#i decided to give each deity their own post rather than making several lists
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religio-iapygiorum ¡ 1 year ago
.: iapygian deity associated with deer :.
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[IMG TRANSCRIPTION (mirrored): Ψana. IMG SOURCE: F.G. D’Andria, Archeologia dei Messapi (Bari: Edipuglia, 1990), 232.]
.: :.
Inscriptions dedicated to Thana are found in several locations across Messapia. One inscription is on a pottery sherd found at the sanctuary of Scala di Furno, where deer bones were also found, and surrounding sherds can be reconstructed to form part of the image of a fawn.
A few scholars suggest that since she is clearly associated with deer, Thana was thus syncretized with Artemis. However, plenty of inscriptions devoted to Artemis (spelled Artamis in Messapic) are also found across Iapygia, so they seem to have been two separate deities in this time and place.
Thana is also the name of a goddess found in Illyria (nearby in the modern-day Western Balkans), where she is a goddess of forestry and hunting. Thana is often portrayed with different iconography from Roman Diana or Greek Artemis; in Illyria, she’s nearly always paired with the deity Vidasus, another woodlands god.
.: :.
J.-L. Lamboley, Recherches sur les messapiens (Roma: École Française de Rome, 1996), 431-432.
Maria Teresa Laporta, “Divinità femminili e titoli sacerdotali nel Pantheon messapico,” in Studia di antichità linguistiche in memoria di Ciro Santoro (Bari: Cacucci, 2006), 217-242.
Ciro Santoro, “Il lessico del ‘divino’ e della religione messapica,” in Atti del IX Convegno dei Comuni Messapici, Peuceti e Dauni, Oria 24-25 novembre 1984 (Bari: Societa di Storia per la Puglia, 1989), 139-80.
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thegreenwolf ¡ 6 years ago
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Why Pagans Need Field Guides
Originally posted at A Sense of Natural Wonder at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/why-pagans-need-field-guides/
I was talking to someone on Facebook today about how I’m a field guide nerd. I have an ever-growing collection of identification books on the fauna, flora and fungi of the Pacific Northwest, as well as its complicated geology, climate, and other natural features. I even collect vintage ones just for the fun of it. I’m also an avid iNaturalist user and spend a decent portion of my outdoor time taking photos of beings I meet along the way. And I love the challenge of trying to identify some critter or plant that I have never encountered before, just to put a name and a niche to it.
Now, I’ve spent the past couple of decades watching experienced pagans talk about how important history books are for pagans wishing to deepen their practice. They’re right, of course, at least if your path is in any way linked to historical cultures. But think of how many pagans invoke the elements without understanding anything about the earth, air, fire and water in their bioregion, or who call on deities of storm and forest and fertility with little comprehension of those natural forces. We can name entire pantheons of deities and list off magical correspondences for hours, and yet so many of us can’t identify more than a few native plant or bird species.  I’ve already asked why we can’t be as nerdy about nature as we are about history in a both/and rather than either/or manner. So consider this a continuation of that query.
Using Field Guides
First, what is a field guide? Simply put, it’s a book or website that lists a certain group of living beings found in an area. Bird guides are by far the most popular as birders are also generally pretty avid book fans, and when you’re trying to fill your Life List with positively identified new species it’s important to be very sure you know what you’re looking at through your binoculars. But field guides to flowers and other plants, mushrooms, wild mammals, and other beings abound. Some of these cover entire continents; others focus on a single state or region. The best have clear, full-color photos or high quality illustrations showing the field marks–distinguishing characteristics–of each species, along with pertinent info on behavior, habitat, and more.
The best way I’ve found to use one isn’t to cart it around with me all the time, but instead to take note of various beings I find in my day to day life. If I can get a picture, great! But sometimes that’s not possible, and so I need to either sketch or write down as many of the field marks I noticed as possible. For example, the first time I saw a varied thrush I noticed that it was a bird very much like a robin except it was yellow and black. When I got home I grabbed one of my Oregon bird guides and flipped through until I found a bird like the one I saw. The size, location and habits all matched up with what I observed, so it was a pretty safe bet that this was indeed a varied thrush.
