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Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I’d there a place where we can view your non censored nsfw art?
Not as of now, no. In any case I prefer not to show it anywhere but close circles of friends + I have no motivation to draw heavy NSFW much anymore anyways lol
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when r u coming back ?
also do u accept art of nicolette lmfao 🧍🏻
1stly maybe...... I’ve been thinking about it severely but I’ve been so hyper fixated on Cyberpunk 2077 that I’ve just had no motivation for writing her—my little trauma baby
+ I work nearly full time while balancing college. Leaves me little room to focus on anything lol
To add onto that, if she did come back she’d be getting some much needed updates. I’m not really happy with her as of now, n she needs to be tuned and tweaked just a teeny
2ndly of course!! Yeah dude, if you have art of her feel free to post and tag or dm me it, I appreciate + love anything I get. Idc how you use her rlly, just please of course be respectful and tag me in any works involving her
Thanks for the ask!! I’m sure I’ll be around as of late. Just takes me some time to reintegrate possibly
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Her body acted before her waking consciousness; mind clouded by rage, she swung at Faith, landing a punch hard enough to topple her over. If that didn’t quite get her down a boot to the chest would, as it centered itself on her chest and shoved her down. Nicolette made sure Faith was under her boot. The leather pressed down harder into the poor girl’s diaphragm as she huffed.
“Don’t fuckin’ give me that whiny, putrid shit, crybaby.” Nicolette furrowed her eyebrows angerly before pressing even harder onto Faith’s chest with her boot. The idea of stomping her teeth in became more appetizing as Nic’s rage began to boil over. A twisted smile on her face, she actually laughed at Faith’s pitiful position.
Anger began to cloud her thoughts as the subtle cloud of welled up tears blocked her vision. She hadn’t been this angry in what felt like centuries. Never had she remember feeling this… betrayed over something before, about a man such as him. The details were not nearly as clear— all she knew was that he was messing with her, that disgusting, vile slut.
How, and why, would he do such a thing? Had Nic not been enough for him? Was she not worth all of his time, his frustration, his efforts? That was Nicolette’s Michael, and that… that hussy already had one that she held all to herself. How dare she overstep her boundaries, and take the one thing she loved the most? She was already worried sick that she never saw him anymore. Now, she could finally assume why that was.
Though not entirely correct, the entire scenario had made Nicolette pissed off to no end. Her nails dug into her palms as she practically stomped her way to the campfire, biting her lip as to stifle her sobs.
Jealousy coarsed through her veins at the sight of Faith slumped over on the log bench at the campfire alone. She could feel her fists tighter in a silent warning. Punishment awaited her if she couldn’t control herself. It took a moment for her to relax just for now, as she quietly made her way over to the log bench. Keeping her fists at her side, she kicked the bench Faith slept on.
“Get up,” Nicolette’s voice cracked from the strained emotions she was trying desperately to hold back on. She cleared her throat by swallowing before following up on her comment. Again she kicked, harder and more violently this time. “I said, get up.”
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please DO NOT assume that just because my character is doing something that i as the writer
approve of it
am romanticizing it
have a kink with regard to it
think it is okay for anyone to ever do ever
because sometimes my character does things that I absolutely cringe at and which are almost painful to write.
but my writing a villain does not make me a villian
understand that it is fiction and I do not condone the wrong actions that sometimes are written out on my blog for in-character purposes.
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Though she was indeed a bit tired, her reflexes were quick to make her flinch and take a cautionary step back out of fear.
“Woah. Don’t--” Nicolette started before taking a small inhale at his hand. Her hands began to rub at each other awkwardly. Now she was a bit more awake. Baby blues glanced up at him then back down at his hand before she retraced one half of her steps. “Don’t do anything illegal. I probably have a trial to attend soon and the Entity... well, it gets angry when I need to be stitched back up sometimes.” Quietly she sat in a mini staring contest with him, looking up expectantly at the dark holes of his mask.
After a few beats of silence he shook her head, sighing uselessly as one of her own hands interlaced with his. Her hands were definitely more smaller, daintier, with chipped, dirtied black polish still remaining on her nails. “There. Are you happy?” She smirked a bit, laughing weakly.
