#i couldnt decide on what idea to focus on so i kept them all
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blacklegsanjiii · 10 months ago
First of all im so sorry for the long askbut!! New parent idea 💥💥 i present to you: King
Now hear me out, you might be thinking ‘really??? King from wano the bird guy?? Why tf’ but my good sir there are multiple reasons
1. Fire! King is from a race called lurarians (he’s infact the last of his people because theyre world wide known as beautiful because of their white hair, dark skin and beautiful black wings) lurarians are also known to be able to set themselves on fire! So that fits prettyyy well with sanji
So if we take pt 1 with us and expand it...
2. Test subject ✨ we all know Sanji is judge 3rd expiriment and also that vegapunk has made the seraphims of the warlords combined with kings lurarian DNA to make very strong clones. Judge and vegapunk were also in a science group together so they might have some shared notes and materials...
So that brings me to the parent King au...
What if vegapunk and judge kept in touch and decided to keep King in germas dungeon for the foreseeable future because its very well guarded etc etc so he is essentially both vegapunk and judges labrat
And when judge is busy with Sora and Reiju he notices that while reiju hasnt failed his expectations for power, he can always do better so with the quadruplets he also decides to mix kings lurarian DNA in for even stronger child soldiers (so 1234ji have 3 bio parents lmao)
Maybe this alters their appearance also a bit? (Mini baby wings 🥺 that they hide becausd its a weakness maybe 124ji got them amputated later in life while sanji ofcourse kept his hidden)
But anyway canon continues and sanji gets thrown into the dungeon with his mask... Here he meets a huge winged man. First days maybe weeks they dont really talk but sanji is a child and starts talking to king because he's lonely
They startbonding and in the next almost year that sanji is stuck there they really learn to love each other and sanji shows king his baby wings and king just decides 'yup thats my kid' teaches him to groom and how to fold/hide them without being in to much pain
But then vegapunk and judge fight and split up, king was originally vegapunks labrat so he is also taken from sanji.
Canon continues with them both respectively escaping,king tried to find sanji but couldnt bc germa is very stealthy and nobody knows where they are so he joins kaido etc etc
And then they meet again in wano.
Thoughts :0?
I had to double check King's age to make sure this is plausible and yeah, he's 47. He can fully adopt Sanji. I support this fully, fire boys unite! Also imagine Heterochromia!Sanji, one blue eye and one red.
King who is Vegapunks labrat being experimented on for a good while before Reiju and the quads come along, hell, even before Sora coming along. Captured as a teenager and being held captive and tortured for years. Eventually he's locked in the dungeon and left there to rot even after Vegapunk leaves to focus on other things but leaves him in Germa. No one really interacts with the Lunarian except to bring him food and water to keep him alive in case they do decide they want to do something with him again. What it could be he doesn't know what more they could do.
Judge however has gotten married and had a daughter already but notices her flaws and while she's not a full failure, he could do better. So he infuses the Lunarians DNA with those of his coming sons, despite his wife taking that poison she won't be able to do much to get rid of that at least. He can deal with the other failures she causes later but right now he's unworried. Even when the children come, the third one is wrong, he's blond instead of darkhaired, he's easily bruised. Unfortunate really. He had high hopes for that one particularly, for the stealth instead of brute force the others were for.
He sees the wings and knows he still at least has the Lunarian DNA, he might still have some use. Maybe.
He's not and it's clear by the time Sanji is six. Weak and crying and frail compared to his siblings. He has a full range of emotions which even Reiju doesn't have. Disgusted Judge throws him in the dungeon, a metal cover his head and unconcerned if he dies down there, Sanji screaming and crying for him to come back. Apologizing to his father over and over again as if it will change anything. It doesn't. He's trapped alone in the cell but there's someone down here with him. There's a man, tall with white hair and black wings like he has, only a few years older than his mother. He's telling Sanji to quiet down, no one will come get him. Sanji can't stop crying so he apologizes and sits in the back of his cell. King gives his real name to the kid, introduces himself as Alber to the boy, he is a boy after all, small and frail and so utterly broken and too young to be there. He knows what it's like to be a failure after all. It takes all of a day for King to see the small black wings the kid has. His wings are in awful condition: Bald spots, cuts, bruises, broken feathers. King remembers what that was like, the uncomfortable feeling and itching, those wings are from Lunarians though, so this kid has his DNA or there's another Lunarian here possibly. Both are bad options, no one should be forced to live as he has. No one.
They're together for a year and some change and in that time 124ji find out about Sanji and King almost burns the little princes for what they're doing. They have wings as well, atrophied and unworked like his are. He can only stretch his so far in this cramped cell. He hears the crunch of bones in the younger's cell. He throws fire at them once and is doused in water unforgivingly. They're incredibly close, King hasn't told the boy this where his wings come from and Sanji asks if he's where his red eye comes from and King says probably, albeit he's confused about that, he's only seen the blue one.
He teaches Sanji how to preen and hide his wings more comfortably and for protection. King tells him they will be his pride and joy and he will be able to fly with them. Sanji says he hopes so. They've been together for a year and some change when they take King away from Sanji. They tranquilize him and the last thing King hears is Sanji screaming and begging for them not to take him. He wakes up to Vegapunk telling him it's time to continue their work. King stays for a year, working on getting his wings back to functioning, preening and carrying for them. Then he escapes. It's a mess getting out but he needs to get out. Needs to find Sanji, his son. He will find his son.
So he breaks out and goes hunting for Germa but hears the kids saying Sanji better be dead since he's out of the dungeon, which means he escaped. As relieved as that makes him it means he has more searching to do. He looks and looks for years and years. He doesn't find him though and ends up in Wano under Kaido, working his way up to becoming an All Star. He hides who he is and decides he'll wait, maybe Sanji will pass by.
Sanji on the other hand is going through canon mostly normally, I think having King there would partially impact how he views woman but also for as much flirting as he does he doesn't actually sleep with anyone. Zeff found out he has wings while on the rock because he's crying about how fucked they are. Zeff is staring at the black wings attached to this kid and helps him hide them when they're saved, threatens the doctor to keep quiet.
Zeff helps Sanji rehab them before Baratie opens and after it does he lets the boy fly to his heart's content. Patty and Carne will save him if he falls in the water, he can still swim but his wings are not made for water. Is he still amazing at it? 100% but like, he's not a duck or a penguin. He's part Lunarian. He wears coats like the vice admirals and admirals do. Off his shoulders to hide his wings, to keep them safe as he goes about his day. He doesn't really over heat thanks to his Lunarian traits but when he gets cold, it's so fucking cold to him.
When he joins the crew everyone thinks he's kind of prissy with the full suit+extra jacket thing he has but...he's illegal. He's an illegal race and if he gets found out he's fucked. Drum island is when Luffy and Nami find out. Sanji is begging for Kureha and Chopper to not tell anyone which they assure they won't. Kureha does tell him he's lucky he only broke his back and not his wings. Chopper says they're in desperate need of preening and Sanji admits he hasn't done it since he left the Baratie because he didn't want to get caught. He mumbles it all of course but Nami and Luffy are looking at the black monstrous wings as they unfurl and Chopper is amazed at them. They're huge. He has to have a ten/fifteen foot wingspan(if not more but anime logic) and Luffy asks how you preen wings and Chopper shows him despite Sanji insisting he can do it himself. It's too late and Chopper and Luffy are preening a wing and it feels good. Zeff didn't even preen him, not unless Sanji asked and Sanji was too proud to ask normally. Even Nami touches them and is surprised how soft they are.
They leave with Chopper and make it off Drum island and to Alabasta and meet Ace. Sanji is fine in the heat, he's in so many layers though it concerns everyone but he waves them off. He's sworn Nami and Chopper to secrecy but not Luffy because he bought his silence with meat. Sanji is so lucky he didn't inherit more traits from Alber because that cigar marine is tailing them and here and if it wasn't for these covers over his wings h would put to death immediately. Even as they take Alabasta back he doesn't uncover his wings. Not until they leave again and Nami is getting upset with him saying they need preened and that she'll do it while he's on watch. Nico Robin has joined the crew and he doesn't trust her that much and he'd rather not trouble Nami at all but she basically throws him to his knees and starts preening. If Sanji moves to help she threatens to raise his debt which he doesn't understand.
Robin probably knows but no one has else finds out until post TS. He can sill sky walk, he still learned it and to keep his secret. But no one else knows, not until WCI/Wano. Sanji notices his brothers wings are gone and Sanji is the only one left with them. The black wings he cannot cover with his red cape so at least one is always showing as well as his red eye. It has wigged some of his crew out until he showed both eyes at the same time and Robin called him interesting in the way she does some poneglyphs or rituals she reads about.
It made his stomach turn. Just as it is now as he's being called interesting again and Pudding is saying their kids have wings like he does. Big Mom says she thought Lunarians are extinct and Judge says they are. The quadruplets are only infused with the DNA, not actually Lunarian. Sanji wants to vomit.
He'd claim to be an illegal race than to be a Vinsmoke. So during the escape he claims it. He flies and it's awkward so it's a combination of sky walking and flying. Carrying Luffy and Nami to safety. His bounty skyrockets as they head to Wano. It's higher than Zoro's as Nami preens his wings and Luffy coming to help after he's had a nap and some food that Sanji made. He's wanted dead or alive with Vinsmoke as his last name unfortunately and being Lunarian added to his list of crimes.
Everyone seeing his wings in Wano is new and he asks everyone not to touch them. Zoro is confused because the fuck cook? I'm your rival? And Sanji shrugs because he doesn't know what else to do. Then fights keep happening. He uses the raid suit a couple of times, the second time is the worst. He's fighting Alber, he's sure of it. He's so fucking sure but he's drilled through buildings and he's certain Alber is going to kill him for this.
Maybe after the raid Sanji finds a moment alone before Zoro and Luffy wake up. Maybe King the Wild Fire finds him and they talk and catch up. Maybe King preens his son's wings like he always wanted to. Maybe King joins the crew.
Maybe King went to the East Blue, found the Baratie, met Zeff. They would bond over the Eggplant. Sanji's second place in the bounties. When he gets to Egghead he has no sympathy for Vegapunk, he does for Kuma and Bonney but for what he's done to his family? Never. He will never forgive him.
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bridgyrose · 4 months ago
Ladybug week day 6: Childhood AU
Ruby quietly climbed out of her bedroom window, careful to make as little noise as she could as she dropped to the ground. She fussed with the pins that kept her ears down in her hair to make sure they were hidden before pulling the hood of her cloak over. Then, she checked the bag that hung on her shoulder to make sure her White Fang mask was with her and safe. Tonight was going to be her first dust raid and she wanted to make sure she had everything she needed for it. 
She took a deep breath, turned to look at the house one last time, and then started to make her way to take the last ferry of the night. If everything went well, she’d be back on the first ferry to Patch and be home just before her dad woke up. Though, if he found out she was out-
“So you did decide to come,” Blake said with a smile as she dropped out of a tree. “Adam was thinking you were gonna chicken out.” 
“I wasnt going to chicken out,” Ruby lied as she looked away. The thought of staying home did cross her mind more than once, though the idea of disappointing Blake seemed worse than disappointing her dad. “I-I just… needed to..  wait until I wasnt going to get caught sneaking out.” 
“You could always run away,” Adam said as he walked over, almost glaring at Ruby from under his mask. “Then we wont have to be late waiting for you.” 
“And now she’s here so we can go.” Blake sighed and started to make her way to the ferry. “And then we can fill her in with the plan.” 
“Fine. But if she slows us down, she’s out.” 
Ruby slowly followed behind Adam and Blake as she tried to listen to them. Most of the words almost seemed muffled to her as she lost focus on what was being said, only able to focus on Blake. She couldnt help but wonder what life would’ve been like if Blake hadnt saved her, given her a reason to join the White Fang. She was tired of being beat for being a faunus, angry that her dad made her hide her trait anytime she went out, always treated like she was destined for nothing more than a life of hard labor. And yet, when she was with Blake, everything felt like it was going to work out. That no matter what they did, it’ll all be worth it.
“Are you going to answer him?” Blake asked. 
Ruby nearly stopped in her tracks when she realized that Blake had gotten right next to her. “I-I didnt… what was the question?” 
“I asked if you’re sure you want to do this,” Adam repeated, annoyed. “Once you step onto the ferry, there’s no turning back.” 
Ruby nodded, her heart almost thumping in her chest when she saw Blake give her a smile. “Yes! I want to do this more than anything!” 
Adam smirked and motioned for Ruby and Blake to follow him. “Then dont slow us down.” 
Ruby stepped onto the ferry with Blake and Adam, straying towards the edge as she looked back towards her home. Her dad and Yang still hadnt noticed she’d left for the night, which meant she was almost in the clear. Once she reached Vale, as long as she got back before either of them woke up, then she wouldnt have to come up with some sort of excuse as to why she was out. 
“Everything okay?” Blake asked as she moved next to her. “You’ve been quiet ever since you boarded.” 
“Just trying to figure out what to tell Dad and Yang if they ask.” 
“You’re planning on going back to them?” 
“Of course. Why wouldnt I?” 
Blake gently pulled Ruby’s hood down and frowned. “Because they make you hide who you are. I thought you wanted to be yourself.” 
Ruby wanted to pull her hood back up, but she knew Blake was right. Of course she wanted to be more herself, seeing Blake keep her own ears out made her long to be able to do the same. She slowly pulled the pins that held her ears down to let them up. “Where else would I go?” 
“You can come home with us,” Blake suggested. “Its just a small camp right now-” 
“We cant afford to bring another kid along!” Adam snapped. “We’re running low on supplies as it is, another mouth to feed is only going to cause us problems.” 
“I-I’ve been training to be a huntress.” Ruby fidgeted with the pins she held as she tried to look more confident. “I dont have my own weapon yet, Dad wont let me have one for another year, but I can make myself useful!” 
Adam paused for a moment as if he was thinking about it. “If you survive the raid tonight, then we’ll take you back.” 
Ruby let out a silent breath as Adam turned and walked to the other side of the ferry. She wasnt sure why her heart felt like it was pounding in her chest or why her stomach suddenly felt like it was in knots about being herself. But if Blake was sure this was the best way, then she had to know what she was talking about. 
Blake gave Ruby a playful hit on her shoulder and smiled. “Stay close to me and I’ll make sure you’re safe.” 
