#i couldnt stop screaming i think i annoyed the guy next to me
beann-e · 4 years
Haikyu! Characters With A Shy Manager
Inarizaki Boys With A Shy Manager
tw” joke about ‘offing’ ones self & also overbearing parents
Read Part One Here
-osamu is someone who’s laidback and doesn’t show his anger much except for when his brother pisses him off and right now Atsumu was nearing the edge of his brothers patience
“ I don’t care what you do as long as your happy “
“ if thats what you want to do then who are we to stop you “
your eyes traveled as you watched osamus mouth quirk up in a small smile before turning into a frown at his brothers face
His body ignoring him and looking to you awaiting your answer his eyes speaking as if your words could change his decision
“ uh I— I don’- “
“ who cares what yer think “ atsumus voice came out in a yell as he turned to his brother
“ are you stupid why would you leave all of this — why would you throw all of this away “ he moved to point to everything in the gym and the balls that sat idle after a match theyd just played and won
“ this can provide for a family — life after high school ‘samu and you want to “
his face came up in confusion “ and you want to leave it all for a restaurant how — why— why would that make sense to you — it’s stupid “
you felt your body go slack as your face dropped into a pout at atsumu’s claims . Throughout all the times you’d seen them argue this had to be the biggest one you’d ever seen take place in front of the team.
You felt horrible your mouth wanted to open to try to protect osamu seeing as he was the only one who put effort into trying to speak with you.
Ever since you joined the team no one could really understand why you were so quiet except for osamu who would sit next to you during breaks and lunches that he’d share his food with you after you finished the bento box he’d made you
your heart tore as you watched him look to the ground ‘ just say something ‘samu please if this is what you want then tell him — it’s your life ‘
“ have you ever stopped and thought about how this may just be what you want ‘tsumu “
atsumus yells stopped as he heard his brothers voice and head pop up to target him
“ maybe this isn’t something I feel my talents are best used for “
he stood with his eyebrows furrowed in determination “ I like food — it makes me happy just like volley’ makes you so — I don’t care if it’s hard and not as easy as volleyball is for me right now —I want to do what my minds telling me to do “
he huffed “ and that’s to cook and open my own restaurant“
he moved to walk over to his brother to get closer with both his words and body “ and don’t you ever yell at them like that again you probably made them piss their pants “
he calmed himself down as he looked his brother in the eyes “ if your nice now “ he huffed out putting his arms into a hold across his chest “ maybe I might just give you a free meal when I open my restaurant “
Everyone’s body turned in shock and fear when they looked behind them to see your body shaking mouth being ripped open with a calming laugh as you clutched at you stomach
Everything seemed to slow in the gym as osamu watched your body ripple with the loud laugh that came out. Wondering how you’d held it inside for so long seeing as this was the first time anyone heard you laugh
“ y-y/n why — why are you laughing “
“ how can you laugh at a time like this we’re fighting“ Atsumus voice had calmed down in a state of panic at your new behavior
“ because osuma said you not gonna get any food“ you smiled “ and I know right now you don’t care but I bet when you get older and you see his amazing restaurant with a long line in front your gonna wish you’d sucked it up in this moment so you can take that free plate “
osamus mouth itched as his wide eyes squeezed shut at your bright smile his mouth opening before he could stop himself “ if you believe in me so much please believe I could keep you fed if you date me “
your body froze as everyone now turned in fear from you to osamu
“ Will I get rice for lunch everyday “ you giggled
“ i’ll make you anything you want out of rice if that’s what you like — i’ll even make you a wedding ring out of rice “
you laughed as you shook your head in a yes form “ as long as the foods included and you never give up on your dreams — no matter who believes in them “
your voice was soft “ then yes i’ll date you osamu “
you watched as he smiled widely sticking his tounge out at his brother “ oh now it’s really fuck what you think ‘tsumu— cause your the one who told me food wouldn’t be enough to get them to date me— I should’ve just made them the cake like I wanted and asked ‘em out “
The team all stood in shock as Arans mouth opened and closed before he spoke again “ u-uh how did that even make sense— what just happened “
sunas body relaxed against the wall as he spoke soft and quiet “ osumas quit volley’ to be a chef, y/n believes in him so their dating, and “ he pointed to atsumu
“ and once again Atsumu looks stupid “
-he’s not one who would necessarily get along with someone shy nor do I see him being able to. The way he acts may go two ways it may make the person comfortable or it may just irritate them and make them even more anxious
-I don’t think he’s one to see the signs , he would probably take your uncomfortable laughter as him making you laugh and tell the whole team he finally broke you and got you to laugh
“ atsumu “
The setter called as he threw up a new set for his brother in the two on two practice match. His hand hitting the ball hard in a spike as he won his team the final point
Your body dropping as you immediately knew what was coming “ y/n-san did you see that “
“ y-yes atsumu-senpai “
“ it was cool wasnt it “ he said as he moved towards you
“ y-yes “
he smirked as he slid his hands in his pocket looking down on you as he came to a stop in front of your body “ well when your just a great player like me things like that come easy so you don’t have to worry if I hurt myself or not “
he looked away from you and to the floor but eyes darting up to look at you again quickly “ because I didn’t so yeah — don’t think I did “
you smiled softly trying to think of a way out of this “ I-I didn’t think so “
“ yeah see you know someone like me would never get injured —I have to be a great role model to my sweet little first year“
he patted your head as he sat down next to you feet out in front of him “ don’t go turning into one of my annoying fan girls ok y/n “
“ I won’t “
“ ah you don’t mean that “ he bumped you softly “ you love me—so your loves gonna blind you you’ll see “
“ oh “
“ see you do — and I love you too “
“ dude they dont even like talking to you “
“ oh shut yer trap yes they do their in love with me we’re destined to be together “
“ yeah in death — that’s what your gonna do ‘tsumu yer gonna make them off theirselves by hearing yer loud mouth every single time you win a match “
“ y/n you love me right “
your body flamed as you let out an uncomfortable laugh moving over on the bench “ they look —their laughing because it’s true “
his body stopped “ wait “
you felt as the wheels were turning in his head —a bit slow but they were turning
his voice coming out in mumbles “ if their laughing— and i’m talking— and now their laughing after I spoke —-l”
he yelled “ I MADE Y/N-SAN LAUGH “
he screamed in happiness smile huge “ I made them laugh guys “
he jolted up jumping when he stood before racing over to the group that all turned to look at him “ their laughing guys I — I did it their laughing their laug—“
your eyes darted to the floor as atsumu fell head first into the floor his voice coming out in a whine as he shook coming up to grab his nose in pain before reaching down to rub his ankle that he felt was thumping like crazy
“ y-you lied you did hurt yourself “
he moved to run his hand across the back of his neck “ well when you say hurt what do you me—“
your laugh came out in short giggles as you tried to hide it not wanting to give him the satisfaction of making you laugh your head turning to the side as you gave up and laughed into the air
Your giggles sounding like a song atsumu always wanted to play through his headphones when he would walk to school
His body thinking before his mind as he stood up and ran again towards the team “ Guys their — I did it again and you all saw — i’m amazing “
he fell forward again but this time just lying there as he mumbled into the ground
“ their totally in love with me — I made ‘em laugh not once but twice in a row —I got a real shot now“
-I don’t know much about him because I haven’t finished haikyu! I just know what i’ve gathered from short clips or from what i’ve seen already in the seasons & read in manga but he’s very open minded
-whenever he’s around you he’s always quick to snap and stop someone from telling you that you aren’t allowed to do something because it’s “ not logical “
Your body moved slowly to the gyms exit as you felt a hand come down over your shoulder
“ walk ‘ya home ? “
you looked up face stoic in a slight yes at Arans question
since you’d joined the team as manager you had yet to connect with the other boys only really speaking to Aran and helping him out when he needed it
He came to like being around you because you were a change of pace from his usual one dealing with the twins antics. So it wasn’t that hard to hear him asking to walk you home for the past few nights when practice ran too long
he sighed as he looked down at you “ you never really speak but I feel like your face talks for you “
you looked to the ground as he laughed “ get it because your always stoic —and your face shows noth—ok“
he looked away not hearing your laugh or seeing a smile deciding to cough the atmosphere away “ ok yeah get it “
it wasn’t that you didn’t want to laugh you just couldnt your parents dug into you anytime you went home. Theyd have your head if you didn’t focus only on your studies so, it was hard for you to talk or even be around other people when it wasn’t for class it made you anxious and you weren’t sure how to interact
People took this as you being shy and you weren’t going to explain that you wanted to talk but just didn’t know how
He let his hand fall from your shoulder as the walk soon came to a close him leaving you to walk up to the stairs to your home
“ you may go “ you said softly as he shook his head with a big smile on his face
“ nope not until I know your in your house safely “
you nodded your head as you took a deep breath the door opening before your hand could meet the lock your fathers voice knocking you on your butt
“ who is this — who is he y/n “
“ I-I “
“ I heard more than your voice out here and came to the door “
“ were you waiting up for me “
“ yes you didn’t come home after school today “
“ oh I— there was a math meet i’m sorry “ your father looked away in disgust as you lied
“ your lying to me I called your school and they said you quit mathletes to be a manager of some volleyball club “
you gulped “ I um “
“ why would you do something stupid like that it can’t help you in the future — with your studies “
“ because I um — I like “
you shut yourself up just nodding your head as your father beat into you “ so dumb I thought I raised you correctly it doesn’t matter what you want to do or what’s fun you do what makes you smart and whats logical you do not hold feeli—“
“ I think their happy “ Aran smiled at the scene in front of him “ I think they enjoy being our manager very much “
“ and who told you to spea-“
“ my heart — it guides a person to make decisions ones like I just made — and ones that you made — you want the best for your daughter right “
you fathers actions faltered as Aran continued to press into him “ If you want the best than you have to realize y/n Is tired and she’s not used to friendly interaction — she’s very out of place and uncomfortable around people because she’s only used to school work“
he shook his head in concern “ is this what you want for your child — for your kid to only know how to talk about school and not have a moment where their not spending it thinking about math equations and growing overworked “
“ well I— “
“ on our volleyball team we work ourselves hard yes— but we’ve also become great friends through this hard work we’re happy doing what we do because our hearts led us to do it not our parents “
he looked to you and back to your father as he stood looking up from the bottom of the stairs “ so I ask that you let your child stay on the volleyball team since their heart brought them there to sign up for the job one tuesday afternoon at 3:30 in our gym during our second winning match of the season “
your dad nodded his head in shock as he whispered out an ok
Aran smiling and leaving after waving to you with a short see you tomorrow
Your dad holding the house door open for you as he walked over whispering out to you “ you better marry that boy “ he smiled as he moved through the house
“ he remembered every detail about when he first met you “
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kayeandjay · 2 years
It's Always Gonna Be You
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: idk vision trash talk
Warnings: angst, suicidal thoughts, jealousy, neglect, fluff at the end, bad grammar, first fanfic
Usually for dinner two members of the team cook each day. Today it was Wanda and Vision's turn to prepare a meal. It was honestly annoying you could hear giggling from the kitchen. Which was honestly rediculous because my bedroom wasn't even on the same floor level as the kitchen.
After a while I put in my earphones in and got my canvas and paint. I honestly didnt realize how long i was painting for after awhile it was about 7:30pm. I might have kept going if i didnt see a little light coming from my door being opened. When i turned to look i was hoping to see a middle aged beautiful woman, but instead i turned to see a red haired woman that goes by Natasha Romnoff. "Yes?" i say in a sweet tone even though i was slightly annoyed.Not by the fact that it was Natasha standing at my door instead of Wanda, just by the fact i was interuppted when i was in the zone which was rare.
"Tony said to come and let you know that dinners ready". Finally i thought."Okay let me clean my self up first and ill be down"Five minutes later after getting lost for a short while, i made it to the dining room."Sweetheart there you are i was beggining to think you were gonna ditch us"the sweet sokovian stated as she saw me enter through the door.
"Me ditched you....guys never" I heard a bunch of starcastic mhms and 'yeah okays'. It made me blush of embarrassment because i would ditch everyone except the redish brown haired. I sitdown at the the only seat avaible.The seat was next to Wanda and Sam which wasnt the best but it wasnt the worst. I only didnt like the seat because Sam knew about my major on her and he would rease about it.I would deal with if i got to sit by the sokvian twin. On the other end of the was the stupid robot that would take all of her fucking attention.
Damn well i was right.If he had a plug i could unplug it and dump water on him.Dont get me wrong i love vision because he saved me on multiple missions.It was only when it came to Wanda that the those thoughts would come to my brain.I asked the girl sitting next to me if she could pass the ketchup over.My hand lightly grazed over hers and it melted the ketchup bottle which made really hot on the inside , when it made contcat with my skin it felt a light stinging pain.Ive never got up so fast in my life.My sudden fast movment caught the attention from the others.
''Y/N" voice said but i couldnt tell who said it nor could i recognize the voice."Yea" i replied not caring who said it because i was scared and wanted to know what was goning on and if i could stop it.''Your eyes" the voice answered back.What about my eyes i thought in a panick.Immediately i reached for the table whispering spoon, spoon over and over again.Once a hand gave me a spoon i saw my eyes the slight hue of a blue.
What the fuck i screamed in my head."How do i make it stop?"i asked."Y/N its waanda im gonna try and help you but i need you to calm down"she insisted. Slightly freaking gout as well because she never experencied this in her life."I cant" i sob "i cant, im so scared."I instinctly grabbed a knife off the table and injected it into my leg.I heard everyone scream my name before everything went back to normal and i stopped panicing.
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urbfsecretgf · 3 years
The boy next door. (pt2.)
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a/n: no one asked for more but im just gonna keep posting as i write bc its fun :)
(everything is made up including names, family members and text messages)
you look at the message from vinnie and smile.
"what are you so smiley about y/n?" you mom says in a jokingly way
"she met a boy at the ice cream shop" jack says sounding annoyed
"soooo whats his name, is he cute, how old is he, where does he live, i wanna know everything"
your mom has always been a little nosey when it comes to boys, especially ones that make you smile.
"mommmmmm" you say
"oh come on i just wanna know"
"okay fine" you give in "his names vinnie and he lives next door, he came into the ice cream shop while we were waiting and he complimented me on my ice cream choice"
your mom laughs and says; "he seems like a very sweet boy, why dont you invite him and his family over for dinner tomorrow?"
"we arent moved in fully yet mom" jack interrupts
"oh vinnie offered to come over tomorrow and help move stuff in, you can invite him and his family over for dinner when hes here if you want to"
your mom sits and thinks about it for a second. she's never liked asking for help "you know we could use the extra hands, if you want to text him and see if hes willing to come over around 10 and help unload boxes that would be wonderful. i'll make lunch too depending on how long it takes"
"YES!" you scream in excitement, "i'll text him right now and see if he can. love you mom!"
you run upstairs and let out a squeal. you where so excited to see your dream boy again.
you text vinnie and throw your phone on your bed.
"oh shoot!" you yelled. "if he does come over i have to clean my room i can have it look like this." you look down at your floor and see all the laundry scattered everywhere.
"im such a mess"
you put on your favorite playlist and start dancing while you clean your room.
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"mom! he said hes coming over tomorrow!"
"sounds good!"
you keep cleaning your room but eventually fall asleep because you had a long day today.
when you woke up you checked the time.
"ITS 10:45??"
your alarm never went off causing you to over sleep.
"i havent showered, i havent gotten ready, i havent done anything! and my room still isnt clean UGHHHH!"
you quickly throw on a pair of pajama bottoms and a crop top you found in your closet, you put dry shampoo in and throw your hair into a bun.
you grabbed your glasses and run down stairs.
"well good morning sleeping beauty" vinnie says to you staring at you.
"yeah you told me to come over... your mom is an amazing lady i must say, i also didnt know you wore glasses"
"MY GLASSES NOOOO!" you panic realizing you didnt have time to put your contacts in
"calm down its okay y/n. i like them." vinnie smiles at you.
"his smile is so pretty, and his eyes, wow." you think to yourself.
"y/n?" your mom says
"you okay? you zoned out for a second"
"OH yeah no im great." you realize you zoned out while staring at vinnie who was in a white tank top and is wearing a baseball cap. you couldnt stop yourself from starring.
"hey mom.." jack says "i found this in with the books"
you look at jack and realize hes holding your old bra
"JACK THATS MINE STOP" you gasp. oh boy that's embarrassing.
vinnie starts laughing and looks at you.
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"stop laughing"
you're so embarrassed that he just saw that.
"dont worry y/n its okay. my dog had my boxers on her head after she went snooping in my room."
you can't help but to laugh a little.
the thought of seeing his dog with his boxers on her head is something you would pay to see.
"alright so is there anything else you would like me to move Mrs. Anderson?" vinnie asks your mom
"i dont believe so unless y/n or jack has anything to move" your mom looks at you and your brother waiting for a response.
jack breaks the silence and goes "nope, i think everything is in my room already."
"y/n do you have anything you need help unpacking or anything?" he looks at you and his eyes are this beautiful chocolate brown color.
"yeah i do actually."
vinnie and you head up to your room
"im sorry its such a mess i was trying to clean it last night but i must have fell asleep."
"don't worry about it, my room is way worse than this"
he reaches for a magazine he sees and giggles
"whats so funny? HEY PUT THAT DOWN!"
he laughs and sets it back down
"you know i think its cute."
"whats cute?'
"you, everything about you."
you roll your eyes and smile
"you're dumb Mr. Hacker, but you're cute as well"
"thank you Ms. Hacker."
"what did you say?"
"huh? nothing, anyways is that all you wanted me to help with?"
"yeah thats it thank you."
vinnie walks downstairs and you follow.
your mom is in the kitchen with your brother.
"oh vinnie before you leave, would you and your family like to come over for dinner tonight?" vinnie looks at you and then at your mom.
"i think they would be delighted to come over for dinner tonight Mrs. Anderson, i'll text them right now."
you go into the living room to watch some tv. vinnie follows and sits next to you.
vinnies phone goes off
"they said they would love to come over, do you have a time in mind on when they should come over?"
"does 7:30 work?"
"that will work just fine."
looking at the time you realize you and vinnie have spent 5 hours together already.
"i should probably get heading home, i have to shower and get ready for dinner tonight, see you then everyone!" he kisses your cheek and heads out the door.
"bye vinnie see you tonight!" your mom and brother exclaim
"what a sweet boy" mom says
*4 hours later, 7:00 PM*
"Vinnie and his family will be over in 30 mins please make sure everything is ready and make sure you guys are ready aswell"
your mom has always been one to make sure everything and everyone looks good before any guest come over.
the door bell rings.
