#i couldn't for the life of me close my eyes and let this go unwritten
chucapybara · 2 months
thinkin' about dancing with eula, in your favourite place to be with her—
it's cold out, it always is. dragonspine's climate is harsh and unforgiving, but to those of steel will, the wintry terrain is easy enough to temper. her hand is gentle around yours, the slightest flex beneath her gloves as she steadies you at the slightest hint of ice upon the ground.
(don't worry. she'll catch you, before you so much as harm a hair on your pretty head upon the snow.)
there's a precious spot—well, several, really—that you both come to often in search of refuge and respite from the trials of society. the snow is pure and untainted, untouched by the unjust jeers of those who call mondstadt home; it's quiet, here, a shelter in some ruins with evidences of your prior visits. a memory to return to with fondness.
you share a drink by the campfire, some dandelion wine fresh from the tavern. you watch as she prepares it, skilled and delicate, the slightest furrow in her brow as her cryo vision pulses and cubes of ice form in her palm. cheek on hand, you can't help but smile as she deposits the ice into the cups she'd brought: goblets, really, stolen away from the stash at the lawrence manor.
"so much silver gone to waste keeping up appearances. at least, with these, they'll serve a more priceless purpose," she huffs the first time she brought them, engraved with sapphires and dappled with gold embellishments. you should've felt like royalty then, as you swirled the wine; like nobility as you took a tentative sip. but the sight of her, tufts of silken arctics and sunset eyes and tender smile, made you feel like a witness instead.
(a witness, you remember thinking, to divinity itself.)
eula glanced at you when she concluded, then. an unspoken message that you already understand, that already warms you. much of it took time to learn, the little tells that gave her away (with some help from amber, of course), but you relished memorising each: her indignant scoffs and denying looks away when she's flustered, the furrow in her brow as she ponders her next strategy.
you thank her when she hands you a goblet, the dandelion wine chilled to the perfect cool. she wouldn't normally go through the trouble and hassle of the tradition, but for you, she would dredge up every crumb of history branded upon her skull.
it makes you appreciate her all the more. you smile, and she looks away, and you know her fair cheeks are already rosy before she does.
eula drinks less often, when she's around you. every moment is too sacred to be enjoyed drunk; you are a thorn in her side, but you are also the plaster and the sweet kiss and the tender touch that mends it with care enough unworthy for a pariah such as her.
you find that she sets down her cup, after no more than two sips. eula slips her gloves from her hands, tucking them into her sleeve, before extending her palm to you in wordless invitation.
it's soft, but firm as you take it. you can map every scar on her skin in your mind's eye, born of fumbles in her ascent to knighthood, her sisyphean struggle to be as the roil of waves: free, and unbridled. liberated from her guise, a pursuit of vengeance.
you brush your thumb over her knuckles, knowing the strength in them; these are the hands that have clawed their way out from the grave her ancestors dug for themselves, the hands that cleave a path towards a breeze-ful future. hands of a captain—the hands of the woman you love.
there's a twitch in her lip that you want to catch with your own, but she's already tugging you onto your feet.
"may i have this dance?" eula murmurs, bowing some. she has never been one to abide by her clan's customs, yet she shares the sanctity of her favoured past time with you. her favourite person.
and you laugh, because she doesn't need to ask, she never has to, because your answer would always be yes.
yes, of course i will.
yes, always.
her face colours, and you beam, radiant as the unsullied snow. you are her peace, and her trouble, and her quiet and her noise.
"yes, you may."
permission given, eula lets out a misting breath of relief, as if this wasn't already something she had done many times before with you. one step, and another, just to close the distance, lithe arm slipping around your waist to tug you flush against her, and your breath leaves you.
your clasped hands entwine, and eula brings them to her lips, soft petals brushing over your flesh. she has a way of that, stealing the air in your lungs, but you'd let her. every single time.
her lips trace the bone in your wrist, your inner forearm, through the sleeve of the coat she'd tucked you into before your hike through the snow. eula is cold but she's everything warm, the dawnlit sun and the duskfall's set; she kisses to your elbow, to your bicep, all touches reverent in every capacity. worshipful.
mondstadt's archon has never been her god, for you were the visage and her oath.
your eyelids flutter, your smile unbidden as eula finds her way to the curve of your shoulder, her breath warm against you. with a turn of the head, your nose brushes against her jaw, and you nestle into her, pressing a kiss of your own there, too.
"i thought you wanted to dance?" you murmur, soft with a hint of play, and she scoffs in your ear.
"that i did," eula exhales. "is this not our own?"
