#i deeply dislike them and hate how they're written in canon
all-pacas · 1 day
i think you're deeply in denial about being a chase/cam shipper or you gotta change your definition of shipping or something. because whatever you're doing here absolutely 100% looks like shipping them. to the untrained eye
in reality i have this very multi long paragraph disclaimer that's too convoluted to even explain but here ya go:
they are my two favorite characters
i like seeing them interact because of this fact
i find their deeply complimentary set of flaws fascinating. i love seeing cameron in a Relationship because she's such a fucking unreliable narrator about herself. i like seeing chase in a relationship because the very concept of "putting someone besides yourself first" is so antithetical to him and the opposite of what he has learned his whole life. i want to put them in a room together. i want cameron to talk at glowing length about her soulmate dead husband and how she watched him die and i want chase to talk about watching his mother die and how much he hates and resents her. i don't know where that conversation would go but i Want It. it's like how i want chase and 13 to talk about murder and redemption together. it is a platonic smashing together of fake people, not about making them kiss
i think they were badly written in the sense that like. there's no writing. they're just together. now they're not. now chase has feelings. do we see them? no. now cameron has feelings. do we see them? no. now they date for three years. as someone who likes writing and narrative this drives me insane because it's so lazy.
i think i could do it better, not in a "because i want to write uwu fixit fanfic where they kiss" way but in a "this sort of writing drives me insane" way. like. huddy was badly written too but it very much existed. cameron and chase are just "oh btw chase fell for her at some point for some reason during fwb." why???? we can handwave but there is NOTHING IN CANON. cameron likes him too! why??? WHO KNOWS
however i also find it annoying when people go "solution: they never dated, we pretend it never happened" because that's ALSO lazy and retcons several years of canon including cameron's exit from the show. including the actual character development chase gets, which i actually do like. i think i'm a rare person who almost prefers late series chase. i like short haired chase. and i don't like the idea of erasing all that canon development just because "uwu i don't like it" (or, more petty, because "uwu i think cameron should have kissed x -- usually house -- so i hate this canon relationship that like it or not did exist")
this ties in to my actual fairly complicated feelings about cameron and how a lot of fandom tends to Girlboss her up in obvious and admirable contrast to her years of reddit-ish character bashing. where i admire the Spirit but deeply dislike this Girlboss characterization.
basically i am a deeply contrary person by nature
so whenever i see this ship i go IT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER, and OUT OF SPITE I WILL DEFEND IT, which is a whole perpetual motion machine of feelings
i honestly could not care less about them kissing. except for the specific episodes where they allude to having a sex life and foreman all but flees the room. i actually care quite a lot about that, i think it's super funny. so in that context (in front of foreman, to troll him) i want them to make out.
i've gone and read old ffn stories from when the show was airing that featured them as a couple. like from true fans and believers of the ship. i disagree with almost all of it and think usually cameron and usually chase are ooc in these stories. but in different ways. this also triggers my spite
so sure. yes. i ship it. probably,
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abla-soso · 1 year
When I dislike how a character is written but I can still see their potential; I really like to read meta posts/canon-compliant fanfics written by the smart stans of this character.
Sure, most of them treat their headcanons as canon, assume that the untapped character potential is already there or that it is part of the author's intention, and some of them can be annoyingly biased or irrational.. but it's super fun to see the character's potential actualized through their interpretations (even when I think they're not entirely accurate to the canon character). It's super fun to see how it's possible for the disliked character to be written in a good, interesting way that's at least semi canon-compliant. And I love imagining how much I would have liked and enjoyed said character if they were really written that way in canon.
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knightobreath · 7 months
Ok I gotta know
What’s your thoughts on that one anon (🐝)’s takes
context 1 and context 2
ohohohohhohohoohohohoh. ohohohoh. Well. Basically they're wrong about what headcanons ARE and how they work as a fan created thing. They also definitely need to examine why they feel the way they do about headcanoning characters as having marginalized identities. I wrote a whole essay on trans headcanons specifically under a similar ask and what I said can be easily applied to other aspects of headcanoning characters as minorities (i actually got a lot of the ideology for that essay from discussions of "blackwashing" in fandom)
some other things on what they said (warning: LONG)
My major issues with their thoughts on headcanons can be summed up with the essay i linked. im not going to be going into that stuff as deeply again because we would be here all day, so the rest is just specifics
"but i really hate it when people change pronouns of characters (IVE SEEN PEOPLE USE SHE/HER WHEN REFERING TO SILVER SPOON. LET THE MAN BE A MAN IF HE WANTS TO BE A MAN.)"
Silver Spoon, and other characters for that matter, are quite frankly not real and do not have actual desires or feelings that you can hurt. Also see my essay on trans headcanons.
"but what makes me the most furious is... people making characters autistic. nothing against autism, i understand that, but do you really need to make paper, fan, silver spoon, pen, etc. autistic just because they have specific interests or act... idk, just the way they act?! its just. it doesnt make sense to me."
Bee needs to examine why they feel the way they do about autistic headcanons. A majority of the times characters are being headcanoned as autistic, they're being headcanoned as that be actual neurodivergent people who seem themselves or their autistic friends in these characters or traits.