"y/n!! can you please get the door?"
you rush downstairs and open the door.
"hey y/n, wow you look good"
you curled your hair, put makeup on, and are wearing your nice fancy dress.
"hey vin i could say the same thing about you."
both of you are dressed up very nicely. he's wearing his blue suit and has his shirt buttoned down showing chest tattoo.
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something about his tattoos drive you insane. you love them.
he introduces his family to yours
"i never knew you had a twin brothers." you say as your brother and his run off to the backyard.
"yeah they are a real pain in the ass"
"i know what that's like"
the two of you laugh
"this is a beautiful house you have jackie and you have 2 beautiful children as well" vinnies mom says to yours
"well thank you sandy im very blessed with what i have gotten in life, your 3 boys are such angels especially vinnie here. hes been very helpful today and i really appreciate it."
he smiles at your mom and then at you
"dinner was amazing, thank you for inviting us over and introducing us to your family, we are going to have a bbq here this weekend if you guys want to join." vinnies dad offers
"we will be there"
"awesome, well we best get going its late and we both have work in the morning, thank you again."
"yeah anytime! thank you guys for coming."
you say goodnight to vinnie and his family and head upstairs.
New Message from Vinnie <3: you looked absolutely stunning tonight
To Vinnie <3: thank you vin, you looked very handsome tonight as well i must say, you look handsome every night tho.
From Vinnie <3: you're cute, goodnight luv sleep well :)
you set your phone down and smile. hes truly the best guy you have ever met.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
Can you make a smut + angst jealousy fic for Ten or Jeno please~ thankiee
I hope this was okay. I made it a best friend au if u don't mind🙈
ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴅɪsᴀsᴛᴇʀs
Pairings: bestfriend!ten x reader
Genre: smut, angst
Warnings: jealousy, slight d/s themes, slight choking, marking, possessiveness, unprotected sex, creampie, rough ish sex
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"What are you doing here?" Ten asks walking into the living room where you sat watching tv. "Thought you had a date with that guy?"
"I did, but he called it off again." You mumbled.
"Again? Isn't this like the hundreth time? What a joke." He plops down on the couch next to you.
You side eye him, ready to question the attitude but chose to close your mouth instead.
Shrugging with a sigh, you bite your lip, "Its nothing. Hes probably busy." You knew that wasn't the case. The two of you were all over the place, it was either you guys flirted and went on dates like couples or he ditched you to do something with his friends and side chicks.
You were basically his fling that somehow dragged on for months. And ten couldnt stand it. Seeing you get beaten down and crushed like an egg made his heart sink. But to be honest, it wasn't like he minded the extra attention. Once you and that guy started talking, you were dragged out of his life and hardly talked to him unless it were times like this or when you bragged about the dude, and if he was lucky, a sleepover that came once in a blue moon. Ten probably shouldn't have felt this way, but he couldn't help his jealousy. He wanted what the guy had. He wanted you.
"Give the bastard up already." Ten says, "All he does is break your heart like its his favorite hobby. Then he has the fucking audacity to get back with you like nothing happened. Open your eyes, y/n, he's not good for you."
You grimaced, looking up at his uncharacteristically fuming face, "You don't know him like I do. He's good to me."
"Oh cut the shit. Stop being so naive."
Glowering at the man, you shake your head, "Im not naive and its not my fault you don't like him."
Ten sighed, "Jeez you can be a bitch sometimes."
"Excuse me!?" Your brows furrow, "Ten, stop acting like a dick. Why can't you support me and my decisions? You always find something to complain about with your overprotective ass."
"He treats you like shit, thats literally all he does and I have to sit here and deal with it." Ten growls.
"Then leave i don't fucking care."
Ten snorts, "Youre kidding. You're gonna push me out of your life just because I'm calling someone out. Well I got a newsflash for you babe, thats not how life works."
"As if youre any better." You mumble, thinking ten couldnt hear you. But you were very wrong.
"I dont have to do a thing to be better than that motherfucker." Ten glares before leaning closer to your face, "I could treat you better than he ever did. Like a fucking goddess, but no, you chose him."
"Youre so fucking annoying, ten." Your eyes met your best friends. This was probably the biggest mistake you've made. So many years you never bothered to say anything about your small crush on ten, afraid it may ruin the friendship between you two. But knowing its mutual, you could practically hear your heart crack. Those wasted months could've been months spent with ten, but they weren't.
Ten stared back into your hurt eyes with no expression except frustration, "Good i can keep going. I could write a whole essay on this loser."
"Ten, shut the fuck up! I'm tired of your fucking voice!"
Immediately ten stops talking. Though hes still frowning like an angered child who didn't get their way.
"God, you can be so frustrating at times." You say.
"Frustrating?? Whats frustrating is you being him and not with me." Ten says, breaking his short silence as his face was still inches away from yours.
Your back is just about touching the arm of the couch, tens breath fanning your face softly making your face heat up ever so slightly.
"Seeing him kiss you, hold you-makes my blood boil more than you think." Finally your body was pinned to the couch, ten just barely hovering over your lips, "Im going to make sure he knows who you belong to after tonight."
You yelped as you best friend clashed his lips into yours, much rougher and desperate than you thought he'd be. His hand snaked up your thigh, grabbing and kneading at the skin before he moved it to your hip, loving the small sighs against his lips.
"Youre so desperate," ten mumbles. He swipes his tongue just over your lips as you find yourself chasing his lips, staring at the string of saliva attached. "I finally get to have my desperate little baby." Your pants were off in a matter of seconds along with your panties. Tens fingers already taking in your soaked cunt as he lifted his two fingers up in front of your face, smirking down at you. "Already dripping too. Can't believe you thought about going out with him when you have me."
"Never knew you could be so jealous." You tore your gaze off his arousal coated fingers. "But I'd wish your shut up about it."
Ten sucks his fingers clean before leaning down to bite your neck, earning a gasp as you tilt your head to the side for him. "Dont push it."
"Can't help it." Sighing at the feeling of his teeth sinking in and the small hickeys he's giving you, you reach up to tangle your fingers through his hair, "Youre mad and jealous just because of some guy."
"Not just some guy, babe. A fucking douche." He lapped over the bruises he created on your neck. The purple and blue color was a work of his own art and he wasn't afraid to show it off to anyone and everyone.
"He was nice."
He arched a brow, "Dont lie."
Soon enough, both of your clothings were discarded. Nothing could turn back whatever was going to happen now, and surely not ten who had his hand wrapped firmly around your neck, squeezing the sides tightly but still enough for you to breathe. And as crazy as it may seem, he loved seeing you gasp and wrap your small hands around his wrists.
You moaned at the sudden fullness at your core, the stretch making your back arched a bit off the couch as you pushed your hips into his. A hand carefully placing itself on your hips, but not bothering to push it down or keep it in place.
Ten wasn't going to waste time, he was already thrusting into you at a reasonable set pace where you both moaned, you being louder than he thought.
"You like it?" Ten chuckles to himself, "Of course you do because I know how to fuck you good." He sent a particularly hard thrust just to hear you scream in pleasure. Your nails clawing at his back causing ten to hiss, throwing his head back.
"Youre the worst." You call out, digging your nails further into his back, sure there will be cuts the next day.
He choked you harder, eyes rolling back from the adrenaline rush, "But you love this cock so much, love how I call you mine and not his. Fuck, I should just fill you up over and over again with my cum." You moan at his words, ignoring that stupid grin on his face, "Want me to fill your pretty pussy up, kitten?" Nodding frantically, you gripped his wrist with both of your hands, feeling your orgasm coming closer with each thrust.
"Feels s-so good." The couch screeched against the wood floor as ten pounded into you with no mercy. Each vein of his cock made your walls tighten around him as you got near. " 'm gonna cum."
As if he couldn't move faster, ten surprised you when your body banged against the armrest, desperate for you to cum around him. "Cum, baby. I wanna feel your cum."
You didn't need to be told twice. Everything came rushing out of you an instant, body shaking as ten continued with stuttering thrusts before he finally released inside you, mixing your cum together as he slowly fucked it back inside you, finally pulling out.
"Stay away from him for God's sake." he placed a chaste kiss to your lips. "Or dont, I wouldn't mind him seeing the mess I made."
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tobi-momo · 4 years
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The Third Set
PAIRING: Tsukishima Kei x Reader
GENRE: Romance | Pining | Fluff | A lil crack (kinda)
WARNINGS: not proofread | a lil ooc and soft at the end (pls dont get mad at me 😭😭)
A/N: hihihi ok so this idea literally came to me while reading another fic (i cant remember it now im super sorry) and it wouldnt leave my head so i couldnt NOT write it yk? pls keep in mind that it gets rlly soft at the end and really out of character😭 i just hc that does affectionate things during an adrenaline rush, like he's too hyped to care ab what going on around him he just wants to see you, and so this is basically where that came from kasjkhasd- also this is not meant to be spicy at all whatsoever (although some remarks from the others are made that way when you read) its supposed to be romantic and lighthearted, so pls dont think its that sexual😭 also thank you @awmahleebkg my wife for giving me the confidence to post this i love you baby <333
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Watching Kei play was one of your favorite things to do. Sure, that might sound a little sad, but watching him and his team working together on the court was something that you wouldn't miss the world for. Until an away game came along, it taking place somewhere farther than they usually are, and since you weren't a part of the team, you couldn't take the school bus with them. So, you took the city bus. He might have told you not to, he might have told you to wait at your house for him to return and tell you about it, but you couldn't help it. This was an important game, and you needed to be there and support him.
He was nervous, although someone who didn't know as well as you wouldn't be able to tell, you were always able to see right through him. Always able to tell when he was nervous or scared, even intimidated. He found it annoying, that you were always there for him, confused as to why you dedicated your time for him, but years after your first meeting he realized that he would do the same for you. You didn't know that his heartbeat the same way for you as it did for him, and he sure as hell didn't know that the reason you stuck by him all these years was to feel that exact heartbeat next to yours.
[3:37 P.M.]
Kei <3: Stay home, y/n
Y/n: but it's an important game! i want to cheer you on!
Kei <3: I'll tell you what happens after I get home if you really want me to. But stop whining at me it's annoying.
Y/n: 😠😠 let. me. go.
Kei <3: No.
Y/n: i hate you so much
Kei <3: Sure you do
You wouldn't listen to him, of course. Why would you? You get your bag ready to leave, filling it with snacks and water bottles to help the team out.
By the time you snuck in, it was half-way past the second set. Tensions were high and sweat was dripping off their jaws while they gain each point. You made sure to stay a little quieter, not wanting Kei's attention to be drifted away from the game, especially since you weren't supposed to be there. By the time they won that set, they were tied with the other team. One more set left, things are getting really heated.
The score remained close to each other throughout the game, Karasuno being two points away from a win with their opponent three points behind them. Watching Kei as he looks at the floor with frustrated eyes, obviously mad at himself for not doing better. He frowns, taking a sip of water so no one sees it. You can see a slight tint of fear in his eyes- he was scared of losing the set. Although all you've seen were blocks of perfection, even a couple spikes that hit the court floor aggressively, points going towards Karasuno once more, he thought he wasn't doing good enough. You knew he was amazing, everyone in the room knew it too, so why didn't he?
He jogs back on the court after a timeout from the other team, getting into a serve/receive position, waiting for the ball to come over the net. The server on the other team hit the ball over, sending it straight to Nishinoya, who receives the ball perfectly, passing it to Kageyama. Backing up into the set, Hinata runs behind Kageyama, surprising the blockers on the other side of the net when Hinata smacks the floating ball down with his might. Instead of the ball hitting the floor, the left-back position receives the ball at the seam, shanking it towards the audience.
Another point.
The crowd goes wild and the air tightens as the scoreboard raises. You bounce on the bleachers and stomp your feet in excitement, knowing that this match would be over soon.
Kei exhales sharply at the whistle, relief, and nervousness seeping out of him. He can do it, he thought. Only one more point. When the ball passes him to the other side of the court, quickly moves to the right side of the net, jumping and completely regretting his decision once the ball hits the floor. He watches the ball trail off in shock, the whistle suddenly getting too loud for him. He grits his teeth in defeat, thinking that it would be over for them. His head faces the ground, his hands are balled up in fists. That's when you decide to take initiative.
Inhaling a harsh breath, you stand up putting your hands on each side of your face before yelling out to him.
His head whips from the floor, his eyes widening once they find yours in the big crowd. You stand out- to him at least.
His pupils dilate at your figure cheering him on, suddenly wishing he hadn't told you to stay home. He didn't know you were there, or how you get here in the first place, but he was glad you came. He wanted you there. His shocked expression turned into a smirk of confidence before he turns back around and goes to his position. The whistle blows once more, telling the server that they can go. He refocuses on the court, watching the ball and everyone near it, analyzing everyone's movements and predicting where the ball is going to go. The big spiker on the other team runs towards the net with his approach, swinging his arms back, ready to slam the ball down as Kei quickly beats him to it, jumping and raising his arms on top of the net in defense.
The ball smacks the floor of the court.
Kei's eyes glow when his feet touch the ground again.
They won.
He tries his best to catch his breath, heaving once his teammates trample him on the ground. You scream in victory, jumping up and down, sprinting down the bleachers to the team, them welcoming you with tight hugs and cries of joy. Electricity coursed through Kei's veins, adrenaline making his sight clearer, his hearing less muffled and his breathing a lot clearer.
You see Kei on the other side of the court, getting up and steadying himself on his feet once you two lock eyes. You run towards him with a fast pace, him reciprocating as his legs speed up toward you. You jump on him, clinging to him as much as you could when wrapping your legs around him, digging your head in his shoulder. His hand immediately grab the back of your thighs for support, helping your body balance on his while you tug on his neck.
You praise him, telling him how proud you were of him picking himself up and being the best, telling him how amazing his blocks and spikes were, how amazing he was. You could hear his breathless laughs of joy, a genuine smile painting his face when you subconsciously pepper his face in firm pecks from your lips, showering him in sweet affection for his win.
Your words muffle when his lips crash onto your- a rough, exciting kiss that has you moaning in his mouth from surprise and desperation from wanting this for the longest time. Your hands slide up from his neck to his cheeks, palming them and pulling him closer while your lips disconnect and reconnect rapidly, not being able to get enough of each other. His hands subtly, but firmly squeeze your thighs while you tilt your head, giving him the chance to kiss you deeper. The amount of emotion going through your bodies, desperation, love, excitement, impatience, relief, mixing with the adrenaline in your system's causing your worlds to finally collide and mix.
"What are they doing?"
"I don't know but I feel like I'm interrupting something"
"I think they're the ones interrupting"
"Just let them have this one, guys"
"They are literally about to do it on the court how am I not supposed to feel uncomfortable, Suga-san?"
"Aw, these lovebirds are finally getting together, I knew it would happen"
"Liar, you bet they wouldn't!"
"Tanaka-san! You weren't supposed to say anything!"
You couldn't hear any of the banter in the background, your only focus was him, and his only focus was you. And all the team could do was watch.
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pls i know this was rlly ooc im super sorry
taglist: @combat-wombatus @hitosushi @toosharkinternet @alpha3113 @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @solar3lunar @zerohawks @katsuhera
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heyitsyn · 4 years
White Carnation
Ex!Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
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a/n: iwa-chan being your ex is so painful and numbing
huhuhu angst isnt my forte but this is an exception bc chi is my sista
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anon request: ex-boyfriend/childhood friend iwaizumi would be super angsty but i have no idea what they’d fight about ,, now imagine if after being kitaichi’s manager/medic, reader becomes karasuno’s medic/temporary manager (until kiyoko got recruited),, then she couldn’t come to the seijoh practice match so she has no idea her team fought her ex,,, only to find out during inter-high and everyone’s like wtf??? that spiky haired ace is your ex?? meanwhile kageyama’s like “yall didn’t know?” — chi
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ong this finna be painful
its always been the three of you
with living across the oikawas came great perks
even way before you could remember, you were always with the 2 other boys: your neighbor across your house, tooru, and his best friend who practically lived there, hajime
hajime first saw you when you were covered in dirt after you were trying to catch a butterfly for tooru at the back and oikawa pushed you out of the way into a puddle of mud when he saw a bug
iwa stared at you then immediately said ‘my name is iwaijumi hajime. i think youre really pretty’
yep thats really how it went
and poor babie didnt know how to pronounce his ‘z’s yet so it sounds like ‘j’s :(
while tooru liked you because you werent like other girls who stayed inside and played dolls instead playing outside
you played with him at his back yard with the volleyball he owned and always made him laugh and have fun
iwa liked you because you didnt shy away from bugs, instead you were braver than tooru and even helped iwa look for any beetles and caught them for him to keep as pets
they liked you because you were like them
you were like one of the bois
but that kinda hurt you in the future
as you all grew up, you started going through yanno teenager things
like you started to have crushes
specifically on your best friend, iwaizumi hajime
thankfully tooru didnt see you like that and still saw you as one of the bois and saw you as that annoying twin sister
but unfortunately, iwa did too
every time you made an effort to do something to emphasize that you were, hello, a girl, he would laugh and tease you
‘hehe i didnt think you even knew what a dress was!’
was his comment when you came over wearing a yellow sundress with flats
tooru, who you shared these secrets with, gave you a worried glance but you smiled, covering up the hurt
‘meh. my mom forgot to dry my clothes so i had to wear these old clothes’
no, they werent old
they were just bought yesterday with the intention of finally being recognized as girl and complimented
but the person it was for, couldnt even be bothered to remember that you werent just one of the boys and that you possibly wanted to be told that you were pretty or cute
your other best friend noticed your quietness and he stood up from his crouching position and placed a hand on your shoulder, making you look at him
your teary eyes made him sigh but he grinned at you
‘its really pretty, y/n-chan! you should wear it more often! pretty things deserve to be seen and complimented’
god why couldnt you have a crush on oikawa tooru instead
why did it have to be towards the boy who was too caught up with catching bugs and playing ball to ever see you differently and has never said a single praise towards you?
