting his body around! Its really quite hilarious! JOHN: it sounds good. JOHN: although apparently i'm already locked in to watching a few others. JOHN: including dave's? JOHN: i can't believe he became a big deal movie star in your world, that's hilarious. JAKE: He did. Ive got one of his characters tattooed on my arm! JOHN: um JOHN: you do? JOHN: wow. JOHN: have you told him that? JAKE: Not yet. Should i? JOHN: you might actually make him speechless, which would be a first. JOHN: definitely try it. JOHN: wait, which one is it anyway? JOHN: also, how did you get a tattoo? JOHN: i thought you grew up alone or something, like jade did. JAKE: Ive got sweet bro. Dirk gave it to me after we met up! JAKE: Hes got hella jeff. We match! JAKE: Let me tell you it was a harrowing thing getting it! Id heard getting a tattoo really hurts but you know what i just closed my eyes and before i knew it it was over just like that. JOHN: ... JOHN: huh. JOHN: well, that sounds exciting. i'm sure he'll be thrilled. JOHN: none of us have ever shown that level of devotion. JOHN: mostly we just repeat his shitty memes. JAKE: Dirk takes memes to a whole new level pal. JOHN: i haven't really had a chance to meet him before this. JOHN: i've been missing out on so many reunions today, maybe because i keep bouncing around taking people places. JOHN: out of you guys i've mostly talked to jane and roxy. JOHN: and i only talked to jane once! JOHN: i'm already behind. JAKE: Oh im sure youll get along great! Hes a cool dude and super smart. A little odd but he genuinely means well. JOHN: i'm looking forward to meeting everyone! JOHN: wait, i did meet him once, that's right. JOHN: back in the bad timeline, i saw him floating in space and asked him what happened, because i'd just come back from fighting calliope's brother. JOHN: but all he said was 'i failed' and then he... turned into glitter? JOHN: there were lots of glitches floating around, it was a hazard. JOHN: hopefully we can overcome that first impression. JAKE: ...yeah that sounds like dirk. JAKE: He can be pretty dramatic. JOHN: rose and dave are super dramatic too, he'll fit right in. JOHN: with all of us together it's going to be all drama all the time. JOHN: it will be up to us normal people to keep things under control. JAKE: He grew up all alone so sometimes i think he only knows how to act from movies too but who knows. Maybe it runs in families. JAKE: Family. Weird. JAKE: Hey that means were family too arent we? JOHN: i guess so! JOHN: you're my... JOHN: hm. JOHN: relative. JAKE: Relative. I guess. JAKE: I cant exactly go calling you great uncle john even if i still call jade "grandma". JAKE: Has a ring to it though! Great uncle john! Its all folksy like poppop crocker. JOHN: that's right, i was jane's grandpa in your universe, i guess. JOHN: which is also weird to think about. JOHN: and i was sort of everyone's dad, by mixing our slimes. JOHN: so it keeps getting more outrageous. JOHN: as for knowing how to act from movies... JOHN: i didn't even grow up alone, and i think sometimes i have that problem. JOHN: you want your life to make sense that way! JOHN: but real life is a lot more complicated sometimes. JAKE: Yeah!! JAKE: God yes it is. ESPECIALLY when it comes to romance. Good grief. JOHN: i know! JOHN: the movies make it look like it's essential or something, when usually in real life it mostly seems to cause trouble. JOHN: but you can't get a good ending otherwise, unless you accomplish that and a bunch of other arbitrary criteria. JOHN: most of which we haven't accomplished ourselves, but i think we're going to get a good ending anyway. JOHN: still it can mess with your head. JOHN: real life is not like the movies, that's for sure. JAKE: Its hard to have a romance going when your life is constantly under threat by skeleton monsters. JAKE: Also your first time seeing another person in ten years and your first boyfriend happen on like the same day. JOHN: see, that's how it happens in the movies sometimes. JOHN: the main characters meet up and get together right away, and i guess you have to assume it all works out, because the movie ends. JOHN: but when you're actually doing things it is not that convenient, you have to keep going. JOHN: although i hope we're going to get a break soon. JOHN: i would