#i cant believe im over 30 chapters. wow
connywrites · 5 years
of flesh and blood 31
also on [ao3]
start - part [30]
"Fuck," he murmured to himself in a hushed, swift breath the way he often did.
"Fuck, I can't believe this shit, holy hell," he continued, pacing with his hands behind his head, eyes looking at the ground while he walked circles.
His dad was definitely going to be livid. He didn't have a partner on the team anymore, which evidently diminished his chances at being an objectionable case. The DPD wasn't going to be on his side for long, and once word of this got out he was as good as dead meat.
He didn't know what to do. There was nothing he could do.
Ripping open the box to look at the pieces of the chassis might not have been the smartest decision, but something buzzed in his mind as he pulled the face panel from the top and turned it around. Looking over the ports, bolts and other various pieces that composed the shell of its head, he paid no mind to the complicated connective process, eyeing over the electronic chips embedded into the shell that shaped the android's face, minus the eyes and internal skeleton nestled behind it, still in the box. All of the main biocomponents were there, but the entirety of the android body wasn't in the box; likely because it wouldn't fit without getting inconveniently bulky. What was left behind was the old thirium pump, drained of the liquid that dissipated from the human eye's naked vision, now an empty, metal-framed plastic container with a pair of holes blown through the front and back of it. It looked simple on its own, clear and hollow compared to the morbid visage of when it was spilling the glistening liquid across the sidewalk. The way the android’s old chassis was now a strange puzzle of scattered parts was a different kind of unnerving, compared to the fact it seemed like a living, breathing human being only days ago.
Shifting the pieces to look around more, he was startled to catch sight of the hands; white and metallic, with the strength that crushed his throat, and shoved him, and cut him, and everything else that wasn't with those arms in particular, but the ones after. The new, resurrected RK900 that returned once more, but with malicious intentions and a vendetta, the next in line of RK serial numbers that destroyed his furniture and soon enough might have entirely ripped him apart, too.
It was over now. It was gone and done with. Gavin knew he should be, too, listening to the strange creak of metallic joints as he prodded the fingers of one of the hands, admiring how deceptively limp the appendages were, how easy it was to shift the device in his hands, interlinking his own fleshy, calloused fingers with the clunky form of its original plastic ones, small panels intricately shaped and placed together to create joints and knuckles with the texture of artificial tendons running above the original plastic that would be washed over by the illusion of its ‘skin’.
This was hard-wired proof that the machine was nothing but that, no matter how human it seemed in their interactions from days, weeks, and months before. It was fascinating, in a way, how the human psyche digested things differently solely on appearance; a factor Elijah Kamski clearly took into consideration, considering they had functions to reveal or recede the human-mimicking tone of flesh, leaving them a bald, plastic chassis with eyes much too glossy and realistic, always popping out in contrast to the other inorganic features and structure. It was mortifying to think about how well it had taught and trained and disciplined him into treating it like a human, just as it wanted. Weren’t those already tell-tale signs of deviancy? Gavin supposed it didn’t matter, considering the tests were over, Cyberlife supposedly found the answer and the RK900 was gone.
That meant these hunks of useless machinery were as good as garbage, he figured, coming to terms with the fact they really were only there to scare him. Taking a deep breath in through his nose, then out with a flare of his nostrils, he tossed the pieces back in the box, and slammed the lid back on with the thought of how much it might weigh and how far he’d have to carry it to the nearest dumpster. Would that be suspicious? In all reality, he didn’t know how often commonplace people threw out their androids, and the last thing he needed was to attract more attention.
Going home to Sumo laying on the couch was much more comforting than seeing the RK900 waiting there, staring at him expectantly; the dog lifted his massive head with an attentive whine, wagging his tail, and Gavin lifted his eyebrows to offer him a tired expression while he peeled off his nice coat to hang up on the nearby rack.
“Look at you. Getting to lay around here all day, doing nothing,” he murmured, but his voice was fairly playful, even though it was lethargic. Sitting down and leaning back into the comfort of the new couch cushions, he welcomed Sumo with open arms as the dog plodded heavy paws onto his legs, making him chuckle at the force of the St. Bernard’s weight as he settled to lay his head down on his lap. Generally, he’d consider it too early to sleep, but seeing as he clearly wasn’t getting up to make dinner anytime soon, he figured he’d make himself comfortable, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV to shuffle through the channels in an attempt to find something to watch.
Coming home without the sense of danger throughout his house was something he’d began to appreciate, even if the only reason he had a house in the first place was because of the RK900’s affinity for ‘gifts.’ Large, unnervingly expensive, long-term ‘presents’ that were supposed to aid him in the long run, but for what? Sighing, he leaned his head back, absent-mindedly running his hands through the big dog’s thick fur, closing his eyes as he let his mind run rampant with ideas, memories, and the thoughts for his future. As it was clear he wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon, he decided it was best to rest where he was for now.
“Yeah, I tossed the damn thing out, finally,” he said with a lighter tone to his voice, sounding relieved.
“Good. I can’t imagine what good it was doing for you, sitting around in the garage,” Tina responded with a bit more harshness than intended; but with the knowledge the ‘souvenir’ was continuing to destroy his psyche, she felt a bias over the fact it should have been thrown out since the night she unwrapped the box, expecting literally anything but the blank face she’d discovered first thing upon opening it. Gavin remembered panicking, scrambling to apologize as they ended the night early and she headed home, deciding that was a bit much and not talking to him for a couple weeks thereafter. As he was afraid to lose the only person resembling a friend he seemed to have, he didn’t take any action to bother her, simply hoping she’d contact him again; and feeling all the more relieved when she did.
“I dunno,” he admitted as he was at a loss for words.
“I thought if I kept it there, I could contain it somehow. But I can’t contain something imaginary. Should have thrown it out the night you were at my place,” he stated with a sigh, rubbing the creases in his forehead with his index finger and thumb, elbow to the break room table as he glared at his partial portrait staring back at him from the white surface, staring it down in a reflection of self-loathing.
“It’s still messing you up?” Her voice sounded callous, but he didn’t blame her for not knowing better.
“It never stopped,” he snapped in a voice that sliced through the air with its bite. She paused.
“Have you met the new guy yet?” A swift subject change ought to help them both feel better, she figured.
“Huh? Sure,” he said with a nod to himself, knitting his brows as he thought back to the annoyance that was supposedly the new aid for the team.
“I can already tell he’s gonna be a pain in the ass.”
“I think he already is,” she agreed.
“The FBI are already snakes, and Perkins is…well, who he is,” she expressed without so many words. Gavin made a disgusted noise, shaking his head to himself.
“Tell me about it. At least Perkins only shows up when he’s needed. I have a feeling this kid’s gonna be a lot nosier.” She paused.
"So...how are you holding up? With it being gone, I mean." Gavin's lips twitched back in a grimace, and he sighed.
"Okay, I guess. It doesn't feel real. Followed me everywhere, from work to bed and back again." Her gaze dimmed uncomfortably.
"Well, you've invited me over to your place, why don't you come to my house? A change of scenery often helps." Blinking with his usual dumbfounded stare of disbelief, Gavin paused, before nodding.
“Yeah, alright. That doesn’t sound so bad.”
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Scarface was too fucking boring, didn't make it past chapter 3, but that's good, because that means Baki-Dou time 😍
Time to read the fourth book in this series! Excited to see Musashi <3
Chapter 1
Baki please stop flexing
A FELLA SAYING THE SAME I SAID WHEN YUJIRO PULLED HIS SOB STORY, FR GO TRY SOMETHING ELSE! What happened with that whole "i don't care about fighting" eh Baki?!
Chapter 2
ah no :/
HOLY FUCK is this quality bad!
He wants to taste defeat i see
Oh they removed the... Egg in the back of the neck, nice
God this guy's tits so fat 🥵
Chapter 3
He doesn't even know 🐍
Oh i saw fanart of this scene
Baki, it's your fault that you are bored, you fucking teen
This shit boring ME
Chapter 4
Oh, goroukou is a title
I like how the prime minister is becoming a recurrent character
I thought he said babe for a sec-
That little "oh~" is a bit sus, are the old men... No, it can't be 😳😳😳
I'm fucking choking fuck
"yes <3"
These ppl never learn
Chapter 5
What a way to go, a la gamzee /j
This dude so weird lmao
Dude he has huge round eyes tf you talking bout?
IGDUFSUEASEUURSS he's such a freakkk 😭😭😭
This is the most wtf thing Baki has pulled, remember when this was about fighters fighting? I don't know enough about science for this shit either man
Okay so their hug wasn't Tokugawa being touchy like he is, this guy is even worse, se juntaron el hambre y las ganas de comer HSHAFSFG
Chapter 6
Baki's dead
Katsumi about to kill get killed by my grandpa i see
Katsumi bro don't be so happy over nearly killing him-
I love seeing him get better tho
Uwaadgsgsjdga 😍😳🤤 twisting my hair irl,,, 🥴
Finally Motobe remembered he was a character here 😐
I LOVE that they got dark lips again
Jack's scar looks cool ngl
Retsu living the good life lmao
Hana just doesn't care, smartest Baki character lmao
Idk what they talking bout but good for em <3
Cum basement
Chapter 7
Obsessed he thought his heart was failing 😭
Dude you can just hear the heart beat of your friends/opponents just like that? 🤨
Notice Gaia in the top left 🥴
Thick 🥵
Unironically built different
Chronic back pain if you ask me, that's how I stand to relieve my agony
Did. Did you just call him a femb-
I love John sm lmao
Mr Musashi has 2 (3?) dads
Chapter 8
Those things look like boobs
Bet you would know eh SHAFADB
They jerked off the mummy?
Reminds me of eye surgery
Mf came out the tube ripped af 😭
Chapter 9
Everyone is so feminine lately good ol Kureha fell behind 😭
I like his bandana tho it's cute
Fat tits 🥴
Eheojeudkshs 😖😳👉👈
You know like i understand Baki, he is at the highest he can be rn, NO ONE can defeat him, but the rest? Like c'mon y'all just beat each other up or something
Ah, the miracle of birth 😍
Chapter 10
I love how all these two do is hang out together in bars, boybosses
I love what they have
Hana thinking of getting his 4 limbs broken again i see
WOOO!! Nice cock Mr Musashi 😳
Chapter 11
I love those freaks
I just now I'm seeing the little scars on his cheeks from the fight with Spec ☺️
I love the fact that Musashi has hair in his legs BUT not his arms like ??? Okay king
Heated scientist moment
Chapter 12
UTSURAARSDFAFA sibling goals
Holy shit she's amazing
Chapter 13
And his ass is very thick too 😳
Those fucking sunglasses, obsessed
Debatable, he got struck by lightning :/
Nooo they censored the cock again 😔😔😔
"I'm exciteddddd" "ok."
Chapter 14
You just hate seeing a girlboss win
She truly is amaizing
Also i just realized spirits have been showing up since the first book so this isn't so crazy lol
Chapter 15
Glad seeing some things never change
He looks so much like Jun
Someone question if Yujiro knew how too write obsessed,,,
Chapter 16
Goddamn it you got even older in the past 3 or so chapters bro
Mouth to mouth soul transference
Some mf got turned on by this HELP 😭
Chapter 17
I love how Yujiro and Hana are still getting ready to throw hands while this happens lol
Okay yeah that was super disrespectful honestly, guy is having a chat :/
God i thought it was Hana the one grabbing some random lady for a second AFDJSJSSJS
He cute af ngl
Fsr I'm surprised he can talk, like it should be obvious but in all the fanart i saw he never said a word, also, he's so damn respectful 😍
Chapter 18
Idk he was never that clever /hj
Hehehe blood
I love how John can only sit that way
The size of his balls lmao
Coward won't even fight with his dick out smh :/
God he mad cute-
Chapter 19
Hm i think this random tiny bald man is not Tokugawa but someone that looks awfully similar to him
Apparently there was a cameo, i don't know enough about anime to know or care
Chapter 20
He's tripping balls
Tokugawa should have gone a bit slower with this poor guy, this is like a lot to process at once <:/
Nvm he's doing better than me
Oydirsusefs look at himmm
Chapter 21
Musashi be like °_°
He's just chilling, mentally killing this dude
Murder baby
Chapter 21
The way his eyes are drawn is so cool
And he jokes too! Wow I'm in love 😍
I remember a show where you would bring your own knives and swords and go thru a bunch of test, Musashi should have been one of them
Mf truly is like :]
I love how he didn't buy it
I can't wait for him to fight Yujiro 😍
Chapter 23
He truly is 😌
He was happy this time at least, 5 times he lost already btw
Tokugawa truly in unhateable lmao
Chapter 24
Oh I forgot Musashi does that
I miss when translators would add notes i don't want to google shit myself :/
"I'm hard as rock" /j
Chapter 25
Look how happy he issss
I love how Tokugawa can't believe he got it first try and it's trying to lie now sjdakdyv
This mf is actually making me insane what the actual fuck i don't know what he has but he's gonna make me act up 😳
Mf be shadow boxing too dammit /j
Baki please
Chapter 26
Look at the size of Baki's eyes holy fuck lmao
He's gonna yeet him!
Chapter 27
How little time passed? They have barely moved
Yeah you did it last book too Baki
King shit
Chapter 28
I love how he only now realized
Okay no he has a point
I love how he just calls him boy
Look at that smug face
I trust Musashi but at the same time he, really should be walking around this new world alone. Now, if i were to accompany him... 🥴/j
Baki please
Chapter 29
I love how soft the artstyle suddenly got, like if done big a big brush
Yujiro you just insulted every single anime character in history
Baby Baki's just like "Ok."
I like how Yujiro looks here
HOHO badass
Chapter 30
He died 😔
Idiot hasn't even beat he 0.5 reaction seconds lmao 🤣
HOHOOOOO?!? 👁️👁️
"my curiosity exceed my fear!!" I RESPECT THIS MAN SO MUCH??
Chapter 31
Fighter to fighter communication
He's just gone now LMAO
I honestly don't mind Baki being weak against this, he never fought against a two handed swordman, this is new territory
Chapter 32
Oh his really tripping balls now this is why he shouldn't be alone
I just now realized he's barefoot
Nice ass king
The policemen are quite nice
He's very cooperative but i can't blame the cops either
Chapter 33
Yeah no shit that must be so insane
That's kinda funny but idk man he's right i think
He's just like :3
I love how he isn't picking up a fight out of malice but rather just instinct like, he can't understand shit that is going on
Chapter 34
Don't you fucking dare shave him Itagaki
It's funny how it took 2 books and a half for Baki to start being a protagonist
Holy fuck did Baki add height or is Miyamoto that big?
Wow how perfect i ran out of space just now!! Having fun with this book ngl :]
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (10) | T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: After the events of last night, Tom and Y/N are completely heartbroken. More threats are thrown out. Tom leaves???
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
A/N: WOW 10 CHAPTERS ALREADY?! If you made it this far..Thanks for sticking around! What has been your favorite part in the series so far??
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There was no way to describe it. The unsettling feeling erupted between Y/N and Tom after last night. At that point, they weren’t sure of where to go from here, but I guess that’s what happens when one lets their guard down. Once thinking they had a second chance to rebuild what was lost, has now drifted further and further apart.
Y/N knew she should be angry at Unknown, for being the reason why she had to experience heartbreak a second time. Yet, she also couldn’t help but feel anger towards Tom. There had to be a reason behind the kiss, but something inside her didn’t want to let go of the fact that he did kiss Natalie in the end. It wasn’t staged, it wasn’t questionable pictures, it was real and Y/N had the displeasure of seeing it up close.
The images wouldn’t leave her mind, and no one was there to look out for her. Kate was gone, and Harrison and Harry took a weekend for themselves. For the first time ever...it was just her against the world.
Y/N hadn’t moved from her position since she yelled at Tom. Crouched on the floor, her back leaning against the door, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees. Her mind and her heart had left her body, while she was very much alive, her current state might as well deem her dead. She was waiting for someone, something to give her a sign that everything was going to be okay.
Thats when she heard the soft knocks. Three knocks at a time. Once. Twice. Then a third time. Y/N refused to open the door, thinking it was still Tom, but the more she waited the more the enfuriating knocking would not stop. After a couple more, she was ready to open door just to stop it. Another part was also curious to know what Tom had to say about last night. Maybe just maybe they’d get through it again like they did before. Y/N wiped her tears dry, and turned the doorknob.
It wasn’t Tom.
Natalie with her neatly waved, dirty blonde hair appeared at the door, her hand in mid knock. She gently placed it down and gave Y/N a tight-lipped smiled. “May I come in?” She asked in her robust english accent.
“Let me think about it. You’re in a PR relationship with my ex-boyfriend, you stole my ex-boyfriend’s clothes without permission and posted it all over social media when you said you wouldn’t...and let me see I know there was one more thing I was forgetting...” Y/N sarcastically ponders the thought, tapping her finger on her chin. “Oh yeah..you managed to kiss him right in front of me when there was no need for the PR. So if you asking to come into my room as if you’ve been my best friend all my life..You’re out of your fucking mind.” She speaks out bitterly.
Natalie looks at Y/N surprised at the attitude thrown at her. She knew Y/N was one for being a forgiving and generous girl, but today she saw a whole side of her. Natalie smirks at the comment and the result of her stunt. “Okay, then I won’t play the nice gal anymore. Now this is your last warning. Stay. Away. From. Tom.” Natalie threatens, jabbing her finger into Y/N’s chest as she emphasizes the last four words.
It clicked for Y/N as if a lightbulb when off in her head. She always had her assumptions, but Natalie’s threat was enough to prove her theory. “It is you...You’re Unknown. This whole time...From the moment I started to drift away from Tom..It was because of you!” Y/N yells out in frustration.
Natalie laughs manically. “Oh babes. You’re funny if you think I’m Unknown. Im only a part of your nightmare. And it’s going to keep on going and going. I’ll make sure you never wake from it.”
Y/N glares at Natalie, shaking her head in disbelief. “I don’t understand why you’re doing this..if you’re not Unknown, who is?”
“Like I’d ever tell you who Unknown is. I wasn’t lying about that part though. Unknown is on to me as well if I don’t play my role in this game.” Natalie scoffs as she looks at her fresh pressed manicure.
“If Unknown is threatening you, then why don’t you stop them? Why help make my life miserable when you know all of us are being pulled by the strings?” Y/N interrogates Natalie, furrowing her eyesbrows in confusion. No human being would be that cruel to ruin somone else’s life for no apparent reason. She assumed that Natalie was lying for the sake of keeping herself safe from Unknown, but from what?
“Because you took the one thing I ever truly cared about. Tom and I were doing fine, until you came into the picture.” Natalie glares at Y/N. She wanted to make sure her message was loud and clear. “I want to make you feel the pain and loss I felt when Tom left me.”
Y/N looks at her with digust, almost sick to her stomache the way Natalie talked down to her. “You cant change the way he feels Natalie.”
“No, but it seems like you’re doing that just on your own. Honestly Y/N, how much longer do you think he’ll take the more you push him away? Unknown and I are just the boost, you’re insecurities is what’s doing the magic. God, I cant wait to see how far it goes.” Natalie smirks as she turns toward the door.
“Then why keep going Natalie? You have Tom, the publicity, the looks. What more do you want?” Y/N challenges her.
“Acceptance.” She simply states. “And I wouldn’t bother bringing this up or trying to make ammends with Tom. You know Unknown will continue to pull more strings. In fact, I heard he got so sick of everything, he’s leaving on the next flight for Germany.” Natalie emphasizes, hoping to hit a trigger point for Y/N.
Y/N remained frozen, feeling so defeated as she looked at Natalie one last time before she made her way out shutting the door. Tom left. He left because of her and now she was truly alone.
Natalie skips her way downstairs to see Tom on the phone with his agent. He’s clearly distressed about last night and sitting down with his phone in hand. “Germany?! Now?!” He asks. “I..I cant. I have something going on right now. I have to fix this. I cant leave.” He speaks out as the voice talks over him. Tom was in no mood for games and he certaintly wasn’t ready to pack his bags and leave for an emergency shoot while Y/N locked herself in her room thinking he cheated on her with Natalie.
“Please...I need to set this right. I can’t think about work right now—.” Tom pleads.
“Tom, I get it. You’re heartbroken. Y/N’s heartbroken, but this is important. Not coming through with this could damage your career and cost you millions under contract.” His agent regretfully shares. “Trust me I tried to find a way out for you, but there’s no loophole. Natalie’s agents have it in their control and breaking it could mean all your money goes to them.”
Tom placed the phone on his forehead as he tries to channel and calm his anger. Natalie was getting on his nerves by the second. If it weren’t for this stupid contract, he would have never agreed to the PR stunt, let alone..let her live in their house for as long as they had. “Don’t tell me this all because of the fucking stunt.” He grumbled, trying his best to contain the frustration.
“Yes and no. It’s for the movie. They want to start filming and start setting up interviews for behind the scenes. Natalie will be there too, but I can make sure you are allowed to go alone...if it makes it any better.”
While Tom’s agent tried to make his job less difficult...it really didn’t make it any better. He’d avoid another stunt, but it also meant being far away from Y/N, right when she needed him the most. She had to hear the truth of what really happened that night.
Speaking of the woman herself, Natalie padded her way innocently towards Tom. Her arms crossed, her hair slightly fluffed, almost as if she were trying to show the world how soft she was. “You should go.” She says sweetly in her accent.
Tom looks at her in disgust as he tries to back away. “Not like I had a choice.” He leaves Natalie alone, making his way to pack his things. He knocked on Y/N’s door one last time to see if she would answer, but nothing. However, that didnt meant it would stop him from saying what had to be said. “Y/N, look...I know youre extremely pissed at me right now and you have every right to be. But you have to believe me when I tell you that it meant nothing to me at all. I..I..I have to go right now, and leave for Germany, but when Im done with this stupid contract Im coming back for you. I promise.” He laments, sliding a folded note under her doorway.
Unfortunately for Y/N she did not hear a single word that came from Tom. Her body and mental state had made her so overly exhausted, it put her in a state of deep sleep. If she couldn’t face the problems in the real world ar the moment, at least she could escape it in her dreams. So there it laid on the hardwood floor just hidden under the purple tapestry rug, Tom’s heartfelt note waiting to be read.
Tom made it to Germany in two hours time. The whole plane ride, he couldn’t help but wonder if Y/N had listened to anything he said, if she even bothered to read his note to her. He couldn’t worry much about his projects when the woman he loved was hurting again, right after he swore he’d do anything to protect her. The first two days passed ever so slowly. Tom’s anticipation to go back home moved quicker than the seconds on the clock. But here he was, sitting down in a green room waiting to be interviewed, feeling completely useless.
Light footsteps click clacked in the hallway, and the noise started getting closer, it became louder and clearer. Out of the shadows of the hallway was Natalie, dressed in a gold floral dress, with looks that could kill and make any woman envious. “Umm...we still got 30 minutes before we go on.” She smiles, talking ever so gently. Natalie takes the seat beside him on the couch, trying her best to hold on to his hands.
Tom rolls his eyes, yanking them out of her reach. “Stop it Natalie. Im tried of this shit already.” He reacts, distress straining his voice.
Natalie’s smile drops the moment she hears him say those words. “Tom...I was just..”
“No! You are taking this stunt way too seriously. What you did back in London is really shit of you. Taking my clothes, and kissing me without my consent?! What the fuck Natalie?!” Tom raises his voice, the lines on his forehead creasing.
“I thought it was a rather cute thing to do. Besides the people loved it, and don’t act like you didn’t love the kiss. I felt the passion in there.” Natalie justifies, flipping her golden locks as if her action had no consequences.
Tom laughs in disbelief. “Natalie. You ruined my chances with Y/N. I pushed you away the moment you pressed your lips on mine.”
“Why her? Why are you so caught up on Y/N? I told you so many times that she’s not good for you. She’s not even British. I meant what I said about the both of us being great together. Look at the pictures, the reactions. People love us. Thats why we got this lousy interview in the first place.”
“But Natalie...I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this. I love Y/N. I dont care what the whole world thinks. It will always be her.”
