#i care about being a dude about as much as my rat cares about icelandic politics
redreddraws5 · 4 years
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Okay, so y'all have questions. I'll just state reasons why I kinda don't like characters or why I do.
He's the default favorite. When I first joined the fandom he was my favorite. He still is, like in fanon. I like it when he's just kinda this layed back crack head in fanon.
I wish he had more of a personality other than screaming German man in fanon. But in canon he's just a big sweetheart. He likes baking, he likes cleaning, he like Italy's "climate"-
I love how weeby he is in fanon and he's absolutely adorable. Sure his design is kinda bland but I like bland.
It might be a bit biased since I'm American, but he's just so adorable. His design is adorable, even though he's another blond dude, Eric Vale fits his personality PERFECTLY and his bloopers are almost as good as Germany's, if not better. But I mildly dislike him in canon. You see, I read a lot of fanfiction and most fanfics make him this perfect being with no flaws and absolutely beautiful. Can we please get some flaws in this house? Thanks.
My favorite rat man! I love him in canon yet hate him in fanon because of how he is portrayed in depressed America fanfiction. This goes for everyone. Not everyone hates America, we have some pretty good allies like Canada and Japan. Like jeez dude, just make us Americans the bullies for once. Also all his insults in fanfiction suck. Yet he's adorable with his eyebrows. I actually had a crush on him once when I joined the fandom, it's the eyebrows man.
Fanon does Russia SO DIRTY. Like he's messed up but he doesn't have many friends or any friends. He can't see his sister or talk to her, his other sister wants to marry him and breaks down his door, and everyone is afraid of him. Like someone give him a hug or something! He's adorable.
"This is a matter of gay or death" - China
"SUCK BALL"- China
"White people, sheesh"- China
"Boing"- China
"If you no watch what you eat, you die alone in front of TV" - China
Do I need to explain anymore?
HIS CHARACTER SONGS ARE FUCKING GOLD. HIS DESIGN IS BEAUTIFUL. HE LOVES YOU THE WAY YOU ARE. HE IS NOT A RAPIST. Why do some of the best characters keep getting bad reputations in fanon?
How I love/hate how perfect you are even though you aren't perfect from what I've heard over the border.
And he's awesome.
You may be a bitch, but you a bitch with personality and I respect that. I'm sorry that most fanfics make you a bitch.
A s s
He looks badass
"Japan totally digs my sexy cat ears." - Greece
"HAHAHA you just said anal." - Turkey
He's snooty and I'm living for his dub voice and how atrocious it sounds.
She isn't all frying pans my dudes. She's actually a strong female character who cares about Austria and wants to protect him. She's also so CUTE!
"It tastes, like sandwich." - Switzerland
Also his Marukaite chikyuu may not be the best vocal wise, but that instrumental is badass.
She's a little cutie who cares for her brother. I frickin love her! I want more content with her and she helps keep Switzerland relevant in the fandom.
"Keep it in your pants girl!" - Belgium
She's so adorable and cute! Please I beg of you, don't ruin this pure baby!
I don't hate him, I don't like him, I dislike him, I like him. His energy sometimes is too much for me. Ironic since I have Prussia and America as my favorites.
His monotone voice and how he kinda just doesn't care makes me love him.
Angsty teenager alert! His character song is so beautiful and I love his voice!
I miss Finland with brown eyes. Also their personalities should REALLY be switched.
Remember my dears these are MY opinions and these are the things I've been exposed to. So if you don't agree then you can go away from this post like my dad did three years ago. Except it wasn't a post.
Also sorry for all the tags in the long run. There's 30 tags.
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xstick-noodlesx · 4 years
My sister and I talked about weird things in the wizarding world (1/?)
