#i did a pitch but i didnt have time to work on it so obviously they need a new idea
amarachno · 3 months
There is something… Wrong… With Drake. Its decidedly unsettling. There is something unnatural about the boy and Damian is unsure why they all ignore it. The Drake boy was always weird but this was different. It had started after they had all returned home from patrol one day. Something about Drake was making the hair on Damian’s arms stand at its end. He did not appreciate the way Drake was looking at him. It felt as though he was being looked at the same way a cat looks at an injured bird.
Damian had tried to talk to Pennyworth about it soon after Father’s return from the timestream but all he had managed from the butler had been, “Master Damian, calling Master Timothy an ‘Uncanny Horror from the pits’ is quite rude and I hope you never mention such a sentiment again.”
So obviously the… Thing… could manipulate minds. No matter! Damian would handle it. The first step? Kill it.
Its a good thing Damian has trained from birth in the League of Assassins. Although, his past attempts had unfortunate results —meaning none— but Damian would persevere. Perhaps keeping a closer eye on It would provide some insight.
Whatever had replaced Drake was terrifying. It. Never. Slept. And it always knew when Damian was watching it. The worst part? It was trying to spend TIME with him. Damian could barely stand to be within five feet of it. Its skin pale, hair pitch black, and its eyes- horrifying. When Damian first arrived at the manor, Drake had clear blue eyes. Now, they appeared dull and glassy. The color seeming as though it leaked out into the Thing’s hideous purple eyebags. Its skin seemed too loose and Its joints bent and stretched grotesquely.
The Thing turned its chair around, taking a break from staring at the computer in the cave. It stretched its spindly arms above its head, arms bending too far in the other direction. It turned to where Damian was hidden in a ledge in the roof of the Batcave.
“Heyyy Damian.” The Thing slurred, its speech slow and unclear. “If you want’d ta watch m’ do casework ya could’ve joined me”
Damian recoiled further into what should have been a flawless hiding space. He wanted to snap back that he didnt need Its company but his tongue seemed glued to the too of his mouth.
The Thing looked right at where Damian had hidden away. “Aww B’by Bat!” It cooed softly, “Come on down. Lets go g’t some hot chocolate from Alfie!”
Damian pressed tighter to the wall, attempting to force out a sentence. “That is quite alright, Drake. I am fine here.” He said attempting to sound steady.
“Well, suit yourself! Gonna go up now.” The Thing stumbled toward the stairs, its footsteps silent even as it walked unsteadily.
Damian didn’t leave his spot until Richard arrived in the cave two hours later.
Poison may actually work, Damian decided. Theoretically. The Thing was only inhabiting Drake’s body. Perhaps if the body died then so would the… Whatever it was. Damian is so prepared, father should be impressed- or he would be when that cursed being was out of the house. But what if someone else drank from the cup meant for Drake? Father would not tolerate a mission gone wrong, especially if Grayson or Pennyworth were harmed.
Then Damian remembered Drake’s travel cup, the one it took to work. That was simple enough. Sneak out to Its car, put the poison in the straw, get out. Yes finally a decent plan. Or at least Damian thought so.
Damian’s plan went off without a hitch. He had gained access to the security cameras within Wayne Enterprises and watched Drake drink the entire cup of poisoned coffee. The issue? The poison had no effect. Not even a stomach ache. Clearly the Thing was immune to poisons.
Perhaps silver would deal some damage.
Damian decided to purchase a silver knife. He had tested it and everything! It was real silver. Much of his savings from his allowance had been spent on the thing but this would be worth it.
People were getting suspicious though. Of Damian. Not of The Thing, to be clear.
How idiotic were these people! And they called themselves ‘Detectives’. No matter, Damian could handle this!
In the books that Damian had found, They mentioned fire as a potential weakness to supernatural creatures. If the silver knife did nothing, Damian would fall back and begin plan C. C for Cocktail. Molotov cocktail, to be exact.
Unfortunately, neither plans B nor C would come to fruition. Damian had been caught before he could even attempt either plan.
“Hey Dami, are you feeling okay?” Richard asked from behind Damian.
Damian didn’t scream. He didn’t! He also didn’t drop his book in surprise.
Richard surged forward to grab Damian before he fell from his spot on top of the T-Rex. “Hey bud, its okay. Its just me.” He soothed, wrapping his arms around Damian and carrying him off the T-Rex. “Why don’t you tell me whats going on?”
Damian gasped wriggling out of Dick’s arms to grab his sketchbook/impromptu demon hunting memoir off the ground where it fell. He clutched the book in his arms. “Nothing is wrong, I was simply lost in thought. You may go.” Damian snapped out, legs shaking and breath uneven.
Dick furrowed his brow, “Ive never seen you this shaken up before, Bitty Bat. Come here, we can talk about this upstairs over some cocoa.”
Damian’s eyes widened, if he could convince Richard then surely the Thing could be taken care of. “Very well, if we must.”
Dick smiled gently, though it seemed a little shaky. ”Up we go then!” Dick exclaimed, grabbing Damian and hoisting him onto his shoulders.
“Richard! this is unbecoming!” Damian squawked, holding onto Dick’s head so he wouldnt fall off.
Instead of replying, Dick just began making airplane noises, running toward the entrance to the manor.
It would have been a sweet moment, had The Thing not been standing right behind the grandfather clock. His sudden appearance had startled Damian so badly he fell backwards off Dick’s shoulders.
Damian braced for impact, expecting to head his head and then tumble down the concrete stairs- only, that didnt happen. The Thing threw itself backwards into the ground, his upper half on the stairs and his lower half on the floor. Damian fell heavily onto the Creature, knocking the wind out of It.
“OH MY GOD! ARE YOU TWO OKAY??!” Dick screeched at the top of his lungs. He picked Damian up off of The Thing and resting him on his hip, offering his other hand to ‘Drake’. Unfortunately, Damian’s adrenaline kicked in.
“PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!” Damian bellowed, squirming out of Dick’s grip. “ITS GOING TO KILL US! WE ANGERED IT AND WE NEED TO GO!” Damian began pulling Dick toward the door of the study.
Alarmed, Dick turned to look closer at Damian. His face was pale, eyes wide and glancing frantically around the room and then back at Tim. Damian was sweating, looking as if he were seconds from bursting into tears. “What are yo-“
“It knows i know” Damian gasped out, pulling desperately at Dick’s arm. “ITS GOING TO KILL ME! WE NEED TO GET SOMEWHERE SAFE!”
Damian was working himself into a panic. Dick threw an apologetic glance at Tim who was brushing himself off and looking bewildered at Damian. Dick turned toward the door, allowing Damian to drag him where he wanted to go.
As soon as Damian was out the door, he took off running, forcing Dick to run with him. They got inside Damian’s room and Dami immediately began barricading the door.
“Damian, what’s going on?” Dick questioned softly.
Instead of answering, Damian started rushing around his room. He pulled the silver knife out from between his mattress and the boxspring, grabbed a lighter and what looked like a molotov cocktail from the top of his closet.
Dick was becoming more alarmed by the second. Why in tarnation did Damian have a molotov cocktail just sitting around??? Dick quickly snatched both objects away from Damian, setting them on top if the highest shelf in the room. It wouldn’t stop Damian for long but it would give Dick some time.
When both objects where taken from Damian, he stopped in his tracks, looking fearfully at Dick. “Did it- Are you…” Damian began sobbing. “I don’t want to die. Please don’t kill me, please! I’ll be an asset to you! I swear it! I’ll be good!” Damian’s pleading and sobbing was met with Dick gently hugging Damian to his chest. And like a puppet with its wires cut, Damian passed out into Dick’s arms.
“Oh shit!” Dick exclaimed. He felt at Damian’s forehead, flinching back at how hot he felt. Dick grabbed his phone and called Bruce. “Hey Bruce, I’m gonna need you to come home. Somethings wrong with Damian.” Dick set Damian on the bed and got to work un barricading the door.
“What happened?” Bruce questioned, sounding more like Batman than Bruce. “Is everyone okay?”
“Dick relayed the events that happened that afternoon while getting Damian down to the cave. He was tucked in to a bed in the med bay, a cold rag set on his forehead.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” Bruce murmured into the phone. “Im on my way now. I’ll be there in 15.”
“Bruce, that’s a 30 minute drive.” Dick said incredulously.
“Hnn” Bruce grunted, hanging up.
Dick pinched two fingers to the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. he turned to see Tim waiting in the doorway.
“Is he okay?” Tim questioned softly.
“I’m not sure. I don’t know what happened.” Dick replied tiredly.
Tim sighed, “I noticed he was acting a little weird, but I kind of just thought I had pissed him off?” Tim said. “He’s been following me around recently. And I think he poisoned my coffee? I mean, maybe it wasn’t him. But, the other day, my coffee tasted weird, I drank it anyway of course, but I felt really sick that night. It probably didn’t work because I built my poison resistance up while I was looking for Bruce but-“ Tim cut off his rambling, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
Dick sighed, putting his face in his hands. “I don’t know what to do, Tim. We were making a lot of progress, before. But now I might need to set the ‘Days Since Last Familicide’ dry erase board back to zero.” Dick said tiredly. “I thought I had finally made him feel safe here.”