Natalie looks at him with teary eyes. This wasn’t how it was supposed to work. After everything she’s been through, after all the things she did for Unknown, Tom was supposed to be with her. “I don’t understand. You were supposed to love me!” She screams, her eyes burning with fury. “I was supposed to win in the end!”
“You can’t force someone to love you Natalie!” He screams back, his face turning redder by the minute. “Im not some prize to be won.” There’s silence in the room. Breaths heaving and panting as they try to recollect themselves. Tom takes another breath before he continues, “Look, we may have been childhood friends and gotten close, but this doesn’t mean we were endgame. Y/N came into my life and my whole life changed for the better with her. It’s like I can breathe, laugh, see the world in a whole new light because of her.”
Natalie sniffles, looking away as she hears the truth that she can no longer deny. Tom was truly in love with Y/N and no amount of backstabbing, threats, PR stunts, or fights could break them apart. They were meant for each other. “I just wish it was with me.” She whispered.
Tom shakes his head, now talking more gently. “I know, but believe when I tell you, I’m not that guy. Somewhere out there you’ll find someone who makes you feel the way I feel about Y/N every second of the day.” He places his hand on her shoulder as she gently touches it and pushes it away. She could no longer be angry, all the anger had left and was replaced with sadness. Natalie couldn’t help but wonder if this is how Y/N felt after everything she’s been put through. Maybe worse more or less, but was this what a broken heart felt like?
It was time for the interview, and as Tom made his way out, Natalie stayed behind. A change of heart was taking place inside her, and with everything that’s happened, she wanted to set things right. “What are you still doing here? Get your arse into that interview.” Her mother grumbles as she yanks her daughter’s wrist to the door.
“Mother...he doesn’t love me.” Natalie, whispers, her voice almost disappearing.
“I told you, he’ll learn. If you weren’t doing such a lousy job, maybe he would learn to love you.” Her mother rolls her eyes, still trying to drag her out to the room.
Natalie shakes her head holding back. “He won’t ever love me. Tom..he’s truly in love with Y/N, and that’s not something we can ever break. Every obstacle makes them stronger, and even now Tom is still willing to win her back. We can’t win mum.”
“Don’t tell me you’re growing a soft heart now. You’re more to blame than me. Naughty girl, always trying to break them up for your own good. If you weren’t so keen on —“
“No mum! That’s what you wanted! You wanted me to get the fame and fortune. I wanted love..but not like this. Not if we’re forcing Tom to love me when he doesn’t.” She wipes the tears from her eyes before continuing, “Im done with this. With everything. I’m going through this interview and that’s it. I want to set things write.”
“Then I’ll just ruin you and your friends with all the secrets and blackmail we’ve collected. You really want to be a part of that game?” Her mother threatens.
“You cant hurt us anymore, mum. No secret and blackmail will ever be big enough to break them. Every stone has been unturned.” With that Natalie makes her way into the interview where she sits next to Tom, in a very platonic way.
“So Tom and Natalie, tell us about your relationship. How is it going so far?”
Tom and Natalie looked at each other, smiling. Almost as if they were telepathically telling the other it was time to tell the truth. No more secrets. No more blackmail. This was it. The end was near.
@hollanddolanfangirl @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco @racewife2004 @sleepybesson @greatpizzascissorstaco @andievgs @joyleenl @holland-bowen @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @viwihere @marvelobsessedteenager @panicattheeverywherekid @oswinO5 @jillanaholland
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Secrets Part 7.
Bakugo x reader, Bakugo x Uraraka, Kirishima x Reader
Fluff- ish, language, angst
Word Count: 1,183
Idea: Y/n has a secret to share with bakugo not expecting a secret from him. She leaves heart broken and attempts to move on. But how will she move on if her secret can no longer be hidden? She fakes a relationship hoping its enough to not expose the true origin of the secret. (This is a terrible summary but I cant say much without spoiling future parts. 🙃)
Meanwhile, after Bakugo leaves everyone stands there a bit shocked with the news but Mina urges them to continue having a good time and an inconvenience like that shouldn’t deter their fun.
Kaminari walks over to you and boldly asks, “So, how does it feel to be that huge?”
You glare at him, “I am NOT huge Calamari- How’s it feel to be a phone charger?” He laughs at the nickname but continues, “What are you going to name the baby? Can you name them Denki? That’s a great ass name” he raises his eyebrows and you shake your head, “Nah, I don’t think I want my kid to be associated to a phone charger”
He feigns being hurt, “Oh, well no more free phone charger for you” and laughs.
“Oh, no please Kami, please charge my phone! I’ll name my first born after you.” You joke. His eyes light up and then realizes you were kidding, “Wow, y/n you wound me” making you both laugh.
Kirishima on the other hand was a bit jealous that Kaminari was talking to you and making you laugh. Well,,, he didn’t think he was jealous just overprotective. He walks over to you and hugs you from behind. You smile and look up at him as he looks like he has been derived of attention for years. You shake your head and know instantly why he’s acting like this.
Kaminari after a while of talking to you goes off to find the next person to annoy. You stand there for a while and suddenly feel someone pull on your dress. You look around before looking down and see Mineta. ‘Yay’ you think.
“What do you want Mineta”
“I was just wondering, if your boobs get bigger now that-“ He never got to finish his sentence because Kirishima yanks him away and locks him in a closet. You look at Kirishima and thank him for saving you. He nods and decide to stay by your side through out the rest of the party.
Bakugo is disgusted at the sight in front of him. He can’t believe this bitch brought a man to his fucking house. Sparks are released from his hands causing the man to flinch and hurriedly begin to change.
“Baby... He means nothing to me-“
She looks taken aback but smirks, “Fine, I was just using you to hurt Y/n anyways. But then she just had to go on and get with Kirishima leaving you’re pathetic ass alone. I just wanted her to hurt. You can’t fucking believe all the trouble I went to to manipulate you into cheating on her. And then for her to get over it and get knocked up? That wouldn’t work. So guess what I did, baby? I had to make everyone think she was a cheater. I thought she would hurt then. But she fucking didn’t. I was getting tired of not getting the satisfaction of seeing her hurt so I decided to see you hurt instead-“
“Oh, you expect me to fucking tell you? As if, I will keep that a secret” she says and smiles eerily. “Now that I’m done with you, I think I might go and try and fuck Kirishima, maybe then I will see her hurt.” Bakugo twitches with anger and sadness as Uraraka walks past him.
As soon as she leaves he breaks down. He continues to cry until he passes out on the floor.
Throughout the next couple of weeks Bakugo attempt and fails, to remember the moment Uraraka manipulated his mind. He is confused and falls into a depression. Everything that happened was because he was weak enough to allow someone to manipulate him.
Finally he gets the guts to text someone
‘Hey... I want to talk to you.’
After a minute they respond.
‘For what’
‘I want to apologize. I just discovered a few things.’
‘Fine, we can meet up this Monday at around 12:30 pm at the cafe near the park’
‘Thank you so much..’
You are just waking up from your nap to Kirishima looking at you awkwardly.
You look at him and ask, “Kiri, what’s wrong?”
He becomes nervous and stammers out, “So... um... “
“Kirishima spit it out”
“Bakugo texted me.”
You look shocked but its replaced by a calmer feeling, “That’s it?”
“Yes, he wanted to meet up and talk about-“
“Kirishima, you don’t have to explain to me anything else. If you want to meet up with him, do so, he was your best friend after all..”
He smiles at you and hugs you, “You are the best girlfriend I could ever hope for.”
You smile and hug him back, “So when are you planning on meeting up with him?”
“This Monday.”

“Okay.. yeah that’s fine. I have an appointment that day But I can I ask Mina or go alone” you smile at him softly.
“I still don’t understand why the gender of the baby has to be a secret” he pouts

“Baby, that’s why mina is going with me Monday. She will know the gender and throw a gender reveal party.”
“Oh good, we really have been putting finding out about the baby’s gender off its been what? 7-8 months?”
“To us yes, to them 4-5 months. Im surprise they aren’t suspicion yet...”
“Oh yeah, that’s why we haven’t gone ourselves.”
You just smile and nod.
Soon Monday arrives and you make your way to mina’s house and Kirishima gets ready to meet up with Bakugo.
As you arrive at Mina’s home you knock and wait patiently for her to get out so you can make your way to your appointment. As soon as she locks her door she becomes excited because she will get to know the baby’s gender before The Godfather’s do.
You laugh and walk side by side as you make your way to the office.
After normal check up occurs, they angle the screen away from you and whisper to Mina what the gender is and Mina just screams in excitement.
“OH Y/N! THIS IS SO EXCITING!” She is given an envelope and she tucks it into her purse. You laugh at her enthusiasm and wait for the appointment to be over with.
After the appointment Mina walks you home so she knows you made it home safe. When you arrive you get a phone call.
You put them on speaker and answer, “Hello? Kirishima? What’s up?”
“Hey Y/N! How was the appointment? Is Mina there? MINA WHATS THE GENDER?”
You laugh and shake your head, “What’s up Kiri, why’d you call?”
you hear silence and then a sigh come through the other side of the phone and it makes you nervous.
“Y/n.. I need to ask something of you.”
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A/N- ANOTHER CHAPTER? Lol This one I think is a bit wacky and everywhere but I hope you enjoy this chapter and I probably will have another one out by 11 pm est :) I already have it thought out
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts or future works dont hesitate to dm, ask, or comment! I hope you guys had a lovely day today! Also if you asked to be tagged and I didnt tag you send me a dm so I can fix it :) also any tags in italics and bold, I couldn’t tag you :/ I’m sorry </3 but I’ll work on it <3
Secrets taglist: @hero-ink-pillar , @silentw-lkr , @ushiwakatrash , @purple-rabanito , @chaelysian , @puppycat714 , @fake-id-69 , @adaydreaminganon , @jessie9008 , @sam-i-am-1025 , @purple--nebula , @curiouslilbeast , @httpswwwtbhkcom , @setup-the-ace
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Ah thanks to those who are reading this story! Love you all ☻
Y/N Pov:
After getting dropped off by Atsumu, I check my phone to only see 20 miss calls from Semi.
Yikes, he probably thought I died or something...
I decide to call him back.
" Hello. "
" Y/N WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU! I WAS TRYING TO FIND YOU ALL OVER THE PARTY! " he shouted through the phone.
" Wow what a nice friend realizing I was gone after 5 hours at the party! " I say with sarcasm.
" YEA! You right... " I laughed.
" OH ALSO?! How did you get home your car is still at the Venue?! " Semi asks confused.
" WELL!  A guy name Atsumu helped me out when I was completely out! "
" Yea?! The one with the twin! "
Why is he so surprised?
" No, we just met last night! How do you know him ?" I asked curiously.
" We used to play volleyball together in high school same with his brother Osamu! Also, Osamu catered for the party! "
" Hmm, interesting... Well, I met Osamu at his restaurant."
" Osamu is the calmer twin but he still pretty crazy, on the other hand, Atsumu is a big flirt with the girls watch out!" Semi laughs on the phone.
" Yea not interested. "
" Haha, that's a loss for him! Anyways you need a break from volleyball players. " Semi laughs.
" Yea I do! Alright SEMI SEMI I'm gonna get going now I have to finish a couple of things from work. Also, I need to cure this hangover before tomorrow. "
" Ok then ILL LET YOU GO! BYE! "
" Bye Semi! "
We both end the call.
Now I need to find a way to get my car before noon because I have tons of work to do.
I can't ask Semi to take me there because he staying at a friend's house, I can probably ask Kenma to help me. I haven't seen him in a while so maybe we can catch up a little also.
I shoot a text to Kenma.
Texting on phone:
Y/n: “ Hey are you free right now? “
5 minutes later
Kenma: " yea why? "
Y/n: " Do you think you can come over right now?!
Kenma: " I don't see why not. "
Y/n: " PERFECT! "
I put my phone down on the counter and change into different clothes because I was still in Atsumu shirt.
I guess I'll be keeping the shirt until we meet again, or if we ever.
30 minutes later
I hear my doorbell ring, and it was Kenma.
" KENMAAA COME IN! " I say happily."
" Hey what's up its been a while! " he says as he went in for a hug.
" Nothing really.. "
" Bs I heard you and Kageyma broke up.. "
" FROM WHO?! " I say confused.
" Hinata... "
" Yea, he didn't really tell him but Hinata suspected when he texts him " how are things going with y/n, " and let's say he didn't take it well. " Kenma said in a conflicted tone.
" WHY did he not take it WELL! He the one who broke up with me?!" I say angrily.
" Did he ever tell you why he broke up with you? " Kenma asked.
" No, he just said I dOn'T LOvE yOu aNyMoRE "
I’m so annoyed right now why is he acting like the victim.
" That's it? " Kenma was surprised.
" YEA! "
" Oh wow, I really didn't think that the reason like... Strange."
" Who cares, I don't like him either. "
Obviously, I was still hurting but it's fine I don't need him.. Screw him.
" If you say so! "
Kenma Pov:
Yea no she still likes him...
Y/N Pov:
" Enough about him... DO you want to help me get my car?! "
" Wheres your car? " Kenma asks confused
" UH well, It's at a Venue.. "
" Did you go to a party or something? "
" Yea Semi had a party yesterday and let's say I got a little too wasted... BUT don't worry someone helped me out... "
" Uh, who helped you out? "
" I don't know if you know him but he is also a Volleyball player, his name is Atsumu the last name is Miya? "
" Wait a minute the one with the twin? "
" Are guys friends?! " Kenma asks
" No, I literally just met him last night. "
" Atsumu is a nice guy he just a big flirt. "
" Well, it's because he is always out with a new girl every week. "
" Yea no thanks... " I say weirded out.
" Ok, so are we going to get your car?! " Kenma asks in a bored tone.
" Ok, let us go! "
I got into Kenma's car, luckily the venue is only 20 minutes away.
" AHH MY Precious car!! " I shouted.
" SHEEZ be louder next time will ya. "
" Kenma stop being grumpy... " I say as I try to keep in my laugh.
" Yea whatever go get your car now! "
" Already kicking me out... "
" Yes! "
" AH YOUR SO COLD! " I laugh
" Ok well thank you Kenma! We actually need to hang out ok?! "
" Fine... We will one of these days. " he smiles.
I get out of the car, wave to Kenma then I get in my car.
Finally, I can go home now and start working on projects.
After the 20 minute drive, I get in my house and start working on the three projects.
Meanwhile At this time:
Atsumu pov:
I'm sitting on the couch, my phone started buzzing uncontrollably.
What the heck.
I flip my phone over only to see texts from my friends. I open up the group chat and see something unexpected. A PHOTO OF ME AND Y/N IN THE CAR ON “ THE PEOPLES “ TWITTER PAGE.
The big 4 :
Sakusa: Oh so is she another new girl?
Bokuto: Already Atsumu?!
Hinata:  Isn't that Kageyama's ex!
So that's who broke her... What a small world.
Sakusa: Sure that's what you say about every girl..
Bokuto: Can we get a Rip
Hinata: Rip.. Also Yes
Sakusa: Rip
Sakusa: Damn already making moves on a girl who broke up with her boyfriend.
Bokuto: Wow..
Sakusa: Ok then if she, not a random hook up who is she, and does she know she on " the people's " Twitter account label as mystery girl?!
Oh my, we just met and she isn't going to like this.
Me: NO SHE DOESNT KNOW...But she was some random girl at the party Osamu was catering. I decided to help her out because she was alone and drunk so I took her to Osamu's house, so she can sober up. The next morning I took her home because she left her car at the Venue... I DIDNT THINK THE Paparazzi WOULD CARE SO MUCH?!
Hinata: Wow Atsumu that was nice of you.
Bokuto: ^^^
Sakusa: Well you're going to have to tell her or do something about it because we all know how crazy your fangirls get.
Me: Fine fine let me tell her right now.
After texting the group chat, I was about to text y/n only to remember... I don't have her number, but I think Osamu has her number.
I texted Osamu, now I have to wait for him to respond.
Now back to y/n :
Finally, I'm almost done with this projects...
Then all of sudden I get a text from Tendou.
I looked at my phone and I can't believe what I see... He sends me a screenshot of Me and Atsumu in the car... It was trending on Twitter. The title was " Star setter mystery girl? "
Texting On phone:
Tendou: I didn't know you guys were going out?
Y/n: OH MY GOSH? Please tell me this is a joke?!
Tendou: No I don't think so...
I explained to Tendou what happened last night.
Tendou: this Has to be the most miss interpreted picture ever. LMAO!!
Tendou: Has he talked to you about it?!
Tendou: Well this is going to be fun to watch...
Y/n: NO it's NOT..
I stressfully put my phone down on the counter...
What I'm I going to do?! HOW DID I GET INTO TO THIS MESS?
I hear another notification go off on my phone... It was an unknown number.
Text message:
Hey can we talk?
Y/n: Who is this?
Atsumu: Its Atsumu
oh, yea I forgot I gave him my number.
Atsumu: WELL HEAR ME OUT! This will die down tomorrow, me and the team are leaving for Osaka in the morning so you don't even have to see me again.
Y/n: Sheez that's a harsh way to put it.
Atsumu: I mean if you want to see me you can~
Oh my, I can hear his flirtatious tone from here.
Y/n: NO!
Atsumu: AW you're SO MEAN!
Atsumu: ALSO I DIDNT KNOW Kageyama was your boyfriend...
Y/n: Who told you that?
Atsumu: Hinata! We play on the same team..
Y/n: Atsumu Shut up! Everyone knows you're a big flirt.. now I'm going to seem like I'm one of your little playthings.
Atsumu: I have an Idea.. What if we pretend we're dating?
Y/n: HUH?
Atsumu: It will fix both our reputation.. I won't be seen as the guy who hooks up with every chick and people at work can stop questioning you. There's a BONUS we can make Kageyama jealous... You can win him back.
Y/n: IF we do this... together in private we don't have to act as a couple right.. I just MET YOU...
Atsumu: Yea don't worry your not even my type, this should be easy because I won't be near you.
Y/n: DEAL!
Atsumu: PERFECT! Just let me know if anything happens tomorrow! Ill fill you in too!
Y/n: Fine.
I place my phone down on the nearby table.
Atsumu pov:
Why couldn't have it been with much cuter girl? Now no girl is going to talk to me.. Stupid paparazzi.
Chapter 5
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 34
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: okay sooo idk how i feel about the chapter BUT! i added a link with pictures of the characters and it took me over 2 hours to do that so if you could comment or at least look at it, it would mean a lot to me! (scroll down for the link, you cant miss it)
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : two but its pretty much the same thing :) i mean he doesnt get ‘angry’ tho but i hope its still what you wanted :)
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Chapter 34 : Her chapter
March 30th, 2018
I had no idea who Niall had invited but before we walked in the bar, I moved closer to him and got up on my tiptoe to look in his eyes, both of us now hidden by his cap. His lips curled as his eyes roamed on my face and I pressed my lips together. I was a bit stressed to meet some people from school after so long but if I wanted to be honest, being away from the crowds and the paps seemed like amazing time off to me and I was pretty sure Niall felt the same.
"No kissing, no hold hands, no cuddles." I pointed out with a grimace. "It's gonna be a long evening."
"Okay, first off, you can cuddle me, they're used to it. Second of, can I remind you that it's your rule? If you want, we can definitely tell them we're together but keeping low profile." he pointed out, raising his eyebrows as he waited for my answer.
I wanted to. I really fucking wanted to, and I could feel my heartbeats accelerate the longer we looked at each other. I licked my lips and smiled before shaking my head. I couldn't make a decision and it was driving me insane.
"We'll just... see how it goes." I finally let out before sighing and getting back down on my feet.
"I'll follow your lead, petal."
His words made my lips curl and I nodded slowly before he turned around and walked in. It felt amazing to know I had my say in all of this. A lot of times, when we were dating and even before, I felt like Niall lead me the way he thought was right and I just followed without a word. Perhaps, he had matured, or maybe he was always like that but he just took the lead because I didn't. Either way, it was refreshing and it made me feel important.
I followed him inside and a familiar face seemed to illuminate in the back of the bar. The smell reminded me of my teenage years and somehow, I suddenly relaxed despite the people I had just noticed.
"Zara?" I let out with a frown before Niall bent closer to me.
"I called her, thought you may want to see her." he whispered before walking closer to the table.
Zara jumped out of her chair and ran to me, wrapping her arms around my neck so tight I could barely breathe anymore. She started jumping quickly up and down, bringing me in her wave and I laughed as I hugged her back. Despite everything that had happened to me in my childhood and teenage years,  Zara was the only one I trusted completely besides Niall. I had a few friends and we all hung out together but Zara was the one I was the closest to, the one I told almost everything to, except maybe the fact that I had always been in love with Niall. That, I hadn't told anyone and even now, I wondered how the hell I succeeded to keep that secret to myself for two decades.
"I haven't seen you in so long!" she added, hugging me even tighter before her embrace loosened and she pulled away to look in my eyes. "Still can't believe you followed that eejit to London. Why?"
She was very expressive and the facial expression she was sending me made me laugh.
"You know me, can't be away from his dumb face for too long."
Her lips curled into an amused smile and she pulled me to the bar, ordering beers before tilting her head and staring at me some more. I frowned and waited, knowing that a question was coming.
"You two dated a few years ago yea?" she raised her eyebrows as I nodded. "Okay now let's talk about the real shit. How does he fuck?"
My eyes got bigger and I chuckled, shaking my head. "Z!"
"No no, hear me out!" she continued, bending down closer to me. "Remember when Michelle, Lisa, Megan and I would get mad at you for ditching us for him?" she let out with a chin movement towards Niall.
I couldn't help but glance at him. He was sitting with a few people I recognized but I just licked my lips and turned back to my friend, shaking my head. "I didn't dit-"
"Oh you did. All the time." she cut me, making me raise my nose up in a grimace. "Well we always spent at least half an hour talking about you two and with the years, the conversations became... you know. I mean he grew up and," she paused and leaned back to take a look at him before looking back at me. "He's... he's hot."
I started laughing, shaking my head slightly at her enthusiasm.
"Niall was always hot." I pointed out, making her roll her eyes.
"You... it's different. I mean, I know you always said you didn't have feelings for him but girl, I know you better than that." she explained, making my heart literally stop beating. "Anyway, that's beside the point. So we did talk about the size of his cock and the way he fucked and we all had theories. I think it's time you reveal the truth."
"Forget it." I laughed, shaking my head.
"Why does it matter, you two broke up a million years ago!" her face suddenly changed and her lips parted as she moved closer. "You whore, you’re still dating him?"
She raised both of her hands up and closed her eyes. "Alright alright, none of my business." she chuckled, opening her eyes again, her smile turning into a fond one. "I really hope for you, though. I know how much you love him. I can see it in your eyes."
I held my breath as she grabbed two beers, letting me take the two others and we walked slowly to the table.
"Don't be surprised okay? Ava is here. I know she's not your fave person but just pretend she's funny. Or interesting. Or ignore her, that's what I do."
I laughed again but my heart dropped in my chest when I noticed Ava, leaning against Niall as they were both laughing. I started thinking about that time I caught him masturbating in his room when he was 13, and how a few years later, he had admitted he was jerking off thinking about her. The whole thing made me swallow hard and I held the mugs tighter in my hands before placing them on the table. Most people looked up and when I noticed Rian, my eyes got bigger and I chuckled low.
"Wow, hey! What are you doing here?"
He got up and kissed my cheeks gently as I did the same before shaking my head. The last time I had seen Rian was when Niall and I went ice skating together when we were dating. Niall had shown a bit of jealousy back then and even if I knew I shouldn't, i really liked it. Of course, I had dated Rian for a few months and he was the first guy I ever slept with, but Niall seemed to forget that the reason I gave in to Rian after so many years was because he had lost his virginity to someone who wasn't me. It had hurt me so much that just thinking about it made it impossible not to swallow the lump in my throat.
"He's coming to visit me." Ava said, her hand on Niall's thigh to hold herself as she moved closer to me. "We have a thing going on."
