#i did Once and i had to like cross my legs really awkwardly under it and put a folder on my knees to stop it falling down
just got a mug delivered and had a Realisation
so. mugs with a picture usually have the picture immediately to the right of the handle yeah? so when you're holding it other people can see the design, it's facing away from you
...yeah i literally just realised this today. because that only works if you're right handed! and i am Not! i am Left Handed!
lived my whole life going huh i like being able to see my mug's design while i'm drinking from it but i wish other people weren't just seeing this plain white mug
...i just fully forgot right handed people exist i guess
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moonstruckme · 1 month
hello mae baby please may you write a fic with anyone u like with a reader who is really drunk and the other person is taking care of her and she thinks she is annoying and they ar like why would u think that i love looking after u and some tenderness maybe with mauruaders but actually with whoever you’d like mae u are so nice and lovely and kind bye bye’!!!!
Hi lovely, thank you so much for requesting!
cw: alcohol
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
You know Remus is reading when you get home, because he doesn’t call for you and you are not quiet as you come inside. You drop your keys while trying to hang them on the hook, your bag bounces off the chair you toss it onto and falls noisily onto the floor, and your body lists as you walk towards your bedroom so that you bump your shoulder into the wall not once but twice. Your entry is a series of clatters and crashes and clunks, and yet when you make it to the bedroom your boyfriend’s attention is glued to his book as though by hypnosis. 
“Hi.” The word curves with the smile that takes you, tilting upwards. Remus looks up. 
“Hi, dovey.” He blinks foggily, taking you in with your hip leaned against the doorjamb and your ankles crossed awkwardly. “How was book club?” 
You feel your smile widen with delight. “It was great,” you profess. You aim for him, and Remus takes his book in one hand, holding the other out like he means to catch you. You land on the edge of the bed on your stomach, your feet dangling just above the floor behind you. “Everyone loved my banana bread.” 
“A show of good judgment,” Remus hums. He reaches behind you, helping you get your shoe off. “Is there any left?” 
One shoe comes free, and you let your foot fall back. “Mm, there was, but I left it for Maria.” 
Remus stops messing with your other shoe to look at you disappointedly. 
“I know, but she hosted! I had to be nice. I’ll make you another one soon.” 
He sighs, but it’s for show. Your other shoe slides off. “Fine, I suppose since she hosted.” 
“I knew you’d get it.” You pull your legs onto the bed and sit up, grinning at your boyfriend. He likes to play at selfishness, but you know he’d have done the same. Even if you’d asked, he would have told you to leave the bread. And he breaks easily now, returning your smile with one of his own. It feels like a warm tide rushing over you. 
“Oh. I feel like I should also warn you, I had quite a bit of wine.” 
Remus’ tongue presses into his cheek, a sort of outward-poking dimple. “Did you?”
“A little,” you say coyly, looking at him through your lashes. “It was sparkling and really yummy, what was I supposed to do?” 
“A valid point.” 
“So that’s just your warning. You’ve been warned.” 
“I will proceed with caution,” he assures you, a warmth to his voice. “What did everyone think of the book?”
“Oh.” You raise your eyebrows at him excitedly. “There was controversy. Big controversy. I super loved it, but a lot of other people thought it was the worst one she’d done so far!” 
“Yeah. They made some valid points, but I don’t know, maybe I’m easy to please, but I didn’t care about any of that stuff as much as I cared that I’d had a good time reading it, you know? And then everyone was giving their rankings of her books, and there were just some really crazy choices. Some people thought her second one was the best!” 
“No.” Remus manages to look upset for your sake, though he’s only heard about the books from you. “Did they really?” 
Your smile blooms anew at his enthusiasm, and you feel, suddenly urgently, that you’re not close enough to him. You move into his lap, but that’s not good enough either. At this point, Remus is looking at you with a fond, bemused sort of intrigue. You must be predictable enough, because only a soft puff of laughter exhales him when you start to worm your way under his sweater. 
It’s warm. You consider, for a moment, simply staying in there, with Remus’ chest and his smell and the sound of your own breathing, but ultimately decide you’d like to see him, too. You’d miss him too much. 
“Hello,” he says, not unhappily, as you break the surface of his neckline.
“Hi,” you say back. 
“To what do I owe this visit?” 
You shrug. It’s an odd movement, one of your shoulders stretching his sweater while the other bumps against his chest. “I wanted to be with you. It’s quite nice in here.” 
Remus only hums, tilting his head down to kiss your nose. It’s a slow, fond kiss, like he’s just decided to rest his lips there for a moment or two. It sends pleasant warm tingles from your face all the way down to your fingertips. 
“What else did you talk about?” he asks. 
“In book club.” 
“Oh. Well, not everyone there had read her other books, so we had to sort of get into the patterns and the things she always does. Some of it was routine for us, but totally unexpected for them, which makes sense I guess because…” 
You go on in circles and loops that even you can’t keep track of, your mind lax and happy and your lips moving seemingly on autopilot. You talk about the book itself and the people you read it with, and about the girl who’d hosted and how she’d had the cutest dog you’d ever seen, and does Remus remember that time you went to the animal shelter and saw that adorable puppy? Well, you mean no offense to the puppy because he was very cute, but this girl’s dog is even cuter than that. 
It’s an incalculable stretch of time later that you realize Remus has put down his book. 
“Oh, my god.” You lean your forehead on his shoulder. When you close your eyes, you feel like you’re floating. You really must be worse than you thought. “I’m so sorry. You were trying to read.” 
“Before you got home, yeah,” says Remus, his tone indulgent, “but now I’m talking to you.” 
“Yeah, because I won’t shut up because I’m all drunk,” you lament. “I know how annoying that is.” 
“Hey.” Your boyfriend’s voice is tender. “Who said anything about that? I’m not annoyed.” 
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure, sweetheart. Why would you assume that I was? I love talking to you.” 
You try to look up at him, and your nose bumps his chin violently. “Oh.” You try to draw back, but there’s nowhere to go. You’re confined to the neckline of Remus’ sweater. One of your hands snakes up to touch clumsily at his chin. “Shit, I’m sorry.” 
Remus tsks, his own hands coming on either side of your face to hold you still. “Don’t worry, I’m alright. Are you?” He runs a thumb gingerly over the bridge of your nose. 
It’ll probably bruise a little tomorrow, but that’s not something you’re going to tell him tonight. “Yeah,” you say meekly. “Thanks for dealing with me. It’s really nice of you.” 
“Oh, don’t,” he shushes you, pressing another gentle kiss to your nose. “I’m not being nice, sweetheart. And you’re not something to be dealt with. I love looking after you; it doesn’t cost me anything to do it.” 
You try to shrink down inside his sweater, and Remus tsks. 
“Tell me this, if I was blackout and legless, would you mind chatting with me and taking care of me?” 
“I’m not blackout drunk, Rem.” 
“For argument’s sake, let’s say.” 
You press your lips together, not wanting to concede the argument but your answer categorical. “No.” 
“Right, because you’ve done it before.” Remus looks at you with equal parts kindness and knowingness. “And were you annoyed with me then?” 
You’re almost offended he’d ask. “Of course not.” 
“I see.” His tongue pokes into his cheek again, lips quirking slightly. “Seems like that sort of thing might go both ways, no?” 
You push your face into his neck and sigh hard into his skin, making a little sound bubble up in his chest that sounds suspiciously giggle-esque. 
“You don’t always have to be right, you know.” 
“I usually am, though.” He wraps his arms around his own front, giving you a squeeze. “Best settle into that fact, dovey. It’ll make things much more efficient for us both.” 
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lightsoutletsgo · 6 months
flowers are a language of their own — mv.1
pairing: max verstappen x reader word count: 4.2k warnings:  slight angst
four times max gives you flowers and the first time you reciprocate, a childhood friends to lovers oneshot this is basically inspired by gwen and for gwen 😭 @verstappen-cult once again thanking you for my max brain rot bc these conversations are just DOING something to me skskksjsj but MWAH! I hope you like it my love 🤍 happy reading! mimi
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i. daisies; new beginnings, innocence, cheerfulness (age 6) You hadn’t been at your new school very long, having moved to the town recently. You’d struggled with making new friends, the new language making things even more difficult. But this had really ruined your day. Your bottom lip jutted out and began to wobble as you looked at your drawing you’d spent the whole morning perfecting before tidy-up time. What had once been a beautiful explosion of scribbled crayon colours across one page now lay in two halves. It was more than your poor six year old brain could handle and so you immediately burst into tears. Wailing and sobbing, your teacher hurried over to see what the issue was. Between gasping inhales and snotty sobs you pointed to your crumpled torn drawing. She picked it up and turned to address the class of wild six year olds, “Alright class, does anybody know what happened to Y/N’s picture?” Your teacher’s voice was gentle, “You won’t be in trouble but our friend is very sad so we need to apologise and make it right okay?” Your bottom lip wobbled as your sniffles quietened a little and a small voice could be heard from the back of the classroom, “I didn’t mean to!” A small boy stepped forwards, bright blonde hair with blue eyes and you glared at him. He looked down at the floor as he awkwardly scuffed his shoe against the carpet. The teacher approached him and crouched down, “Thank you for being honest Max… Can you come and say sorry?” He nodded and took the teacher’s hand as she lead him over to you, “I’m sorry…” His apology was accented by a slight lisp and you frowned, arms crossing in front of your chest. “Thank you Max, Y/N? Max said it was an accident and that he’s sorry okay?” You let out a slight ‘hmmph’ as the teacher straightened up at the sound of the lunch bell. Max was quick to run out of the classroom with his friends but you plodded behind the group, still sad about your artwork. 
You grabbed your lunchbox from your locker and looked for a chair in the lunch hall. Spotting your favourite yellow chair you couldn’t help but gasp as your little legs headed over as fast as they could carry you. You sat down and opened your lunchbox, legs swinging under the table. You’d barely taken two bites of your sandwich before a boy approached the table. You looked up and saw Max standing there, his hands behind his back. “I’m sorry I broke your drawing.” Max did his best to speak so you’d understand.  “‘S fine.” You grumbled, annoyed he was talking to you. Six year old you could really hold a grudge… His cheeks tinted pink as he removed his hands from behind his back to hold out a small bunch of daisies he’d clearly picked from the playing field. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open. “Here, for you…” He took a step closer and you held your hand out for him to gently place the flowers in your palm. Your eyes looked at him and you noticed how his knees were slightly muddy and there was a streak of dirt on his cheek. You giggled and he beamed back at you, you suddenly felt very shy,
“D-do you want to sit here?” You patted the seat next to you, “We can eat lunch together?” Max nodded, racing off to grab his lunchbox. He dashed back and sat next to you, unzipping his lunchbag to compare the contents with yours. “Are we going to be friends Max?” He nodded enthusiastically, taking your hand in his, “Mhmm! Best friends Y/N! So you can call me Maxie!” 
ii. yellow amaryllis; pride, happiness, strength, determination (age 18) “Smile!” You stood with your friends, taking pictures in your graduation gowns and giggling together. But your heart panged, something - or rather someone - was missing from your day. Your eyes scanned the hall, desperately looking for a familiar blonde head. Despite knowing he was currently halfway round the world at a Grand Prix, “Boo!” A hand covered your eyes and a grin spread across your face at the familiar voice, “Maxie!” Turning around, you jumped into his arms and he laughed out loud, “Easy there bug!” You could hear your friends and family laughing and taking pictures of the two of you behind you but you still didn’t pull away, too embarrassed to let anyone see that you had tears welling up in your eyes. “I didn’t think you’d be able to make it…” Max squeezed you a little tighter, “I left as soon as the race was over, there was no way I was missing this!” You pulled back and he wiped the tear that had slipped down your cheek. He let go of you and extended his arm towards you, holding out a beautiful bouquet of yellow amaryllis flowers, complete with yellow and white ribbons. 
“Max,” you gasped “they’re so beautiful!” he nudged your shoulder with his, “Hey, you deserve it. They stand for pride, strength, happiness and determination.” “Determination” You spoke at the same time, finishing the sentence together. His eyes stared at you so adoringly, you felt like you couldn’t catch your breath. The moment was broken by your parents urging you to stand together for a picture. “What a beautiful couple!” You heard a teacher say as they walked past, “Oh no we’re not-” “Me and him? No way-” Both you and Max spoke over each other, completely missing the knowing looks your friends and family all gave each other. You couldn’t help the fresh wave of giggles that overtook you as Max pulled you into his side. You could have sworn that for the briefest of seconds, butterflies took flight in your stomach but you quickly brushed it off, blaming it on the excitement of the day. 
iii. - yellow roses; friendship | bluebells; comfort (age 22) Max couldn’t deny the way that panic flashed through his entire body when he answered your call and heard nothing but your sobs on the other end. “Maxie!” You hiccuped, “Y/N? What happened? Are you okay?” He stood up, not caring that he was interrupting an important team meeting. His alarm grew even more when your only response was to cry even harder. He looked back at the group of people sat around the conference table, “I’m sorry but it’s a family emergency, I have to go.” He raced down the corridor and poked the elevator button far more times than was necessary. “Talk to me bug… I can’t help if you don’t explain what’s going on.” “He cheated Max! I went to his place and he was in bed with my roommate.” Max felt a weird combination of calm and anger wash over him at the same time. Calm because he knew you were safe and anger because who the fuck did your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, think he was? Fuck the elevator, Max headed for the stairs, wanting to get to his car and book a flight to you as soon as possible. “Oh Y/N…” “Said he only did it because he knew that I’d been cheating on him with you.” You heard Max scoff, “God he’s so fucking dumb Y/N… I never really liked him, you know that right? You’ve always been too good for him…” You heard Max sigh on the other end of the line and you curled up into an even smaller ball in your bed, pulling Max’s hoodie up even more as your nose inhaled the comforting scent of him, 
“Can we move to facetime? Just wanna see you.” You choked out and he obliged, quickly filling your request. Max felt his heart breaking as he looked at you in your bed. “Hey! Is that my hoodie, bug?” You nodded with a sniffle as he did his best to cheer you up even just a little, “Traitor! You told me you didn’t know where it had gone…” A watery smile spread across your face. “Look, I’m gonna come see you okay?” You sat upright and stared at him hard, “Max Emilian Verstappen, you cannot do that! You have important meetings this week.” “Ooo full name?” He hissed through his teeth, “I am in trouble.” You shook your head at him, “You’re incorrigible.” “Big words we’re using today hmm?” You flipped him off and he laughed, “I’ll be there soon, bug okay?” You nodded and he smiled at you once more, “Just hang in there for a little longer.” He ended the call and immediately your smile dropped. In those brief few seconds you’d forgotten why you’d even called him in the first place. But now in the quiet of your apartment, the sad feelings crept up once more, smothering you and dragging you down. 
