#i definitely forgot some stuff
aliferous-ly · 1 year
I know nothing of DSMP but I would love to hear how the ending/story/characters/creators were mishandled if you’d like to rant/ramble
I didn't watch the ending. I barely knew the ending was happening, because by the time it happened I was so disenchanted with the whole dsmp that I didn't really care. so I heard through the grapevine (Tumblr dashboard) that it was like.. everything blows up we're starting over and everyone's memories are wiped.
Which. Is a choice. But is a particularly horrible choice when one of the people roleplaying.. died, and would therefore "not be remembered" (with no new content). The people close to this person confirmed that dsmp 2 would continue technos legacy and that they wouldn't forget him, but the fact that it needed to be said in the first place is just. An awful feeling. like, none of techno’s actions would have any bearing on dsmp2...?
So fuck the ending, who even cares about it. The beauty of the dsmp is supposed to be the many interlocking characters, since they're all roleplaying to have fun with this comedy/serious rp. But the creators (read: the main creators slash writers of the arcs) would often ignore other creators on the dsmp and their role. Niki frequently was talked over and ignored. Her and puffy planned a dsmp lore stream only to cancel it because dream scheduled a server-wide event for the same day (literally the day before). eret regularly planned lore and streams, but received rare replies in the discord. they were the first villain character and received so many death threats for the arc that really kick-started the serious storylines, and then their character was mostly forgotten by the other big creators. I understand the improv of rp, but the streams started becoming more and more planned, and eret wanted to be in them! And as the original traitor, having her as a staple would have been INTENSE. but she just kinda.. dropped off. Anything to do with the egg was vastly considered uninteresting and therefore lesser to the "main" characters, which is, of course, tommy and dream. which sucked because I didn't care about tommy and dreams storyline and I liked everyone else's 😭😭 (this is more neg for the community than the creators, but whatever)
Another thing I hated was when the creators would joke about how cringe people getting invested in Minecraft RP is. stuff like that. because it shows that at a certain level they're ashamed of creating it? They're embarrassed of it. And so they disregarded their audience and fucked up the storyline and now dsmp 2 is never happening because who's gonna watch it? their scorned audience? like holy shit, guys, you were getting 200k viewers a stream because people liked the story. people like stories!!! the medium doesn’t MATTER.
Like.. okay. There's some really good characters in the dsmp. Schlatt, I think, had the best character, because he was cohesive and had an arc -- he entered as a villain against wilbur and tommy, was further corrupted by power, physically crumbling from his poor choices, was super horrible to quackity which set up quackity’s arc & insecurities... and his death was interesting! nobody killed him, he just succumbed to his own problems. I still think techno is a good character, because he stuck to his thought processes and morals (which was basically, governments = bad, people = good. with a dash of extremely violent inclinations). Whether or not you liked him. His problem was his innate existence as unkillable (technoblade never dies, he won a battle against the whole server, etc), because then it can get tedious, but he'd been planning to have cyberknife the Government Lover to counteract this (god, I miss him).
Dream is... Dream, I guess. Sam has a good character, very nice corruption arc (everyone literally hating him in his chat was annoying though. Like guys, you're in sam's chat, you gotta root for SAM. go to Tommy's stream if u wanna be a little bitch). also sam’s arc had everything that dream apologists wanted with dream’s character, lol. dream had no regrets and was a horrific abuser. sam started good and slowly corrupted to evil through “the ends justify the means” choices, which is FASCINATING, because by the end he was a mess of ethics and trauma. I love Niki's arc, but I wish she could have had more closure with Wilbur, because he was huge for the beginning of her arc. Hannah, bad, ant, and punz had this super cool thing with the egg (bad and skeppy was WILD) and I loved the fantasy aspects and that it didn't take 4 fucking hours to do the climax, with like 1 hr of actual action. (the egg was like... a fungal infection came to the dsmp and infected various characters to do its bidding by promising whatever they want most. and bad wanted to be with skeppy, who is his actual in-canon soulmate, since bad’s CANON LIVES were tied to skeppy’s. meaning he never lost a canon life unless skeppy did. fellas...)