There are certainly some issues with certain aspects of autistic (or any other disability) headcanons, like infantilization, but Bee's issue seems to be the fact that there are a lot of characters being headcanoned. Which is just not a problem.
"hc's that dont affect story are fine, but ones that completely flip the story or ignore anything confirmed by the employees."
Headcanons are personal thoughts on the story and do not have any bearing on the story or how you interpret the characters. They are a fan creation like fanart or fanfiction.
"EX: "i headcanon that mic and knife are in a relationship!" that completely ignores the fact that some of the pride month art shows that knife is gay. Cakebrunch (official II storyboarder) confirmed that soap and mic are in a relationship."
Cakebrunch is not a writer and does not have any bearing on the written canon of the characters. Just because he works on the show does not mean his headcanons have any bearing on the canon.
"make as many autistic characters you want, yeah! its great to support autism! but you dont have to make every character autistic, okay? (directed towards people that hc lots of characters as autistic)"
Again, the people who are doing this are mostly autistic or otherwise neurodivergent. And they aren't "making" the characters autistic, they're depicting them as such. No harm in that.
Now for the ships ask.
This is less of my domain, as I'm not really a shipper and don't know much about romance and relationship dynamics but I will try.
Also like nothing against people who don't like shipping as a whole, I totally get it. I was in your boat before.
"i absolutely HATE osc ships. half of them are either "oh these characters dislike each other/disliked each other at one point" and the other half is "these two friends should date because theyre friends.""
and that leaves..... characters who haven't interacted?
honestly, if this was between real people that would be really disrespectful.
Except they're not, so it's completely fine. I have a feeling Bee was in an RPF heavy fandom before this one, this and the previous take about pronouns are common discourse points in those.
EX: Fantube. yeah, they tried to raise shimmer together and built bot, but platonic parents exist and CAN THEY JUST BE FRIENDS?! PLEASE?
Like headcanons, ships have no bearing on the canon and in canon they are just friends.
EX: Nickloon. ok, nickels trying to make up for being rude to balloon all throughout season two. but really? they dont have to date just because theyre friends, yknow. imagine someone saying "oh you and your best friend who you only platonicallly love- you should date!" to you. that'd honestly be rude.
They're not real so they can't experience this. Problem solved.
yeah, some ships are confirmed but thats different. EX: Knickle. offical II storyboarder Cakebrunch CONFIRMED theyre in a relationship. thats an official employee of the series saying that a ship is real. not some random person on TikTok saying that TennisGolf is canon because TB is GB's closest ally.
Again with citing Cakebrunch's fan stuff as canon. Interesting how they cited a storyboarder's fan works twice but failed to mention Balloon being arospec as said by a show creator in the nickloon section. While I have my thoughts on word-of-god confirmation, which I will not be getting into here, it is far more canon than any fanwork.
A lot of the rest of this is just confusion about why people ship things. This is different for each ship and each shipper, and if you're ever confused about where a ship came from you can just ask the shipper. There's usually a reason (and depending on who you ask, a whole essay) as to why a ship came about or how it would work. Sometimes though it is just for fun or comedy, and that's not really a bad thing. We're here to enjoy ourselves, after all.
One last thing though,
and dont get me started on those ships that throw certain characters in canon ships (looking at you, metallic salad/metallic salad + mephone shippers.) because like. why? certain characters have established relationships with others, and your just like "ohh well those two are in a relationship, but mic and knife are a cute ship so how about mic + knife + pickle? makes sense!" like. please.
I don't know much on dynamics and specifics (see: not much of a shipper) but from what I have seen of multiships and polyships, all the dynamics and how the characters would all work together is very much thought about.
Also knickle isn't canon and the people shipping knife x mic x pickle are also aware knickle isn't canon. Nobody is thinking of it like that.
Anyways, time for the conclusion.
Bee anon is fundamentally wrong about how fandom works. Headcanons and ships hold no baring on the canon or your interpretation of the canon. Fandom is a place where canon is transformed in fan works for the fan's enjoyment, it is not a place where canon is determined or changed. You can interpret a work however you please, you can even divorce it from fan works entirely if you wish. Bee also has some things they need to think about in regards to why they feel the way they do about queer and autistic headcanons.
Thanks for reading.
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mistystarshine · 9 days
Whenever a female character is widely hated, put the blame on misogyny. However, a good chunk of fans of specific works (with certain exceptions) are teen girls and women. Is it a case of internalized misogyny, then?
Somewhat, yes, but it's also a matter of attraction.
A great deal of fandom is shipping, and people tend to be more drawn to ships that they are attracted to. No, it's not the be-all end-all, yes, you can love characters and ships that you don't find attractive and dislike ones that you do, but it adds a MASSIVE boost. You are more likely to consider ships when you find one or more of the characters attractive. You are less likely if you do not.
I'll use myself as an example.