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sadistic-kiss · 7 days
🐺House of Alphas🐺
~Chapter 44 sneak peak ~
(Jujutsu Kaisen Omegaverse )
Summary: Waking up in a world that was not your own was problematic enough. Being the villainess was another. However, the possessive alphas might take the cake.
Disclaimer: Angsty but I ain’t Gege
Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna x Alpha!Gojo x Alpha!Toji x Alpha!Nanami x Alpha!Getou
Chapter 44: Missing Link
Nanami had said something about you having to let your omega instincts take over so your body could adjust properly. You remember that. You remember reaching that threshold and then crossing it without much of a fight. It was quite nice, and you think it's getting easier and easier to get to that point. An obvious sign that your comfort with them was growing. You didn't feel as scared as before. Still scared- but it's getting better. The only puzzling thing is you don't remember how you got into your tent.
Much like last time.
Everything was going well, you were drowning in pleasure, and then poof you woke up in your tent. It was so weird. Perhaps you just passed out from cumming so much and all the cum you had... from Toji… Nanami...Getou and Gojo-oh- you must have been exhausted... You wondered when you threw in the towel because you were really on a roll. You couldn't believe how you sucked the life out of Nanami and Toji as greedy as you did, it made your face hot thinking about it. The way they panted above you unable to take their gazes off of you was something that graced your mind. And who could forget being fucked by Gojo and Getou- remembering both of their knots in you made your tummy flip and your thighs clench.
You squealed some more as you kicked your feet. It was all so good. It felt almost like a feverish dream...that you just woke up from...the ending seemingly unwritten. Maybe your alphas could help you fill in the blanks.
Did Sukuna get his turn? You don't remember that part. You told him he was next but did that actually occur?
You scootch up to open your tent- "Eek-" You slam a hand upon your mouth as a surprise gasp leaves your lips.
Sukuna was right outside your tent sitting with his legs crossed, arms folded and his head leaned down a bit. His eyes were closed, a soft snore reaching your ears letting you know he was in fact fast asleep.
Your eye twitched as you surveyed the quiet camp. Toji and Gojo's tents were opened meaning they were prowling the area but as far as inside the camp Sukuna was the only one out.
Why the hell was he sitting in front of your tent? Did this have something to do with your passing out? He must have been feeling left out since you took care of everyone else but him- as far as you could recall. Oh boy- you were probably in for one fabulous time with the fiend. However, before you wake up this beast you want to check on Junpei.
Slowly you began to crawl out of your tent ever so quietly, eyeing the alpha as you went centimeter by centimeter. Sneak mission activated- *Crack* You snap your gaze down looking at the twig that your hand just crushed. Then you looked back up to see red eyes glaring at you.
Holy Tengen you didn't even last a second into this sneak mission- immediate fail! Stealth skill was clearly dog shite.
"Ai-!" You threw yourself back into your comfort as Sukuna growled.
"Get back out here!" he leaned closer, a breath away from entering your nest. Lips quivering as he snarled at you. A hungry beast through and through.
"G-Good evening-f-fine evening- wonderful weather we are having my alpha-"
"Don't give me that bullshit you knot tease, you left me!"
"I-I don't even remember what happened!"
“You’re lying!”
“I’m not!”
Sukuna smacked his teeth as he averted his gaze, "You can't be serious..."
"Um...I'm very serious... I don't remember anything after you know...like Nanami and Toji..."
"..." Sukuna took a deep breath as he shook his head.
You sat up a bit so you were a little closer to the alpha, trying to show him you meant no harm. Your orbs displayed your curiosity about what happened. You truly wanted to know why your mind went dark. It was kind of scary.
Sukuna looked at you with lowered lids this time, it seemed as if he were searching for something. "You're just saying that now."
Ah, he’s looking for deceit. Well lucky for you, you aren’t telling a tale.
"What? I'm not tricking you- like I really don't know what happened!"
*Read More*
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windalchemist001 · 1 year
It was a normal day, or what had become routine in my life. I was walking. Just wishing to go home, but since I needed to work I was still making the trek I didn't want to do.
Sighing I longed for the comfort of home. Though thankfully today was my Friday. Not actually Friday since I worked days differently than the normal Monday though Friday. So I was working while people were out partying. Which honestly wasn't a bad thing as long as I was concerned.
Shifting slightly I adjusted myself since all the stuff I had was rather bothersome. But hey I had to take two busses and walk twenty to thirty minutes to work so I needed a lot of things. Like my music I needed that because my anti social self needs to drown out the world.
Speaking of music I should make sure that I charged the other headphones since I had to switch them for one of the other three pairs I carried on me when I went to work.