I also read through my field guides, because there are many beings I have yet to see in the wild. There are several species which I had previously only seen in books and photos, and which I instantly recognized in person the first time because I was already aware of how they looked. Plus it’s fun to imagine what sorts of wildlife, plants and mushrooms I might find if I decide to go exploring somewhere new!
I’ve kept a journal of my nature sightings for several years, and I also have a pretty extensive collection on iNaturalist. Every time I find a new animal, plant or other being, I make note of it in the journal with what I saw, when and where. Then as I further research the ways in which my ecosystem is put together I can place this particular being into its niche and know how it’s a part of the greater whole. The varied thrush, for example, is food for hawks and other predators. As an insectivore it helps to keep insect populations in check. And like all birds its droppings are important fertilizer for plants and fungi, and because it eats berries it helps to distribute the seeds to new locations. I can appreciate the need to preserve forest habitats in particular since the numbers of this species have been declining due to habitat loss. And so now I think of those things whenever I see a varied thrush, rather than just saying “I see a bird. I wonder what it means?”
How Is This Useful to Pagans?
If you’re going to draw on nature in your path in any way, it’s a good idea to have at least a basic understanding of what it is you’re incorporating. Any introductory book on paganism will extol the virtues of getting to know the differences between various deities and spirits and the like so that you aren’t calling on Artemis in a men’s ritual or asking Dionysus to help with a safe ocean passage. In the same way, it’s important to be able to identify at least some of your non-human neighbors if you’re going to be asking them to join your rituals.
And I don’t mean just going with anthropocentric information. If I am going to learn about fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) I’m not just going to look at pictures of Smurf houses or try and pretend I’m a Siberian shaman by ingesting some of this hallucinogen. Instead I’m going to find out this fungi’s natural range, what sort of substrate its mycelium prefers, what sorts of trees it forms mycorrhizal relationships with, and whether there’s any animal that can safely eat it. All these tell me more about how it fits into the ecosystem I am also a part of, and gives me a greater appreciation for it as something other than “one of those mushrooms that can get you high.”
The more you get to know your community, human and otherwise, the more you come to value it. Just as knowing the names of your neighbors and store employees conveys a deeper sense of connectedness, so knowing the names of the animals, plants and other beings around you makes you more appreciative of them. And as you grow your awareness of how your human community works together in a web of inter-reliance, so your understanding of the complexity of your overall ecosystem shows you just how precious and important it is. And that, to me, is the center of truly nature-based paganism. Not how many Samhain decorations are on your altar or how many crystals you own, but how aware you are of just how entwined you are with everything around you and how much responsibility you have to it. If all you do is take, take, take and never give back, even in the simple act of knowing something’s name, then you are a parasite rather than a partner.
Field guides are a great way to begin this healthy and balanced relationship. Like a list of deities in a pantheon, they introduce you to who’s who. You don’t have to memorize every species in every book or website; just knowing which field guide to start with when researching a species is a great first step. And how much you explore is up to you. You may be content just knowing the data in the field guide entry for a given species so that you can name it the next time you see it. Or you may wish to get to know it better, along with the various other beings that it is inter-reliant with, so that you can place a few more pieces into the puzzle of your ecosystem and have a greater part of the whole picture.
How Do I Find Field Guides?
The easiest way I’ve found is to go online and search for “Oregon field guides” (you can substitute your state, region or country for Oregon.) Or go to Amazon and search for “field guides” and see what pops up, though I recommend actually buying your books from local independent bookstores. If you want to narrow it down, search for things like “Oregon plant field guides” or “books on birds of the Pacific Northwest.” If you’re more hands-on, go to your local bookstore and peruse their nature section. I’ve gotten almost all of my field guides from the gift shops at state and national parks and wildlife refuges as I like supporting them financially.
The same goes for websites. Let’s say I saw a salamander but didn’t know what it was. Searching for “Oregon salamanders” brings up several pages that showcase all the species of salamander found in this state. Some of these sites, like the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s wildlife viewing site, also include information on other sorts of animals, making them valuable for broader research. Here are a few more links to get you started (please notice some of these are US-based, though there are some non-US links as well):
Encyclopedia of Life’s list of online identification guides
Whatbird – the Search page allows you to narrow birds down by attributes like location, color, shape, etc.