be happy for the credits to close on the constant heroics and dying for a while. JAKE: Me too. JAKE: I want a nap. Without an evil spider troll waking me up. JAKE: Movies also dont tell you how tiring the whole rigmarole of adventure is. JOHN: the main characters always look great, if fashionably ruffled, and they can keep going no matter what. JOHN: but i'm kind of tired. JOHN: especially since i've lived through the same hours twice in places i think? JAKE: You and your weird time travel nonsense again huh? JOHN: i will probably be mostly retiring that, i wouldn't want to cause any more trouble. JOHN: for now it looks like everything is turning out fine on its own. JAKE: Yessir i think were on the right path now and as soon as were done here im gonna take a long nap and anyone who cares to wake me up can throw down about it even if they are a hitherto-perfectly nice troll lady. Or human lady. Or anyone else. JAKE: The suplex of slumber justice is unisex. JOHN: that's the spirit! JOHN: we will all pass out and righteously beat up any one who disturbs us. JOHN: except hopefully once we are settled somewhere a little less exposed. JOHN: if we were asleep here someone might roll off. JAKE: But we can fly? JAKE: Where would we even fall? Towards the frog since its like a planet? Or... down? Were being pulled down by gravity i guess but how can we fall down if theres just space? JAKE: Would we float in our sleep? Maybe just get sucked back to the victory platform? JOHN: that sounds like a question for jade, she's more interested in how this works. JOHN: i told her science was dumb and boring if it didn't work the way i wanted, which made her upset, but i guess i got what i wanted. JOHN: so hah. JAKE: So science works how you want now? JAKE: Are you ganking my power set young man?? JOHN: not all of science, just space and time i guess. JOHN: and all of the scientific laws i am violating with my wanton displacement of matter and energy. JOHN: what ever those laws might be. JOHN: i am not a scientist or lawyer. JOHN: or science lawyer. JAKE: You fiend. Ah well as long as you dont go abusing your power im sure nothing terrible will happen. Like you flap your windy hood and cause a hurricane down south like an errant butterfly of causality. JOHN: well, i sort of lured lord english here, but i had to to save calliope, and we had to fight him anyway, so hopefully you can let that slide. JOHN: like i said, i will be taking it easy from now on. JAKE: I hear you there. Im over here asking myself do i even want to go wandering around this wonderland of dreaminess or do i just want to curl up over in that edge of the lily pad and have a nice snooze? JAKE: You know i can nap almost anywhere. I consider it a talent. JAKE: I have fallen asleep on clear grassy hills except thats probably not a good thing because centaurs can track through at any moment and they arent too careful about where they step! JOHN: jade was like that too! JOHN: although it MIGHT have partly been a troll messing with her brain again? JOHN: trolls sure are meddlesome. JOHN: anyway, this is probably our last chance to explore the dream bubbles, so maybe hold off on the naps until later. JOHN: also, centaurs? JAKE: Centaurs! JAKE: Oh yeah did i never say my island was full of alien monsters? JAKE: Because my island was full of alien monsters. JOHN: wow, your life actually WAS like a movie. JOHN: no wonder it was tempting to see yourself as an action hero. JOHN: everyone else had such weird and dramatic childhoods. JOHN: i don't have many bragging rights but JOHN: i liked mine. JOHN: i guess i'm one of the people that actually... left something ok behind? JOHN: but that's fine! because there can be ok things in the future too. JOHN: or hopefully more than ok. JAKE: I hope so. JAKE: I mean most things would probably be better than having to keep an eye out for monsters while walking to the pantry for canned friggin beets. JAKE: Not that i couldnt handle myself but beets arent worth that much. JOHN: bluch, no. JOHN: jade kept trying to make us eat our vegetables. JOHN: it was terrible. JOHN: she doesn't even know about lunchables. JAKE: My grandma ONLY stocked veggies. JAKE: And this weird stuff called spam. JOHN: i think our jade would probably have a heart attack if she saw spam. JOHN: although she does like raw beef these days. JOHN: which is a little alarming if you see her eat it. JAKE: I think she mostly included it as a courtesy to me and also i dont think theres many other great ways to keep meat. JAKE: So i hunted! Hopefully most of those creatures were edible and i didnt give myself any weird diseases. JOHN: the rest of you were like man versus wild! JOHN: including dave and rose kind of, even though they lived in real houses. JOHN: i will have to catch up if we are in some sort of survivor situation in the new universe. JOHN: i'm not really sure how that will pan out. JAKE: Youll be fine. Well watch your back! JAKE: Dirk will probably like. Invent a house if you give him long enough. JAKE: Just stick with jane and youll be fine. Shes kind of like you in that she also had a pretty cushy upbringing if you count out the assassination attempts. JAKE: Not that i hold it against her anything. We all take our lumps as theyre given. I mean she also has a dead grand- JAKE: Wait a minute. JAKE: Did you say you were...? JAKE: *Suspicious squinting.* JOHN: what? JAKE: Janes... JAKE: Poppop? JOHN: i... guess so? JOHN: that would make sense, she was my nanna. JOHN: oh man, was i also crushed to death by a flying baby? JOHN: that would be so undignified. JAKE: But hold the damn phone!! JAKE: You were ALSO jades brother in my timeline! JAKE: So if you were siblings and youre also janes poppop... JAKE: Would that make her and i... related?? JOHN: um... JOHN: not genetically? JOHN: but i think you were adopted siblings in our world. JAKE: !! JOHN: she grew up with a brother under a wicked alien queen. JOHN: which was betty crocker! JOHN: and the troll empress. JOHN: it is all connected. JAKE: So we were always family! JAKE: Gosh shell be so surprised to find out i bet. Just over the moon. JOHN: who doesn't want more family? JAKE: Of course! Good gravy aint that just like a movie. So many of us grow up without any family to speak of and we find out we were all family all along! JAKE: Consarnit id even call that some kind of irony. JOHN: at least it's a pretty crazy coincidence. JOHN: except since skaia set it up that way it's not a coincidence at all. JAKE: The chilly wind of fate whips through our unshielded undercarriages. JAKE: Get out of there skaia that zone is closed for business! JAKE: Its not enough to be whipping round my legs its gotta go and nab my shorts too... JAKE: Well ive had the last laugh. Ive got PANTS now! AND family! HAH! JOHN: well, fate or coincidence or whatever, I'M happy about it. JOHN: and i think both pants and family are important.
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kickassfu · 7 years
“Your adventure awaits, darling.”
They separate with few words.
“Good luck.”
“Stay in touch.”
“I wouldn’t recommend it, sweets.”
“Oh… I forgot.”
“Unless Nik is in town, don’t spare me many thoughts.”
“I don’t suppose I’d be in yours.”
“You’d be the furthest thing from my mind.”
She set herself up from the sting, seeing as he’d be the last familiar face she’d see in the while, but it could be worse. She could be facing one of the many she foolishly called friends back in Mystic Falls.
“Remember, live your life to the fullest. We’re fortunate to get another chance.”
“You, too. I hope you get to experience more of it.”
“Off you go, your train departs in two minutes.”
“Bye, Kol…. Thank you. For everything.”
“Don’t mention it.”
She was left to her own devices for six hours. She wondered if she could get a hold of Enzo, but London was so big. What’s the chance of running into him? In the meanwhile, she found herself lost in the landscape. Who knew what she was missing? She leaned against the window, smiling for the first time since she escaped the deathly entrapments of the Other Side.
 No one knew they had escaped, not even Bonnie who conjured the miraculous spell. If they had, they didn’t try to reach out to Caroline. She didn’t know which alternative felt worst. A tear slips from one of her eyes, but she wipes it away. Luckily, she stowed herself away from the crowd and no one noticed her emotional plight.
She should make a memorial for her mother – since she can’t go back to bury her. Maybe Stefan or Damon would do the Sheriff right and give her a proper funeral. She’d try to read about it, she determined.
