#i dare swerfs to interact
anteroom-of-death · 8 months
You all remember like, over a decade ago when sex workers en masse were saying that fascism was going to return and be a global fucking issue based upon legislation and shit happening...you know globally?? And no one fucking listened and in fact it got worse from there on out???
Because yall want all "whores" to get exterminated and don't see sex workers as human!
Who would have thought???
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moraltonanimatez · 7 months
Hooray ! A MoraltonAnimatez Blog !
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Bloberta: Yes! My Precious Fans, We Finally Decided To Make A MoraltonAnimatez Blog!! Now As Much As It Pains Me To Say It, Animating Is VERY Hard For Us; Were All Facing All Technical Techy Issues And Art Block… Its So Very Selfish To Hold Out On Content For Our Lovely Fans. So We Made A Blog To Still Interact With Our Adoring Fans!! ✝️🫧🧼
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Blobeta: Expect To See This Kind Of Content From All Your Beloved Moralton Residents ✝️🫧🧼
Work In Progress of Our Animations
An Inbox for Ask Or Dare
Pieces of Art From Moralton Residents
And Even Some Blog Updates On How We're Doing!
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Bloberta: Now As Any Virtuous Person Will Tell You, Not Everything Can Just Fly... We All Have Select Boundaries. I Had Ms.Censordol Help Make This Part Of The Post -Ahem- Please Do Not Interact If✝️🫧🧼
Birdie Drama Obsessed Creeps.
Anyone Obsessed With Birdie For That Matter.
Fl*paclip Users
Transphobes, Homophobes, Anykind of Phobes Really
Rad Exclus
and Finally Losers, Creeps and Pedos
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Bloberta: We All Hope You Enjoy Our Blog and Find It To Be An Overall Enjoyable Place To Converse With Us. Also We Are Still Constructing Our Discord Server Of Course So Be On The Lookout For That! ✝️🫧🧼
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jazzkaurtheglorious · 4 years
Just got to know a person I was mutuals with is a fuckin transphobe and supports jkr and I feel like puking. SO HERE'S A REMINDER TO EVERYONE WHO STUMBLES UPON ON THIS BLOG, if you're a transphobe, terf/swerf and support jkr STAY THE FUCK AWAY. Block me, don't ever dare interact, you have no respect here and your shit will not be tolerated 🥰
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littlelunardove · 4 years
About Me✨:
Hi some names I go by are Dove and Rosie🕊🌙✨, I’m 27 and queer as fuck but if you must know specifics I’m nonbinary (she/her, he/him), asexual and biromantic.
For those curious I’m an Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Gemini rising, INTP
Worshipper of: Aphrodite🐚, Ares⚔️, Persephone🍃, Hades💀, Hermes🌪 , Apollo☀️, Hera🐮, Zeus⛈, and Freyja🐈
Out and proud witch for years now but I still have so much to learn. This blog is to help me feel closer to my craft and just as an all around place of positivity and my og blog felt too cluttered
18+ preferably; I make no guarantees that this blog will always be safe for minors as I am an adult and this is my blog and I’d pefer to interact with adults only
Thank you for reading this, my ask box is always open and I hope you and I have a peaceful time here💕
Ask me about my cats I dare you
❌DNI if: you’re racist, sexist, homo/trans/bi/pan/aphobic, terf, swerf, thinspo, tradfem, transmed, a fetish blog, a pro-lifer, a nazi, maps/pears/pedos, trump supporters❌
(Yeah I know I don’t need all this info at the top of my blog and yeah I get the whole Watch What Info You Put Online and You Don’t Need To Disclose All That Info To Strangers Online and whatnot but this helps me feel more organized and honestly none of this info is info I care if other people know or not)
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suolainensilakka-fr · 5 years
(A much more serious non-fr post today, I know, it's not exactly something I wanna be posting either but it's important. I'll be tagging any future heavier non-fr posts as #serious / if you're just here to have a good time like I am and would rather not have to see text talking about emotionally heavier stuff. It's ok, I understand and can relate.)