Rian rolled his eyes with a smile and shook his head slightly before shrugging. "Just trying to see if it could work." he explained before talking lower. "I'm not moving back here though, there's no way."
I let out a louder laugh and nodded. "Yea, I'm not moving back here either."
The truth was, I didn't want to move back here mostly because I didn't really know anyone anymore. My parents were back in France, many of my friends had moved away and Niall... well, Niall was the person I wanted to follow. Or more, Niall was the person I wanted to be with. I didn't have to follow him, like he said. We could just take decisions together.
"Come on, petal, sit down."
Niall's voice reached my ear and I smiled, sitting next to him as he squirmed a bit on his chair to move forward, leaning his arms on the table and getting away from Ava's touch. I felt suddenly relieved and he sent me a smile. I felt his knee hit gently against mine under the table and my lips curled more.
"So what's up between you two?" Rian asked after sitting next to me. "Last time I saw you, you were together, then we all read in extremely reliable online articles that you two split and Niall was dating that actress or singer? What's her face? And Liv was getting married to an hollywood actor. This is some crazy shit, mates."
"I'm... not dating Heidi anymore." Niall pointed out, pressing his lips together in an awkward smile.
"And I called the wedding off and broke up with Dylan."
Everyone stared at us and Zara chuckled slightly after half a minute, shaking her head. "Wow. You guys need more drinks."
We started drinking and talking and after a few hours, I was starting to be tipsy. I walked to the bar to get more pints and while waiting, I leaned on the counter to stare at Niall. He was laughing with our old friends and I was suddenly thrown back to when we were younger and would hang out all together. I could pretend life was easy back then but it would be a lie. I had to admit, though, that everything changed when Niall left, and I do mean everything.
My lips curled on the left when I watched him throw his head back. I could hear his laughter even from where I was and something jumped inside me at the sight. I already knew, but once again, it hit me how much I loved him and how i'd never be over him. I didn't want to be over him anyway. I wanted to be with him.
"Having a good time?"
I raised my eyebrows in surprise before turning to the voice with a smile before looking at Niall again and finally putting my attention back on Rian.
"Mmhm, and you?"
I was getting so tipsy that I had a hard time hiding my attraction for Niall. I knew my eyes were probably betraying me but I was at that point where I didn't give a fuck anymore. A few more people we knew had joined us and we were all getting a bit drunk but when I turned around and smiled to Rian again, I noticed he was way past that stage. He sent me a small smirk and bent down closer, making me move back instinctively.
"You know you were my first fuck." he pointed out, making me chuckle low.
"Yea you were my first fuck too."
"You ever wonder what it would feel like more than a decade later?" he whispered after bending down more.
My lips parted and I glanced at him, standing up and shaking my head. "Honestly, no."
"Come on." he slurred as I pressed my lips together. "Just one time. I never really understood why you broke up with me, y'know?"
I looked up at him, feeling uneasy, and swallowed hard. I didn't want to cause a scene and I knew he was drunk but at the same time, I had no fucking idea what he was thinking at that exact moment. I knew he thought I was single, which I was... sort of, but I had the feeling he would insist even if I was officially taken.
"I just didn't have those feelings for you, that's why." I pointed out.
It was true and at the same time, it was also because I couldn't take Niall out of my mind. I felt his arm slither around my waist and pushed him away gently but firmly, raising my eyebrows at him.
"Two things. One, you're drunk and two, I'm not interested. It's been years, Rian, we both moved on." I pointed out. "Besides, aren't you with Ava now?"
"Ava and I have an agreement. Until we're official, we can fuck whoever we want. That's why she's all over your ex boyfriend."
My lips parted again and my heartbeats accelerated. I turned to look at Niall but for some reason, he had switched seat with me, leaving a free chair between him and Ava and I sighed of relief without thinking.
"That's why you said no to me for so long before agreeing to date me, right? That's also why you broke up with me isn't it?"
I turned back to him, noticing he had moved closer again. "What?"
"Him. Him and his fucking stupid angel face. You've always wanted him and he never fucking wanted you. The only time he dated you he fucking left you to be a famous little shit and now you're still looking at him like he's some sort of god."
"Shut up, you're pissed." I said low enough, getting suddenly angry.
"Still. You know i'm right." he added, sending me a small smile. "Come on, I'll make you cum so hard."
I felt Rian's hand on my breasts and this time, I pushed him harder as my heart seemed to stop.
"I said no!"
I felt my whole body on fire as I stared at him but he moved closer and grabbed the back of my head, pulling me against him to kiss me. This time, I started hitting his chest hard to push him away and I heard a chair scratch against the wood floor before falling down. It took about half a second for Niall to be between Rian and I, pushing him hard enough to make him back away a few feet.
"She said no."
"Oh yea, mister perfect is there again to save the day!" Rian let out a bit too loud in a sarcastic tone. "Same as you were back then. Always there to be the perfect 'best friend'." he laughed, doing quotation marks with his fingers on the last two words.
"Rian, don't go too far." Niall only replied, shaking his head slightly.
"She's not yours, anymore, Horan! So let it go!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that."
I took a step back, surprised by how well Niall could keep calm and glanced at our table to see all of our friends watching the show. It was not really how I imagined my night.
"You're a fuckin' asshole and I've always hated you, ya know that?"
"I'm very aware." Niall sighed. "But she said she was not interested, so keep your feckin' hands in your pockets."
"Or what?" Rian yelled, this time. "Or WHAT?"
"Rian, stop!"
We all turned to Ava who was frowning and Rian scoffed, shaking his head. "You stay out of this." he turned to Niall. "And you!" he grabbed him by his shirt and my heart sank in my chest as I moved closer, grabbing Rian's arm and trying to push him back.
"Please, stop!" I let out, suddenly panicked.
Niall didn't send me a glance and kept looking at Rian, "Liv, move back. Please Liv."
It took me a few seconds and I did as he asked just when Rian started talking again.
"She's not your girlfriend." he repeated. "So mind your own fuckin' business!"
"But I still love her." Niall admitted louder, making my lips part and my whole body throb. "I'm still in love with her. And I'm not gonna let you touch her, not without her consent."
Everything happened a bit too fast for me to react and I barely saw Rian let go of Niall to throw his fist at him. Gladly, he was totally hammered and Niall easily dodged his hit before throwing his own first on Rian's jaw. My eyes got bigger as Rian fell on the floor and I finally closed them, bringing both my hands on my face.
I remained motionless, eyes closed and silent, until I felt someone pull me out and I only opened my eyes again when I felt the fresh air hit the skin of my face. It was a bit cold and I shivered, bringing my arms around myself before I felt someone wrap theirs around me from behind.
"Hey, you okay?" I didn't have to hear his voice, I immediately recognized Niall from the way he was touching me, and the way he smelled. God he smelled amazing. "I'm sorry about all this."
I shook my head and sighed. "Let's leave, okay?"
I noticed Ava and two other guys try to put Rian on the backseat of a car and Zara quickly ran to me, raising her nose up and placing her hand on my arm.
"Are you okay?" she asked softly, tilting her head, before I nodded. "I'll message you, okay? And if you invite me to Cali, I'd love to visit!"
I chuckled and nodded. "We can definitely plan that."
She glanced up at Niall and tried to stop a smirk from gracing her face without much success.
"Have fun you two." she just chuckled. "I'm rooting for you."
I laughed and closed my eyes again, a bit embarrassed but quickly, Niall moved away and reached for my fingers. I let him take my hand in his and we walked in silence. I knew where he was taking me but I didn't mention it and when we sat in the grass, I moved my legs over his thighs and felt his hand on mine, warming me. It was cold and I knew we wouldn't last too long outside but I enjoyed being close to him in silence. It took at least 20 minutes for Niall to talk again and hearing his voice made something stir in my stomach.
"I'm sorry." he said in a low tone, looking down at his hand on my thigh as he gently brushed his fingertips on my pants. "I don't know why I did that. But he had his hand on your breasts and I suddenly wanted to kill him."
I stared at him for a few seconds without talking and waiting for him to look up but he didn't. I pressed my lips together and placed my hand over his, grabbing his fingers and squeezing them.
"Thank you for defending me." I just replied, making him nod slightly. "You were so laid-back, I didn't expect you to throw your fist at him. You don't need to apologize."
He looked up at me and sent me a fond smile as I bit my bottom lip. Slowly, I moved closer and kissed him gently. I could feel my head spinning from all the alcohol in my body and when he deepened the kiss, I felt my eyes flutter behind my eyelids.
"I'm sorry." I whispered against his mouth. "I should have told our friends we were together. It would have spared a few problems."
"Not your fault. It's entirely his fault. He shouldn't have touched you after you said no, whether you were taken or not. He's an asshole and he deserved a good punch. I'm just happy I'm the one who gave him." he confessed, making me chuckle. "I can't believe he did that."
"Well he was seeing the way I was looking at you apparently. And he probably saw how Ava was all over you, too. Must have been hard for him to be rejected twice in the same night. I've rejected him a lot, too."
"Still not an excuse." Niall whispered, kissing my lips very gently.
"I know."
"Don't defend him, he's an arsehole."
"I know."
We remained silent again as we kissed some more. I felt his hand move up on me and slip between my thighs, the side of one of his fingers pressing on my pussy. I whimpered very low and chuckled.
"It's way too cold to fuck here."
"I know." he groaned. "I just can't believe we have to sleep at my mom's. Every single time we come visit you don't want to let me fuck you."
The way he pouted and his childish tone made a laugh boom out of me and I finally leaned my forehead against his and brought my hand to his cheek.
"I'll let you tomorrow morning, but only if you agree to do something tonight that I've always wanted to do."
He frowned and pulled away to stare at me suspiciously. "I want to ask if I'll regret it but if you let me cum inside you tomorrow then I'm ready for anything."
I laughed again and kissed him with a smile. It felt so great to be wanted even if most of the time, It also felt surreal. We walked back to his mom's and it was extremely late when he tried to find the right keys to walk inside before realizing the door was not locked. We both laughed as we walked inside, and it made me realize we were both still quite tipsy. We walked slowly, trying to remain silent without much success and when he bumped into the table, we both laughed. He pulled me closer and started kissing me hard, sticking his tongue on my mouth only to turn me on, I suspected. His normal taste was altered with the taste of beer but I loved it and I moaned low in his mouth. I couldn't remember how we ended up on the roof but I stared up at the sky, tilting my head with a smile.
"That's really all you wanted?" he asked after a while. "Watch the stars like we used to do on the roof of your house?"
I kept looking up at the indigo sky and pressed my lips together before licking them.
"We used to do that all the time, just you and I, and I remember wishing you would kiss me every single time. That's why we're here. I want to kiss you while we watch the stars together."
Niall chuckled low. "You're so cheesy. I blame you for my romantic side."
I turned to send him a big smile. "You're welcome."
His lips curled into a fond and loving grin and I bit my bottom lip.
"I will kiss you anywhere you want. Any time you want. For any reason you can think of, or for no reason at all except that I love you."
I felt my heart melt in my chest and breathed in, trying to keep my tears in. He was leaning on his side to look at me, holding himself with one of his elbows and arms, and suddenly, I could see the adorable 14 year old he used to be, with his blonde hair and his crooked teeth. I felt my heart swell and my eyes watered, letting a tear fall on one of my cheeks as I sniffed. Was I really going to push away this man out of fear? Was that a good way to live life anyway? To stop myself from being happy in fear of being hurt again? It was ridiculous.
"We will be together, Niall."
He frowned slightly and moved his upper body closer. "What?"
"If you still want of me..." I repeated before breathing in deeply. "if you still want to be with me.. really be with me. Officially. It will happen."
"I'll always want that Olivia." he simply replied but I could hear surprise and happiness in his voice and when I looked up at him, his eyes seemed to sparkle. They shined even more than they did at the bar when he was drunk and it made my heart jump in my chest. Perhaps, it was only the reflection of the lights of the streets, or maybe I was hallucinating it... but I didn't think so. He seemed genuinely excited by my words.
"I just need more time. But it will happen." I explained more. "I'll never be able to live without you anyway. And I don't want to. I don't want to live without you, Niall."
His lips curled into the biggest smile and he chuckled, moving closer and sliding his hand behind my head. I could feel his fingers sink in my hair as he pulled me closer.
"Best news of the day. It beats everything else." he let out low. "Now, I'm going to kiss you beneath the stars until you're too tired to keep your eyes open."
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breaniebree · 5 years
A Second Chance Chapter 219
I received an amazing number of reviews on this chapter and I wanted to share them/address some of them here to show my immense appreciation for those who take the time to drop me a line or two for what I write.
Some of you have decided after this chapter you can no longer follow my story and while it saddens me, I expected it.  I write first for myself and I know where I want this story to go and while I hope you all keep reading it -- I know that not everyone will continue it. 
Devereaux13: I can’t. You really just did that to us? Started this story with a oh! Sirius is gonna live! But NOO u had to frick us all over. Oh my god. I love you for this story but hate you for this story. I cried more this time than the cannon one. Goddamn
Lightningscar: Huh, well, judging from the reviews, this chapter is getting you a lot of heat... personally, I though it was great in many ways, both in action, description of thoughts/feelings and great descriptions of what was going on. My biggest beef, though, gotta be this: *Ginny grabbed Luna's hand and the two of them climbed onto the wolverine's back* Ehm, it is likely it was explained in previous chapters, and if memory serves, Animagi are generally slightly larger than their natural counterparts, but... a wolverine is generally about the same size as a medium dog, shoulder height being around 30-45 cm (12-18 inches), 65–107 cm (26–42 in) long (not counting the tail). Basically, Ginny and Luna are crawling on top of a Spaniel or a Golden Retriever (on the small size) Yes, wolverines are ridiculously strong compared to their size, capable of carrying prey many times its own size... carrying dragging it. One big difference between carrying something in its powerful jaws, compared to carrying something heavy on its back. A few other minor beefs Ehm, why did Voldemort pull a Jafar on the cat (Lady G, was it?) and not outright kill it? So they got giants wandering down mid London without anyone being the wiser? I'm sure you have thought of the logistics about it :) Well, all in all, great chapter. Things have advanced rapidly compared to canon, for better (less Horcruxes) and worse (Ministry bye-bye)... though, in the latter case, it can be interpreted somewhat ambigious. Fallen as in the place (which was a given, seemed to be completely overrun suddenly... makes one wonder where all of the defence forces went, guess we will find out sooner) or if it has fallen as an orginazation like they did in canon. Curious to see what happens next. Yours sincerely, Lightningscar
Menna Taha: Ok let me just say.. Sirius was going into battle with the intent to save his son, knowing that his Fiancée who he was very much in love with was pregnant with TWINS. I mean you’d think he would be more careful than in the books where he was reckless, lonely, rusty and under house arrest in a place he hated. Also the ministry fell! Just like that! After all the preparation and the relations with the french, Bulgarian and Russian ministries AND the fae and the army they made AND the warning they recieved! What were they fucking sleeping! I love you please don’t hate me.
They were not sleeping, but they weren’t prepared like they should have been.  It’s a problem that will be addressed.
HGRHfan35: Well...shit... This was a really bad idea: to read this in bed. How the blazes do you expect me to sleep, now?!
Daddy: WTF! Why end it here. WHY!
Wade Bradford: Noooooooooooooooo!
AZfangirl: i cant believe you killed sirius. this one really hurts
Ofglitterandgiggles: I’m broken
axelvaz: Started this about a week ago and I’m finally all caught up! But oh my gosh! What a cliffhanger! Sirius!
Emeralds and Rubies: I thought we might get off easy when Pettigrew fell through the veil, butI’m heartbroken for Harry and Zee, but you definitely did this whole plot point justice.
maximusrexmundi: Eeeeeehhhhh so I was with you until the very end. I just can't imagine a Voldy who is objectively in a weaker position (than in the books) being able to muster a force that could attack and defeat a FULLY prepared ministry who both knew he was coming AND had international allies
Runningtwiceasfast: I have to say I am incredibly impressed with this chapter. I am obviously sad as I was in canon when Sirius died but due to the more uplifting tone of your work overall that you would shy away from a turn like this. Sirius' death is so important in canon a it really is a turning point in the story. Obviously when Cedric died it was sad but Sirius' death made everything all the more real. Your Harry has gotten so much more of a life and childhood than canon Harry but he too is now faced with the reality of life without Sirius. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Joanne: Wow! I’m so sad. I’ve been listening to Led Zeppelin in honour of Siri. I had hoped that this part of canon would be ignored but alas. War is war. Amazing storytelling: you made us feel this loss and that takes talent. I both dread and look forward the next chapter. Will Harry take Ginny with him? Will the breakup occur? Did Remus and Tonks make it out? Will there be a funeral? So many questions! Enjoy your birthday and rest while we all grieve.
Ahugefun: I need you to undo sirius death. Im not joking He shouldnt Not with zee pregnant and harry so attached to him Its not fair to us the readers who enjoyed your story so much andddd already mourned sirius a little bit when he was kissed before you changed that.. Im hoping that you wont kill remus and tonks in the end of the war. U are your own story and if somthing happen in jkr world doesnt mean it should here!
Everything that happens in JKR’s world is what inspired me to write my story so of course it affects it.  Some will be the same, some will not -- includes character death.  Not everyone will die who did in canon, but some will, and some who survived in canon, will die here.  
jakegarrett94: nooooooo not sirius
Leaf Ranger: ...I'm sorry...but this...this is exactly why I called fucking bullshit in the last chapter. Because of all this. This. My problem isn't the pacing of your story. My problem is all this death and carnage and bullshit happened...not because of something realistic...but because the Grey lady, for no reason, was a cryptic dumbass. That is my problem. While it'd be hard to swallow, I'd have accepted most of what happened in this chapter if there was an ACTUAL reason, in the story, as to why they weren't able to be told where the diadem was. but there wasn't. The only reason was solely because YOU wanted it that way. And it's your story, fine, but at the very least, there should be a damn good reason WHY, in the story itself, things happen the way they do. It should never...EVER be just because you, the author, want it to happen that way. because then it breaks the immersion of the reader, if something happens solely for the sake of you, the author, having it happen that way. *sighs* To be honest? I'm sorry, but this, this just is too much. You killed off Sirius and had the Ministry fall DESPITE the preparations they had already made, despite the warnings they had. That just...no. I'm sorry, but no. I'm done. Thanks for what was a pretty entertaining story up to this point, but after this? Just nope. It's not worth it. It really isn't.
Sorry to hear that, but again, it is obvious to us the readers where the diadem is, but not to them.  The Grey Lady can be cryptic if she wants as she’s dead and has nothing to lose, it’s up to our heroes to find the answer.  Sorry you feel it’s not worth it, thanks for reading as long as you did.
Redplayer1998: Please tell me it's a trick sirius can't be dead not after 200 chapters of building his character please no
Dutchie: Oh man Sirius died, bummer! Still a great story.
Whiton: Hey I’m a bit late but I wanted to say happy belated birthday. I love this story it’s fun it’s sad it’s thought provoking and is just a wonderful thing to read. Hope this finds you well and hope you keep writing.
AkashiyaHyrule: What the... this can't be it. What's the point of creating all that military platoons, and gathering allies-if the Ministry are just going to fall so fast? This feels waaay to early for this story plot to occur. But that's just my opinion. Hopefully you got a plan that works, and it's believable. It's also in my opinion that if Sirius Black's "death" is true (hope it's not), Zacharias should not be with anyone else or find someone else to replace him. I suspect you might do something of that nature. You haven't shy away from all the random romances that occurs, even in minor characters. Don't think I haven't notice your tendencies to ship characters! Anyways, it would be annoying, weird, not the same, awkward, and off-putting. I hope that will never happen. But then again, this your AU, so you have the final say on what you want to implement. I invested a lot of my time in this piece of fanfic, so I don't wish for it be ruined by very disagreeable choices (it's all subjective, of course). I mean no disrespect, as I know writing is a tough pastime, and you deserve to be commended for the amount of time you put into your AU. So, good luck. You deserve your break, and hopefully things will be explained Chapter 220! P.S: He's really dead, isn't he? I guess I would have to expect the death of Remus, Tonks, Fred Weasley, Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown (at least in the movies), Dumbledore, Snape, Moody, Dobby, etc, etc. P.S. Why the hell am I just naming character deaths?
Guest: There . Are . No . Words. Saz J
Guest: I, like so many other readers here, have absolutely loved the changes you have made to the story of Harry & Sirius - it has been a wonderful story that we have looked forward to reading every week. However, as much as I love your story, I am upset and disappointed that you had this last chapter play out the way it did. You have, for 218 chapters, written about great changes and strengths for Harry, all the others, and especially Sirius. To have this last chapter happen almost like the original version (book & movie) is a bit of a let-down to your earlier chapters. I will still look forward to reading your story, but maybe without the enthusiasm I have had this past year.
KittenWithAnAx: damn it! I'm crying! Why do I always hope that Sirius survive? even when I watch the movie I hope he don't die! I hate and I love you! yes A break is need! let us mourn in peace! my baby died! and I know that in two weeks I will be back! because I'm too curious and I love how you write! I will still mourning Sirius but I will be back... anyway I will go cry in the shower! have a nice two week break! (and Happy Birthday!)
Blitz90: Hello Breannie ! First of all, I wanna say that your story is awesome ! I really like many of the change that you bring to the HP world! Congrats on that ! Now, about chapter 219, nice chapter all around but I felt that the training they got change nothing but maybe because of the stress to fitgh Death Eater explain it to... maybe you can show me the light on this ? Second, the death of Sirius... I must say that I am disapointed about that. I know that you said in the beginning that it will be ultimately a Hinny story but for me, Sirius was the heart and soul of you fiction. Lets hope that he is just in shock or king of a coma !
Qarz: You put a lot of effort into this, writing so many words is nothing to sneeze at and it shows dedication. However, you don't seem to understand that actions have reactions. If you make changes in Canon then the whole story has to change to make any modicum of sense. You didn't do that and the more than 1.5m words are a waste since it led to the same place and somehow things are even worse than in said Canon. I truly pity those who read this huge story just to be disappointed.
nesciamema: Kinda disappointed by Harry's shoddy fighting since they've all been training for a while, the only one who seemed to be thinking strategically was Ginny before she was taken out. Hoping Zee doesn't miscarry and fights for the babies rights as heir to the Blacks. No way in hell should any Malfoy hold the title with what just happened.
goldenone: thank you for posting this on my birthday it was a great gift but also HOW COULD YOU IMA CRY
aj613: ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod I was hoping Sirius would be spared holy shit oh my god whyyy? Amazingly written as always, BUT WHY?! THEY WERE GONNA GET MARRIED AND HAVE BABIES AND HARRY CALLED HIM DAD I—
Rufus777: I understand why you had to kill Sirius. But it still makes me sad. Well written as always. I've been a fan since chapter one. I had forgotten about the Dursley stuff. Good on you to remind everyone of those memories. Keep up the awesome -rufus
kyle.grimm90: I am so sad that Sirius died again... I was really hoping he would survive this time. I love you story is so addictive but I wish that would have gone different. I was so excited he didn’t go through the veil I was jumping for joy and then wammm he died. I won’t stop reading but it killed me when he died.
Haillie: WHAT! OH COME ON!
yunkol76: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thanks for the present! Now time to enjoy another GREAT chapter
coloredwords: First things first. A very happy birthday to you. I hope you have (had) a wonderful day. Second I wish you no riot reviews for your birthday. As much as I want to know what happens next, I respect you too much to shout and riot. But what a chapter! Damn. When Peter fell through the curtain I thought for a second Sirius would be safe. But alas. My last hope lies within some time turner or time room miracle. And all of a sudden we skipped right to the beginning of DH. I'm so curious to see what happens next. Have fun writing and enjoy your two weeks off. I will be here, waiting patiently.
Fruitcake49: I would rather this entire chapter be a nightmare. Why do Sirius and Harry always get the short dirty end of the stick? Such terrible childhoods and Sirius has to die leaving Harry alone. I gotta tell you if anyone other than a character in a story were put under this much pain and unhappiness they would crack and cease to function. As much as I like this story, Harry needs Sirius. I'm tired of people killing him off.