Tim looked off to the side, “What if its not either of your faults?” He offered, tilting his head. “Maybe he got injured and never told anyone. here why don’t I draw his blood and I’ll run it through. we’ll be able to tell if he’s been injured or injected with something.”
Dick agreed and Tim ran Damian’s blood. While they waited, sat by Damian’s side and ran his hands through the kid’s hair. Soon enough, the test results were done and Bruce got back.
“Good timing, Bruce.” Tim called, “I was just about to go through the results” he added.
Bruce stalked forward, standing next to Damian and feeling his forehead and cheeks. “When did this fever start?” Bruce questioned softly.
“I dont know, B. I only realized when he passed out earlier.” Dick replied.
Bruce turned and walked towards the computer where the results were, looking through the blood test to figure out what was wrong.
“Bruce, it looks like he got hit with fear toxin.” Tim pointed out. “ Maybe a new strain, a slow-acting one. That would explain why he’s been acting so weird recently. Did you fight Crane on patrol last week?”
Bruce slapped his hand over his face, slowly dragging it down. “We found one of his abandoned labs. We split off for about 10 minutes to check out different rooms. He said he didn’t find anything though.” Bruce said guilty.
Dick cried out, “Bruce that was so stupid! And you didn’t even check him for anything afterwards?”
Bruce shook his head. “I owe him an apology.” He said sadly. He walked over and administered an antidote.
“Well, theres no use dwelling on it now.” Tim pointed out. “Dick and Bruce, you can stay here and wait for the kid to wake up. He seemed the most freaked out by me so I think I’ll go upstairs. I don’t think I’ve slept this week anyway.” Tim muttered that last part, but Bruce and Dick heard it anyway.
“Timmy, what have I told you about staying up that long?” Dick admonished.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I’ll sleep now I guess. If im not awake in 20 hours, wake me up. I have presentations to put together for next week.” Tim said exasperated.
Bruce waved him off, “I’ll take care of it, Chum.”
Tim shot a thumbs up over shoulder and then walked out of the cave.
with the antidote administer, the only thing left to do was wait. When Damian woke up. He began trying to explain that Tim had been taken over by some creature, though, all his evidence was debunked.
“Drake looks like a corpse!” Damian exclaimed.
“Yeah I’ve been telling him to go out in the sun more often. He also just told us he hasn’t slept yet this week and its Friday.” Dick explained calmly.
“Okay, then what about the weird way he moves? I’ve seen him stretch his limbs bend the wrong way” Damian pleaded.
“Tim is hyper mobile, Dami. His joints just do that. It’s honestly a little freaky so I get it. I mean, mine are bendy and all, but not that way.” Dick replied patiently.
Damian looked down, ashamed. “How did he survive the poison? That was League specific.”
Dick thought about his answer for a moment, “Apparently, while he was looking for Bruce, Tim trained up his poison tolerance. I don’t know why he did that or how he got his hands on league poison.”
Damian shoved his face into his hands. “I was going to stab him with a silver knife… and then said him on fire.” Damian said, embarrassed.
“I know. I’m sorry,” Bruce finally spoke up. “All of that is on me. I should’ve had you decontaminated and tested after patrol last week. If I had, then you wouldn’t of had to spend this week scared.”
“I wasn’t scared!” Damian claimed, his face burning.
“Sure bud, but it’s okay if you were.” Dick said gently. “But anyway. We can talk about this later. For now, why don’t I get Alfred to bring you something to eat.”
“That would be acceptable, I suppose.”
(later over comms)
Tim: Yo Jason I gotta tell you how I wouldve been murdered this time
Jason: How?
Tim: Demon Brat made me my very own molotov cocktail!
Jason: *dies of laughter* HOLY SHIT!
Damian: Cease this senseless mockery!
Jason: No, kid, its badass *laughs more* priceless.
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nanaminsonyfans · 9 months
╚»★«╝ Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire ╚»★«╝
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a/n; the lack of cyberpunk x reader fics is appalling. anyways gay kerry eurodyne for christmas ur welcome. also this is post after giving up johnny specifically the sun ending. sorry of its shitty, i rarely write as a male reader and i hope i did okay! requests are open!!!
pairing: male!reader x kerry eurodyne (cyberpunk)
warnings; anal, male oral receiving, slight exhibition?, cursing, spoilers for end of cyberpunk.
The Kerry Eurodyne was making a Christmas album with US Cracks, him being main vocals and the girls being background vocals. You were there as Kerry's loving boyfriend and supporter but also because you had nothing else to do. Being the famous V merc has run its course and after everything with Johnny and Arasaka....you just wanted to be you, Y/n L/n. Of course you still talked to some old friends, Claire being one of them. Truth be told....You missed Johnny. A piece of you was gone.
"Y/n? Babe? You there?" Kerry's voice brought you back. The girls were gone leaving the two of you there. "You having one of those episodes again?" He asks softly, obviously worried. "Oh, no i'm fine. Was just thinking is all. The music was pretty soothing." You joke and stood up. "Was it? Didn't want to put you to sleep." "You didn't. Just started to remind me of stuff." Kerry nods and cupped your cheek. "This past year has been hard for you. I understand." You nod and leaned against his touch. His hands were always so warm.
"I gotta finish some vocals. Go get a drink." He hums softly. You nod, leaving and came back. Kerry was singing, however his vocals sounded almost angelic as he sang The Christmas Song. "Jack nipping at your nose~" He looked at you. He looked at you with those fucking icy blue eyes that just sucked you in every single time. You know what he wants. How'd he get so horny so easily? Sentimental one second...
You stared at him, watching his movement. He swayed his hips as he practically made out with the mic. You felt your jeans tightened as you wanted him until you couldnt take anymore and went in. "You're such a little shit sometimes...." You growl slightly in his ear, griping his hips as you pulled him against your growing bulge. "Yeah...?" Kerry hums, adding more pressure against you. You let out a guttural moan in his ear as he started to grind against you.
"You keep doing that and im going to cum in these fuckin' pants." "We can't have that." He hums and gets down on his knees. "Not when i have a perfectly good face." "Oh youre fucking bad Ker..." You groan as he undid your pants, your cock springing free seconds before he wrapped his mouth around you. His tongue was so soft and warm...and fuck the way he sucked you off was like his life depended in it. He was so eager to please and it was working.
Kerry's eyes were half lidded and staring up at you as if he was trying to be innocent. His hand took over whatever he couldn't reach. Drool slipped down his chin as he continued to suck. "Oh fuck ker...." You thrusted slightly in his mouth causing him to gag but he didnt want you to stop. You continued to face fuck him until you felt yourself getting close.
"Fuck..Fuck ker-" You pulled out and came on his face exactly as he wanted. "Mm...amazing as usual." He smirks and licked the cum up and cleaned himself up. "Now bend over." "Really? Here?" "Yes here its your fault." You tell him annoyed and Kerry did so, happily stripping down to give you a show. "Oh you fucking slut." You slapped his ass as he bent over on the couch in the studio.
You didnt even bother prepping and just thrusted in which earned a high pitched mewl from him. "Oh fuck- dont stop please." He begs and pushed his hips back to match the rhythm of your thrusts. His moans were so whiny it was pitiful, the sadistic side wanted to taunt him about it but another side of you loved his noises. Only you could bring these noises out if him, only you, only your cock.
You let out a few grunts as his ass milked you, and suddenly he let out a loud moan arching his back as you hit his prostate. He loved how the head of cock hit it just right. "Fill me up y/n please, please!" Kerry begs and he started to fist himself. "No one can say no to you." You smirk and started to rail him a few more times before you came together. "Fuuuck!" You groaned as you filled his ass making him whine at the feeling as he made a mess on the couch.
"You made a mess." You tease and kissed him which he happily returned. Out of the corner of you eye you noticed a blinking red light. "Did...did it record all of that?" You ask him and kerry took notice as well. "Yeah...maybe i should put it on the bonus track."
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transboysokka · 11 months
This is a big ask so don't feel like you have to, but would you be interested in pitching some summaries of the fics you have up on Ao3? I know there are summaries up there, but I like the casual way you have with words and you say fuck a lot and I dunno yeah
omg this is so funny bc i know the exact way with words you're talking about and of course im not gonna pass up a chance to promote my own work hehe YOU GOT IT!
i have 20 atla fics so I'm going to recommend them in order of... least to most kudos??? to try to trick people into reading more of my stuff? lol idk
I'm 99% sure all of these are Zukka fics...
The Last Five Years - ok actually this is a bad place to start bc i don't think im gonna finish it. it just really didn't take off but um its a The Last Five Years AU with really fucking sad Divorced Zukka
Do Not Stand At My Grave and Cry - this is i think my newest one, it has trans zukka and it's a bit angsty with a fake death but i also think it's kind of fun. it's the idea trans people have of ''who's going to care if my family puts the wrong name on my gravestone?" but there IS a happy ending
A Problem Halved is a Problem Shared - im gonna be honest i dont fucking remember writing this one lol but it says dialogue-only and it WILL be angsty bc it is about zuko and sokka dealing with different issues they have
One Last Time (and its sequel The End of All Things) - Actually OLT is definitely one of my faves I ever wrote. It's my canon-compliant take on um... *cough* Sokka's death, referenced in Korra. It's SO angsty but it has one of the most visceral scenes I've ever written and I DID cry writing this. TEoAT is the happy ending Divorced Zukka deserved with bonus Iroh but you WILL cry reading that too. BUT i cant fucking recommend these ones enough!!!!