Alright. I know that the creeps who interact with random posts of mine that float up in search results arent gonna see my DNI list, or probably even read it even if they did see it, but I'm still incredibly fucking tired of having to look at my notifications and seeing someone with a word I shall not name here right there as the first word of their url who straight up posts racist and transphobic /pol memes and uncensored horny anime ass, among probably other equally awful things that I didn't have the stomach to dig further for.
If you cretins who are reading this post think for a single fleeting second that my content and my dragons are meant for you to look at and enjoy, kindly fuck off and maybe trip on a rock on your way out. I literally dont give a single solitary shit if this sounds "too aggressive" or whatever bullshit - I'm actually holding back a lot more expletives that I dare not say in case tumblr staff looks at this post and decides to nuke my account from orbit - but just know that I, personally, loathe your guts and don't want you anywhere near me or my posts.
So, one more time, loud and clear: TERFS, SWERFS, transmeds/truscum/any and all other transphobes, LGBT+phobes, racists/antisemites/islamophobes et cetera, MAPS/MAP supporters, "anti-antis" or anyone who supports or consumes/creates abuse/noncon/incest/cp or anything similar (yes, all of it counts even if it's fictional or "aged up" or an AU, fuck off) have no rights and don't belong here.
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mukhannath · 5 years
A ton of anti antis have picked up the idea that because terfs are usually swerfs and police sex lives that anyone who dares criticize the creation and consumption of porn fetishizing abuse they are called a terf by 35 year old adults with victim complexes and yaoi blogs who think they can throw around a word like TERF like their main target isn't trans women
or just assume trans women all have the exact same ideology 
like we aren’t even real people to y’all we are just figureheads 
i bet u 10 bucks the people making “support TWOC” posts have never actually interacted with one of us. 
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xwarneverchanges · 6 years
Rules for the apocalypse
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Just some general rules to look at beforehand
It’s important to read through and follow both the general and IC rules on the server itself. That was somewhat obvious.
You have to be 17+ to join the server
You can have up to 10 muses - Canon,AU,OC,it doesn’t matter. Just don’t go taking up every single character from one fandom.
This is a multifandom/multiverse Fallout roleplay,there’s a lot of custom stuff added,like factions,creatures,even locations.
Check the masterlist,it’s regularly updated
In this house we don’t allow sexism,racism,transphobia,lgbtaphobia, nazis, terfs/swerfs,maps or anything of the sort. You’ll get banned.
Be nice,and please don’t fight among each other. If you have any issues with something or someone that you can’t sort out in PMs,ask an admin for help.
You’ll need to look at the characters list,just in case you want to play as a canon character someone else is already playing as. Don’t get mad if you can’t play a canon character because of that,either. We’re all mature people here.
Keep the main chats,both OOC and IC SFW. There are NSFW channels for NSFW topics. Keep it there.
Please do NOT force ships/smut on people. If you are politely asked to stop, please do. Make sure you communicate your intentions with your roleplaying partners clearly
Try to stay active. Post at least 3 or 4 times a week,and mention if you won’t be able to post. Inform an admin if you’re leaving the server
Don’t go picking fights with people because you dislike the character/fandom. Don’t go trying to get them to ditch muses because of that either. Do NOT mock the fandoms or the people in them. Respect everyone and all fandoms. I know there are some that can be problematic. However, that does not give you right to be rude.
Do not randomly invite people without informing admins who they are.
Keep in mind that this is Fallout,where cults and cannibalism are a thing,where raiders put their victims’ heads on sticks,where beasts tear people to shreds. There are a lot of triggering topics,such as gore,violence and torture that are gonna be played.
Nobody on the server is going to fight and argue about which Fallout was best or worst. You can say that it’s the best to you or you weren’t a big fan,but no picking fights. They all had their ups and downs. Unless you’re shitposting,don’t even dare.
