#i could 100% improve the shading but i gave up + my eyes have gotten worse recently
noromantichero · 2 months
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attack no5! solis by kokonutjelie on instagram
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yungidreamer · 4 years
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Summary: It’s fall in Paris and the jazz club Le Chat Noir is bored immortal vampire Yunho’s favorite hunting grounds. Among the crush of bodies, there to see the show and dance the night away, San takes a seat at his table. Will San get more than he bargained for when he accepts a drink and a dance with the handsome stranger at the hottest place in town?
Wordcount: 5.9k
Content warnings: very much NSFW, vampire bites and blood drinking, references to casual sex with multiple partners, slightly subby San, slightly dom Yunho, oral sex, hand job, the risk of death, and two hedonists seeking pleasure with each other. It is heavily implied that both San and Yunho are bi/pan in orientation.
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La Chat Noir, Paris France, 1924
Music flowed through the air of the club, moving languorously as if the smoke in the air slowed its passage. A faint buzzing sound hid behind it thanks to the low light of the new fangled bulbs that were tucked into sconces on the walls that mimicked the old gas lights that had been in use a mere decade or so ago. Such a small amount of time, Yunho sighed. Some days he missed their constant hiss, that sound just felt...calming. Like a constant whisper, telling the secrets of the nightowls and scoundrels who stayed out in the city during those hours that belonged to people like him.
Still, the place was as good a hunting ground as he had ever found. People didn’t change. They were always chasing that moment of pleasure that made their short existence worthwhile. Always drinking, gorging and *ahem* loving their way through life as much as their status and circumstances would allow. So small, so finite, so… fragile. It was sad really. They seemed to struggle, at odds with the desire to live like they only had today while, nearly simultaneously, trying to live those mere 100 years some of them might have. If they were lucky. Though why they would want to live so long as their bodies deteriorated with each passing day was beyond him.
Eternity was bad enough with eternal youth. When you had to age. Yunho shuddered.
Pushing through the crush of youth, Yunho made his way towards the bar. The smell of bodies, sweat and skin, mixed with the tobacco of cigars and thin cigarettes all of the liberated women kept between their manicured fingers as they drank and laughed. Over that drifted the smell of whiskey, wine, and whatever spirits the bartenders were deciding to experiment with tonight.
Perfumes swam by on the air that surrounded their wearers. Musk, ambergris, vetiver, and hints of the sharp floral notes of women who still wore the classic rose or jasmine. With each one that passed Yunho couldn’t help but pause for half a second to see how well it matched the wearer. Was it a scent that accentuated the character of whoever it was on, or was it a mask; something false they put on as they tried to pretend, just for tonight they weren’t some nameless bookkeeper on the third floor of one of the new steel and glass monstrosities that reached vainly for the sky?
In the back of the last room he found a small round table, flicking over the little card that said Reserved as he took his seat. It was his table, it was always his table. From here he could watch the throngs kick and sway on the open dance floor, or the beautiful dancers as they performed their numbers to the music of the band. He absolutely loved their outfits, all silk and beading, showing so much of their delicate skin.
Maybe some things are improving with time, he reflected, sipping his Southside. Little of the taste came through to his taste buds, but the chill of the mint slid down his throat and the sharp tannin of the lime was tacky on his tongue. Plus, his trifles seemed to enjoy the freshness it brought to his lips and who was he to deny them that last… little… pleasure.
On the floor in the glare of the spotlight two sisters danced in unison in their feathers and silk. The rhinestones on their belts and cloche hats glinted as they moved to the music, flashing lushous stretches of their shapely legs. This was their third night performing at the club and word had gotten around. The club had filled just a little more with each passing night with everyone who wanted to catch the appropriately risque performance. Gentlemen brought their friends, and occasionally, the lady they hoped to sway with the low lights, the free music of the jazz, and the sensual movements of the dancers.
The more free spirited women came in small groups, and very occasionally, alone. Finally they were allowed to go out as they pleased, they could have jobs, smoke, and support themselves. The freedom was well deserved, if not always well or wisely used. Then again, who was he, or anyone else frankly, to tell them what to do with that freedom. Over the centuries he had certainly seen plenty of men squander that precious thing called freedom. Perhaps, if fate had changed by just a hair, he would have been one of the poor souls, living and dying in a flash, leaving barely a trace of his existence. But, fate had chosen a different path for him and instead he had seen centuries pass before him, time flowing like a rushing river. It was all much the same even if he could never step into the same stream twice.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” A voice asked, rising just high enough over the hum of the room to reach his ear. Yunho looked up to find a young man with sharp features standing near the back of the chair on the other side of the table. A quirk turned the corner of Yunho’s lips as he gave him an assessing look. It was brave of him to come and ask to share the table; it reeked of a confidence that Yunho liked.
“Please,” Yunho gestured to the chair, sitting up just a shade straighter. The young man nodded, gracefully slipping into the black lacquer chair. He was dressed in a fashionable suit in crisp black and white, perhaps stylish but not rich. Yunho didn’t think he had seen him before; he seemed like the sort he would have remembered. His hair was dark and glossy, almost like the chair he had taken a seat in. It was cut in a clean, modern style that made him look like he belonged in a place like this. His face was lovely, high cheekbones and smooth creamy skin that seemed to shine from the inside out with that warm glow that only health and youth could bestow.