You weren’t sure when you’d fallen asleep the night before, but the combination of the doorbell ringing and the knocking on the door jolted you awake. Rushing to the front door, you threw it open, still slightly disorientated from your rude awakening, “Hey bug.” “Maxie!” You felt wide awake staring at Max who now stood on your doorstep, a warm smile across his face. You immediately felt like bursting into tears once more and Max was quick to see that, pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around you as he rested his head on top of yours. “It’s okay bug,” you felt him press a kiss to the top of your head, “I got you.” He waddled with you in his arms, through your doorway and into the hallway to close the door and give you some privacy. As he held you, he felt his heart race a little, thinking how he would never make you or let you cry like that if you were his girl - wait what? Now was not the time to be thinking about those kinds of things! Max held you until your sobbing had quietened down again, “Sorry,” you sniffed all snotty and he just poked your nose and laughed gently, “It’s okay Y/N.” His hand gently rubbed your arm as he watched you take a few deep breaths to compose yourself, “Here.” He pulled a somewhat squished bouquet of flowers out of what seemed like nowhere, “Sorry, they got a little uhhh… too involved in the hug?” You let out a breath of laughter and took them from him, a finger gently tracing the petals, “Yellow roses? For friendship right?” Max nodded with a smile, “Yellow roses, because I’m always gonna be your best friend who has your back and bluebells because they’re comforting.” You couldn’t help the way your heart clenched hearing his words. It seemed that Max not only bought you flowers often but he even thought of the meaning of what he was buying. For some reason, the thought had those pesky flutters appearing in your stomach but you quickly reprimanded yourself and shook them off. You hadn’t even broken up with your ex for more than 24 hours yet, but here you were thinking about Max romantically? You shook your head, that was a line you could never think of crossing, no matter how much it seemed to be crossing your mind more and more the older you got. 
iv. pink tulips; perfect love, affection (now) Now that you were living in Monaco, not too far from Max, movie nights were a common occurrence, with evenings being split between your apartment and his. Food would be ordered and wine would be drunk, movies would be played but barely watched as the two of you would end up talking into the night and continue long after the credits had finished rolling. If there was one thing you could count on Max for, it was his promptness and so when the clock read seven o’clock exactly, you knew it would only be a matter of seconds before you heard his footsteps down the hallway to your apartment. You were proven correct as Max let himself into your apartment, calling out as he did so, “Hey bug! It’s just me!” “In the living room!” You called back, smiling as he appeared in the doorway, holding something behind his back, “What have you got there hmm?” Max’s smile wavered for a second and you frowned, sitting up on the couch, “Max?” He exhaled and bit his lip nervously, “Maxie?” You tried again much more softly, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, “I’m about to say something and…” He sighed, “I just want you to let me finish okay?” You nodded confused as he came to sit next to you, holding out a bouquet of pink tulips as he did so. You felt yourself gasp as you stared at the flowers, admiring the pretty wrapping and how the ribbon matched the flowers. You wracked your brain as you stared, desperately trying to recall the meaning, Max always gave flowers with meaning. Appreciation? No, apology? Nope not that... No. It couldn’t be? Could it? “Affection?” You didn’t even realise you’d spoken the word out loud but a sharp inhale from Max was enough to tell you he’d heard you. Your eyes shot up to his face and noticed he wouldn’t even look at you, instead choosing to gently trace over the bouquet ribbon, “Yes.” His cheeks were pink and you could have sworn you stopped breathing. It was silent in your apartment. The only noise coming from the traffic outside and the thump of your neighbour as their work boots clunked over the floor before their door slammed. The noise pulled you out of your silence as you stared at Max, “What did you just say?” Max finally dared to look up as he gazed into your eyes, “Pink tulips, affection, perfect l…” “Perfect what?” There was no way he was going to say what you thought he was going to say… “Perfect love.” You stood up from the couch, immediately pacing back and forth as your hands started to fumble together, “Max…” You breathed, finally stopping to look at him sat staring at you. “Okay so this is the part where I need you to listen…” You let out a laugh of disbelief but said nothing as he swallowed, hands nervously rubbing the legs of his jeans. “I like you.” You froze as he continued, “I like you and I think I honestly have for a while… I know that this might not be the best time to tell you but I just can’t keep kidding myself anymore. The feelings I have for you? They’re not things I would be feeling if you were just a best friend to me Y/N. God I think I always knew it was you… From the day I ruined your drawing and then when I surprised you at your graduation… And then that horrific breakup,” You both winced, “I swore then that I would never let you cry over another man like that again. Because I wanted to be the only man that you had from then on.” Your lips parted as a nervous exhale left you. He stopped his rambling, panting slightly as he looked at you, “If you have anything to say, now would be a good time to say it…” You looked at him. Max, your Max. The boy that had been there for you through everything, your best friend.
“No…” You whispered out, your own heart breaking at your words, “I can’t…” Max looked absolutely crushed, “No?” His voice was quiet, “Why?” You shrugged, bottom lip trembling, “I can’t risk losing you.” Max scoffed, “Losing me?” “What if we break up hmm? You’re telling me we would be able to go back to being best friends like nothing ever happened? What if it doesn’t work hmm?” Max shook his head as your spoke, “You think I would say this to you if I didn’t think it would work?” “I-I… I don’t know!” You exclaimed as Max stood up, “You won’t even try?” “I’m too scared to Max…” He nodded, stuffing his hands into his pockets as you stared at him, “I’m so sorry.” You whispered, “Me too.” he said before turning and walking out. The door hadn’t even closed behind him before you’d collapsed to the floor, your legs giving out. You’d never cried so hard because of him before. Not when he’d ripped your drawing, not when he'd surprised you at graduation, not even when he’d held you after your breakup. 
You stared at the pink tulips as they lay on your couch, their bright happy hopeful colour taunting you. You stalked over to them and picked them up, heading straight to the trash, pulling your arm back to throw them away but you found yourself physically unable to do it. 
i. flowers are a language of their own You weren’t sure whether it was convenient or not that Max had a double header after that conversation. Usually you would spam him while he was away and he would pick things up when he could. Often late at night in his hotel bed, a goofy grin plastered across his face as he opened your fit pics and food diary pics of the day, reading through your spam about work, friends and cute cats you’d spotted on the street.
But this time there had been nothing. From either of you. It had been strange and hurtful. You sighed as you checked your phone again for the millionth time that day, already knowing there would be no new notifications from him. Why would there be? The guy you liked had confessed to you and you’d broken his heart because you were too scared he’d break yours. Groaning you dropped your head to the kitchen counter, thumping your forehead against it a few times in the hope of gaining some sense of clarity. It didn’t work. You sighed and stood up straight. You were still kicking yourself for shutting him down so quickly. Yes, he was your Maxie, your best friend, but wasn’t that the point? He knew you so well, he cared for you and loved you, in whatever capacity. He would never intentionally hurt you. You couldn’t lie to yourself, there had been a continuous pull in your stomach and a slight ache in your chest the longer you went without talking to him. You knew if you could do the situation over again you would give a completely different answer. You didn’t want him to break your heart but now you had lost him completely. 
Your head shot up as a plan began to form in your head. Grabbing your phone you looked up plane tickets for the country you knew Max was in at the moment. You knew things would be tricky without his help and you didn’t even know if it would work out, but for him you had to try. Selecting your seat you rushed to pack a bag, noticing how the now dry and dead tulips still lay on your bedroom vanity, the pink now much less vibrant and tinged with brown. Your stomach flipped and you hoped to god it would all work out. You knew which hotel the team usually stayed at when they were racing in that specific country and so after making a quick stop you headed straight there, planning to just wait until you were spotted by someone from the team who recognised you and took pity on you. You didn’t have to wait long as one of Max’s race engineers was exiting the building just as your taxi pulled up. Clambering out of the vehicle as you spotted him, he smiled and waved, “Hey! Didn’t know you were coming this weekend? Max usually says something.” “Ah,” you shuffled awkwardly, not wanting to give anything away about your strained relationship, “it’s a surprise!” His eyes widened and he grinned at you knowingly, especially when he spotted what you carried in your arms. “Well… Seeing as it’s you, I’ll give you his room number.” After obtaining the information you needed you thanked him and headed inside, getting on the elevator and pressing the button for his floor as you thanked whatever higher powers there were that so far the plan was working. As the bell dinged for your floor you gulped, a whole new wave of nerves and anxiety washing over you. What if he didn’t want to see you? What if he got angry with you and sent you away? But what if he heard you out? Oh crap, what were you gonna say? 
Through your internal rambling, you had somehow managed to walk to his door and now you stood frozen. Unable to knock and unable to move. Swallowing the lump in your throat you knocked the door gently. You heard a crash and then a curse in Dutch came from inside and you winced. Oh god, if he was already in a bad mood… This wouldn’t help. The door swung open and a tired looking Max stood there. Dressed in cosy sweatpants and navy hoodie, no logos in sight but still fitting his team colours. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of you in front of him.  “Y/N?” You gave the softest of smiles nervously, “Hi Maxie.”
You weren’t sure what you’d expected when you saw him. You’d thought about how he might yell or cry or get mad or slam the door in your face but you certainly hadn’t expected him to grab your arms and pull you into a hug, burying his face in your neck, “Fuck, I missed you so much I’m so sorry…” You sniffled, pulling back and looking at him, “Why are you sorry?! I’m sorry! I never should have doubted you-” “I never should have pressured you-” “You didn’t! I never should have jumped to conclusions about how things would end. God. It’s been so miserable without you…” You noticed his eyes growing tearful. “Here, come in.” He gently pulled you into the room and closed the door behind you. Your eyes swept the room and zeroed in on an object on his bed, “Is that my t-shirt?” You asked incredulously, mouth gaping at him slightly as he rushed to shove it in his suitcase, “N-no!” “Max Emilian…” Your voice was low, “M-maybe…” You gave him a pointed stare and he relented, “Okay yes fine it is.” He sighed, “I found it at my apartment that night when I got back and… I just… I didn’t have you and it was the closest thing…” He trailed off, sitting on the bed. You padded across the room to take a seat next to him, one hand gently rubbing his back, “I know Maxie… Me too.” His head rested on your shoulder and you inhaled shakily, it was now or never. 
You looked back across the room at where your things lay in the entrance. You stood up and made your way over, picking up what you needed before turning back to him with your arms behind your back. “I’m about to say something…” His head shot up to look at you, “and I need you to let me finish.” You gave him a tearful smile and he swore he felt his breathing quicken as you practically echoed his words from a few weeks ago. You approached him and offered him the bouquet from behind your back. He stared at it for a moment before his eyes flicked up to look at yours.
“Red roses?” You nodded, unable to keep looking at him - partly shy and partly terrified of his answer, until he gently held your chin and tilted your head up to meet his gaze once more, “Red roses.” “You know what they mean don’t you?” “I picked them for a reason.” He stood up and gently took them from you, one hand sliding round your waist to pull you into him, “Baby’s breath?” “Baby’s breath.” You looked down, breathing your answer as his face got closer to yours. “Is this your speech then?” You let out a breath, “I figured I would let the flowers speak for themselves, god knows you’ve been doing it long enough.”
His lips were practically on yours and it took everything in you to keep standing as his next words were brushed against your lips, “Is this your answer then?” You nodded, “No schat, please… Let me hear you say it…” His eyes closed as he felt your shuddering breath, “Yes, Max. Yes, I want to try with you, I love you and that’s enough to tell me we should try-” Any further words you had were cut off by Max’s lips meeting yours. His grip around your waist tightened, the flowers sliding from his other hand to the floor as he gently cupped your face, thumb rubbing back and forth across your cheek. You couldn’t help the way you smiled against his lips and he laughed at the feeling, the two of you giggling and grinning between kisses like the lovesick idiots you were. 
Red roses; declaration of love, Baby’s breath; eternal love.   
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hispg · 10 months
Baby boy
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Pairings: Re2! Leon x Fem! Reader
Summary: Your coworker Leon always goes after you for advice, even on the most basic things, even if he doesn't need to.
However, you decided to make him understand your advice in a more... Incisive way.
Wc: 2.2k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, cockwarming, masturbation (M receiving), oral sex (M receiving), Sub! Leon, Dom! Reader, orgasm control/ denial,slightly praise/ degradation, a bit of dirty talk.
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Leon was your coworker, sweet and kind. A lovely person to be around. It didn't take long for the two of you to bond, becoming almost inseparable.
He follows you around like a puppy, always on your tail, no matter where, he's always stuck with you. And the kind who always asks you before doing things.
Sometimes he doesn't even need to, but he likes to have your permission to do things, just as he always talked to you and asked for all kinds of advice, even asking for help with his studies.
You never really understood why, but you never complained either, his presence was always very welcome.
And that evening he was once again in your office, sitting in a chair in front of the computer while you explained a subject you had in common. It had become routine for him to sneak into your room late at night, just to have a chat with you whenever he could.
He was still in his uniform, staring intently at the slides on your computer. Even though you had already explained this subject to him last week, he came to ask you for a further explanation. You understood that he might be nervous about the police academy exams, but that much?
While you were explaining, it wasn't long before he was sitting comfortably in the chair you were using, with his legs wide open, on purpose. If he was being frank, the sound of your voice was enough to make him lose focus, it's not as if he was paying attention to anything you were saying. Blue eyes staring at you, watching the way your lips opened and closed, the way you looked so beautiful while you were focused on explaining things to him.
Of course it was a lie that he had come here to have you teach him this subject, he could have tried to study on his own. However, what fun would it be if it wasn't for you explaining it?
"Leon, my eyes are up here." You mutter, leaning on the table and crossing your arms, raising an eyebrow.
He coughed awkwardly, looking at you in confusion, "Eh, pardon me. Go on, I'm listening."
You scoffed, knowing full well that he hadn't paid attention to a word you'd said. The way his cock began to harden under his pants was a sign as clear as day.
You now perfectly confirmed why he was here. He needed some incisive teaching, something strict to learn from. A punishment, if you were bad enough to do it.
And you were.
"I know you're not paying attention." You whispered, running your fingers along his knee, stopping at his thigh.
It was enough for his breathing to fail and him to swallow. The poor thing got even harder with that simple touch. How pathetic could that sound?
"Uhm.. I'm sorry. I promise I will-," You didn't even let him finish speaking, you simply hovered your hand over his erection. Staring at him with a certain impudence in your eyes.
"Apologies are no use if you're not going to get better, Leon." Words that made him shudder, biting his lower lip to hold back any whimper that might escape his lips.
With your index finger you traced the size of his cock through his pants, making a point of maintaining eye contact during the process. His puppy eyes followed your every move, looking up at you with a sly expression.
"Take it out." You demanded flatly, crossing your arms and waiting for him to take off his pants.
And to your surprise he did, without any reluctance at all. He just undid his belt, lifted his hips and pulled down his pants and boxers in one swift movement. His fat cock sprang out at the same moment, the pink, swollen tip begging for your touch.
Poor guy, you'd be so mean.
"That's what you came here for, isn't it?" you asked, gripping the base of his cock tightly, and he whimpered like a little bitch at the same moment.
The way you felt his veins pulsing in your hands made you smile with a certain pity. How much did he want it? How depraved of touch was he to get hard just looking at you? What a silly little thing he was.
His hands rested on his thighs, as he tried to keep his breathing steady, "I wanted to see you." He says, looking at the work your hand was starting to do.
A sneer leaves your lips, and you rub your thumb over the tip of it, pressing your face against his. So close that his breath was hitting you.
"Missing me? What an ugly excuse, Leon." You purred, giving his jaw wet kisses. Slowly jerking him off.
The poor guy wasn't even in a state to protest, biting his lip to hold back the sly noises he was still trying to disguise. But he never could.
Your fingers wrapped around the base of his cock, moving up and down, making a point of suddenly increasing the pace, only to see him moan softly, roll his eyes back and look at you.