X.pix.X: Happy birthday, and great chapter
Undead Gothic Princess: you are mean and a god all at once! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time reading this, then took a sigh of relief when pettigrew died cuz I thought "hey, Sirius will be fine now, he survived!" then wham! I dont think he's really dead dead though. they'll either be a way so that it was polyjuice or maybe they use a time turner. something better happen so that he just appears through the front door/hospital wing and is like "whys everyone so down when my hansome face is here?!" please let it be true, otherwise I dont think I can go on in this cruel world xxx
HarryPotterLover2422: Such an amazing chapter! I have enjoyed reading this story for quite some time now and look forward to each new chapter. I am so sad with what happened to Sirius, but I am looking forward to what’s to come! I loved the Lucius called Theo his son that was amazing! I think one of my favorite things about this story, other than how amazing it is, is how you humanize especially the Malfoy family in terms of Draco and Theo. Amazing as always! Happy belated birthday! Can’t wait for more! ️
Leo: Happy Birthday! I was so excited to see that you have written this chapter, until I read it, I can't believe you've hit us with the double whammy. This chapter both made me cry and amazed at your incredible writing skills. I hope you carry on and finish this story. However, most importantly, please, please please, please, puppy eyes please can you post the chapter. I know you said you won't but imagine puppy eyes, you know you can't say no to that. Keep us the brilliant work.
I am imagining puppy eyes, but no, I’m sorry.
GoldenPotterFan: Chapter 219 and the first time I am commenting. Started reading this story between Christmas and New Year 2018 and read all chapters up to then by the time I went back to work. Since then I have waited for updates every week. Somehow, I don't believe that Sirius is dead. Just a feeling I have. I also think Lucius might be working against Voldemort while still not quite working for the Order. I would not be surprised if he saves Sirius somehow. I cannot wait for another update. PS Happy Birthday, I hope you had a great day :)
devonleney27: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Thank you for the gift of this chapter, sorry I didnt get you anything!
DoodleBug78: OMFG cannot believe that! Really?!
witchyromy: mmmm i would have thought that with the time living in the magical world, and all the extra training harry has done, with sirius and remus and mischa and the rest of the group as well in the extra defense lessons that this would have gone better, they almost only used stupify and some 1st year spells. The whole thing is 80% the same as the original... i have to say i am a bit disappointed.
Sorry to hear that, but I kept what I needed to keep in there for a reason and I hope you will stick around to see that, but if not, well thanks for reading.
Guest: Welp, I’m crying. I’ve been following this story for a while, and honestly didn’t expect to be so upset about Sirius’ death, again. You’ve done wonderful work at recreating this moment. There are so many tiny complexities in this rendition and I can’t wait to see what comes next. Hoping zee’s fall didn’t hurt those babies. Thank you for your work. ️
snowball0709: Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day:) Now to the story.. HOW COULD YOU KILL SIRIUS? This story is all about his second chance! And the wedding, the twins... come on, siriusly! I really hope you have something up your sleeve and that he miraculously lives somehow. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Lolikiano: I'm so excited you posted early! I can live with the cliffhanger as an exchange! Your stories have inspired me to write my own fanfiction and I can't thank you enough for that! I'm looking forward to your next update in two weeks! P.S. I love the "Surprise" pregnancy (which i TOTALLY called when Zee got ill!) I can't wait to read Harry's reaction!
Maggie1874: I'm so sad and disappointed that Sirius died. I was really hoping he'd live in your story.
Krazyasibe: Happy birthday! But why would you do that! I love Sirius!
alix33: No need for anyone to shoot Nott senior in his undersized wanker, Ginny will just have bat bogeys coming out of it rather painfully (and satisfactorily for us readers) in a jiffy. Dumbles had sweet fanny adams to do with the six being able to turn into animaguses. I like Lady Godiva's way of dealing with Death Eaters far better than I do any of the light side's humans' only effective for a couple of seconds stupefying. That vile bitch Bellatrix killed Sirius! I wonder which charm was used on the statue which made it keep Harry away from Dumbles and Tom Riddle junior.
wheezing-reader: Happy Birthday! Your story is probably one of my all-time favorite fics! Saying that WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! No. This is not okay. I'm not okay with this.
Josh: Can't believe you killed Sirius! Hope something miraculous is going to happen. This is supposed to be about "A Second Chance" for him, so he needs to be alive!
Menna Taha: Happy birthday! But still how fucking dare you
jmdaz44: I know Sirius canon-ly dies in the fifth book but I was hoping you’d spare us somehow, especially after the proposal and pregnancy. Instead you were just fattening us up to be slaughtered. You’re cruel. I love the story and your writing but it hurts. It hurts. I truly hate your Bella. I should have waited to read this until this evening because now I feel like my whole day is ruined and it is just starting. I hope you’ve got something feel-good planned because I’m pretty down on this right now. I guess that parallels where we are in the story; things are getting real and nothing is for certain anymore. Hope is a dangerous thing.
alyson3il: First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day, and short hiatus to get everything straight! Second of all, WHHHHYYYYYY?! WHY? Why? Y? y? WHHYYYY! I thought Sirius would be SAFE, you lured us into security with Peter, but then it just HAD to happen. I got my hopes up that it wouldn't be him, he had Zee, he had the twins on the way, HE WAS GONNA GET MARRIED! I get that things happen, BUT THIS THING DIDNT NEED TO HAPPEN, or maybe it did. You're the author, you have a plan in place, and you know what you're doing. I'll just be hurt for the next two weeks.
Miss Elyon: 1) Happy birthday dear ! All good for you! 2) Thad Nott - It was too late! (I loved that Lucy killed this son of a troll) And Wormtail ... I'm sure you will be very well received in hell! 3) Bella ... fucking crazy bitch ... something will come to you and it won't be pretty! 4) More importantly - You made me cry so fucking hard with Sirius. I went into depression until you post again. I truly love your story (although it makes me cry like a baby!). The pain at his death was more brutal than the book. I know you have something planned (I hope) and I will be reading (with a sniffling nose) the next chapter! To cure this chapter I'll read the whole story again and cry all over again ... I think I like to suffer ... kkkk See you in the next chapter ;)
chefke: o.m.f.g. omfg. I'm freaking out
xcherry91x: OMG NOOOOOO! I was hoping that Sirius wouldn’t die. I cried when I read that. The babies! They gots no daddy
SuperBossy: Not happy at all.
rolly21: I can’t believe you killed Sirius. I was really hoping that you wouldn’t.
LilyBlack18: I was so not expecting that. I was sure Sirius wouldn't die . My god, reading his death again was pure torture. At least Harry still have Zee, Remus, etc. I'm so sad, though... I really thought you wouldn't keep that part of the story, and you gave me false hope when Peter died x)
greg.is.wilson: You are evil.
Mutt N. Feathers: Yes my dear, I do trust authors. Needless pain is never inflicted by them. I made readers think I killed Sirius too, but instead had other plans. You love him too much. I live in hope. Mutt
supersandman86: Oh man! Not Sirius! He just got his life to perfection. Loving son, a fiance and a child on the way. Nice to see Wormtail redeem himself by shoving zee out of the way and Thaddeus got what he deserved. Now we just need to give Crouch and Bellend Lestrange pain that even they can't endure. This was always the dark point in the whole franchise in my opinion, where Harry felt the most hopeless. Let's see how it goes.
Sirius black411: You are so cruel...so so soooo cruel. They were going to get married...have twins and raise them.. How could you?! I can't imagine what Zee must be going through but she is still there for Harry. She will be a great mother.
Wodril: This Sirius didn't really seem like the guy to be done in while taunting. Not being hit by the killing spell, and the whole "he'll writhe in pain as he dies" spiel makes it a bit more uncertain. I never really appreciated him coming back to life after the dementors, and kinda hope, for the sake of the story, he'll stay dead this time. He will probably show up as an inferi anyway?
Jewels46: Omg... I’m crying! You’ve reduced me to tears. I know it was a very real possibility, but I hoped it wouldn’t actually come to fruition even though I understand the significance. I do really like how you wrote his death though, a much more fitting end. The bit you added with Peter had led me into a false sense of security that the lovable mutt would be safe. I just can’t even right now. Wonderful chapter. I’m going to cry some more and eagerly await the next one
Dianne: Yes I need atleast 2 weeks to emotionally reconstruct myself after this bombshell of a chapter. Deep breaths in and out. Curious about how you've brought a 7th year canon event now itself. I'm not sure I even took in everything coz I was crying so hard and couldn't read clearly, was reading this at clg and I surprised everyone by suddenly crying out loud and sobbing :'( and everyone was baffled when I said one of my most favourite characters just died painfully and I was crying for that, but they don't understand the power of reading or the power of HP thankyou for an early update and kudos you're an amazing writer!
purplevictory: That wasn't nice. I mean, happy birthday and everything, but did your present to yourself really have to be the torture of your fans? I know Sirius will be fine, I just don't know how you're planning to get there. Thank you for the early chapter. But, when your birthday celebrations are over you really ought to write "I will stop being mean to my readers" 50 times. You don't have to use a blood quill.
Write lines as punishment?  I don’t have time for that, I need to write the next chapters.
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx: Noooooo I can’t believe that after all this you still killed Sirius! When his life was finally all good with babies on the way!
eternal king of fire: wow this chapter was a tear jerkier poor sirus and zee
speedsONEandONLY: No. Nope. No. I refuse to see this as a real chapter. None of this happened. I mean what was the point of letting them be happy, of getting rid of the Horcrux early. Only to fucking destroy them. To make him want to sacrafice, kill himself anyway. This chapter didn't happen. This is a "what couldve been" I doesn't make any fucking sense. Nor does it for the narrative. So, No. I refuse to think, Believe, You could be so heartless to characters/people you love. That you made us love. I don't see anyway how the story Could really go on, if this chapter actually happened. It reads more like the last Twilight movie from when Aro rips off Carlisles head. Sorry, but no.
Sorry, I guess I’m heartless.  Comparing me to Twilight though, that’s heartless. 
Ari Black-18: I know that this is a war, but please let Sirius escape death again, don't do this please, please make this better, tell me that Remus and Tonks somehow save him, tell me that even tho he is in bad condition he's still alive, don't leave his twins and Harry without a father, don't live Zee without her love, don't rip away Remus's brother from him, give him a second chance from the original story, let him be there with Harry at the end, the world it's already too shitty for it even to suck in a fanfic. Call me naive or delusional, but I actually believe that this is not over, I trust you enough to know that you wouldn't do this, your story it's to damn good to lose such a character just like that, so I know you are going to fix it, you're going to pull a surprise under your sleeve and make us love it so much. I believe in you, I mean you wouldn't just kill Sirius like that, not this Sirius, your Sirius. I trust you, I know you wouldn't do this. Please enjoy your break, chill, eat a lot of snacks, maybe even party a little, and then, please, bring our uncle Siri back.
Seriuslypadfoot: Hey Breanie, very well written as per usual. I hope Sirius isn’t actually dead, as this story is one of the few Sirius and Harry fics that I have thoroughly enjoyed and don’t want his character to end this way. Powerful moment with Malfoy in this chapter, but I wish he showed more backbone and fully went against the death eaters like his family wants. Again, hope Sirius doesn’t end here, the death will really hurt the story in my opinion. But this is your story so write it how you will. Thanks for your hard work!
Thank you!  Malfoy doesn’t have much of a backbone, but I do have a plan for him.  I’m sorry you feel that Sirius’ death hurt the story, I think it’s important for what’s next.
DetroitNate: A review? I hated this chapter. Oh the writing is great as usual, but what happened in it? I hated, loathed, detested it. I hope justice comes and comes quicker than Hinny did in this story cause it is getting too difficult to read of how these vicious bastards seem to get away with anything they want. JKR did two things I can't stand in canon kill off Sirius and Fred and now I'm wondering if this story will follow her on that pattern... I hope not, I really do.
Thank you and I promise, justice will come quicker than Hinny -- as in it won't take another 197 chapters, maybe 196, just kidding! 
Paola1991: So is this death for real or is he coming back? I mean you tricked us once. I guess i kind of assumed you’d never kill him off because it was kind of a sirius fix it story? Where he gets a better life? This took me by surprise. Its primarily why i hate book 5. I thought someone else was gonna die instead. Hes the one character i would never kill i guess. Especially with zee having his kids! Not sure how i feel.
Guest: can i honestly beg something? can you please bring back sirius alive? please? i know u wont do it.. u have a plan with ur story... but as a big big fan of ur story im really really begging will u please?
Queen Raja: Wow. And I thought the book’s death was heartbreaking! Seriously, bravo. I don’t cry easily, and this chapter made me UGLY cry! Waiting until two weeks will be very hard, but I’m glad you’re able to take some much deserved time for yourself and Dusk. Happy Birthday, Breanie!
Maisie: how and why could you do this to mee im cryinggg please say its looking better in the next chapter
midnitewanderer: Dumbass went and reread it. Not gonna lie, it was a brilliant chapter but I am still this close to hunting your ass down and forcing to rewrite Sirius back in. Where’s my angry emoji when I need it. I can’t help but feel that you wrote Zee the way you have specifically for this chapter. Not only does she come into their lives and becomes the best pseudo mom ever written in any HP fanfic, she basically adopts Harry into her entire family. Sure there’s stories out there with the Weasley’s treating him as one of their own but not like this. ZEE’S ENTIRE FAMILY ADOPTS HARRY. Your sneaky ass has been prepping us from the beginning of her intro! He calls them all Grandad/Grandpa, Grandmama/Grandma, etc. so that eventually he sees that he’s never truly alone. Then enter the Weasleys, McGonagall, Rem&Tonks, Andi&Ted, Dumbles, Nev, Lu, Mione, he’s surrounded by so much love. I just know the next chapter is going to be hard for me seeing as I’m a crybaby but damn it to hell, I can’t wait. 2 whole weeks. What am I gonna do?
Thank you.  I guess I was kind of sneaky like that, wasn’t I? 
Zacnelson0628: Breanie... I kinda had a feeling that was going to happen. Still really sad though. I hope you kill of bellatrix in a spectacular manner.
I will do my best -- I do know exactly how it will happen and who will do it.
notthatchhavi: Oh, wow!  I don't know what to say!  This was a extremely well-written chapter When Lucius said that Theo was his son...it was such a moment I went ooooooohhh Well other then that..I cried I literally cried when Sirius died and yes I am still in denial I hope atleast Remus and Tonks will be okay.. Harry needs some support from one father When Sirius died.. it broke my heart.. Harry calling Sirius Dad.. and Sirius saying that Harry was the best thing ever happened to him I feel that he was not saying that just to Harry.. it was to James too because the Potters were the best thing which happened to Sirius I feel really bad for Zee...being pregnant with your fiancée's children and then him dying is not an easy thing to go through But the most importantly...this chapter made me cry I have read many fanfictions.. but i have never cried.. they might have been super good.. but has never made me cry I think the ability for a writer to make the reader both and laugh and cry is extremely important and difficult...I think by this story you have proven yourself as a damn good writer
Having Harry call him dad was vital and every time I tried to change it, I came back to it.
josht1987: Just know, that I am very mad at you you right now. We'll see what happens after the next one. An extremely well written chapter, but... You know what you did.
Daerwin45: not Sirus oh please he is so important it was going so good im sorry i am just a fan and it has been such a great story i did not mean to question your reason. i just was enjoying harrys and Sirus' relationship.
PotterBlondie: Oh my god, I wasn’t expecting Sirius to die! Or for anything to go this badly in one chapter! I hope he gets to escape death again? Pretty please? I hope you had a wonderful Birthday!
midnitewanderer: Nope. I’m done. I’m done. I AM FUCKING DONE! I will have no more toilet tissue by the end of the night. My chicken is currently burning on the stovetop. My emotions are freaking fried right now. Not only was he... UGH! I can’t. I literally can’t right now. I know this is fiction and whatnot, but my heart is hurting. How in the hell did I get so emotionally invested in this damned story?! Now, I’m going to remove my burning chicken and cry in a corner.
scrappy8: OMG what a chapter Poor Sirius is gone
Covley Hatake: Please let Sirius some how had lived. I like cheered when Pettigrew went in the veil instead and then that. You like ripped my heart out with Sirius. Like come on. Still good story but wanted Sirius to be there for the happy ending. I picture Harry though being the best big brother to those babies and protecting the hell out of Zee and the babies. Betting she tells Harry soon as well. Also question if he is dead what does that mean for them claim the Black title? With out him to claim them they would be seen as illegitimate and as the deal with Malfoy was made he could take it? curious on that one.
akshutalankar: well this is a really bad chapter to be posted on birthday... plz give us next soon... make Sirius alive pretty please
shooter124: O my god, I am crying. Please don’t take Sirius from us, Zee needs him and so does Harry! However that death scene was crazy good. I’m hoping that you have this elaborate plan as to why Sirius had to fake his death or something. Please please please say he is still alive, Sirius and Zee have not finished their story yet and Remus needs his best friend. This is my favourite story I have read on FF, you are a fantastic writer and I get excited every time you post!
Wolf's scream: Nice set of Bat-Bogeys, Miss Weasley! Yeah, a ticked-off wolverine is NOT something I'd prefer to cross. Greengrass is there? That's ... something I was not expecting. Yeah, Theo's advice to smash the Prophecy seems pretty sound to me. (With the possible caveat that certain DEs might lose whatever semblance of control that they have...) Seriously, Hermione? That's not a "baby." And in any case, Petrification is not intrinsically harmful: it merely decreases the probability that the Petrified one will pose a danger to himself or others. Sheesh. Somebody needs to get her priorities sorted. :-) I'm a little surprised that the DEs that trapped the teenagers in the Brain Room were using less-than-lethal spells. Granted, I'm rather glad that they did, but I don't understand whys. Well..! Lucy IS good for something, I guess... It's rather a pity that Harry hadn't smashed the Prophecy and grabbed another as a decoy. :-} Oh! What would happen if Harry were to chuck the Prophecy through the arch...? Ah - excellent move, Lady G! :-) Remus was dueling Dolohov? But Harry had Petrified Dolohov just a bit ago... maybe another DE released him, or the spell wore off? So - the Rat did something useful before departing... BTW, a fairly effective dueling technique might be to blast the floor/ground out from under one's opponent. Or merely make it incapable of supporting the opponent's weight. Especially if one is in a structure and not on the bottom floor. Well, at least there's no ambiguity at all regarding Sirius's fate. :-/ Well, laughing at Bella is a pretty good way to ensure that she's even more off-balance, yeah. It's good that Dumbledore addresses Tom by his given name (vs. the nom de guerre that he made up)
Guest: You cant do this Sirius can't be dead! Please let him live! P.S. happy Birthday Seriously though bring Sirius back.
dhnysports88: for the love of god tell me they planned to fake his death, DON'T DO THIS TO US
minerdude: Wow this is a great story, even if you killed Sirius, although with the next chapter I hope we discover thinking he was dead was part of the fog of war. If Sirius is dead it was truly well written to get our guard down by sending Peter though the veil
Old-fashionedAnglophile: What. The. ACTUAL. HELL?! Are you trying to destroy us? And you're making us wait for it? Damn your excellent and captivating writing. I'll be waiting for the next chapter with bated breath.
Thank you (I think).
littlehughesy: WHY? Why must you keep killing off characters that I love!? It's like Game of Thrones all over again! I get that it is canon for Sirius to die at the Ministry, but for fuck's sake can't Harry just have a little less suffering for once? For the love of God, if you kill Remus and Tonks in this story, I am done. Just done. I cannot handle my emotions right now. Okay, venting over. As much as I don't like it, your story is still fantastic. And hey, cheers for the early update and happy birthday!
Atea1793: You... are... absolutely... evil... YOU KILLED SIRIUS, KILLED DEADALUS DIGGLE, LEFT ZAHIRA A PREGNANT WIDOW BEFORE SHE EVEN GOT MARRIED, MAY HAVE LEFT HARRY AN ORPHAN AGAIN, AND HAD THE MINISTRY FALL A WHOLE YEAR EARLIER THAN IN CANON?! I'M STARTING TO THINK YOU'RE AS SICK IN THE HEAD AS VOLDEMORT IS! Excuse me while I spend these next two weeks gathering a mob to go after your twisted ass. The Death Eaters will seem like playground bullies when we come for you...
Guest: Omg. Omg. You actually killed Sirius. I cried. I honestly would have rather see Remus die, but maybe that’s what makes this story stronger and more intense. I definitely need 2 weeks to process this. Poor Zee and poor Harry.
lcwintersoldier: Goddamit how could you kill Sirius :'(
LifeonEarth: Oh come on you hand to bring Marauder into this. This hurts.
I’m sorry, but I thought Marauder deserved to be in Harry’s thoughts.
White Squirrel: Why does everyone feel the need to kill off Sirius even when there's good reason for events to play out differently? Honestly, this whole section felt like it wasn't up to your usual standards. You copied so much from the book, even when they had different people there and a different plan. It would have made more sense and wouldn't have been that hard to choreograph a different battle sequence.
I felt that it was important to keep it similar which I will explain later on, but of course you’re entitled to your opinion.
love reading20613: Oh god no please no
alistark94: What an ending! I gotta say I'm suprised you still killed off Sirius. Great story by the way!
Anixara: Wow, I find this story just in time for the latest chapter to be THAT. God damn it. Now I have to figure out if waiting for the next chapter is even worth it with how much that fucked with my emotions.
Breaniefan: This was so unrepresentative of your characters to just shove them back into JK's exact plot. This Harry would never have been so impulsive, Ginny and Theo would have escaped, the well trained Order would have been quicker on the mark and more effective. This was just lazy writing, taking so much of the original story and just shoehorning it in - I'm so disappointed! Also why the fuck would you kill Sirius? The whole point of fanfic is to FIX those stupid character deaths from the original, not go and do it again. I've followed this story from the start and loved it, but if Sirius is still dead next chapter... You've lost a reader.
I’m sorry that I’ve lost a reader over this, but as I said, I knew he would die from the first chapter.  Harry would be that impulsive because Ginny was kidnapped and there's no way he wouldn't try to save her.  She and Theo may have been able to escape but not unscathed.  I don’t believe that fan fiction is made to “fix” stupid character deaths because the original story is amazing and I’m getting the chance to play with the characters we all love so much and Sirius had a second chance on life and he lived it.
Adelite: AAAAH. aaAAAH. I came here for a BETTER WORLD and you killed SIRIUS BLACK of ALL PEOPLE and just when HE LEARNED HE IS HAVING TWINS?!?? I swear to god AaaaaahahahAH the original didn’t hurt this bad I read 219 chapters in 2 weeks just to be welcomed with this I am absolutely gonna riot and also what happened to Tonks? P.S if you kill Rem, Tonks and Fred in the battle of Hogwarts I will personally pee your pants
Pegg7: I can not believe it!!It has been chapter that i'm saying something bad was about to happen, but not this bad!!!!!The only think i can do now is wait and speculate: you had wormtail die through the veil and not Padfoot, so, maybe, there is a chance, i have hope! By the way, the chapter itselff is good, nothing less to say... I'm going to have a lot of speculation as how the thing are going to be next, so i'll dread this 2 next weeks Love you (a little less) as always
lovelyellie: that really hurt my feelings damn
phoenixmaiden13 (Lady Phoenix): I so hate this chapter, yet it was so good. Still can't believe you killed off Sirius, I thought he was safe for a minute but I guess not. At least they will have a body to bury. I'm going to go cry now.
They will have a body to bury and I hope that chapter makes you all feel the emotion as much as I did writing it.
MrToddWilkins: But he is still alive! The blood-Harry’s right!