I don't give a shit about m/m pairings unless they have strong canonical chemistry that appeals to me (or it's a REALLY well written fic) because I'm a lesbian. It is harder to make them appeal to me because I don't get the attraction boost. I will read Adamsapple fics (with a note that I am picky about characterization) because I find the dynamic compelling. I don't mind Huskerdust, but have never once sought it out. Alastor is the major ship-launcher in this fandom, but I have not and will not read any fics that dedicate a significant amount of time toward Alastor shipping (or read Alastor-centric fics in general) because I can't comprehend how people find him hot and I find what we saw of him in canon deeply boring, so there is absolutely no appeal. M/F is honestly largely the same. Constrastingly, although I obviously gravitate toward things I already ship, I will give almost any f/f ship a shot if the fic seems well written. (With another note that I am picky about characterization.) Why? Because there is additional appeal there to make me willing to give the author the time to convince me.
(This is without even getting into smut, and I don't think I need to explain the importance of attraction there. All of the M/M or M/F smut that I've written was as a gift to a friend or because the narrative demanded it. And guess what? The f/f I've written (on a burner account that ya'll will never see) was way better.)
The majority of fandom is women. The majority of women are attracted to men. So guess what? Attractive male characters and m/m pairings get most of the attention. And guess what else? Female characters often get in the way of m/m ships, which provokes hate. Especially around younger fans who might not be experienced enough with narratives to be able to get a female love interest out of the way without demonizing them.
If you want me to say that female characters just aren't as well-written as men, it's not going to happen. There are PLENTY of male characters who are flat as cardboard yet get tons of adoring fans and fandom doing the work to flesh them out to hell and back. Just look at Hux in the Star Wars fandom. There are plenty of extremely well-written female characters who are ignored in favor of the most prominent bland hot man. And yeah, it's because they're hot. And maybe it's a bit of misogyny too, but... from what I've seen, a lot of attention comes from attraction, and when it comes to female characters, much of the hate comes from ship wars that people don't want to admit are ship wars. Plain and simple.
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viriborne · 1 year
If you're still doing the character opinion thing-- Beel and Belphie? I feel like they're less liked in the fandom for two very diff reasons lol
Ough this is gonna be tough since I don't really like or dislike Beel ig? It's honestly mostly just how he's written with very little substance but ok here we go.
For Beel, I think he's a very VERY easy character interpret since...85% of his lines are usually about food...which can be very annoying for anyone who wants him to be of more substance (which he has the potential for being but uh. writing). I may just be projecting my own feelings but I feel like the main reason that Beel, in specific, is low in the rankings is because a lot of people just think he's...very boring and predictable. He was a character of substance in season 1 when he opened up to Mc about his guilt of choosing to save Belphegor over Lilith in the war and the fear of having his twin taken away from him and imprisoned by Diavolo. After that... he just because the food guy, honestly. I think him being one of the only brothers that openly cares deeply about his family is definitely interesting but it's not expanded upon nearly enough.
Also, I feel like the devs kind of...shifted his personality after the first season? Like he's much nicer and portrayed as more "sweet" than he was at the beginning?? I mean, in the first manga released from like.. the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021, he literally tells Mammon to "shut up, man" when he was having an outburst. Idk, he doesn't seem to be as blunt and speak his mind as often. Hell, he was even the first character to point out that Mammon is soft on Mc and that was BEFORE Leviathan's pact. He goads Mammon into going through with stealing something from Mc and then points out that he knows he won't do it because Mammon likes them.
Onto Belphegor! My dearest dickhead whose head I wanna put in a blender. He very much as a severe case of youngest sibling syndrome despite him and Beel being...the same age. Even when you get past the whole "actually killing you" thing, he's still a massive asshole lol. Though, it's very funny seeing Lucifer fans hate Belphegor for the murder and occasional rudeness when uhhh I hate to say it but Lucifer is significantly worse in both departments. First of all, Lucifer canonically: beats you until pass out, attempts to murder you MORE THAN ONCE, one of these murder attempts happens almost immediately after he almost admits that he loves you, has a very hard time taking "no" for an answer (cough pact scene), has a massive ego that needs to constantly be stroked, I COULD GO ON FOR DAYS but this is about Belphie not him.
Despite all the shit I've talked about him so far, he's literally my third favorite brother lol. I like how blunt he can be at times as well as how he sometimes seems to goad Mc in order to just have their attention on him. He's a selfish little prick but only because he wants your attention, he's honestly almost as bad as Mammon in that way. I really wish more people would explore his character like that since he really is very sweet on Mc when you look at it. He really just seems like someone who's main way of flirting is teasing lol.
Also he's shy as hell when you actually give him what he wants, which is another funny Mammon similarity.