Taking a deep breath or rather as best as i could given the fact i was walking up a slope. Not that it matter as I turn and was now on the area of the bridge that wasn't held up by anything but the structure before and after its arch.
A bridge so high that it had to be three or more stories high. That cars were the size of a pillow well more like the ones they use for watches, since they weren't the normal ones. Still high up for someone who wasn't even five feet.
Sighing I mental threw away the conversation I was having in my head and rather begin thinking of something else not wanting to get distracted on the the story of the things I wanted to write which I might not actually do because writing was a pain from time to time.
The music playing in my ears helping fuel my ideas as my feet kept moving since I still knew I couldn't avoid work. But even with my mind lost in music and the muses of an unwritten story, that still didn't stop the sudden feeling of dread that hit me and than the sounds of a loud sound. A sound that shook me to the very core and resnated though out my body.
And the ground or rather metal and concrete beneath my feet shook causing me to stumble and I tried to widen my stance in order to try and stay up. Fear was being to form along with confusion worry, a voice in my head spoke and I attempted to run, hoping to get off only a few steps before the world around me slipped and I knew I wasn't the only one falling, but so was the bridge.
I closed my eyes and held out my hands, fearing for my life. A let out a small prey and begged to not die, ironic given my usual thoughts.
But as I fell and prey I felt as if the world slowed down and unlike the muffled voice this time the voice was more clear, and yes for some reason I couldn't understand it but felt like it soothen me. And than another voice spoke for what felt like a moment just before I hit the ground.
While it wasn't on the forefront of my mind somewhere in the back of my head i noted it wasn't painful like it would have been had I landed on concrete, rather it stung like a smooth surface.
Though I wasn't really able to think to much on the issue since with the shift of body weight I would be hit in the back of the head with my backpack. And my eyes would be filled with darkness.
A deep concern since just moments ago it had been extremely bright, nothing unusual for late summer/early fall time.. while the sun it self was still in the eastern side of the sky with only a few whisp of clouds that did nothing for shade as the bright blue sky stretch on for miles upon miles. That even on ground one can see into the heart of the city from the suburbs with no real blockage.
And yet none of that was what was going on now. Rather I could hear the sound of voices as I attempted to see though dark lenses of my sun glasses that didn't help with with such low lighting and the flickers of fire i could see.
I than heard someone speaking closer to me and I turn to see the figure though I had to strain my eyes to see them. Than begin talking about who knows what and I looked around more as they kept talking i straining my eyes and I could see the dark blobs of humanoid shapes.
With everything I've read and watched i already knew what this was. And thus glad I didn't fully lose everything I had in my hands, yeeted my lunch bag straight at the man's face or where I can see what was meant to be his face and took off running.
From what little light I can make out I could figure out where the door was and ran though the door way as I ran I felt the sunglasses slipping and reached up to grab them holding tightly to them as my vision got brighter but also blurry with the lack of corrective lenses. Something ill fix the moment I got a moment to breath. And maybe dump the backpack which was also a hinders to my fleeing for my life.
How I ended up in the middle of a cult group, who knows. What I did know is that I needed help and I wanted my mom at the moment. Adrenaline being the biggest help as I ran to keep me forward, all the while it seemed that i remember how to breath as I ran, something I normally forgotten how to do. Not that I was thinking about it, since my mind was more focused on escaping and finding a place to ditch my backpack and get my phone out of it.
But who would have thought this unknown to me was an odd beginning to my new life here in this odd place so far from home.
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atomic-thomas · 2 years
(Fake ASMR Commission) Picked Up By A Rebel Giantess
"Let's see. What to eat today. I'm out of vegetables. Don't have any fruit either. Jeez, I've really been slacking on resources lately. Do I at least have some animal meat left in the cooler?"
"Damn. Nothing. Looks like I'll have to go foraging today. Didn't realize I was running this low on food."
*door opening & closing sound*
"Oh... Hey Giganta. What's up?"
"Sigh... No, I don't feel like hunting humans today."
"Yeah, I know I don't really feel like hunting humans... Any day."
"I've been acting strange recently. What do you mean? I feel fine."
"Ugh... Okay. You got me. Truth is... I'm not fine. In fact, I'm anything but fine."
"Giganta, I've been very distressed these past few weeks. I'm realizing more & more... The person I want to be rather than the person I'm expected to be."
"What I'm saying is... I don't want to harm humans anymore."
"Yeah, you heard me. I'm done with that business. I have no desire to hurt them. And I never will ever again."