If you kill a muse off,that muse will be put up as {Dead/Deceased} on the masterlist. Said death will be permanent,so nobody’ll be able to play that character again. Not even you. So think before you do anything crazy.
No romantic relationships between family members or between adult and kid or person and actual animal/wasteland beast. We don’t support pedophilia,beastiality nor do we support incest. If you wanna roleplay that shit,you’re gonna have to find yourself another group.
Under no circumstances are you allowed to kill other people’s characters,no matter who or what they are,without their explicit persmission. If you want to get one of your own characters killed,just make sure the people you’re roleplaying with are okay with it. Faction leaders can’t be killed off as of yet. Neither can people involved in big plots. Everything to to be discussed.
Characters can be of any gender,any orientation,any species from any universe. Even AUs. Let’s just try to not go for ponies or animal characters from movies,stupid example being Simba from the Lion King. Only exception there is if the character is anthropomorphic like the bunch from NITW or Zootopia.
Factions can’t be killed off. No matter whether they’re raiders or not.
Try to interact with others and not just roleplay with yourself. That’s why it’s a roleplay in the first place.So people’s characters can interact with each other
Drama IC is encouraged. Just don’t overdo it or do anything extreme without informing admins and the rest. We can discuss it. Let’s not constantly have big drama/angst. It tires people out,and can be very draining.
Don’t godmod/powerplay/control others’ muses in any way. You will be warned if you are. Report any godmodding to an admin. Unless that person gave you permission to. Don’t get muses into dangerous situations while the person isn’t online.
Remember to pick a muse/muses you know you'll rp for a long time. Please don't pick a muse you know you'll abandon after two or three days.
Keep in mind that unless that character themselves is a canon Fallout 4 character or an OC,you cannot stick to their original backstories completely.With protagonists and characters from the other games,you have to come up with a reason they left California/Washington/Mojave/where ever. With characters from other fandoms,try coming up with a backstory that fits into the Fallout world while still adding tiny details from their original. Only a suggestion,of course.
All other rules are on the server itself.
If anything else comes up that should be added,it will be added. Keep in mind that everyone has lives outside this stuff,so please be patient
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dirty-shipper-blog · 6 years
Thanks for answering my question! First question on ur new blog! whoooo! Poor Loki... anyways, what the heck is "kink critical"? Sounds like a niche youtube letsplayer.
People who are “kink critical” believe that two consenting adults can’t really consent if the sex it two naughty for their taste. That’s pretty much it but yeah i kinda sounds like a Youtube letsplay PPPfff. They hate people with Daddy/Mommy kinks or age play because they are ACTING like children and then *GASP* having sex! How dare two (or more if your in to that thing) of age adults have sex in a manner that isn’t good, moral and christian. But really every Kink critical person i’ve ever seen on this hellsite (and in real life) has been a misogynistic SWERF (Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist) and a TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist). Sad to say a lot antis on here use SWERF/TERF rederac while their blogs say SWERF/TERF don’t interact... Like it just proves that they really don’t know what they are talking about their just paroting what they think is “right’ without understanding what they are doing. Its sad really.  ANYWAYS I’m glad you liked my Thorki headcanons
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shad0wthehedgeh0g · 2 years
Welcome to my zone <3
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Hi there , I'm your host & I'll be leading you through this shitshow .
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My name is Shadow & I'm a masc hedgehog . I'm a headmate in the @thecollectionsystem . Do not even dare try to interact if you're on my do not interact
Anyways I think I may need to do a proper intro .
╰┈➤ ❝ [ABOUT ME] ❞
— I am the co-host of the collection system. I use he/him & it/its pronouns or just no pronouns at all.
— I also run a few other blogs. @thecollectionsystem is our regular system blog. @sonicfictives is where all the sonic fictives hang out. @thecrewmogai is where me and sonic'll Coin genders & more. @thecrewswriting is the writing blog.