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beansterpie · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @marley-manson! <3
I would tag people but it's late and my brain is tired so literally, PLEASE just adopt this tag meme if you see it and read the whole thing. You have my full permission to say I tagged you, even if we've never spoken lol. Go for it, be audacious.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
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2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well the posted fic is a Berserk fic, but I have various other wips that I pick away at when I'm bored. Among them include Eyeshield 21, MDZS, RotE, Harry Potter (technically?). Those are the most recent ones anyway.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Chain of Dissent, she's my favorite fic <3 (she's my only fic)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yeah I try to! Though I'll admit uhhhh I haven't updated it in... fucking? two years? god, and so I've been bad about responding to the more recent comments because I feel guilty for not updating in so long :') Really gotta get back to it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None, because I haven't finished a fic yet lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
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8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far! I've gotten a couple of comments that come across as unintentionally mildly rude, but definitely nothing that constitutes as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Well not so far in CoD, but, ahem, I have written smut in one of my wips lol. Deeply self indulgent but I guess character driven? It's mildly nasty and desperate <3
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't actually written a crossover (yet. well, recently) but they are a bit of a passion of mine lmao. I love ridiculous crossovers, and I'm talking about "a magical portal opens up and throws characters from fandom A into the world (& characters) of fandom B" type shit. I don't need the ways in which the characters interact to make sense, I just want them to be thrown together and see where it goes from there. Fish out of water shenanigans! Characters questioning their own motivations and idea of life by seeing a world entirely different from theirs!! Just like, fun shit! I also absolutely don't need for the two fandoms to be similar lol. I have a somewhat detailed Berserk/Eyeshield 21 crossover living rent free in my head so clearly anything goes.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Lol no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I'll probably have to say GriffGuts, because it's a ship that's gripped me by the neck for the past 7 years or something, where my interest in it hasn't really waned.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Uhhhh, idk? I mean I am DETERMINED to finish CoD, so that's out. And the wips I write in my spare time are just like, things I do for fun where I don't put any pressure on myself over it. I'm not planning on posting them anywhere, and I'm not generally planning on 'finishing' them either. I mean if I do finish one, I might post it, but again, they're low key things that I'm not taking too seriously.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm. I honestly don't consider myself a very strong writer, at least in terms of things like prose and sentence structure, grammar, that sort of thing. I think I'm pretty decent at figuring out the direction that I want the story to go, and all the individual steps that need to happen to get to that point in a way that feels organic (at least, imo.) And I like to think I'm pretty good at characterization-- having the characters behaving and reacting in ways that feel like could concievably happen in canon is generally what I'm going for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Yeah prose, lol. I mean, I don't actually dislike my more.... utilitarian writing style, mainly because I generally prefer reading more direct writing (unless the lyrical writing is really really good), but I do think I could inject some more illustrative details and metaphors into my writing overall. @marley-manson is SO good at coming up with perfect metaphors to describe a situation or feeling, all while perfectly recreating the character's voice, and I really admire that about her writing!
I also want to get better with having characters like, doing things while they're talking. I find a lot of the conversations I write happen between characters just kind of standing around, which obviously is fine but I'd like to construct scenes with a bit more specificity in the future.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Wait so like, say in a fic that is otherwise written in English, having a line of dialogue written in Spanish when a character is speaking it? I... don't have strong feelings about it one way or the other I guess lol. I mean ideally the line(s) written in the other language are correct lol, and not just badly google translated or something.
Though you know, now that I think about it, I feel like it would work best between languages that use the same alphabet (which does end up narrowing the possible languages down quite a lot) because that way the reader can still sound out the dialogue even if the don't understand the language, which could emulate what the pov character is experiencing. Whereas if it was a fic written in English, and then had a line written in, say, Japanese, the reader wouldn't even be able to sound it out so it's kind of a brick wall. (Unless there's footnotes, but that tends to be a little more clunky in fic than in a published book with pages).
If the readers are supposed to understand the dialogue written in another language, like two characters suddenly start speaking in said other language and we're meant to keep up with the conversation, then I feel like it's just easier to translate their words in whatever language the fic is written in otherwise.
But yeah idk, I think with intent and good execution, anything can work, but it could also be done in a way that's more annoying than anything.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think. It was neopets LMFAO. I remember writing a fic when I was like 10 about Hannah (the adventurer) and Jacques (from the maraqua plot comic) as a romantic couple because I was annoyed at the time that there were multiple fics about Hannah and Garin (or whatever his name was, also from the maraqua plot) getting together even though I thought Garin was BORING and they were just shipped together because they were both usuls (which are overrated imho), even though Jacque was obviously better.
... I may have had a crush on Jacques.
But the first fic that I think I posted anywhere was for Xiaolin Showdown lmfao, probably also when I was 10 or 11 or something. I wrote like four separate fics for that show.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Yeah it's CoD lol. It's the longest thing I've written so far, and I'm overall still very proud of it. I'd probably go back and change some things in the first chapter because it reads a little clunky and like, abrupt to me now, but I'm not doing that until I finish the fic. Allowing myself to go back and edit stuff before I've even finished the story seems like a road to ruin lol.
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searchforthescars · 2 years
If this is out of line, please feel free to delete this ask :) I follow your Twitter and I read your Cam/Pal ☕️ post here, but now that Nona's been out for a whopping 48 hours, I was wondering how you're feeling about the fandom and the story about Cam and Pal and Paul [screams]
(First of all, I'm very sorry for this delayed reply - it started off as "Well, I want to make sure my self-imposed spoiler period is over" and then continued into "well I don't want to Step In It, fandom-wise." But I have thoughts and you asked, and I appreciate that :3).