‘what do you think, iwa-chan? isnt she pretty?’
oikawa hinted but hajime remained his eyes on the tv as the players hit the ball, too distracted to even be bothered to look at you
‘she looks the same’
he mumbled and your nose stung and eyes watered, looking down to hide the wobbling of your lips
‘its okay, kawa-chan. can i wear your clothes for now? i dont like this dress thats why i never wore it’
oikawa tried to stop you but you were already straight up the stairs and towards his room
he angrily stomped over to iwa and slapped his arm, startling the other boy and him snarling in pain
‘what the-’
‘youre so dumb. youre so mean. i wonder where she went wrong and what she saw. seriously’
he ranted and moved to sit back on the floor but not before kicking iwaizumi, making him fall on his side
‘so whos winning?’
your voice interrupted iwa’s mid-scream and he looked up from the floor to see you wearing an alien hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts that were a little too loose so they drooped by your knees
your originally curled and elegantly braided hair was now pulled up into a bun by a scrunchie that you left around the house from years ago
there was a bit of redness around your eyes and iwa scrambled up to check if you were okay since your face looked swollen
‘oi, did you eat something weird? your face is all red so youre probably having a reaction’
he fretted and you watched as his hands glided across your face and held you by the shoulders to take a closer look
‘yea, a reaction from a bad reaction’
thankfully iwa was too busy checking to hear oikawa snarkily whisper and you sent him a glare that made him quiet down
‘haji-kun, im fine’
you dismissed and side stepped to go sit next to oikawa, completely brushing him off
now iwa was confused
you would usually smile up at him, say ‘aw~ are you worried about me, haji-kun?’ then skip over 
not frown and act so coldly
‘oi, y/n, what-’
‘lets go to the bakery! theres a sale going on there!’
oikawa shouted which made you jolt in surprise
he knew of his best friend’s beginning interrogation but he knew you were too upset to be bothered by hajime’s questions
‘they have a buy one get one sale on milk bread! and those-those treats you like! theyre on sale too!’
omg oikawa is a real one 🥺
oikawa blinked harshly at you to go along with the act and you stuttered and nodded
‘uh-eung! yea!’
that was probably the moment that iwaizumi started noticing
except he thought it was a pining between his best friends rather than you towards him
ofc iwa was a loyal friend
he thought that you and oikawa were two people who were crushing on each other yet too afraid to say anything
tbh he shouldve seen this coming because duh you were an incredibly pretty girl and oikawa was the handsomest guy in the whole area!
it was almost,,, natural for you both to gravitate towards each other
maybe thats why,,,
he started to distance himself to give you both the space and want without him in between
maybe thats why,,,
he started to feel these feelings of,, jealousy?? like he started to feel a little scared and honestly he wasnt sure who to be jealous of bc he knew once you started dating, you’d both be too busy to hang out with him
maybe thats why,,,
he was no longer your friend 
iwaizumi hajime became a simple stranger you would just pass by in the hall
it happened around the 2nd year of middle school
you and oikawa were still close friends but you have drifted away into not being as close while you and iwaizumi became,,,, distant
basically strangers
the boy you used to dream about when you were 8 and dreamt of marrying once you were old enough
he was no longer him
before, you and iwa were actually really close without oikawa
like you would hang out when oikawa was too busy with takeru
you both would go to the arcade and play games with no fear of oikawa whining and complaining to take turns
you had a lot of fun together and yet, all of a sudden, everything stopped
because iwa knew how,,, possessive oikawa was
he thought that if he were to continue being friends with you, he would risk losing his best friend out of jealousy or misunderstandings and he didnt want that precious bond to be ruined by a girl
even if that girl,,,
was you
thats why it was so awkward when you came over to oikawa’s house after so long and seeing him there, eating breakfast in the kitchen
your best friend didnt want to tell you that iwa spent the night bc quite frankly, oikawa was already fed up with this
you think he didnt know?
you think he didnt know that iwa distanced himself due to an unknown misunderstanding?
you think he didnt know that you also distanced yourself due to being hurt as he casted you aside?
and oikawa was also worried
he didnt want to ever bring up your name with iwa bc to be honest, he didnt think iwa even liked you all that much
he thought that iwa only tolerated you for so long bc you were the only girl who wasnt in love with oikawa and knew you long enough to be comfortable w you
but babie oiks is misunderstood that :(
he didnt want to ever bring up his name with you bc he knew how sensitive it was for you and how sad and pained you were when he suddenly stopped even replying to your texts
one time when you cornered him, he looked angry and gently pushed you back and quickly walked away 
no he was scared that oikawa could see you both and misunderstand
‘just,,, stay away from me, okay? its better this way’
god you wanted to scream at him and shout at him and punch him but he kept silent and refused to answer your questions and refused to acknowledge your existence
you were so confused and you were just so hurt and eventually, you became indifferent to him and treated him the same way
you stepped into the house, not even bothering to shout your arrival and quickly wandered through the hallway before turning the corner to go to the kitchen 
but you stopped, seeing the familiar hair with olive eyes eating breakfast on the kitchen island, also stopping with his chopsticks halfway to his mouth at the sight of you
your gazes clashed and you blinked before your lips formed into a thin line, turning and going to the fridge and look for food
iwa wasnt surprised
he figured you were both getting closer to dating and you were already basically living in his house
it all makes sense
‘h-how are you’
he mumbled, trying to fix the awkward silence while cursing inside of how long oikawa was taking to shit
you hummed, taking a water bottle and slamming the fridge door shut, harder than necessary
‘oh, now you see me?’
you really didnt mean for it to be a snarky comment but it came out before you even realized what you said
he winced
‘listen, im-’
‘oh? youre here, y/n-chan!’
oikawa’s voice cut him off and he returned back to his bowl of rice, leaving you standing there furrowing your brows
you shrugged, already knowing that hajime was like this, so you turned to look at oikawa with a wrinkled nose at the sound of the toilet flushing
‘tooru, did you drink straight milk again? you know how it makes your stomach upset’
you chided and tooru turned red at the implication of his dookie
‘o-oi! y/n-chan! of course id know if i was lactose intolerant!’
i just think how funny it would be like the irony of his love for milk bread yet being lactose intolerant at the same time 
he huffed and you nodded but not exactly believing him
‘kay kay’
you teased and walked to the living room but oikawa caught you in a headlock and he ruffled your hair while you complained and whined to let you go
you were giggling as tooru was giving you noogies, feeling the tension leave your body
all while iwa was watching
maybe it was because he stopped hanging out with you and havent seen you like this for almost  a year
so carefree and so happy as you scored higher than him at the hoop game and he would begrudgingly let you hug him when he managed to win you a doll from the claw machine
but yea he definitely forgot your smile
he forgot how it looked like bc the last time you met gazes, you sent him a hurt glance and looked away and he knew he deserved that
god he hated it
but no, he was doing this for tooru
he was doing this because his best friend liked someone who actually deserved him
but dear god why did it hurt
iwa was starting to wonder if he made the right choice
he could easily handle you two dating
maybe that was when iwa started to realize,,, he was starting to feel different towards you
the time apart definitely made him remember why he was friends with you
you weren’t like those girls he saw in tv or outside with the frilly clothes and the makeup and the fancy hair
no that wasnt you
you were different
you were too lazy to even pick out a cute outfit, opting for comfort with one of their sweatshirts and sweatpants
you preferred to chase after butterflies rather than sitting inside bc hajime’s adventurous spirit latched itself on to you too
you would usually climb the tree to get the volleyball that got stuck up in the branches bc tooru was too scared of heights and you wanted to prove your strength and capability
god you were so different
what if you liked him instead?
iwa startled himself with that thought in the middle of eating and caused him to choke on his rice
tooru noticed him coughing violently so he grabbed the water bottle from your hand and threw it straight towards the boy
iwa snapped the cap open,not caring where that water came from, and chugged it down before sighing in relief after the quite scary situation
you then realized what happened and you turned red, speedwalking into the living room
oiks totally didnt do that on purpose and he was doing the lenny face at you before switching masks and wearing a worried one for iwa
‘iwa-chan! you need to slow down!’
he chided and iwaizumi yelled at him to be quiet, completely clueless to the fact that he just shared an indirect kiss with you
but you did and lordie did you hate it
from then on,,,
iwa was just seeing you everywhere
iwa saw you from his classroom when you would go hang out with your new friends outside 
he noticed you not even being too loud, only speaking up when asked while the others opted to continue talking about nonsense you probably gave no care about with how you secretly rolled your eyes
those moments made him laugh
the next time you both ran into each other was during his morning practice
oikawa phoned you in the morning while you were getting ready, saying he accidentally left his knee pads at home and he was already at school but you werent so he wanted you to bring them to him
you knew damn well that iwaizumi hajime would be there but you didnt care because youre not even friends anymore after he just dropped you like that
so thats why you found yourself pushing the metal gym door open at 6 in the morning and shouting oikawa’s name
his eyes brightened at your voice and he dropped the ball to run towards you by the door
‘oh my god thank you so much, y/n-chan!’
he shouted and hugged you out of excitement while you cringed and hit him to get off of you
‘ew dont touch me trashykawa’
you mumbled and he whined, finally stepping away with a pout
iwa was watching you both from the side and he blinked, wondering if you were trying a new hairstyle
if not, then you changed something bc currently, you practically glowing to him
he watched you scold oikawa for being forgetful and him begging for forgiveness but also thanking you before he was scoldede again by the coach
but the coach was relieved that he could finally play with the proper equipment and not risk anymore injuries
oikawa was already bidding you good bye and you were about to turn to leave when you finally met the many gazes of iwaizumi hajime
your eyebrows unconsciously furrowed together and your lips turned to a frown then you sharply turned and walked through the doors
unbeknownst to him, oikawa watched as his best friend’s face turned hurt at your expression and remained staring at the door you just went out of even when you were already gone
‘iwa-chan, lets get to practice’
after that 
iwa has concluded god has decided to be mean to him
bc who was giving him these weird heart attacks and tummy aches at the simple sight of you?
literally he ignored you for a good time yet now hes noticing you again?
what kinda unfairness-
but you proved to accept his previous behavior by not even giving him a single glance anymore
that made him sad so iwa would sometimes stop doing what hes doing so he could freely stare at you laugh at something a classmate said during class
thats totally not creepy iwa lol
he doesnt even know hes doing it sometimes bc hes so absorbed on trying to figure out the answers of his questions
but the worst was when he got caught
you sat at the very front and oikawa and iwa sat at the back 
it was lunchtime and you were eating with a few girls and a guy from another class and yall were laughing and talking together
iwa had oikawa and these other guys makki and matsukawa from the class next door to eat lunch with
can i please just dream that our third year seijoh boys were actually friends since the very beginning like pls and thanks
oikawa was rambling about how some girl giving him cookies the other day when he noticed iwa not listening but staring at you while moving his chopsticks around
poor iwa-chan was confused as to how even with messy hair, you still looked beautiful?
like no matter what angle or how you turned, the light always seemed to hit you perfectly to accent out your features
how was that possible?
‘-and she just-iwa-chan? iwaizumi?’
he called out and said boy jolted, eyes widening at the confused, bored, and knowing eyes
‘oh? were you looking at y/n-chan?’
oikawa teased and the gojira fanboy waved his hands around to deny that statement
but makki chuckled and leaned in
‘hm, wouldnt blame ya. shes really pretty you know? some guy in our class saw the girls ranking and shes in the top 5′
okay iwa was angry
was it because everyone else noticed how pretty you are?
was it because you were part of this list?
was it because his own friend said you were pretty?
why did he even care anyways?!
oikawa smirked at the clenched fist under the table and decided to poke fun even more
‘oh really? well, it doesnt really matter because its always the girl’s decision right? but most of the time, their choice is utter trash’
the meme duo shared a confused look
‘hah? what are you going on about, oikawa’
oikawa internally apologized to you after what hes about to do because hes so tired and exhausted of having to be so careful and walking on eggshells between you two
so he did an oikawa move
‘yanno how y/n-chan and i have been friends since we were little ducklings right? so ages ago, like ages ago, little y/n-chan had a crush on this brute bc for some reason she thought he was brave or something and apparently thats appealing to girls rather than the nice and gentlemanly type. but of course, yanno how this goes, he pooped up and now hes stuck on doing this weird stalking staring thing. right, iwa-chan~?’
okay im sorry i take it back oikawa is a bitch
iwa shook
you,,, had a what on who?!
a crush on him?!
is he the brute?!
so it wasnt oikawa?
it was to him?
then why did you act like that?
why did you both act like that?
iwaizumi mumbled and he met oikawa’s pointed gaze
‘hmm,,,, you dont have to worry about it anymore though since theyre not even friends anymore. but listen to me and listen well, makki, mattsun, if you hurt a girl even once, theyre never going to forget it. my sister said that apparently theres this little voice in their head that tells them that theyre going to get hurt again and thats where their trust issues begin to develop and--IWA-CHAN WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!’
iwa was already out of his seat and straight walking towards you and your group before stopping beside your chair
your friends quieted down at the sight of the known boy and you blinked then turned your head to see him, your eyes instantly turning dark and looking away immediately
‘what the hell do you want’
you hissed and natsu almost choked on his rice ball if it wasnt for another girl patting his back
‘it was me, right? all along, not oikawa, but me?’
his meek voice made you look up in confusion
‘what are you talking-’
‘you chose me instead him’
then it was like a click that you realized what he said
‘how did you know’
he stuttered but was cut off when the teacher finally arrived to announce the end of lunch and iwa was forced to go back to his seat
the whole class time, you would sneak glances back and iwa would be staring at his paper while oikawa would wink at you and give you smirks
after class you stomped up to the brunette haired boy 
‘how could you?! why did you tell-’
‘lets talk, y/n? please?’
iwa was holding your arm and you glared at him before turning away and walking away
oikawa patted him on the shoulder in good luck and whispered,
‘get your girl’
the rooftop ledge looked really delicious right now
no words were exchanged so you were both just silent with you staring at him while he was looking off to the side
‘so what? now you know and so what do you want?’
you spoke first and iwa guiltily met your eyes
‘everything was,,, a mess. i misunderstood and i didnt communicate and i,,, messed up’
he mumbled the last part but you caught it perfectly causing you to scoff
‘damn right you did. so now you know and then youre going to do the cliche thing they do in those dramas where you magically profess your love for me and-’
‘hey y/n lets date’
you froze and looked at him shocked with wide eyes and jaw dropped
‘excuse me? who are you to say that?!’
you shrieked
‘first you think i have some big crush on tooru and this caused you to basically drop me like a damn pencil and second youre asking me to date you? iwaizumi hajime i thought you were always the smarter one. what the hell are you spouting you damn imbecile-’
iwa did the only thing he thought of
he quickly leaned forward and pecked your lips
he saw some guy do it in a telenovela that his mom watched a week ago and that was how the girl got silent so iwa thought it would be smart to shut you up that way
and it worked
bc you were so conflicted: angry, confused, sad, happy
you was the whole range of emotions in one second
‘i was stupid. and i was dumb. i wanted to give you and shittykawa space because i thought he liked you and he would be mad and misunderstand if we continued hanging out without him. but you shouldve told me you liked me, baka. maybe i wouldve come to like you back’
iwa rambled but your eyes watered and you huffed, slapping him across the face but pulled his collar to kiss him again
tbh iwa was shook bc he got 2 kisses in a row today and hes never been kissed before and its from this really pretty girl
‘how dare you kiss me and still not like me’
you seethed when you pulled away
but iwa held your hands
‘im starting to come to. give me time and i’ll accept your confession’
and give him time you did bc you finally were able to try and mend that friendship again and soon, you were already starting to fall back in love with him 
but iwa also
during the end of your 2nd year, iwa nervously tugged you to the rooftop and you smirked
‘what? you gonna profess your love for me haji-kun?’
you teased and expected him to laugh and smack you gently but he didnt
he turned red and he looked down at his shoes as he magically produced a flower out of nowhere
‘please accept me, y/n!’
he shouted while holding out the single white carnation
your eyebrows scrunched and you grabbed the flower from his hands before punching him weakly
‘stupid! stupid haji-kun! i already accepted you! since we were five! how could you not see my feelings’
you whimpered, trying to hide the blush on your face but he smothered you to a hug, making you both topple over in the process
you had the cliched term of ‘summer love’
of course you still hung out with tooru but you both would hang out other days just you both
like you and iwa liked going over to some old playground by your house and you both would watch the sky on top of the slide assembly while talking about stupid stuff and the future
‘haji-kun, do you know what you want to be when youre old?’
you asked and he turned his head to look at you but you were focused on the stars
he simply replied and you giggled, reaching over to hit his chest
‘baka. you cant be gojira-san’
iwa found himself giggling with you before he reached down to softly interwine your fingers and hold them up to look at them
‘hm, i dont really know. maybe a volleyball player. or someone in the volleyball team, i dont know’
you hummed, knowing him and tooru’s shared love for the sport
‘i wanna be a doctor. i want to save lives and help people and make money too! my mothers friend offered to intern me but apparently im still too young’
you pouted
iwa listened to you but then a lightbulb rang in his head
‘oi, y/n’
he started and you looked at him
‘you can be our manager. or medic. or doctor person. that bastard is going to push himself even harder because naoki-senpai gave him that damn position and he might kill himself trying to beat that farmer dude. besides, shittykawa is going to be the captain next year and i’ll be vice so youd easily get it anyways. so you in?’
you blinked at him before breaking out to a smile
‘eung! i wanna see my baby play what he loves!’
iwa’s face contorted to disgust
‘bABy?! iM nOt a BABY! im A mAn!! mAN!!’