Identify That Plant’s list of plant ID websites
MycoKey – the free online version only allows ID of some types of fungus. I haven’t been able to find a single good online reference for all fungi.
10+ Naturalist Resources for Identifying Wildlife – a few broken links but still a solid list
Does this post resonate with your idea of paganism? Then I bet you’ll enjoy my books! The titles from Llewellyn are particularly informed by my interest in natural history and include more details on how to connect more deeply with the nature around you. Check them out at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/books/
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phynxrizng ¡ 8 years ago
New post on Witches Of The CraftÂŽ
Welcome to Our Earth Day Celebration 2017! by ladyoftheabyss
We did not do an audio of this section, my voice was history and we printed everything that is here over there. Hey, it's a relief, you don't have to listen to me!
I Pledge allegiance to the Earth of our beloved Solar System and to all of her creatures for here they dwell one planet united in harmony with universal love and compassion for all.
How to celebrate Earth Day Every Day
Every Day Save energy by doing a quick one minute scan before you leave the house: Are the lights off? Are there any unused appliance you can unplug? Even small steps like this make big impact over time Once a Week Reduce pollution one day a week: Instead of driving your car, walk, bike, carpool, or take public transportation. You'll get great exercise as well as keep your carbon footprint as small as possible. Every Month Take a walk outside---bring a garbage bag and a napkin or gloves with you. While walking, pick up any trash you see and place it in your bag. When you arrive home, put all in a trash can or recycle bin Once per year Choose a day every year to gather your family, friends, co-workers or a group of people in your neighborhood to give back to the Earth. Do a service project that focuses on conservation rather than consumption.
This Is How Pagans Do Earth Day
by Sara Coughlin Let's make one thing clear: Earth Day, an international awareness day for environmental causes, isn't technically a Pagan holiday. First off, it isn't one of the eight sabbats (the equinoxes, solstices, and festivals that Pagans celebrate on a yearly basis). And it's certainly too young to be an O.G. Pagan celebration (the first Earth Day was held in 1970). But, that doesn't mean it's totally insignificant to people who subscribe to nature-based faiths. Despite its secular roots, Earth Day has come to be viewed as sacred by some. As you probably already know, nature-based faiths, like Wiccan and Paganism, worship, well, nature. So, in a sense, "every day is Earth Day," says Pagan author Deborah Blake. Thinking about preserving the Earth and holding it in reverence is part of the regular Pagan lifestyle. But, according to Blake, that doesn't mean it can't be a special day. Earth Day is a chance for Pagans to show gratitude to nature, which Blake refers to as Gaia. "I would go out of my way on that day in particular to thank her for the gifts that she has given us — trees, air, birds, critters, the food we eat, the water that we drink, and all the other things that we tend to take for granted because they seem like they’re just there, but they are a gift," she says. For some Pagans, Earth Day is just a small part of a larger commitment to environmentalism. On Earth Day in 2015, the Pagan Community Statement on the Environment was published. Those who signed it pledged to protect the Earth and honor the sacred relationship humans have with nature.
"Pagans can aid in the repair of our environment by teaching how we are part of life on Earth, sharing rituals and ceremonies that foster bonds between ourselves and the rest of the web of life, and instilling a sense of responsibility for how we interact with the ecosystem," the statement reads.As of writing, the statement has 9,219 signatures. Blake recognizes that people who follow nature-based faiths may believe they have a special responsibility to take care of the environment, but that doesn't have to be daunting. She says that anything you can do for the Earth — like cleaning up a park, starting a garden, or donating to an environmental organization — can make an impact. "I think people get frustrated about what they as individuals can do [for the environment], and Earth Day is a great reminder that it doesn’t have to be something big. It can be as little as using less water," Blake says. Of course, since practicing nature-based faiths tends to be pretty individualized and subjective, it's up to each person to decide how to observe Earth Day. If you do anything that day, Blake says to take a moment to "say thank you to your mother." And maybe it's a good chance to recycle those jeans you haven't worn since 2013? Just a suggestion.