I guess overall it's like... the main creators didn't communicate and plan enough with many of the people who wanted lore and arcs. Foolish, quackity, purpled, Sam, and Charlie did really well at the end, I loveddd the whole purpled defecting and shit. charlie’s arc was incredible. and they COMMUNICATED in the discord to make this happen. 
Dream, sapnap, and George just had no handle on the storyline they were trying to construct. And it's their server. They needed an ending. Something satisfying, cathartic, something where tommy finally gets the chance to heal which might only happen alongside dream's death-- and the servers getting blown up by a nuke okay sure that works too I guess.
I’m so, so upset by the lack of happy ending for tommy. like, the cc wanted to move away from dsmp, so they could have written an ending for the character and then he could ease away from the server and lore. it didnt have to happen Like That.
Also, if dream wanted to play a different character, then Do That. He could pretend to be a shape shifter who liked the original dreams form, or the original dream could be a shape shifter who copied dreamXD (the literal god of the server, which I feel like was not mentioned more that foolish had regular interactions with them?), or just, anything. but the constant evil!dream abusing tommy was getting a bit much. it was just never ending.
Like.. they had three "canon" lives. This happened because the original roleplay was Not Serious, it was just them fooling around. They would kill each other to steal their stuff. Everyone died all the time. And I don't remember the specific inciting incident.. it might be as far as tubbo getting executed on stage? but suddenly This Death is far more important than all the Other Deaths, so they have to separate them and add some significance, but tubbos back now and technos not apologizing which is a whole thing (oh nooo techno didnt save tubbo from being executed despite not receiving any communication), so tubbo is alive, so this death is Significant (but he's still alive) so. three canon lives. Which is dumb, because the only thing (seemingly) signifying a canon life loss is that it's literally written into the plot. (Which, jack manifold dying to techno and then falling into a glitch and respawning, to then claim that he lost his third canon life but through pure determination to kill tommy/techno crawled back out of hell, is metal as fuck). which takes out a lot of the improv, makes things a lot more staged. But it's canon, in the lore, that sometimes people die and they don't lose a canon life. It's just.. so bizarre. (Phil having one life to show that he's from a hardcore world is also, however, very cool).
it makes the whole thing a bit meta, using terms like “canon life” within the actual roleplay. the only bandage I could think of would be coming up with unique ways each specific character could die. Like, tubbo can only be killed via explosives/fireworks. Tommy and Dream can die by axe. techno’s is unknown, until tubbo infiltrates phil’s house and finds information that techno can be killed by being crushed. this would cause some other brand new problems, though.
Anyway. Wilbur's plots were well written, but disregarded Fundy (his canonical son) and mostly Niki, too (who he brought into the server). George obviously didn't give a shit about lore, bc he was never there. Sapnaps lore is meh, even though he has, arguably, one of the most interesting relationship webs of the server (his best friend became this abusive pos, his parents are skeppy and bad, he’s off-and-on dating quackity and karl, both of which have their own crazy shit going on. god, i didnt even talk about karl). Tommy's was very well done even though I personally didn't like his character.
Like... These people just didn't know what the fuck they were doing. Which could have been fine, if they didn't try to capitalize the fuck out of the views lore streams could bring while also ridiculing their audience for liking this sort of thing, and then attempted to tie it together into some sort of ending to the tommy / dream arc. Like, new arcs can happen, sure, but things have to end! They have to!
Honorable mention for ponk who regularly streams earlier than I watch but consistently was on the dsmp. He kept that shit alive. He was the og. His tree jumpstarted the lore. Much love for ponk and many wishes for future successes for that man.
Also it was really weird how the dsmp was primarily white men because it originally was just dream and his friends, which obviously is fine ur not gonna intentionally diversify your minecraft server for friends, but after people started pointing out that most everyone being added was a white man and the only defense was that it's dream and his friends became.. thinly veiled. Because he started adding people that hes not like, close friends with, but they were also white men. Like I'm so sorry Michael mcchill I love you and your energy is fantastic but this is about you and manitreed and foolish and and and. There were like 30 people on the server and like 6 poc. maybe 6 women. (Shout-out to Tina, lmfaooo).
idk. it’s a storyline that was wonky and weird at its base, so the viewers were willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for a lot of things, because we knew that it was improv and sometimes things dont go your way. and they had this massive, growing, beautiful thing at their fingertips. and wilbur said “yeah i’m not writing this arc” and communication became nonexistent and everything collapsed. the server literally NUKED ITSELF. OK . holy shit.
that being said i immensely enjoyed my time in the dsmp fandom. it helped me through covid, it inspired me, i’ve written quite a bit of fic for it. i loved the dsmp. there are aspects that i still love, and will love forever. but holy shit. we were not treated well.