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╰┈➤ ❝ [DNI] ❞
— proship / anti-anti
— terf / transmed / swerf
— nsfw / 18+ blogs / kink / ddlg
— anti-agere
— homophobic / transphobic
— anti - neopronouns / anti - xenogenders / anti - mogai (what are you doing here!?)
— sysmed / anti - endogenic / anti - non-traumagenic
— against any system origin
— racist / ableist
— pro - ana / ed - blog
— aphobic / arophobic / acephobic
— anti - kin
— autism speaks supporter
— anti - lesboy / turigirl
— against the word ‘queer’
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WHY does the android app gotta suck so much, when i click the faq link it just like refreshes the page,,,, this happens with all links in bios on the andoird app :[
NNNN lovin this broke ass app.
I’mma go ahead and paste the FAQ just under the cut, hopefully you should be able to read it now :’))
(FAQ is written by Mod Joker)
“Are requests open?”
We get this ask a lot. And while I don’t mind answering, it does get a lilll annoying sometimes since we’re essentially repeating ourselves constantly. Before you ask, please check our ask box! It will ALWAYS give our request status!
From now on if we receive requests when they’re closed, we’re going to delete the message entirely. You’re free to ask again when they’re open, but we need breaks!
“Can allistic/neurotypical people follow?”
Yes! So long as you’re respectful of stimming and understand it’s not an aesthetic or something to make fun of.
“It says there’s two mods, but I only really see Mod Joker post.”
There is! But Mod Boo is rather, well, shy. We both are, tbh. I’ve just gotten used to talking a lot on this blog. And to tell ya the truth I invited her to mod this with me because she considered making a blog but wasn’t sure how she’d do it, and was worried she’d be too awkward/quiet. But she actually tends to see your messages a lot! She just tends to let me handle things. But if you ever wanna talk to her, just say the message is specifically for her and I’m sure she’ll get back to you. She’s very friendly and tbh one of the best people to talk to!!
“How do you make gifs?”
I use the same method stimmybby uses! His tutorial’s right here!
“How do you make banners?”
I use photoshop and for backgrounds (depending on what type of background), I use paint tool SAI. I made a tutorial on how I do it here!
“Can we use your banners for posts that aren’t stim related?”
Absolutely! So long as credit is given and you’re not in our dni, then use it as you like! Discourse posts, art, vent posts, promo posts, whatever floats your boat!
“Can I use your gif/s?”
As long as there’s credit to us for the gif/s and you don’t apply to our dni, you’re free to!
“How can I credit you?”
There’s a few ways! Such as
- Including the credit in the post and/or under the cut (this is the best way people can access the original post and see the credit!
- Include the credit in the post’s captions
- Include the credit in the tags
- Include a link in the post to another post that has the credits in it
- Saying you got the gif/s from us in the post
“What are bad/wrong ways to ”“credit”“ you?”
- Saying “I don’t own these gifs”
- Saying “credit to the original owner(s)/gifmaker(s)
- Straight up not saying you took these gifs from people/including in no credits
- Claiming the gif/s are yours/you made them
If I see any of these I WILL publicly call you out on it and you WILL be blocked immediately thereafter. That block will not be lifted.
“What does REG mean?”
Reactionary Exclusionary Gatekeeper. Meaning people who try to exclude certain queer people from queer spaces. Such a biphobes, transphobes, aphobes, panphobes, and so on.
“What does TERF mean?”
Trans/Transgender Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Meaning radfems who are transphobic and are violent towards trans people (especially trans women).
“What does SWERF mean?”
Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist. They’re radfems who try to exclude sex worker from their feminism and often treat women attracted to men as less worthy.
“What’s the ADT community?”