The following content was written in mid-September and has been edited slightly for length and clarity. It's still long. Sorry lmao.
Nona the Ninth was, to (probably) the shock of no one who knows me, a gift to me specifically. I joke that this book was written for me because it has so many things I love: apocalyptic settings, examinations of all the hazards and casualties of love, and some EXPLANATIONS OF WHAT THE HELL JOHN DID.
There was also Cam/Pal. So much Cam/Pal. "I hope you know that I adore you, Scholar." SHUT THE FUCK UP?????? HELLO??????????? "LIFE IS TOO SHORT AND LOVE IS TOO LONG" OKAY GOODBYE
Now, I should also say that I've had a Nona ARC since the summer, so I've been sitting on this for a hot minute. My experience reading the book was equal parts "WOW I AM WINNING" and "wow the fandom is going to go nuclear." And while I haven't seen as much hate as I was expecting, I suspect some of that is because I got over my fear of blocking people and have blocked often and liberally if the situation calls for it.
To be clear, I never have an issue with people shipping things that I don't ship. I never have a problem with people actively disliking my ships. What I do have a problem with is people coming into my DMs, notes, askbox, etc., and calling me names, attacking me, and generally being vile in mine own house when they could just as easily scroll away.
That's what happened around Cam/Pal between HtN and NtN. I'm not going to dredge up the details for the sanity of myself and my friends, but it was real and it was bad. Real people were deeply hurt. I've been in fandom - including some really nuclear ones - for more than half my life, and it has never been this bad.
At this point, my stance is this: Nona the Ninth made a near-ironclad case for Cam/Pal being canonically romantically entwined. Nona the Ninth also established that the two of them have been in love for a long time. The scene where they became Paul is, in my opinion, akin to a marriage proposal - especially when you weave in the fact that the "three strands" verse Dulcie quotes about them in Harrow the Ninth is often quoted in weddings and also talks about two people being better than one, etc etc.
My stance is also: if you read them as platonic but vibe just fine with people who don't read it that way, and you filter your internet experience through tagging, blocking, and scrolling past what you don't vibe with - more power to you. You're doing great, and I have no quarrel with you at all.
If you, however, choose to make sweeping faux-pearl-clutching statements about the creeps who ship cousins, you can get the fuck out of my house. Block me, unfollow me, whatever, but this is not the place for you.
Because also, nine times of ten, it's not about the fact that they're SECOND cousins (which is vastly different from cousins). It's about people disliking that a female character is with a male character. The Venn diagram of people I've seen being loudly angry and faux-pearl-clutching about Cam/Pal as a romantic ship and the people who insist Camilla is something that isn't bi and say that anyone headcannoning her as bi is something-phobic is almost a circle.
Again. You don't have to think Cam is bi or ship Cam/Pal. But there is no reason you need to rain on the parade of those who do.
But, because so many people do, I chose to open my umbrella and shout over the noise with my properly-tagged fic and all my online shenanigans. Because that's what fandom is about, for me. And I - like I ask others to do - mitigate my own online experience.
I'm always going to be a little angry and bitter over what happened with the Cam/Pal discourse. I'm always going to grit my teeth when I recall the person who told me they felt sorry for my sister because I "shipped incest." (Ironically, this person ships the Tridentarii.) I'm always going to be twitchy about being a Cam/Pal gremlin on main (despite that fact that I am apparently now something of a Sixth House Expert on TikTok??? weird).
But overall, Nona's release day was one of the most entertaining, unhinged 24 hours I've ever had in fandom. It reminded me of why I love fandom so deeply and fiercely; it's supposed to be about community and celebration, both of the source material and about all the diversity that accompanies a myriad of reads of that same material. I truly hope (edit: as of the time this was posted, the following statement is true) that this is a sign of what is to come for the corners of the TLT fandom I'm in; I hope that we will continue to celebrate what Tamsyn gifted us while also going unhinged over the possibilities left for us in AtN.
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ofstarfleet · 1 year
anyway spock is on the brain so important info about spawk.
readmore bc length
vulcans can far better than humans in canon and they can hear high and low frequencies that the human ears cannot. Spock inherited the full range of vulcan senses including enhanced sight and sound. he can hear conversations through the enterprise wall and knows all the scutlebutt that is said about him and the rumors. he pretends to not know these things.
vulcans are deeply emotional beings, even more so than humans. spock has a hard time processing his emotions and uses vulcan teachings to suppress rather than process them. for him, the most esiest emotion he can process is degrees of anger/irritation. it does take a great deal to actually make him angry and he usually adept as diverting himself from that path by leaving the situation/walking away/ignoring it. to make spock angry to the point of lashing out takes a great deal.
spock finds the starfleet uniforms uncomfortable. the sensory feeling of the clothing on his skin is uncomfortable. he is used to vulcan dress and the robes they wear made of different fabric.
spock's quarters mimic the vulcan environment, it's HOT.
spock favors the long sleeved uniform because he is always cold. he finds the standard human environmental controls to be cold.
spock is warm to the touch, thank of a cat, when they lay on you, they're little heat sucking magnets - that's spock.
spock's personal logs are written/recorded in vulcan.
as stated in spock's about: i heavily play into the theme of spock's indentity and the conflict between his human and vulcan half. as such I play spock as disliking and even sometimes hating his humanity because of his experiences on vulcan. the degree to which he dislikes his humanity varies between tos, snw, and aos but it is a constant. he feels ashamed of his human half and has deep rooted issues because of bullying in childhood and the vulcan attitude towrds humans which is quite frankly not good. vulcans are very slightly xenophobic and its been shown in canon that while they put on a good show, they are still prejudiced. spock is affected by that but it is mostly towards himself and not others. he sees himself as truly alien belonging in neither world. tbh humans are no better and he has also received some bullying and rude comments from them as well.