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elyn1 · 2 years ago
-dan heng smut again😭😭
-school au again?...
imagine ur at ur house with dan heng for like a study date!! and yk like doing hw and stuff
you already finished all your assignments so you just wait for danheng..
and you get the idea to suck him off while hes working!! cuz why not?? youre already dripping wet and hes just taking too long...
when you mention it to him hes already super hard and flustered!!
you get under the table and unzips his pants with your mouth
he looks down at you with a super red face
saying things like, "no!! i have to finish this!!" , or telling you to stop!
you simply ignore him as his dick just throbs even harder at the sight of you under the desk
finally, you take your left hand and place it on his thigh to balance yourself and get your right hand to rub his clothed dick
poor dan heng is just so sensitive and whimpers at every one of your touches!!
he immediately stops writing on his papers and drops his pen trying to cover his mouth
"dan heng i barely touched you..are you just that desperate for me?~"
your words..he didnt even say anything but all you could see was his cock twitching
finally you decide to give him what he so desperately needed
"heres a little twist..you aren't allowed to cum unless you finish your work!~"
he whimpers in pain. his dick is so hard he cant even focus at all
you slowly take out his dick from his pants and giggle
"dont forget my rule!."
he gulps and picks up his pen again, trying to finish his homework as fast as he can
you rub his tip with your thumb, slathering his precum everywhere..god he was leaking too much!!
"ngh!..a-ahh~" he moaned, your sudden touch made him jump. his writing was getting too sloppy now
after feeling his cock throb one more time in your hands, you lower your head , stick out your warm wet tongue and lick the slit of his head
you can hear him let go of everything in his hands and moan. he quickly covers up and uses both of hos hands to shield his mouth
slowly, you descend your head lower and lower onto his cock, wrapping your lips around the girth..he was just so big and long! there were almost tears forming from how big he was but you blinked them away and focused on pleasuring him
finally you reach to the base and took him all. you bobbed your head up and down, swirling your tongue at all of his length
dan heng was moaning and whimpering so loud already despite his hands covering his mouth, then he remember what you said about him cumming..he moved one of his shaky hands from his mouth to pick up his pen and he started to write slowly
you wrapped your lips around him even tighter, trying to make a bigger reaction from him
he couldnt take it..he was already at the last question of his assignment but it was just too much! all of your teasing..your hot mouth licking and sucking his dick..it was all too much!
you felt his cock twitch, ready to cum. right when he was about to release you pulled out
dan heng was panting and sweating. his fingers were deep in his mouth so he didnt have to let out all his embarrassing and lewd moans!!
"dan heng..you cant cum remember? or else..."
"p-please..ill finish my homework after i swear!!~"
after a little bit of thinking you decide to reward him, you twirl your tongue around the slit again and kept sucking at that area
he whimpers louder, when suddenly he brings his hand down to your head and forces it down all the way
he came so much..like too much..he filled up your throat with his hot sticky white cum!!
oh god..imagine how it would feel if he came that much in ur cunt!!
you pull his dick out slowly, trying not the let the cum drip out of your mouth
"dan heng..look.." you say, he looks down at your with beads of sweat sticking to his hair and face as he pants
you open your mouth to show him all the cum stuffed deep inside you, then you swallow it all.
just the sight of that made him even harder than before
his cock is so stiff that it touches his stomach, still dripping tiny bits of cum from the tip
"you havent finished your homework yet so..this is punishment~"
you take your hand and skillfully pumps his cock hard and fast, overstimulating him. even though he wanted you to stop, he couldnt help but throb hard at all the pleasure he recieves
licking his base and dragging your tongue up his dick made him to moan loud. too loud!!
he wanted to cum so badly again.....
you were so surprised at his actions...he grabbed your hair with both of his hands and push you down. and starts to face fuck you slowly, but pace gradually increasing
he thrusts upwards, desperate to chase his release while becoming a moaning mess
his head was leaned back on the chair and he was making such a lewd face!! his tongue was sticking out with his eyes rolled back and he was sweating so much!!
no matter how many times he thrust into your throat, he just couldnt cum
he finally stopped and pulled you out, he got you having your hair messed up, and having all his precum and your saliva dripping down your puffy lips!!
"y/n please..please i need to cum!~i-i cant....please let me fuck you..."
he says shakily while almost crying from how he couldn't release
you giggle at his straight forward answer and then pulled your soaked up panties down...god..he knew he was in for a long night!!
giys i did this in like an hour...ngl i get my ideas from when i talk to character ai😭😭😭
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vanillaxoshi · 1 year ago
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So in this au, their personalities are little different.
But first, the experiments, are both man/alien-made and also parts of different creatures or beasts(idea suggested by nerizys).
And well, this au does focus on the photosynthesis duo more, starting with daun. He hated cahaya after finding out that that he was being tortured for cahaya's success.
That when he destroyed the facility in pure rage, when he found cahaya unconscious , he tried to kill him, but yet, he couldnt.
When tapops came in and found them, out of pure fear daun took cahaya and left.
He didnt know why he took him when he absolutely hated him, he didnt know why he hasn't killed him yet.
Cahaya woke up then, but first, during the experiments, he was purely lonely and/or depressed, that he just thought that if he was just willing, it wont hurt as much, he was wrong but still kept on being willing because he suspected that he might get punishment if he wasnt
He thought he wouldnt have anyone, and that hes fully alone, but when he woke up and found daun, his life was filled with hope
He wasnt alone anymore!
He was happy! He never felt that before!
He didnt even know that's hes his brother. But yet was still happy.
Daun got even more mad seeing cahaya's happy face, but just decided to leave him, but oh boy did he underestimate cahaya's determination following him
Daun never payed the boy any mind until cahaya almost got hurt, and he was able to use his powers accordingly to his intention.
His mind might say he doesnt care but his instincts say otherwise
And thats where lots of things start
Daun, being suspicious of everything, using his looks to manipulate people to get what he can, afraid to lose something hes finally fond of, he can be very protective too. And trust is a hard thing for him since those scientists/people reassure him of something that isnt true, you could say his innocence and naivety was removed from him
Cahaya, still curious of everything especially since he didnt have any passion or anything hed want before. But has a more upbeat attitude, Cahaya is also more honest here, and more of a sunshine too.
And thats all i have for now.
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whovianshifts · 6 months ago
shifting experience in a lucid dream!
(or at least i think that's what happened)
last night, i had the most insane shifting experience. i genuinely have no idea what is was - a lucid dream, maybe - but all i know is that i felt like i was right on the verge of shifting.
last night, as usual, i put on my gateway tapes - still on Focus 3 - and it was alright. i didn't really feel deep in the void or anything, and my mind wandered at times (which i think came down to the fact that i was almost putting it off a little). i usually put an alarm around 2-3 hours before i usually wake up as well so that i can attempt to shift in the mornings - mainly so that i can still practice it everyday but also to make sure that when im doing the tapes, i can purely focus on them and not worry about shifting.
so yesterday, i did the gateway tapes meditation pretty late (2-3am ish) and then put an alarm for 7am. the entire night from here got so crazy that i couldnt tell you a timeline but i am *pretty* sure that my near shifting experience happened after the alarm and between the hours of 730-930.
now, i woke up at 7am, stayed awake for like 2 minutes just shuffling around my room but my whole issue with this technique at the moment is that im sleeping wayy too late, so my shifting alarm is usually around the same time as sunrise, which is SUPER distracting as it just naturally makes me feel 10x more awake.
so basically, i got back into bed, put on some generic theta waves on spotify, attempted to shift for half an hour by going through some techniques from the gateway tapes and then just counted to 100 and repeated affirmations.
whilst im trying not to get overwhelmed by tiktok this time round in my journey, i saw this person saying that "your subconscious has no eyes," - something that genuinely cured my contempt of 'I am' affirmations. its kinda simple, your subconscious creates what it is being told, so i found it easier to accept the logic behind affirmations and the fact that it didnt just feel like a groundless practice allowed me to feel good about them for the first time in like 4 years (no exaggeration). i ended up having my usual mild symptoms of just purple/blue colours, white light seeping etc and then fell asleep, with the intention of shifting in my sleep repeating as i fell asleep.
as i mentioned, it was light outside, so i found it really difficult to sleep but, somehow, in the dredges of sleep that i did get, i kept jumping in and out of a string of *really* detailed and vivid dreams.
NOW THIS IS THE COOL PART (i logically cannot fathom how all this happened in 1-2 hours; the subconscious mind is insane)
in one of the dreams, i felt as though i was consciously awake. like i was in real life. i was lying on my bed in this dream, deciding to shift. i had a few short attempts but they werent 'working' so i told myself ill try one last time and 'it will work'. i was doing all the same things i do in real life, counting, affirming etc but this time, suddenly, i felt my body just ascending upwards and breaking through some kind of metaphysical boundary. i felt my surroundings change so fast, but it freaked me out so i snapped out of it so fast and i was back in bed again. i woke up, but somehow still in the dream, (though again, it felt so real) and then tried again but it didnt work. had i just pushed through that little bit, i just know i would've shifted and woken up somewhere else!! i wouldnt call this a lucid dream, as retrospectively, i didnt feel like i was fully in control, but it did feel like i was making decisions based on some sort of personal will.
the craziest thing was, i remember so vividly trying to fall asleep FOR AGES after my 7am alarm. again, with daylight already breaking through my blinds, i found getting back to bed SO difficult. i dont even remember falling asleep, let alone into such a deep sleep for all this to happen.
the only thing i remember is that i kept repeating 'i am in tigris snow's guest room, i am in tiggy's guest bedroom' (where i'm shifting to) over and over until i did go to sleep and just by doing that, i got so far!!
as someone who honestly doesnt like being out of control when shifting, ive always been an awake method girlie. i think this just comes with the fact that ive never fully trusted in the power of my subconscious and feel better doing it myself. but after this?? i hardly even used a method and i got so close to shifting and i still cant fathom what happened fully, just that it did and i was there.
overall, i rate this semi lucid experience a 1000/10 as it taught me the significance of so many basic shifting concepts i usually overlook, such as affirmations and 'sleep' methods, and just overall taught me to trust in my subconscious more.
so naturally, my future resolutions:
-trust in the power of affirmations
-try out more sleep methods
-learn more about lucid dreaming and whether what i experienced was one! if not, im sure im capable of getting into that state anyway so trying it out would be so cool too.
anyway, happy shifting friends
tish :)
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w1f1n1ghtm4r3 · 6 months ago
followup fun facts about together, to that promised aquarium
this is gonna be just kinda a disorganized post of random things so uh. dont mind that.
the event title is actually a double reference ^^ its both a callback to 1dt with 1c promising to find time to do things as friends despite getting busier (even if theres no ichika this time), and also a reference to harusakis first kizuna!
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colopale you still havent given us that aquarium they said theyd go to. theres a reason i had to do it myself. the fact that theres not an aquarium event in general is a crime tbh i know theres some romantic connotations with a pair going to an aquarium but theres very easy solutions to avoiding that? sending a group of 3+ characters together, having them run into other characters while there, inviting someone else along (even if they cant go, it helps make it feel more like a friend thing i think). i did a bit of the latter two, as you mightve noticed! in general though its just SUCH an obviously fun event theme i cant beleive we havent had one yet
while i am a known harusaki shipper, i kept the story pretty light on the stuff that could be read as explicitly shippy, since when im trying to make fake events, i like to think about how itd work in canon, which means keeping it low on explicit ship content. plenty of stuff that could be taken as ship food (as id like it to be!) but nothing that would alienate non shippers from enjoying the story too.
i actually didnt write shizukasas presence as intended for ship content at all though, but im definitely okay with people taking it that way lol they can be on a date too if you want them to be. my plan with them was simply theyre childhood friends too but dont get to spend time together that often anymore -> their schedules line up with a free day and tsukasa heard about the aquarium from saki, decides to invite shizuku to go there with him as a part of hanging out together -> surprise encounter with harusaki!
also both of them were scoring quite high on the form when i decided to lock in the lineup (tsukasa was absolutely sweeping the 2* category, and while shizuku wasnt winning anything, she was a pretty popular choice) and theyre very easy to work into a story together and also into a story that is focused on harusaki (╯▽╰ ) the benefits of siblings and unitmates
(tsukasa 2* poll sweep at the time of me solidifying my lineup)
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the event and gacha names actually both came to me one night while i was about to fall asleep. struck by inspiration so strong i had to grab my phone and write them down in my notes app. and they actually worked very well! also heres the transparents of the logos if you want them i guess
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the card/skill/costume names also mostly came to me in similar ways, in the last couple nights before i finished everything. i think only saki, luka, and shizukus skills didnt come to me that way.
while the rui fish in tsukasa card might be obvious, theres actually more animals referencing other characters too! theres a group of three fish in sakis card that are the colors of the rest of leoni, the sneakiest of the bunch, and also not quite as sneaky but maybe not as obvious as the rui fish is the airi and minori sea slugs :)
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i did think about giving tsukasa fish to be emu and nene too, but that many differently colored fish in a 2* seemed like too much, so i didnt do it... at least of the units involved, 2/3 of them are fully represented in some way!
and now most importantly probably, is that this is in fact my second pass at an aquarium event! the original one i started back in 2022 and......... i think you guys can figure out why i couldnt just reuse it when i decided to go for making an aquarium event again this time.
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yep, youre seeing that right. 4/5 of the characters i chose are the same as what ended up being 1dt, all i got wrong was the vs. thats pretty crazy, honestly. im still not fully convinced colopale isnt just stealing my ideas after val3 happened too /j
it was also saki focus actually! i had written out a rough idea for the story back then too, and while theres some similarities to the current one, it obviously went through a lot of changes when revising the lineup and also with everything that has happened in the story over the past two years. it was definitely a bit more explicitly shippy than my new attempt, although i still tried to keep the shipping stuff toned back somewhat
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i only ever made one card for that set though, just lukas 2*... but thats the original reason i made the old 2* backgrounds! its always those fake events throwing me into the graphic design trenches (fist shake) i had been trying to do a more canon-accurate style to......... mixed success. its not terrible, but i definitely could not have done the full set like this. theres a reason i did promised aquarium in my own style!
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the original theme for the set was kind of like..... performers at an aquarium? along with living water sculptures of animals. it was a fun idea, but i think i was much better suited to doing the underwater scenes of promised aquarium and also we have plenty of performance themed trained sets already ^^
considering i also technically kept her from the original set (plus she was also winning the vs poll), i gave her a higher rarity card this time around for fun. and also because i knew none of shizuku tsukasa or luka would have super significant roles in the story, and i thought it would be fun to design a lim hairstyle for her!
one final random fun fact: the thing that kicked me into gear making promised aquarium was the fact that haruka wasnt on beautiful sound. i was just a little mad that they had an underwater set WITH A PENGUIN COSTUME and there was no haruka. sometimes petty beef brings out my craziest motivations and then i proceeded to spend the better part of a month planning and making it happen.