‘mhm, okay. my mans, haji bara arms is my mans’
your relationship is very balanced with the perfect ratio of crackhead and seriousness and understanding bc as we ALL KNOW EVERYTHING STARTED W A MISUNDERSTANDING
like if he accidentally said something that hurt your feelings like that dress incident from years ago btw you brought it up to him and told him you were practically traumatized by that and he kept on apologizing and appearing at your doorstep with a white carnation in apology you would gently tell him bc communication is K E Y and he would tell you sorry and you guys would understand and make up
you guys were so lovey dovey that ltr oikawa would fake gag and throw up to the side when he catches you guys even doing things like holding hands
like bls he sees that flesh to flesh contact and he wretches his breakfast
‘ew, its the settling down for me’
‘its the flatness of the ass for me’
you stuck your tongue out while he pouted and iwa looked so proud like oml
you guys were still at the honeymoon phase where everything was peaches and rainbows and it continued until your 3rd year
as mentioned above, iwa basically gave you the managerial position
like yall were walking to school during the first day talking about how worried yall were at passing your classes when suddenly he was all like ‘ill see you in the gym later?’
you smiled and blinked confusingly
‘hm? you want a cheerleader there, baby?’
he flushed red at the nickname and furrowed his eyebrows
‘baka, stop calling me that’
you giggled and dodged his gentle smack but he grabbed your hand and pulled you close to his chest
‘i thought we already agreed that you would be our medic slash manager? i mean, it could give you experience for the future right?’
you rested your chin on his front to look up at him and your face held a teasing smirk
‘hmmm~~~ haji-kun just admit it. you want me to be there to cheer you on~’
you teased and nuzzled your cheek on him
iwa scoffed but he couldnt help a soft smile appearing
‘i mean-yea, but its for the future so ill help you every way i can’
‘oya? the future? will you marry me in the future, haji-kun?’
sure enough you were at the gym after school
the coaches knew you werent a fangirl of oikawa bc hes seen you since the very beginning and oikawa clears you are actually a sister to him and you were fit for the job
ofc hes captain and someone as good as oikawa was going to get what he wants
the gym was full of newbies and recruits hoping to get into the powerhouse team and your eyes scanned to find those ridiculously pretty olive eyes that belonged to your beloved-
you waved and shouted loudly, gaining his and everyone else’s attention as well
the underclassmen cooed and awed at you bc their senpai who was famous for being really pretty was in the building
‘waaaa its l/n-senpai’
‘shes so pretty’
‘oMG shes righT iN FroNT oF me!!’
yea you get the gist
the poor ‘haji-kun’ was shrinking under the attention and was growling at oikawa’s teasing look but he begrudgingly held his arms out for you to run into them and snuggle into him
‘hmmm i missed you, haji-kun. im really sad we’re in different classes this year. but then again! i can be here with you!’
you pouted and he ruffled your hair affectionately
‘why else do you think i offered it brat’
oikawa rolled his eyes and gagged before taking your arm to the coach so he could sort you out
‘honestly! not in front of the children, okay?!’
but everything was quickly resolved and you were finally officially their manager/medic
you did managerial duties and you were the go-to when someone falls harshly or gets hurt in any way
in between homework, school, reading medical books, and practice, you and iwa havent spent a lot of time together and tbh that was quite straining your relationship??
like it was something that you saw coming and you both even had a talk about it but you still feel like you didnt prepare enough when it did come
one day, it was monday and there was no practice so you and iwa were walking home together
he squeezed your hand occassionally and you would sing and hum while walking
and omg his heart would balloon up when you would smile up at him and giggle when you would catch him staring
he honestly thought youd both hang out and just lay on the couch, snuggle, yanno the routine
but once you pulled out your textbooks, notebooks, and pens, he was confused
like he even held your hands and stopped you from pulling anything else out
‘y/n? i thought we were,, watching a movie or something?’
you blinked and shook your head
‘i need to study for a test and i still need to memorize how to treat a sprain, haji-kun. there’s more important things to do right now. maybe later?’
more important things?!
more important than showering you with love?
more important than even spending a second with him?
now, dont get him wrong, iwaizumi hajime was by no means a clingy and possessive boyfriend
he understood the boundaries and he understood the priorities
but dear god its been WEEKS since he even hung out w you since your entire schedule seemed to throw him out of loop and acted as if he didnt exist
and now, he was aggrivated and irritated and he wanted nothing but to just cuddle his girlfriend
you noticed his huff and pout but he remained silent
you quirked an eyebrow and placed your pen down
‘haji? whats wrong?’
his eyes snapped to you and you knew now he was angry
‘oh? were you able to spare a few seconds for dear old me?’
you were taken aback and you knew there was a fight brewing so you hid your growing irritation and calmly put your things aside
‘hajime, what are you on about?’
you pried and he looked shocked, almost offended
‘what am i on about? what am i on about? y/n, do you know the last time i even came over? the last time i held you and just talked?’
his voice got louder by every word and you quickly stood up 
‘dont you dare raise your voice at me, hajime. if we have a problem, we talked over it calmly. we dont yell or shout, nothing gets resolved. we talked about this’
but he scoffed
‘talked? when was that? when did we actually just talk? hm? because I sure as hell dont remember it’
youve only seen hajime angry once and it was when you lied to him to go spend time with oikawa
okay in your defense, oikawa was having a panic attack and he begged you not to tell iwa because he didnt want to be scolded by iwa even though you kept telling him that iwa wasnt like that
and theres a reason as to why its only been a one-time thing because iwa was known to have patience that was as long as the damn nile river
except for oikawa bc it seems oikawa just cuts that patience by a million
and when he finally snaps, its when he couldnt take it anymore and he finally gets loose
when iwaizumi hajime was angry,  you really done it
you didnt really know how you handled that anger so you were at a loss and you were feeling conflicted and pained at the way he looked at you
you started and he looked at you expectantly
‘well? when did we last actually talk outside the school premises y/n?’
there was that inner witty voice of yours that wanted to say ‘right now?’ but you held it in bc he was completely serious
‘hajime, please understand. i-i dont want to let anyone down! my grades! the team! i-’
‘but what about me, y/n?’
he tiredly asked
‘do those things-those people- matter more than me? and i really really dont want to ask that but im so so confused y/n’
despite sounding manipulative, you knew iwa was feeling defeated and he couldnt help but ask those questions and sound so desperate
so you scrambled to sit next to him on the couch and held him against you
‘of course you matter to me-haji you mean everything to me, you understand? god, if an adult hears me theyd think im crazy but i love you, hajime. i love you and im so sorry if i ever made you feel that way because i really didnt mean to, okay? im so sorry’
you sobbed and he turned to fully envelop you into his arms and he sighed contently, remembering how good it felt to have you right there
‘no, im sorry, doll. i was being clingy and i didnt mean to lash out, i-’
you slightly let go and cupped his face
‘nonono you were perfectly valid. what you felt was perfectly reasonable. i havent been a good girlfriend lately, huh?’
you sadly smiled but he kissed you, holding you even closer
‘youre always a good one to me. always. just with a not good schedule but we can fix that, right?’
tbh that was really your only big fight
even when you guys graduated middle school, you both were still quite happy and you both worked hard to make time for each other
when high school arrived, you both had chosen an extremely hard decision
you chose to go to karasuno while oikawa and iwa went to seijoh
which was a,,,, hard and difficult decision
in fact, you both didnt have a fight per se, just a disagreement that ended in like 30 minutes lmao
tbh its so scary and concerning of how rarely you both have bad times and how quickly it gets resolved
you were busy with karasuno and you were actually taking college courses since you wanted to have a good record if you ever wanted to get into a medical field
that meant you had a lot of homework and most of your time was spent with schoolwork or interning for that family friend mentioned earlier
and you were also a manager for the volleyball team bc karasuno is a butt and they require you to have an after school club
so that meant,,,
no time for iwa
and fate just so happens to hate you bc the days you did have off, he would be busy with volleyball and he wouldnt be able to spend time with you
even weekends were like that
eventually, you both went for 2 months with no contact, just a few text messages and calls
and that strained your former strong relationship
and you knew that iwa was getting angry again with how he even typed his responses
‘want me to bring over snacks for the team?’
‘its okay. wouldnt want you to waste time or anything’
like that type of bull
you were getting increasingly worried because you havent had a good proper time to talk to him about it and you didnt want to fight over the phone
your best friend, kiyoko, noticed your anxious ticks and she snapped you out of your current daydream
‘hey? y/n? you okay?’
she gently asked and you blinked before nodding
‘mhm. just,,, thinking’
but she didnt buy that lie because you went back to chewing your lips and eyes even watering
‘i can revise your notes for you, y/n. and the team isnt doing anything big so i can handle it. you just go see him after school bc i cant handle you being sad anymore’
kiyoko gently smiled and you almost cried bc finally! you were able to clear your schedule enough to go visit your boyfriend
at the end of the school day, you bolted out of there and you were running and huffing all the way to seijoh bc you really wanted to talk to him as soon as possible
the gym was clear in view and you smiled, looking forward to seeing your beloved boy, when you saw him and oikawa being surrounded by girls
now keep in mind, youve suffered through middle school with oikawa and you were his best friend and has known him since you were a toddler
so you know of his looks and the attraction it brought him from all the females
so that didnt really bother you 
but what bothered you was the horde of girls that stuck on to your boyfriend and he didnt even look bothered
just,,, blank
not even pushing away or feeding into their actions
just,,, standing there
you called out and as if he had a built-in sensor for you, his ears twitched and he swiveled to look at you
he breathed out and you smiled gently
iwa quickly moved away from the girls and he grabbed your hand so you both could go somewhere else to talk privately
the back of the gym was quiet and you leaned against the wall, iwa joining you shortly
‘how-how are you?’
you asked and he scoffed, totally surprising you
‘is this how we are y/n? asking each other questions as if we’re friends who are meeting for the first time in a while? wait--actually we are arent we?’
you grimaced and looked to the side, knowing he starts his stages of anger with being passive aggressive
‘haji,, please understand’
you pleaded and swiveled to stand in front of him
iwa didnt meet your eyes, instead shoving his hands in his pants pockets and eyes trained to his shoes as he kicked rocks
‘y/n, ive been trying,, for months ive been understanding. please dont ask me to understand anymore’
he snipped and you sniffed
‘im doing this because-because my grades are starting to matter! my future is resting on these years! i have to-’
‘dont you think i know that?!’
he cut you off harshly
your eyes were shaking at his attempt to calm himself down and his trembling hands
‘dont you think i know that you are doing this for that? because ive known you since i was five y/n and i know you would push everything-everyone- else aside to reach a damn goal of yours. no matter the cost, as long as you get it, right? well youve always been like that and somehow i still accepted that yet years later here we are’
iwa waved his arms around to accentuate his point and hurt was bubbling inside your chest at a subtle jab at your flaw
‘well im sorry mr. volleyball ace player! im not talented in any area so i have to depend on my studies to get me a future! so fck me for trying to survive and create a life for us!’
‘us?! how is this for us?! y/n we cant even last a single year being apart and youre already thinking ahead of the future?!’
‘im doing this for you! for us! just wait hajime! we will be happy-’
you shrieked
he huffed and harshly wiped away tears that fell
your lips trembled, hands shakingly reaching out to grasp his arms
‘ha-hajime,, don-’
‘should we break up?’
was he asking you this right now? 
you whispered and he finally looked up to let you see his pained eyes
‘y/n do you know what day it was yesterday?’
he asked and you blinked, looking everywhere as you tried to remember any important events
that seemed to snap his patience 
with an angry grunt, he turned to punch the wall and crouch to hide his face in his hands
‘damn it, y/n’
he whimpered and your heart broke as you could hear his cries
then it clicked
it was your 2nd anniversary
and you completely missed it
completely forgotten
you shrunk back and let out a cry before placing a hand over your mouth to muffle your cries
you sniffled and you tried to go closer to him but he wiped his eyes and stood back up
‘y/n lets break up’
iwa requested with a cracked smile
your eyes widened and you ran to his chest, wrapping your arms around him as if you let go, he would disappear
‘haji, we can talk about this! we cant-please dont do this-i can fix this-’
‘we will only hurt ourselves even more if we continue this. i dont want us to hurt anymore y/n. so please, for once, listen to me’
your heart shattering cries filled your space and he didnt think it was this hard until he finally said it
it was a decision that he has been hanging around for a while and even consulted oikawa about it
‘iwa-chan, if you love y/n so much, its best to let her go. dont make you both suffer anymore’
‘i cant-hajime youre it for me-please dont leave-’
you hiccuped and continued to sob
but iwa remained a pillar and squeezed you tightly against him
‘darling i believe we were meant to be. but we just did it all wrong. when the time is right, lets start over again’
he whispered, finally breaking down with you in his arms
iwaizumi hajime became a taboo word for you
even with oikawa, he swore and vowed to never say either of your names and made sure that you would not be around the area when iwa would come over
like even when he knew iwa would just stay inside, he would be constantly on the lookout to make sure you both didnt see each other
the last time was when you both saw each other in the morning as you exited your house to walk to school
it must’ve been a few months after the breakup and even oikawa felt the raw pain hovering in the air
it was suffocating and oikawa had to motion you to walk because if you both stayed even a second, someone-or both- would start crying
you continued like that for years until you reached your third year
you continued being part of the volleyball team as the medic while kiyoko was the manager
the new recruits were causing up a storm and you were particularly fond of your kita kouhai kageyama tobio
‘kageyama? kageyama tobio?’
you asked once you caught sight of the familiar looking blueberry
he looked up and recognized you as his former manager
he shouted and you ran up to give the boy a hug
‘gosh! youre so tall now! i remembered when you were wee tall!’
you teased and ruffled his hair
‘uh-you know him, y/n?’
suga asked and you nodded
‘eung! we went to the same middle school and i was a manager there’
‘she was friends with iwa-’
something flashed in your eyes 
kiyoko knew that name bc of how you were so depressed about it for 2 years and she started shouting random nonsense, scaring the 2nd and first years
‘y/n! we got new medical tape!’
she sang out and you perked up
‘finally?! we dont have to use duct tape anymore?!’
you excitedly ran over and everyone was both shook that kiyoko was loud and two, you were actually excited over medical tape
kageyama shrugged and continued on training
he kinda figured something happened so he never said anything or asked you anything in fear of upsetting you
and when it was announced that you were going to a practice match with seijoh, kiyoko actually told you she would cover it to make sure you dont see him there
‘its fine, y/n, i got you’
but ofc, you couldnt skip inter high
ltr an event when anyone in the team could get injured so you forced yourself to just ignore it and go
you did a good job of hiding whenever he was in view until the time they actually faced each other
you were walking alongside kiyoko and settling some things down at the bench when you felt his stare
you grimaced at his intense stare and the entire team mistakenly took it as him being interested in you
noya growled
ofc hinata echoed
the 3 seijoh third years exchanged looks of unease when iwa sighed and looked away
‘oi! dont do that, boke!’
kageyama chided and hit the orange boy with a water bottle at the head
hinata whined and glared at him
‘that porcupine was looking at l/n-senpai! he wants to steal her!’
‘doesnt matter anyways. we broke up ages ago’
you tried to say it jokingly but they couldnt miss the crack in your voice
‘hah?! he broke up with you?! you?! goddess l/n-san?!’
tanaka raged and noya had his own face of shock
the famous seijoh ace dated you?!
this handsome bara arms muscle buff man had the priviledge to date you and yet broke up with you?!
‘yall didnt know that?’
kageyama questioned and everyone glared at him
‘how do you know’
‘i just did. i didnt want to say anything for this same reason that you guys didnt know and she wouldnt want her business out there’
he simply replied and continued filing his nails
you looked up and smiled
‘it doesnt matter anymore. it was years ago so its fine’
the three stooges swore and you smiled softly, ruffling each boy’s hair
‘then go out there and make me proud’
but we know how this goes
they lost and you were so devastated for the others and you dropped your bag to go and comfort a crying hinata
‘sshh, dont cry dont cry. im right here’
you cooed and he accepted your embrace, hugging you tightly
once he finally calmed down, you were able to get him to a good enough condition to walk to the bus to go home
you went back to get your bag when you found something on top of it
a single white carnation
and a small ripped piece of paper that said,
‘my name is iwaizumi hajime. i think youre really pretty’
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a/n: iknowiknowiknow i died but im not back to life and this request was lowkey difficult and i dont think i did a good job w it because angst always gets too angsty for me but i couldnt resist giving this a sad ending like bls!!! and uwu im still working on that oikawa route bc ya girl cant decide how angsty she wants it to beeee and i have like 4 different versions of the route in my drafts hehehe,,,, but i hope yall liked this and uwu ive never been in a serious relationship before so i wouldnt know what to fight about and came up with this:(
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
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✨lie down darling Its time for a dream✨
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Faking it (dad squad)
So basically this is what happens if the dad squad found out reader faked an orgasm before
This is of course 18+ and the reader is female
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Daichi suwamura
Okay so daichi honestly was never worried about y'all sex life
Like you moan his name everytime why is he worried
It's when you and the rest of the karasuno group get drunk and play truth of dare
When it's your turn.. you're drunk off six shots of tequila and tanaka asks you to reveal your deepest secret
"okay okay! Sooo during me and daichi's fourth anniversary, we fucked and I may have totally faked it"
Wait what.
Everyone else is laughing but daichi is over here having a mental breakdown
You did what?!
How many more have you faked?! Were they all fake?! Did he ever really make you cum?
It did not take long for daichi to drag you away to the nearest bathroom
You gasp when daichi pinned you against the wall his mouth attacking your neck while his hands roamed your body now gripping your hips as he ripped your panties off.
"faked an orgasm?! Damn it how many did you fake? Doesn't matter don't tell me. I'm going to fuck you against this wall and you are going to cum over and over til I know for sure you like having sex with me"
He fucked you until you couldn't think anymore, he also made sure EVERYONE heard it.
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Tooru oikawa
You were having girl talk with the other managers and the topic of sex came up
They all assume he's some sex god which makes you laugh
Oikawa is honestly such a dork during sex that you couldn't help but spills beans
"honestly he was so nervous during our first time, It was so cute..though he didn't really make me.. y'know"
News travelled fast and before you know it at 4am you had a pissed oikawa at your door
The loud harsh banging interrupted your sleep and you went to the door only to see oikawa standing there, your sleepy eyes trailed his body up and down and you noticed he was gripping his phone so tight his knuckles turned white, you didn't even get to speak when the male stormed inside and let's out a frustrated sigh.
"why are rumors about me being bad in bed spreading around?!"
"I dunno...maybe you have a hater, babe it's like 4am..why are you here?"
Oikawa snapped his head towards you before walking towards you anger fuming towards you before he gripped your arm tightly.
"everyone is saying you started the rumor, so tell me little cutie what the fuck have you been saying?"
Your eyes got wide as the conversation with the girls resurfaced in your head and you softly reached out to put your hands on his cheeks which made him relax but he was still clearly annoyed.
"sorry, tooru it was just one little story. Girl talk y'know and it's fine lots of people can't make their partner cum their first time you just ha-"
You were cut off by the male roughly pulling you towards your room, everytime you tried to speak oikawa would glare at you before demanding that you shut up. Once in your room he pushed you on the bed his ego clearing having dropped now that you admitted the truth.
"I am good at sex! I am Great! I just have to prove to you that you are with the best man ever"
As he spoke he started to strip before his cold glare landed on you before he crawled ontop and wrapped a hand around your throat.
"you are going to be begging me to stop making you cum once I'm done with you"
He made you tell everyone that you cummed extra hard that night, even if it was super embarrassing to say.