"I've gotten soft. That's where you're wrong, Giganta. I've learned compassion. I've realized that humans are so similar to us. Thier mental capabilities, the way they socialize, their ability to adapt & work together to solve problems... Besides our size difference & notable lack of physical strength, we're basically the same. Humans can achieve great things. Why be enemies with them when we could be allies? What's wrong with establishing peace?"
"You're not seeing the bigger picture here. If we made peace with humans, we'd gain more & lose less."
"Too much work. Okay, that's a fair point. It definitely wouldn't be an overnight affair, but the long term effects would have immense benefits. I'm telling you I know what I'm talking about. So what's the real problem here?"
"Not the way of the giants. So you expect me to conform? Is this some unwritten law I should be aware of?"
"It's treason. How is that treason? Do you even know what that word means? I just don't want to attack humans anymore. I'm done with that lifestyle."
"You're going to tell the chief?! What do you expect him to do?! Exile me?!"
"An act against giant-kind?! Did you not listen to a single word I said? I'm not betraying any of you. I'm just doing what's right in my eyes."
"You know what?! Fine! Go ahead & tell him. And tell him this while you're at it. He doesn't even need to exile me. I'm gonna leave on my own volition. I clearly don't belong here anymore."
"I'm gonna pack my belongings now. Goodbye, Giganta. Maybe one day, you'll realize how precious life is."
*giant footstep sound effects*
"Uuuggghhh!!! This is so bad. I wasn't prepared to leave today. I knew I would've left eventually, but this is too soon. I still haven't eaten anything today. The timing couldn't have been any worse."
"I guess I could uproot some trees & eat those if I'm desperate enough, but... They taste so bitter & bad. They're really crunchy & get stuck in my teeth."
"Wait a second..."
*giant footstep sounds stop for a moment*
"That's a human down there. Maybe I can talk to them."
"Oh... They're running away. Guess I can't blame them. Although... I can't really let them go either. I have to at least try to convince them that I'm not a threat."
*faster giant footstep sounds for just a moment, but not a run.*
"Shhhh... Calm down, little human. I have no intention of hurting you. I'm just gonna bring you up to my face."
"Yeah, I'm serious. You don't have to struggle. You're just going to exhaust yourself. I'm not your enemy."
"You don't trust me. Why not? If I really had any ill intent, you'd already be dead right now."
"You've done your research. Oh, I'm sure you have. I bet you've also heard stories about how we giants are such savage creatures & that you should never tread upon their territory or you'll most certainly die... Right?"
"Figures. Well normally, you'd be right to assume that because it is mostly true... However... I am, to my knowledge, the first exception to what you've been taught. I'm not like other giants. At least... Not anymore."
"I'd turn that frown upside down if I were you because you're not dying today. Tell me... What's your name, little one?"
"That's nice. My name is Titania. And I'm a giantess from the great marsh. Have you heard of that region?"
"I thought so. Any human worth their salt would brush up on their knowledge of regions where giants live."
"Finally calming down, huh? About time. I was wondering when you'd relax. I'm serious when I say that you'll be fine. You can trust me. I promise."
*stomach growling sound*
"Ah, jeez. You totally heard that, didn't you? I need to eat something soon. I'm really hungry."
"Oh My God, please calm down. I'd rather starve to death than eat you. Just relax, okay? You're not on my menu. I swear."
"You have some apples. How many? I hope it's a lot because I need many just for a sufficient snack. Let alone a whole meal."
"Only three. Eh, you can keep them. At least you'll get some actual value out of them. If I ate them, it would just be a waste. I'd need least a hundred apples to be even remotely satisfied."
"Why did I pick you up. Oh yeah. I guess I should explain. Kinda awkward how I'm just standing here with you in my hands. I need to keep searching for food. Here. I'll put you on my shoulder while I walk."
"Hmmm... I don't want you to accidentally fall off my shoulder while I'm walking. I know. I'll tie my hair around you to keep you in place. It'll be like a soft, fluffy belt."
"There. Are you comfortable?"
"Great! Guess I should start explaining myself."
*giant footstep sounds continue*
"So... As you know... I obviously come from a race of giants. Specifically the clan of the great marsh."
"Like most giants, I lived a... Let's just say... Brutish lifestyle for a long time. I was raised to destroy & conquer. Giants battle for land, food, overall superiority & well... We're really good at it."
"And of course, humans are a prime target for us since they give us the most competition. But one day... Recently at that... I realized that humans & giants aren't so different from each other. Besides our obvious size difference, we're biologically & intellectually identical."