-the castle is way too big
-the stairs keep moving and I bet every student was late because of that at least once
-candles everywhere are a fire hazard, especially floating ones
-all the dangerous things that Dumbledore keeps should NOT be kept in a school for children or the surrounding woods (eg. trolls, three-headed dogs, giant fuck-off snakes, giant spiders, the stone, …)
-Dumbledore is an irresponsible principal
-he just hires teachers that he likes without any background checks
-he hires Remus and doesn’t check whether or not he goes somewhere safe or takes his potion during full moons
-kids can participate in deadly tournaments
-the “treasures” are literally other children that were basically taken and put on the bottom of a lake
-one of the teachers bullies children to the point that one child’s biggest fear is literally that teacher
-instead of sending kids to normal detention, he has them walk around the dangerous, beast filled forest in the middle of the night
-someone is petrifying students and Dumbledore doesn’t think of sending the students home
-kids could literally fall from the moving staircases if they move while the kids are on them
-talking pictures are creepy and you can’t convince me not at least one of the pictures creeps on the kids
-when Hogwarts presumes Sirius is looking for Harry, they just go along with their day and don’t try to give him extra protection at all
-no phones, sending important messages through owls would take way too long
-the whole Sirius situation proves how incompetent the ministry is and no one – not even Dumbledore – thought twice of locking someone up without proper trial
-they have literal house elve slaves
-the Black family is literally abusing their kids and no one thinks twice about it and why? because they're an old wizard family
-travelling through toilets
-Dumbledore's first instinct after finding little Harry with his parents dead is to give him to his aunt and uncle who he knows hate wizards
-why can’t Harry just bring a gun or a knife or smth to a fight
-why do they have to use feathers and not pens – just the thought of writing my A-Levels with a feather instead of a pen physically pains me
-they don’t use ANY muggle technology like lamps, telephones, etc.
-the only muggle technology they use are like toilets and before that, they literally shat on the floor
-the only prison we ever hear of is Azkaban but imagine going to Azkaban and being in the cell next door to a murderer for stealing an owl
-also, the fact that Azkaban is supposed to be high security and literally every other person breaks out
-are there any people working at Azkaban or do the Dementors cook the meals for the prisoners??
-the only thing the Dementors really do is inconvenience and nearly kill children
-why isn’t time travel used more like if you’re careful it should be fine
-care for magical creatures is way too dangerous for children, it’s like us interacting with wild bears
-the fact that Dobby could block the entrance to the platform 9 ¾  without any problems so that two students couldn’t get to school is “dumb as shit” (quote, my sister); it’s like some random dude coming up to your school, locking the door and keeping you out and no one does anything about it
-why send first years across a lake at night in little boats with only the groundskeeper to supervise them; safety hazard
-they have not enough teachers I feel
-are there only like ten beds for each year for each house? what if there’s one student more?
-the fact that they have to use a password to get into their house
-the fact that the Ravenclaws have to solve a riddle to get into their house so what if someone else just happens to solve the riddle???
-they use the same old hat to sort every student and what if one of the students have lice then every first year after that student will have lice
-how much food gets thrown away every day at Hogwarts???
-are there more wizarding schools than the four we know of? like is there one in Germany? Or Poland? Or Iceland? Or South America? Imagine being an eleven-year-old German child and being sent to Hogwarts and knowing little to no English because, well, you’re an eleven-year-old child
-is there sex ed in Hogwarts??
-Gryffindor wins everything; you can tell they are Dumbledore’s favourites
-the wizarding world basically has the death penalty or the soul-sucking penalty which is just as bad
-prisoners are basically abused and/or neglected when in Azkaban
-they had one detention where a student has to sign autographs late at night with his teacher
-the only competent defence against dark arts teacher gets fired because he transformed into a werewolf on school grounds which is something that Dumbledore should have been able to prevent
-Snape isn’t only bullying children, he also bullies his colleagues and NO ONE gives a frick
-the fact that a little girl died on the school grounds and another student was framed and convicted; none of the teachers faced repercussions because of the negligence
-the fact that that little girl is now a ghost and peeping on other students on the toilets
-the fact that there are no safety measures taken during quidditch?? what if a student falls from their broom??? What if someone gets a bludger to the face???
-why is there a restricted section in the school library??? If the books are dangerous why are they in a school library???
-why does harry get to keep the invisibility cloak??
-don’t they have PE for like the students that don’t want to play a dangerous broom flying sport??
-why is there a literal roller coaster with a dragon down in the bank basement??? Why is it such an inconvenience to get some money from the bank???
-the houses themselves make no sense?? Like personalities can change??
-some student died during the tournament and there are no repercussions?? No one is sued??? No one is angry at Dumbledore or the other headmasters???
-what if you need to talk to Dumbledore but don’t know his stupid office password??