I play vulcans as a whole as a nonbinary race who use they/them pronouns in addition to she/him. it differs from vulcan to vulcan. spock is he/they and T'Pol as an honorable mention here is she/they.
spock tends to call his partners and close friends by vulcan terms of endearment.
vulcans are touch averse, but as spock is only half vulcan, though he is touch averse, compared to most vulcans he is more accepting of small touches by those close to him. given vulcans are touch telepaths, he refrains from touch so as not to unintentionally sense the feelings and thoughts of others. though he has mental guards against this, it is still easier to avoid touch all together.
spock's love language is acts of servitude/love like bringing you a cup of tea when you're trying to relax, or giving you a massage and spock knows how to give a really good massage.
vulcans require less rest than humans and can serve in longer shifts aboard starships.
vulcans by nature as not as outwardly "loving". vulcans do not usually engage in public displays of affection or affection in general. it is considered unusual to do so as it is "logical" that one love their significant other without showing it. because of this spock is reserved when it comes to such displays, but he does show them in his own way.once a muse has discerned spock's way of showing love as his love language it is obvious that the kind gesture is meant as an act of love. he will say those words in private to his partner and he considers the act of touch as one of the greatest ways he can display his love considering vulcans - again - are mostly averse to touch.
Spock does not hate his father, but the coldness he feels from him coupled with his childhood and never quite feeling "vulcan enough" has left them estranged and not on speaking terms. but spock deeply feels misunderstood by Sarek and that he and his father will never see eye to eye. he does however, long for nothing more than to hear Sarek say he is proud of him and that he is proud to have spock as his son. its very human and spock is embarrassed by this feeling. he doesn't know how to explain or deal with it so he tends to simply....ignore it.
taking snw into canon: spock has not dealt with his grief of losing Michael and he never addresses their loss.
Spock has had the chance to have his own command and eventually he does but it's not until Kirk is no longer captain of the enterprise. as long as Kirk is in command, spock will be his first officer.
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elshells · 3 months
4 and 5 for the pride themed asks!
Questions from this post! Pride month's almost over now but who cares? Not me!
Gonna answer for my five main characters of Agent Ace bc why not?
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
Generally, yes. I like to imagine that the city of Harmont and the version of Earth it exists on is better than ours in that regard. Individuality is celebrated, in regards to and beyond queerness, and everyone is free to love and identify pretty much whoever and however they want. But that's not to say that it's a flawless society (far from it). When crafting backstories and 'behind the scenes' content, I do imagine that certain characters have had experiences with homophobia, or at least toxicity within the queer community, but it's never the main focus of the story. I guess they're technically headcanons since I haven't written them as words onto paper, but even so, the portrayal of queer characters is prominent and overall positive.
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
For the most part it's vibes, but it also depends on the character!
Sophia (she/her) - I knew I wanted Sophia to be on the ace spectrum for two reasons: 1) asexual characters are criminally underrepresented in media and fiction, and 2) it made sense for the direction I was taking with her character. When I started to flesh her out, I started to get the sense that she had little to no interest in sex; she's practical in how she dresses and presents herself, and hates stepping out of her element. However, romantic feelings didn't feel totally out of character for her. She has a partner (Ahren, who is also asexual), and while she's not touchy-feeling and canonically dislikes hugs, she cares for him deeply and would only consider doing anything physical with him (though the most they like to do together is kissing and cuddling). So, I ultimately came to the conclusion that she's not just Agent Ace, but she falls under the category of demisexual!
Janus (he/him) - In the past, I've described him as bisexual, but now I think I would actually call him bicurious. He's only ever pursued relationships with women, but is nevertheless open to the idea of being involved with a man. I've debated back and forth with the idea of writing in a love interest for him in the future, and I think I've since realized it could go either way. It opens a lot of doors for me to choose later on down the road, since he's more uncertain than other characters in terms of the endgame, despite having a more established background.
Harley (she/her) - Harley is bisexual mainly because I myself am bisexual. In my writing I tend to follow the philosophy of 'when in doubt, they're bi,' but for Harley I knew from the beginning that's what I wanted for her. Unlike Janus, however, her first and only real relationship is with another woman, although she's had fleeting interest in men in the past.
Jade (she/her) - When I first started writing about Jade, I knew immediately that she was a lesbian. As a character who slightly-unintentionally takes after multiple IRL friends of mine (most of whom are gay) and as Harley's eventual girlfriend, I had STRONG vibes that she had only ever had eyes for women and had never faltered in that regard. A true icon and an absolute queen in my eyes.