"I-I can?" He asked shyly, looking down at your breasts, his gaze undoubtedly hungry. He couldn't keep his hands off you, but today you wouldn't let him touch an inch of you without permission.
"No." You murmured with a shrug, kneeling in front of him. At the same moment, his eyes went wide, his breathing quickened. His focus was only on you, nothing else.
He was so obedient that you didn't even have to ask, he automatically spread his legs wider to accommodate you. Wide open for you to do whatever you wanted with him.
"Such a cute thing." You murmured with a mischievous smile, digging your nails gently into his thighs, watching him squirm and whimper with every touch.
He was so desperate, jerking his hips at you, wanting you to do something with his hard-on. Any touch would do.
You couldn't help yourself and let out a giggle, putting your hands on his hips to keep him in place, kissing and nibbling his thighs, licking and leaving a few marks here and there.
"Nhm, please..." He pleaded in a grunt, looking down at his lap. Poor thing was already leaking, pre cum dripping down his pink tip.
"How pathetic, are you going to cum with just those touches?" You murmured, licking the sticky liquid dripping from him, giving the head of his cock a light lick.
He moaned, loudly. Letting his head fall back, holding on tightly to the edges of the chair. He wanted you so much, so much he couldn't describe it.
His cock throbbing and twitching, he knew it wouldn't last long, not with you in front of him.
You could already see your own arousal rising, your panties starting to get soaked, and you found yourself humping nothing in search of some friction.
Without giving him any warning, you pressed your plump lips to his tip, making a point of wrapping your tongue around the sensitive part, trying to contain the naughty smile that appeared on your face.
Your fingers trailed down his inner thigh, down and down until you found his balls, massaging lightly, only to hear the dirty sounds he could no longer control.
"Ah-ah, holy shit!" He cries out, biting his lower lip hard, looking at you with piteous eyes. He wanted you so much. But wanting wasn't being able to.
And he started moaning even more when you put him all in your mouth, sucking his cock down to the base, your lips wrapped around his entire length, moving up and down, tongue curling and teasing him in every sensitive spot you could find.
His eyes rolled into the back of his head every time, hips moving upwards in desperation for your touch. His cheeks were so red that he couldn't hide the blush even if he tried very hard.
"Hmh.. I think I'm close." He groaned, opening his eyes to see you, biting his lip at the sight in front of him.
You were choking on his cock, saliva and cum running down the length of it. You couldn't deny it, for someone as baby-faced as him, he certainly had an impressive size.
You continued, even though you knew he was close to cumming, but then you stopped. As soon as you felt his hips jerking upwards in a deep thrust into your mouth, that's when you withdrew your hot lips from his cock. Seeing his sly, crying face, God, why did you have to be like that?
"Oh- Please, please!" He begged, looking at you with tear-streaked eyelids, tears that threatened to fall. He was so excited that he felt like the world around him had stopped.
You smiled at his pleas, looking him up and down. A devilish grin plastered across your face.
"What? Don't tell me you're going to cry." You teased him, sliding your hand under his uniform, squeezing and lightly scratching his chest.
"Fuck. Hell, let me cum..." another plea, and of course he could do it on his own. It wasn't as if you had tied his hands and prevented him from moving.
But he liked taking orders. He liked being treated like a little boy who obeyed every order he was given, he loved it.
Just as you saw his hands coming towards you, trying to grab you by the hips and pull you towards him.
"Hands off." You say, standing up once again.
He whimpers, looking at you slyly, asking for something. You wouldn't be mean to leave him in this state, would you?
"Well, since you weren't paying attention. Looks like I'm going to have to explain everything again." You said nonchalantly, taking no time to take off your clothes, standing naked in front of him.
He gasped, his lips parted as he looked you up and down, his imagination running wild.
And then you mounted him, rubbing your wetness against his tip, giving his lips a little kiss. And there went his hands again, gripping the seat of the chair tightly, so tightly that he could tear the padding if he wanted to.
"You're going to be quiet and listen to me, and I don't want you to cum. Understood?" You say seriously, staring at him as you sink onto his cock, warm, gummy walls nestling him.
"Yes... Yes ma'am." He says in a moan, holding his trembling thighs, taking deep breaths to contain himself. The way you welcomed him so well, how could he hold back like that?
He was a crying mess, staring at your naked figure on his lap, biting his lip and trying to keep his attention on your eyes. But he couldn't, all he did was look down. Seeing the way his cock was buried in you, so deep.
Your breasts swaying slightly as you gestured, your wetness making a mess of his thighs. God, he was fucked.
"I can't hold it." He murmured, moaning loudly and clenching the seat of the chair, holding his hips and avoiding thrusting into you.
You scoffed, holding him by the chin, "Mh? The pretty boy can't hold it? Mh? Dick throbbing so much he needs to empty into me?" You knew that dirty talk was his weak point, and you used it to your advantage.
He cries out, letting his head fall back a little. Unconsciously pushing against you. At least he was trying.
How long had you been explaining? It had been a good few minutes, but maybe he could hold out just a little longer.
You started grinding against him, pulling him into a sloppy kiss, letting your hands roam free over his abdomen, squeezing every bit you could find.
He was finished, not even muffling his sounds with your mouth helped. Your living room was echoing every dirty noise he made, so exciting.
"I want you to sing to me." You purred during the kiss, starting to ride him.
You had no pity, you started doing it fast and deep, listening to his flesh hit yours. Skin against skin, making that unholy noise.
"Ah- fuck- shit- slowly!" He managed to babble, your name slipping from his lips with each bounce.
You felt his body arch up, squirming even more underneath you, he couldn't hold back the minute your walls began to clench against him, it was too much, enough for him to paint your insides white.
He was so high that you had to cover his mouth with yours, while you were still riding him until you came.
"Be quiet, or I'll be doing this all night." A threat or a gift? He couldn't tell, he wasn't even in his right mind to say anything.
And then you came, your fluids mixing with his as you both moaned against each other's lips.
You could still feel his hot cum oozing out, it was such a load. Just for you.
And there he was, drained, panting, not even able to open his eyes from how excited he was, still recovering from the high. And you didn't look much different.
Maybe, just maybe, after tonight he'll need another one of those... Your lessons.
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miniwheat77 · 4 months
Alone with you. (141 x Reader.)
!smut, p in v sex, double penetration, gang bang, overstimulation, non con, proceed with caution, NO MINORS!
This was supposed to be my bday fic but I’ve had writers block, hope you enjoy!
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"So this is the culprit hm?" Laswell lifts up the bottle of pheromone perfume.
"Looks like it." You mumble. "Wonder how good it actually works. Might spice up my sex life." You joke. Soap laughs. "What sex life?" he snorts. Seeing Laswell roll her eyes at the both of you. "Exactly my point. Asshole." You mumble under your breath.
When Soap leaves the room, Laswell smirks at you. "I'm sure in super small doses it couldn't hurt." She winks. You catch the tiny vial in your hand that she had just thrown at you. You smile at her. "And that's why you're my favorite, Laswell." You laugh, following her out of her office. Tucking the vial into your back pocket. "Alright. I'm heading out. Graves said he has some leads in North America so I'll be over there for a couple weeks. Try not to kill each other while I'm gone." She smiles. "No promises. As always, safe travels Laswell. Ring when you get to where you're going." You call to her. She nods her head, waving at you. You disappear down the corridor, going to your room.
Later that same night, you make your way into the mess hall, cup in hand. It's got water in it. You haven't had the chance to eat yet. You sit down for just a second and a gasp leaves your lips when you hear a small pop come from your back pocket. "Shit." You mumble. You hear the others coming and choose to stay put, only turning to look at your backside when they're distracted. You notice that there's no liquid anymore. Had it absorbed that quickly?
You quickly head back to your room, trying to clean all of the glass out of your pocket. You change into some other leggings that you have since it's almost time for bed anyway it's not like anyone will care.
You make your way back out into the mess hall and take your seat once more. Seeing that Soap has set up across from you at the table. It's silent for the most part, until Soap starts to shuffle awkwardly. He clears his throat a couple of times, finally looking up at you. Only now does he suddenly feel very attracted to you. He was before of course but now, something is different. He clears his throat again and adjusts the way he's sitting. You glance around the room to see each of them stealing glances at you.
Is it the pheromone perfume doing this?
No… it couldn’t be. It was only a tiny vial.
You stand up to get rid of your tray and move to sit back down. “Y/N. Can I speak with you?” Your Captain grasps your attention. You nod your head, following him out to the hallways. “Did Laswell give you the pheromone perfume?” He crosses his arms. “Yeah, I was supposed to throw it away for her but I forgot about it and it broke open in my pocket.” He shakes his head. “Listen, the scent you’re giving off is way too much. Go lock yourself in your room and stay there until it’s worn off.” He finishes his sentence and then grits his teeth, like he’s holding something back. “Go on.” He breathes. You can’t help but notice the beads of sweat on his forehead. You nod your head. As you start walking down the corridor, you hear him.
“No, Johnny wait!” You turn back to see Soap trying to push passed him. Very clearly trying to get to you.
You hurry down the hallway and open the door to your room, closing the door behind you. “Jesus fuck.” You mumble to yourself. Is this stuff really this strong?
You take a deep breath, sitting at the edge of your bed.
For a couple hours, you hear nothing but silence. And it’s a bit deafening. It’s eerie like there’s something off. You lay down, trying to distract yourself but you end up falling asleep.
In your sleep, you feel someone moving next to you, dipping the edge of your bed down. You stir awake when you feel their hands on you. When you realize what’s going on, that someone is actually touching you, your eyes open completely. You jump away from them, seeing that it’s Soap. But he’s not there right now. His eyes are dark. “Johnny… what are you doing?” You breathe. “You smell so good lass. Can smell how fucking bad you want this…” he smirks. He moves off of your bed, circling around it to try to corner you. You make a split second decision and bolt for the door, sprinting down the hallway. You can hear his heavy footsteps chasing after you. You turn the corner, eyes widening and your feet skidding to a stop as you see your Captain and Gaz. They’re both standing there. Clearly blocking you from going this direction. “Nowhere to run, darling.” Gaz smirks. You breathe out.
This has to be some kind of sick joke.
Soap closes in behind you, they make slow steps toward you.
You take off through the mess hall. Seeing a window that opens and hurrying up to it, you pry it open and climb through it. Sliding out of their grasp just barely. You take off running, seeing the watch tower. Perfect.
You make your way up, slowly and quietly. You don’t know if they’re on watch since they’re not thinking right.
You move up inside, closing the door behind you. Breathing. You dig your phone out of your pocket, dialing Laswell immediately. “Y/N, I haven’t got to base just yet, I’m driving.” She mumbles. “I know- it’s not that.” You breathe, hands shaking. “The vial you gave me broke open in my pocket and my body absorbed all of it, now I’m in a freaking wild goose chase Laswell.” You pant. “What? It’s that bad?” She asks. “Yes! They’re like.. freaking zombies Laswell. They’re not even there.” You breathe. “You’ll just have to wait it out Y/N.” She mumbles. “Yeah.. Yeah I know.” You mumble. “Thanks Laswell.” You sigh.
You hear creaking, fear coursing through you. Just as you turn to look at the door, a hand snakes its way around your waist, tugging you into them, another hand clamping around your mouth. “Gotcha.” He whispers. His voice is deep and it comes out almost as a growl.
It’s Ghost.
He moves his other hand from your waist and grasps your phone, pressing the button to hang up. Lowering the phone down onto the countertop. “Didn’t lock the door sweetheart. Almost like you wanted this to happen hm?” He breathes, his warm breath right over your ear. “You know we’re not gonna hurt ya.” He brushes your hair out of your face. “Ghost, please-“ you whine. “You smell so good. Drives me crazy. I almost didn’t want to tell them you were up here.” He chuckles. Your eyes widen.
Just then, you can hear multiple footsteps coming up the metal staircase. Like everything is deafened around you and that’s all you can hear.
What are they going to do to you?
Ghost spins you around. You see the other three creeping into the room, Soap makes sure to lock the door behind himself. “Nowhere to run now, Dove. It’s just you and us now.” Gaz mumbles, stepping closer. You step back. But know it’s no use. You’re stuck, and whatever is going to happen, it’s happening now. “What are you going to do?” You swallow hard. Johnny chuckles. “Nothing you won’t like, darling. How about we get these clothes off of you, hm?”
“I- I don’t-“
“That wasn’t a question. It was an order.” Captain Price’s voice booms in your ears. His sternness always was intimidating. “Y-yes sir.” You breathe. You hope that as you reach for the hem of your shirt, they’ll start laughing. That this will be some kind of sick joke. But they don’t.
You tug your shirt over your head. Breathing out. You clench your eyes shut as they reach for their belts. Still dressed in their military uniforms. “Y/N. Look at me.” You tilt your head up, swallowing down the lump in your throat as you look at Johnny. “Nothing to be scared about. Just relax.” He chuckles. You nod your head. He reaches out, grasping hold of your upper arm and pulling you into him with ease. How easy it is for him to move you makes you realize just how powerful these men are. He forces you up against the small table in the watch tower. It’s old and you’re not sure if it’ll hold you.
You swallow hard, wincing as the table begins to dig into your pelvis. He makes you rest your hands on it. “Be a good girl.” He breathes. His voice sends chills down your spine. He reaches for your pants, tugging them down your legs. He holds them down with his foot, having you step out of them. “Good girl. Now listen.” He breathes. He raises his hands up, unclasping your bra and letting it fall over your shoulders and onto the floor. “Nobody will hear you, so you can be as loud as you want to. Alright? You’re going to like this, because you’re a naughty little thing. Promise.” He mumbles. He pushes you back down, forcing you over the table. A gasp leaves your lips as he pushes apart your legs.
He frees his cock from its confines and you can see the others standing off to the side. You clench your eyes shut once more, whining as he presses the fat tip of his cock at your entrance. You suck in a sharp breath as he pushes himself past your entrance, sliding in and bottoming out into you. You lurch forward with a hiss at the intrusion. “Oh- f-fuck!” You cry. Raising up slightly with a cry. He only forces you back down. “Shhh. It’s okay.” His attempt at soothing you is pathetic and half-assed. If you weren’t in this particular position, you might laugh at him.
But you don’t think you’ll ever be able to look at them the same ever again.
You rest your head on the table, breathing out. Take a deep breath, try not to lose control.
That’s hard to do, keeping yourself together around them when they’re as attractive as they are. And the way they’re touching you.
Just as soon as you’re full, he’s pulling out of you again. He lifts you up, shoving the flimsy table out of the way and kneeling on the ground with you. Ghost steps toward you and you look up at him, he’s still got his mask on. You can’t see his smile. “Look good from this position, darling.” He smirks. You swallow hard, he moves his jeans to the side and tugs his boxers down, revealing his length to you. He’s big. You swallow hard, looking down. “No need to be nervous now. Look at me.” He breathes. You tilt your head up again, feeling Johnny kneel behind you, moving his length up the expanse of your ass. You shudder as Simon steps forward. “Open your mouth.” He breathes. You’re trying to stay focused on Simon but the feeling of Johnny’s length pushing into you from behind has you wincing again. “Relax. Look up at me.” He lifts your chin forcefully. Pushing the tip of his cock past your lips. You take him down as far as you can, swallowing around his shaft. Hearing him gasp.
“Johnny touch her clit.” He breathes.
