#i could write a thesis on this haha
revsforgottenwar · 2 years
Hello! It’s me again! Do you have anymore context or lore behind that comic you made of Link in Majora’s Mask and the aftermath of it? I believe you called it Repetition. I love that comic sm ♥️
Hi again! 🥰 Thanks so much, it’s one of my favourites too 💕 I frequently abandon comics because I get lost in the dialogue so it worked in my favour for having none haha.
I certainly do! I find MM is a very important part of Link’s Journey especially in the context of this AU.
To understand the emotional turmoil behind this you need to take into consideration how Link viewed his status as hero. Despite the time skips, Link in OoT is a child the entire time. When he is an “adult” he certainly sees a lot of death and destruction which would be harrowing especially considering how sheltered he was in the Forest. But at the end of it all, time is reset and all of those deaths and bloodshed that he sees the aftermath of are erased. 
OoT could be perceived in his eyes as a complete win. As a child, to be a hero would be a mantle he would have fully enjoyed, and at the end of it he certainly had saved the day, no one was hurt. (barring of course characters like the Deku Tree ect but even he is reborn). 
Then Termina happens. Link enters this world and despite his starting predicament it immediately becomes clear this place needs a hero. It’s his duty and his nature to help.
One of the key mechanics of the game is that you CANNOT get all the masks and complete all the quests in a three day cycle. One of my favourite examples that i reflect on is that you cannot continue the Anju/Kafei quest if you save the old woman on the first night. You have to decide which one to complete and let the other essentially fail.
Link is the kind of person who believes he needs to save everyone, that is his purpose and sacred duty. So every time he helps someone, he soon discovers that someone else suffers because of his actions. As a result he constantly resets the timeline. Over the course of the resets he takes details notes of everyones movements (Bomber’s Club notebook). His goal is to find a way to save everyone. He HAS to. 
With each reset he becomes more frantic. He keeps failing people, he sees the moon fall again and again and feels the fear and anguish of all the people of Termina.
He is not the hero he is supposed to be and something inside breaks. He cannot move on until he accepts the harsh reality of being a hero. That you cannot save everyone. You must make hard decisions and make sacrifices.
He saves as many as he can and the Skull Kids give him the Fierce Deity Mask for their final “game”.
I see this particular Mask as an equal to Majora. It’s got the word Deity in it’s name so I don’t believe it is something that should be wielded by a mortal without consequences. It turns Link into a cold weapon and he succeeds in stopping the moon. When it is all over he is left empty. Despite the fact he has saved the town he cannot erase from his mind the people he was forced to sacrifice for the greater good. Every being in the world has a life, has feelings, has worth.
Anju is the one who breaks through to him and convinces him to remove the Mask. It takes an incredible amount of strength for him to remove the it and causes him great pain. The magic of the mask leaves a painful burn scar around his jaw and face where the edges of the mask met his skin and the markings leave bloody scars. He has a permanent reminder of this power he wielded and the price that was paid. 
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In the aftermath of Termina when he returns to his world, he no longer sees himself as a hero. He cannot escape the failures of his role. He values the life and happiness of everything. Time passes and he rebrands himself purely as a wandering warrior as opposed to a hero (a word he now despises).
Apart from the physical scarring there are still mental ticks that stay with him which do get better as he recovers with Zelda. The overuse of the Ocarina of course breaks his ability to perceive time properly. No force of magic should ever be treated lightly or without respect (there will always be consequences). He frequently has flashbacks from across the ages and sometimes struggles to discern ‘when’ he is. He is also hyper vigilant. He can’t always help but take note of the movements of the town, trying to memorise every step and action. Of course because he isn’t resetting time it’s fruitless and exhausting. He is trying to make predictions out of chaos. And of course he can’t sleep on the full moon, he cannot help but stand in silent vigil incase the moon shall fall again.
At the end of it all the main thing i like to do with Majora is challenge the meaning of ‘hero’. Everyone has a different definition of it. Link enters the conflict with a purely fairytale view of it which isn’t realistic. He is seen as one by those around him who can see who he truely is and what he achieved. 
I personally believe that a true hero never sees themselves as one. They are people who simply try to do the right thing and ask nothing in return. No matter the size of the conflict.
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wingsofhcpe · 1 year
actually there's a huge difference between queerbaiting/"Hey guys look how gay these two are haha they're definitely gonna end up together, give us views uwu oh- never mind oops they're going to superhell" and "Hey it's 2004-2012 and there's no way we can get away with having our protags/main couple be two gay men but we really want to show these two are soulmates so we'll do it through subtext and underlying messages and by literally telling you over and over again their relationship is the most stable and important in the entire show, and the ending will imply they lived and died together", and it's insane that some of yall don't see how these two are not the same fucking thing.
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 2 years
It seems like you have a vendetta against Shulk/Fiora. Like, not just disliking it and preferring Shulkelia but straight up hate the canon ship of the game. Why?
Thank you for asking this! It's an interesting question and I have a quite a bit to say about it (as usual with me aha). So I'll put the details under the cut, but yes, I personally do not like any aspect of the canon relationship/writing of it at all (although I don't go into that here since I talked about much more than I expected lol, if you're curious specifically about what my opinions are on the dialogue/choices in the game regarding Shiora feel free to send me another ask!). Also if you've read my fanfics (genuinely not trying to plug my work haha I swear) and see how I write Fiora and her friendship with Shulk, and especially the fic where I write from her pov for the whole thing, you can see I don't hate her and try to be respectful to her creators and fans! Anyway, for a TL;DR:
Aside from my personal history (which also is part of why I like Shulkelia as much as I do) causing the way Fiora's attraction to Shulk is written to not come off very well to me, and even ignoring what I've seen on the Internet about how people react to these ships and those who like or dislike them, it's just A Thing About Life that there will be parts of media you really like and parts of the same media you really don't, and that's what makes art engaging and impactful and personal and fun to talk about! I'm just someone who always has a lot to say about anything, so don't take my diatribes as anything more than me being passionate about analyzing stuff haha. I still love Xenoblade 1 with all my heart, and me not liking parts of the series such as Xenoblade 2 (very much) or Shiora (at all) doesn't affect how much I enjoy what I do like! It's just another fun facet to delve into for me, whether it's a thing I like or a thing I dislike.
And when all you see and know of me is from a blog that's specifically just for talking about a small facet of one piece of media, I can come off as more melodramatic about my liking of Shulkelia and disliking of Shiora since I don't talk too much about the rest of Xenoblade as a whole, nor anything else for that matter, on here. I promise I don't truly care that much about this fictional love triangle in my day-to-day life, and I'm sorry if I came off as rude about it! If you like their relationship then... I do want to say more power to you, and count this as me having said so, but also I don't feel like I need to because, as you said, it is canon so the Xenoblade devs have been (and probably will be!) providing plenty of enjoyment for you, and so no one should care what a silly singular stranger like me thinks at the end of the day haha.
But if you do, then here's what I have to say:
First off, I just enjoy really thoroughly dissecting everything I like, as well as dislike (as you will soon see!). I like delving into details and analyzing stuff, and sometimes that passion can be a little too obsessive, which can come off as me being passionate in my hatred of The Thing rather than passionate about analyzing why I hate The Thing (which is what's really going on). So it's important to me to say that when I talk about anything I dislike in depth like this, it's not ever meant to be hating on or attacking people who do like it! I just really find it fun to put things under a microscope, both when I really like them and really dislike them, because I enjoy discovering what, specifically, about them makes me feel that way.
I also think it's important to repeat that point about how this blog is both 1) meant to be near-exclusively about Shulkelia and 2) the posts I make here are pretty much my entire online footprint (outside of my fanfic account which is p much about the same topic aha), and as such these are the only things that strangers have to form an opinion about me (much like the common criticism brought up about parasocial relationships). When I log on to this blog I'm here to talk about my Xenoblade OTP or things related to it, and so that's all you see of/know about me. And even though the reason I made this blog is because of how much I like it (I'm kind of obsessive about the things I'm really passionate about, I've been that way my whole life, so that certainly doesn't help either haha), there are things I may like equally or even more, but because they aren't what this blog is for I don't mention them, and so anyone who doesn't know me won't know about them unless I talk about them. When you only see the fraction of me that I'm willing to share, then of course it'll seem like that fraction is the whole me if you never get to see the other 99%.