-why do they have one book that just screams at you when you open it???
-or a book that tries to eat you as soon as you open it??? And you need to like pet it to open it
-why is everyone angry that one of the teachers is a werewolf but no one cares about giant squids, murderous mermaids in the lake, giant spiders, giant snakes, etc??
-if I was a parent and my child would be bullied by Snape you can bet your butt that I’d have him fired
-Dumbledore is constantly encouraging Harry’s reckless behaviour
-the fact that you have to get parental permission to go to Hogsmeade
-how is a cat or a toad supposed to bring you your mail??
-why can every student bring a pet?? That seems like such a mess to me. What if I’m allergic to cat hair and my roommate has a cat?? What if his cat murders my owl??
-why are the Weasleys allowed to bring a rat?
-why is no one talking about how Peter Pettigrew was literally sleeping in the same bed as an eleven-year-old boy as a rat??
-the owls are in little cages??
-the fact that students get to turn their animals into objects should count as animal abuse
-why are there so many cats but not a single litter box?
-did the other cats try to get with McGonaggal??
-why did the school allow the Ministry to literally slaughter Buckbeak on school property?
-there was a cell at the ready for Sirius at Hogwarts and they talk about dungeons under the school? Why? it’s a school for children
-has a student ever walked in on McGonaggal while she was licking her own butthole?
-did she take part in the cats movie? And was she part of the butthole cut??
-am I allowed to bring Mr Mistoffelees, a magical cat, to school with me?
-the fact that Madame Hooch left all the kids alone with their brooms to take care of Neville
-how can a giant squid survive in a literal lake?
-were they planning on basically executing Sirius on school grounds?
-do they have a police force that takes care of minor crimes like shoplifting?
-do they have wheelchair ramps at Hogwarts? Do people get to bring their seeing-eye dog
-the long staircases to the towers
-why is the Slytherin house literally underground? Like no sunlight?
-Having houses only encourages bullying
-can I get a normal job or university place with my Hogwarts degree?
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one-of-us-blog · 6 years
Die Another Day (2002)
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Today Drew is forced to watch and recap 2002’s Die Another Day, the twentieth James Bond adventure. Bond is captured and tortured by some bad guys, and now 007 is out for revenge! Can Bond handle going rogue, or will MI6 shut down his quest for vengeance before it can even begin? Will Bond find those responsible for his imprisonment? Why is it so sunny in here?
Keep reading to find out…
Eli, I loved your last two recaps so much! I know there was a stretch of less-than-stellar episodes for you to wade through, but I’m so glad you enjoyed these last two romps! I still can’t believe how close you are to the end of the show, but, speaking of, I’m close to the end of an era myself. This is the final Bond film before the big reboot, and it’s crazy to think of how far we’ve come over the course of this blog! I can’t stand it anymore, the anticipation has me way too excited to lay out any other preamble!
Buttocks tight!
Screenplay by Neal Purvis & Robert Wade, film directed by Lee Tamahori
We start with a shockingly three-dimensional gun barrel sequence, and then we jump to the coast of Pukch’ŏng County, North Korea. Bond, alongside two of his fellow MI6 agents, surf into North Korea and attract the attention of a helicopter, which they quickly commandeer. This helicopter was bound for the headquarters of Colonel Tan-Sun Moon (Will Yun Lee), located in the Korean demilitarized zone, and Bond soon arrives after placing some explosives in a suitcase full of diamonds that the helicopter’s original passenger was transporting. Just to give you an idea of how comically evil a villain Moon is going to be, the first time we see him he’s beating up his anger management therapist for lecturing him. Bond is greeted at Moon’s HQ by the surly Zao, who surreptitiously snaps a pic of 007 when he arrives. Bond and Moon meet, and it’s really driven home that Moon is a rude, crude dude with a bad attitude when it’s revealed he’s trading weapons for African blood diamonds. Moon shows off the weapons Bond’s supposed to get for the blood diamonds, but turns out Zao wasn’t taking Bond’s picture just so he could add it to his scrapbook. He’s done a background check on 007, and since Bond is the worst secret agent in the world it doesn’t take any time at all for Zao to inform Moon of Bond’s true identity. Moon blows up Bond’s helicopter, but he’s distracted by a call from his daddy, General Moon (Kenneth Tsang). He leaves the killing of Bond to Zao while he scrambles to hide all the illegal weapons he’s got in the demilitarized zone before his dad finds them and he gets grounded. Thinking, “Why the hell not?” Bond triggers the explosive in the suitcase full of diamonds, causing and explosion that allows him to escape and results in Zao getting a high-velocity diamond facial. Bond escapes on one of Moon’s hovercrafts (why not) and blows up most of his headquarters before chasing after Moon as he races across the mine-laced demilitarized zone. There’s a lot of shooting, some mines get blown up and Moon fires off a flamethrower for no good reason before Bond and Moon end up on the same hovercraft and Bond kills Moon by driving the hovercraft off a waterfall. Moon’s zaddy arrives, and he’s none too pleased about his dumb kid getting killed.
