#i cant blame him its comfy as fuck
little-red-fool · 8 months
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Haarlep sleeps nice and politely on their back with their arms folded over their chest and Raphael is probably similar, meanwhile Silvertongue sleeps like this.
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sucker4sixx · 5 months
Relight my fire
plot: generation swine release party!!
Warnings: alcohol?
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The next morning you wake up to nikki sitting beside you, holding a glass of water, the gesture reminding you about your pulsing hangover. “Hey.. drink this, i figured youd be ill with the hangover” nikki smiles alittle, hoping somehow you wouldnt remember the kiss as you gulp greedily from the pint of cold water like a warm dog “thankyou..” you look at his eyes for a few seconds before he stands up, leaving your room. After 20 minutes you walk to the kitchen, nikki sitting outside having a smoke like the morning before and the morning before that. You take a cigarette out your own pack and slip on his thick zipper, walking out to him and sitting beside him.
“You’re up already?” He smiles, passing you his lighter “and in my zipper?” You smile back to him, sitting beside him on the cold, hard bench, the smoke both of you blow out intertwining “yeah well.. its comfy, you cant blame me”
“No.. i cant” his eyes linger on you for a few seconds before he looks away. “Last night was… fun” he adds, wanting to speak about the kiss that you so desperately tried to get out of your head. “Yeahhh..” you reply awkwardly “it was..” he coughs, none of you sure how to talk about the elephant in the.. garden? “Listen i-“
“Listen-“ you speak at the same time only making things worse, his cheeks even red with the tension “you go..” you whisper and nikki nods, facing you as he stubs out his cigarette. “The kiss was.. something, and the confession and just.. listen, im not in the right place to start anything, im just out a fucking marriage..” he sighs in frustration but not to you, to his heart for letting him feel these feelings for you. “I know, nikki is promise this will be the last time this happens”
A week later you are both at vinces house, hes throwing a party for finishing their album “generation swine”, nikkis busy away talking to people the whole night, leaving you drinking alone on the white leather couches.
Eventually he flops beside you, passing you a rum and coke “hey stranger” you smile wide, your cheeks automatically heating up at the sight of him “sorry hun, been a busy night” you shake your head, taking a sip of the rum and coke “no, dont apologise, this is your night.. im proud of you” nikki laughs bashfully “you sound like a parent telling their kid that their shitty drawings good.. to be honest.. i dont have a great feeling about this album” he admits, looking at his feet. You move your hand to his back and scratch it softly “well.. i think it sounds amazing” you kiss his cheek softly and he turns to face you, smiling “your a sweetheart, honestly.. dont know where id be right now if you werent with me” he moves in and kisses you softly before moving away like it was natural “i need a piss” he slaps your thigh softly and stands up, leaving you red faced and confused.
You get up after a few minutes and look around for him, pushing past the crowd of drunken rockstars, souring your face at the strong smell of cigarettes and hairspray untill you find him, hes leaning against a kitchen counter talking to some tall blonde woman. Without a second thought you walk up to him, your heart pounding when his eyes catch yours, he knows whats coming. You grab his hair and pull him down as you kiss him desperately, his tongue sliding into your mouth as his large hands hold your hair. He turns round so your standing with your back to the counter so you couldnt leave him as he kissed you like a dog in heat, moaning into you. “Jesus darlin..” he pulls away and you try to meet his lips again causing him to move back “your so desperate” he grins wide seeing the effect he has on you, just like he has on every other woman. “Nikki please-“
you both get cut off by a woman saying nikkis name, he turns round and its his ex wife, she smiles and runs over to hug him, clearly not seeing what had just happened. Beth.. they were married for years but cheated on eachother and it ended messy. Nikki wraps his arms around her and even though you knew they had more history, you cant help but feel your heart sink so you just step away, walking off back to the party. An hour later your tired and upset but nikki doesnt seem to want to go home, you approach him and tap his shoulder, beth raising her eyebrow. “Nikki could i get the house keys? Im really tired” you ask and beths face drops, thinking you were his girlfriend. “Of course sweetheart, here.. ill be home soon” he smiles up and you.
Two hours later nikki returns drunker than when you left, your surprised when you dont hear anyone with him. You get up and head to his room where hes stumbling around, struggling to get his clothes off. “Hey nikki” you smile, his face brightening up when he sees you “sweetheart!” He slurs and stumbles over to you “your so drunk, do you need help getting this off?” You tug at his shirt softly “yeah.. undress me baby” he laughs, wiggling his eyebrows “your so annoying” you smile, taking his shirt off as he sways alittle.
“So.. you and beth?” You ask carefully “i still love her.. of course” your smile drops and you nod, trying not to seem bothered “but she fucked you over nikki..” he falls silent “she cheated-“ “yeah well i cheated too” he buts in, its clearly a sensitive subject, you both fall silent “sorry.. i just want the best for you” you say quietly “i know.. but what if she is the best for me” your heart sinks even further , you knew you were the best for him, you knew you could treat him right “why did you cheat on her?” You ask as he struggles to take off his pants, you help out and unbutton them, helping him to his bed. “She cheated on me and.. i wanted to hurt her back, im no angel sweetheart” you nod and lay in next to him.
“Your sleeping here tonight?” He smirks “well, need to keep an eye on you dont i?” You smile and he pulls you onto his warm chest. “No.. but i dont mind if you do”
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donotopendeadinside · 6 months
Mod is about to depression post, so if you guys aren't comfy with any vents or rants, you can keep on scrolling. I'm having a mental breadown.
TW: Mentions of SH, SA, Suicidal tendencies and just a bunch of sad shit.
My mother will never love me. Thats just the facts of my own existence. I wake up, lay in bed, stay in my room, hide away from EVERYONE, and sometimes just ignore people because I cant find the energy to talk. My mother hates me and my older sister, we share the same dad. We're too much like my father. She lied to me for years about my dad, calling him abusive, and all of these horrible things, blaming my sister for walking out of an abusive situation all so my sister could get stable enough to bring her baby girl home.
She thrives on control. Thats all she's ever done.
When I was 15, i contemplated taking my life. I told my mother how I was feeling, it spiraled into an argument. She told me, that if I was really suicidal, she'd unlock my step-dad's gun cabinet and give me his gun so I could shoot myself with it.
I have anger issues, but I stopped taking them out on people a very long time ago. Now, if im angry, I bite my arms just hard enough not to break my skin, because its all I can do to keep myself grounded.
My mother has neglected me and my older sister in favor of the youngest. She can fake anything and get me in trouble and screams when she doesn't get her way. She's 15.
I was S.A'ed in my freshman year of highschool by someone I thought was my friend. He got ontop of me and grabbed my chest. A teacher saw it but did nothing but walk into her classroom. The boy was never suspended, nor did anything else happen to him. My ASL teacher paired me up with a boy, we had to touch hands. She was already told that I wasn't okay with doing anything like that due to what happened.
She called me a liar and told me to get over it.
A few weeks ago, i nearly slit my wrists because I thought that I wasn't worth it. That i didn't deserve anything good to happen. My mom has kicked me out twice. Once over a single plate that was in the sink.
The second time was because I refused to lie to my father. He had just lost his wife at 46 due to pancreatic cancer. I refused to lie to him about why I couldn't go to the funeral. We couldn't afford to send me as I had just gone up there a few weeks prior. My dad bought me the ticket and flew me up to Tennessee.
My fiancee. I love him with everything I have, and im so fucking terrified of loosing him. He's everything to me, but hes reckless. Thats okay. But sometimes it worries me. I just wish he'd talk to me more about how he feels, instead of just lying and saying he's okay.
I'm terrified of the one good thing I have just falling between my fingers like sand, and I have no idea how to keep myself sane when all I know how to do is fear for whatever the hell could happen, be it my mother or something else.
Im so fucking scared and I don't know how to fix it. I come on this hellsite so that I can forget shitty things, and interact with people that I find cool.
But sometimes I just wish people would want to interact with me too... sometimes I dont want to be the one to initiate it. I just want someone to talk to me.
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dommelody · 2 years
hey guys its been a while ^^
lately I've became addicted to playing obey me so just decided to write some of my thoughts i mean pure and innocent ones lol just for a change XD and not me totally being a beel simp :") anways enjoy this fluff and wholesome story oh last thing if i find good respond to this one ill maybe make more of those lol enjoy then ^^
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☆mc's favoritism☆
It's another morning in the house of lamentation you woke up from your comfy bed opened the windows for some morning air-even tho there's no sun but for some air change-u did some stretching then u wore ur outfit for working out u get it right today ur goin to workout outdoors with beelzebub after he insisted frequently and even gave u some of his cheeseburgers as an exchange for doin morning workout with him although u told him that u will start after breakfast cause no way u ll be able to handle beel's workouts with an empty stomach and he agreed with big smile u went to the dining room
lucifer : "good morning Mc judging from ur outfit i take it that ur going to workout with beel ?"
"yep im starting to notice that i m gaining weight cause of someone lately "
beel with puppy eyes : "Mc did u not like it when i bring u food ? :"("
beel with a big innocent smile : "leave it to me Mc ^_^"
lucifer :" I see ,so because u cant go on a diet due to some indoors food delivery ur only hope is to exercise to lose weight well i dont think uve gained that much weight u look as beautiful as ever*smirk*
"thanks i guess hehe"
mammon : "Hey Mc i found a good place where u can sell stuff and u can gain alot of money there lets go after breakfast "
"oh sorry mammon I'm working out with beel after this"
mammon spaced out for a sec and then blushed : "huh u w-what ?///:
"mammon u perv u got it wrong we r going to exercise outdoors *sighs* even tho u see what im wearing ur still asking ??"
satan:" don't blame him Mc blame that stupid brain of his guess its just full of money thoughts too busy to think properly "
asmo :"did u literally just go and steal satan's unwashed green underwear mammon u perv~"
asmo : " iyaa~ dont blame me this time i was PURELY going to wash my underwear then i saw u going out of there then saw it "
satan :"*sighs*AND WHY THE FUCK R U WASHING UR UNDERWEAR AT 3AM,oh wait please don't answer
beel :" Mc try this cake its so delicious :) "
"Thanks beel ^^"
beel :" about our workout i modified urs a little bit because i dont think u can keep up with my pase but for the jogging u have to keep up with me at least 10 rounds around the town *munch* *munch* "
beel :"Huh ? but ithink its too easy, for me i do about 20 so u can do it but if u reached ur limits don't worry ill carry u home on my back hehe ^^ oh and for the exercises we're going to do all of it together im so excited *excited beel noises *
as beel was eating with eyes sparkling with excitement u couldn't ignore his outstanding appearance beel was used to workout early in the morning so he just made an exception just for u ^^ however his body was aching for some exercising so he did some rope jumping and pushups just minutes before coming to the dining room so he was sweating while wearing a short sleeve black t shirt which were tight around his big chest and muscular arms with sweat dripping from his face reaching his sexy Adam's apple then going straight between his chest just the thought of this big muscular man being excited to workout with u makes u shiver
*simping mc noises (haha caught u bish)
then u try to reach the strawberries which were in front of beel he noticed u staring at strawberries so he picked some
beel :"Mc here , I'll feed u this :)"
"oh thanks beel ^^"
as u ate the strawberries from his hand u licked ur lips and then u felt everyone 's eyes on u as soon as u where about to speak beel licked some of the strawberries close to ur mouth
everyone:" STOP RIGHT THERE !"
as beel realised what he did he turned to a blushing mess cause of his gluttony he just licked it unconsciously
beel :" im sorry Mc i didnt mean to >\\~\\<"
mc simping noises again *touching his cheek :" i dont hate it love~"
then as soon as beel saw the smirk on ur face he was blushing even harder he stood up and hugged u tightly :" lets go Mc cant wait to start our workout /// "
everyone : "AS IF ILL LET U TWO GO ALONE!"
beel :" but u never workout in the morni-"
mammon:" SHUDDUP!"
"how about going to the witch u sold satans underwear for and give it back to him that will be a good workout right?"
everyone laughed
Lucifer :"*cough* , recently i read that working out will lessen the stress and make u more productive so i think ill-"
"no luci not this time dont pretend that u didnt get a call from diavolo minutes ago to come after u finish breakfast asap"
beel :" let's go mc :)"
" yea im coming ^^ "
everyone glaring at beel :" UNFAIR "
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
What would frat Peter! Be like if he found out the reader is a Virgin?
i put to much time into this
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : SMUT! (dirty talk, slight degrading, protected sex, oral [fem rec]), cursing, floof, peter going from simp to cocky real quick
Word Count : 4.6k (okay why is this longer than 90% of my oneshots i-)
Frat!Peter finding out the fem!reader is a virgin
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It all starts when you and Mj are lounging in your shared apartment watching a movie like you both did every Sunday
The both of you were cuddled into the endless amount of blankets on either side of the couch, eyes trained on the bright screen in front of you
But your mind was focused on something else, namely a certain brown haired boy that just couldn’t seen to leave you alone
Peteyboi💗👀: hows the movie going lovebug??
you : lovebug?
you : thats a new one
Peteyboi💗👀: just trying out new things
Peteyboi💗👀: spicing stuff up a bit yk?
Peteyboi💗👀: do you like it?
you : im not really opposed to it
Peteyboi💗👀: ill add it to the list then
you : list?!
Peteyboi💗👀: pretend you didn't read that
You giggled at your boyfriends words, mouthing a quick sorry to MJ when she gave you a hard glare with the sudden burst of noise
But you couldn't help it, every time you saw the notification pop up on your phone, you couldn't help but act like a lovesick teenager falling in love for the first time
At this point the both of you had been dating for around seven months
Seven months of cliche coffee dates and pulling all nighters
Seven months of stolen kisses in the library or holding hands under the table during lectures
Seven months of pure bliss
“So why haven’t you guys fucked yet?” MJ said abruptly shaking you out of your love sick stare texting Peter
“I’m sorry, what!?”
“You know,” she pounded her fist into the palm of her hand repeatedly, “Sex,”
 “What- I-” you shook your head, trying to process her words, “How did this come up all of a sudden?”
“Since you decided to ignore me on our movie night,” she smirked, “Were you sexting him?”
“So I’ll take that as a no?”