So much in the same way that I can seem super obsessed about Shulkelia (which, to be fair, I do get that way some days haha) it can seem like I really really hate Shiora too, since the only time I'm going to talk about it is on a blog that's dedicated to a different ship, and since I'm not really a multishipper nor do I enjoy the writing of it in canon, I won't ever have much nice to say about it. And because it's a canon ship that most people seem to enjoy, it's going to come up from time to time on art that either has Fiora/the love triangle involved or in the comments I see on it, and since I have something to say about it I do. Although I do genuinely not like it at all, I try to do it in a way where it's clear I'm not hating on people who enjoy it, either by trying to hammer home that it's just my personal opinion about it, or being super hyperbolic about disliking it in an attempt at humor. But tone and meaning can get lost from brain to text and I'm surely not the best at wording things sometimes, so I don't blame anyone for getting the wrong impression, and if that's happened I do apologize!
For example, if this blog was instead about my love of Mexican food (which is true!) and was meant for being a catalogue of recipes I come across, I'd probably talk in the tags pretty often about how I lament that so many recipes have cilantro in them because I have the weird cilantro-tastes-like-soap gene and so it tastes awful to me (which is also true!). When this happens over and over again on so many recipes that have cilantro, and when this repetition is all you ever get to see about me, it would probably seem like I have a burning hatred for cilantro, when in reality I barely think about it at all, and if something I want to eat has it I'll just politely ask for no cilantro or silently pick it off. I do think the weird gene is interesting, and I have a fun story about how I found out I have it which I enjoy telling, but I'm also just fine eating my food if no one wants to talk about it.
But that comparison isn't perfect, because there's a lot more going on in interpersonal relationships (fictional or not) and why people enjoy them or not. So let's get into that!
I did mention there were personal reasons why I feel the way I do, and to the extent I do, about these pairings, so it's only fair to explain what that's about. All throughout my life up until college I never had anyone show any romantic interest in me, even in high school, while in contrast all my friends as well as my sister had been in multiple relationships, so I felt rather lonely and figured there was something wrong with me if no one would want to date me haha. But I did of course have crushes of my own (that because of the aforementioned thought I had that I was unlikable I never acted on) and one of them was on a mutual friend that my best friend at the time also knew, as well as knew that I liked him. And all of a sudden one day they were going out and being affectionate all the time, including right in front of me even though my friend knew I liked him. That plus my loneliness from before obviously hurt really bad and made me pretty upset for a while haha.
Then on top of that later that year I would connect with someone like I never had before in my life and he "felt the same way", the very first person to ever tell me they liked me and I believed it. I honestly do still think he did like me... yet he would go on to get into a relationship with someone else and all the while repeatedly promise me that I was special to him and that she didn't get him like I did and he'd leave her for me but of course we can still have our deep talks about his personal problems and blah blah blah. There's a lot more to it than that but I'll cut it short and just say this happened for literally every single day for an entire year of my life, and it really deeply affected me for a long time, though I'm fine now of course. Well, it did change me as a human being, but you know what I mean haha. I don't say this to elicit pity (really, don't, I promise I'm fine) but to give you some puzzle pieces to help figure out the mystery of why I dislike Shiora.
So I'm sure you can see the parallels from my life to what Melia goes through, and that's precisely the mechanism that everyone uses to relate to and love fictional characters: they deal with horrible stuff that we can connect back to horrible stuff we've been through, and we empathize with them. That's one reason why so many people love Shulk (including me!), and Melia, and countless other characters. That's kind of what they're here for: to relate to. He just like me for real and all that. So, in the same way my life experiences make me relate so much to Melia, I can also relate those who I liked but never could be with to Shulk and relate their girlfriends to Fiora. And knowing how those real-life relationships ended up and why they didn't work out, I can really see parallels to how Fiora and Shulk's relationship is written, at least with the vibe I got from it on first and second impression. Therefore I both dislike it for personal reasons and the information those reasons gave me about good and bad relationships.
On a lighter note though, there's another aspect to the whole we-like-characters-we-identify-with thing with regards to shipping: I really do think the ships we like (if any) are based on and a reflection of ourselves and what we want in a partner (should we want to have one). Or in simpler terms, our OTPs are often made up of a character we can self-insert as and a character we would marry if they were real haha. And I don't mean that in a bad way at all! It's fun to make up fake scenarios with fake characters that you want to kiss, even when you're not writing direct-self-insert or xReader stuff (which I also don't bash)! I'm certainly guilty of this myself, even as much as I try to write them true to their character, relating so much to Melia and finding a lot about Shulk attractive for reasons that Melia also does means I'm just like everyone else haha. But on the other side of the coin, the fact that I cannot relate to Fiora in so many ways as well as do not vibe with how she treats her attraction to Shulk means I can't really enjoy the thought of them as a couple.
But outside of talking about the canon for just a second more, I think there's an interesting phenomenon(? idk what to call it lol) here that is in this ask as well as many other people's vocalized opinions regarding this game's love triangle: said canon. As in, the concept that someone could like Xenoblade 1 overall but dislike the canon relationship either confuses and/or upsets some people. Which is strange to me on its own, like do these people also get confused and/or mad when someone says they love hamburgers but hate when they have pickles on them? Everyone has their own tastes, and what you like or how much of it you do is just part of being an individual. (Plus I must say it's extra odd with regards to Shulkelia, as I've never seen the same comments/reactions to ships like Meliora, Shulk/Reyn, Shalvis, Dunban/Melia, etc, despite the fact that they're all equally as non-canon as Shulkelia. Maybe it's because the game firmly shoots down Shulk liking Melia so hard? But it also shows how much Fiora likes Shulk, so wouldn't Meliora [which is pretty darn popular as far as Xenoblade 1 ships go, at least from my browsing] be just as "anti-canon"?).
For extra context too, there are. SO. many friendzoned/"haha Shulk doesn't like Melia" memes and jokes out there (and if these people are so concerned with canon, it's weird how often they make Shulk and/or Melia act out of character super hard to push the joke!) which don't really exist to be pro-Shiora and more just anti-Shulkelia. I even came across a guy on reddit who would post Melia fanart every day, and so many of his posts were stalked by this one dude who would write a little rant about how Melia sucks and Fiora is the best, and would really go off if the fanart showed Melia's crush on Shulk in any way. Now he was super downvoted every time but... I've never seen anyone do that for Shulkelia. And yet I have seen quite a few posts of people complaining about Shulk/Melia fans shoving their ship in their faces and how much it sucks as a ship and I'm like i have been trying for MONTHS to find a single scrap of shulkelia content yet find barely anything and what i do find has SO many comments saying they still like shiora or that they hate the art since it's not shiora literally WHO are you talking about??? Like maybe I just am unlucky and have seen literally all 20 or whatever number of instances of Shiora fans being rude that ever existed but... they still do exist. I'm not making this up, in fact I encourage you to go out and search for Xenoblade fan content regarding this love triangle and see how people react to it! That's what I did and that's how I came across all of this!
Anyway, like was there a huge ship war in the early fandom days or something??? If so why can I find no mention of it anywhere except from salty Shiora shippers/Fiora fanboys, like barely any Shulkelia art even exists and I see zero talk from the supposed pushy Shulkelia fans? They have like 30 freaking fics in existence and half of them are Melia sulking about how Fiora is being lovey dovey with Shulk and showing they actually got together after all so don't even really count as Shulkelia fics!! In my searching for Shulkelia content I come across so many comments from people who like the ship trying to downplay their enjoyment of it and placate any potential Shiora fans reading their comments with "oh but Shulk/Fiora is cute too! i still like them together! i only like Shulk/Melia in a close friends kind of way, or just to make Melia happy idc about the ship i just like seeing her smile!" so like... What reality do these other guys live in where they got bombarded with Shulkelia over and over because I wish I lived in it!!! Something's up with some Fiora fans idk. Maybe I just had back luck in my searching, but try it yourself and see. I'm not crazy or making this up, I could just have been seeing all 20 or whatever number of Shiora's rude fans but... they do exist, and I have yet to see similar behavior from Shulkelia fans.