General Moon has Bond waterboarded while we finally head to the opening credits. This credits sequence is… troubling. Madonna sings out the mediocre techno ballad “Die Another Day” while we’re treated to scenes of Bond being brutally tortured interspersed with CGI ladies comprised of ice, fire and electricity dance around and some scorpions just kind of crawl around and mind their own business. Also diamonds. It’s a mess, and honestly the dime-store techno bassline makes it a little hard for me to get too invested in the vignettes of Bond being beaten and sodomoized with a hot poker by a sexy Korean woman in jackboots.
After what feels like a lifetime this bit is finally over, and a bearded, bedraggled Bond is brought before General Moon. Bond has managed not to break in all the time he’s been held here, and Moon lets him know it’s time for him to go. Bond is taken to a bridge where it seems he’s going to be shot, but then Moon’s goons lower their weapons and we find out this is all actually a prisoner exchange. Bond is being traded for the bedazzled Zao, and the two share pleasantries while they make their way back to their respective governments. On the British side, Bond is greeted by Damian Falco (Michael Madsen) from the NSA and…oh, my stars and garters, could it really be? Dare I dream?
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That’s right, folks, Charles Robinson is back, babey!!! And not a moment too soon! I have no doubt he singlehandedly wrestled Zao into custody after Bond was done bonering everything up. Charles Robinson didn’t become the most valuable man in MI6 by being reckless, and he leaves nothing to chance. He has Bond sedated so that he can be checked for any kind of biological weapons. M, no doubt having met with Charles Robinson to mine his formidable intellect, goes to meet with Bond through a sheet of glass. M doesn’t mince words and lets Bond know that if she’d had her druthers he’d still be getting dicked by scorpions back in North Korea. She thinks they paid too high a price for Bond’s freedom by letting Zao go, but Bond didn’t ask to be traded and couldn’t kill himself because he… I don’t know, cut out? ripped out? his cyanide capsule years ago.
M explains that an American prisoner was killed in Bond’s prison a week ago, and they think Bond broke under torture and was mined for intel by the North Koreans. M gives him a vote of confidence by entering his glass prison to let him know she doesn’t think he’ll kill her, but she tells him he’s going for an evaluation and won’t be sent into the field any time soon. Bond… Okay, listen, Bond, like, meditates or something and lowers his heartrate to the point that the monitors he’s hooked up to think he’s dead. Some medical staff rush in to save them, he jolts them with an EKG machine and makes a break for it. Just go with me here.
Bond, now officially gone rogue, heads to a hotel he’s known at and gets a shave, haircut and new suit. The hotel manager, Mr. Chang (Ho Yi), sends up a masseuse to entertain 007, but Bond knows she’s packin’ heat and Chang, who’s actually with Chinese Intelligence (maybe he and Wai Lin have worked together?), is filming him from behind a half-silvered mirror. Bond tells Chang he won’t hold a grudge over all this if Chang can get him into North Korea so he can get his hands on Zao. Chang finds out Zao isn’t in North Korea anymore, though, he’s in Havana. Bond heads to Cuba and meets up with a British sleeper agent/cigar factory owner, Raoul (Emilio Echevarría). Raoul lets Bond know he can find Zao on an island which sports and unusual gene therapy clinic. Bond heads to a hotel which sports a view of the strange island, and there he catches sight of Giacinta “Jinx” Johnson (Halle Berry), who emerges from the ocean like the second coming of Honey Ryder.