Johnny does it, listening to his LT.
He glides his hand over your hip and stomach. Calloused hands rough on your skin but his fingertips on your clit has your thighs ready to give out. He draws his hips back, thrusting back into your ass. Hearing you choke on Simon’s cock. You draw back, taking a deep breath. You rest your hands on his thighs, pulling him closer to you so that you can take him further down. “There.. see.” He breathes. “All you had to do was make her horny.” His laugh is deep and taunting. He tilts his head back, groaning out. You focus on the tip of his cock, knowing it’s got the most nerve endings. Being gentle but still sucking hard. It only takes a couple of minutes before his thighs are shaking.
“Fuck-“ he draws back away from you. “Wanna be in that pussy.” He breathes. “Gonna make me cum too fast.” He breathes.
He kneels down in front of you. Wiping your lips of saliva and clearing them. Johnny’s hard thrusts into you keep you wet, and you whine when he pulls his hand away from your clit. “It’s alright. Gonna get you nice and full lass.” Soap chuckles. You probably look fucking pathetic in front of them. Fucked out and desperate. You knew you needed to get laid but this…
This is too far. But it’s something you didn’t know you needed.
They raise you up, wrapping your legs around Simon’s waist. Johnny slides himself back inside of your ass, feeling you tense up. Simon glides his tip up between your folds, pushing past them. You whine out, starting to squirm. “S’alright.” He breathes. His voice is low. Only you can hear it. When they’re both bottoming out in you, your breath is gone. Lungs are empty and burning. You’re trying to catch your breath but it feels impossible. A sob gets caught in your throat and you clench your eyes shut as they start to fuck you. “Fuck- not gonna last-“ Johnny hisses. Ghost holds you still, both of them moving in unison as they thrust into you. You shake and cry, overstimulated and you haven’t even cum yet.
“Fuck!” Johnny slides out of you, pumping himself with his hand. He bucks his hips into you, resting his forehead on your back as he finishes. Simon doesn’t stop his thrusts, keeping up his bruising pace.
Johnny moves away from you, he’s been selfish thus far. It’s someone else’s turn.
Gaz takes his place. Desperate to feel you. He inches closer, spitting into his hand and gliding it over the tip of his cock. He slides into you again. Feeling you gasp out. Lurching foward into Simon. He laughs. “You’re doing good. Keeping up.” Ghost mumbles.
Gaz grips your hips and tries to hold you still as he and Simon fill you. You can feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm. Shivering as it inches closer and closer.
Chills start at your toes and work their way up your body.
“I- oh god-“ you whine.
You clench your eyes shut, letting it take over your body. You’re sure it’ll be the hardest you’ll ever cum. They don’t stop, riding out your orgasm as it washes over you. You know they’re not going to stop.
You relax, trying to pace yourself despite being overstimulated. You raise your hand up and rest it on Simon’s shoulder. Hearing Gaz chuckle behind you at your fucked out state. Simon’s breathing is getting a little heavier. He lowers his head, lips right by your ear. “So tight baby… getting me so close.” He grits his teeth. He starts to pant, cock throbbing and twitching inside of you. He groans out, sliding out of you. He grits his teeth and tries to contain himself as he cums.
He takes a second, panting. His head is buried into the crook of your neck as he comes down. He finally pulls away from you. Standing up and adjusting his pants.
Captain Price is quick to take his place. You’re ready to tap out but it’s clear that they’re not going to let you. Gaz grasps your chin, tilting your head back. “You’re doing good. Just a bit more.” He breathes, pressing his lips to yours. You can feel your captain’s hands on you, groping your breasts in his hands as he lines himself up with your entrance. “You still smell so good.” He growls. Gaz lets go of you and you finally get a good look at John. His eyes are dark, like the others. Their pupils are dilated, they look dark. Empty. Like there’s nothing there, only lust.
What the hell is this stuff and who made it?
You whine again as he slides into you. Tears filling your eyes. You clench your eyes shut and brace yourself for what they’re going to do to you. You rest your head on John’s chest as they start fucking into you mercilessly, John is desperate. He’s been waiting the longest. He’s eager and horny and the way he fucks you shows it. You’re sobbing into his chest in just minutes, overstimulated and overwhelmed. Your body shakes and you can feel the warmth pooling in your lower abdomen again. You can’t stay quiet. Moans spill from your lips uncontrollably and tears stream from your eyes. You’ve never been so overwhelmed in your life. “Do you feel good? Hm?”
“Yes!” You cry. “Tell me how good you feel.” He breathes. Forcing you to look up at him. “Tell me how good all of us have made you feel. And it better be good honey. Let everyone know how good they’ve fucked you today.” He forces your face up again by your jaw. “It feels so good- so so good- you’re fucking me so good.” A gasp leaves your lips as they thrust together at the exact same time. “Now what do you say hm? It was kind of us to fuck you.”
“Thank you!” You cry, head falling again. You chant it as they thrust into you. “That’s a good girl.” He chuckles.
They last another few minutes, but this time, neither of them pull out. Filling both of your holes up.
They ride out their highs before halting, cocks buried up inside of you still. You’re panting hard, clit throbbing. You don’t know how you’ve taken it or kept up with them to this point.
It’s Soap who lifts you up and carries you to your room. Your thighs shake uncontrollably and he helps you get cleaned up before putting you to bed. He makes sure you’re comfortable. And even when he leaves you alone, he’s still got that same dark look in his eyes.
Maybe you wouldn’t wake up alone.
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killergee · 2 months
Hi, hi! First thing first, im in love with your hoshina x designer weapon reader! It's really warm my heart!! (I LOVE IT TO THE CORE HEHBFJSHDHC😭🫶🫶🫶 BLESS U)
Can i request you (this is kinda awkward) i want to see Highschool AU! For Hoshina x Reader. Kendo player! Hoshina x Archer! Reader👉👈 i would love to see them bantering each other (of if it's not Highschool AU! You can use the close range user! Bf x long range user! Gf thing!)
Thank you!
Ahhh my first request, how exciting! Sorry for posting so late. So many things have been happening lately. Also had to do some research and ended up watching tsurune LOL.
Here's a bunch of little stories of your life as Archer! Reader x Kendo! Hoshina.
Part 2 (one shot)
Synopsis: The club captains of the kendo and the kyudo (archery) club don't seem to get along. Or rather, that's how the club members see it.
"Oi, what do ya think you're doing? The kendo club's got this gym booked for today."
Toppled on top of each, the members of the kendo club huddled nervously outside the door to their gym. They could only take small peaks and glances from their place as they were all too scared to step foot inside.
All except one.
The Captain of the Kendo team, Hoshina, was the only one who dared to enter the gym. Standing tall with his arms crossed, he gave you a menacing glare.
Rising from your kneeling position, you exhaled a tired breath and put your training bow down. "Oh, sorry, I didn't see your name on the registrar, so I presumed the gym was empty and booked it." Despite the courteous words, your apology dripped of insincerity and a smidge of condescension. "Had you actually done your job correctly, this could've been avoided."
The members of your own club shifted awkwardly. Exchanging knowing glances, they braced themselves to watch their Captain go at it once again with the rival club Captain.
Hoshina lets out a scoff as he rolled his eyes at your attitude. He ignored your comment and continued on with his interrogration. "What are ya even doing here, ya can't shoot in here. Why aren't you in the kyudo hall?"
"It's under repair, and kyudo isn't only about shooting. I gotta teach the newbies the correct form before they can even touch a bow." You stated before offering a fake smile. "Why don't you go build your stamina with some laps? It's not good to slack on basic fitness."
"Shouldn't I be saying that to you? When's the last time ya used your legs?"
After a brief moment, Hoshina flashed his own small smile, although there was nothing friendly behind it. He leaned down until his face was a mere couple inches from yours. He knew you hated the height difference. That you hated the fact that there was something he had over you. Going by the tiniest twitch in your perfectly crafted smile, he knew he was right.
"Hey, give me the room, and I'll play nice and let you watch us practice. Maybe then you'll learn something of actual worth." He suggested, feeling a deep satisfaction at the slight clench of your fist.
"I don't understand the need to swing a big sword. Overcompensating for something?"
"Ah, and I suppose hitting a massive target from far away is much more impressive."
"Oh my, if you think a target that's only thirty-six centimeters is massive, then I'm definitely worried for you."
"Are dick jokes the only jokes you can make? Are you a child?"
"Sorry, did I hit too close to home?"
A vein popped on his cheek. He could never really get a handle on your snake-like tongue.
Everyone felt the heavy tension and chill in the air. The first years had trouble believing that the two people squabbling like children were their beloved Captains.
You were known for your kindness and elegance. But you knew when to be soft and when to push harder. Where you went, people's eyes would follow whether consciously or not. You were the most talented kyudo archer the school has ever seen and an equally good captain.
Hoshina was among the top strongest kendo player in the division. Diligent. Attentive. Trustworthy. His laidback attitude attracted a lot of people, but when his serious nature slipped through during matches—that's when it was impossible to take your eyes off of him.
You two rarely crossed paths, but when you did, it was a blood bath. You two brought out the worst in each other. Or maybe you simply brought out each other's competitive streak.
All the members of their respective club could only pray for the day the two of you stop bickering.
"I heard you guys passed the preliminaries," you said as you sat and watched him practice. It was late into the evening, and only the two of you were still in school. You had locked up the kyudo hall but saw how the lights were still on in the kendo dojo. Curiosity got the best of you, and you went to see who was still practicing.
"Congrats," you said quietly, barely audible to anyone around you.
"Oh, sorry, what was that? Awww, are ya congratulatin' me? I'm so honoured, oh, glorious captain." He jested back, pausing his activities against the training dummy. He stopped because he's had enough practice and shouldn't overexert himself. He definitely didn't stop because he wouldn't hear you against the sound of the strikes.
"Whatever, your opponents were shit anyways. It would've been harder for you to lose."
He lets out a low whistle at your words.
"Way to ruin the moment." He said, beginning to take off his armor. Placing his wooden sword at the stand, he peeled off his gloves.
Then, realization hit Hoshina, and he froze. The corner of his lip curled into a dangerous smirk as he turned to look at you.
"Wait, does that mean ya watched me compete?"
You flushed a pretty shade of pink and looked away from his amused eyes.
"Well, we're hosting the tournament this year, and I happened to pass by the dojo, so I just took a look."
"Right..." He chuckled. "Your preliminaries are tomorrow, right?"
You nod your head as you get up from your spot. The way you stretched your arms above your head reminded him of a cat.
"Yup, and we're gonna show you guys why we're number one in the division, unlike you guys who are only what again? Right, second."
"Hope you miss." He grunted in response. Though, despite the gruff words, Hoshina found that there wasn't actually any bite to his remarks nowadays. His once heated bitter words are now nothing more than poorly disguised teases.
At hearing your chuckle, he looked up at you, and his breath catches in his throat.
"Me? Miss?"
The look in your eyes was hypnotizing.
Why others seemed to admire you was beyond Hoshina's understanding. You were immature, vain, cocky, rude, and knew exactly which buttons to push to annoy him. If people saw the side of you he got to see, they would run for the hills.
Walking from the main school building to the dojo, he heard the faint but recognizable sound of the kyudo bow releasing an arrow.
Ah, that's right. You should be playing right now.
He stopped in his place as he looked to the direction of the sound. He had to pass the kyudo hall anyway to get to the dojo, is what he told himself before he changed course to take the longer route to the dojo.
There was a crowd gathered around the hall by the time he made it there. Not wanting to be seen, he kept to the edges of the crowd but still in a good enough spot that he had a good view of the archers.
Hoshina thinks to himself that he'll only stay to watch your first shot as he watched you ceremoniously kneel with your bow and arrow.
However, he found himself stuck in his place as he watched your elegant and meticulous gestures. Like a moth to a flame, he couldn't tear his eyes away from your figure as you drew your bow. He didn't know much about kyudo, but he couldn't help but think that your draw was beautiful.
Everything about you screamed confidence and assurance. With the twang of the bow string, the arrow released and hit dead centre of the target.
Like always.
By the time he realized he's stayed longer than he should've, you had fired 5 shots. Not a single arrow missed the target.
The cocky smile that bloomed on your face as you lowered the bow and admired your work made his heart race.
Huh... so that's why so many people are head over heels for you.
He left before your team could celebrate the victory.
As the season continued, you two made it a habit to stay later than usual when practicing. Whoever would finish first would go to the other and watch or tell them to pack it up.
As captains in your last year, both of you needed to win your tournaments.
"Don't ya ever get tired? Or are the rumours true and you're actually a robot?" Hoshina said with his head resting on his bag as he sat and watched you.
"Only partly, actually," you quipped back before drawing another arrow. "One more shot."
"And how many times have ya said that?" He asked looking at your target filled with dozens of arrows. Unlike what he was used to seeing, a third of your shots were off target.
"Can't afford to miss. "
"Ya need to go home."
Hoshina rolled his eyes at your stubborness. "You think this is going to help ya? You're just burnin' yourself out."
Although you lowered your bow at that, your focus does not move away from your target. "We were one point away from not advancing to finals. I need to be perfect. My team is depending on me. I can't afford to drag my team down or disappoint them."
At one point in time, he'd have paid someone to bring you down a peg. Now, however, his heart twisted at seeing you doubting yourself.
"Listen, I know the pressure better than anyone else. This tournament is important to me too. But ya just need to have faith in the skills that you've built up over these years. You've earned the title of best kyudo player for a reason." He sat up straighter when you finally turned to look at him. Rubbing the back of his neck, he continued, "also, have faith in your team. They've worked hard and don't want to disappoint you either. Don't forget you're in a team, afterall."
You stared at him for a moment before giggling. Your giggle turned into a full-blown laugh at his pout.
"Now why's that so funny?"
"No, no," you managed to say as you try to collect your composure. "I just never imagined getting a pep talk from my arch nemesis."
A smile replaced Hoshina's pout. "I'm your arch nemesis?"
"Aren't I yours?" You jested back as you began putting away your equipment.
Were you? Arch nemesis wouldn't be the words he'd use to describe you. He didn't quite like the idea of you only being a rival to him.
His on the other hand. Now, that didn't sound too bad.
With your back turned to him, he called out to you, making you turn to him.
You caught whatever he threw at you before it could hit you. Sitting in your palm was a key chain with a cat shaped charm, and beside it, an omamori charm with the embroidery "victory."
"Hasn't really been working on me, so you might as well try it," he said, looking rather bashful.
You let out another laugh at his actions. "Can't be owing you, here's mine," you said amused, removing the charm that hung on your bag and tossing it to him.
"It might give you my luck, but I doubt it'll be able to give you my amazing skills. So don't put too much pressure on it."
The charm was of a heart with an arrow through it and a wooden good-luck charm with the engraving "grind them to dust."
"How fitting," hoshina said outloud as he held the charm in his palm.
"Oh yea," you chuckled. "The statement is quite aggressive, but I thought it was funny"
"Hmmm? Oh yea, that too." Before you could even think twice about his statement, he closed his palm around the charm and gave you a determined look.
"Let's win this."
You couldn't help but smile. "That goes without saying."
"Hey, isn't that Hoshina's charm?" One of your club members asked curiously as they stretched on the ground. Although the rest of the members pretended they weren't listening in, they were dying to know why you had it. They were able to spot it right away when they saw it on your school bag. It was the charm that Hoshina kept on his bag for all the years they've known him. They also couldn't forget how the Kendo members were forced to stay after school to search for the charm when he lost it.