“Yes thats a no!” you buried yourself further into the blankets, “Should-” you took a deep breath, “should it be a yes?”
“I don’t know, should it?”
“Oh that’s a good question! Almost like I already asked it,”
Mj laughed at your pouty glare
“No, no it shouldn’t,” she rested a comforting hand on your leg, “Do you want it to be though?”
Yes you did
More than anything
It was stupid, but what you had with Peter was different from anything you’ve had with other people in the past
He was everything a girl could ask for, smart, caring and a sweet personality that could make anyone smile
Let’s not mention his impressive build
And out of all the girls and guys that threw themselves at him, he choose you to love
You wanted to take that step with him, but you were scared that he would reject you
You weren’t experienced, in any way, to the point where you were completely innocent 
And you were dating a frat boy, the name that carried the reputation of sleeping around with most people on campus
How could you match up to that?
You couldn’t help but feel insecure in that area
The most you’ve ever went with Peter was a heavy make-out, it happened quite often too but he always stopped things before they went any further
There wasn’t any explanation, only peter bringing you close to cuddle for the rest of the night, forgetting the spit covering his lips and neck
Which lead you to make your own and none of them were exactly positive
Didn’t stop you from imagining a life where he wouldn’t drop you figuring how untalented you were in bed though
Or just daydreaming of him railing you out of existence
im looking you
“Yes?” you covering your face with your hands, embarrassed with your confession, “I don’t know about him though,”
MJ was aware that you were a virgin but only scoffed at your answer, “Oh come on, that boy is head over heels for you, why wouldn’t he want to fuck you,”
You felt your face heat up with the choose of words, “If he did wouldn’t he have made a move by now?”
“Better question, have you noticed his moves,”
Her question made you think as she continued
“Because I sure have,” 
“What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes, “The looks he gives you when your not paying attention,” she started to count on her fingers, “Always touching you, constantly, like all the time. Biting his lip anytime you do anything remotely sexual and always blushes afterwards because he caught himself. Oh! Remember that time you wore that skirt? Like the pretty tight one? Yeah, his eyes were on your ass for like the whole day-”
“Okay, okay you could stop now I get it,” you groaned, “How do you know all of this?”
“I’m observant,”
“Makes sense.”
“The point is, he’s is definitely interested in you Y/n, it’s just a matter of you showing interest back.”
“I-” you sighed, “I can’t do that mj,”
“Like hell you can’t,” she rolled your eyes but pried your hands away from your face softly, “Do you want him to be your first Y/n?”
You nodded your head, “Yeah,” you looked back at her, “Yeah, I do,”
“Then you need to talk it out with him, see where you both stand when it comes to that regard in your relationship,” 
“I know, I know, I’m just scared for his reaction,”
MJ only sighed, “This is Peter we’re talking about y/n, he’d respect your boundaries until your ready, and I know you’ll respect his. Its just a matter of who makes the first step,”
“Okay, okay,” you took a deep breath, “I’ll just ask him when I could see him again and just-” you paused, “Ask him,”
“There we go!” MJ cheered as you reached for your phone
Peteyboi💗👀: hello??
Peteyboi💗👀: hellooooooooo
Peteyboi💗👀: is this about the list?
Peteyboi💗👀: i promise ill try them all out sugar
Peteyboi💗👀: ...
Peteyboi💗👀: tbh i didnt like that one
You looked up at MJ, motivated by her reassuring eyes and words, you texted back
you : dont worry petey, the list is cute 😂
Peteyboi💗👀: good good
Peteyboi💗👀: did mj catch you??
you : maybe
you : i blame your clinginess
Peteyboi💗👀: i thought you said you liked my clinginess🥺
you : never said it was a bad thing 😘
Peteyboi💗👀: you implied it tho 😪
you : nah
you : i think thats just you
“What did he say?” MJ interrupted, her legs bouncing up and down anxiously
“I- uh, didn’t get to it yet,”
“I will take that phone, throw it across the room and make you do this in person if you keep stalling,”
You didn’t want to test her words
you : i miss you tho
Peteyboiiii💗👀: sorry babe, just been really busy with the internship
you : i know petey dw
you : do you know when you’ll be free next?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: uuuuhhhh
Peteyboiiii💗👀: the guys are suppose to be out Thursday
Peteyboiiii💗👀: i was suppose to tell you tomorrow but you beat me too it😂
you : oh really?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: would be just the two of us...
fuck circumstances
you : its a date then?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: hey! thats my line😤
you : sorry for stealing your thunder loverboy
Peteyboiiii💗👀: 👁👄👁
you : oh so you could do pet names but i cant???
Peteyboiiii💗👀: never said it was a bad thing 👀
you : ...
you : goodnight peter
The couple of days leading up to the Thursday were stressful to say the least
But MJ was there to hype you up, telling you everything that you should expect, what signals to use and even going out of her way to buy you a red set of lingerie
“It’s going to be awkward at first-”
“Well no shit it’s going to be awkward at first,”
“Hey! No talking back to your teachers,”
The drive to the house was nerve wrecking
You were anxious to see his reaction, but even with the doubt clouding your head, there was a ray of light that passed through, reminding you that Peter wasn’t that type of guy
That these past months have proved that he loved you, and you loved him
That he wanted this just as much as you did
You just needed to show him that
He greeted you at the door with a bear hug, rocking you back and forth in his arms
“I’ve missed you angel,” he whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your neck that made the hairs on your skin raise
“Angel?” you squeaked, “Where did that come from?”
“The list remember?” he pulled back, beaming brighter than you’ve ever seen, “going down one by one. I quite like this one though,” his voice lowered, “Angel, suites you don’t your think?”
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat, “Could we go inside?”
“Yeah of course,” his hand squeezed your waist, moving to small of your back and leading you inside
You didn't know how long you could last. With the new pet names, your hyperawareness to his touch and all of his words suddenly having new meaning behind them
You started to miss being so oblivious
“It’s been so long since we’ve had a day together, holy shit,” he said, falling back against the cushions of his couch with his thighs spread making you gulp, “come here,”
He pouted, “I want to cuddle with my girlfriend so come here,”
the dude likes cuddles leave him alone
You shook your head, remembering MJ’s words,
“First step, get into the bedroom,”
“Wouldn’t it be more comfortable in your room?”
Peter’s head tilted to the side in confusion, “We have the whole house to ourselves and you want to spend it in my room?”
You nodded, walking up to him and stretching out your hand for him to take, “What’s so wrong with your room?”
“nothing, nothing,” he sighed taking your hand and standing up, “Just not as comfy as the couch,”
“You’re just being dramatic,”
“Dramatic?” he teased, raising your hand to spin you around, pulling your back to his chest, “I know nothing of a sort,”
You knew it was suppose to be playful, you knew he was just teasing you like he always did
But the feeling of his hard chest against your back, his hair tickling the base of your throat and his arms wrapped strongly around your waist, keeping you tight against him
You couldn't help but imagine this in a very different scenario
“Ready to go then?”
You nodded, not sure if you could even form words correctly at that point
Peter smirked and within one motion he had you in his arms bridal style, taking you to the stairs that lead to his room
“Nothing of a sort my ass,” you mumbled into his neck, cracking a smile when you felt the vibrations of his chuckles rumble from his chest
“You should know me well enough by now angel,” he kicked open his door, closing it back with the heel of his shoe, “I like to play,”
You sure fucking hoped so
You shrieked when he threw you down on his bed, hopping on top of you and holding you down so you couldn’t move
“Peter!” you whined, giggling when his fingers trailed up your side
“What’s wrong angel?” he kissed your noise, moving to kiss your cheeks, your forehead and finally a small peck on your pouty lips, “Do you not like this,”
“No, no, no,” you cupped his face, keeping him still do you could look at him directly, “I love this,”
“good,” he whispered, bumping his nose against yours, lips brushing against each other, “Good,”
“great,” you whispered back, hesitantly raising your head to connect your soft lips on his
It was slow, reminding you of the first time you kissed in the park, trying to figure out you’d lead, you’d follow. Getting the timing right when opening your mouths, and tilting your heads at the right angle for the perfect combination of comfort and touch
It was almost like he was memoizing the motion, stopping after every movement before continuing again sometimes with the same thing or trying out something new
Soon enough his hands gripped the side of your waist, pulling you up slightly to flip the both of you over so that you were on top
He pulled you closer, your chest practically moulding into his when his tongue swiped along your bottom lips, asking for entrance
You gave it to him immediately, letting him explore your mouth in any way he wanted
It went on like that for a few minutes, just the two of you sloppily making out in the middle of his bed. You tried to take it a bit further, grinding your hips subtly but his grip tightened and he pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours
“I missed that angel,” he whispered, grinning at your small giggle
“Me too,” you paused, letting out a shaky breath, trying to recover from the kiss and ignore the wet feeling in your pants, “Could I ask you something?”
It was now or never, “Why did you stop?”
“Well I- uh, didn’t think you would want to kiss for the rest of the day,” he laughed to cover the crack in his voice, “I know I’m irresistible angel, but you don’t want to wear me out so soon,”
You bit your lip, “But what if that’s what I want?”
Peter’s eyes widened as he shifted on the bed, “You- you want that?”
“Only if you do,” you started to regret your words, “You know what? Just forget I said anything-”
He quickly cut you off with a kiss making you gasp lightly at the sudden contact, “I want that more than anything,” he said quickly, “It’s just- I don’t want to force you into anything, didn’t want to make you feel obligated in any way,”
“I- I want this peter,” your said, feeling the heaviness on your chest disappear, “I want this with you,”
“Are you sure?”
“More than anything.”
“Okay, okay,” he nodded, trying to hid his smile as he lifted you off his lap, laying you gently on the bed, “Hold on, I’ll be right back,”
You watched with your head tilted in confusion when peter walked out of the room only to come back with a blindfold in his hands
“Petey, as much as i would love to, you know it’s my first time and uh-”
He quickly caught on to what your implying, burning bright red, “No, no, no that’s not what this is for,” he scratched the back of his neck, “I want your first time to be special and this is a bit rushed but I want to surprise you and make it nice,”
“Oh,” you stood up, “Okay yeah,”
Peter walked behind you, gently laying the blindfold around your eyes and tying it behind your head. He leaned down to place a cheeky kiss on your neck, trailing up to behind your ear
“Stay here,” he demanded softly before stepping away leaving you frozen in place
He couldn’t help but stand back for a few minutes and admire your state. Your feet were tilted inward, hands rubbing your shoulders with your head tilted down
The perfect display of submission
But he had to kick those thought aside, just for today
After a couple of minutes of waiting, you jumped when you felt hands on your arms, calming when you recognised the rough skin
“Are you ready?” he could hear the smile in his words
The blind fold feel from your face, your eyes blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the light
But it was a lot darker than before, the lights dimmed drawing attention to the groups of candles sitting on his nightstand. The sheets were different as well, the white blankets replaced with soft black ones, the grey pillows now red with intricate designs sewn into them
“It isn't much but, I hope it’s everything you dreamed it would be,”
“It’s that and more Peter,” you smiling, turning around in his arms to place a quick kiss to his cheek, “Now it’s time for my surprise,”
You pushed him down on the edge of the bed, turning around and taking off your hoodie, shuffling out of your black tights to reveal the lingerie 
You turned around with a harsh exhale, feelings small under his gaze
“fuck, you were ready for tonight weren’t you baby?”
You fiddled with your fingers in front of him, “MJ helped me,”
“Figured,” he took your hand, pulling you back to gently straddle his waist, “You’d be beautiful in a potato sack angel, you have nothing to worry about,”
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and settling in his lap, “I find that hard to believe,”
“Then let me show you,”
He leaned in, kissing your lips briefly and pulling back, smirking when you mindlessly chased them
“tease,” you muttered, your forehead falling against his
“You love it,” 
“Yeah, yeah I do,”
You both leaned back in, your mouths perfectly in sync as your lips moved against one another, the practise before hand helping tremendously  
Your arms tightened around his neck, your hands running through his soft brown locks, tugging lightly on the strands
He groaned into your mouth, bitting the your bottom lip and pulling lightly, “You’re going to be the death of me angel, you know that?”
You only giggled, “Seems more like a you problem,”
“Oh? Is that how it is,”
You nodded shyly, playing with the edge of his shirt, “I just think it’s unfair that I’m the only one without a shirt on,”
Peter bit his bottom lip, reaching down and pulling off his shirt and connecting your lips right after. He hooked his arms under your thighs, lifting you up as he stood and lying you back down on the bed
He moved his lips from yours, down your throat to your colour bone, leaving his own marks in the process
Sealing you as his
And his only
“Can I?” he gestured to the front clip of your bra
You nodded, lost in the feelings of his lips on your skin
“Words angel,”
“Yes, yes please,”
He laughed, “Didn’t even get to the main event and you’re already begging for me,” 
You whined, “Peter,”
“Sorry, sorry,” he mumbled, unclipping the garment, helping you raise slightly so he could fully discard it to the side
“Beautiful,” he whispered before latching his mouth on your left nipple, stimulating the other with his forefinger and thumb
“Oh my god,” your hand shot to his hair, tugging at them slightly while the other took the sheets tightly in its palm
“Feeling good angel?” he smirked knowing damn well the answer
He just wanted to hear you say it
“So good Peter,”
He chuckled, switching to the other nipple, “We haven’t even reached the good part Y/n,”
You only let out a shaky sigh, your hand falling from his hair once he started to move further down your body
He liked that he could make you melt with the minimum things he could do
He wanted to remind you that he had the power to do so
And you enjoyed it
Your back arched when he kissed down your stomach, his fingers trailing down the side and hooking them on the lace of your panties
He looked up at you, waiting for your confirmation 
“Please,” you said once again, raising your legs slightly so he could take them off easily
“So needy,” he muttered, taking them off in once motion, crawling back up to place himself between your thighs, “Going to make you feel so good angel, so fucking good,”
His arms wrapped themselves snuggly around the base of your leg, pulling your core down closer to his face
“Ready?” he purred, trailing kisses up your thigh
He took a bold lick up the length of your pussy, his tongue swirling around the bud of your clit
“Holy fuck Peter!” you shouted, bitting down on your finger to suppress your noise
“No, no, no angel I want to hear you,” he almost growled, “I want to hear you scream for me, know that I’m the only one that would ever get to hear and make you feel this way,”
His possessiveness turned you on even more
You slowly moved your hand from your mouth, placing it down by your side as peter continued eating your pussy like a starved man, listening to your moans and paying attention to your sudden jerks and reactions to his movements
“Taste so good angel, fuck. I’ve been fantasising about this moment ever since I laid eyes on you,” his fingers started to play with your lips, “The things i’ve wanted to do you, to absolutely ravish you, make you my own” he plunged his finger slowly into you, his strength keeping you pressed against the mattress, “But that’s for later, today is all about you,”
You couldn't even form a word when he added a second finger, sending your head back against the pillows. It was so much, his mouth toying with your clit, his fingers entering you that were so much thicker than yours, hitting places that made your eyes roll to the back of your head in pleasure
With the third finger you could feel something change, a sudden spike run up your body, clearing your mind of everything but the feelings of your high quickly approaching
“Peter I-”
“Going to cum angel? Gonna cum all over fingers?”