"This made me feel like... I was harming a smaller version of my own race. Whenever I see a human experiencing fear or pain... I'm able to relate & feel sympathy. The more I harmed humans, the less enjoyable it became. It didn't feel fulfilling or rewarding anymore. It just felt... Wrong. In fact, the last time I killed a human sickened me so much that I wanted to vomit. The strain on my heart, the stress on my mind... It was miserable."
"And this morning, I finally snapped. A fellow giantess named Giganta asked me if I wanted to hunt humans today. And I couldn't bring myself to oblige. I just didn't want to do it anymore."
"The conversation quickly spiraled out of control. It turned into an argument & I just ended up leaving. I couldn't take it anymore."
"Yes, this is where you come in. Without the companionship of my fellow giants, I was isolated & alone. And I couldn't begin making peace with humans until I tried talking to at least one. So I found you, picked you up &... Well, here we are now. I told you more information than I did with Giganta. With her, I just got angry & left. The argument ended before I could be bothered to say more. Not that it matters. She probably wouldn't have listened anyway."
"Heh... Yeah. I guess this makes me a rebel now. I can see this making waves throughout the land at some point. Titania the Rebel Giantess defies the ways of her own race on a quest to make peace with humans. That's me. That's what I want."
"I also really want food right now. Traveling on an empty stomach is painful."
"I swear I haven't even considered eating you. I'm not going to throw away a human's life just for some fleeting short-lived relief. That would completely go against my long-term goal & negate the reason I left my clan in the first place. I'll endure as long as I have to."
"Wait a second..."
*giant footstep sounds stop*
"Is that a fungal forest over there?"
"Oh My God, it is! Yes! Food! Sustenance! Giant mushrooms! And in such vast quantities. I love mushrooms! This is the best thing that could've happened."
"You like mushrooms to. Fantastic! Now... Leave the foraging to me. While I do that, you should gather some firewood. We'll light a big bonfire so we can cook them. I'll untie you from my hair & put you down so you can get started."
*fire crackling ambience*
"Hahhh... It feels great to rest my legs & enjoy a good meal. How do those mushrooms taste?"
"Of course they're delicious. They're so filling & naturally flavorful. We didn't even need any seasonings. They taste great on their own."
"So... Tell me little one. Do you have any family back home or are you a lone adventurer?"
"I sense hesitation from you. Do you still not trust me? Have I not proven my innocence yet?"
"I... I'm sorry. I suppose I should understand how this feels for you. I shouldn't expect a human to reveal their family to a giant. Given our... Reputation & all."
"Oh! Your family is still around. That's nice. Guess you felt comfortable telling me after all. Are they doing well?"
"That's great to hear. I'd love to meet them. You know... Get acquainted with more humans... Establish healthy bonds... Use my strength for good. It all sounds so fun."
"Well... Yeah. I can understand why a giant approaching a human home could be alarming. I can't exactly walk up to them & say 'Hello'. No matter how friendly I try to be, they'd most likely scream in terror & run away from me."
"Actually, now that I think about it, I didn't even consider the possibility of you & your family living in a village with even more humans. Is this the case?"
"It is. Hmmm... In that case, a direct approach would most certainly result in conflict. I don't exactly want to spears thrown & arrows shot at me just for saying 'Hi'."
"Yeah... And I definitely don't want people slashing at my feet with swords either. I also wouldn't want to step on anyone by accident for that matter."
"I don't know. Should I even bother? This seems like it would be really difficult."
"Yes, I do want some more human friends. We... Are friends now, right? I don't think we really established that yet."
"Okay, yeah. I figured. We're already this chummy. I shouldn't expect any less. You're not just agreeing because you're afraid to say 'No', are you? I wouldn't judge you If you declined although I would be sad about it."
"You really mean it. Ahh... Thanks. That's such a relief to hear. Makes me feel like I've done a good job so far. So what's the plan? How will I be able to meet your friends & family without causing a mass panic?"
"You could be an ambassador. Really? You'd actually do that for me?"
"Aww... Thank you so much. That's a great idea. It means a lot to me. Hopefully, your fellow humans will listen. I don't want to be feared or seen as a monster, but rather..."
"A beacon of hope."
*fire crackling sounds stop*
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alrisklightvale · 2 years
SHE COULDN'T keep her feet on the ground. She couldn't keep her head high to everyone's expectations.
Facing the highway with the roads filled with moving cars below, from the high building she wanted to run, jump, and be free. She couldn't care less about everyone, she was tired of hearing hurtful words from her parents who have desires that she doesn't want. She was tired of hearing 'You'll be fine' from friends who couldn't pay attention to her real feelings inside.