“Are they as good as they have been hyped up to be?” The young man asked, keeping his narrow, dark eyes on the ladies in the spotlight.
“They are good,” Yunho agreed, leaning in so he didn’t have to raise his voice to be heard. He sipped from his glass, held with a blase confidence using only two fingers, eyes staying on his table companion.
“They’re beautiful,” He commented, sparing a glance for Yunho as he too leaned in towards the table.
“They’re pretty enough, and lovely in their shape,” Yunho agreed, though his eyes seemed unwilling to look back at the subjects of whom he spoke.
“The music is quite good as well, isn’t it?” He asked, trying not to look like he had noticed the gaze on him.
“It’s… intoxicating,” Yunho agreed. “Can I ask your name?”
“San,” the young man answered. “Choi San.”
“Hello San,” Yunho extended his free hand over the table to him. “I’m Yunho.”
“Nice to meet you,” San took the extended hand, giving it a firm, confident shake. Yunho held onto the warm hand just a couple of seconds longer than he ought to, enjoying the dry warmth of the other man’s palm in his. San let him, only drawing his hand back when Yunho let go.
“Are you new around here?” Yunho asked, curious about the man across from him for a number of reasons.
“Just moved here a few months ago,” San nodded. “Got my first job as a law clerk. The money is good enough and if I do well enough the prospects for promotion are good.”
“How fortunate you are,” Yunho smiled, tipping his glass to him encouragingly.
“My parents were happy enough,” San gave a small chuckle. “After all they spent on my education, they feel like I owe them nothing less.”
“Such dullards aren’t they,” Yunho commiserated. “Stuck in the past along with all of their ideas and mores.”
“Well, they certainly wouldn’t think a place like this is where I ought to be spending my time or money,” San agreed, happy to have found a comrade in arms.
“What’s the point in youth if you waste it shut in offices and school rooms,” Yunho asked rhetorically, a hand under his chin.
“Exactly,” San gave a single nod. “I work hard. I can spend my free time doing something fun, whatever that may be.”
“Is this your idea of fun?” There was a teasing edge to Yunho’s voice, like the cool touch of a blade as it brushed flesh without cutting it.
“Not sure yet,” San sat forward, giving Yunho an assessing look as he moved his chin to rest on the heel of his hand. “It’s my first time here, but at least the company seems promising.”
“Would you like something; a drink?” Yunho questioned, emptying the last of his drink from his glass.
“I can--” San started to stand before Yunho stopped him, simply raising a hand and, a moment later, almost as if she had been conjured from nothingness, a waitress appeared beside them.
“Two more,” Yunho said, passing her the empty glass. Without a word she nodded and walked away to do as she had been bid. It didn’t take long for their drinks to appear and Yunho picked his up, offering a silent toast to San before taking a sip. San followed suit, bringing the drink to his lips.
“This is quite good,” San said, looking at the drink again, after having had a taste.
“Isn’t it?” Yunho agreed. “Refreshing.”
“Yes,” San nodded, taking another sip as he noticed the light dim as the spotlight was snuffed. As the dancers left the floor he observed, “They were decent but maybe they didn’t quite live up to the hype.”
���Life rarely does,” a jadedness filled Yunho’s tone.
“Do you really find life here so dreary?” San felt a sympathy for him, slightly sad that the other man seemed to feel the world was so dull.
“Often,” Yunho admitted. “But sometimes there is a glimmer of intrigue to things.”
“I hope I won’t find myself so easily bored by the attractions of life here,” San chuckled.
“Don’t worry,” Yunho promised. “I’m a bit of a special case. I have perhaps seen too much to find fascination so easily anymore.” The band struck up again and the lights raised enough to allow people to get up and make their way onto the dance floor. Couples made their way out onto the floor that had been the platform for the performance. The low light and the slow jazz made the room feel small and intimate even as the couples brushed against one another on the dance floor.
“Would you like to dance with me?” Yunho asked, leaning as close as he could to whisper the question.
“Can we?” San’s eyes widened slightly at the suggestion.
“No one judges here,” Yunho assured him. “Look.” He gestured out to the floor and San’s gaze followed. Nestled in among the pairs of men and women were a few pairs of girls, arms clinging as they danced closely, and men swaying in each other's arms. Surprise flickered across San’s face. These things, they just weren’t usually done, and yet…
“Shall we?” Yunho stood up and extended a hand to San. For a beat, he just looked at it. Did he dare? Pressing his lips into a hard line, San stood up and took Yunho’s hand. With a victorious grin, Yunho led San out onto a dim corner of the dance floor.
San hadn’t noticed just how tall Yunho was when he was just sitting across from him. It was only when the other man pulled him more tightly against his body as they squeezed in among the other pairs, that he noticed how Yunho towered over him by a decent amount. San swallowed past his nerves and snaked his arms around the other man’s waist and chest. 