ADT stands for “Actually Dysphoric Trans/Transgender” and was created by transmedicalists/truscum to break off from the trans community. It’s an insult to the trans community, an insult to the creator of the transgender pride flag (it’s removed the white that was there for people who ID as non-binary/outside the gender binary), and is there purely to start drama and create rifts in a community that’s already got enough enemies for simply existing in a transphobic world
“He/Him lesbians don’t exist/they’re transphobic towards trans men”
As a trans man who doesn’t think the world revolves around me and who understands that what lesbians decide to do it literally none of my goddamn business: get the fuck over yourself you whiny pissbaby
“What do you mean by people in the true crime community?”
People who sexualize, romanticize, excuse, and/or support serial killers and their actions/crimes. This doesn’t include people who are INTERESTED in the topic of crimes, serial killers, etc but acknowledging how these people are disgusting and their actions are unforgivable.
“Why are you anti-cgl?”
Cause we hate pedophiles and are decent human beings.
“You’re bigoted to kinksters just like homophobes are bigoted to gay people!”
I hate to break it to ya bud but I’m proudly kinkphobic and you’re a giant homophobe!!
“I’m a SFW cgl(re)/littlespace blog so I’m following/interacting uwu”
No the fuck you aren’t!! You’re a kink blog, there’s no such thing as a “sfw kink” even if you’re remaining two braincells are too busy fighting over the last pacifier to tell you some fuckin common sense. Your ass is getting blocked and I’ll also be using your blog to take a look at the people you interact and block them too just for safe measure! Eat a cactus, fuck nugget
“You hate lesbians if you hate TERFs”
You owe every lesbian an apology for assuming they’re all mysogynistic, LGBT+phobic pieces of horseshit like you are. Eat a dick.
“aces/aros aren’t LGBT uwu”
Wow… that’s so wrong Alexa play Fuck You by Lily Allen
“Me/Someone I know/(insert user/s) has been blocked. Why?”
There can be a number of reasons why you’re blocked, and I’m not afraid to block people as I want this place comfortable and safe for the mods and followers. So there’s several reasons as to why.
- You apply to our DNI (see BYF)
- You’re a (insert harmless children’s cartoon) critical blog (I tend to block those due to them saying LGBT+phobic things)
- You get into kin drama
- You’re an ace discourse, pan discourse, bi discourse, and/or overall REG discourse blog (this does not mean I block inherently block discourse blogs! I block the shitty ones)
- You’re a spam/porn/etc bot (if I’ve gotten this wrong, lemme know! I tend to block shady and empty blogs for this reason unless their desc/url/etc says it’s empty/weird for a reason)
- You’re a blog that frequently posts/centers around one or more of my triggers
- You’re an aesthetic blog (though I tend to soft block for them. But this is NOT an aesthetic blog and stimmy is NOT an aesthetic)
- You’re an “anyone can interact” stim blog
- You’re a stim blog that steals/doesn’t credit the gifs they use
- I feel you and I are going to argue and I’m just saving us the trouble of future unpleasant encounter/s
- You’ve been shitty to my friends or just been shitty to people in general and I’ve noticed it
HOWEVER I’ve made slip ups in the past! If you feel you don’t apply to any of these, you can contact me through my main and ask why. Sometimes I don’t always remember why I blocked somebody (sadly there’s a lot of shitheads on this site I’ve needed to block) or I’ve confused one blog for another person’s blog. Or maybe the person was more chill than I thought. Please contact me yourself rather than ask somebody else to do it though so I can get all the details! Even if I don’t lift the block, I won’t report you for block evading or anything.
“You used to be kidheart friendly and now you’re not, why’s that?”
Sadly, Raven (the creator of Kidhearts) has proven to be a bully sympathizer and feels it’s okay to compare agere to kinks/cgl and sides with regressionuncensored. She condones bullying/harassment/the sexualization of minors and I am not nor will ever be okay with that.