Bosma18: Happy birthday but why did you have to kill Sirius he was one of my most favorite characters he and zee where supposed to marry and live happily ever after I wanted Sirius to die of old age while being surrounded by his grand children
Jmcglynn522: You killed him.... you killed him... he just found out that Zee was preggers, with twins(FYI: Taking antibiotic potions and birth control potions = Twins. Mine just turned 20.).And there’s no do over this time....no time turner.... just... you killed Sirius Black.I love your story, I’m bawling hysterically right now, but I don’t like you very much at the moment.... you killed him....why??? (Happy parts: Ginny preforming the “bat bogey hex” on Thaddeus’s dick for Theo! Lucius killing Thaddeus for hurting Theo, “his son!”. Ron touching “Uranus”. Lady G not dying. Zee not dying. And Pettigrew’s death was to kind.) And Happy Birthday!!!(Even though I may be traumatized for life.)
Pettigrew’s death may have been too kind but I think it was an important turning point for him in that he saved Zee for Sirius.
LordSmidgeon: I'm hoping so much all this was pushed in his head by Voldemort after the brain room to mess with his psyche. I'm hoping he comes to and they are just getting him away from the veil. Or it was all what he saw in the veil. Like honestly, if you have to have someone die please dont kill Sirius (at least not yet).
Siriuslover: Im in denial. He’s not dead.  How could you kill Sirius!! He was the main reason I’ve loved reading this!! Ugh please take it back I’m so sad
kellykat1889: Your evil.
RiverFord: I think I’m going to need two weeks just to recover from this. I’ve absolutely loved this story so far but you literally just killed off my favorite character and I can’t even...
archiveScrapper: Happy birthday! I'm a long time reader and first time reviewer, but I finally felt like I had something to say (plus wishing you a happy birthday is important). I'm actually weirdly... proud? of you for keeping Sirius's death at this point in the story. In the books it's kind of the point at which Harry has to officially grow up, and realize that even though he's a kid, he's the center of a really vicious war where his actions have very real consequences. And he has no one left to fully protect him either. Even in a fic where Sirius matters a whole lot more, and Harry is gonna be a thousand times more hurt by his death, that moment of change, and of Harry accepting his inevitable place in this fight is really important? So I just wanted to say that as much as I'm really sad about Sirius being gone, because I really did enjoy him getting to be happy for once, i think it's an important moment for the story and I'm really happy that it's one that you kept even in a version of this story that's a lot happier than the original story ever was. I've been wondering how you were gonna handle this moment for a long time now, and although I'm definitely gonna go cry about Sirius's death now, I'm really happy with what you decided to do.
TheOneWithWritersBlock: Please tell me this is a dream. Please tell me that Sirius didn't actually die. Please tell me that the ministry hasn't actually fallen. Please tell me it's all one big giant nightmare.
leflemmeenrose: Happy birthday!A break is definitely needed. I'm gonna spend it crying until you upload the next chapter haha. Take your time.
Zerius: Yay! Pettigrew's dead!I am struggling so hard not to say I hate you. I don't actually, but why did you feel the need to kill off Sirius?! He was Harry's family, he had Zee, he was in love, he had such an amazing life and now... Now he's never going to see Harry and Ginny get married, he won't see his children grow up... And Dedalus Diggle? What was the meaning of his death? Why did he have to die? And so cruelly... I love the new battle though. I've got a love/hate relationship with this chapter. Great job, can't wait to see what happens next. Please heal Sirius! Maybe he's not actually dead? Maybe there's a cure? Please say there's a cure! Again, amazing job! Update soon! I love it!
LaureWithAnE: I don’t really like you at the moment. But, happy birthday! How is it, after 17 years, the death of Sirius Black still makes me cry?
PurpleLotus (Person of Earth): Why did you have to kill Sirius? I just can't even process everything that happened. You made me cry and my heart is broken for Harry and Zee and the twins. I don't know what is going to happen and it's killing me. The ministry fallen already...I have no words for the desolation I feel. You have emotionally annihilated me, so congratulations. I understand the need for a break, I will be waiting impatiently for the next update. Happy Birthday and Happy Writing!
9 notes · View notes
chaoticdisater · 4 years
Reading a book called the wrong side of right and trying to sympathies for the republican characters because about 75% of the characters are Republican,
each part of this series will end with me getting so done with the republican party that i have to re-read the scene in red white and royal blue where Alex kisses Henry ageist the Alexander Hamilton porti, 
(here the book discripiton for anyone who cares 
Kate Quinn’s mom died last year, leaving Kate parentless and reeling. So when the unexpected shows up in her living room, Kate must confront another reality she never thought possible—or thought of at all. Kate does have a father. He’s a powerful politician. And he’s running for U.S. President. Suddenly, Kate’s moving in with a family she never knew she had, joining a campaign in support of a man she hardly knows, and falling for a rebellious boy who may not have the purest motives. This is Kate’s new life. But who is Kate? When what she truly believes flies in the face of the campaign’s talking points, she must decide. Does she turn to the family she barely knows, the boy she knows but doesn’t necessarily trust, or face a third, even scarier option? Set against a backdrop of politics, family, and first love, this is a story of personal responsibility, complicated romance, and trying to discover who you are even as everyone tells you who you should be. (taken from the penguin random house website) 
- alright here we go, waring all of these thoughs are random and may not make much sense out of book context but i will try, 
chapter one 
- over all a good set up chapter we meet Kate whos got ~ trauma ~ due to having a dead mom, 
- she is a fine if bland ish character so fair, shes a smart jr in high school whos moved from California to south Carolina because her mom died in a car accendt 
- shes to scared to make friends and now the press is surrounding her house, 
-wOw shes the daughter of the senter maybe
- wouldn't it be funny if it was actually just a rumor like i know its not because there’s 390 in this bitch but 
chapter two 
- wow i would hate to be in that living room seems tense and crowed, and like this high ranking member of palrement essentlay when to this poor couples house and ruined there day
- Kate sweetie, i know ive only know you for 8-9 pages but like run these people do not have your best interests at heart. 
-why are you grilling her NANCY she clearly has no idea whats happening, 
- hades give me strenght, 
-these people (the senter and his staff i guess) barge into these peoples (kates uncles and aunts home) house force her to take a blood test (they never actually ask if she gives consent for the blood test and don’t give that shit of her uncle consented for her, shes 16 witch means she is in south Carolina over the age of consent,) then leave with out answering any of her questions like they haven't just changed her whole world. 
-her mother NEVER told her who her father was and now the whole world knows. 
chapter three 
- feels like a weird chose to describe what our charater looks like sixteen pages in but im not here to harp on the authors writing since it is actually pretty well written
- so i have to lisan to something while i am reading to focaus and ive got ‘a playlist for hopeless romantics’ on youtube made by melontarts and that has nothing to do with the books execpt that i really like there playlist videos. 
- so this Revelation kinda comes later i guess but its importen for me to tell you that Kates mom died at 35 which is only supost to be a year back and the book has just told me the senator is 47 and kates mom was in collage when she was in the campaign meaning kates mom was 19 when she had Kate, also meaning the senor was 30, which isn't illegal but it upsets me
- so she wakes up at 6 is in the bathroom having what seems to be a panic attack of some sorts until 6:22 then she goes down starts to google her father and after some very light googling the whole senors crew is at her house at what 7 
- these people are low key rude to Kates uncle berry, like he doesn't deserved to get bossed around by them
- kate is pro-choice, like she says she doesn't know if shes pro-life or pro-choice but why wouldn't she tell stupid asshole republican man if she was pro life, like her thoughts are ‘i defenty did have an opinion in this question but i knew what he wanted to here’ 
- i dont trust Nancy but im not sure why, 
- i just need to get to then end of this chapter and i can read some red white and royal blue, 
- this poor girl believes that everyone in her life is just stuck with her and the sad thing is she can justify most of it, 
- okay so shes going to washington with them to be there little puppet. 
and i just realised my copy of red white and royal blue was packed away because im moving to collage soon so i cant get it. 
welp until next time
Next part
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Chapter 2
Tumblr media
Ok so I know you read the beginning of this and wondering how in the hell did I get myself here. I'm twenty-three years old, with two degrees, a dream job at DDC House Design, the top interior design house on the east coast and I am officially 6 weeks pregnant. Well I am going to have to take you back to about 8 months ago when I stepped out on a dream and chased it all the way to New York City.
"Congratulations Sloane Taylor,  
This letter is to thank you and to acknowledge of your offer of employment to join the staff of DDC House of Designs with an entry level salary of $176,000. We feel it would be out mutual advantage to advance our final decision. Will contact you via email to advise you of your employment packet.  
Sincerely, DDC House Designs
"OOOOMMMMGGGGG, Mommy come her look! Omg look at this email!"
"What is it Sloane you are calling my name like you crazy."
""Look mom I got the designing job in New York?"
"Wow that’s great baby girl I'm so proud of you." My mother said with conviction,  
I looked up at my mother that had a sweet and sour look on her face when she heard me say New York.  
"Ok mom please don’t ruin this moment with that look ok New York is not that far away.  
"I know honey but its far enough and you don’t have any family up there. "
See my mother in my eyes is being her usual over protective self at the mention of me going somewhere that isn't Greensboro, North Carolina. I've been here my entire life and I can't wait to leave. Nobody here has hope or dreams of anything outside of those city lines. Don’t get me wrong I love my hometown and I am proud of where I come from, but I want to see the world. I graduated college last year from North Carolina A&T with my Bachelors in Business and a Minor in Art since of course my mother would have had a heart attack if I would have gone out of state. Hell, I think she might have had a minor stroke if I went to East Carolina University, so I didn’t even test the limits. I am by far not a small-town girl but I hold my values. Most of the girls I graduated out of high school have kids now including my best friend Amina Walton who I have known since kindergarten. We met on the first day when she asked me to push her on the swing on the playground and now we have been inseparable ever since. She had her daughter Skylar our freshman year in college and I love her to the moon and back but I know for sure I am nowhere near ready to be a mom.  
Mommy, I can take care of myself I am an adult and plus I have done everything you have ever asked of me. I stayed in Greensboro longer than I had planned on it. It is way past time for me to travel and leave."
"I understand Sloane, but what are you going to do it something goes wrong or you need something."
"then I will call home and ask. Mom you have to learn to let me go you are starting to smother me and I am an adult. I love you I really do but I am taking this job,"  
I had to put on my firm voice but I know I was hurting her feelings by saying that. It has been me and my mom for years after my dad died and she couldn’t help but hold me close. I can't really blame her though she really stepped up and played both roles perfectly to win an Oscar.  
"well what are they offering you to have you move so far?"
"they are paying my rent for my apartment, full benefit coverage, paid vacations and all holidays off. Come on mom, it is no way I am going to ever find a job like that here."
"ok ok Sloane. When do you have to leave after you accept the job?"
"two weeks! That is too soon how will you pack and get all of your things there in time?"
"they are sending movers mom, everything will be fine.  
I was so excited I couldn’t contain myself while she was in my room. Once I finally got her to see things through my eyes she walked out my room. I closed the door and let out a silent scream. I count help it. It felt like such a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I am leaving this place behind and not looking back.  
Two weeks flew by I couldn’t believe my whole life was packed into 30 cardboard boxes and I was counting the hours to load them in a moving truck. I didn’t think I was going to be this sad to leave when I made the call and accepted the position. Amina through me a huge going away party last night and it seemed like the entire city came out to see me off. Including my ex Zayvion. 
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We dated for 3 years and I learned everything I don’t deserve in a relationship. I know what you thinking and no he didn’t cheat on me but let's just say college can really change people. Everything was perfect in that honey moon phase but after he crossed and pledged Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. Secrets pushed us apart and turned us against each other. I didn’t expect to see him there and I know Amina didn’t invite him so of course he heard through the grapevine that I was leaving. Everybody loved us together being that we were the "black Love Lives" couple of the century. I can't deny he was fine for sure 6"4, golden peanut butter skin, full pink lips and chocolate brown curls. With a smile that made me melt and eyes to steal my soul.  Who could turn him down? At one point I never thought I could. Not to mention his dick game was powerful I swear that’s how he pledged on line. Freshman and Sophomore year, I had a nice size four body, but Junior and Senior year I filled out in everything. My body couldn’t lie that he wasn’t putting it down before dorm curfew and the whole campus could see it.  
He approached me with that suave walk and pearly white smile smashed across his face. I got a little weak at the knees as I watched him approach me from across the back yard. All my girls giggling behind me talking about "girl here he come" "mmm you sure you wanna leave that behind" "girl he so damn fine". I rolled my eyes at all of them, "look yall need to calm down and play it cool nobody is thinking about that boy." But on the inside my heart was racing. He walked up and said " what's up yall?" His voice rang in my ears so vibrant sending me to reminisce when he would whisper in my ear with my legs up on his shoulders and he hitting my spot just right. Damn I missed that feeling. My pussy started tingling and the thought of his hands rubbing down my thighs to spread my legs.  
"Sloane you good? "
I snapped out my daydream, "yeah I'm good, what are you doing here?"
"I heard Kiwan talking about it and I was surprised that I didn’t get an invitation so I thought I would make a surprise appearance. "
"well I didn’t make the guest list so I hope your feelings weren't too hurt."
"A little bit, but it's nothing a hug can't fix though," he shrugged his shoulders and held his arms out and open for me.  
It couldn't hurt just to hug him right? I contemplated at first then I just gave in and stepped in for the hug. His Prada cologne hit my nose and mesmerized me. His chest was thick and muscular. I could feel in his back where he had been hitting the gym and it was doing his justice.  
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"awwww look at my favorite couple." I hear coming from behind him a familiar voice. Zayvion's best friend and line brother Kiwan. He was cool and about the only friend he had that I actually liked.  
"shut up you are so annoying"  
"don’t do me like that friend, you know im always going to team Sloane and Zay"  
"Shut up bro " Zay laughed and nudged Kiwan. "you play too much"  
"ok when yall stop frontin' let me know. Speaking of frontin whats up Amina you not gonna speak ? "
" Boy bye no im not speaking to you." Amina gave him the hand and walked off. Kiwan always had a thing for Amina since sophomore year and she tried everything to turn him away but I know on the low she had a little flutter for him. All it took was when she mentioned she had a daughter and he instantly got excited and said he would love to meet her one day. It definitely took Amina by surprise most guys take off at the mention of a kid but he held his own.  
"Bro when are you just going to let that go man?" Zay always joked him for how Amina loved to give him the cold shoulder.  
"Never bruh, you don’t understand we got a thing its just on the low."  
We all burst out laughing and everything felt like old times. In that moment my heart felt a little heavy. Am I really going to leave all of this behind. My friends and family for the big city? I wanted to say im staying but I knew It was just in the moment and when I got there it would all fade away.  
*Alarm rings
I woke up not realizing that I had fallen asleep in the middle of my day dreams. Today was the day. I reached over to turn off my alarm and my notification list was longer than usual. I scrolled down and saw Amina, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Daily Quotes and to my surprise Zayvion. My eye widened and I didnt even think he still had my number. I didn’t want to open his message to make it seem like I missed him or was pressed to see what he said so I just went to answer Amina. She said she was on her way to help me load the moving truck so I needed to get up and shower.  
Im going over my check list to make sure I got everything to load up as I see her pull up in her red Volkswagen Jetta. I didn’t even have to turn around to know it was her because I could hear the 90s r&b playlist bumping from down the street. The car doors closed and I heard my little angel Skylar's voice call out for me " Auntie!" I dropped my notepad and swept her up in my arms for a huge hug. She has gotten so big so fast and I cant believe I am about to leave her. I have been there since day one and in the delivery room when she was born.  
She hugged my neck so tight then pulled back and asked "auntie why is all of your stuff in that big truck where are you going?"  
I wanted to lie and say no where without you but I couldn’t. "auntie is moving to new york remember for her big girl job." She just smiled back at me and said "well are you going to visit me and mommy because we are going to miss you."  
"of course pumpkin and you and mommy are going to come visit me on the airplane right?"
"yes" she squealed. "good now go see meme she has cookies." I put her down on her feet and she took off running into the house. Amina walked up behind her and hugged me which is something she never does.  
"what is wrong with you, im not dying" I said.  
"what do you mean you are not dying?" She look confused at what I asked her.  
"uhm you are hugging me like im dying tomorrow not moving away."  
"well you might as well be! We have spent every day of our lives together since kindergarten, what am I going to do now that you have out grown this place?"
"well you know you can always move there too eventually, they need nurses in every state."  
"yeah I know but I have Skylar and I don’t really want to take her from my mom."
"you cant limit your self because of other people Mina." I always wanted so much more for Amina. She had potential to be so much more than she allowed herself to step out of her comfort zone to be. We were similar but our differences made us great friends.  
"girl are you sure you are ready to move like what is going to be the first thing you do when you get there?"
"shit find the nearest Junior's Cheesecake and walk the Brooklyn Bridge." We burst out laughing but I couldn’t be more serious.  
"how did it feel seeing Zayvion last night? I had no idea he was going to show up even though the whole city was In that shit. We was lit for sure."
"yeah It was super awkward and intense at first and it felt like old times." Speaking of Zay I totally forgot he had texted me this morning. "He texted me this morning and I didn’t think he would remember my number."
"why wouldn’t he? Bestfriend now you know that boy still love you and he know he fucked up."
"to bad that was not my problem then and its not now. He shoudnt be trying to press me now its been a whole year since we broke up and he wants to wait until the day before I leave to reach out? No thank you ill pass." I rolled my eyes and went to grab some boxes. It was no need for me to text back now.
We loaded the truck in a matter of 2 hours and nothing was left but my suitcase and backpack for my flight in the morning. My mom had to work but she would be off intima to take me to the airport. Amina and Skylar stayed over for one of our famous living room sleepovers.  
"You know your going to be ordering out every night when you get there because you cant cook?" She laughed trying to joke will she made all my sleepover favorites.
"shut up I can cook enough to survive! Plus that’s what restaurants are for to order out of."
"yeah but your going to miss this home cooking believe it or not because you know I can burn." Amina was the perfect wife and mom type. She had all the qualities not to mention she was beautiful. Milk cocoa brown skin, full curly natural hair that she passed on to Sky and she was 5"4 slim thick thick for sure.  
"yeah I am, you spoil me bestie. Thanks for everything!" I smiled at her and she just smiled back because she wasn’t the sentimental type but I know a tear filled her eye on that one. She finished cooking and we turned on the black Cinderella with Brandy and Whitney Houston our favorite movie. Amina was sleep first as usual then sky and me. My mom came in and woke us up in time to get ready for me to catch my flight. We parked the car in the departure parking lot and they walked me to my gate. I hugged Amina and Sky trying to hold back tears. Then my mom who was wiping her eyes quickly so I wouldn’t see her crying.  
"oh mommy its ok don’t cry. I am going to facetime you as soon as I land."  
"I love you Sloane be safe ok?"
"I love you too mommy!"  
*now boarding flight 5477 to New York City at Gate 4*
"that’s me guys! I will call as soon as I land." I picked up my bag and walked to my gate. Handing my ticket over to the flight attendant I took one last look back at them waving bye to me I waved back walked through the doors. I found my seat and adjusted myself for the take off. I had a window seat so I could see the airplane wing. I took a hug deep breath and settled my nerves. This was the start of a new beginning and the plane started rolling.  
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jaden-joi · 6 years
Chapter 3
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I pulled up in the uber to my building in Columbus Square. I stepped out and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The company really out did themselves and the pictures did not do this place any justice. It was beautiful and way more than I could really ask for. The building was over 12 floors tall and made of glass with gleaming silver trimming. I gasped as the wash of it all overwhelmed me and I shed at tear. I cant believe that I am really here. People back home would never believe that this is here I live. I gathered my things from the back of the uber and proceeded to my building. The door man at the front desk was dressed in a designer suit with a fresh hair cut. He seemed in his late forties and very serious about his job.  
"hello excuse me? My name is Sloane Taylor I am here to pick up my keys?'
"Good afternoon Miss Taylor we have been expecting your arrival."  
I felt so proper and important for him to address me as Miss Taylor.  
"We just need you to sign this paper stating that you received your key fobs. Thank you and here are your keys ma'am. This one is a fob for you to get onto your floor in the elevator and this one is for your front door. If there is anything that you may need we are here 24 hours."
"thank you, sir I appreciate it." I grabbed my keys and walked to the elevators. The doors slid open, I waved my key fob and the 10th floor lit up. I stepped out of the elevator to walk down to the far corner door. I took a deep breath before I stuck the key into the door and turned it. Walking it was magical like seeing fireworks on the fourth for the first time. I was full of natural light from the floor to ceiling windows and skyline view of the city. I still cant believe this is happening to me. I looked around and all of my boxes were neatly stacked in the corner for me to unpack and my preordered furniture was set up and waiting for me to decorate. I sat my things down and the door and took a look around. A full kitchen with up to date stainless steel appliance's and a upstairs loft to look down on the living room and dining room. I am definitely turn that into an office.  
I finished my self tour and plopped down on my new contemporary red couch and called my mom.  
She picked up and I have never been more excited to hear her voice.
"hey mom! I made it "
"hey sweetie, how do you like it so far?"
"oh my gosh mommy its beautiful look." I flipped my camera around to show her the living room with the huge windows.  
She gasped in aww and said "wow sloane its beautiful they really set you up nicely."  
"I know mommy its crazy right and they are paying for it like I know the rent here has to be over two thousand dollars a month."  
"yeah if not more. This company is really a big deal huh?'  
"Yeah it’s the biggest on the east coast and mid west."
"when is your first day?"
"I start right away on monday. You know these big new york people are always in a hurry and waste no time."
"you really havent unpacked and enjoyed the place yet." She stated in her concerned mom voice one I knew oh so well.
"my work days in the office aren't long so I will have plenty of time to get adjusted."
"ok as long as you make the time." She smiled looking a bit more settled. We talked for about 30 more minutes. Then I hung up to freshen up and wonder off in the streets to find food.  
The next morning came like a flash and it was time for my big first day. I changed my outfit six times before I settled on my Banana Republic skinny ankle navy blue pants, my white smocked blouse and Valentino ballet flats that I splurged on with some of my graduation money. I turned my flat irons off after putting a little bend in the top of my hair and brushed down my taper in the back. Even with my outfit changes I had plenty of time to stop for breakfast and a large cup of coffee.  
I walked up to the office on Fashion Avenue and pushed through the revolving glass door. I stopped in the lobby to look at all the men in suits with briefcases and the woman walking with six-inch stilettos clicking on the marble floors. I caught myself before I fell into a deep day dream and ran to catch the elevator before I was late for my first day. I got to my floor and walked up to the front door receptionist.  
Before I could say anything, she said, " Ms. Taylor we have been expecting you, can I show you to your office?"  
I was caught off guard, " How do you know I am Ms. Taylor?"  
"its my job to know who comes in and out of these doors." She said politely and then stood up from behind the big desk.  
"here follow me I am going to show you around. I really hope you like it here. We have all be so excited to have you join the team."  
"thank you, Im glad the company thought of me as a asset to the team."  
"here you are hope it is sufficient for you. You have a meeting in twenty minutes and I am extension *469 on your landline."
"thank you again, and what is your name?"
"its Marla, Marla Holloway." She smiled and walked away back to her desk,
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I wanted to do that squealing happy dance I did when I found out about the job but my office doors were see through and I didn’t want to be that weird girl on the first day. I had a new reputation to protect. I set my coffee down on my new desk and got comfortable in my chair. I could totally get used to this treatment. I am the new director of designs and chief manager of social media content with an nearly six figure salary. Who else could say that at twenty three? Well I gathered my paperwork and grabbed my ipad to take notes in my first meeting.
I found the conference room and they set out breakfast pastries and fresh fruit. I sat down and said my hellos to the new faces as we waited for the boss to make her entrance. Geneva Carvey she was the CEO of the company and very hands on in the everyday of the office, kind of like the Miranda Presley in The Devil Wears Prada and im playing Anne Hathaway.  
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"Good Morning everyone I hope you are all ready for the week because it is going to be a busy one, she said as she sachet across the room to the head chair at the end of the table.  
"we also have a new member at the table today joining us, please welcome Sloane Taylor to the team."  
They have a small hand clap and I waved shyly back.
"great now that we are all acquainted lets get to business." She went down the list going over details with every one and I just listened jotted down notes on how to present to her and take in her critics. Then I heard my name called. I looked up doe eyed as I realized it was Geneva calling me. "yes ma'am?"  