And this isn't all just me being a lurker looking at rando's comments as well. I even have a bit of a secondhand-experience story to tell about it! (The specific timeline of the initial details might be jumbled a bit, but I do remember the gist of it and still have the DMs to confirm some of the facts!)
I used to be active on Twitter, and I followed a lot of different Xenoblade fan artists on there. One day a certain artist posted a WIP of Melia and Shulk laying next to each other on a hill where Shulk was smiling at her, and although the artist deleted it (for reasons you will soon learn about) I think they wrote the Japanese ship name of the two on the tweet for it. Either way, I do recall before the WIP was posted they tweeted about liking Shulkelia, or rather ShuMeri as the Japanese ship name is called, (although in much the same "i like Melia so i like the thought of her being happy. Shulk belongs with Fiora though! i still ship them!" please-don't-be-mad-at-me way that I have never seen a Fiora/Shiora fan do) and wanting to draw something for it. Even though this particular artist posted in Japanese, a language I don't know 99% of, I was able to get the gist of their tweets through the translation feature and my knowledge of what the characters' names are in Japanese. And despite how hard this artist tried to be nice, tried to show how much they weren't trying to be mean to Shiora fans (they even had drawn Shiora art months earlier!), they got a wave of hate directed at them from Japanese fans which I saw in real time.
And if you doubt this because the tweets are now deleted, and because even when they were up I only read them through an A.I. translation, I felt so bad for this poor artist that I DM-ed them (regrettably in English, since I didn't trust my knowledge of Japanese to not end up making me say something I didn't intend or in a rude/informal tone) to show there was at least one other person out there that enjoyed ShuMeri and was excited to see their art. And they fortunately understood my message and knew English to message me back and told me direct quotes of what was thrown at them, which I still have in my DMs and will quote:
"'You are denying the original story. It's too unsatisfying and ugly' 'It's not right to make Shulk and Melia lovers.' someone said. At other times, people have replied to my art, complaining about Melia's behavior in the story, as I tweeted the other day. I've had a lot of negative comments about ShuMeri and Melia." (With regards to the whole "complaining about Melia's behavior in the story" thing, if I recall that was from people saying she had no right to have a crush on Shulk in the first place, which... I thought you guys said canon is sacrosanct? It is canon that Melia had a crush on Shulk, and if you don't like that then you don't respect the canon/story and aren't a real fan. Do you see how silly this sounds???)
So. Tell me if you have ever seen any Melia fans or Shulkelia fans ever behave like this. Because I sure haven't. (Like even this ask [which I am not upset about nor trying to be rude to the anon at all, on the contrary I'm super enjoying talking about this topic! it's just the dichotomy here is interesting to me!) is proof to me: how many times can you say you've seen comments on Shiora art or asks sent to Xenoblade fanblogs asking why someone doesn't like Shulkelia, do you hate Shulkelia, what's wrong with Shulkelia? Like I get one is canon and the other isn't, but like... have you seen shipping culture? Literally all of the most popular ships for any given media are non-canon, that's half the fun of shipping!!!
"Don't let mean fans sour the original work" (and again, just to make sure I'm clear, I do not consider the anon who sent this ask to be mean or rude in any way! I'm referring to other randos here!) and all that, but it's kind of hard for me to like a ship when it has fans that act like this... going around projecting by accusing fans of a different ship of their own behavior, or saying things that contradict their own points about how important canon is to them. Thinking back on how we like characters we can relate to, isn't it interesting how fans of a brash, headstrong, do-what-I-want-and-fuck-the-consequences character who gets everything she wants in canon act in a pushy or even rude way to fans of a reserved, self-reproaching, I-will-do-what-is-best-for-others-first character who has so much taken away from her, and the latter fans always defer to the former and feel guilty when they talk about liking their character even as they do so much to be nice to them? It's pretty interesting I think, it's like when dogs look like their owners or something haha.
To end this off, since even though I have more to say (which if you would like to hear please let me know!) I've talked for far too long now haha, I really want to post the rest of the DM that the artist I talked to (who to this day hasn't made another Shulkelia/Shulkelia-esque fanart again, and interestingly never gets hate on their Shalvis art which is again a non-canon "story-denying" ship, too. Maybe they just blocked the rude people and if so good for them, but it's interesting still that they haven't draw Shulkelia since):
"I think it's useless to argue about who is better, Fiora or Melia, and I don't want them to get me involved in that fight. However, I received words of encouragement from many kind followers like you. I now understand important things; 'Don't worry about mean people' and 'Draw what I like.' Fan art should be free, shouldn't it? If I draw ShuMeri, some mean people might appear again. But there are many more kind people like you. When I think of that, I'm not afraid anymore. I will try to draw ShuMeri one day. Maybe I'll get depressed again because of mean people, but then you can tell me, 'You draw fanart freely, right!'... Please tell me that. You made me feel better and made me cry with happiness. Thank you so much. :)"
-Mirim, who can be found here currently, and their old account where the drama happened is here. This is the piece of artwork they got so much hate for. Shulk and Melia aren't even touching in it and Mirim didn't even mention their ship name.
#ask#please support mirim they're a very skilled and underrated artist!!#anyway every time i get an ask i get so excited haha i really like talking to people about things i/we like#(well if i got a mean/''kys'' ask i wouldn't be excited but you get what i mean haha)#and to be clear i do not think this ask was hostile at all! and even if it was meant to be... so what?#i enjoyed answering it and i hope what i had to say was interesting and satisfied the anon's curiosity#also i *do* want to talk about other things in xenoblade i like because there's **so** much i have to say#like if you could see the size of my notes section in my voice line doc you would know. you would KNOW how much i like basically#every single thing about this game haha. probably too much. it's over 700 lines of text long#i just don't feel like there's an audience most of the time for me and it feels a little sad talking into the void haha#hence my enjoyment of getting asks of any kind!#so if anyone has any questions for me about literally anything at all please send me an ask!#in return i will write you a thesis paper about your question free of charge as you can see here lol#i really hope i didn't come off as mean or bitter here it's just there's a huge dichotomy going on with shulkelia from what i've seen#as i mentioned if it's about canonicity why don't shalvis and meliora get hate? i've literally never seen a single mean comment about them#unprompted on a random one-off comment or directly on fanworks of it#maybe it's more about melia than shulkelia since there's also a lot of hate towards her that i've seen too#in a ''ew melia fans are so conceited thinking she's the best-written character and fiora is shallow'' and it's like#congratulations! you have just encountered a ''different opinion''! perhaps they like melia because they think she is well-written and#not to spite you in particular! maybe they think fiora is shallow bc a lot of her character objectively revolves around her crush on shulk!#and it's okay to not like it! it's also okay to like it! this is what art is about: having your own thoughts on it!#it is fun to share these thoughts and i enjoy it! but i do not enjoy when people are mean to others because they like#Fake Person/Relationship A but other people like Fake Person/Relationship B! it's silly to get super mad about it and it's rude to be mean!
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embossross · 2 years
would the belly of the beasts’ endings for each fic possibly give hints/spoil future events for the other works in that same universe? i feel like an fbi agent trying to get crumbs on other characters’ stories when reading it 🤣🤣
oh totally, not even the endings but really any reference to a woman other than reader in connection to one of the guys is usually indicative of at least the kinds of relationships that the other guys are in
the tricky part is that the timeline between stories is all over the place, but i'll give you a little timeline to help:
early 2018 - the present + prologue of the art collector mid 2017 - events of labor of love early 2017 - the most recent chapters of devotion of the girl in the mirror; kakucho meets echiru at the gym (pre labor of love) fall 2016 - rindou meets yasuko at the club (devotion of the girl in the mirror chapter 1) summer 2016 - mikey meets haruka (art collector chapter 1) winter 2015 - someone starts buying haruka's art works (art collector pre-story)
so, there's definitely throw aways about different men that are already relevant, like you can get an idea of something going on in mikey's head space in devotion of the girl in the mirror chapter 1 & some weird vibes coming form him in labor of love. or, labor of love, shows the ultimate fallout of some of the plot happening currently in devotion of the girl in the mirror re: cheating.
and there's even more for the stuff that isn't already written. you can learn a lot about ran's situation from devotion of the girl in the mirror, and there are throw aways to wakasa's as well. people talk about sanzu's situation. idk they all cross over for sure!
