#i definitely got confused between swimming fics there for a bit apologies!
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Does the one where Eddie is an MMA fighter responding to Buck’s thirst tweets count? I feel like it should. I like you so much (it’s kinda gross) by @dickley-buddie and @gayhoediaz.
EDIT to include some olympics AUs, the obvious king of sports AUs: sometimes its hard to see what the future holds (swimmer!Buck and taekwondo!Eddie) by @capseycartwright which has some amazing dynamics. Same goes for maybe one day ill fly next to you (figure skating) by @tripleaxeldiaz (v appropriate handle there), where the UST in the form of hate and rivalry is absolutely next level right until Buck fully buys into the hype. And of course something greater than gold.... with all its mystery around a star athlete dropping out of the scene.
do you have any fic recs that are like sports au’s? i love those 🥺
i do indeed!!
steppin' into fate by @onward--upward - hockey fic of all time??? SO good, and SO much fun. i have this one downloaded on my kindle so i can take it on long train and coach journeys. enemies/rivals to lovers hockey au, what more could you want!!!
hardest hit from feather's kiss by @princessfbi - princessfbi i am your BIGGEST fan. this one is ballet dancer buck/hockey player eddie and soooo good its like a comfort reread for me
love's not a game by @thatbuddie - hockey rivals to lovers smut fic. like what else do i even have to say, go and read it
battle born by @homerforsure - buddie hockey au!!! whumpy, established relationship (what more could you want??), and sooooooo good god!! i am realising that there is a hockey theme in this fandom but u do not hear me complaining because guaranteed i have read each one probably four times each
two minutes for roughing by ok_thanks - another hockey au ofc. the found family in this one pops OFF its so good
dance for all that we've been through by @catchingpapermoons -this is my monthly hark of this fic. ik when you said sports aus you probably meant like hockey and soccer but ballet is a sport and also i will take any excuse to bring up this fic. SO GOOD
college au series by bisexualbuckley - im counting this as a sports au because buck is a football player even if theyre both in college. is what it says on the tin, a college au, but its SO sweet would absolutely recommend
buck's bakes at christmas by @mansikkaomenabanaani - this one is a locked work so you will need an account to read it but I HIGHLY SUGGEST U GET ONE because its sooo sweet. buck is a baker and eddie is a hockey player and it happens at christmas and reading this fic is like the equivalent of drinking a big hot chocolate in the winter its so soft
#not sure why dickley-buddie isn’t tagging#please shout if you know their current handle!#highly recommend including Olympic as a search term#there’s a few more out there I haven’t read#with figure skating and snowboarding#i definitely got confused between swimming fics there for a bit apologies!#just a lot of good work all around
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sick/injured fic) + 56 (awful first meeting) = 83 (this fic)!
CW: vomiting, sick fic (not covid19 related), vaguely h*rny tho*ghts, overuse of em-dashes and parentheses
Arthur sniffles, wiping his nose on his sleeve irritably. He is not sick, no matter what his uncle may have implied when he clocked in. If he was actually sick, he wouldn’t have come to work (read, wouldn’t have been able to come to work). He isn’t sick, because being sick is the worst, and if he were sick, he would have to bundle up even more in the already-sweltering Texas summer, and he would have to lie in bed all day, not doing anything, just sitting there alone with his thoughts and — no. Just…no.
So, no. He isn’t sick. If only his stupid runny nose would just get the memo. He swipes at his nose with his sleeve again, bracing himself on the sun-heated frame of the car he’s in the middle of fixing. The engine in front of him swims a little. He blinks hard, trying to force the details to sharpen back into focus. It doesn’t exactly work.
“Get it together, Kingsmen,” Arthur growls to himself, shaking his head to clear it. He only succeeds in making himself feel steadily dizzier, swaying on his feet as he clutches at the metal with growing desperation.
A large, warm hand touches his shoulder lightly. The beautiful, smooth baritone of the most handsome man Arthur has ever seen (seriously, it’s unfair that anyone should be allowed to be that attractive, he reminds Arthur of the few pictures of Michelangelo’s David he’s seen online, but if David had a fluffy pink pompadour and warm, tawny brown skin but was still completely gigantic and could probably pick Arthur up with one hand — customer, he is a customer, Arthur is trying to fix his car for money, this is not the time to develop a crush on a stranger —) sounding from behind him, audibly concerned. “Hey, are you feeling okay?”
Arthur blinks again, trying to make sense of the man’s words, then turns to tell the hot customer that he’s just fine, thanks. But as he turns around and opens his mouth, his stomach rolls. Arthur barely has time to get his head down so he doesn’t vomit on Hot Customer’s chest and — vomits directly onto the man’s pristine purple converse. Arthur stumbles away, spluttering and choking out half-formed apologies along with more bile and the remains of the cold pizza he managed to force down for breakfast. His knees buckle, and he collapses to his hands and knees a bare few steps away, retching and coughing.
Hot tears sting his eyes as bile stings his throat, humiliation and pain a double edged sword cutting straight through him. He heaves one more time, a trickle of bile burning out of his throat. Far too late, his stomach settles a little.
As much as he wants to curl up in a ball and never come out, or perhaps sprint away and run out into the desert never to be found again, he forces himself to stand and face the customer, shaking like a leaf. “H-holy fuck I’m s-so sorry, I’m so fucking so-sorry, I —”
Hot Customer steps forward, his shoes making an unpleasant squish that both of them wince at. He pauses for a second, kicking off his vomit-soaked shoes and socks before continuing forward barefoot. He reaches out a little, hesitating before putting a bracing hand on Arthur’s shoulder, steadying his shaky, swaying stance. “It’s…it’s okay. Let’s get you somewhere where you can sit down, it’s okay.” His voice is about a pitch higher, disgust evident in the curl of his lips, but his hand is steady and firm, and Arthur can’t help but lean into the touch.
“I’m so — so sorry,” Arthur blurts again, wiping at his mouth. “God, I can’t — I li-literally can’t apo-apologize en-enough, I’m — I didn’t — didn’t even th-think I was —”
Hot Customer steers him towards the garage, an arm around his shoulders (and Arthur’s not quite so far gone in his haze of guilt and horror and dizziness that he can’t feel how well-muscled said arm is). “It’s okay, I promise. It’s not the first time someone’s vomited on me,” he tries to joke.
Arthur just shuts his eyes, shame flooding every inch of him as he is led back towards the office, fighting back tears the whole way.
Distantly, he can hear the bell above the door jingle, Hot Customer making quiet conversation with Lance, who sounds pissed-off-but-secretly-worried (Arthur is very good at reading the different nuances of pissed off in his uncle’s voice). He staggers over to collapse in one of the chairs set out for waiting customers, leaning over to put his head between his knees, letting the sounds wash over him in unintelligible waves.
After a few moments that stretch out like hours, his head stops spinning quite as much. It’s enough for him to make out his uncle, who sounds much closer now than he was a minute ago, say archly, “Not sick, huh?”
“Sorry, Uncle Lance…” Arthur groans, not picking his head up.
Lance clears his throat, the awkward grimace audible. “Go lie down in the breakroom, I’ll give ya a ride home once this is dealt with. I don’t trust ya behind a wheel right now.”
Arthur groans again, curling up tighter. The whole scenario is making him feel like he’s back in high school, and he’d dropped out of high school for a reason. “‘m fine, really…just need a bit of a break, ‘s all…”
“Do I need’ta take you back to my house t’make sure you actually rest?” Lance threatens.
Arthur’s eyes fly wide, and he sits up straight, immediately listing to the side as his head violently protests. “N-no, I’m — Uncle Lance, that’s n-not —”
“Those are your options, kid. You’re not gonna work yourself through this shit. Whether you recover at my place or your apartment.”
The blush still staining Arthur’s cheeks deepens a few shades, and he can’t stop himself from glancing over at the amazingly attractive man whose shoes Arthur just ruined. Michelangelo’s-David-But-Hotter is standing a few feet away, typing on his phone, clearly trying to give them some privacy. His bare feet stand out like a sore thumb against the rest of his immaculate appearance (for fuck’s sake, he is wearing a waistcoat). The sting of mortification rises to a higher peak, and Arthur, finally, just nods.
The rest of the day passes in a blur. He falls asleep in the breakroom without even obsessing over how horribly he fucked everything up for more than a few minutes, then falls asleep again in his uncle’s truck, and then again on the rickety couch in his apartment. The next day is spent much in the same way, though he falls asleep in his bed most of the time. But on the third day, as Arthur’s fever begins to drop, there’s a knock on the door.
Arthur, wrapped in a thick comforter (after he admitted to himself that he yes,he really is sick, and subsequently stopped ignoring every signal his body sent out, the chills made themselves known with a vengeance), makes his way to the door, frowning in confusion. His foot catches the handle of a discarded screwdriver, and he pitches forward, crashing against the door. With a litany of various swears, he scrabbles to right himself, and finally manages to open the door just a crack. He peeks through and comes face to face — or, really, face to chest — with a dapper purple waistcoat. His face goes pale, then bright red as he slowly peeks up to meet the eyes of the unbelievably attractive customer whose shoes he literally vomited on.
Said customer looks torn between amusement and concern. “I…are you alright?”
“Fine!” Arthur squeaks, backing up a little and grabbing for the shattered remains of his dignity. He opens the door wider, so it looks less like he’s trying to hide (even though he definitely wants to). “I’m fine! Uh. What are…what are you doing here?”
Hot Customer looks a little sheepish, one hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “My parents run a restaurant here in town, and I…well, I wanted to bring you some soup?” He proffers a takeout bag.
Arthur eyes the bag, deeply confused. The logo on the front is familiar, two stylized hot peppers forming a heart. He grimaces a little, swallowing hard as he glances up at the other man. “Thanks? I — your parents run the Paradiso? Also, uh, I…really don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth here, but…how spicy is this….?”
Hot Customer grins at him. “Apparently, they’d already heard from your uncle that you were sick, and had an order ready to go when I asked.”
Arthur relaxes with a nod, then blurts, “Okay, why the hell are you being so nice? I literally — I puked on your shoes, and you’re bringing me, a stranger, soup?!”
“You’re sick, I’m not going to hold that against you. If I — if this comes off as creepy or invasive or anything, I totally understand, but it’s not like — I’m not mad at you or anything.” Hot Customer (Arthur really needs to get his name, he’s not a customer of Kingsmen Mechanics anymore and while he is hot-with-a-capital-H, it feels weird to mentally refer to him as Hot Guy) shrugs a little, offering the bag again.
Arthur stares at him for a moment, dumbfounded, then reaches out to take the bag. Their fingers brush as Hot Customer hands it over, and Arthur has to fight down a blush, with arguable success. “I’m — I’m Arthur.”
Hot Customer beams at him. “I’m Lewis. It’s nice to meet you.”
Arthur hesitates. “I…I’d invite you in, but it’s kinda messy and I’m still a little sick…”
Hot Customer — Lewis — shakes his head, his smile still at full force and full beauty. “If you honestly want company, I’ve got something of an iron immune system. And, well, I’m used to a little mess.”
Arthur nods again, stepping back so Lewis can come in. He quickly kicks the screwdriver away from the door, sending it spinning off towards the wall. “It’s a bit more than a little mess, dude.”
Lewis takes a step in and scans the room, and Arthur has the sudden, panicky urge to shove him back out into the hallway and slam the door, immediately hyper-aware of every tool, nut, bolt, screw, empty pizza box, and dirty item of clothing in his living room. He draws his blanket cape tighter around him, shuffling further in. “Uh. I’ll — if you gimme a minute I can clear off the couch, or — I do have a table in the kitchen, actually, I —”
Lewis shakes his head, glancing at him amusedly. “Seriously, it’s fine. I have both my own apartment and three little sisters, I’ve got no room to judge you over your place being a mess right now.”
Arthur shrugs, shutting the door behind him and facing down the irrevocability of hot guy In his messy apartment with a twisting stomach. At least, Arthur’s desperately hoping it’s just the anxiety twisting his stomach. Vomiting on Lewis again would be the absolute worst possible second impression. “I just — I feel like I should apologize, I mean…I literally puked on your shoes, like, the minute we met, and now you come over and find out that no, I just live like this —”
Lewis, apparently entirely unconcerned with the state of Arthur’s apartment, begins carefully picking his way over to the couch, sitting down and — starting to stack the mess of mugs and empty takeout containers on the low table in front of it. “Arthur, I know we don’t really know each other, but…you’re sick, I’m not going to take the state of your apartment mid-illness as a reflection of how it usually is.”
Arthur decides against informing the hottest guy he’s ever seen in his entire life that no, his apartment is normally like this, and clears his throat. It turns to a few dry coughs, but he’s able to fight those back pretty quickly. He sets the takeout in the newly-cleared space on the table in front of the couch and flees to the kitchen. He grabs a spoon from the dishwasher and takes a moment to put his face in his hands, try not to hyperventilate, and wonder what the hell he thinks he’s doing.
Momentary freakout over with and armed with a spoon, Arthur heads back out to the living room, sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Lewis and toeing a dirty sock under the couch. The rickety couch creaks ominously under their combined weight, and Arthur holds his breath, but it settles in comfortably. Arthur lets out a sigh, putting the container of soup in his lap and prying the lid off. He hesitates, chewing on his lips and glancing at Lewis, who’s started to look a little awkward, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt sleeve. “So, um…your parents run the Paradiso?”
Lewis’s wide smile comes back, and Arthur has the immediate, all-consuming realization that he would do literally anything to make Lewis smile at him like that. “They do! I…didn’t move here with them because I was still in culinary school at the time, and it’s…a bit of a commute,” he chuckles, and Arthur goes bright red.
He eats some of his soup to give his poor heart a moment to steady, the spice simmering just below the upper reaches of his tolerance level. “You’re going to culinary school?”
“Just graduated, actually! That’s why I’m here, in Tempo. My parents want me to work at the Paradiso for a bit, and keep an eye on the girls.”
“That’s — that’s really neat. And really nice of you to move down to Tempo, of all places, so you can keep an eye on your sisters.”
Lewis smiles at him and shakes his head fondly. “They’re handfuls, really. But what about you?”
I’d like to get a good handful of you, Arthur’s traitorous brain murmurs appreciatively. His face flames, and he ducks his head quickly. “I’ve — I’ve lived here since I was twelve, and I work at my uncle’s garage. That’s —” he clears his throat, a fresh wave of anxiety bubbling up. “That’s pretty much it. I’m not all that interesting, sorry.”
Lewis scoffs a little, leaning towards him. “C’mon, I’m sure that’s not true!”
Arthur, now desperate to change the topic and escape from the awkward air his self-deprecation sparked, glances around the room frantically. His eyes land on the TV, and he clears his throat again. “So, um…what kind of movies do you like?”
It’s utterly astonishing to Arthur that despite everything, he and Lewis end up talking for hours. The topic shifts from movies to video games to music to collectables to pets (when Galaham woke up and immediately began to demand his freedom, wheeling around his enclosure loudly) to anime. The soup goes cold in his lap as they talk, almost completely ignored.
They’re in the middle of a debate on whether magical girl animes are better (Lewis) or mecha animes are better (Arthur) when Lewis’s phone begins to ring. Lewis takes the call with a small frown and a hand raised to call timeout, switching to rapid-fire Spanish.
Arthur waits, only catching every fourth word or so (languages have never been his strong suit, and he only took two and a half years of Spanish in high school). After a minute or so, Lewis hangs up and glances at Arthur, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “My mamá wants me back home so I can babysit.”
Arthur’s stomach sinks, but he nods, pasting on a crooked smile. “No problem, dude. Thanks for the soup and the company.”
Lewis stands up and holds out his hand. “Give me the soup, I’ll heat it up for you.”
Arthur startles, suddenly remembering the soup in his lap. “Oh! Right, yeah. You don’t have to do that, I can do it myself…”
Lewis shakes his head firmly. “You’re sick, I’m not going to make you get up and microwave it when I’m here and already up.” He reaches for the soup in Arthur’s lap, and Arthur’s brain short-circuits.
To save himself the embarrassment, Arthur hastily hands Lewis the soup. As Lewis heads to the kitchen, Arthur presses the blankets to his face and lets out a soft whine that wants to be a scream. He handed Lewis the soup because he wanted to avoid the fantasies that would come from Lewis reaching for his lap with that fond smile, but they’re bubbling up in his mind anyway.
Lewis comes back into the living room with the now-steaming container of soup and that affectionate smile. He puts it down on the table in front of Arthur, then hesitates, visibly bracing himself. Arthur braces himself for a comment on the weird scream Lewis probably heard, or his creepy behavior, or a gentle letdown that Lewis is straight, but, instead, Lewis blurts out, “Can I get your number?”
Arthur blinks, bemused, and his smile grows. “Sure? I mean, how else am I gonna win this argument?”
Lewis laughs, just a little louder than the rest of the ones Arthur’s heard. He pulls out his phone and hands it down. “Yeah, right. I’m not budging on this one, Art. Here, put your number in.”
Arthur quickly saves his number, hesitating for a brief, agonizing moment before putting his name in simply as Arthur. Just because he was kinda-maybe-sorta flirting for the last few hours doesn’t mean Lewis was, too. Lewis probably thought they were having a friendly conversation and nothing more, so putting a heart after his name was both terrifyingly presumptuous and completely inappropriate. Of course, none of that stopped it from being a tempting idea.
He hands Lewis’s phone back with a grin. “Text me when you can. I’ve got nothing better to do and we’ve got a score to settle here.”
Lewis smiles back, and there’s something in his eyes that Arthur can’t quite place, something almost heated. “Talk to you later, Art.”
#lewthur#lewis msa#lewis pepper#arthur msa#arthur kingsmen#msa#mystery skulls#mystery skulls animated#sickfic#my writing#people talk to me#anonymous#it's been like 8billion years i'm so sorry
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Pairing: Connor (RK800) x Reader, Collin (RK800-60) x Reader, Richard (RK900) x Reader
Summary: The year was 2082. 44 Years after the android revolution. Things have turned south for humanity. Androids now rule the world, leaving humans to be considered as mere animals. While some Androids still have a general disdain for humanity some have taken to the idea of keeping them as “family pets.”You, born in captivity, specifically bred to be the perfect pet happen to get adopted by the RK brothers.
Chapter Description: The Reader is pissed off at Richard, but aren't we all?
Notes: This chapter contains a lot of mentions of alcohol and being drunk, just forewarning you all. There's also a brief mention of NSFW themes but no actual smut. I'm going to start adding more warnings in this fic to anything potentially triggering to people. In future chapters when there is smut I will use this symbol * as a warning before smut scenes but don't worry il mention it in the notes beforehand aswell. <3
(If anyone wants to be added to the tag list, either dm or reply to this post <3)
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Buy me a Coffee?
Chapter 21-
Your name: submit What is this?
Charging your way back into the lounge and away from the bathroom, Connor Immediately notices your new aura of annoyance.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He stops you in your tracks.
"Its nothing." You try to brush off his worries, you don't want Connor to know or be involved in your bullshit with Richard. As he is about to speak your name with concern you are stopped by Collin grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the dance floor.
"You got to try this!" he calls out to you over the pounding music, as he hands you a glass of something. You turn your nose up at it at first slightly disgruntled. You were not in the mood for this right now. Apart of you wanted to tell Collin to fuck off, even though you know he was just trying to have some fun but your mood changed when you saw Richard finally making his way out of the restroom. Possibly finally recovering to the hurt you caused his ego.