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Tetsuro kuroo
You two were arguing
It started with him being jealous of a person at work flirting with you and it just blew up
Screams and swears shooting back at the other
Low blows were dealt
You both don't even remember what the fight was about
Then..you said it
"God you are so cocky! It's shit like that, that make me fake orgasms during sex"
He shut up after that one for sure
All he can think about was how many did you fake and how he failed as your lover
Why didn't you tell him you weren't feeling good during sex?
Kuroo remained quiet as he let his brain think, after saying it you quickly walked over and hugged him hoping he wasn't angry at you
"baby! I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I was just upset and you were just upset you forgive me yeah?"
"how many times?"
"that doe-"
"how many damn times?!"
You flinched when he forced you to look at him showing pain in his eyes and you couldn't help but be honest with him.
"only a few, during those times where I was just really sleepy that's it"
Kuroo let's out a shaky sigh before he peppered soft kisses along your neck. He was pretty hurt at the moment but he did want to make it up to you, plus make up sex was always good
"come, let's talk this out yeah?"
His tone was soft as he guided you to the bedroom thought talking wasn't the plan he had, he wanted to make you see stars and make sure he could actually make you cum.
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Koutaro bokuto
Okay so maybe it wasn't a good idea to pump up bokuto's ego every time you guys have sex
All your praise makes him think he's the best in the world
But when it came time for a girls night at you and bokuto's place stuff starts to spill
You told bokuto to spend the night at akaashi or something but you didnt think he would come home
"sooo [y/n]! How is bokuto in bed?! We gotta know"
The question made you embarrassed while bokuto stood outside you guys' bedroom listening in
Yes dear wife tell them how my sex is the best in the world
"koutaro, tries his best. Sometimes he gets a little too excited and cums early so he gets too tired to finish and we end up cuddling before I can climax so I just fake it"
Bokuto automatically swings the door open scaring both you and the girls
He is legit tearing up and about to sob
After, very quickly telling the girls to leave he cries into your stomach while you pet his head
"why didn't you tell me?! I would have made it all better"
"oh..kou..it's no big deal"
Your soothing which would usually work just wasn't working right now, bokuto sniffled as he looked up at you with tearful eyes, you were his baby owl and he couldnt even make you feel good?!
He couldn't believe that! No he won't accept that! Before you can respond bokuto pushed you down on the bed before starting to pull your pants and underwear off your body
"kou! W-what the hell?!"
"just let me do this please! I need to know that I can do this, I just want you to be happy with me..so..let me worship you"
You were shocked but shuddered at the feeling of soft kisses against your inner thigh, with one final sniffle bokuto was now focused on something else.
He proceeded to eat you out that night until you cummed so much that you was sobbing but by the end of it he was so happy to know that he can make you cum and of course he was more mindful about your needs.
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Wakatoshi ushijima
Oh jeez
Okay so he makes it very clear that bedroom talk is off limits
What you two do in bed is your business hell you guys don't really talk about sex and spend more time just doing it
You are very tight lipped about your sex life but tendou Is a very stubborn guy
He is constantly asking you what's it like..mostly cause he wants to tease wakatoshi
After finally bothering you to the point where you wanna hit him you confess
"toshi is great okay?! I mean sure he has his moments of not really getting me there but it's good so stop asking!"
after explaining that wakatoshi tends to be boringly vanilla you expect him to let it go
No bitch this is tendou 'i give no fucks' satori
Proceeds to tease wakatoshi about it every chance he gets
"wow who knew you could be boring in all departments"
"sooooo, you really like it vanilla huh?"
Of course oblivious wakatoshi doesn't pay him any mind until a drunk tendou spills the beans
"guess who told me that you're boring in bedddd~ pfft she said you are so slow that it is like fucking a box"
You of course didn't say that but you were shocked to see wakatoshi at your door the next day
"did you tell tendou about our sex life?"
Well fuck.
you honestly should have expected this. You let out a shaky sigh as you merely avoided eye contact you felt pretty embarrassed and ashamed
"yeah, sorry toshi he kept bugging me about it"
"you telling him is not why I'm upset"
You were honestly shocked and looked up only to see wakatoshi's face close to yours, his eyes were intense and honestly gave you chills.
"did you say I was boring during sex? Is this true?"
"um..yeah but it's okay I mean it's still good it's just very..typical I mean we do the same stuff all the time and you just tend to be, slow"
Wakatoshi was a little shocked by your words but he calmly sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to think of what exactly he needed to do.
"then my future wife, allow me to spend the night making you feel good instead of myself, you can tell me exactly what I need to do in order to bring you to climax again and again."
And you did exactly that, he was quite obedient and even did things he never done before just so he can make you feel good.
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daimonhalos · 3 years
Aight this is the second time I watch it but I'm gonna do a commentary on the latest bad's lore stream! Just for funsies, I might have honestly already forgotten some stuff so I wanna keep my thought process :3 let's go, commentary under the cut.
There's also some small theories/analysis in some points but nothing too much, just me rambling cause pain.
The pre stream song. Faster and Bad never change please.
I love so so so much the ominous soundtracks he puts as background for lore man it's just so coooool.
Reality check pre/post lore my beloved 💜
that little meh eh eh. is everything
he's just on a boat at night and but can already see he's got shaders on, this means PRETTY VISUALS AHEAD. Also i really like bits beginning with the character alone heading towards their destined direction, it's just pleasing
Can't believe I got to hear "muffinhead" in lore voice.
Not even inside the room and HOLY SHIT they covered it all with the red bricks block IM AAAAH IT'S SO PRETTY. Like before the vines were all put at random but now they're neatly placed and it's actually aesthetically pleasing? I love it
The table. is . so. is so . it's so prebby,,, help like i'd live there man
Bad being overwhelmed by the egg's voice and lowkey scared. FINE IM FINE
No other choice. And the way he repeated it like a mantra? Kind of like to convince himself? AHHH
small,, small egg staircase
haha fuckign pain. p a i n. just pain it sounds a lot like Skeppy before actually stayed with Bad cause it annoyed him how much he wanted to hang out like old times,,,,, my heart pangs
I CARE ABOUT YOU *passes out*
bad scared the egg is skeppy's bff now /j (have to joke through the pain,,)
BADBOY i swear to god he knows his audience. he just does.
Bad doing whatever he can to even just hang out a few minutes with skeppy. Bro, the tears inside
"I'm comfortable right here." "Skeppy I know you are-" THE WAY BAD'S VOICE BROKE HERE HOLY SHIT LEMME CLIP IT.
He talks to chat. HE TALKS TO CHAT THIS MEANS WE ARE CANON THUS we are either little angels or demons around him or a mix or, we're particles that make up Rat ♥
"All of this is for him" okay stab me next time it'll hurt less
s- w- skeppy kept the egg alive? okay so ive been thinking about the fact that skeppy became completely red and like wow what if it kinda is that hes literally become a small part of Egg? like, i wonder if someone breaks it, if he feels pain
Skeppy so dry with his responses. stop i will cry
bad. bad why are you bringing up selfies to a lore stream bad-
"why are you still talking to me" "okay..." stop stop PLEASE STOP-
smol growls, he's getting frustrated
idk why but skeppy talking about the perimeters made me laugh it was just funny how far away he was and just started talking about it randomly
"i think it looked a little bit better before" thoughts being thunk
"what's it gonna take for you to stop talking to me?" literally i am deceased s t o p
Bad shouldn't be so happy about just having "one last walk around" with skeppy so he "stops bothering" him tHIS HURTS SO MUCH the egg has fucked them up so much
Skeppy doesn't hear it huh? Maybe it whispers different things to everyone
so no dance? *slams phone on the ground*
When skeppy says his line about never seeing anything close to a party there, idk what it is about it but his tone just hits, man he's so good preesh
"Oh my goodness you're going back to the egg" HE'S SO SAD. HE'S SO SAD CAUSE HE COULDNT KEEP HIM WITH HIM A LITTLE BIT LONGER HES S
"you know what? i invite you" i wanna read this in a certain way. The egg was feeling like bad was so frustrated he started doubting the egg, so it was like alright let's use skeppy to get it closer to I can manipulate this bad boy better :)) motherfuck
are they about to kiss-
egg cockblocker
"okay don't come back" end me rn
ngl when sapnap joined I got real scared for a moment.
"it's not about power! it's nor about control! i'm you friend skeppy!" "I mean ... you can think that" FUCK U NO IM NOT DEALING WITH THIS RN
"We're friends, right?"
"In your head we can be best friends, we can be whatever you want" BDI ANYONE??????? also whatever- whatever he wants? :eyes: okay sorry no ill see myself out
"We're m- we are friends sk-" M- MARRIED WAS HE GONNA SAY MARRIED DID HE PULL A QUACKITY OH MY GOD I HATE THIS GUY OH MY GOD /pos but also like in a bawling my eyes out way
the egg is more than just a friend? skep u good there pal do u have smth to tell us
"You don't know what it's like." OH HERE HE GOES. HERE HE GOES HERE IT COMES OH NO.
The way Bad stutters i really thought he was gonna say something REALLY IMPACTFUL
"I have done so much for you, for our friendship and now you're trying to tell me we're not friends anymore?" LEAVE ME ALONE
I JUST CAUGHT THE BLOOPER HE SAID ON ME INSTEAD OF HANG OUT WITH ME IM CRYING OH MY GOD BAD HOW DID U FUCK THAT UP oh my god I imagine him mentally going like oh my gosh out of all the things that could be messed up THAT WAS SO FUNNY
ahaha my dads are fighting help
"You think you've done anything? You seriously think that?" *looks at my fic where bad feels worthless because the egg said so* ahah... I'm sorry?
"You left me for a long, long long time before you even checked up on me, okay?" he's not wrong,,,, he's not wrong why does this hurt sm,,,,, "and now all of a sudden you care about me?" OH MY GOD PLEASE I HATE THIS EGG
I see them... i see them approaching the lava blocks..
"the past doesn't matter" the egg wanting to erase their relationship so much,,,, i wanna cry because then if bad doesn't have skeppy he just has nothing right and then,,, then he can be another empty vessel for the fucking egg I hate this mI hate this so much
Also!!! little things I noticed!! Bad taking away part of the vine and also mining a red block? Without being affected at all? MHHHH
"I just wanted us to hang out like we used to" BAD'S VOICE CRACKING AGAIN STOP I WILL CJRYSD
"I did all of this for you and I didn't want the egg to take that away" you see how fucking tragic this is. Like Skeppy sacrificed himself so his friend could stop being infected. Bad sacrificed literally the whole server himself included to get him back. And then it comes down to this. The egg separating them a thousand fucking miles away. I hate this it's so sad
the selfish bit please no stop
the fucking shaking with rage thing got me BROOOO I LOVE WHEN BAD DOES THE LITTLE THINGS IN GAME
"IT'S JUST A STUPID EGG" FUCKING FINALLY YOU TELL HIM BAD but then oh no oh no would you look at that huh. cant fucking have shit in dsmp. the way he immediately just screams for him right after
YOU CAN HEAR THE TEARS IN HIS VOICE and also mine hi I'm sobbing again
(Dreamscape?)Skeppy being actually concerned with him haha this doesn't hurt at all!!!
*stares at black screen* I'm fine.
Thank you for listening to my ramble I am hurting so much bestie
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Hey love ! How are you ?? ♥️♥️ i love the scene you wrote after Arthur kills Murray. If you want to do another, here’s my request 😉
How about a reader who is in the apartment when Arthur kills Randall. After Gary is gone, she’s scared but he reassure her and promise to never hurt her. And she tells him that she loves him no matter what. Of course there is no obligation 😁 I’m addicted to your writing !! ♥️
Hi. First of all thank you for your request and for your nice words. This makes me soooooo happy to hear and it means A LOT to me!!!! It means SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
I had to change it a little bit, especially the reason why he kills Randall, because Arthurs situation would have been a whole different one if he had a girlfriend. Me personally I think he would have never killed someone while being loved and not alone anymore. The thought of him killing someone  while his loved one is wittnessing it, is even harder. BUT I still love the fact hat you asked for a request that shows that the reader / his girlfriend  is there for him no matter what. Even after a murder happened. And going off 7 meds at once can do a lot to a person. So I hope  the changes are okay with you and you still like the result.
"You`re so beautiful, Arthur. I could stare at your face forever". The hint of a smile was crossing his face while he took the brush to whiten his chin while a cigarette was burning in his left hand. He looked like a piece of art  doing his own make up. His reflection in the mirror stared back at him. The white paint gave his well structures face an even more intense look to it. Haunting. Tragic could be seen behind his eyes. The kinda tragedy that the greatest of all storms couldnt possibly wash away. It was there raging inside of him. Even in his calmest moments. Especially in his most quiet ones, there was this orchestra of chaos burning in his core. Still all he wanted was a moment of peace. Of silence. Love. You took the brush and helped him paint the rest of his face white. Arthur closed his eyes.  His dark eyelashed protecting them like a curtain. He wanted to feel it with all his senses. How your hand was leading the brush.  It was almost  like being touched by your  fingertips. Just as thoughtful and loving. He could  just tell that it was your hand leading it. No other hand would have been so good to him. "Whats wrong , darling?" you asked him, feeling that there was a heavy weight resting on his tiney shoulders. Arthur shrugged "Thinking about Randall and how all of this mess started with him giving me that fucking gun" he replied. His face twitched in an uncomfortable way. "I still think he gave me that gun, hoping I`d kill myself with it. Or...I dont know... maybe he just hoped for what happened in the end. The way I fucked up. The bad shit I did. " Arthur looked at you . His green eyes pierced you in a way that made it impossible for you to not feel your knees weaken. It hurt so much to hear that some people out there really wanted to see Arthur on the ground. Wanted to see him hurt. Suffering. Dead even. Your hand gently touched his cheek and got stained with white "Arthur, we both know that what you did on the subway was self defence.  It was three of them and they could have beaten you to death." He nodded. A stain of hair fell to his forehead as he took a deep drag of his cig "Yeah....you`re right...I guess it was. I hope it was. Sometimes I`m not sure I remember it right. Some nights I remember it this way, sometimes another. But in every single version of it, they were about to kill me first." You wiped the curl out of his face. His freshly dyed hair was soft to the touch. "And in every possible version you came home to me and I told you it was a good thing to save your own life" He once again nodded without looking very convinced. "I`m so glad they didnt  caught you. They still dont know who ended their lifes. There were so many guys in clown make up running around these days." Arthur smoked teh rest of his cig "I have a bad feeling about this. Its a gut feeling....like the cops will be here any minute. Ringing my door... and ...take me away from you...." You couldn have sworn to see a tear hiding behind the galaxy of his eyes. The thought of being taken away from you was Arthurs worst nightmare. Being locked away in Arkham state hospital wasnt so bad for him in the past. But now...now that he had you it was horrible to think of nights spent all by himself. With just a photo of you under his white , bleach smelling pillow. No loving arms around him, helping him sleep. Keeping him save from nightmares. Just staring at ceilings and more blacked out diary pages. He didnt cared so much about himself anyway. It was the both of you together he cared about most. And he wanted to protect you from anything that could do you any harm. Ever. Arthur was your protector. And if anyone would try to seperate the two of you from one another, he would not think twice about it to end this person. The doorbell. Arthurs muscles twitched. His shoulderbone was becoming more and more visible as he opened the drawer to get the scissor "I knew it" he whispered "Its the cops." Within seconds your whole world fell apart. What if they knew? What if they will take Arthur with them  now? You coudlnt even imagin a day or a night without him anymore. Arthur was your home. They couldnt just come in and take your home away from you. "Oh my god....Arthur" you whimpered "Please dont open the door..." He stood up "Dont worry, baby. I will take care of it." The scissors disappeared in his pockets. This was bad. Your whole boday started to hurt. Your mind was raging. This was a nigtmare. Is this how Arthur felt sometimes when he wasnt sure of reality anymore? Was this a taste of how he lived most of his life? Uncertain of what is happening . Arthur checked the door "Its okay. Its jus Gary and Randall". The weight of the world was falling off your shoulders. Thank god it was only his workmates. "Hey guys, come on in" Arthur opened the door while Randall was talking about what was going on outside. Arthur claimed that he didnt knew anything about that. Gary handed you a bottle of champain "I brought a little present" he smiled "I`m so gald that that Athur isnt alone anymore. He really needs someone on his side, you know? Its not good for him to be alone with his....thoughts I think. " You took the present and thanked him. Gary was the only one of his workmates that you wittnessed to be actually nice to him.  You looked over to Arthur and Randall. Arthur seemed annoyed by him. Or hurt. Probably both. "You`re too sweet Gary. And yes. I try my best to be there for him. In any situation, you know? He has been left alone since he came into this world. " Gary nodded sadly. He really felt for Arthur. "I stopped taking my medication" The tone in Arthurs voice sounded strange. You didnt knew about him not taking his medication anymore. Why wouldnt he tell you about something important like that? Was it something he wasnt telling you to make sure that you wouldnt start to worry about his condition? The way he told Randall about it, sounded more than concerning in your ears. "I feel a lot better now" he added. You knew that Arthur was always convinced that the doctor should increase his medication. But you would have never thought that he wanted to stop taking them. Maybe it wasnt even his desicion. Maybe something else happened. Was it possible that he didnt got his receipes anymore? "Good for you" Randall replied. Not a spark of honesty in his sarcastic voice. Arthur was standing in the doorway. His body language changed since he was talking to Randall. Randall was the representation of all the bullies that ever tortured him. Arthur looked even smaller than usual, now that Randall was standing in front of him.  You could tell that Athur was thinking about the gun. And why Randall handed it to him. Loaded. He could have killed himself with it. Arthur took his cigarette and drew a smiley on the wall, laughing. It wasnt his usual laugh. It was different. A laugh you had never heard before. Going of his meds must have changed something inside of him. "Arthur?" you walked up to the love of your life and tried to talk to him. But he seemed to be focused on Randalls hand, which slowly reached down his pocket while he talked about the cops showing up. "I just want to make sure that our stories line up, because you`re my boy and...." You`re my boy. Arthur had heard this sentence before. Right after he gave him the gun. "Artie?" you tried to get through to him but his eyes were still lingering on Randalls big hand. Convinced that Randall was about to pull a gun. He finally tured his head into your direction "Now close your eyes, baby." Arthur whispered softly before he rapidly grabbed the scissors and with one fast movement he sticked  them into Randalls neck. A flood of blood appeared. Arthur pulled the scissor out just to stick them into Randalls eye. A scream. Gary started crying. And you. You just stood there. Paralyzed. All of this seemed unreal. Like a nightmare you barely remembered after waking up but you still felt it in your subconsiousness. Waiting to be analyzed. Arthur grabbed Randalls heavy body and slammed his head against the wall. Another time. And another. Ten times. Until his scull cracked. Blood was dripping from the walls and from Arthurs angelic face. You wanted to scream his name, just like Gary did. But you couldnt.   "Arthur why would you do that?" Gary cried in the corner of the room, shocked by his actions. "I think h-he thought R-Randall was about to pull a gun....it triggered him w-when Randall called him his boy." you stuttered. Gary covered his face with his hands. He couldnt belive what your boyfriend just did eighter. Arthur was sitting on the floor next to Randalls body, breathing heavily , his eyes unfocused, with a feverish look to his face. Was he aware of what he just did? Was he aware that you were still in this room with him? Or was he elsewhere? Far away from you? Oh god, how much you wished he was still in there. Gary wanted to leave but was too afraid to pass Arthur. "Its okay Gary, you can go" Arthur smiled. Hearing his voice again felt good. He was at least able to talk. "I`m not gonna hurt you". Gary took a small step towards him. Arthur scared him for fun. His sense of humor could be kinda dark. Still. But only seconds later he helped Gary with the door  when he couldnt make it to the lock. Before Gary left the apartment, Arhur kissed his forehead saying "You and Y/N were the only ones who were ever nice to me." Gary ran as fast as he could. Arthur closed the door, checking his chest. realizing there was blood all over his body. He kneed down to land on the floor again. Trying to catch his breath. It seemed like he was having a panic attack. Arthur started to quietly sing to himself. Thats when you realized that he needed help. He needed you now. More than ever. You carefully walked towards him. "Arthur?" He barely turned his head, humming. Your gently took his face between your hands. Randalls blood staining your fingertips. "Arthur, darling. Are you here with me?" He nodded "Always". "You loooked into his eyes but his gaze was still unfocused. His mind all over the place. "Breathe, Arthur. I am here with you. Try to breathe with me." The mixture of grease paint and blood felt strange between your fingers. But somehwere underneath there was that face you loved the most. Arthur stopped humming "Dont.....dont be afraid of me, please. I feel you being afraid. Please dont. You know that I could never hurt you." Arthur leaned in to place a gentle kiss on the corner of your lips. And even though you knew that his face was stained with another persons blood you let it happen. Tasted it. You knew that you could trust him with your life. "I`m not....not afraid of you, Arthur. I´m just afraid of what is happening inside of you. What it does to you." "My sweet angel" he said, stroking your cheek with his red fingertips "Always worried about your man" he chuckled, closing his eyes. "I had to" he added "he was about to pull a gun!" You havent seen a gun on Randall but you would never tell him. He thought he just saved your life. this was the only way to cope with what he just did. "I know Artie, I know." you took him into your arms  to cradle him like a little boy. "It will be okay. Everything will be fine as long as we are together." A silent tear ran down Arthurs smeared cheek "You still love me? I told you to look away. But you didnt. You just didnt." He whimpered. "I never wanted you to see this. Can you still love me ?" Your hands shaked as you took his bloody hand in yours "I loved you before we even met and I will love you for as long as my soul exists" you whispered into the still of the room. "I love you too" his voice cracked. "Now stand up. We´re gonna wash the blood away, Okay? You really need to get this off you now". Arthur nodded as you lead him into the bathroom for him to take off the rest of his cothes and get into the bathtub. His blue pants and underwear was now lying on the floor. You turned on the water and waited for it to fill, as you thoughtfully grabbed a sponge to wash his face. Arthur closed his eyes and listened to the music inside of his head. It became calmer now that you touched him. It was hard not to shake while watching the water turn pink. But it felt good to get it off his face. With every cleaned part you were able to breathe again. To recognize him. "Thank you" Arthur mumbled "I dont deserve you". After his face was clean you couldnt stop staring at it. there he was again. Yor sweet,angelic Arthur. The man with the most gentle hands. The softest heart. He was right there with you and you were here to wash his sins away. You now focused on his chest, noticing that his heart was beating fast as you  let your hand slide over the skin above it. HIs fragile heart which had experienced so much torture and pain. To much pain to handle. Later you had to figure out what to do with Randalls body. But for now you just had one purpose. To take care of the man you loved the most. You continued by washing his hair. Washing the sweat away. Curl by curl.  Your hands turned green and Arthur looked more vulnerable than ever. "Why didnt you tell me that yo stopped taking your meds?" you asked him, afraid of his answer. "They cut the funding. I was afraid to tell you.... I´m sorry. I should have. " "Oh Arhur. we have to do something about this. You know that right?" "Yeah" he breathed, staring at his now clean hands. Knowing that you will figure this out together. All of this. "We gotta hurry a bit, Arthur. They will be here soon and try to get you back at Arkham. But dont worry about that okay? We´ll be running away. Somewhere far from Gotham. We`ll find a nice place to stay. Just the two of us. Together."