She uses her cash sparingly. She finds a cheap hotel and settles in for the night. In the meanwhile, she shops for a weeks’ worth of clothes and a luggage bag she can tow on her shoulder. She’ll try to find another source of income to garner other necessities. She missed having her curling iron, however frivolous it may be.
Kol told her to not settle but damnit, she needed money.
So, she took a job at a book shop, imagine that.
Turns out, that job reaped more perks than not. First, during her spare time, she read like crazy. She memorized places, phrases, history, you name it.
Hell, she even looked up census records for Enzo St. John in hopes she could find his own residence. She explored the city, memorized the routes, and found herself familiarizing faces.
Exactly what she had been advised not to do.
However, one of those faces became a valuable network point. He was an elderly gentleman with no heirs. He was captivated by the American blonde manning the desk. He offered her wisdom, food for money, and explained she reminded him of his granddaughter. Both she and his only son perished in a tragic car accident. He was widowed not long after. His time was up, and he was grateful she could provide him some closure with her mere presence.
When he passed three years later, she was truly heartbroken. It was nice to have someone to talk to. In his will, Audrey Greer received his estate – a small two-story home and his savings that equated to two-hundred-thousand American dollars. On top of what she had already saved from her job by renting the pathetic excuse of an apartment, she put in her two weeks noticed and abandoned her hopes to find Enzo in London, and London altogether.
Her next stop was Ireland.
She found a decent place in Galway and worked nights at the Pub. She began networking there. Vampires flourished in Galway (especially her port city). They could be rough, but she held her own. She even befriended a couple of them who recommended another place to stay. (“I know the fellow who rents the old schoolhouse. They got a spare, if you’d like. I could put in a good word.”)
She fit in like a glove.
She loved the sea, she loved the cobblestone, and she adored the accents.
She ventured to the rolling green hills during her free time. She basked in the sunlight that broke through the clouds. She sailed once, manned by her friend Bryce. She stood bravely on the cliff’s edge overlooking the sea. She rode a horse over the fields and felt truly liberated on the white-seared stallion.
She held onto those memories, even though she stayed no more than two years.
Kol had tipped her that Klaus was heading to Ireland for private matters. He had sent a mutual friend, Liam, that had no idea the message he conveyed was directed towards her. (“I was told to look out for this bloke’s brother coming through soon.”) She never packed faster in her life. Her friends hosted a dinner in her honor and she kissed them all affectionately, hoping she’d see them again one more day. She didn’t explain the real reason why she left suddenly – simply that she heard a friend had died and needed to get their affairs in order.
They sent with her a commemorating photo – the one of her adorning her favorite blue blouse and shorts while adjusting ropes on Bryce’s boat. She didn’t know if it’d be suspicious to ask them to not show anyone else but by then it was too late. She was a thousand of miles away.
She was in Queensland, Australia.
She put her experience in bartending to good use and obtained a job at a local tavern. She shared a photo with one of those goliath spiders – a huntsman, she recalled – that her coworker shot of her before she screamed bloody murder. The experience was a fond one, looking back, and she saved it in her collection.
She loved the beaches and the warmth. It was nearly tank top whether every day and she basked in the sun. She missed those days. She stayed for four years. It was pure bliss – aside from the critters and that one snake that refused to die that lingered outside her porch.
She had to relocate, once again reminded by Kol’s advice. Klaus wasn’t sighted but Katherine was. She could not afford to be sold out by the notorious opportunist. So, she switched gears and relocated to Los Angeles, CA.
It nearly killed her budget, but she loved the sunshine too much to part with it quite yet. She waitressed for a while but found it painfully exhausting. She was a vampire! For almost ten years, she spent covering her identity with demeaning jobs and barley any roots.
She ventured back to Ireland. She’d come to love it and the people there. She reunited with her friends briefly before venturing out, to Dublin, where her networking connected her to mutual friends that had reserved her a modest rental and a job already lined up, this time managing a hotel.
It was a huge leap.
She utilized the access of the University library often.
St. Patrick’s Day was astounding. She’d make a promise to attend it every year.