9 Ways Pagans Can Celebrate Earth Day
by Patti Wigington
If you’re a Pagan in today’s society, chances are good that you have, at some point, acknowledged that the earth and the natural world are, in one way or another, sacred – or at least of some value, on a spiritual level. Many Pagan paths today encourage a stewardship of the earth – after all, if we accept that the land is a sacred space, we can’t go around treating it like a garbage dump, can we?
Each year in April, plenty of people – including millions of the non-Pagan variety – celebrate Earth Day. It’s a celebration that began in 1970 as a small grassroots movement, and has expanded around the globe. It’s a day that many set aside as a time to honor the planet itself, and hopefully try to make a bit of a difference in the world.
If you’d like to do something for Earth Day, here are some great ways that Pagans can observe the celebration – and obviously, some of these will be appropriate for your non-Pagan friends, so feel free to invite them along!
01 Hold a Ritual to Honor the Land When was the last time you held a ritual that simply honored the space you were in, without focusing on any of your personal needs? Whether you’re out in your own back yard, or sitting in a shady glade in the middle of the woods, take some time to celebrate the land itself. In many societies, there were specific spirits of place to be honored, from deities associated with lakes and streams to beings who lived within the rocks and trees outside a village. Get to know the land around you, figure out what specifically makes it sacred to you, and hold a ritual to celebrate that aspect of your world.
If you feel a need to make offerings to these land spirits, go for it – just make sure that you don’t leave anything behind that is damaging. A good guideline for offerings outdoors is to stick to things that will decompose rapidly, or be consumed by local wildlife in a short period. Items like bread, birdseed, fruits and vegetables are all perfect for land-based offerings.
Get Back in Touch with Nature
When was the last time you really got out there in nature? When was the last time you left your cell phone at home and just went somewhere to be the only person around? Find a local park, forest, nature trail, secluded beach, or other spot where you can go and get back in touch with the natural world.
Enjoy the silence. Listen to the birds singing in the trees, the bubbling of a stream, the crash of the waves, or the sounds of squirrels scurrying through the underbrush. Get hands-on, and stop to touch the trees and the dirt. Pick things up off the ground and hold them – whether it’s a feather, a stick, an interesting rock or shell, or a drifting leaf. Feel the connection that we all have to them. Go wildcrafting if you’re interested in herbs and plants.
While you’re out walking around, be sure to take some time to just stop moving for a few moments. Whether you’re leaned up against an old oak, or lying flat in the grass, it’s good for the soul and spirit to let your body absorb the energies of the earth. If you’re someone who normally lives a busy on-the-go life, try to relax. It’s hard to do at first for some of us, but once you get into the habit, you’ll realize how good it feels.
Some people make a habit of carrying a grocery sack with them on their hikes out in the natural world – that way, if you see someone else’s discarded trash, you can pick it up and take it away with you.
If you’re one of our readers facing the challenges of physical disabilities, sometimes going off-road may not be a viable option. However, many parks and nature centers have accessibility trails to meet the unique set of needs that disabled visitors face –check your state’s park system website for a list of trails that are accessible, and take advantage of them when you get an opportunity.
Clean Up Your Space
Ever drive down a road and feel stunned by the litter blowing alongside the street? Ever think that stream near your house would look a lot nicer if there wasn’t garbage all over the riverbanks? Now is your time to fix that. Imagine if each of us took responsibility to clean up the space around us – even if it’s just what we can see from our own yard. The world would look a lot better.
Organize a neighborhood cleanup – whether you live in a suburban subdivision, on a city block, or in a rural farming community, you can empower your neighbors to take responsibility for their own area. Pick a day, make sure everyone knows about it, and get out there to clean up. Provide trash and recycling bags for everyone if possible, and clean up all of the detritus that has accumulated throughout the cold winter months.