"I know we will find a way. We always do, right?" he whispered .And when his intense eyes met yours with such certainty  you leaned in to kiss him on the lips, telling him that everything is going to be okay, while you pulled the plug to rinse away the last traces of red.
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sammysnaughtygirl · 3 years
just the three of us
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warnings: adult content characters;Sam winchester,Brooke davis & Damon salvatore summary: the trio start out as friends until something changes angst,smut,love,friendship,complications ,threesome fanfic:crossover fall had just begun and Brooke had just started making plans to open her new cafe with the help of her two best friends Sam and Damon who had always seen her as a little sister, she insisted they help her clelebrate so she ordered a bunch of food and some champane even though she knew the guys hated it.brooke sent both of her friends a text inviting them to celebrate with her the text consisted of where to meet for the fun' sam was with his brother dean when he got her text trying to hide it from dean because he didnt understand their relationship he always made sam question everything ,Sam sent her his reply with a smilyface letting her know he,d be joining her later.Damon was also with his brother when he recieved her text but he didnt care what anyone thought he was own boss, he was excited he too replied with a smilyface,Brooke gushed as she got their responses she knew it would be a night to rember for them all.later that night as Brooke was traveling to her destnation she had a vision at what things would be like if Sam was he boyfriend ,she could feel the excitement in her stomach as she invisioned being with him .Sam was easy to love he wasnt complicated or overbearing like some of her old flings.then her thoughts landed on Damon what it would it be like to be his girl Damon was complete opposite of Sam he was fierce,demanding,but also had the ablilty to make her feel alive ,like she could do anything ,reality hit her hard as she could easly fall for either of her bestfriends but she couldnt let herself think of that because it would ruin their friendships.as she reached her stop she popped open the trunk ,at the back of the car she leaned down to to pick up the box of food she had brought 'i got it Damons voice came from behind her, he picked up the box smiling at his beautiful friend .Sam bringing up the tail threw his arms around Brooke to get a hug before the festivaties begun hi girlie he teased im so proud of you his smile as big as an ocean it was like a breath of fresh air to Brooke.well ,let me get in on that action Damon glared as he picked Brooke up and tossed her in the air catching her and kissing her check his face was glowing as he spoke to her ,she was suprised to see him acting this way she,d never seen him like this before now.lets get this party started the guys hinted Sam had brought with him a radio so that they could have music,Damon wanted to do something more with his friends 'he wanted to show them they meant the world to him, he proposed a toast to Brooke for all her accomplishments as they banged their glasses togather and laughed.Brooke turned on the music and started to dance around in a circle as she was getting alittle tipsy Sam noticed her stumble so he tooke her hands and started dancing with her. soon after Damon joined his friends 'they all got carried away and before nightfall they were all feeling strungout ,and exhausted but not wanting the night to end Brooke made a propsition to her friends ,she wanted one night just the three of them no excuses ,no exspations just them all togather in the sense of being one.Sam & Damon knew what she was asking ,and knowing this they knew what it meant ,what they didnt know was if they could it,could they share one night with this beautiful woman they shared as a friend ?if they did this what would happen to their friendships could everything stay the same between them or would it destroy them forever? Sam and Damon knew she wasnt thinking with a clear head she was intoxaciated to the
where she didnt care ,she wanted to feel them both in that moment in time and the consequeses didnt cross her mind. Sam and Damon took a step back and thought about what she was offering them ,but could it work for them were they willing to take that chance ?Brooke getting annoyed started to undress one piece of clothing at a time while Sam and Damon watched her not caring if it was wrong ,she flung her clothes at the boys as they never took their eyes off her, she slurred at them how great she thought they both were ,letting them know she had visioned this night with them before .Brooke stumbled over to Sam and gently stroked his face ,sending vibes he couldnt deny,he didnt want to deny he had wanted to share his own feelings with Brooke .She danced provacated around Sam touching his butt,smashing her body to his, as she was trying to get a rise from her opponents .Damon who was now acknowleding that his heart was not into it but" his body just wanted to feel hers ,he moved into postion so he could see her face as he rubbed his body into hers gliding his hands up and down her backside feeling the tention rise between them all' as the guys took charge. Sam held her hands behind her while Damon made his way to her lowerback touching every inch of her until she was screaming with passion,Sam then followed his path as he made his way ,back up to her face grabbing her mouth and forcibly pounding it with kisses Brooke could not move nor did she want to she was inhaling and exhaling with excitement before the night ended the three lie there naked in a plie exsaulted from what they had been apart of . the next morning as each one awoke they didnt speak a word to one another ,they grabbed their clothes from the stack where they had thrown them and left as quietly as they could looking back to see the others reaction but still not saying a word. later that day Brooke called Sam first and told him what a great time she had with him,and that everything was good with them ,Sam could hear in her voice she was holding back but he agreed the night was magical. she didnt call Damon until alittle later because she was busy in the cafe ,but when he answered her call she told him the same thing but that something felt different with him she didnt know what it was but it felt strange she told him' he too agreed to what she told him because he didnt want to lose her as his friend he knew what she was saying but it didnt make a difference to him he justed wanted to be a part of her life . in the end they all believed they could overcome and remain best of friends even thought their was secrets and love that they couldnt bring to life.
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danishmiilk · 4 years
if your moots were fanfics, what would they be? :p
ANON! i’ve been wanting to do this for the lONgest time (two days) so i’m soooo happy to have received this LMAO even though,,, this may NOT be accurate but im just gonig to do this randomly to the best of my ability
it’s very long, so more under the cut
@lebrookestore || taeyong + bookshop!au. so basically taeyong works at this bookshop and shes always going in to flip through books and such because she can’t afford to buy them and taeyong’s supposed to chase her away but just doesn’t have the heart to and one day she really just goes up and thanks him and hes like no problem and its usually quite empty so the next times she goes to said bookshop taeyong will go and sit with her to read the books and they talk and like wow they like the same shit! so then they Fall In Love wow
@hannie-dul-set || jaemin + definitely fluff. so basically her best friend (me! IM SORRY ALLEX BYE) and her best friend’s boyfriend (SICHENG! IM NOT SORRY ALLEX BYE) decided that their best friends weren’t getting like enough DATES so then they dragged them out on a double date (only for her and jaemin it was a bLIND date). it was at the dog cafe and the moment me and sicheng got there we just left them and ran away and theyd already bought like food so they decided to just stay and it was awkward for a bit but then like, jaemin was so good with dogs and hot damn. then yall exchange numbers and by the time yall get out of the cafe you see me and sicheng across the street using binoculars to spy on yall.
@seeing-dreams || chenle + def fluff, highschool!au. i feel like it’d be the secret admirer letter thing, which i think you already know what i mean? like chenle’s your crush bc (tbh he’e everyone’s) hes so hot and hes part of the basketball team and he also sits with you in bio and also at the same time you’ve been getting notes taped to the underside of your table in bio, and its like 10 or so letters before you get the last one asking you on a date (and leaving their number!! so if you want to date then call!!) and so youve alr fallen for this guy’s diction and you call the number and chenle’s phone rings. he winKS at you and youre like oH MY GOD
@floweringtheflowers || mark + YO IM SORRY BUT ISN’T YOUR WRITING ACC LIKE NEOSCULPTURES A SMUT BLOG I VAGUELY REMEMBER YOU SAYING THAT OR SUMN SO + pwp LMAO IM SORRY- and like obviously i don’t read those but like yeah take it take it away you just give me very strong pwp vibes bye
@moonlightjeno || jeno + arranged marriage!au, royalty!au, one sided etl!au. MHM SO BASICALLY YOURE A PRINCESS AND JENO IS A PRINCE AND THE KING AND QUEEN OF JENO’S COUNTRY (cough doyoung and his wife) dECIDE THAT OK TREATY so then you and jeno have to get married and like bc were such nice people we decide that okay, yall get married for oNE YEAR if really cannot then like fine,, yall can divorce. so yall just like try to tide it out for a year right but you need to fake in the eyes of the public and you hate jeno but hes just trying to make this more bearable for the two of you and one day yall have an argument and jeno goes like “I JUST REALLY wANT TO KISS YOU, OKAY?” *squeal* and youre like whatthefuck and then, like, you know what? you jsut pretend that didn’t happen but you eventually agree to just be cordial and friendly and become friends, and you know jeno’s in love with you but you try to not make it awkward and somewhere along the way you fall in love *clasps hands together with a huge sigh* deserve.
@sehunniepot || (i want to write this alr) yuta + hogwarts!au, etl!au, HOUSE RIVALRY!AU BC THOSE ARE SUPERIOR. yuta’s definitely a gryffindor so you can be a slytherin since you never tOLD me. so so anyway youve hated each other from day one because of some stupid misunderstanding of him purposely tripping you in the train and then youre sorted into slytherin and him in gryffindor and the next four years are pranks and sneers and insults and glares. then the yule ball comes up, and because the hogwarts teachers are so JUMPY you have a dancing lesson with randomly assigned partners and you get yuta and AAAA “boys, put your hand on the girl’s waist.” and youre glaring daggers but yuta does it anyway with that cocky grin and you hold hands and your hand’s on his shoulder and are his ears red, or is that just your imagination?? then yall just tease each other the entire dancing lesson and when you get back to your dorm best friend!doyoung’s all like “why was nakamoto blushing-” and you’re like “nothing.” then then YOU REALISE YOU CANT STOP THINKING OF HIS HAND ON YOUR WAIST AND DURING THE NEXT DANCE LESSON YOU NATURALLY GRAVITATE TOWARD EACH OTHER AND DOYOUNG’S LIKE ?? OKAY THEN ILL JUST GO DANCE QITH SOMEONE ELSE?? then the teachers (who know of your stupid rivalry) are like: okay then miss l/n and mr nakamoto if you’ve already paired up. OH THEN A FEW WEEKS LATER HE ASKS YOU TO THE BALL UNDER THE GUISE THAT “YOU ACTUALYL DANCE WELL” AND YOURE LIKE “YOURE NOT TOO BAD YOURSELF” but its all, ofc, a pretense and then at the ball you all (having alr realised you like each other), confess, and promptly kiss under the shining ice stalactites magically hung from the trees in the grounds of hogwarts. (OH MY GOD FUCK IM WRITING THIS)
@doyounged || doyoung + fluff, def + i think high school sweethearts!au so this is the really fluffy oneshots where like youre super shy!! like its pretyt obvious you have crushes on each other but like first relationship or wtv and you jsut brush fingers and BLUSH and put your arm around each other and BLUSH and cheek kiss and BLUSH and you get my point? yeah yeah that’s the whole au
@moonbeamsung || jisung + fluff af + best freinds to lovers!au the only thing i can think of is like cute sleepovers and the sleeptalking thing, i’ve written something like that for you i thiNK?? 
@orange-nimon-cross || cai xukun + angst. just pure angst. im not even kidding the angst is so bad oh my god- probably hurt-comfort. like xukun’s your emotional rock and hes jsut so,,, ROCK AND HES ALW THERE FOR YOU AND KAJOFSDF A HUG SOLVES ALL and something like that you get my point, yes??
@rouiyan || hyuck + uhm, ice hockey player hyuck. like i think you did one with jeno or something but like idk why does the concept suit your vibe so muCH?? this one bc hyuck is playful it’d be like you’re dragged to the matches bc jeno’s your best friend but you couldnt give a flying fuck about ice hockey and his annoying teammate (hyuck.) keeps flirting with you and like one day you ask him straight up why are you flirting with me and hyuck’s immediately apologetic like shit did it make you uncomfy ill stop and youre like hes,,, a nice guy and then yall bond over like post-match meals which jeno starts dragging yall all to and then yeah sicheng and ten (same hockey team) help hyuck plan a confession and he confesses at the pizza shop.
@radiorenjun || renjun + angst, but with a happy ending if i feel like it- oh hold on maybe not angst ill save you the heartbreak. def artist!renjun, not even going to think about it, and kind of supernatural/soulmate? like he has dreams of a mystery girl every night and that’s the inspo for all his paintings, and he tries selling them to an art gallery and youre the curator of said art gallery adn youre liek “thats so beautiful, but why is it always the back view of the girl?” and renjun looks up from his paintings to explain and he sees you and literally screams because he’s never seen the mystery girl’s face but HE KNOWS its you. it HAS to be. so the two of you try figuring out the stupid phenomenon and who knows, maybe it’s just fate’s way of letting the two of you come together! yall become a thing YAY
--- once again, thank you anon for this ask! i really enjoyed doing this and like you know what?? i may write some of these aus someday. definitely the yuta one. someday.
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bakugous-abs · 4 years
Day 5 of Halloween 2020
~Brought to you today by Admin Bomb!
October First
Halloween. God, Bakugou couldn't tell if it was his favorite or least favorite time of the year. 
No, he definitely wasn't one to wear a costume and go out trick or treating. That time was way past him and he couldn't remember why and how the hell he was able to trust getting candy from strangers. Frankly that whole aspect of Halloween seemed so hypocritical!
Every other time of the year we’re told to not take candy from strangers. Never ever once were we allowed to take candy from them. But on this specific day? Sure! Go right ahead. Infact, take candy from MULTIPLE strangers!! Nothing could go wrong with that.
The countless reports of needles being stuck in licorice and suckers already being sucked in told a different story.
And the fucking  k i d s. They were so annoying. Screaming and running after each other. Throwing a fit when they didn't get the kind of candy they want or when their siblings got one extra piece. The snot and tears. It was so gross.
That part of Halloween, Bakugou said fuck off to.
However the scaring? And the terrified faces? That's something he could look forward to. 
Seeing the look of horror Pikachu got when he prayed on one of his fears was so exciting. The heightened anxiety in the Yuuei hallways made for some easy targets to make scream and run away.