"Yeah," you responded matter of factly as you stood and watched them.
"Why? I thought you two hated each other?"
"Now, who ever told you that?" You responded slyly.
Their mouths hung open at your statement. Were you gaslighting them? Or were you just pretending you didn't pick a fight with Hoshina every chance you got.
"Oi, y/n hurry up. I'm hungry"
At the voice, they all snapped their heads to look at the owner of the charm himself. Leaning against the doorframe, he was in his school uniform with his bag tucked under his arm.
"Yea, yea, coming old man, don't be so pushy," you said, making your way towards him. When he turned to head out, the members saw your unforgettable charm hanging from his bag.
"You buying lunch this time or is it my turn?" They heard you say as the both of you walked by the window of the gym.
"Don't remember. Let's just say it's my turn. " Hoshina responded with what they think was a smile.
"What the fuck just happened."
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halfwayhearted · 9 days
First Day Of My Life — Pablo Gavi.
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Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Fem!Reader
Summary: You couldn't help but notice that Gavi, your best friend, seems to have an expression, filled with pure adoration, reserved just for you. You decide to call him out on it.
Word Count: 780+
Disclaimer/s — Mutual pining, just fluff, no use of Y/N *_*.
A/N: Based off that specific pic of him, bless! A bit rushed toward the end because I lost my idea halfway through…
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Going out with your friends wasn’t unusual.
In fact, it was something you did every other day. Whether it was hanging out with Gavi, the boy you've known for as long as you can remember, or spending time with your group of friends who loved having random conversations and days out.
It just so happened to be the day when both your friends and Gavi were there.
Everything was going fine. More than fine. You managed to keep the flush off your face every time you met his gaze and continued to participate in your friends’ ongoing conversation.
There was only one thing that stumped you.
Almost every time you contributed to the conversation, his expression would soften, and a small but noticeable smile would appear on his lips, making your breath catch in your throat.
He could not keep doing that.
It was so obvious that your friend pulled you aside and said, “Before you say anything, know that it’s not just me, so don't think I'm, like, exaggerating or anything, but he's quite literally looking at you in a way that even makes me almost swoon.”
You weren't sure how to respond to that. So, you just laughed nervously and walked back to your table. To your seat. Beside him. The soft brush of his knee against yours was the only thing keeping you from getting lost in your own thoughts.
However, you wouldn't let it go that easily.
And Gavi, being the gentleman he is and, well, has always been, agreed to drive you home. Once in front of your apartment, he parked and looked at you, his hands rubbing his thighs awkwardly.
It was now or never. Which one?
Perhaps now.
“What did you think about today?” You asked. It was small, simple, but needed to continue. You were met with a nonchalant shrug and a smile.
Okay, okay… “What’s with that look?”
That's when he becomes more expressive, his eyebrows quickly knitting together as he finally decides to speak—or rather, ask, “What look?”
“Oh, come on,” a pause, “That one! Right there. I’ve never seen you look at anyone like that!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You laugh, short and sweet, “Liar! You're literally lying to my face right now. That’s actually insane, I thought we were past all that.” Just a joke.
The man didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t just come out and admit that he liked you. Well, he could, but you made it hard for him to see if you felt the same. So, he played along. “We are past all that, and I had no look. Let’s drop it, yeah?”
With your eyebrows furrowed, you cross one leg over the other and rest your elbow on the center console, placing your chin delicately onto your palm. “Not happening, Pablo. What is it?”
His face flushed and he sighed, “It’s just a look. You have a habit of looking too much into things.”
“Okay, rude,” you muttered, leaning back.
Not what he meant. “No—no, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant… can we just… drop this? Please?”
Seeing the pleading look in his eyes, you nod slowly. “Yeah, yeah, of course, sorry. So, I’ll see you tomorrow? Or something? Let me know.”
His time was running out. He should just say it.
He mutters your name under his breath, making you look over at him. He doesn’t speak, his fingers tapping against the wheel—a habit he had when he was nervous. Why was he nervous?
“Hey,” you said, voice quiet, “It’s dropped. Swear.”
Gavi sighs, “No, it’s not that.” Technically, it was.
“Then… what?”
He didn’t know how to say it, how to confess. Instead, he just kept his gaze trained on his lap, wondering if your patience was running thin.
It really wasn’t. You kept your eyes fixed on him, noticing the tapping of his fingers increasing. In a bold and tender gesture, you reached over and gently took his hand in yours, causing his eyebrows to raise in surprise and his head to whip around to look at you. You gulped nervously.
“You were, uh, tapping your fingers.” Nice one!
The corners of his lips lifted into a small, knowing smile when he looked down at your interlocked hands. With a squeeze, he conveyed more than words ever could—a silent confession wrapped in that simple action. He felt the same way you did about him, and that was all you really needed.
That right there was the answer to your earlier question. ‘What’s with that look?’ It was a look of nothing but admiration and... love?
Too soon to tell? Yes. An expectation? Definitely.
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated ^_^.
DT(s) — @pedrilcvr ! ౨ৎ (I love you, my beautiful!)
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hidden-for-reg · 3 months
June 27: heal | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 799
*surgeon x patient au*
Part one, previous part
If you asked Regulus, he'd say he was completely fine. But after he took the tiniest fall of course his idiot surgeon of a brother made him go to the hospital to get it checked out. But then of coursethe hospital in question doesn't allow family to treat family. So, now, of course Regulus is stuck with the hot, dumb doctor. Of course. And for the past 10 minutes that hot, dumb doctor, who introduced himself as James, has been talking non-STOP. 
“Okay, you know what? Stop, just stop talking,” Regulus snapped suddenly, pinching his nose bridge and closing his eyes for a second. “I’m fine. I don’t need surgery. I’m only here because my brother forced me. You can just give me some painkillers or whatever and I’ll leave.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest and frowned at James. “Come on, doctor,” he continued, “do me a favor here or something.”
“Oh— er, yeah, well,” James’ face flushed a bright shade of red, “your X-Rays aren’t looking great, and the only way to fix your knee is with surgery so, ah, I— well you can’t leave, basically.” James shifted his feet nervously from where he stood next to Regulus’ bed. He flashed Regulus an apologetic grin as if it might help comfort him or something. It did not.
“I’m fine,” Regulus gritted out between his teeth. The nerve of this doctor, honestly. 
“No, you’re not, but you will be once you get surgery. I promise the surgery is perfectly safe, and I’ve done plenty of them before. There’s nothing to worry about,” James said, voice softening. “And you’ll be able to heal in as little as 3 months.” James sat on the edge of Regulus’ bed and put his hand of Regulus’ leg under the blanket. Regulus decided he would let him stay there for now. “And, uh, not to brag, but I’m a pretty good surgeon,” James added as he leaned in closer to him, “so you’re in good hands, love.” James patted his leg. 
Regulus felt his cheeks grow hot as James flashed him a cocky, lopsided grin. Regulus was trying to look anywhere but James’ eyes. He was dumbly scowling down at his own hands, which now lay in his lap, threaded together. Oh he felt so stupid for this. He would not  be manipulated into this surgery by just a nice man with a nice smile. No. Absolutely not. He felt his cheeks flush harder. 
Regulus risked looking up to meet James' steady gaze. His eyes showed a little concern but were otherwise lovely to look at, not that Regulus would ever admit that to James though. The other man's lips curled up in the corners just slightly, and his thumb was tracing circles where it lay on Regulus' thigh. 
He decided to would probably be okay to share a small smile in return so that's what he did as he still held James' piercing stare. His eyes were so deep with varying hues of dark, chocolatey brown and warm amber.
James opened his mouth like he had been about to say something, then closed it, then opened again slightly, then closed. He drew his lips in a thin line and finally looked away from Regulus. He turned to look at the clock on the bedside stand and abruptly cleared his throat.
Regulus snapped out of his daze immediately at the noise and, instinctively, pulled back from where he was, apparently, leaning in. He trained his eyes back on his hands in his lap again quickly. 
"Um, well, ah, I got to- I have to- uh, paperwork," James mumbled awkwardly, giving Regulus' leg a firm squeeze then letting go and standing up. 
"Oh." Regulus merely stared at him, not really taking it the words yet. "Oh, yes, you.. go do that, uh, yeah."
"Hey," James said, walking to the door, "If you need anything or feel anything weird, just call a nurse and tell them to page me, and I'll be right over. I'm serious, don't hesitate if you need something." 
Regulus nodded, breathless at the moment for some unknown reason.
"And," he added, now already standing in the doorway, "if you could hopefully decide about surgery before tonight, that would- well, it would save me from some difficult conversations. And if you decide sooner, rather than later, you can out of pain sooner. Again, just tell a nurse to page me once your mind's all made up."
Regulus snapped out of his daze... again. "Yeah, okay."
"Alright, see you later, love."
As soon as James was nowhere to be seen, Regulus let out a tremendous sigh and flopped back into his bed. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. What was happening to him?
next part
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mooodyblue · 1 year
How about an Austin Butler smut where they've broken up but they still can't stay away from each other? Maybe they have a sex scene in Elvis and they end up having sex in his trailer after filming and they're just really clingy with each other because they still love each other?
ty for the request!! hope i did it justice 🫶🏼
tryin' to keep away from you | austin x fem!reader
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wc: 1.3k
warnings: nsfw mdni, p in v, unprotected (once again!), fingering, idk.
you didn't know if you were dreading this upcoming scene or it was just nerves. you and austin had a mutual agreement to break up just shortly before finding out you'd both be filming a scene on elvis together, it was funny honestly. especially with it being a hookup scene. baz swore he didn't do that on purpose, but if he hadn't known you were broken up, he'd still think you were together with how cozy you still were with each other.
the romance just wasn't there anymore. it was clear you still loved him as much as he loved you, but it wasn't going to work out. therefore, you broke up. you were still best friends though, there was no doubt about that. it left the public confused though. nobody truly knew if the relationship was over or what was going on. neither austin or you were going to confirm or deny it, it was nobodies business but yours.
thankfully, you were only filming one scene. you were around to see him film a few performances but today, you were actually on set to film. you were supposed to film the scene and then head back home, but covid happened and forced you to be stuck in australia where you occasionally hung out with austin to pass the time while he wasn't being possessed by elvis presley.
austin was already on set when you walked in, chatting with baz about the script. you took a deep breath as you walked in, robe wrapped securely around you until it was time to film. “there she is!” baz grinned, “i’ll let you two check your lines-then we’ll begin.” he pat austin on the back and left the two of you alone.
“just like old times, huh?” austin joked.
you crossed your arms, chuckling. “yeah.”
he cleared his throat awkwardly, handing you his script. “think this one's pretty self-explanatory.” he muttered. “are you gonna be okay? like-this isn't gonna be awkward or anything is it?”
“no, no. i’m fine.” you flipped to the scene you were about to film, “i have experience in faking my moans.”
his eyes widened, “what do you mean?”
“i’m joking!” you handed him back the script, playfully hitting his chest. “ease up, butler. i’m about to have fake sex with you.” you untied your robe and made your way to the set, tossing it aside.
everyone gathered on set, you and austin both where you need to be as baz yelled action.
austin smirked, crawling on the bed. “buntyn needs a little lovin’ tonight…”
“is that so?” you giggled, leaning back onto the bed.
he placed a knee in between your legs, dangerously close to your own heat. his lips met with yours, slipping off the straps of your negligee. he scooted closer, his knee rubbing in the right places. luckily it couldn't be seen on camera, but it was enough to get realistic moans from you, perfect for the scene. more clothes were striped and austin was on top of you, thrusting as he kissed your neck while you moaned passionately under him.
baz yelled cut, whistling at the two of you. “beautiful! both of you! let's take a break for lunch!”
austin was still on top of you, panting and looking down at you. his pupils were dilated, wetness pooling in your panties as he looked at you with hungry eyes. his own arousal was obvious, right up against your thigh. “a-are you?-”
he let out a breathy laugh, “god baby, you still drive me crazy.” he looked around the set and snuck a hand down to your panties, smirking at how wet you were. “my trailer or yours?”
you gasped at his touch. “fuck. yours, please.”
without any hesitation, you slipped your clothes back on and followed austin to his trailer. he rushed you inside, slamming the door behind him and gently pushed you back on the bed while stripping again. “gonna treat you so good. y’don’t know how bad i missed you.” his voice husky, as if he were still in character. he tore off your robe and slipped your panties off, wasting no time and rubbing his fingers in between your folds. his cock was hard against your thigh, twitching at the sound of your moans.
your back arched as he inserted his fingers inside of you, pumping in and out and hitting your sweet spot every time. the cold metal from the rings on his fingers made such a nice burn, sending shivers down your spine. “fucked anyone else?” he asked, quickening his pace.
you panted, shaking your head. “no. god-austin, need you.”
“that's my good girl.” he smirked, pulling his fingers out of you and sucking them clean. he hovered over you, lining himself and inserting in you slowly. you felt so full again, so tight around his cock. your arms were thrown around his neck, nails scratching up and down his back as he pumped in and out of you. “missed you so fucking much. missed your pretty, little pussy. made just for me, ain't that right?”
his black hair messy, hanging over his eyes and bouncing with each thrust. you looked up at him, surveying every little detail on his face, every freckle and mole that only your eyes could see. it was a face you missed so much, a small grin appearing on your face. “what’re you smiling' at?” he chuckled, pausing his thrusts.
you shook your head, bringing a hand to the back of his head and running your fingers through his freshly re-dyed black hair, damp with sweat. “you're just so beautiful.” you replied softly.
“i think that's supposed to be my line.” austin lowered himself, resting his arms by your head. his hair tickled you slightly as he kissed the bridge of your nose and gave you a gentle smile. he hummed quietly and brushed the hair out of your face. “let's take it slow..” he gave a slow thrust, “wanna savor this moment.”
his lips moved to your neck, kissing and making small love bites to claim his territory. his hips moved slowly, chasing his release as yours got closer. it was all overwhelming for you. he began to pick up the pace again, his chest heaving and jaw clenched as he moaned against your neck. “oh my god-don't stop.” you threw your head back, your nails digging into his back surely to leave temporary crescent marks. “i’m-”
austin sat up, moving your leg to his shoulder as he started to hit that sweet spot with every single move of his hips. you gasped, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you arched your back. the feeling of you tightened around austin’s cock made him throw his head back, shooting his own seed inside you with a spewl of curses and a loud groan.
he brought your leg back down, keeping his still cock nustled inside you as he caught his breath, looking down at you. “i’m sorry.”
your eyes widened, propping yourself up on your elbows. “for what?”
“i’m-i’m still in love with you.” he ran a hand through his hair, sighing. “you have no idea how happy i was when you told me you were stuck in australia. like it's so stupid, i know we broke up but-”
a small laugh escaped from your lips, causing austin to furrow his brows. he pulled himself out of you and tossed himself next to you. “what are you laughing at?”
“just-” you sat up, “i missed you. i missed this. i don't think i could have ever moved on from loving you.”
austin pulled you back down to him, holding you tightly in his arms. “i love you.” he whispered, pressing his lips behind your ear.
“and i love you.” you sighed contently. “can we pretend we never broke up?”
austin let out a dramatic gasp, bringing a hand to his chest. “we broke up?”