“Yes Peter fuck!”
“Go ahead Y/n, cum for me,”
You high reached with his words, shaking your body. Peter slowed his pace, dragging out your orgasm for as long as possible
He crawled back up your body, stilling his fingers inside of you while littering your blown out face with kisses, awarding you with his touch
“You did so well angel,” he whispered, “So fucking well,”
“Really milking the use out of that name huh?” you managed to mummer, throwing your arms lazily around his neck, not wanting him to leave any time soon
“Do you want me to change it?” he teased, pulling out his fingers, muttering a small sorry when you winced
He brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking your wetness of his skin while more continued to form at his dirty display
“How about...” his fingers popped out of his mouth, moving to caress your face, leaving a trail of his spit down your cheek, “Princess, my pretty princess,”
Your legs clenched at his tone and new name, making Peter giggle, “Princess it is then,”
He reached over to his bedside table, grabbing a condom and ripping the package open. He rolled the plastic on his impressing length, making you both drool and scared that that’s what was going inside of you
When he took off his sweatpants? you didn’t know
He flipped the both of you over for what felt like the hundredth time that day. His hands were tight on your hips, keeping you hovered over his hard cock
“We go at your pace okay?” his looked at you with dark eyes, “Are you sure that-”
You cut him off with a messy kiss, taking his member into your hand and guiding it to your hole 
“You talk to much,” you mumbled, taking the red tip inside you with a groan
He moaned with you, your pussy tight and snug 
“Take it easy,” he whispered, whipping off a bead of sweat that began to form on your forehead, “We have all the time in the world,”
“So big,” you whimpered, slowly take him inch by inch. Soon enough you started to loose balance on your knees, falling forward with your hands on his chest and your thighs relaxing, letting him bottom out inside of you
“Fuck,” you both said in unison, letting out a breathy laugh
“It kinda hurts,” 
“Well I’m not exactly average in that department-”
You scoffed, moving around on his lap, trying to find a comfortable position
“Tell me how you’re feeling princess,”
“It- it’s getting better,” you were fully relaxed now, “I- I want to start moving,”
“Go ahead Y/n,” he raised himself up so that his chest was pressed against yours, “I’ll guide you okay?”
“Okay, okay,”
You started moving up and down, more so just humping his body because your legs already starting to feel weak
But peter was patient with you, constantly making sure you were okay and keeping his eyes on your body
Not like he wanted to take them of of you
You looked angelic above him
No wonder the name suited you so much
Your mouth open, hips moving slowly bringing the both of you pleasure you’ve never experience before
He wanted to keep that picture in his mind forever, framed in his memory
Because you weren’t some girl at a party he picked up or guy he drunkly made out with
You were someone he loved, with all his heart 
That trusted him enough to share this moment with him
And just perfect an every way
“You’re doing so well princess,” he groaning, staring to rut his hips back into yours, making your moans grow even louder
“Fuck,” you fell against his chest, “Peter,”
“You want me to take control princess? Too fucked out already?” he couldn’t help himself while muttering those words, getting lost in the feeling of you
“Please peter I can’t-” he cried, “Please,”
“I got you princess,” he planted his feet on the mattress, thrusting up roughly into you, “I always got you,”
He began pounding into you, gradually getting faster and faster as your whines and moans grew louder and louder
Your second orgasm was quick on its way, and with Peter’s pace becoming irregular, you could tell he was almost there as well
“So fucking tight princess,” he groaned, pressing his cheek against yours, “Are you close,”
You mewled in response
“Cum with me princess, scream my name and cum on my cock,”
“Peter!” you shouted, cumming hard on his member and sagging against his chest
You could feel the condom begin to fill up inside of you, his hips stilling against yours
Part of you wondered how it would feel shooting inside of you without the protection
From there it was a blur, the feelings of peters lips against your skin, his arms wrapped around you, something cold and wet moving across your body
You caught your bearings when Peter pulled you into his chest, his shirt now covering your form along with the same fluffy blankets that covers the couch downstairs
Peter started, “That was-” 
“Amazing,” you finished for him, giggling and cuddling further into his chest
Peter looked down at you, his hand caressing your face like he did moments before but this time his touch was filled with comfort and reassurance, “Are you alright?”
“Better than I’ve ever been,” you giggled, peter chuckling along with you
“I think I’m going to need to start adding names to that list,” 
You looked up at him, “Like what?”
He sighed, a sly smile forming on his face
“I think I’ll start off with my little slut,”
fun fact, this was originally gonna be different types of frat peter like cocky, soft etc like some fucking frat peter multi verse but i just lost interest halfway through. 
My mind just said no♥️ so i scraped that and this was born instead
Permanent Taglist : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7 @wakeupandsmellthelavender @kaithezaftig @theliterarymess @thirstiestpotato @i-love-superhero @lovewolfspirit @lowkey-holland @miltifandoms1019 @black-rose-29 @parkershoco
Peter Parker Taglist : @ietss @itscaminow @dummiesshort @seutarose @cebaratn16 @lanceyfancypants @clara-licht @sadassflatass @usuck @yeah-seems-legit @lolasm0nst3r @hogwarts-is-my-home23
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
cloud nine | teaser/intro
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⟼ perfectly wrong ⟼  restart
☁ series masterlist ☁ cloud nine playlist ☁ 
summary: 2 years later, your marriage to taehyung brings people back from your past, new hardships with your bestfriends and tiny roommates who get away with everything just by being cute?
pairing: reader x husband!kth
genre: marriage au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 1.8k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, entire teaser/intro is a flashback.
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"Wake up." You say softly, shaking Taehyung next to you in bed. "Waaake up, Tae." You whine. After a couple of more shakes, Taehyung slowly opens his eyes to your pout. He chuckles as he rubs his eyes and stretches a bit.
"What's wrong, love?"
"Why aren't you waking up more excited?! Today's the day!" He laughs and wraps his arms around you, gently laying his head on your tummy. He presses a kiss on your growing belly before rubbing the surface with his soft, warm hands, making you smile.
"Babygirl, you cant expect me to get my life together in the 5 seconds you took to wake me up."
"Well, have you gotten your life together yet?" You ask, slightly impatient as you twirl a strand of his hair around your finger and tug lightly.
"5 more minutes." He says, pretending to snore on top of your belly. He lets out a small snort when he hears you continuing to whine at him. "God, you win everything. I'm up." He plants one more kiss on your stomach before he sits up to plant a kiss on your lips.
"Finally." You scrunch your nose as you look into his deep, chocolate eyes.
“Goodmorning, beautiful.” He says to you before looking down at your stomach. "And good morning, munchkin. Can't wait to find out if you're gonna be a baby boy or girl." 
"It's a girl, I know it." You say as you slowly get yourself out of the bed to get ready for the day. You walk into the closet to grab some clothes before heading into the bathroom to take a quick body shower and pamper yourself for a bit.
"If you say so, sweetheart." Taehyung chuckles, following you into the bathroom to get himself ready as well. He stands over the sink as he lazily brushes his teeth before fixing his bed hair as much as possible. He lets you have your peace in the shower to walk into the closet and pulls out a comfy, but presentable outfit for the day. The weather wasn't too bad for the fall season - sun was out providing warmth, but the air was still cold.
By the time he had slipped into his clothes, he walks back to the bathroom, leaning against the door frame to watch you lather yourself up and get into your outfit of choice. He chuckles a bit, a big smile plastered on his face when you catch him watching you.
"What?" You look at him confusingly.
"I don't know, you're just cute."
"What am I doing?" You ask, adjusting the shirt over your belly before fixing up your hair.
"You don't have to do anything for me to think so." He says, coming over to kiss you on the cheek, lightly brushing the hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. "You ready?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry now." You apply a bit of lip balm to your lips before looking back up at him.
"What do you wanna eat?"
"I don't know."
"Mhm. You know what you want baby, don't lie."
"I really don't." You shrug, trying to lay out some options in your head. You arch your eyebrow as your hands rest on your belly, giving it a good rub or two. Literally, everything seemed like a good option. It was about to be lunch time and you could go for either ends of the spectrum - breakfast/brunch, straight up lunch, dinner, dessert.
"Don't think too hard now."
"I kind of want Squat and Gobble." Taehyung nods in approval, lips slightly poking out.
"Whatever you want, babygirl. I'll take you there." He says, making his way out of the bathroom. "Now chop chop, so we can get your cute ass some food." You took one last look at yourself in the mirror, fixing little things here and there before heading out to meet your husband in the living room. He helps you put on your coat before the two of you walk out to the car, Taehyung instantly turning on the heat to make sure you're comfortable. Getting to Squat and Gobble, you find yourself getting excited by the smell that surrounded the restaurant. Ooh lord, you couldn't wait to eat a good meal before heading to the doctor's. This child was begging for it, too! After getting escorted to a table, the both of you get situated to start looking through the menu.
"Hm?" Taehyung hums, keeping his eyes on the menu.
"I want everything." You pout.
"You and this metabolism of yours, love. Seriously."
"Me and this baby, you mean."
"Mm-mm, no. Don’t go blaming our baby. You wanted everything all the time, way before I popped this baby into you."
"Taehyung.” You shake your head. “Not true."
"Actually, 100% true." Taehyung nods. "So, let me guess. You're either gonna get the Eggs Benedict or the Nor Cal Omelette with a side of Belgian Waffles. Am I right or am I right?" You laugh and shake your head.
"You're right, and you're right."
"Which one is it gonna be?"
"I want the omelette." You say excitedly. He simply smiles at you, catching himself feeling butterflies in his stomach. God, you were everything to him. So fucking beautiful, and so irresistible.
"What?" You ask, confused as to why Tae was staring at you again. "Why are you staring at me like that again?" You slightly chuckle as you watch him bite onto his bottom lip before looking back down and shaking his head.
"Say it."
"I just love you."
"I love you too." You blush.
"So, has my lady thought of any baby names?"
"Not really, have you?"
"A bit." He chuckles. "If it was a boy, I was thinking Masao. Or, Grey. Iseul. They all roll off my tongue pretty nicely." He says, looking out into space.
"Those are cute. What about girl names?"
"Oh, a whole list." He sips his water. "Miyako. Anya. Seiko. Nabi. Yumi. I honestly could go on."
"Have you been doing your research or something? These are better names than what I would've came up with." You laugh.
"What, I can't have any creative juices flowing through my veins too?"
"Mhm, sure. I'm gonna check your history tab later on the laptop."
"Shit." He playfully whispers. "No but really, baby. Don't they all sound nice?"
"Yes, they do." You smile. "I'm impressed, Kim Taehyung."
"I know, I make you proud." He smirks.
"I only thought of like, two names this entire time."
"That's it?" He snickers.
"Well, clearly you got the whole list ready so I no longer have to worry." You playfully shrug.
"You don't. Let Daddy take care of it." He wiggles his eyebrows, making you laugh. He's for sure not gonna let this one go, not for a long, long time. At this point, your plates are placed in front of you two, the table mostly silent as you both dig in and devour your food. Taehyung only chimes in every now and then about Jimin or Namjoon, or his mom and dad. When you both finish your meal, Tae sits back and lets out a hefty breath while he stretches.
"Full?" You ask, sipping on the last of your water.
"Yup. You ready to go soon, love? Your appointment is coming up real quick." He says checking his watch. You simply nod as Taehyung pays for the food before the two of you head out. In the car, you had been feeling the butterflies attacking all at once. You looked down at your belly, smiling to yourself as you rubbed the surface. You were so excited to hear the news from the doctor being that you and Taehyung had been waiting for this moment for a long time.
Everything seemed so surreal.
Your career as a new illustrator was going strong. 2Peace was still going strong. Your husband's career on the executive team was at its highest. Your friends were all thriving. This baby.
Everything just seemed to be falling into place. And you were hoping it could be like this for a long time. You were hoping it could stay like this.
After checking in at the doctor's office, you sit next to Taehyung, who is now reading an art magazine. You take a deep breath, causing Tae to grab your hand and press a gentle kiss on top of it. He continues to rub your hand with his thumb as he returns his attention on the magazine sitting on his lap and flips through it with his free hand. You were on time for your appointment, and you were really hoping you didn't have to wait for long simply because you had become way too excited.
"You okay?" Tae asks, noticing your leg continuously bouncing up and down.
"Yeah, I just wanna go in already." He chuckles.
"Patience, baby. He'll get to you, alright?" Your bottom lip pokes out in a pout, making Taehyung lean forward to give you a kiss. "You do that on purpose, don't you?"
"Do what on purpose?"
"Pout so I could kiss you."
"No, babe. I'm just expressing my feelings."
"Mhhhhm." He smirks.
"Besides, I never had to force you to give me kisses." You smile confidently.
"Alright, okay. I rest my case, your honor." He clicks his teeth. "See, you win that too."
"Mrs. Kim?" The medical assistant came to the door, causing you and Taehyung to stand - the both of you trying your best to contain your excitement. She takes you to the back to check your vitals and run through the usual routine before leaving you and Taehyung to your peace until the doctor comes knocking. As you get yourself situated on the bed, Taehyung decides to take a picture of you, his beloved wife, and your baby bump. He had been really good about capturing these moments, and you were grateful for it. He gives off a small giggle when he checks the picture, letting you know he's about to send it his mom and dad and all your friends.
