#i cant stop fuming man he's so
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crxw1ey Ā· 1 month ago
he looks so fucking stupid man. that gold tooth just peeking out like ouuh I know he thought he'd look so cool and badass with it but he just looks punchable. I need to kiss him all over his dumb idiot face.
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jyoongim Ā· 11 months ago
This isn't exactly a request but a thought that had been so heavy on my brain. Hellborn royalty reader x Alastor who's stronger than he is. I just can't stop thinking about it. Maybe even Goetia reader whew they are stronger and protect him from something and I just go FERAL at the thought.
Some background context:
The Ars Goetia are a royal dynasty of noble hellborn demons who serve as prophets, messengers, and observers of the mortal plane for the King of Hell. They are responsible for maintaining stability within the seven rings. They are highly knowledgeable in the heavens, society, and prophecies of all domains.
The hotel was a wreck.
The Angels had made it their personal mission to eliminate those who resided in the hotel.
The Princess of Hell had acquired your assistance if things got shaky for them.
And OH things were shaking.
Alastor had took it upon himself to fight Adam, when you suggested you could of great help he turned you down. Stating that he would be able to handle the Angel himself.
But things were not looking good for the Radio Demon.
You admired the confidence he had, but the demon was in a sticky situation and you would be damned if anyone hurt YOUR demon.
You were fuming and it was showing.
You calmly walked through the fighting, every attack thrown your way didnā€™t even touch you as you quickly dispatched your attackers.Ā 
You appeared in front of the injured deer in a cloud of smoke.Ā 
ā€œHehe who the fuck are you?ā€ Adam asked, but you ignored him as you checked on Alastor.
He was bleeding and weak, you placed your hands on his face, scowling softly ā€œOh Alastor my sweet. You did good my love but Ill take over from hereā€ he tried to object, but with a wave of your hand, you dissolved him in mist to keep him safe.
You turned to Adam, who was smirking ā€œTch! You think you can take me? Ha! If your best couldnā€™t scratch me what thinks you can?ā€
You smiled, your body morphed into mist ā€œwho said he was our best?ā€
He attacked, swinging his axe and trying to bring it down on you. Your eyes glowed white and with a flick of the wrist he was frozen to the spot. You curled your fingers and watched as the Angel contorted in pain. You hissed ā€œI am the judge and executioner and you, you arrogant pig have no authority here. Divine violence is my right for power belongs to those who take it.ā€ At your words, the sky formed dark clouds and the realm shook.
Adam let out a scream as your magic crackled along his skin, searing pain riddling his body as you burned his wings and corrupted his every soul.
ā€œYOU CANT DO THIS! I AM ADAM! THE FIRST MAN! YOU BITCH! NO NO NO NO!ā€ Your mist enveloped his body and he slowly morphed to black as you took his life. You watched as his soul screeched and struggle.Ā 
You pulled him towards him and smirked, sneering at him with sharp teeth
ā€œVengeance is mine sayeth the Lordā€Ā 
And with a soft blow from your lips, he dispersed. His soul crying as you sent him to Limbo.
Hell shook as your magic rocked the cosmos.
The remaining Angels let out a cry as they were struck with pain, felt in their soul.
You were sucking their power and in an attempt to save themselves they retreated back to Heaven.
You morphed back to normal and your misty shadows revealed Alastor to you.
You picked up the red demon and nudged him with your nose, he grumbled ā€Y-You didnā€™t have to intervene. I had it under controlā€
You hummed, a soft smile on your face a his stubbornness ā€œcompletely but I wasnā€™t going to stand around when you clearly needed my help.ā€
Your face dropped to a pout ā€œdonā€™t tell me that me being stronger hurts your pride? You should be honored. A woman willing to protect her love is a powerful thing to beholdā€
Alastor sighed, relaxing against you, feeling the exhaustion of the battle overtake him.
You cooed at him, pressing a kiss to his forehead, ā€œDonā€™t worry I donā€™t think anything less of you. I think youā€™re the strongest man Iā€™ve ever had the pleasure of meetingā€
The Radio Demon might have been a prideful soul, but it was you who was the strongest.
And reallyā€¦he was ok with that fact.
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knyontop Ā· 2 months ago
Hello ;) I wanted to know if you can do Yandere! Bowers gang with a reader preferring the company of the Losers' Club?
The reader may have "made friends" with the Bowers gang and discovered how bad they are. Then he may have moved to the losers' club room and made friends with them. So he began to avoid the Bowers Gang and prioritize the Losers' Club. ;)
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ā‚ŠĖš ā€æļøµā€æą­Øą­§ Ā· Ā· ā™” Ā· Ā· ą­Øą­§ā€æļøµā€æ Ėšā‚Š
Literally was so SO excited when i got this request!! Part one
Ft: Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Victor Criss, Belch Huggins, Bill Denbrough, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak.
Tw: possessive behavior, Patrick being Patrick, violence, threats, bullying, gaslighting, harassment.
惻you best believe this man is FUMINGšŸ˜­
惻even after you said you would stop being a brat you just go off and hang around some losers!
惻although he is super mad, hes also slightly hurt you would rather hang out with them then him.
惻now this is not in a ā€œpity meā€ way itā€™s because he thinks hes better then everyone and it just hurts his ego that you would rather hang out with someone else. (I dont blame you)
惻every chance he gets to jab at you and the losers club he takes, hes definitely meaner to you now that your hanginā€™ around them.
惻but you stand your ground, surprisingly, you felt more confident then you did before.
惻but how long would that confidence stay?
惻Henry waits for you to try and seek them out, but, you never do and seeing you so happy with the losers club makes him extremely upset.
惻hes starting to get tired of this bullshit so whenever he sees you with Bill he snaps.
惻Henry grabs your arm roughly the grip so tight it would definitely leave a bruise Bill trys to stop him but he yells at him telling him to stay out of it, Henry gives you two options ether you talk with him or Billy boy gets it.
惻obviously you dont want to see your friend get hurt so you go with Henry. (Right choice)
惻when you two get alone hes yelling at you practically blinded by rage it honestly scares you.
惻ā€What the fuck!? I thought you were done with your fucking tantrum! I cant BELIEVE you went off with those losers!ā€
惻ā€There not losers! There my friends-ā€œ slap.
惻he shoves you to the ground and kneels down close to you, he grabs the collar of your shirt.
惻ā€I dont wanna hear it. Your coming back to the gang, do I make myself clear?ā€
惻his tone shows no room for discussion so you nod.
惻ā€Like I said, your never getting away.ā€
惻Sorry Y/N, bowers wins again.ļæ¼
惻now he is also mad but not as mad as Henry, Patricks mostly just amused that you think you can just ignore him.
惻Patrick knows that Henry is not a patient man so he figured that Henry would do something about it soon or you would come back later.
惻that is until this starts to go on for months and he himself is starting to get more mad seeing you with the losers club.
惻a possessive and jealous feeling growing, it started driving him crazy!
惻anytime he passed by you out of school he would give you a glare that clearly said ā€œyour in troubleā€.
惻you have a defiant glare back even though you were scared, it amused and pissed him off greatly.
惻you may be able to stand up to Henry, but, Patrick? You know you dont stand a chance.
惻even Henry can be disgusted by Patricks actions, Patrick is the most cruel one out of the four delinquents.
惻when Henry started talking about getting you back Patrick was the first one to agree, he didnā€™t care anymore he didnā€™t even care if you got hurt in the process, fucking hell you deserved it!
惻he knew one thing for sure, when you came back, he wasnā€™t going to let you anger him like this again. Make him care this much about one puny kid. He would make sure knew your place.
惻when he heard you were back he was overjoyed, dont take this in a soft way or a cute way itā€™s quite the opposite hes just glad he can get back at you.
惻when hes able to get alone with you heā€™ll rough you up a bit, asking you if you thought that avoiding them (him) would keep you safe.
惻ā€Did you think that this would last long? Huh stupid? Well looks like the big bad bowers gang got you, stupid.ā€ He always called you stupid, he got a laugh every time you would look like a kicked puppy, you even started to believe that you were stupid.
惻he started gaslighting you into thinking that the losers club didnā€™t care for you, they never did. Why would they? Why would they care for a stupid, weird, kid like you?
惻you couldnā€™t answer that, you were to tired to anyway.
惻he felt satisfied with his work so he left you alone to spiral, think about everything he said, to ponder if its true or not.
惻his words got into your head, maybe they didnā€™t careā€¦ I mean, you were stupid. Who liked hanging around someone as stupid as you? I mean, except for the bowers gang.
惻so now anytime they would try and come up to you you would give them the cold shoulder truly believing they didnā€™t care, Richie Tozier truly tried saving you from the bowers gangs grasp but he couldnā€™t. (Maybe just not yetĀæ)
惻Patrick would be seen in the background with a cheshire cat smile, pleased with his work on your stupid little head. You believed him.
惻poor boy is UPSETšŸ˜­
惻why would you rather hang out with some losers over them? Over him? Why are you avoiding him? Huh? HUH?
惻he knows your probably upset about what happened last time, but, why would you hang out with them over him and the gang?
惻he just doesnā€™t understand why. (Which is frustrating on your end)
惻Victor is the one who will try seeking you out himself, which always leads into arguments.
惻gosh sometimes he just wants to slap the shit out of you you piss him off sometimes!
惻but hey, sometimes friends rough house so its fine. (Its not he just wants to justify himself)
惻when hes hanging out with his younger siblings all he can think about is you, he misses you but your such a selfish brat your to focused on yourself to even care! No, no, he doesnā€™t mean that. (Maybe he does)
惻Victor wants an apology from you, he thought all of this was over! Why would he even need to apologize?
惻hes caught up in this delusion that he didnā€™t do anything wrong and that your the one in the wrong, but your to young and immature to understand that.
惻Victors trying everything to get you back though, he even spreads rumors about the losers club to try and scare you away from them but it did not work you just believed they were rumors..
惻when he hears that Henrys going to get you back hes on deck for whatever as long as its not to destructive towards you.
惻look, Victor really does care about you honest! Hes just a littleā€¦ weird about it?
惻yeah lets go with that ;)
惻anywho, when your back hes all over you telling you off but also saying he missed you.
惻he may or may not have known about Patricks little plan to get you back in line but he didnā€™t stop it.
惻whoops, well, whatever he did it worked.
惻and all that matters is your with them! (Him)
惻very disappointed in you.
惻literally like a motheršŸ˜­
惻im jk guys but literally mama Belch..
惻im jk im JK I dont like people who ignore Belch and Victors darker sides.
惻but Belch is disappointed and upset, always looking at you with an almost betrayed expression and angry.
惻Belch doesnā€™t get as physical with kids as Henry but he does push them around so he one time shoved Eddie into you and walked off cusā€™ he was feeling petty..
惻lowkey was kinda funny to Richie.
惻(I do NAWT have any ideas..)
惻(im winging it)
惻he does miss you, he misses the peace you brought him, the happiness you brought himā€¦ and the annoyance with your annoying self but then those idiots took you away!
惻your just doing this to get back at them, you wont be gone for long, right?
惻he hopes.
惻(im so sorry Belch loversšŸ˜­)
惻when he hears your finally coming back hes relieved, he just hopes no harm comes to you in the process.
惻but in the back of his mind he believes you need some type of punishment wether it be cruel or not just to put you back in lineā€¦
惻but it seems the day after your back, your out of that rebellion phase! (Thanks to Patrick)
ā‚ŠĖš ā€æļøµā€æą­Øą­§ Ā· Ā· ā™” Ā· Ā· ą­Øą­§ā€æļøµā€æ Ėšā‚Š
Belchs part was rushed.. btw, I think im making this a series! And I have big plains for it :3 how would we feel making the losers club yandere tooooo??