Yunho held him close, pressing the side of his jaw to the other man’s temple and breathing in the smell of him. Everything about San was warm and vibrant including his scent. He wore no cologne, not trying to disguise himself or be anything more than he was. Beneath the faint smell of soap was the scent of him, of his skin. Cedar and sage with notes of grapefruit and lime, and somewhere below that was something warm and masculine… like the old leather of an armchair in a study that had taken on a hint of the cigars that had been smoked there over the years.
Yunho’s mouth practically watered, knowing that San would taste so very good. He would be warm and nourishing, bringing Yunho that little step closer to feeling alive again. It wasn’t that he missed that fragile mortality that he had lost so long ago. Rather he loved that heat. The borrowed, clandestine taste of vitality. He could have both if he chose; immortality and that feel of his heart beating in his chest. Well, for a moment at least.
One song bled into a second and a third as an hour ticked by nearly unnoticed by the pair. The couples around them came and went, getting a little more drunk and a little more boisterous as the time passed.
“Would you like to go somewhere?” Yunho murmured into the shell of San’s ear before pulling back and hooking his finger under San’s chin to bring his eyes up to meet his own. San gave a brief nod and Yunho smiled, leaning down to brush a barely there kiss to the corner of San’s mouth.
“Your place?” Yunho proposed, offering an inviting smile. San nodded again, his gaze falling hungrily to Yunho’s lips. Leading the way through the crowd, Yunho took them both out onto the street, hailing the first passing cab.
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Yunho pressed San back against the door to his apartment in the dimly lit hall of his floor. He let out a small moan as he fumbled in his pocket for the key he knew was there. Yunho’s lips on his were insistent even as they moved at a leisurely pace against his own. San had always had wants, desires, but never dared to act on them. Women were pretty, they were attractive, too, but there had always been that part of him that couldn’t help but watch as a confident man walked by. That confident swagger of a guy who knew exactly how sexy he was; it just set something in his stomach tingling.
San pulled away when he finally felt the cool metal in his palm, just enough to work the key in the lock with his slightly shaking hands. The door popped open and Yunho pushed them both inside the small studio that was San’s place. It was dim, only lit at the moment by the shine of the streetlights outside the single window on the wall opposite the door. Clicking the door closed behind them, Yunho pulled San tightly against him. He was hungry for him in more way than one.
San groped for the switch on the wall, reluctant to pull away from the embrace of the other man. He was afraid if he gave them too much space, a second to think at just the wrong moment, whatever was going to happen… wouldn’t. Giving up on the switch, San guided the other man towards the small brass framed bed located towards one side of the room. He pulled him along, guiding him without pulling away until he felt the edge of the frame hit the back of his calves. Dropping to a sitting position on the bed, San started fumbling with the button at the waist of Yunho’s pants.
“There’s no rush,” Yunho chuckled, putting his long elegant fingers over San’s, stilling them.
“Sorry,” San said quietly, thankful for the darkness that would hide his blush, or it would have, to someone other than a vampire. Yunho found it charming, almost quaint, how eager and yet shy he was. This clearly wasn’t a regular thing for him, unlike Yunho. It wasn’t that any warm body was good, but almost any would do and some he felt better about leaving half drained in some dark room than others. He’d try to be careful with San, after all, it might actually be nice to see him again sometime and that couldn’t happen with a body in the morgue.
Yunho took a seat, the springs of the bed creaking under their combined weight. Leaning in, Yunho cupped San’s cheek, guiding his face back to his for another kiss. San gladly leaned in to his slightly chilled lips, something he attributed to the chill of the fall weather outside. 
Yunho’s fingers brushed over his cheek and down to hold the side of his neck, feeling the soft, warm pulse just below. Following the same path as his fingers, Yunho’s lips brushed over the flushed skin until he found the right place. He licked, his teeth gently running over it, testing the other man’s reaction. The last thing he needed was to have him pull away, rip the tender flesh of his own neck open with a careless yank. When San only moaned and tilted his head to give the other man better access, Yunho took that as permission to have just a little taste.
As he sucked in a small bit of San’s flesh into his mouth his hand traveled down over the other man’s chest to tentatively rest on the growing erection still hidden beneath the soft wool of his suit. San sucked in his breath but didn’t pull away. Yunho bit down, feeling the trickle of blood spill into his mouth as he palmed San’s member. He felt it twitch as he fed from him, pleasure slinking through him with each gulping tug of Yunho’s mouth as he drank. He needed just enough for now, enough to warm his skin and fill his aching member to fullness. Tonight he wanted to have everything. With a lick he closed the cuts on San’s neck and pulled back to look at him, still flushed, still beautiful in his youthfulness.
San took a deep breath, the ripples of pleasure still rebounding in him. He couldn’t help but wonder why he had stopped. Had he done something wrong. Feeling inexplicably tired, he had to make an effort to open his eyes and look up into the gaze of the man beside him. Yunho smiled down at him with lips that San would swear looked a little sweeter, a little fuller, a little pinker than they had a few moments ago. It’s the aphrodisiac of the pleasure, it’s all in your head, he told himself.
“Can I touch you?” San asked, his dark eyes searching Yunho’s for signs that he was having second thoughts.