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charismaofobedience · 4 months
Nu carnival is a great game because you have so many things being represented such as
Garu and Karu - System rep with a pretty good writing and a trauma behind their system forming. dumb puppyboy rep
Rei - Hypersexuality and the dehumanization of self to the point you view sex as nothing more than a coin for a certain time. brat power bottom who can't shut up
Olivine - Religious guilt and finding your own place in society without others expectations. huge tits (bottom version)
Yakumo - The struggles of controlling oneself to not hurt those who you love while also learning to accept others love. constant struggler disorder
Edmond - Repressed sexual desires and learning to embrace those and be yourself among those you trust. anime tsundere disorder
Aster - Being 'born' out of necessity and need to someone to eventually have them leave you with no reasonings or explanations with you having to solve things on your own, without someone you depended on. capitalist transmasc twink
Morvay - Same as Aster but also being constantly equated to just your sexual self and having others treating you as simply that or how dumb you are when you're so much more than that. slutty bimbo (male) (not a himbo) rep
Blade - Being deemed as defective due to the way you simply behaved when still young while noticing the nature of others during that time and being made to fit the others ideals of you so you weren't left aside. being just a silly goofy guy :3
Dante - Having to assume heavy responsibilities at a young age and how this affects one in their future while also having those who don't know you judge you for your harshness when you are simply trying your best. bad dick game
Quincy - Having others taking your help while at the same time being afraid of you and keeping you at distance due to this fear. huge tits (top version), sleepy disorder
Kuya - Feeling ostracized by those you know by your simple nature and who you are as a person, being left all alone by simply feeling like no one could understand you. knotting and mpreg kink
Eiden - Growing up in an orphanage. Being in a low-key shitty workplace. Suddenly being dragged to a new place you don't know anyone in and having to adapt yourself to it. Being put responsibilities and titles upon you that you simply weren't prepared for. having others hopes put upon you while at the same time others doubt your own aptitude to the job. Being compared to someone who came before you and how you are nothing when compared to them. and perhaps the most important thing the struggles of sluts in modern gay society and having to deal with your polycule where all the members are lowkey freaks
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vaugarde · 1 month
act 5 moments that gutted me alive
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velvetwyrme · 11 months
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A little comic based on my initial response to @wave-nine's post ;3c
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emily-mooon · 24 days
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Noticed there wasn’t a ton of photocheer fanart and I wanted to change that (which why isn’t there more these two dorks are so cute together!!!!)
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because I'm bored and I'm mixing up canon and fanon tn
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lonely-dog-draws · 5 days
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visual reference for my OC Ron COUGH HACK *diesd
WRITTEN NOTES: keeps a pocket knife,
tan + sunburnt from being in the sun a lot,
probably got his nose broken once or twice,
skin feels very hot where the red marks are,
dyes/cuts his hair sometimes,
has a limp from hip injury & broken right leg.
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mrsstampede · 7 months
Vash flower shop owner, vashmeryl au. Lol it's just so perfectly silly. I know so original and funny bc he's a plant he'd own a flower shop 🤪.
But these aus are so cute I can't help it lol.
Make it even more cheesy by making meryl the work addicted reporter who stops in to buy some flowers for a work event or maybe she reluctantly home for Christmas and stopping buy to get flowers for her mom/parents who she has a strained relationship with bc of course.
Vash being a literal angel on earth being a fan of Christmas and trying to get meryl to enjoy the Christmas spirt lol.
Even more cheese if they are ex lovers who broke up bc meryl went off to college and a big city while vash wanted to stay and live a more peaceful life .
Millywolf background being the high school sweethearts that made it and are happily married. That meryl watched and wonders if she made the wrong choice bc look at them being all gross and lovely and happy.