How funny isn't it? When she was a child, she dreamt of many things. As she gets older, she was getting lost, she wished for someone to understand her but there was none. They come and leave, one by one. Everyone judged her through stares and words that are sharp as a knife, enough to stab the latter and crush her self-esteem.
And now, there's no way for her to go. No compass for guidance, no directions given, and no people to lean on. Her dreams? Remains a dream. Things she wanted to be, she couldn't even reach and grasp those. It was getting harder and harder everyday, she was such a failure in everyone's eyes.
Some wish for her to disappear and be gone on how useless she is.
The cold breeze of the night was against her face as she walks towards the edge of the rooftop, ready to jump. She tries to wait for someone to attempt and save her at the last minute. .
But nobody came.
"I guess. . .This is the end?" She muttered. "Maybe leaving my book, the rest of the chapters unwritten would be good for everyone."
She realized something. "Everyone? I mean, no one cares about me," She paused as her laughter ensued against the silence.
"They won't notice me disappear anyway."
Her lips curved for the last time, closing her eyes, feeling the wind. "Thank you, world for making me like this, Thank you reality for coming into my life and shitting everything."
She walks until her right foot was raised to the air.
She jumped, waiting to feel the feeling of falling, she waited for seconds, she couldn't feel it. She's not floating, right?
She didn't notice, someone held her arm until she opened her eyes and look at the owner. Disappointment appeared on her features as she tries to let herself free.
"LET ME GO! LET ME DIE!" His hands were firm against her weak ones. He gripped her tight as he could.
"You're not doing that," He finally responded, looking at her through the eyes. His hands-on her wrists, he tried to pull her away from the edge, but the latter froze and did not give in.
"I'm useless here, there's nothing for me to do so please! Just let me go!" She cried, couldn't prevent her tears from streaming down her cheeks. He held her shoulders, bending to her height, worry etched on his face, attempting to calm the latter down.
"I don't want you to do that okay?"
To the young lady's surprise, he embraces her, soothing her back. She didn't mind anymore and kept on crying, he let the latter bottle out her emotions and he let her scream in frustration in his arms. He didn't let her go, he caresses her hair in comfort.
To him, he didn't know her existence until he read the writings on her blog. To her, she knew him by name, but she didn't expect him here.
They stayed there like that. She was in confusion, didn't know he would hold her arms and save the latter from the last moments.
Minutes later, she calmed down, trying to make out words from her choked sobs. "Why? Why did you save me?"
He held her while pulling away, offering his coat to the young lady and wiping her stained cheeks. She glance to his face, his brownish eyes feigned comfort.
"You're not worthless. You mean so much to me, hmm?"
-eunhee_shii (unedited)
Here's a prompt while I currently work over a fantasy story in wattpad!
It's actually a virtual representation of my faves holding me back from breaking down during 2020-2021 era. ><
~ To Day6, Skz and Yuzuru Hanyu, words couldn't express on how much thankful I am for accompanying me when I'm alone in my lowest through your crafts, your songs, performances and contents. Really. ♡
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fhujami · 4 years
Do not cross the line | Chapter 33 [Sam Drake x Reader]
It has been so long since I posted any chapters. But i am determined to finish my stories way or another. This chapter is totally bullshit and more os about to come but I will end this story, maybe not the way I wanted but somehow yes.
Tags: @missdictatorme  @ruaiori  @jaheesvorson @bvckybvnes  @theoniprince @ikikime @mynameismono  @souls-rain  @samsassinparvismagna  @easy-and-steady
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It was your first day back in the Graphic section. Even thought you loved being in media section, it felt good to be back at your own office. Time in media section had been so hectic and like a hurricane, with rush and different kind of challenges. Not like you didn’t liked the challenges, but the mental stress you had got in studio was overwhelming. Thank God everything was about to be back to normal. 
Atleast somehow.
After you and Sam almost got caught in his office - even thought it was Harry who was behind the door when you two were in the middle of heated session - you two chose to be more careful, and try to keep your hands off from each other when you were in the office.
Ofcourse it didn’t worked. Everyday you found yourself having sex with Sam in his office.
Or in the toilet. 
Or in the conference room.
Or anywhere you two just could. 
You two just couldn’t kept your hands away from each other. It only needed from him to give you specific look and you were already inviting him with you somewhere where you had at least some kind of privacy.
Ofcourse the most closest friends of his - and yours now - knew what was going on, but still you didn’t want your relationship with Sam to spread outside of the studio. After all, it was still forbidden to have a thing with someone on the office. 
And the fact that Sam was the boss of the media sector, your situation was even more forbidden, and your career was in the line if it would see the daylight. 