Once you saw him casually walking around as if nothing had happened moments ago, you were maddened.
Grabbing the drink from Collin's hand you drank it as fast as you could causing you to cough and splutter once the liquid was gone. Collin was in shock but still managed to let out a stifled laugh, his new 'friends' cheering you on. You hadn’t noticed they had been watching. The noise of the rowdy androids had captured Richards attention. The petty part of you wanted to annoy him some more. Without your normal inhibitions and sense of reason, you decided blatantly flirting with his brother would be a great tactic.
Something you wouldn’t have dreamed of had you been sober, it wouldn’t be worth the possibility of damaging the relationship you had built up with him, plus using him like that would just be wrong. But this wasn’t sober you and you had never been drunk before.
Once you were sure Richard was looking over at you, you smoothed your hand up Collin's chest and began to play with one of the buttons on his shirt, your other hand had found its way to the hair just above his neck. You locked eyes with Richard for a brief moment before you even had noticed the smirk forming on Collin's face.
"Well hello, there." he sang in a flirty tone, looking down at you.
"Hey, you." You bat your eyelids, still twiddling the button in your hand.
Collin lets out a deep chuckle within his chest as places his hands on your hips, swaying both himself and you along to the music. You rest your hands around his shoulders in response as you both dance.
"You having fun, kid?"
You shrug a little, "meh, I could be having some more."
Collin laughs a little in response and shakes his head. "You're dangerous when your drunk."
"Not really, could go with something stronger."
Collin rolls his eyes at you. "Connor would kill me if I let you drink anymore."
"Connors not here." You wink back at him.
Collin scoffs a little at you as you both remain dancing "See, I always knew you were a troublemaker." You shrug.
"Screw it, lets raise a little hell." Collin says before finally giving in to your request.
Famous last words, right?
Two more drinks were all it took. The room was spinning, any last sense or morals were out the window and suddenly everything was hilarious. At least you weren’t mad at Richard anymore, you weren’t mad at anything the world had just became a hazy euphoric bliss. Collin was in a somewhat similar state, even though he had drunk far more than you that night.
Connor finally caught up with the two of you and while he had a buzz from drinking he was nowhere near the same level as the two of you. while Connor did find it amusing he made it quite clear that he didn’t want you to drink anymore. He opted instead to bring you water. While Collin was only pestering Connor to keep on drinking.
"Someone’s got to look after you two." was Connors only response.
Eventually, it was time for you all to head home. Richard had called a taxi to pick you all up. He would just come back for the car the next day.
You couldn’t remember much from the car ride home, or even getting home, or even going to sleep that night. So it was much to your surprise when you woke up in your bedroom the next morning with a splitting headache and someone naked lying next to you.
Holy shit. What did you do?
Who was this?
It was obviously one of your owners but which one? his back was turned and he was fast asleep.
Shit, shit, shit.
What if it was Richard? You would have really let yourself down on that if it was. After you made such a stern point with him. The android moved slightly in the bed as if to turn around. Immediately you shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep. when you heard little to no noise you peered your eyes open to see them still asleep.
The pounding of your head came back to your attention, god you really needed some water. Shuffling as quietly as you could out of bed you slipped on a robe to cover your unclothed body and grabbed a pair of PJs before you slipped out the door.
Leaving your change of clothes in the bathroom as you passed into the kitchen you went to seek out some pills to take for your hangover. Upon entering the kitchen you saw Richard leaning against a counter reading through his newspaper.
You gasped his name audibly causing him to look up at you. His stare made you feel naked and then you remembered you were under your bathrobe. thank god it was wrapped around you tight enough for him not to notice.
He sighed as he placed some pain killers on the counter beside you.
“Thank you.” you replied softly as you went to pour yourself a glass of water. He seemed to analyse your every move as you did so. Did he know?
God, what happened last night?
You planned to go take a shower and perhaps clear your head a bit before having to deal with whoever was laying in your bed. While the shower was nice and made you feel a little less groggy it still didn’t clear much up in your mind. You changed into your fresh pair of pyjamas which you were planning on wearing all day and headed back to your bedroom.
Once back in you realised your bed was now lacking an android. Shit.
How were you going to find out who it was now?
You couldn’t just go up to Collin or Connor and ask ‘hey, did I sleep with you last night?’
Oh god, what were you going to do?
It was probably Collin, right? He had been around the same level of drunk as you and you two had been flirting a little bit. Although it seemed most probable there was still the slight chance it could have been Connor.
What if it was Connor? You both did have an undeniable connection but…
Oh no.
A memory came back to you from last night. You most definitely tried to kiss Connor at one point. Holy shit.
It had been around when you arrived home, you all had sat in the living room for a little bit and you had been sandwiched between both Collin and Connor on the couch. Richard stayed and talked with his brothers for a little bit before heading back to his room for some rest. The boys had been telling you about around when they had all been working at the DPD and the shenanigans they used to get into. Collin had left the room to go get some old pictures that he had kept from that time to show to you which left you and Connor alone for a few minutes.
Connor had his arm around you as you were resting your head against his shoulder.
“How are you feeling?” He asked once you were alone.
“Good.” You hummed comfortably against him in response.
“You should drink some more water.” Connor suggested to you as his eyes caught on the glass that he had filled for you upon arriving home.
You pushed yourself off of him to pick up the glass but started giggling instead.
“What?” Connor asked with a smile, curious as to what was funny.
“You’re just so sweet to me, Con.” You smiled back at him, inching your face closer to his.
“I try.” He shrugged back with a playful smile.
Your head swimming in a whirlpool of incoherent thoughts mixed with the feeling of seeing Connors sweet smiling face had you caught up in the moment, so you closed your eyes to lean in for a kiss. Instead of feeling his soft lips upon your own, you were disappointed by a hand pushing your shoulder back.
Opening your eyes you saw Connors face, eyebrows upturned in a mixture of confusion and sadness.
He apologised saying your name in defeat. “I can’t let you do that.” Connor bit at his lip, his LED swirled yellow. “Not like this. it cant happen like this." Without much else Connor stood to his feet, apologizing again before leaving.
You shuddered thinking back on it. You didn’t want to make Connor feel that uncomfortable. He was nothing but an angel from the moment you met him, you just got so caught up on your stupid drunken feelings.
What did he mean by “Not like this?”
Did he?
No, he doesn’t like you like that. Does he?
Did you ruin something in that moment? Well, if you didn’t then you sure must have now because that means if it wasn’t Connor, it must have been Collin who had been in your bed.
There was nothing left to do now. You had to confront Collin about last night.
With a knock on the door, you were soon invited in. Collin had been sorting through some clothes in his bedroom.
“Oh, look who it is.” He teased with a smile that fell flat once he noticed the look on your face.
“Are you alright?” His voice changed completely in tone as he moved closer toward you.
“We need to talk about what happened last night.” You tried to keep your voice steady.
“Yes of course.” You hadn’t seen Collin this serious before. He sat on the edge of the bed and took your hands in his. You sighed audibly.
“The thing is…” you began. I don’t really remember what happened last night. Did we?” you paused not knowing how to phrase it. “Did we have sex?”
Collin chuckled a little shaking his head. He was still holding on to your hands in both of his before he pulled on away to pat on the bed next to him. You sat down next to him, incredibly confused, waiting on him to recount the story.
“Well… we almost did.” He laughed it off.
Your brows raised as you stared at him wide-eyed.
“Yeah, I mean we made out a little and one thing led to another.” Collin shrugged it off as if it was nothing.
“We did!?” You stammered.
“I mean yeah, but you changed your mind once we were about to y’know.” Collin made a lewd gesture with his fingers.
“Oh.” Was all you said.
“Don’t worry about it.” He patted your back. “No harm done.”
“Oh god, I’m sorry Collin. I was such a mess last night.” You shook your head in your hands.
“It’s okay really. I was drunk too, we all do dumb shit.” He attempted to calm you. “Don’t worry, I know you would never go for someone like me.” he said to quick before he fully realised what had left his mouth.
Did he really think that’s why you’re embarrassed?
“Collin, it’s not like that at all!”
“Psh, don’t worry about it.” He tried to calm you again, “We’re cool.”
“I just didn’t want you to think I was a mess, of course, I like you.” You belted out without thinking.
Now it was Collins turn to look shocked.
“What did you say?”
Chapter 22 -
“Of course, I like you.” You regretted those words as soon as they left your lips. You wished you could just eat them back up again. Collin was totally caught off guard by your confession.
“What did you say?” “I… I mean…” You stammered trying to find the correct words, with a nervous sweat now creeping down your back. “You like me?” his head tilted, he almost didn’t believe you at first. “I mean like, your my friend and your nice and-" You stammered again trying to pull any coherent thought out of your head. When a pang of realisation hit Collin, his confusion then turned to an awfully smug look.
"Well, don’t be so nervous about it." He chuckled softly. “I’m not, I just...” He let another small laugh out before placing his hand on your cheek pulling your face towards him slightly and placing a small but firm kiss on your cheek. You’re flustered reaction to the gesture only cause him to smile wider. “It’s okay. I won’t tell Richard.” He teased before standing up and walking over to the mirror to fix his hair in the reflection. Something that both Collin and Connor were guilty of was constantly fixing and nitpicking at their appearances. An oddly charming habit. “Collin?”
“Yeah?” He nods without looking over to you.
Fidgeting with your hands, you swallow what you had left of your pride to ask. “well… what does this mean?”
You noticed his reflection in the mirror immediately turning grim after he analysed your words. With a sigh, he turns around to look at you, now a look of guilt accompanying him. He speaks your name slowly. “As much as I have grown fond of you… I don’t think anything should come of this.” He hadn't expected that you would have ever wanted something before anyway.
“It’s not that I don’t want it.” He explains cautiously making his way back over to you, kneeling before you. “It’s just every time I get close to someone it ends up coming back to bite me in the ass.”
Collin lets out a small, fake smile to alleviate some tension, a smile which immediately falls flat again. Gently he takes one of your hands and plants a small kiss on your knuckles. Remaining to keep your hand close to his face, he begins to speak again.
“I really like you, and I don’t want to mess up what we’ve built. I especially don’t want to mess up things with either of my brothers, things are tense enough.”
“I understand.” You replied quietly. It made sense, although it still stung a little.
“You deserve better honestly.” He whispered against your hand. “and you can still get that.”
You didn’t respond. You didn’t really know what Collin was getting at. You just remained focused on his tense little face. His head tilts down a tad as his eyes focus on the floor.
“I know I shouldn’t really be the one to tell you this.” He begins again, eyes darting back up to meet yours. “But Connor… well, he’s crazy about you.”
“He is?”
“Yeah, I mean he hasn’t said it yet but I know him better than anyone else. I see the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him. You deserve someone like Connor, not me.”
“Collin?” You tried to stop him.
“No, please.” He sighs your name. “It’s just easier for all of us if its Connor. Plus I’d much rather you be with him than Richard.” A small forced smile appears on the side of his lips again.
“But Collin...”
“Please.” He stands up letting go of your hands. “I just can’t.”
There was no winning with him.
Without another word you stand up to hug him, wrapping your arms gently around him. It was all that you could do in that moment. Collin returns the gesture. “You really are one of my best friends.” He whispers into your hair before you both part.
You feel your heart swell up so much at those words. You had no idea you ever meant that much to him.
As his arms pulled away from you he gave you a small smile. “Go talk to Connor.”
Your eyebrows lifted as you shook your head to him like a pouting child.
“At least think about it, okay?”
It wasn’t that you didn’t have feelings for Connor, of course, you did but this was all so overwhelming and confusing. You liked Collin as well.
Oh, what am I going to do with myself?
You couldn’t just hop from one RK to the other.
God, why did they all have to be so handsome?
Maybe you just need to clear your head. Today was not a good day for decision making. You were way too hungover and groggy for any of this. Perhaps spending the rest of the day in bed would be the best option.
So you spent the rest of the night staring up at the ceiling and cursing your own stupidity. Should you have said something different to Collin?
But what could you say? I want you and your older brother even though I used to hook up with your younger brother. Yeah, that wouldn't fly.
Maybe you’d be safer just pushing your feelings down into non-existence?
Well, that would have been at least a little bit easier if you didn’t know that Collin AND Connor BOTH liked you.
What. A. Mess.
Just as you were about to cover your face in your pillow to let out a scream, you were interrupted by a knock on your bedroom door.
Oh now what?!
Before you could get mad at the interruption Connor's sweet face had popped around the corner of your door and into your dimly lit bedroom.
You fixed your blanket around yourself as you sat up on the bed. Connor asked if he could come in, you nodded.
He came, carrying a small brown bag, the contents of which smelt delicious.
“While I normally don’t endorse this, I thought an exception could be made considering your current ailment.” He smirked setting the bag beside you on your side table.
You stared up at him in confusion.
“Uh, my friend Hank used to like having something disgustingly greasy after a night of drinking. So I thought maybe…” Connor shrugged as he sat on the side of your bed.
“Thank you, Connor.” You gave a tense smile. Connor noticed something was off. You looked uncomfortable as hell.
“What’s wrong?” genuine concern shrouded his voice.
“It’s nothing…”
“Well, it doesn’t seem like nothing.” He pushed, he obviously wasn’t going to drop it that easy.
“I’m just really embarrassed, Connor.”
He nodded a little. “It’s okay.”
Why does everyone keep saying that?
“No, it’s not.” You sighed before covering your face with your hands. “I messed up.”
Lightly, Connor stroked down your bare arm with the back of his knuckles.
“Hey, it’s only me.” He smiled softly. “I’m not here to judge.” Simple words but Connor did always find a way to relax you and make you feel warm inside.
Jeez, you were practically putty in his hands from his touch alone.
“Come on you, eat up.” He took the bag off of your side table. “Once you’re finished we can talk okay?”
You nodded shyly in agreement, might as well get this over with.
“It’ll be alright.” Connor gave you a reassuring smile once more as he handed you over a bottle of water.
Chapter 23 -
You tried to eat as slowly as you could. Halfway through beginning to eat you soon realised when you finished you would have to talk to Connor about last night. How embarrassing.
You wondered whether or not it was a good idea to mention what had happened between you and Collin, would he be upset? Would that ruin things between you and him? You couldn’t just pretend like it didn’t happen either.
And then there was Collin…
Collin wanted you to talk to Connor about your feelings for him but honestly, you didn’t know if that was a great idea either. Remaining platonic seem like the only logical thing in this situation. You didn’t want any more confusion and you definitely didn’t want to start any drama between the brothers.
It’s okay, you’ve had crushes before, sooner or later your feelings would fade. Right?
You must have underestimated Connor, forgetting that he was a machine with incredible deductive abilities, you didn’t think he would catch on to your unusually slow pace. He noticed your unusual behaviour immediately. Eyeing you for a moment he pondered why were you so reluctant to have this conversation with him. You were good friends, right? Connor didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, he just wanted to help.
He adjusted himself on your bed, sitting up a little more forward before eventually speaking out. “You know, If you don’t want to talk about it, it's fine.”
“Huh?” you reply, trying to play it off as if you had no idea what he was talking about.
“You’re stalling.” Connor replies plainly.
You looked down at your hand and noticed you had been playing with your fries rather than eating them, your face reddening slightly.
“I know that what happened was a little, awkward…” Connor Began to speak, his left arm settling on the back of his neck. “but it doesn’t.”
You cut him off before he could finish. “I know Connor, I know.”
His face turned in concern, he wanted to continue asking questions but he opted for waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to speak up on your own.
With a sigh, you finally gather up the courage to confess. “I just feel like I keep screwing things up.”
“What do you mean?” Connor still didn’t quite understand.
“It’s just last night…” Your face began to scrunch up as you began to speak in a fast-paced panicked tone. “Richard was being an idiot, so I started drinking. Then I was being gross and tried to come on to you and now I think Collins upset and it’s all my fault.”
“Hey, hey… slow down. Just breathe.” Connor tried to calm you. Even if it wasn’t for your tone of voice he could tell by the way your shoulders had tightened up around your neck that you were stressing yourself out.
“It’s’ okay.” He spoke again, placing his hand on top of yours. You let out a shaky breath and tried to regulate your breathing to a slower pace. You let your shoulders fall down to try and relax back into your pillow, while Connor moved the food in the bag you had been picking over to your side table.
“We’ll start at the beginning okay.” His voice was tender as he sat back down on the bed, his soft eyes filling you with a bit more comfort.
“What did Richard do?”
“I don’t want to talk about it” you sighed. “He was just being arrogant, like always.”
Connor nodded. “So you wanted to get drunk so you wouldn’t have to deal with his bullshit?”
“I guess a little.” You shook your head in agreement. “It was mainly to annoy him.”
“And you thought annoying him would make things even?”
Jeez, Connor was going full-on therapist mode tonight.
“No, I don’t know.” Your arms crossed tightly across your chest. “I have no idea. I just wanted to… I don’t even know Connor.”
“It's okay.” he stated once more before offering his hand out to you. You sigh and placed your hand in his and he began stroking his thumb across your knuckles.
“I wanted to show that he can’t control me.” You finally confess.
“But he is.”
“He ended up ruining your night, inadvertently maybe, but his arrogance made you want to get back at him. Leading you to perhaps drink a little too much?”
You blinked at him.
Shit. He was right.
Dammit, Connor.
“If you want to drink on your own volition by all means but you shouldn’t let him be the reason for that. You’re still letting him control you.”
Your face was completely blank at this stage which made Connor slightly worried that maybe he had upset you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean the lecture, it’s just.”
“No, no I probably needed to hear that.”
Connor gave your hand a small squeeze, one which you returned. You both shared a small smile before what happened last night had crossed Connors mind again.
“Hey…” he began cautiously. “About what happened in the living room last night.”
“Oh god Connor, I’m so sorry.” You gasped, pulling your hand back from his to cover the shame on your face.
“No, no… it’s okay really. I just wanted to let you know it really wasn’t a big deal. You were drunk, I understand.” He laughed a little while speaking, you supposed that was good that he wasn’t taking it all too seriously but still. You were so embarrassed.
“It’s not really a good excuse.” Your hands slip down to cover your mouth instead of your whole face.
Connor just chuckles in return. “Really, it’s okay. My first time drinking, I punched a co-worker in the face.”
“What? Really?” A laugh erupted from your throat.
“Yeah.” He shook his head with a smile. “It was when I was in the DPD. After a particularly annoying case, Hank took me out to a bar. It was around when alcohol for androids first came on the market.” He explained. “A detective that neither Hank nor I particularly liked was there. He made some snide remarks and I knocked his lights out.” Connor shrug with a slight smirk taking over his upper lip.
“You? Really?”
No way did sweet little Connor do something like that.
“Yeah.” He shrugged again.
“Well, I find that hard to believe. You’re too much of a softie.” You giggle as you poke his arm.
Connor smiles wide as he leans towards you slightly, amused by your assessment. You smile back but your laughing ceases when you notice a small twinkle in Connor's eyes. You stay focused on it for a moment before snapping back to reality and looking away. Connor must have got lost in somewhat of a similar trance as he sat back up straight, slightly flushed and trying to fix his clothes up.