Max (he/him) - Max was the trickiest to figure out. For a while, I couldn't decide how to identify him, and that was how I realized that, as a character, he would probably prefer no labels at all. I guess he would technically qualify as pan in that regard, but I think if you were to ask him about it, he would probably just say 'not straight' and leave it at that. He's also another character that I've thought about giving a love interest; there will likely be some serious tension (most likely gay, the way I'm leaning at the moment), but I haven't decided for or against a relationship.
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fizzycherrycola · 2 years
How come you always write the characters with their nation names instead of their human ones? Not hating, just curious.
This ask is a little funny because I just wrote a nationverse fic featuring the North America bros and used their human names for the first time. It was a new experience for me! I also did a human AU a while back, so I did use 'Ludwig' and 'Feliciano', but I'm assuming you're talking about my other works, so I'll address those.
Warning: Slightly long
Before I get into this, I wanna start by saying I don't dislike reading Hetalia characters with their human names. In fact, I like it quite a lot! There are many talented writers who choose the human names, including my lovely mutuals, and they're all creating such wonderfully unique insights into these characters. I thrive on the variety of interpretations and would never, EVER want that to change! So if you like writing with human names, please KEEP DOING SO and keep sharing your style with the fandom. ❤❤❤
For myself, I suppose I prefer writing their nation names for a few reasons. First, it's because that's what they're called in canon and those are the names I've always known them to be. When I first entered the fandom (back in the day) I'd only seen a few episodes of the anime and was totally unaware of the human names. So, when I started reading fanfic, I was initially confused, wondering which character was attached to which human name. To prevent that from happening to other beginners, I figured it might be easier for newcomers to the fandom to recognize their nation names.
For example, take OC nations and nations that Hima never gave human names to. This can be even harder to navigate as a newcomer, because each writer will pick a unique name for the same character. To avoid that confusion, I want to keep things simple for my readers and stick to nation names.
Second... this might be getting into headcanon territory, but I think the characters would prefer their nation names. Personally, I doubt they mind being immortal, eldritch beings. Sure, maybe now and then, when times are hard, they'd think, "Wouldn't it be nice to be human, and live a simpler life?" But it'd be said as a fanciful daydream and not as a serious desire. Sort of like how I'll sometimes think, "Wouldn't my life be so much easier if I was a cat?" ...But I'm not a cat, and a 12-year life without thumbs sounds very undesirable when you sit down and think about it. I imagine nations see human lives in a similar way: easier, but with fewer freedoms and far less time. Besides, being a nation is all they've ever known. It's who they are, what they are, what they always have been, and always will be.
(Except for that one micronation who suddenly became a human, but like what even was that?? Even Hima said he was a rare exception, so let's ignore that for now.)
And barring some encounters with humans who don't know them well, or scuffles with law enforcement, border patrol, etc., I think they'd use their true names as often as possible. Perhaps England would use 'Arthur Kirkland' to avoid attracting the attention of nosy neighbours, and it'd be written on his tax forms and driver's license. But everyone in Parliament, the royals, high-ranking military officials, guards, personal housekeeping staff, and maybe a handful of deeply trusted humans would know who he really is, and address him as such. So, in my headcanon, the human names are like masks and fake IDs. They have no bearing on the character's identity or their lived experiences, but they do still function as useful tools to help navigate human society.
Third, it's a personal writing preference. There's a weight and history behind 'England' that I can't replicate with 'Arthur', and those extra burdens tied to his name are fascinating. When I'm writing historical nationverse fic, as I usually do, the shorthand, super-fast, most direct way to get that across is just by calling him 'England'. It saves me a bit of time and keeps me in the right narrative headspace when building a scene.
Anyway, sorry this got a bit long, but I hope that answers your question. 💜
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nobaraisalive · 3 years
Lol at those who twist Gege's words and what he's actually trying to tell and turn it into something they wanna desperately believe in and treat those things as 'ship crumbs' what a lousy behaviour, and only cishet do this, you can even tell with the way they do their fanarts, it's a coping mechanism to say the least. Every Gojohime fanart you see it basically screams hetero full on, and what heteros do in a realtionship and how they behave. And JJK fandom it's self, the fact that it has even worse messed up ships and whatnot, it doesn't surprise me that people are delusional and oblivious to what the story is about actually, they treat it like a basic shonen.
Also you probably saw that thing where they said how Utahime's voice actor commented about her character and how she doesn't hate Gojo while the source is nowhere to be found nor was it posted by any twitter blogs that follow what's going on on a daily basis. (Yeah Utahime doesn't hate him, that's true but she doesn't like him and these kinds of feelings are different, as you explained in your prev asks) Plus it's her VA, her intepretation of a character doesn't necessarily mean it's 100% correct until she gets directed otherwise. Gojo is not attracted to someone who is not even his equal, let alone someone who can barely handle him and struggles to get along with him on missions. I can even elaborate further why their personalities are so different but i think we already know exactly what it's about and how it is. Gojo doesn't like traditions and traditionalists, Utahime is a traditionalist and is somewhat uptight, their relationship on the top would just scream mom & son or younger brother & older sister thing rather than couple lol, every trope that people put them in is deeply rooted into heteronormativity and it strays away from their respective characters and how they're written. I'm sorry, i know this is gonna be a sting to every hardcore shipper with goggles but all i am stating here is truth and at least i'm being honest about a problematic relationship that alot like to ignore or simply don't see.