Can't wait to find out if we have ourselves a baby Tete or baby Y/N.
Sooner or later, the doctor comes in, making small talk with you and Taehyung. He gets the monitor ready, warning you about the cold gel that's about to make contact with your belly. Taehyung tries to take a peek at the monitor, but with the doctor being in the way, he couldn't catch a glimpse of anything. Neither can you, being that you're laying back and can barely see over your hump.
"Everything looks absolutely perfect, and that's all I can ask for. Now, tell me - would you like to know what the sex is?" The doctor smiles from ear to ear as he turns towards you and Tae.
"Yes sir, please. Enlighten us." Taehyung says, standing next to you as you lay silently on the bed, gripping your hand tightly . The doctor checks the monitor once more before chuckling and turning back towards you. "Congratulations! You have yourselves some baby girls!" You put your hand over your mouth as you gasp.
"Wait, wait - did you just say baby girls?" Taehyung's eyes light up as the doctor nods happily.
"Sure did." He points to the monitor. "You got yourself some twin girls right there.”
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Tom Holland x black reader getting caught fucking in his childhood bed and his parents making reader and Tom talk about it in a family meeting 💀💀
Summary: que?
Warnings: smut and an awkward situation. Cringy smut of course, yelling ar new borns- LaNgUaGe
T.H| I’m Sorry You Said What?
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You and tom rode in the car, bumping to something random on the radio as you both made your way back to his old home. Youve been there before but it was nice to come back after a while.
“Y/n?” “What?” You asked looking at him. “I love you” “ewwwww” you stuck out your tongue, he rolled his eyes and smacked his lips while you giggled.
“Im sorryyyyyy” “no your rude” tom shook his head unbuckling himself. “It was a simple joke! Its not my fault you couldnt take it!” He glared at you “you suck” “you swallow” “you choke” “i- i do” you admit making him laugh “ i wont lie” you shrugged and hopped out the car, closing the door behind you.
You both walked to the door and he held on your waist pressing a kiss to your forehead. He knocked and was met immediately with his father with a bib on. “Whats the bib for?” “Im trying to online teach kids how to eat neatly” “they must be newborns for that-“ you bud in.
“Exactly- its to mad in there” “they dont even know theyre moving how do you expect them to know how to raise a fork” nikki asked making you all laugh as dom shrugged but opened the door more inviting you both in. Tom stepped in after you both and you shared hugs before he pulled you into his room. “Thomas is this your room?” “Yes” “why is there a one direction poster?” “I love Niall Horan” he shrugged and shut the door.
Your eyebrows furrowed at him in confusion “I would take you as more of a zayn fan” “well there goes something new, and I know about your obsession with Harry styles already, do NOT rub it in” he demanded making you giggle, you took off your shoes and laid in his bed, which was comfy, not firm like yours used to be, but as long as you had a roof over your head everything was goddamn fine🙄.
Thomas decided to lay down next to you and you still looked around “I’m supprised you don’t have twilight in here” you giggled “shut up” he chuckled and laid his head in your breast, you played with his hair and tugged it a bit making him let out a small groan “Thomas don’t-“ “you tugged my hair!” “This is your childhood room for heaven sakes” “let’s make more memories then!” He suggested. “You get on my nerves’ you smacked your lips as he reached up to kiss your neck and slowly make his way to your sweet spot. “I want youuuu” he sung.
“But I dontttt” “yes you doooo” “okay maybeeee” “I’m gonna take off your clothessss” “go aheadddd”you moaned a little bit from his nibble on your sweet spot as he trailed his hands down your stomach giving you goosebumps. Your turned your head to meet his lips, “did I ever tell you how amazing you look today?” “No”
“Well-“ he cut himself off, you just love to ruin the mood all the time. “Ay don’t blame me if anything you did because were in your childhood bed right now” “I’m gonna fuck you and that’ll make you be quiet, won’t it?” You just sighed at his words, but letting the blood flow south.
“Actually it won’t, I’d make you scream and let everyone hear- (this is your family for heaven sakes😭)” he mumbled, playing with the hem of your underwear and you let out a low moan. “Yeah i know youd like that, naughty girl (😭😭 i cant)”
He gently rubbed your pearl over your paintes while you unbuckled his pants, palming him through his jeans feeling his hard. He let out a groan and pressed harder on your clit making you whine and buck your hips onto his hands.
Tom groaned by the buzzkill of his father, but let out laughs in your neck. “Just make it quick tom” you whispered against his forehead kissing it, he nodded and got up, walking to the door and you stood to, taking off your pants while he made sure it was locked, when he looked back he saw you struggling and tripping over your shoes making him chucke before walking over and making yiu stand straight, right before pinning you to the wall.
He took your hands and yanked them over your head making you clench your legs together. “Open up” he demaned softly, putting his knee in between your legs and opening them before looking at you. “Your so beautiful baby girl” he kissed you, biting your lip. “Dont move your hands? Hear me?”
“But it will start to hurt” you pleaded but he only tsked at you and told you to follow his orders before pulling down his pants and boxers a bit to pull himself out, you both still had clothes on, well you didnt have your jeans on (which is so fuckin unfair) and your shoes but he kept his on.
He took his hands and pressed his chest against your to keep you in place before he lifted your legs around his hips and used a single hand to pull your panties to the side. He spit in the tip of his fingers before runnjng them through your folds “oh- your already soaked” he said before coning cocky “i didnt even do anything yet” “please fuck me already” you begged and he smiled, watching as he slipped himself in, a moan leaving both of your lips.
He started to fill himself in you while you struggled to keep your hands in place. He groaned pumping in you, fucking you against the wall, he hooked his hands under your knees and pushed them closer to the walls to open you up. “Fuck tommy” you gasped, your head leaning back against the wall and he took the chance to lick and suck on your sweet spot, to hot in the moment to remember where he is.
“Fuck y/n your so tight- shit-“ he felt you clench, he started to harder but slow, the sound bouncing off the wall as you swallowed your moans. “Shit- tommy” your back arched off the wall, your arms to tired and heavy so they went around his shoulders and your head in his neck. “You tired baby?“
“UMMMMM” nikki said, both of your heads whipping around. “MOM-“ she slammed the door closed before anything else could happen.
“Dinner is in 15 minutes- uhhhh dont be late. Make sure to clean up” she said leaning up against the door “and please dont ya know-“ she nervously chuckled “finish” “IT WASNT LIKE THAT I SWEAR”
“Thomas it’s obvious” you glared at him, when he pulled out of you a sigh left your lips. “I swear i locked the door” he said putting himself back, watching you as you got yourself together. “Does it really matter now?” He only shrugged in response.
Toms cheeks were scarlet while you tried to get yourself to stop shaking so much. “It cant be that bad, right?” You held onto his arm for strength. “I mean it should all be fine cuz like- they did it to have me!” “Yeahyeahyeah” you nodded, kinda getting confident. “Lets just go” you pulled his arm to the dinning room, meeting a pair of 2 eyes starring at you both.
You all just sat there in silence, all of your movements halt as you made eye contact with nikki and tom made eye contact with his dad. “Dont be shy now, its only dinner” nikki said, placing the plates infront of the seat.
You looked at tom and he did a small nod walking right behind you to sit in the seats right next to each other.
“If you couldnt already tell we are having- erm spaghetti” she smiled trying to ease the tension but it was to thick.
After everyone took a couple bites you sipped the water. “Would you care to explain what happened-“ you choked on the water at doms words, the water shooting out of your nose while everyone looked at you. “I drank it to fast- haha” you faked a laugh, cleaning yourself up with the napkin.
“I didnt know you could do that....” tom said before looking at his dad. “We uhhh had ya know” tom looked away, feeling his ears start to burn up. “Ya know???” Nikki comments.
“You knowwwww like uhmmm” “clearly child” dom said glarring at him. “Who had the idea?” “I think we both know who”
You lifted your arms up in defense “it wasnt me” tom smaced his lips at you and you looked at him shrugging “it wasnt!” “You told me to make it quick!-“
“THOMAS” “whaaaat?! Its true!” “You still started it!”
Nikki and don watched the fued between as you to continued to complain and fight. “You were clearly being to loud thats why we got caught!-“
“Actually i heard thuds against the wall soooo” nikki spaced off as you glarred at him. “Who was making to much noise?” You lifted an eyebrow before he rolled his eyes and turned his chair a bit to not look at you.
“Did you use protection?” Dom asked. “Uhhh no” tom said. “Why not?” Nikki butted in. He only shrugged. “You need to use protection” “no we dont”
Nikki tapped behind her ear “what did you say?” “We will use protection” tom changed his mind. “Aha and how did you get that mark on your neck” nikki turned to you.
“I-uh burned my neck with the curling iron!” “Your hair isnt in curls” you bit your lip at her words “yeah welp i gave up after and dumped my hair in water” dom tried to read toms face and body language “it looks like a bruise, how high was the temperature?” Nikki asked, slightly concerned. “I have no idea”
“Just- why here?” Tom starred at nikki “i dont know i was just caught in the moment~” “dont you only say that when your a virgin doing it-“ “y/n we are supposed to be a team!” “Im just saying!”
“Before you both argue again.....” nikki said stopping the pot from boiling. “I just want to say that i hope your both happy and no longer sexually aroused”
“Nikki!” “What?! I have to say that Dominic!” “No you didnt, but if you dont mind i have to be leaving now, i have to teach the babies how to read” dom stood and took his plate to the kitchen, soon everyone done with their meal as you sat in silence washing dishes with nikki.
“Are you planning on making me a grandma?” She whispered, handing you the wet dish. “No not really” you sighef, drying the dish. “That sucks” “yep”
“But like why not!” “Toms busy with work and all do i dont want him to feel to responsible” “i have to agree on that one, barely wants to wipe his ass” “nikki!” You whisper yelled as she giggled, passing you anothet plate as you put the old one back.
“I know how it feels- dom cant keep his hands off of me” she winked as your eyes widened at her. “What! Im old not dead y/n” “you are not old nikki and plus i dont wanna know that!” “Hey im just letting you know” she shrugged.
“Dad she isnt pregnant and wont be anytime soon” “just bring me the babies! I will teach them how to cook, clean, eat-“ “thats our job dad”
“Well its better then these babies- WHO WONT STOP CHEWING ON THE BOOK-“
“OH GOD PLEASE STOP CRYINGGG BLOODY HELL” dom said, snatching the ipad. “But please dont have sex in my house, thomas” dom glared at him while tom aggressively nodded his head.
“THATS A NO NO WORD- STOP SAYING THAT” dom yelled again, stressing himself out. “WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?” Nikki yelled from the kitchen, walking infront of you into the livingroom.
“Dont you even” he pointed at the new born through the ipad.
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — Part 19
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she’s brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy.
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally.
Series masterlist
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Sofía had definitely closed up, she became a recluse in her own apartment and the only thing she did was go to work and back. She felt mostly okay, she wasn't crying her eyes out or seeing a random photo of Chris and crying. 
She was hurt, deeply hurt but all she did was avoid thinking about him. This wasn't like the first time they broke up, this felt different. Like, this was it.
She loses one of her most precious friends and gains another failed relationship, another ex that probably will end up resenting her because they couldn't reach her and when she opens up she gets shot down. 
After Chris…
Sofia was sure that she was meant to be alone and she was mostly okay with it.
On the other hand, Christopher was devastated—he honestly thought she was the one, he felt it in his gut, his heart, his whole being made him feel that she was the one. She just kept pushing him away in all the ways that she could find and he took it, until he couldn't anymore and that alone made him feel like he was failing her, he didn't know how to help her and she won't let him. 
They were so far away from each other—it was exhausting and the fact that he had just started talking with Jenny again made him feel insecure about his relationship. 
But he love her with all his fucking heart that it hurt his whole body knowing that she might ever be able to love him back the way he does. 
"I miss him," Sofia said, putting her eyeliner on. She was going out as Amanda was very pregnant to even move. 
"He does too." She said rubbing her belly. "It's been, how much time now?," 
"Four months , so he's dating Jenny. That's what I heard…" Sofia tried not to get emotional about it but… Fuck. 
"Yeah, Luke told me about it… but it's  going anywhere and he knows. Not sure about her though." 
"He always gets back with all his exes. Got us on rotation, fucking idiot. He wants to commit but he can't actually commit with anyone. Then in the one with commitment issues," Sofia shook her head and let out a groan. "I love him, I swear to you I love him, he's a good friend but he's a terrible boyfriend."
"Right back at you," Amanda laughed and Sofia had to, because she was absolutely right about her too. 
"I don't go back with all my exes, though" 
"Mostly don't, Chris it's the exception." 
"Because I thought it was going to be okay for once." She made a face and began putting the make up back on her little make up bag. "I can't believe he's back with Jenny, she's funny and intelligent and great—but God, I don't fucking like her." Sofia said, throwing the make-up bag on her bag and pout. "I don't want to go out now. More because I know he's here in Boston and it's not leaving until next year and I'm seeing his brother today."
"You don't wanna run into him?," 
"Of course I wanna run into him, I miss him so much but I'm totally not over him yet." Sofia explained sitting on the toilet seat looking at Amanda that was leaning in the door frame. "I don't know if I'm ever going to be over Chris."
"I'm sad now, you're make me feel sad and my boy too—
"I'm sorry—
"Don't be, I'm feeling sad because I can't go out with you and drag Chris's name all over Boston even though he's great but he left you."
Sofia smiled looking down and felt Amanda's hand running through her hair and she sighed deeply. 
Sofía was vibing or at least trying, the place was comfy and she knew almost all the people that were there—witch where all of fucking Christopher closest friends and some random girls that the guys bring from somewhere.
Apparently he wasn't coming, which Sofia didn't know if she was actually relieved or not. 
"Jesus fucking christ." She murmured to herself tried of her own fucking mind noise. She stood up and walked to the little bar area and started pouring a drink, straight whiskey and downed it all and poured herself a second and then a third walking away with the drink on her hand.
He saw her first, saw her leaning on a wall, talking with some dude —younger than her, brunette and with a fucking man bun, he was built, lean and tall. She laughed, at whatever fucking thing he said she laughed and looked at him with the little fucking straw on her lips. Oh, boy he was mad. 