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sebsbarnes Ā· 1 year ago
hey love, hope u r doing ok ā¤ļø i wanted to request a tan x reader where sheā€™s interacting with another guy in a mission (in any way youā€™d like tbh) and tangerine gets SUPER jealous
itā€™s kinda like ā€œjealousyā€ that u already wrote but where the reader makes him jealous this time (iā€™ve been obsessed with the song u belong to me by the weeknd lately and itā€™s doing things to me šŸ˜­)
hiii i hope you are well also and enjoy this! i am a sucker for jealous tropes i cant even lie so this is perfect
seduction || tangerine
tangerine x f!reader
warnings: none i believe, making the other person jealous
word count: 1.8k+
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"in and out, okay. i don't want to be here longer than we have to be," tangerine grumbled, fixing the cuffs to his dress shirt.
"why? it's my time to play. i'll take as long as i want," you taunted, throwing tangerine a look over your shoulder and you couldn't help but look him up and down.
tangerine narrowed his eyes at you and though you were no longer facing him, you could see him standing behind you in the large mirror, "we don't want our cover to be blown."
you laughed at the statement, "when do we ever get caught."
tangerine left the room huffing under his breath and you observed yourself in the mirror once more before grabbing your purse. realistically you knew you shouldn't spend so much time trying to pry information out of the man who held the information you, tangerine, and lemon needed, but you knew you could flirt it out of him and that would anger tangerine. so, what's the harm, right? call it cruel, or whatever you want, but tangerine would constantly get possessive or angry when you got a bit too close to other men, but tangerine has never once made a move so what right does he have to get angry.
the air in the car ride over to the gala was tense. all lemon could do was give you and tangerine quizzical looks but refused to ask any questions assuming it was one of your stupid banters. the suv came to a stop outside of the beautiful mansion and the three of you slid out of the car. butlers opened the large glass doors and you were met with beautiful piano music, hundreds of people wandering about, and gold everything.
you adjusted the faux fur scarf that was draped over your shoulders, "i'll see you boys later," you winked at lemon and tangerine before sauntering off, heels clicking as you left.
tangerine pinched the bridge of his nose. 'in and out' he kept internally repeating to himself. lemon nodded his head to tangerine and they followed behind you.
you slinked through the crowd heading for the elevated platform where the man garrett was standing chatting to a group of men who were appeasing his ego and laughing at the pitiful jokes he cracked. you sauntered over to the small table that was next to the group of men and slowly leaned down to grab a drink. you made sure your back was slightly arched, hips dangerously high in the air as you refused to break eye contact with the man who noticed you. garrett swished the brown liquor around in his glass clearly intrigued by you. your eyes raked down his body and your painted lips offered him a smirk. before you turned on your heel you flicked your eyes up to the staircase where a fuming tangerine was staring daggers into you. though you couldn't see it from here tangerine was gripping the railing so hard that it shook. satisfied with the attention from both men, you walked away.
"relax mate," lemon laughed noticing the way tangerine's hands turned white. tangerine glanced at his brother before dropping the railing.
"c'mon she's out of sight."
it was merely a minute later when you felt the gentle tap on your shoulder. spinning around you feigned ignorance at the man.
"i don't mean to bother you, but i wanted to let you know i think you are beautiful," garrett spoke, his eyes briefly looking at your chest as you dropped the scarf to your elbows, exposing the skin to him.
you leaned into him a bit and placed a gentle hand on his forearm, "what's your name, handsome?"
you brought the martini glass to your mouth, your tongue swiping across your bottom lip to remove the drop of vodka.
"garrett," you drawled, "how about we dance?"
tangerine watched from a distance as the man guided you toward the edge of the dance floor. his arms hooked themselves tightly onto your waist and you situated yourself on his shoulders. tangerine's eye twitched as he watched your fingers play with the man's curly hair at the base of his neck. that should be me. he watched the two of you sway back and forth and the deeper you got into conversation, garrett's hand inched its way lower and lower on your back. tangerine felt bile rise up into his throat.
you were working info out of garrett about his uncle and though he seemed like a bit of a fool he wasn't falling into your seduction too easily. he was giving only tidbits of information out at a time and you were internally yelling at the man, begging him to just give it all up so you can stop caressing his body. you threw your head backwards in laughter at some lame joke he made and toyed with the buttons on his open shirt.
"if i laugh anymore i may pop out of this dress," you joked, playfully tapping fake tears off your face.
the emotion in his eyes changed, "that wouldn't be a bad thing now would it, love?"
the way he said love made you cringe. it was forceful and unnatural, much different from the way it would roll off tangerine's tongue. you tried to suppress the grimace on your face and opted to run a finger down his chest and stomach until you hooked it around his belt loop.
you leaned forward to his ear, lips grazing his skin, "there's nothing under this dress."
garrett gripped you tight so your bodies were flushed together. you did everything in your power to not squirm when you felt his fingernails in your skin and the low growl deep in his throat.
"my uncle's room is right down the hall behind me," he breathed into your neck. your eyes flickered to the hallway and you noticed tangerine standing against the wall with a careful eye.
"it would be rude of us to dirty up his room while he's here," you whispered back with hooded eyes.
"he isn't here. he'd never know." the desperate man before you pressed.
"i don't think they'd be able to clean the mess we'd make before he came back," your lips were centimeters away from his.
he brought his hand from your waist to your hair and roughly tugged at it causing your head to jerk upwards, "he's away in the states. at some banquet in new york city at the ritz. he's not coming back for two weeks."
ah, he made it too easy for you. you pondered if you should entertain him and follow him to the bedroom and see if you could pry more info out of him, but this is what you needed and truth be told you wanted to be out of his grip. though you hummed in content and turned your face to press a kiss to his jaw. in your peripheral you saw movement, it was tangerine glaring you down. the look on his face was one you didn't recognize. it was a concoction of emotions but the more evident one was disappointment.
"i need air," tangerine gasped to lemon who had just stood beside the man. you watched as tangerine hurried his way through the crowd and out the door to the balcony. the features on your face pulled together in confusion till you realized you were still wrapped in garrett's arms.
"i'll meet you there in fifteen minutes," you whispered seductively trailing your finger across his bottom lip. garrett didn't move after you retreated away from the dance floor and to the balcony.
tangerine was leaning over the cement railing looking into the garden. his back was rising and falling rapidly, the fabric of his suit slightly constricting the movement. tangerine could hear the clicks of your heels approaching but didn't turn to face you.
you hesitated before speaking, sensing he wasn't in a good mood, "i... i got the information we needed. we can uh- leave now."
he didn't respond so you carefully placed your palm on his back and ran it down his spine. he jerked upright and ignored the sensation your hand on his body produced. he stared you down and you felt so small under his gaze. it was intense and unwavering and his eyes seemed so blue right now.
"what's wrong," you asked in a small voice, crossing your arms tighter under your chest.
he let out a laugh in disbelief, "oh! i don't know darlin' how about your lil performance out there."
"like you haven't done the same or worse, tangerine. besides, i got what we needed," you hissed. your words so venomous you could feel it burning at your tongue. all he did was roll his eyes and start to walk back inside the mansion. you gripped his wrist, yanking him to face you.
"you don't walk away from me."
your brain couldn't work fast enough to catch up with the fact tangerine's mouth was now on yours. the way his lips pressed against yours felt so foreign yet it worked, like his lips should've been kissing you every day and every night and they should never leave until the last shred of air burned at your lungs. and that's what was happening as the sun in the horizon glowed orange onto your skin. tangerine kissed you like it was his final act on this earth. his one hand was flat against your spine bringing your body as close as humanly possible to him with his other hand cupping your cheek. you were gripping his black suit jacket with such vigor your fingers almost poked holes into the fabric.
not a care in the world as your lips interlocked with each other, tongues occasionally escaping their way into the other's mouth. exasperated breaths could be heard from the brief seconds you allowed yourself to part before reconnecting with clashing teeth. the lipstick on your lips had now painted a picture on tangerine's face but you loved it and if you had it your way you'd force him to walk back into the house covered in your mark.
you and tangerine finally re-entered reality to a now dark sky. the kiss happened in slow motion but the sky around you spoke otherwise. with one final kiss tangerine gently bit at your bottom lip and ran his fingers through your hair.
"i'm tired of pretending that i don't like you," he murmured, placing his forehead against your own.
"why does it take me talking to another guy for you to finally confess," you asked genuinely curious.
"'cause i'm a fuckin' idiot, love. it shouldn't take that. i should've told you a long time ago but tonight. seeing- seeing that man touch you," tangerine fumed, his nostrils flaring, "i couldn't take it."
you sighed softly and said, "i'm not innocent in this either, i try and make you jealous on purpose."
tangerine gave you a soft smile and pressed a kiss to your cheek. he didn't care that you did it on purpose. deep down he kind of loved it but he was wrong for being angry at you.
"oh. we should probably leave. garrett has been waiting, i'm sure naked, in his uncle's bed," you laughed, hooking your arm to tangerine's.
"should we kick him out?" tangerine winked.