“Please,” Yunho agreed, guiding San’s hand to his now full erection. San went to his knees on the oak parquet that covered the floor of his apartment. His fingers, still feeling a little shaky, went to the warm black bone button that held the waistband of Yunho’s pants closed. It only took a second for him to slip the fastening through the slit in the fine fabric. With his fly open, Yunho lifted his hips to allow San to pull the clothes on the lower half of his body down and off, letting them pool around his ankles as the other man took a moment to gather his courage. Not yet ready to look up as butterflies fluttered in his stomach, San took a moment to gently pull off Yunho’s shoes, socks, and pants, carefully placing them near the foot of the bed on the floor. He turned, finally looking up to see Yunho, his shirt half unbuttoned from his collar down, leaning back casually, his long, hard dick framed by the inverted V from the last button on the placket as it opened down to the lower hem. He had never seen anything so tempting in his life. From the muscled smoothness of his chest and the breadth of his still covered shoulders, to his thick muscular thighs, Yunho was temptation.
“Won’t you taste me?” Yunho asked, running the fingertips of one hand up the inside of his thigh. San nodded, scooting forward and sitting on his heels to bring himself just a little higher between Yunho’s legs. Using one hand for leverage, San wrapped the other around the base of Yunho’s cock and brought it to his lips. He had never tasted another man, but, having been on the other end of such a thing more than once, he had a fair idea of where to start. Taking just the head into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around the tip. Yunho let out the sweetest low, rumbling moan San had ever heard.
The hand on Yunho’s thigh dropped so that San could reach down and stroke himself lightly, needing just a little relief, a little sensation as he strained against his pants. When Yunho’s hand caressed his cheek, San opened his eyes to look at him up the plane of his body. A shock of lust pooled in his stomach and he slid his mouth further down, watching pleasure flow across the features of the other man, lit only in profile from the dim light outside. The dimness and quiet of the room somehow made every sound, every movement just that shade more intense.
“You have a wonderful mouth,” Yunho complemented, a breathlessness suffusing his voice. Part of San wanted to say thank you, but most of him just wanted to show the other man just how good his mouth was. Sinking down until the tip brushed against the back of his throat, San tested his limits. He wanted all of him, he wanted to devour him with pleasure, but Yunho was not small. He wasn’t even average, if San would have taken a guess based on himself and on peeks he had gotten of others. Yunho was big, and even when he had sunk down until he felt him fill his mouth and brush the soft skin at the back of his throat, he had barely taken 2/3rds of him in.
San bobbed up and down a few more times, practicing letting his jaw move loosely over Yunho’s length as he built up a slick of saliva that eased his movements. Trying again, San sunk down to see how far he could go, pushing past that discomfort to feel the head slide down against the back of his throat. A tickle built in his throat and tears pooled in his eyes as he pulled off to cough.
“It’s okay, sweets,” Yunho leaned forward, cradling San’s teary cheeks in his hands. “I know I’m big, it feels good even if you can’t take it all.”
“I—” San started before the tickle built back up and he had to cough again, sniffling as his nose ran slightly from the sensation and his tears. “I know, but I like the feel of you, I like the way you slide into me.”
“Just don’t force yourself,” Yunho agreed, swiping away the tears with the pads of his thumbs. “We have time and those sweet lips feel wonderful wrapped around me.” San nodded, blinking away the blur to his vision a few more times before he parted his lips and took Yunho back in his mouth, a little more cautiously this time.
Sliding his head up and down what he could take of his length, San sucked and licked and tasted the salty treat that was Yunho. As he worked him, he could taste the gooey tang of his pre-cum coating his tongue now and again as his pleasure built. Yunho watched him, eyes hooded as the sight of San throwing himself into what he was doing with near abandon added to the rising tide of pleasure that was flooding him.
San still pushed himself, diving down the length of Yunho until he couldn’t struggle past his length and gagged or had his throat spasm at the invasion. Each time Yunho groaned, often twitching at the sensation of the muscles in San’s throat stroking him. When he managed to slide him particularly far down his throat he was rewarded with the sight of Yunho throwing his head back and letting out a breathless gasp.
“Ahh, fuck,” he panted, one hand gripping the sheets and another fisting in San’s soft hair. “I’m close… I’m so close.” San took this as encouragement, moving faster, then, going as deeply as he could and pausing for as long as his body would let him. It took only a few times of San repeating this to push Yunho over the edge and he was rewarded with the feel of the pulsing gush of the other man coming down his throat. It was warm and slick and moved slowly as it slid down into him, savoring the sensation.
“You’re an angel,” Yunho praised, guiding San off him and bringing his pink, swollen lips to his own for a kiss. He licked away a little of the saliva that glistened on the lower lip of the man still kneeling between his legs. He could still taste a little of himself there as well, an enchanting addition to the sweetness of the other man’s hot lips.
“Can you touch me?” San asked, steadying himself by putting his hands on Yunho’s spread knees.