“Yeah so… we all make mistakes.” Connor laughs off awkwardly, as he tries to change the topic.
You nod.
“So… you said Collin was upset. What was wrong I thought he had a good night?”
Oh god. You cover your face with one of your pillows in response.
Connor leaned back onto the bed still staring at you, waiting for you to be brave enough to respond.
“Honestly Connor, I don’t know how to tell you.”
But how could you say no to his face?
“Don’t hate me…” You begin with a whine as you move the pillow down, hugging it against your chest.
“I could never.”
Dammit, his damn perfect smile makes this so much harder.
You release a drawn-out sigh before beginning to speak again. You had to tell him, there was no other way around it. You were hiding too much from Connor already at this point.
“I almost slept with Collin last night.”
“What?!” Connor stands up as soon as the words leave your mouth. The movement was so quick that it almost made you jump. He settles one of his hands on his forehead in disbelief before moving closer to you, crouching down to meet your eye level as you still sat on the bed. “Are you okay? Did he…”
You didn’t know exactly what Connor was going to finish that sentence with but you did know he was worrying far too much. “It’s fine! Honestly, I’m fine, nothing happened.”
“I can’t believe him.” Connor stands up again shaking his head in disgust.
“Connor, it was as much as my fault as it was his.” You call out to him. “We were both drunk, Collin’s been nothing but a sweetheart to me honestly!”
Connor's demeanour seems to settle down a bit and he nods. “I’m sorry. You’re an adult I shouldn’t have… Collin just... I just do..” He stutters making a mess of what he is saying before attempting to get a coherent sentence out. “Him taking advantage of you, I…” A sentence you wouldn’t let him finish.
“Yeah, I know he has a history of being a ‘heartbreaker’” you say with air quotations. “Believe me, he used to brag about it all the time.” You let out a soft chuckle which allowed Connor to feel settled enough to give a small half-smile in return.
“So why was he upset?” Connor finally manages to ask.
“Uh…” Here comes the hard part…
“I may have admitted that I have a tiny bit of a crush on him…”
“Oh?” Connor straightens himself up. “Oh…” His head droops down slightly, something you didn’t really notice.
“But then he said that he doesn’t want to mess up our friendship.” Connor’s heavy eyes slowly look back up at you.
“And he said I deserved… someone better.”
Connor was feeling such a strange mixture of emotions but he tried to keep it together. “He said that?” He asked, now worrying about his brother as well.
Perhaps this was a side of Collin, Connor hadn’t really seen before. Not since… well, not since Racheal, his first Girlfriend. Now THAT was a mess
“Then he said um, that uh…” you were really struggling now, god why was this so difficult.
“Maybe I shouldn’t say.”
“What is it?” Connor asked so softly it might as well have been a whisper.
“He said that he thinks you like me.”
Connor’s LED flashed red.
“And that he thought you would be better for me.”
You both stayed silent for a few moments. neither of the two of you knowing what to say. God for a 44-year-old being Connor was blushing like a teenager. Come to think of it all three of the RK's were so bad at admitting when they had feelings. All for different reasons of course.
Connor was blanked out now. You had to call his name to finally pull him back to reality.
“Remember when I said you should talk to Collin, before?”
“I think now would be a good time.”
“Yes. Of course.” Connor then set up off of the bed, he didn’t really know how to handle this situation with you or what to say. So you knew he liked you but did you like him? He didn’t want to put that type of pressure on you. The best thing to do now was to focus on Collin.
His feelings could wait, he needed to make sure his brother was okay.
Before Connor was about to leave you called out after him one more time.
“Hey, Connor?”
“He’s really been hurting recently.”
Connor nods, “Do you want me to come back in after?” he asks. He didn’t know why he asked, he sure didn’t want to but…
“I’m probably just going to finish eating then head to sleep. Thank you for the food. We'll talk tomorrow.”
Connor nods again. “Goodnight.”
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Tag list: @connorsdimple @crushedtincan
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We Are Going to Be Friends Pt. 5
I finally finished this stupid chapter! And I have to apologize because it is not a happy one. (Not the saddest either, though. That’s reserved to the final chapter. Anyone who has read my other works in this AU knows what’s coming there.)
Words: 2921
Tag List: @datfearlessfangirl @cas-is-a-hunter @princemesscharming @illogicalthinking (Let me know if you want tagged!
Here’s the last part if you missed it and here’s the whole series on ao3
Okay, Here’s the Fic
When Logan picked himself off the ground, he could tell by the black dots swimming in his vision something was very wrong. He carefully cleaned up the broken glass, ignoring the way his hands shook, and made his way outside. It had somehow gotten dark since he had last been out. He knew if he went to his room he would go to sleep, and he needed to stay awake until his brother got home. He made it to the end of his parent’s yard, to the staircase that led to the sidewalk. His bag sat next to him on the steps, but his homework was all but forgotten. He was mostly focusing on his breathing, actively trying to remain conscious. He did not notice the loud pair of teenagers wandering past his house, which was not uncommon anyway, Logan hadn’t realized it before, but Remus and Roman’s friend group had always been wandering around the town, and plenty of the neighbors complained about how loud they were, but most of the noise was just the twins, whose voices carried without them even trying. He did not notice the way they slowed to a stop and stared at him, calling out his name, trying to get his attention. He did not hear the whispered,
“Is that Logan?” or the more panicked,
“What the hell happened to him?”
When the twins made it to Logan, he was coherent enough to glare at them. He was not able to do much more than that. He did have enough of his parents' DNA in him to swing at Remus when he grabbed Logan’s arm, apparently. The glass embedded in Logan’s hand cut Remus’ jaw, but the punch itself didn’t have much power behind it. All it really managed to do was cause Logan to groan in pain.
“Jesus, Logan. What the hell is going on?” Roman was looking quickly between the two bleeding teenagers. Remus looked shocked more than hurt, and Logan looked hurt more than angry.
“Good news, little brother! We no longer have the same face!” Remus was looking at his reflection in his cell phone screen. “This is totally going to scar.”
“Rem. Need you to focus, buddy.” Roman was more than a little panicked. Logan was looking kind of grey, his eyes glassy and his brow shining with sweat. “What do we do?” Remus seemed to refocus when he heard Roman’s tone.
“Oh! Uh, we should probably call someone, right? Is this his house? Maybe get his parents.” Logan shook his head violently at that.
“No no no I’m… I’m sorry plea..se. don’t send me back to the… them.” His words were slurred, and he was trying to move away from the brothers.
“Woah, hold on there nerdy wolverine.” Remus coaxed Logan back into a sitting position. “Nobody is going to make you go anywhere, but you’re gonna pass out if we don’t get your hand looked at. And your face, too. Did you try to go swimming in a bar trash can or something? You stink!” Roman gently smacked his brother’s arm. “Oh, sorry.”
“What Remus means to say is you are bleeding and smell like beer, and need stitches probably. We need to know what happened, or who to call.”
“You don’t… you don’t need to call anyone. I’m... I… I’ll be fine until L.. til L gets off work. Go back to… go back to being farther away than this.” Logan was leaning heavily against Remus, who laughed in a way that was definitely more out of fear than amusement.
“How about I sit with you until L gets back, and Ro runs home to grab some first aid stuff?” Roman looked like he wanted to protest, but Remus ignored him. “What do you think we’d need to help you, Logan?”
“Tw...eezers? And water.” Logan nodded like that was obvious. “Maybe a… maybe a light? And bandaids.” Roman nodded, backing away about ten feet before turning and booking it around the corner.
“So, Three Days Glass- oh god that was awful sorry- You want to tell me what happened here?”
“I… went swimming in… a bar trash can,” Logan joked weakly. Remus was fully supporting his weight at this point.
“So we aren’t going to talk about it then?” Logan was now staring at Remus’ face with mild curiosity.
“I think you’re bleeding.” Remus laughed loudly at that.
“Yeah, some asshole punched me with glass in his hand.” Logan nodded solemnly
“I’ll fight them.” Roman was heading back towards them now, a first aid kit and a large sports bottle in his arms. “Your brother is.. Fast” Logan mumbled. “He doesn’t like me.” Remus looked over at the younger kid.
“What makes you think that?” Logan went to answer, but he was cut off by Roman’s loud voice.
“Okay Logan, Do you want me to start with your face or hands?”
“Actually, Ro, I think I should be the one to do this.” Remus gently took the supplies from Roman’s hands. “I’m better with blood than you are.” Roman’s eyes widened, but he nodded and flipped on the light instead, shining it at Logan’s cut face. With the new light, the brothers could see the bruise forming on the side opposite the glass, but neither mentioned it. Logan talked Remus through the best way to remove the glass, explaining how to clean out the cuts with the water, the squeeze top on the sports bottle was very good at that, to get any small pieces out. Remus promptly ignored his brother, who was mumbling quietly about how much blood there was.
“We should call a doctor, Remus, this isn’t like when you come back from the woods with scrapes from trees and rocks, glass is serious” Roman was barely coherent. “We should call Dad, at least.”
“No.” Remus shot back without looking up from where he was not pulling glass from Logan’s hand. “He said not to call anyone, Roman. Just shine the damned light on his hand so I don’t fuck anything up.” Roman mumbled on ‘okay’ and shined the light back on Logan’s hand. “That big one probably needs stitches, but the rest aren’t as bad as they look. He’s probably like this more from the pain and shock than actual blood loss.” Remus muttered. Mostly to himself. “The hands are made up of thirty-four muscles, twenty-nine bones, three major nerves, and two major arteries, with around 2,500 nerve receptors per square centimeter in the hand” He shook his head. “Need to focus, focus” Logan looked up at Remus curiously. “ Glass injuries are exceptionally dangerous because small fragments of the glass can be missed, causing infections that can spread from the skin to the blood to the heart and brain, causing major organ damage and failure, eventually leading to-”
“Did you know Mars has almost the same amount of landmass as Earth?” Logan asked Remus, who immediately cut off from his spiraling thoughts to look at him curiously.
“Mars is way smaller than Earth,” Remus argued, still carefully cleaning each of the smaller cuts, most of which were on the palm of Logan’s hand, avoiding the biggest one, which was firmly set in between his knuckles.
“That’s true. Mars... Mars only has 15% of Earth’s volume, but since... 70% of Earth is covered in water... They have about the same land.” Remus hummed at that. “Did you know that there have been signs of liquid water on Mars?” Roman looked at Logan incredulously.
“Specs, I appreciate a good martian lecture as much as the next guy, but why are we having it now? Aren’t there more important things to be talking about?” Logan ignored him, still focusing on Remus.
“We know Mars has water in the form of ice, but because of the extreme temperatures, scientists assume the water is either incred..” He drew in a shaky breath, “incredibly salty or is otherwise high in something that prevents it from freezing. Its temperatures range from -153 to 20 °C with surface temperatures from -87 to -5 °C.” Remus had moved on to the largest injury in the hand. His voice wavered a little when he called out,
“Roman, can you come here?” Roman moved closer, seeing the injury up close for the first time.
“Holy shit, Rem there is no way-”
“I know, Ro. What do I-” Logan finally looked at his hand properly. The largest glass shard, about an inch and a half and jagged, and still bleeding noticeably. The swing he had taken at Remus had probably set it much further into his hand than the rest.
“It’s going to hurt when it is removed.” Logan nodded, as if steeling himself to a resolution.
“Lo I don’t think I can pull that out. I don’t think I could get a good enough grip with these.” Remus held up the tweezers.
“No, I don’t imagine you could. Thank you for your assistance, Remus, Roman.” He nodded to each of the twins in turn. “Allow me to compensate you for the bandages.” Logan used his good hand to pull his wallet out of the bookbag next to him.
“What? Logan you don’t have to pay us for bandaids.” Remus looked shocked. “We’re your friends. We wanted to help. Come on, I’ll call Dad and he can take us to the ER. They’ll be able to get that big piece out and make sure there are no other bits we can’t see.” Logan recoiled from Remus’ hand on his arm and held out a twenty-dollar bill.
“I appreciate your help, but we are not friends.” Both twins looked at him with identical looks of confusion. “I have no interest in any companionship. Please, take the money.” Roman rolled his eyes and took the money, setting it down on the ground between them.
“Logan, I don’t know what makes you think we’re going to take that bullshit as an answer, but we aren’t and there’s no way we’re just going to take your money and leave you bleeding on the sidewalk, either.” Roman insisted.
“Yeah! We’re trauma bonded now!” Remus replied, slightly too enthusiastically. Logan stood, ignoring the wave of nausea and vertigo that threatened to send him crashing back to the ground.
“No. I am not interested in being friends. Remus, make sure you take your medication when you get home, I believe you’re becoming manic.” Remus flushed red. “Have a good evening, gentlemen.” Logan grabbed his bag and went back to his parents’ house, avoiding the front door and walking around to the back yard. He could hear the twins arguing, but he ignored them in favor of searching the shed for the tool kit he knew was there but had never been used. It only took him a few minutes to find the pliers, still in their plastic packaging. His hands were still shaking, his head was pounding, and his heart was beating much too quickly as he pulled the package open with his teeth. It took another ten minutes and several failed attempts before he pulled the glass out. It took another forty-five minutes for L to find him, leaning against the workbench, eyes red and breaths coming in short, rattling sobs.
It took until Monday for him to leave his bed, his brother assuring him that he had let the school know he had been ‘mugged’ and had needed a few days to recover. But time passed, as it most always does, and Monday came, leaving Logan to walk into the high school with his chin held high, back perfectly straight, glasses sitting perfectly even, as if the deep purple bruise, which now had yellows and greens, was not there. As if his right hand, not his dominant hand, thankfully, wasn’t tightly bandaged. As if he wasn’t still far too pale. He wasn’t speaking much, only a few words here and there since Wednesday night. L was worried, but it wasn’t uncommon for Logan to go silent for a few days, and even up to a week, at a time, so he mostly let it go.
Logan didn’t bother saying goodbye to his brother as he turned into the freshman hallway. He saw his locker, which had several “Get well” cards taped to it. Small towns meant everyone knew everything. Or at the very least, they thought they knew everything. He didn’t bother to read them, pulling them down from the door and setting them on the top shelf. He hung up his jacket, leaving him in his navy blue dress shirt, his sleeves rolled halfway up and the top two buttons undone, showing just the collar of his t-shirt underneath it. Several of Remus and Roman’s friends tried to stop and talk to him as he made his way to homeroom, but he pretended to not notice. He brushed past every one of them, pointedly ignoring those who tried talking to him in classes, pretending like they weren’t waving him to their groups now that the first semester projects had begun. He spoke only when spoken to by a teacher, otherwise keeping his jaw clenched tightly closed.
By the time his English class had come around, most of the group had stopped trying to catch his attention. Remus looked at him as he walked in, giving him a ghost of a smile before looking back to Roman, who was facing away from the door. Logan didn’t acknowledge he saw it, stepping past them and sitting in his seat without saying a word. He ignored the way Roman’s eyes bored into him. He ignored the way his eyes burned and his throat tightened when Remus asked how his hand was. He took notes, didn’t answer any questions he wasn’t specifically asked, and pretended as if the Sanders twins weren’t both not so subtly trying to get his attention. When the bell rang, he flinched, only a little, as he did at most loud noises now.
‘Trauma bonded’ Remus had joked, not realizing that there actually was genuine trauma. This had not been the first time his mother had lost her temper, no, but this was the first, and last, though Logan didn’t know that, time that she had caused actual physical damage. It had broken something in Logan, some sense of security he hadn’t even known he had.
When she had come to his room the next morning to apologize, panicked apologies had torn their way from his throat. They both were in shock, him lowering himself to be as small as possible, her trying her best to not scare him more.
By Sunday, Logan had managed to bite back any visible emotional response to her. He had done this by shoving down every visible emotional reaction he made. He had wondered if it was healthy to be quite so good at keeping his emotions swallowed down.
Now, Monday, his face was completely passive. Not even an eyebrow raise gave away what he was feeling. When he came into the lunchroom, there were many eyes on him, several people whispering about how anyone who talked to him said he sounded like a ‘robot’. His responses to ‘are you okay?’ ranged from ‘there will be no permanent damage’ to ‘yes, I am quite well, excuse me.’ but all answers were given in the same flat, bored tone. He went through the hot lunch line, getting what he suspected was supposed to be a chicken sandwich but looked more like a beige hockey puck. He sat at an empty table towards the front of the lunchroom, not far from the Sanders twin’s table, ignoring his brother, who had waved him over. He was sitting, picking at his food and listening to music when someone sat down next to him. He did not take his headphones off, refusing to even look to see who they were. He knew it was not L, so he suspected it was one of the people who had attempted to make ‘friends’ on his first day. If they tried to talk to him, he didn’t notice. They didn’t touch him and sat at least one seat away. When the lunch period was over, they got up and left before Logan had even taken his headphones off.
The rest of the day went similarly, him ignoring Elliot and Kai other than to discuss the lab they had been given. The next week went exactly the same. He still didn’t look to see who sat with him at lunch, still didn’t speak to the twins, still answered questions with replies that sounded like they were written by an AI. Any answers to teachers' questions regarding class were answered as if he were reading them from the textbook.
Two weeks passed, nothing changed much. Remus stopped smiling at him, even a little when he entered English class. Whoever had been sitting with him at lunch apparently decided it wasn’t worth it. Teachers called on him to answer questions only when nobody else seemed to have an answer, knowing he would give them a flat, incredibly accurate explanation even if his hand wasn’t raised, which it never was.
By the end of the first semester, as far as anyone could tell, Logan Starr had no emotions. Even L had eventually given up on trying to get through to the younger teen. Logan told himself he wanted that. It was better to be alone. Emotions were unnecessary. Friends were unnecessary. Happiness was unnecessary. And frankly, Logan told himself, he was unnecessary too.
#logan sanders#roman sanders#remus sanders#sympathetic remus#punk au#high school#eventual logince#angst#tw blood#Logan is a punk#and is traumatized#child abuse#yikes okay i'm sorry#i'll make it up to you#hopefully#welcome to apathetic logan#he sticks around fro a while
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Before I do anything else, I want to post the second part of my two part fic series. This time, from Hawkeye’s eyes on an all male team. There is more dialogue from the game since there is more in game interaction in this configuration, but it still shows his feelings about things going on. Along with some snark from Duran and a bit of adorable from Kevin...
The tactical meeting dismissed, leaving Duran and his team to get ready for their trip back to Beiser. There was worry that they might not be able to leave Palo, but thankfully Liza was able to inform them that ships were still going out. Kevin had asked if they could swim instead of taking the boat but was overruled because neither Hawkeye nor Duran would be able to keep up!
“Well, we should get supplies before we leave,” suggested Duran.
Alma, the middle-aged woman who’d been at the meeting, stated, “Then come with me. I’ll show you were we have some extra restoratives. And don’t worry about paying us back…you are taking on this mission for our sake, after all…”
“If we’re getting supplies, can I have something to eat?” questioned Kevin. “I’m hungry.”
The two youths followed her out of the room, as did the few Amazons and the old man. Leaving only Hawkeye and Riesz standing around. He took her in for a moment, not knowing what to think. What other royal princess would volunteer to go on a dangerous mission instead of delegating responsibility to one of her underlings? Not only that, but she was the Captain of the guard as well! Something told him that it wasn’t just some ceremonial position they’d handed off to her…this girl had the look of someone who, despite her unassuming appearance, could kill a man with ease if needed!