Maybe to add more silly drama if wolfwoods orphanage is being threatened to be shut down. Meryl having to choose her new story or reporting on this actual news story.
All that cheesy fun stuff lol
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mistykaru · 2 years
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it’s not full ham 90s anime style i was mostly having fun with filters and different decoration brushes lol
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aroaessidhe · 5 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Raven Stratagem + Revenant Gun
books 2 & 3 in a military-political sci-fi trilogy
space empire setting where reality & technology relies on an enforced cultural belief and calendar system
the ghost general taken over Cheris’ body and gone rogue, the rest of the hexarcate is trying to assassinate them while they try to change the oppressive systems of the hexarchate
I don’t know how else to explain things in here without spoilers (if I even could explain..)
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shadow0-1 · 8 months
After the campaign…are you, are you okay
I'm doing a lot better than my friend kjbdgfjb
Honestly, it was better than I expected but that's just because I came into it with my expectations on rock bottom and was hoping for the worst in everything. I had fun and uh. yeow
Thoughts, gripes, etc about the campaign below, MEGA spoilers, you've been warned (in no particular order)
This could just be me being insane about Graves but honestly I thought that they would touch into the Konni infiltrating Shadow some more since they did an entire event about it but they just got name dropped? Maybe they'll touch on it more in the next game or whatever but that was quite disappointing for me personally.
Graves, my wife, the light of my life. Cried when I first saw heard him and then I cried more when he was still in kahoots with Shepherd. Love him for lying to the court and love Price for finally stepping up to the plate and taking care of a loose end (Shepherd.) BUT that just leaves the question of what would happen to Graves. Would the courts believe him, or would they pin the blame on Graves (← more likely option)
Loved seeing Farah more, no additional notes
Gameplay was Fine, gun sounds were disappointing but movement overall felt a lot better compared to the beta, but tbh. You can still tell that this was originally supposed to be a DLC. Felt pretty short too but I played through it all in (mostly) one sitting. Not at all surprised at them reusing assets and animations but they could have tried a little with making new campaign outfits. The "open mission" played out a lot better than I had expected tbh. I personally only experienced a handful of bugs (other than the servers breaking) but again, to be expected
Julian did a good job as Makarov IMO. As a friend put it, he turned the game into horror any time he appeared on screen. I had wondered how they were going to handle no russian in this day and age and WELP. They made it way more gut-wrenching to play and sit through. Can't forget the casual racism too, "Are you a terrorist?" "No" "You look like one" LIKE OKAY WHAT THE FUCK. YALL CAN SAY THAT SHIT?
Very fun to see Nik again and play as Kate, but I'm mad that Kamarov isn't in it. Xitter has been a minefield and it seemed no one knew how to flag or tag their spoilers so I ended up seeing the Big Death™ and honestly, kudos to them for having the balls to off one of the main characters. Maybe it's just my delusions talking but Ghost was definitely super fucked up about it. Wonder if Soap is gonna be added to the multiplayer still and how they'll explain it if they do. CoD seems to have a habit of making everything canon so who knows
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bl-bracket · 11 months
Also just a little fyi~ once we get the cast down (which is like a couple weeks out from here tbh), I'll have a form for y'all to submit ideas for names for the show itself (since by then we'll have a good sketch of the vibe of the series) as well as each of the characters! I'll probably then put those to a vote once we get everything else settled. This project is going to take a while tbh but I'm very excited to see what we create as a team!!!