She also fancied Irish dancing but wasn’t as talented at as her friend Iona. That didn’t deter her from trying. Certainly, there were photos recounting the times she paled miserably compared to the busty redhead. Nonetheless, the laughed heartily, and split a beer.
She split from Dublin after two years. She boldly declared she would venture from her safe haven and try something new: France.
She studied the language meticulously and needed more experience, so off she went. The farewell was bittersweet, but she bravely ventured to Paris.
It was beautiful.
At first, it was intimidating but the locals were encouraging and were impressed by her attempts. She flourished under the city lights and embraced the fashion. She admired the art, flocked to the museums, and got a job as a curator.
It was risky, given she knew Klaus had a hand in the art community, but damnit, she deserved to flourish, and that was a great job.
She had many suitors, but she declined them all. She pretended her heart was in Ireland, which was true, but not in the form of a man, rather she dreamed of the majestic hills and the people who welcomed her.
Until one day, a familiar face came into work.
“Hello, gorgeous.”
She nearly dropped her phone.
“How – I looked for you, in London,” she let it slip in English.
“Had some business in Berlin,” he replied. “I heard from Kol that you’d be somewhere in Galway, but I was too late. I went to Dublin when Liam said you went there. Your friends said I was late a couple of months. I almost gave up on you,” he explained, “until I caught wind you’d be Louvre.”
“From who,” she asked in a panic.
“A redhead?”
“Oh,” she breathed in relief. Iona – the one who had a contact in management – the ex-lover, Pierre. She stepped forward and embraced the brunette. “I’m so glad to see you,” she mumbled into his shoulder. He squeezed her just as surely, inhaling her hair.
“I missed you, too,” he whispered. He hesitated to let her go but relented after a moment had passed. He held her at arm’s length, taking her in. “You look good.”
She was breath taking. A true vision. Her meticulously curled hair shone. Her blue-green eyes sparkled. Her red-lipped smile beamed.
He was dark haired and handsome. She liked the warmth of his eyes, his dimples, and the way his combed his hair back. She reluctantly let her hands fall from his broad shoulders – another featured she admired about his frame.
“I can say the same for you,” she returned jovially. “I’m almost done. Let’s go out for lunch! Hold on a moment.”
They caught up for the past decade over handmade pastries outside a charming café. She invited him to her apartment rather than him paying for hotel fare. It was a dangerous request, but she knew what she was getting into. The moment they reunited, sparks flew, and she promised both Kol and to herself she’d start taking chances.
Her blouse didn’t survive ten minutes the moment they walked through the door.
Neither did his shirt. Luckily, they both had a spare – which she stole his next morning to flaunt post-coitus.
The sex was phenomenal. Toe curling, mind-blowing sex. She had lovers before – one-night stands that didn’t quite understand her body in drunken episodes. Enzo, however, was the most selfless of them all. He worshipped her body, caressed her tenderly, took her roughly, and left her boneless in bed while whispering sweet things in her ear.
They ravished each other on the counter.
They cleared off her desk in a flurry and christened the mahogany.
She spoke dirty things in both English and French. She may have uttered some Old Irish, too.
Enzo, by far, had the best endurance yet, and she wasn’t quite yet ready to part with his talented hands or lips. Or tongue.
“I’m going to New York. Only for a short while,” he added, seeing her face fall. “I’ll come back. I promise.” He kissed her, hands not quite bruising her thighs as she pulled him by her legs. Her arms entangling around his neck and she bores into his eyes, revealing a new layer of vulnerability that she didn’t realize was there.
“You better or else I’ll hunt you down, St. John.”
“Wouldn’t want that,” he grinned, kissing her swollen lips one more time.
“Go, or else I’ll make you stay,” she threatened playfully.
“Minx,” he bit into her skin. The next moment, he was gone, and she felt the void almost immediately. She would never admit she cried or that she wiped her tears with the sleeves of his forgotten shirt.
He came back four days later. She refused to let him go.
“Missed me?”
“Yes,” she mumbled, not the least bit shamed.