But now you were back in your own office. Not having any distractions from Sam’s luring eyes or voice to invite you like a flame invites a moth.
You stepped to the elevator, hesitating first of which floor you were about to go now. Now you needed to get used to press the fifth floor instead of the second.
Smiling a little you waited the elevator close it’s metal doors and take you up.
Your boss Kathryn had sent you a message in the morning that she wanted to see you right away when you arrive to the office. Maybe she wanted to hear how things went in the studio. 
When the doors of the elevator opened and revealed the office behind the metal doors, you sensed immediately that something was wrong.
The office you had came every week for almost last five years, it didn’t felt the same anymore as you took the first step out of the elevator. Something didn’t feel right and your gut were telling you to turn and step back to the elevator.
Walking through the office, where you used to get cherishing and smiling greetings from other people working there, was now shining of thick and unwelcomed atmosphere.
The way all those people were looking at you and were whispering to each other, that nasty feeling you had on your gut was growing and made you feel nauseous.
You didn’t like that. It made you feel really uncomfortable.
You passed Mike and Melanie, who both looked at you, but didn’t greeted as they normally did.
You walked straight to Kathryn’s office, with each step you took closer, made you feel more and more nauseous. 
Knocking the door in the end of the office, everything felt so weird. Kathryn never kept her door closed, so when you noticed it was closed this time, and you needed to knock it to get permission to step inside, you knew the situation was bad.
After knocking the door with your slightly shaking hand, you waited to hear the voice to tell you to come inside - and after a moment which felt like infinity, you turned the doorknob, opened the door and stepped inside.
You saw Kathryn standing behind her desk, as Patrick, the big boss of the graphic section, was sitting on her chair. You closed the door, and walked to the chair front of the desk, and sat down as Kathryn pointed you to do with her hand as you walked there.
After short silence, Kathryn finally spoke up with a deep sigh.
“I’m really disappointed on you Y/N.” - but Patrick raised his hand to stop her from speaking more.
The worst scenarios were running on your mind. As a reflex you dig your hand as a first, your fingernails digging on your flesh in your palms.
“We got a anonymous hint as some time ago already, that you have been trying to get better job from the media section by using very questionable methods. We went through some evidence, and we have chose that your commitment in this company, ends right here and now.” - Patrick spoke with firm and deep voice.
His words hit you like someone had throw million knifes on you. Everything you had been working on since you were a kid was now flushing down from the toilet. 
Just because you let yourself to let Sam lure you into that dangerous game and crossing the line you always promised you would never cross.
“Do you have anything to say?” - Kathryn looked at you with sadness in her eyes. You could see the disappointment in her eyes, she had always supported you, she always believed on your talents and she had finally gave you a change to work on with different section of the company. 
You lowered your gaze to the floor, while you were fighting against your tears.
You had lost everything.
Your career was ruined.
You raised your gaze back to Kathryn and Patrick, shaking your head.
“I have nothing to say.”
There were nothing you can do. You had broke the most holiest unwritten rule, and there was nothing you could do to save your career in the company. 
“Please sign this paper, give back your work ID, keycard, and go clean your table.” - Patrick said as he slided the papers toward you across the table, as you grabbed the pen and signed the papers, making everything official. 
You took your bag in to your lap, digging all the stuff Patrick had asked for, putting them to the table front of him, got up from the chair and headed to the door.
The office was even more silent than it was when you came in not many minutes before. You saw that everyone was staring at you, judgmental in their eyes.You needed to bit your lip to made it stop trembling, as you lifted your head up and forced yourself walk toward your desk without shame.
Even thought this was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to you. But you were always confident and walked the hallas with pride, you didn't want to show your weakness. 
You cleaned your desk, taking all your personal stuff, as at the same time you quickly signed in on your computer for the last time, to quickly take your personal files from it to your hard disk. 
When you were finished, you lifted your head back up and headed to the elevator, not giving eye contact to anyone. 
When you finally stepped to the elevator, and turned around, you took a look for the last time to the Graphic section, to the world what was your home for so many years, to the place you gave your heart and soul. To the place where you thought you will achieve your deepest dreams, for which you had worked so long. 
You watched as the metal doors started to close, closing your dreams out of your reach from your life. As the door finally closed, a tear flowed down your cheek, which you tried to hold back, but you couldn't.
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home4lune · 5 years
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January 19, 2020
I do not know when you are going to read this, but bear with me for a while.
This would serve as my sincerest attempt to express what I truly feel for you. At this very crisis, this is the penalty for all the what ifs and what could have beens I have. I must be very careful and tell no lies. Come what may.
