iioniize · 1 year
// me pulling a special little prank on everyone and killing this guy off so i can hijack his blog for new characters because tumblr new accounts have so much forced garbage on them (forced for you, in feed algorithm shit etc) >
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iioniize · 2 years
ii got thii2 two wiithout the thiinkiing
iive been thiinkiing a lot. iive al2o been gettiing headache2 a lot. thii2 ii2 liikely related.
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iioniize · 2 years
🔮 you will make more friends this year. It will be a good year.
ii wouldn't be 2o 2ure wiith the current ciircum2tance2
not yet
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iioniize · 2 years
🔮you are slowly passing away from radiation poisoning
...ii don't thiink you 2hould be commentiing on thii2.
2hut up about iit.
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iioniize · 2 years
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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iioniize · 2 years
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iioniize · 2 years
cds are so sexual like they literally have a hole in the middle of them
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iioniize · 2 years
On or off anon send 🔮+ a prediction of my muse's future!
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iioniize · 2 years
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The toilets in this kebab restaurant making me feel like I’ve just joined cp_orange_restroom_x3
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iioniize · 2 years
iit2 very healthy actually
ii got the limited ediitiion unhealthy 2kiin dii2coloratiion ii have 2o much extra 2ollux rariity now
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iioniize · 2 years
ii got the limited ediitiion unhealthy 2kiin dii2coloratiion ii have 2o much extra 2ollux rariity now
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iioniize · 2 years
it's because youre always on that damn illuminated manuscript
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iioniize · 2 years
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iioniize · 2 years
heh.... he doesn't know about .. my Instant Pounding Headache technique....! *stands up too fast* *screams in agony*
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iioniize · 2 years
nothing fills my heart with more violence than the sight of a naked wrapping paper roll
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this is how Cain killed Abel
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iioniize · 2 years
po2t2 that took 10 month2 due two iinten2e packet lo22.
load beariing hole.
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iioniize · 2 years
load beariing hole.
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