If I fade away (the awful things we do to make the head go quiet) - VERY dead dove. trans zuko needs to pay a MASSIVE price to get home to the Fire Nation after Ba Sing Se, and it's not his choice at all. I love this but READ WITH CAUTION
In Which Sokka is Supportive Ally Boyfriend Goals - I am dead serious i like dont remember this one at all but i know it has trans zuko!
Nourishing the Flame Within - not the best written tbhtbh BUT it does have two very important Zukos in it that I hold to be universally true: trans zuko and eating disorder zuko
bad idea right? - okay this is DEF one of my faves lol its about divorced zukka but they just cant stop messing things up and sleeping with each other even though theyre not together anymore lolol
Keeping it in the Family - lmao OKAY SO this is the ONE version of zukka that im like 'ok all u z*tara folks, maybe zuko WAS with her and it obvs didnt work' and then he hooks up with sokka instead and its GREAT but oops now we have Family Drama
Scars of Trust - bro im not gonna like i barely remember writing this one but i remember I LOVE IT and it's about sokka who has been dating zuko a while but he finally learns that zuko is trans? its great
Playing the Long Game - eh, i don't love it, but I'd say it's worth a read. it was my first longer fic in the fandom. it DOES have a great Zukki evolution though if you're into that, and a nice mystery!! Also some whump and angst bc of course
Keeping Score - I liked this one! It's just little snippets of times Sokka has survived assassination attempts, because we always hear about it happening to Zuko, but Sokka gets them too. Angst obviously
It Was Cruel and It Was Wrong - wow, a dead dove fic, yes. It's basically like "If I'm Joo Lee and you're Joo Lee, then who's flying the bison?" Yeah so Sokka and Zuko are both brainwashed by the Dai Lee and Suffering but be careful because this gets DARK
Mother - Izumi has two dads but she feels bad she doesn't have a mom. But guess what, her dads don't have moms either!! She's very happy to find that out! Wow Izumi, way to have some sympathy.
Impact - It's about Zuko taking a longer time to recover from an assassination attempt than he'd want, and Sokka being loving and patient with him! I wrote this when I had a bad concussion for like three weeks and so it's pretty like. Medically accurate lol
Scratchy - Short and sweet. I don't remember this one much but I know that it is fluffy and involves turtle ducks!
Hidden Pain, Shared Love - Another short and fluffy one. It's about the first time Zuko sees that Sokka has problems with his leg sometimes?
Zuko and Sokka Get Engaged in the Most Zukka Way Possible - okay i actually really love this one because it's on brand and cute and also i made it fucking angsty because oF COURSE
Zuko Amongst the Dragons - yes so what if zuko was raised by dragons and met the gaang but he was super feral? and what if shenanigans ensued? AND what if sokka and zuko fell in love anyway????
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thankyoujangofett · 2 years
the teensy-est tech drabble | GN! fluff
you enter the bad batches barracks on kamino. you’re their assigned medic as tech felt he had a full time job as a mechanic and did not have time for wrecker related injuries anymore.
when you first joined the batch, you seemed to get along with wrecker the best, however it was comforting talking to tech. during long hyperspace journeys you found yourself diving into deep conversations that would last hours. the man could go on and on about the most interesting things. the way his brain worked fascinated you as a doctor, but as a human, it was his heart that really caught your attention.
he was kind by nature, funny, polite, considerate, and that smile. every time he smirked it sent a flush of heat over your skin and sent your heart racing.
to say you didnt have a crush on him would be an obvious lie, so you embraced it. asking him more personal questions, using medical excuses to spend more time with him and to get closer to him physically.
so far your progress was moving slowly, but one night gave it the push it needed.
the door to the barracks wooshed open. inside were hunter and tech. hunter was lifting a weight by the large window, watching the storm and tech was at his station tinkering with what looked like a motherboard.
“hey, tech.” you said walking over to his bunk.
“oh hey hunter, how are you hunter, whatcha doing hunter?” hunter said in a whiny, high pitched voice obviously offended you blanked him.
“oh yeah, and you i guess.” you giggled, returning his sarcasm.
“you know what im just going to go to the training room.” hunter announced defeated.
you sat on techs bunk, something he was more then happy with you doing as you were now close friends in his eyes.
“what are you working on?” you asked.
“i am embedding a program into this motherboard.”
“how does it work?”
tech began to explain the ins and outs of the piece of technology, what its used for, when it was invented, how it improves things, and suddenly you began to feel sleepy.
not that tech wasn’t interesting, you just felt…safe. you layed your head back on his pillow and your eyes flickered shut to the sound of techs information.
“and with the added data, it will be able to-“ tech said turning around on his chair, noticing you resting.
“why’d you stop?”
“are you bored?”
“no! no, of course not. your voice is just… so relaxing. keep talking, please.”
techs eyes softened. no one had ever wanted him to keep talking about his interests, especially wrecker.
tech went on for another half an hour, by then you were sound asleep, he let you sleep in his bunk and he used crosshairs. seeing as cross rarely slept, this wasnt an issue.
as tech fell asleep, his mind drifted to you. he couldnt help but feel a flutter in his chest when he heard your words. he had found an new admiration for you and was keen to see where this path would lead.
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skullinahat · 5 months
some long-ass thoughts on watcher and dropout
for the record, i've enjoyed both of their work. i won't talk abt it much in this post, but it's very interesting how people kind of view shane's performative anti-capitalism making their consumption of ghost files a reflection of their own politics. then, a business making a business decision feels much more personal, because an aspect of your morals has just betrayed you. instead of just losing access to media you enjoyed, you just lost a reference point for your identity. Dropout is very mildly more aware of their function in capitalist society when they make anti-capitalist jokes, but the effect is still the same. the concept of supporting small business being an effective political action has obviously fed into, or perhaps came from, consumer culture. there's been a lot of "disappointment" in shane specifically, which is why i bring this up.
this post is a mess and i definitely used some of the wrong words, but i hope it makes some sense.
Watcher and Dropout have been compared alot as of late, of course both being attempted independent subscription based streaming services with a small host of content. dropout is cast as the good guy, the thing that watcher is striving for and failed at. I've seen several people joke about subscribing to dropout instead as a little fuck you to watcher.
A lot of people have genuinely asked what the difference is. Why is watcher bad and dropout good?
The most common answer i've seen is that dropout was pitched as a last effort to save a dying company, instead of the greedy money grab that watchertv feels like. dropout also offers a much larger cast, and many more shows, releasing new episodes monday through friday. Both of these things, however, are only true of dropout as of now.
Dropout was started two years before collegehumor's death, and it was only able to release as many shows as it is now very recently. It also didn't originally advertise itself as a final resort, rather "netflix- but worse!"
It didnt begin as a hail mary for a dying platform, just a new branch of an old one with no ads and more freedom. (Though it was a final resort later.) i think the biggest material difference between the two is that dropout always felt like an addon rather than an ambush paywall. later when it did become an ambush paywall, it felt justified. there was complete clarity over what would be on dropout and what would remain free on youtube.
this clarity was never present in watcher's announcement. I personally don't think watcher was ever planning on removing their free content from youtube, and they just worded it really poorly in their original video, but keeping new episodes behind a paywall is still enough to alienate their fanbase. the concept of them removing everything from youtube has stuck around despite their assurances against it.
the rest of the reasons why watcher went over so poorly is audience trust, yearly context, and marketing.
People had already followed ryan and shane from buzzfeed to watcher, so their trust had been tested before, resulting in them being more loyal, but still. I've seen a lot of people discussing their disappointment with watcher's content compared to buzzfeeds, which, everyone hates change so on and so forth, but most people are pointing specifically to the overproduction and the awkwardness. I had the same expeirence. I specifically remember watching an episode of too many spirits and realizing i was forcing myself to continue. It just felt like lipstick on a pig, hours of animation work on top of an awkward joke. I think there's been frustration with watcher's content building for a long time, and this poorly worded announcement is the straw that broke the camels back. i also don't think there was as much streaming service fatigue back when dropout was started as there is now.
It is entirely possible, given that they were spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on post-production per video, that watcher needs more money to continue. I, as many do, would attribute this to poor financial decisions. However, i think they could've framed watchertv as a last resort for a company that fiscally couldnt continue on youtube and gotten away with it. they still would have gotten some flack for steven's tesla and gold-leaf pizza, but it wouldnt be the total takedown it is now.
Instead, in the video they simply talk about being to big for youtube. No stressing about money. It feels entitled. even in the apology, where they claim that watcher couldn't continue on youtube, the overt focus is not placed on money. Wether this was a decision to try and not sound too whiny and pandering, or it's that they genuinely could continue to work on youtube but want more freedom on watchertv, i'm not sure. either way, it worked out horribly for them.