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lunicho Ā· 10 months ago
Here r my thoughts !! I hope theyā€™re ok bc Iā€™m really sleepy rn so idk if they make sense lololll
K: def a dom
- like I CANT see him as a sub
- If u try to make him submissive heā€™ll just mock u n make fun of the things u say when ur with him
- You: ā€œStop making fun of meā€
- K: ā€œI thought this was normal sub behavior šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹ā€
Fuma: soft dom
- likes taking care of you n worries about ur pleasure first
- If u want to be the dominant one he doesnā€™t mind and letā€™s u
- Subby Fuma thoā€¦mmm tastyyy
- a soft dom but can be a mean one if heā€™s feeling extra possessive
Nico: switch (or is it called vers? Like versatile? I forgot šŸ˜Ÿ)
- a little controversial(/j) but Iā€™ll d!e on this hill
- He tries to be the dominant one all the time but if he goes more than 2 days without ur pussy heā€™s on his knees begging for you and is at your mercy
- He just wants to be good to you so heā€™ll want to be in control but every now and again he wants to be taken care of and have you make him feel so good
EJ: service top with a sprinkle of sub
- As much as I love subby Juju and making him tear up I see him more as a service top but the subby parts of him comes out and he ends up falling apart bc u feel so good around him when he was supposed to put you first
- I looooooveeee service top juju
- he is MEAN
- He makes FUN OF YOU
- But the dick is so good youā€™ll only go to him (so basically the mean dom Yuma you always talk about LOL)
- Heā€™s actually not mean which is the funny part šŸ˜­ when yā€™all arenā€™t having sex heā€™s so chill and easy to hang out with šŸ˜­ he just likes seeing you cry and whimper as he fucks you and calling you names is the fastest way to do it LOL
- I KNOW the jealous sex is so good bc he gets jealous and possessive so easily so if another man tries to make a move on you he is FUMING and he needs to fuck you as fast as possible
Jo: sub
- pov: ur at the ā€œI love sub!Joā€ contest and ur opponent is me šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹
- Sub!Jo is so beautiful in my mind like him just laying down while i have my mouth on him PLEASEEE
- He likes it when you praise him omfg praise kink Jo šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« but thatā€™s for another time
- Tbh I see him as the type of guy thatā€™ll do anything for you so you can praise him
Harua: switch
- as you know Iā€™m a switch!Harua truther
- This section wonā€™t be long since I already talked about it it
- But bratty sub Harua šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
- Sassy dom Harua who knows how to control you šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
Taki: switch but u HAVE to hear me out
- every time I think of Taki most of the time itā€™s just pretty shiny sub Taki who wants all of your attention on him
- The type to D!E if you donā€™t take care of him and his raging boner /j
- Whines a lot šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
- Recentlyā€¦him and his ā€œmorality policeā€ bit where heā€™s (playfully) telling the members to cover up and not wear revealing outfits
- Makes me think of mean dom Taki šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« where you wear revealing and skimpy outfits to mess with him and he fucks you harddddd bc he knows youā€™re just trying to get his attention and to rile him up
Overall I also think that theyā€™re all really possessive with the exception of Jo but those thoughts havenā€™t marinated long enough in my brain yet šŸ˜™
HOPE U GOT SOME REST BOO THANG, u came and u served and now its time for u to get the rest u so rightfully deserve bc this right here ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø
kei - okay so i do agree, he most often takes on a dominant role just because he enjoys it and it comes so naturally for him. BUT i had a convo with one of my moots (shout out mel ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļ潚Ÿ¾) where we explored the idea of subby kei and i think he's in there somewhere. he has the potential to be submissive but may not know how to go about it or how to commit to that fully which is why he'd rather be all snappy and mean and mock u about it and in other words that's why he kinda acts like a brat šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø. but dom kei is so so real there's no denying that ā˜šŸ¾šŸ˜Œ
fuma - YES. everyone who read my fuma a-z knows i agree cuz like duh, he's so soft dom to me but he has a love for being the submissive one. he may not be THE MOST submissive guy out there but being under u and being doted on is something he enjoys thoroughly. but yeah like u said ur his baby and his top priority so he loves taking care of u <3 subby fuma is incredibly delicious to think about if im so fr like idk
nico - i giggled. SWITCH NICHO IS SO REAL TO ME šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. ppl are too scared to play around with the idea of subby nicho but COME ONNNN u can't tell me this man wouldn't look and sound so good when he's getting edged and ur sucking him off or jerking him off or riding him like i can hear it so clearly in my mind how he'd suck in a breath thru his teeth and how he'll grunt and groan sm and how- yeah. also pussy obsessed nicho?? hello??? him not being able to be without pussy is so true i could say sm abt that but imma move on for everyone sake
juju - the way when i read his section the first time i went "NOOOOOO" but then i read it again and was like,,, oh wait kinda true tho. he leans so subby cuz of how well he listens and how obedient he is. he'll let u use him and grind against his face/ride his face, he'll let u pull his hair and get yourself off using his tongue like šŸ˜ž. he's a service top cuz he likes making u feel good but i will never deny sub juju. i will never deny how pathetically hard he gets sometimes and how he Will tear up in front of u quicker than either of u could even process šŸ˜ž
yuma - EXACTLY LMAOHSJS he's not actually mean or crazy at all like he is during sex which is what makes it hotter cuz he's so versatile. i do think that he can change up a lot and he can be soft and sweet at times too but he's just a rough sex enjoyer what can i say šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø. i do wish ppl would fuck around with the idea of sub yuma more tho cuz i need people to feed me those thoughts like i wanna hear what ppl say so bad šŸ˜ž (teamies dom, sub, switch analysis but it's just me wanting people to explore the idea of sub teamies) AND THE JEALOUS SEX?? big yes he's sooo jealous and possessive sometimes like it's crazy šŸ’”
jo - ?!?!?!?!?! $! $;! #;#;#? +#(#) #+#-(# like what like ?!?! $? ;$? $+($-# and why have u never come to my inbox abt sub jo?? didn't even know this was an agenda u had wtf??? LITERALLY okay. okay. let me control myself. i see him as a sub as well and i see him as the type who's a little naive but not necessarily in a bad way. he's just the type to follow you so blindly just bc ur his partner and he wants to do anything to please you so he can be ur good boy šŸ˜ž i could see the dom jo agenda but it's smth abt sub jo that feels so true to him šŸ˜ž he's so cute ugh
harua - yes šŸ˜ž i am aware of your switch rua agenda šŸ™šŸ¾ and honestly i think it's quite accurate i just cannot fully process harua as a dom like it just won't register in my mind so i always just think of him as a sub. and i always feel like he's not really like a brat he's just kinda moody and super needy and if he ever is bratty it's cuz of him acting up for your attention šŸ˜ž
taki - ??!?!?!!!!! $;! $:$? $($(($$ okay so?!?!? fuck i literally agree like FUCKK šŸ˜­ taki can be so submissive to the point where if u told him to get on all fours and bark then he fucking would. this man will do anything for some pussy like im being so fr. he just might fall over and die if u haven't made him cum in a little while cuz he's like erm hello??? but he's such a good sub like genuinely šŸ˜ž but as a dom?? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« can't even properly process the thoughts that are happening in my mind but i just know he's rough and mean like u said, a little controlling too if im so so honest with u ohhh em geeeee. like maybe he only rlly doms on specific occasions or like maybe u both just switch often cuz i could see him needing someone who's willing to switch up regularly depending on your moods yk? (FUCK HOW'D THIS PARAGRAPH GET SO LONG??? i feel like i didn't even say anything šŸ˜­)
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envy-of-the-apple Ā· 10 months ago
I cant stop thinking about mafia boss suguru constantly changing plans for reader on the fly everytime he meets her since the DAY HE MET YOU IN PERSON
I just feel like he is because i kept thinking back on reader's fumble at suguru's meeting and making her sit on his lap, that's just an out of pocket thing to do to your employee(especially if youre turning a blind eye to him and his tame advancements) and my brain got out of hand with its assumptions every moment suguru decides what to do with reader
I mean it would be a cute (twisted)romance when he mentioned doing his background check with apathy then when he met you for real he never expected a barrage of feelings he felt for you, so originally he would pimp you out, but in you go to do office work instead because youre mine or rather ours now, and then proceeded to do an impressive feat of lightning quick decisions that luckily tips to his favor, like your confrontation with your father's aggrieved enemies and was presented with fool proof of an opportunity to have a solid future with you(im fuming he just let that dude go and let men from rivaling groups vex us!)
As much as premeditated machinations go, lucky bastard suguru is unironically funny and brushing with your father's enemy feels like a moment he never anticipated?? Idk, that part cemented what my brain is cooking of him
Would you ever consider dropping another part for suguru's pov? I really wanna know at what point he fell for reader(and i wanna know what hes thinking when reader said "just for one night šŸ„ŗ")
omg seeing this in my inbox was such a treat! I love it when yall get analytical.
What can I say? Suguru is an opportunist, he's sadistic enough to let you get bullied and tossed around a little, just so you can plead and cry so prettily in his arms. If if makes you feel any better, Suguru was keeping a close eye on the men who crashed Miss Gem's apartment, and made sure you weren't there to get hurt. He just wanted to scare you enough to coax you into his arms lololol. So many people theorized that he was the one who orchestrated it, (he didn't, suguru hates getting his hands dirty). How could he have known that letting that man get away would cause this domino effect? If anything he and his husband are the good guys for giving you a refuge for such a low price.
Omg the love at first sight trope is so funny for Suguru. Buuut if you reread the fic again you might find that's not exactly what happened:).
I really like the way this ended so I probably wont be making a part two or anything in suguru's pov. buut to answer your last question suguru was definitely nodding along but in his head he was going 'right like we're ever letting you go after this'.
After all, it wasn't really a choice. But for your sake, he made you think you had one. See, he really does love you;)
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kenlvry Ā· 2 years ago
cheating prank
s : pranking kenny kyle craig and stan wasn't easy, but it also wasn't impossible.
youve been wearing different perfume for a week now to test kenny, a mans perfume. it was a harmless joke yk its what couples do (not really)
you just wanted to see if he noticed your change in perfume from your sweet scent to a heavy one
you honestly thought that kenny didnt notice but kenny notices, every time he hugs you he sniffs in your scent and recently its gone to feminine to masculine.
your suppose to be hanging out with kenny right now, checking yourself out and fixing your outfit in the mirror you remember to spray your perfume all over, a ring to your bell stops you in your track and you hid the perfume.
"kenny!! hii, you ready?" you said while greeting kenny, his face beamed and hugged you his head falls to your shoulder, face in the crook of your neck sniffing in your scent.
after smelling the familiar scent his smile turn into a frown and tightening his grip on your body "k..kenny" tapping his back violently.
he pulls back with a stern look on his face and walks past you going in your house and searching every inch of your house, you following behind urging him to stop
"ken what r you doing?? if ur looking for something just ask" he stops in your hallway and turn back, running his fingers through his hair
"where is he? its been a week,it seems like you love this man so much to the point you see him before going out with me," he approaches you towering over you. "please, i dont care how many men you want just dont leave me"
you couldn't hold it in and laughed loudly, it lasted about 10 seconds. "you think this is funny?" "IM.. HAHAHA IM JUST PRANKING YOU IDIOT" you continue to laugh while his face go dumb "WJAY, I LITERALLY JUST BEGGED YOU RO NOR LEAVE ME YOU KNOW HOW EMBARASISING THAT WAS??" you laugh even louder at this "WHY WPULD I CHEAT ON YOU STUPIS"
he sulked after that, took three days to get him to talk to you... never again will you prank him
coming home late wasn't a rare occurrence for you, i mean its not rare you go home past 12 but its 2 am and youve been coming home late for a week and a half now, kyle thought work had taken longer than its supposed to but after a call with a friend from where you work at saying work ended hours ago he goes fuming
hes sitting infront of the door arms cross on the chair he pulled from the dining room. contemplating whether to call you and confront you through call or wait for you
honestly you've been meeting up with your online friend and always forgets the time so really.. was it your fault??
keys clacking he stood up from his chair eyes focused on the door, "oh hi, thought you'd be asleep" you smiled , he opened his arms for his hug everytime you see him but you gave him a side hug and walked away. you had to hold in every urge to hug him tightly
he couldn't take it, if you lost feelings for him you couldve been honest. "y/n, are you even trying to hide it?" he says leaning on the countertop kitchen while you wash your hands
"kyle what?" "i mean if you lost feelings for me atleast tell me so i dont look dumb" he rolls his eyes "the house is yours for the night, have him over, kiss make out heck fuck if you want. im leaving"
you didn't know it'll take this far, your too shook to say anything and hes already putting on his jackets and shoes "wait kyle its-" "its what? a misunderstanding? its not what it looks like? fuck your excuses, i actually trusted you and thought you were at work, i was cooking waiting for you to come home so you could enjoy your meal after a long day at work but your coworker said work ended hours ago so what the hell? i cant even-" "its a prank."
he just stood there, frozen mouth wide open from what he was about to say "im sorry i didn't know i thought it was going to be harmless" you hug the stoned man
hugging you back he sniffles "shit don't scare me like that." your heart shattered when he sniffled fr, after that night you took him out to so many dates ur basically poor
you usually never hide your phone from craig when someone texts you, infact you never did it once. you even let him type back to said person
but lately every time you get a message youd look at it secretly or get up from the couch just to check on it, everytime you put back your phone its facing down and you take it anywhere you sometimes laugh and giggle like a disney princess when you get a notification
now you had to make this believable, youd play your message ringtone and laugh while looking at your settings, texting your friend beforehand so when she replies it seems like someone texted you. to make it work you had to have some effort right?
craig seems like he dont give a fuck honestly but he is so curious he wants to know so bad he is such a busy body, he doesn't really suspect its a man he just thinks its really juicy gossip about his close friends so you try not to let him know
but after telling his friends thinking it was a funny thing hes shocked by the stories, some said that the last time their ex did it, it ended up being a man and they broke up. the other said the last time that happened their ex just randomly broke up with them just to find them taken the next day.
oh now his curiosity has grown from a hundred to a million. he gets it now, why you put your phone downwards or how you immediately grab your phone when his hands go to grab something near your phone.
that night you slept at his house, he's about to sleep, phone on the bedside table and ready to snooze, but you haddd to text your secret lover laughing oh so sweetly while typing back. tbh you were texting your bestfriend and she made to most funniest joke so...