Bond and Johnson seem to really hit it off, by which I mean they immediately hit the sheets, but the next morning Bond is left alone as Johnson sets sail for the clinic on Isla Los Organos. Bond knocks out another hotel guest and uses his ticket to get a ride to the island as well. He loads his new unconscious friend into a wheelchair and brings him along to the island, where he causes a distraction by hurling the man and his chair into a wall. He then finds a secret, mirror-lined passage and slinks his way through. Johnson, meanwhile, is apparently getting a consultation for gene therapy. Just kidding, though, she immediately kills the doctor, burns the evidence of her being there and lets us know she’s definitely a spy.
Bond finds Zao in the middle of a procedure that’s meant to rewrite his DNA to make him look like a white dude right as Johnson finds Zao’s file an stops the procedure right in the middle of things and leaves Zao looking like a naked mole rat of a man. Zao wakes up and he and Bond fight, but Zao gets away while Johnson sets off a bomb to shut down the whole facility. Bond and Johnson both chase after Zao, but he gets away in a helicopter. Johnson is almost killed by some guards, who don’t seem to notice Bond, but she avoids death by disrobing and then cliff diving down to an awaiting speedboat. Bond examines a bullet which Zao was wearing as a fun, festive necklace until Bond yoinked it off during their fight. Inside the bullet are some diamonds, which Bond has Raoul examine. The diamonds are being sold by Gustav Graves, who alleges to have found them in Iceland a year ago despite Raoul being able to definitively identify them (somehow) as African blood diamonds. Hey, that sounds familiar!
Who cares about all of that, though, because the most important man in MI6, Charles Robinson, arrives at work just in time to catch Miss Moneypenny spying on a conversation between M and Falco from the NSA. Falco thinks M played a part in Bond’s escape, and Charles Robinson sagely watches on as M shoulders the weight of Falco’s threats to make things right at MI6. Bond, meanwhile looks some stuff on Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens), who makes an interest by parachuting down to meet up with his publicist Miranda Frost (Rosamund Pike) in front of a bunch of reporters (and Bond). Bond tracks Graves and Frost to a fencing… club? academy? class? I don’t know. It’s hosted by Verity (Madonna in the cameo no one asked for), who introduces Bond to Graves. Bond, despite being on the run from MI6 and, like, a secret agent, uses his real name because why not.
Bond and Graves immediately get into a cock measuring contest via proxy in the form of a fencing match, during which Bond lets Graves know he’s figured out that Graves is selling blood diamonds. Graves challenges Bond to up the stakes and the two start fighting with real swords and completely wrecking Verity’s swordfight clubhouse. Frost eventually breaks up the fight and Graves invites Bonds to a science demonstration. A bellboy gives Bond a mysterious envelope with a key in it, and he goes to an abandoned subway station to meet up with M. M’s not here to capture Bond, though, she just wants to compare notes on Graves. M warns Bond about Graves’ political connections and agrees to give him some unsanctioned help.
Bond arrives at MI6, only to find Moneypenny dead from a gunshot to the head. He takes out several attackers and is joined by Charles Robinson himself, so you just know everything’s going to be alright. But then the unthinkable, the impossible, the inconceivable happens and Charles Robinson, the unshakable foundation upon which the stability of the British government rests, is gunned down. No, I can’t accept it! I won’t! And I don’t have to, because this is all a training session taking place in the VR Zone. C’mon, you know a Q-Branch simulation is the only place a facsimile of Charles Robinson could ever be bested! Q (née R) brings Bond safely out of the VR Zone and takes him to his workshop in the subway, where Bond proceeds to touch everything like a five-year-old at a toy store. Bond is outfitted with a sonic ring that can smash unbreakable glass and, get ready for this, a car that turn invisible.
We’re due for a twist, so we get to sit in on a meeting with M and Frost, who, it turns out, is an MI6 agent spying on Graves. Frost things Graves will blow her cover, but M says that in all her time spying on Graves Frost has turned up dick all and M wants Bond to go in and shake some shit up a bit. Bond heads to Graves’ ice palace in Iceland where he’s greeted by the imaginatively named Mr. Kil (Lawrence Makoare) before Graves scoots up in his super speedy sled car thing. We get another mention of Graves never sleeping, which is a thing that just keeps getting brought up. The famous Jinx Johnson arrives while Bond heads to the bar before his DTs can get too out of hand. Bond and Johnson meet up while Zao arrives at the ice palace. He pulls Graves out of a crazy dream machine which he has to use to stay sane due to his permanent insomnia, and it turns out Graves is actually Moon post-gene alteration.