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greywoodrpg · 2 years ago
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𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕖
he was born twenty-seven years ago, he is a werewolf who lives in wolf crossing as a firefighter, and is in the pack. he looks an awful lot like oliver stark.
“Just once, I really want someone to choose me.”
tw: dysfunctional family, attack
Theo was almost born to help. He loved people and loved to fix situations. It made him feel important even when he was younger. He noticed his mom seemed happier whenever he made drawings about dad and so he kept doing them until he became a bit too old for it to be sweet anymore. He missed him a lot, even if his older siblings liked to remind him that he didn't even know him. It became super obvious to him that they were right when he finally came back home, but he never stopped loving him. He just tried to focus on other things. He made sure to have good grades and a good behavior, he wanted his mom to be proud of him and to make her life easier. Then his dad left and he started getting attached to his new stepdad. He was nice enough, but Theo just wanted to have a dad like the rest of the kids his age. He was devastated when he lost both of them and he was lucky to have his big brother to raise him or he would've had nobody. He made many good friends in high school and often fell in love with someone new, hoping he could meet that special someone who would prioritize him, but this person certainly didn't come then. They were all a bit too immature for him. When he graduated, he didn't know what he wanted to do, he just knew he wanted to help people. He first started working for a little organization that was meant to help homeless people and then decided to be a firefighter. He was loved by his team immediately and felt like he found a second family. He met his wife after saving her and her dog from a fire and they got married only a year following their first date. He finally met someone who actually loved him (or so he thought) and he certainly couldnt let her go. His life was exciting, he had friends that he probably would keep forever, a wife who he loved more than anyone. He almost wasn't feeling the emptiness of not having his parents with him anymore. That was all until he came back from the restaurant one night with his wife. They decided to walk since it wasn't too cold, but it was a terrible idea because they got attacked by what he thought was a simple wolf. Theo tried to be the hero, but got pushed against a tree and only woke up the next morning in the hospital with scratches and his wife gone. She couldn't accept what he was about to become and he didn't know if he could either. Months later, he was still trying to adapt to his new life when his wife called. She asked him to join her, she said they could try again, that maybe she could accept him if it was away from everything else. She always said she wanted them to move, he never said yes until now. He was desperate, he didn’t want to be alone and so he quit his job and started new somewhere else. They made it for about 4 months before she asked for a divorce.
“what power did he attain when settling in greywood?”
penned by... em
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Yknow smth ive realised is depression makes my imagination so much worse. Like, when i am well and good i can imagine things likeee. Real fuckin well. Sometimes theres bits that r difficult like 4 example if in a book i imagine a house 2 have a certain layout for like half the story but then that layout gets disproven by smth said like 30 chapters in or smth i find it difficult to just change how i imagine it. But usually i can picture things p fucking well and have a clear image of most things in my head (other than faces i cant do faces but thats unrelated). But when ive had worse days, that imagination sorta falters and picturing things gets more difficult. Ill lose track of podcasts n shit bc i spend ages dwelling on trying to imagine what smth looks like and oh look ive missed important dialogue stuff oopsies. But its not anything that actively stops me really things r just more difficult. Oh and also w art, when im all good i can usually daydream a lot and come up w random art ideas or story ideas. Whether i can then acrually DRAW them for realsies is an entirelt different story but thats got nothing 2 do w my ability to IMAGINE IT only good ol art being art. But yea the thing is when im doing a bit worse its usually a lot harder 2 come up w ideas and i instead will resort to making art of things ive already done or trying 2 do still lifes n shit that doesn't need my imagination. But then when shit gets REALLL bad. Like i can barely get out of bed bad. And also i literally am just waiting out every day bad. My imagination is just Gone. Like not even worse i just cant fucking imagine shit. And i remember for months i just. Didnt draw anything. When things were bad. But then when things got worse i started drawing again but with absolutelt 0 imagination. I just kept drawing the same things over and over and over. Bc my brain felt so dead and so focused on just whatever my depressed brain decided to focus on. That my imagination just fucking disappeared. Usually i like thinking of littke stories n shit yjnow 4 fun. But then during that time i just couldnt think of ANYTHING. everyone talks abt depression being stuck in ur own head but for me it wasnt like that. Its like. Being stuck so much outside of ur own head. But then also w the isolation i put myself thru i was also stuck outside the outside world. So i was just fucking stuck in my room and that was it. Literally everything was just my room. Bc my imagination was just fucking gone. Butttt when summer rolled around and i stopped being stuck in my pit, i could imagine things more. I havent done much more art but ive definitely done less vent art. Ive had more art ideas and ive started seeing colour palettes in plants again. I can vaguely picture things in descriptions now (altho its still veryyyy abstract sometimes bc i cannot focus 4 the life of me). And just like. I can fuckin imagine things again bc im not so incredibkt depressed. Andddd yea not so sure what the point of this post is supposed to be but yea. Imagination is like the basis of humanity and when things get Bad u cant do that shit anymore and it fucking sucks and yea.
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dcforts · 4 years ago
[week 4: selfie together]
1.7k, post-canon, non canon compliant.
Three days to impact (moving out with Cas and a bunch of hunter nerds settling into the bunker to set up the Network), and Dean was still elbow deep in messy drawers, sorting through his stuff in one of the research rooms. He couldn’t believe he had managed to hoard that much crap when he spent there not more than six months every year.
Sam had already taken care of most of it and thrown away a lot of junk when he had moved away with Eileen a year or so ago, so Dean had thought that he would be packed in less than a day with what was left. He was wrong.
He was tackling a bunch of phones and chargers all tangled up together, trying to figure out which ones were still working. Between him and Sam they had probably gone through a hundred or so phones, without counting the burners, their dad’s and those of other hunters, passed on after their deaths.
You had to keep them on, check the messages, write down the contacts – for a long time it was the only way to keep the network going and to make sure that no call for help would ever go unanswered.
Hopefully the Network, with Charlie fancy digital system and stolen tech from the Brits, would make things a lot easier. The bunker would become the hunter HQ that it was always meant to be. And Sam and Dean would still go there from time to time, but it would become more like a workplace than an actual home.
Magazines apparently said you had to keep them separated and all that. So, they were trying.
He wasn’t even halfway done when he found his old phone. It was not too ancient or anything and he used to like it just fine, but for Christmas Claire and the girls had gotten him a new one (“not for work!!” said the note attached to it) so he had just dumped it in here.
It had no SIM card, but there were some police contacts (useful) and the Candy Crush app (not useful). He went on to check the gallery and was surprised to find still some pictures in it.
He snorted, seeing one of the last taken – Sam, drunk on Christmas Day, a paper crown askew on his head, trying to focus enough to play Jenga with someone who was out of the shot. Dean didn’t remember who it was anymore. Sam had the most incredible face on.
Oh, there were pictures from when they went to visit Garth! He had taken them at Frontier Stables in Frederic and Dean and Gertie had possibly been equally excited about riding a horse. There were a bunch of pictures of that day, including one Garth had taken of him where he looked like an absolute dork.
Wow, they must have been at least a year or so older, he had totally forgotten about them. Now, he couldn’t just put the phone down and resume his work. He debated with himself (very briefly) if he could afford a break or not and then flopped down on the floor covered in cardboard boxes to look through the rest of the gallery.
Most of the pictures were cases related, articles and crime scenes, then a bunch of landscapes, an amazing looking burger from that joint in Texas.
There was one with Cas that he had taken one night. Dean’s face was on the foreground, on the left, and he was making a funny face, his index finger to his lips. The red couch was visible behind his shoulders and Cas was by his side, his face turned towards the television screen and lighted by it.
They had been cooped up in Dean’s cave for nearly four hours and all that time Sam was freaking out because he didn’t know where they were and he couldn’t find them. When Dean had checked his phone, he had found fourteen missed calls and a bunch of texts. He had sent him that picture back and written shh it's movie night.
Sam had come bursting through the door two seconds later and bitched at him for fifteen minutes for having his phone on silent and then stayed and watched Back to the Future III with them.
This was before he and Cas even got together – well, officially at least.
It felt like so long ago, back when they were all: fingers brushing, intense gazing, losing track of time when alone together. They were so clueless.
It had sorted itself out though. A couple of weeks after that, Dean had fallen asleep on Cas’ shoulder and Cas had spent the rest of the night holding him and he had done that every night since.
Dean smiled and scrolled down, back in time.
More photos on the road, book pages, his car against a pretty sunset. Then a group selfie that they sent to Jody for her birthday. Sam and Eileen were still living at the bunker then and Sam was holding the phone, on account of having three feet long arms. They were standing in the kitchen, Eileen right next to him, under his other arm and Dean next to Eileen.
Cas had appeared on the door as they were getting in position so Sam he had told him to hurry up, get in the frame and he had come to stand next to Dean, stiff like a statue. Sam had said, a little closer, so Dean had slung an arm around his neck and pulled him towards him.
Right when Sam had been about to snap it, Cas had grabbed Dean’s hand, that was dangling over his shoulder. So of course, in the picture Dean looked like a total idiot, with his eyes wide and his lips slightly parted in surprise. He had even stopped breathing a little and Cas next to him had the audacity to look totally oblivious. Dean zoomed in on his face and cackled at himself. God, and what was up with that haircut he had, did he even look at himself in the mirror.
He went on.
A few rows below there was another selfie. It was just him this time and it was terrible, the sunlight making the picture look all wrong, like there was a filter on it. It was a vertical shot that showed just about his face and shoulders.
It had been early in the morning, he was bleary-eyed and there was a little wrinkle in between his eyebrows because he had been in the car waiting for Sam to come back with their coffee for twenty minutes.
Cas had texted him out of the blue, Can you send me a picture of you? and Dean had snapped it and sent it without thinking and then he had written, what do you need it for and Cas had written back, I just miss you. Dean had almost dropped his phone, then put it away and not looked at it until late that night. Yeah, it hadn’t been one of his best moments.
Finally he had managed to pull out the conversation again. He had typed and deleted miss you too and same and same, man about a thousand times and then ended up writing your turn now.
He remembered that Cas had been quick to reply with an even worse shot than the one he had sent. Some blurry picture he had taken under a streetlight, his face wearing an intense expression, as if he needed to focus to tap once on a screen. Still, Dean had looked at it for an hour before he had gone to sleep. What a sap.
Thinking of that photo reminded him of another one. He wondered if? It took a while to find it, but it was there, almost at the end of the gallery, right after a picture of Jody in a ridiculous sun hat from when they all went to the beach for the weekend.
It was there. Their first selfie together. He snorted out loud.
He had been pacing in the map room, cursing at his phone that was stuck with the camera open. He was trying everything and it just wouldn’t close.
Cas had come look over his shoulder while Dean had been furiously tapping, and that was when the screen had frozen and flashed and the result of that was a picture of the two of them from the most unflattering angle, frowning down at the phone. Two half faces, Dean on the right, Cas on the left. Dean thought it was hilarious.
Cas had said, “I think you took a picture,” because he was a great help as usual and Dean had said, “Yeah, no shit Cas,” and eventually had to restart the phone to make it work again.
He couldn’t believe that had happened more than two years ago.
“I’m done with the inventory of the herbs. Are you done in here?” said Cas, poking his head in from the hallway. Dean very obviously wasn’t done, but he was still smiling, so Cas said, “What is it?” and came to crouch beside him to peer at his phone and the infamous selfie, “Why did we take this?”
Dean laughed, “We didn’t. My phone was acting up.”
"And you kept it?"
"Yeah, of course I kept it," Dean said, tilting his phone away, as if Cas would jump him to delete it.
Cas had other priorities. He kissed his temple.
"Okay," he said amused, then, "Do you need help? Charlie is coming over in an hour to set up the - cables."
There were no cables. Cas clearly didn’t know what he was talking about, but Dean had no idea of what Charlie was supposed to do either, so.
"No, just - wait, let's take a picture," he said, grabbing his sleeve before he could get up. Cas settled once again next to him and Dean opened the camera and held his phone up, then got his other arm around Cas’ shoulders.
The light was not great, like anywhere else in the bunker and they looked exhausted after a day's work but still, not a bad sight, if Dean could say so himself.
He focused on Cas on the screen, the little smile on his lips.
He grinned. He was gonna spend the rest of his life with that face, he thought. Jesus.
"Dean?" Cas called, after another moment of nothing.
"Alright, alright," he said and snapped the picture.
@bend-me-shape-me said #deancassummerprompts21 and I said YES
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technowoah · 4 years ago
Hi! This is my first time doing a request for a prompt list but can you do prompts 1,34,25 if you can put those in one fanfic, or mini series. Again this is my first time requesting a prompt list thing. If you can’t fit those three in there you can just do 1 of them. If anything I wrote just made sense, sorry if it didn’t. Have a good day!
Rather Be Devisive Then Indecisive...
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Thanks for the request! I decided to do Techno cause I need some Techno content here!
Sorry it took so long 😭
C! Techno x gen neutral! Reader (platonic)
1) "I fucking hate you" "please dont say that"
34) "one more chance please?" "You're being greedy"
25) "You're right. You are useless"
⚠︎ swearing, indecisive reader, angst, angst, mentions of weapons, mentions of death, mentions of tnt & explosions, Wilbur's last canon life, sad techno, I didn't proofread, this story is so fucking long-
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"Dont you see history repeating itself?!"
You found yourself in a huge predicament right now while standing by Technoblade's side, adorned in netherite armor and weapons. You were facing against the people you used once to love, the people you eere supposed to kill. You hadn't seen Tommy's face so distraught in quite some time.
Everyone thought you were the traitor, you lost the trust of the people you once sided with and loved. You couldnt stand to see the pain Tommy had in his eyes and the betrayal Tubbo showed. It wasn't true, from what you heard it wasn't true.
You didn't just appear on Technoblade's side one day, it was a tough ride to follow. The beginning of your journey had you looking desperately for a place to be, a home. You were lost in the huge kingdom with huge monuments and different types of people.
Then came L'Manburg. A place where you could be free, at least they sold it like that. You had met Tommy and Tubbo while on the Prime Path and immediately asked about their blue war coats and they immediately introduced you to L'Manburg. You were accepted a while later, meeting the citizens and making connections with all of them.
Then came Manburg and Pogtopia which led you here next to Technoblade as he went on about replacing tyrant with another. You were always on Technoblade's side ever since he joined Pogtopia. All it took was constant literature sessions and talks about politics and you were on board with his ideals and his hate for government.
You were apart of L'Manburg before Pogtopia and Technoblade had changed your mind on government he made you see everything through a different lense and that lense was beautiful and clear. You adapted his ways of thinking quickly and became "one of his personal favorites" as he would say.