"okay y/n ive had enough" he sits up and looks at you, your face puzzled. "dont play dumb bc i know damn well that you are texting your secret lover" you finally realised what hes talking about and you too sit up, holding back a smile.
"fuck y/n we've been together for 2 years, ive loved you all these 2 years but i guess you haven't. get out. i dont want some fucking cheater in my house" he gets up before you can say anything and rushes you downstairs and infront of the door, you tried explaining but he just wouldn't listen.
just as you're out on the porch you turned around "wait craig its a-" the door slams infront of you. damn. girl u messed up
craig sniffles walking up the stairs, two year relationship gone like that. ding a notification from his phone, he opens it and its you
"its a prank" hes dumbfounded and runs back to the door opening it to find you literally hugging yourself freezing with the cold weather, hugging you he sighs "fuck you"
you laugh "sorry craig"
after that he might have some trust issues but every notification you got you make sure he sees it first so he doesn't get paranoid.
now stan doesn't give a fuck honestly, he doesn't care who you hang out with what you do with them or what happens, he trusts you ALOT. meaning this prank had to be really believable.
you thought long and hard and finally got it, everytime stan comes over (which is every second) you are going to make a fuss whispering "hide" to make it seem like someone was at your house , genius right?? :)
stan notices quickly, at first all you do is make a lot of rustles, loud noises and eventually the Whispers
stan is immediately curious, you never hide your friends from him bc you know he doesn't care. ultimately his first instinct is to try and search the house but you insist on staying in the living room because your room is 'a mess' but who is buying that honestly?
his suspicions grew and he can't take it, he hears the whispers he hears the loud footsteps up the stairs and he hears you rushing around the house hiding stuff and hes devastated. he cant believe you'd cheat on him
hes had enough, he wouldve barged in to catch you in surprise but you have your house locked, the second you open your door he walks upstairs and you smile and almost laughed, you stopped him saying nothings up there and he shouldn't go in again, using the its a mess excuse but he doesn't care.
he immediately barges in your room and you pause, you walk in sitting on your bed legs cross and smiling
"hes under the bed is he?" "really y/n? cheating on me? you couldve told me you lost feelings, say something or atleast hint at it, fuck man." he turns around one hand on his waist the other rubbing his face. you felt bad and decided to call it off , walking up and turning him around you found him crying. you felt so bad
"stan omg its a prank im so sorry i love you" you hug him and he drops his head on your shoulder arms around you. "you love me right?" he mumbles and you hum "always" he looks up cupping your face and kisses you, his salty tears mixing in with the kiss. you kiss him back and literally curse yourself inside for hurting this man.
your trust in each other grew after a long talk and a whole week of spending every minute together. safe to says hes convinced you love him.
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zialltops Ā· 1 year ago
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honeysuckleā€™s & huckleberryā€™s
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Cowboy!Joel (41) X F!Reader (25) | 4.7k | wip | explicit | 18+ minors dni | enemies to lovers | slow burn | au: no cordyceps outbreak
After four years away at collage, youā€™re finally home with the tools and knowledge to save your family ranch. That is, if their ranch hand would stay out of your way.
Or: Ranch hand Joel doesnā€™t know how to handle the return of his bosses prodigy daughter, her snarky little attitude, or her sinfully tight jeans.
a/n: phew this chapter was hard to write because all i want it for them to kiss already. these two are so at each others throats that i cant WAIT to write that in the form of the devils tango. please let me know what you guys think, comments fuel my desire to writešŸ¤
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AO3 Link šŸ¤
Chapter 2: Northern Attitude
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Three days of bad weather pass before Joel is able to get the truck out of the snow to drag your car out of the embankmentā€”but he chooses not to anyway. Heā€™s spent the last three days working and avoiding you, because he canā€™t keep his head from spouting off about how much you piss him off and how good you look doing it.
And piss him off, you do. The morning after your first night home, Joel was shoveling off the steps and the front driveway when you came out of the house in a pair of pants that look like they have been in your closet for years because god damn, they are tight. He doesnā€™t miss the look on your face when you find your way into the snow where heā€™s working. ā€œLike my stupid fucking shoes? I wore them so Iā€™d look nice when I saw my parentsā€”thought there was some delicious cowboy here to impress. But now they are all I have to wear because some bullheaded asshole left my car on the side of the road with all of my belongings in it.ā€
Him, being the bullheaded asshole instead of the delicious cowboy. Heā€™s fuming, if he wasnā€™t already panting, heā€™s sure there would be steam rolling out of his ears right about now. He can't stand you. Cant stand your cocky attitude and the way you hold your hands on your hipā€™sā€”those sexy little fuckingā€”Joel! ā€œShould have known better than to show up in the middle of winter in those damn heels. You did that to yourself. You should know the only thing youā€™re findinā€™ here is cow shit and snow.ā€ You cross your arms and look over his shoulder. ā€œYeahā€”nothing but bullshit here.ā€ He turns to find Tommy, his eyes on your figure in your stupidly tight outfit, heā€™d always been the bolder of the two. ā€œNice shoesā€¦yā€™know, they do seem practical, youā€™re a few inches above the cold, yā€™know? Donā€™t ya think, Joel?ā€ You smile at him and Joel sees red, that trading asshole. ā€œYā€™know, I was still gonna pull you out, bullheaded asshole here was the one who insisted we leave you.ā€
If Joel was a better man, heā€™d tell his brother to fuck offā€”but heā€™s not, so he socks him in the mouth and gives him a nasty bruise and a split lip. Both of you hightail it away from the driveway and Joel gets back to his shoveling.
Since that day, itā€™s been a non-stop onslaught of demeaning remarks. You sneer at him when you pass him in the halls, so he sticks to the hunting cabin he and Tommy occupy for a whole day. When he comes in for supper, you sneer at him again. ā€œWhat, do you just hide out all day, doing jack shit?ā€ He started this, he knows that, and there isnā€™t much he can do since he left you for dead on the side of the road a few days ago. He huffs at you when he sits down across from you while everyone else gets their plates in the kitchen. His voice is somewhere between a whisper and an aggravated shout. ā€œIā€™ve been taking care of the cattle, what the hell have you been doing all day, huh? With that big fancy degree? Hid in the house all day and do your nails?ā€ The nails in question are a sharp blue color, a homage to the crisp skies as the sun sets amongst the gloomy clouds, radiating dark indigo across the plains. His stomach curls when his brain supplies the image of them wrapped around his cockā€”both your little hands, manicured and soft andā€”son of aā€”ā€œActually, I think I forgot to check the fences. Miss Lou, do you mind if I pack this up to go?ā€ He did forget, and he should do that, but it could have waited another day. He really needs a reason to get away from your accusing eyes right now, away from the way you unwillingly make him feel ridged all over.
He checks all the fences on the half mile walk to the hunting cabin, eats his supper at the sad little table and tries (he fucking tries, okay?) to keep his hands off himself. It aches, aches when he gets hard, like a damn weight between his legs that makes him feel dizzy from lack of blood in his poor muddled brain. He gets crazyā€”can't stand the thought of another person having so much control over his senses that he can't control his own bodily functions. He hates that youā€™ve weaseled your way in to his weaknessesā€”pretty eyes, smarter than him, hard to get with an attitude. It pisses him off so bad that his body reacts before his mind can gain clarity enough to tell himself no. But how can he, when all he can think about is what this is doing to him.
He cant stop thinking about how much of a bitch you are, about the type of men you probably pulled while off in collage and how you expected some kind of Adonis and what you got was just Joel. Your disappointment in his mere existence does nothing to flag how hard he is when he finally gets his hands in his pants. It should be alarming how fast heā€™s got himself on the edge on the image of you glaring him down, blackmailing him just so he can be your own personal verbal punching bag.
What the fuck is wrong with him, that being treated like garbage gets him so worked up. Is it because he knows it's something he'll never have? Like nothing else in the world can, youā€™ve got him hot and stiff in his large hand, after three days of knowing you, his head tipped back against his pillow and his eternal gratefulness that Tommy is still eating supper at the main house. At least he wont have to witness the way Joelā€™s resolve goes down the drain when he thinks about those pretty eyes, those nimble fingers and that bratty little attitude. He cums when he thinks about your stupid fucking shoes and how angry you are at him that youā€™re stuck wearing them.
Tomorrow, heā€™ll tell you he still cant get your car out, even if all the fucking snow melts, just so he can watch you walk around in them for a little longer, so he can hate you a little bit more. Maybe his distaste will bleed out the want, but Joel has never been that lucky.
Itā€™s damn late by the time Tommy makes it homeā€”or maybe itā€™s not, but Joel's guilty hand found the neck of a bottle a few moments after washing it clean, so heā€™s completely lost track of time. Drowning his troubles was the best thing he could come up with, so he tipped the bottle back until it was empty and his head felt like it was in a fish bowl.
The door throws open when heā€™s leaned all the way back in a chair at the little dining table, his bottle sitting empty in front of him and his mind reeling. ā€œClose the damn door, itā€™s freezing!ā€ He doesnā€™t open his eyes, because heā€™s got the spins and the last thing he wants to do right now is throw up.
ā€œAint me.ā€ He hears Tommyā€™s voice somewhere in the living room and he finally peeks an eye open and glances towards the door.
ā€œYou really are a piece of work, arenā€™t you?ā€ Itā€™s you, standing in the doorway and letting in all the cold residing outside of these walls. Joel attempts to lean forward, but his weight wobbles and the chair falls backwards on the hardwood. ā€œThis is why this ranch doesnā€™t make any profit. You spend your days drunk off your ass, donā€™t you?ā€ Her tone is so accusing and snappy, if Joel had half a mind he would pull himself off this floor and give her a piece of it.
ā€œSā€™the end of the day, Iā€™m not workinā€™, ā€˜n I can do whatever I want.ā€ He pulls himself up using the table and he stand there for a moment, trying to let his head catch up with the rest of his body. ā€œI came down here to tell you I want my car out tomorrow morning first thing. But, by the looks of it you wont be good for a damn thing in the morning.ā€
He groans and walks over to the door on wobbly legs, his vision is blurry but the drunk part of his brain supplies that you walked all the way here with Tommy just to bark orders at him. So, Tommy is definitely a fucking traitor, getting cozy with you when he knows how irritating Joel finds you to be. Even if you look damn good with those wind bitten red cheeks that would look so good hallowed out around hisā€”cā€™mon, Joel. ā€œIā€™ll be up before you, smartass. I have livestock to feed, ā€˜sides, I told you I'd pull it out when I could. Snowā€™s still too thick.ā€ Joel uses the door frame to hold him up while you look him over from the porch. ā€œI wasnā€™t asking you to pull it out, Im telling you.ā€ Telling him? Like heā€™s not his own goddamned person, who makes decisions around here of his own? Hank asked him over a year ago to manage the ranch on his ownā€”heā€™s been the one calling the shots here for some time, so what gives you the right to stand on his porch and tell him what heā€™s going to do?
ā€œYou might be the all reining princess in their eyes, but do not push me, Honey. Iā€™m not the one to fuck with,ā€ your eyes narrow and your arms cross over your chest like that might somehow make him second guess his boldness. You take a few steps closer and puff your chest out, point your nose up at him with a hard glare. ā€œWhat are you going to do about it, huh? Not a damn thing.ā€ Actually, one thing does come to mind and it takes everything in Joels power not to grab you by your hair and bend you over the back of the couch, show you exactly what heā€™s going to do about it.