"We have special request for your work. This is going to be a field scout in the Bronx therefore I am allowing you to take someone with you for assistance. Do you have anyone in mind?"
I don’t really know that many people, however Marla seemed really eager about her job so why not give her a chance. "yea sure how about ummm Marla Holloway? I feel she could help me a lot."
"the front desk receptionist?" She was astounded by my choice.  
"yes ma'am I would like to choose her."  
"very well you are going out first thing tomorrow morning I expect you to get together and work out a strategy." I nodded my head in agreement. We wrapped up the meeting and parted ways to begin our work. I called for Marla to come into my office to tell her the news about our first job. She entered, "you asked to see me Ms. Taylor?"
"yes come in a have a seat please." She looked to be about my age so having her call me Ms. Taylor was so weird. She was a ginger haired girl that reminded me of the little mermaid with her sweet personality.  
"I have a bit of news for you,"  
"oh no im not fired am I?" She looked as if her world was ending at the thought that I may be firing her.
"oh god no, besides that would be a job for HR not me," She sighed in relief as I chuckled.  
"But I am offering for you to assist me on a field job tomorrow in the Bronx would you be interested?" I waited anxiously for her answer.  
"yes of course omg'
"great well we have a lot to go over to get prepared for tomorrow are you ready?" She nodded her head I figured she was lost for words so I just proceeded. I can tell we are going to be a great team.
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antiadvil · 4 years
5 times Dan and Fiona were not dating (and one time they were)
summary: Dan has been confused about her sexuality for a long time, and Fiona isn’t helping. Or maybe she is?
Labels are overrated. Having sex with girls is fun. Just as long as there aren’t any feelings involved. And there aren’t any, right? Right?
rating: M
wc: ~3k
notes: right so, halfway through outlining this fic I decided it would be fun to write little interludes that contain every message Dan and Fiona send between chapters. so... this is the result.
They're designed so that they don't have to be read to understand the upcoming chapters, and there isn't really an overarching plot or anything, just a collection of fairly random conversations, but I hope you'll give them a read anyway.
chapter 2/12- Interlude One
current chapter on ao3 | tumblr masterlist | first chapter on tumblr
October 20, 2019:
Fiona, 11:34 am: I woke up so late holy shit
Dan, 11:36 am: lol
Dan, 11:36 am: what time did you go to bed
Fiona, 11:36 am: …
Fiona, 11:37 am: Late
Dan, 11:37 am: i got up at 10
Dan, 11:37 am: ha
Fiona, 11:37 am: Look at Miss I Have My Life Together
Fiona, 11:37 am: Does she deign to share her advice with her loyal peasants
Dan, 11:38 am: no
Fiona, 11:38 am: :(
Dan, 11:39 am: suffer
Fiona, 11:41 am: I am
Fiona, 11:41 am: We’re out of cheerios
Dan, 11:42 am: why
Fiona, 11:42 am: I ate them
Dan, 11:42 am: so you see why this is your fault?
Fiona, 11:43 am: No
Dan, 11:43 am: hmm
Fiona, 11:43 am: Shut up
Fiona 11:43 am: Ok bye I apparently need to go to the grocery store
Dan, 11:44 am: wow that’s so weird i wonder why you have to go to the grocery store
Dan, 11:44 am: bye have fun
Fiona, 11:55 am: grocery shopping is never fun
Dan, 11:55: you’re never fun
Fiona, 12:06 pm: :(
 Fiona, 6:40 pm:
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 Dan, 7:02 pm: WHAT
Dan, 7:02 pm: female friendship is a very powerful thing
Fiona, 7:03 pm: sure lmao
Fiona, 7:03 pm: Glad to help you discover the power of female friendship last night <3
Dan, 7:03 pm: STOP
Fiona, 7:04 pm: have I
Dan, 7:04 pm: yes
Dan, 7:04 pm: be nice :(
Fiona, 7:04 pm: What if I’m not a nice person?
Dan, 7:05 pm: you are tho
Fiona, 7:05 pm: no u
Dan, 7:06 pm: 🥺
Fiona, 7:06 pm: bottom
Dan, 7:06 pm: fuck you
Fiona, 7:07 pm: lol that’s not how top/bottom works, dan
Dan, 7:07 pm: FUCK YOU
Fiona, 7:07 pm: ok maybe if you ask nicely
Dan, 7:07 pm: no thoughts head empty
Fiona, 7:08 pm: good thing I’m not attracted to you for your brain <3
Dan, 7:08 pm: …
Fiona, 7:08 pm: too far?
Dan, 7:09 pm: roast me harder daddy 🥺
Fiona, 7:09 pm: jesus fucking christ
Fiona, 7:09 pm: i hate you
Dan, 7:10 pm: :(
Fiona, 7:10 pm: ugh FINE I don’t
Dan, 7:10 pm: :)
October 21, 2019:
Dan, 10:31 am: wanna see my favorite tumblr post
Fiona, 11:42 am: YES
Dan, 11:43 am: … did you just wake up
Dan, 11:44 am: *JUST
Fiona, 11:44 am: SHUT
Fiona, 11:44 am: GIVE ME POST
Dan, 11:45 am: 
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Fiona, 11:46 am: That’s your favorite tumblr post?
Dan, 11:46 am: yes
Fiona, 11:46 am: Should I be concerned that it’s about murder
Dan, 11:47 am: it’s not about murder
Fiona, 11:47 am: Yes it is
Dan, 11:47 am: it’s about homiecide
Fiona, 11:47 am: I will kill you
Dan, 11:48 am: you’ll homiecide me?
Fiona, 11:48 am: NO
Fiona, 11:48 am: I will kill you
Dan, 11:48 am: :(
Fiona, 11:48 am: :)
 Fiona, 10:43 pm: How was your day?
Fiona, 10:43 pm: Kill any homies?
Dan, 10:45 pm: No
Dan, 10:45 pm: Come over, you can be the first
Fiona, 10:45 pm: 🥺
Fiona, 10:45 pm: I’m honored
Fiona, 10:46 pm: Can I though? I crave death
Dan, 10:46 pm: oh no
Dan, 10:46 pm: why?
Fiona, 10:47 pm: I did a procrastination again
Dan, 10:47 pm: now why would you do that?
Fiona, 10:47 pm: Because I’m stupid
Dan, 10:47 pm: 😔
Dan, 10:48 pm: what have you learned from this?
Fiona, 10:48 pm: Absolutely nothing
Fiona, 10:48 pm: I will do it again
Dan, 10:48 pm: we love to hear it
Fiona, 10:49 pm: 😔 you do maybe
Dan, 10:49 pm: how are u imply that i take pleasure in the downfall of others
Dan, 10:51 pm: really? that doesn’t sound like something i would say
Fiona, 10:51 pm: Stop gaslighting me
Dan, 10:52 pm: :)
Fiona, 10:52 pm: :(
Dan, 10:53 pm: go do your homework
Fiona, 10:53 pm: FINE
October 22, 2019:
Dan, 4:12 am: wake up i’m bored
Dan, 4:15 am: why can’t i sleep i hate myself
Dan, 4:20 am: haha 420 blaze it
Dan, 4:20 am: i’m kidding i don’t smoke weed
Dan, 4:20 am: i’m lame
Dan, 4:32 am: i have class at 9:30 am i’m going to die
Dan, 4:32 am: pray for me
Dan, 4:56 am: i think i’m finally tired
Dan, 4:56 am: i hate myself
Dan, 4:56 am: wait i already said that
Dan, 4:56 am: oh well
Dan, 4:56 am: good night 🖤
Fiona, 9:42 am: Oh no
Fiona, 9:42 am: Did you make it to class?
Dan, 9:44 am: im dying
Fiona, 9:46 am: Oh no
Dan, 9:50 am: i made it to class but i regret my entire existence
Fiona, 9:51 am: Oh no
Dan, 9:52 am: shut up
Dan, 9:52 am: i have never been this tired
Fiona, 9:52 am: When do you get out?
Dan, 9:55 am: 11 🤡
Fiona, 9:55 am: Why did you even go to class today holy shit
Dan, 9:57 am: I’m stupid
Fiona, 10:00 am: Can you leave?
Dan, 10:05 am: i’m already here i might as well suffer
Fiona, 10:06 am: D:
Fiona, 10:06 am: suffering bad
Dan, 10:11 am: whoa really
Dan, 10:11 am: thank you for letting me know
Fiona, 10:11 am: Of course
Dan, 10:12 am: where would i be without you
Fiona, 10:12 am: Class
Dan, 10:13 am: wait
Dan, 10:13 am: i am in class
Fiona, 10:14 am: Yeah
Fiona, 10:14 am: Without me
Dan, 10:20 am: u have a point
Fiona, 10:21 am: I have lots of points
Fiona, 10:21 am: Come hang out with me, I’ll save you from going to class at 9:30 am
Dan, 10:25 am: my hero
Fiona, 10:26 am: 🥰
Dan, 10:35 am: only 25 more minutes
Dan, 10:35 am: i can do this
Fiona, 10:36 am: Just so you know, falling asleep in class is completely valid
Dan, 10:40 am: i can make it
Dan, 10:40 am: i believe in me
Fiona, 10:41 am: Okay
Fiona, 10:41 am: Good luck!
Dan, 10:45 am: i don’t believe in me
Dan, 10:45 am: i’m dying
Fiona, 10:46 am: If I believe in you will that help
Dan, 10:47 am: no
Fiona, 10:47 am: 13 minutes, you can do it
Dan, 10:50 am: i cant
Fiona, 10:50 am: You can!
Fiona, 10:51 am: I will reward you if you do
Dan, 10:52 am: how
Fiona, 10:52 am: 😏
Dan, 10:53 am: 😳
Dan, 10:54 am: how
Fiona, 10:55 am: Live through this class and you’ll see
Dan, 10:56 am: it better not be socks or something
Fiona, 10:56 am: Oh no of course not, I would never
Fiona, 10:56 am: It’s sexual favors
Dan, 10:57 am: FIONA
Dan, 10:57 am: im in CLASS you can’t just SAY THAT
Fiona, 10:58 am: Oops
Dan, 10:59 am: i hate you so much
Fiona, 10:59 am: Shh
Fiona, 10:59 am: One more minute, you can do this
Dan, 11:00 am: don’t change the subject
Fiona, 11:00 am: Too late
Fiona, 11:00 am: Did you survive
Dan, 11:01 am: no
Dan, 11:01 am: you fucking KILLED me
Fiona, 11:02 am: Too bad
Fiona, 11:02 am: I was really looking forward to seeing you again
Dan, 11:02 am: well too bad
Dan, 11:02 am: you should’ve thought of that before you said things like that
Fiona, 11:03 am: I’m not good at thinking
Dan, 11:03 am: okay philosophy major
Fiona, 11:03 am: I never claimed to be a GOOD philosophy major
Dan, 11:04 am: …
Dan, 11:05 am: (can i have those sexual favors now or nah)
Fiona, 11:06 am: The prize was for surviving
Fiona, 11:06 am: I thought you said you died
Dan, 11:07 am: ugh
Dan, 11:07 am: i hate you
Dan, 11:07 am: i’m going to go home and take a nap
Fiona, 11:07 am: That sounds like a great idea
Fiona, 11:07 am: Sleep a lot you deserve it
Dan, 11:08 am: i will sleep so much
Dan, 11:08 am: gn
October 23, 2019:
Fiona, 7:14 pm: I did a cooking
Dan, 7:14 pm: I did too you’re not special
Fiona, 7:14 pm: Okay but did you bake cheesecake
Dan, 7:15 pm: no
Dan, 7:15 pm: did you?
Fiona, 7:15 pm: As a matter of fact, yes
Dan, 7:15 pm: can i have some
Fiona, 7:16 pm: No
Dan, 7:16 pm: :(
Dan, 7:16 pm: why’d you bake cheesecake
Fiona, 7:17 pm: Because I CAN
Fiona, 7:17 pm: idk, don’t you ever get the urge to bake cheesecake at 6pm on a Wednesday?
Dan, 7:18 pm: i have never gotten the urge to bake something in my life
Fiona, 7:18 pm: Okay, have you ever gotten the urge to *eat* cheesecake at 6pm on a Wednesday?
Dan, 7:18 pm: now we’re talking
Dan, 7:19 pm: yes ofc
Dan, 7:19 pm: are you sure i can’t have any
Fiona, 7:20 pm: Yes
Dan, 7:21 pm: :(
Dan, 7:21 pm: why not
Fiona, 7:22 pm: It’s not a large cheesecake
Fiona, 7:22 pm: … I may have eaten a large chunk of it already
Dan, 7:22 pm: and you didn’t save any for me
Fiona, 7:23 pm: I did not
Dan, 7:23 pm: i’m blocking you
Dan, 7:23 pm: never speak to me again
Fiona, 7:23 pm: D:
Fiona, 7:24 pm: but im cute
Dan, 7:25 pm: so?
Fiona, 7:26 pm: I’ll save some for you next time 🥺
Dan, 7:26 pm: really? 🥺
Fiona, 7:26 pm: yes 🥺
Dan, 7:26 pm: ok i guess i won’t block u 🥺
Fiona, 7:27 pm: 🥺
Fiona, 7:27 pm: That’s so sweet
Dan, 7:28 pm: i’m generous like that
Fiona, 7:28 pm: What would I do without you
Dan, 7:28 pm: eat more cheesecake because you wouldn’t have to save any for me probably
Fiona, 7:29 pm: When you put it like that
Fiona, 7:29 pm: Why do I even talk to you
Dan, 7:29 pm: You’re asking me??
Fiona, 7:30 pm: I guess so, yeah
Dan, 7:30 pm: um because i’m cute
Fiona, 7:30 pm: Hmmm
Fiona, 7:30 pm: Yeah, probably
Dan, 7:31 pm: cuter than cheesecake :)
Fiona, 7:31 pm: Now, I don’t know if I’d go *that* far
Dan, 7:31 pm: cuter than cheesecake :)
Fiona, 7:31 pm: … cuter than cheesecake
Dan, 7:32 pm: i’m glad we’ve come to a compromise
Fiona, 7:32 pm: I don’t think insisting that I agree with you is a compromise
Fiona, 7:32 pm: I think that’s just getting your way
Dan, 7:32 pm: it’s a compromise
Fiona, 7:32 pm: No
Dan, 7:33 pm: COMPROMISE
Fiona, 7:33 pm: FINE
Fiona, 7:33 pm: Compromise
Dan, 7:33 pm: see? another successful compromise
Fiona, 7:33 pm: … yay us
Dan, 7:34 pm: we’re doing great :)
Dan, 7:34 pm: communication is so important
Fiona, 7:34 pm: Uh huh
Fiona, 7:35 pm: I’m going to go finish my cheesecake
Dan, 7:35 pm: :(
Dan, 7:35 pm: as long as you save me some next time
Dan, 7:35 pm: see? i compromised
Fiona, 7:36 pm: Huh, I guess you did
Fiona, 7:36 pm: Good job
Dan, 7:36 pm: thank u
Dan, 7:36 pm: enjoy your cheesecake
Fiona, 7:37 pm: I will :)
October 24, 2019:
Dan, 4:09 pm: i literally can’t wait until the weekend
Dan, 4:09 pm: i want to die
Fiona, 4:15 pm: Will you stop wanting to die on the weekend
Dan, 4:16 pm: no but i’ll forget about it
Fiona, 4:16 pm: Close enough
Dan, 4:17 pm: i have written so many papers in the past week
Dan, 4:17 pm: i want to die
Fiona, 4:17 pm: Oh no
Fiona, 4:17 pm: When are you done writing papers?
Dan, 4:18 pm: never i’m an english major
Fiona, 4:18 pm: I’m so sorry
Fiona, 4:18 pm: Do you want to talk about it
Dan, 4:19 pm: … yes
Fiona, 4:20 pm: Is this a crisis about your major? I’m an expert on those
Dan, 4:20 pm: no, i love english
Dan, 4:20 pm: well i don’t really *love* anything but english is tolerable
Fiona, 4:21 pm: lol
Fiona, 4:21 pm: I think lots of people don’t *love* what they do
Fiona, 4:21 pm: There’s nothing wrong with that
Dan, 4:22 pm: I guess
Dan, 4:23 pm: do you *love* philosophy?
Fiona, 4:23 pm: idk
Fiona, 4:24 pm: I like it
Fiona, 4:25 pm: Honestly I probably won’t end up doing it long term anyway
Dan, 4:25 pm: Why not?
Fiona, 4:26 pm: Not a lot of people get paid to sit around and ponder the mysteries of life
Fiona, 4:26 pm: Unless you go into academia I guess and ick, that’s so much grad school
Dan, 4:27 pm: yeah i guess not
Dan, 4:27 pm: people don’t really get paid to sit around an analyze literature a lot either, do they?
Fiona, 4:27 pm: idk
Fiona, 4:28 pm: Do they?
Dan, 4:28 pm: i feel like probably not
Dan, 4:28 pm: should’ve paid more attention in english 100 lol i think they talked about that
Fiona, 4:29 pm: We all should’ve paid more attention in our orientation classes yet here we are
Fiona, 4:29 pm: Worst comes to worst I’ll just use my CS minor for something
Dan, 4:30 pm: you’re getting a CS minor?
Fiona, 4:30 pm: I had already finished like half the required classes when I switched to philosophy so why not?
Fiona, 4:31 pm: Also it was one of my parents’ requirements for letting me switch but we don’t talk about that
Dan, 4:32 pm: lol
Dan, 4:32 pm: unfortunately i don’t have a cs minor to fall back on
Fiona, 4:33 pm: It’s not too late to get one :P
Dan, 4:33 pm: no thank u!
Fiona, 4:34 pm: aww
Fiona, 4:35 pm: too bad
Dan, 4:35 pm: i am not willing to stoop to doing math to appease capitalism
Fiona, 4:35 pm: lol, have it your way
Fiona, 4:35 pm: English is a good degree, you’ll be fine
Fiona, 4:36 pm: Besides, you have a few years to figure things out
Dan, 4:36 pm: this is true!
Dan, 4:36 pm: i’m going to go forget about my problems and procrastinate dealing with them
Fiona, 4:36 pm: have fun <3
Dan, 4:37 pm: i will!
October 25, 2019:
Dan, 11:24 am: college is stupid
Dan, 11:24 am:
Tumblr media
Fiona, 11:26 am: You can still do that now if you really want
Dan, 11:26 am: it’s not the same
Dan, 11:26 am: you live with the constant fear of someone catching you
Fiona, 11:27 am: Okay but you admit that you *could*
Fiona, 11:27 am: You’re just a coward
Dan, 11:28 am: excuse me
Dan, 11:28 am: what did you just say to me
Dan, 11:28 am: i’ll fight you
Fiona, 11:29 am: Okay
Fiona, 11:29 am: To the death or just to giving up?
Dan: 11:29 am: i’d die before i’d give up
Fiona, 11:30 am: Death it is
Fiona, 11:30 am: It’s been nice knowing you
Dan, 11:31 am: you too
Dan, 11:31 am: okay bye i have to go write a paper
Dan, 11:31 am: it was nice talking to you
Fiona, 11:32 am: :(
Fiona, 11:32 am: It was nice talking to you too
Fiona, 11:32 am: Write fast and then return to me
Dan, 11:33 am: ofc <3
Fiona, 11:33 am: <3
October 26, 2019:
Fiona, 9:51 pm: Any fun plans this weekend
Dan, 9:55 pm: Writing more papers lmao
Dan, 9:55 pm: wbu?
Fiona, 9:56 pm: aww :(
Fiona, 9:56 pm: Same I guess, mostly just homework
Fiona, 9:56 pm: 😔
Dan, 9:57 pm: honestly
Dan, 9:57 pm: fuck homework
Dan, 9:58 pm: will you run away to the woods with me
Fiona, 9:59 pm: 😳
Fiona, 10:00 pm: That’s kinda gay
Dan, 10:01 pm: no it’s not
Dan, 10:02 pm: we will live in a cottage with two bedrooms
Fiona, 10:03 pm: But that’s less fun
Dan, 10:05 pm: 😳
Dan, 10:06 pm: that’s kinda gay
Fiona, 10:07 pm: I’m kinda gay
Dan, 10:08 pm: 😳
Fiona, 10:08 pm: 😏
Fiona, 10:11 pm: Can we move to the woods after I finish this paper
Dan, 10:12 pm: no sorry i’m leaving right now
Fiona, 10:13 pm: Oh well :( I’ll try to visit
Dan, 10:14 pm: thank you
Dan, 10:14 pm: just let me know when you’re visiting and i will make you the most mediocre stir fry you’ve ever had
Fiona, 10:15 pm: lmao sounds good
Fiona, 10:15 pm: I have to go work on my paper now :( but I will visit your cottage in the woods as soon as possible
Dan, 10:16 pm: appreciated
Dan, 10:16 pm: good luck on your paper!
Fiona, 10:16 pm: good luck on your move to the woods!
0 notes
imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 22} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received in the hours before IWSY was posted ^^)
@jynxy24 said: I'm re-reading IWSY and liking whatever I havem't liked because I'M EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER AHHHHHHHHHHH
That’s so amazing that you’re reading it again before reading the new chapter omg c: You’re awesome!!
Anonymous said: I'm not really sure why, but the description of Jungkook's manor gives me a kind of Irish vibe. Maybe it's because of the country kinda aura idk but it's so vivid to me, like near the coast hidden on a cliff behind a forest 😂
It’s funny that you should say that because I am currently in Ireland whilst writing the series! My mother is Irish so~ I’m quite touched that you see it like that! :3
Anonymous said: You know how Taehyung said he reads fanfics sometimes? Do you think he's reading I Won't Stop You?
I don’t think he would be able to understand IWSY because of it being in English (thank goodness lol bc I’d be so embarrassed) Unless someone translates it into Korean haha! But, no, I don’t think he is reading it thank gOD
@coppertopging said: *enters with goofy happy dance* 🎶it's tuesday!!🎵🎶
Yay!! Can I goofy dance with you?!
@qigoyangi said: Just have to say I love Iwsy it's defenetly number one in my list of best jungkook fanfic and I'm sooooo excited to hear what the reader/I really is/am.  Thank you soo much for writing and I love you °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
asdfghj thank you so much!! ahhh I really hope you enjoyed the update love ^^
@mondimple said: Hi~~ I just wanted to say that I really love your series IWSY 😍 I cant stop to read it again again while waiting for next chapter! You're the best 💕
Thank you so much for liking it honey! *hugs you* you’re amazing!
@mocking-butts said: I've been sitting on my computer waiting for the next part because im so excited and i can't sit still I know i won't be disappointed with this chapter. Hit me with the feels please.
Awh bless you love! I really hope I didn’t disappoint with this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it my love ^^
@hemhings said: I thought yesterday was Tuesday and when 9:30 came I was like "what's going on?" Until I seen that it was only Monday😖 but it's Tuesday today!!!!! I'm super excited for this update! Thank you for writing this story💕💕
Thank you for getting super excited for it! And you’re so welcome, the pleasure is all mine my dear :D I hope you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: THE ANTICIPATION WOAH IM SO EXCITED FOR IWSY 🙏 You're a really great writer. I can't say that I've ever really waited for a fanfiction's new chapter until now due to the series being amazing. 💕
I’m so grateful that you’re so excited for new chapters when they drop ^^ That’’s so amazing to me and I thank you a million times! ^^
@cursingmelly said: Okay so it seems I'm not the only one crying over your blog, refreshing the page every 2 minutes because your story is like the only thing that makes me happy right now x) You're amazing really, I wish i had your talent. I was thinking about starting a writing blog but when I read works like yours i feel so intimidated. >.<
Oh my god no, please don’t feel intimidated! You have nothing to be intimidated about, trust me. I feel like I am the least intimidating person to walk the earth I’m actually such an antisocial marshmallow lol! I am so happy to hear that my story can make you happy, that brings such a huge smile to my face; you have no idea :) Thank you darling, you’re amazing!