His hand soothes her hair, starting from the crown to the base of her neck and the other fisting the back of her shirt.
“Good, because I couldn’t stand the distance,” he growled, pulling away only to latch his lips onto hers. He didn’t bother to break the kiss when his bag broke a lamp after he’d thrown it carelessly across the room. Neither did she.
She didn’t think she’d hit her climax so many times in a row, but Enzo wouldn’t be satisfied until she saw stars. She did.  She definitely did.
He took her dancing – the classical kind, where distance didn’t exist. She wore a striking red dress and he wore his best shirt. It’d been the most romantic thing since Klaus’s sketches. (She didn’t have those anymore – nor did she want them). They enjoyed evening strolls. They had a strict regimen each morning that required at least one orgasm each – it was wonderful.
Kol said it was sickeningly sweet when he eventually visited the couple. By then, Paris was behind them, and relocated to Berlin where Enzo was the main translator. Caroline was quick to learn though.
“Have you been to Moscow yet?” Kol quizzed.
“No,” Caroline answered from the kitchen. Enzo was close behind, tending to the vegetables as they prepared dinner. (“So domestic. It’s nauseating.”) “Why? Should we retreat there?”
“Oh no, I was going to say steer clear. My dear brother – Elijah, not Nik – has ventured there for business. You’re fine. I heard Nik is in New Orleans. Same old news – some uprising here, rebellion there, massacre all the same. You’re fine. Continue with your bloody honeymoon,” Kol faked a gag.
“What about yourself? You don’t want to find someone that makes you feel… like home?” Enzo pried. Caroline smiled adoringly at him and joined his rank, hugging him from the side while his arm curled around her frame.
“I like being a nomad,” Kol declared himself. “I will not be trapped. Not even by a pretty face like yourself.”
“Suit yourself,” Caroline shrugged. She returned to the pot on the stove and stirred. Enzo offered his finished product and poured the celery into the boiling mix. They quickly pecked and exchanged incandescent words – something about the day’s festivities – Kol overheard.
“I will take my leave,” Kol announced. “Glad to see you survive so far, Caroline. You, too, Enzo.”
“Nice see you, too, Kol,” Enzo saw him out. They shared a pat on the shoulders and locked the door when he left. He returned to the blonde and kissed her temple. “I have a feeling we should be worried.”
“You aren’t the only one,” she affirmed, the doubt evident in her eyes. “Where should we go?”
They have their wedding in Paris, twelve years after they reunited at the Louvre.
Kol is invited and surprisingly, he shows, wearing a tuxedo.
“Glad you came, mate,” Enzo greeted tenderly.
Caroline fussed over her dress, accompanied by her friends. Iona from Ireland and her beau, Pierre (for the 5th time), Aishling, Sherri, Christa, Jacqueline, and Serena composing as her party of bridesmaids. She reminisced about her childhood friend, Bonnie, but she forced the thoughts back. She’d be there in spirit but nothing more.
Caroline had a new chapter in her life and could not afford to return to the ones she’s closed.
 Iona earned the title of maid of honor and she graced the reception with her brilliant Irish dancing. Kol stayed throughout the whole ordeal of a wedding, captivated by the success of the two resurrected vampires coming together in undeniable happiness.
Caroline was beautiful. She chose a vintage design, with the fabric hanging off her shoulders so they’d be bare (aside from the brilliant necklace he gifted her) and the rest of the dress staying close to her skin rather than plum out.  Her hair, longer now, cascaded in waves down her back and some thrown over her shoulder. A modest veil covered her face until it was no longer needed.
Kol had walked her down the aisle when she almost broke down and (luckily didn’t) spoil her makeup over the reminder she had no parent to give her away. He then joined Enzo’s side as one of the best men.
Enzo was radiating joy like no other.
They wedding was small – composing of friends who had stayed in touch – and witnessed the vows shared between ‘Audrey Carolina Greer’ and Lorenzo St. John.  They cheered at the kiss between husband and wife and took more photos than Caroline knew she could manage in her scrapbook.