“Come sit with me,” Yunho coaxed. San nodded, wiping the dampness off his chin and he pulled himself up. He started to move to take a seat beside Yunho on the bed, but, catching him by the wrist, the other man guided him to sit between his spread legs. Yunho’s hands went to San’s chest, pressing him back against him. San relaxed in his arms enjoying just the moment of being held in the other man’s long and lean arms.
“Do you mind if I undress you?” Yunho asked, running his hand down over San’s taught stomach. San nodded, using his own hand to press Yunho’s more firmly against his own body. Yunho chuckled, pressing a kiss to the other man’s temple before he freed his hands to start working on removing the slightly rumpled looking suit. His fingers were quick and efficient with the buttons at the front of his shirt, flicking them open with barely any effort. When the shirt was completely open, Yunho slid it and the jacket off San’s muscular shoulders, bearing his smooth and muscular chest to the room. Yunho hooked them both to the nob of the headboard, letting them hang so they wouldn’t get any more wrinkled than they already were. When that was done, he brought his hands back to San’s smooth body, letting his palms run over the line of his ribs and down to his hips, before making their way forward to the fastening at the front of his pants. Yunho couldn’t stop himself from running a teasing hand over the front of his trousers to feel the tempting length just barely hidden there.
“Lift for me,” Yunho instructed when he had undone San’s pants and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of both his pants and underwear. San eagerly lifted his hips, pushing his weight onto his hands and feet to allow Yunho to slide the fabric down and let his erection spring forth. When he put his weight back down, Yunho pulled him back into the V of his thighs and against his half bared chest as San kicked off the last of his clothes.
“Can… can you take off your shirt?” San asked without turning around, having felt the abrasion of the round buttons against his shoulder blade.
“Of course,” Yunho pressed a kiss to San’s bare shoulder, then leaned back enough to finish opening the last of the buttons before taking his shirt off and tossing it onto one corner of the foot of the bed. With both of them fully naked, Yunho scooted back until he could feel the wall against his back, scooping San into the cradle of his body so that he could resume his exploration of his form.
“Please touch me,” San breathed, leaning his head back against Yunho’s broad shoulder. “It feels like I’ve been waiting so long.” San’s restless hands moved up and down the textured length of Yunho’s hard thighs.
“I will, sweet,” Yunho soothed. “I just want to get to know you.” San could feel the smile that pressed against the side of his face as Yunho spoke. He felt harder than he could ever remember feeling and his body begged for release. Yunho could sense his impatience. It was written into every squirm and the tense line of his body. “Shhhhh,” he soothed, rubbing his nose in the loose locks of San’s hair.
“Just hold me, there,” he pleaded, guiding Yunho’s hand to his length. “You don’t have to move yet, but just touch me.”
“Alright,” Yunho agreed, his hand loosely gripping San’s hot, hard erection. It was soft under his hand, like velvet or suede covered steel. San let out a tense sigh, closing his eyes and enjoying the way Yunho’s slightly cooler hand seemed to envelop him. Keeping his grip light, Yunho moved his hand up and down, letting that first hint of sensation tingle over San’s nerves, half teasing and half relief. His other hand held San to him on his chest, just the tip of one finger moving to abrade the hardened nipple it could reach. Goosebumps rose on San’s skin and he shivered under the combination of sensations. San’s fingers gripped Yunho’s thighs just above the knees with a careless strength that would have left fingermark bruises on anyone else. Luckily Yunho couldn’t bruise, not that easily at least, and he loved the feedback that was telling him he was touching him just right.
“Tilt your head a little,” Yunho coaxed. “I want to reach your neck.”
San gladly tilted his head to the side, his member twitching just at the memory of the sensation of whatever he had done to his neck before. Yunho brushed his lips over the pulse in San’s neck as he began to move his hand a little faster, his grip just a little tighter as he did so. San moaned and shifted impatiently under the touch. Everything felt so good and he wasn’t sure why. It hadn’t been that long since he had been satisfied and by more than just his own hand. And it had been good, she had been good. The faint memory of sucking a soft nipple on the soft mound of a breast fluttered through his mind, as transient and insubstantial as a leaf caught in the draft of a strong gust that dies as quickly as it rose.
The sensation of Yunho running the pad of his thumb over the slick slit of his tip brought him back to the present. San sighed, his toes curling at the sensation. Pleasure washed through him, stealing his breath and stopping his mind from focusing on anything outside of the circle of Yunho’s arms.
Yunho’s lips teased the soft skin just under San’s ear, taking in his scent as he waited for the moment to bite. He wanted to feed at the moment he came, extending that pleasure and sweetening the taste of his blood with the rush of adrenaline and delight. Slowly increasing the pace of his movements, he varied his attention between stroking the whole length and giving the tip special attention, careful to not go to the point of over stimulating it.
“I’m so close,” San brought a hand up to hold the back of Yunho’s head as his lips sucked harder at the skin of his neck. “Please, whatever you did before, I want it again.”
“Patience, sweet,” Yunho hummed against him. “Almost there. Almost.” In a moment the pleasure suddenly crested and San held his breath as that first second of pleasure shocked through him before Yunho bit down. The bite magnified the sensation, making it reverberate through him with the resonance of a pitchfork struck against a hard surface.