@moonlighthollow said: YEY OMG I'M SOOOO EXCITED!! it was such a crappy and emotional day for me i really need some distraction...🙇
I’m so sorry you had such a crappy day my love *hugs you tightly* I hope your day got better and I hope your week will be amazing!
@adoppelna14 said: I'm over here like: *refreshes tumblr account every 3 seconds to see if the new chapter is out*
Eeeee I hope you enjoyed it love!!
@jackyslittlesally said: Were you quoting Hercules in chapter 22 of IWSY? If so, that's dope! This entire story is dope! Well done! I've never been so excited for a fic before :)
As far as I am aware and to the best of my knowledge - no, I was not quoting from Hercules. Which part are you referring to? And thank you so much for reading and for being excited to read it too! :D
Anonymous said: Wow!! New chapter of IWSY was great!! I'm so impressed with how you made a whole history of vampires in your universe~ It's really great and creative, I just find it so.. cool?? That's probably lame but oh well. Also that ending!! Why would you do that to me?? I'm honestly going to cry
Ahhh I’m honestly so happy that you like the lore I created~ It’s not lame at all! It’s a huge, huge compliment and I take it with both hands - seriously. Thank you so much my love ^^
@the-unreal-fan said: THE NEW CHAPTER OF IWSY IS JUST 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
@mysr3 said: Saraaa Atmosphere in this chapter is so good! But really? more secret? I told myself beforehand that You will leave us hanging but at the end I cant handle it well. I think I have guess what would happen next (not in next chapter but later on) which I really hope it come true! Did I just smell smut is coming next week? Love this series, the characters interaction is good. "stormed like an angtsy little teenager to his room" remark LOL Thank you!PS I mentally survived the weekend! Thank you Love
I will always be here to shake up your day~ I gave you answers and more questions - I feel accomplished! hehe~ and yes...the smell of smut is definitely in the air haha :3 Thank you so much my dear and I’m so happy that you mentally survived the weekend! Have a great day love ^^
@jynxy24 said: THE BAMES ARE SO COOL WHAT! Domitor, Humani Generis. HOW DO YOU COME UP WITH THESE NAMES! I can't even spell correctly at times! AND WE FINALLY FIND OUT WHAT READER IS! AHA! I love how innocent the reader is :3333 (unlike me) AND I KNOW THE NEXT PART WILL PROBABLY HAVE SMUT SO PLEASE xD  This chapter was so cool omg, thanks, Sara. Stay awesome, love ya!
The names are Latin! Domitor is Latin for ‘tamer’ and Humani generis is Latin for ‘human descent’ hehe ^^Thank you so much Jynxy~ I love you too and I am so happy that you enjoyed the update!!
Anonymous said: I don't want to wait another week for the smut that appears to be fast approaching. T^T
You’ll just have to learn to be patient ;D hehe~ Thank you for reading the chapter love!
Anonymous said: OHHHHHHH MY GOSH IWSY GETS ME SHOOK EVERY CHAPTER. I was so glad there wasn't any secrets anymore for Y/N but apparently there's more? Anyways, I'm sooooo ready for the next chapter ;)))))))))))))))))
yes...it would seem there is one or two more things to be revealed. Did you think I would reveal everything? *giggles* Thank you so much love! I’m glad you’re looking forward to the next chapter ^^
@cursingmelly said: How are you even real? This chapter.... I can't  even.
*pinches self* I think I am real! Is this a good thing or a bad thing? :O
Anonymous said: Omg Sara you're going to be the death of me.. THAT CHAPTER IS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE. The whole story, the vampire history, the fight between Jungkook and the Reader AND THEN THAT HOT ASS CLIFFHANGER?! UGH. How am I supposed to sleep now x.x
Ahh thank you so much my dear ^^ I am so glad you liked it! And I hope you managed to get some sleep with a little image of sexy VampKook to help you drift off c:
Anonymous said: Wow! You truly never cease to amaze me! The chapter was beyond perfection, really. The vampire lore you created is extremely detailed and completely different from what I've read about vampires. I loved the fact that you decided to dedicate nearly a whole chapter to this! I was so looking forward to it and you did not disappoint! I can't wait to see what's next!  Thank you for creating this amazing story! (Oh and by the way, are we gonna have ANOTHER smut scene in the next chapter?! Yay!)
*cries* thank you so much! I was so excited to reveal the lore and I’m so happy that it is being well received :) I’m so glad you enjoyed it and...yes...maybe *winks*
Anonymous said: that ending. things are about to get kinky and freaky
It would seem so *wiggles eyebrows*
Anonymous said: Chapter 22 of IWSY was 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 but like JunGKooK dAMN tHaT LAsT paRT tHo
Thank you so much for reading it my love! And yes, the last part had me feeling a little hot when I was writing it :3
@theninjachan said: bihhhhhhhh this scene: "the person who gave me the ability to love…is the person whom I fell in love with – the person whom I want to love until my end of days” a biTCH IS CRYING AT 6AM in the mORNING    plus i'm highkey obsessed with jungkook and his sister chaewon bickering...how do i put this, their interaction is so human?? and serrena discipling them just like any other mother would do was quite amusing. and that "other little matter" they left out??? oh boy oh boy i can't wait for tuesday!
I guess even Vampire siblings can fight and have arguments! :3 hehe thank you so much babe, I’m so happy that you’re looking forward to reading the next chapter! And thank you so much for reading this one too ^^ Have a great day!
@mocking-butts said: I have made the most ungodly noises after reading this chapter oh my goodness gracious you're killing me here I can't wait for next week!
Hi again lovely! Ooooh, ungodly noises are my favourite :3 Thank you so much for reading babe! I hope you’ll enjoy next week’s too :3
Anonymous said: WELL WELL WELL I wasnt expecting that OMG Sara I CANT WAIT for the next update I can already feel da heat  -wifey anon
Hey there wifey anon! I’m glad I could ring you the unexpected :3 Thank you very much for reading it, and I hope you’ll enjoy all the heat next week ;)
Anonymous said: Is this dom Jungkook????????????????? OMG tell me it is!!!!!! Owwwww I can't take this Princeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said: I just have one thing to say about that IWSY part... I. Am. Shooketh'd. Good day. 👌🏼👏🏼✌🏼
hehe I am glad I could bring the shookness to you ^^ Thank you so much for reading love and I hope you have a good day!
@animeimmortal said: Wow ok first of all I was killed and brought back to life by that last scene, second of all the amount of thinking you must have done about the whole historical BG like wow and third of all that last scene I hope it has a continuation in the next part 😉 cuz damn that started nice. Like probs this fanfic is in the top three of my favs like its taking the first place now I swear I love I so much ❤  love ya~ ❤
Thank you for appreciating the background and history - it did take me a while to put it all together so I’m feeling relieved that you like it! I’m super honoured to hear that this is part of your top three - thank you so, so much my dear. You’re incredibly sweet for saying that! I love you too honey and I hope you have a great day :D
@moonlighthollow said: I don't even know how many times i said that and you're probably annoyed already😂but Jesus Christ!!!This was SOO good I'm so inlove with your FF i seriously love it so so much you have no idea 😍at the beginning where serrena talked about domitors etc. This was SO well written damn sara😲I'm so impressed of your writing skills👌 biggest fangirl ever🙋 Ps: all characters actually fit SO WELL to their"real"personality if that makes sense (tae, jimin, kookie)😂 i can image them being like this lol
No! I will never be annoyed at you sweetie :D sdfghj thank you so damn much, this really means so much to me you have no idea. Everything you said touched my heart and it makes everything so worth it for me. Thank you a million, billion times for writing this to me, I really did smile so much ^^
@fatimaloveskpop said: I just recently started reading I Won't Stop You and I AM SO IN LOVE WITH IT.Not exaggerating but it's honestly the best au or vampire au that I've read on tumblr.Your writing is incredible and you're so creative.I absolutely love your work.Tuesdays have become my favourite day of the week. ❤❤❤❤
sdfghjk gah thank you so much for saying that babe, you made me smile so big! *hugs you tightly* thank you for reading it and enjoying it and thank you for being so lovely and sweet, I appreciate it so much ^^
@jungkookbangtaned said: I totally loved today's chapter of I won't stop you! Apart from being well written and really well described as always, today's facts made me fangirl... Omg like this was very good😍 I love the whole back story and the questions you left us with😍사랑해
Thank you so much for loving the chapter! And I’m super happy that you loved the back story :3 Sorry for more questions, but at least a lot was answered for, right? c: I love you too babe and I hope you have a lovely day!
@noceurash said: I WAS AT SCHOOL AND REMEMBERED IT WAS TUESDAY- my friends yet again had to hear me being excited to read the next part of I won't stop you pfft. Ily!! Have a good day hun <3
Ahh thank you for reading it during school omg! Haha don’t worry about your friends having to hear you fan girl - fan girl to your hearts content!! I love you too and I hope you have a good day as well ^^
Anonymous said: THE ENDING OF THE CHAPTER THOO 10/10
Anonymous said: I like how you gave is insight of that vampire history! I actually find this chapter very informative and I just really enjoyed.... one thing...... THAT ENDING GOT ME IN THE FEELS AND LIKE NOW THERE IS A PRINCE KINK AND IT ALL SUCKS CAUSE I'M V BIASED...... Good job by the way~(sorry I seem way too bipolar here😂)
Thank you for appreciating the back story! I’m so glad you liked it and found it informative :D And muhaha YES VAMPKOOK WITH HIS PRINCE KINK ;D Uh oh...Taehyung is gonna have to keep a firm hold on you....:3 thank you for reading the new chapter my love and I hope you have a great week!
Anonymous said: SARA!!!! I feel like I say this every single week on Tuesdays... but IWSY prt 22 was BEAUTIFUL!!!! I'm so sorry for being so repetitive, but your writing is the legit definition of beautiful (1. pleasing to the senses or mind aesthetically. 2. of very high standard; excellent) and so are you! ily so much!!!at then end though... what is the 'other little matter?' oh well.. I can't wait for next week! <3 - army anon
ARMY ANON!!! You don’t have to be sorry at all, your wonderful words always give me so much courage and motivation to keep doing what I do and I appreciate them so, so much :D I love you too! And - the other little matter will be revealed in time :3 You will find out soon, I promise! Thank you for reading and i’m so happy you enjoyed the chapter ^^
Anonymous said: You know what would be a spicy yet bad idea? If Y/N just so happened to be bitten OR she was pregnant ( ͡O ͜ʖ ͡O) with lil hybrid Jeon who would be Domitor, Human, AND VAMPIRE. That'd be such a risk and a mess. Woooow. Where do you get all your information from? It all sounds soo true!
That indeed would be a spicy recipe for a disaster c: And as for my information - it’s mostly my imagination of how I have always interpreted Vampires along with a huge love for the previous lore that I grew up loving within the Vampire/horror genre ^^ I wanted to do something different but still keep certain elements alive ^^ Thank you so much for reading it!
@bangtansmistress said: Can I just say that I love your story to pieces and I look forward to it every Tuesday. And I am highkey hoping that sometime when Yoongi & Y/n are face to face again that maybe there's a chance she will give him his emotions back and he won't have to die because 😭😭😭 Bad guy turned good is my shhiiiiiit. Anyways, THANK YOU FOR YOUR AMAZING WRITING SKILLSSSSS I LOVE IT SO MUCH❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ahhh thank you very much for reading and enjoying IWSY so far!! Hmmm yes, I wonder if she will be able to tame him and turn him good? We’ll just have to wait and see :3
@myoddparade said: I've been following IWSY since you first posted chapter 1 and I've never been so amazed by a piece of literature before! Your writing skills are no joke and I hope you understand how utterly talented you are! I've been meaning to write a message of support for awhile but never got around to it till now, I sit here every Tuesday waiting for that update and the feelings you express through your writing gets me every time! Carry on doing what you're doing because you're damn good at it! x
Aghh!! Thank you so much for having followed it since chapter one! That’s incredible :3 Thank you for your patience with the story! Ahh, you are so incredibly kind to me, thank you for saying such lovely and wonderful things. You have really made me smile with this - so thank you for that. I will keep going and I will try hard not to let you down!!
LMAO YOUR ASK WAS AMAZING TO READ HAHA THANK YOU SO MUCH! Yes...dom VampKook with a Prince kink hello~~ Thank you so much for reading it and enjoying IWSY!
@koreaisanaddiction said: SARRRRRAAAAAAA!!!!!!! "what are you going to do to me" "everything." WHHYYYYYYY!!!!! i mean im so PUMPED!!!! but then i though christian grey even though i never watched or read 50 shades. and then i thought wasnt that originally a twilight fanfiction (which yet goain never watched or read) and now im so confused by the who"she'll find out in time" thing like FUCK!!!! all i know is im so pumped for the smut. your sucjh a good writer i got my friend into your story. LOVE YOU!!
Hehe, I wonder what everything means? :3 I’ve never read/saw 50SOG and nor do I care much for Twilight~ I mean, I can appreciate the authors hard work and writing her own lore. But I’m afraid the characters within the movie completely ruined the story for me. I personally thought that the acting was very bad :( I love you too my dear and thank you so much for reading and for also getting your friend into it too!! ^^
Anonymous said: This was just what I needed before I go to surgery tomorrow! I freaking love this story so much. I learned so much in this chapter but WTF WHY NO GIVE US THE GOOD STUFF. THEY WAS GETTIN READY TO BUMP UGLIES AND I WAS LIEK 'oh shit jungkook. Get you a piece of dat ass' THEN IT WAS LIKE TO BE CONTINUED AND JSHDDJKGNKEHSKFJKLD. I LOVED IT. (Side note: have you considered making a vmin chapter/spinoff so we can have more of teh fluff?) Thanks for another lovely chapter. I love you 💜 ~LilKookieAnon
Hello LilKookieAnon! AND WHAT? YOU’RE HAVING SURGERY? Oh my god I hope you’re okay and that you’ll recover soon :( Please let me know and keep me updated, okay? ~~ And yes, actually! I have considered writing a side chapter about Vmin, but it will be when IWSY is completely finished ^^ I love you too my dear and I hope you’re okay ^^ Thank you so much for reading despite going for surgery tomorrow!
Anonymous said: Once again your cliffhanger killed me!!! I love this series sm adgjklobxsfh tysm 😙😙😙
You’re welcome for another cliffhanger ;D Thank you very much for reading!
Anonymous said: Next chapter be like now chicka wow wow 😏 lol but seriously though, another amazing chapter 😁
Bow chicka wowow lmao oh my god I havent heard that in so long :3 Thank you for reading and enjoying it babe!
@clara-licht said: IWSY is way too amazing 😭😭 I've been wondering though, what kind of blood do they consume? You said it's synthetically manufactured, but aren't they human blood as well? Are they blood donations from humans? If so, do they donate knowingly it's for Vampires or not? And do Vampires have favorite blood type? 😂 Thank you!
Hi babe! Thank you for thinking IWSY is amazing, that really means so much to me! ^^ And yes - synthetically manufactured as in, they do not directly consume human blood. In the world of IWSY, synthetically manufactured blood is blood that is essentially a copy of human blood. Because Vampires are so intelligent and advanced, they have been able to do this perfectly ^^ I’m afraid I can’t provide answers for your other questions as I won’t ever give away spoilers! I hope you can understand c: Thank you for reading it love!
@toxic-seoul said: Omg part 22 revealed a lot more than I expect & I'm so amazed on how u came up with it all. You're truly an outstanding author tbh I love everything about this series. I want to ask something a bit serious tho. Are you okay? I know you've written other stuff but I'm not sure if you've had any pressure when writing those. With a series like IWSY I feel like authors can be easily intimidated or anxious about updating weekly and meeting expectations of readers cuz of how popular it is (cont.) idk I just hope you're doing okay mentally and physically. I know it might be a lot of pressure. You're doing amazing tho and I support you a lot, along with many others. I really hope you don't feel obligated to continue this series as well (even tho I'm sure u enjoy writing it & in love with it as much as us readers lol) anyways sorry it got deep lol I really hope you're taking care of yourself & I also hope for the best for you even tho I don't know u personally 💕
First of all, thank you so much for reading IWSY and for enjoying it, I am really happy that you liked the revelations in this chapter and you are way too kind to me^^ ~~ To be honest, you are absolutely right. I do feel a lot of anxiety and pressure when I post a new chapter. I’m always worrying “Will they like it? Will they understand the emotion I’m trying to convey? Will they enjoy what I’ve written about?” I am always hoping that the people who read my fanfiction realise how much time and effort I dedicate to it. Because you’re right, it makes me happy to write and to make people happy at the same time. I seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to type this encouraging message, you have no idea how much this means to me that you took time to check up on me like this. Sometimes I feel like I have so much going on that I can’t breathe, but it’s messages like yours that keep me going and give a bit of life back into my system. You’re absolutely golden and I cannot thank you enough. I’m so emotional right now xD
Anonymous said: bruh why did u hav to end it like dat? Jfc. How do you jump into the next week? Help
*time travels to next week* hehehe ~~~
Anonymous said: I'm so curious as to what happens if Yoongi were to get his hands on Y/N in IWSY- I just love this series so much! You're such an incredible author and person- I just ❤❤
Yes...I wonder what might happen?! Hehe~ thank you so much for being so kind and sweet to me, and thank you for reading IWSY too! :3
@deboracorrea25 said: OMG!! All this revelations in IWSY, and I'm still very curious. What are her true powers? What does Yoongi want to do with her? So many questions, so many things to come. And this Prince is driving me insane! I just love this Jungkook vampire! Thank you for another amazing part. Love you!
Questions were answered and more questions were given too! :3 Prince VampKook is such a hottie~he’s gonna snatch us all R.I.P :3 hehe~ Thank you so much baby and I love you too! I hope you have an awesome day :)
Anonymous said: YOU'RE SUCH A CLIFFHANGERRR!!!!! WHY STOP AT THIS BOOTIFULL MOMENT?? I KNOW, YOU KNOW WE ALL WAITED FOR THIS KINKY JUNGK SO WHHAAYYYYYY???!!*cries in korean* (btw im speaking abt the latest chapter of IWSY
I apologise for any hurt or frustration I may or may not have caused you c: I hope you’ll enjoy what’s to come! ^^ Thank you for reading the chapter my dear ^^
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fictionalrat · 7 years
let it happen | chapter two
pairing: klance
sneak a peek:
“Lance, don’t freak out, but…” Keith adjusts his glasses, “I might have an idea.”
Lance huffs, “Don’t strain yourself.”
Keith scowls, “Shut up and hear me out, asshole.”
“Okay,” Lance leans back on his chair and crosses his arms, “I’ll bite.”
“I think we should…” Keith snaps the rubber band on his wrist, “Uhm, fuck?”
read on ao3
“Lance?” He hears when he clicks the door shut with his foot. He whips his head around to find Keith at the dinner table hugging his right leg to his chest, foot on the chair and knee tucked under his chin. He’s frowning deeply at his laptop screen like it’s offending him in some way, his glasses perched on the edge of his nose. Keith looks so damn adorable Lance’s heart almost leaps out of his chest. Fucked, Lance’s fucked.
“Yep, that’s me,” Lance responds, throwing his keys on the kitchen island and kicking off his shoes.
Keith peers up at him over the rim of his glasses. “Come here for a sec,” he nudges the chair next to him with his bare foot. Lance stares at Keith. Hm, weird. Keith narrows his eyes when he doesn’t move. Oh. Right, moving. Yep, on it. He pads towards his friend.
Lance smiles at Keith, hip-checking the table and reaching his arm forward to adjust the shorter man’s glasses with his knuckles gently, “You need to get these fixed, shorty.”
Keith bats his hand away and scowls, “Sit.”
Lance chuckles but acquiesces, “Seriously, it’s too loose.” As if on cue, Keith’s glasses slide down his nose again. Lance snorts, “Told you.”
Keith socks him on the arm, hard, “Shut up.”
“Ow, so mean!” Lance pouts as he rubs his arm, “What do you want from me, anyway?”
Keith adjusts himself on the chair, tucking his left foot under his right thigh, and turns his laptop towards Lance so he can see his own words staring back at him. “This won’t do,” Keith says seriously as he pushes his glasses back with his middle finger.
Lance drums his fingers on the table. “What?”
“Lance, this isn’t working.”
Lance’s fingers freeze, his brows rising, “What do you mean this isn’t working??”
“I mean…” he deadpans, “I can’t edit this, it’s total bullshit. There’s no hope.”
Keith snickers, “Maybe a little?”
Lance throws his head back and glares in exasperation at the ceiling, bringing his hands up to cover his face and groaning, “God, please, take me now.” After a moment, he lets his hands fall back on the table. “You know,” he starts, turning his head back so he can glower at Keith properly, “If you weren’t so good at editing and I wasn’t so desperate, I wouldn’t even think of asking you to do this for me, ‘cause you’re a serious fucking prickly pain in my fucking miserable ass.”
Keith smirks and shrugs, “Thanks.”
Lance splutters, “THAT WASN’T A COMPLIMENT.”
Keith doesn’t respond, though, he just stares at Lance in a weird way. A very, very weird way.
Lance touches his face, self-conscious, “Is there something on my-”
“Huh,” Keith blurts out, interrupting Lance.
“Keith?” Lance questions with a frown, worrying for his friend’s sanity.
“Sorry,” Keith blinks at him and blushes.
Lance squints, “Dude, what the fuck.”
“Lance, don’t freak out, but…” Keith adjusts his glasses, “I might have an idea.”
Lance huffs, “Don’t strain yourself.”
Keith scowls, “Shut up and hear me out, asshole.”
“Okay,” Lance leans back on his chair and crosses his arms, “I’ll bite.”
“I think we should…” Keith snaps the rubber band on his wrist, “Uhm, fuck?”
Lance chokes on his own spit and coughs so hard his chair almost topples over.
“Are you okay, Lance?” Keith asks, his voice concerned but amused.
“Fuck?” Lance croaks after some time, slapping his chest and blinking away tears.
“Yeah,” Keith’s mouth twitches. “For research, obviously.”
Lance can only gape at Keith, his chest heaving. Lance’s lungs are burning so, so bad.
“Look, I’ll be straight with you,“ Keith runs his fingers through his FUGLY mullet, “your writing style’s actually pretty decent. You’re eloquent, I’ll give you that. But you suck at writing sex scenes… maybe from lack of experience?” Keith teases, then winces when Lance kicks his shin under the table.
Is this guy for fucking serious? They should fuck? What kind of joke is this?
“No, but seriously.” Keith insists, “Even though the sex scenes are well-written, they lack passion, which is kind of a surprise coming from you. You clearly need some inspiration and I think being actually in character might really help, is all.”
Keith bites his bottom lip in amusement and nods. He doesn’t tease, which is a first. Lance is thankful but still.
“OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Lance yells in disbelief, then takes a deep, recomposing breath. “Okay. So uh, let me get this straight… you think we should fuck this one out?”
Keith shrugs again, “I mean, if you want to.”
“Huh.” Lance’s mouth twitches, “That’s crazy but okay.”
Lance rolls his eyes and waves him off, “I said fine, Keith. Let’s do this.”
Keith smirks, turning his attention back to his laptop. Lance stares at the side of his face then chuckles. “Gotta say, though,” Lance leers, “I didn’t know you wanted to fuck me this bad, mullet head.”
“SHUT UP!” Keith pushes Lance off his chair.
Lance can’t fucking sleep.
He tries playing dead for a while and when that doesn’t work, he settles upon changing positions back and forth.
He kicks off the sheets in frustration, takes his shirt off, turns to his side, rolls on his stomach, burrows his face into his pillow. Props himself up on his elbows and huffs, lies back down. Flips his pillow over and presses his face to the cool fabric.
It doesn’t work.
He rolls on his back and lets his eyes dart around the room as he taps his chest with his thumbs, chewing on his bottom lip.
Nothing fucking works.
He blinks up at the ceiling and blows a raspberry.
“i think we should… uhm, fuck?” he mimics under his breath.
Fucking Keith.
God, he can’t do this.