Chris rubbed his face and went about to hang up with his friends and mingle a little bit. But he couldn't stop looking at their direction every fucking second. 
"They sure look cozy," Luke said and Chris looked at him. "Did you talk to her yet?" 
"I can't talk to her, man." Chris muttered and downed the warm beer on his hand and his friend handed him another. "What I'm supposed to say?, hey, long time remember when I dump you because I'm a fucking imbecile and i cant fucking wait." He said dropping sarcasm on every word. 
"That's a good opening," Luke laughed and Chris just stared at him, murdering eyes directed at his very own best friend. 
"Who the fuck is that?" he asked referring to the guy she was talking with. 
"A friend of Ryan's cousin." 
Chris made a face and rolled his eyes. "The fuck he doing here?" 
"It's Ryan's house, dude," Luke said and was a little amazed at Chris, he definitely hasn't seen him like this in a really long long time. "Man. .." Luke said, kind of amazed. "You're still head over heels in love with her, don't you?" 
"I wonder what gave it away," Chris said, drinking his beer and rubbing his face. "imma talk to her,"
"Ah—don't think it's-uh," Luke was looking at them and saw them share a kiss, it was quick and he kinda went for it. 
"What?," Chris said turning around and saw them just breaking the kiss and that's the moment Sofia saw him. 
And her stomach dropped, her whole ass body dropped—
"Oh, woow. Are you okay?," Alex, asked her when her knees buckled and he caught her. 
"Ah, yeah, yes. Just," She smiled at him and looked at her empty glass. "Little drunk, imma get more—" Sofia made an attempt to leave but Alex, bless his fucking kind heart, offered her to get her those drinks and something to eat. 
As soon he leaves that was a cue to Chris, who literally strutted to the wall she was leaning and Slfia just… started.
"Hi," He said, hands on his pockets as Sofia kept looking at him. "How-how are you?" 
Sofoa kept quiet and simply walked away from him, ahe couldn't possibly do the whole small talk bullshit they alwaus did and it emeded up al fucking badly. Chris looked at her go and he was the one that stormed after her. 
"Sofia, come on," Chris said and walked besides her. "Sof, it's going to be like this?" 
"I can't talk with you Chris, like…" She sighed and sat down on a bench, they weren't completely away from the people and there were some girls sitting on a couch messing around with their phones and minding their business.
"Why not?," He asked, looking at her. He just wanted to reach out and hug her, he missed her. 
Sofía finally looked up at him and asked him, "How's things with Jenny?," Chris looked away and rubbed his beard and stayed quiet at her question for a moment. 
"We're not together anymore," He said and Sofia made a face and sigh. "What about you?" 
"What about me?" 
"Are you seeing someone?" He asked looking at the bar where the dude was talking with Ryan, probably giving him the talk. 
"Look, Sofia is off limits."
"What?, why? She told me she's single." Alex asked and looked back at where she was supposed to be and found Chris looking back at him with that death stare he did when he was annoyed. 
"Yes, she is. But it's also Chris ex and they still didn't figure it out and he's my friend, so kid. Off limits," 
"Do you care,?" She asked, sassy. 
"If I didn't I wouldn't be asking, wouldn't I?," He asked right back at her, also sassy. 
"Last time I tried that, it didn't go well," Sofia said, rolling her eyes at him. "And the one before that, worse." She said at their obvious relationship and Chris just grunted. But couldn't blame her, it was a mess… 
"Yeah," He murmured and dug into his pockets and fished out a packet of cigarettes. "want one?" He offered her and she took it. 
"Thanks, we should smoke outside though." Sofia said walking out to the backyard where the other guys were doing the grilling. 
They waved at them but kept their distance, not Scott though because it was Scott. 
"So…" He said walking up to them and putting a hand on each shoulder. "You two are actually talking," 
"Not really," Sofia rolled her eyes and Chris grunted again. 
"Sof," He said, putting those little blue eyes to work on him and it worked, of course it will work. 
"Okay, okay…" She agreed and lit up the cigarette giving Chris a look. Thinking that the moment she found him unattractive was when she stopped looking at men all together and dedicated herself to pussy forever. 
He was so fucking attractive, jesus fuck. 
"Either way, is there a point here?," She asked looking at both of them. "We're good, I guess," She shrugged. 
"Are we really good?," Chris asked. 
"I don't know, you left me." Sofia took a drag and Scott made a face.
"And that's my cue to leave, I love you both." He said and Sofia laughed. 
"And I do too." She wink at him and Chris was staring at her, waiting for Scott to leave. 
"I shouldn't have done that—
"Chris, don't." She waves a hand at him. "You seriously need a new woman on your life, this thing about getting back with all your exes ia getting old as fuck."
"Ouch," He said and actually smile and so did she. "I do miss you, you know that." 
"I miss you too, come on. We were really good friends for a moment there," 
"Yeah," He smiled and bit his bottom lip, shaking his head. "We fucked up, don't we?" 
"Yeah, and I told you so."
"You did. Guess I didn't listen," 
"You never listen, stubborn Gemini man." She said punching him on the arm. 
"Yeah, you're right but I don't regret it though."
"Me neither," She smiled and sigh, just thinking for a moment. "So, there's a wedding coming?" 
"You mean ours?," He joked and Sofia barked a laugh. 
"I mean our better halves, idiot. Besides, we will be divorced in the first four months."
"What?, come on I gave us at least… a year," Chris saif and Sofia made a face, disagreeing. 
"Six months, tops." She said and put her hand on his month. "The thought of me being a wife, ew."
Chris laughed out loud. "You look pretty in white," 
"I look pretty in everything because I'm pretty," She rolled her eyes with a smile. "But, jokes aside. Do you see yourself married?" 
"I like the idea of marriage but… Honestly, I don't know."
"I preferred to have a kid before marriage, it's just a fucking paper in the end. You can divorce, I think I'll know when I have a kid, if I have a kid."
"We never had this talk before," Chris said and pointed at a little bench for them to sit. "About us," 
"Did you think about it?" Sofia asked as she sat down beside him. Chris was holding his beer between his legs and looking forward. 
"Yeah, I mean…" He looked at her. "I have never been this in love with someone like I am with you, so yeah. I did, a couple of times actually."
Sofia was dumbfounded at what he said, and she did toyed with the idea a couple of times… 
"I almost propose to you, actually…" He laughed and Sofias head snapped so hard to look at him. "After you met my mom, I bought that ring you liked. I thought that maybe someday…" He shrugged and Sofia's eyes watered up and just stared forward. 
"Chris, I…" She whispered and he looked at her. 
"What's wrong?," He asked, frowning. 
"What's wrong!?," She said, wiping her tears. "Dude, are you hearing what you are saying to me?."
Chris realized it at that moment, what he did. Bomb after bomb he just dropped on her. 
"Sorry, I got carried away." He muttered slouching on the bench and drank the rest of his beer. 
"You'll find someone, Chris…" Sofia said in a small voice. 
"Already found her," He muttered and stood up and walked away. 
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levistoiletseat · 3 years
Thinking about how cute and fun it would be to go to the beach with Eren.
Maybe you spend a few days and stay in a fun lil beach house near the ocean!
And the packing is SO CHAOTIC!!!! Like you guys are all over the place and talking so LOUD LIKE PLS YALL ARE TWO FEET APART
but you manage to get all packed somehow
Mostly thanks to you
But he helps put everything in the car so that’s nice.
The way there is SO FUN!! You sing your favorite songs and talk about all the things you can’t wait to do! You two are so excited!!
You guys get there kinda lateish??? It’s 5-6 PM and you barely unpack before you’re running down to the beach together.
you splash eachother and get so fucking sandy. He is obnoxious when it comes to water fights and he probably tries to drown you.
If you have boobs water fights with him definitely end up with a nip slip or two at some point
And he laughs so hard about it what a dick but he also TURNS SO RED
whenever he does he blames it on the sun
What a dork
And then you go out to eat and eat so much yummy seafood and go home stuffed and sleep so well
You just become this awful tangle of limbs but for some reason its so comfortable
The next few days you do all sorts of fun activities but mostly chill on the beach
Here’s where it gets soft
He helps you apply sunscreen and he might act like it annoys him but he always complains with a smile
He slowly rubs it into your back and makes sure he does it well and gets all the spots.
Sometimes he dabs a bit on your nose and laughs bc ur just so cute when you get mad at him
And then you chill under a lil umbrella or tent and listen to music and talk and swim!!!
And when you come back from the beach he helps you wash the sand off in your outdoor shower.
You just stand there so close to one another and he washes you off
You’re not even married but it feels so domestic
Sometimes you talk about what you want to eat that night or if you want to do something later
Sometimes you’re quiet and you just let him clean you
And sometimes he just ends up staring and thinking about how pretty you are
Like you think you’re such a mess with sandy hair and burned cheeks and he is just like “wow”
You catch him staring all the time
He is so cute too when he gets all flushed and red from the sun and ofc while he’s not against wearing sun protection, sometimes he protests against you putting on the sunscreen for him
He gets a little embarrassed yk how he is
He just pouts and WOW he is so cute and endearing
he also has such a nice body too like phew he catches you staring too and you do not look away
He is fine as hell
If he has long hair with that bun and the bod??? Please you’d jump into the deep end for him.
Seriously wow
And the girls and boys staring at him while you eat or shop
You’re not jealous bc i mean.... you get it
He’s hot!!!
And anyways he might not always say it but he’s so head over heels for you
And the people around you can kinda tell
Its the way you behave, interact, and look at eachother
And you guys dont really do PDA but you do hold hands while you shop and it’s really comfy and natural
It just kinda happens! You end up doing it without thinking about it
You guys spend wayyy too much money but its okay its the vacay yk
He probably buys some stupid tourist shop item like a dumb hat or shirt
And you do the same exact thing
A match made in heaven really
You both don’t need PDA to be embarrassing
You both end the week super happy and burnt and completely satisfied
And you cant wait to do it again <3
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Seeing Red
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Prompt: PMS days
Pairing: Spooky x Reader
Warning/ notes: Major fluff. Not grammatically correct. Currently on my menses which inspired this one shot. Hope it can comfort other spooky lovers during their time of the month. Enjoy ;)
Summary: Spooky takes care of his girlfriend when she’s on her menses. Just him and her!
Word count: 2063
As you opened your eyes you peered through the curtains of your room and noticed it was a rainy day outside in LA. The sky was somewhere between a light gray and the cusp of a white. They kind of color that hurt your eyes if you stared at it to long. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you rolled over on your back and instantaneously felt the stinging in our stomach. It was day two of your menses. They worst day of them all. often you thought about what it might feel like to get shot and came to the conclusion it couldn’t possibly be any worse than this. While you laid back staring up at the ceiling you heard your phone vibrate. Looking over all you could mutter was “shit” 8 miss calls and 15 text. You looked at the clock on the nightstand to your left 10:00 am. Opening the text you scroll to the top and began reading
‘Hey mama’-3:15 pm
Missed call 3:30 pm
Missed call 5:00 pm
‘Y/N’-5:30 pm
Missed call 6:00 pm
‘Y/N pick up the phone’- 6:30 pm
The calls and messages entwined like this for the next couple of hours until you guess your boyfriend finally fell asleep. You cant believe you slept for basically 19 hours straight. Aside from a few bathroom and water breaks where you had to use all the power you could muster up to complete those task, you somehow forgot to check your phone. Throwing your arm over your face to block out what little light was peaking through the window you could hear your roommate/ best friend Rebecca getting ready for work. BUZZZZ someone rang the doorbell. You heard him before you saw him. Out in the living room talking with you bestie, ‘where is Y/N’ he asked her. Oh no. He sounds pissed.
You laid frozen with your hand over your arm wanting the earth to swallow you whole. ‘She’s not feeling well’ you heard Rebecca respond. You always avoided Oscar on days like this because you were afraid to get mad and finally scare him away with your crazy . He burst into your room bringing the bright light from the hallway with him. You felt the irritation slowly building. Removing your hand with a sigh you look over to your right at the door. ‘Couldn’t pick up your phone’ he asked with a particular edge to his voice that brought out your annoyance to what seemed to be instantaneously. ‘I was sleeping’ you said letting acid seep into your voice. ‘For a fucking day’ he yelled. That’s it, you thought sitting up it bed which was followed by a gush of blood below causing you further annoyance.
“I’m not dealing with your shit today. 1. I spoke to you yesterday afternoon and its only 10 am meaning it wasn’t a whole fucking day. 2. Becca told you I wasn’t feeling well and instead of coming in here and asking if I’m okay you choose too come in here and yell at me like your my daddy. 3. Your not my daddy 4. My hormones are all over the place and I literally feel like i am dying so unless you plan on helping and not being an ass I suggest you leave.’ Oscar who you never ever send away looked more hurt than even mad that you yelled at him. He never took that kind of disrespect from anyone being the gang leader he is. ‘Okay, well.. what’s wrong? ummm... how can I help?’ he asked. ‘ you cant’ you replied. “Y?N...” ‘I have to go to the store and get some stuff.’ You swung you legs of the bed and tried to stand up only to be meet with crippling pain. Before you could even fully bend over to hold your stomach Oscar was there pushing you back onto the bed. ‘Your not driving like this’ he said. ‘Tell me what you need and ill get it for you’ he finished. ‘ you cant, ok its personal girl stuff’ you replied shyly. ‘ I didn’t ask you what it was. I said to tell me what you need’ he sternly answered. After writing a list that and handing it to him he said he’ll be back in 15 minutes. You took this time to take some pain medication and crawl to the bathroom just barely managing to take a shower while he was gone. Rebecca poked her head in to let you know she was heading out so you knew it was time to leave the shower so you could let Oscar back in. Standing in your room trying to figure out what to wear you decided on a pair of black leggings and one of oscars hoodie that you stole from him. You just needed to be comfy. As you were pulling the hoodie down over your head you heard the door buzzz. Heading out the the front door you pulled it open to find Oscar with 4 shopping bags. He walked past you to the kitchen and put them on the counter. ‘What exactly did you buy Oscar I only asked for a pack of pads and a soda” you asked quizzically, with what you were sure was a confused look on your face.