That, is why Bakugou liked Halloween. 
“Yo Bakubro, we’re gonna head out and get our costumes. You wanna come with?” Kirishima barged into his room, flicking on the light.
“Fuck no.” Bakugou cursed. The sudden brightness was stinging his eyes, the red irises struggling to adjust to sudden change. “I already told you last week you dumbass, I don’t do trick or treating.”
Kirishima's shoulders visibly went limp, a pout occupying his lips. “Come on man, it’ll be fun. You even get to scare some little kids.”
“I can do that without the help of a costume. Now get out.”
He huffed. “If you say so, man. We’ll be back later! See ya.” And with that Bakugou's door shut with a click, the lights left on.
The blond cursed the redhead under his breath. Why was it so hard to shut off the light when they leave! He has it off every single time they open the door, so why not shut it off again when they leave!?
Bakugou got up to shut the light off, but stopped in his tracks when he noticed a letter on his neat floor. When did that get there? Did shitty-hair leave it there when he left?
It was a pretty white envelope with a splotch of red to the left of the center. As he got closer he read his name in very intricate cursive. Had it not been for the date in a nice fine print, and the fact that he didn't like anyone and fully expected no one to like him back, in the upper corner he would have assumed this was an old valentines letter.
He picked it up. What the fuck was this doing here? The handwriting was very obviously not Shittyhairs. His was too rough and sharp to ever resemble something like this. 
“10-1-xxxx <3 Bakugou”
Hesitantly, he turned it around and found a wax seal on the back. A simple circle, nothing more.
The letter was ripped open, the wax seal completely forgotten. If the letter inside got ripped, that wasn’t his problem. Unfortunately, the letter went completely unscathed.
He took it out and unfolded it, careful to hold it horizontally in case this was a prank gift from one of the dunces that called him his friend, but there was no such thing. Infact, the letter seemed virtually empty except for right smack dab in the middle. A small word written in what seemed to be a font designed to replicate human writing.
Bakugou's eyebrows crinkled. That's it? He turned the paper over, flipped it back, then turned it over once more. Nothing.
“Such a waste of fucking paper.” He muttered, crushing the note within his palm and lit off his explosions, a caramel scent wafting through the air and black smoke trailing along with it.
He threw what was left of it into his trash, dusted it off his hands, and flicked the lights back off.
Whoever wrote that letter had a pretty terrible sense of humor
October Second
Bakugou woke up the next morning like usual. Stretch, pop his joints and spark a few explosions, then sit up and get ready for school. The letter from yesterday lingered in the back of his mind, still annoyed that someone thought something like that would even be considered funny.
How the hell just writes a tiny Hi on a whole sheet of paper. Its such a fucking waste! It was irritating him more than anything.
That's why when he got a second letter this morning, also slid underneath his door, he just threw it on his bed to be dealt with later. He didn’t need to get any more pissed off about something before going to school and getting pissed off even more. No, that can wait till after he got his homework done.
And it did wait. During the day he completely forgot about the existence of the letter. Going to classes, almost blowing Dekus face off in training, shouting at the group that seemed to be stuck to his thighs, going to more classes. Completely normal.
But when he got home and locked himself in his room to do homework and calm down, he saw the letter on his bed and immediately became pissed again.
He marched on over to it and picked it, opening it in the same fashion he did yesterday and again, the letter managed to come out unscathed.
He opened the paper, preparing to see another waste of paper. Unfortunately the universe was granting his wishes, but not to the extent he was thinking.
This time, there was a sentence, a sentence that made his heart stop for a second. 
“You have lovely skin.”
What. The actual. Fuck.
Who the hell is this? Why are they talking about his skin? How do they know anything about his skin?
Subconsciously his eyes darted around him. Everything looked the exact same. He looked behind him, no one was there. But there was a nagging feeling in the middle of his back, like someone was staring there no matter where he turned.
Fuck this.
His eyes glided toward the balcony. The curtain were wide open. But they were facing the 1-B building. No one could be watching him…
The curtains were closed in a matter of seconds.
October Seventh
The letters kept coming. Every day they got creepier. Complimenting a feature about him and details this person would only know if they got close to him.
He was losing sleep. His eight hour nights shortening rapidly to only around four hours and it wasn't consecutive. 
Yesterday he became so sick of it he grabbed the five letters he had received, first still burnt in his trash can, and stomped down to the lounge room, confronting them of the letters asking whoever it was that was sending them to step the fuck up.
No one had any idea what he was talking about. 
He attacked all the girls first, not physically no, but yelling at them to confess who done it. No dude in their class would have this good of handwriting other than that belly button laser guy.
But he had no idea later, saying Bakugou was not exactly his type, which he got a yelling for as well.
Todays letter… wasnt any better than the last.
"This is almost as much fun as watching you sleep."
He held the latter in his hand, not noticing the grip slowly getting tighter and tighter, and suddenly the ends were crinkled and charred, the only thing left was a single word.
October Fifteenth
Bakugou finally cracked and told the teachers about the letters. To say they overreacted was,,, actually just about right.
There were now teachers stationed on top of the buildings, around the perimeter, and on Bakugous floor.
He hated to admit it but having a few pro heroes there eased his edge a little. A felt safer. Safer than he had in the last two weeks.
But unfortunately, that wasnt enough.
For in the middle of the night, to his absolute horror, the rustling of paper was heard across his room.
His body went cold. Eyes wide as all hell. He used his feet to curl all his blanket away from the edges of his bed and under his legs and over his body. 
'Please,' his mind pleaded. 'Please fucking tell me thats not another letter.'
And to his absolute horror, when he sat up, just a little bit… there, visible in the light shining under the crack of his door, was a letter, with the same red heart and perfect cursive handwriting that spelled out his name.
"Please dont scream, they'll hear you"
October Twenty-sixth
Its been a few days since hes gone out of his room. The pros thought hed feel safer in his room where they could keep an eye on him but in reality.
Bakugou didnt feel safe at all.
Everywhere he went his anxiety told him someone was there. With beady eyes that went unblinking just… staring at him. Like he was a slab of meat for a hungry starving lion.
But he wasnt allowed to complain, even though he did, and was expected to remain still. 
He was expected to wait.
And wait.
He didn't want to wait. He didn't want to be here anymore.
He was behind on his classes, but he couldn't focus long enough on the work to get it done anyway.
He had nothing else to distract him. Hes read through all his books, played all his games, watched all his movies. There was nothing else to do other than wait like a sitting duck.
So what the hell was he supposed to do?
And while he had his door shut, he finally broke down, tears streaming down his face and fear coursing through his veins as he knew, by the sound of paper sliding under his door, that he wasnt safe anywhere anymore.
"Dont struggle, I hate when they struggle"
October 31st. Halloween Night
Halloween. Bakugou hated Halloween.
He hated Halloween. He hated being scared. Scared all the time. 
He couldnt handle the sound of paper anymore. Not the sound of it wrinkling, folding, unfolding, ripping, he hated paper.
All kinds of paper.
Wrappers, notebook, printer.
It was all terrible.
And now… he can't even handle unwrapping his own candy.
Bakugou hated Halloween.
And has another letter slid under his door, now in direct daylight, and got up and looked at it.
The cursive was now just scratches. The heart too dark to be artificial. 
He opened it, slipping the paper out and reading the note. One word. Tiny in the middle of the paper, resembling the first ever note he got. One word.
However, this time, when he turned the note over, he found something else. Another word- no, a sentence.
'Till next year… Bakugou Katsuki.'
And just like that, his body ran cold, and his vision went dark.
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slasher-lovers-blog · 4 years
The day of fate, part 2
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But it wasn't a normal man, he had a face for a mask! You screamed and tried to escape but he caught you in his arms, he wasn't trying to hurt you, he just held you.  You felt safe but then he dragged you to the dinner room.
You were tossed into a chair gently and got tied up, he tilted his head and fiddled with his hands. He looked nervous and then the crazy man walked in. "Hehe, is she ready bubba?" He asked. Oh, this friendly man is Bubba. Bubba nodded and sat down on the other side of the table. "Dinner is almost ready! So be patient" the man walked out again.
A hour later you found out their names, the old grumpy guy is Drayton, and the other Chop-Top. You looked around and sighed in despair. Then the door opened and a other guy walked in, he looked young and tall, with long brown hair and a red spot on his face.
"Nubbins! You are late, go sit down!" Drayton yelled and slammed his fork against the table. Chop-Top laughed and started to shake his chair. Nubbins walked towards you and chuckled, he grabbed your hair and pulled. You yelped out and kicked around. "SIT DOWN!" Drayton stood up and pushed Nubbins away from you.
After they sat all down and the food was ready, it was dinner time. They all were eating except you. Drayton glanced at you and frowned. "Why aren't ya eating?" He asked while swallowing some meat. "I-I can't eat...i am tied up" you looked at him. He groaned and looked at bubba. "Bubba, go feed our....umm...guest" bubba stood up and grabbed a bowl with meat and a spoon, he sat next you and he stared at you. He licked his lips and started to feed you, it went slow, the meat tasted good but you knew it wasn't cow meat...it was human meat. You stared into bubba's eyes and he stared back. His hand was shaking and he incidently spilled the meat on your shirt. You yelled of surprise, Bubba tried to clean it by using a napkin. You could hear Drayton mumble somethin and started eating again. His hand was on your chest and you could feel your heart going faster, you felt getting hotter. What is wrong with you?! He's a killer, a cannibal and you getting turned on somehow by him?! You blushed madly and bubba stopped, he pulled away and put the bowl infront of you, he stood up and walked out. Drayton stood up and took his place.  "If he won't do it, I will".
Drayton wasn't calm or patient, he hurried you to eat faster, almost choking you on the meat. You coughed and almost spit it out, he covered your mouth. "Don't ya dare waste this good meat! Swallow!" He snarled and squeezed your cheeks. You swallowed fast with tears in your eyes. He had a idea and smirked. You looked at him and he put the bowl down. "I'll tell ya what, you do what i say and you stay alive. But if ya try to escape, you are dead, understood?". You frowned and nodded. Atleast you were still alive.
Days passed and you did chores for them, doing the dishes, cleaning the house but they still treated you badly. Drayton was strict and didn't even know why he kept you, maybe because he needed a break. Chop-Top and Nubbins didn't leave you alone, they annoyed you and sometimes stole your stuff. Bubba was the sweetest of them all, he brought you new clothes, even though they were from their victims, he sometimes helped you behind his brother's back. He mostly got send away, drayton didn't want him to be sweet towards you. But Bubba kept visiting you when you were in your room when his brothers left.
You felt happy when he came, you could talk to him, even if he never answered but just made sounds. It was kinda cute, you thought. He was making happy noises untill we heard knocking. "Drayton?! Are ya home?" A voice called, it wasn't Chop-Top or nubbins. Bubba stood up and left. The person kept calling. "Hello?!". You peeked through the window and saw a sherrif by the door. What was a sherrif doing here?! Wait a minute...maybe he can save you!
You started to yell for help, he looked up at the window an just smirked. "Well well well, drayton caught a rabbit" he said and looked around. A truck drove to the house and stopped. Drayton stepped out and looked at him. "What are ya doing here?" He grabbed a bag and walked to him. The sherrif crossed his arms. "Forgot our deal? If we get caught, we could live with you to hide," he spat on the ground and looked at the window you were at. "It looks like ya catched one". Drayton groaned and walked inside, the man following. "I don't even know why, so shut up Hoyt" he dropped the truck keys on the counter. The sherrif laughed and patted his shoulder. "It's alright, how are your brothers?" He sat down and looked around. "Good i guess, even tho Bubba tries to help her" he snarled and sat in his seat. Hoyt frowned and rubbed his chin. "Y'know, if she is distracting him, kill her! She's no use to us" he mumbled and looked up at th ceiling. "I can shoot her and bubba won't stop me". Drayton leaned on his hand and started to think, hoyt was right, she's no use. But then, he might lose control of bubba. Well he will eventual forgot about her, but he don't wanna take this change. "Sorry but I'll keep her for awhile," hoyt looked disappointed. "But if she's bringing me trouble, i'll let you kill her". He smiled wide by the answer and nodded. "Good thinking drayton!".
You sat down by the dinner table and saw the sherrif sitting next Drayton. Bubba an the others were on their own spot. You looked down at your hands, your wrists started to hurt from the rope and you fiddled with your fingers. "So what's your name sweetie?" Hoyt asked with a nasty smirk. You shivered and looked at him. "Y/n, and do not call me that" you said with a disgusted tone. You heard him chuckle. "The others will come tomorrow , monty is having trouble with moving around" he continued his talking. Drayton scratched his chin and nodded. You looked at Bubba and caught him staring, he turned away with a blush.
You giggled and looked down, trying to hide the blush on your face. Nubbins started to annoy you again by poking you, while trying to stop him, bubba grabbed his brother's wrist. "What the hell bubba?! Let me do what i want!" Nubbins said and pulled away. Drayton stood up and snarled at Bubba to go to his room. Bubba mumbled an left the room quickly. Nubbins laughed together with Chop-Top before being send away. "Those idiots don't do anything usefull!" With a slam of his fist he stood up. "Hoyt, can you take her to her room?". You felt scared and cold, not knowing what this sheriff is capeable of doing, the man grabbed you roughly by your arm and pulled you to your room. "Ya lucky that we don't need ya yet" he mumbled and pushed you into your room before locking the door and walked away.
After hours of being locked in your room, the door went open and Bubba came in with a plate of food. You thanked him for the food and started eating, he fiddled with his fingers while watching you. "It is very good!" You swallowed the last piece of meat. He smile under his mask and took the plate, while reaching for it he touche your hands and he blushed. You looked at him and blushed, you gave him the plate fast. "Thank you Bubba" you said while cleaning your mouth with a napkin. He giggled and stood up. He really was adorable. You talked for almost a hou untill Hoyt walked in. "Damn Bubba! Get out!" He hit his head, scaring him out and looked at you. "You damn bitch".
He snatched your arm and pulled you to the bathroom, he locked the door behind you and waited outside. "Hurry up!" You looked around and started to brush your teeth and heart. After you finished you knocked on the door, letting him know you were done, but no one answered. He had left without letting you know, why would he even let you know. You started to panick, what if they wanted to let you starve to death. A scared feeling went through you and you started to bang against the door.
Someone walked in and unlocked it, swinging the door open. Hoyt was now right in your face, looking all pissed. "Calm down! If ya break the door i swear to god you gonna pay!" He pulled you out, you yelped and tripped, almost falling on the ground.
"You damn pig!" He kicked you out the room, and had brought you to the dinner room.
Days passed, locked up or in the dinner room, you didn't see Bubba much anymore. You heard screaming a few times, but it stopped. Drayton brought you food and hoyt had brought his family. It was chaos downstairs. You could hear a female voice, a other man that was complainin of not walking. You wonder what he is talking about. You sat on your bed that slowly turned dirty. The sun came from behind some clouds and shines through the window. A knock on the door alerted you, a woman walked inside with fresh clothes and some food. She put the clothes down on my bed and and handed you the food. You said thank you and started to eat. The woman looked at you. "So what's your name?" She asked with a sweet tone. "Y/n" swallowing a piece of bread and drinking, you looked at her, asking her the same question. "Oh my name's Luda Mae". Before you could ask anything else, she left.
It felt better when you had some new clothes on and walked around your room. It started to get boring, but why aren't you trying to escape? A voice is telling you not to try, while a other one is screaming "RUN!", you started to think that you were going insane. Maybe you were, but you weren't the one killing people, you chuckled at the thought and shoke your head.
The door went open and bubba peeked inside. "Bubba" you walked to him and smiled. He signed to be quiet and he walked out, you followed him. He lead you to his room and locked it. "Why?" You asked, tilting head. Bubba looked away being shy, he just sat on his bed. You turned a bit red and sat next him. You two sat there for almost a hour untill he hugged you. You were suprised and hugged slowly back. He nuzzled your neck and mumbled. You couldnt understand what he said but this was fine.
You hugged a bit longer untill you could hear Hoyt yelling for him. Bubba stood up and smiled at you before disappearing again. You giggled and layed down. This was actually fine, atleast you didn't get hurt or eaten. Outside it was raining and cold, for texas this was a suprise, you knew it mostly doesn't rain. Downstairs you could hear the table being prepared for dinner, hoyt and drayton laughing and the others were doing their thing.
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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I am having a weird time!!! I feel pretty good right now. Im clean and showered and I dont feel sick for once. Amazing. But also I did not go to bed last night until 6 am! It was a weird time. 
I couldnt sleep last night. I was to hot. I was to cold. I was clamy and sweaty and felt bad! I tried so hard to fall asleep but I just couldnt. I tried laying in other rooms. I tried putting the fan on or off. Nothing helped. So around 330 I was like. Fine. I will play pokemon. I had some cereal and played pokemon until I heard James wake up at 545. 
James thought I woke up before them and wasnt happy that I had just never gone to bed. But it wasnt for lack of trying and I knew I had to get some rest. So after some hugs I finally laid down and fell asleep as the sun came up. 
I slept until around 10. So at least I got some sleep. 
I felt alright when I got up. I had already gotten dressed when I decided to play pokemon. So I just needed to wash my face, brush my teeth, and put on makeup. 
I had half a baked potato and got myself ready to go to work. The sky was getting very dark. And I was annoyed when it started raining just as I had to leave. So I had to tie up my pants and put my rain coat on. And it wasnt a terrible walk over, but then the really bad rain stopped as soon as I got to work. Of course. 
It wasnt a bad day though! No adults! Again! Except now my manager was not there. And Travis was still not there. ugh. 
The morning teacher stayed two extra hours, and there was a sub. So I wasnt alone. And the sub was great and was really great with the rowdy boys. 
We had some troubles today. Mostly because there were the three sets of brothers and they were a lot with eachother. Its hard when the brothers bicker and then when a brother from a different set says something the other brother freaks out for someone talking about their brother and Im just like. Guys. WTF. 
But it was still a nice time. Even with a lot of tears from some big emotions. But it worked out. The kids made spinners. They played dodgeball and no one tried to kill anyone. We played and had a pretty good day. 
And I got to go home at 530. Excellent. On the way home I saw a girl roller skating and chatted with her for a few minutes and she was so great. I hope I see her again. Make a skating friend. 
I got home and James was freaking out because The Orioles was doing a game and the other team didnt get one hit the entire game. And this was the first time that happened on this team since 1969. So James was screaming and scared the shit out of me and sweetP when they won. It was so nice seeing them so excited though. 