The shindig finally gets underway and Graves unveils Icarus, a satellite which can reflect Sol’s light toward Earth and function as a second sun. Bond hides out in his magical invisible car so he can snoop around in Graves’ private business, but immediately gets caught because he’s just no good at stealth. Frost saves Bond from being discovered by Mr. Kil by making out with him while Johnson Mission Impossibles her way into Graves’ inner sanctum. While Frost and Bond are busy getting busy, Johnson is doing some actual work. Unfortunately she finds Zao waiting in Graves’ dream machine instead of Graves himself, who sneaks up behind her and electrocutes her with a souped-up Power Glove.
Zao and Mr. Kil interrogate Johnson, but she ain’t a canary and she ain’t in the mood to sing, so Zao leaves Mr. Kil to slice her up with a mining laser (paging Dr. Goldfinger). Bond finally arrives at Graves’ greenhouse lair in time to save Johnson, but first he has to deal with Mr. Kil. Bond gets his ass handed to him, but the still-restrained Johnson manages to kill Mr. Kil with the mining laser. Bond sends Johnson off to find Frost and get in touch with MI6 while Bond confronts Graves and reveal he finally knows the dude is actually Moon. Frost arrives, only to turn her gun on Bond. Turns out Frost set Bond up in North Korea and she’s been a double agent the whole time. Frost is about to execute Bond, but luckily he’s got his glass-shattering ring which allows him to… well, shatter some glass. Specifically the glass floor of the green house. You get it.
Bond escapes in Graves’ super sled, but Graves brings in some North Korean generals so he can demonstrate the destructive capability of Icarus to them. Icarus hyper-focuses the sun’s like way beyond what could be useful for a farmer trying to get that sweet wheat all year ‘round, and Bond barely out maneuvers the solar death beam by driving the sled off the side of an ice shelf and using the sled’s anchor (?) to keep himself from falling into the frigid sea. Graves solves this problem by just carving off the whole chunk of ice and making a prophetically topical joke about global warming. Bond survives, though, by jumping into a Nintendo 64 surfing game and shredding away to safety.
Johnson is discovered by Frost and Zao, who inform her she’s going to die… eventually. Bond steals a Ski-Doo and makes it back to the ice palace where he retrieves his inviso-mobile, which is useful for about a minute until another Ski-Doo crashes into it. Zao uses the thermal vision of his own car to spot Bond, and the two set off on a merry chase while the now-abandoned ice castle begins to rumble around Johnson. Graves fires up Icarus and begins to melt the ice palace, but not before Bond crashes into it (the car chase is still going on, BTW). Bond tricks Zao into driving into a pool formed out of melted ice and then shoots a chandelier down onto him instead of just shooting him in the head.
Bond retrieves the almost-drowned Johnson and gets her into the warmth of the greenhouse in time to save her. The two head to a US bunker on the South Korean side of the demilitarized zone where they’re greeted by the one, the only, the legend, the icon, Charles Robinson. With a mind to rival Watson, Charles Robinson lays down the skinny in no time flat. Graves and Frost are in North Korea, and neither the American nor the British governments can go get him before Icarus is used to destroy any of North Korea’s enemies (i.e. everypony). M’s sending in Bond anyway, and Falco decides he needs a reason to be in this movie so he sends Johnson in too. The two are airdropped in, and Charles Robinson, with the sage, cautious wisdom of an old barn owl, worries that they’ll be detected. Falco’s dumbass has the nerve, the gal, the audacity to tell Charles Robinson to “relax”, so you know that sonofabitch has some comeuppance headed his way.
The missiles Falco has sent to destroy Icarus are instantly destroyed by the mirror’s solar laser, because of course they are you dumb stupid idiot. Bond and Johnson, meanwhile, have landed and stowaway on Graves’ plane. Graves calls for his zaddy to be brought down, where he reveals himself in his new white face and shows off a plastic mech suit that allows him to control Icarus via a computer mouse trackball installed in his Power Glove. He fires up Icarus to show off and make his papa proud, but General Moon tells him the other countries will nuke the hell out of North Korea to shut this shit down. Graves doesn’t take paternal rejection well and 86es his dear old dad. Bond tries to shoot Graves but his shot is deflected, resulting in a window getting blown out and the plane violently depressurizing.