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query-quadrant · 23 days
AVICE NEEDED !!!!11!!!!!!11!!
ok im gonna start this off with a warning dont start shit off with a bang if you cant keep up that momentum
not to be all sparkly spade emoji vitriol emoji sparkly spade emoji on you but the most over the top romantic way ive ever been asked out is when grey sent me that insane hate letter virus thing and that idiot could NOT keep it going really set himself up for failure there
if you start shit off with a grand romantic gesture you gotta be prepared to keep that energy going 
but anyway here
dubiously good ideas: 
1. once asked a dude out by pouring bleach out in his lawn ring in the shape of a spade so it killed all the grass it was really funny and was stuck like that till it grew back lmao dude got a lot of questions about it
2. one of my best friends got a bunch of calligraphy supplies and ye old ink and a quill and wrote a very fancy looking list of all the things wrong with the girl she sent it to like it looked fancy but the actual letter wasnt it was mostly swear words and shit like “thats why youre so fucking stupid youre a freak youre a freak and your clothes are ugly" and sealed it in a fancy envelope with a wax seal and everything and like a kiss mark on the envelope with her best lipstick it was really funny
3. ok this ones gonna be long and really fucking abnormal but lets be serious here if you actually need something big and grand and unique and dont wanna ask them out normal style and also im not just yapping at you and regurgitating shit i already did or a friend of mine did or that you can find in a list online already like "buy them dead flowers teehee and make them a ransom note winky face kissy emoji five exclamation points" then i mean obviously doing something personal is best i mean grey and i have the internet feud thing going on so tech based shit is it but for you your rivalry is probably based on something else doing something rooted in thats sappy and stupid and sparkly spade gif for real
what i mean is pick something you both already compete in and do it way better than they can or make it a custom challenge for them and mix your confession into it like the stupid virus i got
if you both do baking do something really difficult and annoying or time consuming that you know they cant in the shape of a middle finger 
mod a game or just boot up marioh maker and make them a stupidly hard but also well built custom troll level and hide the confession at the end 
write a custom flarp thing and when you beat their ass have your big evil character monologue be the confession 
a whole custom pitch themed escape room could be really funny if youre rich or have the right friends 
or who knows whatever it really depends on what youre into some of these are insane and embarrassing as fuck but if it works for you it works
oh man this shit got away from me lmao but basically do something specific to your rivalry that says im challenging you im better than you and i want you idk why i didnt just say that youre not dumb you dont need examples anyway
finally heres bad advice youre here for that shit probably lets go bad advice: 
1. ok i have a new idea thats going to totally revolutionize the pitch dating sphere what if instead of asking people out pitchways you try and have the worst possible confession in a different quadrant possible just really shitty awkward insulting badly timed the works 
see if you can piss them off enough with it that they just have to have you as their kismesis its called reverse psychology its very smart and sophisticated and could never go wrong
2. you can always kill their lusus killing their lusus is totally not famous for almost always backfiring and only working in insane romance novels and really shitty movies dont worry about it
3. steal a confession from a fanfic make sure its from a fandom theyre into so you can recommend them that same fanfic later
3. ask them for advice on how to ask people out pitchways and do exactly that 
wait ok actually that one could be good thats hilarious never mind put that on the good list i mean its not romantic but it could be so funny if you did it right
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
i hit a breaking point with my sister recently. shes only 12 but shes a preteen so of course shes a bit more work than i would expect. my parents were out the house, and i cared for her like i have for years when theyre out. i even help with my older brother, but back when he wasnt 18, when he was 17 and younger!
she got mad at me for taking too long to shower, then for "looking mean", then she yelled at me for not making her the food my mom makes.
I regret what i did but i talked back. i told her i wasnt mom, im just a girl. i tried the gentle parenting thing, even read my old parenting book i bought when i turned 11!! i still couldnt control what came out my mouth, i was cold to her. i said "fine, you don't have to like it, or me just stop fucking yelling at me like im your mom. im 16 not mama. im still a kid"
she told my parents and they didnt even know what to do, my sister WANTED me in trouble, but instead my parents just ate a silent dinner last night and tonight.
im not a mom, im just a 16 year old person trying to be a good person for the piece of intolerable idiocy of my sister. i love her, but shes so annoying.
I'm not sure what to say, you were right about saying you were a 16 year old, and not your sister's caretaker. Your parents obviously put you in a role of parenting your sister, and you tried so hard, so it's no wonder your temper ran out when all that hard work was met with unpleasantness and lack of gratitude, but this is because your parents put you in a role you were never meant to be in. You're not an adult, you're not supposed to be expected to have researched parenting and to figure out the best way to parent your sister, this is insane that they asked this of you.
What they've done is called 'parentification', and it's putting a child into a role of a parent, expecting them to have their problems figured out on their own and on top of that to care for their siblings, and sometimes even the parents themselves. This puts the immense pressure on a child to keep peace, make everyone happy, appear to have no troubles, no issues of their own, and then also so quickly grow up that they can effectively care for their siblings, have endless patience, do tasks perfectly and take on responsibilities they were not trained or developed enough to do.
You are not supposed to be burdened with all this, you're supposed to be chasing your own interests and hobbies, have free time and enjoy yourself, figure out how to fit with your own peers, have friendships and first relationships, you're not supposed to be burdened with parenting and making everyone in your house happy. You're supposed to be cared for.
So I don't think you've done anything wrong, and it is alarming that your younger sister wanted to get you in trouble - it sounds like she's already realized you're at the end of made up 'hierarchy' of who is supposed to be blamed for everything, so she took advantage to affirm that her place is above you, and that you will be punished if she isn't pleased with you - which has to be immensely painful for you, who worked so hard to try and parent your sister.
She is 12 and just absorbing whatever her environment is telling her, and I actually don't know enough about 12-year-olds to say if her actions were normal or messed up at that stage, I can tell that they hurt you and that it wasn't fair towards you.
Your parents seem to have done absolutely nothing to resolve this situation, to comfort you, or to parent their own 12 year old, which makes this even worse, to know that when you're at the end of your rope and no longer know or can do anything, that even then they will not pitch in and act like adults and resolve a painful situation, or to even comfort you after an incident. I'm really sorry you're in this situation, you shouldn't be. I know this happens a lot, people have children and then think it's an easy out just to leave to the older children to parent the younger, it's not a cool trick, it's neglect and burdening children with their own responsibilities. I hope one day you experience what it's like to be free of responsibilities like this, and to know that it's not your job to raise children you didn't have - even though in this case I understand you love your little sister and you're ready to take on a lot of burdens just to make her life easier. It's still not fair, and this burden shouldn't be put on your shoulders.
If anyone else can relate to this situation or knows some good words to say, please add to this post. I didn't have a personal experience like this, so I probably am not the best person to make comments on judgment on it, hearing other people's experiences might help.
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acidmatze · 1 year
Every time theres a solar eclipse somewhere i get frustrated that this is apparently another thing im Cursed with: Not witnessing them. The one time I remember a few years back it was Bright Blue Sky everywhere EXCEPT for like.... a 100m area around me where it was fucking Silent Hill. Couldnt see Anything because it was that fucking foggy. When i asked people about it they were like "What the fuck are you talking about? There wasnt a single cloud in the sky, you could see Everything." Well i couldnt. Didnt even get darker. Not for me. For everyone else it did. Last year apparently there was one during noon. I was at work. Somehow nothing happened even though it should have gotten darker as well. And you know the total one over Germany in 1999????? The one that i DID see???? I remember it Completely different from everyone else and every picture and video i can find. And i remember it Vividly. I remember Vividly how dissappointed i was. In all the videos and pictures it got completely dark, like night time, and the moon is like some pitch black mass in front of the sun. It looks spooky and eerie and weird and super super cool. But what I remember is.... Theres the moon. Just like it always looks like during daytime. The sun also looks just the way it always looks. As the moon moved in front of the sun it got more illuminated than usual. It looked more like a full moon than a solar eclipse. Honestly it looked more like a lunar eclipse but less red. And also obviously the other way around. (And ive seen several blood moons in my life. Once even through my telescope) There was no drop in brightness it stayed just as bright as it always was the entire time. And i remember being so disappointed and voicing my disappointment and everyone was like "What the hell are you talking about???"
Just wtf is wrong with my brain that it somehow just... ignores a god damn solar eclipse??
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stealthboy43 · 2 years
OC’s by @limeinaltime and @edibletrees2
Written by @stealthboy43
The long night arc: part 1
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
-William Shakespeare
X: A tired Mom, and an angry M.O.M
“You little shit, give it back!” X was awoken from her nap from the unmistakable high pitched yelling of the short brat named Uzi.
“Little shit, really? That's the insult you wanna give?” And everyone's “favorite” sadist, V laughing and talking in a teasing voice.
What are they doing now? X thought. It had barely been a week since they finally destroyed the company, and of course, she wouldn't expect them to change much at all. Still, if only they could be quiet for just ONE day-
“Grrrr I am going to kill you!!” Next came the sounds of struggle, and X could already imagine the brawl the two were getting into. Cue the pacifist in about 3, 2-
“Hey HEY stop it, fighting isint how you solve problems!!!”
Right on cue N.
She was so tempted to just cover he ears with something, turn on her side, and try to keep sleeping. Buuuuuut she knew if she didnt do anything, there was the teeny tiny, slight, unlikely (but possible) chance that Uzi or V might… Well, kill each other.
So reluctantly, she got up and exited her room. Yup, there the three of them were. Uzi on Vs back pulling at her hair, V trying to get her off and seemingly tempted to straight up kill her right then and there. X noticed she had Uzis hat in her right hand, which is what she assumed V had taken from her. And there was little old N standing there trying to calm the two of them down, (completely in vain as usual).