Yunho sucked and fed, pulling every ounce of pleasure he could from San as he did so. San seemed frozen under his touch, unable to do more than just feel the power and the delight as it danced along every nerve in his body. It only faded as his limbs grew heavy and black spots began to float in patches in his vision. 
Yunho closed the wounds and pulled away when he felt and heard that tell-tale stutter in the beat of San’s heart. He could continue. He could draw out that pleasure until the thudding stopped. It would be so easy and San was such a willing victim. He would never find it in himself in that moment to utter the word stop. It just felt too good. But Yunho did, he pulled back, holding San as he went limp, losing consciousness and falling into a blackness that was deep and quiet.
His heartbeat was slow but steady and Yunho was relatively certain that he would wake sometime tomorrow, perhaps sore and surprised to feel so hungover when he only had that one drink. Yunho gently laid him down in the bed, drawing the covers up over his beautiful naked body, making sure that he was in something that looked like a comfortable position. As he looked down, in his chest, his heart moved faintly in something that could almost be mistaken for beating. Almost.
Picking up his clothes, he carefully redressed, trying to look his best, despite a few wrinkles and creases that were too stubborn to be pulled or brushed away. He paused at a mirror, smoothing down his hair again, leaving it almost looking untouched by the events of the night. Casting a glance back at the man lying so prettily unconscious in the bed, Yunho couldn’t help but smile.
Going over to the desk, Yunho shuffled through a few drawers before he found a small pad of paper with a page he could rip out to scribble something.
I hope the morning finds you well, he wrote in a flowing hand that belied his age if someone paid enough attention. If you ever feel like a repeat performance, you know where to find me. He signed the bottom of the page with an ornate Y before picking up the page and folding it in half. Taking a moment, he neatly arranged San’s discarded clothes in the hopes it would make his morning just a little bit more pleasant. He pocketed the key taking it from San’s pocket where he had slipped it after letting them in. Taking the note, he slipped it into one of San’s shoes, sure that it would be secure there and not lost in the shuffle of papers that might belong on one of the counters in his home.
With one last caress of the other man’s cheek, Yunho stood up and quietly made his way to the front door. Slipping out into the hall, he clicked the door shut behind him, turning the key in the lock before dropping it back inside though the mail slot. With a fresh vigor and a skip in his step, and with the faint smell of cedar and sage clinging to him, Yunho made his way out of the apartment building and onto the cool, damp streets of Paris in fall. It really had been the best night he’d had in ages. With any luck, someday soon, that sweet, fragile man would step back into Le Chat Noir and back into his life. Until then, he’d have to be satisfied with other passing fancies and the memory of a very lovely night.
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gothify1 · 5 years
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Once regarded as a sort of unregulated Wild West of beauty products, Amazon has over the past few years become one of our favorite online destinations for discovering affordable, under-the-radar beauty products. Amazon's beauty department has become so legit that it now offers mainstream beloved makeup, skin, and hair brands like Stila, Sunday Riley, and Oribe. But the truly special thing about the massive e-retailer is that it's also a hotbed of lesser-known products that you won't find at Sephora or Ulta but have been tried and vouched for by sometimes tens of thousands of users. This list is dedicated to those products—to the mascara, face serums, hair masks, and more whose brand names you may not recognize but have earned thousands of positive Amazon reviews. These products cost as little as six bucks (and nothing is over $40) and will show up at your house in two days. Keep scrolling for the highlight reel of Amazon's best-selling beauty section. Almost 8,000 Amazon reviewers have given this plant-based lash growth serum either a four or five-star rating for its ability to repair damaged lashes and make lashes in any state grow like wildflowers. "I've been using it for two months now and OMG... it's legit," one user wrote. "I look like I wear fake eyelashes and I LOVE it!" This vintage-esque setting powder (which comes in six shades) has earned praise from over 3,000 Amazon users. They love the smooth application, flashback-proof finish, and ability to keep makeup in place for hours without looking cakey. The gothic packaging on this tanning lotion might look intimidating, but you can't argue with the over 3,000 rave Amazon reviews. Tanning fiends and amateurs alike are surprised and delighted by the product's pleasant smell, easy application, and natural finish—never too orange, just bronzed and glowy. Palettes of 16 high-quality eyeshadows can run you $50+, but this one, which nearly 5,000 Amazon reviewers gave a four or five-star rating, is just $14. The versatile shadows (which you can use for everyday wear or to create a sultry smoky eye) are vegan and cruelty-free, buttery and blendable, highly pigmented, and long-lasting. Even makeup artists have left gushing reviews of this palette.  This highly-rated mascara kit uses lengthening fibers to create the look of extensions that stay put. "It doesn't irritate, sting or burn my eyes like most on the market do," one reviewer wrote. "Exponentially longer, thicker lashes without the misery of flaking or annoyance of smearing," said another. "At this point, I'd give it more than 5 stars if I could." Well over 14,000 Amazon reviewers are obsessed with this affordable face and body mask, which uses 100% Calcium Bentonite Clay to clear acne, unclog pores, and brighten the skin without irritating even the most sensitive skin types. It does not contain synthetic additives, fragrances, or animal products. Just mix it with equal parts apple cider vinegar or water, and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Just look to this fanatical review to get an idea of how much users love this stuff: "It's an official Holy Grail product of mine. I ideally use it once a week, and it feels as if angels themselves have taken the time to delicately renew my skin." Minimal packaging and low-key marketing allow this 72% organic brightening serum to remain so low in price. The elixir is formulated with Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid for protected, wrinkle-free, and glowing skin. I am personally a fan of the product, as are over 2,000 Amazon reviewers. Dehydrated skin types will love this ridiculously moisturizing, non-greasy serum made of 100% organic and pure sodium hyaluronate (aka, hyaluronic acid). "I've been using it daily for almost three weeks now, my face is softer and plump, cannot live without this bae!" says a recent review. Who says effective retinols have to cost $100? This youth-inducing skincare essential (also formulated with active ingredients like hyaluronic acid and vitamin E) might only be $20 but thousands of reviewers swear it noticeably stops breakouts and softens fine lines and wrinkles. This sleeper hit product has over 5,000 positive Amazon reviews, thanks to its genuine ability to improve the look of dry flaky skin, wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, hyperpigmentation, and uneven texture. Only caveat is it takes two months or so of use to produce the best results, but reviewers promise with consistency, you'll notice soft, smooth, even skin. Damn—nearly 28,000 reviewers have left glowing reviews of this one-inch ceramic flat iron, which is dual-voltage, heats up to 450 degrees (and does so fast), and has a convenient extra-long cord. One reviewer summed up the thoughts of many when she wrote: "Feels really professional and state of the art." "I have been using Arvazallia for the last three years and I have found nothing else that works as good as this," one user wrote of this little-known $13 mask.  "My hair was damaged very badly from years of dying and bleaching. ... After using Arvazallia the first time I noticed that it had already started helping. After about five treatments my hair was silky smooth, thick, hydrated and had volume I had not seen since I was a teenager. I would recommend this product [to] anyone." Those with thin, flat hair should consider giving this clinically proven shampoo a try, especially considering its 7,000+ positive reviews. The product uses effective plant ingredients that help promote hair growth, like nettle extract, saw palmetto, he shou wu (which boosts circulation), and biotin-rich red Korean seaweed. "This really seems to be working better than anything else," reads one of the many reviews. "It makes the hair noticeably healthier. I've gotten comments about it from friends. Good stuff!" Pair that shampoo with this budget-friendly condition, which makes use of amino acids, jojoba, and keratin to repair damaged hair so effectively that over 7,000 Amazon reviewers are hooked.  Castor oil is well known for its ability to strengthens hair follicles for healthy, shiny hair. The brand suggests applying this 100% natural formula to the scalp, covering with a plastic cap, and sitting under a hair dryer for 30 minutes before shampooing. Amazon reviewers swear the product repairs even the most damaged, hopeless hair.  Next: Don't miss 25 beauty products our editors tried and loved in March.  Opening image: Stocksy
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e-dowon · 7 years
all 100, if not that then the first 50
I think I have a lot of time, let’s do all of them.  1: Is there a boy/girl in your life? Maybe, we’ll see with time.2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? I forgive them, they’re in a rough spot right now and even though it was an impulsive lashing out, it’s okay.3:Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. At the time, the volleyball coach, Seonwoo, was well-known in Korean volleyball history.4: What’s something you really want right now? See question 1.5: Are you afraid of falling in love?I don’t think so, I’m more afraid of what happens after.6: How can I win your heart?Be a good person and we’ll see how it goes, but I don’t need it to be won right now.7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?Somehow fell asleep for about 10 minutes, woke up, didn’t even realize I was sleeping. I was only able to know because of the other person telling me.8: What’s the background on your cell?A dark background with some blue lines and a white light in the center, trying to take advantage of my AMOLED screen. New backgrounds are welcome.9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?This questions is phrased confusingly. The four beds I sat on? My own, the own in my dorm, my parents’, and the person’s dorm bed from question 1, 4, and 7.10: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?That was a half a year ago. They probably did, I feel bad.11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?I never plan things this far in advance so how can things go the way I planned when I never planned anything in the first place?12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?The Indian man that picked up the phone for my driving school.13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?Rottweiler.14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?Emotional pain, I think I’ve gotten used to physical pain after sparring and lots of stupid stunts I did.15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?Art museum, zoos are sort of sad to go to.16: Are you tired?Not really, especially given the time of day I’m currently writing this.17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?All my life, it’s like I’ve been born because of them. Them being my parents.18: If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?Sophomore year.19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?No20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?Today :)21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?I’m really indecisive so something like marriage would take me years, luckily that’s expected before a proposal.22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Yeah.23: When was the last time you were disappointed?On Sunday because of my own musicianship.24: Is there a certain quote you live by?Too many quotes and I don’t want to live by the words of others.25: What’s on your mind?Filling out these questions.26: Do you have any tattoos?No, and I don’t think I want one, but if I have to, I would have “李“ or “韓山李” on my right shoulder, chest, or back. Branding myself with my family name doesn’t sound so bad, right?  