“But Raven sai-”
I don’t care what she says. She made it abundantly clear that she supports regressionuncensored and I don’t care that it came back to bite her in the ass. Bullies deserve no support, no sympathy, no nothing. And if you side with her than don’t come near this blog. This is agere safe and I will not allow people who support sexualizing it to interact. Kidhearts WILL be blocked on the spot, no questions asked.
“I’ve left a community on the dni list, can I follow/interact?”
“Why are you anti-(insert thing on blacklist here)?”
Camp Camp: It’s racist + antisemitic
Dragon Maid: It’s pedophilic
Killing Stalking: It’s homophobic, ableist, sexist, perpetuates rape culture, and fetishizes abuse
Your Lie in April: It romanticizes child abuse and it literally starts off with a gross pedo joke when we meet the love interest in episode one
Split: It’s ableist
Hetalia: It’s antisemitic
Harry Potter/J.K. Rowling’s works: Actually there’s nothing inherently bad about the story. I just don’t like it. HOWEVER: I can’t stand J.K. Rowling as she’s a TERF/overall LGBT+phobe, and racist. So none of her creations will be featured here.
Sonic Boom: Nothing inherently problematic. I just can’t stand the show because it just fuckin sucks
13 Reasons Why: It romanticizes suicide and the creators refused to listen to actual mental health experts and have made the show potentially dangerous to anyone who even slightly deals with suicidal thoughts/urges
Detroit Become Human: It’s racist + antisemitic
Voltron: Legendary Defender: It queerbaits/it’s LGBT+phobic
“REG is a transphobic term”
I, Mod Joker, am trans. Try again.
“A-specs aren’t LG-”
*buzzer sound* wrong. So sad for you
“You’re not LGBT+ because you DARED disagree with me because you actually acknowledged that tumblr didn’t credit the community sweaty uwu”
We get this shit because a lot of you assume I’m ace or at the very least a-spec. And… Ya couldn’t be far from it. I’m a pan, genderfluid trans man. Even with all your gatekeeper (sorry, BULLSHIT) logic; I’d still be attracted to multiple genders and not be cis. I’m p queer. So no matter which way you slice it, I’m part of LGBT+. Die mad about it.
“You’re comparing aphobes to TERFs and SWERFs you fucking transphobe!”
Wow I didn’t realize setting boundaries meant that I viewed y'all in the EXACT same light. I’m so glad I have the lovely aphobes that have told my friends that they should kill themselves to set me straight.
Asking people not to interact doesn’t inherently mean I think they’re the EXACT same thing.
“Mod Joker is a gif-thief and reposts people’s content without properly crediting them!”
I have made this entire post explaining that’s wrong. Idrc if the post is too lengthy for you. Don’t talk shit if you don’t even have all the details.
Additionally, if you send me somethin about this in a negative light I’m IP blocking you. One strike and you’re out. If you want to believe people with false info and false accusations then that’s your baggage. Not mine.
HOWEVER if I’ve accidentally mis-credited, forgot to/messed up on crediting a person for their gif/video, or so on let me know! I’ll make mistakes, but I never do it intentionally.
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personalzombie-tv · 3 years
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I posted 9,895 times in 2021
44 posts created (0%)
9851 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 223.9 posts.
I added 606 tags in 2021
#hlvrai - 172 posts
#half life - 168 posts
#deltarune - 50 posts
#homestuck - 45 posts
#marble hornets - 42 posts
#pokemon - 40 posts
#rtvs - 25 posts
#resident evil - 25 posts
#reblog game - 21 posts
#portal - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#an essay i really liked about how a composer got around soviet censorship got taken down and had to be censored because it dared to mention
My Top Posts in 2021
Every year we remember. But do we remember the other thing that happened on the 21st of September? In an early year of a decade not too long ago?