Instead, he stands there in the frigid air, looking down at you like a pissed off little mouse staring down an alley cat, so fucking brave that he questions if heā€™s an alley cat at all. ā€œWhen you can run this ranch by yourself, then you can look down your nose at me, but until then, youā€™re going to need some taller stupid fucking shoes.ā€ He wouldnā€™t have the balls to say these things to you if not for the whiskey burning through his veins. Actually, heā€™s been pretty weary of telling you off, because the last thing he needs is you telling your parents, who obviously would believe you over him. But right now? Fresh off half a bottle and a mind numbing orgasm? He has all the courage in the world.
ā€œI want my car out. I want my things and my clothes. You have until tomorrow night, or my parents can find new ranch hands.ā€ He scoffs and his anxiety only bubbles up a little bitā€”heā€™ll pay for it tomorrow, but right now heā€™s pissed. ā€œWell you better hurry back there and get on it. Iā€™ll tell ya whatā€”Iā€™ll even help you hang up the flyers, hows that sound?ā€ Your face is beat red in an attempt to contain your anger, your eyebrows are drawn together in the kind of pout that makes Joel chub up in his sleep pants. Heā€™d rather sleep out in the snow than to have you see the way your attempt at aggravation works him up, so he starts to close the door on himself. ā€œBetter get to it, unless you want to be the one up at four thirty to feed.ā€ He closes the door, turns his body and lets himself slump against the wood. His palm finds the front of his pants and he pushes, attempting to quell the sudden rush of blood that makes his head spin more than the alcohol in his system. ā€œDamnā€¦sheā€™s gettinā€™ to you, huh?ā€
Itā€™s Tommyā€™s obnoxious fucking voice in his head, standing near the hallway to the two small bedrooms. ā€œFuck off, Tommy, you know how it is for me.ā€ The younger man laughs, crossing his arms over his chest. ā€œI'm just sayinā€™, itā€™s kind of funny. Nobody gets under your skin like that. Does fightinā€™ really do it for you?ā€ His voice is dripping with amusement and Joel wants to punch him again. ā€œIt ainā€™t the fightinā€™.ā€ Tommy rolls his eyes when Joel reaches into his pants to adjust the discomfort. ā€œOh, thats right. Your shitty attitude comes sometime after she gets your big olā€™ā€”ā€œ Joel growls at him, ā€Tommy, if you donā€™t shut the fuck up right now, Iā€™m going to drag you out in the snow and beat your ass.ā€
It does the trick, because Tommy knows Joel isnā€™t kidding, heā€™s always been the stronger of the two, the one whoā€™s always put Tommy in his place and heā€™s never been afraid to sock him square in his mouth when he runs it like he is now. ā€œYou know it bothers me when I can't control it. I canā€™t hide it. And she justā€”sheā€”sheā€™s one of them girls you know? The oneā€™s that you donā€™t stand a chance with but they rub it in your face anyways and I canā€™t fucking stand it. Itā€™s embarrassinā€™.ā€
He leans away from the door and makes his way over to the couch. When he plops down, his head finds his hands and he drags his calloused fingers through his curly, wind whipped locks. ā€œWhat if you did stand a chance? Been a really long time since youā€™ve let yourself have anything.ā€ Tommy finds the seat beside him and their heated argument shifts into a tender conversation, one brother to another, one man to his best friend in the whole world. ā€œAinā€™t about what I can have, tom, sheā€™s Hanks daughter and Iā€™m double her age, at least. This,ā€ he gestures to himself vaguely. ā€œThis is the last thing a girl like her wants to get themselves tied up in. Canā€™tā€”one and done it like you can. Takes someā€¦workinā€™ up to.ā€
Tommy pushes his shoulder with a small snort. ā€œAlways wondered how you got that thing in anyone.ā€ He hasnā€™t wonderedā€”heā€™s asked for years, and Joel being the closed off man he is, never had the heart to spill his bed-mates secrets. But there hasnā€™t been anyone for years, certainly not someone like you who can get him going faster than anyone heā€™s ever met. ā€œJustā€”lots ofā€¦stretching. Things I can't do during a tumble in the hay, alright? And not everyone wants to deal with thatā€”fuck knowā€™s I donā€™t.ā€
Deal with the rejection of someone seeing him naked and kindly (or not so kindly) telling him that they arenā€™t interested anymore, deal with the look of shock women give him when heā€™s pressed up against themā€”when they feel it. Heā€™s tired of itā€”so he doesnā€™t try anymore. Having you at his doorstep, flooring that desire in him? He can't deal with that. ā€œI always thought it would be kind of an appeal to women, donā€™t they like that? I mean, I didnā€™t get your genes but Iā€™m not doinā€™ too bad, they seem to like it.ā€ Not doing too bad? To be normal, lead a normal life where he doesnā€™t have to bring anxieties to a moment he should only bring pleasure? ā€œIt ainā€™t all puppies and rainbows, manā€¦nine times out of ten were good and theyā€™re into it until I get my pants off. Then they hightail it out of there before I even have a chance to explain myself.ā€
Itā€™s an embarrassing conversation to have with your brother, but Joel is grateful that he at least has someone he can talk about this with, above all else. The years heā€™s struggled, the supposed highs that only led to disappointment. It's been one minuscule moment of rejection after another, and heā€™s not asking for a lot, just to feel what everyone else gets to feelā€”normal, wanted, less like a freak and more like something to be desired. All for something he canā€™t change about himself, because believe him he wants to.
ā€œIā€™m sorry manā€¦I canā€™t relate, but I know how hard it is for you. One day, some crazy bitch is going to love yourā€¦terrifying dick.ā€ He snorts loudly and rolls his eyes at his little brother. ā€œToday ainā€™t the day, but thanks, Tomā€¦ā€ his head is still spinning and if he doesnā€™t go to bed soon, he won't make it out to feed before the sun hits the horizon. Tommy heads to his room, but Joel finds a blanket and curls up on the couch with a trash can at his sideā€”just incase he needs to throw up before morning comes and he sobers up.
He does make it out to feed. It takes him an hour to get a hundred and fifty heads of cattle fedā€”he canā€™t wait till spring when they can be turned out to pasture, when half of them are sold off and the breeding season restarts. The cold, stand still winters drive him crazy on every ranch heā€™s ever worked, but this one more than most, because the cold is bone deep and there's you now, to drive him crazy in every possible direction.
When heā€™s done with the cattle, he takes inventory of the feed room, makeā€™s a list to take with himself to town when the roads are cleared, then makes his way over to the stable. If there is one thing he can find solitude in, itā€™s snorting, fussing, grouchy ass horses early in the morning. Theyā€™ll kick at the stalls until heā€™s filled their feeders, snort cold air at him like they donā€™t want his companyā€”he finds a lot of himself in the equineā€™s, misunderstood unless you get to know them like he has. He finds that his favorite place to be is in a saddle, pushing cattle through spring summer and fall, just him and them and all the trust in each other they have to offer.
Once they are fed, he finds his tack bucket and pulls open the stall to a young mare theyā€™d bought last summer. She was ready to break this spring, but Hank had all but given up on the Morgan. So much so that heā€™d handed Joel her bridle one morning and told him ā€œif you can get through to her, sheā€™s all yours, son.ā€
She wasnā€™t a big horse, compared to others over her breed, but she had an untamable mane and tail that Joel has to keep braided or it becomes a rat's nest. Sheā€™s all over the place, spooky with a fear of water that Joel can't seem to help her get over. For such a pretty little Palomino, she sure has a lot of fight in her.
ā€œHey, pissy girl.ā€ He hums when she flicks her tail at him, pulling her head out of her feeder just long enough to look back at him. Heā€™s been the only person she lets in the stall since they got her, the only person who can give her a good brush down and stand behind her without getting a hoof to the chest. ā€œDonā€™t look at me like that, okay? I had stuff to do before I could bring you guys breakfast. Besides, youā€™re gettinā€™ fat.ā€ He pats her on her flank, watches dust come up under his hand. He starts brushing her down when he hears the stable doors come open. He knows it's not Tommy, because heā€™s in the north field checking on the heifers who are getting ready to calf. They still have a few more weeks, but it's good to keep track in the middle of the kind of storms theyā€™ve been getting. The last thing they need is losing a calf to this kind of cold.
ā€œJoel? You in here?ā€ Itā€™s Hanks booming voice in the desolate stable. ā€œYeah, Iā€™m in here Hank!ā€ He sets down the brush and steps out of the stall because he knows Hank won't come in it. ā€œI was tryinā€™ to find you before my daughter did. She been through here yet?ā€ His stomach drops and curlsā€”did she tell him? About the argument they had on his porch last night? That he was drunk off his ass drowning his emotions like he always has? ā€œI donā€™t know what she might haveā€¦told you, but it was at homeā€”the cows were good, animals fed, I wasnā€™tā€”ā€œ Hank makes a face and shakes his head. ā€œSon, I ainā€™t mad at you for nothinā€™. I told her youā€™re allowed to have a few drinks when youā€™re done with your work. She can be veryā€¦aggravating, if anyone knows that it's me. I just wanted to apologize before she comes in a raging ball of fire because shes embarrassed about her shoes.ā€
Embarrassed? Sheā€™s embarrassed about walking around in those boots that make her ass look like it was sculpted by gods? Those damn shoes that can get him hard in an instant? ā€œSheā€™s embarrassed about them?ā€
Hank cracks a soft smile and puts his hands on his hips. ā€œMost of that fire comes from a hurt place. She's all bark and no biteā€”ā€œ Joel scoffs. ā€œShe just about bit my head off last night. I might have said some things I shouldnā€™t have.ā€ Hank has always been understanding and kind the entire time Joel has known him. ā€œI know, we talked about it. She said I need new ranch hands and I told her I donā€™t trust anyone to run this ranch but you. Donā€™t worry, I won't let her run you off. I really thought college would set her straight, but sheā€™s still got that stubborn attitude of hers. Justā€”keep yourself busy and sheā€™ll give up eventually. Donā€™t be afraid to defend yourself, either. Iā€™m not going to get mad at you for standing up to her.ā€
Its more of a relief than he thought it would be to hear Hank stick up for him. You must have ran home to tattle on him, but knowing Hank has his back eases the anxiousness built up in him from the night before. ā€œAnywaysā€¦when you see her, maybe Tommy can take her to get her things until we can get her car out, so she can get off of everyones back.ā€ Itā€™s going to have to be Tommyā€”there's no way in hell Joel can handle being in a car with her by himself with his current situation. ā€œAbsolutely, thank you Hank.ā€ The man heads out the door with a genuine smile. ā€œDonā€™t be too late for breakfast! Louise made fresh jam.ā€
Breakfast sounds like a dream to his empty stomach, so he gets back to the task at hand so he can spare himself a few minutes of downtime to eat before he gets back to work. He steps back into the stall, runs his hand across the top of his horse's back and sighs. ā€œMaybe I should cut her some slack, huh Cersei? Youā€™re kind of a bitch, but youā€™re still my favorite girl.ā€ The horse nickers at him, flicks her tail and waits patiently for him to get back to brushing out her winter coat.
Itā€™s breakfast when he finally sets eyes on you again, but you arenā€™t in those damn shoesā€”youā€™re barefoot like that's somehow any better. Youā€™re barefoot in what looks like an old pair of your pajamas, like you just rolled out of bed when itā€™s already eight in the morning. ā€œLook what the cat dragged in.ā€ You sneer at him a little when he sits down across from you with his plate. Tommy hasnā€™t made it inside yet and Hank and Louise are in the living-room after theyā€™ve already finished eating.