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kizknifer · 5 months
i like. didnt drink 2day which frankly sucks ass bc my brains just not shutting up nd its 1am again and its not like i go 2 bed any earlier when i drink but its much calmer. anyway i AM looking forward 2 not waking up hungover as shit or i was but now its fucking 1am already and im nowhwre near sleepy so tmrrw i ll prbly fucking sleep l8 again which is like. net zero results
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inaflashimagine · 2 years
just finished watching all of the sopranos for the first time…
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bth3cowboi · 6 months
love conjeture, lh44 x reader
pairing: lewis hamilton x mathematician!reader
summary: sometimes algorithms win championships, other times they help find love. (social media au)
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liked by yninmath, georgerussell63 and 879.301 others
mercedesamgf1 This year we want to give a special thank-you to Dr. Yn Ln! With the creation of her new algorithm focused on data analysis and her extensive collaboration this season our view in analytics evolved to unimaginable levels. We are forever grateful for her contributions and what they mean for the future of Formula 1. Thanks again Dr. Ln, and good luck with the thesis! 😎💻
tagged yninmath;
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yninmath thank you for the opportunity🫡💙 it was an honor to work alongside this great team
mercedesamgf1 👏💙
user1 omg work girlll!!
user2 just googled her and im going crazy like how do you have 3 phds at 27😭?
user3 graduated super early too shes kind of a genius lol
lewishamilton thank you miss yn💙
yninmath your welcome sir champion🥹
user4 ok this is cuteee
user5 you should be thanking him bffr
georgerussell63 Outstanding!🙌 Make sure to come back Dr. Yn
yninmath oh but the travelling😮‍💨
lewishamilton nah you’ll make it back
yninmath if you say so haha
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yninmath currently picking up trash couches, writing thesis and remembering the friends ive made along the way 🤓💘
on a serious note, if anyone is interested in reading about topology feel free to read my new paper abt it (link in bio #influencer)
tagged bestfriend, roscoelovescoco;
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roscoelovescoco working’s hard🐾😵‍💫
yninmath or hardly working🤔
bestfriend surprised the couch didnt bring rats or something
yninmath no rats or fleas!!! its been a great couch #trashcouch #luckygirls
bestfriend please never use # again
user1 great paper dr yn😍 is there any way I could get your paper on the hodge conjeture for academical porpouses? magazines are too expensive, help a girl out🙏
yninmath dm me girl that should be free so make sure your class gets it too
user2 dr yn youre saving the nyu maths class of 25’🫡
lewishamilton no rest on break miss yn?
yninmath you know me already haha💞
user3 suspicious…
user4 what? they cant be just friends?
user5 I thought she worked for merecedes, what is this?
user6 she was only there to develop part of her thesis tho still won them another championship
liked by lewishamilton
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liked by pierregasly and 903.443 others
f1paddockgossip BREAKING! Lewis Hamilton was caught while vacationing in France with mathematician and Mercedes’ collaborator Dr. Yn Ln. The pair are rumored to be in a months-long relationship already, starting in the middle of last season.
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user1 NOOOOO
user2 isnt she like way younger than him? weird
user3 shes literally a grown woman lol she can be with whoever she pleases
user4 no cause they actually look really cute🥹 so happy for them
user5 right! she seems super nice
user6 i just know that man is confused everytime she talks numbers lmao the curse of dating a stem girlie
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liked by yninmath, f1 and 3.478.139 others
lewishamilton congrats on the finished thesis miss yn😉💙 love you
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yninmath love u and ty for the championship😘 would have failed otherwise
lewishamilton 😂😂
lewishamilton anything for my girl
yninmath 🥹
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton and others
yninmath you best believe he sat on the #trashcouch #dearlordwhenigettoheaven
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bestfriend did it have fleas lewishamilton?
lewishamilton no but I was worried
yninmath booo tomatoes
bestfriend just buy a new one please
yninmath i believe in sustentability🫡🍃
lewishamilton there has to be a limit
lewishamilton ❤️❤️
yninmath love you sm
liked by lewishamilton
a/n: ty for reading and i hope you enjoyed🩷 maybe ill be writing more for different drivers soon, so if anyone is interesed keep that in mind!
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ambrosiagourmet · 7 months
Has anyone requested Marcille for the ask meme? If not then pls
First impression
Gay? Interesting elf girl with a really good design for a female character oh my god thank you. She gets to wear pants!!! It's a miracle!
Impression now
BELOVED HALF-ELF OF MY HEART... most determined member of the party, maybe second only to Laios. Not that it's a competition.
Girl who carries the weight of her existence in her heart everywhere she goes. Girl who doesn't know how to just exist because that would mean surrendering to the things time will take away from her. Girl with bloody knuckles who clings too tightly to the things she loves because she remembers a time when she didn't realize what they meant to her.
Girl who must shape a life too big to hold all at once. Who stares into that impossible task so unflinchingly that you kind of want to tell her to run away from it for a bit. Be a bit more of a coward, Marcille! But she doesn't have time to be a coward!! She's hurtling towards her goals at terminal velocity. But the same love that keeps her tumbling forward also pulls her back from the brink. Because she's still figuring out the balance.
Favorite moment
Rabbit chapter... my god rabbit chapter.........
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Genuinely maybe my favorite chapter in the whole manga. It hits such an incredible peak of humor and raw emotion and impossibly ridiculous situations and grounded believable character writing. And no part of it is separate from the others.
What a fucking chapter. And what a fucking thesis for why Marcille is such a good character. Her being ridiculous and her being incredibly determined and her being powerful and her being scared are ALL part of her. Man. Marcille. She will do anything to pull through for her friends.
And then on top of it the way the Lion takes advantage of this moment to pull her strings. Which is just. So horrifying to watch because you want someone to give her a hug but all the people who would give her a hug are currently DEAD and she's left in a room along and exhausted with a manipulative, abusive, hungry opportunist. God. God. I love Rabbit Part II So Very Much.
Idea for a story
Umm hi sorry I am still busy thinking about Rabbit Part II. Please enjoy some shameless self promotion while I go lie down for a bit.
Unpopular opinion
She's bisexual!!!!! Normally I don't hold so fast to like "well canonically this character was into A Man so she can't be a lesbian blah blah blah" but it does bum me out that people ignore her succubus because I really do think that bi Marcille deserves more love. It doesn't make her any less into women sheesh.
Favorite relationship
Sorry I was thinking about Rabbit Part II again what was the question? Favorite relationship?
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Yeah I dunno maybe Marcille and Laios? I kinda like the part where they rely on each other because there is no other way through and share an unnamed intimacy born in blood and bone and the way that they place impossible burdens on each other and owe each other their lives many times over and neither holds it against the other or asks for the repayment of debts that can never be repaid, choosing instead to keep walking into the future by each others sides because what else can you do. What else can you do.
They are pretty cool I guess. I'm normal about them though. Haha.
Favorite headcanon
I imagine that castle staff help Marcille with her hair on a day-to-day basis because leaving it just to personal friends and family would probably be impractical. But also I think Chilchuck, Laios, Falin, and also especially KABRU all learn enough to help her with it. I think that the first three learn some basic nice stuff but I think Kabru would get really into it.
That man could absolutely intensely hyperfixate on something like "nice hairstyles from another culture" for three to six months and come out the other side an expert.
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scaranation · 2 years
Hey I ADORE UR WRITING...SENDING ALL LOVES TO U... btw can u write a headcanon about how alhaitham or zhongli or wanderer would react to a really short fiesty y/n?