15 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 21:19:03 GMT
Pinned post because some of y'all are just too much. I am very pro cultivating what it is you want to see in your own internet experience and you can find a list of things I usually post about on my side bar on website tumblr. All of this is subject to change as needed
DNI if:
- you aren't comfortable interacting with someone who's nearly 30
- you are anti-blm/pro-cop, are racist, are a TERF or SWERF, are a pedophile or support them (other than supporting them in getting help to stop having pedophilic thoughts), are homophobic, transphobic, or an exclusionist
- you police other people's identities
- you think it's ok to harass people over for their taste in fiction (especially harmless things) instead of just blocking/reporting(if necessary) and moving on
- you think bullying, harassment, or doxxing are ever acceptable solutions to disagreements
I'm not your dad or a cop so do whatever you want but those are my boundaries and I hope you respect them. I have been known to I block for petty reasons and I highly encourage y'all to do the same.
19 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 17:36:15 GMT
the best part of being in the mechanisms fandom is occasionally listening to ENTIERLY unrelated songs and going ‘hey hold on this sounds familiar’
Anyway Cinders Song uses the melody of the sea shanty Haul Away Joe
20 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 18:39:42 GMT
hey marble hornets fandom guess who just discovered that since the unfiction forums are dead the answers to all the totheark puzzles are gone too :) pain!
time to scour the old fandom blogs and re-solve the ones i can’t find the answers to
24 notes • Posted 2021-09-20 01:28:11 GMT
There's a trend on Twitter of showing off your art process and I figured I may as well post here too! It's not done but I've a feeling it's as done as it's getting so.... My art process ft. @lightningmonsterbarney . I also used Gmod for anatomy and posing but I seem to have lost the screenshot so you don't get that
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See the full post
38 notes • Posted 2021-02-08 04:37:24 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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anteroom-of-death · 6 months
Sex workers are the backbone of this planet and the economy. Everyone from cammers to curb crawlers to courtesans to paid mistresses and sugar babies to escorts to phone line workers. Yet are the most marginalized and taboo'd group and I'm fucking exhausted of pretending it's not.
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queer-merm · 6 years
Full fucking offense but as a lesbian? There’s way to much hatred in the lesbian community.
TERFs are an easy target, yeah, as are any transphobic lesbians. Transphobia and Enbyphobia seem like kind of a problem if you ask me. So is the whole “gold star lesbian” bullshit. How dare girls not know at 5 years old, in our society which pushes them into liking boys, they are a lesbian? The whole idea lesbians have to be “pure” is also just... so gross and mysoginistic?
And let’s not forget the utter fucking biphobia i keep seeing, or any other phobia towards queer people because “lesbians/gay men are the superior gays, rulers of the LGBT kingdom where only they have a say on who belongs and who doesn’t, when they belong and when they do”, forgetting our shared history and other people’s struggle (”biphobia is only homophobia lite, there’s no way biphobia exists on its own axe of oppression, the only valid oppression is mine”).
Or when lesbians are proud to call themselves dykes (and rightfully so), but attacking anyone who uses queer for themselves and anyone who identifies as such because “its a slur”.
Or when femmes call butches gross, or when butches act mysoginistic towards femmes, or when lesbians say those are lesbian only, while again, forgetting how bi women were always included in lesbian history, or when sapphic girls find new terms they like but “good lesbians™” Don’t like it because “ our community’s evolving??. Ew?? Let’s be stuck in our own version of the past instead!” 
Or the racism and ableism and fatphobia and just... bigotry some have shown again and again.
Or when cis lesbians simply ignore all of this because it doesn’t personally affect them?
I just think this is all fucking gross and shameful. Our community is based on love, and shouldn’t be tolerating that kind of bullshit.
(Note: Im well aware this is not a majority of lesbians who act like this, especially outside of tumblr. This is not an attack on lesbians, and many of those problems are some i noticed in the gay community as well. I just really needed to rant on an attitude that, as a lesbian, sickens me, from entitled lesbians who won’t bother respecting sapphic girls who aren’t exclusively attracted to women, or other queer groupes)
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