ā€œIā€™ve been up for hours, what were you doing? Cant learn to manage a ranch if you sleep until eight in the morning.ā€ Joel feels like he has the upper hand, and based on the look on your face, you know it too. ā€œThatā€™s what I have you for, to do all the grunt shit I donā€™t want to. I slept like a baby.ā€ Joel on the other hand tossed and turned all night, willing away his morning wood for hours until he finally gave in and wrapped his hand around himself in the dark of his room under his soft quilt, where your prying eyes couldnā€™t reach.
Itā€™s the only damn thing keeping him from chubbing up in his jeans, looking at you across the table in a pair of sleep shorts that ride up and leave little to his imagination. He thinks about how easy it would be to pull them aside and slip his fingers through your lipsā€”if he would be able to get you wet. Itā€™s enough to get him excited, so he tries to find a way out before it becomes too big of a problem.
ā€œWhere are you going?ā€ He looks down at his plate, devising a plan to leave with it, so he can at least finish his breakfast. ā€œUhmā€¦I have a lot to do today, figured I would get back to it while the day is young.ā€ You push your chair back and stand as well, Joelā€™s eyes must have a mind of their own because they track up your bare thighs to the bottom of your shorts that have ridden up so much the fabric is pulled tight along the outline of your centerā€”goddamn he can fucking see your pussy. He makes a sharp sound, choking on the spit building up in his mouth as it waters.
ā€œYou arenā€™t doing anything until you get my car out, you hear me? Iā€™m not walking around another second like this.ā€ You gesture to yourselfā€”Joel couldnā€™t agree more. You need to wear clothes that fit you if he wants to keep his dick to himself. ā€œTommy is going to take you, heā€™ll be in soon.ā€ You shake your head at him with a huff. ā€œNo, I donā€™t want Tommy taking me, heā€™s not the one responsible for leaving my car in the snow. You are getting my car out.ā€
He wants to argue some more, but arguing with you makes him horny and the last thing he needs is to be that worked up in a car with you for an extended period of time.
ā€œFuckā€”alright, fineā€”give me fifteen minutes and Iā€™ll meet you at the truck.ā€
Itā€™s a shit ass excuse to run back to the cabin and spend ten minutes jacking off as fast as he can fucking manage so he can control himself in the truck. Itā€™s a futile attempt to control the way Hanks spitfire of a daughter makes him hotter than the surface of the sun.
You are going to be the death of him.
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meowzilla93 Ā· 1 year ago
Possessive Derek! maybe a little OOC buuuuut thats what HC and AUs are for!
At the request of the lovely @differenteagletragedy! now im not going full yandere style, just more like, they have wanted you and want to keep you to themselves type deal
Ill throw out one for Baxter and Cove a little later on, these boys make me feel so many thing
Lets go back a bit with Derek because he has been there since you were 13, this boy has been around and has had to listen to everything that you have gone through
You guys are keeping contact throughout high school, and of course the holidays come and go, but each year, Valentines day comes and Derek is slightly fuming
You are in your 10th year and this year, you receive chocolates and roses from people, some just as a holiday thing, others who are trying to vie for your affection
Of course, you already have someone who has captured your heart, even though you havenā€™t really admitted it to them yet
Youā€™re having you chat with him after school and you both are giggling over some story he is telling you
Derek then asks how school was and you tell him of all the flowers and chocolates and confessions you got due to Valentines
He goes quiet, and in a low voice asks how many flowers, chocolates etc etc
You have no idea why he is asking but tell him regardless
Rest of the conversation goes swimmingly, like nothing ever happened
A few weeks later though, you get a delivery, from an anonymous sender
Itā€™s a bouquet of your favourite flowers, snacks and a little card attached to it
ā€œNo one will ever know you the way I do.ā€
You cant help but blush at that proclamation, trying to figure out who wouldā€™ve sent that, not considering the conversation that happened during Valentines day
Oh but its school holidays now and he has that rare week or day off? He is going to spend his time attached to your hip
You are at the shopping complex and you walk into your friends from school, and one of them is just that bit flirty
You pay them no mind, as you are used to their antics, and as they turn their attention to the other, you cant help but feel Dereks presence next to you, as you feel the ghost of his hand hovering over the lower of your back
When you look up at him, you are stunned by the dark look in his eyes as he stares at the friend that was flirting at you earlier
ā€œDerek?ā€ The look disappears as if it wasnā€™t even there to begin with. ā€œYes?ā€ ā€œIs everything okay? You looked, upsetā€¦ā€ ā€œWhat? No everything is fine!ā€ Throwing you a smile that would put the sun to shame ā€œDo you want to ditch these guys and make our way to the beach? Iā€™ll even carry you the whole way.ā€
Letting out a little squeal you agreed in a hurry, as Derek dips down to let you on his back and he carries you away, looking back on last time, catching the eye of the friend and making sure to deliver the message to stay away
Oh but when he hears about dancing boy come back into your life and finds out how open and flirty he is, Derek is beside himself
He cant meet with you until the end of summer
At the start all he can do is message you each day, making sure you are fine, fishing for information about Baxter and how he was acting towards you
You are fond of the monochrome man, but just stay as friends the entire time, but Derek can only see you falling further and further for him
A little self conscious of his emotions, he pulls back a touch and stops contact for a bit, blaming the scholarship he was doing
The Mountains trip comes and this was his undoing
He begs you not to go, its not safe, what if something happens, he isnā€™t here for you
But nothing deters you and you go, a touch annoyed with how he acted about this
The trip comes and goes, and a few days after you are back at home, there is a knock on your front door
Its Derek and his beautiful emerald eyes, staring at you longingly and sadness
He apologizes for the way he acted, he didnā€™t want to push you away and it seems he was becoming a touch controlling over you
You have a long talk and are able to get back to where you both were before all this happened
Proposing the idea to meet Baxter so he can meet him himself and see that he was harmless
Within moments of meeting, Baxter clicks that Derek is head over heels for you as when the two shook hands, Baxter felt a hard pressure on his hand. Though there was a sunny smile on Dereksā€™ face, there was a touch of a threat in his hand. Smiling amiably, he doesnā€™t react to the events transpired, but does ease off the flirty banter with you
After that summer ends, and Baxter hurts you with his dismissive attitude, Derek makes a promise to you that he will never let anyone like that hurt you ever again, making a mental note to maybe wreck pretty boys face if he ever gets the chance
Once you finally get together, he will always make sure to be by your side so that no one makes the mistake thinking you are available
Should you get compliments from someone at work, he will make sure to send you something to the office to remind you of him, and make others aware of him
Someone catcalls you, and he is right there? Oh there will be words
In the club or a bar and someone tries to hit you up. You end up on his lap/knee with a firm hand on your hip as he stares down the other person
Derek has spent 10 years yearning for you and trying to make sure you see him and no one else. He will spend the rest of his life keeping your gaze only on him
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belit0 Ā· 2 years ago
hi there. i really love ur blog so much!! definitely cant find other blogs that dedicated to our uchihaā€™s daddies out there than yours!! hshshshhs. šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ
can i know what will all the uchihaā€™s reaction especially indra and madara (such a suckers for them.šŸ˜©šŸ˜©) toward their s/o that can sing and also danceā€¦ i mean dance in sensual way? *winkwink.
Thank you so much for your words!!
Yeah, this blog is completely specific for them, there is no other way around itšŸ¤£šŸ’•
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- Charming and infuriating all at the same time. He loves her voice, listening to her sing is the beautiful part of the situation, but watching her dance triggers him in many different ways. On one hand it gives him a massive erection, on the other it cooks his brain with the fumes of his own anger. He'll do everything he can to try to stop (Y/N) from dancing and singing in public, keeping her all to himself, but if he can't help it, he'll refuse to even see her, until she decides not to do it anymore.
- More charming than infuriating, but similar to the Otsutsuki. (Y/N)'s talent never ceases to amaze him, and he adores having someone so versatile in so many ways by his side, it makes life interesting. Of course, when it's private. Madara won't say anything about it, he'll act indifferent to seeing her dance in public or sing, but he'll die inside. He will be at all her performances to make sure no one gets close to her, and will act as her bodyguard in public.
-Total arousal. Where did (Y/N) get so much talent and sensuality, and why has she never shown it before? Izuna has a hard-on from the first hip movement, and ends up unbuttoning his pants with the last step of her choreography. Her ability to sing is displayed after he fucks her for several hours, and probably makes her dance naked just for more pleasure. As for her voice, he doesn't think he's ever heard anything like it, but he won't admit it out loud.
- Panic mode activated. He doesn't know how to act calm in front of such a display of talent, but it is especially the dance that manages to blow his mind. Her voice is calm and soothing, it puts him to sleep and makes him feel safe, but seeing her move that way, with that suggestiveness, in such outrageous clothes... he doesn't know how to hide the fact his cock is getting hard, and doesn't want to look like a quickie who gets turned on by anything. He'll cross his legs and feign insanity until (Y/N) is done, he has no choice.
- Her biggest fan. Shisui is the one who sits in the front row and screams for her like he's the director of her fan club and not her boyfriend. He supports her performances and every show she puts on, be it singing or dancing, and the part he enjoys the most is watching her reject men who approach her without needing to be glued by her. Completely confident of his looks and the love between the two of them, the Uchiha loves to see how his wife gets them all off her back, and intervenes when someone doesn't understand.
- He keeps it professional, and thinks about kittens and grannies while watching (Y/N) dance. He doesn't want to come off as a disgusting man who gets horny over nothing and thinks with his second head, so he remains stoic throughout the entire performance. It's when she sings he can no longer keep up appearances, and he lets out a few tears of emotion for all that her voice generates in him. The woman has him in a choke hold, and she probably knows it.
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yrsdf Ā· 7 months ago
Do you happen to be taking requests at the moment? if so, could we have Highschool Charlie x Y/n (no smut!) just Charlie being a bully while also having secret feelings for Y/n, but Y/n just plainly doesn't like him cuz of his poor treatment of them
The Bully
charlie dompler
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school was usually an escape for most, but for you it was dreadful, you took extra long in the mornings getting ready contemplating whether to even go or not, but you sighed and got dressed. you packed your back pack with your homework and laptop you double checked your outfit and grabbed your car keys heading out of your room and parents home. you pressed the unlock button and opened your car door getting in and heading to school. as you approached the building you parked in your usual spot and got out of your car slinging your bag over your shoulder. you walked toward the school and got in by scanning your school ID.
you walked through the crowded hall and accidentally bumped into someone without paying attention, you looks up and connected eyes with a [pissed off] charlie dompler. you mentally winced at the fact youd bumped into him
"Im sorry charlie - i didnt see you there. wont happen again" you said truthfully, his angered eyes scanned your face momentarily before he scoffed, he adjusted his backpacks strap "i knew you had bird brain but seriously man - you cant be that dumb bumping into me" he said with a harsh tone that made a small frown appear across your face. "next time use your eyes - seems your brain hardly seems to work. y'know because you couldnt sense me coming." you were tempted to clap back a response but you sighed in defeat, which elicited a smile from his stupid face. you quickly apologized once more before hurrying off to class.