‘Well you said always overnight but they had 2 different kinds and I didn’t want to call you so I got both and then i got you some Advil, i mean I don’t know if that works for that kind of pain’ he said gesturing towards your stomach ‘but, i got it anyway and the lady at the store said it was good and suggested i get you something sweet and I couldn’t decide on one, so i bought one of every candy and...’ he didn’t get to finish his rambling because you walked over to him and kissed him lovingly to interrupting, he responded by holding your neck firmly in place and meeting you with the same level of passion. Pulling away for oxygen you looked up into the liquid brown eyes of Oscar Diaz and all you could say is ‘I love You’. “Go sit down mama I’m making breakfast” was his response. “Ummmm...I kinda wanted ice cream for breakfast’ you said. ‘Ice cream is not breakfast. No wonder i cant get cesear to eat any real food’ he teased you. Knowing you looked after the younger Diaz while he was locked up. ‘Hey. I eat real food but today my a baby maker wants ice cream so, I eat ice cream’ you joked. Walking over to the couch in the living room knowing he will never let you eat the ice cream first.
Settling down under the black throw that was on the couch you began to flick through Netflix trying to find something to watch. Settling on a romantic comedy. It wasn’t t long before Oscar walked over with your plate in hand. You couldn’t help but laugh as he approached you in Rebecca’s -queen of the kitchen-apron. Your attention then turned on the intoxicating smell drifting off the plate in his hand and settling in your nose. Homemade fluffy pancakes, eggs and fried salami (Oscar knew you weren’t a bacon person). He handed you the plate and placed his on the coffee table before heading back to the kitchen to remove the apron and grab your drinks. By the time he returned you were already half way through your meal. As he sat down to begin his meal. You were full and much more happy, you still couldn’t escape what you could only assume to be a stabbing taking place in your stomach but this is as happy as you were gonna get. You were content. Watching Oscar eat you eyes drifted to the santos tattoo on is neck and dirty thoughts began popping into your head. Just filthy thoughts, scooting a little closer to your man you kissed it midway him bringing some eggs to his mouth. He paused looking at you from the side through those long eyelashes with a lifted eyebrow.
That put your hormones in overdrive, you wanted him now! ‘ I liked the breakfast’ was all you could manage. Shaking his head he returned to his meal. You kissed his tattoo again, then licked it and then began sucking it. You hadn’t realized Oscar had put his dish down when he lifted you onto his lap. You were face to face, sitting on his lap you noticed he was a little hard. Biting your lip and now staring at his lips thinking of all the possibilities you could do with his mouth he smiled. Damnit the dimples. At this point you couldn’t blame the full wetness on the blood. Ugh, why did you have to have a period. ‘Hi’ he said still smiling. “Hi” you smiled back, clearing your throat “ummm... I really, really liked the breakfast” you continued. “I appreciate the gratitude and the delivery of it but, I don’t think you should start something you cant finish right now in your current state” he replied. ‘Oh’ you answered climbing off of him bringing you knees to your chest. You know his rejection was well placed and he was right but with your hormones all over the place it hit you harder than you expected. ‘Hey, hey he said moving it closer to you. You know I would do absolutely terrible things to you Mi amor, but your not at 100 right now and I don’t want you feel like you have to have sex for me to stay. Okay? He asked. ‘Yeah, umm.. that wasn’t for you but, Okay.’ nodding you moved over to curl up next to him as he finished his meal. Peaking up at him every now ad then you started thinking about how you both had changed.
You knew Oscar essentially Your entire life. Your dad’s were cool and so Oscar spent a lot of time in your fathers auto shop learning, since your dad never had a son he welcomed the apprenticeship. You were no tomboy and completely against anything other than reading. It wasn’t that far fetched you and Oscar began dating in high school. You remembered the first time getting your period and trying to explain what was happening to him; you not even knowing yourself. ‘So your bleeding’ twelve year old Oscar asked. ‘Yes’ you replied. ‘From your Vagina’ he whispered. ‘ yes’ you whispered back. “So... why does this happen?’ He asked. ‘Well my mom said when you are growing up it happens when you don’t have a baby. I think’ you replied. ‘So, your body is hurting you because you don’t have a baby?’he asked. ‘Ummm... yeah, I guess’ you answered. ‘So why not just have a baby? Said Oscar ‘ I asked that too, my dad said because he’ll kill me. So I guess I’m suppose to just suffer in silence’ you answered.
The memory bought a smile to your face and a small giggle escaped your lips causing Oscar to glance down quizzically at you now cuddled up next to him with your head on his shoulders. “ I was just remembering the first time I got my period and you thought having a baby would be the answer to all my menses related problems” you answered his unspoken question. ‘It still could be’ was all he replied shaking his head’ Smiling, most likely remembering the memory too. ‘I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier’ he continued. ‘It’s just being me...well people... its hard...-I know’ you cut him of. ‘Being you is hard and you not only have to think about you but the gang as well , Cesar....Me. I know you, your head goes to the worst possible scenario automatically. I know how worried you get. I should have checked my phone. I’m sorry too” you said pecking him on the cheek. With a quick nod of the head he returned his attention back to the screen. He wasn’t a man of many words. You two watched movies for the rest of the night. There were far and few instances when you had Oscar to yourself. When he was Oscar and not spooky. You relished these moments, these feelings and saved them for times when being is girlfriend seems less than ideal. For tonight, it’s enough to just cuddle up with your man and watch a movie.
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strangerfictions · 5 years
Fight Part II
Prompts: “don’t give me space. That’s the last thing I want from you”, “I know I shouldn’t be here”, “What’s this between us?” - Pinterest
Summary: Billy told you something that you didn’t expect while you were suffering from concussion, so you ignored it until Billy started to ignore you. With the help of Robin and Max you realize you have something to tell him too, so you make the decision to talk to him and see where things go.
Warnings: A lot of angst and a bit of fighting maybe?
Words: 2194
Read Part One Here!
A/N: Okay so I have been working on this for a few weeks now. It has taken me so long thanks to both college and the fact that I had to restart it about five times because it didn’t flow well or just didn’t feel right. This is the first time I have done a part two of a fic I have written, and I am super happy with how it turned out. This has now been sitting in my rafts for well over a week and I have been meaning to post it! Hope you all enjoy! Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Edit: I had to repost this thanks to tumblr acting a bit weird but hopefully thi time it works out a little better!
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It had been a week since the fight and things between you and Billy couldn’t be any more awkward. Billy still brought you to and from school but there was never much of a conversation. The night of the party was a little blurry for you thanks to the concussion, but you could remember everything he had said to you. You still couldn’t take it in, but you wanted to move on, but Billy was making that difficult for you.
It was a fresh week and you hoped that meant Billy would be back to himself. Like clockwork you hear his car come to life and you run downstairs shouting a goodbye to your parents. Before you even get into the car you can already tell Billy is still being awkward. He is sat bolt upright and refusing to even acknowledge you coming out of your house. You were sick of this and you were determined to say something.
When you get into the car you notice his black eye and split lip. You couldn’t help but wince knowing the exact pain he was in.
“Hey” Billy just nods driving down your street.
“Really? You are still being weird with me? Why are you so damn stubborn? It’s like you are going out of your way to make me feel like its all my fault when you were the one to confess to me!” You raise your voice slightly not meaning to, but you can tell from the look on Billy’s face that it has an effect.
“Fuck seriously Y/N? You know how hard this has been on me? First you beat up my fri3nds and then this shit. It takes two to have a conversation and last time I checked you didn’t put much effort in either!” You recoiled back into the seat a little as Billy begins to shout at you. You can feel your eyes begin to sting and so you turn and look out the window watching Hawkins pass by you in a blur.
“Maybe if your friends weren’t such dicks Billy, I wouldn’t have to get into a fight with them. They aren’t the ones who patch you up after every damn fight you get in are, they? They are all the type to peak in high school Billy and it looks like you’re going to be the same” Your voice cracks and luckily Billy pulls up outside school and you quickly get out before he can say anything else.
You walk towards the doors pulling them open as you hear Billy shouting after you. You run down the hall passing Steve and Robin who try to catch your attention before you go into the bathroom. You enter a cubicle and try to calm yourself down. You hear the bathroom door open and shut and the tap of shoes across the tiles.
“Y/N? You okay?” Robin calls out through the bathroom. You reach out and unlock the door pulling it towards you and leaving the cubicle.
“Yeah I’m fine. I had another fight with Billy and I just needed to calm down a little sorry.” You walk over to the sink splashing cold water on your face as Robin sits up on the counter beside.
“Again? I blame the sexual tension between you two!”
“Robin!” You were surprised she would even say such a thing.
“What? I always felt there was a little tension between you two and then I saw how he acted after the fight and I knew there was something going on there!” You nod knowing you had to tell her what he said to you. You check that all of the stalls are empty before saying anything.
“Well that night when he brought me home, he told me he liked me, and he has been really off with me and that’s what we fought about today. I brought it up and he got a little angry and so did I and we both said things we regret. As per usual…” You sit up beside Robin who has a massive smile plastered on her face.
“Wow I knew it. This is pretty big Y/N! Please tell me you told him you like him back because if you didn’t, I understand why he isn’t talking to you!” You wince at what she says remembering the night.
“I was concussed I didn’t know what I was saying!” You try to defend yourself, but you know Robin is right.
“Shit you’re right…I hate that you’re right. Can you ask Steve if he can give me a lift home?”
“I know I’m right I wouldn’t say it with full confidence if I didn’t know I was right! Yes, he will give you a lift he has no choice!” The bell rings and Robin pulls you towards your first class.
All day you have done your best to avoid Billy. You knew you couldn’t face him after everything you said. You knew what you said was wrong and would effect Billy because he already thought it was true. By last period you were ready to get home and collapse into bed and sleep for the rest of eternity, but you knew you had to apologise to Billy. Mo matter what it took.
By the time you got home both Steve and Robin had hyped you up to tell Billy that you do in fact like him a lot and that you regret everything you said. You wouldn’t blame him if he hated you for everything you said but a small part of you hoped things would work out. As you walk into your house you are hit with smell of cookies. It almost as if your mom knew you were having a bad day.
“Something smells good” You say as you push the door open to find the entirety of the Hargrove family sitting at your dinning table.
“Y/N! I invited the Hargrove’s over for dinner. I was a little surprised that you hadn’t come home with Billy” You put on a fake smile hoping it will conceal everything going on.
“Oh yeah…I had to stay behind and do some work with Robin for an English report so Steve said he would drop us both home. Actually, mom I’m not feeling to great I think I’ll pass on dinner I’m going to go and do my homework” Your mom doesn’t question anything and allows you up to your room.
You get changed into comfy clothes and get started on your homework. A little while later you hear a light knock on your door. You turn around to find Max standing at your door with a plate full of cookies.
“Hey kiddo!”
“Hey…I guessed you might be a little hungry since your not actually sick” Max sits down on your bed handing you the plate of cookies.
“How did you know?” You ask taking a big bite out of the still warm cookies.
“Billy’s guilty face” You smile knowing the exact face she is talking about.
“Funny this time it isn’t just his fault. I messed up…said a few things I shouldn’t have and now I need to apologise and tell him something pretty big” You sigh savouring the taste of the cookie before swallowing.
“That you like him?” You snap your head towards Max who has a big smile on her face.
“God first Robin now you…I swear you two are literally sisters separated at birth. How did you know?”
“Intuition and the weird tension between you. It’s very obvious…even my mom has noticed it” Max grabs a cookie and takes a huge bite out of it
“Shit…I…I’m kind of surprised by that actually. I guess I should bite the built all things considering. It’s not like I have much left to lose.” You finish your cookie and grab another one.
“Exactly! I better see you getting in his damn car tomorrow morning and him smiling because I’m sick of him being in this crap mood!” You nod knowing what you have to do now.
After awhile they all leave and its just you and your parents at home. You lay on your bed and think about what to do and how to tell Billy. You can hear the lull of the TV from downstairs as you take  in the noises around you. You hear the rain hit your window as you watch as it drips down hitting the frame.
Your parents go to bed early and you decide there is no time like the present. You get u and pull on a hoodie and some shoes. Thankfully you are on the ground floor so you can jump out of your window easily. You run across the road to Billy’s house. The rain getting heavier the nearer you get to the front of his house. You quietly walk around the side to his window. As you approach you can see his light is still on and as you get closer you can hear he is listening to Def Leppard. You stop outside his window and knock lightly catching his attention straight away. He looks up from whatever he is reading. You can see him visibly sigh as he gets up to open his window. You watch as he walks towards you. You cant help but feel the nerves build in the pit of your stomach. In one swift push Billy’s window is open.
“What do you want?” Billy whispers as you play with the sleeve of your hoodie.
“I know I shouldn’t be here, but can we talk please?” You ask quietly hoping not to wake his family.
“Why? So, you can insult me again? Don’t think so Y/N” Billy goes to close the window, but you place both of your hands on the windowsill.
“I’m sorry okay! I didn’t mean any of it and it was cruel of me to say those things because I know that’s the opinion you have of yourself. It was such a shit thing for me to do and I regret it so much because I might lose you and I really cant imagine life without you. I’m sorry about fighting with your friends, I’m sorry for making you look after me, I’m sorry for not telling you I love you and I’m sorry for being such a shit person sometimes” The rain is even heavier now as you continue to confess everything to Billy.
“Shut up and get in here” Billy holds out his hand helping you into his bedroom. As soon as you are in his room, he drops your hand and walk towards his bed throwing himself onto it.
“Thanks” You mumble shifting from one foot to the other starting to feel uncomfortable.
“So, you love me?” You look up from fiddling with your fingers to find Billy smirking at you.
“Uhmm…yeah I did say that didn’t I” You begin to pick at the skin on your finger as Billy stands up from his bed.
“And do you mean it?” Billy asks as he stops in front of you. You take a deep breath in before answering.
“I mean it, but I don’t want to make things weird between us” You say quietly
“I think it’s too late for that princess” You both laugh as Billy tucks a strand of hair behind you ear.
“So, what is this between us?” Billy takes you’re hand and leads you to edge of the bed sitting down together.
“I don’t know Billy whatever it is I don’t want to get hurt” You say holding his hand in yours.