“oh, shut up.”
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kookykrooked · 2 years
They're jealous
Characters: Xavier Thorpe, Ajax, Male! Wednesday Addams, Male! Enid Sinclair, Tyler Galpin
Warnings: swearing, slight harassment
Wednesday M.List
Main M.List
Xavier Thorpe
you had recently gotten a job at the café in town that Tyler happened to work at and honestly you didn't know him all that well but you did know that Xavier had some kind if grudge against him which you never questioned because it seemed personal and plus it wasn't like you were friends with the boy so it never bothered you to much
today however Xavier happened to pay you a visit which you usually wouldn't mind but because Tyler didn't go to Nevermore he had no clue you and Xavier were dating which was shocking seeing as gossip spreads fast in the small town and you both have been dating for a year and a bit now, so Xavier just so happened to walk in when Tyler was attempting to ask you out and flirt with you
"c'mon just one date I promise I'll make it nice you won't regret it" he practically begged you because he can't take no for an answer
"I'm already dating someone and I would pick him over anyone any day" he then scoffed looking down mumbling something under his breath which you didn't appreciate
"what was that Tyler" you said turning around to look at him crossing your arms over your chest
"I thought you liked me, I bet I can change your mind please one chance y/n" he said slowly walking towards you and you were about to snap at him before someone else did for you
"tough luck Galpin she's with me and she'd never be with a normie like you" you looked behind Tyler to so Xavier behind him glaring daggers at him, you smiled widely before throwing yourself at him in a tight hug and you looked back at Tyler only to see him with a sour face before he walked away
you looked back at Xavier and kissed his cheek before hugging him again
Ajax (I can't spell his last name :,) )
you could feel his stare behind you but you couldn't help but be friendly to people even if said person doesn't know how to take a hint
"sooo has anyone asked you to the Rave'n yet" he said leaning his head closer to yours which only made you lean your head away from his awkwardly
"yes actually! I have been asked already" you said glad he asked thinking he'd finally leave you alone and boy were you wrong
"hm...really? I'm not surprised seeing how beautiful you are but i bet i can treat you to real good night baby" he said stalking towards you which just made you feel even more uncomfortable and you knew what he ment behind his words and you could only feel Ajax's stare harden and once his hands had reached your hips you saw his eyes look behind just before he turned to stone which shocked you at first before you grinned wide skipping over to Ajax and hugging him smiling even more when you felt his hands tighten around your waist
Male! Wednesday Addams
you had been dragged to the woods and to a scary small building by Wednesday in the dark and there was no chance you were going inside so you offered to guard outside which you now regretted seeing as its been 10 minutes and your called and the woods were only getting scarier by the second so when you felt hands wrap around your waist you let out the most loudest scream known to man your heart racing so fast
"woah woah there sweatheart, you don't have to be scared of me promise"
and you weren't any less panicked "I have a boyfriend please leave me alone " you say in a panicked tone trying to remove his arms from around your waist
"well I don't see him"
"Just because you don't see him doesn't mean he doesn't exist so please let go of my partner before I bend your legs so far back you loose all feeing in them" Wednesday said in his usual monotone voice appearing next to you with a harsh glare on his face and after that threat the man almost instantly let go and ran away
"are you alright my love?" he says turning towards you his voice not any less monotone but you could care less as you nodded your head throwing your arms around him
Male! Enid Sinclair
while you walking towards the cafeteria with Enid your very bubbly and loving boyfriend a random boy walked up to you and started spitting our terrible pick up lines honestly it was quite amusing seeing the boy say horrible pick up lines while your boyfriend who was still smiling but very clearly wasn't happy was right next to you
"are you wi-fi? cause I totally feel a connection" the boy said with a freakishly large smirk on his face while you physically cringed at that one
"um excuse me! they have a boyfriend" you hear Enid say next to you clearly jealous and all the boy did was snort
"really? this guy? you can do way better then this guy" and you were about to say something before you heard a deep growl besides ypu
"back off!" Enid says an lot more aggressive then the last time clearing loosing his patience with the guy and the guy clearly got seeing seeing Enid get his claws out
"alright alright jeez....I'm leaving" he says rolling his eyes and walking past the both of you
Enid looks over at you only to see you already grinning up at him
"what?" he says cluelessly
"nothing your just so cute when your jealous" and that made Enid turn bright red
"I wasn't jealous!"
Tyler Galpin
you were currently sat at a booth in the café Tyler worked out waiting for him to get off for a date you both had tonight and that's when a blond around 6'0 tanned muscular male sat across from you you stared at him with a blank face
"umm...hi?" you say confused having never met this man in your life
"Hey, your pretty what's your name?" you looked around to make sure he was talking to you and he most definitely was seeing as the café was practically empty
"thank...you? my name is y/n" you say still slightly confused
"such a pretty name for such a pretty face...do you have a boyfriend"
"yep I do, he's right there actually" you say pointing at Tyler who was drying a cup while staring at the both at you and the guy clearly was impressed
"really? him? you can do so much better then him, you deserve someone like me" he says leaning closer to you over the table
"no thanks, I don't think I could ever do better than him and he's 100% better then you" you say with a smirk plastered on your face and all he could was leave in a huff as you watched him leave jumping slightly when you heard Tyler's voice besides you
"who was that?" he says still drying the cup he was drying 5 minutes ago
"jeez warning next time but nobody special just some guy thinking he can get with me, why? you jealous?" you say looking up at him grinning and all he could do was look away with a red face
"No..." he replies and you let out a snort 'he so was'
That took forever
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ailendolin · 1 year
💪🏽 for patcap please! We NEED to see Pat being the chap with the arms and easily lifting Cap up
It took a while, but here's your fic! As I mentioned before, I don't really ship PatCap but I did my best to imply it at least, so I hope you'll enjoy this!
Next up:
🐾 Pet-names - Humphrey’s head and Annie
🎁 Presents - Julian
💀 Near-death experience - Milton, Mike & Death
Ask Game is here. Filled prompts are here, here & here on AO3.
Prompts for this ask game are closed.
💪🏽 Bridal carry
When Pat heard the cracking noise, followed by a muffled but emphatic, “Ow,” he knew it couldn’t be good. He opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder at the Twister mat where the Captain and Thomas were engaged in yet another competition over who was better at Twist-It, as they called it. While everyone else tended to avoid bringing up the game around them, Pat actually found it surprisingly useful as a conflict resolution tool so whenever tensions ran a bit too high between Thomas and the Captain, he would suggest a round or two. Granted, it did not always have the desired effect but it was certainly better than having to listen to the Captain list all of Thomas’s faults in alphabetical order and watching Thomas storm off to the lake for the rest of the day with a look on his face that reminded Pat of a kicked puppy.
The sight that greeted Pat now when he turned around was a new one, though: both the Captain and Thomas had collapsed onto the mat with Thomas stuck under the Captain in what looked to be a very uncomfortable position.
“Move!” Thomas urged, his voice muffled by the Captain’s arm. “For heaven’s sake, move, you big oaf! I can’t breathe!”
“You don’t need to breathe,” the Captain snapped back. Then, more quietly, he added, “And in any case, I can’t.”
There was a beat of silence.
“What do you mean, you can’t?” Thomas asked. Then he shook his head. “Never mind, just move your arm, then. Your elbow is digging into my wound.”
The Captain did. Thomas tried his best to wriggle free but the Captain’s weight kept him pinned to the ground. With pained eyes, he looked up at Pat, silently begging for help, and when the Captain gave him a similarly pleading look, Pat finally shook off his surprise and sprang into action. He grabbed the Captain’s arm and, with one great pull, hauled him off Thomas. Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Patrick.”
Pat smiled and nodded before he turned to the Captain. “What happened there, mate?”
“I … I don’t know,” the Captain said, furrowing his eyebrows. “I was in the process of moving my right foot to green – just like you said – when my legs suddenly refused to cooperate.”
Pat frowned. “Has that ever happened before?”
The way the Captain avoided his eyes told him all he needed to know. “Once or twice, perhaps …”
Trying not to look too worried, Pat offered him a smile. “Well, I think that’s enough Twister for you today.”
He let go of the Captain’s arm, only realising his mistake when the Captain’s eyes widened in alarm. “Wait–“
Before his legs could buckle under him, Pat was back at his side, holding him up. “Easy there, I’ve got you.”
The Captain awkwardly cleared his throat and looked away in embarrassment.
“The old knees aren’t quite what they used to be,” he muttered by way of apology.
Not knowing what to do next, Pat glanced over on Thomas. “A little help here?”
“Oh no,” Thomas said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Not before he apologises for what he said.”
“Never,” the Captain scowled.
Pat inwardly groaned. Those two were even worse than the kids at Daley’s last birthday party who started throwing cake at each other halfway through the afternoon.
“Fine,” he huffed out and, not in the mood for another argument, picked up the Captain in his arms before he could so much as splutter a protest. “The hard way it is, then.”
The Captain’s face turned bright red.
“Patrick! What the bally hell do you think you’re doing? Put me down this instant!” he demanded.
“No chance, mate,” Pat said and marched out of the room. “We’re going to find Alison and see if she has any idea what’s wrong with your legs.”
Thomas snickered quietly behind them but Pat ignored both him and the bemused looks the others gave him and the Captain as they walked past. Julian’s catcalls proved to be a little harder to brush off, though, and when the Captain buried his head in his shoulder in obvious mortification, Pat felt his heart miss a beat.
Oh, he thought, stunned, before he readjusted his hold and proceeded to ignore his unruly heart too. He needed to find Alison, after all.
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gt-preys · 1 year
(Y/N) asking giant dragon hybrid Eddie to store them. They've done it before, but never when they're sade like this. -SmolKuriboh27
Happy vore day!
(Finally getting around to answering my asks ':) Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience xx)
Dragon hybrid Eddie x human (Y/N)
It's dark out when (Y/N) treks up the mountain. Ignoring the deep claw marks that have been scratched into trees and large boulders alike. Warning signs laid out by a creature much bigger than themself. An ominous black void acts as the entrance into a cave carved from stone. The ceiling towers high above them as they step into the foreboding space.
It's quiet. The only sound besides their footsteps are soft sniffles which feel too loud in the silent atmosphere. He wants to call out, announce his presence but his throat is so tight he can barely get out a strangled whine. He doesn't get a chance to try again as they're suddenly pinned beneath a large clawed hand, he only manages to gasp as the air is forced from his lungs.
Glancing up from the hand, (Y/N) finds himself staring straight up at a set of snarling pearl white teeth. Razor sharp and perfect for ripping into meat. He whimpers under the weight as those teeth part to let out a deep rumbling warning "Eddie!" He chokes out "it's me, it's just (Y/N)!" The snarling halts at their cry and the maw leans back so two large narrowed brown eyes can peer at the human beneath his hand. The creature's face softens and the weight eases up.
"My apologies, sweetheart" he mutters softly, shifting his hand to gently stroke their face with the knuckle of his forefinger. Always so careful with his little one.
His treasure.
"It's been awhile I wasn't expecting you..." it's a subtle prompt. Where were you? Why did you leave? I missed you.
Those big doe eyes tug at his heartstrings. He had stopped his visits with no explanation for the dragon. "I'm sorry, my friend" he starts, leaning into the hybrid's gentle touch "I never meant to leave for so long, things have been...hectic" he sighs.
His human looks so worn, deep bags beneath their eyes and fatigue clear in their gate. *His poor treasure.* "Do you wish to talk about it?" Eddie asks, removing his hand as they sit up. He lays his head on his crossed arms, prepared to hear them out if that is what they want.
(Y/N) takes a moment to simply observe the dragon they had missed so dearly. His curling dark hair and large black horns decorated with many gold chains and other shiny items. A sight to behold and a blessing to be so close. They shake their head, wiping a few tears from their cheeks as their tears finally stop. They're safe from the pressures of the world here.
"Not really" he shifts awkwardly "at least...not yet" he corrects himself. The human chews his lip. Did he really have any right to ask anything of Eddie? He had left with no explanation, no goodbye. "I was hoping...maybe you could hide me away for a bit?" Their words are tentative as they peer up at the dragon. Eddie tilts his head and (Y/N) shifts awkwardly "keep me safe?" This time Eddie's eyes light up at the familiar request.
The phrase had become a sort of code word between the two.
All at once the dragon softens. His little one must be so stressed if they're coming to him for this. "Of course, my prince" Eddie rumbles softly as he presses his nose into their stomach, nuzzling the little human.
Sitting back up, Eddie towers high above them once more. A gentle hand scoops them from the cold stone of the cave floor. He goes slow, taking their lower legs between his lips, lapping at them as he works more of their body into his maw. They taste wonderful as always and as much as Eddie would love to sit and play with them, they're sad right now. They need comfort and he can provide that.
So after giving them a few licks and grunting out his praise, tail sweeping across the floor like some kind of overgrown puppy, he sends them down. A soft swallow drags them down into his throat, he can trace their descent just by the feeling of them working their way past his heart and lungs. He shudders as they spill out into his stomach, warmth radiating from the sensation which seeps out spreading all the way to his fingertips.
Eddie lays back down once more, laying on his side so he can cup a protective hand over his abdomen. "Better?" He asks softly, rubbing at his stomach lightly. "Better. Thank you, Eddie" the small voice from inside replies.
(Y/N) leans back into the organ, snuggling into one of the man folds of Eddie's stomach. "We'll talk later, rest now darling" Eddie smiles. He closes his eyes, ready to rest alongside his treasure. (Y/N) hums in response already on the cusp of sleep "sleep well, my knight."
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txsh-knj · 1 year
D.VA x Genji
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Couldn’t find the artists @ lmk if you know :)
“Hey Genji” she beamed smiling up at the cyborg.
“Hello Hana?” he replied smoothly.
“I have a question” Dva blurted out, still filled with worry.
Genji waited for her to continue so she quickly added “Would you mind helping me out with my hand to hand combat, because as much as I’m good at my tricks when I’m out of my mech I’m lacking in some areas” she rushed.
Genji let out a chuckle smiling underneath his mask. Hana looked on at him puzzled, ‘was that a yes’ her brain wondered. Instead of answering her question Genji replied “Follow me”.
Hana blindly followed the man around the head quarters until they reached Zenyatta’s meditation area.
“What are we doing here?” Hana was completely baffled.
“When it comes to my quick reflexes and agility the first step is to relax, You’re a very smart and capable fighter however I always see you jump into battle, flying around and going crazy”.
“I don’t know wether to be flattered or insulted”.
“Oh Hana i didn’t mean to upset you” Genji spoke.
Dva let out a loud laugh shaking her head “I was joking Genj”.
“Genj?” He questioned, a wave of panic hit Dva.
“Genj like Genji but short ya know”
“Ahh I didnt know we were on that basis yet?”
“Never mind then” Hana looked around awkwardly trying to play it off
“Let’s start by doing some simple meditation something you could do before you jump into the action, this will give your mind some time to think and process”.
Hana enthusiastically nodded her head, sitting down with him on a yoga mat. She watched as Genji crossed his legs and instructed her to do so as well.
“Close your eyes”.
Hana really did try but every time she’d close them she’d loose concentration and open them to look at what he was doing. Sending her discomfort, Genji thought of a solution. He moved behind her and covered her eyes with his hand. The chill of metal shot through Hana’s skin; a shiver crawled up her back. “This might help”.