the day went on like everyother day until 8th period came around, you heard that charlies friend veronica was going to jump you, you kept a cool appearance acting as if you didnt hear a single word, you convinced yourself it was some sick prank or silly rumor.. the bell rang. you scurried out of class and made your way through jammed halls and out of the school to your car, before you could even reach your car you heard her "dont even think about getting in that car bitch." you turned to face her fuming face, you audibly gulped. "im sure you have the wrong person v..?" she scoffed before approaching you "i heard you degraded charlie this morning? you know i dont fuck with that." you went to speak but that resulted in a unexpected fist lodged in your nose. you stumbled back holding your nose, blood flowed between your finger tips and down your wrist. "i swear v! i didn-" her foot collided with your right rib cage resulting in a omph noise rising from your mouth, here you were getting beaten down with your back against your own car all over a stupid rumo-
"veronica??! what the hell man - dude.." charlie moved her and his eyes peered down at you, they widened at the gruesome look of your physical state "veronica seriously man - what the actual hell ran through your head when you did this?" she looked at him with guilt as they both fought it out you attempted to pull yourself up using your car door handle, you didnt notice her storm off until you felt a hand helping you up. "you seriously sat and took this beatdown? - are you stupid or something? i mean you have to be dumb taking this much damage with no retaliation" you saw pity in his exspression, you didnt care of his attempt at feelings. you pushed his touch away using your sleeve to rub the blood from under your nose "if this is your attempt at being nice charlie its not working, and stop getting your friends on me... im tired of playing punching bag."
you didnā€™t know but he felt a pain in his chest knowing there were fights you lost that he couldn't break up in time. his eyes scanned your broken face and you saw a sympathetic frown cross his face, you sighed at this and grabbed your keys from the floor unlocking your car that was behind your back. "listen man - ..im sorry alright? i helped you up and she left i mean - what more can i do?" you rolled your eyes seeing as he assumed common decency was a way to your heart. you saw a self centered smile cross his face which was actually a attempt at genuiness and you scoffed your eyes rolling as you grabbed your car door handle ā€œfuck you charlie." you got into your car and started it, you took no time leaving him in the dust.
requests open
leave opinions in the comments please
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sirius-blacks-official-girl Ā· 7 months ago
By the way : Part 2
Summary: Aelin and Rowan hate each others guts...or do they?
Warnings: Swearing, sugestiveness
Word count: 1K ish
Note: Aelin is just as down bad as Rowan
Aelin heaved, looking up at the rest of the wall she had to scale. Why did these gods-damned officials make their houses so long? Tightening up the rope around her waist, Aelin made her way up, and after a while she , finally, finally, made it to the rooftop. Just to find Rowan standing right there, leaning against the wall surrounding it. Aelin glared at him. "Hello Rowan whitethorn-in-my-ass. What do you want?" He snorts, "That's a new one." Aelin squints her eyes and plasters a large frown across her face, making any expression to annoy him. He continues, "What I want is you not to kill anyone who makes the mistake to piss you off, thanks,"
"Why not? It's so fun." She says, a sly expression on her face. "Fun or not, Aelin, it's maybe, I don't know, against the law?"
Aelin just stalks over to the other side of the roof, opposite Rowan and peers down to the city sprawled across. Looking back up, the clouds stop covering the moon, and her breath hitches. The moonlight now shining on him, she can see him perfectly. See him and his gray compression shirt, perfectly. Fuck. Why did he wear it? That was just a jibe, a ruse to keep him distracted. But was it really? She would be lying to herself if she said that she didn't fine some satisfaction in seeing him like that. I mean, who wouldn't!? He was built like a sculpture of the Greek gods, for wryd's sake! It wasn't just her. All the girls loved him. And his body. And his snide remarks whenever he spoke to her.
And his long hair. And how he laughed, a cute, small and breathy chuckle that made her feel like she was going to melt into the ground. Everybody thought of Rowan Whitethorn like that! She fumed, opening her mouth to say something, when they both snapped their head towards the rooftop door, hearing it creak open.
A very sleepy, obviously annoyed, read head clambered out of the stairwell. He held up his hands, "Sorry, if I'm, you know, inturrepting soemthings," His words slurred together, "But who are you, and whatthe absolute fuck are you doing in my house!?" finally. Aelin just smirked at him. "Hello, Arrobynn," In the blink of an eye, Aelin had whirled behind him, effectively locking him in a choke hold, perfectly with a dagger to his neck.
Rowan's absolutely disgusted look almost made her squirm, but she stood her ground, lifted her chin high. She knew who this man was, and what he was doing. Even if no one else did. "Aelin. Let go of him right.now." "No." Rowan moves to take a step towards them, but Aelin presses the blade deeper, drawing a bit of blood. "One more step towards us, white knight, and he's gone." Rowan halts, glowering at her. "Why the fuck are you like this Aelin? I know you have the potential to be a good person, so why do you do this?" Aelin looked at him, determination in her eyes. "You have no right, Rowan, none, to determine whether I am a good person or not. Whether I murder just him, or the whole gods-damned town, you cant tell me my own sense of morality" "Give him back, or I'm calling backup right now. You know how quickly you'll be cornered." Aelin's brows furl in contemplation, but she huffs a sigh. Rowan smiles. She hasn't denied him, it's only a matter of time before she hands him over.
Aelin throws him towards Rowan and she smiles. That's weird. He catches him, hevaing a sigh of relief. Just to find his throat slit, hanging from a thread. She cut him on the knife while throwing him. He opens his mouth to say something, only to find her gone.
Aelin stormed down the streets, her hood covering most of her facial features. Not like her storming gait was inviting anyone body to come near, anyway. She threw open the door to one of her many apartments. A small part of her eased when she found Ansel, Elide, Lysandra and Yrene there. Her group. Manon was off somewhere, so was Nesryn, but she was still happy to see them. Shrugging off her coat, Aelin slumped on a chair, massaging her temples. Ansel looks at her, concern in her eyes. "What's wrong, Ae?" Aelin looks up to find all of them looking at her. "Nothing it's just.." She sighs, leaning her head back onto the back of the chair. Yrene gets up, announcing, "I'll make some tea." Aelin calls a weak 'thanks' after her, and she looks back. "It's just, I know I'm supposed to hate him and allā€¦ But sometimes I feel.. Disgusting. Vile, to be honest. No matter what the reasons are, I'm still killing people aren't I? I mean, my literal job is to kill them and take their riches."
Ansel swivels on her wheeled chair."Listen, Aelin. We all know how you are. We all know that what you're doing is right, and no matter what others think you should know what you're doing, and have confidence in it!" Elide nods vigorously, "We also know what types of vile things these men were doing. If he finds out, he'll be on his knees thanking you, and begging for forgiveness." Another image of Rowan on his knees pops into Aelin's head, but she pushes it out to listen to Lysandra, feeling a blush rising in her cheeks. Lysandra continues,"I agree! No matter what happens Aelin, know what You're doing is right, and there is absolutely no need, none, to feel ashamed!" Just in time, Yrene returns with a steaming cup of tea in her hands, and hands it to Aelin. Aelin looks around, looking at each face, and feeling a rush of gratitude with each one. She gives them a small, genuine smile." Thank you, everyone. "
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katarasmomsnecklace Ā· 9 months ago
Someone was talking shit bout Katara again and I'm about to kill people
Warning LONG post sorry
EVERYONE always brings up the "then you didn't love her like I did" scene and you know what in Kataras angry vindicated righteous fury addled mind, that's how she feels
She heard Sokka say he can't remember their mom, that he can only see his YOUNGER sister when he tries to picture her
Katara is fucking fuming because she finally has a chance to hunt down the man that killed their mom and Sokka is trying to stop her and I'm sorry but Sokka CANT understand Kataras pain
While not outright stated, we know Katara knows why her mom died, she's known the whole time.
Her mom died in her place, that is something Sokka will never have to live with
Losing his mother obviously hurt him, duh I'm not going to devalue his trauma, but Sokkas trauma that gets explored in the show is not losing his mom, but his dad.
Another thing I hate is when people say, well Sokkas older so he spent more time with their mom, like way to fuck up your argument because you are saying their love of their mother can be objectively measured.
Also you're trying to tell me in a society dependent on gender roles Katara wasn't spending more time with their mother than Sokka yeah right.
Yall say she needed to apologize (which I completely agree with because at the end of the day it is an awful thing to say to your brother who while not impacted the same way was just as affected as you) but no one is saying Sokka needs apologize for making fun of Kataras waterbending (do yall not understand why she's so passionate about bending her mom DIED because Katara was a bender, Katara thinks she needs to prove that her mother's death wasn't in vain HER AND SOKKA ARE PARALLES Kataras trying to prove herself to their mom and Sokka their dad)
They are CHILDREN they deserve to talk about what they loved doing with their mom and how losing her hurt them differently.
Because they're kids, they can't grasp that grief is different for everyone. They were both so fucked up by her death but in almost opposite ways. Sokka represed that shit so hard it's insane please baby get therapy and Katara lives her life trying to ensure NO ONE forgets their mother's sacrifice.
Sokka forces himself to forget
Katara forces herself to remember
I wish Katara apologized because she was objectively wrong, Sokka did love their mom but he grieves differently. And once Katara returns she understands where Sokkas coming from. She was just angry he wasn't angry because she's a child and wanted to know her emotions and anger were valid but instead felt vilified by the person who was meant to understand.
I wanted to see Katara apologize to, because her and Sokka deserve to hug and cry and scream about how unfair the world is, they deserve to have a mother figure in each other (which they do, they basically raised each other) but I hate how yall say she's unforgivable for this.
Unforgivable really? Yall are too harsh on Katara, it was fucked up, like insanely fucked up but unforgivable?
I guess the point of this post was me asking yall to give Katara some slack especially yall Sokka stans cuz if you hate Katara for this I feel like you don't really get Sokka either.
Obviously they love each other and they love their mom they just have never had the incredibly difficult conversation about how her death still affects them.
Their relationship is everything to me, I just want Sokka and Katara to be happy šŸ˜­
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corpsebasil Ā· 1 year ago
knight nikolai-> rapunzel part 2
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cant stop wonā€™t stop with this au
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It had been two days on the roadā€”the journey to the palace was four, even on horsebackā€”and you hadnā€™t spoken a word to Nikolai.
Maybe it was because you were tired. Maybe it was because you hadnā€™t been out of that tower in a year and wanted to enjoy the scenery and the experience of once again being outdoors. Or maybe it was because barely a minute after youā€™d gotten out of the tower you had tackled Nikolai to the ground.
The both of you had tousled for a bit, him protesting and even having the audacity to laugh before pinning you against the ground, his knees caging your legs, his hands pinning your wrists on the grass beside your head. Youā€™d writhed and seethed and heā€™d taken to calling you ā€˜angry catā€™, a nickname you abhorred.
ā€œArenā€™t you feisty. I just saved you and all youā€™re doing is hissing and clawing at me.ā€
ā€œGet off of me Iā€™ll have your head forā€”ā€
ā€œTsk, tsk, I donā€™t think the King would feel inclined to execute his daughterā€™s savior, would he?ā€
ā€œYou are not myā€”ā€
ā€œKnight in shining armor? Maybe not yet, sweetheart, but I will be.ā€
And so you rode in silence, fuming consistently every time he shot you an amused look. The found that he found this situation funny amazed you. You spent two days camping in the woods, eating game he hunted and ignoring his attempts at conversation.
But there was something distinctly knightly about him that took you those two days to notice.
One: he always helped you onto his horse, refusing to force you to hoist yourself up on your own. And youā€™d be lying if the feeling of his strong hands on your waist didnā€™t make your skin heat. You hadnā€™t been touched by man in years. Actually, never.
Two: he chose to sleep on the hard ground and give you his bedroll, refusing to, in his words, ā€˜let a woman of such beauty and polite disposition sleep on the floorā€™.
Three: You could tell he was cold. Fires at night were simply asking to be attacked while you slept so Nikolai gave you every blanket he had in his possession. You slept toasty and warm while he, you had noticed when you woke up once in the middle of the night, shivered a fraction under only his spare coat.