Also just for future reference (though I'll remind y'all when we get to it), because our primary genre is heist and the secondary is detective, I'm currently planning that whoever we get as our main character will be more on the heist side of the coin, while the love interest will be on the detective side of the coin (I suppose when we get to tropes their actual roles will become more clear) (and also once I get a concept of the plot so I can write out the summary/synopsis thing)
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oh-meow-swirls · 2 months
was looking through old posts and i'm surprised to see that i seemingly didn't have any commentary on anything in 3 in chapter 7, 8 or 9, the posts related to 3's story go from "my first reaction when i saw yopple-bot was 'i love you. but also you are definitely the boss for this chapter-'" to "i have been in hell all day. hell being bada-bing tower." funny to me cuz those chapters are like, the best ones sdfkljsdfjfsdkjlfsdjkl-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#i love dukesville. yo-kai watch wild west. though also everyone in bbq talks like they're in the wild west-#i don't blame myself for not having any commentary on hazeltine mansion tbh. it sucks ass. i mean it's kind of fun but like#god is it annoying. i think using the mechanic of switching between nate and hailey for puzzles is a cool idea but. bad execution#very bad execution. it is so annoying#especially the section where you're in the basement and have to use the drill a bunch#... why are there prison cells in the basement anyways??????? i just realized how fucking weird that is-#i'm mostly just annoyed by the dining room puzzle tbh. i KNOW the fucking answers but verygoodsir is an ASSHOLE for some reason#and won't let me choose the FUCKING CORRECT DOORS#3's so fucking amazing tbh. i really wanna replay it soon. don't wanna have to delete a save file though#wish 3 had three save files like 1 and 2. i get why though i mean it's the biggest 3ds game klsfdjfskjfsdjksdf-#i wanna like. actually use my originyan for once. i might just end up using nyases ii instead tho fsdkljjdsfjskd-#i love every chapter in 3 after nate and hailey meet tbh. the bestie moments are so good#though also i don't think it was an amazing idea tbh. it means there's six main characters after that point#sometimes one character will go several cutscenes without talking at all. it's usually buck#he doesn't have any dialogue during any of the key quests in new yo-kai city. which is pretty amusing admittedly#i think the writers just forgot about him or something fslkdjdfslkjfsdljkdf-#i think my favorite thing related to that is like. during the stuff in bada-bing tower komasan and komajiro are there too#but they don't have any dialogue. which makes it seem kind of pointless#i get why they're there plot-wise but like. at that point you should either have them leave before you go to bada-bing tower#(esp since they don't end up in the ufo with everyone else. idr if there's a reason for that there probably isn't-)#(i think i slightly blocked out everything in bada-bing tower cuz it is so grueling)#or just. give them dialogue???#i love 3 and all but it definitely has some problems-#which is why i'm so excited to rewrite it <3 for both of those reasons. i can fix things. and also it's the best game#just. full-stop. not just the best yo-kai watch. i just think it's the best game ever#that title changes based on my current biggest hyperfixation though sfldfsjdkslfdjkfdj-#i think i'd say my overall top 5 is like. yo-kai watch 3. deltarune. ummmm. fantasy life is up there
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qserasera · 3 months
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'you should keep your pet informant on a shorter leash, doctor'
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000marie198 · 9 months
Ya know, turns out that when you're with your sibling or family, you don't want to use brain power. It's the one time when you are with people you trust enough to relax a little and not have to keep alert and thinking. So you leave half of the thinking and observing to them.
And they are often doing the same.
So, yeah, speaking from real life experience and analysis of said experience, the phrase "sharing a braincell" rings so very true for families, especially sibs
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I got my oracle deck a bit ago but forgot to post a pic or 2 of them! (Also some ramblings under read more!)
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Of course these 2 are my favorites but all the cards are so pretty :'3 I really love the little details in the cards, like on the satyr's art there's grapes, goblets, vines, and an aulos! And the satyr themself is so pretty :'3 I love this artist's style!
And Xenagos' art is just as pretty >:'3 I love his pose and the entire vibe of the art, it feels like this is deep in the forest in Skola Valley and it has a bit of an ominous but welcoming vibe, like you stumbled onto a revel wandering in the forest and he's welcoming you into the revel but! Watch out!
Also the card meaning for him "Breaking Free" is so fitting and I love it :'3 (and the satyr's "Trust Your Heart" is also just as lovely and fitting!!)
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(Sorry the Nylea is a bit blurry :'v) I also love how the mono coloured god cards have stars and lines making them into constellations! And a personal bit I like specifically in Nylea's art is the forest in the background, she is the Goddess of nature but the forest for some reason in the background reminds me of my old childhood home a bit <:3 (when I was little we lived pretty much in the forest and the trees in the background remind me of when I'd look at the mountains and just see a sea of trees and green)
All the cards are super pretty and I love all the details in all of them uwu I'm honestly so happy I got to grab these cards :'3
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