Johnson manages to stop the plane from crashing, but then Frost is there to hold her at swordpoint and of course she’s wearing an ornate bra and elbow-length gloves for no damn reason. Who even cares at this point. Icarus’ death beam is still going, by the by, and Charles Robinson, with the time-keeping prowess of the White Rabbit, lets everyone know it’s headed right their way. Johnson flies the plane right into the beam’s path, giving her time to get the better of Frost. Johnson and Frost fight with blades while Bond and Graves just ineffectually punch each other. Johnson eventually gets the better of Frost and kills her (with a very saucy, “Bitch!” thrown in for good measure) while Graves gets the better of Bond and prepares to escape the falling plane. Bond prematurely triggers Graves’ parachute, which results in Graves being sucked into the plane’s engines and most definitely dying.
Bond and Johnson find a helicopter hidden in the plane, Inception style, and manage to ride it out of the exploding plane in time to avoid death by ground. Bond makes what I think has to be a weird 69 joke before the two fly off into the sky with a crate of diamonds in the back of the helicopter.
Moneypenny uses Q’s VR shades to live out a fantasy involving Bond banging her at MI6, because that’s all this movie has to say about her character, but Q interrupts her before she can rub one out. Glad everyone thought this scene definitely needed to be in this already-over-two-hours movie.
Bond and Johnson have sex on top of the stolen diamonds (imagine how uncomfortable that would be) and we’re finally done here.
The End
Woof! I know way back in my introductory post I mentioned that I’d seen this movie (or at least parts of it) at some point in my checkered past, but, lemme tell ya, there was a whole lot that I’d forgotten/suppressed about Die Another Day. Just to start out with some positives, I actually really liked the design of Zao’s diamond-encrusted face, and I really liked seeing Halle Berry here. She didn’t get anything worthy of her talents to work with, but still. Then there were things that started out neat, but didn’t work in the end. I liked Frost a lot when she was introduced, but then she got reduced to a sword-wielding lunatic in a bra for the final conflict with Jinx. Icarus seemed fun, but then I remembered that this is not the first, not the second but the third Brosnan Bond film with a satellite at the heart of its narrative. We had GoldenEye, then Carver’s dumb satellite news network and now Icarus. That’s three out of four Brosnan films with satellites as key players. I love space as much as the next gay, but, I mean, get a new shtick already! Then there’s stuff that was just silly. Bond stopping his heartbeat? The Power Glove? The ice palace? The invisible car? That Madonna song? C’mon. I know you have to suspend disbelief for any of these movies, but jeez louise. And while I know I don’t normally dwell on the technical side of things during my recaps, but the special effects in this movie were very bad. If we weren’t getting some unnecessary slow-mo, we were having shots like the one of Jinx cliff diving or the truly horrendous kiteboarding scene that legitimately made me gasp when it first started. While there were definitely some fun moments and some little touches I liked, on the whole this flick is a mess and a far, far fall from the glory days of GoldenEye.
I feel I can only give Die Another Day QQ on the Five Q Scale.
We’ll see you again in a hot minute as Eli serves up a couple of fresh recaps of the next two episodes of The Golden Palace, “Say Goodbye, Rose” and “You’ve Lost That Livin’ Feeling”, and after that it’ll be time for me to move onto a brand new Bond as I tackle the next James Bond adventure, Casino Royale (and maybe you can look forward to a few special treats before then, who can say?).
Until then, as always, thank you for reading, thank you for analyzing this (Sigmund Freud) and thank you for being One of Us!