“Are you okay?” she asked, looking up.
For a moment, Hawkeye stayed silent. Then he closed the distance between them a little, looking her straight in the eyes. “I am sorry for all you are going through. If I had been stronger, I might have been able to stop this before it got out of hand.”
“Huh?” the confused girl replied. “Whatever do you mean by that?”
Taking a breath, Hawkeye told her, “I…come from Nevarl myself. Ever since that witch, Isabella, joined us, she has been manipulating our leader for her own ends. I tried to stop her, alongside my best friend…but we failed! And I’m the only one of us who survived to keep fighting.”
Riesz was taken back a little. Sure, she had suspected the man to be one of the thieves when he’d been brought in. But while it would have been safer to lock him up in the jail, just in case, something told her that he was trustworthy. Maybe it was the fact that he was traveling with people who were clearly not Nevarlans. Maybe it was the stories Alma had told her about the Pedda war, including mention of a Nevarlan deserter who had been one of her allies, telling her to give him a chance. And yet, she was not expecting him to apologize, or to hear of outside influence starting the conflict.
“I cannot forgive them for killing my father and abducting my brother,” she finally said. “But I can tell you are sincere. Please, do be careful on your journey…I do not want to see others hurt because they are trying to help me and my people.”
Hawkeye thanked her, his mind trying to process everything. This girl…she wasn’t like any royalty he’d ever heard of. All the stories told in Nevarl were of people who would use anyone they could with little care for their safety or security. Of people who would bleed their citizens dry in order to have money for the sake of having money. Yet despite only having just met her, Riesz truly felt like a person who cared for her people out of authentic responsibility, not merely something they claimed in order to get away with whatever they wanted.
As he began to open his mouth, Duran came running in. “Hawkeye! We got the stuff we needed, and Kevin’s fully fed! Let’s head out for Beiser!”
The young thief turned with a sigh, telling Riesz, “Don’t worry, Princess! We’ll get you that info and reclaim your citadel before long!”
“You know, you should call a princess ‘Your Highness,’ if you want to be polite!” Duran stated.
“And you’re one to talk about politeness!” joked Hawkeye. “Besides King Richard, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you act polite towards anyone!”
Their playful argument continued as the pair left the room. Riesz watched them leave, a smile crossing her face. She then grasped her hands in prayer, begging the Goddess of Mana to watch over the three travelers on their journey. Not just for retaking Laurent…but wherever they roamed afterwards.
* * *
A trio of ninja guarded the doorway to the highest point of Citadel Laurent. Before they even knew what was going on, the one in front felt a shuriken embed itself into his forehead! Down to the ground he went, his comrades following soon after to the strike of a sword and the claws of a fully transformed beastman!
“And that’s a wrap for these idiots!” Duran exclaimed, sheathing his sword.
Hawkeye added, “We’re getting close! Isabella’s reign of terror over these people is almost over.”
Duran nodded. “Yeah. And we’ll definitely make sure to get her out of Nevarl once we’ve got the Mana Sword. She may not be my true enemy, but I’m not gonna leave a friend’s home in danger!”
Kevin rammed into the door in front of them, bursting it open. Thankfully…nothing was broken, though Hawkeye did get a lie ready about it being damaged in a fight with the invaders if needed be. He might believe Isabella’s actions were wrong and self-serving, but that didn’t mean that he should have to pay for damages to the citadel done by him and his friends!
As Duran reached out to touch the Goddess Statue, a woman’s pained cry lit up the air! Hawkeye immediately rushed up the stairs to find Riesz, kneeling on the ground and with several bloody gashes on her body. Bil and Ben stood over her, shuriken in their hands and ready to end it…
“Riesz!” he called out, knives at the ready. “Wait, Bil, Ben? Stop! What are you doing!?”
The two paid him no heed, as if they did not recognize Hawkeye at all! Instead, they ran further in, calling out for someone named “Belladonna.” While Hawkeye didn’t know who that was, he had more important things to worry about. Like making sure the injured woman in front of him didn’t bleed out. He grabbed one of the Honey Elixirs that Alma had previously given them and had her drink.
“…Th-thank you… The enemy commandant is in that room over there. I will…go…shortly,” she told him, struggling in an attempt at standing.
Despite the pain clearly still shooting through her body, Riesz tried to pull herself up. Only to collapse back on her knees. Hawkeye could see the determination in her eyes, knowing that he’d probably act the same way under such circumstances. Still, despite his usual reservations about royalty, he was not the type to let a young woman be put in needless danger.
“Don’t be an idiot!” he snapped. “You aren’t going anywhere with those wounds! What would your subjects do if you didn’t make it back? Wait here—we’ll take care of it, Your Highness.”
He ignored Duran’s comment about how he was being all formal towards Riesz now. As well as the wolf whistle and comments about him being a player. Instead, he kept his attention on the beautiful woman before him, her eyes still filled with equal parts determination and pain. She spoke of her promise to avenge her father, something Hawkeye could understand all too well. He would go through anything to avenge Eagle, and if he’d been in the same situation, someone else would have had to get him to stand down. Meaning…he had to do that for her!
Hawkeye looked Riesz straight in the eyes, a gentle expression on his face. “I’ve never been a fan of royalty, but I understand responsibility. You can’t let down all those people who look up to you.”
As he turned to leave, Riesz whispered his name in a gentle voice. Hawkeye could feel strength welling up inside of him. He would do this…for Eagle, for Jessica, for Nevarl. And so the girl in front of him could regain her home! Sternly telling her to stay out of harm’s way, he rushed off!
* * *
They were able to liberate Laurent and get the Nevarlan agents out of the citadel. Still, Isabella, no, Belladonna had gotten away. Hawkeye didn’t know why she’d gone under an assumed name, nor had he ever heard of the “Dark Majesty” that she spoke of. But he could tell that this man was bad news! It looked like he had a tougher fight to reclaim Nevarl and avenge Eagle than he’d expected.
Riesz thanked the group for their help in saving her home. But noted that it would not bring her murdered father back. Hawkeye told her how his friends appeared to be under mind control—something he knew well that Belladonna was capable of, considering what she did to Eagle—and it was the same for all of Nevarl.
“Belladonna… She is the one who stole my father and my kingdom from me,” commented Riesz. “She still has my brother! I will never forgive her!”
Hawkeye looked at her sadly, worried she would get in over her head again. Or worse…she’d skewer Belladonna with her spear before he could finish his own job! “Riesz, listen. I know you want revenge, but if you destroy Belladonna now, an innocent girl’s life will be in danger. Just give me a bit more time. With the Sword of Mana, I know I can save Jessica! That’s why we have to find it!”
Whether out of guilt or worry, he knew not, Riesz looked at the floor. “This Jessica, is she…” But she stopped at those words. “Never mind. I understand the situation. Right now, my fellow countrymen and I need to focus on rebuilding my kingdom.”
He thanked her for understanding and letting him take care of things. Not paying any attention to the smirk Duran was throwing at Kevin. Of course, when the knight mouthed, “I think she likes him!” to his friend, it was missed because Kevin didn’t realize he was trying to send a message!
* * *
With the blessings of her soldiers, all knowing their captain wouldn’t sit and wait for others to rescue her brother, Riesz prepared to set out at the same time as Duran’s team. Hawkeye did wish she would rest a little more, although he didn’t voice his concerns this time. She did appear fully healed, after all, and he knew that if it were him, he’d have to be chained down to keep from going!
‘Funny…never thought I’d say I had something in common with a princess!’ he mused.
“I will set out again to renew my search for my brother,” she informed them. “Thank you all for everything you have done. May we meet again.”
“Riesz, I wish…,” began Hawkeye.
However, Riesz interrupted him as she put her hands up over her reddening face. “Uh, I-I must go now! Take care, everyone. Farewell.”
With that, she ran off, leaving the trio standing in the citadel entryway. Hawkeye looked down for a moment, letting out a sigh. He had wanted to echo her sentiment about seeing each other once more. It would be a shame never to gaze upon such beauty again! Or maybe…
“Hey, Hawkeye?” Kevin asked. “Why did Riesz’s face look red? Is she still hurt?”
Before he could answer, Duran let out a little laugh, putting his arm atop Hawkeye’s shoulder. “It’s simple! She’s obviously got a crush on him! What luck, having a cute princess want you!”
The thief playfully pushed his friend away. “Yeah, right! I think I just knocked her off kilter! She wasn’t expecting me to be so dashing. It’s not like a princess would fall head over heels for someone from the nation that just torched hers!”
“But you wouldn’t mind if she did?” questioned Duran.
Hawkeye had no answer to that one…other than that it would be nice. And expected to get teased mercilessly about it on the boat ride back to Beiser!
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the complexity of heartache | l.ty
pairing: lee taeyong x fem!reader
summary: when a childhood gang grows up, there is no consistency left; only growth remains.
word count: 4.027
genre: gang au (but i don’t think you can call it that) slight angst | fluff
note: this is my first fic! sorry for any grammatical errors. i hope you enjoy! p.s. i will find a pic to go with this fic.
you were a part of a gang, but not like your typical gang that dealt drugs, got involved with the law, or in general, did bad things. there was a time when all of that actually happened, and you could refer to that as a time before now. however, you were just a crew that wanted to have fun and enjoy life. everything was great.
your gang had a leader. lee taeyong. he looked out for your gang and did what he thought was best for your gang. he was caring for each of our members: johnny, mark, yuta, and you. you used to have more, but a falling out occurred and the gang was left with the five of you. after the falling out, taeyong’s heart grew cold, and his facade changed.
he always cared though. he was weary whenever any of you guys were out and about on your own. he ceaselessly gave you guys censure whenever you’d talk back, saying things like he’s overbearing and he need to chill. he’d always ignored you guys before coming around and apologize.
you would apologize too, for hurting his feelings. you knew that he was just looking out for you guys and doing whatever he can just so he knows that you were safe. you would be lying if you didn’t do the same for him. and he honestly appreciated that you were looking out for him as well.
and things were set. you’d go on adventures and have fun.
lee taeyong always got lost, however. he was great at leading but never great at finding your home. it was always mark who lead you back because he was terrified of getting lost, then cold.
one day, taeyong suggested that you guys should venture out into the forest, claiming that there was this waterfall hidden behind a closure. mark, being as cautious as he was, left x’s on trees with his pocket knife. he gave you a quick smile before returning to his actions. taeyong glanced over at the interaction, and slowed down his stride until he was walking next to you. he broke his facade just a second to grab your hand and tug you to the front of the group. he kept your hand in his for the rest of the walk.
you reached a hilly land with trees scattered here and there. there was a distant sound of a water crashing down and you guessed that might have been the waterfall that taeyong was referring too. you all sat down next to one of the trees. taeyong sat next to you while yuta, mark, and johnny sat across from you. taeyong’s hand still burned in our hand and you ignored the feeling that it was giving you.
this place was similar but not the same to when you had your whole gang. remembrance of long talks and longing sighs were exchanged there. remembrance of promises and dreams that eventually were broken were created there. remembrance of memories were lingering there. you wondered if taeyong remembered where that place was.
pulling you out of your thoughts, yuta offered you a small snack. you grabbed it from him and began to munch on it. occasionally, you would offer taeyong some and he’d gladly accept it. you sat in silence before johnny broke it.
“so any updates?”
mark was eager to go first, “i found this cool place where we could skip rocks and stuff, y’know. it’s by the pier, near the big ferris wheel.”
mark always started. these updates were a routine: johnny posed the question, mark would start, the rest followed, and taeyong would conclude.
“i think we all know where that is,” yuta snickered.
“and what’s your update, yuta?” mark fought back.
“well, being a man of nature, i found this mountain that i think we’d all would like, especially y/n. i know she likes serene settings to calm her mind,” yuta reported and he casted a small smile towards you.
“i would like that,” you nodded, noticing taeyong’s grip increased. “i’m glad you thought of me, yuta.”
“i mean it’s the least that i could do since i know you miss that--” yuta stopped himself after taking a glance at taeyong’s glower.
“what’s wrong?” you asked yuta, but your concerned focused towards taeyong.
“nothing,” taeyong shook his head, intercepting your question. “what’s your update, y/n?”
“well,” you began, “there’s this creek, a bit up north from the pier. there’s running water and the creek is deep enough to take a dip. i thought it might be nice to swim there. take our mind off thing.”
“yeah, that sounds great, y/n!” johnny responded. “when do you want to go--”
“we can go tomorrow.” taeyong’s voice was firm.
“really?” you were enthusiastically surprised.
“really,” he said, with a shy smile, “anything for you.”
the next day, you were buzzed with excitement. you wore your old ripped jeans--a constant staple--an old baggy tee that taeyong gave you once, an over-sized black bomber jacket, and clunky combat boots. underneath laid an old bikini, bit tighter now, but still hugging all your curves.
you grabbed your house keys, leaving the small abode behind. a helmet adorned your head as you hopped on your motorcycle. revving the engine, you were off.
the cool breeze flew through your hair with no regards to your responsibilities that were waiting for you at home. a genuine smile spread across your face as the adrenaline rushed through your veins. your heart seemed to be in a constant systole as it was beating rapidly.
the meeting spot came into your view and you slowed down your velocity. you hopped off your bike and lifted the helmet off your head. your hair cascaded down onto your shoulders as you greeted the members. they responded with a similar smile, but there was an unfamiliar face amongst the group. a girl, roughly your age, stood comfortably next to taeyong. your heart dropped a bit as you made your way next to yuta. taeyong rarely brought new “members.”
whenever taeyong brought in new “members,” they were always female and taeyong’s fling at the time. he never brought them around a lot, but when he did, it was just to make things more interesting. it never really bothered you before; well, before now.
the girl was dressed a bit more darker. a leather jacket engulfed her body as a lacy crop top was hidden underneath. black denim shorts hugged her hips and a chain was attached to the belt loops, hanging low. her red high top sneakers matched her dark red lip. large hoop earrings hung from her ears while her dark dyed hair with red tips concealed her jewelry. she was gorgeous despite her cold exterior.
you made an uncomfortable shift to which yuta noticed and placed a comfortable arm around your shoulders. you relaxed slightly into his touch while focusing on taeyong’s girl. taeyong’s gaze felt heavy against you guys.
taeyong cleared his throat, “ this is chaebyul.”
chaebyul nodded once before smiling. you all smiled back before introducing yourselves.
“i’m mark, but you can call me mark,” mark started. you stifled your laughter. yuta was laughing into your neck.
“i’m seo. johnny seo,” johnny gave a ridiculous pose, putting two fingers to his temple before saluting.
with his free hand, yuta pointed to himself using his thumb, “nakamoto yuta. yuta if you’d like.” he then gestured to me, “this is y/n.’
you gave a small wave, as taeyong was struggling to figure out what was going on between yuta and you.
chaebyul looked confused. taeyong clarified, “don’t worry--”
“we’re all like this. better to let you see the real us before you actually find out what we do. we’re a gang,” you deadpanned, interrupting taeyong. mark gave a disbelieving look as you had never interrupted taeyong before.
yuta was laughing still into your neck as johnny spoke up, “yeah. we’re a gang but not the kind that you would think. but i got to admit, y/n handles a gun really well. wouldn’t want to be caught in between that.”
“what are you saying?” mark joined in, struggling to hold in his laughs. “she is definitely better with knives. her aim game is strong.”
yuta pulled himself from your neck, “no, no, no. she’s the best at torturing. with her sexy stare and her enticing--”
“hey! that’s enough!” taeyong gave everyone a glare, focusing more towards yuta.
“we’re just kidding,” you shrugged, knocking yuta’s arm off of you. “don’t worry. i won’t pull that stuff on you, unless you ask for it. when are we going?”
taeyong sighed before giving his answer of “now.” you split off into three groups: taeyong and chaebyul, mark and johnny, yuta and you.
yuta and you were leading since you knew the location of the creek. yuta’s arms gripped your waist as you sped down the empty roads. this town was barren and the only excitement that came was when you would venture it.
you all grew up here; you all grew up together.
you passed by familiar houses of former members before heading into the somewhat crowded town. the pier was bustling and people were enjoying their time there. colorful beach huts lined along the board walk, near the food stands. the ferris wheel stood tall, towering over the beach.
“look at that view!” yuta shouted. you turned you head, glancing at the sea that reached the beach by the pier. the water was glistening.
“mark definitely chose a great spot,” you noted. “we should go there next time.”
“yeah,” yuta agreed. “it’s been a while since we’ve been to the pier. ever since--”
“i know,” you cut him off.
you continued on your way, going the opposite direction of the colorful beach huts.
“yeah!” mark exclaimed before jumping into the creek, tossing his shirt somewhere.
johnny quickly followed, then yuta. chaebyul discarded her jacket, while taeyong helped her. you stood off to the side of the creek, taking your hat and your boots. the bomber jacket and jeans were shed, and your socks found their home in your boots. the only thing left on your body was taeyong’s over-sized shirt and your bikini underneath. it was quite cold so you kept the shirt on.
you reached the side of the creek, sitting at the edge of the water. you placed your legs in the water, gaging the temperature. surprisingly, it was quite warm. yuta swam towards you and helped you into the water. taeyong’s shirt floated up, exposing your body slightly.
taeyong’s gaze met your eyes. a smile contrasted the look in his eyes. a dark, sensual desire pooled in his pupils and you stared back with equal intensity. your silent conversation was broken by mark’s calling of your name.
you swam over to him and he greeted you with a wave.
“hey,” johnny intercepted. “we’re going to play a game.”
“what game?” taeyong was now standing next to you.
chaebyul stood closer to taeyong, holding on to his arm. you looked away, switching your focus onto johnny. you felt taeyong’s gaze burn into the side of your head. yuta slowly swam toward you, standing in between taeyong and you. taeyong’s look shot daggers into yuta’s head. johnny cleared his throat, sensing the tension. so much for getting your mind off of things.
“erm, i think it’s a game that y/n is particularly good at,” johnny explained. “see, i made a bet with mark that y/n can hit all of the targets--or in this case x’s--right in the center.”
“and i betted that y/n can hit every single target right in the center and knock my shirt off that branch,” mark stated his side.
“so this whole game--well, i guess bet--is based on whether or not i can hit mark’s shirt out of the tree just so mark doesn’t have to do it? so what’s the prize?” you asked.
“well,” johnny started, before mumbling something like ‘i’m not sure if you’re going to like this or not’. “like if you don’t knock mark’s shirt out of the tree, mark will be shirtless and i get a kiss. and if you knock it out, mark won’t be shirtless and--”
“he get’s a kiss,” you finished. “why a kiss?”
“i mean, we’ve always wondered what your lips feel like...y’know?” mark shyly shrugged.
you thought about it for a good second, before agreeing. it’s just a harmless kiss, right?
yuta whined, “i wanna play too.”
you playfully shoved him. taeyong on the other hand disliked the game.
“isn’t there another prize that she could give you...other than a kiss?” taeyong tried to reason.
“it’s just a harmless kiss,” you shrugged.
“don’t tell me you haven’t wondered what her lips felt like? i mean, we all have. she is the only female in the group,” yuta passively said.
well, taeyong was the only one who knew what your lips felt like. this was when you still had everyone and you were children. everyone was gossiping about their first kiss, but taeyong and you were the only ones who hadn’t kissed anyone yet.