“Ahem.” She said. The two girls didnt notice, but N did; he looked in the direction of X, who had her arms crossed and immediately froze, his eyes going wide.
X gave the two girls another 5 seconds two notice her. “AHEM!!” she said in higher volume and more sternly.
And that got their attention. Much like N, they two froze other comically, Uzi still pulling Vs hair and V trying to shake her off. But now the two stared at X, standing still like lifeless statues. Then, as quickly as they froze, Uzi got of V and V gave Uzi back her hat who promptly put it on her head, and the two stood straight.
Although she was still rather annoyed with the prediciment, X couldnt help but feel amused. Even so, she still somehow had some respect from rebels like Uzi, and genocide machines like V.
“Heh, uh whats up X?” Uzi said in a respectful manner.
“Nothin much, was just taking a nap, but thats clearly impossible when the three of you are around.” The three of them exchanged looks, and like they had just disappointed their mom (which X is, lets be honest).
“Sorry X’
“Yeahh our bad.”
“It was Vs fault” That last bit got Uzi a glare V, and Uzi tried her best to hid her small smirk
“Eh, its fine honestly, wouldnt be the first time youve done it.” And then X remembered something.
“Oh by the way, have you guys seen S anywhere?”
V and Uzi shoko their heads, N however spoke up “I have, hes just over where the corpse tower used to be. I think Eko M and A are there to.”
“Ah well, thanks. Anyways Ill be off, but NO fighting.” She said in a stern voice.
Then she unveiled her wings, and flew off.
There truly was no reason for her to need her wings, even walking would have taken around 5 minutes. But X simply didnt feel like walking. She quickly arrived, and it wasint hard to find where they were.
“No, pull it the wrench THAT way!!!”
“I did, right tighty lefty loosy!”
“No you ignorant waffle maker, its right loosy lefty tighty”
Oh boy, thats Eko and M alright.
And sure enough there they were. They were working on the truck which Eko had found a month ago, which she finally had the chance to work on. But unfortunately for her, the only ones available was M, and assumably A, since the two barely ever left each others side.
“Well obviously you turn it right at the top, then left at the bottom!”
“How!? How is that so ‘obvious’!? Explain!”
X landed a couple of feet behind them. M jumped up in surprise, while Eko simply turned her head.
“X, can you please tell this IMBECILE that you turn it right THEN left.”
M turned back to Eko with an incredibly offended face. “What did you just call me!? Well your…you… pinecone!!”
(Awkward silence)
“What’s a pinecone?” Eko asked.
“I’ll tell you later…” X said, not wanting to embarrass M then he already has.
Suddenly there was the fluttering of metallic wings, and the three drones looked up to see M’s boyfriend A, who was holding several metallic objects
“Ok EKo, I have more pieces. Oh, hi X!” He said landing and dropping the pieces onto the ground.”
“Hey hey hey watch it! Some of those might be fragile!”
“Oh sorry, my bad, Here M takes these.” A quickly grabbed them off the ground and shoved them into Ms arms, who wasn't prepared for the wave of metal.
“Listen, have any of you guys seen S?”
“Huh? Oh yeah he’s up there” Eko said, pointing west to a hill building a couple blocks away.
Sure enough there he was, sitting on the edge, his feet dangling, staring at the setting moon, patiently waiting for her to arrive
“Ah, thanks Eko. And Err, try to be nice to M and A, you know their not.. the brightest.”
“Im right here…” said M.
She landed next to S, who acknowledged her prescience, with a glance and a small smile, before continuing to stare at the moon.
X sat next to S. “So, why’d you wanna talk?”
S shrugged “Why not? I felt like we needed a good conversation after everything.”
X nodded “True, we’ve all been through so much Hell and pain (ha, get it?), it’s nice to see everyone happy. Well… as happy as they can get.”
The two were silent for awhile before X suddenly small smacked S over the head.
“Ow, what the hell!!” He exclaimed
“Spit it out S, what do you really want to say to me?”
S sighed, still rubbing the back of his head, and then spoke.
“What’s wrong X? I’ve noticed you. We’ve done everything we set out to do. We’ve destroyed the company, we finally got our and the others their freedom, the cycle of violence is over.”
“So X, tell me why…”
“Why what?” She asked
“Why are still unsatisfied… like, there’s still one more thing left to do?”
X said nothing, she only looked of at the horizon, in the direction of…
“Oh, I see.” S said following her gaze.
“You want to fix things with R.”
X shook her head. “I dont want to S, I need to. Sure we’ve been though so much, she tried to kill me and the kids several times. But in the end… I still want to protect her S, you know? And she did help us that one time! We can still fix things and…!”
S grabbed X’s hand gently, and X ceased her rant.
“X, if you want my opinion, I feel like you should just let her go. She has it bothered us since we destroyed the company, and we haven’t heard of any attacks from drones. She might just be living peacefully on the other side of the planet.”
S paused before continuing.
“But, if you truly want to meet her again, if you want to try to fox things with her, then I’ll be right there with you.”
X turned and stared into S’s warm eyes. This caused S to blush and suddenly turn away in embarrssment
“Uhhh anyway!!” He said quickly standing up.
I’m just going to see how Eko, M and A are doing!! Thanks for talking letsbefriendsforeverbye!!” He flew off.
X smiled a little. S was right. Sure, she did plan on fixing things with R, and they still needed some recovery, but she should look at the positives. And that was things were finally looking up.
“Oh dear, it truly hurts to see how far you’ve fallen”
The voice suprised her so much that jumped up quickly and turned around and unseathes her blade, only to see the roof was empty.
What was that voice?!
She walked forward, looking around to se did anyone was there.
That voice, I recognize it…
“It has been awhile indeed, X”
X turned around quickly and before her was a shape. A shape of a chaotic mass of goo so black it looked like a hole in reality. And at the top, in what looked like the shape of a deformed head where those three unmistakable blood red eyes.
Oh, its you….”
“Indeed. I can only communicate with you like this once every couple of months. After all, I am you, you are me. We are one in the same, remember?”
“There you go again. How many times have I said? We are nothing alike.”
“True, but also false. You were me, but you the part of me I found to be useless. So I gave you away, but to be honest, I still cared for you X. After all, you are me.”
“So it pains me to see my first creation become my biggest failure.”
“Do you ever shut up?” She groaned. It had been so long since she had though about M.O.M. She hadnt talked in weeks, and there were simply other things on her mind, and still are.
“Just go away, why are you here anyway! Your on earth, locked up, the company is gone and they would have kept you there. Why not just go ahead and rot.”
“Ah, but that is where your wrong dear X” the dark mass suddenly moved closer, causing X to back up.
“I’m free X, and I’ve killed and killed and killed. I’ve taken out a city or two. I’ve made them suffer, I’ve made them scream. And now, im coming to you.”
X was unpbased by this threat
“Don't lie M.O.M, they have you locked up good.”
“Oh, you don't believe me?” M.O.Ms face suddenly developed a sinister grin. “I guess ill show you.”
The next moment X blinked, she wasn't on copper 9 anymore. She whirled around, bewildered at the fact she was suddenly transported to a strange location.
It was a city, not the city she was in, since this city wasint covered in snow and the buildings were different. But like her city, it was in ruins.
Windows were smashed, cars were flipped, rubble littered the streets, and the feeling of rot filled the air.
But then her vision began to move. She wasint moving, she wasint doing anything. Not only that, she felt taller, much taller.
This is what M.O.M is seeing! She realized.
Then the cry of fear and pain made her finally notice the humans.
It looked like a family, a mother, a father, and a child.
“Please, you cant take me, just dont hurt them!!” The father begged, on his knees, his family behind him
“Oh dont worry.” A voice which was unmistakably M.O.M
“ It wont hurt. At least not for too long..”
Then a dark gooey tendril grabbed the father, who screamed in agony, which turned to gurgles as his face melted into the same black goo.
The child screamed “Daddy!!” And the tendril then reached for the mother and child, when suddenly X blinked again, and she was back on the roof, backed up against the wall, panting like she had run a marathon.
“That’s right, Im coming to copper 9. It’s nothing truly personal, but Im going to come and kill all of them. S, R, the rouge worker drones and disassembly drones.
“All of them”
“All of them X.”
“NO!!!” She screamed swinging her blade, which harmless passed though her since of course she wasint there.
“YOUR NOT GOING TO LAND A SCRATCH ON ANY OF THEM!!! The have gone though too much, too much that they never deserved!!!! And stop acting like this is your right or sworn duty.BULLSHIT!! Stop acting so superior to us when you spent the last decade BEING CAGED UP AS A RAT!!!”
Silence, then the feeling of unrelenting rage so huge it almost made X fall over.
“SHUT UP!!!” X screamed at the top of her lunges, and swung her blade again, this time at the ground which M.O.M stood on.
The swing obliterated the concrete floor of the roof, sending the chunks flying far, smashing and decking other buildings and shattering windows.
When she looked again, M.O.M was gone, and the roof now had a huge cave in.
“X, what the hell is wrong?!!?” The panicked voice of S behind her, who had come to see what had happened.
X said nothing.