We had pizza for dinner and I did some sewing. I got my hammock set up in the studio and then we had dnd. 
And it was a good time! I had fun casting my spells. We get to level up next time so I hope to switch some of the spells out that I havent used. So Im excited. 
I got a shower after that. I wet my hair again because I am still learning how to take care of my hair and am trying to dry it differnt. I was still very happy with it today but I think it could be better. 
Now I am again going to try to sleep. I can already feel that it isnt going to come easy. But by god well try. 
Goodnight everyone. Sleep good. Sleep at all! 
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ablackfangirlwrites · 4 years
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Aizawa was beyond annoyed
He had been interning at this hero agency for a while and it was his last year at UA
And he wouldn’t call himself arrogant or anything but part of him
Felt like a job like this was beneath him or at least he wasn’t going to learn anything from it
It was basically a glorified babysitting job
Some big politician was going to be in town and they had a daughter
And somehow it became his job to watch her
The whole thing was silly according to him
He would be doing this while his friends were outgoing on bigger missions and getting real experience
And he felt that he could be doing something way better with his time like that
So he wasnt that interested in every little detail the higher ups were telling him
He got the basic point you weren’t allowed out of the hoteroom while you were in town and he and another hero would be stationed with you and taking shifts
Easy enough
But when he saw you he got a feeling this job was going to be anything but easy
For one he had assumed you were a young child
But you differently weren’t
You had to be about his age
But you had an air about you that just screamed trouble
It was a complete contrast to your father who walked beside you
He walked like he demanded respect from everyone and that he was an important person
You just looked like you were irritated and couldn’t be bothered to listen to them when they were telling you the plans of the trip
“Eraserhead” he acknowledged you telling you his name but again you weren’t playing attention
This was routine for you for the last few years of your life
You went somewhere with your father (it wasnt like you had a choice)
And hed lock you in some hotel room because it was safest there until it was time to go somewhere new
You couldn’t remember the last time you were actually home
But at this point in your life you didnt care anymore
It was clear that this would be your life until you went to college in the fall
Something you couldn’t wait for Cause you knew you’d finally have some freedom
One of the other bodyguards tried to make a small conversation with you but you rolled your eyes
“You dont have to talk to me. All you have to do is show me my prison for the week.” You told him with your arm crossed looking it the window
Your father cleared his throat, “you all have to forgive her, y/n tends to be cranky after a long flight.”
You only clicked your tongue as a response
Aizawa hadn’t said anything
But he had already judged you
Bratty, spoiled, mean, and probably moody, and simply not pleasant at all.
This was going to be so annoying
When you all got to the hotel you and your father went your separate ways
And Aizawa simple followed you to your room, “If you need anything I’ll be out-.”
You slammed the door before he could finish
You had been to japan a few times before so you knew the area
So you had no plan to stay in
As soon as you got the chance you called your friends that you had in the city and you set off
Aizawa just sighed deeply outside your door
At least you didnt seem like your were interested in making his life a living hell
At least that’s what he thought but he didnt know how wrong he really was
It was when Aizawa came back for his second shift that he realized something was up
“Has she came out at all?”
They just shook their head, “Shes been pretty quite.”
“Have you checked on her?”
They shrugged, “I’ve knocked a few times but no answer I’m sure shes just sleep.”
Aizawa didnt think anything of it but something in his gut told him he should
A little after the other hero left
He knocked on your door to check on you again but no answer
He felt like he should have known better but he’d go to open the door only to find the room empty
He called out your name a few times but no answer
But then saw that your window was open
And like something straight out of a movie he saw you used your bedsheets as a rope to escape
Dread covered his face
He was done for
What was he supposed to do? How was he going to tell them he lost you?
Did someone kidnap you? How long ago did you leave?
So many questions ran through his mind
But before anything else he had already jumped out the window and started his search for you
You couldn’t have gone far
And you weren’t
You went out with some old friends and was hanging with them in a local club
You had no business being there
But this was the most fun you had in months
Aizawa was a good tracker so it was just his luck that it didnt take long to find you
He just thought of all the places a teenager would go
So that brought him to the club where he saw you dancing on the floor
He sighed in relief
At least you were safe
But that relief was short lived as he approached you
Because as soon as you saw him you took off
It was annoying enough to have to leave and find you
But now he was going to have to chase you
You were fast but he was faster
He followed you all the way out of the club and after having enough
He used to capture scarf to catch you
You faced him enraged
“Let go of me!”
“No way, do you have any idea how much trouble you could have got in? That you could have got me in?”
“That’s more of a you problem. Now let me go.” You said fighting against him but you couldnt set yourself free
“Not until we get back.”
And so he dragged you back to the room
He was lucky no one was there to see him bring you back
Once back into your room he let you free but he didnt make any move to leave himself
“You can go now.”
“Theres no way I’m letting you leave my sight. You could have lost me my job.”
You narrowed your eyes at him
You were going to leave again but you saw it was going to be a lot easier said than done
The next few days would go by dreadfully long for you
Aizawa watched you like a hawk
It was almost impossible to do anything with out him being 10 feet away from you
Most if the time whenever you were out you could escape
But Aizawa wasnt having any of it
He was going to be a hero and he wasnt going to let you or anyone else get in his way
“How’s your babysitting job going?” Hizashi teased him one day while he was at school
Shouta only rolled his eyes and just explained how much of a pain you were
“Have you tried to talk to her? You know shes pretty cute. I saw her in the news.” He went on talking
But Aizawa didnt care
He didnt want to know you but part of him did have to admit you were very nice on the eyes
But one day something changed
Maybe you were just bored when you saw him just sitting in your room
But you started a conversation
“What’s it like going to UA?”
Aizawa was surprised by your question
Up until now you seemed to have hated him
But he answered your question anyway
Which lead on to more talking
Which lead to a new appreciation for each other
Aizawa learned about how much you had traveled with your father and had never been to a real school or a stable home
And that you hated it
He actually felt bad for you
He couldnt imagine living like that and having someone always watching you
No wonder you were always trying to run away
It would the night before you were going to leave the country again that Aizawa was talking to you out on your balcony
It wasnt like the two of you were friends now
But you did have to admit Aizawa was funny and you liked him
Not to mention he was hot in a tired bum type of way
“So I guess this is the last night of me babysitting you.”
“I guess it is…”
Dispite starting off so rough the two of you did grow closer In a last few days
“So you gonna give the next guy as much trouble as you gave me?”
You laughed, “Of course. And besides the only reason why I stopped trying to run away is because you aren’t ass boring as you look.”
Aizawa rolled his eyes, “Sure…it wasnt because I’m actually good at my job.”
The two of you went quite, “I dare say I’ll even miss you Aizawa.”
Aizawa looked at you, “do you think you’ll be back?”
“Donno… I start college back home in the fall…who know what will happen till then.”
Aizawa just nodded “Well, if you do come back…I dont think I’ll mind babysitting you again.”
“Nice to know…”
The tension between the two of you was thick
And you being bold moved over and kissed him
He was shocked at first but he quickly recovered
The kiss was light at first but quickly got intense
But you pulled away when you heard someone knocked on your door
The two of you didnt speck the rest of the night
And when morning came he would be with the team escorts you to your plane
You stop and secretly gave him a piece of paper with your number on it “Keep in touch eraser.”
You whispered in his ear and wink before boarding the plane
Aizawa didnt know what to think at first he assumed the moment you shared last night was because you were lonely
But now…he wasnt so sure
He just gave you a little smile as he saw you bored the plane
And he’d laughed to himself you were really a lot of trouble
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
Friends till the end.
Pairing: Bryce x F!MC (Casey Valentine) 
Book: Open Heart
Warning/Rating: None/G
Word Count: 2163
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry, I do not own any of them.
Summary: A day out with good friends. 
A/N: Hiii!! So, I am back with a new fic!! This is just a happy-go-lucky fic that I really wanted to write. With OH still being on hiatus, I really missed the dynamic from the friendship, and I decided to write it all down. I hope I did the characters justice! I have some hardships (a few breakdowns and just, a tons of writers block) so, I hope it came out good. Hopefully! Soo, ENJOY!! 
Tags: @soederberg ; @choicessa ; @annekebbphotography ; @dcbbw ; @bitchloveskcbaseball ; @princess-geek ; @storyofmychoices ; @mvalentine ; @n-whas ; @mrsbhandari 
It was a rare occasion for the second year resident of Edenbrook Hospital with a fellow EMT to be seen at the long roads in the states. One day, Casey has an amazing idea to bring along her friends along with Keiki to a 3-day weekend road trip. Their final destination would be a vintage beach house to have a bonfire as their final days on the road. It sounds ridiculous since their jobs would never allow them, but by taking up most of the week cases and begging to Dr. Banerji. They were given a green light.
They ended up renting a van, for the whole trip. Bryce and Rafael were assigned as designated drivers for the whole trip. All of them had visited the wonders of the states, in the duration of the last 48 hours as they made their way to the final location. A secluded beach, where they would rent a beach house for a bonfire.
After what felt like an eternity, they finally arrived at their final location of the trip. The Gildosa Strand Beach looks majestic, with the beautiful blue waters as the sun shines across the golden sands. Casey felt herself smile at the beautiful sight as she immediately pulled Bryce into a hug, as he places a small kiss on her cheeks.
‘Finally, we are here.’ Jackie let out a scream as Elijah and Sienna immediately make their way to the beach. Rafael laughed at their antics along with Aurora as they cleared the trunk that was filled with their baggage.  
‘Race ya to the shore Jackie!’ Keiki shouted before sprinting ahead as Jackie followed her from behind making the whole gang laugh.
‘Hey, the beach ain’t gonna play itself! C’mon guys!’ Elijah shouted from a distance, as the others took out the baggage. Rafael and Bryce carried most of the bags to the beach house, whilst Casey and Aurora settled on the lighter ones.
The beach house is spacious, the kitchen was filled with supplies and the living room is furnished and the view is spectacular. It was everything that they needed to get away from the real world.
‘Honestly, I want to stay here forever.’ Aurora said as her gaze falls to the beach.
‘Wow, I thought you were a mini Harper who enjoys work and not relaxing?’ Bryce assumes as he earns a glare from Aurora, making him put his hands up in a defensive manner.
‘Lay it off her Bryce, we all needed some time away. So, for now. Let us enjoy paradise.” Rafael said as he went to check out his room.
‘Okay, okay. I didn’t mean it that way Aurora. I just somehow, you looked like you never had a vacation and..” Bryce was stopped as Casey smack his arm causing him to shut up earning a soft chuckle from Aurora.
‘I get it Lahela, so the next 24 hours is going to be dedicated to me having the vacation of my dreams.’ Aurora replied before leaving to find her room as well.
Casey and Bryce stood there, as they stared at their friends and Keiki playing in the sun. Casey felt a pair of eyes are staring through her. She tilted her head and saw Bryce was staring at her.
‘What are you staring at Lahela?’
‘You.’ He replied with a smile whilst Casey felt her cheek burn from the heat.
‘This is our first vacation together, and I can’t believe it's going to end soon!’ Casey said with a sad tone in her voice.
‘I am not going to let your negativity ruined it for the both of us, we should enjoy it. With the bonfire tonight, it's going to be one of the best nights in our lives. Let’s live for tonight.” Bryce said as he pulled her into a sweet kiss.
After all the preparations are ready, all of them were seated in a circle around the bonfire. Casey was sat between a Lahela sandwich with Keiki and Bryce on both of her sides, followed by Aurora who is seated beside Bryce and Rafael, followed by Jackie, Elijah, and Sienna on their side.
The fire is bright as the darkness appears, all of them were silence enjoying the beauty of nature before Bryce cleared his throat.
‘Cheers to an amazing group of friends, and making amazing memories.’ Bryce said while raising his glass while glancing at the others.
‘You know when I first came to Edenbrook. I never would have thought that I would meet a bunch of amazing people who I am proud to call as my friends. You guys are really amazing. Cheers to all of you.’ Casey continues raising her glass as Keiki smiles feeling giddy inside.
‘Guys, this is supposed to be a vacation. Not, an emotional wedding toast or something.’ Elijah said as the others laugh at his comment.
‘Well, some of us maybe will end up on the aisle. We will never know.’ Sienna commented as her eyes gaze at both Bryce and Casey making them both blush.
The moon was shining above them in its finest as they all enjoyed their last night on the road together. Aurora clears her throat as well, commanding for the attention.
‘Soo, I figure I would like to prepare a toast as too. Cheers to this vacation, where we could take a breather from the hospital once every 365 days. I also wanted to say thank you for accepting me into this circle of friends, especially after everything we have been through. It feels nice, and somehow it felt like home.’ Aurora said as she met Casey’s eyes who nod in approval.
‘Aw, we are lucky to have you here Aurora.’ Sienna lets out a squeal as she pulled her into a small hug making her smile.
‘Raf, anything to add?’ Elijah asked as Rafael was lost in thought thinking about what to say.
‘I would like to propose a toast for this group also, for accepting me for who I am. Honestly, I somehow feel a bit out of my league among amazing doctors but, you guys accept me for the person who I am today and I couldn’t be more grateful. This has been an amazing time for us and well, I couldn’t have it any other way.’ Rafael cheered in happiness as the others let out a whoop from the speech.
‘Hey, buddy. You are a superman! I would kill to be like you.’ Elijah said patting his Rafael’s back.
‘The way you saved those people that is really admirable!’ Sienna squealed in delight as Rafael let out a small laugh.
'Yeah man, you are amazing!' Bryce exclaimed as they fist bump one another which is making Casey smile at the encounter.
'Okay, okay. It's my turn. I would like to cheers to another year of our residency and our life. When I first came to Edenbrook, my mind was set to the prize; being the best doctor. Without any distractions, and attachments. But, you guys prove me wrong. I need all the support I can get if I want to reach the top. I appreciate what we have here and honestly as Rafael said; I wouldn't have it any other way either. So, cheers to us.' Jackie raised her glass aswell, as Casey felt herself tearing up.
‘Jackie, that is beautiful.’ Casey commented as she wipes a tear that has fallen.
‘We love you too Jackie.’ Sienna exclaimed as she makes a heart with her hands towards her making her blush.
‘You guys are saps, but the craziest saps a girl could find.’ Jackie said as she lean in her chair. 
‘Hey, sappiness is good. This is a golden moment, and sappiness is required.’ Casey said as the others laugh.
Bryce glanced at his sister who is itching to say something, he lets out a whistle capturing the others attentions as all eyes fall on him. Keiki looks at him, and lets out a small smile.
‘I think Keiki here have a few words to say aswell.’ Bryce gestured to Keiki who gave a small nod to him in appreciation. Keiki clears her throat and starts,
‘I am not an official member of this friend group, but I just want to lay out a few words here. I’m not much of a master in words, so I am winging it. No pressure, I have been here, living with Bryce for a few months now and I have never been happier. Its not a huge mansion at home, or a field full of unicorns but it is an equivalent to home. Let’s raise one for my annoying brother Bryce who is a bit full of himself but at the same time has the biggest heart a person could ever have...’ Keiki paused before continuing. 
‘Elijah’s right, this sounds like a wedding toast but what the heck, its a good night to pass it on. I also, want to thank Casey for being the big sister that I never had, you really feel like family and in this moment,it feels perfect.’ Keiki concludes as the others lets out a sniff, even Jackie is crying over her tough demeanour. The whole minute was dedicated for wiping their own tears, as Sienna continued. 
‘Since we are all saying all good things, I would like to join myself in the party. Last year, we were just wide eyed interns who is starting in life and honestly, we still are. But, now we are second year residents trying to stay strong despite everything. To put it short, I love each and everyone of you. After everything we have been through, I never could imagine doing it with anybody else. The adventure with Mr.s Martinez, to Casey’s hearing and everything. It brought us here together, and life couldnt get much better than this. So, here is to friendship!’ Sienna beamed at all of them as she leans her head on Elijah’s shoulder from the exhaustion and satisfaction. 
Elijah rubs her back and raised his glass too. 
‘I might not get sappier than all of you, but I really appreciate each and everyone of you. Sometimes, I wonder what if we worked at different hospitals and, just never had a chance to have this...’ He pursed his lips before continuing.
‘It would feel incomplete, and I owe you guys a lot for all the good times and even bad times. I have grown a lot in these years and its because of this circle of people here. Cheers to right here, right now.’ Elijah concludes his speech as the sound of the water crashes through their eardrums. 
The circle around them are silence as the bonfire crackles to life, as everyone is capturing the moment around them. Casey felt herself leaning against Bryce, as he held her in his arms. Bryce placed a kiss on her forehead, followed by clearing his throat once more.
‘So, let’s save the best for last. I won’t get sappy here..’ Casey lets out a scoff as he winks at her. 
‘As I was saying, I really am happy here. Med school was okay, but nothing could top this moment; good friend, great vibes. Period. But, through it all, I really am grateful to meet one of the most amazing girl a guy could ever asked for. These two years with her are the best years of my life and honestly, I couldnt wait for what our future will hold, so I decided...’ Bryce took out something from his back pocket and in dropped to one knee facing her. The others let out a chorus of gasps. 
‘Casey Valentine, I may not be the guy from the magazines, but I am here as I am and it would be the greatest honor to be your husband. The world is still young for us, but I couldn’t imagine life without you in it. So, I told myself, what the heck, and lets do it. Everything from that leads to this moment, which leads to an important question. Will you marry me?’ Bryce lets out a small breathe as his eyes gaze into hers. 
The atmosphere around them was thick, as time seemed to slow down for a moment. Bryce sat there with a huge amount of fear as he suddenly regrets, until... he saw the small nod from her.
‘Yes..’ she replied quietly as the tears started to fall .
‘Yes?’ Bryce stood up in excitement as Casey nods excitedly. He quickly pulled her for a kiss as he slip the ring on her finger. 
Their friends let out a celebratory screamed as Bryce and Casey was engulfed in hugs by their friends. In that moment, everything is perfect. Although the tears blurred her vision, the silhouette of each of her friends. The smiles and tears as they celebrate the night were tattooed in her heart where they will be forever. As they will become friends until the very end. 
A/N #2: Hii again! I really hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it!! The friendships that choices has given  is really amazing and I want to acknowledge that somehow since the friendship group in OH is one of the reasons why I fell in love with the book. This fic is somehow dedicated to all the friendships that occured in life.  I have met so many amazing writers, artists, and amazing people  here that I was lucky enough to call my friends  and all of you who took the time checking out my stories  !!! I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING.  ❤❤
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