Technoblade set off a firework explosion and everyone screamed and scattered, that was the "go" you ended up attacking somone else that wasn't a close friend of yours. You were trying not to attack anyone, this wasnt your style. Yes, Techno had taught you fighting styles and how to become stronger but you didn't want to fight who you considered your family.
You eventually found yourself on a hill looking over the explosions and swords swinging in the gleaming sun. People below were looking in your direction quickly then heading back into battle wondering why there werent any fireworks hot from above, but you couldnt do it. You just couldn't bring yourself to soot the crossbow that was hanging on your hip. Techno kept looking up towards you as you looked back towards him in distraught.
Everyone was yelling until Dream had spoken up.
"You know who the trader was Tommy? Tommy the traitor was Wilbur."
No it couldn't be.
"No! Technoblade killed Tubbo and Y/N left us behind, they're the traitors!" Tommy exclaimed in confusion.
Your mind couldn't make up anything at the moment, was Wilbur the real traitor instead of everyone thinking it was you? Everyone was questioning if Dream was right or not, but you were so into your own mind you didn't hear that one faint scream that lead to many others.
The ground started shaking like a earthquake was about to happen and then the ground started to break apart and explode revealing the huge amounts of TNT that was placed under the stone and dirt. You felt uneasy as smoke, and debris flew from the ground and up into the air. You heard screams of agony who were caugh in the explosion, screams of anguish who witnessed the explosion and screams of joy.
Emotions flew through you like blood. This wasnt what was supposed to happen was is? You were a citezen of L'Manburg before a citizen of Pogtopia and this was the worst thing you have ever seen. The sky turned dark and grey, the place you used to call home is gone and the person who destroyed your home was the one who built it.
"Wilbur?!" You screamed as you saw him and Philza staning next to what looked like a man made cave in the hill.
Everyone else followed your line of sight and saw Wilbur standing next to Philza talking to him. Philza had a sword in his hand and what is seemed like arguing with Wilbur as well. Everything seemed so chaotic you didnt know what to focus on, Wilbur and Philza, Dream inevitably sneaking away, or Technoblade's glare at you from a top a building. You couldn't bring yourself to face Techno right now. Technoblade was a source of comfort for you, but at this moment you had no where to turn.
The straw that broke the camel's back was seeing Philza kill Wilbur. He pierced the sword through his heart and as Wilbur's legs couldn't hold himself up anymore Philza hugged his son and fell down to the ground with him hugging him in his last moments as everyone below screamed at Philza.
Your vision became blurry as tears welled up in your eyes. Everything was gone. You had nothing left to go back, no home, no Wilbur. It seemed like Tommy and Tubbo didn't want you back in their lives so it seemed hopeless. Falling to your knees you cradled your face in your hand trying to block out all of the commotion outside.
L'Manburg was like a home you always wanted but never had. They were like family and you grew too attached. You loved them like brothers and a sister. You loved them you grew attached to them as well, especially to Wilbur because you looked up to him as a leader and he took you under his wing when you had no where to go, he cared for you like a big brother. Tommy and Tubbo were also another two you grew too attached to because of Tommy's impulsiveness and Tubbo's attention to detail and caring for others.
After the fall of L'Manburg Technoblade had to make everything worse.
He had looked towards you one last time before getting into position.
"Are you just gonna sit there!? We have a job to do!" Techno said while unsheathing a sword.
"Isn't the job done already?!" You yelled back still sat on the hill.
Techno started to laugh. "Barely!"
He jumped down from the building and into some rubble underneath him and you followed him down the hill. Techno had brung out soul sand and began placing it on the ground with wither skeleton skulls in his hands. You walked over to him and he handed you a skeleton skull, you reluctantly took it out of his hands and you saw him smirk at your compliance.
Tommy began walking towards Techno and you in a fiery rage ready to fight him. He couldn't get straight to him because of a small gap the explosion made. Tommy was trying to keep everyone on that side, safe. Dream and Punz jumped over the gap and joined both you and Techno by the soul sand.
"Stop this right now Techno!"
"You stay over there Tommy!"
The two bickered back and forth until they eventually died down and Technoblade spoke up over the talking and yelling coming from the side Tommy was on.
"Tommy, do you think you're a hero? Is that what this is?" Techno said while letting his guard down for a moment and put his crossbow down.
"I just- I just wanted L'Manburg!" Tommy exclaimed back clearly confused.
You werent a stranger to Technoblade's speeches you were a fan of them really, but not when its against someone you would consider a brother.
Technoblade spoke up over Tommy. "You wanted power.
"I wanted L'Manburg, thats all I ever wanted. I wanted..." Tommy stopped talking for a moment, like he was thinking.
"Tommy you just did a coup! You just did a hostile government takeover and then immediately instilled yourself as president." Techno explained to him in a more serious voice than before.
"And then you gave it to your friend, but that still a tyrant Tommy!"
"But the thing about his world Tommy, is that good things dont happen to heros. Let me tell you a story Tommy. A story of a man called Theseus."
Technoblade had taught you about Greek literature and how they could be compared to people in the kingdom today. He so happened to find correlations between Tommy and Theseus at this moment.
You were still anxiously waiting for Technoblade's long speech to end so you could get this heartbreak over with. The need to cry more never became more apparent until now, the need ro run away and never come back but you wanted to listen.
"His country was endagered and he sent himself forward into enemie lines, he slayed the minotaur and saved his city. You know what they did to him Tommy?!"
"What did they do-"
"They exiled him. He died in disgrace, despised by his people. Thats what happens to heros Tommy." Techno finished his Greek mythology speech.
Tubbo spoke up from behind Tommy. "But he saved everyone!"
"The Greeks knew the score, but if you want to be a hero Tommy that's fine." Technoblade started walking backwards with a wither skulls in each hand.
You had soul sand infront of you and you were waiting till Technoblade set the first wither out into the world. There were wither skulls in the brown grass so you all could quickly put the skulls ontop if the sand. Technoblade thought it was a good idea to have multiple withers flying in L'Manburg at once. You and Techno were probably going to get attacked by the withers too because withers dont know who made them, they just attack.
"Technoblade dont do this! We're so close! Im not the hero! No one's the hero!" Tommy pleaded and that made your heart drop.
"You want to be a hero Tommy?! THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"
There it is. Techno started placing the skeleton heads on the soul sand and you followed suit placing three skulls onto the other. The two withers started to form and grow besides you and Technoblade. You didnt want to do this at all. You could hear the screams from the former Pogtopia and L'Manburg citizens, this wasnt what you wanted. You didn't want Wilbur to die, you didn't want L'Manburg to go, and of course you didnt want your family to die.
Technoblade grabbed your hand and led you to a higher plane, both of you dodging the blows the withers were giving out to anyone in their way. You had made it a top of the building Technoblade was before. You felt like your lungs had no air in them, from the running and and seeing Tommy desperately trying to fight a wither above him, Tubbo shooting arrows next to Quackity and the withers making Wilbur's explosion bigger than it was.
Technoblade started laughing at the destruction and the screams of the people below. You knew Technoblade was a dangerous man, he killed and did it for his own reasons that you didnt argue against. He had told you that he will tell you one day, but this wasnt that day. You didn't want to hear anything from him, you had lost everything.
"I fucking hate you." You breathed out in disbelief at the destruction below.
"Please dont say that." Techno rolled his eyes.
"You're not telling the truth-"
"MY LIFE IS GONE TECHNO! I- My home is gone! Wilbur is gone! Where do I go?!"
"Hou have me! What are you talking about? Did you just blindly follow me?! Newsflash I'm not Wilbur, Im not Schlatt! Im my own person that dosent associate with government so might as well destroy the government physically." Techno looked back out into the chaos.
"This cant be the way!"
"Do you have another plan?!"
"If I did it wouldn't have mattered." You said calming down, but still angry.
"Should've said something sooner." Techno said while walking away from the edge of the building and away from you.
"Again, it wouldn't have mattered." You said as a final statement before he walked away.
You didnt know where he was going nor did you care at this point. You retreated for now and found yourself back in Pogtopia. Going down into the decorated cave and reminiscing on times shared. The moments where Tommy was messing with Wilbur, when Tubbo immediately relaxed when he found himself around Pogtopia and he could be himself, when Techno and you had extremely deep talks in the potato farm.
You ended up going back to your home later that night trying to clear your mind and trying to know where to go next. The next morning your feet had a mind of its own that morning because you ended up at Tommy's house. You had knocked on his door and he swung it opened it with his widened eyes not expecting you to be there. He was bandaged up more than usual, he had scars on his hands and face too. It was a sad sight for you.
"Y/N?! What are you doing here!? I didn't-"
You cut Tommy off by hugging him and trying not to cry at the sight.
"Im so sorry Tommy." You said regretting everything.
"Im sorry I hurt you."
"Hey calm down. I forgive you, but it's gonna be hard ya know?" Tommy explained as you let him go sniffling.
"I understand, you shouldn't feel obligated to forgive me I know its going to be hard to help them grow even though I betrayed them." You slightly laughed and Tommy smiled.
You felt accomplished that day. You hung out with Tommy the whole day, then found Tubbo as well. They both accepted you but slowly but surely were going to forgive you. You hated that they were in pain but they knew you were in pain as well. Later that day you sat down with the both of them and wrote letters to everyone wanting to reconnect again. The two had said they would help deliver the letters while you delivered some too.
The day turned into night and you and Tubbo were currently walking around doing nothing in particular. Tommy had headed home as you promised to visit him tomorrow. You and Tubbo both ended up on the topic of Phil. Silence fell upon you two, you didn't know what to say about that. You didn't know Phil that well, but he seemed regretful. Wilbur's death became a touchy subject between you two. Tubbo then asked you about Technoblade and you had no answer to that either.
Technoblade left without telling you anything at first you didnt care, but now you are slightly regretting having that stupid fight. Days continued to go on and your regret became more apparent each and every day. You had reconnected with former L'Manburg members and asked for forgiveness. It was a slow process but you all became closer in due time.
Technoblade and your relationship grew further apart and you noticed that. You never seen him since the final day of L'Manburg until one day.
You had visited the abandoned and long forgotton Pogtopia once more longing for the days before all Hell broke loose.
"What are you doing here?" You turned your head to see Technoblade standing not too far away from you.
"What are YOU doing here?! Where have you been?" You exclaimed not knowing whether to run to him or stand still.
"Well im used to being left alone. It's not that hard you should try it sometimes."
"Last thing I remember was you walking away."
"Last thing I remember was you yelling at me and telling me that you fucking hated me." Techno said matching your tone.
"I was in a bad place at that moment." You tried to justify your actions when in reality you couldn't.
"Weren't you all!"
"What's that supposed to mean?" You said getting defensive.
"I mean all of you L'Manburgians. You all were going through something. That something was the death of your leader and the inevitable death if your country. You apparently never let go of that side, L'Manburg is still with you somehow." Techno explained to you.
He always read you like an open book. You still never let go of L'Manburg and thats why you went back and left your and Technoblade's relationship behind. Yes that was your fault, but you can try and reconnect, try to build trust again.
"Can't I be with them and you at the same time?" You asked, while your confidence left your body.
"NO! WHAT?! Why would you say that?! Have you been listening to me?!"
"I have! You-"
"No you clearly fucking havent! They are feeding into the very thing they sought to destroy! History is repeating and you going back is only encouraging it! Soon enough the new "L'Manburg" will fall time and time again!" Technoblade yelled clearly fed up with the conversation.
"Technoblade. I wanted to make ammends with you! I wanted to be on your side again!" You pleaded.
"Apparently not because you keep runnning to L'Manburg!"
You were getting desperate, it felt like everything was lost again. Why did you have to chose between anti-government and pro-government. You didnt have to, you just needed your friendship that was torn apart glued back together. The need to rekindle the friendship between you and Technoblade began to exceed everything else and continued to cloud your mind.
"One more chance please?!"
"You're being greedy." Techno taunted.
"Techno listen! I-"
"I am listening." He interrupted you on purpose.
"Seriously I wanted to rekindle our friendship so please just let me do this!" You pleaded.
"That's not going to be happening anytime soon. You know Im usually the one being left, but now that I see you like this I now understand why people leave others." He laughed.
You stayed silent and that gave him the opportunity to speak more.
"Those that have treated me with kindness, I will repay that kindness tenfold. And those that treat me with injustice, that use me, that hunt me down, that hurt my friends. I shall pay that injustice a thousand times over."
Another speech he would use another time. Your gaze was set on the stone ground beneath you. You couldn't face him and you knew he was talking about you. You weren't going to get the happy ending you always dreamt of. You were always aware of falling out of friendships but you never knew that one of your falling friendships would hurt this badly.
"All that time ago, you're right, you were right. You are useless."
"I dont need you anymore." Technoblade continued and ascended up the stairs to leave. He left you alone down in Pogtopia, it was hard.
"I came here to get actual shit done, but it turns out I couldn't." You heard Technoblade mumble upstairs before you were for sure he left.
You were left in the once lively underground community of Pogtopia. It was quiet and still now with the only thing was a small cool whispering of the wind.
You had your family, slowly but surely it was coming together but now everything seemed more broken than ever. Unbeknownst to you everything would get worse.
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luci-four · 4 years ago
Catnap {Diavolo x Reader/MC}
A/N: a fic in which i wanted diavolo to experience PAIN but also know he is L O V E D because i couldnt help but remember that he once said asmo never invites him to parties and it broke my frozen heart,
{Diavolo x Reader/MC}
Diavolo’s eyes were downcast as he walked along, listening to Barbatos drone on about his schedule for the rest of the day. Of course, he knew it was important and definitely something he needed to do as it was his duty, yet, he couldn’t help but long for a sense of freedom. He longed for a time he could simply be himself, not worry about his princely duties—he longed for something, he just wasn’t quite sure what. Of course, he knew Barbatos was simply doing his own job, but it didn’t stop the prince from zoning out. He could hear the shorter man give an exasperated sigh before repeating his last few sentences. Maybe a walk around R.A.D.’s campus would help him focus.
It wasn’t helping. He sighed during the entire walk, each time getting a little more dramatic; he hunched his shoulders and slouched a bit more with each heave, dragging his feet along the ground as though he were a toddler throwing a temper-tantrum. His pitch was whiny, and he secretly did feel bad for his unbecoming behaviour towards Barbatos, but he couldn’t help himself.  
As though it were a beam of light on a cloudy day, something had caught his attention from the corner of his eye, and turned his entire mood around. Without raising Barbatos’ suspicion—or so he thought—his gaze honed in on a small, stray kitten walking along the path behind the shorter man. His face instinctually turned to one mixed with shock and adoration, both attempted to hide behind the thin veil of collectiveness. Golden eyes kept flickering from his butler to the tiny mammal behind him.