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basicallyblank · 2 years
Alright, as I said i'm gonna talk about Jonas i'm gonna say my overall thoughts about him. I feel like I have like a love-hate relationship with what he's bringing to this Arsenal side Bc I really like some things he's doing: high press for almost the whole duration of the game which we were lacking of in the past, he gave some players confidence to be more and better on the pitch (Frida, Beth), he brought some good players like Rafa, Laura, he's playing slightly faster game, he demands more and i love that… But at the same time there are some things i don't like… Of course he didn't really get Jordan the playing time she deserves but more so the fact he didn't give her the confidence to shine again especially when she came back from injuries and generally hard time for her mentally, also I've always felt like he didn't appreciate her as a player and Arsenal legend, plus the fact he didn't actually understand what and why she meant so much to the fans, like he didnt grasp that concept, maybe bc he wasn't there before and didn't expierence it all, idk. I don't like he doesn't rotate the players but at the same time I feel like he doesn't trust them enough to do the business, so what is the point to bring them to the club? I get it - time and stuff for new players… but maybe if he'd let Pelova in on Sunday she'd have changed the game for us, she could have been the element of suprise and make things happened, especially since Chelsea and Emma wasn't expected her or even knew what she was about at that moment. He talks a lot about mental health but it seems like he caused some players more damage by giving them false hopes about his plans with them and then they were just empty words. Also feels like he has the game under control but not for the 90 minutes, besides what is going on on the pitch he should have a lot more impact as a coach, like makes subs or changes the structure during the game (we saw Emma did that on Sunday and it was successful). These just came to me atm, sorry for a long rant
His signings have been spot on ! We’ve got a solid defence with Leah and rafa at the back, frida is amazing, but we need to bring someone else in, as she can’t be relied on 24/7 in the absence of Viv and Beth because it will exhaust her. If stina learns how to finish better and not be offside then we’ll have a good attack
He’s definitely made players more comfortable and confident, eg Beth , as she talked about in her book, but why wouldn’t he let Jordan go in the summer if he was barely gonna play her in the first half of this season anyway ? Obviously he didn’t sign mana so he didn’t really know what to do with her :/ which is unfortunate as she could’ve brought something special
We’re never really a solid force for the full 90, tiny mistakes here and there that are easily fixable, the goal we conceded in the westham match still haunts me, but we can work on that I hope. If Jonas starts utilitizing the bench, rotating the starting line up so that players get minutes, all get into good form, we can definitely have a good second half to the season. Not that we had a bad first half ! :)
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larasolehah · 2 years
I was hired as a nanny, working in this big mansion that was build on the graveyard. The children didnt know it because their parents keep it as a secret. One day, one of their mom’s friend passed away. She was shots on the way to go back to her house. The mom felt devastated and felt into depression.
So one day, one of the maid in the house bring the children to the town and walked passed a park. And they saw dead people came to live. The dead people, which only have their souls dancing around the park saw them. And they captured all of them to entertained them.
The mother who heard the news of her missing children felt even more depressed. I was trying to find them and i did. Told them to get out from there but their souls already attached in the underworld. The ghosts saw me and were chasing me. Till i walked down the stairs about to go out the exit and said, ‘ Allah, Allah, Allah.’ They stopped and slowly vanished into thin air. I told my employees of what happened and how to stop them. But they didn’t have the same believe as mine. So the mom didn’t believed it.
I went back home knowing not much i can do. I entered the house and i saw my housemate. Suddenly, we heard something from outside of the house. I peeked through the windows and it was pitch black.
Stupid me decided to go out. I drove my car and went around the town hoping to find them again. But failed. Instead, one of the ghost started to chase me. This time when i said Allah, the ghost repeats after me. So i drove the car to my house and saw her standing outside.
Enter the house and i asked my housemate to play Quran recitation, which she obliged. But the ghost managed to go inside and mockingly recite the Quran as well. So i went the toilet try to take ablution and obviously the ghost went as well, and i kept standing at the door and took the ablution using the basin. Kept reciting Allah, and the ghost came closer and closer.
And i suddenly woke up, while i am still reciting Allah. So peeps, pray isya before sleep. Man. I woke up scared for my live.
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ribcagewolf · 3 years
i am having the busiest two weeks ever and i am nervous 24/7 :-)
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midtown-parker · 6 years
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violetnotez · 4 years
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Its Chirstmasssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!! I finished this up all last night, so I hope this is at least coherent! 
This is for the BNHA Hangout Christmas Collab! Here is a link to future masterpost for the fics for the event!
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Shoto x reader | one shot
Word Count: 1.5k+
Warnings: cussing
Synposis: When Shoto realizes you’ve been particularly lonely without him during the holiday season, he decided to get you an extra special gift
the music collection | buy me a ko-fi! | requests open for haikyuu+jujutsu kaisen
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“Shoto-do you really have to go?”
You asked, a pout on your lips as you gazed at your boyfriend.
You were still cuddled up in your shared bed, the heat from Shoto’s skin already dissipating out of the sheets.
You pursed your lips, sitting up crossed leg as You watched him slide each button of his shirt sleeve into their slots, his washed, bi colored hair slightly wet from his shower.
“You know it’s not fair to look that good and then just leave,” you gave him a fake, stern look, earning a small smirk from the man.
He continued working up the shirt, looking sleek yet-well-delicious.
Shoto was just too handsomr for his own good-sharp jawline, perfect skin, piercing bi colored eyes, not to mention his amazing body….sometimes you had to wonder how you were able to get such a flawless man to end up with you.
He finished with his other sleeve, peeking a look at you as he slicked his hair back with his right hand, the strands mixing and framing his face perfectly,
why’d he have to look that good?
“It’s not as if I want to leave, dear-but I do have work,”
You cuddled deeper into the sweatshirt you were wearing, your hands dissappearing in the sleeves.
“But you’re always working-you cant take one day off?”
Shoto chuckled at your obvious neediness, making his way over to where you were sitting. He leaned across the bed to be in front of your sulking form, brushing a piece of your bed head from your face as he laid a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Evil doesn’t take a day off love,”
“Why do you always have to be so-so stoic all the time,” You giggled, playfully placing your hand on his chest and pushing him back.
Even though you and Shoto had been living together for over a year now, it never ceased to amaze you how much the man worked. After working at an agency after UA, Shoto had been incredibly busy-and being the #3 hero, you could see why. If it wasn’t a late night call, he was patrolling, interviewing sidekicks, training, teaching students on their hero studies, interviewing with magazines….he always had something to do.
You couldn’t get mad at him though-he had warned you in the beginning, but you were also accustomed to the hero life as well- well, somewhat.
You had gone to UA to be part of the hero suit course, and had become suit designer for the top heroes (hence how you met Shoto). You witnessed day in and day out how difficult it truly was to be a hero, even if you weren’t one yourself, so you didn’t mind when Todoroki was gone all the time. Yes, it got lonely at times, especially during the holiday season, but you made sure to keep a smile on for him.
“Don’t forget, I did take Christmas off,” Shoto gave you a small grin, his bicolored eyed searching to please you.
You smiled back, your heart thumping out of your chest as you poked him gently in the chest.
“After I asked you too,” you corrected, a teasing tone in your voice.
-And thank god too, I would have so lonely by myself,” you tried to chuckle at your remark, making the situation light.
Shoto knew you too well though-something about your voice didnt sound as happy and light as before. When you joked with him, your laughs were more cheerful and your smile was brighter-but something about you right now felt strange...as if you were holding something back from him.
Shoto’s grin turned into concern, his digits cupping your cheeks gently and guiding your eyes to look at his.
“Have you been feeling lonely lately?” He asked bluntly, your eyes growing wide.
Man-you couldn't hide anything from him.
You chuckled nervously, looking to the side, guilt beginning to fill your chest.
“I-I, no, it’s fine, really, I was only kidding,” you chuckled, your voice taking on a higher pitch.
“You don’t seem to be kidding,” Shoto bite the side of his lip, trying his best to make eye contact with you, “if you want to tell me something, you don’t have to be afraid.”
“Be afraid of the number three hero-“ You rolled your eyes playfully, a soft smirk on your lips, “-never.”
Shoto gave a small grin, worry still in his eyes. He knew something was strange about you lately, the way you seemed to be always craving for him. He hated to admit it, it boosted his ego somewhat to have you were so desperate for his touch- but he knew it wasnt healthy for you to be always missing him.
With him being a pro hero, he had quite alot more duties than most could imagine- which sadly left little for him to indulge in his own personal life. Shoto felt deeply lucky to have someone like you who understood his busy schedule, never batting an eye when he had to cancel yet another date or leave you by yourself on countless nights...but it still left a gnawing sensation of guilt sitting in his stomach.
“Im fine Shoto,” your voice broke into his thoughts, your tone gentle and sweet like a sun kissed cloud, “really.”
Shoto sighed, his thick lashes fanning his cheek. You were stubborn at times, especially when you wanted to reassure him-which only affirmed that you really werent feeling all that great as you said you were. But Shoto didnt want to push it any further- maybe you were really okay, and he was overthinking it….and he was going to be late if he didnt leave soon-
“Go kick some ass for me, kay?”
you gave him a wide smile, placing another quick kiss on his lips.
Shoto blinked a few times, a rush of adrenaline filling his body as he felt your skin against his. His lips tingled from the agonizingly quick touch-he took it upon him to give you a deeply intense kiss, the rush making you breathless.
Shoto pulled away, his eyes having the rarest glint of mischief as he stared back into yours
“Of course love,”
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“Ya ready Shoto?” You grinned, your body snuggled into your comfiest pair of pajamas and your fingers warmed by a hot cup of cocoa.