“so,” he begins. “ you haven’t kissed anyone yet.”
‘what’s it to you?” you sigh heavily. “no one wants to kiss me.”
“i haven’t kissed anyone either,” he confesses. “do you want to be each other’s?”
you turn towards him, nodding. he sit closer to you. he holds your hand, before tilting his head to the right. you follow suit, leaning closer. your eyes flutter closed and you feel his lips lightly on mine. you stay this way, not moving an inch. you pull away at the same time.
“thank you,” taeyong breathes.
“taeyong,” you looked at him. “it’s just a game. why are you so worked up?”
he huffed, “okay. play your game.”
mark and johnny cheered.
“so what am i going to hit the targets with?”
“we thought that you could use mark’s pocket knife, but he only has one and we would have to constantly go and get the knife from the trees. so we decided for you to use a bb gun,” johnny clarified.
“and where is this bb gun?” taeyong grumbled.
“right here!” mark pulled out a small bb gun from his pile of discarded clothing. the pile that was missing his shirt.
“you were carrying that the whole time?” chaebyul asked incredulously.
“i carry it everywhere,” mark shrugged.
“we don’t carry real guns anymore,” yuta explained. “i mean we used to but things changed and now we don’t.”
“many people were hurt and we promised not to carry real guns or do drugs anymore,” johnny continued. “and now we do things like this.”
mark handed me his bb gun. he explained that there are five targets total. you saw the first target and aimed. shot. bingo. smack dab in the middle. you moved on the rest. before you attempted to hit the last one, taeyong spoke up.
“i bet that you can’t hit it without looking.”
“and if i do,” you challenged.
“you continue with their game, playing by their rules. but if you fail to hit their target, you kiss me.”
“deal.” you accepted. you aimed once more before looking away; your focus was dead-center on taeyong’s face. you pulled the trigger. you watched the escalation on his face morphing into disappointment.
“you actually got it,” he whispered.
“that was amazing!” mark shouted, interrupting the moment that you and taeyong were sharing. “now get my shirt out of the tree.”
“you’re unbelievable,” you laughed. “you want me to shoot it out?”
“here,” chaebyul handed you a rock. “use this instead.”
you nodded your head in appreciation, gripping the rock firmly in your hand. you aimed the rock at mark’s shirt, angling it more toward the fabric that was hanging off the side of the branch. your projectile was perfect with enough force that the rock landed in the hanging fabric of the shirt, pulling the rest of it down to the ground.
“i guess mark won.” you shrugged.
mark looked over to you in anticipation, fluttering his eyes closed. you made your way towards him, leaning in.
“hey!” mark’s eyes shot open.
taeyong’s eyes were trained on the mere millimeters between your lips and mark’s cheek. mark turned suddenly and you felt his lips pressed against yours. you yelped, quickly pulling away. mark blushed while turning away as well.
you distanced yourself from mark, and to that, taeyong announced that it was time to go. taeyong’s gaze lingered on your figure as you hopped out of the creek.
“that was amazing, y/n!” chaebyul admired.
“thanks,” you shyly smiled, tasting your ice cream.
after the creek, you all decided to go for ice cream which was suggested by mark who seemed to be in a good mood.
“where did you learn to shoot like that?”
deciding that you could trust her, you sighed. you went into the details about how your gang was formed, and what exactly you did. there was a time were you had to know how to defend yourself, and your gun was the perfect partner. you went on about how you had to learn how to hold a gun properly by yourself, and how you spent countless days training your aim. you were getting really into the conversation and taeyong took notice of it. he kept sparing you glances. when you had moved on to another topic, he had called you over to talk with him.
“hey,” he started softly. “what’s up with you today?”
“what do you mean?” you crossed your arms.
“i mean, you seem different.”
“nothing’s different. i am still me.”
“when did you and yuta get so close?” he switched gears.
“we were always close--why are you asking me all of this?”
“just answer my questions,” he demanded. “it just seems that you and yuta are closer now.”
“what about her?” you fought back.
“who? chaebyul? we’re just friends.” he stated.
“then yuta and i are just friends. this conversation is over.”
you began to walk away from where he was standing when he grabbed your hand. he pulled you close to him.
“let go of me, lee taeyong!”
“no!” he refused, “until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“you’re the problem.” you stated. “i can’t do this anymore.”
you pushed him away and began to run--somewhere far away from there.
you kept walking in the dark. the only signs of light were emitted from the pier and the ferris wheel. you passed the colorful beach houses that did not seemed as vibrant as much as they did in the sunlight. your feet were aching and you instantly regretted now leaving your bike at the ice cream parlor. the cooler air nipped at your nose and you tugged your jacket closer to your body. the night was quiet except for the sound of the rolling waves that hit the shore of the beach.
you were left to your own devices which were only your own thoughts. taeyong, lee taeyong. you didn’t know when things changed--probably around the time everyone left--but you became closer with one another than before. he was looking out for you even when he didn’t have to; he looked out for everyone, but he payed special attention to you. he always held your hand, but refused to let others hold you hand. you’ve liked--no, loved (as cheesy as it may be)--for a long time.
and it was the simple things that won you over. his small smiles that were directed towards you. the subtle warmth he would provide you if you were cold. his defensiveness and need to protect you when someone would badmouth you. the constant admiration of you as a human being was a rare find.
you felt stupid for pushing him away, but at the same time, he was equally in the wrong. gah! it was so confusing. you should have stayed before impetuously running away. you should’ve stayed to talk about your problems and why you were acting that way. everything would be clear, you supposed.
but the moment that you saw him with her, a switch had turned on. there was this complex feeling embedded in your heart. heartache. it felt unnatural. the only other time it occurred to you when you lost the rest of your gang. you guess you lost him when you saw him with her.
you didn’t even notice the tears streaming down your face as you were far from the beach houses and more toward unknown, yet familiar land. you climbed through a greenery that slopes up. your feet were heaving your body up a tall hill with several trees surrounding it. once you reached the top, you sat down, staring out at the view in front of you. the waters that hit the shores of the beach wrapped around and crashed onto the shores of the meadows. the sound of the waves calmed you down, lulling you into a peace.
it was this place where you all used to hang out before things changed. the good times coincided with all the bad times, but at this hour, you could only remember the good times. laughing and singing songs that you all enjoyed as you all swayed back and forth together. A constant, yet loving teasing occurred here as well as constant cold bickering. the signs were apparent, and the only memories left were the five of us.
you laid back and enjoyed watching the view. you wondered if taeyong remember this place. after the incident, he did his best to remove this place out of his mind. and you guess that he did his best removing you out of his head too.
maybe you were wrong.
“hey,” you said not bothering to look at him.
“i just wanted to say sorry for what i said earlier. i shouldn’t have said anything.” he took a seat next to you.
you sighed, coming to terms with everything. “no. it’s okay. i shouldn’t have overreacted. i’m sorry too.”
“this place, huh?” he tapped the ground. “it’s been awhile.”
“yeah, it has.” you agreed.
it went quiet for a while.
you blurted, “i miss them. i know i shouldn’t because of everything, but i miss them.”
“i miss them, too.” taeyong confessed. “after they left, i was scared that the rest of you would leave too. and then i would be alone again. i was scared that you guys would want more than this old town like they did. it was silly of me to think that everyone would still share the same dreams after so long. i mean, we’ve known each other basically all of our lives.
“but you stayed. you stayed despite the fact that you were offered something more than this life offered you. you could’ve gone and done wonderful things, yet you chose to stay with me. and for the longest time, i wondered why on earth is this amazing person choosing to waste their future with me. you suddenly became so important to me. i refused to let you go. so i selfishly kept you shelter, not really wanting to let you go or let you run off with someone else. that would’ve broken my heart if you did; i don’t think i would’ve been able to recover actually.”
you took a deep breath, “you became a part of my future, taeyong. i could never leave you. and i was confused. but then i saw you with chaebyul and i became scared that i was going to lose you. you’re my everything, honestly.”
“y’know, earlier i was telling the truth: chaebyul is just a friend. i thought that if i brought her i could forget about what i was feeling for you. but then you got closer to yuta, and my plan backfired.”
“and what did you feel for me?”
he looked you straight in the eyes, “i love you, y/n.”
you both leaned in, your noses touching slightly. his lips molded against your in perfect harmony. his hands cupped your face gently. you both pulled away, and his thumbs caressed your cheeks. your noses were still touching.
“i love you too, taeyong.”
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Seat Stealer
(I know Taeyong has red hair in this fic, but not in the picture. However this is the closesed I’ve come finding a gif with the vibe from this story. So please, forgive)
This is my entry for @nctwriters summer prompt challenge! I hope you guys like it.
Prompt: It’s summer break and you love it because that means the library will be totally empty for you to enjoy all to yourself. Except for the fact that when you walk in one day some really cute guy is sitting at your table.
Member: Lee Taeyong
Genre: summer romance / mostly fluff, a bit smut @ the end, so i’ll classify this as m (I guess?)
Words: 7.3k
“This isn't funny.” “Excuse me?”, cute boy sitting in your seat is looking genuinely confused by your sharp tone.
“That’s my seat.”, you say, pointing unnecessarily at the stool he's wrongfully occupying. Cute boy’s brown eyes change from confusion to mischief in a flash. His mouth forms a sinister grin when he responds.
"You really think you have a right to a specific seat in a public library?" You don't think you do, you know you do.
Nobody else spends as much time here as you. Not even the two librarians. And especially not during summer break.
What is someone like him even doing here? His fiery red hair is tousled in a stylish mess, the kind where you can’t really tell if the guy put in a lot of work or none at all. His sun kissed skin makes you think that being indoors isn’t his preferred choice. And his cloths – swim trunks and a plain white shirt – scream beach day, not making Y/N’s life harder-day.
This boy is so far out of your – and this library’s – league, maybe your best friend Seugil is playing a prank on you.
But even she wouldn’t get a guy like that into a place like this just to mess with a slightly deranged and desperately awkward outsider like you.
Seugil is a solid seven, but this person in front of you is scratching on the ten. And the look he gives you indicates he’s fully aware of that.
You try to stay calm – interactions always bring out the worst in you.
“I always sit here.”, you say trying not to sound as snappy as before.
“Well, you're not sitting here now. So-... this sentence is grammatically incorrect.”, he responds and smirks at you. Oh no, not good. You feel your face getting hot. Even though you try to be rational, this guy is getting to you – both physically and mentally.
You could just walk away, find another place where you can continue your limbo of reading trashy romance novels and writing smutty fanfictions in peace. But this seat is perfect: right under the AC, with a nice view of the indoor court and a shelf full of inorganic – and untouched – chemistry books at the back, that nobody bothers to check out. This is heaven for introverts in the summer.
And this seat stealer is not taking it away from you. Deep breaths Y/N. Deep breaths.
“Would you mind sitting somewhere else?”, you ask in a sweeter voice.
Seat stealer is now looking you over, measuring you up. He won’t be impressed. You didn’t put too much effort in today’s appearance: A white summer dress, floor length so you didn’t have to shave, and a messy bun full of black hair, being hold together by dry shampoo.
You are not ugly. But you sure do not try to put your average features in the best light. Who do you have to impress? The answer is sitting right in front of you, clearly unimpressed.
Self-consciously you try to avert your gaze. Maybe another seat isn’t that bad. But to your surprise seat stealer contradicts his nickname by standing up. The loud scratching of the stool against the linoleum is the only sound in the library.
“I don’t mind. Please.”, he responds standing.
Flabbergasted you switch into autopilot and move around the table to take your rightful seat. But cute guy isn't exactly retreating. He just waits next to your seat and watches you sit down, still with this ridiculously handsome grin on his lips. He definitely is in your personal space. You can smell the sun screen mixed with an herb nuance of freshly cut grass on his skin.
Now sitting, you look up into his dancing eyes.
“Thank you.”, your mom raised a semi polite kid.
“No problem”, former seat stealer says and sits down right next to you. And sits down right next to you? What the hell? You openly stare at him. What. the. hell? There are roughly 40 empty seats in this building. This isn’t a polite distance. This is an invasion. This guy is giving you an amorism just by existing.
You are one move away from just standing up and aborting this whole mission, leaving in defeat. But there is still your pride. And the fact that seat stealer is now no longer watching you but looking at his phone. If you weren’t so sure he is trying to fuck with you... But what alternative is there? At home there is no AC, which would slowly kill you. Finding another seat after the whole stand you just took would undermine your fragile credibility.
And even though you don’t know this guy, loosing this charade with him is not an option. So, you do what any introvert does – detach from the social situation.
Opening your laptop, a dozen new notifications pop up and you are pleasantly surprised that even tough real life is surreal right now, your online community is reliable. You take your time responding to the asks about your next updates and the few chat messages you received since last night. Then you post a text on your tumblr:
gonna finish new chapter as soon as seat stealer lets me exist in peace
Not even a minute later your phone vibrates. You feel curious eyes on you while reading Seugil’s message.
[seugil 10:04 am] somebody dared to sit on your seat? [y/n 10:04 am] somebody has reception while camping? [seugil 10:04 am] somebody tries to change the subject? [y/n 10:05 am] there is not much of a subj. guy was on my seat, guy moved to the seat next to mine, guy is annoying. [seugil 10:05 am] guy is cute? [y/n 10:06 am] guy is cute.
You try to breathe normal. This you can manage. Even if his presence is unwanted and quite frankly rude, you’ll just do what you always do.
“You’re sitting in a library full of books.” Cute boy is definitely not low-maintenance.
“Yes”, you curtly nod, not even looking up from the screen.
“Yet, you read on your computer?” You can feel his eyes on you and turn around. Sure enough there he is – facing you, leaned back, right arm causal swung over the armrest, the whole body angled towards you.
“Rich coming from you, seat stealer.”, you bark and point accusingly at his mobile device resting in plain sight.
“Well, I am here against my will, so…”, he answers and causes you to pause. So, you were right – the boy doesn’t fit in here, and he doesn’t want to. Curiosity wells up, so you try to suppress it, but it’s no use. Who are you kidding? You are interested.
“Who forces you to spend your time in a well-tempered room, surrounded by written knowledge and people who understand the concept of giving you space?” The end sounds like an accusation emphasized by your widened eyes mapping out the sheer nonexistent distance between you two. Cute boy, who just chuckles in response, leans forward to answer your original question, simply skipping your critique.
“Failed my finals, so I have to take them again during break.” So cute boy is dumb, what a waste of perfect appearance. You don’t judge people on things they can’t change. But sitting in a library to study for a test you failed and then only being on your phone? Self-fulfilling prophecy of getting fucked. Seat stealer seems to read your facial expression like an open book – hard to believe given his aversion to print.
“I tried to help my neighbor, got caught, teacher thought it was me cheating, took my test away –“
“-and your summer.”, you finish for him, nodding and believing him. Maybe you want to think of him as a smart person, or maybe his eyes tell you that he wouldn’t lie to a stranger about such a thing.
“No, my mother stole my summer, when she personally drove me here this morning to quote work my ass off unquote”, he corrects me and uses air quotes as well as an unbelievable high-pitched voice to mimic his mother. You really like that he uses “unquote” as well, not many people do.
“So, you didn’t tell her that you actually don’t need to study?”
“I tried”, a huff emphasizes his frustration, “but she won’t believe me.”
Parents who don’t listen suck. But you think that it’s a good preparation for adult life. No adult trusts another adult.
“Sooo-“, you motion towards his cell, “you’ll just bid your time?”
“I wouldn’t call being on level 54 of Candy Crush bidding my time.”
“That, my friend, is the definition of bidding one’s time.”, you chuckle, and he joins you.
“Huh, friend? You don’t even know my name, Y/N.”, he says, mocking you and-… using your name? What the hell? Your confusion must again be readable, because seat stealer answers your unspoken question.
“Your hard case.” The explanation is accompanied by a demonstrative tap on your laptop. Ah, your name tag Y/N’s property – touch and die, a birthday present from Seugil.
Now you don’t know what to say. Should you ask for his name? What added value has this information? There isn’t a single scenario, where his name would be important to you in the future – well no plausible scenario. He could have just offered you his name, but he teases you with it. That’s why Seugil wants you to go out more. Your social skills are underdeveloped at best. So, you just stare at him and blush a bit, because he does the same. After a minute, what feels like eternity, you have enough and just break the contact, focusing once again on your laptop. You feel foolish for even engaging in this banter in the first place.
“Taeyong” It is spoken minutes after your failed attempt to get back to reading and his soft voice holds a hint of an apology. You don’t turn your head again, not ready to face cute boy again so soon after your defeat.
Taeyong – it fits. You can’t wait till you can call him by his name.
Your opportunity arrives two hours later. You have really tried to finish this chapter, but his presence is distracting at best, sabotaging at worst. Although he does go back to his phone after waiting some time to get a reaction out of you from revealing his name.
Again, what the fudge were you suppose to say? Thanking him for telling you? Agreeing with him? What is the protocol when someone whispers his name to you? This is so bizarre, there isn’t even a Wikipedia article for that type of situation – you know, you checked!
But now your battery is running low and the adapter is in your locker with your lunch, which you could use right now. The clock is just shy away from one and your stomach demands food. Normally you would eat in here. At one the receptionist takes her break and smokes behind the garbage cans, which you can see from your seat. So, you can do the forbidden, eat in the reading room.
But now he is here, making everything so much more difficult. Reluctantly you turn in your seat to face him.
“Uhm- Taeyong?”, you start and test out his name. It sounds nice, a bit soft at the end, but with a strong start. You approve.
“Yes, Y/N?”, he answers emphasizing your name as well. He locks his screen, giving you his full attention.
“I’d like to eat lunch now so-“
“Thank god! I really tried being patient, giving you space, yada, yada, yada, but I am starving!”, he groans in relief and stands up from his seat. What is happening? He couldn’t possibly think?
“You coming, Y/N?” Taeyong is steps ahead of you, around your table and you just stare, dumbfounded.
“But..but my laptop?”, you stutter and look at him helplessly and totally overwhelmed. You just wanted him to look after your laptop while you eat outdoors in peace.
“Just put it in your locker.”, he answers nonchalantly and motions for you to get up. What is seat stealer doing with your perfectly planned day? Destroying it, that he does! You stand up, defeated and hungry, and follow him.
“So, you are telling me you’ve never watched Star Wars?” Taayong speaks with his mouth half full, which should be a deal breaker, weirdly enough isn’t. You both are sitting on the grass, even though your white dress is crying its fabric soul out. He is munching on a sandwich, that you are 99,9% sure is a work of his mum. Your own cuscus salad is delicious, and you are glad you spend the extra hour in the kitchen yesterday.
“No, I said quote I’ve never watched the newer ones unquote. Luke, Leia and Han?” a dramatic pause follows, “That, Taeyong, is Star Wars.”
He just shakes his head, looking at you like you’re some foreign entity, ready to fight the humans to death.
“I don’t disagree with you,” Oh it sure feels like it, “But what about Anakin, Padme and Jar Jar Binks? That’s Star Wars as well!” He is getting more animated as he continues, “You can’t just exclude parts of history, just because they aren’t up to your standards!!”, his arms are flailing comically, making his biceps far too present for your liking. This boy sure is beautiful, and wrong.
“I’m the consumer, I make the decisions!”, you proclaim and put a big spoon of your salad in your mouth, chewing contently.