You had given him a blanket, feeling suddenly horribly selfish, but neither of you commented on that in the morning.
Four: This was something you knew why you noticed, but he didnā€™t seemā€¦attracted to you. Heā€™d flirted senselessly during the journey for the past two days but it seemed only as an excuse to get a reaction out of you. You noticed, too, that his stare never lingered. His hands only touched you when necessary and never too long.
When he looked at youā€”smirk be damnedā€”his eyes didnā€™t hold any trace of lust or brazenness youā€™d experienced in the past. Only a hint of amusement and lightheartedness.
Why this bothered you, you didnā€™t know. Had you lost your touch? You were gorgeous. Stunning. Shouldnā€™t he have been fawning over you? Werenā€™t all knights eager for a princessā€™s favor? Besides, he wasnā€™t even an official knight yet. He wouldnā€™t be able to when he was knighted but he could make a pass out you now if he wanted.
But he didnā€™t. He was annoyingly respectful, even if he teased you mercilessly.
Like now, as you woke up on the third morning, you were surprised to notice food laid out on a cloth beside you. Your eyes widened at the sight of a cinnamon roll and you jerked your head in his direction. He sat calmly beside a weak fire, poking at the branches with a stick as he hummed something softly to himself.
You took a moment, tensing as you watched him. Why you chose this moment to truly drink him in, you werenā€™t sure. Blame it on tiredness and confusion at the abrupt shift in your lifeā€™s events. He was wearing a loose cotton shirt, dark boots, his blond hair tousled. His jaw was sharp and his eyes focused as he watched the fire andā€”
Oh no. Oh no. You were not going there.
But still you felt something stirring within you as you watched him. Admired him.
Saints he was handsome.
Sensing your glance he looked over and raised a brow.
ā€œSee something you like, princess?ā€
Immediately you rolled your eyes.
ā€œI was just thinking about knocking you out, stealing your supplies, and abandoning you. I bet Iā€™d look good in a suit of armor. Maybe Iā€™ll be knighted for returning myself.ā€
His smile was slow and lazy and made something in your stomach twist hard. Fuck, that look.
ā€œI bet you would.ā€ He purred, his voice so sultry your cheeks turned pink. How he managed to work his way under your skinā€” ā€œDid you see the roll?ā€ He asked, pointing his stick at the cinnamon roll in question.
It took you a minute to get a breath.
ā€œWhere did you get it?ā€
ā€œTown. Thereā€™s a village about half a mile that way,ā€ he said, pointing again towards the distance. ā€œI went this morning to get you something proper. Weā€™ll go there and stay at an Inn today so we can find you an actual meal worthy of your stature. Cant have someone like you living off rabbits and berries for four days.ā€
You paused and asked, ā€œSomeone like me?ā€
He paused as well, something in his blue eyes flashing. His next word made you go hot and you could only stare.
ā€œBeautiful.ā€ Nikolai murmured, then looked down, his brow furrowing. He spoke again quickly, poking once more at the fire. ā€œMy apologies, Your Highness. I should not haveā€”ā€
ā€œThank you.ā€ You whispered, and he looked up again. You cleared your throat and repeated yourself. ā€œThank you. Youā€™reā€”that was kind.ā€
A smile that was different from any heā€™d given you before crossed his face; boyish and sweet, and utterly stunning. Your breath did leave you this time and you smiled shyly, a sensation of giddiness filling you when you turned to grab the roll.
ā€œAt least you recognize my stature.ā€ You said, feigning a regal tone that made him snort. Warmth filled your chest at his amusement and you continued. ā€œIt should be mandatory for knights to bring princesses cinnamon rolls, donā€™t you think?ā€
ā€œYou are vastly intelligent, Your Highness. Perhaps you should write it into law.ā€
ā€œPerhaps I will.ā€
You both shared another quick grin before you allowed silence to settle.
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technicallymaximumkitty Ā· 1 year ago
Sir Pentious headcanons because I am cringe but I am free
fair warning this is gonna be long because the autism is peak RN and i am increasingly sleep deprived, ENJOY!!!
He is half indian half british
Was white passing and his face was covered in moles and birthmarksĀ 
He was an orphan boy who worked in a textile mill as a kid
He got out of the textile life when a mechanic was looking for a new apprentice. Sir Pentious wasn't the first choice but runner up, and willing to do anything, he shoved the kid that was gonna be chosen into a machine that ripped their hands off. The kid being unable to work anymore, Sir Pentious was chosen.
As a teenager he was drafted into the army, he was never unable to climb ranksĀ 
He died from lead poisoning (thatā€™s why he is a poisonous snake, get it? Poisonous? Lead poisoning? Iā€™ll see myself out)Ā 
Sir pentious wasn't a sir in life, he only got that title in hell
All his shirts are button ups because he cant fit anything over his frillĀ 
The egg bois are basically furbysĀ 
All the egg bois do have names, given to them when they were first invented, but they never get called by their names. They barely remember because they have the memory of a wormĀ 
Sir Pentious makes food hate crimes, not on purpose but still
The first time Alastor made jambalaya Sir Pentious started crying because the air was too spicy for him
Yes he has the worst pallet in the world (i mean ofc heā€™s british/j)Ā 
This dude will be happy just eating bread from the bag for dinner
He was never married in lifeĀ 
I know the son was a throw away line, but like what if? He had one? Out of wedlock?
MF is so old fashioned about romanceĀ 
He has autism because i said so
User vobomon has the theory that Sir Pentious has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, i agree
When he sheds (itā€™s biannually) he hides for like a few weeks until everything grows back (the scales on the ends of his frill are the first to fall out and take the longest to grow in)Ā 
Heā€™s not inept at slang but he knowledge dose stop at 2007
Angel tried to pull an updog with Pentious but it failed and Angel was about ready to strangle the man on siteĀ 
(played out like:
Angel: he pen, smells like up dog in here no?
Pentious: smells like what?
Angel: up dog.
Pentious: what is this, up dog you speak of?
Angel: you know, up dog.
Pentious: no, i do not know what this up dog is, what is it?
*it carried out for like five minutes of this back and forth*)
He watches people sleep because he saw to many of his friends die in his former life (living on the streets and all) so he keeps a close eye on his new friends out of habitĀ 
He and Niffty are banned from the coffee potĀ 
His egg bois were trained on lucky charmsĀ 
Charlie is is best friend in the whole wide world (they even have friendship bracelets to seal the deal)
Nifty used to leave the mice she caught in front of Pentiousā€™s door for hime, they were asked to stop and now treat it like a drug dealĀ 
Was really good at holding down his alcohol, gotten soft over the years
Both his fangs are sweet fangs
Once ate an entire container of sprinkles in front of the others
Man can and will choke on waterĀ 
Heā€™s got the immune system of a victorian child (ie gets sick like once every other week)
He paints his clawsĀ 
Skills he learned living in hell: sewing, baking, computer science, rocket science, speaking indian and french, anthropology degree, book binding, toxicologyĀ 
Parrots slang he hears even if he doesn't know what it isĀ 
(ie: Vaggie: I am about to kill Angel if he doesnt shut up.
Pentious: oh! Is this your villain era?)Ā 
Stims by flapping his hands and frillĀ 
He need chewelry or he will gnaw on his handsĀ 
His hat is not alive, it acts like necomimi
Is immune to exhaust fumes at this point
Discovered hyperpop and scares Angel Dust when he tries to get the radio to play songs he actually knows and likesĀ 
In his early years of having the egg bois he would eat eggs in front of them to scare them when he was upset at them, they never caught on because, well they are the egg boisĀ 
Is a cat person
Runs a youtube channel where he swings between building tutorials and gossip commentary heā€™s got five followers and four of them are the egg bois and each video will rake up about 20 viewsĀ 
He and emily are best friends (also with friendship bracelets) and they are like sugared up three year olds togetherĀ 
They warrior cats roleplay together because let me have this
He goes around saying he kins victor frankensteinĀ 
Ate a plastic bag onceĀ 
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judeswhore Ā· 2 years ago
ur begging him for more bc itā€™s just not enough and heā€™s smirking and so smug when heā€™s teasing u abt being so desperate. starts fucking u really hard and heā€™s got his hand over ur mouth, eyes locked on urs and itā€™s so hot u can already feel that u abt to cum and heā€™s so cocky bc he can feel ur legs shaking around him. and heā€™s all ā€œif u donā€™t shut up iā€™ll have to gag uā€ or ā€œif u donā€™t be quiet i wonā€™t let u cum, thatā€™s not what u want is it? so stop whining and be a good girlā€ and ur going insane over how vocal he is through it all. even better if u accidentally sleep in the next morning and ur woken up by ur brother knocking at the door so u have to hide jude under the bed or in the wardrobe and when u let ur brother in heā€™s glaring at u bc he heard everything and heā€™s telling u how disgusting it is and that if ur gna do it in the house do it when heā€™s not there. but ur so relieved that he thinks itā€™s a random person and doesnā€™t know itā€™s jude. so when heā€™s gone judeā€™s coming out of his hiding place and heā€™s grinning at u bc u got away w it and ur whisper yelling at him bc u nearly got caught but heā€™d just pull u in for a kiss and be all ā€œwldā€™ve been worth itā€
ur brother being so disgusted w u and literally tellin he doesnt ever wanna hear u again and ur just embarrassed but also happy that he doesnt know its jude and once he leaves jude jokes abt it and hes kissin u and hes got his hands on ur waist and just holdin u close, whispering how its all worth it, but maybe ur brother finds out not too long after bc he finds judes car outside nd obv jude is nowhere to be seen and he storms into ur room and ur sittin on judes lap just kissin and you two r so shocked nd hes angry and yelling and hes so disappointed w jude for goin behind his back nd also w u bc how could u fuck his bestfriend and he expected better from u??
omg love the getting caught thingšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«like judeā€™s come over to watch u get ready for a night out (definitely fucked u first) but now heā€™s just lounging on ur bed watching u try on outfits and do ur make up and u both just wish it could be like this without him having to sneak into the house and park his car like at the end of the street. so heā€™d parked down the road like usual but ur brother spotted the car after coming home and heā€™s a little baffled why judeā€™s parked so far away and even more confused why heā€™s not actually in the house. and in ur room judeā€™s pulled u into his lap for kisses and heā€™s begging u to stay in with him so youse can snuggle and watch movies bc heā€™s so down bad and ur just giggling between kisses and heā€™s running his hands over ur back but really its very innocent. ur brother comes barging in, asking if youā€™d seen jude just to find him perched on ur bed and u on top of him and even tho itā€™s innocent ur brother is fuming. is immediately yelling at u both bc heā€™d been so specific abt u being off limits and abt u not getting w his friends and heā€™s going on abt how disgusting it is that ur fucking behind his back and how he feels so pissed and betrayed and judeā€™s kinda mad abt how heā€™s reacting even tho he feels bad. is all ā€œcā€™mon man, iā€™m not messing around w her, itā€™s not like thatā€ and ur a little surprised bc the two of u havenā€™t really discussed whether ur actually dating or not and ur brothers like ā€œso ur not fucking her?ā€ and judeā€™s just cringing telling him ā€œwell yeah, but itā€™s not like that, itā€™s not just sexā€ but ur brother wonā€™t hear it. and ur furious bc theyā€™re talking abt u like ur not there, telling ur brother he has no right telling u who u can and cant sleep with. it wld probably be this massive fight and heā€™d storm out and he wldnt speak to u or jude for like two weeks bc he feels so betrayed. but judeā€™s just reassuring u that heā€™ll come round telling u heā€™s not letting u go bc ur brothers a stubborn dick
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