“You know I’m not like” He was right you knew he wasn’t what the rumours made him out to be.
“But if you need space, I’m willing to give you it.” You hear Billy’s voice crack a little causing you to look up to find him looking away from you.
“Don’t give me space. That’s the last thing I want from you Billy!” You place your hand on Billy’s chin and tilt his head towards you. You can see the thoughts racing through his head as he begins to process everything. You are unsure on where you go form here but you hope it will involve talking to each other again.
“If you need space I…” Without thinking Billy leans forward and kisses you. You’re caught off guard and so when Billy realises you aren’t kissing back, he begins to pull away. You wrap a hand around the back of his neck and pull him back towards you, lips smashing together. The passion between you two fills the room and the tension lifts as the kiss continues. Billy is the first to pull away to catch him breath. You struggle to open your eyes after the sheer bliss you had experienced from the kiss.
“I don’t want space either…I guess we should go about this the proper way so Y/N will you go on a date with me?” You can’t help but smile at Billy’s attempt at doing things traditionally.
“Sure” Billy pulls you in for a hug as Def Leppard continues to play in the background. And just like that everything is back to being normal.
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whiterbone-a · 3 years
i wanna know what your take on the nanami / gojo relationship is ?? cause a big part of me is like nanami isn't someone who really talks , like you won't get inside of him and he'll make jokes here and there with the whole work is shit thing . but i think he lost his heart and happiness alongside yuu and i think he even said this wasn't a mission first years should be on and the fact that yuu looked up to getou and gojo so much and still got killed was like a fucking blade to the stomach.
i mean do you think there is a romantic possability , i do play around with it but at the same time do you think it would be comforting ?? like i know the big ship is gojo and getou because of how close they were but what is nanami to gojo , a tool and a function or a friend and possible lover ??? and how will his death effect him ???
also were gojo actively smiles , nanami only smiles when death is around the corner and i am like red flags here and there . but sorry this got so long and please feel free to ignore it .
hello and welcome.  take a seat and thank you for joining me.  if this doesnt make sense just pretend u know what im talking about, its the adhd for making my thoughts so scattered everywhere
so in concept the nanami and gojou ship in a romantic concept is rly cute in concept like u have an ex - salary man whos serious doesnt allow himself the luxury of acting his age but on the other end u have someone who still acts like hes a child and never takes anything serious even when hes fighting.  they both endured the trauma being a jujutsu sorcerer entails yet they have nothing in common -- gojou dresses like hes a reflection with the moon and nanami, the sun.  also the fact that gojou thinks that he, himself, is ascended above all he works with while nanami is just a human living his day to day, and lot of ppl use this as nanami to bring down gojou to his morality just like a nudge or a friendly reminder.  he even tolerates and puts up with him a lot more than he should.  hes very patient but very honest.  a lot of the fanart of them is SO CUTE esp when theyre married and living happily with one another.  i even ship them, its actually one of my top ships next to satosugu but like in reality its not so great unfortunately
honestly?  theres a small slim of a possibility but due to the nature of the clash of personalities and what their job its like ... not rly possible
nanami, even out of being a salary man, fully treats being a jujutsu sorcerer as a 9 - 5 job and refuses to work overtime. he has small luxuries like he enjoys reading and eating left overs after a day of working hard like who wouldnt and not to mention hes the type to keep his relationships strictly professional. gojou has probably asked him several times to take him out for drinks after work (altho work never ends with gojou which is ironic) and has said no.  it’s funny now that i think about it,  shouko probably asks him for an occasional drink after hours and he accepts because at least he likes shouko and he knows theres no ulterior motive from her just a couple of coworkers doing some heavy drinking but nothing ever more than that -- hes even said that he wants to get married but when hes no longer a sorcerer
sucks tho, because like everyone else, nanami sees gojou as someone who is extremely powerful and only sees him for his techniques except more like hes a nuisance and extremely annoying, even to the point of having absolutely no respect for him.  he realizes, yeah hes strong but as for the full package that is satoru gojou?  there’s absolutely nothing to respect about that man
and while we’re talking about gojou, i’ll say it, he’s mentally unstable.  i mean, we all knew that -- hes got a couple of “screws loose” as he puts it inside that rattling brain of his.  on the opposite side of the spectrum, hes not capable of handling a romantic relationship.  hes always always busy, its rare that that he gets a breather for himself.  hes always being sent out on missions out of country and ive always portrayed gojou as the type of partner thats not even gentle on his partners in terms of being playful, childish, and being a nuisance.  his mental health is absolutely terrible (i’m not saying nanamis is any better but) hes always acted much younger than what he is altho i do blame his upbringing for that.
and gojou treats everyone as good friends but does like to particularly pick on ppl who take themselves too seriously (nanami and utahime), mei mei and yuki are exempt from this.  he also doesnt rly care for ichiji but like, that doesnt matter LOL.
i do see nanami eventually giving in for one (1) after dinner ‘date’ after work but when gojou is actually less himself, hes tolerable to be around which isnt saying much tbh.  you should def listen to the nanami and gojou drama audio if u can!  they’re so fucking funny as a pair, which solidifies them as being cute but were not talking about that rn.
in terms of being ‘what are they’ to each other, its hard to tell.  i talked about it briefly as nanami reminding him of his morality and being his humility tho gojou doesnt act like it, he fully believes hes above all and everyone, lovers and close friends are included in this.  i read a lot of nana/go fanfics and they portray nanami as someone to push down his ego;  to remind him hes actually Not all that great, a child in an adults body, etc.  he’s a brutality honest man and gojou can take critic and criticisms to his person but that doesnt mean hes going to listen (and he doesnt, hes even self aware that his personality sucks ass but does he bother to change?  absolutely not and he wont start now nor for anyone else).
yuu did definitely help nanami change and shift his ideas about the world, esp hating the jujutsu society afterwards.  like, i dont blame u king, it sucks ass.  tho, i dont think nanami looked up or cared for gojou and getou that much.  getou he looked up to more so because at least hes as a respectable guy, strong, good looking, and stimulates intellectual conversations.  gojou?  not so much.  nanami probably thought that it doesnt matter if u have techniques that is extremely rare to acquire and even more so to master but u suck ass and u dont stimulate joy to be around.
nanami is a good friend and high school buddy to gojou and nanami would definitely call him ‘coworker’ or something along those lines when hes annoyed him too much or doesnt want gojou to benefit too much from simple acknowledgement.  gojou thinks hes an ascended being but he definitely respects and finds nanami to be a strong sorcerer and was rather surprised when he took the 9 - 5 job but it was definitely safer.
death ... ah, i think about this all the time.  it’s like losing suguru all again except he didnt go rogue and kill a whole village.  hes absolutely confident in nanamis abilities to fend off curses and hes too stubborn to let himself die as well, so the idea of him dying doesnt ever cross his mind.  thats a true stab to the gut to hear that nanami has died, maybe a moment of truly being unhinged and a darker nature but we wont rly know until it happens in the manga, which i cant wait.  i mean, at least mei mei, utahime, and shouko are around but this is nanami were talking about.  if this was in terms of a romantic relationship rather than a simple seemingly one - sided friendship of enjoying of being around that person but that person just tolerating him and hoping he goes away eventually.  i can’t say, i can’t say!  just take these thoughts with like a grain of salt.
also that last statement in the ask, gojous smiles are fake and a mask while the rare times nanami does smile, its genuine.
regardless of what i said, i think it can be a comfy ship!  this ship isnt toxic but any means (unless u make it toxic then well, thats a you thing) so just enjoy it!  i know i do i think as long as u recognize that maybe neither of them being a relationship would benefit the other then go stupid go crazy, i know i will.
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monzterzack · 5 years
Talk about Noah!!! I wanna know more!!
AAaaaawwwww heck yeah!!!!
Its morning and i got some energy!!!
Imma talk a bit about noah! Just.... let me get comfy, ill give u 3 of his core traits!!
1. His powers
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in this universe there are certain people that come from certain tribes that have inmense power, this people used to all share the same power but due to different circumstances (be colonialism, dead, or tribes separating) the marks end up appearing in the last remaining members alive and passing down said powers to their kids
You can diferentiate them from the tattoos that appear in their body, this tattoos are based on animals (noah is a lion, hudson haves a wolf)
SO IN NOAH'S CASE! he has a lion marking and his powers are mainly lighting and speed, he can creste lighting on his body and it can go from just a lil snap to a full blown lighting hit
He has worked his abilities to the best, but his fighting style is usually go FUCKING HAM and kicking and hitting till he lands a blow and obliterates you with his lighting
He is also know and has gotten a reputation for frying people up (which is why a lot of people think he is an evil bastard)
This powers however come as a double sword, they keep noah alive, practically unvincible since they work as a defense mechanism by healing him up as quick as possible, but in the case of mortal danger the powers will take over his body and he will go berserk
2. His alcoholism
Noah started drinking at a fairly young age (he was around 10) out of some misguided toxic masculinity, he was teased that he couldnt possibly be a man if he couldnt even take a sip out of a beer bottle, which is really stupid but also the adults around him that convince him of this were just messing up with him cause he constantly threw anger fits
Unfortunately noah in order to prove he was a man continue drinking and saw it as a personal challenge
After years tho this got mixed with his ptsd and bad mental health, so he stsrted to drink in order to shut the inner voices in his mind that kept telling him to kill himself
Noah spents most of his waking hours getting drunk so he cant think about how lonely and sad he feels constantly
He also drinks to easy the pain from his injuries after working cause he hates taking medication (he always chokes on pills and he haves a phobia around them)
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And he also drinks to repress his feelings of attraction towards men, cause YOU GUESS IT, since he is soaked in toxic masculinity he also haves some heavy internalized homophobia and dysphoria around his attraction to man
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When he is drunk he usually mellows down a lot around people he trusts, he is also more prown to fights, usually if he sees people mistreating others or if they come pick a fight
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He likes been drunk cause then he can be himself a bit more easily, but he is also incredibly vulnerable, so his friends decided that he cant be alone and unsupervised when he gets hammered cause he is .... really a mess
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His alcoholism has gotten so out of hand that he neglects any other need, he forgets all his other needs, specially eating, and his friends had tried to help him out of it, but due to lack of proper mental health services and his syndrome disorder making his life a living hell, they had decided to take it easy and first make sure he meets his basic needs and slowly try to get him sober first
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3. The syndrome disorder
Noah haves some heavy ptsd, he has had a really REALLY SAD LIFE
Most of the parental figures he knew died.... and .... not very peacefully, so he kinda blames himself about it
He also is trans, and due to like.... the environment he was raised in, haves a very bad case of dysphoria, which is why he so desperately wants to stick to the terrible guidelines he learned
He is really really weird, he doesnt really have hobbies, and after he decided to live alone (at age 15), he hasnt had friends so his social skills are on the ground
He habes rejection sensitive dysphoria which makes social interactions twice as hard
Due to this he has develop several unhealthy defense mechanism, his first responses to been rejected or hurt are to either hurt them back or to isolate and avoid any social interaction from that point on
His self esteem is on the ground so he is very sensitive about what others think of him, he desperately wants to connect to others but also he is scared of abandonment, abuse or people making fun of him so he has made his personality as abresive and hurtful as he cans in order to make others get away from him, which in return make him get more emotionally starved and more emotionally fragile so he is stuck in this cycle
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He wants out of this situation but he has messed himself up so much that all his mechanism lock him inside this machine of misery he created in his mind
He has tried therapy before, and he is still going but he goes once every month due to lack of funding, so ... it really isnt helping that much
He haves also insomnia, which only adds up to his issues, and haves many deep phobias that he cant seem to resolve
He's fears go from existential crisis (why am i alive? What if i end up dying alone?) To really childish ones (what if there are demons or ghost in my room? What if something bad happens when i turn off the lights?)
And most of them get worse at night, making it almost impossible for him to sleep
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So that just.... makes this whole situation worse
He is also very neglectful of any aspect of his health, be mental, phisical or emotional
He works as a mercenary for two reasons, the first one been that he really doesnt know anything else, he has grown as a mercenary, its all he knows how to do right
And also because he kinda operates in a self destructive manner, where he goes ham and doesnt really takes precautions to avoid injuries
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But do not worry!! Things get better once he starts making friends!!!!
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mejomonster · 4 years
God ok but ONE guy lied to yz like that and it fucked up his entire world. He was abandoned by his brother to grow up a powerless slave and when he finally broke out of that his brother fought him and then put all this attention on some random guy and THEN he was locked up in a rock like??? I dont blame him for doing any of this honestly! That would fuck up literally anyone!
the big thing with ye zun is. like yes it totally makes sense why he totally lost it and lashed out like this. the issue is he’s just as hyperpowered as Shen Wei, the Envoy, which unfortunately means him trying to just break free and live his own life means. he had to break through a super strong 10k year lasting prison to do it. no one let him out early or even tried to talk to him and work it out (shen wei in part cause he was unconcious then i guess in part cause he’d rather run to earth then deal with Peak Angry 10k years in stone ye Zun?) and so the amount of work it takes to break out... well yeah ur gonna affect the world a little just breaking out... then u find out ur bro abandoned you (as far as you know) for earth and Zhao Yunlan? (and honestly, to a degree, shen wei sort of did by the 10k mark... he could have went to ye zun and talked it out while he was trapped in the pillar... but instead he just ignored it and became a professor with students and coworkers and aquaintances and a comfy apartment, and then got a boyfriend, and just kept ignoring his brother as a lost cause Who Was Still Alive In There...)
yeah i get why ye zun was like: well i want shen wei and i want him to know im angry. if i hurt anything else its collateral cause he cares about it. screw it, i hope i get rid of everything. i cant handle all this... 
it certainly doesnt help that ye zun’s been isolated for 10k years, brutalized before that, and likely has no idea what else he’d even do. like... if he’d just had one person like fucking guo changcheng around, actually interacting with him and talking him through some of this stuff... he mightve calmed down...
of course some of the blame’s probably on dixing itself too. they screwed up shen wei by propping him up as their ‘Hero/Savior tm’ so he felt like they expected him to fix everything, to enforce the status quo, to be feared etc. and that pressure made him flee to earth because he couldn’t take being expected to ‘hold up the world’ when he’s just a man. just a person. meanwhile, they apparently vilified ye zun as the practical Devil. Because they called his pillar evil, assumed anything he could possibly say or do would be Destructive. and their goal was to keep him imprisoned and ideally kill him if they could. (which they made the Envoy likely help enforce, which probably was emotionally brutal on shen wei, until Shen wei fled to earth more permanently). 
so like... there was really no one with any chance To deal with ye zun as a person. Shen Wei had the closest chance, but the role they forced him into made that almost impossible anyway. (If the envoy HAD tried to free ye zun - all of dixing might have decided he’s a villain too, and tried to trap/kill him too, or maybe Haxing would’ve started a war on just the RUMOR of something happening - since haxing was already apparently gearing up to start a war anyway). Shen wei basically had to let his brother stay trapped, or else risk more major fights/wars and another huge expectation (and less chance to live his own life) on Shen Wei...
just like... a really fucked situation all around... the two brothers really just got screwed by life...