At the end, they commemorated her parents by presenting empty seats – occupied by the memory of the late Forbes’ (although everyone else knew them as the Greer’s). Enzo did a similar set, as but added two more for his missing sisters.
The first dance was magical, as was the second. They all got sloshed at the pub and Kol carried an unconscious Caroline to their apartment while Enzo leaned heavily on his left. They didn’t remember any of it other than waking up blissfully in the other’s arms. Kol had departed by then, retreating to his York estate. He did leave a note congratulating them and wishing them the best.
The photos were superb, and one hung in a large frame above the fire place of their new house – a castle Caroline had saved for. It was modest, but it was historic and had the character she desired. It took work, but she loved that castle with all her heart. They walked each morning on the fields, admiring the fog, and hosted many dinners.
They even added horses, one of which became her favorite – a black mare that loved brisk morning walks. There were many photos of them together, and then some with Enzo and his favorite steed, a patient paint named Molly.  
Kol had caught a glimpse of them when he made another visit.
She was a vision, galloping freely through the field. Her hair was flying behind her, shirt untucked. He distinctly remembered her red vest and tan pants.
She was thriving.
Enzo chased after her, laughing all the way as she goaded him.
Kol found their company comforting and could not deny the fact he was seeking them out more often. It wasn’t safe, especially after hearing Nik caught wind of the rumors of Kol’s reemergence. He had to protect his friends, but he couldn’t bear to quite yet part with them.
“Kol!” Caroline delightfully called out when she spotted his figure make his way up the driveway. She steered Morgana – the horse – his way and met him in the middle.
“Mrs. St. John,” Kol smiled. “Lovely to see you.”
“So formal,” she nitpicked. “Caroline will do.”
“Caroline,” Kol remedied. She beamed. Her smile was contagious. He looked around the plot. “I like the changes. Show me around?”
“Of course,” she obliged. She unsaddled her horse and walked him up the driveway.
“Will I ever see you again?” Caroline broke the silence.
She was upset. That was underestimate.
“Maybe,” Kol shrugged. “Maybe not.”
He knew he had to tell her this was likely the last time in a long time he’d be able to see them.
“I’ll miss you,” she admitted. “You been a huge part of my life, our life, believe it or not. I know why you have to do it and I appreciate you’re thinking of us but…” her lip trembled. “It’s not fair. You’ve been a good friend to us and I hate to see you go away.”
Kol felt an unusual warmth and heaviness in his chest. Was this what it meant to be cared about?
“I’m sorry you have to go, mate,” mate pulled him into a hug. “I’m glad you could tell us in person. If you need anything, you know where to find us.”
“Give me a hug, too,” Caroline whimpered, on the verge of tears. Kol obliged and picked her up in doing so. She was so much smaller compared to him. She broke down into his shoulder. She held him tight and he felt his throat constrict, hiding his own temptation to shed tears over the moment.
It was horrible. He long since come to terms they were genuine friends. Family was a stretch but, if he could make a family, they’d be what he’d envision. To part with the people that he could trust was a harder feat that he could fathom.
He swallowed harshly and eventually forced some distance between the couple and himself.
“You take care of yourself.” Kol bid them.
“Bye, Kol,” Caroline sniffled. Enzo offered a grim smile.
“You, too, mate.”
First of all the first part is here for anyone that hasn’t read it yet. And once again thanks for always writing me lovely things @adelindschade <3
Anyway whaaaat??? They got married? :O That was seriously unexpected haha Also Caroline enjoying life, and learning things and travelling is always great ^^ although if i was a vampire i certainly wouldn’t get any jobs, i’d just use my compulsion to get what I want :P but Caroline doesn’t enjoy using that as much ‘cause of what happened to her...also Carenzo huh?? I wonder if they stay together married, or if they evetually just stay as friends??? is this gonna end up with Klaroline?? Or is this more about Caroline and her life ahhhhhhhhh! Also also Kooool my boy, finally feeling close to someone, considering them friends even perhaps family but knowing he can’t see them because it’d endanger them *cries* he deserves better!! Fuck you Klaus, let my boi alone!!
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