Diva nodded, however it definitively didn’t help as her blood pressure had skyrocketed. Although his hand was cold at first, it still made her stomach do flips. She shook herself out of it and slowly listened to Genji count. Telling her when to breathe and not to. She slipped into a trance she felt peaceful and leant back ever so slightly falling into the calm further. Genji watched Dva, a smile hiding under his mask. His idea certainly worked, however it might have worked too good. The girl had fallen asleep.
Genji looked down at the brunette, admiring her face one of her pink temporary tattoos flaking off. He acknowledged that his metal hand may cause her a fright, so he proceeded to remove the suit from his human side. It revealed a scarred but firm hand that he used to carefully rub off the rest. She stirred in her sleep, moving further into Genji’s lap. He quickly placed the metal hand cover back on before placing both his hands on her side, making sure not to touch any of her bare skin. She wore a black hoodie over her crop top and shorts so it was a hard maze for Genji to avoid. He lifted both her and himself up and began the walk back to get room.
Once he got to her room it he placed Hana down on her pink bed sheets covering her up with the anime covered duvet. He wasn’t sure about the nature of his relationship with Dva, he’d only spoken to her a few times before this. He walked over to her desk searching for a pen. Once he found one and a sticky note he wrote.
Next time you need some peace, I meditate at 6am with Zenyatta and 11pm by myself.
With that he walked out the room softly closing the door, trying not to wake her.
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The Twin Flame - Chapter 22: "You Need To Calm Down"
"You are somebody that we don't know, but you're coming at my friends like a missile..."
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Though you haven't actually slept, you creak open a bleary eye to the sunlight filtering in through the bedroom window.
A new day, just like Sam promised.
And though you want nothing more than to pretend none of this is happening, that there aren't people exactly like you running amuck and wreaking havoc, you can't find it in yourself to turn a blind eye. 
You keep imagining what Karli Morgenthau looks like. Was she scared the first time she held a flame in her hand? Did her face light up with all the possibilities, both good and bad, brimming all around her? Was she revered? Or shunned like you were?
Did the world around her feel different? 
You know there's only one way to get answers to those questions. And it might not be fair, but you know the only way to get those answers is by facing your fears. You reach for the doorknob, turn it, and face the outside world once again. 
The morning outside your room is quiet, the air still. It's almost a comfort that the world turns with or without you, that people will march on, the sun will continue to rise and set regardless of you. 
You almost laugh at how narcissistic the sentiment sounds, but after the years you've had, the world continuing to turn was all a person could really ask for. And the world turning without you having to fight for it was more than you'd ever gotten. 
You quietly pad down the hall to the living room where Sam sits on the couch staring out the stained glass window. You watch him for a moment, the pensive, solemn expression that replaces his normal goofy grin. You wonder what heavy thoughts running rampant in his head are currently weighing on him. 
You timidly clear your throat to make yourself known. 
He slightly jolts, snapping out of his reverie to find you standing in the doorway. He softly smiles, "You're up."
You nod, offering a tight smile. "It's a new day, right?"
He cracks an even bigger smile, eagerly nodding, "Right."
"Morning," Bucky awkwardly greets, trying to play off his surprise at seeing you out and speaking to Sam without any bickering back and forth. 
"So now what?" you prompt, plopping down on the couch, not quite beside Sam, not quite across from him, but perpendicular to Sam. 
"Now, we go to this funeral and try to reason with Karli," Sam slowly exhales, rubbing his hands on his pant legs.
"Good," you agree. "I like that plan."
"Karli Morgenthau cannot be reasoned with," Zemo blithely responds, strolling into the room with an air of nonchalance and an unburdened smile. "She is too far gone."
"She's a kid," Sam defends. 
"Hold on, Karli's a kid?" you interject.
"She didn't seem very child-like when she blew up a GRC building with people inside," Zemo guffaws.
"What?" you exclaim, wide eyes looking to Sam and Bucky for answers. 
"She doesn't know how to control herself yet," Sam defends. "We know that."
"How do you know that?" you pointedly ask, demandingly crossing your arms as you face Sam.
"Things got a little out of hand when we first found out about them," Bucky responds for Sam. "Nothing too crazy."
"It wasn't your shoulder she set on fire," Sam bitterly mutters under his breath.
"She did, what!?"
"But-" Zemo starts again.
"Alright, everyone shut up," you curtly interrupt, rubbing your temples. "That's a lot of information to get in thirty seconds."
"As much fun as this debrief has been, we gotta go," Sam informs the group. "Remember, keep our heads down. Don't call attention to ourselves. And let's try to end this without anyone getting hurt."
"Whatever you say, Cap," you dryly remark. 
Sam scoffs, rolling his eyes, "Don't start."
"Hm..." Bucky knowingly hums. 
"You either," Sam warns. 
Bucky innocently shrugs. "I didn't say anything."
"You didn't have to. Now, let's go," Sam instructs, ushering Bucky and Zemo out the door. Before you can follow Bucky and Zemo out the door, Sam places his hand on your shoulder to stop you. He looks at you with a pleading expression, "Look, I know you're probably still mad and you have every right to be, but please, please, do me a favor and keep your head down. The last thing we need is more people breathing down our necks. And you know-"
"I know," you interrupt, already knowing the particular danger Sam was referring to all too well. And in spite of Bucky's words last night, you feel guilty that Sam carries around this sense responsibility for you. It was terrible work. People got hurt doing that work. And on top of that, you were barely speaking to each other. And he was still doing it, he was still taking care of you. You nod with a sad smile. "I'll keep my head down."
"Thank you," Sam sighs in relief. "Now, let's do this."
"Let's do it," you agree with a slow exhale.
You both walk out, trailing just behind Zemo and Bucky. Bucky turns to the two of you with a confused expression. "Everything okay?"
"Besides the imminent threat to the greater good and the world in constant need of saving?" you cheekily remark, joining them as Zemo guides you down the cobblestone roads. "I think so."
"So, same old, same old?" Bucky quips, slowing his pace to walk by your side. 
For a moment, the only sound are the footsteps along the old cobblestone roads as Zemo guides you to Karli Morgenthau. In your peripheral, you see Bucky walking beside you, perfectly in step with you and you find it so easy to pretend like you're both friends again, real friends this time. You find it easy to pretend he didn't cut you out of his life and that he's not just forced into the same situation with you. That he could actually be here for you.
That daydream ends with a loud bellow from an unfamiliar voice at the other end of the street, "Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this type of shit."
"Great," Bucky grimaces.
You only catch a fleeting glance of the man bellowing down the street before Bucky takes a large step to place himself in front of you. Over his shoulder, Sam mutters to you, "If I asked you to walk away right now, would you?"
"Probably not."
"Didn't think so," he frustratedly exhales.
"So how'd you find us this time?" Bucky shouts back. 
"I'm going to go ahead and guess that you guys know who that is," you assume.
"Unfortunately," Bucky grunts.
"Mind cluing me in?" you urge.
"It's no one worth knowing."
"I could decide that for myself if you guys weren't acting like my human shields." You tap on his shoulder, trying to step around him when Sam steps in front of you, literally shielding you from whoever is coming. "Seriously, guys, what just happened?"
"John Walker just happened," Sam quietly seethes.
"John Walker?" you question. "How many people did you two manage to piss off?"
"A lot," Sam confesses.
"Come on," yet another voice chimes in. You try looking around Bucky's shoulder, but now Sam's in front of you too, completely closing ranks around you. "You think two Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?"
"No more keeping us in the dark," John demands, his heavy footsteps closing in on you. "You could start by telling us why you broke him out of prison."
"He did that himself, technically," Bucky sarcastically retorts.
"This better be an unbelievable explanation."
You hear the man getting closer, and you keep reminding yourself that you just promised Sam you'd keep your head down, but your curiosity is starting to get the best of you.
"Hey," Sam warns, pushing John away. "Take it easy - before this gets weird."
"I know where Karli is," Zemo offers.
It's at that moment that Lemar catches your eye from behind Sam and Bucky. "Uh, John?"
"What?" John frustratedly sighs.
Lemar nudges his head toward you. And it's then that John really notices you, slightly crouched down as a halfhearted attempt to keep your promise to Sam, tucked behind Sam and Bucky. 
"That's fantastic," Sam sarcastically quips.
In this moment, you decide that you've sufficiently fulfilled your promise to Sam and kept your head down as much as possible, but now was the time for a new plan. 
You pry your hands in between Sam and Bucky, forcing them to separate their human blockade. You take a step forward, a large, welcoming grin on your face. You extend your hand out to John, you greet, "Hi!"
John doesn't take a step forward, doesn't reciprocate the gesture of greeting, instead, his eyes flicker down to your hand. You can't make out the expression that flashes across his face, but you do know what he's doing. This is something familiar. His eyes rake over you, scrutinizing your still extended hand, your wide eyed gaze, and the grin that slowly slips off your expression.
He's sizing you up.
You can't say you're not trying to take the sight of him in too. The sight of another person carrying your friend's legacy: Steve's shield, toting around his title, a title he gave to someone who you wholeheartedly believed deserved it. No matter your own internal battles, Steve was a person you cared about, someone you would always care about, and they replaced him without a second thought.
In spite of the knot twisting itself in the pit of your stomach, you offer a tight smile as your hand drops. You awkwardly chuckle, "Not a fan of handshakes, huh?"
"Not when I know what you are."
"John," Lemar hisses.
"It's alright," you insist, waving Lemar off. "But didn't anyone ever tell you that girls don't actually have cooties?" 
"He means an enhanced human," Bucky grunts, his fist tightly clenched. 
You frown, your eyebrows furrowing at John. "I know."
"You know, I've heard a lot about you," John starts. "Regina Phalange..."
"I told you that was a stupid alias," Sam mutters under his breath.
"And it was still better than Ken Adams," you easily retort, recalling one of his aliases when you were both on the run.
"Sunshine..." John declares. 
"Don't call her that," Bucky automatically sneers. 
"It's okay. I think we got off on the wrong foot, John," you offer, trying to extend an olive branch instead of escalating their hostility. You briefly offer your name to the two men along with a warm, hopefully placating smile. "And I'm just-"
"You know, Sam and Bucky have put a lot of effort into hiding you. People don't hide unless they've got a reason to," John vaguely accuses, cutting you off. 
"Was there a question there or are you just trying to waste our time, Walker?" Bucky retorts.
"Are you helping the Flag Smashers?"
"Helping them?" you repeat, an eyebrow arching at the absurdness of the statement. "I'm helping these two, and trust me, that's a full time job."
"Then how do you suppose they got a serum replicated from your DNA?"
"Oh wow," you dramatically exhale, resting your hands on your hips. "You guys are like way behind. See? This is why you don't skip steps! Um... where do you want me start?"
"I can't believe I'm saying this but can we get back to Karli?" Sam impatiently prompts. 
"Good idea," Zemo agrees, turning to walk away from John and Lemar. John stops Zemo with a firm hand on his chest. "Well, where is she?"
"All we know is it's a memorial," Sam responds. "So we're gonna intercept her there."
"That means civilians. High risk of casualties," Lemar murmurs.
"Alright, good. We'll move in fast. Take her by surprise," John tells Lemar.
"No, I want to talk to her alone," Sam forcefully insists.
"Well, I'm not losing her again," John immediately refutes.
"Look, the person closest to her died. She's vulnerable. If there's any time to reason with her, it's now," Sam argues, trying to be the voice of reason. 
"What? No. Wait, no! Stop. Just stop, okay?" John abruptly orders, stepping in front of the group to stop you again. "I think we're way past reasoning with her. Unless you forgot that she blew up a building with people still inside it."
"Sam, you walk in there cold, she could kill you," Lemar calmly objects. 
"And if I walk in hot and the op goes wrong, more people will die."
"Are you gonna let him do this?" John asks Bucky, his tone dripping in condescending judgement. "You're gonna let your partner walk into a room with that freak all alone?"
"Hey!" you object. "I'm not a freak."
"No offense," John half-heartedly offers.
"Offense!" you exclaim. "So much offense!" 
Bucky grits his teeth, standing beside you, desperately trying to hold onto the last of his patience as John continually insults and accuses you. He clenches his fist, speaking through gritted teeth, "He's dealt with worse. And he's not my partner."
"I used to council soldiers dealing with trauma, okay? This is in my wheelhouse," Sam continues, trying his best to persuade them before the interaction escalates any further.
"Yeah, I know. And I know those soldiers, which is why this is a bad idea."
John's words raise an immediate red flag for you. You can't help but wonder how exactly John knows the soldiers that Sam used to council. It wasn't uncommon knowledge that Sam used to council veterans with PTSD. But knowing the soldiers that he counseled was far from common knowledge. You knew a few of them, mostly in passing when you visited the VA with Sam. You decide to let the strange foreboding feelings John's words evoke go to focus on the current problem at hand. You take a step forward, "He's not going in alone, I'm going with him."
"What?" Sam hisses, whipping his head around to stare you down with wide eyes. "No, you're not."
You meet his bewildered stare. And then, Bucky, Lemar, John, and Zemo all watch what could only be described as a weird silent conversation between the two of you. There are no words exchanged, just wide-eyed stares, slight tilts of the head, and some clipped exhales.
Sam sharply shakes his head. In response, you dramatically nod. 
Your eyes open a little more. Sam's narrow in response.
He wordlessly guffaws. You counter with a quiet huff and a knowing tilt of your head. 
"What are they doing?" John scoffs.
Bucky holds up a hand, rolling his eyes at John. "Just let them fight it out."
It's almost a full minute of watching the two of you mime a conversation that Sam throws up his hand in defeat. You clap once, giving the group a proud thumbs up. 
"Fine," Sam grunts after a moment.
"Ha!" you gloat triumphantly. "I win. I'm going with him."
"Neither of you are-"
"Wait, John," Lemar interjects. "If they can talk Karli down, it might be worth a try."
John scoffs, shaking his head as he weighs his options. He turns back to Zemo with a hardened glare. "We'll deal with you later."
"I'm sure it will all come to an agreeable conclusion. My associate is just up ahead," Zemo says, gesturing to a little girl watching your group with weary eyes. The girl stands alone at the edge of the street. Your heart clenches as you examine her for a moment, the forlorn, exhausted look that should never be on a child's face, the tattered, dirty clothes that you're sure aren't uncommon for people in the displacement camps. Zemo is the first to approach the child. He greets her with a warm expression. "Hello, my friend. This is for your family." He extends a hand full of neatly stacked bills to her, "This is for your family. Can you show us the way?" 
"What the hell?" John mutters.
You wordlessly shrug, following the little girl and Zemo just up the cobblestone road to a large stone building. As you enter the large building, you can hear the faint echoes of voices coming from up the winding staircase. 
You crane your neck to look up the staircase, not hearing anything other than the faint voices. You turn back around to find John handcuffing Zemo to a large radiator pipe. You disapprovingly frown, pursing your lips, "Is that really necessary?"
"You've got ten minutes," John sharply warns. "Then, we do this my way."
The Twin Flame Chapter List AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx  @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 
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utterdisaster · 1 year
𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐘 ? - 「 𝙼𝙾𝙳𝙴𝚁𝙽 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙵𝙰𝚁𝙴 𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴 . 」 trigger warnings , use of the r word because these characters simply do not care ! characters ≠ writer . this is a lazy little drabble to get me back into the swing of writing as a whole so you legally have to be nice to me .