“As I said before, after meeting with Lucifer to go over the budget for...” Barbatos scrunched his nose before interrupting himself. “My lord, you aren’t paying attention again.”
“What?” Diavolo’s shoulders stiffened as he let out a half-hearted laugh, “Of course I am!”
“.....What are you distracted by?”
“It’s nothing! Wait--”  
Before Diavolo’s outstretched hand could stop him, Barbatos turned to lock eyes with the kitten that had caught his liege's attention. He held his stare as if the two of them had a contest going without so much as a word, until the kitten had meowed up at him.
“It’s talking to you!”
“I wish it wouldn’t.”
“Don’t be mean to it, it’s cute!”
“My lord, we do need to get through this schedule for the day--”
“I’d much rather sit with this kitten.”
Diavolo quickly jumped at the chance to get down on all fours to level with the kitten, ignoring Barbatos’ pleas for him to not ruin his uniform. He cooed as the kitten rubbed against his face, meowing softly at him in response to his badly-attempted meows, and rolled onto its back to play with one of the pendants hanging off of his coat. A genuine laugh erupted from the man as he pet the creature.
“I’m glad you’re thoroughly enjoying yourself, Lord Diavolo, however we do need to get going now--”
“I’ve decided to keep it!”
“Absolutely not.”
Like a child who was told no in the toy store—or a better comparison would have been a kicked puppy—Diavolo looked up at him with pleading eyes and a pouting lip. He mumbled to himself, about being the prince and frankly doing whatever he’d like, as though he truly were a child.
“My lord, a cat in the castle would be a terrible idea. You are too busy to see to one--”
“You could do it!”
“--and I’m too busy ensuring you’re taken care of to worry about the cat as well.”
Diavolo groaned and rose to his feet, keeping his back towards Barbatos. After agreeing that he would be right, he attempted to walk off and change the subject towards the schedule Barbatos was so adamant about, only to jolt to a stop as the butler cleared his throat.
“My lord--”
“I thought you said we were busy!” Diavolo chuckled, attempting to continue again, “Let’s go!”
“The cat, my lord.”
“It ran into the bushes--”
“Please take the cat out of your coat pocket.”
Hanging his head as he was caught, he placed the kitten gently onto the path, watching it scamper away, chasing after some sort of bug. He crossed his arms and jutted his lip out into a pout, keeping his glare just a tad icy towards Barbatos. Again, he was aware he was just doing his job, but the kitten was so adorable and just the distraction he felt that he needed, and his friend simply just wouldn’t allow him to have it; so, he listened. He listened intensively, absorbing each word Barbatos had thrown him and repeated key points to prove he had listened. His eyes, however, flickered to the small animal who kept running in and out of the bushes, tempting his willpower and attention an embarrassing amount.
Before he had realized it, however, one of the seven brothers had also been walking along campus. Noticing the two of them talk, Satan minded his own business and only stopped as a kitten randomly appeared in his path. Without so much as a second thought, he scooped the animal up and kept on his way, not realizing the heartbroken, utter shock that had washed over the Devildom’s prince.
“That seems to be the end of it, Lord Diavolo. Shall we move on to our meeting--”
“Did you see that!”
Barbatos tilted his head and looked behind him where Diavolo had been pointing; he used all of his might not to raise an eyebrow at his boss.
“See... what, exactly?”
“If you’re going to mention the cat again, then please forgive me for cutting you off. We simply cannot have the cat.”
“But Satan took it!”
“Ah, then you should take solace in knowing that cat is well taken care of. Now, moving on to our meeting, my lord.”
Without so much as another word, Barbatos ushered Diavolo off towards their next location, the cat never left his mind.
By the end of the day, MC had noticed something weighing on the prince. He seemed sluggish, lost in thought, a million miles away in those eyes as they sat across the room from him. During the rare moment he sat alone, MC approached him casually.
“Hey,” they leaned against the edge of his desk, “something on your mind?”
“Oh? Was it obvious?”
“I’m just a really good guesser.”
Diavolo leaned back in his chair and shot them an award-winning smile, the hearty, whimsical laugh he’s known for followed suit.
“Then that must be your version of magic, interesting. I’ll admit there is something on my mind that I just can’t shake.”
“Care to tell me what it is?”
Before MC could even get the last syllable out, Diavolo slammed his hands on the desk and stood instantly. He leaned in towards them with wide eyes and a slight pout, not noticing that his sudden closeness caused MC to swallow hard.
“Satan took my cat!”
“..... I’m sorry, what?”
“My cat! He took it!”
“You... had a cat?”
“Yes! No! Kind of?”
“Diavolo, not to sound rude but... I’m really not following.”
He sat back down and bit the inside of his cheek, sighing heavily before explaining himself.
“There was this kitten, outside, it was absolutely adorable. The roundest little face, big eyes, soft fur—it was tiny, too! Just the perfect little thing, and I wanted to take it home! Take care of it! But--”
“But?” MC dragged out their syllables.
“But,” Diavolo mimicked their actions, “Barbatos said it was impossible to take care of a cat as of now. He refused to let me take it, and not only that, but I had to watch in silence as Satan came along and took the cat as his own!”
“Well, if Satan took it--”
“Then it’s in good hands, yes, Barbatos said the same; that isn’t the point!”  
Diavolo held his tongue on what truly bothered him, hoping that MC-the-great-guesser wouldn’t take notice that his burst of emotions dug much deeper than just a little cat he met outside. A thought passed his mind and it clicked for him—a plan—he'd have to think more about. He composed himself, stood up and straightened out his coat before shooting another large, fake smile towards the human.
“Anyway, I have other meetings to get to, unfortunately. It is my duty, after all. My apologies for being so... emotional, but thank you for lending me your time.”
MC’s eyes followed as he stiffly walked from the room. He may have been the prince of Devildom, but MC couldn’t hide the smile on their lips towards his childish behaviour they grew to find endearing. They did wonder what deeper emotions were hidden behind his need for the cat, however.
Relaxing by the window, MC was startled to hear a light knock against the glass in the middle of the night. Terrified, they very slowly turned their head to meet face to face with a disheveled prince, smiling from ear to ear. Tossing fear and confusion aside, they rushed to open the window and called out to him in a hushed tone.
“Diavolo? What are you doing here? I mean... here, and also, at my window.” They grabbed his hands and helped him start to climb in. “There is a front door, you know. I’m pretty sure Lucifer wants you to use it. Should I let him know you’re here--”
“No!” Diavolo cried as he fell forward through the window. He sat up as though nothing had happened. “I’m here in secret, please keep it between the two of us!”
“Al...right, but why exactly are you here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, but it is the middle of the night, and you know it seems...” They couldn’t finish their statement due to nerves and turned away to keep the red on their cheeks hidden.
“Hm? Oh, about that!” He stood up suddenly, “I’m going on an adventure! Come with me!”
“Shh! You’re the one who said this was a ‘secret visit’, so keep your voice down!”
“Right!” He lowered his voice, “I’m going on an adventure, so come with me.”
“Where exactly is your adventure going to lead us? Does Barbatos know--”
“No, he does not and he doesn’t need to!”  
Diavolo’s eyebrows were drawn together, nose scrunched in irritation. He sighed and shook his head, forcing an apologetic smile on his lips.
“My apologies, I mean, this isn’t a matter that concerns Barbatos. I came to you for assistance this time, I thought perhaps we could have some fun; what do you say?”
MC twisted their lips to the side, eyeing whatever the tall man was hiding; it didn’t take much to see that he was, in fact, hiding something... but what was it? They nodded, agreeing to whatever plan he may have, knowing they couldn’t just let the prince of Devildom run off and make childish mistakes on his own. MC would get in trouble with Barbatos at that point, and they shivered at the thought of being on bad terms with him. Once they silently agreed, Diavolo captured their hand in his—blind to the eruption of blush across their face—and quickly slipped into the hall.
They were dragged along as Diavolo tiptoed dramatically, peeking around corners and hiding in the shadows. MC was flung around as though they were some sort of paper doll. Diavolo seemed way too out of his element to sneak around properly, so MC called out to him quietly to have him take a moment and explain just what he was doing.
“Stop, stop. You’re terrible at this. Where are you going anyway? The front door isn’t up the stairs--”
“Our destination is, though!” He said in a hushed shout, his movements a bit antsy. “We have to go up.”
“To where, exactly?”
He covered their mouth with his hand, oblivious to how it caused their heart flutter, he focused his attention to the sound of walking in the hallway behind them. Diavolo rushed them along, stopping at a door and quickly attempting to jiggle his way through the lock. MC faced the hallway, wary of the approaching footsteps and faint voices as they kept watch; Diavolo simply used magic to unlock the handle, and pulled MC in so quick he literally swept them off of their feet. Both of them held an ear against the door and heard as two of the brothers made their way back to their rooms. Before MC could give a sigh of relief, they could hear Diavolo cooing at something in a baby tone. A light bulb went off in their head as they slowly turned to face the room, a look of distaste, disbelief, and irritation graced their features.
“We broke into Satan’s room.”
“Yes!” Diavolo held the kitten up to his face, laughing as it give his cheek a few kisses.
“A cat.”
“We broke in... to Satan’s room,” MC put heavy emphasis on Satan being the owner, “to steal a cat.”
“Diavolo!” MC shouted before quickly quieting back down, “We’re dead if we’re caught in here! Well, I will be. You’re the prince of Devildom, you probably won’t be. But I will be. Satan is going to get pissed, oh my god, I’m going to die, aren’t I? I am. I’m going to die. I’m--”
Diavolo held the kitten up to MC’s face, the latter stopping their rant in their tracks as the kitten gave their nose a few kisses. They couldn’t stop themselves from getting red at how cute the prince seemed to smile at them, but they forced disapproval on their features.
“He had the kitten I wanted. I couldn’t simply ask him for it, even if he agreed, Barbatos would make me return it.”
“What difference is that opposed to stealing it?”
Diavolo sat on the ground and stared at the kitten in his hands, a faraway look of longing replaced his usual cheerful smile. MC refused to let him play it off again.
“What’s actually eating at you?”
“The difference, I guess...” he couldn’t meet their eye and instead focused on petting the cat, “is the adventure. The ability to do something so ridiculous for the thrill and fun of it all. Throwing aside the fact that I’m the prince, for once. Just being a person, since people don’t tend to treat me that way. I thought... if I could have this cat, even after being told no, I could have a sense of freedom. It sounds absolutely ridiculous hearing myself say it out loud. Definitely not the presence a ruler should have, huh?”
His sad smile broke MC’s heart in two. Without a word, they moved next to him; he thought they were going to pet the cat so he offered it to them, but their hand landed on top of his head instead. Their voice was quiet and filled with honey, each word dripping with sincerity.  
“I dunno. I think you’re pretty neat. I like hanging out with you, as you are.”
It was Diavolo’s turn to look dazed with wide eyes and a blush across his face. He quickly composed himself with a tender smile and a whimsical laugh; there were quite a few things running through his mind that he wished he could say to MC, but nothing would come out clear enough. Instead, the two of them resided in a peaceful silence, his smile and relaxed shoulders showed how thankful he was to hear that from them. They had gotten lost in the peace, petting the kitten and playing around with the spunky little thing, they hadn’t heard anything come up behind them, nor had they felt the frightful aura shift in the area.
“What are you two doing in my room?”
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ladydevoir · 3 years ago
If you're taking requests, what if Ruby went to find Blake in vol 3 instead of Adam?