Several years back, a reader named Boyd MacLir shared his philosophy of "My Ten Feet." He said "I realized that while I may not be able to change things on any large local or global area I can imagine a square 10 feet on a side with me in the middle. I found that I am able to make changes in that square that does have an impact... I really feel empowered in ways I have never felt before and really believe that I am changing the world 10 feet at a time."
If you take that philosophy and apply it to how you interact with the natural world, imagine how much you can change within your own ten feet, or twenty feet, or half an acre.
Organize a Recycling Drive
Many communities have curbside recycling pickup, in which residents simply place their recyclables in a bucket at the curb and it gets collected each week with the rest of the trash. Unfortunately, there are plenty of areas that don’t have that as an option, for a variety of reasons. Studies have shown that people who don’t have immediate access to recycling services recycle less, because it’s simply inconvenient to do so.
Organize a recycling drive so that all the folks who normally don’t have a way to get rid of their paper, plastic, cardboard and glass will have a drop off point. You can even take hard-to-get-rid-of items like old batteries, paint, tires, and cell phones. Check with your local recycling or waste management company to see what requirements they have in place before you start.
You can keep it small-scale if you like – invite all your friends and neighbors over to drop off their excess newspaper in your driveway, and then load it in your pickup and take it to a central collection point – or you can go big. Some people have partnered with community organizations or school groups to use a parking lot for a day, with big collection trucks, dumpsters, boxes, and a full-scale recycling movement. There’s some great information on how to get started over at 1800Recycling.com.
Whatever approach you decide to take, it’s a great opportunity to do a bit of community outreach, and educate others about the importance of doing small things to save our planet.
Educate Others
Many people don’t give the state of our planet a second thought – and it’s not out of any malevolence, it’s because they just don’t think about it. Raising awareness can be a huge first step in environmental stewardship. This doesn’t mean you need to bombard your friends with recycling literature, or shame them when they drop their soda bottle in the trash can instead of the blue recycling bin.
What it does mean is that through ongoing, thoughtful conversation, we can help make more and more people aware of the things they’re doing – or not doing – which can make an environmental impact. A simple “Did you know that if everyone recycled just ten percent of their newspapers and magazines, it could save 25 million trees each year?” goes a long way when people are listening.
Sacred Gardening
If we acknowledge that the land itself is a sacred thing, then connecting to it can be a sacred act. For many people in the Pagan community, gardening is magical. Look at it this way – we dig around in the dirt, stick a seed or bulb in it, and a few weeks later little green things are coming up out of the soil. We facilitate new life just by the act of planting.
There are a number of ways you can incorporate gardening into your magical practice each year. Consider planting a goddess garden to celebrate the deities of your tradition, or an elemental garden to honor the four classical elements. You can even plant a magical moon garden, which includes plants that only bloom at night, and take advantage of this during lunar rituals. Be sure to read up on magical garden folklore while you’re planning your plantings.
For some great ideas on how to connect with the land during ritual, pick up a copy of Clea Danaan’s book Sacred Land.
Repurpose & Reuse Your Old Stuff
There are a lot of things that end up in landfills that don’t have to be there. A great way to keep your old things out of the environment is to repurpose them – and this can be achieved in a variety of ways.
Donating old-but-still-usable clothes to assistance agencies gets those too-big jeans and unwanted sweaters out of your closet, and into the hands of people who will love them as much as you once did. If you don’t want to donate to an organization, pass them along to a friend who likes your style, or you can even organize a clothing swap – this is especially great if you and your friends have young children who are outgrowing their duds every six months.
Another option that’s become popular lately – thanks in no small part to websites like Pinterest – is upcycling. This is where you take something old and remake it into something new. You can cut old t-shirts (or even old plastic grocery sacks) into strips to make “yarn,” then knit, crochet or braid them into something else. Use old baby food jars as decorative candle holders or herb storage for your altar space. If you have access to wooden pallets, turn them into furniture or shelving to store books or other magical tools. The possibilities are endless, and you get to create a one-of-a-kind item and help the planet at the same time.