Taeyong’s personality is like a warm winter day – surprising and welcoming. He isn’t as teasing and forceful as you’d predict from your first meeting. His smile is easy, and his mind is fascinating. Even though his appearance, and his confidence of it, makes you sometimes swallow in silence. But the last hour the both of you ate and talked, an easy banter surrounding you. You’d never imagined being comfortable enough to eat next to a strange guy.
Taeyong, however, is such a force without trying, making every sheer obscure decision seem like a no-brainer. Letting your laptop in your locker? Sure. Eating on the grass while wearing white? What are washing machines there for? Watching a prequel that is objectively bad? How else would Georg Lucas financially survive?
“What do you like to do, when you’re not demolishing cinematic classics, Y/N?”, Taeyong asks after a while to end the silence.
You shrug. “Nothing much.”
“You like to read, right?”, he probes, trying to get a more sufficient answer. Well, wrong counterpart, seat stealer.
“It’s effortless and fun.”, you answer packing up your lunch box, signaling the end of this break. Sure, talking to Taeyong is exciting and refreshing. Talking about you makes you feel uneasy, like you are not enough of a subject to talk about.
“I like to swim.”, he says switching gear, not even contemplating packing up his sad remains of a sandwich. You look at his body, which is perfectly build for this sport. His shoulders are broad, his biceps defined. Taeyong is tall in general, his hands being extremly big.
“Isn’t the chlorine bad for your dye?”, you ask slightly judgmental about the red fire on his head. He groans flipping onto his back stretching his whole body on the lawn. His shirt rides up with the motion, revealing a tiny trail of hair, peaking out of his swim trunks. Oh my, you quickly look away, but the thoughts of where this trail leads stay with you and color your cheeks in a rosé blush.
“Don’t remind me.” His hands are in his hair, gripping it tightly. It seems like he is trying to rip it out. “I cannot believe I lost this bet.”, Taeyong adds and looks up at you. Ok, now you are judging hard.
“You dyed your hair because of a bet?”
“I was so sure I’d beat this guy at our last competition before summer break.”, he explains and continues telling you about his perfect swim record, slightly bragging, that it was a no-brainer to win the swim meet. That he absolutely would have, if it weren’t for his googles shifted in an awkward position, leaving him disoriented and his eyes irritated.
“So, the guy who won doesn’t like you very much.”, you conclude.
“Why would you say that?”, Taeyong asks and raises himself up, propping on his elbows.
“Because he chose that color.” The explanation is met with a lopsided grin.
“Nah, Tail is my best friend.” Who needs enemies when you have best friends like that?
“You don’t like it?”, Taeyong asks as he stands up, holding a hand out for you to take. Like so many other things you did today, this again feels easy. You put your hand in his warm palm and he pulls you up in one swift move. Taeyong doesn’t release your hand. He just puts yours into his hair. Who does that?
“Isn’t it soft?” This guy knows no boundaries.
[y/n 03:41 pm] this guy knows no boundaries [seugil 03:45 pm] cute guy is still there? lmfao [y/n 03:45 pm] he put my hand in his hair!! [seugil 03:50 pm] …seat stealer has guts [seugil 03:51 pm] how did it feel? [y/n 03:51 pm] burned like fire [seugil 03:54 pm] ? [seugil 03:54 pm] ? [seugil 03:54 pm] ? [seugil 03:55 pm] ? [seugil 03:55 pm] Y/N!! [y/n 03:55 pm] chill – his hair is flaming red, it’s a metaphor [seugil 03:58 pm] know only 1 boi with flames, snap a pic y/n [y/n 03:58 pm] after u lower me in my grave [seugil 03:58 pm] Y/N [seugil 03:58 pm] Y/N [seugil 03:59 pm] Y/N [seugil 03:59 pm] Y/N [y/n has sent a picture 04:20 pm]
“Did… did you just snap a picture of me?” He sounds incredulous and your blush automatically appears. Damn, damn, damn. With shyness you face him. His eyes are slightly narrowed, and you can’t make out if he’s mad or just impressed.
“No?” More a question than an answer, because you did exactly that. He leans over coming dangerously close.
After lunch you grabbed your adapter and the both of you sat at your prior seats. For the next hour both of you presented millennials at their best, you on your computer, him on his phone. But then Seugil had to be a pain. So, you awkwardly tried your luck. However your paparazzi skills are mediocre at best. Of course he’d noticed. In which universe does such a thing actually work?
“No?”, Taeyong repeats. Now he just sounds impressed by your blunt lie. You shake your head, too deep in this mess to come out unembarrassed.
His face is close, and you can again smell the fresh grass on his skin. The lunch break gave him a slight simmer, making this boy look seriously delicious.
“Let’s make a deal.”, he starts and points to your phone.
“Send me the picture,” over your dead body, “and I’ll never ask why you took it.”
Never? “You’ll never mention it?”, you ask with suspicion in your voice. Taeyong nods. “What it?”
“What’s your number?” He patiently dictates it and you save his contact, sending him the picture without a comment. Seugil’s reply pops up and you feel strangely defeated.
[seugil 04:24 pm] TY-TRACK TAEYONG!! omg omg call me asap when home!!
So, she knows your seat stealer. Taeyong told you that he lives in the city right next to yours. Therefore, the chances of your best friend knowing him were big – Seugil had dated Mark, presumably from the same school – last year. But you had somehow hoped that this seat stealer was yours. Now you are at a disadvantage again.
[Taeyong 04:25 pm] I look like the hottest man in the library
That day will end with an aneurism.
It didn’t. It ended with you leaving soon after the phone debacle with one contact more on your SD card, cute-boy-exposure for more than six hours, enough blushing to permanently damage your skin and a phone call with Seugil. So, Taeyong was not lying – he is wildly known for his swim talent. His gift to effortlessly flirt is legendary, especially given the fact that he never has a steady girlfriend. Not even a parade of flings. Either he silences them with an enchantment or this boy is all talks, no play. But just imagining it, you don’t think the second option is very possible. And it irks you how much that fact sours your mood when you try to go to sleep that night. There is no way in hell you’ll see this guy again. But even when you think that, somehow you know this is a lie. And you’re glad.
“You are really testing me, seat stealer.”, your stern voice is contradicted by your small smile.
But Taeyong moves over in one swift move, taking with him the almost empty cup of iced coffee.
“Just saving you your seat.”
You just shake your head and take your place right next to him. Today he wears a pastel green button-down shirt and jean shorts, hiding his red hair under a black cap. He looks like sin and it irks you how impressed you are and how your heart flutters uncomfortably.
“Yeah, because there are so many seat stealers waiting to make my summer miserable.”, you respond under your breath while firing up your laptop.
The next half hour is spent in silence. Taeyong is on his phone, while you are catching up on the last fanfiction updates. After years of reading and writing smut, you kind of got used to not reacting to fandom fluff in public. But still it feels exciting to read about cockwarming so dangerously close to him.
Just his presence makes your summer much more exciting, even though you would never admit it out loud. For the first time ever, you feel uncomfortable in a good way. Like you could actually manage to sit next to a ten and occasionally talk to it. You hear Taeyong’s moan before you feel his head drop on your shoulder. Your body reacts before your brain does and you title your head towards his. A few inches are separating your lips and you can't breathe.
"Look Y/N! Look at my friends enjoying themselves while I’m a slave of my own misery!", he proclaims and shoves his screen in your face.
There are five guys cramped together into one selfie. All of them with bare chests and shit eating grins. Two of them are holding suspicious bottles in their hands, while one of the guys is concentrating hard on the watermelon slice in his hand. The beach in the background is very familiar and you just continue to stare at the picture. The other option would be Taeyong’s lips. And your body isn't ready for that.
It’s the fifth day in a row this boy has graced your normal, slightly boring, day with his presents. You can officially say, that there is a crush building. And by official you mean that you are sure your intense blushing, the awkward silences after his flirty remarks and your hard to repress heart-eyes whenever he talks about something passionately, are a clear indicator for outsiders. And Taeyong. But he doesn’t tease you much. He talks to you, sometimes brushing his hand against yours, or like now, resting his head on you. This guy sure has some boundary issues and somehow, it’s not driving you away from him. No, you feel yourself moving forward.
Taeyong is a fixpoint for the next weeks, filling in for your best friend, who is still camping in the wilderness. You get to know the cute boy with an ego like Zeus, making it harder to disregard your crush on him. Now you’re again taking a break in the little garden of the library. The sun is hitting your skin hard today. Taeyong’s head is rested in your lap, his phone covering his face, while you lean against an old tree to block the sunshine. Like him, your cell is in front of you, as you see the invite.
[Mark Lee invited you to bonfire party this Friday] accept or decline?
Huh, you aren’t really that tight with Seugil’s ex, but you try not to scare people away that really try to make an effort. And they both parted on good terms, Seugil still sometimes going out to his parties, him sporadically joining our movie nights. This invitation though surprises you. He knows Seugil isn’t here, why asking you to come?
[seugil 02:32 pm] GO! [y/n 02:32 pm] are you stalking me on fb?? [seugil 02:33 pm] stalking, raising, loving – all the same! [y/n 02:33 pm] how boring is camp with fam? [seugil 02:33 pm] unbelievable [seugil 02:33 pm] go to the party [y/n 02:33 pm] why? [seugil 02:34 pm] u deserve to have fun [y/n 02:34 pm] and being alone @ a party is fun? [seugil 02:34 pm] sure seat stealer will be there [y/n 02:35 pm] not good enough
But then you look down and see Taeyong’s eyes. His phone is thrown away and his smile is directed at you. Warmth spreads around your body. Maybe good enough?
“I can just see your inner crisis not being able to claim a seat.”, a very familiar voice chips in your ear and there is an instant blush covering your hot cheeks.
So Taeyong is here. You slowly turn around and there he stands shirtlessly trying to kill your fragile heart. This crush is getting ridiculous. And this guy is just too damn attractive for his and your own good. Taeyong is wearing the same black swim trunks you first saw him in and nothing else. You can see his defined abs. It's no bodybuilder level, but just enough muscle to get your muscle clenched.
His sun kissed skin has a light glister and makes him shine. Taeyong looks like he stepped out of a beachwear ad. You are now just blankly starring at him, but not in the eyes like a normal person. No, your stare is directed at his stomach, then his arms, the lanky bicep and then his fully displayed collarbones. His long neck looks so bitable, you start to chew on your lower lip out of reflex. Then your view moves to his face, where you're met with a teasing smile.
“I'll-... manage.”, you chough out and shield your arms around your midriff. The black strappy summer dress you chose is hugging your figure a bit more than you'd normally tolerate, but summer is ending and you were 80% sure that you’d meet seat stealer here and you wanted to impress him.
“Let's get you a drink and me a refill, shall we?”, he answers and wows his index finger into the right shoulder strap of your dress tugging you lightly into the direction of the keg. Drinking with seat stealer isn’t exactly playing it safe. Not when you have this immense crush on him. And not when he so knows this.
Taeyong sees the hesitation on your face and cocks his head to the side.
“Or... we could discuss why you were just now shamelessly ogling me?”
“Lead the way.”
You see the victory in his smile as he moves his hand away from your shoulder and places it on your back. After all those weeks of physical contact with him, you're still surprised how much his touch does to you. Your heart is pounding fast as he leads you to the table, accompanied by bystanders curiously following the pair of you with their hushed gossip. Self-consciousness creeps up your bones. Do they think we are a couple? Are they judging you for even trying with someone like him? You avert your gaze and focus on the sand at your feet. It's less harmful to your insecurity. Sand doesn't judge you.
“You drink beer, right?” You just nod your head and he gives you a funny look.
“Why so quiet, library girl?”, he asks and fills your cups, placing one of them in your clammy hands. Before you can think of a snarky remark, that won't give away your fragile feelings while still getting him to shut up, you hear his name being called.
“Yo Tae, come back here!”
You turn around and spot a small group of guys sitting in a circle. The bonfire is not far away from them, but just far enough to give the boys an exclusive air around them. All the other guests, that are not swimming or dancing to the summer hits being jammed out of some boxes, are huddled around the big fire, lazily talking in soft voices.
“Thanks for getting me a drink, I'll just go and find my frie-”
“And bring Y/N with you!”, a familiar voice adds, and your eyes widen in shock. Mark? Just your luck, that the only other person you know is evidently a friend of Taeyong. Of course. More people stare at you and follow this exchange curiously. How embarrassing. Taeyong’s friends have the situation reading skills of a seagull.
“Come on, meet my friends, Y/N. Don't make me beg.”, he says and because you don't want to be the center of attention any longer, you crave.
“The guy with the silver hair is Ten, he's sitting next to Mark, who you seem to already know.”, Taeyong starts to murmur in your ear. His skin smells like grass again and it makes your mouth water.
“Lucas is the one closest to the chips – a deliberate choice. I have never seen a human eat so much. WinWin is leaning against him. He can't hold is liquor very well and we've been here since seven.”, he continues as you arrive at the circle.
There is an empty spot, presumably Taeyong's space. It's between WinWin and Ten and it's small. Before you can start your mental breakdown over this, seat stealer intervenes.
“Make room jackasses and let the lady have a seat. She sure likes her seats.” The last part is whispered just for your ears and you feel a shiver running down your spine.
You sit down as gracefully as possible with a drink in hand, wearing a dress and standing on sand. Taeyong follows swiftly, positioning himself dangerously close to you. His shoulder is touching yours and you can feel the warmth of his skin. Trying to control yourself, you take a big swing out of your red cup, wincing at the bitter taste of warm beer.
“I’m so glad you could make it, Y/N.”, Mark begins and winks in your direction.
Mark has always been easygoing, a jock without the teasing layer of bullying unpopular kids. When Seugil dated him last year, it was truly a miracle how well you fitted into their couple activities. They wanted to ride rollercoasters till they had to vomit? You were waiting for them, eating pinkish cotton floss, until you had to vomit. A boat trip? Count your single ass in with a thick book and enough sunscreen to give you a ghostish aura. Maybe your compatibility with the pair was the first sign, that although Mark and Seugil liked each other, they didn’t have the spark making your presence disruptive.
“I haven’t seen you all summer.”, he continues while stealing a chip out of Lucas’ hand, earning a slap in return. All the other boys are looking at you curiously, making you realize that you haven’t said a single word since joining them. You cough shily and respond with caution in your eyes.
“You know me, outdoors isn’t my preferred setting.” “So you’re saying Y/N”, Taeyong starts a lopsided smile dangling close to your face, “your preferred setting is indoors with me?”
“Let’s say indoors, and you are an acceptable disadvantage.”, you answer, bringing the beer to your lips to get some much-needed distance from this boy. You hear a few oh burn from the guys and stare at Taeyong. To hold eye contact with him makes you tingle, the brown of his eyes so deep, you never want to stop staring. The air hums between your bodies, leaving you excited and your heart feeling alive.
“So, you’re library girl?”, WinWin asks and breaks the tension, takes a sip of his own drink while looking curiously at you.
Taeyong talks about you? To his friends? And he uses your nickname? Why? And more importantly, what does he talk to them about? Your crude – antisocial – behavior? Or the way your shoulders keep brushing against each other every time you show him a meme on your computer? Or your tendency to fall silent every time you feel too uncomfortable? Or how he shares his headphones with you, when you just have to listen to the new album of his favorite artist? Or the fact that you have a giant crush on him, which is basically written on your forehead with waterproof sharpie?
“I am?” The answer sounds more like a question, doubt clouding your voice as you look around the circle of his friends. WinWin seems to love your response, clapping his hands together. Clearly excited and clearly just as drunk as Taeyong said, because this boy forgot he holds the cup of beer in his hands, accidentally showering you in warm alcohol. You shrike, closing the distance to your seat stealer to avoid getting more liquid on your dress. Taeyong’s arm comes around you and he tries to twist you into his body, shielding you from the unwanted alcoholic shower. The smell of grass is insane this close to him, your nose stroking his collarbone, breathing in deeply as his upper body shakes with silent chuckle.
“What the hell man?”, he accuses his friend, his voice sounds muffled through your human cocoon.
“Sorr-… sorry. Damn.”, you hear WinWin trying to get up, “I’m just excited to meet the girl keeping you from us this whole summer.”
His words are slurred and laced heavily with alcohol, but you can understand the sentence clear as day. It just doesn’t make sense. You keeping him away? He has to be at the library, because of his failed finals. His mum, not you, forces him to be there every day. Is WinWin that drunk? But as the words leave his lips, your self-proclaimed shield, one second chuckling, goes stiff. You can hear the faint sound of the bonfire crackle behind you, but Taeyong is silent, suspiciously so. Your cheeks heat up, because there is obviously some inside knowledge you’re not prior to.
You peek at Taeyong, just seeing his pointy chin, so you squirm yourself out from under this boy to look him in the eyes. But his arms are stonily holding you in position, direct at his chest, his biceps more like steel bars than flesh.
“We’ll go clean up.”, he says curtly, standing with you in his arms, effortlessly lifting you up in one swift move.
“You’re not even dirty.”, Ten laughs while Taeyong takes long strikes away from his friends, putting growing distance between you and their drunken laughter. You sneak a last glance at them, seeing Mark’s grin, WinWin’s hand on your abandoned beer, Lucas’ face in the chips bag. They don’t care a bit that Taeyong basically manhandled you, half carrying you, half letting you hobble along with his long legs.
You try to scramble your thoughts into an order, which doesn’t sound insane. What the hell just happened? You are heading to the dark water in front of you, totally deserted from the few swimmers earlier. The waves crash against your bare feet and you shrike at the cold water touching your skin. He wouldn’t. No. He wouldn’t dare.
“Take your dress of, Y/N.”, he says, some laughter coming back into his voice while he snaps one of your shoulder straps away with his finger. This was a beach party. Of course you have a swimsuit under your dress. But this was an alibi choice, a deliberate decision to not look too out of place, while still never even considering to actually go for a swim. But you never imagined going to a party without your best friend, or sitting next to seat stealer and his friends, or how good his body felt pressed against you, and how alive you feel with his hand on your shoulder.
So, you take a leap as the both of you continue going into the water. The cold wet is already up to your knee, as you try to stop your feet from moving. You plant them into the sand and Taeyong does magically halt, looking at you, searching your face.
“You don’t have to.”, he breathes gloomily, taking his hand from your shoulder. You must be insane, but that he actually gives you the option to back out of whatever this is, makes you adventurous, as your fingers grab the hem of your black dress, pulling it over you head in one single motion.
Now you are standing in front of your crush in a dark red one-piece suit, which modestly covers most of your body. With shaking hands, because the water is freaking cold, not because you’re just the bravest you’d ever been, you wad the piece of clothing into a ball, giving it to a stunned Taeyong.
“Let’s not even pretend I can throw that far.”, you joke, your voice abnormal high due to the anxiety cursing through your veins. The only answer from your crush is a single toss, sending the item safely onto dry sand. So, at least something is safe in this scenario.
Taeyong’s eyes burn into your skin as the both of you slowly begin your ascend through the deep water. The ocean soon closes in around your bodies, making you less self-conscious about your appearance. Taeyong leads, his back against the open sea, with his front never leaving your sight. Cold fingers dance hesitantly around your clothed waist as he stops, water just covering your hard nipples.
Before he can speak or do anything to silence you, you try to make sense of WinWin’s comment, the remark still fresh in your memory.
