#i could yap ypa yap about gepard all day actually BUT
raytm · 5 months
Was it difficult for Gepard to see what had become of the Underground since it was sealed off from the city?
very much so, i wrote a hc which ties into another hc about a friend that gepard was very close to who spoke openly about how they had to bring about the change that they wanted to see, that how the segregation of their people was an unfathomable wrong. he, however, is not in a position where his word can be put above that of the supreme guardian, no one within the officers ranks wants to go against what the supreme guardian wants for belobog. she is its leader, the authority, she knows what is best for them and it has been that way for generations, this inherited legacy that belongs to both the landaus and the rands. he never, not even for a moment, considered it the right thing to do and he did all he could through the channels afforded to him to do things to keep the people safe, to improve their livelihoods, he was never complacent with how things were but he was also not in jurisdiction to make any actual changes that impacted the whole of belobog’s people. when it comes to diplomatics alot of it rests in the supreme guardian’s court, he is her enforcer, but also their protector. once the underworld is opened up and the rulings begin to change he does all he can to prove that he can be a force of optimism and not a callous member of the guard who only cared for those above ground and never those who suffered because of them. it was difficult, it was awful, he does harbor guilt for it because he wanted to do something but couldn’t.
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