Blake stood on the branch of the tree, gazing out towards the forest. She had heard rumours about how the initiation at Beacon went but being part of it was a much different affair. Flung into a Grimm infested forest, matched with the first person you meet, it seemed far from what she would have thought an ideal way to be partners with someone would be. But Beacon was considered the finest of the four academies, so was there merit to this method? Letting fate decide for you? Blake shook her head, she wasn’t fond of the idea of not being in control of her fate, which is why she was in the tree. Stalking out the best choice to be her partner. She was not going to leave it up to chance, she was going to decide for herself. As she thought of potential partners, a certain girl filtered into her mind, their meeting the day before, during the day, and the evening, and her words that had stuck in her mind since their meeting. “Well thats why we’re here. To make it better.” She smiled to herself, remembering how she once held such a belief, wanting to make things better. The realities of the world, and the harshness of those she had followed, his harshness, had worn her down. Maybe, Blake thought, hopefully, it wont break that girl down as it had her. Refocusing herself, she sifted through the other students in her mind, and she felt like she had a target in mind. Pyrrha. Pyrrha was well known for her skill, everyone else was an unknown. Her mind set, she scanned around in the hopes of finding the red-headed girl, before the ears under her bow twitched, hearing a cry from nearby. “No! Birdy!” As she reactively turned to the source of the noise, something large flew past her, she barely had time to make it out before she felt a strong pull at her back, pulling her from the tree, and her weapon from her back, as whatever flew past soon hit the ground, Blake, having landed and rushed through the bushes, peeking out from cover to see the figure, before hearing a familiar voice. “O-ow, that was rougher than I wanted...wait...whos weapon is this?” Blake let out a sigh of relief, grateful it wasnt a grimm that had disarmed her. Stepping out from the bushes, she stepped towards the figure, holding the ribbon of her weapon in her hand, clearly distracted somewhat by it. She cleared her throat. “I believe that belongs to me?” The girl looked up, her eyes widening as she quickly stood up, stammering out an apology. “Oh brothers im so sorry I didnt mean to take this my landing strategy got cut off by a bird and I was just trying to grab hold of a branch and I guess I grabbed this by mistake and im so sorry and-” Blake quickly put her hand on the girl’s shoulder, giving her a gentle shake. “Hey, its ok, breathe please.” The girl took a deep breath, handing back her weapon as the two stood in silence. “Sooo, I guess that we’re partners now, huh?” Blake blinked as she registered what was said. “Oh, right, I guess we are.” This was definitely not how she has planned for this to go, but there was no turning back now. “Uh, Ruby, wasnt it?” “Yep, and you’re Blake, right? I did get the name right?” Blake nodded in response. “So Blake, uh, do you know which way to go?” Blake took a few steps forward, looking up at the skyline, the position of the sun, and pointed to the left of them. “The center of the forest should be that way, it shouldnt take us too long to get there from here, we just need to be ready for-” As if on que, the bushes all around them started rustling, as the two girls moved back to back, Blake unsheathed her weapon, and the whirring and clanking of gears and parts confirmed for her that Ruby had done the same. Before long they were surrounded by beowolves, all ready to pounce. “Ready to take them down, Partner?” Ruby chirped, Blake couldnt help but smile softly at the girl’s clear enthusiasm. Maybe leaving things to chance wasnt always a bad idea. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How much things had gone downhill since that day. Blake looked up as the man she had once followed stood before her, tormenting her as the building burned around them, Vale going up in flames, Grimm, White Fang and Atlas mechs causing total chaos everywhere. And here she was, face to face with the man she had run away from. With no one around to help her. In her mind, that dark voice she had learned to suppress rang out. “You knew you couldnt run forever. You knew he would find you. You brought all this to Vale by being here.” She tried to silence the voice, but to no avail. She could barely hear Adam over the voice, as he raised his blade, that voice was all she heard. Until the loud ringing of a rifle round clanging against a blade shattered through the noise in her head. Looking up, she saw Adam, back to her, looking at a figure outside the building. A figure she recognised immediately. Her weapon ringing out as shot after shot was fired at Adam, causing the faunus to move out the way, as the girl was by her side in an instant. “Get away from Blake.” The tone of her voice sent a shiver through Blake as she looked up at Ruby. The usual energetic expression replaced by one of complete seriousness, almost stone-faced, but the eyes, the eyes were filled with fire, and her voice, she had never heard Ruby’s voice sound like that before. Adam merely snickered, readying his blade. “Fine then. I hope you’re watching Blake. I promise you, im going to kill everything you love most. Starting with her.” The two were swift, clashing and constantly moving. Blake looked on in horror, her body frozen as she watched her partner battle the monster she had spent years serving. She tried to scream for Ruby to run, to leave her, but her voice was caught in her throat. She could only watch on, hoping Ruby would be safe. What happened next would forever be burned into Blake’s mind. As Adam made his slash upwards, Ruby had tried to step back, only to hit the wall, unable to fully dodge the attack as the tip of the blade slashed across her face. Her scream would haunt Blake as she watched Ruby fall to her knees, her hands clutching over her left eye, the blood dripping from between her fingers, as Adam stepped closer, raising his blade. Her body finally moving as she dived towards Ruby, grabbing the girl just in time to vanish with her, leaving Adam’s blade embedded in an icy shadow of herself, as she pulled Ruby as fast as she could towards the docks where the others were. Holding Ruby’s right arm over her shoulder with her hand in hers as Ruby held her face with her left, sobbing as she struggled to move with Blake, Blake shakily repeating herself. “Im sorry, im so sorry Ruby, Im sorry, im sorry.” A gentle squeeze in her hand made her focus on Ruby, as she let out a weak murmur between sobs. “Its ok, i-its not your fault, Blake…” --------------------------------------------------------------- OK SO This was meant to be so much longer. Originally I planned to make this into a small Patnerswap Ladybug prompt, showing various scenes from V1-V3 but with Ruby taking Yang's place and how different those scenes would be, but I just kept having more and more ideas so now im taking those other idea's and Im gonna eventually make a bunch of little short fics for them instead. Otherwise you'd never get this prompt finished. But yeah, I hope you enjoy it~
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years ago
HI YES WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO LEAVE SUCH A NICE COMMENT??? i may be. becoming a little unhinged bc!!!! and ok so like not many people...actually ever ask about all my ideas so i apologize if i just infodumped a TON completely unprompted bc i just got. very excited. obviously i couldnt recount every event in bronte's life leading up to that point but!!!! i hope my answers are either enough to quench your curiosity or to stoke the fires even more bc i have been thinking about all of these ideas for so long. and OH WOW this ask is getting away from me but thank you and ive replied to your comment and you are amazing and i am so glad to be your friend and ily!!!!!!
- pyro
me! I gave me the right! Also you're fully welcome to become more than a little unhinged. Go wild, if you'd like! I think leaving nice, thought out comments is really fun, especially when I get to engage with the writer and listen to them talk about the thought behind their work. Also I like receiving nice comments, so I try to make time to write out a full comment whenever I do leave one--like when people send me art!!
"not many people...actually ever ask about all my ideas" well, guess what! questions are literally a major aspect of how I communicate! Give me any topic and I will undoubtedly have dozens of questions spiraling off of one another. The number of times people have been stumped with how to interact with me or do an activity with me because I ask so many questions...so many. And even more so when its a topic I'm interested in, like your fic. There's clearly a lot about it going on in your mind that you've channeled into your writing, so I want to know more about it! The motivations, the explanations, what approach you're taking, what key elements of the characters you've decided to focus on, how that leads to later understandings of the characters, everything!
and you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. everyone is welcome to infodump about anything and everything (including topics outside of kotlc) they're interested in whenever they want, regardless of whether or not its prompted! your excitement is infectious! I may not fully understand everything you're saying about the character or why, but I can tell at the very least that it's captivating to you, and that makes me want to learn more--hence the comment and all the questions.
and your answers were wonderful to read through! If I have time later I will go back and respond to that, but I do have a class in a couple hours so please be patient with me! This is the first week in a while where there isn't something extra or really time consuming going on, so I'm trying to get back to my preferred schedule and answer asks more regularly (the past two weeks have been...so busy). Also I thought your comment about me finally learning what its like to not hold all the cards was hilarious. and also entirely fair! you can get back at me all you'd like for the secrets i've kept about the wings au!! (I don't even think you're aware of all the secrets I'm planning rn...)
I am also glad to be your friend!! I wish we were closer together in the world so I could give you a hug. you're amazing as well and I'm very pleased you enjoyed my comment because I loved your fic!! I love you too!!
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simpsiren · 4 years ago
rooftop star.
jung jaehyun x reader
Every time I look up in the sky. There's not a single star. It's alright, you're my universe, shine bright for me
main masterlist
description: you realised that love can bloom basically anywhere when you met a guy who entered your comfort space of the rooftop one day.
genre: fluff, strangers to lovers au
warnings: none
word count: 3,744
a/n: this idea just came to my mind while listening to rooftop by n.flying so i hope you guys will enjoy! if you guys have any requests or feedback please let me know :D
for a long time, you and your two close friends, Alex and James, wanted to go away from your home country. some place new and fresh, to start a better live. now you guys are finally living in your dreams of wanting to move to london, it didnt exactly turn out the way you wanted to, well it did. at least for a year.
now, you are just laying down on the long and wide wooden bench at your apartment's rooftop, looking at the sky like what you would do any other night, with your unfinished assignment scattered beside you along with your opened laptop with a blank screen. you would come to visit the rooftop every night, unless you had plans with Alex and James or errands to run of course.
no matter the weather, no matter the situation, you would always head there. in your opinion, you fet that you spent more time up at the rooftop than in your own apartment. its just something about the atmosphere of the place. no one ever came to the rooftop when you were there, the clear plastic that covers the entire rooftop to protect you when it rains, and the sky. you loved looking at the sky. whether there were shining starts filling up the sky or a black void of nothingness, you felt comfort in just looking at it. you felt as though.. it filled your loneliness since you werent able to meet your friends as often anymore as they were too preoccupied with their separate lives. you didnt have any other friends, nor did you bother to find some. you were fine with being alone, only because the sky was able to accompany you 24/7.
it was currently 1am, you sighed and you continued to lay down on the wooden bench with your forearms below your head. you tilted your head. you noticed here were stars. although it wasnt shining brightly, you were still able to see them. you turned your head sideways to face the papers that were all over the place besde you. you graoned as you forced yourself to sit up, gathering all the strength and brain power you had to complete the one assignment that your lecturer gave you for the week. you were already almost done so you might as well finish it by tonight so that you coukd have a break for the rest of the week. you pulled your computer towards you and took a deep breathe before getting back to work after a 30 minute rest from looking at the sky.
you were blasting out music while you were doing your work sincd you left your earpiece at your apartment. the music you listened to had you bobbing your head slolwy to the beat, the calming rhythm pushing you to do your work. just before the next song was about to play, you flinched at a voice that sounded like there was someone standing at the enterance of the rooftop.
"paris in the rain by lauv."
you tilted your head to the direction of the voice, shocked to see a man standing there. you couldnt see him clearly due to the darkness but you could make out that he was a tall man. "im sorry?" you questioned, gaping your mouth open slightly and raising an eyebrow. this was the first ever time you have seen someone coming up to the rooftop. you kept silent as you watched the unknown man walking towards you, his appearence becomig more clear as he stepped out of the darkness and entered the light of the rooftop. "the song you played. it was nice." the man said in a polite and slightly cheerful tone as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and placed his weight on his right leg. you looked at him up and down skeptically. he had light brown hair. he was wearing a plain dark blue hoodie and jeans.
"what are you doing here?" you asked him again, still stunned by how even a radom person showed up here. "you mean i cant enter?" he casually asked you back as he sat down on the floor. you wondered why till you noticed that the whole wooden bench you were sitting on was filled with your papers laying around.you closed your laptop and shook your head slightly. "no i mean i literaly locked the door. how did you-"
"i guess me being a locksmith has come in handy for once in my life." you heard him chuckle softly as he looked down on the floor before looking up at you. "please leave." you murmured softly as you grabbed a piece of paper near you and started writing something on it for your assignment. "this is a public place, you know? but it looks like youve made it your own." you glanced up from the paper to him, noticing that he was looking around the rooftop and looking at the decorations you put up such as fairy lights and lanterns.
“who are you?” another question pops out of your mouth. “you have way too many questions now dont you? alright im jung jaehyun, 23 years old.” the man now you know as jaehyun grins widely as he put his hand out to offer a handshake. “olivier rings.” you simply replied, not even bothering to shake his hand. jaehyun clicks his tongue and puts his hand back down to his lap. “nice name. so, why are you here at this ho-“
you immediately cut him off. “why dont you tell me why are you here? i am aware this is a public space but no one has ever came here till you showed up and i am very uncomfortable with talking to strangers. please leave.” you watched as his face grow dark and emotionless. you clearly made him upset, but he was quick to force a soft smile. “im staying here. you seem like someone i can vibe with.” jaehyun shrugged and lifted his head up to look at the sky through the plastic dome. you laughed softly. “you sure you can vibe with someone like me?” you whispered under your breathe and you lay down on the wooden bench once again, looking up at the sky just like how jaehyun was.
the both of you were silent for at least 20 minutes, not interacting, just admiring the sky with full focus. “i think i should get going. i have a lecture tomorrow.” you sat up straight and yawned, waiting for jaehyun to respond. jaehyun tilted his head back down to face you and nodded in approval.
you stood up from the wooden bench and began packing up, picking up every piece of paper on the bench and placing them in your tote bag. you felt jaehyun’s presence beside you as he assisted you in gathering up your papers and handing them to you. you let out a soft ‘thank you’ before carrying your tote bag over your shoulder and holding the laptop in your arms. “i have the keys to lock the rooftop but i certain someone apparently got through it.” you rolled your eyes as you walked over to the exit of the rooftop that leads to a flight of stairs. you heard jaehyun chuckled as he followed behind you. “ill come by to fix the lock tomorrow, dont worry.”
jaehyun was quick to open the door before you do and turn to you to give you one last smile before going down the stairs and disappearing into the darkness. you stood at the exit for awhile, thinkig over what you have just encountered with a stranger named jaehyun. you sighed, hoping to not see him again as you turned off the switches to the fairy lights at the bottom right of the exit door and left.
the next day, you had just got home from your morning lecture. luckily for you, the major you took only had a fews days of the week when you had to attend for lectures. other than that, you would just complete your assigned work at home, giving you the opportunity to work in your comfort space aka the rooftop.
it was a nice day today since that after the lecture, you did not have much work to do and decided to take the day off. you went to the donut shop nearby your apartment to get your favourite donut, one that you would buy at least once every two weeks when you are free. today is your lucky day.
you head straight to the rooftop with your donut in hand. you figured that you didnt have to vsit your apartment since you have everything you need up at the rooftop. you have a place where you can lay down comfortably, you have all your necessities im your bag such as a portable, your laptop and the whole rooftop just felt like your second home. you opened the door, knowing that there was no lock anymore due to the man named jaehyun who broke it and entered the rooftop.
you released a deep long sigh of relief as you bask in the light coming from the sun, closing your eyes for a moment as your head tilts up to the sky. you stayed there for a moment before walking towards the large wooden plank that you call your bench and bed area and instantly lay down on it. well, it had a thin white mattress over it, with a huge furry yellow pillow. while decorating the rooftop, you really wanted to make it as comfortable as possible, and for the purpose of in case you sleep through the night on top there, which you have done several times.
you placed your bag beside the so called bed and looked at your phone. it was evening at this point and the sunset was just about to come. you sat up straight and took a bite of your donut before reaching to the small area that is between the bench and the edge of the rooftop to take out your portable speaker. you kept it hidden in case anyone comes into the rooftop but you have it charge in your apartment once in awhile. you connected your phone to the speaker with bluetooth and blasted music from your ‘chill playlist’ on spotify. the first song playing was by pink sweats. you hummed the lyrics and bobbed your head as you took another bite of the donut in one hand and look through your social media with your phone on the other. you instantly look up from your phone from you heard the door open.
you see a tall man. this time you were fully able to know who he was in broad daylight. “jung jaehyun.” you looked down beside him to see him carrying what looked like bubble tea, for two? “i knew you’d be here.” you licked your dry lips as you folded your arms and watch him walk over to the bench, placing the drinks on your foldable dining table beside it and took a seat next to you. you moved to the side a little to make a small gap between you two, still unsure if you could event trust him just yet. “how’d you know i would be here?” you asked him as you folded your legs.
“judging from the rooftop thing you have going on, it looked like you come here often. most people like to come up to rooftops to look at the scenery. sunsets, night skies and such.” jaehyun shrugged calmingly, extending his arm over you, to which you backed your body away a little, noticing that he was reaching for the bubble tea. he grabbed it and took a sip. “so i made an intelligent guess that you would be here to watch that.” you heard jaehyun chewing on the drink’s pearls in his mouth as he pointed his drink.
you looked towards the direction he was pointing at the see a beautiful sunset arising. you gaped your mouth in awe, the song in the background making the whole atmosphere more fitting. you softly smiled and chuckled, grabbing the other bobble tea on the table and poking a straw into it before taking a sip. “im guessing this is for me?” jaehyun turns to you when he heard the noise of the straw poking through. he nodded his head as he swallowed the last pearl that was in his mouth. “for breaking your lock.” you hummed as you watched the sunset.
“it looks so beautiful.” you whispered, just loud enough for jaehyun to hear. you heard jaehyun sigh in satisfaction. “definitely.” you and jaehyun took a sip of your bubble tea drinks.