About ship popularity and all; Gege doesn't do a fanservice, it's his story and like you said, perhaps he would consider if he was having a gun at this head otherwise no way in hell - second, take a look at SatoSugu, it's the most popular but rightfully so, and Gege already dropped alot of narrative hints and it's supported, but he doesn't outright say that they are a couple or romantic for that matter, but he doesn't really have to, it's there, and it's acknowledged by the story it's self.
I won’t said that this problem are exclusive from cis hetero ship because we have a discussion in this blog about the problem to assign gender roles related to top/bottom and the stereotypes resulting of it. Behind this kind of discussion is heteronormativity, that is a cultural device, so goes through society as a whole.
I have said this before, the problem with ships isn’t if they are close or not to canon, but the problematic dynamic that may naturalize. Of course, all this with the condition to keep in my mind that analysis and headcanon are different things.
I got an anon about Utahime’s va and I couldn’t find the source. But I agree with you, Utahime may not hate Satoru but she surely dislikes him.
It amazes me how people push Utahime to Satoru while completely ignoring the most razonable ship, the shokohime. It is razonable ship her with the person she seems to like. Utahime openly shows esteem for Shoko and she always seems to enjoy being with her.
I wouldn’t say that Utahime is a traditional person, she surely thinks of her identity as female from outside traditional schemes. She may dress traditionally, but she enjoys sport, drinks and has a single woman's life. But I understand what you mean, everyone looks more traditional compared to Satoru. I believe she has an idea of what a sorcerer and a teacher is supposed to be and makes an effort to try to fit that role.
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locktobre · 4 years
Here's an interesting one - which Barbie character do you have the most conflicted feelings about? (I.e an understandable but irredeenable villain, a deeply flawed hero, whatever)
Oh this one is tough.
Maybe Princess Lumina? I didn't like her at all for a long time, then changed my mind on her... But I still think my original criticism of her is valid, as she seems to do a lot without considering others' feelings, and she's not a very active protagonist. But I've softened on her quite a lot, even if I remain critical.
That's kind of why this is hard, bc I am critical even of characters I love, often BECAUSE I love them. I want them to be their best selves, so pointing out when they do things wrong doesn't mean I don't like them, in fact it's quite the opposite.
Like, I love and defend Tori (esp since a lot of ppl seem to dislike her for... not being Anneliese, which, shut the hell up), but I will be the first one to call her a brat and say that her 'prank' with Amelia's portrait is very mean. But also, using the movie's own dialogue and my own experiences, I feel like I can understand why Tori behaves that way (the death of her mother), and also the depth of her relationship with Amelia (who is clearly a maternal figure - and thus, she may rebel specifically against her; but they clearly were close at one point, bc Amelia lists a bunch of pranks she looked the other way or defended Tori for). So like, while I hate Tori's behavior... I still like her very much as a character, and believe she's capable of great growth, and that her behavior in the movie is more of a phase that she will grow out of, especially once she has the government project she establishes at the end to focus her.
And in that same vein, there's Barbie in Puppy Chase. She's Barbie, of course I want to love her... But the whole movie happens bc of poor planning (no rental car??) and her ignoring her sisters, even Chelsea, EVEN THO THAT'S THE REASON THEY'RE IN HAWAII AT ALL... It's infuriating. I hate it SO much. Puppy Chase has other problems, particularly the ending, but Barbie specifically caused all this chaos so it's hard to even feel bad for her when she breaks down near the end bc it's like, yeah, you should feel bad. But she's still Barbie, and I'm not heartless, so I DO feel bad for her. Even if the whole situation could have been avoided...
And on and on and on. I have many more examples like that, those are just a couple off the top of my head. Not every character is going to be brilliantly written, but I usually end up liking them anyway, even if I don't like things they do canonically. But I can headcanon around that, try and stop me.
As for the villain side of things... I think villains are already complicated, bc of the whole love-to-hate relationship I usually have. Like, I think Rowena is cruel beyond belief (she TOOK Lacey's STEPSTOOL), but she's a GOOD villain bc of that, and I don't find her sympathetic at all.
There are many villains I feel bad for, but that's usually headcanon-based, and it's usually the ones ripe for redemption arcs who weren't given one (Laverna, Malucia). One who's NOT I guess is Gothel, who I wouldn't redeem but I did write a whole post about her backstory. I think it's sympathetic enough to feel bad and understand how she got like that, but not so much that it tries to excuse anything. But I kind of do that with all the villains, bc I don't like it when characters feel flat and I'm always trying to round them out.
Anyway the point is, this could apply to a great many characters and I feel like I lost the thread halfway thru this so I'm gonna stop now lmao
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