“When is your make-up exam?”, you ask with a heavy layer of accusation. Somehow knowing the answer, before Taeyong confirms your suspicion.
“Two weeks ago.”
“Why?”, you whisper, while his hands now rest confidently on your waist.
“Because I like you, library girl.”, he confesses and closes the distance between your bodies.
“How much?”, you whisper and let your fingers hold onto his biceps for support.
“That much that I spend the last two weeks in a library.”, he chuckles confidently and leans down, letting his nose bump into yours.
His breath is visible due to the cold evening air and you stare at his lips, now in plain view. How many times had you dreamt about this? Him? Like that? Before the moment vanishes, Taeyongs lips drive onto yours.
They are warm and soft and fit perfectly on yours. Your mouth matches his intensity, as you feel his tongue tracing your bottom lip. With a soft whimper you let him in. His arms are around moving from your waist to your cheeks. Taeyong’s wet hands frame your face and title your head back.
Your bodies are pressed together, and your tongues explore each other in a heated banter. He tastes like beer and honey and you try to get closer to him. He moans, feeling your breast flushed against his bare chest.
No more distance, you think and touch every inch of skin. Your fingers brush against his abs, mapping out the muscles and earning a deep growl from him. In a flash his hands are no longer on your face. Now they are firmly on your butt cheeks. You yelp in surprise as he lifts you up, guiding your legs around his waist.
The air is leaving you as you get drunk on this kiss, warmth arising in your core. Tayeong lets go of your mouth and moves his lips downwards to your neck, lightly sucking on your wet skin.
“How?”, you whimper, your brain no longer capable of the syntax.
“How what?”, Taeyong murmurs into your neck, never letting his lips leave your body.
“H- how can this feel so good?”, your voice is strained from a tension you have never felt before. Automatically you start to roll your hips and hope it will relieve this strain in your lower body.
“How can it no-… Y/N,” Taeyong’s groans, “you trying to unman me?”
His hands try to still your motions, but then he snaps, buckling into you.
“Ah”, breathlessly you encourage him. This is fast. This is not playing it safe. Your lips are on his and you try to consume him. Taeyong’s hands move from your butt to your hips, assisting your hips and fastening their speed. It feels like the water is boiling as one hand reaches between you two. He uses two fingers and lays them directly against your clit.
“Ahh” Too much pressure, just enough, never enough.
“P-pplease.”, you beg. “Shit”, he starts to move them in sloppy circles. You continue to grind against him, now feeling a hard length press against your slit. The moan out of your seat stealer’s lips sounds desperate as you rub against him. It feels so good, even through his trunks can you feel his cock twitch and it makes you so hot, you’re certain the water around you is boiling.
“Never stop”, you whisper and find a rhythm. The tension continues to build. “You feel so good wrapped around me” His words are spoken against your mouth, trailing wet kisses across your jaw, finding their purpose on your collarbone. Taeyong’s fingers move the fabric of your swimsuit away to touch your clit without any barrier. You flex your legs instantly, overwhelmed by the electric current running through your body, making your skin tingle.
Then his teeth sink in your neck at the same time his index finger moves between your folds. All thought is lost as you scream silently buckling franticly against him. You see light flash behind your eyelids as an orgasm rips through you. Never had your own fingers managed to give you this high. Your hips draw lazy circle around his length as you are trying to regain control.
“Wow”, you breathe, and your hands roam around Taeyong’s upper body, who still lightly nibbles on your collarbone. He chuckles against your wet skin.
“How you feeling, Y/N?”, he asks and moves his hand away from your heat, up to cradle your cheek. You look into Taeyong’s eyes and see a fondness in them, that shines through the darkness of this night. He looks as smitten as you feel. But at the same time there is a hunger in his stare that reminds you of his hard erection still pressed into your lower body. Now your shyness comes out in full force. What to do? What to say? Everything up to this point felt as natural as breathing, now you’re again overwhelmed, and your mushed, orgasm-high brain is no help either.
“You want me to..?”, you question and try to sound seductive, your hand vaguely motioning to his crotch underwater. Taeyong just shakes his head, letting small waterdrops rain from his wet red hair. Before you can feel rejected, he kisses you openmouthed, making you forget the slight pain of the mark on your neck.
“Please, if I don’t get my first handjob from you in the reading room of our library, my dirty fantasies would never forgive me.”, he answers warming your heart more than his gifted orgasm beforehand.
[seugil 11:38 pm] Y/N WHY ARE YOU WET ON EVERY SINGLY TAGGED PIC OF THIS PARTY?? [seugil 11:38 pm] AND WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR NECK? [y/n 11:42 pm] anD WhAt iS tHaT oN yOuR nEcK?
#nctwriters#nwspc#taeyong fanfic#taeyong smut#taeyong fluff#taeyong scenario#taeyong scenarios#taeyong#nct smut#nct fluff#nct scenario#nct scenarios#nct u scenarios#nct u fluff#nct u smut#nct 127 smut#nct 127 scenarios#nct 127 fluff#this is the first time i've written something smut-related...#i'll just leave this there#and just... yeah...#well
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Deception pt 17
The conflict between the Assassins and the Templars is getting out of hand. Lies, deceit and subterfuge, now you must pick a side...
Tagging @geekgoddess813 @sweet-flash @i-wontgivein @ermergerd517 and @imakemyownblog
Also, a special mention to @iceboundstar who got me out of my block as to what to do next, and spouted over 10k words worth of ideas in my head just by leaving a comment on Ao3 😊😊 Thank you!
If anyone else would like tagging, please just ask 😁
Link to the full fic so far is Here.
Sitting up with a start and gasping loudly, you clutched your chest with one hand and, looked down when you felt your fingers curl into something soft. You took several deep breaths to calm yourself when you realised you were in the bed you had stayed in before on the Morrigan, but were slightly confused as you were now dressed in nothing but your hidden blade, and an oversized white shirt. It didn't take long for you to remember that you had held yourself underwater to almost the point of no return; so that your colleagues wouldn't see you, so you grabbed the top blanket off your bed and wrapped it around you tightly as you jumped up and almost sprinted out of your room towards the upper deck.
You slowed down when you got outside; pulling the cover more firmly around you as the cold air hit you, your eyebrows raising when you saw that it was nearly night and you couldn't see even a scrap of land in the distance. It was Gist who you spotted first in the outside dining area listening to some music on the radio, swallowing hard when he lept up from the table and rushed over to you, his face wrought in guilt as he embraced you gently.
"How are you feeling dear? I'm so sorry, had I known they were there I would have warned you, but I was busy with preparations, and I wasn't paying attention, I should have known..."
"Christopher. Breathe." You chuckled, cutting him off in his babbling apology. "I'm fine, it takes a bit more than sea water to beat me, and it wasn't your fault. I knew they were there, didn't think that they would still be at the marina. I should have been more careful. They didn't see me, did they?!"
You let out a sigh of relief when he let you go and shook his head softly, resting his hand on your back to guide you to the table so you could sit down.
"No, thankfully. I expected them to leave faster than that, but the Captain for some reason was trying everything he could to come aboard. Do you know of any reason why?"
Dropping down onto the chair and pulling your knees up to your chest, you sat there in silence as you recalled Eddie asking to come on, but you could think of zero reasons as to why he would want to. No-one had said anything to you about it before you left, only that Henry had said he was here for 'loose ends', whatever they were.
"No idea. Too late to do anything about it now I suppose. Is that my phone?!"
It only just came to your attention what Gist was doing at the table before you came up, after spying your mobile and a bag of uncooked rice just to the left of him.
"Yes. Unfortunately, I think it's completely fried, but no harm in trying!"
You sighed when he picked it up and showed you the sodden screen, but took a moment to glance about properly while he was busy putting it in the bag and tying it off. Looking around everywhere; at the top deck and further down the ship, it didn't take long for you to spot your holdall leaned up against the side rail, grimacing when you saw that it was still dripping and sat in a large puddle of sea water. Well at least you still had clothes.. Looking down at yourself and then back up to Gist quickly, you pursed your lips and began fidgeting when it sunk in as to what you were wearing at the moment.
"Well, I appreciate you trying. One more thing... Who, undressed me?"
"That would be me. Don't worry, I kept my eyes closed. Mostly."
Scoffing when you could see him straining to hold back a grin, you lowered your head and began twiddling your thumbs absentmindedly when Shay suddenly occupied your thoughts and, you wondered where he was as you didn't see him through the window of the helm.
"You seem disappointed dear."
"That it was me that took your wet clothes off and not somebody else?"
You could feel your cheeks getting warmer as the grin he was stifling spread across his face and he winked slowly at you, making you divert your gaze to anywhere but meet his.
"I-I, you know.. I'm not...Erm. No?" You babbled, still refusing to look at him when you knew your face was rivalling the sun right now.
Freezing wide-eyed when the skin crept at the back of your neck, you slowly turned your head so you could see behind you, snapping it back quickly when you saw Shay stood about three foot away with his eyebrows raised and staring at you. You gave Gist an evil glare when he started chuckling; obviously making that comment because he knew Shay was stood behind you, and got up from your seat and walked over to where your bag was. Thankfully you didn't have to dig very far into it to tug out the sword that was nestled amongst your things; that now reeked of old fish, shuffling back and holding it out with one hand while you tried to hold up the blanket with your other.
"Um, hi. Thank you for saving me, again. I managed to get your sword back for you."
"Mmm, seems like it's becoming a habit of mine. Thanks for this."
You sat back down whilst Shay began unwrapping his blade, using your fingers to massage your ears when you started to hear a faint whistling, even over the sound of the music.
"Still a bit waterlogged?" Christopher chuckled, still clearly amused at yours and Shays interaction.
"I'm not sure. You, can't hear that?!"
Looking around furiously when the noise was getting louder, you threw yourself off the chair and ducked down the same time as the men did when an explosion bellowed out in the water, only a few yards from the stern of the ship.
You didn't even have a chance to see what was going on before Shay grabbed your hand and dragged you up; pulling you into running down the deck and towards the helm, only stopping for a second when you tripped up over the blanket that you had now dropped in the rush.
"Gist! The radar! Find who the hell's firing on us!" Shay barked as soon as he got to the wheel, turning it abruptly and making you grab hold of the console to stay upright.
Glancing over to where Christopher was staring at the screen with a bewildered look on his face when nothing appeared on it, you snatched up a pair of binoculars that you had spotted before and looked through them quickly as another eruption echoed out; closer this time, terror filling you and your hands shaking when what you were looking for came into your view.
"It's the Jackdaw. You won't see them on the radar, he always emits a jamming signal."
"The Jack... What the hell is going on?!"
You looked through the binoculars again in hopes to give Shay some kind of direction as he was flying blind at the moment, but you threw them down in anger when you could see nothing in the pitch black of the open sea now that they had turned their spotlight off. You fell to the floor hard when another projectile detonated from what you guessed was only a few feet away, as the ship was rocking furiously with the rippling waves that it had formed. Crawling over to where Gist had dropped down and was now pulling out a case from under the counter, you helped him unlock it, surprise mixing in with your fear as he took out a pair of night vision goggles and put them on quickly, flicking off the lights as he looked out the window.
"Its definitely those three from London, and they're using a mortar. We don't have anything aboard that can rival that!"
Thinking quickly as you watched Shays' face twist up in fury, you snapped your fingers when you came up with something that had a slim chance of getting you out of this.
"Do you have a rifle? With a scope??"
Shay looked at you quizzically for a moment at your request, then let go of the wheel and caught you as you fell again with the severe swaying that the narrowly missing discharges were causing.
"Aye, we do in the hold, but I don't see how that's gonna help." He breathed, his eyes darting about at you still being in his arms.
You forgot yourself for a moment as Shay just held you there gently, until Gist grabbed the unmanned wheel and, turned it harshly so that you didn't end up veering into the Jackdaws path.
"No time to explain. Christopher, get closer to them."
"What?! Have you gone mad??"
"Just do it!" You screamed, after stumbling out of Shays embrace and running as fast as you could down the steps towards the lower deck.
You were pinballing against the walls as you tried to keep your balance through the narrow corridor of the bottom deck, covering your ears at the deafening sound of the engine as you passed it to what you assumed was the armoury. Bursting through the door and gawking for a second at the number of weapons that the US Army themselves would have been jealous of, you began quickly pulling out and opening the vast array of cases until you came across what you were looking for.
It took you less than a minute to assemble it; even with the ship bouncing all over the place, finishing it by sliding on the scope and then grabbing a box of .30 calibre cartridges off of the shelving above, silently praying that you wouldn't need that many.
You had managed to take two whole steps out of the door when an ear-splitting boom came from behind the engine, the force of the eruption throwing you against the wall with a resounding thud and nearly knocking you out cold. Grasping your head when it started swimming, you managed to look up through the ringing in your ears and the bright lights dancing before your eyes to see that the engine had stopped running and, thick black smoke was pouring from it.
Dragging yourself up, knowing time was not on your side as the Jackdaw was probably reloading this very second, your stomach clenched in terror when you realised that you had dropped the box of bullets. Scouring around furiously, you lunged at the ground when you found it tipped up on the floor; the shells rolling away and into the drain. You scrambled about trying to collect up as many as you could, but by the time the last one dropped with a splash you had only managed to pick up three.
Having no time to mull on it, you ran as fast as you could back to the middle deck and crouched down when you got outside, using the rail for cover so that you wouldn't be spotted if they were looking over the same way you had been doing to them. Making it to one of the gaps in the side, you used your feet to drag over your discarded blanket from earlier as you lay down, pulling it over your head before loading the first bullet into the chamber. As you had instructed, Gist had steered the Morrigan closer to the Jackdaw; most likely how they managed to get a direct hit on you, but that made your chances of damaging the ship that much higher now.
Closing your eyes for a moment and breathing through your nose to steady yourself, you took aim at the Jackdaws helm, swallowing hard when you saw Eddie at the wheel shouting something to one of his crew. You didn't want to do this, every scrap of your being told you not to go through with it, but it was your life on the line too, and you didn't want it to end just yet.
Adjusting the scope a few degrees before you talked yourself out of it, you squeezed the trigger firmly, your eyes widening when the bullet found its mark but didn't penetrate the window. Fucking bulletproof glass?! Cursing loudly as you reloaded and took aim again, you knew that you had less than a one in a million chance of hitting the same spot; now that it was weakened another might pass through, but you had to try.
Just as you pulled the trigger again, the Morrigan tilted heavily to the right to avoid the next projectile; that would have no doubt hit about a foot away from where you were if Shay hadn't have moved, but now you had missed your mark and had only one bullet left to do it with. Holding the last shot in your hand tightly and looking up at the helm to see Shay stood at the window; looking down at you with his palm on the glass, you grit your teeth in determination and rearmed the rifle, trying to find a clear shot through all of the people now running about trying to hide from the gunfire.
You can do this... You can do this.. You chanted over and over, timing your sight with the rocking of the boat. You don't know what possessed you to do it, but as you pulled the trigger for the last time, you closed your eyes, not opening them until a few seconds later. Forcing yourself to see the outcome of your efforts, you grinned so wide that your face instantly began to hurt with it when you saw that you had hit the exact same spot as before, but this time it went straight through and penetrated the main console, the only form of light now coming from the sparks that were flying into the air.
With the Jackdaws sails all being controlled by electrical pulleys, it was now dead in the water, so you got up and held the blanket over your head; doubtful that anyone could see you but you didn't want to take that chance, and headed back up to the helm.
As soon as you had got to the top of the stairs, you were nearly knocked to the floor when Christopher bounded over and threw his arms around you, picking you up and spinning you around.
"You wonderful girl! Wherever did you learn to shoot like that?"
Laughing when he finally put you down and held you at arm's length, chuckling with you jovially, you shrugged your shoulders and pulled the blanket down from around your head so you could see properly.
"Always had a knack for it, but that last shot was pure luck, I assure you!"
Leaning to the side after he punched you in the arm gently, your smile dropped from your face and you shuffled forward when Shay didn't seem as pleased with the outcome as you and Gist.
"Umm, I hope this makes us kind of even? I didn't know what else I could do to help."
Shay finally looked up at you with a hint of a soft smile, but it didn't last long when most of the instruments in front of him started flashing red and uneven beeping spread throughout the room, until he pressed several buttons roughly.
"Aye, you did a grand job love. But no time for celebratin' yet. My ships blown to bits, an we still have no idea why they came after us in the first place, or how they even found us. Gist, you sort out up here, I need to go down an see the damage."
You took a quick sidestep when he lept up out of his chair and almost threw himself down the stairs in haste to see how much devastation had been caused, leaving you and Christopher staring at each other miserably.
#assassin's creed#assassinscreed#modern au#fanfiction#reader insert#shay cormac#christopher gist#sfw
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Just figured out that I can do this here. This fic is called Sea Glass and is a BNHA Mermaid AU with a/b/o dynamics. below is the summary as well as the first chapter which is completely clean
Summary: Izuku had never seen the ocean before going on a trip with his boss. Well, I guess he's just going to have to get used to seeing it all the time now because he just had to fall off the boat. Good thing some random lady gave him a magic pill to help him breathe underwater.
People Don’t Usually Take Things From Strangers
The air is filled with noise, from the screech of gulls to the shouts of merchants trying to push their wares onto the people milling about. The noise is almost as overwhelming as the smell. The stench of dead fish and refuse drowns out most of the salty scent of the sea that blows in on the breeze. My face scrunches up, eyes watering as I try not to gag. Definitely not the best impression one can have on their first visit to a port town. “Oi, quit tryn’ ta puke up yer breakfast and get a move on!” I jump at my boss’s booming voice and stammer out an apology, tugging the pack horse forward again. My boss, Mr. Evans, shakes his head and goes on ahead towards the docks. Mr Evans is a very robust man who is very harsh with his help, but can really lay the praise on thick if he thinks he’s got a high paying customer. Of course, as a jewelry crafter, he really only has rich customers. So he’s basically just an asshole to most people. The only reason he’s kept me around so long, is because he didn’t have to teach me to read or write. It also helped that I was a quick study with arithmetic. Fighting through the crowd, I try to keep an eye on where Mr Evans is going. We came into town hoping to obtain passage to Ireland. Mr. Evans is trying to find a new supplier of silver, and left his store in the care of his other apprentices. He only brought me along to help transport supplies and anything he might want to purchase along the way. It will probably take a month tops before we get back home, the boat ride taking up the majority of our trip. I get to the wharf and look around for my boss, I lost sight of him briefly and don’t know which ship he went to. Mr Evans needs to find his contact who agreed to take us along in exchange for a favour or two. After a moment of looking around, I finally spot him three docks to the left near a medium sized trade ship. There are many sailors already loading it up with supplies while Mr. Evans’s friend barks orders at them. I tug on the horse’s reigns and cluck to get him moving forward and weave my way through the crowd again. The air is much clearer next to the sea and I take the time to breathe deeply, clearing my lungs of the foul air.
“Enjoying the sea boy?”
Startled by the question, I stop and whip around to see a woman enshrouded in a heavy brown cloak. Her hood is pulled up over wavy ebony hair, casting a shadow over her olive skin. She stands a few centimetres higher than me, and I have to tilt my head up a bit to meet her gaze. I can’t really tell how old she is. She looks young in the face, but something about her gives me a feeling that she isn’t all that she appears to be. Maybe it’s her eyes. I think they’re grey, but they seem to shimmer like crystals and seem to peer straight into my soul. I frown slightly, her question finally registering.