27: What is your favorite color?Gray28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?This doesn’t sound like a question.29: Who are you texting?The person from question 1, 4, 7, 9, 20, and 22.30: Are you superstitious about anything?Aliens or secret societies if that counts.31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?Yeah, it happens a lot.32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?Yes, and I’m really thankful to have several of them to talk to.33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?Boy, I sure hope so.  34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?Yeah, but they’re usually hard for people to see because I don’t open my eyelids as wide as they can be often.35: What was the reason for your last breakup?A rushed relationship.36: Were you single on Valentines Day?Yeah, my last breakup was on February 7th.37: Name one physical feature that you like about yourself, and one you dislike.My nose gets complimented the most out of all my features, so I guess I like my nose. I dislike my eyes, but only because my sister makes fun of them, but then again, my sister makes fun of my nose too.38: What do your friends call you?Ben39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?Myself40: Have you ever cried over a text?I don’t think so41: Where’s your last bruise located?Don’t remember, probably my shin.42: What is it from?Biking43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?Sunday44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?Person from questions 1, 4, 7, 9, 20, 22, 29. 45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?These 5 year old grey Nikes, I really want to find replacements but don’t know where to get them. They’re super worn out but they’re a nice shade of grey with white accents.46: Do you wear hats if you’re having a bad hair day?Don’t really get bad hair days because I try to sort it out as best as possible, plus it’s not hard to fix it. But I have worn hats because of my hair.47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?No, I would feel cold.48: Do you make supper for your family?My mother won’t let me and if I did, my sister would insult the way I cook.49: What’s the toughest decision you made this year?Following through with someone giving hints at me, but it’s paid off.50: Top 3 web-pages?reddit, tumblr, and facebook?51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?Me52: Does anything on your body hurt?My joints.53: Are goodbyes hard for you?No, because most likely I’ll see them again.54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?Water55: How is your hair?It’s at a length that I’m really comfortable with, I wish I could stop my hair growth right now, that’s how much I like it right now.56: What do you usually do first in the morning?Crack my back and pee.57: Do you think two people can last forever?Yeah, as long as they can live.58: Think back to January 2007, were you single?Definitely single, too young for anything.59: Green or purple grapes?Purple60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?When I see the person from questions  1, 4, 7, 9, 20, 22, 29 and 44 again.61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?Maybe, but I can sleep in my room, which is nice.62: What did your father teach you?You can’t improve yourself unless you try, and trying is going to hurt, but the pain will also make you improve.63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?Asleep.64: What were you doing at 8 this morningSleeping.65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?I don’t think I had anyone in mind.66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?Person from questions  1, 4, 7, 9, 20, 22, 29, 44,  and 60.67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?Person from questions  1, 4, 7, 9, 20, 22, 29, 44, 60, and 66.  68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?Oh boy, I get to see person from questions  1, 4, 7, 9, 20, 22, 29, 44, 60, 66, and 67 when I wake up.69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Countless times, too many to recall.70: How many windows are open on your computer?Just Chrome.71: If you won 100 million dollars, what would you buy first?Stocks and other investments.72: What is your ringtone?The theme from the movie, “Hanabi”, composed by Joe Hisaishi.73: How old will you be in 5 months?1974: Where is your Mum right now?In her room, sleeping.75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?Conflicts, misunderstanding, just different and clashing personalities.76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?Yeah, person from questions  1, 4, 7, 9, 20, 22, 29, 44, 60, 66, 67, and 68. 77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?Yeah, I’m surprised I managed to retained friendships with them. It’s nice.78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?Is that supposed to be 7th grade? Yeah, I think we both had a crush on each other but we didn’t do anything about it, Well, she did, but I was too nervous and naive to do anything about it, but she moved next year so I guess it was good not to.79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?Yes80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?I think we’ve fallen asleep in each others’ arms.81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?Just one?82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?Yeah, I don’t really care if people see me when I’m changing.83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?Just did.84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?I wouldn’t be yelling at attractive people, even if I was drunk.85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?I would care a lot because that’s bad.86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?I saw people spilling out of the restroom as I waited for my mother to finish up after the family went to watch Wonder Woman.87: Who was your last received call from?Person from questions  1, 4, 7, 9, 20, 22, 29, 44, 60, 66, 67, 68, and 76.88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?Sorry butterfly, but if you’re not an endangered species native to California, I think I would do it.89: What is something you wish you had more of?Self-confidence and a will to keep trying.90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?Maybe, but nothing bad has happened, yet.91: Do you sleep with your window open?Did a few times by accident.92: Do you get along with girls?I don’t think I really got along well in high school, mostly because I was nervous all the time, but I think that’s changed a lot since I went to college.93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?I’m a pretty open person so I don’t think so.94: Does sex mean love?I guess it can, but it also doesn’t have to be. It’s between participants.95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?Nope, that’ll be great.96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?No97: Did you sleep alone this week?Yes98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?Yes99: Do you believe in love at first sight?No, that’s infatuation at face value, not something I would call love.100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise? Person fromquestions  1, 4, 7, 9, 20, 22, 29, 44, 60, 66, 67, 76, and 87.
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