Let me start everything by telling you that I never had any single idea about your existence. To at least cross paths with you at the hallways— that wasn’t even granted. But maybe then, even if we came across each other, I likely would not remember you. Yet, how fate managed to introduce us to each other was still a constant wonder to me. 
It was that day when Reah asked me to stand because a friend of Carlo wanted to see the girl who liked him. I was one curious lass so I asked Reah about you. She told me you were Cathlen, the girl who always had her jacket on. Ah, Cathlen. But to tell you honestly, I kind of forgotten your name the instant I knew it. Back then, I disregarded the idea of knowing you. I certainly do not care about who you were. 
When we first have our film shooting at the 5th floor, I found myself harboring unwanted feeling when I saw you talking to him. Why was she here, was the one question I had in my head. I was pretty caught up to the idea that you and him shared a romantic relationship. But Reah told me otherwise. I should not worry because she knew for a fact that you were into girls and that you and Carlo were only good friends. Ah, she liked girls. 
Upon hearing those words, my curiousity heightened. I asked Joy how she knew you and she told me that you speak to her online. She said that your Facebook name was Kapuy.  So it was you who added me on Facebook. I never plan to reply to your friend request, but curiosity took over and so I did. I admit that I went to look at every information I could find about you. I went through your photos, your posts, everything. You were a subject of observation and inquiry; I couldn't help it.
It was October 2 when you dropped a message to me saying hello, or was it yellow? I was not planning to speak to you because you were a stranger. And I knew it was just your curiosity telling you to talk to me, you were not really anticipating for a reply yet I gave you the satisfaction of receiving one. 
All had happened so fast and you had revealed so much about you. Damn this girl is so honest— I once said to myself. Your genuine honesty was captivating. But still I wondered, was it just me or were you doing this to anybody else?  Have you been always like this, open and raw and mysterious?
I wasn’t prepared when October 9 happened. It was Joy’s birthday. But boy was I nervous. When we had met I couldn’t even look you in the eye, cliché I know. I was asking myself why, but the moment was all I could think there was. You were there wearing your signature hoodie while holding a guitar. The sight was truly overwhelming. Somebody tell me why. 
On that very same day, I could not get my head out of the curls of your hair. When I took off your hoodie, I was astonished by the sudden view. I never knew your hair could be that beautiful, the curls were bending my very core. 
As another day would unfold, we learned deeper things about each other. It was not only limited to our favorites but what was beneath the surface. You possessed a high degree of intimacy and knowledge. You were not dependent for the food of your affection. But you do not own a heart that was full of radiance, instead a heart that dealt mostly to the melancholy of life which overflowed to the outward world. But I understand you. I knew how it felt. 
We became pretty close, but we never spoke in person and not even had the chance to run across each other at school. 
While you were the type to forget dates, I was the complete opposite. I remember, especially the ones I had with you. 
October 23rd. The night we had a writing collaboration, the second one we came up to, I had attempted to let you know about this hidden want to be yours. When I said “we need to stop this before I end up regretting the words I will utter”, I meant every word. Every line— it was my heart speaking. However, I need to hide between phrases, phrases which you thought were not true because after all we were only pretending. It wasn't intended to come out like a confession, but I got carried away by the bubbling emotions inside me. I was contemplating whether or not I should grab the chance and speak my heart out. It was scary so I lied about it being not real.
It was crazy that in a short span of time, something inside me bloomed once more.  I do not know if you would ever understand why I suddenly fell for you, but I knew myself why I did. I do not want to tell you the details because you might feel the cringe of how enamored I am to you. After all, our hearts do not beat the same. 
I had not known the weight of these feelings until I felt the pain. It was a grief that deeply touched me. So many letters I left open for you to read but none of them erased the unwritten alternate feelings of melancholy. None of them took out the blues. But all of them failed to capture your heart. 
I was caught up with the tide that I neglected the truth of your unending love for her. I have forgotten that only she could make you happy. While I claimed myself to be the moon, she had always been everything the universe was made of. You invested 5 years of your time loving her. She was the song you wanted to sing and the very person who you love to play your guitar. How lucky.
This one last attempt to express my feelings would be the end of this madness. I would like to fall in love again. This time, it is to the things that greatly enchanted me. I had been thinking as well. And I thought I should pull myself together. I would, without a doubt,  get over the feelings I harbored over the months. Now let me tremble into your presence once more and I promised you that would be the last. 
But even then, I still will ask God to protect you. I always pray you find the happiness you are looking for. 
Take good care of yourself. 
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