“get me brown sugar milk tea next time.” you told jaehyun. your turned towards him when you heard him scoff with a smile. “what?” you asked in annoyance. “you want me to come back here again? says the one that told me to leave yesterday.” jaehyun rolled his eyes. you let out a ‘tsk’ in response. “well of course i told you to leave. i didn’t know you at all yesterday.” you argued back.
the sun has now set completely and the sky became dark. “so you assume you know me now?” jaehyun raised an eyebrow with a smirk appearing on his lips. “that’s wasnt what i meant- jeez you’re so hard to talk to.” you huffed and ran your hand through your hair as you admitted defeat, too tired to even argue with a man you just met.
“mind if i stay here till midnight or something? i have no other plans tonight, i have to fix that lock of yours, and this place really is a nice spot to look at the stars.” you stared at him as you hard what he said. does he like to look at the stars like you do? maybe he wouldn’t be so hard to vibe with after all.
that night, you and jaehyun talked for hours while looking at the night sky. you found that that he recently moved into the apartment next to yours and he was working a bookstore nearby. the habit that you and jaehyun share of looking at the sky was what started your whole friendship. little by little, the two of your grew closer and closer together. you two carried on with your separate lives of course, but you and him will always spend time together, even if it meant one minute, to meet at your rooftop and admire the scenery of your town, counting every star you see in the sky together, and even looking down, observing the people that walked by, making intelligent guesses on what they work as based on what they were wearing or how their lives looked liked.
by 6 months of being friends with jaehyun, the friendship became more intense, in the physical way. one day, jaehyun caught you crying as he entered the rooftop. you later told him that Alex got into an accident and was badly injured. jaehyun hugged you close to him to comfort you. of course, that is what anyone would have done if they seen you crying, screaming, and balling your eyes out. but with jaehyun, you felt safe and secured in his hug. just the way he hugged your body, gently brushing his hand through your hair as he talked about the stars and came up with goofy stories as to how each star came to be. you laughed with the way he comfort you as he looked down to stare at your eyes, fully immersed into you.
“if you need me, ill be here. ill be like the rooftop, your very own comfort space.” a single tear rolled down your cheek as your bit your lip, fully aware that your eyes are red and sore from crying too much. jaehyun brings his thumb up to get rid of the tear before pulling you in once more, your face landing on his shoulder as you were finally able to calm your body and let it rest against his, melting away at his warm touch.
“jaehyun?” you looked at jaehyun, who you have been cuddling with since 8pm. “what is it, oli?” jaehyun asked back, patting your head as his grip around your waist got tighter to bring your closer to him. “i dont see any stars out tonight. why did you keep talking about them?” you questioned jaehyun. the whole time you were together with him today, he talked as if there were millions of stars in the sky, but every time you look up, you dont see a single one. you just saw a blank black sky.
jaehyun chuckled as the brushed a few strands of hair behind your back. “ever since i met you, no matter what the sky looked like every night, i still see stars. not the ones in the sky, but the ones in your eyes.” jaehyun sighed as he brought his hand to cup your cheek. you stared at him, your eyes froze as you made eye contact with him, not fully aware of what he was talking about. “im aware there isnt a single star out tonight, but its alright. you’re my universe, so shine bright for me.” you blinked at him. he has always said flowery words to you for fun, but the look in his eyes felt like he meant those words seriously. you hummed, out of not exactly knowing what to reply. “you’ll find out what i mean.” was all jaehyun said as he suddenly noticed you falling asleep in his arms.
the next day, you woke up, you winced at the sun shining brightly as it blinded your eyes. you rubbed your eyes before sitting up straight. you realised jaehyun was gone. that’s weird to be frank, normally if you fell asleep, he would be there for you the moment you wake up. whether he was cuddling you close, or brought out to buy you breakfast. you shrugged and moved on with your day, thinking that he would be back by tonight.
wrong, he didn’t show up. every night, you waited and waited mindlessly, thinking that he would pop up at the door of the rooftop. you didn’t know where he went or what he was doing during the time he was gone and it made you worried sick. it felt as though he left you for no reason. your comfort space left, and you didn’t know what to do without it. the rooftop doesn’t feel the same without the presence of jaehyun. as time went on, you still carried on with your routine of sitting by the rooftop, but you felt an aching in your heart every time you step into it. “this used to be my comfort space, along with you. so why did you have to go?” you questioned yourself, one year after his disappearance.
one day, you were hugging your knees close to your chest as you cradled yourself slowly, while looking up at the stars. “its alright. you’re my universe, so shine bright for me.” the last important words that jaehyun said kept replaying in your head, still wondering what he meant by that. you took a quick look around your rooftop. “fuck.” you whispered as you broke down in tears, noticing how much you miss jaehyun. the feelings of your love for him only grew as time went on and you couldn’t hold it in no more. you needed him here, right now.
“oli.” you heard your name being called at the entrance of the rooftop. you immediately jolted your head towards the door. you see someone standing there, and you know exactly who it was. “jaehyun..” you whispered as you watched jaehyun emerge from the shadows, revealing himself after being missing for over a year. you broke down even more, letting your eyes run dry as you cried out loudly, screaming jaehyun name. jaehyun instantly ran towards you and hugged you, a feeling that you longed for too long. “sh sh oli. its okay, im finally back.” jaehyun lightly kisses your ear as he ducks his head into your neck. you cried into his chest as his shirts started to soak in your tears.
“where.. where did you go? i fucking missed you.” you murmured as you looked up at jaehyun, who’s eyes immediately softened as he looked at your crying face. he wipes the excess tears on your cheeks dry with the end of his sweater and sighed. “i had to move out of the country to visit my sick mother. since she was feeling better after a year, i headed back here.” you felt his hand on your head as soothing his hand over your hair like the good old days. you really missed him. his presence, his touch. everything. “you didn’t tell me you were leaving.”
you looked down as you played with his sweater, fiddling your fingers with it. however, jaehyun brings his hand to connect with your interlocking the fingers of both of your hands with his. he brought your interlocking hands up in front of you. “princess, i hinted at you, didnt i?” you blinked at him as you tilted his head, the last words that he gave before he went away popped in your head. “what do you mean by shine bright for you?” you asked jaehyun as you frowned. jaehyun dropped his hands, along with yours to your lap, his face moving closer in your lips were just inches apart.
“it meant that no matter where you are, if i look at the most brightest star in the sky, ill be reminded of you. it also meant that you should have faith that ill come back to you, since you’re my universe, and my only brightest star.” with that jaehyun pulled you in by your waist, brushing his lips against yours before bringing you into a soft and gentle kiss. you kissed him back as you melted into him, fully letting him deepen the kiss. you closed your eyes in satisfaction as you smiled into the kiss. you leaned in closer as you wrapped your arms around his neck. you pulled away for a moment as you stared at his face. “then shine bright for me as well, jung jaehyun.”
“as i will.” you pulled him in for another kiss. who knew that a love like this can be made from meeting at a rooftop?
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years ago
ok so inspiration hit me like a truck and this is what I got also just imagine that one of the multiverse survived batman who laughs bs and tries to rescue reader pls again havent read that much of it so yeah, oh also I got bored of writing "the batman who laugh" over and over again so imma just write evil batman - knull anon
sneaking into a heavily guarded fortress was never easy, but especially one made by his father (technically his father) was damn near impossible.
whatever was in this fortress must be extremely important to the batman who laughs, because damian has yet to have seen this much security and back up plans for a fortress.
he was with the rest of the bat kids, and their missing was weird to say the least.
the planet he was on was actually one that the evil batman didnt completely destroy, and he was surprised to see this fortress in a beautiful forest jungle area, where the trees grew taller then he had ever seen.
however, he couldnt look at the scenery forever. he eventually had to focus on the mission: find whatever was in the fortress, get it out, and run. this object was apparently extremely important to th evil batman and it was their job to try and get it.
the plan was that if they were able to get whatever was inside, it might be a bargaining chip for them to use so they could try and lure this batman into a trap.
currently, damians own father was fighting the evil batman so they could get this chance.
of course, it took a while to even get into the fortress but that didnt matter.
the guards were everywhere, they even saw some zombie robins walking around the place, usually carrying random every day items. from books, clothes, and even food and water. strange considering they only ate people, but fortunately for them, the robins usually were too busy at whatever task they had to even try and pay attention to the batkids.
they eventually had to split up, damian going with cassandra, tim and duke while dick took every one else.
it was probable never a good idea to even try to go in a big group, but it was the only chance they had.
trying to find whatever was there that was so important to this evil batman was probably going to change the tides of this "war".
dick had told him to keep on looking when they werent able to find anything important of value. they had come to a standstill, where they were hidden in a darkly lit hallway with so alcoves with strange plants and other decorative objects.
damian was about ready to lose his mind. there was absolutely nothing here that would say anything about where this important item was.
the rest of his group was probably thinking the same, considering how they looks and stood.
however, he forgot about his exhaustion when he heard footsteps approach from one end of the hallway. he motioned for them to leave the hallway when duke motioned back that there were more people coming from the other end of the hallway.
trapped, damian stepped back, looking around to see if there was anything to help them. but he stepped back to quickly and lost his footing, having to hold on to a potted plant in one of the alcoves.
which set off a door system.
the four batkids watches as a door appeared on the opposite side of the hallway, and when it fully opened it revealed a stairway leading downward.
not having any choice, he motioned for the others to follow, and together, they headed downward, towards whatever was being kept hidden by a potted plant.
either you were hearing things or the Robin's decided to play tag, becuase you remembered what their footsteps sounded like every time they came down to check on you. great entertainment but only when you stayed in the house.
and now as the footsteps became more louder, you were curious on who it was. getting up out of your overly plush bed, you walked over to your door and put your ear up against the door. the footsteps seemed to stop as you heard a familiar voice say "where to now?"
hold on... is that... damian wayne?
"damian?" you called out, confused. wasnt he a part of the attack of that new earth that popped up? and he never spoke unless told to.
the speaking stopped as you heard the voices speak to you.
"who are you, and how did you know my name?"
you wanted to laugh, you're the bitch who never let's me leave whenever you're "babysitting" me. but you decided to play it cool.
"um, I'm the kid who is supposed to stay down here for like, the rest of my life? besides, why are you here? arent you supposed to be with my "dad" while he fights that new earth and their batman?"
you stood there waiting for an answer when you heard a new voice, one that was kind of familiar but not as familiar as damians.
"you know the batman who laughs?" you yourself almost laughed, before responding "of course I know him, he keeps me here saying that I'm a extremely important person to him, and he makes me call him dad when hes around. actually, wait, who are you?"
silence was heard and before you could try and ask another question, you heard "get away from the door"
taking a couple steps back, you narrowly missed the door that just exploded to reveal the oh so dreaded hallway.
however, you forgot about memories from earlier when you saw who was standing in to doorway. 4 kids, 4 batkids, all from whatever earth they came from.
damian reached for his comm and said "dick, we found the important object. its gonna be harder to get out, though."
ok 1, I rediscovered a bunch of fandoms I was in when I was younger and all I can think of is all the new possibilities for dads, and 2 I'm starting to count all the fictiknla father figures I have and I'm thinking of creating a list for them, and 3, I like how this turned out. I wanna continue this but it was getting to long so ye. anyway imma probably just write something tonight so yay to that see yall later bye - knull anon
You’re giving me inspiration to start writing for the Bat Who Laughs now!! You’re doing a real good job by the way with everything you’ve been sending in!!💕💕 Much love to you, Knull anon!
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psycho-pass-saiko · 4 years ago
Wrote another sparring session 😚
‘’Focus on your core, Kei!’’
Kei, grunted with frustration to the comment of Ginoza; as Arata kept on analyzing one of the SAD member’s sparring with Kei, pinching his chin without even blinking an eye. Kogami slowly approached to the short inspector, exhaling a smoke from his lips to air casually.
‘’So, what do you think about it?’’ he asked. Arata, startled with his sudden presence next to him, smiled subtly.
‘’Oh, hello Kogami-san.’’ Arata greeted him, only getting a small nod from his superior. ‘’About what exactly? And pardon me but isn’t here no-smoking area?’’
Kogami, not even giving a reaction to his implication, gestured the two men on tatami rink struggling, with a swing of his chin. ‘’About their fighting.’’
Well, struggling part is most on Kei, Arata thought as his friend was captured now by his opponent. ‘’They are strong, i guess?’’ said Arata. Kogami huffed, taking another smoke from his halfly burnt cigar. ‘’Thats for sure.’’
Kei, now caged in Sugo’s steel like arm-lock, one arm over his neck the other pulling it back with his inner elbow, he was unable to move. He was almost same height and had similar athletic frame with this SAD member but somehow he looked bigger than him, now being choked between his muscular arms and firm chest behind his back. Kei, swang his body from side to side, trying to escape from his hold. But Sugo on the other hand, was not planning on letting him go just yet.
With a frowned face, he asked. ‘’Are you going to surrender or faint, inspector?’’ intensifying his hold around the neck. They were both on ground, Kei gasping and struggling over Sugo’s body. Kei, huffed, already seeing colorful dots in his vision, clenched his fingers on Sugo’s forearms, still not giving up. Sugo, with a sigh, opened his legs to cover Kei’s and he arched his body. With sudden pain in his spine Kei made an ‘ach!’ sound but yet again, he desperatly kept on trying to escape.
‘’Release the kid, Sugo. You will give him a whiplash in the neck.’’ Said Ginoza, wiping his sweat with a towel sitting on a bench. With his word, Sugo immediately loosened up his hold on the inspector and gently threw him to his side. Kei, gasped for air, now on all his fours, massaged his throat with his left hand. After letting him go, Sugo rose on his feet, adjusting his gym clothes which was consist of a pair of dark green sweatpants and short-sleeved shirt. He slicked back his dark hair and offered his open hand to Kei afterwards.
‘’Sorry, inspector.’’
‘’No, no, it is okay.’’ Kei, now breathing normally grabbed his hand, stood up. He gulped down, damping his mouth. ‘’Please let us have a rematch.’’ Sugo silently nodded.
Kogami, snorted under his breath, remembering the time when he also asked the same thing to him. Before fainting. No one except Arata heard him in the gym of Foreign Affairs’ headquarters.
Division 1 inspectors were here for a case, which was committed by a foreigner visiting their country, but after they realised they had to wait for a few hours for the case files, they searched for something to spend time with. They decided to explore the big building. Ginoza was the one who called for them when they were just passing by the entrance of the gym. Inspectors saw the long haired agent in his navy blue/black track suit and white sleeveless top, revealing his well-shaped biceps. He smiled at them as they slowly walked towards him. After a small chit-chat of why they were here and what they were doing Ginoza invited them to their exercise routine as an option for their search of distraction. Arata wanted to refuse but as soon as Kei saw the spiky haired agent on the tatami rink inside the gym he agreed instantly and bowed respectfully. Seeing him, Arata had to accept the offer too, rather reluctantly. Then Ginoza lent them some spare gym clothes from the mislaid-goods and all three of them went back to the main saloon.