“Michael? You’re here—?” Her head tilts at the sight of the taller male, as she blinks once or twice. It was unusual to see him outside of trials, since he often was very difficult to spot anyways. “Well, uhm. Hi then.”

Michael had been known to follow his obsession, in and out of trials. This was no different. Despite the entity’s protests, Michael had left his realm to follow Nicolette. Michael had never really.. Seen the outside, he stayed in his realm and he wasn’t too curious about where the survivors were outside of trials. Michael continued to watch Nicolette, without her seemingly knowing. Well.. that’s what Michael had thought when he was watching her. His heavy breathing didn’t make it any less obvious that he was watching her.
Michael went a little wide eyed underneath the mask as Nicolette spoke to him. Her voice was.. Well it was sweet but had an edge to it. He tilted his head as she continued to speak with him, she didn’t seem.. Afraid, this wasn’t like trials. Nicolette was acting almost completely different. Usually she had taunted and teased him, made him angry so he would purposely go after her. She knew she could outrun him most of the time, it was always sastifiying when he got his paws on her though. The anger and defeat in her eyes was truly a sight to see. He took a few steps out of the shadows where he lurked and towards the smaller female.
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The Blight Infection comes only once a year, and one is chosen to spread it like the disease it is. They may try to avoid it, but not even the killers can hide from the inevitable. The entity is starved and hungers for blood more than usual. As the infection spreads, bloodlust, and overall strength and stamina are increased.
Will the survivors make it to the end as they have in years past, or will they succumb, demoralized, and become soulless husks for the entity to finish off and leave in the void?
(Reads Left to Right. Click for better Quality. Yes, those watermarks are mine, I’m being paranoid suddenly. Sorry if they’re annoying.)
(Refs for Michael, Danny, and Freddy + comments and more info under the cut! :D)
Keep reading
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Oh! Also, if you think that people writing taboo topics = supporting said topics, then proceed to actively harass people who write for those topics (especially if that person heavily and actively tags/marks what taboo subjects the work contains), I think you need to re-evaluate yourself really quick. Or at least unfollow me--I don’t take harassment on this page.
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If people are interested in interacting, it’s better to simply say “no thank you” other than ignoring them.
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Halloween Prompts
Anyone is allowed to reblog this list and can either give drawn or written answers. Happy Halloween! <3
😈 - To prank my muse 🍺 - To give my muse an alcoholic drink 🤡 - To make my muse come dressed in a specific costume 👻 - To scare my muse 🧙 - To give my muse a magic potion 🖤 - To have my muse prank another muse (please add the blog’s link) ⚡ - Your own trick (please specify what it is)
🎃 - To give a pumpkin for my muse to carve 🍫 - To give a mug of hot chocolate to my muse 🍭 - To listen to a scary story my muse knows 🍬 - To give candy to my muse 🧚 - To cleanse my muse of the magic potion’s effect 🧡 - To have my muse hug another muse (please add the blog’s link) ⚡ - Your own treat (please specify what it is)
Alternatively add “Reverse” to have my muse do those things to yours. You can add more info to the symbols (f.e. what kind of costume you want the muse to wear or what candy you want to give to the muse)
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Here is the Gala Request for @mademoiselle-historienne! Mun Asked for Nicolette and Evan so I thought why not have them just chillin’ out and chatting? Tbh I love these two as a ship… it’s just so good? Like??? skdlfsj I love them so much…
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every other blog on dis site: very nice graphics, icons, headers, etc
me, sobbing because i can’t compete and fear i’m inferior: huuhuhhhghhh.... i can offer you,,,,/.... excitement and rambling..,,,.,.
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Exhaling softly, she looked up to the killer with dulled baby blues as her body began to turn fully towards him. Of course, she was surprised to see Michael in a place where he couldn’t kill--yet, she was more surprised she wasn’t becoming more taunting towards him. Maybe it was because all of it was used a few minutes ago as he began to chase after her on Lampkin Lane. It was one of her favorite things to do in trial; bailing one of her friends out by clicking a flashlight at him or shooting a snide remark just to further arouse his already thin temper. It worked fairly well, but sometimes it did fail. Those endings were less satisfying, and more... intimate, at least to her.
Now there was really no fun to be had after another game where the cunning fox had won yet again. Nicolette was simply tired, instead choosing to watch him as he slowly paced up to her. If he was going for the kill, make it quick--her consciousness shouted--make it quick so I can get an extra hour before the next round of running.