He reaches for his phone on his nightstand and brings the device closer to his face, adjusting himself on the bed. He unlocks the phone and almost drops it right on his face in agony because, wow, such brightness. He turns down the brightness on his screen and blinks several times before tapping open his messages with Hunk.
He starts typing furiously.
Lance (2:06 a.m.)
Hunk (2:08 a.m.)
why hello lance my good buddy how are you?
i’m fine thanks for asking ure so kind
what can i do for you this alarmingly late???
Lance (2:10 a.m.)
Hunk (2:13 a.m.)
i think ure overreacting a bit lance
calm down and explain this to me like a normal human being
breathe in
breathe out
Lance (2:14 a.m.)
Hunk (2:17 a.m.)
i still need an explanation
Lance (2:18 a.m.)
but okay
fucking keith came up with this fucking INSANE idea that we should FUCK
HE SAID WE SHOULD FUCK HUNK cuz my sex scenes were like AWFUL and he thought that was a brilliant idea HE SAID I LACK EXPERIENCE THE ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN U BELIEVE THE NERVE????? and i went with it cuz i HAVE THE MORAL DUTY to prove him wrong and now im gonna die
okay get this
this is the weirdest part
its not only cuz i gotta prove him wrong but cuz i kinda wanna fuck the bastard for my own self-indulging and impure reasons
Hunk (2:23 a.m.)
lance not even rover thinks thats weird and hes a DOG
Lance (2:24 a.m.)
Hunk (2:26 a.m.)
lance youre not gonna die
i thought this was serious
Lance (2:27 a.m.)
at first i thought i could do it but then i started thinking about it and now IM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT HELP HUNK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Hunk (2:29 a.m.)
calm down lance its just keith
its not like he’s gonna make fun of you or anything
Lance (2:30 a.m.)
Hunk (2:33 a.m.)
well i mean not too much???
Lance (2:33 a.m.)
Hunk (2:34 a.m.)
okay you got me
youre never gonna live this down good luck man
it was nice knowing you
Lance (2:35 a.m.)
well thanks
Hunk (2:35 a.m.)
you know i love you bro
seriously tho
you dont have to worry about this too much
keiths your friend after all isnt he
not to mention hes a cool bean, a real gem
do you trust him?
Lance (2:36 a.m.)
well duh i wouldnt be living with the guy if i didnt
Hunk (2:39 a.m.)
there it is
he knows all about your weird fixations and habits and is still there
thats gotta count for something right???
its not like hes gonna judge for real
hes just gonna tease the hell outta you which is normal behavior for him
and youll tease him right back
Lance (2:42 a.m.)
ohmy GOD hunk ure so embarrassing
thanks tho
for real
Hunk (2:42 a.m.)
anytime ;)
Lance (2:43 a.m.)
Lance sighs, turns on his side only to place his phone back on his nightstand, then rolls on his stomach, burying his face deep in his pillow. He closes his eyes and wills himself to fucking sleep.
About thirty minutes later, he’s out.
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kitsune-ryu-neko · 8 years
RWBY Volume 4 Chapter 12 Thoughts
OMFG GUYS HERE IT IS THIS IS THE FINALE OMFG REN AND NORA AND JAUNE AND RUBY PLEASE STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw the chapter is titled “No Safe Haven” HAHA!!! Get it? Because they are going to Haven....and there is no “safe haven” ... XD
Anyways, yeah I’m sorta afraid. But I’m expecting something about Ren and Nora....and maybe...Jaune? Perhaps his semblance will finally be revealed? Or we wait until another 3 volumes UGH DX
1) Awww man we are opening right up to Kuroyuri DX
2) Literally everyone lands on their backsides except for Ren...
3) Ren looks pissed! And....where is the other....humanoid body?
4) Nevermind there it is o-o
6) Ok this thing is creepy as fuck and oh look it is focusing on Qrow...
8) REN!!! That semblance of yours is practically god-like in this world. 
9) aw man this creepy fucking battle....ANNNNDDDD it got Ren...
10) I love that they listen to Jaune
11) Oh shit Jaune that had to hurt
12) Ruby that face you make as Jaune utilizes his fucking sheith/shield as a goddamn upgrade for his sword is the EXACT face i think at least 3/4 of us are making WTF JAUNE
13) Are you kidding me? That thing can full on just spin like a tornado?
14) Anddd.....its transforming.....not good
16) Nora helped Ren but please tell me everything is ok because i dont wanna say “BUT AT WHAT COST?!?!”
17) *INHALES* omg........ok so Nora is just hanging from her weapon but i dont trust rooster teeth so im not letting my guard down
18) I can’t believe we made this joke in the middle of an intense fight....but damn if Nora’s expression isnt adorable
20) Thank you Jaune!!!! Ren does need to knock it off OMFG he is gonna either be killed or get someone else killed ;-;
21) And now his aura is depleted so even if he was near Nora, which is now, he cant fucking use his god-like semblance. REN YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!
22) Nora.....i swear....you are too good. You just saved Ren from charging in like a fucking idiot. And this is like...some sort of reference/remembrance of when this happened the first time and the two of you hid underneath a house....
24) Nora....slapping some sense into Ren. Thank you! I never thought that would happen until this episode but its actually for a good reason holy frig....
25) Nora is having like this awesome moment this volume omg...
26) Oh. my. god. Ren saw the scared Nora as a child omg I can’t right now.....please make it through guys. Please be ok....
27) Btw Nora crying is breaking my fucking heart
28) Ren’s expression! This is so heartbreaking..... And we usually only see Ren as calm and collected and he is so not that this episode....
29) Awwwww he still has the dagger his father gave him!
30) He might use it to kill that grimm but please stay safe...
31) That resolve ~ 
32) Mmmmmmm that teamwork ~
33) But Nora is going to take care of the horse ......all i keep thinking about is the eight legged horse of Odin’s
34) ok but this MUSIC?!?!?!? SOOOO GOOD!!!
35) Nora that was so cool but I was so scared for you.
36) Ren I swear to god if you drag this out and get hurt -_-
37) ....is this the first time we ever hear a thought in RWBY?
38) For myself. Wow. that was good. he finally has that done and over with now so he can move on. Wonder what Nora’s story is though.....she might have to face something too......
39) That Nora and Ren hug o3o
40) Oh yeah...what about Qrow? Probably dead....
41) that music made me think he was omg -_- at least he is ok...for now...
43) I wonder if it’s Winter...
45) OH MY GOD THAT PLACE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! I guess they finally made it to Haven....Oscar is probably there...
46) Ok Ren and Nora sitting there is adorable and probably my fav screencap in this entire series. And the music is so beautiful!!! and did the music just jump in response to Nora’s surprise? that adorable...
47) Look how happy they are this is my fav moment omfg ;-;
48) This entire sequence after the fight with the grimm just gives me so much life omg its so peaceful!!!! (I dont trust it but its still a good moment)
49) The music. the moments. the expressions. the letter ruby is writing to yang and she probably wont get. <_<
50) wait....what? what letters? they never mentioned any letters? did they get intercepted? 
51) We are finally getting to hear Ruby’s thoughts. poor thing is just internalizing it all...
52) Oh look Weiss made it out ^.^
53) Aww Blake
54) Yang’s outfit is looking boss.
55) So did Qrow get the “bad things just happen” from Taiyang?
56) Aww the picture...
57) Wait when the fuck was the RWBY pic taken? XD 
58) Awww this JNPR MOMENT!!!! btw I do not appreciate this “cold” song being played in the background to make me feel more emotions ;-; 
59) Wow...that contrast of Weiss from the ending of volume 3 when she looked sad to the ending now in volume 4 where she looks happy.
60) Yang is on her way somewhere...
61) Hey Oscar!!! XD
62) Haven Academy....”Be a Hero”?!?!!? REALLY?!?!? <_< 
63) ok that’s creepy...showing an image of Ruby...but...how do they know about her outfit change?
64) Wow she is still really really depressed about the people she has lost...I can understand that....but....she is denying those feelings... ....
65) Ruby’s handwriting has improved since last volume.
66) Oh no she’s crying ;-;
67) Professor Lionheart..... if I didn’t already think he was the Cowardly Lion then I sure do now.
69) Uhhh...nooo....don’t give the address....you just said ....they might be intercepted...ruby you idiot.....knowing how this will work is this. Ruby sends the letter, Yang arrives right after, Ruby’s letter gets intercepted and Cinder will be after her. -_-
70) Ok so Watts is there and the professor knows Salem....great....
71) Holy shit this credits song is amazing?
72) It’s called “armed and ready” dang its so good...
73) Welp.....Oscar and Ozpin are intertwined and Oz got his cane back....Qrow fucking knew...UGH i hate all the secrets... -_- 
All in all....I’m so happy they are all ok ;-; 
Everyone is on their way to Mistral. This was definitely a transition volume. It was great. I can’t wait for Volume 5!!! o3o 
Brb gonna save that ReNora moment as my screensaver! XD 
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flightless-icarus · 4 years
may 22, 2020
hello hi it is 11:48pm and im kinda tired. i went to bed about 1230 ish last night. i think i ate enough today? maybe i should start mentioning what i eat in a day too. wait maybe not, i dont wanna add more stuff to add here then quit doing it because it feels like too much. i almost talked myself out of updating tonight because i was getting tired and playing animal crossing pocket camp and almost just clocked out instead of writing anything.
today was a pretty neutral day (again) i spent, according to my screen time, a little over 7 hours drawing, i still want to push that even further and maybe do 8-9, at least right now with the deadline. At least I know I'm able to push out 30 panels a week in a few days, because I'ma t panel 32ish right now, and thats a good chapter. these chapters are just about 50 panels though because breaking it up that way was easier for me, time wise. because i could break it up into a chapter a week and get 4 chapters done in 4 weeks and have 2 weeks to spare OR 2 weeks to catch up if i call behind.
my period was pretty brutal today, but definitely not as bad as yesterday. i was having ibs pain AND period pain yesterday and i was struggling.
i didnt really do much of anything today, i only walked about 2k steps, i definitely need to get back into taking walks because my legs are hurting from yoga. which ive done for 3 days in a row now! which is good. i havent been meditating, i think ive been depressed lately, but not really addressing it because im focusing so hard on my comic.
i say that like i address any kind of depression anyway, i dont. and never really have. i guess i need to work on that. im pretty excited for my camera, i cant wait to use it and maybe even start doing vlogs and art videos, and live streams??? amazon says it works like a webcam, so i might be able to do streams on twitch or something. ill still be doing these, because vlogs and stuff will be more about documenting what i do during the day and keeping me accountable for walking and what i eat and stuff, instead of me saying im gonna do all these things then not doing it because its only for me. but if its for someone else, then its fine.
like, since this is for you, therapist whom im not gonna name becuase privacy reasons lmao, this is technically social media, i feel more obligated to do it than telling myself to journal more for my own sake.
i had some weird dreams last night but i dont really remember them, they were like about a pedophile though??? like i remember that word being tossed around in the dream but i dont remember anything else other than that. it was weird, but it didnt feel like a stress dream.
im still sometimes seeing things, like just now, but i dont know if its because im tired or if its like.. a thing im seeing. i have no clue. maybe a ghost? i dunno. i dont know what i believe much anymore, all i know is,i ts dark and i dont know if what i saw was there or not.
wow i am tired, i might clock out.
im feeling: tired, depressed(?), sad, stressed out a little
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
December 20th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on December 20th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Goddess of Paradise by Dee S. / Beedee.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Goddess of Paradise by Dee S. / Beedee~! (http://paradise.bluedubia.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
my favorite scene so far i think is when eridu runs into ekka. it was nice to see a character actually be happy to see her after a slew of eridu running into charas who dont really care all that much. and i just think its a good balance in general to all the hard truths eridu has woken up to.
although my second favorite scene admittedly is probably when she meets amun. just cause amun is gonna win all those awards for being lazy and laid back
but in general i liked how casually amun reveals that nah bro, its been 1200 years of slumber. as if its no big deal (which tbf for gods probably kind of isnt to a degree but still XD)
My favourite scene was near the start of Chapter 4, with the human encounter. In large part because there was mention of a "dead human", making me think "wow that took a dark turn"... then it turned out she wasn' t dead and there was the whole "ick" factor, that wasn't dark at all.
Nice sort of twist, is I guess what I'm saying.
I also do like the Ekka scene though. In part because of my tendency to enjoy yuri ships.
ah that was a hilarious moment. where eridu is basically treating the priestess like shes some dead insect or roadkill. but i also like within the comedy you see a really blunt and significant view into how she views humans
Amun was cool, it was a good way to advance the plot, I'm not always keen on the laid back types though, heh.
Yeah, roadkill's kind of a good word the way that happened. ^.^
It's really interesting the way it's developed in first person overall too.
Reminds me a bit of a picture book, but the first person is a different take on that too.
for the record you mean 2nd person. first person is "I do this thing" second person is "you do this thing"
but yeah this is probably the first 2nd person comic ive run into. im interested to see where it goes cause 2nd person is generally the more difficult pov to make work but theres also a lot of potential for creative stuff
Oh yeah... that type of person.
Totally. I'm not sure how else you'd do it either, aside form having captions blocking the art. So this works.
yeah it does work. although i also like that the comic has tons of silent moments that just let the visuals speak for themselves. because these are definitely some gorgeous visuals!
That's true too. Also neat how some things stay the same while characters or other items appear.
yeah it really helps draw your focus.
another scene i really like is when eridu shows up back on the island and all the green sprouts. cause its beautiful imagery. but im also haunted with questions about what happened to those two people who were watching
Oh yeah, that was great. Goddess of amazing entrances or the like - though we saw the real one later on. ^.^ In retrospect, I feel like that made sense too, with humans being a footnote that she hadn't even expected to be there.
Though I do wonder about them too.
Maybe they were worshippers.
maybe. although thatd be ironic if that sudden overgrowth killed them then
died for their beliefs
worshipped too hard
True. Though I'm not sure death will really be a thing in the comic.
Feels like that was averted.
maybe. id for sure say there probably wont be onscreen death.
well violent death
Unless it's one of the older gods maybe.
QUESTION 2. After a 1200 year slumber, the Goddess Eridu finds the world quite different. Besides people being on her island, what else do you think will be a culture shock for Eridu? Do you think she’ll be able to adjust to all the changes, or will she refuse to accept them and continue to try to return the status quo? What do you think the other divine aspects have been up to over the years? Do you think more will be glad to see Eridu, like Ekka, or will more act like Amun and not care? Do you believe Eridu will manage to gain back her divine powers, or will something prevent her? Overall, how do you think this journey might change Eridu’s perspective on her divinity, on humans, or anything else? What will that change (or lack of change) mean for Eridu’s future actions?
I wonder if technology exists on a world where Gods/Goddesses are just wandering around.
depends on how we want to define technology. like for instance back when the world was young a loom would technically count as technology just cause it was a machine for advanced tasks.
im gonna laugh if eridu gets to a village and like theres electric lights everywhere. and she flips a light switch on and off wondering how humans came upon such magic and which god gave it to them
i feel regardless technology would advance
since if eridu can be considered a look into the average god/goddess than they probably mostly just ignore humans
unless theyre like "man i feel like being worshipped today"
Well, that's a fair point. I guess I feel like if you can just ask a god to turn on the lights, there's not much need to do the inventing.
I also kind of wonder if one of the divine aspects is what put Paradise to sleep in the first place. Like, maybe was in league with that Enki new God type.
Unless Enki turns out to be a posturing human that the divine aspect was using as a puppet or something.
dang now thatd be an interesting twist
Also, this is a small island in the middle of nowhere. Maybe the mainland is rather different in terms of society.
All about the twists.
this is also a large possibility. i considered that too. that whatever the island is it might not be representative of the world. honestly it could be argued the island has more old world values even cause theyre the only ones with a shrine left
ahhh sorry I'm late! I'm reading up. hello people!
but yeah the twist, i just wouldnt think itd be possible cause the divine aspects are like parts of herself. so itd be hard to imagine one getting powerful enough to oust her. but that is what would make a twist like that so interesting cause it seems so unlikely
i think as far as the aspects though were gonna meet more amun's than ekka's XD not necessarily as laid back as amun, but more like they moved on in life/got bored
Might not be old world values as much as it's just new gods have taken over everywhere and they haven't gotten around to dealing with the island yet.
I kinda thought about the parts of self thing... but isn't there a part of ourselves that we sometimes hate, and wish we could get rid of? And the Goddess doesn't seem like she'd be the nicest person to that part of herself, maybe. Though who knows, I may be way off.
I wonder if some of the others might also be asleep, or be serving other goddesses or something.
the impression im getting is theyre all in their inner sanctums. so cant exactly serve anyone if theyre stuck there. and i also doubt they would cause i dont get the impression they think eridu is dead
thats like declaring loyalty to the assistant manager while the manager is on vacation
Maybe they left voicemail at the inner sanctum and are wandering sans powers?
Fair enough though. There'd need to be incentives.
but idk i mean could be possible
theres a lot of room for variety cause weve barely scratched the present day surface
these are some good theories dang
Also not sure how her perspectives will change... given how a few days can't wipe out decades of personality. Would need something monumental.
i like to think shell at least come to view humans differently. or her role cause generally losing powers has the effect of humbling some one
QUESTION 3. The largest mystery presented in the story is why Eridu slept for so long. Who do you think forced Eridu (and her spirit aspects) away from the physical plane? What do you think the reasons were? Was it someone trying to do away with Eridu, or was it for some larger, greater good purpose? Does whoever Enki is have something to do with it? Or is Enki just some innocent bystander who was mistakenly identified as the one who created Eridu’s island? What do you think will happen when Eridu finally runs into Enki? Also, considering Eridu was already forced away from the realm, do you believe this could easily happen to her again? What is stopping the culprit from banishing Eridu back?
(I think I'm belatedly realizing that's the creator. )
lol thats okay math. yes @Beedee is the creator
Losing powers can do that. I wonder if flying is a thing with other gods.
haha yes I am~
I feel like Enki is more an opportunist than the one who engineered everything or totally innocent. Though we've yet to meet him.
Kind of like the Wizard of Oz, in a way?
i definitely think thats a distinct possibility. im on the page enki isnt this malicious entity and i dont think enki is responsible for what happened to eridu
I do feel like Goddess will get all up in his face though.
but maybe enki is no one. maybe hes just some human who found the island and said "hey my dudes lets live here this island is great." and then as history usually goes stories got exaggerated and eventually a human of great deeds became a god
Oooh, maybe. Like, he doesn't actually exist anymore but put lots of things in place so people wouldn't realize that. (Makes me think of some societies from Star Trek.)
yeah or something. but i could go either way. or it could be a combo of both
either way i dont think enki is responsible
to me it seems more likely kur is responsible at this point
for kicking eridu out of the physical planes
cause he needed her for things later
tho its curious she doesnt remember getting kicked out at all
I find it interesting that you both get a vibe that enki isn't responsible even though he hasn't shown up yet :0
I guess I just feel like that's too obvious of a solution. Goddess blaming the person who's actually behind it. I expect a twist, like how there weren't originally humans on the island.
I hadn't considered Kur as having a part in it. That's interesting.
heh, fair
Crazy theory time, the Priestess human is actually a God in disguise!
yeah im with math. enki is the obvious choice. thus more likely a red herring. which could be wrong. maybe enki is all bwahahaha i have taken over
the priestess was responsible!
Who has lost her memory and forgets.
Enki could also be the one behind it, but he was told to do it by Kur, or someone else.
Incidentally, I like the map feature. That's clever. Tracking the path over the island.
ahh thanks!
(I mean, story guide, not really a feature, but still.)
I often go to those pages, I'm rubbish with names.
even if i remember the names i love those sorts of pages for spellings. cause i read a lot of comics and its hard to remember how to spell everyone's name even if i know what it is XD
That's fair. Also neat how it's being developed over time.
i like to think the reason eridu was sent away was not to do away with her. like maybe eridu did something bad she doesnt remember (or didnt consider bad). like flood some other god's island that got too close to hers. only that island was heavy populated already.
Oh, that's a thought. Or maybe someone else did something bad and she wanted to forget it. Said sleep until I don't remember, didn't realize that'd take a few centuries.
QUESTION 4. Eridu’s arrival seems to coincide with several “coincidences” within the story. Why was the Dragon-God Kur also slumbering for at least 1000 years? Is it somehow related to Eridu, or was it for a separate reason? Why has Kur woken up early? Also, what is Ekka making for Kur that he even goes to the effort of sending Eridu to help get it? Further, we see a few other gods talking about Kur. Why is Shulsa seeking out Kur so desperately? What exactly could go “badly” that Zida leaves to prepare for it? Also, who is Daiard looking to settle a score with? Lastly, why do you think the priestess of Enki was conveniently near where Eridu crashed? Was that just a coincidence, or was she there for a related reason to Eridu?
good question
Kur forgot to hit the snooze alarm. Or whatever the equivalent is. (Oh, maybe that's what they were bringing to him...) I'm also not sure what to make of the interlude. Does make it clear that there are other Gods around, the Priestess wasn't making things up or delusional or something.
Maybe Enki told the Priestess to go there because of all the vegetation.
i think the interlude does kind of prove other gods are around.
now that im thinking of it
Yeah, helps to flesh out the island.
kur just woke up from a 1000 year slumber and the first thing he does is to sit down and kind of take a nap before eridu shows up
which i identify with
maybe the 1000 years is just normal for kur
thats just how long he sleeps
his 8 hours so to speak
I will quickly say: yeah that's just how long he sleeps
I kinda got that impression from the fact that they knew when he'd be awake. More or less.
Though it could have been a prophecy or something.
man i wanna sleep for 1000 years
so jealous
Incidentally, I liked how Kur was built up to be this ancient amazing entity, worthy of awe, only to have Paradise say, yeah, nevermind that nonsense.
at the end of this session, if you are up for spoilers, I'd actually be willing to show the WIP last panels of this chapter for a short amount of time. it explains some of Kur and Ekka's deal haha
Aw, it's not Ekka and the Goddess jumping on a mattress?
maybe in a side comic lmao
I was amused by the reaction to the failed stripping too.
i enjoyed eridu's disappointment that they werent gonna have sex. just cause it was so blunt. XD
Like, ow, my chest. And yeah, that upped the rating, I think
maybe daiard also hates enki. cause to me the obvious choice is eridu. so im gonna go with enki. everyone is gonna join forces and go after enki
and enki is gonna be like "hey friends would yoou like some tea"
to be honest
Enki, actually God of Tea.
daiard was a dumb callback to the beginning of chapter 2, that became worldbuilding(edited)
New crazy theory: Goddess actually ends up putting herself to sleep in the past because the divine can mess with space-time.
thats brain hurting
oh gosh
It was all a plan to help her become more grateful, or something.
hmm, this actually makes me remember that eridu thought shed been sleeping to recharge. maybe there is no villain. maybe eridu just overexerted herself to the point she forced her own self back
shes gonna go on a long quest only to find out she was the villain all along
future Eridu goes back in time to punch herself in the face
Hah! I could see that though, like "shape up, self".
Also, recharging could be a thing. Maybe she just needs a good nap to be able to fly again too.
nope this is canon now. future eridu very wise. /shot
i hope she finds the flying having divine aspect soon and gets her powers back. cause man those inner sanctums seem really inconvenient to navigate
cause i dont think ekka's was any better than amun's
ekka's was just more convenient cause a plant taxi picked eridu up
the sanctums are all awful to navigate on foot
but I like drawing environments lmao
they are beautiful environments too. i really enjoy the contrast between ekka and amun's sanctums
Anyway, this comic does hit a lot of the things I enjoy, from an interesting narrative style to great environments... and some romance too. (edited)
thank you ovo
Maybe Ekka and Priestess are the real ship.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Dee S. / Beedee, as well, for making Goddess of Paradise. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Dee S. / Beedee’s efforts however you’re able to~!
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Dee S. / Beedee’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Beedeebia
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Inhibit by Eve Greenwood / evegwood. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, December 27th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://www.inhibitcomic.com/
Comic’s Webtoons Mirror: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/inhibit/list?title_no=40462
Comic’s SmackJeeves Mirror: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=147115
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