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exhaustion had coraline dropping to knees in relief the moment camp had been set up ; her squad instantly followed suit , a collection of sighs forcing passed lips in a near perfect harmony . she loves moments like these ; where she can slow down her busy life and really enjoy the moment , reveling in the accomplishment that she made through another day . she stretches out against the fn loor , placing a bag under head for a makeshift pillow ; making a content noise as she feels bones crack , giving some sort of escape from the tense muscles and heavy bones .
the mindless chatter of others fills the space , tired sounding and continuing the conversation despite half lidded eyes threatening to close and end the day . others on their phones , or staring at nothing . coraline had her hand over her eyes , leg hitched on the floor as it slowly rocked to a beat no one else could hear ; enjoying the feeling of her back on the forest ground ; peaking every so often to watch the darkening sky and steady dancing of leaves ; keen ears going from listening to her squad mates to the singing of birds , the rustling of trees , the deer in the distance shooting off the moment it realizes it's crossed into , for the night , human territory .
" why did you join the military ? " carter had his phone out , pushing it into the faces of those he questioned . emily is his first victim , cheek in her palm as head poked out of unzipped tent . a small hum in thought - though a quick forming smile appears on lips before the response is ever spoken , hazel eyes staring up at the camera .
" my mom said : get a job or get out . . . so i - i did both " a sheepish look crosses features , though face bundles up in held back laughter . several people laughed along with her .
" you're next, ry, why did you join ?"
ryan sighs through his lips , head lolling back as he shrugs awkwardly from the way he was laid " i dunno , man " he confessed " i'm just a fucking idiot, i think "
" nobody's gonna be debunking that one anytime soon " carter responds " oh , fuck you ! " " your insults are as good as your aim - " " still beat you at the one on one though , didn't i ? " " there they go again " emily sighed, face nuzzling into the uncomfortable fabric of the tent as her bed mate beside her made an annoyed sound ; nicole turning slightly beside her " they're fuckin' annoying" in which emily made a small 'mmhmm' in agreement , " s'not like you're any better " " true , but i know when to shut the fuck up ; unlike some "
the argument eventually fickles out as carter resumes his continued question , coraline doesn't need to open her eyes to know carter has decided to pick on her next - sighing heavily in preparation . he kicks the sole of her boot , she doesn't move , only playfully lifts her leg to kick back at him, making a decent connection to his ankle . 
" your turn, cat - " he asks , camera aimed directly above her as she smiles ; holding back the laughter in an attempt to act annoyed "why did you join the military ?"
" oh , man , loaded question " eyes peer open , scrunching slightly as the light was harsh against once closed eyes ; blue hues straining to look into the camera for a moment " uh - " she knows they weren't after an actual response , short and sweet , but she still couldn't stop the reflection of thought . it was a whim of a choice , something that simply happened - she doesn't regret it in the slightest , it was the only good choice she made in her life - but it was still a quick series of events that even she couldn't remember .
" i was suuuuuper high " it was more complicated than that , but it didn't erase the fact the idea popped into her head when on a bender . cackling ensured , contagious enough that she couldn't help but join in with them too - eyes creasing in the corners with the smile , sitting up as arms wrapped around her knees " on meth , specifically "
" - jesus , meth ? " emily's tone sounds concerned , but coraline merely shrugged . carter grinned down , moving the camera slightly away from her face . eyes trailing over her slowly , taking in each detail .
" you don't look like a meth head - shouldn't you look like one of those dare before and after ads ? fucked up skin and teeth - lookin’ straight out of a tim burton movie ?  "
" oh , so you're saying i should look exactly like you - ? " she jumps up , plucking the phone out of his hand ; another chorus of laughter , especially from ryan - a loud snort ringing out that fueled the fire - though coraline continued " looks like i dodge a fucking bullet - " turning the camera around to face carter , who was complaining ; though the words landed on deaf ears as coraline began to work with the camera , making sure it was unblurred and could see his face clearly .
" your - hey shut up for a second, idiot, it's your turn - why did you join the military ? "
" honestly ?” he grinned as eyes laid expectedly on him , nothing could've prepared coraline for the answer “ it was this or prostitution , i wasn’t ready for that - “  
“ oh my god - “ coraline wasn’t expecting that response , a small fit of giggles slowly breaking through ; trying hard to stop them , however once again it went in vein , carter owned it , arms held out in his admission .
“ i wasn't ready to go down that road - too young , too pretty - they would've eaten me alive ! “
" please , more like you wouldn't make any money . you'd be like those fat hookers that are left over on the street that no one wants to pick up but fuck it , a lays a lay , who cares how you feel when you wake up - "
" um - " coraline blinked , staring over at ryan ; eyebrow quirking " you had him in the first half but that continued to be waaay too specific - "
" yeah , do you wanna talk about it ? " emily asked , faux concern as eyebrows knit together " this is a safe space . "
" i'll just talk to your exes , i'm sure its a feeling they relate to . "  
“ well - “ coraline begins, clicking off the camera and throwing it towards carter who only just managed to catch it . listening to the new wave of arguments that just sparked to life , a smile planted on lips ; it's soft , content , for the first time in a long time coraline truly feels like she can call herself happy “ good to know we're all retards , that's why we're here - ” 
carter shoves his phone in his pocket “ yeah , sounds about right . some more than others , but overall . . . yeah ! ” her head shakes , pushing him by the shoulders away from her as she retreated back to her spot , " you sound too happy about that , now fuck off , will you ? i want to try and get some sleep , i can't do that if you're pissing everyone off . "
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Sesshomaru x f!Oc (nsfw!)( Inuyasha)
( this is the 🍋 chapter of my Sesshomaru x OC fanfic. The link for the fic will be in my bio if you'd like to read the whole thing)
Trixie was in the hot spring, she hummed a bit as she sunk into the water, feel the warmth around her. She sighed as she decided it was time to get out, slowly standing and leading on some rocks, she carefully got out, only to slip on a rock and shriek. But she didn't hit the ground, and felt something around her waist. On her..skin. Oh shit. She looked up and seen Sesshomaru staring at her body, the smallest blush on his cheeks. He glanced to her face, seen her looking at him and then tore his gaze away and helped her stand up.
Now, Maybe it was the hot water getting to Trixie, or the fact he was so attractive, but she decided to make her move. She turned towards him and pressed her body against him, her hands gently resting on his chest under her own. She felt him stand up straighter, and then felt something against her leg. Oh. Oh. She moved her body and shifted her hips against his, feeling it stiffen more against her, and he moved his hand and wrapped it around her, growling very lowly and pushing her closer-
And then Trixie woke up, she looked around, her face flushed and between her legs warm and wet. She tiredly looked around with brain feeling foggy. That's when she seen Sesshomaru's face hovering above her, staring at her with a shocked expression. She was curled on her side, facing him, her hands between her thighs. Sesshomaru slowly tore his gaze away, 'You.." he swallowed hard, as he tried to speak, piecing words together slowly "Were moaning in your sleep. At first, I thought in pain but.." his face slowly got pinker, and he closed his eyes and furrowed his brows. Was he, sweating ?
That's when she seen a noticable something poking up as he sat cross legged in front of her. He shifted his fluff over his crotch, hoping she hadn't noticed. But she had. She hesitated and sat up, sliding her hand across the grass to him. He watched her hand carefully, his eyes glued to her hand. She couldn't look at him, her eyes focused on her hand. She slid her hand up his knee, slowly, gently.
She slid it closer and closer up his thigh, and he gently grabbed her hand, his breathing a little heavier now. She wasn't sure quite why. He gently grabbed her hand to stop her, but when he did his hand brushed against him self, and he let out a small grunt, and immediately pulled his hand away, after pushing her hand down back onto his lap. She almost smirked, but she was careful not too. Any time she gave a cocky attitude he got angry, and she didn't want to take this look of weakness away from him.
She slid her hand up slightly further and gently grabbed his dick through his pants causing him to  inhale sharply. Rin shifted from near by, and Trixie pulled her hand back, shakily standing and offering him her hand, a gentle smile, and blush on her face. Her face was a darker red than it had ever been. 
He gently grabbed her hand, both hands very warm and almost sweaty from how hot they were. She gently pulled him into the forest, only to trip immediately and smile nervously at him. She couldn't really see, so she looked to him. He looked away and gently gripped her hand, pulling her into the forest.
They walked together for a few minutes, then he stopped, and just awkwardly stood there. The moonlight shining down on them through the trees. Trixie decided to take the lead, slowly walking closer to him, then pressed her body against him, her hands gently resting on his chest under her own. She slowly brought her leg between both of his, and she heard his breath catch in his throat.
She moved to wrap her arms around the back of his neck, running her fingers through his hair. Then to his surprise, she moved and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. He met that, with a just as gentle kiss, and she kissed him once more, with more passion this time, and he met it with hunger. Soon, they had a tongue war going, and neither was trying to make a noise, but then, Trixie suddenly shoved him backwards, and he clumsily fell on his ass, she hid her smirk with a flip of her hair, and moved to sit in his lap as soon as he sat up to get angry at her.
She hummed and rubbed her hands up and down on his chest, then slid her hands down to his groin, then across his thighs, then up to his neck. She looked to his face, and smirked faintly at him. He started to glare, but as soon as the foul look struck his face, something struck his senses. She ground her hips against his, and she let out a breathy noise.
He smirked, and moved his hand to her hip, gently rubbing circles on it. She almost whimpered, but it got stuck in her throat. She looked to him and hummed, moving to his neck, she pushed the clothing off his shoulders slightly, and then her lips connected with his neck.
He let out a small breathy noise, and bucked his hips very slightly, his hand tightening on her hips. she gently bit his neck, then harder, and harder, then started to suck gently, then kissed it, earning a few grunts from him and a small groan. She trailed kisses up his neck before stopping at his jaw, then whispering in his ear "Who's a good boy ?" she teased, her hand sliding down his chest to his groin again. He growled and grabbed her hand, suddenly pinning her to the ground. Much more difficult to do with one arm, but he had good core strength so he could do this for a bit. He glared down at her
"What did you say?" He growled, causing Trixie to gently hum, her face red. Confused with her reaction, she then brought her leg up against his thigh, then gently brushed against his dick through his pants, causing a breathy moan to leave him and his head to lower  slightly, then he glared down at her for a moment, then leaned back fast, pulling her back into her lap, his hand sliding to her shirt, attempting to pull it off, having difficulty with one arm
Trixie giggled slightly, causing his blush to flare and he shot her an angry look. She smiled and gently kissed his nose
"Just ask for help." She says softly, gently grabbing his hand with both her hands, and gently kissing his knuckles. He huffed at her, and pinched her nipple with his nails through her shirt and bra, causing her to yip like a small dog, then huff "fine, asshole." She says, then pulled her shirt off, leaving her in a lace see through bralette. She moved her hands to cover her chest, and her gently grabbed both her hands, and did the same thing she did, kissing the knuckles on both hands. She felt like crying, but held it in. She felt so loved and appreciated...but that quickly turned into something else as he leaned to her neck and gently licked, before gently bitting, careful not to break skin, but just enough to hurt. Trixie let out a small moan, and that's when he knew one of her kinks wasn't a joke.
He smirked against her skin, then ran his tongue in a circle on her skin, then began to suck on the pale skin, definitely leaving a mark. She let out a moan, her fingers going to tangle in his hair and gently pulling, which caused a low growl to leave from him as his head was pulled back slightly. He liked it, but he didn't like not being able to be there more. Trixie gave a heavy breath and opened her eyes to look at him, her cheeks red" Either hurry up or I'll do It my self-" she says, which caused him to growl and grind against her ,causing her to make a high-pitched noise.
He smirked in response , then leaned to her ear
"Don't tell me what to do, my dear...it won't end well for you." He says, kissing her jaw, which made her huff. She then moved and harshly grabbed his dick through his pants causing a small swear to leave him, bucking his hips slightly. She smirked and looked at him
 "is that so?" She hummed at him, causing him to growl softly. This made a chill to run down her spine, just violently enough for him to feel it.  Smirking soflty at her,  she huffed and smirked back after a moment 
"Let me up" she says, and he huffed soflty and let her up, sitting on the ground in front of her, as she stood and began to strip. He felt his breath catch in his throat, and his head starting to get fuzzy. Once undressed, she huffed softly and shyly covered her self "...are you gonna join me or not?" She asks bashfully, glancing to him. 
This made his heart jump into his throat, and a feeling deep in him stir, and before he knew it, he was standing up and taking off his kimono. Once he was nude, Trixie waited until the second he turned to face her, and she passionately kissed him, her body pressing against his. They both moved to the ground. He helped her lay down on his kimono top. 
He looked down at her as he hovered above her, only for her to take the opportunity of him shifting his potion, to flip him onto his back. She sat on his hips, and ​He gave a small exhale, and looked to her
"..are you ..sure?" He asked, taking a small breath to try to remain somewhat calm, but his brain was fuzzy. She gave a solid nod, a firm yes. He guided her hips up, and carefully moved she untied both sides of her underwear, where the ribbons sat in her hips. She took them off and set them off to the side, forgotten for now.  Then, slowly she lowered her self onto him. She made a couple of small nosies, like she was trying not to make any noise. She had been with a guy before, but just for the sake of she needed it. She let out a semi loud moan and threw her head back as she fully lowered her self onto him.
He was biting his lip the entire time, then slowly sat up, the shifting causing her to make a quiet 'hah!' and flicker her eyes open. She had a lustful expression on her face. He took a small breath, then a long exhale, and moved to rest his hand on her hip. She hesitated, afraid she couldn't hold her self up, but she raised up slightly, so slowly it was torture for both of them. Then, he used his hand and pushed her down, causing both to whip their heads back and moan rather loudly. Trixie had some discomfort  from that, but it wasnt enough for her to need to say anything. She started bouncing on him, with help of his hand, he'd randomly help her go down, and she'd hold in a groan of pleasure. She started panting already, so he moved his hand to her clit and started to gently message it, causing her to moan loudly. Then he realized, he found the key. Gently messaging it, and occasionally gently bringing his nail across it.
Soon, they Both became moaning messes, and then finally, Trixie shifted  to bite  his shoulder rather harshly  hard because she was trying not to moan out loud, as  he slammed into her and was rough on her clit. She climaxed, and as soon as she did that, he went deep inside her, as much as he could and released. She was so in the moment, she didn't have any thought on it, since in this time there wasn't protection, even though she had some in her backpack, that she had forgotten existed in the heat of the moment. 
They both sat there panting for a long time, then she slowly tried to get up, hoping the slower she got up the more okay it would be. That was a mistake. She moaned, forgetting how sensitive she got after, and making her want him all over again. She looked to him and ground against him slightly, a stuttery breath coming out of her, and groan leaving him.
So, they went at it again, this time in a slow, more loving way, because she was super sore already but wanted to keep going, and kept going till they both climaxed again. Once again, deep inside her, she could feel the warmth of it inside her. But it didn't click. As he pulled out, faster this time, she only let out a small squeak, more of pain than anything this time. She was very sore. She panted and laid next to him, both laying there for a long moment, cooling off. Once Trixie started shivering, they cleaned up and got dressed, but didn't make it any further than that. They laid on the ground there and slept, using eachother for warmth.
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