“Michael? You’re here—?” Her head tilts at the sight of the taller male, as she blinks once or twice. It was unusual to see him outside of trials, since he often was very difficult to spot anyways. “Well, uhm. Hi then.”

Michael had been known to follow his obsession, in and out of trials. This was no different. Despite the entity’s protests, Michael had left his realm to follow Nicolette. Michael had never really.. Seen the outside, he stayed in his realm and he wasn’t too curious about where the survivors were outside of trials. Michael continued to watch Nicolette, without her seemingly knowing. Well.. that’s what Michael had thought when he was watching her. His heavy breathing didn’t make it any less obvious that he was watching her.
Michael went a little wide eyed underneath the mask as Nicolette spoke to him. Her voice was.. Well it was sweet but had an edge to it. He tilted his head as she continued to speak with him, she didn’t seem.. Afraid, this wasn’t like trials. Nicolette was acting almost completely different. Usually she had taunted and teased him, made him angry so he would purposely go after her. She knew she could outrun him most of the time, it was always sastifiying when he got his paws on her though. The anger and defeat in her eyes was truly a sight to see. He took a few steps out of the shadows where he lurked and towards the smaller female.
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Send my muse a kink and they'll rate it based on interest
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Ash arriving fashionably late to the Blood Gala event with a Pink Fuck in hand. If you ask nice, he might share.
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“Don’t.” She growled, fists tightly clenching into balls at her sides. They were beginning to ache for bloodshed. “Do not even speak to me, you fucking broad. It’s my turn to speak.”
Nicolette began to size Faith up from head to toe. She was shorter than herself, most likely easy to push around into a headlock, face first into the dirt as she just wails on the poor survivor. Considering the fact she used to bench just a bit more than Faith’ weight, it wouldn’t be too difficult to toss her around, either. Unless she had a weapon... this would be an easy fight. An easy removal of self worth.
All in the name of finally getting to him.
“You’re... always next to him. You always get his attention. I don’t...” The red over her eyes slightly faded to grief, that maybe he would hate her more if she took all of it out on his favorite.
His favorite. That phrase alone sent her blood boiling again.
“I don’t get it.” She began to take a few strides forwards towards her. “Am I the fool for giving him what he wants? Is... is it useless? Am I useless? He...” Somehow, she took a deep breath, looking down at her now exposed palms as if she saw blood on her hands, “He-He held me in his arms once and it made me feel more loved than anything I’ve ever felt before. He made me feel... good.” Her arms wrapped around herself in a small hug. The feeling of his arms around her waist in a small hug after they had intercourse... she would kill to have that again.
“But you... you’re getting in the way of it. You’re a nuisance to me. A rat that needs to be exterminated.”
Anger began to cloud her thoughts as the subtle cloud of welled up tears blocked her vision. She hadn’t been this angry in what felt like centuries. Never had she remember feeling this… betrayed over something before, about a man such as him. The details were not nearly as clear— all she knew was that he was messing with her, that disgusting, vile slut.
How, and why, would he do such a thing? Had Nic not been enough for him? Was she not worth all of his time, his frustration, his efforts? That was Nicolette’s Michael, and that… that hussy already had one that she held all to herself. How dare she overstep her boundaries, and take the one thing she loved the most? She was already worried sick that she never saw him anymore. Now, she could finally assume why that was.
Though not entirely correct, the entire scenario had made Nicolette pissed off to no end. Her nails dug into her palms as she practically stomped her way to the campfire, biting her lip as to stifle her sobs.
Jealousy coarsed through her veins at the sight of Faith slumped over on the log bench at the campfire alone. She could feel her fists tighter in a silent warning. Punishment awaited her if she couldn’t control herself. It took a moment for her to relax just for now, as she quietly made her way over to the log bench. Keeping her fists at her side, she kicked the bench Faith slept on.
“Get up,” Nicolette’s voice cracked from the strained emotions she was trying desperately to hold back on. She cleared her throat by swallowing before following up on her comment. Again she kicked, harder and more violently this time. “I said, get up.”
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// A few more warmups! Character designs belong to @ghostface-ask-away and @mademoiselle-historienne //
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