Their gym was massive. Bigger and wider than the one in MWPSB. There were more then twenty of treadmills, weight equipments, even an indoor pool next to the main gym saloon. Arata and Kei, both in black short sleeved shirts and gray shorts, followed Ginoza to the center of the gym. Kogami and Sugo was having a sparring, but it was obvious they weren't serious, only discussing some tactics since their moves were controlled and calm. Kogami was wearing a simple pair of black sleeveless top and sweatpants. Sugo in front of him, arms crossed to Kogami’s forearms, was with his dark green pair of gym clothes. When they reached to the boxing rink with a tatami floor, both grey and black eyes turned towards them. Inspectors and agents bowed each other after they introduced themselves to both part. Arata was not sure why Kei was glaring at the agent named Kogami, but he ignored thinking Kei had his reason. Besides Kogami didnt look bothered at all. In fact he lighted a cigaratte walking to the edge of the rink. He leaned on the corner pads.
‘’We met again, inspector.’’ he said nonchalantly. Kei nodded. ‘’Yes. I hope we can have a rematch Kogami-san.’’ Kogami with an irritated sigh waved his cigarette holding hand on the air while murmuring silently ‘yeah, yeah’. After a short warming-up, Inspectors stepped up to the link from the small stairs at right side of the rink.
First pairing was Ginoza and Sugo. Arata had to admit, they had a strange chemistry together. Sugo was using his Karate knowledge yet was cautiously avoided a hit by Ginoza’s left bionic arm. They chatted while fighting, almost laughing with the comments they made to each other’s moves. In the end it was a tie, close to Sugo’s victory. At least it was what Arata thought. They bowed to each other and Ginoza jumped down the rink, pointing Kei to take his place. Kei, nodded and entered the rink with confidence.
Well, at least he was sure he would win over Sugo. Yet was wronged once again.
‘’Your partner,’’ started Kogami, next to Arata once again, watching them discussing why he couldnt break Sugo’s arm-lock. Former military captain was patient with him as if teaching to a kid. ‘’he is so confident with himself. This weakens his ability to analyze his opponent. He had plenty chances to bring down Sugo but he went in with the idea of winning in his mind.’’
Arata raised an eyebrow. ‘’Isn’t this what leads one to victory, Kogami-san?’’
Kogami, shrugged. ‘’For tournaments, maybe. But this is real world, inspector. Your opponent goes for your vitals, to kill you. They wont stop just before stabbing your chest. Winning sometimes is not enough.’’ He took one last smoke from his cigar, stubbing out the cigaratte foot in his palm. ‘’He is well-trained but as i said before, he is cocky.’’
Arata grinned to honesty of this man and shrugged. ‘’He is the best partner.I dont care if he is cocky or not. I wouldn't change him to anyone else.’’
Kogami, gave him an amused side look. ‘’Its good to hear.’’ He turned his face to rink where Sugo and Kei were exitting. ‘’So, inspector’’ he beckoned to rink. ‘’what about a match?’’
Arata, knew he had no chance against him. The aura surrounding his body, his calm movements, uninterested expression. Everything screamed ‘’ dont come near or bear the consequences’’. But he accepted. What else could he do?
‘’Why not, Kogami-san.’’ He started to walk towards rink.
‘’Kogami-san, i hope you havent forgetten about our rematch.’’ Said Kei as Arata entered to the rink where Kogami was standing. Kogami, eyes closed sighed looking at the ceiling.
‘’For fucks sake... Okay, i get it, i get it. Wait for your turn.’’
Arata, inhaled calmly. Kei sure was stubborn but it seems Kogami was the one who wounded his pride, thats why he was so persuasive. Otherwise he couldn't remember a time where Kei was so stubborn about a basic rematch.
At least it wont take long Kei, he thought already adjusting his body to a defense position, legs open hands in fists.
Kogami, took one or a two steps backwards, changing his balance from one feet to another,hopping on his toes. Slowly he raised his arms to air as well. Arata, observed his position, planning on how to attack.
Well he was thinking for an attack when he saw a fist stopping just centimeters away from his nose. Arata exhaled with confusion, his breath grazed his solid fist. With shocked eyes he looked up and saw focused grey eyes locked on his honey colored ones.
‘’React fast, inspector. One more time.’’ Kogami drew back his fist and got back to his starting position. Arata shook his head to sides, tried to focus. He knew he was no match to this SAD agent but this didnt mean he should surrender easily. Arata mimicked Kogami’s hopping earlier. He inhaled. But before seeing the attack he felt it.
Kogami, yet again moved fast, aiming to kick his side torso. But his leg found no target as Arata with an extreme flexibility leaned back to a bridge, then he kicked his legs backwards to stand on them again. Kogami narrowed his eyes.
‘’Profesionally.’’ answered Arata, calmly when he saw a small grin on his lips. But he said nothing as he moved forward to hold one of Arata’s wrist. Arata bent his knees, slided to right. However this was Kogami’s plan as well. He ducked almost near to floor on his left foot, he streched out his right leg and with a twist on his toes he low kicked Arata’s legs. Arata instictively jumped and avoided his dangerous blow. Landing on the tatami he jumped further away from him. Kogami slowly stood on his feet, turning to him. Arata with adrenaline running through his veins, decided to attack at least once. When Kogami dashed towards him Arata threw his right leg to front, turned two rounds on air before giving a kick to his face. Kogami, leaned back, barely avoiding his leg. He still felt the skin of his heel. Arata, landed on his feet, but unfortunately not fast enough. Kogami, found his balance in a flash, grabbed his arm and pulled it towards himself. When Arata’s body bumped into Kogami’s torso, he wrapped his right arm around Arata’s neck, still pulling his left hand to further in front of himself. Kogami’s left hand twisted his left palm to upwards. Arata gasped with pain spreading through his whole arm, bending from his waist to front, he punched continuesly on Kogami’s arm desperately trying to escape from his grip. From afar it looked like a brotherly fight.
‘’Dont be so harsh on my bosses, Kogami-san. I still need my paycheck, after all.’’
A sweet giggle echoed in the gym at the same time his hold over Arata’s neck losened up. Arata had a chance to rise his head and saw a petite figure coming towards the rink. It was no other than Statutory Enforcer, Tsunemori Akane.
Kogami, Arata still whining under his arm, looked towards to the owner of the voice. He knew the second he heard her voice, but seeing her in front of his eyes was still like dream-like event for him. His expression softened as he released Arata, putting his hands to his waist line. Kogami shrugged.
‘’It’s a must for a good training.’’ He grinned at Akane.
Arata, now standing straightly, rubbed his left wrist. First thing he realized was the sudden change in Kogami’s expression. His cool, uninterested look was nowhere to be seen. Instead, shining eyes and a caring gaze took their place. Oh, i see, thought Arata.
‘’Enforcer Tsunemori, have the case files been filled?’’ asked Kei, without thinking.
Arata, felt the sudden tension growing in the air of the gym as three agents got stiff in their places when they heard the title of the woman. Especially Kogami, his chin clenched.
‘’Tsunemori-san, sorry we didnt had the time to tell you where we were.’’ said Arata quickly, trying to soften air.
Akane smiled. This made the agents relax a bit. ‘’Oh dont worry about it. Thought you would be here.’’ she turned her face towards Kogami as she finished her sentence.
‘’Tsunemori,’’ Ginoza turned towards her on the bench he sat. He had a small smile on his lips. Continued as he leaned over placing his elbows on his knees. ‘’It has been a while.’’ Akane’s smiling face turned towards him, nodding.
‘’Indeed, Ginoza-san.’’ She looked left of the rink searching for someone. That was when Sugo stepped forward with a soft grin too. ‘’Hello, Tsunemori-san. Its so good to see you.’’
‘’Hello, Sugo-san. Feelings are mutual.’’ said Akane, slightly lowering her head to left side with a big smile that hiding her eyes.
‘’You looking good.’’ A compliment came from top of the rink. Kogami was now leaning on red ropes of the rink, arms crossed. She was wearing a dark smoke colored two-pieced suit, a pale blue shirt under her jacket. It was rare for her to wear trousers as she would often prefered skirts. But as time passed, like her, her fashion sense changed too. Akane took two steps forward.
‘’Thank you, Kogami-san, you look sharp as well.’’responded Akane, lifting her face to meet with his eyes after her eyes gazing over his muscular arms. Kogami leaned a bit more, his smirk getting more coy.
‘’Want to go for a round?’’
If arata wasnt seeing them in front of his eyes, he would definetely thought they were talking about some other exercise. Something about Kogami's voice gave him this impression. He nodded abruptly to silence Kei’s almost interruption. Blue eyed inspector got the message and closed his mouth, taking his place next to smiling Arata.
‘’Now, it's a time to be alive.’’ Grinned Ginoza. Kogami’s judgemental look found him.
‘’What now, ponytail?’’ he huffed.
Ginoza, not losing his smug face winked at Akane. ‘’Blow him a hit for me too, Tsunemori.’’
Akane snorted, quickly covering her mouth shyly. Sugo, approached to the bench where Ginoza was sitting. ‘’Pardon me, Kogami-san but, it will be fun to see your ass get kicked.’’
‘’Hey!’’ Kogami, held the ropes and stood straigth, his body half-way turned to right, faceing his team-mates. Ginoza and Sugo shrugged, not even trying to hide their smiles.
‘’Dont bully him, you two.’’ said the female enforcer but her voice was full of joy. She took another step to corner of the rink, already taking of her jacket. Kogami, rolled his eyes, turned on his heels to face with Akane once again. She was folding up her blue shirt’s sleeves when they reached just above her elbows she nodded herself with satisfaction. As she quietly took of her flat-heeled shoes, Kogami leaned on the red ropes and held a hand to her.
‘’Do you need any help-‘’ but before he could finish his words, Akane hold the closest rope to her, pulled herself back and with the help of the bounce she jumped on the rink easily. She bend over and entered inside of the rink between two ropes with a smile on her face. Kogami, still semi-leaning down, smirked.
‘’Of course you don't.’’ Kogami, bounced himself back from the ropes and turned to his back, finding Akane already in her defense position. She saw him tilting his head to side a bit.
Akane raised one of her eyebrows. ‘’Hmm?’’
Kogami, shrugged and bent his knees, elbows and fist rising to air. ‘’ Nothing. Grey looks good on you.’’
Akane, clearly blushing, huffed from her nose. ‘’You can’t win without distracting me, can you Kogami-san?’’
Kogami narrowed his eyes as his grin became sinful. ‘’Oh, I can.’’ And he attacked.
For the next five minutes, Arata almost swallowed his tongue with the shock. He knew she was strong. But not she-can-lift-up-an-adult-man-easily kind of strong. He didnt expect to see this scene.
At the beggining, Kogami attacked her as low as he can get. But with a one hand carthwheel on his shoulder, Akane dodged his attack, lending behind him. She was fast. Almost as fast as Kogami. As a result Arata felt like watching two tigers fighting in front of him. She punched mercilessly to his torso, knowing that he would dodge the attack. In fact, he did, only to threw a fist to her which she avoided swiftly turning on her heels. She then grabbed him from his waist-line reversely, lifted him up on air, turned with him before throwing him to ground. Kogami, with a short laugh, did a somersault to front.
‘’I am starting to think you love lifting me up, too much, Akane.’’ Said Kogami, kneeling down on his left knee, one hand on the ground supporting him. Arata, still eyes wide, tried to digest the fact that she threw the agent whereas Arata couldnt even see his punch until it was in front of his nose. Dont make Tsunemori-san mad, he noted in his mind.
‘’What can i say, its an addiction.’’ Akane made a joke before dashing to him. Kogami, pivoted on his knee and rose on his two feet. Just before turning to his right side, he thought of a sneaky move. Quickly wrapped his right arm over Akane’s waist and this time, he lifted her up to air. Akane yelped when she felt the ground under her feet disappear as Kogami’s other arm wrapped over her stomach as well.
‘’H-hey! Let me down Kogami-san!’’ she swang her legs on air, aiming to kick him. Kogami leaned back from his waist, raising up her body more.
‘’You were right. This is addictive.’’ He whispered to her ear, smelling her flowery perfume. Female enforcer turned into a rose petal. She felt his fingers moving around her sides. Akane gasped with panic.
Ginoza with an irritated sigh, face palmed himself. ‘’You two, take your foreplay to a room not on a rink.’’ Sugo laughed under his breath, agreeing with him.
Akane with a groan lifted up both of her legs and with a force she kicked them down. Kogami had to release his arms to prevent himself from falling over her. Akane now on her feet, turned to him.
‘’You know that i am ticklish! That was a dirty move, Kogami-san.’’ she sounded heart-broken however a smile was trying to appear on the tip of her lips. Arata and Kei, for the first time heard Kogami’s deep laugh.
‘’It is not my fault that you have a weakness.’’
Akane lifted her eyebrow. ‘’You too, have your own weaknesses, Kogami-san.’’
Kogami with his softest gaze, looked into her eyes, calmly. Hands inside of his pockets. He didn't even for a second looked away from her eyes. ‘’Yes, i have.’’
Everyone in the room knew what was the meaning of this look.
Arata felt like he was interruping a private moment just then. He mildly coughed, as Akane also woke up from her trance. She cleared her throat as well before tucking her side cuts behind her ears.
‘’Yes. Shall we go then, inspectors? We still have a case to solve.’’ She already started to walk towards the edge of the rink, Kogami following her. This time she let him to help her going down. Kogami, jumped over the red ropes to ground, turned to her. He reached up and gently covered her waist with both of his hand, lowered her down. Akane with his strong arms landed on the floor, she felt a tingling inside her stomach. For a brief second, they both stayed in that position, absorbing the warm sensation between them, eyes locked on to each other’s. Kogami pulled his hands back, when inspectors reached to side of the rink where they were. Akane took the jacket he held out to her with a small thanks, their fingers grazed. She lifted her face up to him. ‘’See you later Kogami-san.’’
Kogami, with a subtle smile, nodded. ‘’Don’t tire yourself so much.’’
Akane giggled, fixing her hair. ‘’Okay, mom.’’ Kogami, frowned to her comment but only flicked her shoulder kindly as a response. She turned to her left, facing the inspectors. ‘’Let’s go.’’
Even though she was an enforcer, neither Arata or Kei felt like disobeying her. Never. They both nodded in sync. ‘’Yes, ma’am!’’
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