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aprillikesthings · 7 years
time for a meme
I was tagged by @homosociallyyours​ 😘
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better
nicknames: April is not an easily-nicknamed name. What few nicknames I have are from people I care about a lot and nobody else is allowed to call me by those names?? So I always feel weird sharing them.
gender: cis lady. I also heard the phrase “tomboy femme” recently which I like. I wanna wear the frilliest clothes but I also like doing my own bicycle repairs and fixing things around the house. When I was a little girl I always wanted to wear my prettiest dress, but with shorts underneath so I could still go upside-down on the monkey bars, and that’s a pretty good summation of it.
star sign: Scorpio. Aquarius rising, Moon in Cancer, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo. Pretty sure I don’t believe in astrology but some of that shit is pretty accurate.
height: 5′2″
time: 11:05pm
birthday: November 8, 1979
favourite bands: Radiohead always and forever god damn, Kula Shaker, XTC, The Beatles, MGMT (but only their first album), Arctic Monkeys (but only A.M.), Talking Heads.....damn that’s a lot of (mostly British) white dudes, shit
favourite solo artists: Björk always and forever, Joanna Newsom, Fiona Apple, Hayley Kiyoko, Blitz the Ambassador, Nicki Minaj
song stuck in my head: Juju Girl by Blitz the Ambassador after answering that last question
last movie I watched: Finally saw The Last Jedi last night, yesssss (now I need to see The Shape of Water)
when did I create my blog: June 2012--the same as both @marsdaydream and @homosociallyyours​!!
what do I post: fuck-tons of Steven Universe, a smattering of other fandoms, bicycles, clothes, portland shit, a lot of personal stuff, dumb memes, pet rats
last thing I googled: I have no idea
do I have other blogs: hoooo boy. I have an ancient LiveJournal that I started in 2003 and was still posting to a few times a year but I’ve moved it all to DreamWidth. I used to keep up on a blog about bicycling called aprillikesbikes on wordpress--my last post there was probably 2011. On tumblr I run @smuttyamedot​  and I post nekkid selfies to @assmethyst
do I get asks?: Sometimes. I’ll admit that when the notification pops up my initial reaction is “oh shit” unless I’ve just posted an ask meme, lol. I haven’t gotten any actual harassment or anything, though.
why did I choose my URL: Honestly I just wanted something that wasn’t too similar to my old LJ name and left room for me to post about anything I was into. Plus I was thinking about my bicycling blog, I guess?
following blogs: 751, though a lot of them aren’t active
followers: 1,195 (holy shit), but it’s the same two dozen or so people who are at least half my notes on any given day
favourite colours: purple and green, and that was true even before I got into SU.
average hours of sleep: this varies wildly. Or at least it used to?? Now that I’m working overnights and passing out around 8 or 9am every day I seem to be getting an average of seven to nine hours. Though I slept for eleven the other day.
lucky numbers: 42. Not very creative. (Wait, how many of y’all get that reference anymore?)
what am i wearing: My work uniform, which is an ill-fitting skirt suit. Also smartwool tights that are black and purple, and lilac ballet flats.
how many blankets do i sleep with: three, this time of year.
dream job: not having to fucking work. I hate working. I’ve always hated working. There’s not a single thing I do for fun that I’m willing to monetize enough to live on. My life goal is getting a tolerably dull full-time job with regular hours that pays enough to live on with some left over for funsies, and that doesn’t mentally or physically drain me too much. I accept that I have to work to get money which can be exchanged for goods and services....but I fucking hate it. (Honestly, if being a bike mechanic didn’t pay shit (like, they make entry-level retail most places) and require me to do the most work when I’d like to be doing the least work, I’d try to do that.)
dream trip: Bicycle touring Glacier National Park and the Icefields Parkway again. But with a bicycle that fits me better and less worry about money. That and and I want to see Iceland again. And Japan (for the first time), but only if I have the cash to buy some clothes. Also I’d love to take a trip to Greece and Croatia where all I do is walk around ruins and stuff, stuff my face with vegan food, and then alternate between swimming and reading on the beach under a big umbrella. I’ll bring a bikini and a hat and like....five tubes of high-spf sunblock.
favourite food: PASTA. Oh my god pasta. Almost any kind of pasta.
nationality: American. Family history is mostly Polish on one side (my last name is Polish) and mostly German and English on the other.
favourite song right now: oh god, probably a Hayley Kiyoko song. Gravel to Tempo or Feelings or Curious. Though as I ranted about last night, I’m still capable of listening to Electric Feel by MGMT every single day. Also Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys.
TAGGING I am not tagging that many people. Also it took waaaay too long for me to write this anyway, considering that like...ten people are gonna see it, lol. If you read this: you’re tagged!!
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