THIS IS V LATE IM SO SORRY HAHA anyway im alive now so I finally finished the prompt ! i interpreted it romantically by accident but I hope you like it anyway ehehe
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ft. Alhaitham, Zhongli, Wanderer
Content: Fluff, headcannons, it's all enemies to lovers, Scara's part is a little short but so is he 🤭
a/n - ignore the spam e's at the end tumblr kept deleting my last paragraph whenever i tried to edit so i got mad and made sure the only thing i'd lose were the 3847394 e's i typed
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At first, he couldn’t ever see himself falling for someone like you. And if he were to date you, he’d definitely have to fall quite far - after all, you were so short, he practically had to trip over himself in squatting to talk to you. What you lacked in height, however, was made up by temper.
The first time Alhaitham had met you, he was very much taken aback by your personality. Instantly, he categorised you as the irritating, distracting type, filing away your existence in his brain as he droned out the sound of your voice.
“Grand Sage! I’m here to get approval for my research paper, and-”
“Acting Grand Sage.” Alhaitham corrected you without even looking up from his desk. Your words didn’t even register to him, as he left the interaction to his subconscious as to save his own energy.
“Acting Grand Scribe, whatever. Anyway, here’s my thesis, can you look over it now?”
“The approval process takes a few days, you can leave it here.”
“Oh, okay! Thank you, Grand Sage!” You chirped, scurrying off before Alhaitham could point out your error again. He spared a cursory glance towards the paper you’d left on his desk, raising an eyebrow.
“Height: an in-depth study into the role of genetics versus upbringing in contributing to an individual’s vertical stature.”
Alhaitham tutted. The title wasn’t concise, and the premise of your project lacked nuance. He idly flipped through the pages, already preparing to reject it.
"This project will feature an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban who struggles with height in order to establish a deeper understanding... Hm. Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We've seen countless projects like this before." Alhaitham mused, stamping the front cover with bright red rejection and putting the paper aside.
It wasn’t long before Alhaitham found you at his office once again. However, you’d shed any semblance of politeness you’d had before, only fuming as you marched right up to his desk and demanded an explanation for the rejection of your research project.
“Well, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen a thesis like this. The Akademiya needs not waste its resources on previously covered topics, hence I suggest you find a scholarly pursuit more worthy of your time.” You clenched your hands into fists at the irritating way the Acting Grand Sage didn’t even glance at you, his eyes still darting over the paper he was currently reading.
“What’s so interesting about what you’re reading now, then?” You snapped, slamming both hands on the hard wood of the desk. Your arms faltered a little as pain shot up from the impact. You tried to bite back a wince, but Alhaitham noticed. He had to fight to keep an amused smirk down as he finally looked up at you.
“This? It’s a study into the applicability of natural selection in society. Of course, it fuels some questionable - and incorrect - ideals, but it has piqued my interest. Rest assured that it will also be rejected.” Alhaitham’s tone was condescending, and it only made you more frustrated.
“Why are you invalidating my experiment?”
“Don’t take this so personally, I have nothing against you as an individual.” The Acting Grand Sage chuckled. Your demeanour reminded him of a fiery chipmunk, and he tuned out the sound of your incessant rambling.
Even your cheeks looked like a chipmunk’s. How fun it would be, to squish them…
“Hey, what are you doing?” You were jerked out of your spiel by the touch of Alhaitham’s hand on your cheek. Some fingers were gloved, others bare - it made a curious contrast, the rough leather juxtaposing smooth skin.
“My apologies, you had something on your cheek. You may continue your futile self justification now.” Alhaitham retracted his hand to go back to studying the paper.
“This… this won’t be the end!” You exclaimed. You sounded rather like a villain one would find in a children’s novel, except Alhaitham doubted there was a villain as small and as harmless as you.
“I look forward to your future endeavours.” Alhaitham quirked a wry smile at seeing you scuttle off furiously.
You were right - this wasn’t the end. You’d unfortunately piqued the Acting Grand Sage’s interest, and once that happened, there was no way out.
You’d find yourself bumping into Alhaitham more often after that incident. Who knew the Acting Sage even left his office? Wherever you went, he’d be there, presumably to make your life harder.
It sounds cliche, but he would definitely help you out with reaching books just beyond the range of your flailing hands. Of course, he’d read the title and criticise your choice of literature before handing it to you, but Alhaitham would be of aid nonetheless.
He’d make blunt remarks to rile you up, enjoying the sight of you flushing in anger. You were so short, yet so energetic - he often wondered how it was possible for you to be so endearing and irritating at the same time.
Sometimes, your brutish comments would get through to Alhaitham, and you’d have the pleasure of seeing his jaw flex in discomfort before he snapped back with something equally personal. Neither of you were ever willing to let the other have the last word.
You often wondered how you’d gotten close to the cold Acting Sage. He was feared amongst all other scholars for his meticulousness, and yet he seemed fine with engaging in banter with you. It was a shocking but typical sight to see you with him in the halls of the Akademiya, the almost comical height difference drawing scoffs from witnesses. A quick glare from Alhaitham would be enough to silence those snickers, however. After all, he was the only one who could tease you, and you, him.
You’d first meet Zhongli through attempting to scam him. Most people would wonder why you were trying to swindle the god of contracts himself, but to be fair, you didn’t know who he was - and you were an absolute genius at robbing people with honeyed lies. How were you supposed to know you’d bitten off more than you could chew?
The day had begun normally, with you merely making your normal (fraudulent) sales. You’d make glorious promises of a newly discovered vein of ores in the Chasm, painting pictures of abundant wealth. Then, you’d convince those poor customers to buy stakes in the mine for a ridiculous price, although they were really only buying a shoddy patch of dirt you owned in the Sumeru-Liyue border. You’d managed to slip under the radar as you technically hadn’t done anything illegal, only omitted some key details.
After all, you only said that there was a “strong possibility” that there would be valuable ores there. And you were right - there were iron chunks. And they were valuable… in some perspectives. Either way, you didn’t know much about what was legal and what wasn’t (your only knowledge came from your time attending school with Yanfei) but it was good, not-so-honest work. The devil’s in the details, as they say, and nobody reads the poorly written fine print on the contracts you made anyway.
Until Zhongli came along.
“May I ask the whereabouts of this place?” The man exuded wealth, from his deep voice to his elegantly refined attire. Your eyes sparkled. If you could pull this off, the rewards would be great.
“It’s in the Chasm.”
“Ah, you already mentioned that, but where exactly in the Chasm?”
“Around the Western side, near the Sumeru border.”
“Hm, how fascinating. I don’t recall any developments being made in that area.” Zhongli murmured.
“It’s being kept a secret, because of how valuable it is… Of course you understand how important confidentiality is to such a project, right?”
“What confidentiality is there to uphold if you’re blandly advertising it in the middle of Liyue Harbour?”
You were stunned into silence, mouth hanging open. It was there that you noticed the knowing gleam in his eyes, the quirk of his lips in a shrewd smirk.
“… Please don’t report me. I will atone for my sins, and worship the lord of geo with great reverence.” You immediately switched attitudes, letting out a nervous laugh. For a seasoned businessperson like yourself, you had to know when to stop attacking and when to start defending. This was one of those times where it was best to defend - or, better yet, to just run away.
“Well then, you may begin now.” Zhongli crossed his arms.
“You’re not the lord of geo.” You retorted. The man had introduced himself as Zhongli, after all.
“Oh?” Zhongli smiled, and you felt your stomach churn. If this man truly was Rex Lapis, then you’d just made a very big mistake.
Zhongli turned and walked away, and you breathed out a sigh of relief - before he glanced back at you, expecting you to follow.
“Where… where are we going…?” You asked.
“Aren’t you going to atone? We’ll start by returning every cent of the mora you took.” Zhongli took your hand in his. A stupid, out of place warmth bloomed at the contact, but you quickly squashed it as you continued to fume at the man who’d dismantled your thriving business.
“What? The Tianquan was onto you already, would you rather face more extreme persecution from her?” Zhongli smiled.
“… No.” You snapped.