“I’m 20.”
Her smile widens, giving me a look that seemed to say that her opinion hadn’t changed with that fact. It was only for a moment, but I swear that I could see razor sharp fangs behind her lips before disappearing again. Before I have a chance to think, the strange woman motions towards the rolling waves.
“The sea offers much more than just a sweet breeze and food for you to eat. It is a place that contains great beauty and wonders.”
I perk up at this, chest buzzing with excitement. I lean a bit closer, like it will help me hear her better. I’ve always liked hearing about new things, and I may as well find out what I can expect on this trip.
“Really? Have you traveled out to sea often? What’s it like? I’ve never seen it before today. I-”
I abruptly stop when she laughs. I feel my face heat with embarrassment and I stammer out an apology. She shakes her head and brings her left hand up to cup my face. She gives me a gentle look and strokes her thumb over my cheekbone, where a cluster of freckles are.
“I’m afraid mere words could never do it justice child. It is simply something you must see with your own eyes.”
“I-I see.”
The conversation peters out and the sounds of the wharf make themselves known again. I glance back out to the waves, and let myself imagine what she may have seen on her travels. Her hand drops from my cheek and I hear a rustling of fabric.
“Tell me boy, can you swim?”
I turn back to see her holding up a green ball, no larger than a marble, resting in the palm of her hand. I don’t think it’s made of glass though, it seems to be made of ground plants. A pill maybe? I look back up to her strange eyes and shake my head, murmuring out a negative. I don’t know why she’s asking me this, no one I know can.
“Take this pill with you boy. Keep it safe on your journey. It will help should you fall into the water.”
I look back down and pluck it from her hand. I inspect it closer and give it a sniff. It smells like the ocean air, only stronger. My nose tingles from the stench of salt and herbs, and I roll it between my fingers. It doesn’t stain my fingers, so maybe dried? It feels solid like stone, which is odd for a pill made from plants.
“What will it do exact-”
I look up to find myself alone amongst the crowd once more. Confused, I look around trying to spot her. It’s no use though, there’s too many people and she seems to have just disappeared into thin air. “Midoriya! Get your ass over here!” I yelp and rush over to Mr. Evans, absently slipping the pill into my breast pocket. Mr Evans is red in the face when I jog up to him, looking ready to burst a vessel. He scowls, but doesn’t say anything to me. He just motions to his friend and another sailor who is standing beside him. “This is Captain Cordon and his First Mate Shinsou.” “N-nice to meet you.” I greet both of them and they nod in return. The captain is a very tall and burly man, scars littering his weather worn skin. His hair is a sandy colour, likely bleached that way from all the sun. “Shinsou will show you where to put your supplies and the horse. After that, he’ll give you the rest of the tour.” Captains’ voice is as gruff as his appearance. I look towards my boss and he just waves me off before I can say anything. “I’ve still got stuff to settle here boy, now get.” I bow my head to him and jog after the man called Shinsou. He’s at about half a metre taller than me and is very compact, muscle wise. His lavender hair is as wild as my own, and he looks really tired with dark bags under his eyes. From what I saw earlier, he also has a slight overbite. He turns his head to me once I catch up with him near the ramp. “We’re going below deck, that’s where everything is pretty much kept. That horse skittish?” I look between him and the animal, confused. He sighs and rubs at his temple. “Let me rephrase, has that horse ever been on a ship before?” “I don’t think so?” He nods and then pulls a large rag from his back pocket. “Right, we’ll have to blindfold him then.” I scrunch my eyebrows and tilt my head to the right. “Why?” His grey eyes flick down to meet mine. “Livestock that aren’t used to sea travel often spook when crossing the ramps to get on and off the boats. Blindfolding them makes it so they can’t see the water, which is usually what scares them.” To accentuate his point, he taps the ramp with the tip of his worn black boot. I hum in understanding, and hold the horses head still while Shinsou wraps and secures the cloth around his eyes. Once done, we carefully lead him up and onto the boat with minimal fuss. Shinsou removes the cloth once on the deck, then leads us below deck through a large hatch. We both remain quiet as we go down to the bottom layer of the boat, where some sheep are being kept. There is hay spread across the floor, and a wooden trough half filled with water placed along the far wall. We both work at taking the tackle and baggage off the horse, and I go ahead and give him a treat before letting him wander around the room.
I turn back to Shinsou, who has already shouldered a few of the bags. There’s another sailor, who joined us a moment ago, who helps me wrangle the rest. With all the luggage in hand, we head back out into the hallways. After I shift my load a bit, I look up at the back of Shinsou’s head.
“So, um, where are we headed now?”
Shinsou glances back at me before facing forward again.
“You and your boss are sharing a cabin so there’ll be plenty of room for your stuff in there. After we drop that off, I’ll show you where everything else you’ll need to know about is.” “Ok!” We go up two decks and quickly unload all of the baggage near one of the cots. The unnamed sailor left soon after, likely having other things to do. Not being used to heavy labour, I have to take a moment to catch my breath and rest my screaming arms. Shinsou is nice enough to wait without comment, though he does look slightly amused. I blush a bit when I notice, and quickly straighten back up. “Right, let’s get the rest of the tour out of the way shall we?” He walks towards the doorway, ruffling my hair as he passes by. My face gets even hotter from embarrassment.
* It’s a week into our trip that a storm hits. When you’re in the middle of the ocean, with seemingly endless amounts of water all around you, you’re able to see the storms coming just from looking at the horizon. The downside is, you really can’t do much except brace yourself for it. Within an hour of spotting the dark, angry clouds, the heavens unleashed their fury upon us. Mr. Evans was safe below deck while the wind and rain pounded down, but I was above deck trying to help keep things secure.
For the past week, I’ve been conscripted to help the crew as part of my boss’s favour to the Captain. This meant that I was given menial chores like scrubbing the deck or helping the cook prepare our meals, which wasn’t so bad. I got to know Shinsou a bit more and he’s a nice guy, if a bit aloof most of the time. It was during one of our chats that the alarm went out, and we all started scrambling to get things put away and tied down. We hadn’t managed to get everything secured once the squall hit. I had to fight against not just the wind, but the rocking of the boat too.
Once the last rope was finally tied down, I felt someone tug on my arm. Squinting through the rain, I see Shinsou, who is now dragging me towards the hatch that lead below deck. The boat leans heavily with another wave and we stumble, almost losing our footing. Once the ship evens out again, Shinsou shoves me forward. I look back at him and he yells over the wind.
“Go! You’re done up here!”
There’s a flash and then a deafening crack of thunder, drowning out the protest I wanted to make. Shinsou just shakes his head and jabs his finger at the hatch.
“You can’t help now, you’re not strong or experienced enough. Now go!”
I grimace, but obey anyway. As much as I dislike it, he has a point. I’m not a sailor, and I’ll just get in the way right now. I jog over to the heavy wooden door and get my hand around the slippery iron ring, when I hear another shout. It was obscured by the raging wind, so I paused to look up for a moment. I only had enough time to register a rope whipping towards me probably having snapped or come undone from something. The next thing I know, the air is thrust out of me as a crushing force knocks me back into the side rail. I cough and choke, desperately trying to get air back into my lungs.
Just as I finally manage to get a lungful of air, the ship heaves again and I feel myself tipping over the edge. I feel weightless, and for a moment time seems to slow down. I look over my shoulder to see the roiling waves below, and all I can feel is a dreadful certainty. I’ve gone overboard, and I can’t swim.
I’m going to die.
Time speeds up again as I crash into the black, icy water. I desperately hold onto what little air I have, and claw my way towards the surface. I manage to breach once, gasping in fresh air before sinking under again. Shit. Shit! I don’t want to die! Not yet! Please God, help me!
I clamp my hands around my mouth and nose, fighting back the burn of my straining lungs. My eyes are open, exposed to the stinging water, and desperately looking around for something. Anything to help me live just a bit longer. That’s when I notice a blurry shape slip out of my breast pocket and float in front of me.
What’s that?
It looks like a sphere-oh! The pill! I had it in my pocket? I quickly grab for it and bring it to my mouth. That woman said it would help be breath e right? I just have to swallow it. Wait, can I swallow something while holding my breath?
I shake my head and quickly open my mouth, a bubble of air slipping out only to be replaced with brine. There’s no time to think anymore, and I slip the object between my teeth. C licking my jaw shut and swallowing, water and all . That seems to be the limit of my endurance though, and my lungs give out. I cough out all my precious air and reflexively breathe in again, taking in all the salty water my lungs can hold.
My lungs and throat burn even more and I keep trying to get to the surface again, to no avail. The flailing of my arms starts slowing as a pressure starts invading my skull . What little sight I have starts to dot away, and I suddenly feel both warm and cold at the same time. I blink once, then twice as my body stills and I finally fade away.
#boku no hero academia#midoriya izuku#todoroki shōto#todoroki x midoriya#A/B/O verse#mermaid au#fluff and smut#asl#mpreg#implied abortion#abortion aftermath#letshoutosmash#shouto smashed#pov midoriya#official mineta free zone#au no quirks
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A Distant Song - Summer Challenge
The longest fic I’ve ever written now finds a satisfying end. I hope you liked it. Have fun with the much too long epilogue!
Hotsuma stared at the ship in front of him: A large white cruise liner. “Are you sure that’s the right ship?” he asked.
“Yup. That’s the ship I’ve booked for us which would carry us to a few cities in Australia and then New Zealand,” Shuusei replied with a smile. They had taken a flight to Perth where they would go on board and then spend the next two and a half weeks on this ship. “But we will need English on board. It’s not a Japanese ship.”
Hotsuma just shrugged. He knew English well enough.
“Do I want to know how expensive it was?” He asked clearly impressed.
“Nope. I won’t tell you anyway. I’ve invited you to this trip, remember? Come on let’s go.”
They went on board and soon got their keys. Their luggage was still on its way from the airport and would be delivered directly to their room.
When they had found the correct room Shuusei took the key and opened it. “I hope you like it?” he asked and looked around. It was a suite with a balcony and very comfortable. Shuusei was content. It had been expensive, yes, but he didn’t mind. He wanted to have a great trip with Hotsuma and didn’t want to have a look at finances for now. He knew he had enough.
“I... guess I’ll sleep on the couch.” Hotsuma announced when he saw the queen-size bed and suddenly seemed very insecure. Shuusei tried not to smile too much when he turned around.
“Why? I don’t mind you sleeping next to me. There is no need for you to get the uncomfortable sofa,” he said as innocently as possible and saw how Hotsuma’s cheeks turned slightly pink.
“No, Shuusei... I... I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable... I’m gay, as you know very well...”
“And? You know I don’t care.” Shuusei slowly walked towards Hotsuma who tried to keep his distance. Somehow it was fun to tease his friend like this, although he knew it was not very nice of him. “I know you wouldn’t do anything I don’t want, so what’s your problem, my dearest Hotsuma.”
“My... god... Shuusei... I’m damn serious... I’ll take the couch.” Hotsuma had reached said piece of furniture and fell onto it.
Shuusei shook his head. “It’s unnecessary”, he said and sat down next to Hotsuma very close to him.
“It is! God... Shuusei, stop this!” Hotsuma sounded like he was close to a panic attack and Shuusei was close to give up. He didn’t want to torture his friend too much no matter how cute he thought his reaction was. But he really didn’t seem to have a clue about the real reason Shuusei wanted him close. Shuusei smiled gently and took Hotsuma’s hand but he pulled it away.
“Shuusei... really... stop torturing me! Damn, I love you! But I don’t want to make things awkward! So please, let me sleep on this damn couch so I can sleep without having to fear that I can’t keep my hands to myself during the night!”
Shuusei looked at his completely flustered friend and shook his head again. “Declined.” He said and pulled Hotsuma into his arms. “I’m sorry... But your reaction is just too cute. What If I don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself?” he asked.
Hotsuma instantly stopped his struggles. “What?” he asked completely confused.
“I love you, too. I thought you had noticed by now.”
“What?” Hotsuma repeated. “You...”
“I love you. And I want to be with you. Now that I am free from any contracts I can safely tell you.”
Hotsuma got a small distance between them to look into Shuusei’s eyes. “Are... you serious? If you’re just teasing me stop it! I thought you didn’t even like guys!”
Shuusei chuckled again. Then he lifted a hand to gently caress his friend’s cheek. “I am serious. I would never play with your heart in that way. You are too important for me,” he said and leaned his forehead against Hotsuma’s. “I love you.”
Then he turned his head a bit so that he could gently place his lips on Hotsuma’s. At first he could still sense his confusion, but then Hotsuma seemed to notice it was not a dream. He got his body to move again and embraced Shuusei and returned the kiss; still softly, testing but it was such a good feeling to be able to do this after this long time of just having to be content with watching Shuusei.
And now they couldn’t stop kissing each other, slowly, searching for the other’s lips again and again. They were only disturbed by a knock on the door. Shuusei sighed. “Must be the luggage...” he said and got up, but Hotsuma didn’t accept it and pulled Shuusei down again before he got up.
“You rest. I take care of everything else.” Hotsuma went to the door to get their suitcases and gave the man who delivered them a tip for his work.
Then he brought their things inside and started to unpack his suitcase and Shuusei came to pick up his guitar. No, he couldn’t leave his beloved instrument at home for more than two weeks. He had already asked if it would be okay for him to play on deck a few times if he liked to without getting legal problems because he wasn’t part of the entertainment programme of the journey. Then he went back to Hotsuma to take care of his own suitcase but Hotsuma protested.
“Shuusei! I said I take care of everything... Or... do you have... things in your suitcase I’m not supposed to see?” Hotsuma asked with again red cheeks.
Shuusei chuckled. “No, Nothing but clothes you know well enough from the laundry days.”
Hotsuma was so incredibly cute. Shuusei took his guitar and started to play, while he was watching his frie... boyfriend while he unpacked their things. Somehow it didn’t feel very different from before, but well, they had been very close for a long time now. Tsukumo had once said when he saw them together he had the feeling of watching an old couple. Shuusei smiled. Perhaps he had been right. The more he had been surprised that Hotsuma had not even noticed that he also had feelings for him.
“It’s not that interesting to watch someone unpacking your underwear.” Hotsuma protested at a point where he was indeed putting Shuusei’s underwear into the wardrobe.
Shuusei replied while still pulling the strings of his guitar: “I find it very interesting to watch a very handsome person unpacking my things.”
Shuusei chuckled. “The ship is going to cast off soon. I want to see it. Do you want to come with me?” he changed the topic. When he looked out of their window he could only see the far side of the harbour.
Hotsuma nodded and got up, closed Shuusei’s suitcase to put it to his own under the alrge bed.
Shuusei placed his guitar back into its case and got up. But he didn’t get far because Hotsuma stood in his way.
“I am not dreaming am I?” he asked insecurely and held out a hand for Shuusei who instantly took it.
“No. You’re not.” He stepped up close to Hotsuma and kissed him again to prove him that this was indeed real.
It was only after another few minutes that they found it inside themselves to let go of the other and leave their room.
After the ship had left the harbour they decided to take a walk around the ship. There was almost everything. Four swimming pools: two inside, two outside, a tennis court on deck, bars, restaurants, stages, which Shuusei would definitely only see as a spectator and not stand upon.
There were souvenir shops, a pharmacy, and a few boutiques; in fact you could buy almost anything here. They both were impressed. And when they had seen everything it was almost time for dinner in the large dining room.
“Let’s just hope we don’t have any fans sitting with us...” Shuusei sighed when they were on their way.
“Hey, this is an Australian ship, so there should not be too many people here who know you.” Hotsuma assured him and he was right. They got a place with an elderly couple from Perth who loved to travel and who seemed to be nice so Shuusei was quickly calm again. They were nice people and it was not hard to talk to them although at first it was mainly Hotsuma who did the talking. But Shuusei soon felt more comfortable especially after the woman asked them if they were together and seemed so happy for them when they nodded and admitted it was still very fresh between them.
“Do you want to do something else tonight? A stage performance? A concert?” Shuusei asked after dinner but Hotsuma shook his head.
“Perhaps tomorrow. Today I want to have you for myself,” he admitted a bit coyly. “If it’s okay for you. If you want to do anything I’ll come with you.”
Shuusei smiled. “I asked you. Everything’s fine for me.” So they returned to their room where Hotsuma switched on the TV and both of them got ready for bed. It wasn’t very late, yet, but they had had to leave early this morning to the airport so at least Shuusei was very tired.
“Please don’t say you still want to sleep on the couch!” Shuusei asked when Hotsuma came back from the bathroom.
“Don’t worry. If I can have you in my arms I will use that!” Hotsuma grinned and claimed one side of the bed and Shuusei got the other And soon Shuusei felt how Hotsuma came close to him to embrace him. Shuusei smiled and closed his eyes.
“Hotsuma... I already want to say I’m sorry if I’m moody over the next time. It has nothing to do with you.” Shuusei began a bit insecurely while his fingers brushed through Hotsuma’s hair.
“Why? Is something wrong?” Hotsuma asked worriedly.
“No. It’s just... I’ve purposely left my pills at home. I want to return to a normal life and function without any medical help to fall asleep and get over the day... So it’s highly possible I may have problems falling asleep and be moody because of the caffeine withdrawal. And I want to apology in advance if I‘m getting obnoxious...” Shuusei explained and felt how Hotsuma tried to pull him even closer.
“It’s okay. I’m glad you try to get rid of the stuff,” he said and kissed Shuusei, this time more passionately. “And I’m here for you whenever you need it!” He added and kissed Shuusei again and now deepening the kiss.
“Shuusei?” He asked after he brought a small distance between them again.
“If... just hypothetically... If I said I wanted to do... more with you... how would you react?”
Shuusei smiled. It was just too sweet how careful Hotsuma was with him.
“I would ask you to wait a bit. Just a bit. Today I just want to be in your arms and enjoy you being close to me.”
Hotsuma nodded and kissed Shuusei’s cheek. “I... I just want to know... you know... we’ve never talked about you... I didn’t even know that you like men...”
“I like people. I don’t fall in love with a man or a woman but a person. And I don’t mind getting intimate with that person.” Shuusei said and gently kissed his boyfriend’s lips. “But not right now.”
Hotsuma nodded. “That’s okay for me. It would even be okay for me if you wouldn’t want it at all. I just want to be with you. You’re my most important person!”
Shuusei smiled. “I love you, too.”
“Since when?” Hotsuma asked.
“Since when do you... love me?”
Shuusei shrugged. “I don’t know. I really can’t tell... But it’s long. Perhaps even the moment in Germany a certain Kenshin held me back to tell me he still remembered me... And I was constantly afraid you might start to look for someone else and I don’t have a chance anymore when I finally got free of that damn contract.”
“I thought about it... but no one is as perfect for me as you are. I only want to be with you!” Hotsuma murmured and pressed a kiss on Shuusei’s earlobe.
“Then stay with me.”
“I will. As long as you want me to be with you.”
“Then you will never go anywhere else.”
“That’s fine for me.” Hotsuma yawned and soon had found a comfortable position and fell asleep. Shuusei smiled and gently brushed his fingers through Hotsuma’s golden locks until he as well fell asleep.
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