Plant a Tree
Trees make a huge environmental impact. One average adult tree can produce the same amount of oxygen that a family of four needs in one year. Not only that, trees help reduce the amount of CO2 in the air. Studies have shown that trees have an emotional impact as well – people who spend a lot of time around trees are typically less stressed out than those who don’t. Does that mean you need to turn your entire yard into a forest? Of course not –but if you were to plant one tree each year, think of the difference it would make. Now, imagine if you and each of your neighbors were planting a tree each year.
Even if you live in an urban area, you can still plant a tree if you’ve got a little bit of green space. Trees help reduce ozone significantly in areas with high pollution levels. Not only that, they help reduce noise pollution by absorbing sound.
Selecting trees to plant is going to depend on a lot of factors –cost, location, hardiness, and other issues. But no matter what type of tree you settle on, it can help make a big impact over the course of its lifespan.
Tree planting is more than just digging a hole in the ground, too. You can turn your tree-planting into a ritual or celebration to honor the earth, to mark the change of seasons, or even in memoriam of someone who has crossed over.
If you have enough space on your property, consider planting trees in a group. Wait a few years, and you’ll have a beautiful grove that’s a perfect place to meditate or hold ritual.
For more information about the many benefits of planting trees, be sure to read these articles from the Arbor Day Foundation. Oh, and guess what? If you sign up for a membership, they’ll even send you ten free trees, selected based upon your hardiness zone!
Take Ownership
Ever notice sometimes when you’re driving, you’ll see a sign with the name of a person or organization who’s adopted that stretch of road? Those are people and groups who have made the commitment to take custody of a piece of land that isn’t their own, and to maintain it, keep it clean, and even do things like plant spring flowers.
Programs like Adopt A Highway coordinate with your local department of transportation to help individuals and families, businesses and non-profit groups, scout troops and other organizations take custody of a highway or local road. Once you’ve claimed your piece of road, it’s up to you to check it regularly to make sure it’s not covered in litter from passing vehicles. Many civic groups feel a strong sense of pride in making a difference like this, where everyone driving by can see.
In some areas, instead or (or in addition to) a roadway, you can actually adopt a stream. By partnering with local wildlife and preservation groups, you can help to not just keep the environment clean and healthy, but also to work at ensuring safe and clean drinking water. Look around your community to see what needs haven't been met, and adopt a park, beach, or local trail.
If you’re part of a local Pagan group or coven, imagine the message you could send if there were a sign saying, “This stream is proudly maintained by [Your Coven Name].”
*Patti Wigington has always been a true friend to the WOTC & Lady Abyss. Her articles have always been published on About.com and owned by them. Recently, Patti's articles have been moved over to Thought.co and can now be viewed there. Thank you Patti, for letting us freely use your material and being a good friend to us.
General Ideas on How To Celebrate Earth Day
Want to make some small changes? Commit to doing one – or two, or five! – of these things consistently over the next twelve months:
Carry reusable grocery sacks. Set a challenge to yourself not to bring home any plastic ones for a year.
Hang your clothes to dry. On days when it’s not raining, use a folding clothes rack or a retractable clothesline to dry your laundry, instead of putting it in the dryer.
Use both sides of every sheet of paper.
Stop buying wrapping paper. Use old maps, paper bags, newspapers, or other things you have lying around the house.
Quit buying bottled water. You’re just going to recycle those bottles or throw them away, right? Instead, buy a durable, refillable water bottle, and carry it with you.
Turn off the tap water while you brush your teeth.
Use your own coffee cup with a lid, and cut back on the paper ones you’re getting your morning latte in each day.
Pay bills online. If you get an e-bill, and pay it electronically, you’re not only cutting back on paper, but also saving the cost of postage each time. Request your bank statements digitally too.
When you go on a picnic, take reusable plates and cups with you, instead of paper ones that you’ll throw away later.
Buy second hand stuff. Remember all those pants and shirts you donated to the thrift store? Go buy someone else’s previously loved goodies.
Rite of Earth Pledging
by Rowan Fairgrove
(Coven Ritual)
With chants borrowed from many sources for which my thanks!
The purpose of this ritual is to recognize that work needs to be done to bring human life into harmony with the rest of life of life on earth and to pledge ourselves as Earth Stewards..