This ‘atonement’ was going to take a while.
Surprisingly, your victims - wait, *customers* - were scattered far and wide around Teyvat, so you found yourself going on many trips with the former lord of geo.
At first, you’d constantly snap at him, viewing him as a suspiciously pleasant millelith member, or an overly patronising supervisor. However, as the two of you got closer, he wasn’t as insufferable as you thought.
It was comforting to hear Zhongli share his past experiences, narrating first-hand stories like the ones in the history classes you never paid attention to. He was also the perfect height for you to grab his ponytail, yanking it particularly hard whenever you were bored.
To be honest, Zhongli often did appear as your guardian. He’d stop you from picking fights with strangers, easily holding you back (or slinging you over his shoulder if you were being particularly disagreeable), doing his best to maintain peace in an environment you were in.
On colder days, you’d borrow Zhongli’s coat, although it was so long it dragged along the floor. The sleeves hung over your hands, the cuffs flopping around whenever you excitedly pointed out something. Zhongli would chuckle at your mannerisms, resting a comforting hand on your head to keep you still.
Zhongli was calm, and you definitely were not. He was tall, but you most certainly weren’t. But you know what they say - opposites attract. And you made quite a pair with the former Geo Archon.
Two vertically challenged, feisty individuals with an attitude problem. Both you and the Wanderer were Sumeru city’s worst nightmare, although you undeniably despised each other.
You’d match his energy with unfaltering confidence as he hurled every insult in your direction upon seeing you. Honestly, neither of you were sure when this rivalry started - perhaps it’d just began when you two wanted to see who could be the best short angry person in the region.
“Looking as useless as ever, Wanderer.” You sneered upon seeing the familiar jellyfish cut from the back, snickering as the figure turned to glare at you.
“Has anyone ever told you about your severe temper issues?” The Wanderer snapped back.
“Speak for yourself - I heard you massacred some poor Fatui skirmishers while roaming in the jungle.”
“They were in the way, and you would’ve done the same if you were in my position.”
Those that were passing by watched your bickering with an amused trepidation. You really were perfect for each other, if you’d somehow set your hatred aside.
You and the Wanderer would be seen prowling the city streets or wrecking havoc in the wilderness in the name of some vague competition, both your tempers equally matched. In candid moments you two would almost understand each other perfectly, almost opening your mouths to say something vulnerable.
Of course, your egos wouldn’t allow for that. And so, you and the Wanderer would dance along the edge of whatever strange relationship you had.
Despite you both being short, the Wanderer possessed an Anemo vision. Hence, as you struggled to climb a tree to obtain some bird eggs, the Wanderer would float above you, cackling as he snatched them out of your reach.
“What on earth do you plan to do with these, anyway? I never knew you cooked.”
“Give them to me!”
“How sad life must be, having your head so close to the ground.” The Wanderer wove to the side to dodge your flailing arms, failing to notice the dangerous creaking of the branch you were clinging to.
“You’d better come back here right now-” The branch snapped and you went hurtling down, squeezing your eyes shut. You heard a crack, and felt yourself land against something.
“Gosh, you’re so heavy.” The Wanderer scoffed. He’d caught you mid-air, lowering you to the ground in mocking gentleness.
“Did I break a bone…?” You gasped, feeling something sticky on your back. Perhaps it was all your organs spilling out.
“No, you’re fine. Stop being so dramatic.”
“Then what was that cracking sound?”
“Uh, those eggs you were trying to get.”
You kept out of the Wanderer’s arms hurriedly, the almost tender moment broken - much like the eggs broken over your back and your companion’s hands.
“Archons, you’re so infuriating. Couldn’t you have put them down before saving me?” You scowled.
“Be grateful I did it in the first place.” The Wanderer rolled his eyes.
He wasn’t sure if it was you or the sticky egg debris, but he felt a lingering warmth in his hands.
You and the Wanderer understood each other better than anyone, and let’s be honest - the whole of Sumeru was just waiting for the two of you to get together.
(pls ignore this)
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
Alhaitham tutted. The title wasn’t concise nor succinct, and there was a clear lack of nuance within the premise of your project. He idly flipped through the rest of the pages, already preparing to reject it.
“For research… there will be an interview held with a member of the Shuumatsuban who experiences difficulties growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve already had similar projects.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front cover and putting it aside.
The former Scribe tutted. Even the title wasn’t concise, nor did it provide much nuance. He was just flipping through the rest, already preparing to reject it.
“This project will… involve an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban, who experiences stunted growth… Interesting, but not groundbreaking.” Alhaitham stamped the front cover in red and put it aside.
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suzukiblu · 8 months
I just wanted to say, yesterday I sat down and binge-read all your Timkon fics, as well as most of the WIPS, and I BADLY want to write some now. I've never really written Tim, tho, since I'm more used to writing Jason. Do you have any tips, or bits of Tim and Kon characterization you consider especially important? (The WIP I've made on my head, if it helps, is (Daemon AU) comics!Tim ends up on Young Justice!Cartoon universe, and he's very, very weirded out by how different Kon is to Conner, and very pissed off that this Conner gets a Daemon while his Kon doesn't have one.)
tbh it kinda depends on where you're trying to go with the fic idea, I'd say? Also why Conner DOES have a daemon and Kon doesn't, probably. Also-also, does Conner even actually have a daemon or is Tim just confused about Wolf or something.
Generally speaking, though, the thesis of Tim is that he is a ride-or-die guy who really fucking COMMITS when he makes a decision. Sure, he'll stalk Batman. Sure, he'll introduce himself to Nightwing and tell him he knows his secret identity. Sure, he'll put on the suit Jason died in to go save Batman and Nightwing from their own stupid selves. Sure, he'll be Batman's emotional support sidekick and lead Young Justice and the Teen Titans and try to clone his dead best friend and run around the planet solo to save Bruce from the timestream. Why not! SOMEBODY'S gotta do it!!
"Somebody's gotta do it" is a lot of Tim's motivation, from what I can tell, haha. He also comparmentalizes really well, is a very talented and skilled detective as his defining Robin skill, uses a bo staff as his signature weapon after convincing Lady Shiva to train him and was the dude who was smart enough to add pants to the Robin suit, and one of his more iconic lines is I think Cassie going, "you lied to Starfire?" and him answering, "I lie to Batman". Which he does. Frequently. Frequently and a LOT-ly. To be fair, Bruce is also a fucking liar, so he deserves it. Tim, however, actually has friends he will ADMIT are his friends without having to be waterboarded into it during an active apocalypse-level crisis.
The boy has no chill. He DISGUISES his lack of chill, but it is fucking nonexistent and the ONLY reason he looks "reasonable" is because his besties are the teen idol superclone with limited life experience and Stephanie "welp my dad's gone supervillain so I'm gonna go kick him in the dick with my intermediate gymnastics" Brown. And then there's Cassie "I'm just gonna ask Zeus for superpowers, natch" Sandsmark.
Also Bart. Also Bart is a thing. Bart is SO MUCH a thing.
So yeah, Tim is a full-stop no-holds-barred insane person, he's just also a better liar than any of his friends. Like so, so much better. AT LEAST THEY HAVE SUPERPOWERS, TIM. AT LEAST THEY'VE GOT THAT. He figured out Bruce's secret identity at NINE 'cuz he went to the circus as a toddler and Dick Grayson's flips were just that sick, and then just didn't tell anybody for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. Four fucking YEARS!! ACTUAL FUCKING YEARS. He just didn't think it was relevant, I guess?!!? So instead he just stalked them with his camera and took cool pics. So many pics. So, so many pics. And he skateboards.
Also he and Kon fucking could NOT stand each other at first because Kon was used to being a solo act and didn't want to answer to anyone else and Tim lacked the ability to convince him to listen to him and they just had VERY different personalities and priorities, and also for a little while in there Match was fucking shit up by pretending to BE Kon, and frankly it's a fucking miracle Tim and Kon didn't kill each other before they ever got to be Titans together, the way they totally failed to get along for the first YJ run.