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asrasotherbottom · 5 years
HIYA i was the anon who asked if u could do wtnc headcanons so now that ur open again... pls for the love of god gimmie your favorite love interests (idk whose routes you've played so you pick) and some of that good good headcanon content of them with a fat m/c... thank u so much
OK SO IVE PLAYED ALL OF THEM and omen and august are my faves but we’re gonna do all 6 
ALSO, so no one @’s me about anything, for the sake of like “how would my partner react to fatphobia” being a huge part of the Fat Dating experience, I’m putting one thing in parentheses at the end of each LI which you can ignore if you (very reasonably) HC that fatphobia doesnt exist in that universe. 
He ?? didnt know humans could be  this……soft. And he loves it. 
He’s constantly running his hands over MC’s body and squishing all the different parts of it because he’s just endlessly fascinated but also enamored with their body and how squishy they are. 
(Secretly he thinks he wouldve chosen a glamour that was more fat if he knew it felt this good and soft) 
His tail may not fit all the way around MC’s waist so he takes to wrapping it around their arm or wrist more often in public. 
In bed he still wraps around their waist the best he can though. (He laughs if they’re ticklish when his tail moves through a fat roll alksfjs) 
(If u HC fatphobia could exist in the game universe, omen’s super protective about that and the ends of his hair start flaming whenever someone so much as gives mc a rude glare) 
Some of his wolf instincts kick in periodically and he will kneed MC’s belly/thighs before laying his head on them and curling his tail up. 
Absolutely pokes/gently slaps MC’s body to watch them jiggle in different places and if they ask him what hes doing he tells them to mind their own business and turns 12 shades of red. 
Same deal as omen with his tail, he’ll curl it up their arm or around their leg instead if he cant reach around their waist. 
Gets offended when MC is surprised he could pick even /them/ up, does he not look strong enough to pick Literally Anyone up??? Excuse you. 
(If you HC fatphobia could exist in the game universe, Alkar knows p  much everyone in town and LOVES being petty, so if anyone says shit to MC, he simply goes and runs up a very expensive bar tab in their name)
They immediately realized how lovely it was to have a fat partner when they first napped with MC on the couch that one time and they realized that they are so soft and so warm and so comfy, exactly what they need. 
They use MC’s body as a human stress ball sometimes, squishing their belly or thighs when they’re venting about a stressful day. 
They rather fondly compare MC’s stretch marks to the patterns on their skin when they use their magic, gently tracing them with their finger or pressing their lips to them softly. 
MC quickly becomes their pillow all the time, all parts of their body. When they’re spending the night reading together, August rotates between laying their head on different parts of MC’s body. 
(If you HC fatphobia could exist then August would stand up as straight as they can, magic crackling in their fist and shoot the offending party a look that would level them to the ground) 
Voted most likely to have the exchange: 
MC: “Don’t make me sit on you!” 
Finn: “Is that a promise?” 
Finn, pinned under MC’s weight; “You’re not trying to kill me are you? A little late for that.” *waggles eyebrows*
If being with MC feels as warm as being near the sun, then you bet Finn is going to be shoving his hands and nose in face in every warm belly roll or between their thighs at every opportunity. 
SO much surface area for biting. There are so many options and Finn wants to try them all. 
He feels bad MC can’t wear his clothes easily, so he makes sure to keep a stock of MC-sized no-buttons-anywhere shirts in his style for them to wear whenever they’d like (or…upon request).
(I think it goes without saying that if you HC fatphobia to exist in the universe, Finn would need to be Actively Talked Down after his eyes go black in anger)
He keeps on wrapping his arms around them and melting into their body and how soft they are and saying something about how they “feel like home” to him.  (Sapppyyy)
Coco 100% uses MC’s belly as her own personal throne and Ezra is not about to get into an argument with her about it. 
He Can and Will pepper their body with kisses and make very pleased hums when his lips and face sink into their body and their chub. He would spend all day doing that if he could. 
"Would you deny the Best Healer In Eskria (your words, not mine) a chance to look you over and make sure you’re alright?” said, nightly, as an excuse for him to make sure he puts his hands and eyes and mouth on every part of them. 
(He’s most likely to keep his head down and pull MC away from whoever is being rude, and then desperately check in with them afterwards)
She’s so fucking into having a fat partner its not even funny.
Publicly and loudly telling MC how hot they are on a regular basis, so everyone can hear and know how lucky she got with MC. 
Whenever she loses a sparring match to MC, she jokingly blames it on the fact that they had the Weight advantage over her (anything to avoid saying she lost) (But don’t worry, she’ll have them pinned one way or another by the end of the night)
She’s very hands on, she’s not at all hesitant, ever, to grab literally any part of MC’s body that she can reach whenever she wants to pull them close to her or just to touch them. 
(If you HC that fatphobia can exist in the universe literally Piper would just stab them, she’s fierce and protective and knifey)
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babyboy-cody · 5 years
Can you write about the foursome and how you and jim are fighting and he’s just being a dick and stuff starts to escalate quickly and he throws stuff and then he pushes you and you fall or something and the others come in and they see what’s happened and you just decide to leave for the night, you don’t even say anything you just flee and they think you’ve left for good but you just had to be alone and think for a while and you come back in the morning 😪
(this hit the s p o t 🥺😖)
Michael and Duncan sat slumped in their seats on the couch. Duncan’s foot was tapping against the ground as he couldn’t contain his anxiety. Michael sat with his arms crossed and a blank expression set on his face. You’ve been gone for nearly two hours. The drive to Jim’s friends place was only 20 minutes. Duncan couldn’t stop checking his watch.
“They’re coming. Don’t worry, Duncan,” Michael says, lazily looking over at the dirty blonde man.
“How do you know?” He snaps, not meaning to come off as rude, but he’s panicking when two out of three of the people he loves isn’t home yet.
On cue, the front door swings open. Jim walks in first on unsteady legs, eyes wide and wild. You follow after him with a furious expression. Michael and Duncan jumped up and take a closer look at Jim.
“Is he…” Michael quietly trails off.
“Coked out of his goddamn mind? He sure is!” You angrily snap, eyes blazed with fire as you glare at Jim. “I found him passed out in the fucking bathtub.”
“Lay off, Y/N,” Jim groans and struggles to remove his coat as Duncan helps him. “I’m just having fun.”
“Having fun?” You humorlessly laugh. “Having fun means going to the damn park or watching a fucking movie! Having fun doesn’t mean getting stupid drunk and doing every drug passed down to you, Jim!”
“I thought you stopped using a while ago,” Duncan lowly says as stares into Jim’s blown out eyes.
“Yeah, well…” Jim shrugs and leans against the counter with his arms crossed.
Michael observes the brunette. He notices how Jim has purple bags under his once bright eyes. He notices how Jim is a sickly color rather than his golden tan. He notices how Jim is starting to be a walking skeleton instead of having the toned muscle like before.
“You’ve been using since you’ve been here,” Michael states, eyes turning dark and sad.
“I just needed a release,” Jim sluggishly mumbles.
“A release?!” You exclaim. “From what? Our relationship?”
Jim rolls his eyes and slumps into a nearby seat. You run your fingers through your hair in frustration at the sight of him being so careless about the situation.
“Y/N, make him drink some water and find him something to eat to get whatever drug out of his system,” Duncan softly tells you and grabs Michael as they both leave to go upstairs.
You sighed quietly and pull a cup from the cabinet. You pour a glass of water, per Duncan’s request, and you offer the cup to Jim. He moves his head away and clenches his jaw, bobbing his knee up and down in a form of agitation.
“Jim, please drink the water,” you quietly tell him, pushing the glass closer to his face.
“Get away from me, Y/N,” he orders lowly, his voice dark and gravelly, and it shook you to your core.
“I’m trying to fucking help you!” You shout, roughly grabbing his shoulder to make him turn around. “Drink the fucking water before you dehydrate!”
Jim roughly grabs your hand off his shoulder and grips your wrist so tightly that it makes you whimper. He grabs the glass and hurls it across the room. As the cup slams against the wall, it shatters into a million pieces. You gasp and stare into Jim’s furious eyes.
“You can’t fucking listen to me!” He roars, his hand squeezing your wrist tighter as he backs you up. “You won’t ever leave me alone, no matter how hard I fucking try! You’re so goddamn whiny that it hurts my fucking ears! Just leave me the hell alone!”
He roughly shoves you away. You try to catch your footing from his strength, but you fall back onto the ground, your head knocking onto the wood. You cry out and grab the back of your head as you turn onto your knees. Jim towers over you breathing heavily with his hands clenched into fists. You stare up at him with thick tears blurring your sight.
Michael and Duncan ran in after hearing you cry out in pain. They see you on your knees cradling your head with Jim standing over you.
“What the fuck did you do?” Duncan growls, but Michael holds him back so he couldn’t do anything harmful to himself or Jim.
You slowly get up on wobbly legs and sniffle with a whimper. You stare into Jim’s softening eyes and shake your head at him in disappointment. Without saying another word, you grab your keys and leave the house as you slam the door hard enough to make the guys flinch.
“We need to talk,” Michael tells Jim with a serious tone that even makes Duncan nervous.
You’re not sure how long you’ve been gone. It could’ve been two hours, maybe even four. Your phone was shut off and put away in the glove compartment of your car. You lay on your side away from the door and stare at the motel wall. The bed was at least comfy and room smelled of air freshener. You needed some peace and quiet. You’re still shocked to your very core that Jim would act like that. You didn’t blame him. The drugs in his system turns his brain into mush. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that he laid his hands on you and stared at you with such hatred and disgust in his sullen eyes.
A lone tear rolls across the bridge of your nose. You sniffle and wipe it away. You’re not sure what’s going on at the house, but you hope Michael and Duncan are talking some sense into Jim. Your swollen eyes become start to burn as your lids become heavy. With another soft sigh, you fall into a peaceful slumber.
Duncan paced back and forth with one hand buried in his hair as the other desperately dials your number for the millionth time. His heart beats erraticallyas he tries to calm his frantic breathing.
“I–I didn’t mean to!” Jim sobs as he buries his face in his trembling hands.
“Didn’t mean to?” Duncan scoffs.
“Everything was s–so blurry and–and I didn’t know what w–was happening!” Jim cried out. “I just s–saw her on the floor.”
“Calm down before you hyperventilate yourself into a hospital,” Michael quietly says and offers the young man more water to drink.
“She’s not answering her fucking phone. I tried tracking it down, but it’s out of range,” Duncan grunts and rubs his scruffy jaw in frustration. “She probably left to get away from this fucked up relationship as Jim says it.”
“I–I’m sorry!” Jim whimpers as Michael hushes him quietly. “I d–don’t want her to–to leave us!”
“Duncan,” Michael walks over to the panicking male and placed his ringed hands on his cheeks. “Y/N’s a strong girl. We all know she is. She’s at a motel and she’s safe.”
Duncan exhales quietly and trusts Michael’s words. He nods and nudges his cheeks closer to his hands. Michael presses a soft kiss to his forehead and moves away to kiss Jim’s head gently.
“When she comes back, we’ll have a proper discussion like adults,” Michael tells them, and they both nod. “Good. Now, we wait.”
Morning came by surprisingly quick. Your eyes were rimmed red as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You rinsed out your mouth and washed your face free of any tear tracks. The fresh air hit you pleasantly when you stepped out. After handing the key to the receptionist, you drove back home where your three lovers impatiently wait for you. As you’re at a stoplight, you turn on your phone and it immediately buzzed to life repeatedly.
(28) Missed Calls from Duncan💗💋
(12) Unread Messages from Duncan💗💋
(39) Missed Calls from Jimmy🏄🏽‍♂️🧸
(117) Unread Messages from Jimmy🏄🏽‍♂️🧸
(6) Missed Calls from Michael🖤🥵
You sighed to yourself and shoved your phone in your coat pocket. The ride home was tense and you couldn’t imagine how they must feel. You’re worried about Jim. Did they kick him out? Did they think he’s a no-good junkie? The possibilities were endless and your anxiety was at its peak.
You arrived home in a matter of 15 minutes. You shakily inhaled and exhaled as you walked up to the large dark oak door. You found it to be unlocked. When you quietly stepped inside, you heard their voice meddling together. You came around the corner and saw Michael and Duncan in a deep discussion while Jim sat slumped at the kitchen table. Michael’s eyes immediately flickered to where you stood.
“Dove,” he breathed out.
Jim’s head snapped up at the sound of your nickname leaving Michael’s lips. A new wave of tears washed over him when you make eye contact. He leaps out of his chair and wraps his arms tightly around your waist, pressing you so hard against him that you have to turn your head away to breath.
“I’m so sorry! I’m so, so, so sorry!” He sobs, breathing frantic and shoulders shaking. “I’ll get better. I promise! Please, please don’t leave me. I need you.”
You hush him quietly and close your eyes to keep your tears away, but to your dismay, they escape. You wrap your arms around his neck and curl your fingers through his hair. You kiss his neck and bring your lips to his ear.
“You need help, Jimmy,” you shakily whisper. “And I’ll be there for you every step of the way. We all will. I cant lose you to something as horrible as drugs, Jim.”
He nods against your shoulder and sniffles as he doesn’t budge. He inhales your scent and shakily hiccups.
“I’ll get better,” he repeats softly. “I promise.”
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