Acknowledge those who circle with us by doing a spiral dance:
We walk together the ancient path, Harmony be among us all We dance together the sacred dance Magic be among us all
Cast a circle, participants echo the Priestess:
We acknowledge that this ground is sacred ground We bring our love and trust within We affirm our place within the Circle of Life
continue with circle casting in usual manner.
The working:
Take a piece of yarn.. Begin to tie knots in it. The knots may be simple or elaborate, but leave enough string to tie together at the end.
Priestess says: "As you chant, see the world as a network of connected systems. Breathe the air that comes from the top of the world, the tundra clean and free. Feel the living fire of an great cat's power, the blaze of the butterfly's wing. Taste the rain on the leaves at the tops of the trees and the deep power of the Pacific Ocean. Feel the delicate structure of the soil across meadow and forest and field. We are connected and we all rely upon each other.
Tying the Cord, Renewing the Earth; We are Her Children, bringing Rebirth.
We are the Flow and we are the Ebb; We are the Weavers, we are the Web.
Tie the cord to another cord, creating a symbol of the total web of life and Gaia. Priestess says: "As you join your cords, see yourself standing guard over all of the regions of the Earth. See yourself with others, protecting the verdant rainforest, the fragile tundra, the rolling plains, the upthrust mountains as you would protect yourself. See the streams and rivers running clear, the smog dissipating from the sky, the smoke of factories flow clean, the ozone layer healed, the rain once more nourish rather than burn when it falls."
Begin chanting:
The earth, the water the fire, the air Return, return, return, return
Once the web has been completed, the globe is passed around while recite the One World Earth Pledge in unison:
I pledge to protect the Earth And to respect the Web of Life upon it, and to honor the dignity of every member of the global family One planet, one people, one world in harmony With peace, justice and freedom for all.
When the circuit is complete, the globe is put in the center and the web wrapped over it. The spiral is danced, sending energy to the web of life and the unity of all beings.
For we are the stewards of the Mother Earth And we the ancient arts sustain We are the shield, we are the blade, We are the Witches come again
When the drop has been made, the final chance is sung:
When we are gone, they will remain Wind and rock, Fire and rain They will remain when we return The wind will blow and the fire will burn
Cakes and juice are blessed and shared; and the circle is lifted.
Š Rowan Fairgrove 1995 Originally published on Conjure.com
Healing the Earth Ritual
For this healing ritual, gather the following to represent the four elements: a container of water, a leaf from a tree, a candle or some incense, and a feather. Find a blue marble, or any other object to symbolize the Earth, and bless it with the four elements. Start by brushing the Earth with the feather, to represent air, then pass the object quickly through a candle flame or incense smoke to represent fire. Next, wrap the Earth in the leaf to represent the element of earth, and finally place the object in the container of water. During this process, focus on letting your energy work to decrease any harm that we do to the Earth. Focus your intentions to drawing humanity’s awareness toward hopes and toward efforts to preserve our collective home. Remove the Earth from the leaf, and place it in a location of honor in your home—either on your altar or another place where it can inspire everyone to care for our precious Earth.
Spell of the Day 2012 Originally published on Llewellyn
Tree Blessing Spell
Planting trees helps protect the environment and connect you to nature. You may use this spell to bless a new tree. First, plant a sapling in spring under a waxing or Full Moon using some organic fertilizer and a magical stone such as a quartz crystal or moss agate. While you work, repeat this chant: “Roots go down, grow deep and wide, anchor firmly side to side; trunk go up, grow tall and strong, keeping time to the seasons’ song; leaves go out, thick and green, fair as any forest seen!” Put some fertilizer in the hole as you fill it, and sprinkle more on top. Set the stone by the trunk as a gift for the tree. Then cover everything with a layer of mulch. Thank the sapling for coming to live with you and promise to take care of it. Spell of the Day 2012 Originally published on Llewellyn
Happy Earth Day!
ladyoftheabyss | April 22, 2017 at 7:34 pm | Categories: Articles, Daily Posts | URL: http://wp.me/p8edJu-FGw
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