Seriously, I think they actually had a literal fucking fistfight on Apokolips once, I think that ACTUALLY happened. In the middle of a literal WAR that happened. Tim. Tim, you KNOW better, buddy.
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falling in love, ramshackle stone x reader
♡ ྀི ₊ i feel i am falling in love, with all my heart ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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pairing ramshackle stone x reader genre romance, x reader, general head-canons, canon-compliant, gender neutral tw implied underage drinking, insinuated substance abuse
dedicated to the sweetest stone simp i know, anomaly @dmr-au ♡ ♡ ⸝⸝ kindaaa based the reader off of u tbh haha but kept it vague enough so that anybody can enjoy the fic 💕 i still plan on writing that oneshot about stone and sora, but this is just a little bit more do-able for me rn, so this is what i am gonna do for now !! hope u like it <3
ྀི ₊ …all i heard you say is, “all i want is to be yours.” ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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♡ ♡ ⸝⸝ in direct reference to zeddyzi’s tumblr posts prior to the thesis film, she alludes to stone’s ineptitude in matters of romance. in quotation to one post in particular, she mentions that stone would be, “drinking A LOT more than usual” on the occasion of being hopelessly smitten with somebody— and insinuating the general implication of his…romantically challenged disposition of character.
this inclines me to deduce that a gradual slow burn between the reader and him is most feasible out of anything else !! a ridiculous, absurd amount of pining, longing, heart ache, and bottles of…adult juice chugged and discarded— culminating to a confession and eventual relationship ♡
♡ ♡ ⸝⸝ speaking of which, i personally believe that he’d be averse to acknowledging his feelings, let alone disclosing them in a DECLARATION OF LOVE altogether !! and would infinitely prefer to conceal the lamentations of his heart— content with admiring from afar, never risking your relationship at present.
either refusing to confess and forever holding his tongue, or unwittingly divulging his feelings in a moment of raw, inebriated honestly. which, is met with an immediate flush marring his cheeks, anddd maybe a frantic, vigorous swig of his bottle. awe, poor dude— good thing you like him back, don’t you? ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
♡ ♡ ⸝⸝ upon your positive reciprocity, he’d be absolutely ecstatic— save for a slight irritability elicited by Vinnie’s incessant, yet inevitable teasing— but wouldn’t particularly know how to express his inapparent joy. indubitably though, he’d be keenly and UTTERLY engrossed in attempting to communicate his fondness regardless.
during the first few days of your newly forged affections, he’d take an acute, particular interest in becoming closer to you— a privilege he was previously denied prior to your relationship. seeking to know, love, and cherish in a way never before; engaging in your interests, prompting you to talk about yourself, attentive and adoring to your every move— occupying himself wholly in you. okAY ME WHEN !! /j
♡ ♡ ⸝⸝ as stone navigates through his emotions, his burgeoning affections might manifest through delicate, almost imperceptible shifts in behavior. his once aloof demeanor could soften, revealing a hidden tenderness emerging like a blossom in the dawn ♡
in these moments, he may offer you fragments of his inner world—intimate revelations and personal anecdotes previously shielded behind his façade. each shared secret becoming a thread weaving the tapestry of your connection, imbuing it with a profound sense of mutual trust and understanding that every good relationship necessitates <3
♡ ♡ ⸝⸝ and despite his best efforts, stone might grapple with self-doubt, the shadows of insecurity lingering at the edges of his consciousness. this introspection could lead to poignant, heart-to-heart dialogues where he lays bare his fears and vulnerabilities. and while tinged with his characteristic gruffness, reveal a deeper yearning for affirmation and acceptance— a testament to the genuine depth of his affection.
YOUR ardent reassurance in these moments become the anchor that steadies him amidst the his uncertainty— good luck to you, lovebird (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵) !!
♡ ♡ ⸝⸝ as your relationship matures, Stone’s expressions of love might evolve into more nuanced of gestures and intentions. his once sporadic acts of kindness become deliberate, thoughtful endeavors— perhaps, a surprise visit to a place that holds significance for you, or an earnest attempt to engage in activities you cherish. these gestures, though not always grandiose and often mild, resonate with an earnestness that speaks volumes about his evolving capacity for affection.
possible instances of this might be: playing a song for you on his fiddle, laying his coat on your shoulders when he notices that you’re cold, the very act of noticing that you’re cold in the first place, sharing food despite his evident lack of it …
♡ ♡ ⸝⸝ in addition to this, eventually though, Stone might make a twirling display of your relationship, a culmination of all his efforts and growth. it could be a heartfelt confession or an action that signifies his commitment and deepened feelings deeply personal to just u and him !! even if it’s not a grand public display, but it will be incredibly intimate and reflective of his journey from reluctance to open-heartedness 💕 allowing ur imagination to run wild for this one, u take it from here !!
♡ ♡ ⸝⸝ following this revelation, stone’s growth would continue to manifest in subtler, yet significant ways. his once-stiff demeanor may give way to a more fluid, expressive engagement with you— an ongoing journey of balancing his innate reticence with his deepening affection. each shared moment, every moment spent with your quiet companionship, becomes a testament to the unique bond you’ve cultivated together, rare and precious as your relationship further progresses. look at you two, how cute !!
that’s all i can offer at the moment !! for now, i wish you two all the best, lovers ♡
⊹ ࣪ ˖
OKAY WOW I DID NOT PLAN IT ON BEING THIS LONG but erm all my fics are never intended to and yet !! BUT ANYWAY woaghg first x reader fic since like, 2016 or something !! have honestly never done anything like this before, so i hope this does just fine :)) skipp and vinnie are next BTW !! i totallyyy want to do one of these for each character in ramshackle !! then deliberating on taking requests bUT ANYWAY thank you for reading my work !! no matter how silly haha i really appreciate it :)) BUT MOST OF ALL THIS ALL FOR ANOMALYYYY THE BIG BROTHER EVER !! looking back at you like THIS !!
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specialagentartemis · 3 months
The Salado Phenomenon is what I’m writing my thesis on right now haha. The Wikipedia page for it sucks, don’t look at that. I need to do an overhaul of it one of these days
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karmawonders · 2 years
Congrats on 800 followers!!!
Ever since I learned about SAGAU, I have been nervous to play music (idk why though??) But I listen to people like Cupcakke and Ayesha and now I'm wondering what the acolytes' reactions would be to the creator playing weird music ^^
🌸Thank you, thank you!🌸
Ahh, I do enjoy myself some good Cupcakke and Ayesha. I got both of em on my playlist, haha! I listen to some pretty out there music as well, if hyper-pop counts as weird. Who knows~ Anyway somehow this became Consort!Diluc and I apologize, my brain went running with this ask and it became.. this.
Warnings: Sexual Content. Cult and Self Aware AU. Somewhat Yandere.
Contents: This could be considered a crackpost at some points. Includes the song squidwards nose / commentary from because I bop to it, aight? . There is mention of "holy dildo." Forgive me i thought it was funny. Diluc is completely devoted to you(he wants to be your consort) and is suddenly worried about his dick size. Not beta read we die like rex-lapis.
I imagine it would be a normal day like any other in Mondstadt. The city is bustling, Flora giving people cute little flower crowns to promote her flower shop, bards singing about various topics and styles, Knights of Favonius helping people find lost cats, etc etc.
In the middle of the town square, stands your current puppets (thats what I call the"vessles" in my au) , in this case the traveller. I imagine depending on the emotional connection/friendship level you have to each of your puppets, people can sometimes hear you through them. Like a walking speaker or smth.
Since the twins don't got a friendship level, its just the equivalent of maxed out. They're crafting up some condensed resin for you, since you were AFK and they knew you were going to do so anyway. They were doing their best to ignore the loud music that they are emitting whilst doing so, Timaeus and others looking at them with wide eyes.
It isn't often your non-puppets hear obvious signs of the creator themselves, ya know! Literally everyone likes listening to you, whether it's Lofi music, rock, pop, or your voice itself!
Whenever they hear your voice from one of your more connected puppets, everyone is just filled with bubbles of happiness and excitement. Like! yay! I am directly in the High Gods presence! Sorta! Not really but its stilly exciting!