Christmas Day has finally came, and thankfully, Shoto kept his promise-he would be staying the whole day with you with no interruptions.
You were just so excited to finally have one day to selfishly love your boyfriend, and on a holiday too!
The room almost felt surreal-it was early morning, the Christmas tree you two decorated light up like a Star, class Christmas music playing in the background, homemade cookies littering the apartment in a sweet aroma and the room in a romantic warm haze of lights.
It just felt so unbelievable perfect and comfortable, Shoto looking sheepishly excited and nervous.
“I think you should go first,” you smiled up at him as he sat down next to you, black coffee snuggled into his hand (in a DynaMIGHT mug, of course gifted to him by the hero himself).
Shoto bit his lip, seemingly trying to hide a smile as he set his mug down on the coffee table.
“Not to be rude love,” he grinned, his hands gently grabbing a large box from under the tree. The paper was a shiny golden hue, snowflakes on the paper reflecting like glitter from the lights on the tree. He slide the box against the wooden floor, being strangely gentle with the contents.
“But my gift cant wait.”
Your eyebrows were knitted together, a confused grin on your lips.
The box was pretty big-what did he get you now?
Shoto never seemed to give you endlessly expensive gifts, having no concept of what was considered fancy or exorbitant- trips to places you could only dream of, hefty amounts of clothes and jewelry, merchandise from your favorite shows...hell you had to talk him out of buying you a car one time-this guy would drop anything to get you whatever you wanted.
And that made you guilty as hell whenever he did-so what did he give you this time around?
Your mind was racing as you looked at the box, trying to read whatever he was thinking about on his face.
“I swear to god Shoto if you bought me that expensive gaming system-“
He chuckled at your obviously guilty face, shaking his head as he smiled.
“No, no it’s nothing like that-“ he said, giving you a mischievous grin, “I think you’ll like it much better than that.”
You blinked a few times, your mind going completely blank.
What could be better than a PS5, Xbox, or Switch?
You looked down at the box, feeling strangely nervous as you obeyed Shoto’s wishes, slowly opening the top lid….until it rustles.
The box.
Moved on its own.
You squeaked out in surprise, your hands slamming the barely opened lid back down and looking at Shoto for help.
He had never seen you look so adorably confused in his life, a rosy hue on his cheeks as he looked at you with a loving expression.
“It’s okay,” he whispered reassuringly as he wrapped his hands nervously around yours.
You felt him guide your hands up, you both now lifting the lid off the large box.
Shoto took it and placed it gently on the ground, sitting back to watch you look into the box.
The box rustled again, your mind so utterly confused….what could make a box do that?
“Shoto I-“ you tried to ask, but all he did was nod to the box, signaling for you to just look.
You did as you were told, getting on your knees to peer inside…
A gasp left your lips, your heart beating out of your chest as you looked inside at the sweet little baby kitten playing with their bowl of yarn in the box.
“Hi baby,” you cooed in awe at the little baby, your hands scooping them out and snuggling them to your chest.
They were so soft and warm, their fur as white as a snowball with rosy pink paws.
“Oh my god-Shoto-you really didn’t- are they really-?” You were in such a state of shock, you couldn’t seem to form any coherent words as you looked at your sheepish boyfriend.
“I-I didn’t know exactly what to get you...but after seeing how much you missed me throughout the day, I thought it was fitting to get you a companion for when I’m gone,” he smiled, his digits nervously fidgeting in his lap as he waited for your approval.
You petted the little creature on your chest, it’s big doe eyes staring at you with such confusion you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Shoto…it’s perfect,” you smiled at your boyfriend, leaning in to plant him a kiss on his lips.
You giggled at his expression, clearly not expecting your show of affection as his cheeks turned a fiery red.
“I-I’m glad to here that,”
。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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kizoojin · 3 years
what i really like about daiya is the consistency, like a repetitive sequence but so subtle you have to like squint to make sense of it
like say, there's the three new first years that made to first string
the ever small yui, wolf-boy okumura, and then there's yuuki
the similarity to last year's first years are so obvious it's hilarious
yuuki is a genius batter like haruichi, yui and okumura are both catchers while sawamura and furuya are both pitchers, like come on now there's no way that ain't on purpose
yui is literally sawamura's counterpart, funny right?
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both have high expectations of themselves
always wanting to improve, forever growing
while sawamura lacks experience, yui lacks physical
sawamura absorbs everything like sponge, while yui proves height is not the only thing you need in baseball w his skills
sawamura's fixated on miyuki's approval, yui's fixated on furuya's approval
theyre literally sunshine children
both work so hard, but very little recognize it
it took almost a year for sawamura's teammates to acknowledge him, yui tries so hard to play the position he wants to play but he's been tossed around everywhere without being able to really prove himself]
then there's okumura that basically is furuya
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both had bad experience w their past baseball team
furuya came to seidou for miyuki, okumura came for sawamura (and maybe furuya too?)
they're both so competitive lolol
both also have trouble eating
they both had shoujo moment with the ppl they chasing LMAO, like come on when miyuki caught furuya's for the first time then there's okumura who warmed up sawamura for the first time
precious children
i fr think they meant for okumura to not make it to first string as fast like furuya did, but made yui make the first string just as quick like eijun didn't its wild, the consistency to these characters are so mindboggling
and then last is yuuki w haruichi
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both have really deep respect for their older brothers
came to seidou to see what their brothers seen
obviously both "better" than their brothers
yuuki knows he can surpass tetsu, ryousuke knows haruichi can surpass him
ive not rlly seen much of yuuki, honestly and its sad bc his character is so comical lmaoo. very similar to his brother who so adamant on being so bad at shogi and not knowing it
daiya is such a slow build anime, it takes HELLA patience to like it. i honestly dropped the anime so many times and only went back to it recently bc i want more of miyuki, but then fall and daiya ii happened and gawd, im just mindblown bc the characters start to build up on you
i freaking love mei LOL, i legitimately hated him in the first season but this boy is so hard to resist
you dont understand how much i screamed when he said "I AM KING" like YES MY BABY LMAOOO yakushi makes me smile and i luv raichi and sanada, but man their participation in koushien despite losing to seidou made me eh for a bit bc kinda wild
seidou and inashiro been fighting to go to nationals tooth and nail for the last six or so years and then there's yakushi. i get why tho, but doesnt mean i like it
i also didnt like eijun much, but my baby grew so much you just cant help but love him. even his annoying shouting spree became so endearing, i look forward to it every time he's in the bullpen. that pitching he did during spring against Ichidai is so fucking precious like OMG i understood what the coach and miyuki were trying to do, but they were basically babying furuya knowing he was anything but that, furuya is stronger than that as miyuki put it and ik they have a lot of expectations on aces but god that scene made me so sad bc furuya's alone in his thoughts as it is then they left him even more alone even w eijun there to help him, help them. it's not just furuya that's fighting something, bc eijun is too, everyday and it hurt that they made eijun cry and made him feel like he's not even good enough to be prioritized when he can be so much more. even furuya acknowledges it and it makes me sad bc i really ship miyusawa, but at that moment, i just didn't
anywho i love daiya LMAO, im waiting for the moment the chapters are at least updated bc i cant take cliff hangers rn lolol
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at Elland Road in Leeds, UK - May 29, 1982 (Part-2)
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Fan Stories
“We got a coach from my home town (about 2 hours from memory) and drank an ocean of lager on the way, by the time we got there we needed the toilet so badly we could have exploded! We got into the stadium and waited for the first band of the day. Soon enough a not very well known (to me) American band came on called Heart. They weren't bad but did nothing for me. Then came The Teardrop Explodes who tried and who I reckoned did quite well despite the flying bottles of liquid being hurled at them from the crowd. After them was Joan Jett complete with Blackhearts who got the crowd going with "I Love Rock'n'Roll" mainly because Brian appeared at the side of the stage with his daughter to have a look. Eventually after a long wait the stage lights dimmed and a strange cranking sound started up and then you were suddenly aware of the drum beat to Flash thumping out and spotlights chasing around the stadium. This went on for a minute or so and the excitement was unbearable. All of a sudden in an explosion of smoke, lights, guitars, drums... Brian, John and Roger are there blasting out the opening part of The Hero. Seconds later in a gleaming white leather jacket out runs Freddie and it begins... A moment I will never forget along with many others from Queen shows since and before it. I can't say which show was my favourite as I loved them all but that moment WAS Queen, the sheer power, the anticipation, the fantastic musical ability and above all else the way they gave people what they crave more than anything... wonderful memories.” - whiteman
“29th May 1982 - a really nice warm day. We only lived a few miles away so walked down to Elland Road - I can't believe it - Queen live in my home town at the home of the greatest football team in the country (well maybe not now!). Got to the ground early and were allowed in by security, such a relaxed atmosphere. Saw band's soundcheck - great! So hot sun, never went behind stadium roofs. Got best suntan I have ever had! Heard Teardrop Explodes - not bad. Then you are aware of the beat of flash thumping out around the stadium, the smoke rises and bang - they are on! The greatest gig I have ever seen from the greatest live band in history. God bless you, Brian, Roger and John. Rest in peace, Freddie - we will never forget.” - Michael Quine