This time though, its a bit more of a "Ayo what the fuck?" sort of feeling instead of the usual.
Loudly blaring from their beings, was Cupcakke, and the iconic song "Squidward Nose".
Jean? Red faced, making sure no children are in the area, hands covering her face as she does her best, and fails, to think on who "dora the explorer" is, instead thinking about her god wanting a dick apparently as large as "squidwards nose". She has the church and the sisters notate this in a book. Might be some form of holy dildo or something, who knows.
Lisa is laughing her ass off the entire time, patting her on the back as she helps annotate notable things in the song with a few of the sisters from the Cathedral. Gotta keep their holy bible updated, afterall. She is tempted to write a new thesis for the scholars at Sumeru just for kicks and giggles about how their High God could potentially be more human than formerly assumed. She has a great new evidence, after all~ then again, the scholars at Sumeru are batshit crazy, so many not.
Venti is right at the travellers side, committing the song to his memory the best he can. Definitely getting in the way of them actually crafting the Resin, much to the twin's annoyance. He is always at whoevers side when you are playing any type of music, the music is completely new to him after all. You can bet he will be doing his best to sing the song at any late night tavern performances, even if he isn't getting all the references outside the obvious sexual stuff. Its an instant hit at Angels share, not just because Venti is singing it, but because the High God apparently likes the song as well. Also because its a great song.
Speaking of Angels Share, Diluc's face, is obviously, also as red as tomato when he hears Venti reciting the song later. He enjoys very much being a puppet, and he is definitely incredibly devoted to the High God. (aka you). He has to be devoted if he wants to fully commit himself to you, and possibly be your consort if you come down to Teyvat one day! This entire situation is completely uncouth, much to his dismay. He thinks its ruining your image before he realizes it is simply expanding it. Also, he is very upset. He is packing down there, definitely. But now he is self conscious because what if squidwards nose is better? He should honestly really kick out Venti, even is he is an Archon. Its getting in the way of his business.
Kaeya and Rosaria know about Diluc's somewhat obsessive worship and desire to be your consort, and they also know exactly why thats he is so red faced and upset and Venti's song. And because they absolutely enjoy it, they keep on giving Venti bottles of alcohol for encores of the song. And more, and more. Until Diluc has to excuse himself and leave. They are laughing the entire fuckin time. They always enjoy listening to your music whenever its playing, and they definitely agree that you should play similar songs more often. Its incredibly amusing.
Anywho's, that was fun to write! I do not know why Diluc was on the mind, but to be honest, I simp for the man highkey soooo-
Hope that was all alright for you dear Anon, and I hope you have a good day!
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gurathins · 2 months
so what is cynosure about, toby? i would love to hear about it !
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"Ah, well, originally? My thesis theory. Read several articles about how hibernation could be used in medicine, or how it functions in space flights for some kind of essay I was writing. Some of these articles were from mid 2000's if not early 2100's, and there was barely anything "new". At some point it made me wonder, considering all the nanotechnology advancement, why is nobody trying it out now? The idea got me so excited that I actually had to ask two times for the professor to give me an extension to the original essay's deadline because I couldn't really think of anything else, haha."
"Ended up presenting this idea on a thesis fair week before graduation and some corporate headhunters really enjoyed the idea. And so I ended up in some kind of a joint program of said corporation and some elite university researching this idea, it's kind of an accelerated doctorate or something. Wasn't that bad in the beginning but got worse and more stressful later on. I think the project got doomed at the point where this important guy from administrative department came to hear about the project and jokingly asked if 'it could be used as a weapon'. I told him that technically, maybe, but that wasn't the point. Months later Jack found out that the steering group was actually thinking about developing it that way and we decided to whistleblow the whole thing. We fucked up, obviously, but they still ended up closing the project."
"As for now? Well. Um. The Earth Board is tired of the corporations fighting each other and those fights bringing casualties every now and then really got them even more annoyed. And so they were like, if they won't make some kind of collab project and prove they can work together, they'll be forced to pay a big fine, or worse. Well, instead of making up something completely new they decided to dig up this project again. And somehow got me to join them, too. Kinda feel bad but hey, maybe this time everything will go better?"
"But, well. If you want my honest opinion on this whole current project, though? An interesting concept that could technically save many lives, and a fucking nightmare if it gets into wrong hands. It's these both things at the same time, partly because it's a corporate project but also because it's got public eyes on it so they can't just decide to make it into something that kills people instead. At least I think so."
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you-know-i-get-itt · 14 days
Top 10 favorite hamlet lines <333
okay okay okay so
“i am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly, i know a hawk from a handsaw.” this line serves to summarize hamlet’s character so completely, in that it sounds absolutely ridiculous but means something like “i’m only a little off-center—when my melancholy is lifted, i know the difference between a friend and a spy” and he’s saying this to rosguil so he’s essentially telling them he’s onto them but in a way that upholds his façade of an “antic disposition”. which is absolutely genius actually
“by my love, i charge thee: let it go.” THIS LINE. so this particular line is only there in the first folio, though all editions have the scene itself. this is when hamlet convinces horatio not to drink the poison in the last scene and holy fuck as someone who spent the entire play grappling with suicidal ideation having his final act be that of convincing horatio to live. holy fuck. 
“there’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray you, love, remember.” ophelia’s madness oh my word. i could write a thesis on this. but this part especially, because she’s talking to gertrude, yes, but she’s also talking to us. remember. remember what happened to her. remember how it happened. she’s not a delicate, voiceless victim—her pain is loud, and messy, and absolutely gutting
“thou vile king, where is my father?” laertes!!!! strike 1: addressing the king directly. strike 2: addressing him with the informal ‘thou’. strike 3: calling the king of denmark vile. i’m so in love with him you have no idea. he storms into the palace and, for all he knew, straight into the noose, but he doesn’t care because he is so ANGRY because where is his father?
“i dare damnation.” laertes again. holy shit. this is the year of our lord 1601 and this man just said the words “i dare damnation” do you know what this means holy shitttt
“to do what?” “to cut his throat i’ the church.” laertes again. can you tell i’m obsessed with him. and the difference between hamlet not killing claudius while he was praying because then he wouldn’t go to hell vs laertes being willing to kill hamlet in a church because he isn’t any better than an animal sacrifice. he isn’t human enough for it to matter. all that matters is that laertes will have his blood on his hands
“i do not know why i yet live to say ‘this thing’s to do’ sith i have cause and will and strength and means to do’t” he doesn’t want to die!! he knows that killing claudius will result in his death because he’s genre-aware as all hell and he doesn’t want to die!!!!
“in my heart, there was a kind of fighting that would not let me sleep.” because of the use of the past tense because HE’S GETTING BETTER. HE’S DOING OKAY. AND THEN HE DIES IN THE NEXT SCENE WHAT THE FUCK
“we defy augury.” just a gorgeous line, honestly, and all the more so because they did NOT defy augury. and he knew they wouldn’t. absolute asshole for letting horatio have hope in this scene. i’m obsessed with this. 
“remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain! o vengeance! —why, what an ass am i.” THE SHIFT! and also the self-awareness, lol. but really, the way this sets him apart from other shakespearean heroes because he lets himself get swept up in the drama of narrative for a moment, but then steps back and thinks. and he knows this is foolish, knows this is ridiculous, but also knows that there’s no way out. he’s the aware but unwilling protagonist of a story that can only end with him dead. there will be vengeance, there must be vengeance, but the extraction of it will come at the cost of his life
bonus: “…and i shall wear him in my heart’s core, in my heart of heart, as i do thee—something too much of this. there is a play tonight.” is so funny because hamlet just tells horatio how in love with him he is and then goes “haha things got too real for a second there. moving on!!”
this is an incomplete list and entirely off the top of my head, so i’m sure there are many lines i missed but yes!!
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movietonight · 1 year
Every once in a while I remember I'm actually writing my thesis about m*a*s*h. It's not a joke or dream. Last year I was like haha there could be a thesis topic in this and there was. I'm writing that thesis. Actual scholars are going to read it.
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