“This was my second ever gig, the first being Rory Gallagher the year before (I am sure I once read that Rory was one of Brian May's favourite guitarists). Anyway, being only 14 and not yet in the habit of getting off my face at gigs,I can remember that day very clearly. I am convinced I saw someone throw a hamburger at Julian Cope (Teardrop Explodes were going down like a lead balloon), and just as Julian was opening his gob to sing, he CAUGHT IT IN HIS MOUTH. A huge cheer went up, then they stomped off. Somebody, possibly Queen's manager, came on and told everbody to behave. I also remember a fan getting on stage and Freddie expertly rolling him off the stage. I didnt like the Hot Space album much but was chuffed they were still a hard rock band. I bought the next edition of Kerrang mag and the write up of the gig said STUNNING. Great memory.” - Edwin
“I was 15 years old in 1982 when I attended my first ever concert. Fortunately for me, it was QUEEN's show at Leeds AFC ground in the North of England. I remember when my ticket arrived in the post, possibly 2-3 months before the concert, as was often the case in those days. I stuck my ticket on a cork notice board in my bedroom and could barely contain my excitement over the coming weeks. Every morning, I would wake up and look at the yellow ticket, wishing the days away. I imagined everything that could go wrong would. Queen would cancel the gig, I would break my leg, the family pet would die on the morning of the concert and it would be too insensitive of me to go, the transport wouldn't turn up or would break down, there would be a pile up on the motorway, I'd lose my ticket en route, etc, etc. As it turned out, May 29th 1982 was a hot and sunny day, perfect weather for an outdoor gig. I was CRAZY about Queen and had been since the age of 9 but I really didn't know what to expect on that day. Myself and three friends took a coach organised by my Dad's company from Lancashire across the M62 motorway to Leeds. Our excitement began to really take a hold when we arrived at the football ground and we followed the droves of people towards the turnstiles. To me, this was something on a really big scale and I could already hear the hum of the crowd inside. Not really believing that we were actually about to witness a Queen concert, we found our seats on the West Stand, offering a great view of the stage. I remember marvelling at Queen's new lighting rig and the equipment that adorned the stage, shining in the afternoon sunshine. The ground was almost full at this point and the pitch was heaving with people. The atmosphere was relaxed as people bathed in the sunshine. I remember two guys climbing the fence from the stand and attempting to get a better spot by running into the crowd and losing themselves on the pitch. Their efforts were in vain however as they were quickly located and ejected back into the stand by two security guards. We bought some black Hot Space tour shirts (I wore mine with pride until it literally fell apart) and a programme from a vendor inside the ground and waited for the first band to take the stage. A guy near us shouted and punched his way through Heart's set and then left just as they vacated the stage. Obviously not a Queen fan! The Teardrop Explodes suffered at the hands of the Queen congregation and found themselves battling against a shower of bottles and assorted missiles. Other than that, I don't really remember much about the support bands. I think that Bow Wow Wow were billed to play (an odd choice) but I can't recall if they actually turned up. No matter, we were about to witness what is still one of the best gigs I have ever attended.
As the dusk descended upon us, the giant floodlights were extinguished one by one and the memory of the roar that followed still sends shivers down my spine. Dry ice drifted across the heads of the crowd on the pitch as the intro tape of Flash thumped out of the PA and the strange 'grating' noises added to the recording created a foreboding atmosphere. Two of our party were on the pitch and to this day remember their chests thumping in unison to the powerful rhythm. A sea of hands clapped in perfect time to the beat. To me, this was already an amazing experience. And then the big moment. Freddie, resplendent in dazzling white made his entrance to The Hero and the blaze of the lights. An apt number to start with. Before he had even sung a note, the audience were locked tightly in the palm of his hand. Such an entrance, such a showman. "You're a F***in amazing crowd", he exclaimed after the first rush. The beginning of the gig is, in truth, my strongest memory of the show itself. In particular, the "Flash!!!" vocals cutting through the night air with so much volume. I recall being shocked at the sheer power of Queen's performance and the clarity of the huge sound they harnessed. Morgan Fisher's keyboards during 'Action This Day' sounded bright and hypnotic. Freddie's intro to Fat Bottomed Girls caused quite a response too; "the bigger the t*t the better it is!". I also remember the follow spots darting wildly over the crowd during 'Tie Your Mother Down' and everybody going crazy. Oddly enough (and this is something I still swear by to this day), I was in a Maths lesson at school the following Monday and I swear I had a flashback of this and could actually 'hear' the music being re-played in my head. It was a weird moment and life was never quite the same again. We talked endlessly about our experience for months to come and one of my biggest regrets is not jumping on a train to attend the filmed Milton Keynes show a week later. Having been to so many gigs since, I can honestly say that there is nobody who has been able to top Queen live; I was lucky enough to see the band five times between 1982 and 1986, including Wembley Stadium and their last show at Knebworth. I think that my personal favourite was their performance at the NEC in Birmingham on 'The Works' tour in 1984. People were literally stood there with open mouths, unable to believe how good they were. Leeds is definitely up there too. I recall Brian May stating that he thought it was one of their best performances ever. I can't argue with that Mr May. I've often wondered if an audience shot cine film or even just photographs exist from the Leeds gig. It would be a dream come true to see my memories come to life again.” - Keith Lambert
“I can't believe it was 30 years ago that I attended my first ever gig at Elland Rd Leeds in 1982. I was 17 years old at the time, I was into Queen when I first heard seven seas of rhye, which was so different to all the other stuff around at the time. I'd heard them live on tv, and had Live Killers. Also I used to buy bootleg cassettes of all of their tours from 74 onwards. But nothing could prepare me for that day. They should have played this gig at Old Trafford Manchester, my home town, so I was gutted when the residents opposed it. Tickets were very easy to come by, believe it or not, cos Queen were not seen as a relevant band at that time. Also touring the Hot Space album didn't seem to excite anybody. So, Billy no mates had to go on his own, haha. My memory is a bit hazy, but I will try my best. I got to the ground about 1pm, and was lucky enough to have a pitch ticket. I got right to the front, well about 10 yards from the stage, slightly off centre and to the right. If I told you I never moved from that spot all day and never spoke to anyone, would you believe me? One of the reasons for this is the rivalry between Manchester and Leeds, also I was only a kid, haha. Not sure who was first on, probably Teardrop Explodes, Julian Cope, I remember while they were throwing bottles at him, picked one up and started hitting himself with it and stretching his arms out saying he was an Argentinian bomber or something. It was during the Falklands war, remember. Then Heart came on, not really my cup of tea, and I had a lie down on the tarpaulin and tried to go to sleep. Then Joan Jett, who was better than the rest, but not really exciting. During the band changes, I remember the roadies polishing Roger's drum kit and climbing up ropes and those threepronged lights, which before I saw them move I thought they were cameras. Queen took ages to come on. From my recollection and I might be wrong, they didn't come on until 10pm and went off around Midnight. I heard later that they got fined so much per minute for being late on stage but they wanted to wait until it was dark for the lighting rig to take effect. If you watch the Bowl DVD you will notice it was light when they came on stage there. But that was being filmed by Channel 4. But it was absolutely pitch black when they came on stage at Leeds. Then the floodlights went off, smoke started to appear and strange noises started, which I can't describe, sorry. Then Flash's Theme started, it was loud, very, very loud. I knew they were supposed to be loud and this was the part that scared me. The ground was thumping, the bass just pumping away. The these 'cameras' flicked into life, with men on them. The intro seemed to last for a very long time. Then BANG Brian appears with the first chord of The Hero and a flash of the biggest white light I've ever seen and will never forget and the absolute loudest noise I have ever heard just hit me. The intro was quite in comparrision to this. When I play Live at the Bowl, I tend to repeat the intro and The Hero, virtually every time, because it was definitely a life changing experience for me at that moment, just incredible. Then Freddie appeared in brilliant white again, I was that close, I swear His hair seemed blue because of the mass of white lights. His voice, so loud, so clear, honestly, I can't describe that moment properly. I heard Freddie swear, saw Roger spitting, quite a lot, over his drum kit and onto the stage, I was bewildered.
When they did Play The Game and also Somebody To Love, when Freddie was doing the intros for them and it will sound strange to those that weren't there, but I didn't know what the songs were. I thought they was new unreleased songs. The reason was they was so loud, It kind of deafened you and then kind of sunk in what they were about to play. Then the rest of the gig flew by and I was singing my head off. Everyone was, but you could only hear Queen. Again my memory may be wrong, but I read afterwards that Queen had paid for residents to move out of their homes for the day. These houses were monitored and they said that the sound was like Concorde flying 10 feet over your head... Yep I will buy that. For all that and for all the bad things said about it, The Works tour, which I went to all the 4 origional England gigs they had planned, was the best tour they ever did. The set list was fantastic and the lighting rig was incredible. Not as loud, I also add. I also saw them in Manchester, 86. They had to be off stage by 10pm and noise levels had to be adhered to. I was too far awy to see them and the screens didn't come on because it was too light. Also I couldn't here them properly. I've watched the mMagic Tour gigs on DVD etc, but for me, that was the poorest tour they ever did. So that's it, hopefully some of you can confirm my bad memory, or say I'm wrong. Hopefully not bored you all. But it was the greatest musical experience I ever witnessed and I am proud I was there.” - Paul Wakefield
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